AFD Superfamilies: , Thynnoidea and Tiphoidea

iNaturalist POMPILIDAE - tibial spurs prominent - eye not (or only weakly) emarginate - pronotum large and free (like Thynnidae) - forewings with at least some closed cells - agile, with long legs - behaviour quite uniform … jump, hop, flick wings in search for spiders

Pepsinae (Aust 23 genera, 86 species, contested ) - very diverse group

Pompilinae (Aust 13 genera, 132 species) - tend to be shiny black with silvery bands, and some with yellow or orange markings - some mimic vespids, with longitudinally folded wings

VESPIDAE - eyes strongly emarginate (except - Scoliinae Masarinae) - mid & hind tibial spurs strong - - forewing longitudinally folded (except eye strongly emarginate Masarinae) - pronotum not free - - pronotum short dorsally, acute above pseudovenation of forewing (apical array of ridges and tegular, ventrally acute grooves) - most large, stout, hairy and fossorial Eumeninae - Aus = 20spp - most Aust species (~300) - strongly sexually dimorphic, but both are winged - not social - mud nest builders

Polistinae - eusocial THYNNIDAE - paper - eyes not strongly emarginate - forewing lacks pseudovenation & not folded Vespinae - pronotum large, dorsally, and free from mesonotum - 2 spp, introduced

Thynninae Masarinae - vast majority of Aust app - solitary, -like - Aust = > 600 spp - collect and pollen - 1st submarginal cell usually has spur vein - Aus = 33spp (most in arid regions) - antennae arise beneath ridge - mid tibia with 2 spurs Note that AFD shows older - sexually dimorphic, females nearly always wingless arrangement. iNat has Diamminae Thynnidae as the major Flower - one species, Diamma bicolor family, with Thynninae as the major subfamily. Anthoboscinae - Aust= 20spp - Tiphiinae - antennae simple sockets - only 1 species in Aus - mostly black Taxonomies from Australian Faunal Directory and (northern Aus) iNaturalist as at October 2020

Compiled by Kerri-Lee Harris Oct 2020 Description from Naumann, I.D. . of Australia 2nd Edition, Ch. 42: 916-1000. CSIRO Publishing, Carlton.