Documentarism in Scandinavian Literature

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Documentarism in Scandinavian Literature Documentarism in Scandinavian Literature Edited by Poul Houe and Sven Hakon Rossel Amsterdam - Atlanta, GA 1997 CONTENTS Preface vii Introduction XSven H. Rossel Scandinavian Documentary Fiction History and Theory of Documentary Literature XRolfYrlid The Elusive Documentary: The Swedish Documentary Movement with an Attempt at a Definition 24 Beata Agrell Documentarism andTheory of Literature 36 Jonas Ingvarsson Media and the Documentary Strategies 77 Clas Zilliacus The Act of Quotation: Motives in Report Literature 90 Philippe Bouquet The Swedish "Report-School" and the Renewal of Working-Class Literature 101 Documentary Literature in Sweden XPascale Voilley An Evening with Per Olov Enquist 107 y Ross Shideler Zola and the Problem of the Objective Narrator in Per Olov Enquist and Per Christian Jersild 120 y Jean-Marie Bretagne The Lost Balance in Per Olov Enquist's Documentary Narratives 135 X Eva Ekselius Melancholy and the Loss of a Metaphysical Order in Per Olov Enquist's Novels and Plays 139 x; Gunilla Anderman The Night of the Tribades: Fact and Fiction in Grez-sur-Loing 148 ^ Egil Tornqvist Playwright on Playwright: Per Olov Enquist's Strindberg and Lars Noren's O'Neill 155 Poul Houe: Per Olof Sundman's Documentarism: Knowledgeable Representation of Unknowable Man 165 Tatiana Tchesnokova Sara Lidman and the Art of Narration in The Tar Valley 174 Sven Lindqvist Confessions of a Documentarist 179 Documentarism in Denmark and Norway Thomas Bredsdorff Documentarism as a Formal Category in Nineteenth-Century Danish Literature: Structure and Rhetoric in the Classical Novella 183 Mikael Jalving Thorkild Hansen and Documentary Fiction, or: History with a Human Face 199 Anne Heith The Emergence of an Aesthetic Object: Dag Solstad's The Front Side of the Medal 213 Index of Personal Names 226.
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