
“We’re a peaceful nation” – “We’re a peaceful nation” krigsretorik efter 11 september

”Man kan fundera på varför traditionell krigspropaganda i dagens kritiska massmediesamhälle fortfarande fungerar. Svaret är förmodligen enkelt: när det uppstår en hotfull krissituation med många komplicerade faktorer så tas enkla lösningar tacksamt emot. Ett krig som förknippas med begrepp som jakt, spel eller arbete blir mera acceptabelt. En fiende som är ond är ett legitimt mål. Ett krig som omtolkas till humanitär insats är inte längre ett krig. I dagens demokratiska samhälle bör vi emellertid ha kommit längre än att nöja oss med enkla svar, även i akuta krissituationer. Skepsis, tvivel och ifrå- kri gasättanden när det gäller krigsstrategernas verklighetsbeskrivningar bör inte gsretor bara vara tillåtna utan uppmuntras, premieras och prioriteras, för att motverka propagandans övermakt.”

Brigitte Mral efter 11 september ik

Denna studie belyser vilka retoriska grepp som användes under de militära aktioner som inleddes som en direkt följd av händelserna den 11 september. Syftet är att komma fram till en bättre förståelse för krigsstrategernas mål- inriktade arbete med att definiera världen åt oss.

Brigitte Mral är professor i retorik vid Humanistiska institutionen, Örebro universitet. Brigitte Mral

”We’re a peaceful nation” krigsretorik efter 11 september Krisberedskapsmyndigheten

Box 599 TEMASERIE | 2004:5 KBM:S 101 31 Stockholm Brigitte Mral

Tel 08-593 710 00 Fax 08-593 710 01

kbm@krisberedskaps myndigheten.se ISSN 1652-2915 ISSN 1652-3970 www.krisberedskaps kbm:s temaserie | 2004:5 ISBN 91-85053-60-0 myndigheten.se kbm:s temaserie | 2004:5

”We’re a peaceful nation” krigsretorik efter 11 september

Brigitte Mral Titel: ”We’re a peaceful nation” – Krigsretorik efter 11 september Utgiven av Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM) Omslagsfoto: President George W. Bush klädd i flygoverall tillsammans med löjtnant Ryan Phillips för att flyga en S-3 Viking till hangarfartyget USS Abraham Lincoln från flygbasen vid North Island i San Diego den 1 maj 2003. Bush flög för att välkomnade de 5000 soldaterna ombord på hangarfartyget efter att de kommit hem från kriget i Irak. Mike Blake/Reuters/Scanpix Upplaga: 2 000 ex

ISSN: 1652-2915 ISBN: 91-85053-60-0 KBM:s dnr: 0695/2003 Grafisk form: AB Typoform Tryck: Edita, Västerås 2004

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KBM:s temaserie 2004:5 Innehåll

KBM:s förord 5

Förord 7 inledning: Retorik i kristider 9

Den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september 15 Tema ”Krig” 17 Tema ”Ondska” 19 Tema ”Jakt” 22

14 september 2001: Ground Zero-talet 24

20 september 2001: ”Freedom and fear are at war” 27 Tema ”Frihet” 31

7 oktober 2001: Krigstal Afghanistan 34 Tema ”Kvinnoförtryck” 35

29 januari 2002: 38

7 oktober 2002: Cincinnati-talet 40 Tema ”Massförstörelsevapen” 42 5 februari 2003: Colin Powells tal i FN 44

15 februari 2003: Tony Blairs tal 49

16 mars 2003: Toppmötet på Azorerna 52 Tema ”Hjälpsamhet” 53

19 mars 2003: George W. Bushs tal inför Irakinvasionen 55 Tema ”Arbete” 56 Tema ”Spel och sport” 57

1 maj 2003: George W. Bushs segertal 60

Epilog 63

Referenser 65

Bilagor 67 Bilaga 1. President George W. Bushs tal till nationen den 11 september 2001 67 Bilaga 2. Katedral-talet 69 Bilaga 3. Remarks by the President Upon arrival 71 Bilaga 4. ”Freedom and fear are at war” 74 Bilaga 5. Krigstal Afghanistan 79 Bilaga 6. Radio address by to the Nation 81 Bilaga 7. State of the Union 83 Bilaga 8. Cincinnati-talet 89 Bilaga 9. Colin Powells tal i FN 94 Bilaga 10. Tony Blairs tal 111 Bilaga 11. Toppmötet på Azorerna 116 Bilaga 12. George W. Bushs tal inför irakinvasionen 123 Bilaga 13. George W. Bushs segertal 125 KBM:s förord

När något stort och omvälvande inträffat var varken en stat eller krigsmakt. Det vill människor ha besked och kräver att var istället en motståndare utan hem- ansvariga träder fram på den offentliga vist som agerar genom ett så kallat nät- scenen. Det har människor krävt i alla verk. Situationen var ny och uppgiften tider. Ansvariga politiker måste i sådana att med språkets hjälp övertyga om vad situationer visa ledarskap genom att för- som skulle göras blev stor. klara vad som hänt och visa beslutsam- Brigitte Mral, professor i retorik vid het. De måste förklara vilka åtgärder Humanistiska institutionen på Örebro som kommer att vidtas för att återställa universitet, har forskat och författat ordning efter det kaos som uppstått. böcker inom ämnet retorik. Hon analy- Allt detta måste göras på ett begripligt serar i denna bok vilken roll retorik och sätt som ska kläs i en språklig dräkt. propaganda spelar efter den 11 septem- Retoriken, med rötter från antiken, ber 2001 fram till Irakkriget. Att analy- används fortfarande på liknande sätt då sera hur hotbilder kommuniceras är en som nu. Det handlar om konsten att viktig del för samhällets krisberedskap. övertyga. Det går även lika bra att an- Därför har KBM tagit initiativet till vända metoden för att analysera situa- denna studie om retorik och propaganda. tioner. Detta är viktigt eftersom vi dag- Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM) ligen och framförallt i orostiden när har till uppgift att stärka samhällets krig och kriser dominerar agendan, är krishanteringsförmåga. Detta gör myn- mottagare av budskap som skall få oss digheten bland annat genom att ut- att ta ställning till något. veckla metoder för kriskommunikation Ledare som George W. Bush och och krishantering. KBM ska också be- Tony Blair talade efter den 11 septem- driva omvärldsbevakning, initiera forsk- ber till sina medborgare och inför sina ning och studier samt förmedla resultat politiska församlingar om nödvändig- inom området. Denna studie ingår i heten att gå i krig. Deras motståndare KBM:s temaserie.

Henrik Olinder Handläggare kriskommunikation, Krisberedskapsmyndigheten

kbm:s förord | 5 Bild. President George W. Bush och försvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld besöker den skadade delen vid försvarshögkvarteret Pentagon den 12 september 2001. foto: paul j. richards/afp

6 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Förord

”Ord och bilder är farliga och vi Denna studie belyser vilka retoriska bör vara förfärligt rädda för dem.” grepp som användes under de två mili- kurt johannesson, expressen, tära aktioner som inleddes som en 25 oktober 2001 direkt följd av händelserna den 11 sep- tember, de som George W. Bush ibland Terroristattackerna i New York den betecknar som ”battle of Afghanistan”, 11 september 2001 innebar början till resp. ”battle of Iraq”.1 Syftet är att en ny och skrämmande epok av global komma fram till en bättre förståelse för osäkerhet. I kristider som dessa, när det krigsstrategernas målinriktade arbete gäller att mobilisera eller åtminstone med att definiera världen åt oss. I sitt motivera befolkningar till gemensamma stora tal inför kongressen, den 20 sep- åtgärder, startar alltid ett omfattande tember 2001, säger Bush: ”… this retoriskt arbete. Människor måste över- country will define our times, not be tygas att så långt möjligt godta ledning- defined by them”2. I denna studie ska ens vägval. Övertygad blir man givetvis vi granska hur krigsledningens defini- genom lyckade aktioner och framgångs- tioner av verkligheten ser ut. De euro- rika strategier. Men i inledningsskedet peiska staterna har förhållit sig mycket och vid varje kritiskt läge behöver stra- olika till alliansens, och främst USA:s, tegerna motivera sina åtgärder genom tolkning av händelserna samt deras argument, lägesbeskrivningar och fram- militära konsekvenser. Från svenskt tidsvisioner, alltså med hjälp av retorik. regeringshåll har man varit försiktigt Det gäller att verbalt skapa legitimitet avvaktande, även när det gällde de av för de aktioner som den politiska och FN kritiserade aktionerna i Irak våren militära ledningen vidtar, i detta fall det 2003. I långa stycken har man både så kallade kriget mot terrorismen. från politiker- och mediehåll accepterat

1. Se t.ex. Bushs tal den 1 maj 2003 http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/05/iraq/20030501-15.html 2. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920-8.html

förord | 7 den dominerande tolkningen. Vi har dessa analyseras för att belysa hur man i varit utsatta för en stor propaganda- propagandan snävar in världsbilden till offensiv, och med den snabbhet som några tydliga motsättningar, svartvita händelserna utvecklade sig gavs lite tid bilder, lätta att ta till sig, lättsmälta och för att reflektera över innebörden i användbara, inte minst för medierna. beskrivningarna. Denna studie utgör Studien omfattar i princip två hän- ett försök att fundera över vad som delsekedjor, en kring tiden direkt efter egentligen har sagts från ledande håll 11 september 2001 och krigshandling- om världsläget under de tre år som har arna i Afghanistan, den andra kring gått efter 11 september, vilka begrepp, Irakkriget 2003. Båda perioderna gene- bilder och berättelser man har använt rerade ett antal huvudbegrepp vars för att få vårt samtycke. Syftet är inte innebörder kommer att analyseras var att vara efterklok utan att ge en hjälp för sig och över tid för att få en för- till eftertanke, till en bättre beredskap djupad förståelse för propagandisternas när det gäller att bemöta propagandis- försök att skapa en ny världsbild. Studien tiska kampanjer. ger dels en kronologisk genomgång av Utgångsmaterialet är några av de några centrala tal och retoriska situatio- hundratals tal som har hållits för att ner, dels, som separata teman, en analys förklara och motivera aktionerna, både av återkommande retoriska teman och från USA:s och Storbritanniens sida. i synnerhet av vaga begrepp och meta- Talen finns med som bilagor i slutet av forer. Fokus kommer att ligga inte så boken. Det man redan vid en snabb mycket på hållbarheten i argumentatio- blick på talmaterialet kan konstatera är nen utan på själva ordvalet i tal av främst att det pågick ett mycket medvetet ar- George W. Bush, men också i viss mån bete med nyckelbegrepp, värdeord och av Tony Blair och Colin Powell. Studi- metaforer, d.v.s. bildrika beskrivningar en inleds med några reflektioner kring av det som skedde. Här ska några av begreppen retorik och propaganda.

Brigitte Mral Professor i retorik, Örebro universitet

8 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” inledning: Retorik i kristider

We’re a peaceful nation. Yet, as we valde mycket snabbt en krigsmetaforik have learned, so suddenly and so som beskrev att USA befann sig i ett tragically, there can be no peace in krigstillstånd, där det skulle finnas vin- a world of sudden terror. In the face nare och förlorare: ”Make no mistake about it: underneath our tears is the of today’s new threat, the only way strong determination of America to to pursue peace is to pursue those win this war. And we will win it.”3 who threaten it. We did not ask for Det är en gammal retorisk insikt att this mission, but we will fulfill it. en sak uppfattas beroende på hur den george w. bush, 7 oktober 2001 betecknas. Namn och begrepp skapar vår verklighetsuppfattning och styr vårt agerande i hög grad. Sedan 11 september Händelserna den 11 september var befinner vi oss i något som har definie- obegripliga i all sin tragik. För att få en rats som ett krigstillstånd av nya dimen- chans att förstå dem myntades av både sioner, det s.k. kriget mot terrorismen. politiker och journalister en lång rad Ett krigstillstånd som har framkallat beteckningar: katastrof, tragedi, mass- tidvis närmast dagliga ansträngningar mord, attack, terrorangrepp, attentat att med språkets hjälp övertyga om dess och krig, för att bara nämna några. rättfärdighet. Detta blev inte minst Varje begrepp uttrycker en verklighets- tydligt i samband med förberedelserna bild, från ödesbestämd olycka över kri- och genomförandet av de militära minell handling till militär aktion. De aktionerna i Afghanistan hösten 2001 utgör långt ifrån ett hjälplöst famlande och i Irak våren 2003. Att starta ett efter förklaringar utan ger handlingsan- angrepp på ett annat land är alltid ett visningar om hur verkligheten och ho- tvivelaktigt företag, vare sig man väljer tet ska hanteras. Bushadministrationen att kalla det för krig eller väljer om-

3. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010915-4.html

inledning: retorik i kristider | 9 skrivningar som t.ex. konflikt, aktioner vill säga tomma ord utan täckning eller fredsskapande åtgärder. Oavsett och betydelse – och missar därför ofta benämning, och även om åtgärden kan ordens egentliga innebörd och räck- framstå som legitim, handlar en militär vidd. Vår ovana vid språkliga analyser aggression om att befolkningen ska leder lätt till en underskattning av ladd- skicka i väg sina söner och döttrar på ningen i bilder och begrepp, speciellt livsfarliga uppdrag. Den handlar om att när de är vaga och mångtydiga. En avsätta oöverskådliga mängder av finan- grundtanke i denna studie är att talen, siella medel ur en oftast redan pressad hur skruvade de än ibland må verka för statsbudget, samt att riskera lika oöver- oss, uttrycker exakt vad som menas, skådliga skador i form av mänskligt att de inte är ”bara retorik” utan en lidande och miljöförstöring. För att beskrivning av verkligheten som med- motivera detta har det i alla tider gjorts för konsekvenser för hur politiken stora ansträngningar att övertyga be- kommer att föras och förstås. För om folkningen om krigens rättfärdighet. man ser talen som enbart ordrika skriv- Stora händelser kräver ibland stora bordsprodukter missar man den kraft ord. I kristider förväntar man sig även som finns i ständigt upprepade påstå- i Sverige att politikerna ska bli retoriker enden och i otydliga men kraftfulla och förklara det som sker så att vi kan termer och fraser. förstå det, samt ge handlingsanvisning- Just i detta ”krig mot terrorismen” ar för framtiden. Men i Sverige är miss- hopas otydliga men starka värdeord på tänksamheten mot patosfylld, känslo- varandra. Det är gott om ”God terms” sam, retorik stor, och det finns en häl- och ”Devil terms”, för att använda sosam skepsis mot stora ord. Vi är inte retorikforskaren Richard M. Weavers vana vid att politikerna i tid och otid begrepp.4 Han syftar på starkt positivt går ut och talar till folket. Statsminis- och negativt laddade ord, gärna arran- tern återfinns ytterst sällan i rollen som gerade i motsatspar: frihet – rädsla; uttolkare av hela riksdagens, för att inte civilisation – barbari; krig – fred. Detta säga hela folkets, mening. Vi ser därför pågående krig har alstrat en uppsjö av med viss förvåning på det amerikanska stora ord och känsloladdade bilder. sättet att hantera det offentliga språket Händelser har fått sin tolkning i värde- som vi ofta finner överdrivet, känslo- ord och metaforer som stundom leder laddat samt späckat med religiösa ter- tankarna till det som efter George mer. Och just därför tenderar vi sam- Orwells dystopi 1984 kallas för ”double tidigt att undervärdera betydelsen av talk”, där krig blir fred, angrepp blir vad som sägs. Vi tar det inte riktigt på ”förebyggande försvar” (preemptive allvar, ser det som ”bara retorik”, det defence), militär invasion blir ”regim-

4. Weaver (1985), kap. IX, se även Hart (1997), s. 159f

10 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” skifte”, ockupation blir ”humanitär Det så kallade kriget mot terroris- intervention”. Denna förvrängning av men utgör inte minst ur retorisk syn- språket är självklart inget nytt i historien. vinkel en unik period. Aldrig tidigare Manipulation och lögner har varit en har det hållits så många tal innan, basingrediens i krigföringen i alla tider. under och efter krigshändelser som Och för övrigt har makthavare i alla under tiden efter 11 september. Gulf- tider eftersträvat att förklara och för- kriget och Natos militära aktioner på svara svåra och kontroversiella beslut Balkan, för att ta några andra näralig- med förskönande omskrivningar. gande krigshändelser, var också synner- Frågan i dag bör dock vara hur demo- ligen talintensiva, men inte i den ut- kratiska samhällen ska förhålla sig till sträckningen som vi här har bevittnat uppenbart vilseledande opinionsbild- och alltjämt kan bevittna. Mediernas ning, till närmast öppet manipulativ intensiva och mer eller mindre kritiska påverkan. Ett sätt vore att öva upp bevakning av händelserna går ofta emot känsligheten för bedrägliga retoriska krigsstrategernas intressen och är i varje knep och verbalt fusk. För man be- fall en oberäknelig faktor. Ett sätt att höver inte vara motståndare till militära styra opinionsbildningen är att kringgå handlingar för att kräva ett någorlunda medierna genom ett direkt tilltal från rakt och ärligt språk i en krissituation. talarstolar och via utsändning av tal på Ett demokratiskt samhälle har den Internet. Det senare är en relativt ny rationella dialogen som grundpelare. retorisk strategi som under det nu När demokratiska länder går i krig bör aktuella skedet har fått allt större bety- man därför kunna kräva en öppen delse, utan att medierna egentligen har redovisning av skälen för krigets even- uppmärksammat processen. Avsikten tuella legitimitet, i stället för det som med denna strategi är att tolkningar av i den engelskspråkiga litteraturen kallas skeendena helst inte ska överlåtas till för ”perception management”5, d.v.s. journalister utan att ledarna ska kunna insiktsstyrningen eller indoktrinering- ”tala” direkt till medborgarna så fort en, avsedd att med alla medel, även tillfälle ges eller kan skapas. Den poli- bedrägliga, skapa och omskapa våra tiska och militära ledningen i främst känslor, motiv och resonemang. Visst USA försöker offensivt behålla tolk- har kriget debatterats, i medierna och ningsföreträdet genom att ständigt på gatan. Men från styrande håll har definiera och omdefiniera händelseför- det som i alla historiskt jämförbara loppet. Talen har givetvis också journa- perioder bedrivits en ensidig, svartvit lister som målgrupp och utformas så att åsiktspåverkan som borde vara främ- särskilt slående formuleringar kan lyftas mande för demokratiska församlingar. in direkt i rubriker och artiklar. Men

5. Rampton & Stauber (2003), s. 5f

inledning: retorik i kristider | 11 tack vare Internets möjligheter kan heten hotfull och polariserad till den talen publiceras i hela sin längd, att grad att ensidiga budskap välkomnas läsas, höras eller ses av vem som helst, av många för att den förvirrande situa- när som helst. På Vita husets hemsida tionen må ges tydligare konturer. finns praktiskt taget samtliga offentliga I tider av osäkerhet och i synnerhet uttalanden av Bush och hans stab sam- i krigstider blir tolkningar av verklig- lade.6 Denna öppna redovisning av allt heten oerhört centrala. Händelserna som har sagts i officiella kanaler ger den 11 september skapade extremt stor i sig ett visst intryck av trovärdighet. osäkerhet både i USA och i världen i Men publiceringen av talen är framför övrigt och, som en av kommentato- allt ett sätt att motverka nyhetsflödets rerna skriver: ”Den 11 september 2001 verklighetsbeskrivningar genom att ge blev det inom bara några timmar egna definitioner av sakläget. uppenbart att kommunikation med all- Med hjälp av språkets möjligheter mänheten är ett lika viktigt uppdrag försöker politikerna beskriva världen som en amerikansk överbefälhavare har för oss så att det gynnar deras politiska, i krigstid.”8 Det ”krig mot terrorismen” ekonomiska och militära syften. Sam- som omedelbart inleddes var inte ägnat tidigt är vi ofta mottagliga för ibland att lugna sinnena. Krig är alltid ett enkla förklaringar. Retorikforskaren osäkert företag, det gäller för de styrande Murray Edelman menar att människor att övertyga människorna om dess just i osäkerhetstider har behov av att nödvändighet och ena nationen för att någon ordnar den förvirrande verklig- kunna genomföra projektet. I en analys heten och ger den mening: ”Människor av den engelska och amerikanska pro- som är ängsliga och förvirrade har ett pagandan under första världskriget stort behov av en organiserad politisk skrev Harold D. Lasswell redan 1927 ordning – inklusive enkla förklaringar om propagandans uppgifter: av hoten som skrämmer dem – och av ”Ingen regering kunde hysa en för- försäkringar om att hoten bemöts.”7 hoppning att vinna utan en enad na- Det är här propagandan kommer in. tion bakom sig, och ingen regering Propaganda kan enklast definieras som kunde ha en enad nation bakom sig aktiv åsiktspåverkan, en förenklad form om den inte lyckades kontrollera sin av retorik som försöker styra våra tan- befolknings tänkande. Man var tvung- kar och känslor mot ett bestämt mål. en att lita på att civilbefolkningen för- Detta sker inte nödvändigtvis alltid såg fronten och krigsindustrin med nya utan vårt mer eller mindre medvetna rekryter. Krigets uppoffringar skulle samtycke. När det gäller krig är verklig- bäras utan klagomål som spred oenig-

6. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/ 7. Edelman (1971), s. 65. 8. Dubose, m.fl. (2003), s. 201

12 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” het hemma och modlöshet i skytte- rande propagandateoretiker som Stanley gravarna.”9 B. Cunningham ser propaganda som Propagandateoretikern Lasswell kom- pseudokommunikation eller språkför- mer att citeras upprepade gånger i denna falskning: studie då den amerikanska och brittiska “Emedan propaganda världen över krigsretoriken i början av det 21:a år- betraktas som en ‘kommunikations- hundradet i princip verkar följa de mön- form’, är den egentligen mycket sim- ster som Lasswell kartlade för åttio år plare än så. Propaganda härmar och sedan. Propagandans mål är alltså att utnyttjar visserligen kommunikations- styra och kontrollera folks tänkande, strukturer och processer, men eftersom och dess tekniker är välbeprövade och propaganda så märkbart avviker från uppenbart fortfarande framgångsrika. positiva villkor som förtroende, san- Propaganda är visserligen ett gam- ningsenlighet och förståelse som nor- malt begrepp, för första gången använt malt förekommer i kommunikation inom den romersk-katolska kyrkan, och som vi vanemässigt förväntar oss som 1622 bildade organisationen i våra mångahanda utbyten, förtjänar Congregatio de propaganda fide, Kon- den egentligen att beskrivas som för- gregationen för trons utbredande. Pro- falskad eller pseudokommunikation.”10 pagandans medel att påverka politiska Och Cunningham menar att enda opinioner utvecklades till en maktfak- verkliga motmedlet mot propaganda tor under första världskriget, av engels- är den klassiska vältalighetens etiska männen och amerikanerna, för att värderingar. Retoriken i dess klassiska sedan bli ett slags normal ingrediens i mening kan därmed ses som ett försvar opinionsbildning i kristider. Propaganda- mot propagandisternas ansträngningar. begreppet är, när det gäller allmänt Retorik ger analysverktyg för att kunna språkbruk, heller inte entydigt negativt. förhålla sig kritisk gentemot manipula- På svenska är exempelvis verbet ”propa- tiv kommunikation. Detta gäller propa- gera” relativt värdeneutralt. Inom den ganda i alla avseenden, även sådan som retoriska forskningen behandlas emeller- är avsedd for ”goda” syften. tid propagandan ur etisk synpunkt som Propaganda i sig är emellertid svår- den negativa motparten till den klassiska definierad och svårbedömd och propa- retoriken. Alltsedan Aristoteles ses som gandateorierna är många. Den belgiske retorikens uppgift att göra goda argu- filosofen och retorikhistorikern Michel ment mer övertygande och att vaccinera Meyer definierar skillnaden mellan medborgare mot demagogers missbruk retorik och propaganda på följande av språket och emotionella appeller, sätt: ”Oavsett dess form, handlar reto- d.v.s. propaganda. Etiskt argumente- rik om det problematiska och det som

9. Lasswell (1927), s. 10 10. Cunningham (2002), s. 177f

inledning: retorik i kristider | 13 kan ifrågasättas. / …/ Manipulation stort och motiveringen att ge sig in i och propaganda fortskrider som om det ena eller andra landet var svårfun- frågan den behandlar redan är löst. nen. Huvudmålet, att hitta och förgöra Positiv retorik å andra sidan klargör terrorister, var och är diffust eftersom frågorna och framlägger argument för det är oklart vilka de är och var de be- eller emot den valda lösningen.”11 finner sig. Det har även varit omtvistat Kommunikation i demokratier är per om det egentligen fanns hållbara skäl definition en pågående dialog mellan för att ge sig in i Afghanistan och Irak. olika röster. Man kan också säga att I det uppkomna nationella krisläget var ”positiv retorik” är deliberativ, d.v.s. emellertid ett huvudmål för regeringen väger olika ståndpunkter, är inriktad på Bush att visa handlingskraft och åter- meningsutbyte och gemensamma över- upprätta nationens självkänsla. De väganden. Därav syns inte mycket till i osäkerheter som vidhäftade de olika en krigssituation där man inte anser sig krigsaktionerna var det nödvändigt att ha råd med att släppa fram avvikande förklara respektive överskyla med hjälp meningar. Här gäller propagandan, den av en retorik som helst inte skulle tillåta negativa retoriken, eller, om man vill invändningar. Vilka argument hade uttrycka saken mera värdeneutralt, den man då som var till synes invändnings- retorik som gynnar avsändaren mer fria? Det går att urskilja tre huvudsakliga än mottagaren, eller, som propaganda- argumentationslinjer: forskarna Garth Jowett och Victoria • Ondskan/terrorismen måste bekämpas O’Donnell skriver: ”Propagandisten vill • Diktatur måste omvandlas till främja sina egna eller en organisations demokrati intressen – ibland på mottagarnas be- •Kvinnoförtrycket måste få ett slut kostnad, ibland inte. Den springande punkten är att propagandisten inte Det sista argumentet verkar vid första lägger någon större vikt vid publikens påseende absurt, eftersom man inte kan väl.”12 föra krig mot ett land på grund av att Krigspropaganda förutsätter krig, där härskar kvinnoförtryck, men just pågående eller planerat. USA definie- detta diffusa känsloargument drogs rade händelser i samband med 11 sep- fram de gånger krigsföretaget föreföll tember som krigstillstånd. Detta var särskilt tvivelaktigt. Argumentation är varken en logisk eller en självklar tolk- sällan rent logisk utan består allt som ning av läget, men den gjordes. Just i oftast av en blandning av sak- och detta krig var propaganda mycket vik- känsloargument, i propagandan oftast tigt eftersom motståndet mot kriget var pendlande mellan hot och frälsning.

11. Meyer (1994), s. 155 12. Jowett & O’Donnell (1992), s. 32

14 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september

Kriget mot terrorismen förklarades som honom och hans stab i bombarjackor, en reaktion på terrorangreppen den 11 liksom redo till strid, en retoriskt september. Traumatiska situationer som effektiv klädkod.15 Den 11 september denna kräver ett starkt ledarskap, ett gjorde Bush bara ett kort utalande vid ledarskap som få trodde George W. en mellanlandning på en flygbas med Bush om att kunna etablera. Historien bl.a. följande ord: ”Make no mistake: om hur Bush ”upptäckte retoriken”13 är också historien om hur en ny retorisk Bild. President George W. Bush kommen- linje skapas i en situation som kräver terarden pågående utredningen om terror- en omvärdering av världsbilden. George attacken i New York och Washington, W. Bush var vid tiden före terrorhand- vid Camp David den 15 september 2001. Vice president Dick Cheney (till vänster) och lingarna känd för sin retoriska svaghet. utrikesminister Colin Powell (till höger). Även om några av hans tal hade tagits foto: william philpott/reuters emot ganska positivt, nådde han i all- mänhet inga oratoriska höjder. Han hånades öppet i vissa medier och det fanns (och finns) Internetsidor som häcklar hans felsägningar.14 Så när kata- strofen inträffade och krävde en stats- man att lita på fanns inte stor tilltro till hans förmåga att leda nationen. Av säkerhetsskäl tillbringade han större delen av första dagen på Air Force One. Visuellt intressant är att bilderna från de första dagarna som publicerades visar

13. Zarefsky (2004) 14. Se t.ex. www..com 15. Se t.ex http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/response/

den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september | 15 The will hunt down talskrivare och politiska sakkunniga, and punish those responsible for these också kallad ”the com- cowardly acts. /…/The resolve of our munications shop”, som några andra great nation is being tested. But make krönikörer beskriver på följande sätt: no mistake: We will show the world ”Det är här som Rove, Bartlett, Gerson that we will pass this test. God bless.”16 och Hughes verkligen gjorde sig för- Budskapet uppfattades som kraft- tjänta av sina grader. /…/ Bushs lag av löst, det skrevs till och med att det var kommunikatörer var aldrig mer ovär- fegt att han gömde sig halva dagen. derligt. De drog inte upp riktlinjerna David Frum, en av Bushs talskrivare, för politiken i Afghanistan, men de kommenterar det mindre lyckade valet hjälpte presidenten att snickra ihop av talets sceneri: ”Flygbaser är inte ut- varje formellt uttalande han gjorde om rustade med tv-studior, så presidenten kriget – under det att hela världen såg var tvungen att spela in sitt budskap i på.”18 ett kalt rum över en skakig digital upp- Utan att konferera med vare sig ut- koppling. Han såg ut och lät som den rikesminister Powell, försvarsminister jagade, inte som jägaren.”17 Rumsfeld eller vicepresident Cheney Man kan aldrig veta exakt vad som hade Bush redan första dagen, med sades bakom kulisserna, men en någor- hjälp av talskrivarna, börjat formulera lunda tillförlitlig källa för bakgrunds- det som sedan skulle kallas för Bush- information om Bushadministrationens doctrine: ”We will make no distinction retoriska strategi är de olika Bushpositiva between the terrorists who committed krönikörerna som beundrande skriver these acts and those who harbor om administrationens, och talskrivar- them.”19 Till och med hans säkerhets- nas, alla genidrag. Talskrivaren David rådgivare Condoleezza Rice undrade Frum är en av dessa, som just genom om detta slags långtgående policyförkla- sin i grunden positiva och uppskat- ringar hörde hemma i ett tal som skulle tande hållning ger en avslöjande bild vara till för att lugna (console) en skakad av händelserna. nation. Washington Post-journalisten Det dröjde ganska exakt ett halvt Bob Woodward, en något mer kritisk dygn innan Bush trädde fram med ett betraktare, skriver: ”Han ville gå ut i tv mer genomarbetat tal, efter intensiva och vara hårdkokt, visa beslutsamhet kollektiva formuleringsansträngningar. men också finna jämvikt – trösta, bevisa Presidenttal är alltid ett samarbete att regeringen fungerade och visa natio- mellan presidenten och en hel stab av nen att deras president hade klarat sig.”20

16. Samtliga citat från GeorgeW. Bushs tal är hämtade från http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/ 17. Frum (2003), s. 119 18. Dubose, Reid & Cannon (2003), s. 204f 19. Se bilaga 1 20. Woodward (2003), s. 30

16 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Talet återkallar i övrigt de under Tema ”Krig” dagen oavbrutet utsända bilderna av de Att definiera situationen som krig var kollapsade tornen som definieras som ett ett slags instinktiv reaktion på hän- försök att skapa kaos, men också, märk- delserna. Det sägs att ”we are at war” ligt nog, reträtt: ”These acts of mass var den första spontana reaktionen Bush murder were intended to frighten our gav när han fick vetskap om attacken.21 nation into chaos and retreat.” Reträtt Samtidigt är krig en mycket användbar från vad? Att döma av en kort därefter definition av läget om en regering vill introducerad metafor, nämligen från att skapa sig handlingsutrymme, eftersom sprida frihetens ljus över världen: ”Ame- ett krigstillstånd är ett undantagstill- rica was targeted for attack because we’re stånd med betydande frirum för extra- the brightest beacon for freedom and ordinära åtgärder. Situationen hade opportunity in the world. And no one naturligtvis några krigskarakteristika. will keep that light from shining.” USA:s territorium hade blivit attackerat Varje talares uppgift är att bedöma av en främmande angripare och många den retoriska situationen väl, att se och människor hade blivit dödade och ska- bemöta dess krav och begränsningar. I dade. Men andra karakteristika saknades: detta läge fanns uppenbarligen ett krav det fanns ingen krigsförklaring; attack- att presidenten skulle lugna befolkning- en var inte militär, den kom inte från en och visa eftertanke. I stället satsade någon annan stat och USA förklarade man på en offensiv men vag krigsmeta- i sin tur aldrig formellt krig mot någon forik som visserligen markerar beslut- annan stat. Händelsen kunde alltså ha samhet, men också planlöshet. definierats på annat sätt: t.ex. som Men redan här är nyckelbegreppen massmord, alltså en kriminell handling, etablerade: krig, frihet, jakt och ondska visserligen av groteska proportioner (war, freedom, hunting och evil): men likväl som en handling som skulle ”Today, our nation saw evil, the very kunna beivras med (internationella) worst of human nature.” Dessa teman, polisiära metoder. Tony Blair var betyd- och då speciellt ”krig” och ”ondska”, ligt mer försiktig med sina definitioner. definierar tillståndet som ett ogripbart I ett anförande den 12 september an- hot och de skulle komma att återupp- vänder han ordet attacker och talar om repas i det oändliga. Men vad menas tragedi. På en direkt fråga från en jour- egentligen, vilka associationer och nalist om han vill tala om krigstillstånd känslor ska de väcka? svarar han undvikande men inte be- kräftande. Två dagar senare talar han om ”the hideous and foul events”, ”an act of wickedness”, ”act of infamy” och

21. Zarefsky (2004), s. 139; Frum (2003), s. 141f; Woodward (2002), s. 15f

den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september | 17 ”outrage”. Den beteckning som Blair amerikanska regeringens intressen. genomgående använder för terrorhand- Som Bob Woodward erfor sa Bush re- lingarna är ”menace”, ett ondskefullt dan den 11 september: ”This is a great hot. Så hos Blair framstår terroristerna opportunity”, därmed menande att det som ondskefulla, men inte som en var en chans att förbättra relationerna främmande makt som har förklarat med supermakter som Ryssland och krig. Och han betecknar inte heller de Kina. ”We have to think of this as an egna planerade aktionerna som krig opportunity.”22 utan som just aktioner. Hela krigstillståndet efter 11 sep- Genom att hävda att man är i krig, tember har fått rubriken ”War on ter- d.v.s. att terroristerna har lämnat en rorism”. Detta är ett lika vagt begrepp krigsförklaring, blir extraordinära som ”War on poverty”, som myntades åtgärder legitima och bör inte ifråga- av Lyndon B. Johnson på 60-talet re- sättas om man inte vill framstå som spektive det ”War on drugs” som var opatriotisk. Man etablerar ett undan- Reaganadministrationens initiativ.23 tagstillstånd, vilket enligt hävd tillåter Både terrorism, fattigdom och droger långtgående brott mot lagar i fredstid. är luddiga begrepp och det inflations- Politiska beslut behöver inte längre mässiga bruket av begreppet ”krig” for- kommuniceras offentligt, som Bush mar en världsbild där samhällsproblem uttryckte sig kort efter attackerna: ska lösas genom våldsanvändning. I “Det här är en regering som inte själva verket är frasen ”war on terrorism” kommer att prata om hur vi samlar in ytterligare ett slags dubbelspråk. Det underrättelser, hur vi vet vad vi skall anknyter till en vana att använda be- göra eller vilka våra planer är. När vi greppet ”war” om företeelser som alls skrider till verket kommer vi att kom- inte är några krig – och där det inte municera med er på ett lämpligt sätt. kan finnas någon slutgiltig seger. För, Vi befinner oss i krig. Terrorister har som medieforskarna Rampton och förklarat krig mot Amerika och vi Stauber skriver: ”Narkotikamissbruk, kommer att svara därefter. Jag uppskat- fattigdom, sjukdomar och terrorism har tar väldigt mycket att det amerikanska alla existerat i långa tider och de kom- folket förstår det. Under planeringsar- mer inte att försvinna bara därför att betets gång, när vi iscensätter våra stra- någon politiker förklarar krig mot dem. tegier, kommer vi att informera er när Det som däremot i vanliga fall händer vi finner det lämpligt.” (Presskonferens är att dessa krig utvecklar permanenta 01-09-16) byråkratier som drar resurser och som Men det förefaller som om kriget sänder ut återkommande uppmaningar också kom lägligt för vissa andra av den till befolkningen som ett sätt att kom-

22. Woodward (2002), s. 32. 23. Glover (2002), s. 207ff

18 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Bild. Under juli 1942 genomförde National Publishers Association och U.S. Treasury Department en kampanj där cirka 500 tidningar placerade USA:s flagga på omslaget med texten ”United we stand”. De visade sitt stöd för krigets uppoffringar samtidigt som självständighetsdagen firades. En av dem var tidningen Life. Efter terrorattacken den 11 september 2001 har texten ”United We Stand” fått en förnyad betydelse. pensera det faktum att någon seger inte syns till någonstans.”24 Att beteckna händelserna som krig var ett retoriskt val med många konse- kvenser. Krig kräver nationell enhet, vilket uttrycktes omedelbart genom t.ex. demonstrationer av sammanhåll- ning genom flaggor, bön och andra patriotiska handlingar – och frånvaro av kritisk belysning. Den totala accep- tansen av krigsmetaforiken gav, som retorikforskaren David Zarefsky på- centralt även efter 11 september. En del pekar, ”place only for the rhetoric of av detta enighetstänkande är att det be- approval and support”. Författaren gränsar debatten, kritik är en lyx för och debattören Susan Sontag skrev: fredliga tider. Krigstänkandet kräver ”Under the slogan United We Stand förståelse för ändrade prioriteringar och the call to reflectiveness was associated för omedelbar militär mobilisering. with dissent, dissent with lack of patriotism.”25 United We Stand är ett element av krigstänkandet som återkallar Tema ”Ondska” minnen av inte minst andra världskriget I sin bok om propaganda skriver Harold då det användes flitigt i samband med D. Lasswell under rubriken ”Satanism” ett intensivt exponerande av den ameri- att det gäller att låta fienden framstå som kanska flaggan, ett fenomen som var ond, demoraliserad och förmäten. Den

24. Rampton & Stauber (2003), s. 128 25. Susan Sontag, ”Real Battles and Empty Metaphores” i: New York Times 2002-09-10, s. A 31, citerat i Zarefsky (2004), s. 140

den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september | 19 fientliga nationen bör framstå som hög- Bild. På tidningarna Time 13 augusti modig, föraktfull och grym: ”Any nation (vänster) och The New Republic 3 september who began the War and blocks the peace 1990 har samma bild av Saddam Hussein is incorrigible, wicked and perverse.”26 placerats på framsidan. The New Republic I första världskriget överbjöd de stridande har försett Saddam Hussein med en nationerna, både fransmän, tyskar, eng- manipulerad hitlerlikt mustasch och texten FUROR IN THE GOLF. elsmän och amerikaner, varandra i att utmåla motståndarsidans grymheter. I dagens propaganda har det skett en utan också osökt leder tankarna till en viss förskjutning från att utmåla ett helt annan mörkrets furste.27 Folken fram- folk som grymt och mindervärdigt till ställs som offer, till och med som vän- att beskriva ledarna i sataniska termer. ner, eller åtminstone framställer man sig Redan under förra kriget mot Saddam själv som vän till folket, i detta fall det Hussein utmålades han som den nye afghanska. Det är folken som ska befri- Hitler. George Bush den äldre brukade as från tyranner, fienden blir tydlig och enbart använda förnamnet ”Saddam” konkret. De som ställer sig på tyrannens och betona första stavelsen, vilket inte sida definierar sig själva som fiender och bara är ett sätt att förminska personen måste bekämpas. Att det då ibland i

26. Lasswell (1927), s. 77 27. Karlberg & Mral (1998), s. 76

20 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” stridens hetta blir svårt att skilja mellan orättvisor, gudomligt uppdrag, eller vän och fiende framstår plötsligt som andra snäva eller förvrängda motiv. begripligt och rimligt. ”Collateral I ett kristet perspektiv på det goda damage”, d.v.s. oavsiktliga skador på och det onda omfattar Gamla testa- civilpersoner och civila mål, framstår mentet i princip den förra, existentiella som beklaglig men oundviklig. synen: ”öga för öga, tand för tand” I föreliggande fall var de utpekade (2 Mos 21:24), Nya testamentet där- fienderna, terroristerna, bin Ladin och emot den strukturella: ”Fader, förlåt Saddam Hussein, lätta att identifiera dem, de vet inte vad de gör” (Luk 23:34). som hotfulla och mordiska. Tidigare Bushadministrationen tycks i prin- erfarenheter gjorde det enkelt att karak- cip utgå ifrån den individuella, existen- terisera dem som onda. Men vad menas tialistiska synen, med rötter i Gamla med ondska? testamentet, även om Bush oftast ver- Det finns olika synsätt på vad ond- kar föredra att citera Nya testamentet. ska är.28 Enligt en teori så är det onda Den individuella strategin är betydligt något som finns inom vissa människor. mer användbar i propagandasyfte. Pro- Man behöver bara tänka på en del paganda syftar som sagt till att förenkla deckarförfattare, inte minst Agatha verkligheten för att presentera tydliga Christie, som ofta bygger intrigen på att handlingsalternativ. det finns en ond människa/kraft, som Redan i de första meningarna i talet är den osynliga handen bakom de onda den 11 september använder Bush ordet gärningarna. Denna, som man skulle evil för att beteckna terrorhandlingarna: säga existentiella, syn ser ondska som ”evil, despicable acts of terror”. Redan något oföränderligt, som bör utrotas. några meningar senare har han gått Det andra synsättet, som man kan över till en existentiell beskrivning: kalla för strukturellt, säger att det inte ”Today, our nation saw evil, the very finns någon irrationell kraft som heter worst of human nature.” Bush förankrar ondska. De handlingar som man kallar begreppet evil redan i detta första tal för onda är enligt detta synsätt resultat i ett bibelcitat: ”Even though I walk av komplexa sociala och psykologiska through the valley of the shadow of omständigheter som i princip kan korri- death, I fear no evil, for You are with geras. Det svenska rättssystemet bygger me” (Psaltaren 23:4). Därmed ger han i grunden på denna syn. Ett annat ex- också ”kriget mot terrorism” en biblisk empel är försoningskommitténs arbets- klangbotten, som ett rättfärdigt krig. sätt i Sydafrika. Gärningsmän uppfattar Den 14 september håller Bush ett sällan sig själva som onda utan ser sina tal som av en av hans talskrivare be- handlingar som resultat av hämnd för tecknas som ”fulländat”29. Han håller

28. För en närmare begreppsutredning, se Rediehs (2002), s. 65ff 29. Frum (2003), s. 137, se bilaga 2

den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september | 21 det i Washington National Cathedral – and we’ll be alert. Your government och väljer ett prästerligt tilltal. Huvud- is alert. The governors and mayors are temat är givetvis sorgen över de om- alert that evil folks still lurk out there.” komna, men mycket snabbt kommer (Bilaga 3) Och på en presskonferens en han in på att USA kommer att hämnas månad efter attackerna deklarerar han: attackerna och tonfallet blir tydligt kri- ”I think it’s essential that all moms and giskt. Enligt talskrivaren David Frum dads and citizens tell their children we hade han tidigare gjort klart att han love them and there is love in the inte ville uttrycka hämndlystnad eller world, but also remind them there are vrede i sina tal: ”When he spoke off- evil people.” Dessa onda människor, the-cuff, he again paraphrased the personifierade av Saddam Hussein och commandment of Romans 12:21: Usama bin Ladin, inte bara dödar utan ’Be not overcome by evil, but overcome njuter av det: ”they kill thousands of evil with good’”.30 Men i detta ”fullän- innocent people and then rejoice about dade” tal säger han: ”… vårt ansvar it”, säger han vid samma presskonferens. gentemot historien står redan klart: att Genom att måla upp både ondskans bemöta dessa angrepp och befria världen huvudrepresentanter och de personer från ondska. Med bakslughet, svek och som skyddar dem, i det skedet taliba- mord har man fört krig emot oss. Denna nerna i Afghanistan, blir det fullt legi- nation är fredlig men värd att frukta timt att förstöra fienden med alla till- när dess vrede väckts.” gängliga medel. Det ges här inget som Frum, som hyllar Bushs retoriska helst utrymme för eftertanke eller över- förmåga, kommenterar Bushs karakteri- väganden, utan fiendebilden är tydlig sering av terroristerna som ”the evil och åtgärderna givna. Fienden definie- ones” mot bakgrund av den amerikanska rades dessutom gärna som ett fegt religiösa mentaliteten så här: ”I ett rovdjur som gömmer sig och som bör land, där nästan två tredjedelar av drivas fram. En metafor som användes befolkningen tror på att djävulen exis- frekvent var därför den om jakten. terar, identifierade Bush Usama bin Ladin som bokstavligen satanisk.”31 I senare tal blir tanken om onda Tema ”Jakt” människor än mer uttalad. Två dagar Redan i första talet efter attackerna for- senare, den 16 september, utvecklar mulerar Bush uppgiften i dessa ordalag: Bush tanken att det onda är knutet till ”Make no mistake: The United States den mänskliga naturen: ”We’ve been will hunt down and punish those warned there are evil people in this responsible for these cowardly acts.” world. We’ve been warned so vividly

30. Frum (2003), s. 136f 31. Frum (2003), s. 140

22 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Och därmed var även motståndaren ledare /…/ har tillmötesgått vår begäran definierad som ett fegt, ”omanligt”, att hjälpa vårt land att förfölja, att hitta, och därmed lovligt byte. Som tidigare att röka ut den huvudmisstänkta terro- nämnts använde även talskrivaren ristorganisationen ur dess hålor.” David Frum jaktmetaforen för att Hur förhåller sig detta språkbruk till karakterisera Bushs framtoning den det vardagliga bruket av ”jakt”? Jakt är 11 september: ”He looked and soun- en sport, man jagar djur. Jakt kan möj- ded like the hunted, not the hunter.”32 ligen vara ett sätt att skaffa sig mat, Jaktmetaforen användes av Bush själv men man jagar inte människor. För att på presskonferensen den 15 september: metaforen ska fungera måste motstån- ”we will smoke them out of their holes; daren avhumaniseras, framställas som we will get them running and we’ll djur, lömska rovdjur som gömmer sig. bring them to justice.” Och, i samma Motståndarens feghet kompletterar presskonferens: maktmetaforen: ”De kommer att försöka gömma sig, ”Det amerikanska folket är vant vid de kommer att försöka undvika USA konflikter där det gällde att inta ett och våra allierade – men vi kommer brohuvud, att korsa öken eller kända inte att låta dem göra det. De kommer militära mål. Det kan inträffa. Men att fly till bergen; leta upp hålor att just nu är våra motståndare människor gömma sig i. Vi kommer att göra allt som slår till och sedan springer i väg. som krävs för att röka ut dem, få dem De gömmer sig i grottor. Vi ska få ut att ta till flykten igen och vi kommer dem därifrån”. att ta dem. Den underliggande tanken är här att Lyssna nu, detta är en underbar na- amerikanerna är vana vid att man följer tion; vi är ett vänligt sinnat folk. Ingen krigets lagar om öppen strid, inte vid av oss hade kunnat föreställa sig dessa lömska fiender som gömmer sig. Ame- terroristers barbariska handlingar. Men rikaner är inte fega. Under Afghanistan- de har väckt styrkan hos det amerikan- kriget blev det populärt i Vita huset att ska folket och vi kommer att ta dem, bära rödvitblåa plastkort om halsen vad som än krävs.” med mottot: ”These colors don’t run.”33 I ett tal den 16 september säger Och redan den 16 september sa Bush: Bush: ”… det amerikanska folket ska ”We’re a nation that can’t be cowed by veta att min regeringsstab är fast beslu- evil-doers.” Jaktmetaforen i förbindelse ten att hitta dem som gjorde detta mot med feghet ger fienden en karaktär av Amerika, jaga dem på flykt och fånga omanlighet, lömskhet, gör den till ett in dem”. Och lite senare: ”Pakistans lovligt byte.

32. Frum (2003), s. 119 33. Frum (2003), s. 116

den retoriska upptakten efter 11 september | 23 14 september 2001: Ground Zero-talet

Det fanns en tveksamhet inför hur past ett adekvat uttryck när det gäller Bush skulle klara av de många fram- en angripare. Han talade om korståg, trädanden och talskrivarna arbetade för bl.a. i presskonferensen den 16 septem- högtryck. Under veckan efter terror- ber – ett missgrepp som reparerades attentaten tillät han sig ändå flera hjälpligt genom att han fick uttala sig ogenomtänkta uttalanden: han beteck- upprepade gånger om att muslimer nade terroristerna som ”folks”, knap- som grupp inte var ansvariga. Som she- riffen i en gammal western förklarade han att han ville ha Usama bin Ladin ”dead or alive”. Sammantaget var detta ett språk som bedömdes som omoget och hans far och andra krävde att han skulle tona ner sin retorik.34 Som Bob Woodward skriver: ”Den spridda upp- fattningen om honom som lättviktare, obekymrad om detaljer, frånvarande, otillgänglig och sannolikt även igno- rant, skulle motarbetas. Han hade mycket arbete framför sig.”35 Enligt mångas bedömning kom vändningen med det s.k. Ground Zero- talet, ett fyra minuters anförande, där Bush visade sin begåvning att göra en spontan bedömning av vad som situa- tionen krävde. Det är en förmåga som

34. Zarefsky (2004), s. 138f 35. Woodward (2003), s. 37

24 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” inom retoriken kallas för kairos, konsten ’Jag hör dig. Resten av världen hör att hitta de rätta orden vid rätt tid- dig. Och de som förstörde dessa bygg- punkt, respektive skapa själva situatio- nader kommer snart att höra från oss nen. Det var inte meningen att han alla’.”37 skulle tala, han hade gått dit i en enkel Denna scen är central, därför att vindjacka (vilket i och för sig också kan Bush här demonstrerar sin egen retoris- ses som ett retoriskt drag): ”Bush had ka begåvning, som kanske inte ligger i gone there to look, and make a show formuleringar men i sättet att ta folk of support to the rescue workers at the och att ta vara på scenens möjligheter site.”36 Men sedan blev han ändå så att den gynnar hans retoriska syften: tvungen att säga ett par ord, bara med klädseln, situationen, den fysiska när- hjälp av en dåligt fungerande megafon, varon och den fysiska närheten till en scen som har beskrivits så här: laddade symboler, i detta fall en frivillig ”Presidenten klättrade upp på en brandman. Man kan givetvis utgå ifrån utbränd brandbil där han anslöt sig till att scenen i sig är arrangerad. Den är en pensionerad brandman från New inte minst medieeffektiv då det inte York som hette Bob Beckwith, en av de behövs många förklaringar för att bud- frivilliga som ställt upp efter attacken. skapet rent visuellt ska bli begripligt. Beckwith försökte klättra ned men Men Bushs skickliga respons i detta Bush lade sin arm om honom och teck- kritiska läge uppfattades som spontan nade åt honom att stanna. /…/ och blev början till en omvärdering av ’Tack, alla’, började Bush. ’Jag vill hans ledarförmågor. att ni alla ska veta…’ De följande dagarna försökte Bush JAG HÖR INTE! Skrek en av och hans stab att reparera de tidigare arbetarna i folkmassan. ’Jag kan inte misstagen med några högstämda tal, tala högre’, protesterade Bush innan bl.a. syftande till att skilja islam och han fortsatte. ”’dag knäböjer Amerika terrorism åt, men såväl han själv som i bön för de människor som förlorade hans rådgivare kände att han inte upp- livet här, …’ fyllde de retoriska kraven. Rådgivaren ’JAG HÖR INTE’, kom en annan Karen P. Hughes berättade att Bush sa röst ur folkmassan. till henne: ”This is a defining moment. För en kort stund verkade Bush We have an opportunity to restructure häpen. Men sedan, fortfarande med the world toward freedom, and we have armen om den åldrande brandmannens to get it right.”38 axlar, skrek han tillbaka i sin megafon Veckorna efter 11 september var för- i en scen som visades över hela världen. troendet för Bushs ledarförmåga ändå

36. Dubose, Reid & Cannon (2003), s. 206 37. Dubose, Reid & Cannon (2003), s. 206f 38. Citerat i Zarefsky (2004), s. 139

g round zero-talet | 25 svagt. Men sedan bestämdes den 20 sep- Bild 6. President George W. Bush lägger tember som datum för ett tal till natio- sin arm om brandmannen Bob Beckwith nen, ett extraordinärt tillfälle. Detta var när de står framför spillrorna av World en avgörande punkt för att etablera hans Trade Center den 14 september 2001. De foto: doug roll som krigsledare, i en situation av stor står på en förstörd brandbil. mills/ap osäkerhet för så gott som hela världen.

26 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” 20 september 2001: ”Freedom and fear are at war”

Det är retoriskt sett viktigt på vilken att kunna agera i framtiden. Och detta scen, mot vilken bakgrund, tal hålls var inte ett kallt krig utan man skulle och att omgivningarna passar talaren. arrangera scenen så att aktionerna på- När det gäller talet den 20 september minde om andra världskriget: ”Så han var scenen återigen väl vald. Karl Rove, föreslog att Bush skulle gå tillbaka till Bushs huvudrådgivare, också kallad det gamla och inte tala från sitt ensamma ”Bush’s Brain”39, kom på idén att Bush skrivbord, utan från den talarstol där skulle hålla det viktiga talet inför kon- Woodrow Wilson och Franklin Roose- gressen, inte i Ovala rummet. Ett velt hade begärt sina krigsförklaringar huvudsyfte med tillfället var att stärka och Harry Truman kungjort Truman- Bushs position som talare och ledare, doktrinen. Det var en lysande idé.”40 efter de tidigare fadäserna. Rove me- Ett tal bör alltid bedömas utifrån nade att Bush kom bäst till sin rätt om den situation som talaren befann sig i. han fick tala inför en publik, i stället Tal håller man när det finns behov av för inför en kameralins. Ett ceremoni- att bearbeta ett problem verbalt och ellt ”Tal till nationen” garanterar dess- offentligt. I huvudsak: vilka invänd- utom traditionellt att hela kongressen, ningar försöker talaren att bemöta? Här alltså även motståndarna, visar sig väl- var uppgiften att ingjuta förtroende och villiga. Ett annat skäl till att inte Ovala visa handlingskraft, att etablera en tro- rummet valdes var att detta bedömdes värdig presidentroll, framstå som den påminna för mycket om kalla kriget starke man som många önskade sig. med presidenttal som mer talade om Och Bush agerade synnerligen offensivt. vilka aktioner som redan var genomför- Han börjar med en stor eloge till det da, i stället för att be om mandat för amerikanska folket som, med räddnings-

39. Moore & Slater (2003); Dubose (2003) 40. Frum (2003), s. 135f

”freedom and fear are at war” | 27 arbetarna i spetsen, har slutit sig samman Bush använder ordet justice kan det och arbetat gemensamt för att svetsa underförstådda budskapet tolkas som att samman nationen: ”My fellow citizens, missdådarna ska elimineras. På press- for the last nine days, the entire world konferensen den 16 september sa han has seen for itself the state of our Union dels att USA är en rättsstat, men också, – and it is strong.” (Bilaga 4) Inom reto- i samma andetag, att det nu är andra riken kallas detta för delectare, att fånga lagar som gäller: ”We’re a nation of law, publikens uppmärksamhet genom att a nation of civil rights. We’re also a na- behaga den och skapa gemenskap mellan tion under attack. And the Attorney talare och åhörare. Han lyfter skeendet General will address that in a way that omedelbart till en abstrakt värdenivå I think the American people will under- genom att använda vaga termer och stand.” Kort innan hade han sagt, apropå fraser som är svåra att invända emot: reaktioner från Pakistan, Indien och ”Tonight we are a country awakened to Saudiarabien: ”They know my inten- danger and called to defend freedom. tions are to find those who did this, /…/ Freedom and fear are at war.” Det find those who encouraged them, find senare, tämligen obegripliga men ändå them who house them, find those who till synes tunga, påståendet används för comfort them, and bring them to justice.” övrigt på webbsidan som rubrik för talet. Och senare poängterar han ytterligare I och med detta sätt att omdefiniera genom närmast envisa upprepningar: skeendena flyttar Bush fokus från de ”I will keep my focus to make sure that aktuella händelserna till mera allmän- not only are these brought to justice, giltiga, eviga värden. Med otydliga och but anybody who’s been associated will lätt kryptiska formuleringar understry- be brought to justice. Those who har- ker han det upphöjda i situationen: bor terrorists will be brought to justice.” ”Whether we bring our enemies to Eftersom det rör terrorism kan detta justice, or bring justice to our enemies, tolkas som en dödsdom, antingen man justice will be done.” drar dem inför rätta eller hinner upp Vad betyder då justice? Justice, rätt- dem med vapen någon annanstans. visa men också rätt, är ett av de mest Frasen uttrycker att USA kommer att centrala orden i Bushs retorik, tillika en vara polis, åklagare, domare och bödel av grundpelarna i den amerikanska själv- på en och samma gång. bilden.41 När man använder ordet rätt- I talet den 20 september låter han visa i Sverige så tänker man på domstolar detta ”krig” framstå som något alldeles som dömer till fängelse. I USA, och i extraordinärt, som kräver extraordinära varje fall i Bushs egen delstat Texas, åtgärder: ”Not one battle but a lengthy döms mördare inte enbart till fängelse campaign.” Men samtidigt som han utan också till dödsstraff. Så varje gång målar upp en lång och osäker kamp

41. Hart (1997), 238 ff

28 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” framställs de offer som detta kommer tiven i denna krissituation till ett mini- att kräva av det amerikanska folket som mum ger talet inget annat val än att relativt obetydliga. Han kräver i själva acceptera tolkningen. verket ”business as usual”, att man ska Talet är späckat med anspelningar försöka leva ett vanligt liv, endast för- på grundläggande drag i den amerikan- svårat genom högre säkerhetsåtgärder. ska självbilden: förutom att man är det Som Zarefsky påpekar andas talet utvalda landet också att man står för huvudsakligen optimism och beslut- rättvisa, frihet, att positiva familjevärden samhet, två egenskaper som krävs av en värnas, och att man gör allt med Guds ledare i en krissituation. Ledaren bör välsignelse: ”Freedom and fear, justice visa att han har kontroll och vet vad and cruelty, have always been at war. som bör göras. Det rör sig därmed om And we know that God is not neutral ett genuint beredskapstal: striden, även between them.” Detta är återigen den om den är lång, kommer att vinnas, gammaltestamentliga synen på gott och terroristerna kommer att sluta ”in ont. Tydliga motsättningar och en enkel history’s unmarked grave of discarded världsbild. George W. Bush står fast för- lies”; USA kommer att framstå som en ankrad i den amerikanska politiska tradi- befriare: ”Our nation, this generation, tion som har kallats för ”civil religion” . will lift the dark threat of violence from Med detta begrepp avses en samman- our people and our future. We will blandning av politik och religion där rally the world to this cause by our Amerika ses som ett nytt Israel och är efforts, by our courage.” USA har åter- Guds utvalda land på jorden.43 Liksom igen en historisk mission att befria tidigare Ronald Reagan och George världen. Det är återigen det utvalda Bush den äldre betonar George W. Bush landet och kommer att genomföra behovet av bön och en stark förankring i missionen framgångsrikt och tveklöst. klassiskt kristna värderingar. Hos George Han avslutar talet med ”We will not W. Bush verkar det religiösa språkbruket tire, we will not falter and we will not emellertid mera genuint än hos de flesta fail”, vilket är en direkt anspelning på tidigare presidenterna, eftersom han är Winston Churchills ord i ett radiotal omvittnat from och därmed ger retori- den 9 februari 1941: ”We shall not fail ken ett visst mått av trovärdighet. Han or falter; we shall not weaken or tire... kan även bygga sin retorik på president- Neither the sudden shock of battle nor ämbetets speciella karaktär av upphöjd- the long-drawn trials of vigilance and het. När en amerikansk politiker väl har exertion will wear us down. Give us the blivit president fungerar han och upp- tools and we will finish the job.”42 fattas som ett slags överstepräst. Genom att begränsa handlingsalterna-

42. BBC radio broadcast, Feb 9, 1941 43. Ang. ”civil religion” se Lejon, Kjell O.U. (1994)

”freedom and fear are at war” | 29 Bild. President George W. Bush, med Talet är i praktiken en krigsförkla- talman Dennis Hastert (vänster) and ring mot talibanregimen och ett bered- Robert Byrd (höger), talar i Kongressen skapstal för att skaffa stöd, både inom den 20 september 2001 i Washington DC. landet och internationellt. Genom att foto: win mcnamee/pressens bild framhäva att det inte enbart var USA som var målet för attacken, utan hela Det fyrtio minuter långa talet, som den civiliserade världen, kräver han brukligt i denna situation avbrutet av underförstått denna världs stöd. Men många applåder, innehåller en uppsjö hans begäran om hjälp och stöd formu- av konkreta detaljer och några välvalda leras inte som en vädjan utan som ett vaga värdebegrepp. Bush formulerar hot: ”Every nation in every region now frågor som människorna ställer – has a choice to make. Either you are ”Americans are asking…” – för att se- with us or you are with the terrorists.” dan ge vissa svar och förklaringar: vilka D.v.s. han vädjar inte om hjälp utan terroristerna är, varför de hatar USA, kräver att alla nationer bör ingå i en hur kriget ska utkämpas och vinnas, koalition. Och han formulerar tre och vad som förväntas av det ameri- gånger uttryckligen att terroristerna kanska folket. kommer att förföljas och elimineras

30 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” globalt med ”every necessary weapon Churchill och tyckte att Bush nu äntligen of war”. verkade ”presidential”.44 Om man skulle avstå från att se detta Religiösa teman var centrala i retori- som ”bara retorik” säger Bush i princip ken direkt efter attackerna. Det gällde att USA kommer att ta sig friheten att att tona ner religiösa motsättningar, sätta sig över gängse lagar, även interna- men också att definiera de kommande tionella krigslagar, ingripa militärt var- aktionerna som ett gudomligt uppdrag. helst man anser det befogat utifrån en Men det tema som är mest centralt hotbild som man inte tänker berätta i krigsretoriken, som för övrigt i all något om annat än bitvis – och att annan retorik, är ”frihet”. använda alla slags vapen som man anser nödvändiga för att vinna. Talet hölls inför kongressen, USA:s Tema ”Frihet” demokratiska församling, men det kan Frihet är generellt ett av de mest cen- knappast betecknas som ett demokra- trala temana i retorisk argumentation, tiskt deliberativt tal, d.v.s. ett tal som då ingen gärna kan ha invändningar inbjuder till överläggningar. Han säger emot det. Målet för all retorik är att inget i stil med: Vi måste diskutera åt- skapa gemensamma utgångspunkter gärder i denna kritiska situation, eller: som bas för framtida agerande. Har Nu gäller det att visa demokratins över- man fått mottagaren att gå med på att lägsenhet över terrorism genom gemen- friheten är hotad blir även försvars- samt överlagda beslut. Talet är föreskri- åtgärderna lättare att driva igenom. vande och kategoriskt, markerar aukto- Freedom, respektive dess något mera ritet och tillåter knappast invändningar. högtidliga synonym ”Liberty”, är också Talet bedömdes i USA:s medier som några av de mest centrala värdeorden i en stor framgång för presidenten. Han amerikansk retorik. Och ett av de mest gjorde det som av de flesta amerikaner använda begreppen i George W. Bushs uppenbart ansågs som passande i situa- anföranden. Redan i första talet, den tionen, nämligen att först och främst 11 september, utgjorde det nyckelordet, göra sig själv trovärdig som krisledare. i kombination med religiösa ljus- och Som en kolumnist i New York Times mörkermetaforer: skrev dagen efter: ”Mr. Bush rose to ”Amerika gjordes till en måltavla the occasion, finding at times the därför att vi är den klarast lysande led- eloquence that has eluded him in the fyren för frihet och möjligheter i världen. past.” Andra kolumnister var lika lyriska Och ingen ska hindra det ljuset från att och hörde i hans tal anklanger tillbaka skina. /…/ Vårt land är starkt. Och vår till Abraham Lincoln och Winston sak är även större än vårt land. Vårt

44. Diskuterat hos Zarefsky (2004)

”freedom and fear are at war” | 31 ideal är mänsklig värdighet; frihet väg- med framstod förslaget som hädiskt. ledd av samvete och vaktad av fred. Tisdagen den 25 september presenterade Detta är Amerikas ideal och hela så försvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld det mänsklighetens hopp. Det hoppet nya varumärket: Operation Enduring ledde miljoner människor till denna Freedom. Denna beteckning skulle hamn. Det hoppet lyser fortfarande vår uppenbarligen omfatta hela aktionen för väg. Och ljuset skiner i mörkret. Och lång tid framöver. Rumsfeld talade om mörkret ska icke besegra det.” att ”this is not a quick fix… It’ll take I talet den 20 september använder years, I suspect.” (Detta är ingen snabbis Bush ordet freedom och free tretton … jag antar att det kommer att ta år.)45 gånger. Vad som menas med freedom Krigsföretag måste säljas in på sam- förklaras inte, termen är obestämd men ma sätt som varor och det görs bl.a. naturligtvis kraftfull. Talet rubriceras med hjälp av varumärken i form av på Vita husets hemsida med citatet: kodnamn. Detta bruk började under ”Freedom at War with Fear” – vad första världskriget då tyska generalsta- menas egentligen med det? Frihet blir ben gav sina operationer namn som plötsligt en egen agent, som befinner ”Ärkeängeln” och ”Valkyrian”.46 Ödes- sig i krig. Och vad menas med fear? mättade segernamn, som skulle ingjuta Fear är inget självklart motsatt värde hopp och stridsvilja. Men då var dessa till frihet. Visst är rädsla en sorts ofrihet, kodord inte tänkta att rikta sig till all- men vem står då bakom rädslan? Menar mänheten utan bara praktiska interna han att terroristerna är rädda? Det var aktionsnamn. Det var först när man de uppenbarligen inte. Uttrycket låter gärna ville ha opinionens stöd i förväg, emellertid bra och beslutsamt. Det som man hittade på genomtänkta pro- framstår som en sentens, en allmän pagandabegrepp. Invasionen i Panama sanning, och utgör därmed ett slags 1989 fick namnet ”Just Cause”, tiden upphöjning av själva händelserna. efter invasionen gick under namnet Freedom används frekvent i Bushs ”Promoting Liberty”. krigsretorik. Inte minst i det varumärke Freedom och Amerika blir i ”kriget som man diskuterar fram när det gäller mot terrorismen” näst intill synonyma, kriget mot terrorism. De första dagarna freedom lanseras i princip som USA:s skulle det kallas ”infinite justice”, oänd- varumärke, som i ett tal den 30 okto- lig rättvisa, men det togs omedelbart till- ber 2001: ”Anyone who sets out to baka, eftersom både kristna, judiska och destroy freedom must eventually attack muslimska grupper opponerade sig. America, because we’re freedom’s home”. Oändlig rättvisa är något som endast Och det tal som Bush höll den 1 maj Gud har rätt att skipa, menade de, där- 2003 innehåller de segervissa raderna:

45. http://special.scmp.com/waronterrorism/comment/ZZZOZXEP1SC.html 46. Lars Schmidt, ”Kriget säljs in med mördande reklam”, DN 02-09-29

32 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” ”Vi har engagerat oss i Afghanistans fredligt sätt. Amerikanska värderingar och Iraks frihet och ett fredligt Palestina. och amerikanska intressen leder i samma Frihetens befrämjande är den säkraste riktning. Vi står för människans frihet.” strategin för att underminera terrorns Det centrala i frihetstemat under- lockelse i världen. Där friheten får fäste, stryks ytterligare genom en fotosida på där får hatet vika undan för hoppet. Där Vita husets hemsida, ”Photos of Free- friheten får fäste, där börjar män och dom”, där amerikanska soldater fram- kvinnor sträva efter ett bättre liv på ett står som befriare och välgörare.47

47. http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/iraq/photoessay/essay1/01.html

”freedom and fear are at war” | 33 7 oktober 2001: Krigstal Afghanistan

Den 6 oktober håller Bush så ett tal talar han om vänner och vänskap med anledning av de påbörjade aktio- mellan alla dem som ska hjälpa till att nerna i Afghanistan. Trots att det fort- bekämpa terrorism. Andra frekventa farande råder ett chocktillstånd efter positiva värdeord är ”peace” (5 gånger) 11 september och kraven på vedergäll- och, förstås, ”freedom”. ”Enduring ning har varit högljudda har även pro- Freedom” förklaras av George W. Bush tester mot en militär lösning av krisen i krigstalet den 7 oktober 2001 på föl- börjat bli alltmer påträngande. Bush jande sätt: ”Den militära operationen i betonar inledningsvis att ”världen” står dag heter Enduring Freedom (Varaktig bakom aktionen: ”We are supported by frihet). Vi försvarar inte bara våra dyr- the collective will of the world.” (Bilaga bara friheter, utan även friheten för 5) Aktionen definieras i övrigt som människor överallt att kunna leva och ”mission”: ”Your mission is defined; uppfostra sina barn utan fruktan.” your objectives are clear; your goal is Aktionen framställs alltså inte som just.” Mission är något man får uppifrån, angrepp utan som försvar, det vanliga något som kräver uppoffringar, något sättet att försköna krigshandlingar. Den hedervärt. ”Krig” används endast en framställs dessutom inte som en krigs- gång i talet, som beteckning för allt som handling utan som ett fredsprojekt: görs mot terrorismen, intressant nog ”I dag talar jag till er från The Treaty gällande både fredliga och militära medel: Room i Vita huset, en plats där ameri- ”Denna militära aktion är en del av vårt kanska presidenter har arbetat för fred. fälttåg mot terrorismen, ännu en front i Vi är en fredlig nation. Men, som vi så ett krig som redan förs med diplomati, plötsligt och så tragiskt nu har lärt oss, underrättelseverksamhet, frysta ekono- kan det inte finnas någon fred i en miska tillgångar och polismaktens arres- värld av plötslig terror. Ställda inför teringar av kända terrorister i 38 länder.” dagens nya hot är det enda sättet att I och med denna hopblandning blir främja freden att förfölja dem som begreppet vagt och urvattnat, som om hotar den. Vi bad inte om detta upp- det vore en självklarhet. Genomgående drag men vi kommer att fullfölja det.”

34 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Intressant är också här valet av scen, svältande och lidande män, kvinnor som tydligen bedöms som så pass vik- och barn. Amerikas Förenta Stater är tigt att den kommenteras i talet. I The det afghanska folkets vän…” Treaty Room undertecknades bl.a. Medkänslan med civilbefolkningen fredsfördragen med Rumänien, Italien, blir ett alltmer framträdande tema ju Ungern samt provstoppsavtalet av John längre aktionerna drar ut på tiden och F. K ennedy 1963. Men framför allt speciellt kvinnornas situation rycks mer undertecknades här, i varje fall enligt och mer i förgrunden. Vita husets egen hemsida, FN-stadgan.48 Scenen ska alltså understryka aktionens fredliga karaktär. Ändå är Bush ovanligt Tema ”Kvinnoförtryck” tydlig med vad aktionerna ska handla Fienden är ohyggligt grym och fördärvad om. Omskrivningar är alltid intressanta för att förstå undermeningen i vad som i sin krigföring. /…/ Man kan alltid sägs, och här är omskrivningarna många framhålla kränkningarna av kvinnor, redan i inledningen: barn, gamla, präster och nunnor, och ”På mina order har USA:s militära av sexuella ohyggligheter, stympade styrkor startat anfall mot al-Qaidas trä- fångar och stympade civila.49 ningsläger för terrorister och den tali- banska regeringens militära anläggning- Hjälptemat accentuerades i takt med ar i Afghanistan. Dessa noga avvägda att civila offer blev alltmer synliga. I ett handlingar syftar till att avbryta an- tal den 8 november understryker Bush vändningen av Afghanistan som en ope- krigets humanitära sida: rativ bas för terrorister och angripa den ”Från början till slut i denna kamp talibanska regeringens militära förmåga.” håller vi fast vid våra värderingar. Till Anfall, handlingar, angrepp, opera- skillnad från fienden har vi respekt för tioner etc. annonseras, men endast mot livet. Vi slår inte mot oskyldiga civila. militära mål. Den kritik som fanns och Vi bryr oss om Afghanistans oskyldiga som handlade om krigets civila offer folk, så vi fortsätter att leverera huma- bemöttes med löften om hjälp: nitär hjälp, även när deras regering för- ”Samtidigt får det förtryckta afghan- söker stjäla maten vi skickar. När terro- ska folket lära känna den generositet risterna och deras anhang har försvun- som finns hos Amerika och våra allierade. nit kommer Afghanistans folk och När vi slår till mot militära mål kom- resten av världen att säga: ’Skönt att bli mer vi också att släppa ned mat, medi- av med dem’.”50 cin och förnödenheter till Afghanistans

48. http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/eeobtour/indian-treaty.html 49. Lasswell (1927), s. 81f 50. The text of President George W. Bush’s address to America before representatives of firemen, law enforcement officers, and postal workers in Atlanta, Ga. on November 8, 2001. http://www.september11news.com/PresidentBushAtlanta.htm

krigstal afghanistan | 35 Men när de kritiska rösterna inte lät ligheten. Talet hade rubriken ”The sig tystas och tv-bilderna av mänskligt Taliban’s War Against Women and lidande blev allt mer påträngande drog Children” och kom alltså ca sex veckor man fram det inledningsvis nämnda efter det att USA hade börjat bomba tredje huvudargumentet, kvinnoför- Afghanistan. Det kom också några dagar trycket. Detta introducerades inte av efter att bilder på barnlik, offer för USA:s Bush och Blair själva, utan av deras fruar. bombningar, hade kablats ut över värl- Den 17 november 2001 övertog den och fått många fler än tidigare att Laura Bush makens plats framför ifrågasätta krigshandlingarna. radiomikrofonen för att i presidentens Laura Bushs tal är en känslofylld ställe hålla tal till nationen.51 Denna framställning av talibanernas förtryck händelse var anmärkningsvärd av åt- av kvinnor och barn, där hon bl.a. minstone två anledningar. För det för- berättar att barn ”får inte flyga med sta hade aldrig förut en presidenthustru drakar; deras mödrar riskerar prygel om hållit det traditionella lördagstalet, och de skrattar högt”, och att talibanerna för det andra hade Laura Bush tidigare hotar att dra ut fingernaglarna på under det halvår som George W. Bush kvinnor som använder nagellack. Laura innehaft presidentämbetet inte profile- Bushs tal ger intrycket att kampen mot rat sig nämnvärt i den politiska offent- terrorism framför allt är en kamp för kvinnornas rättigheter och värdighet: ”Jag hoppas att amerikanerna kommer att ansluta sig till vår familj i kampen för att säkra värdighet och gynnsamma möjligheter för alla Afghanistans kvinnor och barn.” Talibanerna krigar mot kvinnor och barn medan ameri- kanska familjer kämpar för att rädda dem. Kriget har därmed i Laura Bushs framställning blivit ett slags familje- angelägenhet – och slutsatsen måste bli

Bild. Fruarna Cherie Blair (vänster) och Laura Bush (höger) sitter tillsammans och lyssnar på president George W. Bush och premiärminister Tony Blair vid en press- konferens i Rose Garden vid Vita huset den 16 april 2004. foto: paul j. richards/afp

51. Se bilaga 6

36 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” att hon i så fall, som maka och moder, så var de också de enda som kunde givetvis har rätt att yttra sig i frågan. uttrycka sig i frågan på detta sätt. Det Två dagar senare höll Cherie Blair, hade låtit minst sagt avigt om presiden- som annars ytterst sällan blandar sig i ten och premiärministern hade börjat makens politik offentligt, på 10 Downing uttala sig om afghanska kvinnor i per- Street ett tal mot talibanernas förtryck sonligt engagerade termer, även om de av kvinnor. Talet går på samma tema efterhand själva drog fram temat gång och målar upp liknande bilder som på gång. Laura Bushs, inklusive det drastiska Kvinnotemat diskuterades av tal- exemplet med de utdragna naglarna.52 skrivarna just inför det som man skulle Hon inleder talet med att framhäva kunna se som segertalet efter Afghani- sina egna insatser för mänskliga rättig- stankriget, Bushs State of the Union heter och kvinnors jämställdhet under den 29 januari 2002. Men kvinno- sin karriär som advokat ”and certainly temat hade fullgjort sin uppgift för den in the last four years alongside Tony här gången. Det ingick heller inte i de since he became Prime Minister”. Båda fem ”key priorities” som Bushadmini- talen uppmärksammades i medierna strationen, med Condoleezza Rice i med viss förvåning som ett nytt drag spetsen, hade listat redan efter president- i kampanjen mot talibanerna och för valet 2000. Där ingick emellertid ” to USA:s och Natos agerande i Afghani- deal decisively with the threat of stan, ett led i den nya ”feminism” som rogue regimes and hostile powers, hade kommit upp i propagandan.53 which is increasingly taking the forms Fru Bush och fru Blair är förstås of the potential for terrorism and the långt ifrån de första ”First Ladies” development of weapons of mass (om uttrycket tillåts för brittiska förhål- destruction (WMD)”.54 I sitt State of landen) som engagerar sig i makarnas the Union-tal 2002 omnämns en av politik. Man behöver bara tänka på de första gångerna ”weapons of mass Hillary Clinton och Eleanor Roosevelt. destruction”, i samband med att Bush Men en presidenthustru respektive beskyller Nordkorea, Iran och Irak, i makan till en premiärminister är inga nämnd ordning, för innehav av dessa demokratiskt valda politiker. Ändå kan och betecknar dessa tre länder som de tilldelas ett avsevärt inflytande, om ”” (”ondskans axelmakter”). det passar in i en politisk strategi. För Därmed kan vi gå över till den andra bortsett från att fruarna Bush och händelsekedjan, förberedelserna och Blairs engagemang för de afghanska genomförandet av Irakaktionen. kvinnorna säkerligen var djupt känt,

52. http://www.pm.gov.uk/default.asp?pageid=5376 53. Se t.ex. Aftonbladet 2001-11-18: ”Bush och Putin – nyblivna feminister” 54. Frum (2003), s. 226

krigstal afghanistan | 37 29 januari 2002: State of the Union

Den 29 januari 2002 höll Bush sitt en koalition mot de s.k. allierade, d.v.s. årliga tal till nationen, ett tal som i främst Storbritannien, Frankrike, USA princip var ett segertal efter huvud- och Sovjetunionen. ”Axis of evil” är aktionerna i Afghanistan. (Bilaga 7) givetvis en missvisande benämning, då I själva verket är just detta tal ett cen- den antyder att det skulle finnas en tralt visionstal för fortsättningen av koalition av dessa stater när två i själva ”kriget mot terrorismen”, därför att det verket har varit bittra fiender sedan anger färdriktningen framöver genom decennier tillbaka (Iran och Irak) och den centrala frasen ”axis of evil”. Bush dessutom inte har haft någon uppenbar karakteriserade Iran, Irak och Nord- koalition med den tredje staten, Nord- korea som: korea. ”ondskans axelmakter som rustar för Men propagandistiska bilder funge- att hota världsfreden. Genom att försöka rar som sagt inte på det logiska planet skaffa sig massförstörelsevapen utgör utan på känslonivå, och här gällde det dessa regimer en allvarlig och växande att måla upp en hotbild. Intressant är fara. De skulle kunna förse terrorister hur bilden kom till. David Frum, den med dessa vapen och därmed ge dem re- redan tidigare citerade talskrivaren, surser som kan mäta sig med deras hat. berättar att han, någon månad innan De skulle kunna angripa våra allierade talet skulle hållas, i princip fick en upp- eller försöka idka utpressning mot USA. maning av Mike Gerson, en av strate- I vilket som helst av dessa fall skulle gerna i Bushs stab, att hitta på en moti- priset för likgiltighet bli katastrofalt.”55 vering för ett krig: ”Can you sum up Metaforen anknyter givetvis till in a sentence or two our best case for andra världskrigets ”axelmakter”, i för- going after Iraq?” Frum tyckte att han sta hand Tyskland, Italien och Japan, inte gärna kunde måla upp Saddams

55. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020129-11.html

38 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” grymheter de senaste tio åren, bl.a. där- Frums språkbruk här är talande med för att frågan då stod på tur varför man avseende på den amerikanska självbilden: inte slutförde jobbet vid förra angrep- Nordkorea hade blivit ”bortklemat” pet mot Irak. Inte heller kunde han (cosseted) och behövde känna en fas- hänvisa till Saddams påstådda mord- tare hand. Frum kallade sin skapelse försök mot George Bush den äldre, det ”axis of hatred”, i anknytning till Bushs vore ändå ett alltför privat skäl för ett tidigare hat-tema. Gerson ville i stället krig. Han visste att det inte fanns be- anknyta till Bushs religiösa språkbruk lagda samband mellan Saddam och och så blev slutresultatet i talet ”axis attackerna den 11 september. Men of evil”: Bush behövde ett argument som knöt ”Nordkorea är en regim som rustar ihop de två. Lösningen blev att gå till- sig med missiler och massförstörelse- baka i historien och hitta ett snarlikt vapen samtidigt som det låter sin be- tillfälle, nämligen Pearl Harbor. Japan folkning svälta. Iran försöker energiskt hade varit hänsynslöst och oberäkne- skaffa sig dessa vapen och exporterar ligt, det var Saddam också. Dessutom terror samtidigt som ett fåtal icke folk- kunde man vänta sig ännu större valda förtrycker det iranska folkets angrepp om Saddam slöt sig samman hopp om frihet. Irak fortsätter att öppet med andra i samma slags axel som hävda sin fientlighet mot Amerika och Japan, Italien och Tyskland, det var stöder terror. Iraks regim har i över ett bara det att Frum ville koppla ihop decennium hyst hemliga planer på ut- Saddam med terroristerna, inte med ett veckling av mjältbrandsbakterier, nerv- annat land. Detta gjordes i senare om- gas och kärnvapen.” arbetningar av talet. Bl.a. Condoleezza En klassiskt tredelad argumentation, Rice ville gå längre och grep tillbaka på där det starkaste kortet, Irak, kommer temat massförstörelsevapen och funde- sist. Genom uppräkningen av de andra rade på vilka andra stater som hade två hoten framstår det visserligen som dessa vapen, jo, t.ex. Iran och, anmärk- ett i raden, men samtidigt, genom hop- ningsvärt nog, Nordkorea: ”Det försök- kopplingen, också som mera hotfullt te utveckla kärnvapen, det hade en än om han bara hade nämnt Irak som historia av hänsynslös aggression och huvudfiende. Och alla tre kopplas ihop det hade också tills nyligen blivit bort- av det vaga men skrämmande ordet klemat av USA och behövde känna en ”evil”. fastare hand.”56

56. Frum (2003), s. 238

state of the union | 39 7 oktober 2002: Cincinnati-talet

Efter Bushs State of the Union-tal den som Woodward, som bevistade ett stort 29 januari 2002 var det relativt tyst om antal möten i säkerhetsrådet, hävdar: Irak, men efter ett besök av Tony Blair ”Före angreppen hade Pentagon till årsdagen av 11 september tog be- jobbat i flera månader på att ta fram ett redskapsretoriken fart, d.v.s. det nästan militärt alternativ för Irak. /…/ Varje halvårslånga retoriska arbetet med att seriöst, fullskaligt krig mot terrorismen göra nödvändigheten av Irakkriget tro- skulle – förr eller senare – vara tvunget värdig, genom alltmer upphaussade att rikta in målet mot Irak. Rumsfeld hotbilder. tog upp möjligheten att de skulle kunde Irakkriget 2003 föregicks av en lång dra fördel av det tillfälle som terrorist- rad beredskapstal. Under hela hösten attackerna erbjöd för att ge sig på 2002 målade Bush upp det stora hot Saddam omedelbart.”57 som Irak utgjorde mot USA, en hotbild Bushs rådgivare, med Karl Rove i lika vag som skrämmande. Iraktemat spetsen, hade uppenbarligen också klart integrerades emellertid i retoriken kring för sig att Saddam var en enkel och det s.k. kriget mot terrorismen redan tydlig fiende. James Moore och Wayne dagarna efter 11 september då bl.a. Slater, två av de mer eller mindre Bush- Donald Rumsfeld undrade om man inte beundrande kommentatorerna, beskriver skulle börja agera där. I själva verket konstruktionen av Irak som fiende så jobbade Pentagon redan före attackerna här, med utgångspunkt i Roves agerande mot World Trade Center (WTC) på en och resonemang: ”Vi är goda. Irak är plan om militära aktioner mot Irak. onda. Vi älskar frihet. De gör det inte. Och när Bush ansåg i största allmänhet Ett klart, lättillgängligt budskap för en att WTC-attentatet utgjorde en god väljare som är för upptagen för att hinna möjlighet att förbättra USA:s globala fördjupa sig i frågan. Språket får inte inflytande, var Rumsfeld mera specifik, vara blodigt. Det handlar om regim-

57. Woodward, (2002), s. 49

40 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” skifte. Inte krig. Rent och antiseptiskt. discussions with you.” Han vill alltså ge Mera en procedur än ett fältslag.”58 ett intryck av dels kompetens och efter- I ett radiotal den 5 oktober beteck- tanke, dels total öppenhet. Den första nar Bush hotet från Saddam Hussein frågan, om hotets karaktär, besvaras som ”grave and growing” och två dagar genom att beskriva Saddam Hussein senare håller han ett tal i Cincinnati som den ultimata diktatorn. Han och som här ska analyseras närmare, bl.a. hans regim beskrivs i termer som: därför att det har mycket tydliga berö- •mordisk tyrann (murderous tyrant) ringspunkter med det tal George Bush • invaderade och ockuperade brutalt den äldre höll vid upptakten till Gulf- en mindre granne (invaded and 59 kriget. Sceneriet är intressant och väl- brutally occupied a small neighbor) valt. Bush står framför en världskarta i • oförsonligt fiendskap gentemot relief med USA i mitten. Internetsidan Förenta Staterna (unrelenting hostility har bytt till en headline med den irakiska toward the United States) flaggan och en karta över Irak samt •regimens skoningslösa natur texten ”Denial and deception”, och (merciless nature of its regime) talets rubrik är ”President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat”. Bush börjar med att •mordisk diktator tala om ”a great threat to peace, and (homicidal dictator) America’s determination to lead the Den andra frågan, varför det är så world in confronting that threat”. bråttom, som väl var den mest aktuella, (Bilaga 8). besvaras först med att, eftersom ”we Sedan är hela talet byggt på en sken- know” att Hussein har farliga vapen i bar dialog med det amerikanska folket, dag är det knappast någon mening att i form av utförliga svar på frågor som vänta tills han har ännu fler i morgon. människor ställer sig. Han presenterar Vad stöder han detta påstående på, det samtliga huvudteman i en snabb dispo- som vi ju nu vet var mer eller mindre sition: ”Many Americans have raised gripet ur luften? Bortsett från ett upp- legitimate questions: about the nature of repat ”we know” byggt på underrättelse- the threat; about the urgency of action verksamhet, utan belägg, stöder han sig – why be concerned now; about the på vapeninspektörerna. Ett argument är link between Iraq developing weapons ”guilt by association” samt påståenden of terror, and the wider war on terror.” om samarbete mellan Irak och al-Qaida: Och så försäkrar han åhörarna om ”We know that Iraq and the al Qaeda att frågorna har diskuterats ”broadly terrorist network share a common enemy and fully” inom hans administration. – the United States of America.” ”And tonight, I want to share those

58. Moore & Slater, (2003), s. 287 59. Se analys i Karlberg & Mral (1998), s. 69–79

cincinnati-talet | 41 Sedan tas samma fråga om brådskan Tema upp två gånger till i talet, vilket tyder på tyngden i invändningen. Andra ”Massförstörelsevapen” gången använder han den effektiva och För att förstå innebörden i vaga begrepp senare ofta återanvända metaforen om är ibland enklaste inkörsporten de olika ”the smoking gun”, kombinerat med definitioner som uppslagsverken består den om svampmolnet: ”Vid åsynen av oss med. Enligt Nationalencyklopedin dessa tydliga tecken på fara kan vi inte är massförstörelsevapen: vänta på det slutgiltiga beviset – den ”/.../ sammanfattande benämning på rykande pistolen – som kan visa sig i kärnvapen samt biologiska, kemiska och form av ett svampmoln. /…/ vi har all radiologiska stridsmedel, definierad i en anledning att vänta oss det värsta, och FN-resolution 1948. Senare har vissa vi har en angelägen plikt att hindra det former av miljöpåverkan i syfte att skada värsta från att inträffa.” en annan nation tillfogats. Begreppet Bilden av svampmolnet fanns redan innefattar således ett antal tekniskt sett före 11 september i den officiella dis- disparata, delvis hypotetiska vapentyper kursen, bl.a. använd av säkerhetsråd- eller metoder, och ordet används före- givaren Condoleezza Rice i ett framträ- trädesvis i politiska sammanhang.” dande på CNN den 8 september 2002: ”Problemet är att det alltid kommer att Massförstörelsevapen är alltså ett vagt råda en viss osäkerhet kring hur snabbt begrepp, skrämmande men svagt defi- han kan skaffa sig kärnvapen. Men vi nierat. Det är ett kraftfullt och hotande vill inte att den rykande pistolen ska begrepp som självklart aldrig används vara ett svampmoln.”60 för den egna vapenproduktionen utan Den snitsiga kombinationen av en för fienders vapenarsenal. westernsymbol för genomförda illdåd Enligt BBC News e-cyclopedia har och kalla krigets nukleära ikon är FBI en definition av massförstörelse- visuellt stark, därmed lätt att komma vapen (WMD) som även omfattar kon- ihåg och medieeffektiv. Hotbilden i ventionella sprängmedel: ”Ett vapen Cincinnati-talet byggs så gott som ute- blir ett massförstörelsevapen när konse- slutande på begreppet ”massförstörelse- kvenserna av dess utlösande överväldigar vapen”. Termen används, med vissa dem som lokalt förväntas besvara an- variationer, 32 gånger i talet och bildade greppet.” Samma uppslagsverk ger som bekant grunden i Irakargumenta- också en kommentar till själva ordvalet: tionen. Låt oss titta närmare på vad ”WMD har haft en egen masspåverkan. detta uttryck egentligen innebär: Dess numera allmänna förekomst har förärat det en plats på Lake Superior

60. Citerat av Ben Fritz på http://www.spinsanity.org/

42 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” State Universitys berömda lista över samma sjukdomar häktades för brottet ’felanvända, överanvända och allmänt försvann nyheten snabbt. Men hän- oanvändbara’ ord.”61 delserna satte givetvis djupa spår. Socio- I talen efter 11 september kommer logen Danielle R. Egan menar att begreppet upp redan före Afghanistan- mjältbrandspaniken, hur befogad den kriget. På en presskonferens den 11 än må ha förefallit, också ledde bort oktober 2001, alltså en månad efter uppmärksamheten från kriget i Afghani- katastrofen, förklarar Bush, apropå den stan: höga beredskapen inför nya angrepp: ”Användningen av ordet ’massför- ”Vi fick veta att en agent från al- störelsevapen’ i talet om mjältbrand är Qaida eventuellt skulle kunna använda det perfekta bländverket, den perfekta ett besprutningsflygplan för att spreja sättet att skapa kulturell panik och amerikaner med ett biologiskt vapen blindhet inför den kolossala motsä- eller ett kemiskt vapen. Så vi svarade på gelsen mellan mjältbrand /…/ och det det /…/ Vi var fullt medvetna om att upprepade fällandet av tiotonsbomber det krävdes kompletteringar i utrust- över Afghanistan. Den logiska motsä- ningen för att ett besprutningsflygplan gelsen är så uppenbar, men så undan- skulle kunna bli ett massförstörelse- skymd. Hur kan en bakterie, som vapen, så vi talade med verkstäder i enkelt kan kureras med en sextiodagars- områdena där det fanns besprutnings- kur med antibiotikan Cipro, ses som flygplan.” ett större hot än de ständiga flyganfallen Särskilt frekvent användes begreppet i Afghanistan?”62 i samband med mjältbrandsepisoden Egans jämförelse är givetvis miss- hösten 2001. Några försändelser som visande, inte bara därför att hoten är rik- innehöll mjältbrandsbakterier orsakade tade åt motsatta håll (mjältbrand mot en global rädsla för nya terrorattacker, västvärlden, bomberna mot Afghanistan) den här gången med biologiska vapen. utan också därför att mjältbrandsbakte- Fem människor dog av smittan i USA rier, om de skulle spridas i stor skala, och ett stort antal blev smittade. Mjält- givetvis inte enkelt skulle kunna be- brandsspridningen sattes givetvis genast kämpas med antibiotika. Men i och i samband med al-Qaida och under- med mjältbranden och det som hon blåste krigsberedskapen. När det efter kallar för ”discursively produced panic” några veckor visade sig att bakterierna har ändå det vaga begreppet massför- härrörde från amerikanska laboratorier störelsevapen fått en för krigsretoriken och efter ytterligare någon månad en välkommen konkret innebörd. anställd vid arméns institut för smitt-

61. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2744411.stm 62. Egan (2002), s. 8

cincinnati-talet | 43 5 februari 2003: Colin Powells tal i FN

Hur välkommet framgår bl.a. av det tal också är ämnet för resolution 1441 och som Colin Powell höll den 5 februari andra tidigare resolutioner.” 2003, där han lade fram numera ytterst Detta är givetvis ett problematiskt omstridda ”fakta” om Iraks innehav av påstående eftersom det väcker frågan massförstörelsevapen. (Bilaga 9) Han varför inte inspektörerna fick denna höll talet drygt en vecka innan de båda information. Om nu USA hade mera vapeninspektörerna Blix och el-Baradei långtgående information borde man ju presenterade sina preliminära resultat ha hjälpt inspektörerna med denna. som allmänt förväntades vara i stort Powell bemöter den tänkta invändning- sett negativa. Powells tal bör ses som ett en med att man förser även inspektö- försök att i förväg bemöta dessa expert- rerna med all relevant information. insikter, för att föregripa ytterligare Själva bevisföringen är argumenta- protester mot krigsplanerna. Det rör sig tionstekniskt intressant. Det rör sig om om ett mycket långt tal, en timme och en anhopning av exempel, ett överflöd 15 minuter, späckat med siffror, citat av fakta, bilder, citat och påståenden och bildbevis. Powell säger sig ha två som enbart genom sin mängd väcker mål med talet, för det första att stödja en känsla av trovärdighet. Här ska inte det han definierar som ”core assessments sanningshalten i påståendena granskas made by Dr Blix and Dr. El Baradei”, utan själva den retoriska formen. Powell nämligen att Irak varken hade accepte- grundar hela argumentationen i FN:s rat avväpningen eller kommit med ny säkerhetsråds resolution 1441, som han information om massförstörelsevapen. definierar på följande sätt: ”The purpose Inspektörernas andra poäng, att de inte of that resolution was to disarm Iraq of hade funnit några spår av sådana vapen, its weapons of mass destruction. /…/ nämns inte. Som andra mål anger Resolution 1441 gave Iraq one last Powell just att komma med ny infor- chance, one last chance to come into mation:”/.../ att meddela er vad USA compliance or to face serious consequ- vet om Iraks massförstörelsevapen och ences.” Hela det långa talet utgör ett Iraks inblandning i terrorism, vilket försök att leda i bevis att Irak inte har

44 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” visat medgörlighet (compliance). Bevis- planerade aktionerna starkt ifrågasatta, föringen handlar bara skenbart om att inte minst i själva FN-församlingen, det skulle finnas massförstörelsevapen och bevisen för att Irak skulle utgöra (där var, som många journalister efteråt ett överhängande hot närmast obefint- konstaterade, de framförda bevisen sva- liga, gäller det för Powell att inte bara ga). Grundtesen är att Irak inte har varit genom sin person utan också genom samarbetsvilligt och därmed, underför- sitt framförande återupprätta Bush- stått, kommer ”to face serious consequ- administrationens trovärdighet. ences”. Powell stöder sin trovärdighet i Videoupptagningen av talet ger möj- första hand på just resolution 1441, som lighet att inte bara granska texten utan han nämner inte mindre än 19 gånger. också framförandet, vilket gör det in- Talet fanns på Vita husets webbplats tressant att granska Powells kropps- där den övergripande rubriken var språk. Powell lägger stark emfas bakom ”Iraq – Denial and Deception” och orden med hjälp av gester, pauseringar sidan presenterar hela bevismaterialet och röstvariationer som indikerar in- i form av både stillbilder, video- och dignation. Han understryker orden audioklipp.63 Powell använder sig av genom gestaltande och rytmiska hand- 45 visuella ”bevis” som ska stödja hans rörelser och genom att knacka i bordet. argumentation. Enligt klassiska retoriska Han läser alltså inte bara upp en text insikter är exempel, konkreta och lätt- utan lägger sitt eget ethos i vågskålen, fattliga bilder, citat och berättelser, det uttrycker med hela kroppen ett djupt mest effektiva bevismaterialet. Det man engagemang och en djup övertygelse kan se, och höra, med egna ögon och om att bevisföringen håller. Att ge tro- öron, har alltid tyngst bevisvärde. Där- värdighet åt det egna engagemanget är till kommer talarens egen trovärdighet, en retorisk nödvändighet om man verk- det ethos som han dels har med sig, ligen vill verka övertygande. Detta görs, dels lyckas etablera i talarsituationen. som här, bäst om även kroppsspråket är En talares ethos kan beskrivas som engagerat och motsvarar andemeningen en kombination av den trovärdighet i orden. som han har med sig i termer av kom- Talet är fullt av retoriska grepp: petens, dygder och status och den tro- retoriska frågor, d.v.s. frågor där svaret värdighet som han lyckas åstadkomma är givet, emfas, ironier, indignation, i själva talarsituationen. Powells trovär- hopningar av hotbilder, skenbar exakt- dighet som utrikesminister, uppskattad het och vaga påståenden. Powell hävdar presidentkandidat och erfaren högt 32 gånger ”We know…”, ibland utan uppsatt militär m.m. är givetvis hög. att ange någon källa alls, ibland genom Men eftersom situationen är känslig, de att tala om ”human sources”, stundom

63. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/02/20030205-1.html

colin powellstali fn | 45 karakteriserade som ”human sources – Ifall det händelsevis skulle kunna who are in a position to know facts”. finnas förbjuden ammunition? Namn nämns endast undantagsvis. – Ja. Det är bildbevisen och deras tolk- – Och vi skickade ett meddelande ning som ges störst tyngd. I en krigs- till er i går om att tömma alla områdena, situation bör man inte förvänta sig en skrotområdena, de övergivna områdena. rationell logisk och sanningssökande Försäkra er om att det inte finns någon- argumentation. Men det är klargörande ting där.” att väga åtminstone några av Powells Intressant är här dels att han med argument mot ett logiskt förnuftsideal. emfas återger det ganska tunna budska- Enligt detta bör man inte göra sig skyl- pet som alla redan har läst. Men verkli- dig till s.k. fallasier, logiska felslut och gen anmärkningsvärt är att han förvan- osakligheter.64 Utan att behöva gå när- skar det. För i översättning är näst sista mare in på den logiska argumentations- meningen som följer: ”And we sent you analysens komplicerade fält kan man a message to inspect the scrap areas, the ändå dra nytta av dess definitioner av abandoned areas.” Originalet talar alltså osakligheter. Filosofen Arne Naess har bara om att inspektera skrotområdena listat några avvikelser från saklighets- och de övergivna områden, medan idealet i termer av tendentiösa referat, Powell talar om alla områden och inte mångtydigheter, beskrivningar samt bara om att inspektera utan att rensa. förhastade slutsatser.65 Powell erbjuder Originalet kan lika gärna tolkas som att några skolexempel på dessa och andra officeraren på fältet ska kontrollera om fallasier. Ett av hans första ”bevis” för det verkligen inte finns något kvar ens att Saddam Hussein inte gör några an- i skrotet, vilket är en rimlig begäran strängningar till nedrustning är ett kort givet läget. Hos Powell blir detta till att samtal mellan en påstådd officer från det gäller att medvetet gömma ammu- Republikanska gardets högkvarter till nition. I fallasitermer kan man här tala en officer på fältet. Efter att ha spelat om tendentiöst referat, man kan också upp samtalet, med amerikansk översätt- kalla det för medvetet felcitat. Av detta ning, läser han upp det en gång till, och samtalets avslutande kommentar med medvetet dramatiserande tonfall: att officeraren ska förstöra budskapet så ”Låt mig stanna upp igen och granska att ingen ska få se det, drar Powell föl- beståndsdelarna i detta meddelande: jande slutsats: ”/.../ de vill inte att det – De inspekterar den ammunition där meddelandet ska hittas, eftersom de ni har, ja. försökte rensa upp området för att inte – Ja. lämna några bevis för att där hade fun- – Ifall det finns förbjuden ammunition. nits massförstörelsevapen. Och de kan

64. Om fallasier, se på svenska Sigrell (2001), kap. 4 65. Naess (1992), s. 101–115

46 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” hävda att ingenting fanns där. Och in- spektörerna kan leta hur mycket de vill utan att hitta någonting. Dessa ansträngningar att dölja saker för inspektörerna är inte en eller två enskilda händelser, tvärtom. Detta är en väsentlig del av en undvikande och bedräglig policy sedan tolv år tillbaka, en policy som är fastlagd på högsta nivå i den irakiska regeringen.” Hela argumentationen bygger i grunden på att motståndaren har fel därför att han tiger: ”jag har rätt efter- som du inte kan bevisa motsatsen”. En fallasi som går igenom hela talet är hotargument. Det tydligaste, under- Bild. Utrikesminister Colin Powell håller struket av ett häpnadsväckande exempel, upp ett rör som han säger kan innehålla kommer i mitten av talet där Powell mjältbrand när han presenterar bevis om kommer in på temat mjältbrand. Han Iraks påstådda vapenprogram i Säkerhets- visar upp ett litet rör med något pulver rådet, Förenta nationerna den 5 februari i och säger: 2003. foto: elise amendola/ap ”Mindre än en tesked av torkade mjältbrandsbakterier, ungefär så här lite Man får hoppas att det inte bokstav- – detta är ungefär en tesked – mindre ligen var mjältbrandsbakterier i röret, än en tesked av torkade mjältbrands- men man får granska formuleringen bakterier i ett kuvert stängde senaten i noggrant för att se att han faktiskt inte USA på hösten 2001. Detta tvingade heller påstår det. Men otydligheten är flera hundra personer att underkasta sig knappast en tillfällighet. Man kan känna akutsjukvård, och två postanställda igen det klassiska kravet på evidentia, dog, bara av en mängd ungefär såhär ett uppvisande av exakta och slående stor, inuti ett kuvert.” enskildheter. Siffrorna är till synes Irak deklarerade 8.500 liter mjält- ytterst exakta och samtidigt vaga: en brandsbakterier men UNSCOM upp- tesked och ”tens upon tens upon tens skattar att Saddam Hussein skulle kunna of thousands of teaspoons”. De före- ha producerat 25.000 liter. Koncentrerat faller vederhäftiga och blir trovärdiga i denna torra form skulle detta räcka för i och med att Colin Powell investerar att fylla tiotals och åter tiotals tusen te- hela sitt ethos i bevisdemonstrationen. skedar. Och Saddam Hussein har inte på Powell har som sagt sedan tidigare hög ett kontrollerbart sätt redovisat ens en trovärdighet som militär och politiker enda tesked av detta dödliga material. ” och genom att det är han som lägger

colin powells tal i fn | 47 fram dessa ”bevis” med stor emfas finns Att massförstörelsevapnen var ett det i det läget föga anledning att miss- svepskäl framgår i dagsläget klart, men tro dem. Krigspropaganda räknar som få har uttryckt detta så tydligt som Paul sagt med att folk har kort minne. Och Wolfowitz. Den 28 maj 2003 publice- vem kan i detta läge komma ihåg ut- ras i ungdomsmagasinet Vanity Fair (!) talanden från flera år tillbaka? en intervju med biträdande försvars- Själv bör Powell ha varit medveten minister Paul Wolfowitz, där han med- om att han, om inte medvetet ljög så i ger att massförstörelsevapen aldrig var varje fall återgav tvivelaktiga uppgifter, det primära skälet för USA att invadera för redan i februari 2001 sa han apropå Irak: ”Av byråkratiska skäl bestämde vi USA:s framgångsrika sanktioner mot oss för en fråga, massförstörelsevapen, Irak och Saddam Hussein: ”Han har eftersom det var det enda skälet alla inte utvecklat någon betydande för- kunde vara överens om.” måga med avseende på massförstörelse- Vapeninspektörernas arbete har hela vapen. Han har inte förmågan att rikta tiden varit ett störande inslag. I seger- konventionell vapenmakt mot sina talet den 1 maj 2003 går Bush så långt grannar.”66 som att antyda att de var helt värdelösa Här har vi alltså ett fall där det ena och att sökandet efter massförstörelse- propagandapåståendet förtar det andra. vapnen startar nu: ”We’ve begun the 2001 skulle han försäkra Iraks grannar search for hidden chemical and biological om att USA hade läget under kontroll, weapons and already know of hundreds att flygövervakningen och sanktionerna of sites that will be investigated.” Det hade fungerat och var motiverade just är som om vapeninspektörernas arbete genom att de hade förhindrat framstäl- aldrig hade genomförts. landet av massförstörelsevapen. Två år senare var motsatsen ”sanning”.

66. http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2001/933.htm, se även http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/09/28/iraq/main575469.shtml

48 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” 15 februari 2003: Tony Blairs tal

Den 14 februari levererade vapeninspek- möjligheter och ansvar att förhindra en törerna Blix och el-Baradei sin rapport invasion av Abessinien: till FN och dagen efter arrangerades ”I det tidiga skedet av hotet från enorma antikrigsdemonstrationer i hela fascismen, var det ansvarigt för att skydda världen. Både i Rom och London räk- Abessinien från invasion. Men när det nade man med minst en miljon del- gällde att ta beslutet att genomdriva tagare.67 Samma dag höll Tony Blair ett denna garanti avskräcktes det av krigets tal vid Labours vårkonferens, närmare fasor. Resten vet vi. Hotet växte; Natio- bestämt vid Labour’s local government, nernas Förbund kollapsade; kriget women’s and youth conferences, SECC, kom.” Hotbilden är att om vi missar i Glasgow.68 Efter några inledande detta tillfälle, om vi inte agerar nu, preludier som handlar om att bekräfta kommer allt bara bli värre, precis som Labours roll i regeringsställning och det var då. Abessinienexemplet är en av vikten av att stå för och försvara gemen- många jämförelser med andra världskri- samma värderingar går han genast in get som dyker upp i krigspropagandan. på Iraktemat. Talet har fått rubriken En hotbildsfallasi genom ett både ten- ”I want to solve the Iraq issue via the dentiöst och vågat bruk av en historisk United Nations” och han uttalar just de analogi. Vad det handlade om var att orden. Men något senare villkorar han Italien invaderade Abessinien, vilket sin bekännelse till FN på följande vaga Nationernas Förbund hade kunnat in- sätt: ”Ja, låt FN ta itu med Saddam. gripa mot om inte både Frankrike och Men låt FN mena vad det säger; och Storbritannien hade motsatt sig detta. göra vad det menar.” Detta säger han De ville i stället försöka nå en för efter att ha dragit en parallell till andra Mussolini acceptabel lösning. Så även världskriget och Nationernas Förbunds om Tony Blair här i princip gör Natio-

67. Se t.ex. DN 03-02-16 68. http://www.labour.org.uk/tbglasgow/, bilaga 10

tony blairs tal | 49 nernas Förbund ansvarigt för andra inte gillar Saddam, men inte bryr sig världskriget var det i själva verket om Saddams offer, vilket han åskådlig- Storbritanniens agerande, tillsammans gör med hjälp av en uppsjö av både med Frankrikes, som satte i gång hän- konkreta och vaga siffror om vartannat: delserna som skulle leda till andra världs- ”Det kommer inte att bli någon marsch kriget. Dåvarande premiärminister för Saddams offer, inga protester Neville Chamberlains senare undfallen- angående de tusentals barn som dör i het gentemot Tyskland (Münchenför- onödan varje år under hans styre, ingen draget) ligger som en klangbotten rättmätig vrede över de tortyrkammare under Tony Blairs agerande. Det gällde som kommer att finnas kvar om han för honom att inte göra om Chamber- finns kvar vid makten.” Genom att lains misstag. Man förhandlar inte med jämföra ojämförliga storheter drar en skurk utan besegrar honom militärt. han sedan ut sifferexercisen till orimlig- Den retoriska situationen är givetvis hetens gräns: kritisk. Miljontals människor är i samma ”Men när ni tittar på tv-bilderna minut ute på gatorna och demonstrerar från marschen, så betänk detta: mot hans övertygelse att krig är nöd- Om det var 500.000 personer i den vändigt. En manifestation som sägs vara marschen, så är de ändå färre än dem den största dittills i Storbritannien. vilkas död Saddam är ansvarig för. Blair har följande två huvudsakliga Om de är en miljon, är de ändå fär- argumentationslinjer för att bemöta re än det antal människor som dött i de kritiken: krig han startat.” 1. Han vill inte ha krig: ”Every time Det är naturligtvis ett mycket effek- I have asked us to go to war, I have tivt sätt att åskådliggöra mängden av hated it” – men påstår att det var offer och samtidigt beskylla motstånda- en framgångsrik strategi både i ren för brist på perspektiv. Detta under- Kosovo och i Afghanistan. byggs ytterligare genom citat från e-post från två exilirakier, en man och en 2. Det är mera moraliskt försvarbart kvinna, som kritiserar krigsmotstån- att avlägsna Saddam än att inte darna. Blair säger att principen av ett göra det: ”The moral case against folkligt motstånd mot kriget tas emot war has a moral answer: it is the med värme av irakierna eftersom det moral case for removing Saddam.” avslöjar folkets önskan att undvika När det gäller den senare argumenta- lidande. Men han säger att den missar tionen utmynnar den i ett direkt an- poängen – eftersom det irakiska folket grepp på fredsrörelsen för kortsynthet behöver bli av med Saddam för att få och ansvarslöshet. Krigsmotståndarna ett slut på sitt lidande. Det är ett klas- beskrivs som känslostyrda personer som siskt retoriskt grepp att argumentera visserligen hatar kriget, och för all del utifrån personligt drabbades erfarenheter

50 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” och lägesbeskrivning, ett känsloargument jag respekterar det.” Samtidigt som han som är svårt att bemöta. Kriget fram- insinuerar att demonstranterna inte ställs med andra ord som det mindre av kommer att gå ut på gatorna för alla de två onda ting. Krigsförespråkarna fram- offer som ett icke-agerande skulle kräva. ställs som moraliskt mer högtstående Han går därmed så långt att beskylla än krigsmotståndarna. fredsdemonstranterna för att vara in- Men faktum är att när Bush avstår humana, medan det stundande kriget från att överhuvudtaget kommentera framställs som en humanitär handling, demonstrationerna framställer Blair en begreppsförvirring som återigen för dem i alla fall som en legitim menings- tankarna till George Orwells ”double yttring: ”Vad är det som får tusentals talk”: ”Ridding the world of Saddam människor att protestera på gatorna would be an act of humanity. It is världen över? /…/ Det är en rättskaffens leaving him there that is in truth och fullkomligt förståelig avsky för inhumane.” krig. Det är ett moraliskt uppsåt, och

tony blairs tal | 51 16 mars 2003: Toppmötet på Azorerna

En eventuell invasion av Irak hade allt- folket – dess rika blandning av sunni- så diskuterats i mer än ett halvår och och shiitiska araber, kurder, turkmener, tiden började bli knapp, bl.a. med tanke assyrier, kaldéer och alla de andra – ska på sommarhettan. Protesterna mot det njuta frihet, välstånd och jämlikhet i stundande kriget var omfattande och ett enat land. Vi vill stödja det irakiska globala, och för propagandan gällde det folkets strävan efter en representativ då att låta aktionen så långt som möj- regering som håller fast vid mänskliga ligt framstå som icke-krig. Det uttalande som lämnades av den Bild. Storbritanniens premiärminister s.k. transatlantiska koalitionen, d.v.s. Tony Blair (vänster), med Spaniens premiär- George W. Bush, Tony Blair och Spani- minister Jose Maria Aznar (andra från ens José Maria Aznar under toppmötet vänster) USA:s president George W. Bush på Azorerna den 16 mars 2003, alltså och Portugals premiärminister Jose Durao två dagar innan kriget bryter ut, måste Barroso (höger), talar till medierna vid den betecknas som ett närmast klassiskt USA/Portugisiska flygbasen på Azorerna exempel på Orwellskt nyspråk. På den 16 mars 2003 efter att de diskuterat foto: stefan rousseau/ap presskonferensen deklarerade Aznar att Irakkrisen. man inte hade kommit till Azorerna för att avge en krigsförklaring. De tre makthavarnas uttalanden handlar heller inte om kriget utan om det som ska hända efter kriget. Efter att återigen ha utmålat Saddam Hussein som roten till allt ont och som ansvarig för alla nega- tiva följder framställs koalitionens framtida agerande som en enda stor hjälpaktion: ”Vi har en vision av ett enat Irak vars gränser respekteras. Hela det irakiska

52 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” rättigheter och rättsstatliga principer ”konflikt”. Och abstraktionen ligger i som demokratins hörnstenar.”69 att kalla agerandet för ”commitment”, Krig innebär alltid instabilitet och att omdefiniera den planerade militära ovisshet om följderna. Världssamfundet aggressionen till en fredshandling. stod inte bakom aktionen som därför av större delen av opinionen bedömdes som högst osäker. Därför var en av de Tema ”Hjälpsamhet” retoriska uppgifterna i detta läge att Att koalitionen kommer för att hjälpa hävda motsatsen, att låta koalitionen är ett återkommande tema i hela krigs- framstå som en tillförlitlig aktör. Detta retoriken efter den 11 september. Att görs genom att betona det trygga sam- vara ett hjälpsamt och generöst folk är arbetet : ”/.../ we plan to work in close en del av den amerikanska självbilden71 partnership with international institu- och därmed ett tacksamt tema för att tions, including the United Nations; legitimera krigsaktionerna respektive our Allies and partners; and bilateral balansera aggressionshandlingarna. donors”. Säkerheten är ett nyckelord, Redan före kriget i Afghanistan, den som återigen ställs i kontrast mot hotet 6 oktober 2001, betonade Bush det från massförstörelsevapnen: ”Any storsinta i aktionerna: military presence, should it be necessary, ”Även när vi bekämpar ondskefulla will be temporary and intended to regimer är vi generösa mot människorna promote security and elimination of som de förtrycker. Efter andra världskri- weapons of mass destruction;/…/” get livnärde och återuppbyggde Amerika Den propagandateknik som här Japan och Tyskland, och deras folk blev används kan med retorikforskaren några av våra närmaste vänner i världen.” Lennart Hellspongs begrepp kallas för Bortsett från att inte alla tyskar och förklädnad genom lögn, obestämdhet, japaner skulle hålla med om det senare 70 försköning och abstraktion. påståendet är det intressant om man Lögnen om massförstörelsevapnen vill förstå den amerikanska självbilden behöver inte kommenteras en gång till. som Bush bygger sina resonemang på. Obestämdheten ligger i att aktionen be- USA vill inte ha krig, utan fred, det skrivs med vaga termer som ”if conflict amerikanska folket vill inte kriga utan occurs”, ”military presence, should it be hjälpa. Den planerade aktionen är bara necessary…”. Försköningen består i att undantagsvis och påtvunget våldsam. framställa det framtida agerandet som I talet vid själva krigsöppningen, den en humanitär välgärning, att ge en vision 8 oktober 2001, underströk Bush åter om en bättre värld efter en eventuell

69. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/03/20030316-1.html 70. Hellspong (1992), s. 220ff 71. Hart (1997), s. 238f

toppmötet på azorerna | 53 Den 30 oktober 2001, under det brinnande Afghankriget, bedyrar han: ”Vi är ett generöst folk, ett hänsynsfullt folk som känner smärta och deltar i sorgen när människor mister livet eller när människor skadas. /…/ Under svåra tider har vi visat att vi inte bara är en världsmakt, att vi är ett godhjärtat och modigt folk.” Bland de ”photo essays” som ligger på Vita huset-sidan finns under rubriken ”Photos” resp. ”Timelines” en länk, ”Helping others”, som till stor del hand- lar om hjälpaktioner för afghanska barn, och en länk, ”Helping those in need”, som tillhandahåller tal angående hjälp- insatser. Det intressanta här är just att båda länkarna nästan enbart handlar om Afghanistan och om kvinnor och barn. En annan samling bilder på barn, som tar emot hjälp från amerikanska soldater, finns under Iraklänkarna: den vänskapliga avsikten bakom de Barnen och kvinnorna är välklädda, militära aktionerna: välnärda, glada, vackra och tacksamma. ”Samtidigt kommer det förtryckta Amerikanska soldater framstår som afghanska folket att känna av Amerikas nästan messianska räddare.72 och våra allierades generositet. När vi slår Samma tema, nämligen att huvud- till mot militära mål kommer vi också målet för aktionerna är hjälpsamhet, att släppa ned mat, medicin och förnö- tas även upp i talet omedelbart före denheter till Afghanistans svältande och Irakkriget. lidande män och kvinnor och barn.”

72. http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/iraq/photoessay/essay6/

54 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” 19 mars 2003: George W. Bushs tal inför Irakinvasionen

Den 19 mars håller Bush tal med an- fritt land kommer att kräva vårt hel- ledning av att de militära aktionerna hjärtade engagemang.” i Irak har startat. (Bilaga 12) Han gör Vi kommer till Irak med respekt för det denna gången i Ovala rummet, på dess medborgare, för deras stora kultur samma plats där Bush senior annonse- och deras religioner. Vi har inga ambi- rade Gulfkriget. På fönsterbrädet bak- tioner i Irak utöver att avlägsna ett hot om skymtar två familjefoton, ett på och återföra styrningen av landet till döttrarna, ett på hunden och frun. dess egen befolkning. I inledningen av krigstalet definierar Ordet ”war” förekommer två gånger, Bush aktionerna som ”military opera- i samband med Saddam Hussein, dels tions to disarm Iraq, to free its people att man vill hindra honom att föra and to defend the world from grave krig, dels att han inte har någon respekt danger”. Stora ord, med många under- för krigskonventioner. Och för att verk- toner och associationer. ”Operationer” ligen understryka det hot man bekäm- leder tankarna till den i Gulfkriget så par talas nu inte längre om ”weapons omhuldade kliniska krigföringen. Att of mass destruction” utan om ”weapons desarmera någon kan visserligen inne- of mass murder”. I det sammanhanget bära våldsanvändning, men är en freds- tas grymhetstemat upp igen: skapande åtgärd; enbart Irak står här ”I den här konflikten möter Ameri- för militärmakten, eftersom befolk- ka en motståndare som inte bryr sig ningen ska ”befrias”; och så handlar om krigets konventioner eller moraliska hela aktionen om försvar, hela världen regler. Saddam Hussein har placerat kommer att försvaras. Kriget är en irakiska trupper och materiel i civila hjälpaktion: ”Jag vill att amerikaner områden, i ett försök att använda och hela världen ska veta att koalitions- oskyldiga män, kvinnor och barn som styrkorna kommer att göra allt i sin sköldar för sin egen militär – den ytter- makt för att hindra att oskyldiga civila sta skändligheten mot sitt eget folk.” kommer till skada. /…/ Och att hjälpa Eftersom detta tal till större delen är irakierna att uppnå ett enat, stabilt och riktat till de stridande förbanden bör

george w. bushs tal inför irakinvasionen | 55 Bild. "We Can Do It!" En affisch från andra världskriget skildrar "Rosie the Riveter" som uppmuntrar kvinnor i USA att visa sin styrka och att arbeta för krigets ansträngningar. Denna affisch gjordes på uppdrag av War Production Co-Committee. Bilden säljs nu som souvenir. en affisch av j. howard miller/corbis detta uttalande tolkas som ett fribrev för att även civila områden kan bli legi- tima måltavlor – om man misstänker att fienden gömmer sig där. Att fienden förklär sig anspelar återigen på temat feghet. Den amerikanska militärens karaktär beskrivs däremot med termer som ”skill and bravery” samt ”honora- ble and decent spirit”. De allierades ak- tioner beskrivs, förutom som militära operationer, med begrepp som: striking rik. Amerikansk identitet konstitueras selected targets of military importance, till stor del av att man är ett flitigt folk. broad and concerted campaign, com- Att jobba hårt är en hederssak.73 Där- mon defense, remove a threat, decisive med kan även begreppet ”arbete” an- force. De är rena, välorganiserade och vändas propagandistiskt som positivt rättvisa. laddat värdeord. Kriget framställs som oundvikligt: ”Now that conflict has come”, liksom den kommande segern, en nödvändig- Tema ”Arbete” het i krigspropaganda. Konflikten är en Från första början i händelsekedjorna del av USA:s ”Work for peace” (”freds- efter 11 september definierade Bush arbete”). Just ”work”-metaforen är även kriget mot terrorism som ”job”. intressant som en del i det retoriska I talet den 16 november 2001 jämstäl- arbetet med att låta kriget framstå som ler han militära aktioner med civilt ar- en normalitet. ”And you can know that bete: ”Jag tror också på våra militära our forces will be coming home as soon styrkor. Och vi har ett arbete att utföra as their work is done.” – precis som bönder och boskapsägare Business, work och job, samt mission, och företagare och fabriksarbetare har är återkommande begrepp i Bushs reto- ett arbete att utföra. Min regering har

73. Hart (1997), s. 238f

56 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” ett arbete att utföra, och vi kommer att Freedom”. Som oberoende Flak Maga- göra det. Vi ska rensa världen från ill- zine-skribenten Clay Risen förklarar: gärningsmännen.” ”Vykort med motivet Enduring Vad händer när man definierar ett Freedom (Varaktig frihet) är endast de krig som ett jobb? Metaforen ger aktio- senaste i en lång rad av 11-september- nen ett slags vardaglighet, något välbe- kitsch. När blotta tanken på att slå kant. Makthavare förutsätter att vi alla mynt av tragedin är tvivelaktig, går vet att var och en genom sitt arbete bör dessa kort ett steg längre genom att visa bidra till nationens framgång. Men ett upp ’Det Nya Kriget mot Terrorismen’ arbete är också en i allra högsta grad ci- som ett roligt och trevligt sätt för barn vil aktivitet. Vanligtvis välordnad, efter att få kunskap om dagshändelser.” klara regler. Arbete är en nödvändighet. Korten vänder sig alltså till barn. På Det har något traditionellt maskulint baksidan av paketet förklaras den peda- beslutsamt över sig. Ett arbete är något gogiska avsikten: ”En encyklopedisk hedervärt, ett arbete har inte mycket förteckning över Amerikas krig mot med känslor att göra, förutom yrkes- terrorismen. Korten innehåller biogra- stoltheten. Man ska här inte glömma fisk information om civila och militära att den amerikanska försvarsmakten är ledare som anförtrotts uppgiften att en yrkeskår. leda oss genom denna kamp, statistiska Ett arbete får man sig tilldelat, det uppgifter och fotografier på militär ut- är allvarligt, tryggt och ansvarsfullt. En rustning.” traditionellt manlig metafor som i den Topps förklarar själv utgivningen aktuella krigsretoriken intressant nog med att samlingen ”presenterar det nya kompletteras med faktorer som till kriget mot terrorismen i ett format som synes inte har något gemensamt med barn kan förstå. De störande bilder krig, nämligen spel, sport och under- som upprepas i nationella nyhetssänd- hållning. ningar omfattas inte. Topps har valt att fokusera på Amerikas styrka – på dess valda ledare, militärens säkerhet, dess Tema ”Spel och sport” världsomfattande stöd … och på det Jakt är bara en av spel- och sportmeta- amerikanska folkets mod och enighet”. forerna för att beskriva krigshandling- Bilderna är i själva verket ganska in- arna som något acceptabelt och väl- tetsägande: Bush pratande i telefon, känt, till och med underhållande. Ett Condoleezza Rice i talarpose, soldater annat exempel på patriotisk lekfullhet i formation (”Marines Head Out For i samband med Irakkriget är en utgiv- Overseas Duty”), men inget som ”stör”, ning av samlarbilder. Företaget Topps, inget från krigsfälten, inga avancerade som ägnar sig åt utgivning av kort på vapen, och, som Clay Risen sarkastiskt t.ex. idrottsstjärnor, har gett ut en serie anmärker, inget om krigets mänskliga på 90 kort under rubriken ”Enduring sida: ”av flyktingläger, skadade soldater

george w. bushs tal inför irakinvasionen | 57 eller protester mot kriget. Det skulle va- Att Irakkriget sågs som ett slags spel ra ’störande’. Hur som helst är detta det om positioner är retoriskt sett entydigt. ’Nya Kriget’ där de onda blir stekta, de Både Bush och Blair använder gärna civila undkommer oskadda och ameri- begreppet ”game” för att karakterisera kanska soldater inte dör. Ett barnvänligt händelserna. I presskonferensen på krig, och det betyder också ett vinstvän- Azorerna säger Tony Blair exempelvis: ligt krig. Vem behöver Fox News när ”Saddam plays these games and we carry det finns produkter som dessa?” on allowing him to play them.” (Bilaga Spelmetaforerna för tankarna till 11) Och på en fråga under samma Gulfkriget 1991 där bl.a. svenska medi- presskonferens om hur man ska rösta er använde dem för att antyda krigets på en andra FN-resolution svarar Bush: oundviklighet. Ett spel bör inte avbry- ”Jag var killen som sa att de borde tas innan den ena eller andra sidan har rösta. Och ett land röstade – de visade vunnit.74 Även samlarkort användes i åtminstone sina kort, tror jag. Det är propagandan redan under Operation ett gammalt uttryck från Texas, att visa Desert Storm, som Matthew Nadelhaft korten när man spelar poker. Frankrike har analyserat: ”Den allmänna före- visade sina kort. När jag hade sagt det komsten av sportmetaforer i krigsdis- jag sa, sa de att de skulle lägga in sitt kursen visar hur användbart sport är veto mot allt som höll Saddam ansvarig både som ett konceptuellt verktyg och för någonting. Så kort har lagts. Och som ett medel att legitimera något, och bara morgondagen kan visa vad det där den genomslagskraft som sport har i kortet betydde.”77 den amerikanska kulturella logiken; Detta uttalande gav möjligtvis pr- dess så gott som omedvetna plats i det arbetarna idén om den inte minst av amerikanska medvetandet.”75 medierna omhuldade kortleken med Men sport- och lekmetaforer är inte 55 irakiska efterlysta ledare, 54 män bara användbara i en amerikansk kon- och 1 kvinna. text utan ingår i en traditionellt manlig Vincent Brooks, USA-alliansens tales- föreställningsvärld där livet framstår man i högkvarteret i Qatar, förklarar som en kampsport. Målet med all social den 11 april 2003 (transkription från verksamhet blir att vinna över motstån- SVT1): ”Koalitionen har identifierat daren och krig är bara den yttersta och ledare som spelar en nyckelroll. De fortfarande legitima formen av tävling.76 måste hittas och ställas inför rätta. Listan Kanske är metaforerna också ett sätt att upptar 55 personer som kan jagas, ge kriget mer mänskliga proportioner, dödas eller tas till fånga. Den här kort- för att inte säga ett underhållningsvärde. leken är ett exempel på vad vi delar ut

74. (1992), s. 44ff 75. Nadelhaft (1993), s. 26 76. Om maskulin kampinriktad mentalitet och kommunikation, se Ong (1981) 77. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/03/20030316-3.html

58 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” till våra soldater. Den visar personernas men fick sedan också rykande åtgång ansikten och anger vad personerna haft hemmavid, som distributören skriver: för roll. Det är 55 kort i leken.” ”Ni har sett de här korten på kvälls- Det var naturligtvis ett retoriskt nyheterna. De har visats i tidningar genidrag att förvandla fienden till en över hela världen. Nu kan du bli ägare sällskapslek. Det ger en effekt av förlöj- till ett genuint samlarobjekt från ligande, av bagatellisering. På tv-skär- Operation Iraqi Freedom. Detta är marna kunde amerikanerna följa hur samma kortlek om 55 kort med bilder kort efter kort metodiskt samlades in på Iraks 52 ’Mest efterlysta’ ledare som av militären. USA blev vinnaren. Jour- delades ut till koalitionssoldaterna.” nalisterna hade en tacksam röd tråd att Kortleken kan nu också köpas som följa. Fienden blev tydlig och begriplig poster, och, som distributören skriver: för minsta barn. Kortleken delades ”This may be the last time anyone will först enbart ut till militärerna i Irak, ever see these faces again.”78

78. http://www.greatusaflags.com

george w. bushs tal inför irakinvasionen | 59 1 maj 2003: George W. Bushs ”segertal”

Ett lands kampanda lever av övertygelsen ”/…/ han vill klargöra för det ameri- attdet finns en god chans att vinna … kanska folket, som har riskerat liv och Segerillusionen måste näras på grund förmögenheter i sin strävan att nå våra av det starka sambandet mellan det mål i Irak, vad som åstadkommits hit- goda och det starka … Om vi vinner är tills. Och det är något som presidenten Gud på vår sida. Om vi förlorar kan Gud påbörjade i sitt tal till nationen, och ha varit på den andra sidan.79 som han, återigen, vill slutföra genom ett tal till folket. Kriget mot terroris- I sitt kapitel ”The Illusion of Victory” men kommer att fortsätta. Irak var en definierar Harold D. Lasswell propa- fas i kriget mot terrorn. Och presiden- gandistens segervisshet i religiösa termer. ten vill diskutera allt detta med det Om inte vi, som är goda, vinner, har amerikanska folket.” Gud övergett oss, vilket är en demorali- Talet ska alltså anknyta till State of serande insikt. Därför är det viktigt för the Union-talet och därmed skenbart militärstrategerna att vid någon någor- avrunda de aktuella aktionerna, göra lunda rimlig och trovärdig tidpunkt trovärdigt att denna etapp är slut. Om hävda att slaget är vunnet. han hade hållit ett regelrätt segertal Den 1 maj 2003 håller Bush det tal borde aktionerna i fortsättningen hålla som skulle kunna betecknas som seger- sig till Genèvekonventionens krav på talet efter ockupationen av Irak. (Bilaga t.ex. frigivning av krigsfångar.80 Detta 13) Talet rubriceras dock som ”Presi- bör ses som en av anledningarna till att dent Bush Announces Major Combat det i detta krig inte har förekommit Operations in Iraq Have Ended”. Enligt några segerförklaringar. pressekreterare Ari Fleischer ska det just Bush håller alltså inte talet i Ovala inte uppfattas som segertal och har inga rummet utan på ett krigsskepp med det som helst legala konsekvenser: lämpliga namnet USS Abraham Lincoln,

79. Lasswell (1927), s. 102 80. Se kommentar i Fox News: http://www.foxmarketwire.com/story/0,2933,85588,00.html

60 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” ett atomdrivet hangarfartyg som har jublande återvändande militärer, efter varit inblandat dels i aktioner mot till synes framgångsrika militära aktioner. Afghanistan, dels i no-fly zone i Irak, Ovanför hela sceneriet syns en enorm dels i det aktuella Irakkriget. Som Fox banderoll, ”Mission Accomplished”, News skriver: ”Pilots flew thousands sannolikt syftande på fartygets mission, of bomb-dropping sorties from the men tacksamt antydande att även Bushs deck.”81 Scenen är symbolladdad, med mission var uppfylld. Talet hålls som ett tacktal till militä- ren, där Bush kan vara säker på en Bild. President George W. Bush talar till mängd applåder. Strategerna vet att besättningen på hangarfartyget USS Abraham Lincoln som går för full maskin Bush gör sig bäst inför en jublande pu- mot San Diego i Kalifornien den 1 maj blik och humöret är dessutom på topp 2003. Vitahuset sade den 29 oktober 2003 efter flygturen. Så här beskriver CNN att de hade hjälpt till med framtagandet situationen: av banderollen med texten ”Mission ”Bush said he did take a turn at Accomplished” i bakgrunden. foto: larry piloting the craft. downing/reuters

81. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,85844,00.html

george w. bushs ”segertal” | 61 ’Yes, I flew it. Yeah, of course, I liked fortgår. /…/ Vi vet inte när dagen för it,’ said Bush, who was an F-102 fighter den slutliga segern är inne, men vi har pilot in the Texas Air National Guard sett tidvattnet vända” after graduating from Yale University Denna form av segerviss besvärjelse in 1968. bör inte minst ses i ljuset av mediernas ’Great job’, said Bush, a wide smile dramaturgi där det räknades krigsdagar. stretched across his face as he posed for Genom att förklara att kriget var över photographs with crew members who fick man också slut på denna dramatis- gathered to get their pictures with the ka och ogynnsamma uppräkning. Varje president. He draped his arms around dag innebar nya offer och det gällde att some, slapped the backs of others and tona ner aggressionen och ockupationen. shook hands with many. Det gällde också att tona ner omfatt- The picture-perfect landing, covered ningen av förstörelsen och dödandet. live on television, marked the latest Därför hävdar Bush här återigen att effort by the White House to showcase man tog till våld endast som en sista Bush as commander in chief.” utväg. Han säger att i motsats till tidi- Och även om CNN här tillåter sig gare krig då man förstörde hela städer en mild ironi återger man givetvis här har man nu precisionsvapen. Han låter som i andra medier över hela världen också påskina att de civila inte har fått tacksamt de effektfulla bilderna. utstå särskilt mycket: I själva talet omskrivs det pågående ”Med ny taktik och precisionsvapen kriget som: kan vi uppnå militära mål utan att ut- • The battle of Iraq öva våld mot civilbefolkningen. Inget •Major combat operations mänskligt påfund kan ta bort tragiken från kriget, men ändå är det ett stort •A noble cause moraliskt framsteg när de skyldiga har Kriget vänds till en ädel handling, med mycket mera att frukta av kriget än de syfte att bevara världsfreden: ”In this oskyldiga.” battle, we have fought for the cause of Återigen påpekas att USA kom som liberty, and for the peace of the world.” en hjälpande ängel, visserligen hämnd- Ordet ”seger” förekommer först i slutet ängel, men med rättvisa och välvilja av talet där Bush låter påskina att slaget i bagaget. Och han framhäver gång på om Irak är vunnet, men endast som ett gång irakiernas glädje över ”befrielsen”: slag i det pågående kriget mot terroris- ”When Iraqi civilians looked into the men: ”Slaget om Irak är en seger i faces of our servicemen and women, kriget mot terrorn som startade den they saw strength and kindness and 11 september, 2001 – och som ännu goodwill.”

62 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Epilog

När detta skrivs, ett år efter ”segertalet”, takel. Bilder dominerar alltid över ord har terrorismen och kriget mot terroris- och kritiska analyser står sig slätt i jäm- men utvecklats till vad som skulle kunna förelse med patosfyllda berättelser, ett kallas ett krig mot en osynlig fiende. faktum som även styr mycket av det De globala krigshoten har ökat och journalistiska arbetet. Nyhetsrapporte- propagandaansträngningarna intensifie- ringen prioriterar dramatiseringar och rats. Motvilliga medgivanden om att visuella förenklingar framför kritiskt den irakiska hotbilden var överdriven, ifrågasättande.83 Propagandan räknar att massförstörelsevapen inte längre också lugnt med att de som är satta att fanns, insikten att kvinnorna knappast kritiskt granska den inte hinner med har fått bättre villkor någonstans, att alla turer. Journalister måste koncentrera demokratiseringsprocessen knappt ens sig på dagsfärska händelser och har eller har inletts, samt det faktum att våldet ger sig sällan tid att reflektera över det eskalerar efter avslöjandena om ameri- som sägs. När George W. Bush den kansk tortyr hindrar inte propaganda- 5 april 2004 kommenterar de våldsam- strategerna från att hävda att aktio- ma protesterna mot den amerikanska nerna var befogade och framgångsrika. ockupationen med att det här görs för- Propagandister räknar med att männi- sök att styra demokratiprocessen med skor har kort minne, att de inte kom- hjälp av våld, för att sedan slå fast: mer ihåg lögnaktiga propagandistiska ”And that is the opposite of democracy”, iscensättningar som fallet med ”fritag- så visas detta citat visserligen i tv-nyhe- ningen” av Jessica Lynch, för att bara ta terna, men ingen journalist kommente- ett exempel.82 Och om man händelsevis rar paradoxen. skulle komma ihåg det, så är det som Propagandan bygger inte minst på en hjärtknipande historia om en kvinn- att om man bara upprepar ett illa lig hjälte, inte som ett propagandaspek- underbyggt påstående tillräckligt

82. Se t.ex. Nordström (2003) 83. Jämför Johannesson (1992) ang. medierapporteringen från ”Gulfkriget”

epilog | 63 många gånger så accepteras det till slut krissituation med många komplicerade som sanning, i varje fall så länge det faktorer så tas enkla lösningar tacksamt behövs för aktionernas genomförande. emot. Ett krig, och i synnerhet ett Man kan fundera på varför traditio- ”kliniskt” sådant, som förkläs till jakt, nell krigspropaganda i dagens kritiska spel eller arbete blir genom detta massmediesamhälle, med välutbildade jonglerande med ord och metaforer medborgare som mottagare, fortfarande acceptabelt. En fiende som är ond är fungerar. Vi nickar instämmande till ett legitimt mål. Ett krig som omtolkas vaga, otydliga och tvivelaktiga påståen- till humanitär insats är inte längre ett den som har använts i alla århundraden krig. I dagens demokratiska samhälle för att motivera krig: att det är bättre bör vi emellertid ha kommit längre än att förekomma än att förekommas; att att nöja oss med enkla, svartvita lös- fienden är ond, grym och omänsklig ningar, även i akuta krissituationer. och därför bör elimineras; att trupperna Skepsis, tvivel och ifrågasättanden när redan är på plats och därför bör använ- det gäller krigsstrategernas verklighets- das; att ett bättre samhällsskick kan beskrivningar bör inte bara vara tillåtna åstadkommas med hjälp av våld. Svaret utan uppmuntras, premieras och priori- på denna intellektuella gåta är förmod- teras för att motverka propagandans ligen enkelt: när det uppstår en hotfull övermakt.

64 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Referenser

Collins, John & Glover, Ross (red.) Johannesson, Kurt (1992), ”Kriget (2002), Collateral Language. som en saga”, i: Roland Nordlund A Users Guide to America’s New War, (red.) Svenskarna, medierna och New York University Press gulfkriget, Stockholm: Styrelsen för Cunningham, Stanley B. (2002), psykologiskt försvar The Idea of Propaganda, Connecticut, Jowett, Garth S. & O’Donnell, Victoria London: Praeger Publishers (1992), Propaganda and Persuasion, Dubose, Lou, Reid, Jan & Cannon, London: Sage (2nd ed.) Carl M. (2003), Karl Rove, the Karlberg, Maria & Mral, Brigitte Brains Behind the Remarkable (1998), Heder och påverkan. Att Political Triumph of George W. Bush, analysera modern retorik, Stockholm: New York: PublicAffairs Natur & Kultur Edelman, Murray (1971), Politics as Lasswell, Harold D. (1927), Symbolic Action. Mass Arousal and Propaganda Technique in the World Quiescence, Chicago: Markham War, New York: Alfred A. Knopf Egan, Danielle R. (2002), ”Anthrax”, Lejon, Kjell O.U. (1994), ”God bless i: Collins & Glover (2002) America!” president George Bushs Frum, David (2003), The Right Man. religio-politiska budskap. Lund: The Surprise Presidency of George W. University Press Bush. An Inside Account, New York: Moore, James & Slater, Wayne (2003), Random House Bush’s Brain. How Karl Rove Made Glover, Ross (2002), ”The War on –” George W. Bush Presidential, New i: Collins & Glover (2002) Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hart, Roderick P. (1997), Modern Meyer, Michel (1994), Rhetoric, Rhetorical Criticism, Boston & Language, and Reason, Pennsylvania London: Allyn and Bacon (2nd ed.) State University Press Hellspong, Lennart (1992), Konsten Nadelhaft, Matthew (1993), ”Sports att tala. Handbok i praktisk retorik, and the Persian Gulf War”, i: Lund: Studentlitteratur

referenser | 65 Journal of American Culture, 1993, 16, Rediehs, Laura J. (2002), ”Evil”, i: 4, s. 25–33 Collins & Glover (2002) Naess, Arne (1992), Empirisk semantik, Sigrell, Anders (2001), Att övertyga Solna: Almqvist & Wiksell mellan raderna. En retorisk studie om Nordström, Gerd Z (2003), Bagdad- underförståddheter i modern politisk Bob, menige Jessica Lynch och Cirkus argumentation, Åstorp: Rhetor förlag Saddam. Irakkriget iscensatt i svenska Weaver, Richard M. (1985), The ethics medier, Stockholm: Krisberedskaps- of rhetoric, Davis, Ca: Hermagoras myndigheten (KBM) Press (2nd ed.) Ong, Walter J, (1989), Fighting for Woodward, Bob (2002), Bush at War, Life. Contest, Sexuality, and New York: Simon & Schuster Consciousness, Amherst: University Zarefsky, David (2004), ”George W. of Massachusetts Press Bush Discovers Rhetoric: September Rampton, Sheldon & Stauber, John 20, 2001 and the U.S. Response (2003), Weapons of Mass Deception. to Terrorism”, i: Hyde, Michael J. The Uses of Propaganda in Bush’s (red.), The Ethos of Rhetoric, War on Iraq, New York: Jeremy P. Columbia, S.C.: Univ. Of South Tarcher/Penguin Carolina Press

66 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Bilagor

For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary September 11, 2001 bilaga 1. president george w. bushs taltill nationen den 11 september 2001

Statement by the President in His Address to the Nation

8:30 P.M. EDT touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. THE PRESIDENT : Good evening. Today, our fellow America was targeted for attack because we're citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly in the world. And no one will keep that light terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes, or from shining. in their offices; secretaries, businessmen and Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of women, military and federal workers; moms and human nature. And we responded with the best dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives of America – with the daring of our rescue workers, were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of with the caring for strangers and neighbors who terror. came to give blood and help in any way they The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, could. fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have Immediately following the first attack, I imple- filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a mented our government's emergency response quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass plans. Our military is powerful, and it's prepared. murder were intended to frighten our nation Our emergency teams are working in New York into chaos and retreat. But they have failed; our City and Washington, D.C. to help with local country is strong. rescue efforts. A great people has been moved to defend a Our first priority is to get help to those who great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foun- have been injured, and to take every precaution dations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot

bilagor | 67 to protect our citizens at home and around the against terrorism. Tonight, I ask for your prayers world from further attacks. for all those who grieve, for the children whose The functions of our government continue worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense without interruption. Federal agencies in of safety and security has been threatened. And Washington which had to be evacuated today are I pray they will be comforted by a power greater reopening for essential personnel tonight, and than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm will be open for business tomorrow. Our financial 23: “Even though I walk through the valley of institutions remain strong, and the American the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are economy will be open for business, as well. with me.” The search is underway for those who are This is a day when all Americans from every behind these evil acts. I've directed the full re- walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and sources of our intelligence and law enforcement peace. America has stood down enemies before, communities to find those responsible and to and we will do so this time. None of us will ever bring them to justice. We will make no distinc- forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend free- tion between the terrorists who committed these dom and all that is good and just in our world. acts and those who harbor them. Thank you. Good night, and God bless I appreciate so very much the members America. of Congress who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks. And on behalf of the END 8:35 P.M. EDT American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and ------assistance. Return to this article at: America and our friends and allies join with http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001 all those who want peace and security in the /09/20010911-16.html world, and we stand together to win the war

68 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary September 14, 2001 bilaga 2. katedral-talet

President's Remarks at National Day of Prayer and Remembrance

The National Cathedral, But our responsibility to history is already clear: Washington, D.C. to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil. War has been waged against us by stealth 1:00 P.M. EDT and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful, but fierce when stirred to anger. This conflict THE PRESIDENT: We are here in the middle hour was begun on the timing and terms of others. of our grief. So many have suffered so great a It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our loss, and today we express our nation’s sorrow. choosing. We come before God to pray for the missing and Our purpose as a nation is firm. Yet our the dead, and for those who love them. wounds as a people are recent and unhealed, and On Tuesday, our country was attacked with lead us to pray. In many of our prayers this deliberate and massive cruelty. We have seen the week, there is a searching, and an honesty. At images of fire and ashes, and bent steel. St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York on Tuesday, Now come the names, the list of casualties a woman said, “I prayed to God to give us a sign we are only beginning to read. They are the that He is still here.” Others have prayed for the names of men and women who began their day same, searching hospital to hospital, carrying at a desk or in an airport, busy with life. They pictures of those still missing. are the names of people who faced death, and in God’s signs are not always the ones we look their last moments called home to say, be brave, for. We learn in tragedy that his purposes are and I love you. not always our own. Yet the prayers of private They are the names of passengers who defied suffering, whether in our homes or in this great their murderers, and prevented the murder of cathedral, are known and heard, and understood. others on the ground. They are the names of There are prayers that help us last through men and women who wore the uniform of the the day, or endure the night. There are prayers of United States, and died at their posts. friends and strangers, that give us strength for the They are the names of rescuers, the ones whom journey. And there are prayers that yield our will death found running up the stairs and into the to a will greater than our own. fires to help others. We will read all these names. This world He created is of moral design. We will linger over them, and learn their stories, Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. and many Americans will weep. Goodness, remembrance, and love have no end. To the children and parents and spouses and And the Lord of life holds all who die, and all families and friends of the lost, we offer the deepest who mourn. sympathy of the nation. And I assure you, you It is said that adversity introduces us to our- are not alone. selves. This is true of a nation as well. In this trial, Just three days removed from these events, we have been reminded, and the world has seen, Americans do not yet have the distance of history. that our fellow Americans are generous and kind,

bilagor | 69 resourceful and brave. We see our national charac- America is a nation full of good fortune, with ter in rescuers working past exhaustion; in long so much to be grateful for. But we are not spared lines of blood donors; in thousands of citizens who from suffering. In every generation, the world has have asked to work and serve in any way possible. produced enemies of human freedom. They have And we have seen our national character in attacked America, because we are freedom’s home eloquent acts of sacrifice. Inside the World Trade and defender. And the commitment of our fathers Center, one man who could have saved himself is now the calling of our time. stayed until the end at the side of his quadriplegic On this national day of prayer and remem- friend. A beloved priest died giving the last rites brance, we ask almighty God to watch over our to a firefighter. Two office workers, finding a nation, and grant us patience and resolve in all disabled stranger, carried her down sixty-eight that is to come. We pray that He will comfort floors to safety. A group of men drove through and console those who now walk in sorrow. We the night from Dallas to Washington to bring thank Him for each life we now must mourn, skin grafts for burn victims. and the promise of a life to come. In these acts, and in many others, Americans As we have been assured, neither death nor showed a deep commitment to one another, and life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor an abiding love for our country. Today, we feel things present nor things to come, nor height nor what Franklin Roosevelt called the warm courage depth, can separate us from God’s love. May He of national unity. This is a unity of every faith, bless the souls of the departed. May He comfort and every background. our own. And may He always guide our country. It has joined together political parties in both God bless America. houses of Congress. It is evident in services of prayer and candlelight vigils, and American flags, END 1:07 P.M. EDT which are displayed in pride, and wave in defiance. Our unity is a kinship of grief, and a steadfast ------resolve to prevail against our enemies. And this Return to this article at: unity against terror is now extending across the http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001 world. /09/20010914-2.html

70 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary September 16, 2001 bilaga 3

Remarks by the President Upon Arrival

The South Lawn when you get back to work, work hard like you always have. But we’ve been warned. We’ve been 3:23 P.M. EDT warned there are evil people in this world. We’ve been warned so vividly – and we’ll be alert. Your THE PRESIDENT: Today, millions of Americans government is alert. The governors and mayors mourned and prayed, and tomorrow we go back are alert that evil folks still lurk out there. to work. Today, people from all walks of life As I said yesterday, people have declared gave thanks for the heroes; they mourn the dead; war on America, and they have made a terrible they ask for God’s good graces on the families mistake, because this is a fabulous country. Our who mourn, and tomorrow the good people of economy will come back. We’ll still be the best America go back to their shops, their fields, farmers and ranchers in the world. We’re still American factories, and go back to work. the most innovative entrepreneurs in the world. Our nation was horrified, but it’s not going On this day of faith, I’ve never had more faith in to be terrorized. We’re a great nation. We’re a America than I have right now. Q: nation of resolve. We’re a nation that can’t be Mr. President, are you worried this crisis cowed by evil-doers. I’ve got great faith in the might send us into a recession? THE PRESIDENT American people. If the American people had : David, I understand that seen what I had seen in New York City, you’d there are some businesses that hurt as a result of have great faith, too. You’d have faith in the this crisis. Obviously, New York City hurts. hard work of the rescuers; you’d have great faith Congress acted quickly. We worked together, because of the desire for people to do what’s right the White House and the Congress, to pass a for America; you’d have great faith because of the significant supplemental. A lot of that money compassion and love that our fellow Americans was dedicated to New York, New Jersey and are showing each other in times of need. Connecticut, as it should be. People will be I also have faith in our military. And we amazed at how quickly we rebuild New York; have got a job to do – just like the farmers and how quickly people come together to really wipe ranchers and business owners and factory workers away the rubble and show the world that we’re have a job to do. My administration has a job still the strongest nation in the world. to do, and we’re going to do it. We will rid the But I have great faith in the resiliency of the world of the evil-doers. We will call together economy. And no question about it, this incident freedom loving people to fight terrorism. affected our economy, but the markets open And on on this day of – on the Lord’s Day, tomorrow, people go back to work and we’ll I say to my fellow Americans, thank you for your show the world. Q: prayers, thank you for your compassion, thank Mr. President, do you believe Osama bin you for your love for one another. And tomorrow Laden’s denial that he had anything to do with this?

bilagor | 71 THE PRESIDENT: No question he is the prime on alert in America. We’re a nation of law, a suspect. No question about that. nation of civil rights. We’re also a nation under Q: Mr. President, can you describe your attack. And the Attorney General will address conversation with the President of Pakistan and that in a way that I think the American people the specific comments he made to you? And, in will understand. addition to that, do you see other – you’ve asked We need to go back to work tomorrow and Saudi Arabia to help out, other countries? we will. But we need to be alert to the fact that THE PRESIDENT: John, I will – obviously, these evil-doers still exist. We haven’t seen this I made a call to the leader of Pakistan.We had kind of barbarism in a long period of time. No a very good, open conversation. And there is no one could have conceivably imagined suicide question that he wants to cooperate with the bombers burrowing into our society and then United States. I’m not at liberty to detail specifi- emerging all in the same day to fly their aircraft cally what we have asked him to do. In the course – fly U.S. aircraft into buildings full of innocent of this conduct of this war against terrorism, I’ll people – and show no remorse. This is a new be asked a lot, and members of my administra- kind of – a new kind of evil. And we understand. tion will be asked a lot of questions about our And the American people are beginning to strategies and tactics. And in order to protect the understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism is lives of people that will be involved in different going to take a while. And the American people operations, I’m not at liberty to talk about it and must be patient. I’m going to be patient. I won’t talk about it. But I can assure the American people I am But I can tell you that the response from determined, I’m not going to be distracted, I will Pakistan; Prime Minister Vajpayee today, of , keep my focus to make sure that not only are Saudi Arabia, has been very positive and very these brought to justice, but anybody who’s been straightforward. They know what my intentions associated will be brought to justice. Those who are. They know my intentions are to find those harbor terrorists will be brought to justice. It is who did this, find those who encouraged them, time for us to win the first war of the 21st century find them who house them, find those who com- decisively, so that our children and our grand- fort them, and bring them to justice. children can live peacefully into the 21st century. I made that very clear. There is no doubt in Q: Mr. President, you’ve declared we’re at war anybody’s mind with whom I’ve had a conversa- and asked those who wear the uniform to get tion about the intent of the United States. I gave ready. Should the American public also be ready them ample opportunity to say they were uncom- for the possibility of casualties in this war? fortable with our goal. And the leaders you’ve THE PRESIDENT: Patsy, the American people asked about have said they were comfortable. should know that my administration is determined They said, we understand, Mr. President, and to find, to get them running and to hunt them we’re with you. down, those who did this to America. Now, I Q: Mr. President, the Attorney General is going want to remind the American people that the to ask for enhanced law enforcement authority prime suspect’s organization is in a lot of countries to surveil and – things to disrupt terrorism that – it’s a widespread organization based upon one might be planned here in the United States. thing: terrorizing. They can’t stand freedom; they What will that mean for the rights of Americans? hate what America stands for. So this will What will that mean – be a long campaign, a determined campaign – THE PRESIDENT: Terry, I ask you to talk to a campaign that will use the resources of the the Attorney General about that subject. He’ll be United States to win. prepared to talk about it publicly at some point They have roused a mighty giant. And make in time. But what he is doing is, he’s reflecting no mistake about it: we’re determined. Oh, there what I said earlier in my statement, that we’re will be times when people don’t have this incident facing a new kind of enemy, somebody so barbaric on their minds, I understand that. There will that they would fly airplanes into buildings full be times down the road where citizens will be of innocent people. And, therefore, we have to be concerned about other matters, and I completely

72 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” understand that. But this administration, along shoot down any civilian airliner that approached with those friends of ours who are willing to the Capitol? Was that a difficult decision to make? stand with us all the way through will do what it THE PRESIDENT: I gave our military the takes to rout terrorism out of the world. orders necessary to protect Americans, do what- Q: Mr. President, in your conversation with ever it would take to protect Americans. And Pakistan’s leader, was there any request or demand of course that’s difficult. Never did anybody’s you made of him that he failed to satisfy? thought process about how to protect America THE PRESIDENT: The leader of Pakistan has did we ever think that the evil-doers would fly been very cooperative. He has agreed with our not one, but four commercial aircraft into pre- requests to aid our nation to hunt down, to find, cious U.S. targets – never. And so, obviously, to smoke out of their holes the terrorist organiza- when I was told what was taking place, when tion that is the prime suspect. And I am pleased I was informed that an unidentified aircraft was with his response. We will continue to work with headed to the heart of the capital, I was concerned. Pakistan and India. We will work with Russia. I wasn’t concerned about my decision; I was We will work with the nations that one would more concerned about the lives of innocent have thought a couple of years ago would have Americans. I had realized there on the ground in been impossible to work with – to bring people Florida we were under attack. But never did I to justice. But more than that, to win the war dream we would have been under attack this way. against terrorist activity. That’s why I say to the American people The American people are used to a conflict we’ve never seen this kind of evil before. But the where there was a beachhead or a desert to cross evil-doers have never seen the American people or known military targets. That may occur. But in action before, either – and they’re about to right now we’re facing people who hit and run. find out. They hide in caves. We’ll get them out. Thank you all very much. The other day I said, not only will we find those who have affected America, or who might END 3:36 P.M. EDT affect America in the future, we’ll also deal with those who harbor them. ------Q: Mr. President, would you confirm what Return to this article at: the Vice President said this morning, that at one http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/ point during this crisis you gave an order to 2001/09/20010916-2.html

bilagor | 73 For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary September 20, 2001 bilaga 4. ”freedom and fear are at war”

Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People

United States Capitol, I thank the Congress for its leadership at such Washington, D.C. an important time. All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans 9:00 P.M. EDT and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol, singing “God Bless America.” And you did more than sing; you acted, by delivering THE PRESIDENT : Mr. Speaker, Mr. President $40 billion to rebuild our communities and meet Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fellow the needs of our military. Americans: Speaker Hastert, Minority Leader Gephardt, In the normal course of events, Presidents Majority Leader Daschle and Senator Lott, come to this chamber to report on the state of I thank you for your friendship, for your leader- the Union. Tonight, no such report is needed. ship and for your service to our country. It has already been delivered by the American (Applause.) people. And on behalf of the American people, We have seen it in the courage of passengers, I thank the world for its outpouring of support. who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground America will never forget the sounds of our – passengers like an exceptional man named National Anthem playing at Buckingham Palace, Todd Beamer. And would you please help me on the streets of Paris, and at Berlin’s Branden- to welcome his wife, Lisa Beamer, here tonight. burg Gate. (Applause.) We will not forget South Korean children We have seen the state of our Union in the gathering to pray outside our embassy in Seoul, endurance of rescuers, working past exhaustion. or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque We have seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting in Cairo. We will not forget moments of silence of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of and days of mourning in Australia and Africa and prayers – in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. We Latin America. have seen the decency of a loving and giving Nor will we forget the citizens of 80 other people who have made the grief of strangers their nations who died with our own: dozens of own. Pakistanis; more than 130 Israelis; more than My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the 250 citizens of India; men and women from El entire world has seen for itself the state of our Salvador, Iran, Mexico and Japan; and hundreds Union – and it is strong. (Applause.) of British citizens. America has no truer friend Tonight we are a country awakened to danger than Great Britain. (Applause.) Once again, we and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned are joined together in a great cause – so honored to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we the British Prime Minister has crossed an ocean bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to to show his unity of purpose with America. our enemies, justice will be done. (Applause.) Thank you for coming, friend. (Applause.)

74 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” On September the 11th, enemies of freedom Afghanistan’s people have been brutalized – committed an act of war against our country. many are starving and many have fled. Women Americans have known wars – but for the past are not allowed to attend school. You can be 136 years, they have been wars on foreign soil, jailed for owning a television. Religion can be except for one Sunday in 1941. Americans have practiced only as their leaders dictate. A man can known the casualties of war – but not at the be jailed in Afghanistan if his beard is not long center of a great city on a peaceful morning. enough. Americans have known surprise attacks – but The United States respects the people of never before on thousands of civilians. All of this Afghanistan – after all, we are currently its largest was brought upon us in a single day – and night source of humanitarian aid – but we condemn fell on a different world, a world where freedom the Taliban regime. (Applause.) It is not only itself is under attack. repressing its own people, it is threatening people Americans have many questions tonight. everywhere by sponsoring and sheltering and Americans are asking: Who attacked our country? supplying terrorists. By aiding and abetting The evidence we have gathered all points to a murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder. collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organiza- And tonight, the United States of America tions known as al Qaeda. They are the same makes the following demands on the Taliban: murderers indicted for bombing American Deliver to United States authorities all the leaders embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and responsible of al Qaeda who hide in your land. (Applause.) for bombing the USS Cole. Release all foreign nationals, including American Al Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to citizens, you have unjustly imprisoned. Protect crime. But its goal is not making money; its goal foreign journalists, diplomats and aid workers in is remaking the world – and imposing its radical your country. Close immediately and permanently beliefs on people everywhere. every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, and The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic hand over every terrorist, and every person in extremism that has been rejected by Muslim their support structure, to appropriate authorities. scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics (Applause.) Give the United States full access to – a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful terrorist training camps, so we can make sure teachings of Islam. The terrorists’ directive they are no longer operating. commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to These demands are not open to negotiation kill all Americans, and make no distinction or discussion. (Applause.) The Taliban must act, among military and civilians, including women and act immediately. They will hand over the and children. terrorists, or they will share in their fate. This group and its leader – a person named I also want to speak tonight directly to Osama bin Laden – are linked to many other Muslims throughout the world. We respect your organizations in different countries, including the faith. It’s practiced freely by many millions of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Movement Americans, and by millions more in countries of Uzbekistan. There are thousands of these that America counts as friends. Its teachings are terrorists in more than 60 countries. They are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in recruited from their own nations and neighborhoods the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. and brought to camps in places like Afghanistan, (Applause.) The terrorists are traitors to their where they are trained in the tactics of terror. own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. They are sent back to their homes or sent to hide The enemy of America is not our many Muslim in countries around the world to plot evil and friends; it is not our many Arab friends. Our destruction. enemy is a radical network of terrorists, and every The leadership of al Qaeda has great influence government that supports them. (Applause.) in Afghanistan and supports the Taliban regime Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but in controlling most of that country. In Afghanistan, it does not end there. It will not end until every we see al Qaeda’s vision for the world. terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. (Applause.)

bilagor | 75 Americans are asking, why do they hate us? nations that provide aid or safe haven to terro- They hate what we see right here in this chamber rism. Every nation, in every region, now has a – a democratically elected government. Their decision to make. Either you are with us, or you leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms are with the terrorists. (Applause.) From this day – our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, forward, any nation that continues to harbor or our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree support terrorism will be regarded by the United with each other. States as a hostile regime. They want to overthrow existing governments Our nation has been put on notice: We are in many Muslim countries, such as Egypt, Saudi not immune from attack. We will take defensive Arabia, and Jordan. They want to drive Israel out measures against terrorism to protect Americans. of the Middle East. They want to drive Christians Today, dozens of federal departments and agencies, and Jews out of vast regions of Asia and Africa. as well as state and local governments, have These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, responsibilities affecting . These but to disrupt and end a way of life. With every efforts must be coordinated at the highest level. atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful, So tonight I announce the creation of a Cabinet- retreating from the world and forsaking our level position reporting directly to me – the friends. They stand against us, because we stand Office of Homeland Security. in their way. And tonight I also announce a distinguished We are not deceived by their pretenses to American to lead this effort, to strengthen piety. We have seen their kind before. They are American security: a military veteran, an effective the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of the governor, a true patriot, a trusted friend – Penn- 20th century. By sacrificing human life to serve sylvania’s Tom Ridge. (Applause.) He will lead, their radical visions – by abandoning every value oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national except the will to power – they follow in the path strategy to safeguard our country against terro- of fascism, and Nazism, and totalitarianism. And rism, and respond to any attacks that may come. they will follow that path all the way, to where it These measures are essential. But the only ends: in history’s unmarked grave of discarded way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of lies. (Applause.) life is to stop it, eliminate it, and destroy it where Americans are asking: How will we fight and it grows. (Applause.) win this war? We will direct every resource at our Many will be involved in this effort, from command – every means of diplomacy, every tool FBI agents to intelligence operatives to the of intelligence, every instrument of law reservists we have called to active duty. All deserve enforcement, every financial influence, and every our thanks, and all have our prayers. And tonight, necessary weapon of war – to the disruption and a few miles from the damaged Pentagon, I have a to the defeat of the global terror network. message for our military: Be ready. I’ve called the This war will not be like the war against Iraq Armed Forces to alert, and there is a reason. The a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory hour is coming when America will act, and you and a swift conclusion. It will not look like the will make us proud. (Applause.) air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no This is not, however, just America’s fight. ground troops were used and not a single American And what is at stake is not just America’s freedom. was lost in combat. This is the world’s fight. This is civilization’s Our response involves far more than instant fight. This is the fight of all who believe in retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom. not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, We ask every nation to join us. We will ask, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may and we will need, the help of police forces, include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert intelligence services, and banking systems around operations, secret even in success. We will starve the world. The United States is grateful that terrorists of funding, turn them one against many nations and many international organiza- another, drive them from place to place, until tions have already responded – with sympathy there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue and with support. Nations from Latin America,

76 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” to Asia, to Africa, to Europe, to the Islamic Tonight I thank my fellow Americans for what world. Perhaps the NATO Charter reflects best you have already done and for what you will do. the attitude of the world: An attack on one is an And ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, I thank attack on all. you, their representatives, for what you have The civilized world is rallying to America’s already done and for what we will do together. side. They understand that if this terror goes Tonight, we face new and sudden national unpunished, their own cities, their own citizens challenges. We will come together to improve may be next. Terror, unanswered, can not only air safety, to dramatically expand the number of bring down buildings, it can threaten the stability air marshals on domestic flights, and take new of legitimate governments. And you know what measures to prevent hijacking. We will come – we’re not going to allow it. (Applause.) together to promote stability and keep our air- Americans are asking: What is expected of us? lines flying, with direct assistance during this I ask you to live your lives, and hug your children. emergency. (Applause.) I know many citizens have fears tonight, and I We will come together to give law enforce- ask you to be calm and resolute, even in the face ment the additional tools it needs to track down of a continuing threat. terror here at home. (Applause.) We will come I ask you to uphold the values of America, together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities and remember why so many have come here. We to know the plans of terrorists before they act, are in a fight for our principles, and our first re- and find them before they strike. (Applause.) sponsibility is to live by them. No one should be We will come together to take active steps singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words that strengthen America’s economy, and put our because of their ethnic background or people back to work. religious faith. (Applause.) Tonight we welcome two leaders who embody I ask you to continue to support the victims the extraordinary spirit of all New Yorkers: of this tragedy with your contributions. Those Governor George Pataki, and Mayor Rudolph who want to give can go to a central source of Giuliani. (Applause.) As a symbol of America’s information, libertyunites.org, to find the names resolve, my administration will work with Con- of groups providing direct help in New York, gress, and these two leaders, to show the world Pennsylvania, and Virginia. that we will rebuild New York City. (Applause.) The thousands of FBI agents who are now After all that has just passed – all the lives at work in this investigation may need your taken, and all the possibilities and hopes that cooperation, and I ask you to give it. died with them – it is natural to wonder if Ame- I ask for your patience, with the delays and rica’s future is one of fear. Some speak of an age inconveniences that may accompany tighter of terror. I know there are struggles ahead, and security; and for your patience in what will be a dangers to face. But this country will define our long struggle. times, not be defined by them. As long as the I ask your continued participation and con- United States of America is determined and fidence in the American economy. Terrorists strong, this will not be an age of terror; this will attacked a symbol of American prosperity. They be an age of liberty, here and across the world. did not touch its source. America is successful (Applause.) because of the hard work, and creativity, and Great harm has been done to us. We have enterprise of our people. These were the true suffered great loss. And in our grief and anger we strengths of our economy before September 11th, have found our mission and our moment. Free- and they are our strengths today. (Applause.) dom and fear are at war. The advance of human And, finally, please continue praying for the freedom – the great achievement of our time, victims of terror and their families, for those in and the great hope of every time – now depends uniform, and for our great country. Prayer has on us. Our nation – this generation – will lift a comforted us in sorrow, and will help strengthen dark threat of violence from our people and our us for the journey ahead. future. We will rally the world to this cause by

bilagor | 77 our efforts, by our courage. We will not tire, we I will not forget this wound to our country will not falter, and we will not fail. (Applause.) or those who inflicted it. I will not yield; I will It is my hope that in the months and years not rest; I will not relent in waging this struggle ahead, life will return almost to normal. We’ll go for freedom and security for the American people. back to our lives and routines, and that is good. The course of this conflict is not known, yet Even grief recedes with time and grace. But our its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice resolve must not pass. Each of us will remember and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know what happened that day, and to whom it happened. that God is not neutral between them. (Applause.) We’ll remember the moment the news came – Fellow citizens, we’ll meet violence with pati- where we were and what we were doing. Some ent justice – assured of the rightness of our cause, will remember an image of a fire, or a story of and confident of the victories to come. In all that rescue. Some will carry memories of a face and a lies before us, may God grant us wisdom, and voice gone forever. may He watch over the United States of America. And I will carry this: It is the police shield of Thank you. (Applause.) a man named George Howard, who died at the World Trade Center trying to save others. It was END 9:41 P.M. EDT given to me by his mom, Arlene, as a proud memorial to her son. This is my reminder of ------lives that ended, and a task that does not end. Return to this article at: (Applause.) http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001 /09/20010920-8.html

78 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary October 7, 2001 bilaga 5. krigstal afghanistan

Presidential Address to the Nation

The Treaty Room way for sustained, comprehensive and relentless operations to drive them out and bring them to 1:00 P.M. EDT justice. At the same time, the oppressed people of THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. On my orders, Afghanistan will know the generosity of America the United States military has begun strikes and our allies. As we strike military targets, we’ll against al Qaeda terrorist training camps and also drop food, medicine and supplies to the star- military installations of the Taliban regime in ving and suffering men and women and children Afghanistan. These carefully targeted actions are of Afghanistan. designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a The United States of America is a friend to terrorist base of operations, and to attack the the Afghan people, and we are the friends of military capability of the Taliban regime. almost a billion worldwide who practice the We are joined in this operation by our Islamic faith. The United States of America is an staunch friend, Great Britain. Other close friends, enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the including Canada, Australia, Germany and France, barbaric criminals who profane a great religion have pledged forces as the operation unfolds. by committing murder in its name. More than 40 countries in the Middle East, This military action is a part of our campaign Africa, Europe and across Asia have granted air against terrorism, another front in a war that has transit or landing rights. Many more have shared already been joined through diplomacy, intelli- intelligence. We are supported by the collective gence, the freezing of financial assets and the will of the world. arrests of known terrorists by law enforcement More than two weeks ago, I gave Taliban agents in 38 countries. Given the nature and leaders a series of clear and specific demands: reach of our enemies, we will win this conflict by Close terrorist training camps; hand over leaders the patient accumulation of successes, by meeting of the al Qaeda network; and return all foreign a series of challenges with determination and will nationals, including American citizens, unjustly and purpose. detained in your country. None of these demands Today we focus on Afghanistan, but the batt- were met. And now the Taliban will pay a price. le is broader. Every nation has a choice to make. By destroying camps and disrupting communica- In this conflict, there is no neutral ground. If tions, we will make it more difficult for the terror any government sponsors the outlaws and killers network to train new recruits and coordinate of innocents, they have become outlaws and their evil plans. murderers, themselves. And they will take that Initially, the terrorists may burrow deeper lonely path at their own peril. into caves and other entrenched hiding places. I’m speaking to you today from the Treaty Our military action is also designed to clear the Room of the White House, a place where American Presidents have worked for peace. We’re a peace-

bilagor | 79 ful nation. Yet, as we have learned, so suddenly prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice of their and so tragically, there can be no peace in a lives. They are dedicated, they are honorable; world of sudden terror. In the face of today’s new they represent the best of our country. And we threat, the only way to pursue peace is to pursue are grateful. those who threaten it. To all the men and women in our military We did not ask for this mission, but we will – every sailor, every soldier, every airman, every fulfill it. The name of today’s military operation coastguardsman, every Marine – I say this: Your is Enduring Freedom. We defend not only our mission is defined; your objectives are clear; your precious freedoms, but also the freedom of people goal is just. You have my full confidence, and everywhere to live and raise their children free you will have every tool you need to carry out from fear. your duty. I know many Americans feel fear today. And I recently received a touching letter that says our government is taking strong precautions. a lot about the state of America in these difficult All law enforcement and intelligence agencies are times – a letter from a 4th-grade girl, with a working aggressively around America, around father in the military: “As much as I don’t want the world and around the clock. At my request, my Dad to fight,” she wrote, “I’m willing to give many governors have activated the National him to you.” Guard to strengthen airport security. We have This is a precious gift, the greatest she could called up Reserves to reinforce our military give. This young girl knows what America is all capability and strengthen the protection of our about. Since September 11, an entire generation homeland. of young Americans has gained new understanding In the months ahead, our patience will be of the value of freedom, and its cost in duty and one of our strengths – patience with the long in sacrifice. waits that will result from tighter security; The battle is now joined on many fronts. patience and understanding that it will take time We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not to achieve our goals; patience in all the sacrifices falter; and we will not fail. Peace and freedom that may come. will prevail. Today, those sacrifices are being made by Thank you. May God continue to bless members of our Armed Forces who now defend America. us so far from home, and by their proud and worried families. A Commander-in-Chief sends END 1:07 P.M. EDT America’s sons and daughters into a battle in a ------foreign land only after the greatest care and a lot Return to this article at: of prayer. We ask a lot of those who wear our http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/ uniform. We ask them to leave their loved ones, 10/20011007-8.html to travel great distances, to risk injury, even to be

80 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary November 17, 2001 bilaga 6

Radio Address by Laura Bush to the Nation

Crawford, Texas the Taliban have imposed on women in Afghanistan do not conform with the treatment of women in 1:00 P.M. EDT most of the Islamic world, where women make important contributions in their societies. Only the terrorists and the Taliban forbid education LAURA BUSH: Good morning. I’m Laura Bush, to women. Only the terrorists and the Taliban and I’m delivering this week’s radio address to threaten to pull out women’s fingernails for kick off a world-wide effort to focus on the wearing nail polish. The plight of women and brutality against women and children by the children in Afghanistan is a matter of deliberate al-Qaida terrorist network and the regime it human cruelty, carried out by those who seek to supports in Afghanistan, the Tablian. That regime intimidate and control. is now in retreat across much of the country, and Civilized people throughout the world are the people of Afghanistan – especially women speaking out in horror – not only because our – are rejoicing. Afghan women know, through hearts break for the women and children in hard experience, what the rest of the world is Afghanistan, but also because in Afghanistan, we discovering: The brutal oppression of women is see the world the terrorists would like to impose a central goal of the terrorists. Long before the on the rest of us. current war began, the Taliban and its terrorist All of us have an obligation to speak out. allies were making the lives of children and We may come from different backgrounds and women in Afghanistan miserable. Seventy percent faiths – but parents the world over love our of the Afghan people are malnourished. One in children. We respect our mothers, our sisters and every four children won’t live past the age of five daughters. Fighting brutality against women and because health care is not available. Women have children is not the expression of a specific culture; been denied access to doctors when they’re sick. it is the acceptance of our common humanity Life under the Taliban is so hard and repressive, – a commitment shared by people of good will even small displays of joy are outlawed – children on every continent. Because of our recent military aren’t allowed to fly kites; their mothers face gains in much of Afghanistan, women are no beatings for laughing out loud. Women cannot longer imprisoned in their homes. They can listen work outside the home, or even leave their homes to music and teach their daughters without fear by themselves. of punishment. Yet the terrorists who helped rule The severe repression and brutality against that country now plot and plan in many countries. women in Afghanistan is not a matter of legitimate And they must be stopped. The fight against religious practice. Muslims around the world terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity have condemned the brutal degradation of women of women. and children by the Taliban regime. The poverty, In America, next week brings Thanksgiving. poor health, and illiteracy that the terrorists and After the events of the last few months, we’ll be

bilagor | 81 holding our families even closer. And we will be especially thankful for all the blessings of American life. I hope Americans will join our family in working to insure that dignity and opportunity will be secured for all the women and children of Afghanistan. Have a wonderful holiday, and thank you for listening.

END ------Return to this article at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/ 11/20011117.html

82 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary January 29, 2002 bilaga 7. state of the union

President Delivers State of the Union Address

The United States Capitol, free, and are part of Afghanistan’s new government. Washington, D.C. And we welcome the new Minister of Women’s Affairs, Doctor Sima Samar. (Applause.) 9:15 P.M. EST Our progress is a tribute to the spirit of the Afghan people, to the resolve of our coalition, THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Mr. and to the might of the United States military. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of (Applause.) When I called our troops into action, Congress, distinguished guests, fellow citizens: As I did so with complete confidence in their courage we gather tonight, our nation is at war, our eco- and skill. And tonight, thanks to them, we are nomy is in recession, and the civilized world faces winning the war on terror. (Applause.) The man unprecedented dangers. Yet the state of our Uni- and women of our Armed Forces have delivered on has never been stronger. (Applause.) a message now clear to every enemy of the We last met in an hour of shock and suffering. United States: Even 7,000 miles away, across In four short months, our nation has comforted oceans and continents, on mountaintops and in the victims, begun to rebuild New York and the caves – you will not escape the justice of this Pentagon, rallied a great coalition, captured, nation. (Applause.) arrested, and rid the world of thousands of For many Americans, these four months terrorists, destroyed Afghanistan’s terrorist training have brought sorrow, and pain that will never camps, saved a people from starvation, and freed completely go away. Every day a retired firefighter a country from brutal oppression. (Applause.) returns to Ground Zero, to feel closer to his two The American flag flies again over our embassy sons who died there. At a memorial in New York, in Kabul. Terrorists who once occupied Afghanistan a little boy left his football with a note for his lost now occupy cells at Guantanamo Bay. (Applause.) father: Dear Daddy, please take this to heaven. And terrorist leaders who urged followers to I don’t want to play football until I can play with sacrifice their lives are running for their own. you again some day. (Applause.) Last month, at the grave of her husband, America and Afghanistan are now allies against Michael, a CIA officer and Marine who died in terror. We’ll be partners in rebuilding that country. Mazur-e-Sharif, Shannon Spann said these words And this evening we welcome the distinguished of farewell: “Semper Fi, my love.” Shannon is interim leader of a liberated Afghanistan: Chair- with us tonight. (Applause.) man Hamid Karzai. (Applause.) Shannon, I assure you and all who have lost a The last time we met in this chamber, the loved one that our cause is just, and our country mothers and daughters of Afghanistan were will never forget the debt we owe Michael and all captives in their own homes, forbidden from who gave their lives for freedom. working or going to school. Today women are Our cause is just, and it continues. Our discoveries in Afghanistan confirmed our worst

bilagor | 83 fears, and showed us the true scope of the task terrorist cells that have executed an American, ahead. We have seen the depth of our enemies’ and still hold hostages. Our soldiers, working hatred in videos, where they laugh about the loss with the Bosnian government, seized terrorists of innocent life. And the depth of their hatred is who were plotting to bomb our embassy. Our equaled by the madness of the destruction they Navy is patrolling the coast of Africa to block the design. We have found diagrams of American shipment of weapons and the establishment of nuclear power plants and public water facilities, terrorist camps in Somalia. detailed instructions for making chemical weapons, My hope is that all nations will heed our call, surveillance maps of American cities, and thorough and eliminate the terrorist parasites who threaten descriptions of landmarks in America and their countries and our own. Many nations are throughout the world. acting forcefully. Pakistan is now cracking down What we have found in Afghanistan confirms on terror, and I admire the strong leadership of that, far from ending there, our war against terror President Musharraf. (Applause.) is only beginning. Most of the 19 men who But some governments will be timid in the hijacked planes on September the 11th were face of terror. And make no mistake about it: trained in Afghanistan’s camps, and so were tens If they do not act, America will. (Applause.) of thousands of others. Thousands of dangerous Our second goal is to prevent regimes that killers, schooled in the methods of murder, often sponsor terror from threatening America or our supported by outlaw regimes, are now spread friends and allies with weapons of mass destruc- throughout the world like ticking time bombs, tion. Some of these regimes have been pretty set to go off without warning. quiet since September the 11th. But we know Thanks to the work of our law enforcement their true nature. North Korea is a regime arming officials and coalition partners, hundreds of with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, terrorists have been arrested. Yet, tens of thousands while starving its citizens. of trained terrorists are still at large. These enemies Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and view the entire world as a battlefield, and we exports terror, while an unelected few repress the must pursue them wherever they are. (Applause.) Iranian people’s hope for freedom. So long as training camps operate, so long as Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward nations harbor terrorists, freedom is at risk. And America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime America and our allies must not, and will not, has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, allow it. (Applause.) and nuclear weapons for over a decade. This is a Our nation will continue to be steadfast and regime that has already used poison gas to mur- patient and persistent in the pursuit of two great der thousands of its own citizens – leaving the objectives. First, we will shut down terrorist bodies of mothers huddled over their dead camps, disrupt terrorist plans, and bring terrorists children. This is a regime that agreed to inter- to justice. And, second, we must prevent the national inspections – then kicked out the terrorists and regimes who seek chemical, biologi- inspectors. This is a regime that has something cal or nuclear weapons from threatening the to hide from the civilized world. United States and the world. (Applause.) States like these, and their terrorist allies, Our military has put the terror training constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the camps of Afghanistan out of business, yet camps peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass still exist in at least a dozen countries. A terrorist destruction, these regimes pose a grave and underworld – including groups like Hamas, growing danger. They could provide these arms Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Jaish-i-Mohammed to terrorists, giving them the means to match – operates in remote jungles and deserts, and their hatred. They could attack our allies or hides in the centers of large cities. attempt to blackmail the United States. In any While the most visible military action is in of these cases, the price of indifference would be Afghanistan, America is acting elsewhere. We catastrophic. now have troops in the Philippines, helping to We will work closely with our coalition to train that country’s armed forces to go after deny terrorists and their state sponsors the

84 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” materials, technology, and expertise to make and and women in uniform deserve the best weapons, deliver weapons of mass destruction. We will the best equipment, the best training – and they develop and deploy effective missile defenses to also deserve another pay raise. (Applause.) protect America and our allies from sudden My budget includes the largest increase in attack. (Applause.) And all nations should know: defense spending in two decades – because while America will do what is necessary to ensure our the price of freedom and security is high, it is nation’s security. never too high. Whatever it costs to defend our We’ll be deliberate, yet time is not on our country, we will pay. (Applause.) side. I will not wait on events, while dangers The next priority of my budget is to do gather. I will not stand by, as peril draws closer everything possible to protect our citizens and and closer. The United States of America will not strengthen our nation against the ongoing threat permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to of another attack. Time and distance from the threaten us with the world’s most destructive events of September the 11th will not make us weapons. (Applause.) safer unless we act on its lessons. America is no Our war on terror is well begun, but it is only longer protected by vast oceans. We are protected begun. This campaign may not be finished on from attack only by vigorous action abroad, and our watch – yet it must be and it will be waged increased vigilance at home. on our watch. My budget nearly doubles funding for a We can’t stop short. If we stop now – leaving sustained strategy of homeland security, focused terror camps intact and terror states unchecked on four key areas: bioterrorism, emergency – our sense of security would be false and tempo- response, airport and border security, and improved rary. History has called America and our allies to intelligence. We will develop vaccines to fight an- action, and it is both our responsibility and our thrax and other deadly diseases. We’ll increase privilege to fight freedom’s fight. (Applause.) funding to help states and communities train Our first priority must always be the security and equip our heroic police and firefighters. of our nation, and that will be reflected in the (Applause.) We will improve intelligence collec- budget I send to Congress. My budget supports tion and sharing, expand patrols at our borders, three great goals for America: We will win this strengthen the security of air travel, and use war; we’ll protect our homeland; and we will technology to track the arrivals and departures revive our economy. of visitors to the United States. (Applause.) September the 11th brought out the best in Homeland security will make America not America, and the best in this Congress. And I only stronger, but, in many ways, better. Know- join the American people in applauding your ledge gained from bioterrorism research will unity and resolve. (Applause.) Now Americans improve public health. Stronger police and fire deserve to have this same spirit directed toward departments will mean safer neighborhoods. addressing problems here at home. I’m a proud Stricter border enforcement will help combat member of my party – yet as we act to win the illegal drugs. (Applause.) And as government war, protect our people, and create jobs in works to better secure our homeland, America America, we must act, first and foremost, not as will continue to depend on the eyes and ears of Republicans, not as Democrats, but as Americans. alert citizens. (Applause.) A few days before Christmas, an airline flight It costs a lot to fight this war. We have spent attendant spotted a passenger lighting a match. more than a billion dollars a month – over $30 The crew and passengers quickly subdued the million a day – and we must be prepared for man, who had been trained by al Qaeda and was future operations. Afghanistan proved that armed with explosives. The people on that plane expensive precision weapons defeat the enemy were alert and, as a result, likely saved nearly and spare innocent lives, and we need more of 200 lives. And tonight we welcome and thank them. We need to replace aging aircraft and make flight attendants Hermis Moutardier and our military more agile, to put our troops any- Christina Jones. (Applause.) where in the world quickly and safely. Our men

bilagor | 85 Once we have funded our national security energy production at home so America is less and our homeland security, the final great priority dependent on foreign oil. (Applause.) of my budget is economic security for the Good jobs depend on expanded trade. Selling American people. (Applause.) To achieve these into new markets creates new jobs, so I ask great national objectives – to win the war, protect Congress to finally approve trade promotion the homeland, and revitalize our economy – our authority. (Applause.) On these two key issues, budget will run a deficit that will be small and trade and energy, the House of Representatives short-term, so long as Congress restrains spen- has acted to create jobs, and I urge the Senate to ding and acts in a fiscally responsible manner. pass this legislation. (Applause.) (Applause.) We have clear priorities and we must Good jobs depend on sound tax policy. act at home with the same purpose and resolve (Applause.) Last year, some in this hall thought we have shown overseas: We’ll prevail in the war, my tax relief plan was too small; some thought it and we will defeat this recession. (Applause.) was too big (Applause.) But when the checks Americans who have lost their jobs need our arrived in the mail, most Americans thought tax help and I support extending unemployment relief was just about right. (Applause.) Congress benefits and direct assistance for health care cove- listened to the people and responded by reducing rage. (Applause.) Yet, American workers want tax rates, doubling the child credit, and ending more than unemployment checks – they want a the death tax. For the sake of long-term growth steady paycheck. (Applause.) When America and to help Americans plan for the future, let’s works, America prospers, so my economic security make these tax cuts permanent. (Applause.) plan can be summed up in one word: jobs. The way out of this recession, the way to (Applause.) create jobs, is to grow the economy by encouraging Good jobs begin with good schools, and here investment in factories and equipment, and by we’ve made a fine start. (Applause.) Republicans speeding up tax relief so people have more money and Democrats worked together to achieve to spend. For the sake of American workers, let’s historic education reform so that no child is left pass a stimulus package. (Applause.) behind. I was proud to work with members of Good jobs must be the aim of welfare reform. both parties: Chairman John Boehner and As we reauthorize these important reforms, we Congressman George Miller. (Applause.) Senator must always remember the goal is to reduce Judd Gregg. (Applause.) And I was so proud of dependency on government and offer every our work, I even had nice things to say about my American the dignity of a job. (Applause.) friend, Ted Kennedy. (Laughter and applause. Americans know economic security can vanish I know the folks at the Crawford coffee shop in an instant without health security. I ask Con- couldn’t believe I’d say such a thing – (laughter) gress to join me this year to enact a patients’ bill – but our work on this bill shows what is of rights – (applause) – to give uninsured workers possible if we set aside posturing and focus on credits to help buy health coverage – (applause) results. (Applause.) – to approve an historic increase in the spending There is more to do. We need to prepare our for veterans’ health – (applause) – and to give children to read and succeed in school with seniors a sound and modern Medicare system improved Head Start and early childhood that includes coverage for prescription drugs. development programs. (Applause.) We must (Applause.) upgrade our teacher colleges and teacher training A good job should lead to security in retire- and launch a major recruiting drive with a great ment. I ask Congress to enact new safeguards for goal for America: a quality teacher in every class- 401K and pension plans. (Applause.) Employees room. (Applause.) who have worked hard and saved all their lives Good jobs also depend on reliable and should not have to risk losing everything if their affordable energy. This Congress must act to company fails. (Applause.) Through stricter encourage conservation, promote technology, accounting standards and tougher disclosure build infrastructure, and it must act to increase requirements, corporate America must be made more accountable to employees and shareholders

86 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” and held to the highest standards of conduct. We’ve been offered a unique opportunity, and we (Applause.) must not let this moment pass. (Applause.) Retirement security also depends upon keeping My call tonight is for every American to com- the commitments of Social Security, and we will. mit at least two years – 4,000 hours over the rest We must make Social Security financially stable of your lifetime – to the service of your neighbors and allow personal retirement accounts for and your nation. (Applause.) Many are already younger workers who choose them. (Applause.) serving, and I thank you. If you aren’t sure how to Members, you and I will work together in the help, I’ve got a good place to start. To sustain and months ahead on other issues: productive farm extend the best that has emerged in America, I in- policy – (applause) – a cleaner environment – vite you to join the new USA Freedom Corps. (applause) – broader home ownership, especially The Freedom Corps will focus on three areas among minorities – (applause) – and ways to of need: responding in case of crisis at home; encourage the good work of charities and faith- rebuilding our communities; and extending based groups. (Applause.) I ask you to join me American compassion throughout the world. on these important domestic issues in the same One purpose of the USA Freedom Corps will spirit of cooperation we’ve applied to our war be homeland security. America needs retired against terrorism. (Applause.) doctors and nurses who can be mobilized in During these last few months, I’ve been major emergencies; volunteers to help police and humbled and privileged to see the true character fire departments; transportation and utility of this country in a time of testing. Our enemies workers well-trained in spotting danger. believed America was weak and materialistic, that Our country also needs citizens working to we would splinter in fear and selfishness. They rebuild our communities. We need mentors to were as wrong as they are evil. (Applause.) love children, especially children whose parents The American people have responded magni- are in prison. And we need more talented tea- ficently, with courage and compassion, strength chers in troubled schools. USA Freedom Corps and resolve. As I have met the heroes, hugged the will expand and improve the good efforts of families, and looked into the tired faces of rescuers, AmeriCorps and Senior Corps to recruit more I have stood in awe of the American people. than 200,000 new volunteers. And I hope you will join me – I hope you And America needs citizens to extend the will join me in expressing thanks to one American compassion of our country to every part of the for the strength and calm and comfort she brings world. So we will renew the promise of the Peace to our nation in crisis, our First Lady, Laura Corps, double its volunteers over the next five Bush. (Applause.) years – (applause) – and ask it to join a new effort None of us would ever wish the evil that was to encourage development and education and done on September the 11th. Yet after America opportunity in the Islamic world. (Applause.) was attacked, it was as if our entire country This time of adversity offers a unique mo- looked into a mirror and saw our better selves. ment of opportunity a moment we must seize to We were reminded that we are citizens, with change our culture. Through the gathering mo- obligations to each other, to our country, and to mentum of millions of acts of service and decen- history. We began to think less of the goods we cy and kindness, I know we can overcome evil can accumulate, and more about the good we with greater good. (Applause.) And we have a can do. great opportunity during this time of war to For too long our culture has said, “If it feels lead the world toward the values that will bring good, do it.” Now America is embracing a new lasting peace. ethic and a new creed: “Let’s roll.” (Applause.) All fathers and mothers, in all societies, want In the sacrifice of soldiers, the fierce brotherhood their children to be educated, and live free from of firefighters, and the bravery and generosity of poverty and violence. No people on Earth yearn ordinary citizens, we have glimpsed what a new to be oppressed, or aspire to servitude, or eagerly culture of responsibility could look like. We want await the midnight knock of the secret police. to be a nation that serves goals larger than self.

bilagor | 87 If anyone doubts this, let them look to Af- who have lived through these challenging times ghanistan, where the Islamic “street” greeted the have been changed by them. We’ve come to fall of tyranny with song and celebration. Let the know truths that we will never question: evil is skeptics look to Islam’s own rich history, with its real, and it must be opposed. (Applause.) Beyond centuries of learning, and tolerance and progress. all differences of race or creed, we are one country, America will lead by defending liberty and justice mourning together and facing danger together. because they are right and true and unchanging Deep in the American character, there is honor, for all people everywhere. (Applause.) and it is stronger than cynicism. And many have No nation owns these aspirations, and no discovered again that even in tragedy – especially nation is exempt from them. We have no inten- in tragedy – God is near. (Applause.) tion of imposing our culture. But America will In a single instant, we realized that this will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands be a decisive decade in the history of liberty, that of human dignity: the rule of law; limits on the we’ve been called to a unique role in human power of the state; respect for women; private events. Rarely has the world faced a choice more property; free speech; equal justice; and religious clear or consequential. tolerance. (Applause.) Our enemies send other people’s children on America will take the side of brave men and missions of suicide and murder. They embrace women who advocate these values around the tyranny and death as a cause and a creed. We world, including the Islamic world, because we stand for a different choice, made long ago, on have a greater objective than eliminating threats the day of our founding. We affirm it again and containing resentment. We seek a just and today. We choose freedom and the dignity of peaceful world beyond the war on terror. every life. (Applause.) In this moment of opportunity, a common Steadfast in our purpose, we now press on. danger is erasing old rivalries. America is working We have known freedom’s price. We have shown with Russia and China and India, in ways we freedom’s power. And in this great conflict, my have never before, to achieve peace and prosperity. fellow Americans, we will see freedom’s victory. In every region, free markets and free trade and Thank you all. May God bless. (Applause.) free societies are proving their power to lift lives. Together with friends and allies from Europe END 10:03 P.M. EST to Asia, and Africa to Latin America, we will demonstrate that the forces of terror cannot stop ------the momentum of freedom. (Applause.) Return to this article at: The last time I spoke here, I expressed the http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/ hope that life would return to normal. In some 01/20020129-11.html ways, it has. In others, it never will. Those of us

88 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary October 7, 2002 bilaga 8. cincinnati-talet

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat

Cincinnati Museum Center, confront every threat, from any source, that Cincinnati Union Terminal could bring sudden terror and suffering to America. Cincinnati, Ohio Members of the Congress of both political 8:02 P.M. EDT parties, and members of the United Nations Security Council, agree that Saddam Hussein is a threat to peace and must disarm. We agree that THE PRESIDENT : Thank you all. Thank you for the Iraqi dictator must not be permitted to that very gracious and warm Cincinnati welcome. threaten America and the world with horrible I’m honored to be here tonight; I appreciate you poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons. all coming. Since we all agree on this goal, the issues is: how Tonight I want to take a few minutes to can we best achieve it? discuss a grave threat to peace, and America’s Many Americans have raised legitimate determination to lead the world in confronting questions: about the nature of the threat; about that threat. the urgency of action – why be concerned now; The threat comes from Iraq. It arises directly about the link between Iraq developing weapons from the Iraqi regime’s own actions – its history of terror, and the wider war on terror. These are of aggression, and its drive toward an arsenal of all issues we’ve discussed broadly and fully within terror. Eleven years ago, as a condition for my administration. And tonight, I want to share ending the Persian Gulf War, the Iraqi regime those discussions with you. was required to destroy its weapons of mass First, some ask why Iraq is different from destruction, to cease all development of such other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist weapons. While there are many dangers in the groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those world, the threat from Iraq stands alone – because obligations. It possesses and produces chemical it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear one place. Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction are weapons. It has given shelter and support to controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already terrorism, and practices terror against its own used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. people. The entire world has witnessed Iraq’s This same tyrant has tried to dominate the eleven-year history of defiance, deception and Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied bad faith. a small neighbor, has struck other nations without We also must never forget the most vivid warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward events of recent history. On September the 11th, the United States. 2001, America felt its vulnerability – even to By its past and present actions, by its techno- threats that gather on the other side of the earth. logical capabilities, by the merciless nature of its We resolved then, and we are resolved today, to regime, Iraq is unique. As a former chief weapons

bilagor | 89 inspector of the U.N. has said, “The fundamental chemical or biological weapons across broad problem with Iraq remains the nature of the areas. We’re concerned that Iraq is exploring ways regime, itself. Saddam Hussein is a homicidal of using these UAVS for missions targeting the dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass United States. And, of course, sophisticated deli- destruction.” very systems aren’t required for a chemical Some ask how urgent this danger is to or biological attack; all that might be required America and the world. The danger is already are a small container and one terrorist or Iraqi significant, and it only grows worse with time. intelligence operative to deliver it. If we know Saddam Hussein has dangerous And that is the source of our urgent concern weapons today – and we do – does it make any about Saddam Hussein’s links to international sense for the world to wait to confront him as terrorist groups. Over the years, Iraq has provided he grows even stronger and develops even more safe haven to terrorists such as Abu Nidal, whose dangerous weapons? terror organization carried out more than 90 In 1995, after several years of deceit by the terrorist attacks in 20 countries that killed or Iraqi regime, the head of Iraq’s military industries injured nearly 900 people, including 12 Americans. defected. It was then that the regime was forced Iraq has also provided safe haven to Abu Abbas, to admit that it had produced more than 30,000 who was responsible for seizing the Achille Lauro liters of anthrax and other deadly biological and killing an American passenger. And we know agents. The inspectors, however, concluded that that Iraq is continuing to finance terror and gives Iraq had likely produced two to four times that assistance to groups that use terrorism to under- amount. This is a massive stockpile of biological mine Middle East peace. weapons that has never been accounted for, and We know that Iraq and the al Qaeda terrorist capable of killing millions. network share a common enemy – the United We know that the regime has produced States of America. We know that Iraq and al thousands of tons of chemical agents, including Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas. Saddam back a decade. Some al Qaeda leaders who fled Hussein also has experience in using chemical Afghanistan went to Iraq. These include one very weapons. He has ordered chemical attacks on senior al Qaeda leader who received medical Iran, and on more than forty villages in his own treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has country. These actions killed or injured at least been associated with planning for chemical and 20,000 people, more than six times the number biological attacks. We’ve learned that Iraq has of people who died in the attacks of September trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and the 11th. poisons and deadly gases. And we know that And surveillance photos reveal that the regime after September the 11th, Saddam Hussein’s is rebuilding facilities that it had used to produce regime gleefully celebrated the terrorist attacks chemical and biological weapons. Every chemical on America. and biological weapon that Iraq has or makes is Iraq could decide on any given day to provide a direct violation of the truce that ended the a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist Persian Gulf War in 1991. Yet, Saddam Hussein group or individual terrorists. Alliance with has chosen to build and keep these weapons terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack despite international sanctions, U.N. demands, America without leaving any fingerprints. and isolation from the civilized world. Some have argued that confronting the threat Iraq possesses ballistic missiles with a likely from Iraq could detract from the war against range of hundreds of miles – far enough to strike terror. To the contrary; confronting the threat Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, and other nations – posed by Iraq is crucial to winning the war on in a region where more than 135,000 American terror. When I spoke to Congress more than a civilians and service members live and work. year ago, I said that those who harbor terrorists We’ve also discovered through intelligence that are as guilty as the terrorists themselves. Saddam Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned Hussein is harboring terrorists and the instruments aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse of terror, the instruments of mass death and

90 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” destruction. And he cannot be trusted. The risk threaten America. And Saddam Hussein would is simply too great that he will use them, or be in a position to pass nuclear technology to provide them to a terror network. terrorists. Terror cells and outlaw regimes building Some citizens wonder, after 11 years of living weapons of mass destruction are different faces with this problem, why do we need to confront of the same evil. Our security requires that we it now? And there’s a reason. We’ve experienced confront both. And the United States military is the horror of September the 11th. We have seen capable of confronting both. that those who hate America are willing to crash Many people have asked how close Saddam airplanes into buildings full of innocent people. Hussein is to developing a nuclear weapon. Well, Our enemies would be no less willing, in fact, we don’t know exactly, and that’s the problem. they would be eager, to use biological or chemi- Before the Gulf War, the best intelligence indicated cal, or a nuclear weapon. that Iraq was eight to ten years away from deve- Knowing these realities, America must not loping a nuclear weapon. After the war, interna- ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing tional inspectors learned that the regime has been clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the much closer -- the regime in Iraq would likely final proof – the smoking gun – that could come have possessed a nuclear weapon no later than in the form of a mushroom cloud. As President 1993. The inspectors discovered that Iraq had an Kennedy said in October of 1962, “Neither the advanced nuclear weapons development program, United States of America, nor the world had a design for aworkable nuclear weapon, community of nations can tolerate deliberate and was pursuing several different methods of deception and offensive threats on the part of enriching uranium for a bomb. any nation, large or small. We no longer live in a Before being barred from Iraq in 1998, the world,” he said, “where only the actual firing of International Atomic Energy Agency dismantled weapons represents a sufficient challenge to a extensive nuclear weapons-related facilities, nations security to constitute maximum peril.” including three uranium enrichment sites. That Understanding the threats of our time, same year, information from a high-ranking Iraqi knowing the designs and deceptions of the Iraqi nuclear engineer who had defected revealed that regime, we have every reason to assume the despite his public promises, Saddam Hussein had worst, and we have an urgent duty to prevent the ordered his nuclear program to continue. worst from occurring. The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstitu- Some believe we can address this danger by ting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein simply resuming the old approach to inspections, has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear and applying diplomatic and economic pressure. scientists, a group he calls his “nuclear mujahideen” Yet this is precisely what the world has tried to – his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs do since 1991. The U.N. inspections program reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that was met with systematic deception. The Iraqi have been part of its nuclear program in the past. regime bugged hotel rooms and offices of Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength inspectors to find where they were going next; aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for they forged documents, destroyed evidence, and gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium developed mobile weapons facilities to keep a for nuclear weapons. step ahead of inspectors. Eight so-called presiden- If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy, or tial palaces were declared off-limits to unfettered steal an amount of highly enriched uranium a inspections. These sites actually encompass twelve little larger than a single softball, it could have a square miles, with hundreds of structures, both nuclear weapon in less than a year. And if we above and below the ground, where sensitive allow that to happen, a terrible line would be materials could be hidden. crossed. Saddam Hussein would be in a position The world has also tried economic sanctions to blackmail anyone who opposes his aggression. – and watched Iraq use billions of dollars in illegal He would be in a position to dominate the oil revenues to fund more weapons purchases, Middle East. He would be in a position to

bilagor | 91 rather than providing for the needs of the Iraqi terrorism. It must cease the persecution of its people. civilian population. It must stop all illicit trade The world has tried limited military strikes outside the Oil For Food program. It must release to destroy Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction or account for all Gulf War personnel, including capabilities – only to see them openly rebuilt, an American pilot, whose fate is still unknown. while the regime again denies they even exist. By taking these steps, and by only taking The world has tried no-fly zones to keep these steps, the Iraqi regime has an opportunity Saddam from terrorizing his own people – and to avoid conflict. Taking these steps would also in the last year alone, the Iraqi military has fired change the nature of the Iraqi regime itself. upon American and British pilots more than America hopes the regime will make that choice. 750 times. Unfortunately, at least so far, we have little reason After eleven years during which we have to expect it. And that’s why two administrations tried containment, sanctions, inspections, even – mine and President Clinton’s – have stated that selected military action, the end result is that regime change in Iraq is the only certain means Saddam Hussein still has chemical and biological of removing a great danger to our nation. weapons and is increasing his capabilities to make I hope this will not require military action, more. And he is moving ever closer to developing but it may. And military conflict could be difficult. a nuclear weapon. An Iraqi regime faced with its own demise may Clearly, to actually work, any new inspections, attempt cruel and desperate measures. If Saddam sanctions or enforcement mechanisms will have Hussein orders such measures, his generals would to be very different. America wants the U.N. to be well advised to refuse those orders. If they do be an effective organization that helps keep the not refuse, they must understand that all war peace. And that is why we are urging the Security criminals will be pursued and punished. If we Council to adopt a new resolution setting out have to act, we will take every precaution that is tough, immediate requirements. Among those possible. We will plan carefully; we will act with requirements: the Iraqi regime must reveal and the full power of the United States military; we destroy, under U.N. supervision, all existing will act with allies at our side, and we will prevail. weapons of mass destruction. To ensure that we (Applause.) learn the truth, the regime must allow witnesses There is no easy or risk-free course of action. to its illegal activities to be interviewed outside Some have argued we should wait – and that’s an the country – and these witnesses must be free to option. In my view, it’s the riskiest of all options, bring their families with them so they all beyond because the longer we wait, the stronger and bolder the reach of Saddam Hussein’s terror and murder. Saddam Hussein will become. We could wait And inspectors must have access to any site, at and hope that Saddam does not give weapons to any time, without pre-clearance, without delay, terrorists, or develop a nuclear weapon to black- without exceptions. mail the world. But I’m convinced that is a hope The time for denying, deceiving, and delaying against all evidence. As Americans, we want peace has come to an end. Saddam Hussein must – we work and sacrifice for peace. But there can disarm himself – or, for the sake of peace, we will be no peace if our security depends on the will lead a coalition to disarm him. and whims of a ruthless and aggressive dictator. Many nations are joining us in insisting that I’m not willing to stake one American life on Saddam Hussein’s regime be held accountable. trusting Saddam Hussein. They are committed to defending the international Failure to act would embolden other tyrants, security that protects the lives of both our citizens allow terrorists access to new weapons and new and theirs. And that’s why America is challenging resources, and make blackmail a permanent feature all nations to take the resolutions of the U.N. of world events. The United Nations would Security Council seriously. betray the purpose of its founding, and prove And these resolutions are clear. In addition irrelevant to the problems of our time. And to declaring and destroying all of its weapons of through its inaction, the United States would mass destruction, Iraq must end its support for resign itself to a future of fear.

92 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” That is not the America I know. That is not create the institutions of liberty in a unified Iraq the America I serve. We refuse to live in fear. at peace with its neighbors. (Applause.) This nation, in world war and in Later this week, the United States Congress Cold War, has never permitted the brutal and will vote on this matter. I have asked Congress lawless to set history’s course. Now, as before, we to authorize the use of America’s military, if it will secure our nation, protect our freedom, and proves necessary, to enforce U.N. Security help others to find freedom of their own. Council demands. Approving this resolution does Some worry that a change of leadership in not mean that military action is imminent or Iraq could create instability and make the situa- unavoidable. The resolution will tell the United tion worse. The situation could hardly get worse, Nations, and all nations, that America speaks for world security and for the people of Iraq. The with one voice and is determined to make the lives of Iraqi citizens would improve dramatically demands of the civilized world mean something. if Saddam Hussein were no longer in power, just Congress will also be sending a message to the as the lives of Afghanistan’s citizens improved dictator in Iraq: that his only chance – his only after the Taliban. The dictator of Iraq is a student choice is full compliance, and the time remaining of Stalin, using murder as a tool of terror and for that choice is limited. control, within his own cabinet, within his own Members of Congress are nearing an historic army, and even within his own family. vote. I’m confident they will fully consider the On Saddam Hussein’s orders, opponents have facts, and their duties. been decapitated, wives and mothers of political The attacks of September the 11th showed opponents have been systematically raped as a our country that vast oceans no longer protect us method of intimidation, and political prisoners from danger. Before that tragic date, we had only have been forced to watch their own children hints of al Qaeda’s plans and designs. Today in being tortured. Iraq, we see a threat whose outlines are far more America believes that all people are entitled to clearly defined, and whose consequences could be hope and human rights, to the non-negotiable far more deadly. Saddam Hussein’s actions have demands of human dignity. People everywhere put us on notice, and there is no refuge from our prefer freedom to slavery; prosperity to squalor; responsibilities. self-government to the rule of terror and torture. We did not ask for this present challenge, but America is a friend to the people of Iraq. Our we accept it. Like other generations of Ameri- demands are directed only at the regime that cans, we will meet the responsibility of defending enslaves them and threatens us. When these human liberty against violence and aggression. demands are met, the first and greatest benefit By our resolve, we will give strength to others. By will come to Iraqi men, women and children. our courage, we will give hope to others. And by The oppression of Kurds, Assyrians, Turkomans, our actions, we will secure the peace, and lead Shi’a, Sunnis and others will be lifted. The long the world to a better day. captivity of Iraq will end, and an era of new hope May God bless America. (Applause.) will begin. Iraq is a land rich in culture, resources, and END 8:31 P.M. EDT talent. Freed from the weight of oppression, Iraq’s ------people will be able to share in the progress and Return to this article at: prosperity of our time. If military action is http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/ necessary, the United States and our allies will 10/20021007-8.html help the Iraqi people rebuild their economy, and

bilagor | 93 For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary Februar 5, 2003 bilaga 9. colin powells tal i fn

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council

Slide 1 POWELL: This council placed the burden POWELL: Thank you, Mr. President. on Iraq to comply and disarm and not on the Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, inspectors to find that which Iraq has gone out distinguished colleagues, I would like to begin of its way to conceal for so long. Inspectors are by expressing my thanks for the special effort inspectors; they are not detectives. that each of you made to be here today. I asked for this session today for two purposes: This is important day for us all as we review First, to support the core assessments made by the situation with respect to Iraq and its Dr. Blix and Dr. ElBaradei. As Dr. Blix reported disarmament obligations under U.N. Security to this council on January 27th, quote, “Iraq Council Resolution 1441. appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance, Last November 8, this council passed not even today, of the disarmament which was Resolution 1441 by a unanimous vote. The demanded of it,” unquote. purpose of that resolution was to disarm Iraq of And as Dr. ElBaradei reported, Iraq’s declara- its weapons of mass destruction. Iraq had already tion of December 7, quote, “did not provide any been found guilty of material breach of its new information relevant to certain questions obligations, stretching back over 16 previous that have been outstanding since 1998.” resolutions and 12 years. POWELL: My second purpose today is to provide POWELL: Resolution 1441 was not dealing with you with additional information, to share with an innocent party, but a regime this council has you what the United States knows about Iraq’s repeatedly convicted over the years. Resolution weapons of mass destruction as well as Iraq’s in- 1441 gave Iraq one last chance, one last chance volvement in terrorism, which is also the subject to come into compliance or to face serious of Resolution 1441 and other earlier resolutions. consequences. No council member present in I might add at this point that we are providing voting on that day had any allusions about the all relevant information we can to the inspection nature and intent of the resolution or what serious teams for them to do their work. consequences meant if Iraq did not comply. The material I will present to you comes And to assist in its disarmament, we called on from a variety of sources. Some are U.S. sources. Iraq to cooperate with returning inspectors from And some are those of other countries. Some of UNMOVIC and IAEA. the sources are technical, such as intercepted telephone conversations and photos taken by Slide 2 satellites. Other sources are people who have We laid down tough standards for Iraq to meet risked their lives to let the world know what to allow the inspectors to do their job. Saddam Hussein is really up to. I cannot tell you everything that we know. But what I can share with you, when combined

94 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” with what all of us have learned over the years, Slide 6 is deeply troubling. “I’ll come to see you in the morning. I’m worried. You all have something left.” POWELL: What you will see is an accumulation of “We evacuated everything. We don’t have any- facts and disturbing patterns of behavior. The thing left.” facts on Iraqis’ behavior – Iraq’s behavior demon- Note what he says: “We evacuated everything.” strate that Saddam Hussein and his regime have We didn’t destroy it. We didn’t line it up for in- made no effort – no effort – to disarm as required spection. We didn’t turn it into the inspectors. by the international community. Indeed, the facts We evacuated it to make sure it was not around and Iraq’s behavior show that Saddam Hussein when the inspectors showed up. and his regime are concealing their efforts to pro- duce more weapons of mass destruction. “I will come to you tomorrow.” Let me begin by playing a tape for you. What you’re about to hear is a conversation that my The Al Kendi (ph) Company: This is a company government monitored. It takes place on November that is well known to have been involved in pro- 26 of last year, on the day before United Nations hibited weapons systems activity. teams resumed inspections in Iraq. POWELL: Let me play another tape for you. As The conversation involves two senior officers, you will recall, the inspectors found 12 empty a colonel and a brigadier general, from Iraq’s elite chemical warheads on January 16. On January military unit, the Republican Guard. 20, four days later, Iraq promised the inspectors it would search for more. You will now hear an Slide 3 officer from Republican Guard headquarters POWELL: Let me pause and review some of the issuing an instruction to an officer in the field. key elements of this conversation that you just Their conversation took place just last week on heard between these two officers. January 30. First, they acknowledge that our colleague, POWELL: Let me pause again and review the Mohamed ElBaradei, is coming, and they know elements of this message. what he’s coming for, and they know he’s coming the next day. He’s coming to look for things that are prohibited. He is expecting these gentlemen Slide 7 to cooperate with him and not hide things. “They’re inspecting the ammunition you have, yes.” “Yes.” Slide 4 “For the possibility there are forbidden ammo.” “For the possibility there is by chance forbidden But they’re worried. “We have this modified ammo?” vehicle. What do we say if one of them sees it?” What is their concern? Their concern is that it’s something they should not have, something Slide 8 that should not be seen. “Yes.” The general is incredulous: “You didn’t get a “And we sent you a message yesterday to clean out modified. You don’t have one of those, do you?” all of the areas, the scrap areas, the abandoned areas. Make sure there is nothing there.’’ Slide 5 POWELL: Remember the first message, evacuated. “I have one.” This is all part of a system of hiding things and “Which, from where?” moving things out of the way and making sure “From the workshop, from the Al Kendi (ph) they have left nothing behind. Company?” “What?” Slide 9 “From Al Kendi (ph).” If you go a little further into this message, and you see the specific instructions from headquarters:

bilagor | 95 “After you have carried out what is contained in For example, let me focus on the now famous this message, destroy the message because I don’t declaration that Iraq submitted to this council on want anyone to see this message.” December 7. Iraq never had any intention of “OK, OK.” complying with this council’s mandate. Why? Why? This message would have verified to Slide 10 the inspectors that they have been trying to turn POWELL over things. They were looking for things. But : Instead, Iraq planned to use the declara- they don’t want that message seen, because they tion, overwhelm us and to overwhelm the inspec- were trying to clean up the area to leave no evi- tors with useless information about Iraq’s permit- dence behind of the presence of weapons of mass ted weapons so that we would not have destruction. And they can claim that nothing was time to pursue Iraq’s prohibited weapons. Iraq’s there. And the inspectors can look all they want, goal was to give us, in this room, to give those us and they will find nothing. on this council the false impression that the in- This effort to hide things from the inspectors spection process was working. is not one or two isolated events, quite the contrary. You saw the result. Dr. Blix pronounced the This is part and parcel of a policy of evasion and 12,200-page declaration, rich in volume, but deception that goes back 12 years, a policy set at poor in information and practically devoid of the highest levels of the Iraqi regime. new evidence. We know that Saddam Hussein has what is Could any member of this council honestly called quote, “a higher committee for monitoring rise in defense of this false declaration? the inspections teams,” unquote. Think about Everything we have seen and heard indicates that. Iraq has a high-level committee to monitor that, instead of cooperating actively with the the inspectors who were sent in to monitor Iraq’s inspectors to ensure the success of their mission, disarmament. Saddam Hussein and his regime are busy doing all they possibly can to ensure that inspectors POWELL: Not to cooperate with them, not to succeed in finding absolutely nothing. assist them, but to spy on them and keep them My colleagues, every statement I make today from doing their jobs. is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are The committee reports directly to Saddam not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts Hussein. It is headed by Iraq’s vice president, and conclusions based on solid intelligence. I will Taha Yassin Ramadan. Its members include cite some examples, and these are from human Saddam Hussein’s son Qusay. sources. This committee also includes Lieutenant Orders were issued to Iraq’s security organiza- General Amir al-Saadi, an adviser to Saddam. In tions, as well as to Saddam Hussein’s own office, case that name isn’t immediately familiar to you, to hide all correspondence with the Organization General Saadi has been the Iraqi regime’s primary of Military Industrialization. point of contact for Dr. Blix and Dr. ElBaradei. POWELL It was General Saadi who last fall publicly pledged : This is the organization that oversees that Iraq was prepared to cooperate unconditionally Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction activities. with inspectors. Quite the contrary, Saadi’s job is Make sure there are no documents left which not to cooperate, it is to deceive; not to disarm, could connect you to the OMI. but to undermine the inspectors; not to support We know that Saddam’s son, Qusay, ordered them, but to frustrate them and to make sure the removal of all prohibited weapons from Sad- they learn nothing. dam’s numerous palace complexes. We know that We have learned a lot about the work of this Iraqi government officials, members of the ruling special committee. We learned that just prior to Baath Party and scientists have hidden prohibited the return of inspectors last November the regime items in their homes. Other key files from military had decided to resume what we heard called, and scientific establishments have been placed in quote, “the old game of cat and mouse,” unquote. cars that are being driven around the countryside by Iraqi intelligence agents to avoid detection.

96 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Slide 11 Slide 12 Thanks to intelligence they were provided, the Let’s look at one. This one is about a weapons inspectors recently found dramatic confirmation munition facility, a facility that holds ammunition of these reports. When they searched the home at a place called Taji (ph). This is one of about 65 of an Iraqi nuclear scientist, they uncovered such facilities in Iraq. We know that this one has roughly 2,000 pages of documents. You see them housed chemical munitions. In fact, this is where here being brought out of the home and placed the Iraqis recently came up with the additional in U.N. hands. Some of the material is classified four chemical weapon shells. and related to Iraq’s nuclear program. Here, you see 15 munitions bunkers in yellow Tell me, answer me, are the inspectors to search and red outlines. The four that are in red squares the house of every government official, every represent active chemical munitions bunkers. Baath Party member and every scientist in the country to find the truth, to get the information Slide 13 they need, to satisfy the demands of our council? How do I know that? How can I say that? Let Our sources tell us that, in some cases, the me give you a closer look. Look at the image on hard drives of computers at Iraqi weapons facilities the left. On the left is a close-up of one of the were replaced. Who took the hard drives. Where four chemical bunkers. The two arrows indicate did they go? What’s being hidden? Why? There’s the presence of sure signs that the bunkers are only one answer to the why: to deceive, to hide, storing chemical munitions. The arrow at the top to keep from the inspectors. that says security points to a facility that is the Numerous human sources tell us that the signature item for this kind of bunker. Inside that Iraqis are moving, not just documents and hard facility are special guards and special equipment drives, but weapons of mass destruction to keep to monitor any leakage that might come out of them from being found by inspectors. the bunker. POWELL : While we were here in this council POWELL: The truck you also see is a signature chamber debating Resolution 1441 last fall, we item. It’s a decontamination vehicle in case some- know, we know from sources that a missile brigade thing goes wrong. outside Baghdad was disbursing rocket launchers This is characteristic of those four bunkers. and warheads containing biological warfare The special security facility and the decontamina- agents to various locations, distributing them to tion vehicle will be in the area, if not at any one various locations in western Iraq. Most of the of them or one of the other, it is moving around launchers and warheads have been hidden in large those four, and it moves as it needed to move, as groves of palm trees and were to be moved every people are working in the different bunkers. one to four weeks to escape detection. Now look at the picture on the right. You are We also have satellite photos that indicate now looking at two of those sanitized bunkers. that banned materials have recently been moved The signature vehicles are gone, the tents are from a number of Iraqi weapons of mass destruc- gone, it’s been cleaned up, and it was done on tion facilities. the 22nd of December, as the U.N. inspection Let me say a word about satellite images before team is arriving, and you can see the inspection I show a couple. The photos that I am about to vehicles arriving in the lower portion of the show you are sometimes hard for the average picture on the right. person to interpret, hard for me. The painstaking The bunkers are clean when the inspectors work of photo analysis takes experts with years get there. They found nothing. and years of experience, pouring for hours and This sequence of events raises the worrisome hours over light tables. But as I show you these suspicion that Iraq had been tipped off to the images, I will try to capture and explain what forthcoming inspections at Taji (ph). As it did they mean, what they indicate to our imagery throughout the 1990s, we know that Iraq today specialists. is actively using its considerable intelligence capabilities to hide its illicit activities. From our

bilagor | 97 sources, we know that inspectors are under con- Slide 17 stant surveillance by an army of Iraqi intelligence Iraq also has refused to permit any U-2 recon- operatives. Iraq is relentlessly attempting to tap naissance flights that would give the inspectors a all of their communications, both voice and better sense of what’s being moved before, during electronics. and after inspectors. POWELL Slide 14 : This refusal to allow this kind of reconnaissance is in direct, specific violation of POWELL: I would call my colleagues attention to operative paragraph seven of our Resolution 1441. the fine paper that United Kingdom distributed yesterday, which describes in exquisite detail Iraqi Slide 18 deception activities. In this next example, you will see the type Saddam Hussein and his regime are not just of concealment activity Iraq has undertaken in trying to conceal weapons, they’re also trying to response to the resumption of inspections. Indeed, hide people. You know the basic facts. Iraq has in November 2002, just when the inspections not complied with its obligation to allow imme- were about to resume this type of activity spiked. diate, unimpeded, unrestricted and private access Here are three examples. to all officials and other persons as required by Resolution 1441. Slide 15 The regime only allows interviews with inspectors in the presence of an Iraqi official, a At this ballistic missile site, on November 10, minder. The official Iraqi organization charged we saw a cargo truck preparing to move ballistic with facilitating inspections announced, announced missile components. At this biological weapons publicly and announced ominously that, quote, related facility, on November 25, just two days “Nobody is ready to leave Iraq to be interviewed.” before inspections resumed, this truck caravan Iraqi Vice President Ramadan accused the appeared, something we almost never see at this inspectors of conducting espionage, a veiled threat facility, and we monitor it carefully and regularly. that anyone cooperating with U.N. inspectors was committing treason. Slide 16 Iraq did not meet its obligations under 1441 At this ballistic missile facility, again, two days to provide a comprehensive list of scientists before inspections began, five large cargo trucks associated with its weapons of mass destruction appeared along with the truck-mounted crane to programs. Iraq’s list was out of date and contained move missiles. We saw this kind of house cleaning only about 500 names, despite the fact that at close to 30 sites. UNSCOM had earlier put together a list of Days after this activity, the vehicles and the about 3,500 names. equipment that I’ve just highlighted disappear Let me just tell you what a number of human and the site returns to patterns of normalcy. We sources have told us. don’t know precisely what Iraq was moving, but Saddam Hussein has directly participated in the inspectors already knew about these sites, so the effort to prevent interviews. In early December, Iraq knew that they would be coming. Saddam Hussein had all Iraqi scientists warned We must ask ourselves: Why would Iraq of the serious consequences that they and their suddenly move equipment of this nature before families would face if they revealed any sensitive inspections if they were anxious to demonstrate information to the inspectors. They were forced what they had or did not have? to sign documents acknowledging that divulging Remember the first intercept in which two information is punishable by death. Iraqis talked about the need to hide a modified Saddam Hussein also said that scientists vehicle from the inspectors. Where did Iraq take should be told not to agree to leave Iraq; anyone all of this equipment? Why wasn’t it presented who agreed to be interviewed outside Iraq would to the inspectors? be treated as a spy. This violates 1441.

98 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” In mid-November, just before the inspectors indicate a willingness to cooperate with the in- returned, Iraqi experts were ordered to report to spectors? It was designed to be an early test. the headquarters of the special security organiza- They failed that test. By this standard, the tion to receive counterintelligence training. The standard of this operative paragraph, I believe training focused on evasion methods, interroga- that Iraq is now in further material breach of its tion resistance techniques, and how to mislead obligations. I believe this conclusion is irrefutable inspectors. and undeniable. Ladies and gentlemen, these are not assertions. Iraq has now placed itself in danger of the These are facts, corroborated by many sources, serious consequences called for in U.N. Resolution some of them sources of the intelligence services 1441. And this body places itself in danger of of other countries. irrelevance if it allows Iraq to continue to defy For example, in mid-December weapons its will without responding effectively and experts at one facility were replaced by Iraqi immediately. intelligence agents who were to deceive inspectors The issue before us is not how much time we about the work that was being done there. are willing to give the inspectors to be frustrated by Iraqi obstruction. But how much longer are POWELL: On orders from Saddam Hussein, Iraqi we willing to put up with Iraq’s noncompliance officials issued a false death certificate for one sci- before we, as a council, we, as the United Nations, entist, and he was sent into hiding. say: “Enough. Enough.” In the middle of January, experts at one facility that was related to weapons of mass destruction, Slide 19 those experts had been ordered to stay home from work to avoid the inspectors. Workers from The gravity of this moment is matched by the other Iraqi military facilities not engaged in elicit gravity of the threat that Iraq’s weapons of mass weapons projects were to replace the workers destruction pose to the world. Let me now turn who’d been sent home. A dozen experts have to those deadly weapons programs and describe been placed under house arrest, not in their own why they are real and present dangers to the region houses, but as a group at one of Saddam Hussein’s and to the world. guest houses. It goes on and on and on. First, biological weapons. We have talked As the examples I have just presented show, frequently here about biological weapons. By way the information and intelligence we have gathered of introduction and history, I think there are just point to an active and systematic effort on the three quick points I need to make. part of the Iraqi regime to keep key materials and First, you will recall that it took UNSCOM people from the inspectors in direct violation of four long and frustrating years to pry – to pry Resolution 1441. The pattern is not just one of – an admission out of Iraq that it had biological reluctant cooperation, nor is it merely a lack of weapons. cooperation. What we see is a deliberate campaign Second, when Iraq finally admitted having to prevent any meaningful inspection work. these weapons in 1995, the quantities were vast. My colleagues, operative paragraph four of Less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax, a little bit U.N. Resolution 1441, which we lingered over so about this amount--this is just about the amount long last fall, clearly states that false statements of a teaspoon--less than a teaspoon full of dry and omissions in the declaration and a failure by anthrax in an envelope shutdown the United Iraq at any time to comply with and cooperate States Senate in the fall of 2001. This forced fully in the implementation of this resolution several hundred people to undergo emergency shall constitute – the facts speak for themselves medical treatment and killed two postal workers – shall constitute a further material breach of its just from an amount just about this quantity that obligation. was inside of an envelope. POWELL POWELL: We wrote it this way to give Iraq an ear- : Iraq declared 8,500 liters of anthrax, ly test – to give Iraq an early test. Would they gi- but UNSCOM estimates that Saddam Hussein ve an honest declaration and would they early on could have produced 25,000 liters. If concentrated

bilagor | 99 into this dry form, this amount would be enough He reported that when UNSCOM was in to fill tens upon tens upon tens of thousands of country and inspecting, the biological weapons teaspoons. And Saddam Hussein has not verifiably agent production always began on Thursdays at accounted for even one teaspoon-full of this midnight because Iraq thought UNSCOM deadly material. would not inspect on the Muslim Holy Day, And that is my third point. And it is key. The Thursday night through Friday. He added that Iraqis have never accounted for all of the biological this was important because the units could not weapons they admitted they had and we know be broken down in the middle of a production they had. They have never accounted for all the run, which had to be completed by Friday evening organic material used to make them. And they before the inspectors might arrive again. have not accounted for many of the weapons This defector is currently hiding in another filled with these agents such as there are 400 country with the certain knowledge that Saddam bombs. This is evidence, not conjecture. This is Hussein will kill him if he finds him. His eye- true. This is all well-documented. witness account of these mobile production Dr. Blix told this council that Iraq has provided facilities has been corroborated by other sources. little evidence to verify anthrax production and A second source, an Iraqi civil engineer in a no convincing evidence of its destruction. It position to know the details of the program, should come as no shock then, that since Saddam confirmed the existence of transportable facilities Hussein forced out the last inspectors in 1998, moving on trailers. we have amassed much intelligence indicating A third source, also in a position to know, that Iraq is continuing to make these weapons. reported in summer 2002 that Iraq had manu- One of the most worrisome things that factured mobile production systems mounted on emerges from the thick intelligence file we have road trailer units and on rail cars. on Iraq’s biological weapons is the existence of Finally, a fourth source, an Iraqi major, who mobile production facilities used to make bio- defected, confirmed that Iraq has mobile biological logical agents. research laboratories, in addition to the production facilities I mentioned earlier. Slide 20 POWELL: Let me take you inside that intelligence Slide 21 file and share with you what we know from eye POWELL: We have diagrammed what our sources witness accounts. We have firsthand descriptions reported about these mobile facilities. Here you of biological weapons factories on wheels and see both truck and rail car-mounted mobile on rails. factories. The description our sources gave us of The trucks and train cars are easily moved the technical features required by such facilities and are designed to evade detection by inspectors. are highly detailed and extremely accurate. As In a matter of months, they can produce a quantity these drawings based on their description show, of biological poison equal to the entire amount we know what the fermenters look like, we know that Iraq claimed to have produced in the years what the tanks, pumps, compressors and other prior to the Gulf War. parts look like. We know how they fit together. Although Iraq’s mobile production program We know how they work. And we know a great began in the mid-1990s, U.N. inspectors at the deal about the platforms on which they are time only had vague hints of such programs. mounted. Confirmation came later, in the year 2000. As shown in this diagram, these factories can The source was an eye witness, an Iraqi be concealed easily, either by moving ordinary- chemical engineer who supervised one of these looking trucks and rail cars along Iraq’s thousands facilities. He actually was present during biological of miles of highway or track, or by parking them agent production runs. He was also at the site in a garage or warehouse or somewhere in Iraq’s when an accident occurred in 1998. Twelve extensive system of underground tunnels and technicians died from exposure to biological bunkers. agents.

100 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Slide 22 2,000 liters of simulated anthrax that a jet is We know that Iraq has at lest seven of these spraying. mobile biological agent factories. The truck- In 1995, an Iraqi military officer, Mujahid mounted ones have at least two or three trucks Sali Abdul Latif (ph), told inspectors that Iraq each. That means that the mobile production intended the spray tanks to be mounted onto a facilities are very few, perhaps 18 trucks that we MiG-21 that had been converted into an know of--there may be more--but perhaps 18 unmanned aerial vehicle, or a UAV. UAVs out- that we know of. Just imagine trying to find 18 fitted with spray tanks constitute an ideal trucks among the thousands and thousands of method for launching a terrorist attack using trucks that travel the roads of Iraq everysingle day. biological weapons. It took the inspectors four years to find out POWELL: Iraq admitted to producing four spray that Iraq was making biological agents. How long tanks. But to this day, it has provided no credible do you think it will take the inspectors to find evidence that they were destroyed, evidence that even one of these 18 trucks without Iraq coming was required by the international community. forward, as they are supposed to, with the infor- There can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein mation about these kinds of capabilities? has biological weapons and the capability to POWELL: Ladies and gentlemen, these are rapidly produce more, many more. And he has sophisticated facilities. For example, they can the ability to dispense these lethal poisons and produce anthrax and botulinum toxin. In fact, diseases in ways that can cause massive death and they can produce enough dry biological agent in destruction. If biological weapons seem too a single month to kill thousands upon thousands terrible to contemplate, chemical weapons are of people. And dry agent of this type is the most equally chilling. lethal form for human beings. By 1998, U.N. experts agreed that the Slide 24 Iraqis had perfected drying techniques for their biological weapons programs. Now, Iraq has UNMOVIC already laid out much of this, and it incorporated this drying expertise into these is documented for all of us to read in UNSCOM’s mobile production facilities. 1999 report on the subject. We know from Iraq’s past admissions that it Let me set the stage with three key points has successfully weaponized not only anthrax, but that all of us need to keep in mind: First, Saddam also other biological agents, including botulinum Hussein has used these horrific weapons on toxin, aflatoxin and ricin. another country and on his own people. In fact, But Iraq’s research efforts did not stop there. in the history of chemical warfare, no country Saddam Hussein has investigated dozens of has had more battlefield experience with chemical biological agents causing diseases such as gas weapons since World War I than Saddam Hussein’s gangrene, plague, typhus (ph), tetanus, cholera, Iraq. camelpox and hemorrhagic fever, and he also has Second, as with biological weapons, Saddam the wherewithal to develop smallpox. Hussein has never accounted for vast amounts of chemical weaponry: 550 artillery shells with mustard, 30,000 empty munitions and enough Slide 23 precursors to increase his stockpile to as much as The Iraqi regime has also developed ways to 500 tons of chemical agents. If we consider just disburse lethal biological agents, widely and one category of missing weaponry – 6,500 discriminately into the water supply, into the air. bombs from the Iran-Iraq war – UNMOVIC For example, Iraq had a program to modify aerial says the amount of chemical agent in them fuel tanks for Mirage jets. This video of an Iraqi would be in the order of 1,000 tons. These test flight obtained by UNSCOM some years ago quantities of chemical weapons are now shows an Iraqi F-1 Mirage jet aircraft. Note the unaccounted for. spray coming from beneath the Mirage; that is

bilagor | 101 Dr. Blix has quipped that, quote, “Mustard chemical weapons program and employs key gas is not (inaudible) You are supposed to know figures from past programs. what you did with it.” That’s the production end of Saddam’s We believe Saddam Hussein knows what he chemical weapons business. What about the did with it, and he has not come clean with the delivery end? international community. We have evidence these I’m going to show you a small part of a weapons existed. What we don’t have is evidence chemical complex called al-Moussaid (ph), a site from Iraq that they have been destroyed or where that Iraq has used for at least three years to they are. That is what we are still waiting for. transship chemical weapons from production Third point, Iraq’s record on chemical weapons facilities out to the field. is replete with lies. It took years for Iraq to finally admit that it had produced four tons of the Slide 25 deadly nerve agent, VX. A single drop of VX on In May 2002, our satellites photographed the the skin will kill in minutes. Four tons. unusual activity in this picture. Here we see cargo The admission only came out after inspectors vehicles are again at this transshipment point, collected documentation as a result of the and we can see that they are accompanied by a defection of Hussein Kamal, Saddam Hussein’s decontamination vehicle associated with biological late son-in-law. UNSCOM also gained forensic or chemical weapons activity. evidence that Iraq had produced VX and put it into weapons for delivery. POWELL: What makes this picture significant POWELL: Yet, to this day, Iraq denies it is that we have a human source who has corro- had ever weaponized VX. And on January 27, borated that movement of chemical weapons UNMOVIC told this council that it has informa- occurred at this site at that time. So it’s not just tion that conflicts with the Iraqi account of its the photo, and it’s not an individual seeing the VX program. photo. It’s the photo and then the knowledge of We know that Iraq has embedded key portions an individual being brought together to make the of its illicit chemical weapons infrastructure case. within its legitimate civilian industry. To all out- ward appearances, even to experts, the infra- Slide 26 structure looks like an ordinary civilian opera- This photograph of the site taken two months tion. Illicit and legitimate production can go on later in July shows not only the previous site, simultaneously; or, on a dime, this dual-use which is the figure in the middle at the top with infrastructure can turn from clandestine to the bulldozer sign near it, it shows that this commercial and then back again. previous site, as well as all of the other sites These inspections would be unlikely, any around the site, have been fully bulldozed and inspections of such facilities would be unlikely graded. The topsoil has been removed. The Iraqis to turn up anything prohibited, especially if there literally removed the crust of the earth from large is any warning that the inspections are coming. portions of this site in order to conceal chemical Call it ingenuous or evil genius, but the Iraqis weapons evidence that would be there from years deliberately designed their chemical weapons of chemical weapons activity. programs to be inspected. It is infrastructure with To support its deadly biological and chemical a built-in ally. weapons programs, Iraq procures needed items Under the guise of dual-use infrastructure, from around the world using an extensive Iraq has undertaken an effort to reconstitute clandestine network. What we know comes largely facilities that were closely associated with its past from intercepted communications and human program to develop and produce chemical sources who are in a position to know the facts. weapons. Iraq’s procurement efforts include equipment For example, Iraq has rebuilt key portions that can filter and separate micro-organisms and of the Tariq (ph) state establishment. Tariq (ph) toxins involved in biological weapons, equipment includes facilities designed specifically for Iraq’s that can be used to concentrate the agent, growth

102 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” media that can be used to continue producing somebody might be listening. Well, somebody anthrax and botulinum toxin, sterilization equip- was. ment for laboratories, glass-lined reactors and “Nerve agents. Stop talking about it. They are specialty pumps that can handle corrosive chemical listening to us. Don’t give any evidence that we weapons agents and precursors, large amounts of have these horrible agents.” vinyl chloride, a precursor for nerve and blister agents, and other chemicals such as sodium Well, we know that they do. And this kind of sulfide, an important mustard agent precursor. conversation confirms it. Now, of course, Iraq will argue that these Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today items can also be used for legitimate purposes. has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of But if that is true, why do we have to learn about chemical weapons agent. That is enough agent to them by intercepting communications and fill 16,000 battlefield rockets. risking the lives of human agents? With Iraq’s POWELL well documented history on biological and : Even the low end of 100 tons of agent chemical weapons, why should any of us give would enable Saddam Hussein to cause mass ca- Iraq the benefit of the doubt? I don’t, and I don’t sualties across more than 100 square miles of ter- think you will either after you hear this next ritory, an area nearly 5 times the size of Manhat- intercept. tan. POWELL : Just a few weeks ago, we intercepted Slide 29 communications between two commanders in Let me remind you that, of the 122 millimeter Iraq’s Second Republican Guard Corps. One chemical warheads, that the U.N. inspectors commander is going to be giving an instruction found recently, this discovery could very well be, to the other. You will hear as this unfolds that as has been noted, the tip of the submerged what he wants to communicate to the other guy, iceberg. The question before us, all my friends, he wants to make sure the other guy hears clearly, is when will we see the rest of the submerged to the point of repeating it so that it gets written iceberg? down and completely understood. Listen. Saddam Hussein has chemical weapons. Saddam Hussein has used such weapons. And Slide 27 Saddam Hussein has no compunction about POWELL: Let’s review a few selected items of this using them again, against his neighbors and conversation. Two officers talking to each other against his own people. on the radio want to make sure that nothing is And we have sources who tell us that he misunderstood: recently has authorized his field commanders to “Remove. Remove.” use them. He wouldn’t be passing out the orders The expression, the expression, “I got it.” if he didn’t have the weapons or the intent to use them. Slide 28 We also have sources who tell us that, since “Nerve agents. Nerve agents. Wherever it comes the 1980s, Saddam’s regime has been experimen- up.” ting on human beings to perfect its biological or “Got it.” chemical weapons. “Wherever it comes up.” A source said that 1,600 death row prisoners “In the wireless instructions, in the instructions.” were transferred in 1995 to a special unit for “Correction. No. In the wireless instructions.” such experiments. An eye witness saw prisoners “Wireless. I got it.” tied down to beds, experiments conducted on them, blood oozing around the victim’s mouths Why does he repeat it that way? Why is he and autopsies performed to confirm the effects so forceful in making sure this is understood? on the prisoners. Saddam Hussein’s humanity And why did he focus on wireless instructions? – inhumanity has no limits. Because the senior officer is concerned that

bilagor | 103 Slide 30 These tubes are controlled by the Nuclear Let me turn now to nuclear weapons. We have Suppliers Group precisely because they can be no indication that Saddam Hussein has ever used as centrifuges for enriching uranium. By abandoned his nuclear weapons program. now, just about everyone has heard of these tubes, On the contrary, we have more than a decade and we all know that there are differences of of proof that he remains determined to acquire opinion. There is controversy about what these nuclear weapons. tubes are for. To fully appreciate the challenge that we face Most U.S. experts think they are intended today, remember that, in 1991, the inspectors to serve as rotors in centrifuges used to enrich searched Iraq’s primary nuclear weapons facilities uranium. Other experts, and the Iraqis themselves, for the first time. And they found nothing to argue that they are really to produce the rocket conclude that Iraq had a nuclear weapons program. bodies for a conventional weapon, a multiple But based on defector information in May of rocket launcher. 1991, Saddam Hussein’s lie was exposed. In Let me tell you what is not controversial truth, Saddam Hussein had a massive clandestine about these tubes. First, all the experts who have nuclear weapons program that covered several analyzed the tubes in our possession agree that different techniques to enrich uranium, including they can be adapted for centrifuge use. Second, electromagnetic isotope separation, gas centrifuge, Iraq had no business buying them for any purpose. and gas diffusion. We estimate that this elicit They are banned for Iraq. program cost the Iraqis several billion dollars. I am no expert on centrifuge tubes, but just as an old Army trooper, I can tell you a couple of POWELL : Nonetheless, Iraq continued to tell the things: First, it strikes me as quite odd that these IAEA that it had no nuclear weapons program. tubes are manufactured to a tolerance that far If Saddam had not been stopped, Iraq could have exceeds U.S. requirements for comparable rockets. produced a nuclear bomb by 1993, years earlier Maybe Iraqis just manufacture their conven- than most worse-case assessments that had been tional weapons to a higher standard than we do, made before the war. but I don’t think so. In 1995, as a result of another defector, we find out that, after his invasion of Kuwait, Saddam Slide 32 Hussein had initiated a crash program to build a POWELL:Second, we actually have examined tubes crude nuclear weapon in violation of Iraq’s U.N. from several different batches that were seized obligations. clandestinely before they reached Baghdad. What Saddam Hussein already possesses two out of we notice in these different batches is a progression the three key components needed to build a nu- to higher and higher levels of specification, clear bomb. He has a cadre of nuclear scientists including, in the latest batch, an anodized coating with the expertise, and he has a bomb design. on extremely smooth inner and outer surfaces. Since 1998, his efforts to reconstitute his nu- Why would they continue refining the specifica- clear program have been focused on acquiring tions, go to all that trouble for something that, the third and last component, sufficient fissile if it was a rocket, would soon be blown into material to produce a nuclear explosion. To make shrapnel when it went off? the fissile material, he needs to develop an ability The high tolerance aluminum tubes are only to enrich uranium. part of the story. We also have intelligence from multiple sources that Iraq is attempting to acquire Slide 31 magnets and high-speed balancing machines; Saddam Hussein is determined to get his hands both items can be used in a gas centrifuge program on a nuclear bomb. He is so determined that he to enrich uranium. has made repeated covert attempts to acquire In 1999 and 2000, Iraqi officials negotiated high-specification aluminum tubes from 11 with firms in Romania, India, Russia and Slovenia different countries, even after inspections resumed. for the purchase of a magnet production plant. Iraq wanted the plant to produce magnets weighing

104 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” 20 to 30 grams. That’s the same weight as the We know from intelligence and Iraq’s own magnets used in Iraq’s gas centrifuge program admissions that Iraq’s alleged permitted ballistic before the Gulf War. This incident linked with missiles, the al-Samud II (ph) and the al-Fatah the tubes is another indicator of Iraq’s attempt to (ph), violate the 150-kilometer limit established reconstitute its nuclear weapons program. by this council in Resolution 687. These are Intercepted communications from mid-2000 prohibited systems. through last summer show that Iraq front compa- UNMOVIC has also reported that Iraq has nies sought to buy machines that can be used to illegally imported 380 SA-2 (ph) rocket engines. balance gas centrifuge rotors. One of these com- These are likely for use in the al-Samud II (ph). panies also had been involved in a failed effort in Their import was illegal on three counts. 2001 to smuggle aluminum tubes into Iraq. Resolution 687 prohibited all military shipments People will continue to debate this issue, but into Iraq. UNSCOM specifically prohibited use there is no doubt in my mind, these elicit pro- of these engines in surface-to-surface missiles. curement efforts show that Saddam Hussein is And finally, as we have just noted, they are for a very much focused on putting in place the key system that exceeds the 150-kilometer range limit. missing piece from his nuclear weapons program, Worst of all, some of these engines were the ability to produce fissile material. He also has acquired as late as December--after this council been busy trying to maintain the other key parts passed Resolution 1441. of his nuclear program, particularly his cadre of What I want you to know today is that Iraq key nuclear scientists. has programs that are intended to produce It is noteworthy that, over the last 18 ballistic missiles that fly 1,000 kilometers. One months, Saddam Hussein has paid increasing program is pursuing a liquid fuel missile that personal attention to Iraqi’s top nuclear scientists, would be able to fly more than 1,200 kilometers. a group that the governmental-controlled press And you can see from this map, as well as I can, calls openly, his nuclear mujahedeen. He regularly who will be in danger of these missiles. exhorts them and praises their progress. Progress toward what end? Slide 35 As part of this effort, another little piece of Slide 33 evidence, Iraq has built an engine test stand that Long ago, the Security Council, this council, re- is larger than anything it has ever had. Notice the quired Iraq to halt all nuclear activities of any kind. dramatic difference in size between the test stand on the left, the old one, and the new one on the POWELL: Let me talk now about the systems Iraq right. Note the large exhaust vent. This is where is developing to deliver weapons of mass destruc- the flame from the engine comes out. The exhaust tion, in particular Iraq’s ballistic missiles and un- on the right test stand is five times longer than manned aerial vehicles, UAVs. the one on the left. The one on the left was used for short-range missile. The one on the right is Slide 34 clearly intended for long-range missiles that can First, missiles. We all remember that before the fly 1,200 kilometers. Gulf War Saddam Hussein’s goal was missiles This photograph was taken in April of 2002. that flew not just hundreds, but thousands of Since then, the test stand has been finished and a kilometers. He wanted to strike not only his roof has been put over it so it will be harder for neighbors, but also nations far beyond his borders. satellites to see what’s going on underneath the While inspectors destroyed most of the pro- test stand. hibited ballistic missiles, numerous intelligence Saddam Hussein’s intentions have never changed. reports over the past decade, from sources inside He is not developing the missiles for self-defense. Iraq, indicate that Saddam Hussein retains a These are missiles that Iraq wants in order to covert force of up to a few dozen Scud variant project power, to threaten, and to deliver chemical, ballistic missiles. These are missiles with a range biological and, if we let him, nuclear warheads. of 650 to 900 kilometers. Now, unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs.

bilagor | 105 Slide 36 Slide 38 Iraq has been working on a variety of UAVs for Our concern is not just about these elicit weapons. more than a decade. This is just illustrative of It’s the way that these elicit weapons can be what a UAV would look like. This effort has connected to terrorists and terrorist organizations included attempts to modify for unmanned that have no compunction about using such flight the MiG-21 (ph) and with greater success devices against innocent people around the world. an aircraft called the L-29 (ph). However, Iraq is Iraq and terrorism go back decades. Baghdad now concentrating not on these airplanes, but on trains Palestine Liberation Front members in developing and testing smaller UAVs, such as this. small arms and explosives. Saddam uses the Arab UAVs are well suited for dispensing chemical Liberation Front to funnel money to the families and biological weapons. of Palestinian suicide bombers in order to prolong the Intifada. And it’s no secret that Saddam’s own POWELL: There is ample evidence that Iraq has intelligence service was involved in dozens of at- dedicated much effort to developing and tacks or attempted assassinations in the 1990s. testing spray devices that could be adapted for But what I want to bring to your attention UAVs. And of the little that Saddam Hussein today is the potentially much more sinister nexus told us about UAVs, he has not told the truth. between Iraq and the Al Qaida terrorist network, One of these lies is graphically and indisputably a nexus that combines classic terrorist organizations demonstrated by intelligence we collected on and modern methods of murder. Iraq today June 27, last year. harbors a deadly terrorist network headed by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, an associated in collaborator Slide 37 of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida lieutenants. According to Iraq’s December 7 declaration, its Zarqawi, a Palestinian born in Jordan, fought UAVs have a range of only 80 kilometers. But we in the Afghan war more than a decade ago. detected one of Iraq’s newest UAVs in a test Returning to Afghanistan in 2000, he oversaw a flight that went 500 kilometers nonstop on auto- terrorist training camp. One of his specialities pilot in the race track pattern depicted here. and one of the specialties of this camp is poisons. Not only is this test well in excess of the 150 When our coalition ousted the Taliban, the kilometers that the United Nations permits, the Zarqaqi network helped establish another poison test was left out of Iraq’s December 7th declara- and explosive training center camp. And this tion. The UAV was flown around and around camp is located in northeastern Iraq. and around in a circle. And so, that its 80 kilo- meter limit really was 500 kilometers unrefueled Slide 39 and on autopilot, violative of all of its obligations POWELL: You see a picture of this camp. under 1441. The network is teaching its operatives how to The linkages over the past 10 years between produce ricin and other poisons. Let me remind Iraq’s UAV program and biological and chemical you how ricin works. Less than a pinch – image warfare agents are of deep concern to us. Iraq a pinch of salt – less than a pinch of ricin, eating could use these small UAVs which have a wing- just this amount in your food, would cause shock span of only a few meters to deliver biological followed by circulatory failure. Death comes agents to its neighbors or if transported, to other within 72 hours and there is no antidote, there countries, including the United States. is no cure. It is fatal. My friends, the information I have presented to you about these terrible weapons and about Slide 40 Iraq’s continued flaunting of its obligations under Security Council Resolution 1441 links to a sub- Those helping to run this camp are Zarqawi ject I now want to spend a little bit of time on. lieutenants operating in northern Kurdish areas And that has to do with terrorism. outside Saddam Hussein’s controlled Iraq. But Baghdad has an agent in the most senior levels of the radical organization, Ansar al-Islam, that

106 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” controls this corner of Iraq. In 2000 this agent protest that they are not aware of the whereabouts offered Al Qaida safe haven in the region. After of Zarqawi or of any of his associates. Again, we swept Al Qaida from Afghanistan, some of its these protests are not credible. We know of members accepted this safe haven. They remain Zarqawi’s activities in Baghdad. I described them their today. earlier. Zarqawi’s activities are not confined to this And now let me add one other fact. We asked small corner of north east Iraq. He traveled to a friendly security service to approach Baghdad Baghdad in May 2002 for medical treatment, about extraditing Zarqawi and providing informa- staying in the capital of Iraq for two months tion about him and his close associates. This while he recuperated to fight another day. service contacted Iraqi officials twice, and we During this stay, nearly two dozen extremists passed details that should have made it easy to converged on Baghdad and established a base of find Zarqawi. The network remains in Baghdad. operations there. These Al Qaida affiliates, based Zarqawi still remains at large to come and go. in Baghdad, now coordinate the movement of As my colleagues around this table and as the people, money and supplies into and throughout citizens they represent in Europe know, Zarqawi’s Iraq for his network, and they’ve now been terrorism is not confined to the Middle East. operating freely in the capital for more than eight Zarqawi and his network have plotted terrorist months. actions against countries, including France, Iraqi officials deny accusations of ties with Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany and Russia. Al Qaida. These denials are simply not credible. Last year an Al Qaida associate bragged that the Slide 41 situation in Iraq was, quote, “good,” that Baghdad According to detainee Abuwatia (ph), who could be transited quickly. graduated from Zarqawi’s terrorist camp in We know these affiliates are connected to Afghanistan, tasks at least nine North African Zarqawi because they remain even today in extremists from 2001 to travel to Europe to regular contact with his direct subordinates, conduct poison and explosive attacks. including the poison cell plotters, and they are Since last year, members of this network have involved in moving more than money and been apprehended in France, Britain, Spain and materiale. Italy. By our last count, 116 operatives connected Last year, two suspected Al Qaida operatives to this global web have been arrested. were arrested crossing from Iraq into Saudi Arabia. They were linked to associates of the Baghdad Slide 42 cell, and one of them received training in The chart you are seeing shows the network in Afghanistan on how to use cyanide. From his Europe. We know about this European network, terrorist network in Iraq, Zarqawi can direct his and we know about its links to Zarqawi, because network in the Middle East and beyond. the detainee who provided the information about We, in the United States, all of us at the State the targets also provided the names of members Department, and the Agency for International of the network. Development – we all lost a dear friend with the Three of those he identified by name were cold-blooded murder of Mr. Lawrence Foley in arrested in France last December. In the apartments Amman, Jordan last October, a despicable act of the terrorists, authorities found circuits for was committed that day. The assassination of an explosive devices and a list of ingredients to make individual whose sole mission was to assist the toxins. people of Jordan. The captured assassin says his The detainee who helped piece this together cell received money and weapons from Zarqawi says the plot also targeted Britain. Later evidence, for that murder. again, proved him right. When the British POWELL: After the attack, an associate of the as- unearthed a cell there just last month, one British sassin left Jordan to go to Iraq to obtain weapons police officer was murdered during the disruption and explosives for further operations. Iraqi officials of the cell.

bilagor | 107 Slide 43 could learn how to build more sophisticated We also know that Zarqawi’s colleagues have bombs and learn how to forge documents, and been active in the Pankisi Gorge, Georgia and in enough so that Al Qaida could turn to Iraq for Chechnya, Russia. The plotting to which they are help in acquiring expertise on weapons of mass linked is not mere chatter. Members of Zarqawi’s destruction. network say their goal was to kill Russians with And the record of Saddam Hussein’s coopera- toxins. tion with other Islamist terrorist organizations is We are not surprised that Iraq is harboring clear. Hamas, for example, opened an office in Zarqawi and his subordinates. This understanding Baghdad in 1999, and Iraq has hosted conferences builds on decades long experience with respect to attended by Palestine Islamic Jihad. These groups ties between Iraq and Al Qaida. are at the forefront of sponsoring suicide attacks against Israel. POWELL : Going back to the early and Al Qaida continues to have a deep interest in mid-1990s, when bin Laden was based in Sudan, acquiring weapons of mass destruction. As with an Al Qaida source tells us that Saddam and bin the story of Zarqawi and his network, I can trace Laden reached an understanding that Al Qaida the story of a senior terrorist operative telling would no longer support activities against Baghdad. how Iraq provided training in these weapons to Early Al Qaida ties were forged by secret, high- Al Qaida. level intelligence service contacts with Al Qaida, Fortunately, this operative is now detained, secret Iraqi intelligence high-level contacts with and he has told his story. I will relate it to you Al Qaida. now as he, himself, described it. We know members of both organizations met This senior Al Qaida terrorist was responsible repeatedly and have met at least eight times at for one of Al Qaida’s training camps in Afghani- very senior levels since the early 1990s. In 1996, stan. a foreign security service tells us, that bin Laden met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official in POWELL: His information comes first-hand from Khartoum, and later met the director of the Iraqi his personal involvement at senior levels of Al intelligence service. Qaida. He says bin Laden and his top deputy in Saddam became more interested as he saw Al Afghanistan, deceased Al Qaida leader Muham- Qaida’s appalling attacks. A detained Al Qaida mad Atif (ph), did not believe that Al Qaida labs member tells us that Saddam was more willing to in Afghanistan were capable enough to assist Al Qaida after the 1998 bombings of our manufacture these chemical or biological agents. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Saddam was They needed to go somewhere else. They had to also impressed by Al Qaida’s attacks on the USS look outside of Afghanistan for help. Where did Cole in Yemen in October 2000. they go? Where did they look? They went to Iraq. Iraqis continued to visit bin Laden in his new The support that (inaudible) describes included home in Afghanistan. A senior defector, one of Iraq offering chemical or biological weapons Saddam’s former intelligence chiefs in Europe, training for two Al Qaida associates beginning in says Saddam sent his agents to Afghanistan December 2000. He says that a militant known sometime in the mid-1990s to provide training as Abu Abdula Al-Iraqi (ph) had been sent to to Al Qaida members on document forgery. Iraq several times between 1997 and 2000 for From the late 1990s until 2001, the Iraqi help in acquiring poisons and gases. Abdula embassy in Pakistan played the role of liaison to Al-Iraqi (ph) characterized the relationship he the Al Qaida organization. forged with Iraqi officials as successful. Some believe, some claim these contacts do As I said at the outset, none of this should not amount to much. They say Saddam Hussein’s come as a surprise to any of us. Terrorism has secular tyranny and Al Qaida’s religious tyranny been a tool used by Saddam for decades. Saddam do not mix. I am not comforted by this thought. was a supporter of terrorism long before these Ambition and hatred are enough to bring Iraq terrorist networks had a name. And this support and Al Qaida together, enough so Al Qaida continues. The nexus of poisons and terror is

108 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” new. The nexus of Iraq and terror is old. The Slide 45 combination is lethal. For more than 20 years, by word and by deed With this track record, Iraqi denials of Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to supporting terrorism take the place alongside the dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using other Iraqi denials of weapons of mass destruction. the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion It is all a web of lies. and annihilation of all those who might stand in When we confront a regime that harbors his way. For Saddam Hussein, possession of the ambitions for regional domination, hides world’s most deadly weapons is the ultimate weapons of mass destruction and provides haven trump card, the one he most hold to fulfill his and active support for terrorists, we are not ambition. confronting the past, we are confronting the We know that Saddam Hussein is determined present. And unless we act, we are confronting to keep his weapons of mass destruction; he’s an even more frightening future. determined to make more. Given Saddam Hussein’s history of aggression, given what we Slide 44 know of his grandiose plans, given what we know My friends, this has been a long and a detailed of his terrorist associations and given his determi- presentation. And I thank you for your patience. nation to exact revenge on those who oppose But there is one more subject that I would like to him, should we take the risk that he will not touch on briefly. And it should be a subject of some day use these weapons at a time and the deep and continuing concern to this council, place and in the manner of his choosing at a time Saddam Hussein’s violations of human rights. when the world is in a much weaker position Underlying all that I have said, underlying all to respond? the facts and the patterns of behavior that I have The United States will not and cannot run identified as Saddam Hussein’s contempt for the that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam will of this council, his contempt for the truth Hussein in possession of weapons of mass and most damning of all, his utter contempt for destruction for a few more months or years is not human life. Saddam Hussein’s use of mustard an option, not in a post-September 11th world. and nerve gas against the Kurds in 1988 was one My colleagues, over three months ago this of the 20th century’s most horrible atrocities; council recognized that Iraq continued to pose a 5,000 men, women and children died. threat to international peace and security, and that Iraq had been and remained in material POWELL : His campaign against the Kurds from breach of its disarmament obligations. Today 1987 to ’89 included mass summary Iraq still poses a threat and Iraq still remains in executions, disappearances, arbitrary jailing, material breach. ethnic cleansing and the destruction of some 2,000 villages. He has also conducted ethnic POWELL: Indeed, by its failure to seize on its one cleansing against the Shi’a Iraqis and the Marsh last opportunity to come clean and disarm, Iraq Arabs whose culture has flourished for more than has put itself in deeper material breach and closer a millennium. Saddam Hussein’s police state to the day when it will face serious consequences ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent. for its continued defiance of this council. Iraq has more forced disappearance cases than My colleagues, we have an obligation to our any other country, tens of thousands of people citizens, we have an obligation to this body to see reported missing in the past decade. that our resolutions are complied with. We wrote Nothing points more clearly to Saddam 1441 not in order to go to war, we wrote 1441 to Hussein’s dangerous intentions and the threat he try to preserve the peace. We wrote 1441 to give poses to all of us than his calculated cruelty to Iraq one last chance. Iraq is not so far taking that his own citizens and to his neighbors. Clearly, one last chance. Saddam Hussein and his regime will stop at We must not shrink from whatever is ahead nothing until something stops him. of us. We must not fail in our duty and our

bilagor | 109 responsibility to the citizens of the countries that are represented by this body. Thank you, Mr. President.

END ------

110 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” February 15, 2003

bilaga 10. tony blairs tal

I want to solve the Iraq issue via the United Nations

Speech by Prime Minister Tony Blair at inspectors toiled. It was not until 1995 that Labour’s local government, women’s and Saddam’s son-in-law defected to Jordan, explained youth conferences, SECC, Glasgow (urklipp) the true biological weapons programme and it was partially dealt with. He was, of course lured The progress we have made, we have made back to Iraq and then murdered. together. I know it is tough right now. I know it The time needed is not the time it takes the is an uncertain time for our country. But we will inspectors to discover the weapons. They are not come through this and we will come through it a detective agency. We played that game for years together. in the 1990s. The time is the time necessary We will come through it by holding firm to to make a judgment: is Saddam prepared to what we believe in. One such belief is in the co-operate fully or not. If he is, the inspectors United Nations. I continue to want to solve the can take as much time as they want. If he is not, issue of Iraq and weapons of mass destruction if this is a repeat of the 1990s – and I believe it is through the UN. That is why last November we – then let us be under no doubt what is at stake. insisted on putting UN inspectors back into Iraq By going down the UN route we gave the to disarm it. UN an extraordinary opportunity and a heavy Dr Blix reported to the UN yesterday and responsibility. The opportunity is to show that there will be more time given to inspections. He we can meet the menace to our world today will report again on 28 February. But let no one together, collectively and as a united international forget two things. To anyone familiar with Saddam’s community. What a mighty achievement that tactics of deception and evasion, there is a weary would be. The responsibility, however, is indeed sense of déjà vu. As ever, at the last minute, con- to deal with it. cessions are made. And as ever, it is the long fing- The League of Nations also had that oppor- er that is directing them. The concessions are tunity and responsibility back in the 1930s. In suspect. Unfortunately the weapons are real. the early days of the fascist menace, it had the Last year, 12 long years after the UN first duty to protect Abyssinia from invasion. But gave him 15 days to produce a full audit of his when it came to a decision to enforce that chemical, biological and nuclear weapons pro- guarantee, the horror of war deterred it. We grammes and he denied he had any, we passed know the rest. The menace grew; the League of UN Resolution 1441. It gave him a “final Nations collapsed; war came. opportunity” to disarm. It instructed him to Remember: the UN inspectors would not be co-operate fully with the UN inspectors. Why within a thousand miles of Baghdad without the was the inspection regime so tough? Because for threat of force. Saddam would not be making a 12 years, he had played a game with the inspectors. single concession without the knowledge that In 1991 Iraq denied it had a biological forces were gathering against him. I hope, even weapons offensive programme. For four years the now, Iraq can be disarmed peacefully, with or

bilagor | 111 without Saddam. But if we show weakness now, their power through chemical, biological or if we allow the plea for more time to become just nuclear weapons capability which can cause an excuse for prevarication until the moment for destruction on a massive scale. action passes, then it will not only be Saddam What do they have in common these twins who is repeating history. The menace, and not of chaos – terrorism and rogue states with Weapons just from Saddam, will grow; the authority of the of Mass Destruction? They are answerable to no UN will be lost; and the conflict when it comes democratic mandate, so are unrestrained by the will be more bloody. Yes, let the United Nations will of ordinary people. They are extreme and be the way to deal with Saddam. But let the inhumane. They detest and fear liberal, demo- United Nations mean what it says; and do what cratic and tolerant values. And their aim is to it means. de-stabilise us. What is the menace we speak of? It is not just September 11th didn’t just kill thousands of Saddam. We are living through insecure times. innocent people. It was meant to bring down the Wars; terrorist threats; suddenly things that seem Western economy. It did not do so. But we live alien to us are on our doorstep, threatening our with the effects of it even today in economic way of life. confidence. It was meant to divide Muslim and Let me try to make sense of it. For hundreds Christian, Arab and Western nations, and to of years, Europe was at war, the boundaries of provoke us to hate each other. It didn’t succeed many nations shifting with each passing army, but that is what it was trying to do. small countries occupied and re-occupied, their These states developing Weapons of Mass people never at peace. Large countries fought Destruction, proliferating them, importing or each other literally for decades at a time with exporting the scientific expertise, the ballistic only the briefest respite to draw breath before the missile technology; the companies and individuals resumption of hostilities. For my father’s genera- helping them: they don’t operate within any tion that was the Europe they were brought up international treaties. They don’t conform to any in. Today in Europe former enemies are friends, rules. North Korea is a country whose people are at one, if not always diplomatically. The EU is a starving and yet can spend billions of dollars massive achievement of peace and prosperity now trying to perfect a nuclear bomb. Iraq, under set to welcome in the nations who suffered from Saddam became the first country to use chemical the other great tyranny of my father’s life time weapons against its own people. Are we sure that and my own: the Soviet Union. For the first 40 if we let him keep and develop such weapons, he years of my life, the reality was the Communist would not use them again against his neighbours, bloc versus the West. Today the Cold War is over. against Israel perhaps? Saddam the man who The EU is set to grow to 25, then 30 then more killed a million people in an eight year war with nations. Russia is our partner and we, hers, in her Iran, and then, having lost it, invaded Kuwait? search for a new and democratic beginning. Or the other nations scrabbling to get a foot on China is developing as a Socialist market economy the nuclear ladder, are we happy that they do so? and is the ally of Europe, and the US. And the terrorist groups already using chemical We don’t wake up and fear Russia or China as and biological agents with money to spend, do we did. America is not focussed on the struggle we really believe that if Al Qaida could get a for ideological hegemony between Communism dirty bomb they wouldn’t use it? And then think and liberal democracy. The issue is not a clash for of the consequences. Already there is fear and conquest between the big powers. anxiety, undermining confidence. Think of the But the old threat has been replaced by a new consequences then. Think of a nation using a one. The threat of chaos; disorder; instability. A nuclear device, no matter how small, no matter threat which arises from a perversion of the true how distant the land. Think of the chaos it faith of Islam, in extremist terrorist groups like would cause. Al Qaida. It arises from countries which are That is why Saddam and Weapons of Mass unstable, usually repressive dictatorships which Destruction are important. use what wealth they have to protect or enhance

112 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” Every time I have asked us to go to war, stand why I press the case so insistently. And I I have hated it. I spent months trying to get have given you the geo-political reason – the Milosevic to stop ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction and its delaying action while we negotiated endlessly. link with terrorism. And I believe it. I agreed with President Bush not to strike If I am honest about it, there is another Afghanistan after September 11th but instead to reason why I feel so strongly about this issue. It is offer the Taliban, loathsome though they were, a reason less to do with my being Prime Minister an ultimatum: yield up Al Qaida and we will let than being a member of the Labour Party, to do you stay. We used force in the end, but in Kosovo with the progressive politics in which we believe. only as a last resort, and though I rejoiced with The moral case against war has a moral answer: his people at the fall of Milosevic, as I rejoiced it is the moral case for removing Saddam. It is with the Afghan people at the fall of the Taliban, not the reason we act. That must be according to I know that amid the necessary military victory the United Nations mandate on Weapons of there was pain and suffering that brought no joy Mass Destruction. But it is the reason, frankly, at all. why if we do have to act, we should do so with At every stage, we should seek to avoid war. a clear conscience. But if the threat cannot be removed peacefully, Yes, there are consequences of war. If we please let us not fall for the delusion that it can remove Saddam by force, people will die and be safely ignored. If we do not confront these some will be innocent. And we must live with twin menaces of rogue states with Weapons of the consequences of our actions, even the Mass Destruction and terrorism, they will not unintended ones. disappear. They will just feed and grow on our But there are also consequences of “stop weakness. the war”. When people say if you act, you will provoke If I took that advice, and did not insist on these people; when they say now: take a lower disarmament, yes, there would be no war. But profile and these people will leave us alone, there would still be Saddam. Many of the people remember: Al Qaida attacked the US, not the marching will say they hate Saddam. But the other way round. Were the people of Bali in the consequences of taking their advice is that he forefront of the anti-terror campaign? Did stays in charge of Iraq, ruling the Iraqi people. Indonesia ’make itself a target’? The terrorists wo- A country that in 1978, the year before he seized n’t be nice to us if we’re nice to them. When Sad- power, was richer than Malaysia or Portugal. A dam drew us into the Gulf War, he wasn’t provo- country where today, 135 out of every 1000 Iraqi ked. He invaded Kuwait. children die before the age of five – 70% of So: where has it come to? Everyone agrees these deaths are from diarrhoea and respiratory Saddam must be disarmed. Everyone agrees infections that are easily preventable. Where without disarmament, he is a danger. almost a third of children born in the centre and No-one seriously believes he is yet co-operating south of Iraq have chronic malnutrition. fully. In all honesty, most people don’t really Where 60% of the people depend on Food believe he ever will. So what holds people back? Aid. What brings thousands of people out in protests Where half the population of rural areas have across the world? And let’s not pretend, not really no safe water. that in March or April or May or June, people Where every year and now, as we speak, tens will feel different. It’s not really an issue of timing of thousands of political prisoners languish in or 200 inspectors versus 100. It is a right and appalling conditions in Saddam’s jails and are entirely understandable hatred of war. It is moral routinely executed. purpose, and I respect that. Where in the past 15 years over 150,000 Shia It is as one woman put it to me: I abhor the Moslems in Southern Iraq and Moslem Kurds consequences of war. in Northern Iraq have been butchered; with up And I know many in our own Party, many to four million Iraqis in exile round the world, here today will agree with her; and don’t under- including 350,000 now in Britain.

bilagor | 113 This isn’t a regime with Weapons of Mass are being given real hope, however slight and Destruction that is otherwise benign. This is a however precarious, that they can live in an Iraq regime that contravenes every single principle or that is free of its horrors?” value anyone of our politics believes in. We will give the e-mail to delegates. Read it There will be no march for the victims of all. It is the reason why I do not shrink from Saddam, no protests about the thousands of action against Saddam if it proves necessary. Read children that die needlessly every year under his the letter sent to me by Dr Safa Hashim, who rule, no righteous anger over the torture chambers lives here in Glasgow, and who says he is writing which if he is left in power, will be left in being. despite his fears of Iraqi retribution. I rejoice that we live in a country where He says the principle of opposing war by the peaceful protest is a natural part of our democratic public is received warmly by Iraqis for it reveals process. the desire of people to avoid suffering. But he But I ask the marchers to understand this. says it misses the point - because the Iraqi people I do not seek unpopularity as a badge of need Saddam removed as a way of ending their honour. But sometimes it is the price of leader- suffering. ship. And the cost of conviction. Dr Hashim says: But as you watch your TV pictures of the “The level of their suffering is beyond any- march, ponder this: thing that British people can possible envisage, If there are 500,000 on that march, that is let alone understand his obsession to develop and still less than the number of people whose deaths possess weapons of mass destruction. Do the Saddam has been responsible for. British public know that it is normal practice for If there are one million, that is still less than Saddam’s regime to demand the cost of the bullet the number of people who died in the wars he used of in the execution of their beloved family started. members and not even to allow a proper funeral? Let me read from an e-mail that was sent by If the international community does not take a member of the family of one of those four note of the Iraqi people’s plight but continues to million Iraqi exiles. It is interesting because she is address it casually this will breed terrorism and fiercely and I think wrongly critical of America. extremism within the Iraqi people. This cannot But in a sense for that reason, it is worth reading. be allowed to happen”. She addresses it to the anti-war movement. Remember Kosovo where we were told war In one part, she says: would de-stabilise the whole of the Balkans and “You may feel that America is trying to blind that region now has the best chance of peace in you from seeing the truth about their real reasons over 100 years? for an invasion. I must argue that in fact, you are Remember Afghanistan, where now, despite still blind to the bigger truths in Iraq. all the huge problems, there are three million Saddam has murdered more than a million children in school, including for the first time in Iraqis over the past 30 years, are you willing to over two decades one and a half million girls and allow him to kill another million Iraqis? where two million Afghan exiles from the Taliban Saddam rules Iraq using fear – he regularly have now returned. imprisons, executes and tortures the mass So if the result of peace is Saddam staying in population for no reason whatsoever – this may power, not disarmed, then I tell you there are be hard to believe and you may not even consequences paid in blood for that decision too. appreciate the extent of such barbaric acts, but But these victims will never be seen. They will believe me you will be hard pressed to find a never feature on our TV screens or inspire millions family in Iraq who have not had a son, father, to take to the streets. But they will exist none- brother killed, imprisoned, tortured and/or theless. “disappeared” due to Saddam’s regime. Ridding the world of Saddam would be an Why it is now that you deem it appropriate act of humanity. It is leaving him there that is in to voice your disillusions with America’s policy in truth inhumane. Iraq, when it is right now that the Iraqi people

114 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” And if it does come to this, let us be clear: we should be as committed to the humanitarian task of rebuilding Iraq for the Iraqi people as we have been to removing Saddam. And there will be no stability in the Middle East until there is lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on a secure Israel and a viable Palestinian state. I promise we will not rest until we have used every drop of our influence to achieve it. Just as we are proud we lead the way on third world debt, on aid, on development, on hope for Africa. The values that drive our actions abroad are the same values of progress and justice that drive us at home.

END ------

bilagor | 115 For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary March 16, 2003 bilaga 11. toppmötet på azorerna

President Bush: Monday ”Moment of Truth" for World on Iraq

Press Availability with President Bush, Europe and the continent of America. I think it’s Prime Minister Blair, President Aznar, not only logistically convenient, it has a special and Prime Minister Barroso, political meaning – the beautiful meaning of our the Azores, Portugal friendship and our commitment to our shared values. 5:30 P.M. (Local) So welcome to all of you. Welcome to you. And I now give the floor to President George Bush. PRIME MINISTER BARROSO: Good afternoon, THE PRESIDENT: Jose, thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. I am very pleased to for your hospitality. You’ve done a great job on welcome here in the Azores the leaders of three such short notice. And I’m honored to be standing friends and allied countries, the United States, to here with you and two other friends as we Spain and United Kingdom. President Bush, work toward a great cause, and that is peace and Prime Minister Aznar, and Prime Minister security in this world. Tony Blair. We’ve had a really good discussion. We’ve This meeting in the Azores also shows the been doing a lot of phone talking and it was importance of transatlantic relations, and also good to get together and to visit and to talk. And shows the solidarity among our countries. we concluded that tomorrow is a moment of Actually, these agreements have approved two truth for the world. Many nations have voiced a statements, one statement on transatlantic commitment to peace and security. And now relations, and a declarative statement on Iraq. they must demonstrate that commitment to We have joined this initiative and we organized peace and security in the only effective way, by it here in the Azores because we thought this was supporting the immediate and unconditional the last opportunity for a political solution – and disarmament of Saddam Hussein. this is how we see it, this is the last possibility for The dictator of Iraq and his weapons of mass a political solution to the problem. Maybe it’s a destruction are a threat to the security of free small chance, a small possibility, but even if it’s nations. He is a danger to his neighbors. He’s a one in one million, it’s always worthwhile fighting sponsor of terrorism. He’s an obstacle to progress for a political solution. And I think this is the in the Middle East. For decades he has been the message that we can get from this Atlantic summit. cruel, cruel oppressor of the Iraq people. As I was saying, for my English-speaking On this very day 15 years ago, Saddam Hussein guests, I’ll speak English now. First of all, let me launched a chemical weapons attack on the Iraqi say, welcome, George Bush, to Europe. I think village of Halabja. With a single order the Iraqi it’s important that we meet here, in a European regime killed thousands of men and women and country, in Portugal, but in this territory of children, without mercy or without shame. Azores that is halfway between the continent of Saddam Hussein has proven he is capable of any

116 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” crime. We must not permit his crimes to reach PRESIDENT AZNAR: Good evening everyone. across the world. I would firstly like to thank the Prime Minister, Saddam Hussein has a history of mass murder. Jose Durao, for his hospitality and welcome, He possesses the weapons of mass murder. He which I particularly am grateful for. And I’m agrees – he agreed to disarm Iraq of these weapons very pleased to be in the Azores once again. as a condition for ending the Gulf War over a I have short remarks on our debate on this decade ago. The United Nations Security Council, situation and on the documents we’ve agreed on in Resolution 1441, has declared Iraq in material during today’s meeting. I’d first like to refer to breach of its longstanding obligations, demanding our document on Atlantic solidarity. We have once again Iraq’s full and immediate disarmament, renewed Atlantic commitment on our common and promised serious consequences if the regime values and principles, in favor of democracy, refused to comply. That resolution was passed freedom and the rule of law. unanimously and its logic is inescapable; the We understand that the expression of this Iraqi regime will disarm itself, or the Iraqi regime commitment is essential, by way of guarantee of will be disarmed by force. And the regime has peace, security and international freedom. And I not disarmed itself. honestly believe that there is no other alternative Action to remove the threat from Iraq would to the expression of the Atlantic commitment in also allow the Iraqi people to build a better future terms of security. We are committed on a day-to- for their society. And Iraq’s liberation would be day fight against new threats, such as terrorism, the beginning, not the end, of our commitment weapons of mass destruction, and tyrannic regimes to its people. We will supply humanitarian relief, that do not comply with international law. They bring economic sanctions to a swift close, and threaten all of us, and we must all act, consequently. work for the long-term recovery of Iraq’s economy. This transatlantic link, this transatlantic We’ll make sure that Iraq’s natural resources are solidarity has always been, is, and should continue used for the benefit of their owners, the Iraqi to be, in my opinion, a great European commit- people. ment, and as such, amongst other things, we Iraq has the potential to be a great nation. express it this way – without this commitment, Iraq’s people are skilled and educated. We’ll push today’s Europe could not be understood. And as quickly as possible for an Iraqi interim authority without that commitment, it would be very to draw upon the talents of Iraq’s people to difficult to picture the Europe of tomorrow. rebuild their nation. We’re committed to the goal So I would like to invite our friends, our allies, of a unified Iraq, with democratic institutions of to leave aside any circumstantial differences and which members of all ethnic and religious groups to work together seriously for that commitment are treated with dignity and respect. of democracy, freedom and peace, so that this To achieve this vision, we will work closely becomes a commitment of us all. with the international community, including the We’ve agreed on launching, on boosting the United Nations and our coalition partners. If Middle East peace process, and on our vision military force is required, we’ll quickly seek new that that peace process has to accommodate with Security Council resolutions to encourage broad all necessary security guarantees and putting an participation in the process of helping the Iraqi end to terrorism. And this should end with the people to build a free Iraq. peaceful coexistence of two states, an independent Crucial days lie ahead for the world. I want Palestinian state and the Israeli state. to thank the leaders here today, and many others, In view of the situation created by Iraq, with for stepping forward and taking leadership, and their continued non-compliance of international showing their resolve in the cause of peace and law, I would like to remind you that we all said the cause of security. before we came here that we were not coming to the Azores to make a declaration of war, that we Jose Maria. were coming after having made every possible effort, after having made this effort, continuing to make this effort, to working to achieve the

bilagor | 117 greatest possible agreement, and for international with weapons of mass destruction and continuing law to be respected and for U.N. resolutions to a brutal, murderous regime in Iraq. be respected. And this game that he is playing is, frankly, And we would like to say that we are aware of a game that he has played over the last 12 years. the fact that this is the last opportunity – the last Disarmament never happens. But instead, the opportunity expressed in Resolution 1441, adopted international community is drawn into some unanimously by the Security Council, and that perpetual negotiation, gestures designed to divide being aware that this is the last opportunity, we the international community, but never real and are also making the last effort. And we are ready concrete cooperation leading to disarmament. to make this last effort of the very many efforts And there’s not a single person on the Security we’ve been making throughout these last weeks Council that doubts the fact he is not fully and months. cooperating today. Nobody, even those who We are well aware of the international world disagree with the position that we have outlined, public opinion, of its concern. And we are also is prepared to say there is full cooperation, as very well aware of our responsibilities and obliga- 1441 demanded. tions. If Saddam Hussein wants to disarm and Not a single interview has taken place outside avoid the serious consequences that he has been of Iraq, even though 1441 provided for it. Still, warned about by the United Nations, he can do no proper production or evidence of the destruc- so. And nothing in our document, nor in our tion, or, for example, – just to take one example, statement, can prevent him from doing so, if he the 10,000 liters of anthrax that the inspectors wants to. So his is the sole responsibility. just a week ago said was unaccounted for. And that is why it is so important that the international Tony. community, at this time, gives a strong and PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: Thank you, Jose unified message. Maria. Thank you, Jose, for hosting us today. And I have to say that I really believe that And I think it’s just worth returning to the key had we given that strong message sometime ago, point, which is our responsibility to uphold the Saddam might have realized that the games had will of the United Nations set out in Resolution to stop. So now we have reached the point of 1441 last November. And for four and a half decision, and we make a final appeal for there to months, now, we’ve worked hard to get Saddam be that strong, unified message on behalf of the to cooperate fully, unconditionally, as that international community that lays down a clear resolution demanded. ultimatum to Saddam that authorizes force if he Even some days ago we were prepared to set continues to defy the will of the whole of the out clear tests that allowed us to conclude whether international community set out in 1441. he was cooperating fully or not, with a clear We will do all we can in the short time that ultimatum to him if he refused to do so. And the remains to make a final round of contacts, to see reason we approached it in that is that that is whether there is a way through this impasse. But what we agreed in Resolution 1441. This was his we are in the final stages, because, after 12 years final opportunity; he had to disarm unconditio- of failing to disarm him, now is the time when nally. Serious consequences would follow if he we have to decide. failed to do so. Two other points, briefly, on the documents And this is really the impasse that we have, that we’ve put before you. The first is the – because some say there should be no ultimatum, President Aznar was just saying to you a moment no authorization of force in any new U.N. ago on the transatlantic alliance is, I think, very resolution; instead, more discussion in the event important. Some of you will have heard me say of noncompliance. But the truth is that without this before, but let me just repeat it. I believe that a credible ultimatum authorizing force in the Europe and America should stand together on event of noncompliance, then more discussion is the big issues of the day. I think it is a tragedy just more delay, with Saddam remaining armed when we don’t. And that transatlantic alliance is strong and we need to strengthen it still further.

118 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” And secondly, we’ve set out for you that the Prime Minister think that starting now, should it come to conflict, we make a pledge to Portugal has more responsibilities with this war the people of Iraq. As President Bush was just that seems to be inevitable? saying to you a moment or two ago, it is the PRIME MINISTER BARROSO: The results of people of Iraq who are the primary victims of the summit, as I described them and as all the ot- Saddam: the thousands of children that die her heads of state and government said it, too, needlessly every year; the people locked up in his this summit is – this is the last opportunity for a prisons or executed simply for showing disagree- political solution to this very serious problem for ment with the regime; a country that is potentially the international community. This has been said prosperous reduced to poverty; 60 percent of the here. It’s been said here that tomorrow – tomorrow population reliant on food aid. we’ll start with these last initiatives towards a And what we say is that we will protect Iraq’s political solution. And it’s for that reason I am territorial integrity; we will support representative very, very happy with the results of this summit. government that unites Iraq on the democratic Now, coming to our responsibility in case basis of human rights and the rule of law; that there is a conflict, I must say that the responsibility we will help Iraq rebuild – and not rebuild falls entirely on the dictator Saddam Hussein. because of the problems of conflict, where if it He bears the entire responsibility because he has comes to that, we will do everything we can to not respected for all of these years international minimize the suffering of the Iraqi people, but law and consistently violated the U.N. resolu- rebuild Iraq because of the appalling legacy that tions. And in that case, if there is a conflict, I the rule of Saddam has left the Iraqi people – and want to repeat it once more, Portugal will be next in particular, Iraq’s natural resources remain the – side by side with his allies. And the fact that we property of the people of Iraq. And that wealth are here today in the Azores with the United should be used for the Iraqi people. It is theirs, States, with Spain and with the UK, this is very and will remain so, administered by the U.N. in significant. the way we set out. As it’s been said here before, the transatlantic Finally, on the Middle East peace process, relationship is very, very important, not only for I welcome very much the statement that President Europe and for the U.S., but it’s very important Bush made the other day. I think it’s important for the whole world. I remember a few days ago, now. He said he wanted a partner on the Palestinian Kofi Annan in the European conference in side. I think the coming appointment of Abu Brussels, said the same thing – he said this is very Mazen is so important there. It allows us to take important. It’s very important for Europe and the this process forward. The road map give us the U.S. to remain united and not separate, because way forward. The appointment of Abu Mazen the world needs the U.S. and Europe working gives us the right partner to take this forward. together towards the same direction, in the same And I believe that that will demonstrate, and it’s sense – not only about the security, but also important to demonstrate, in particular at this fighting under-development and all the other time, that our approach to people in the Middle tasks that fall to the international community. East, in that troubled region is indeed even- PRESIDENT BUSH: Ron Fournier. handed. And all of us will work to make sure Q: Thank you, Mr. President. Before I ask that that vision of the Middle East, two states, my question I just want to nail down one thing Israel confident of its security, a Palestinian state so there’s no confusion. When you talk about that is viable, comes about and is made reality. tomorrow being the moment of truth, are you Thank you. saying that is the – PRESIDENT BUSH: Is this the question, or are Q: (Inaudible.) you trying to work in two questions? PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes. They couldn’t hear the Q: Yes, sir. (Laughter.) Because there’s one question. thing we need to make clear. When you say Q: I was asking the Portuguese Prime Minister, tomorrow is the moment of truth, does that how does he see the result of this summit. Does mean tomorrow is the last day that the resolution

bilagor | 119 can be voted up or down, and at the end of the Hussein would unconditionally disarm, and if he day tomorrow, one way or another the diplomatic didn’t, there would be serious consequences. window has close? The United Nations Security Council looked at PRESIDENT BUSH: That’s what I’m saying. the issue four and a half months ago and voted Q: Thank you, sir. And now for the question – unanimously to say: Disarm immediately and PRESIDENT BUSH: And now for your question? unconditionally, and if you don’t, there are going Q: That being the case, regardless – to be serious consequences. The world has spoken. PRESIDENT BUSH: That being my answer – And it did it in a unified voice. Q: Regardless of whether the resolution goes Sorry. up or down or gets withdrawn, it seems to me PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: The issue is very you’re going to be facing a moment of truth. And simply this, that we cannot have a situation given that you’ve already said you don’t think where what happens through the United Na- there’s very much chance Saddam Hussein is tions, having agreed to 1441, having said there going to disarm, and given that you say you don’t would be serious consequences if he does not think there’s very much chance he’s going to go cooperate fully and unconditionally, what we to go into exile, aren’t we going to war? cannot have is a situation where we simply go PRESIDENT BUSH: Tomorrow is the day that back for endless discussion. we will determine whether or not diplomacy can Now, we have provided the right diplomatic work. And we sat and visited about this issue, way through this, which is to lay down a clear about how best to spend our time between now ultimatum to Saddam: Cooperate or face and tomorrow. And as Prime Minister Blair said, disarmament by force. And that is entirely within we’ll be working the phones and talking to our the logic, the letter, the spirit of 1441. And that partners and talking to those who may now is why – all the way through we have tried to clearly understand the objective, and we’ll see provide a diplomatic solution. After over four how it goes tomorrow. and a half months since we passed Resolution Saddam Hussein can leave the country, if he’s 1441, we’re now three months on from the interested in peace. You see, the decision is his to declaration that Saddam on the 8th of December make. And it’s been his to make all along as to that not a single person in the international whether or not there’s the use of the military. He community – not one – believes was an honest got to decide whether he was going to disarm, declaration of what he had. And yet, 1441 said, and he didn’t. He can decide whether he wants to the first step of cooperation was to make an leave the country. These are his decisions to ma- honest declaration. ke. And thus far he has made bad decisions. So when people say haven’t we exhausted all Q: I understand that if tomorrow is the day the diplomatic avenues, we tried exhausting. But for taking the final decision, that means that you understand from our perspective and from the consider that there’s no possible way out through perspective of the security of the world, we the United Nations because a majority does not cannot simply go back to the Security Council, support a war action. I would like to know, Mr. for this discussion to be superseded by that dis- Blair, Mr. Bush, whether in that military offensive cussion, to be superseded by another discussion. you count on many countries, whether it’s going That’s what’s happened for 12 years. That’s why to be the UK and the U.S. carrying out the he’s still got the weapons of mass destruction. military offensive? I understand from what We have to come to the point of decision. And Mr. Blair that you’re counting on the U.N. for that really is what the next period of time is the reconstruction. Are you going to look for going to be about. other countries through the United Nations? PRESIDENT AZNAR: Well, I would like to say And for Mr. Aznar, what is Spain’s partici- that this statement we’re making today, as we’ve pation in that military offensive, in addition to all said, it’s a last chance, one last attempt to your political support? reach the greatest possible consensus amongst PRESIDENT BUSH: Resolution 1441, which ourselves. And I can assure all of you that we’ve was unanimously approved, that said Saddam made – we have all made – enormous efforts,

120 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” and we’re going to continue making these efforts So, whatever the tactics within the U.N. – in order to try to reach an agreement, to reach a and that’s something we can decide – whatever solution. those tactics, the key point of principle is this: We have our own worry, our own responsibility that when we came together last November and to make U.N. resolutions be abided by. If the laid down Resolution 1441, now is the moment Security Council unanimously adopts a resolution when we decide whether we meant it and it was – Resolution 1441 – giving one last opportunity his final opportunity to disarm, or face serious to disarm to someone who has weapons of mass consequences – or whether, alternatively, we’re destruction and we know he has used them, the simply going to drag out the diplomatic process Security Council cannot, one year after the other, forever. And that’s why I say it’s the point of wait for its resolutions to be implemented. That decision. would be the best way to do away with it altoget- Q: Vote or not? her. And it could do away with all the United PRESIDENT BUSH: I was the guy that said Nations’ credibility. And we honestly don’t want they ought to vote. And one country voted – that to happen. at least showed their cards, I believe. It’s an old To me, there is no – you cannot have the Texas expression, show your cards, when you’re same distance between illegality and impunity. playing poker. France showed their cards. After And neither Saddam Hussein, nor any other tyrant I said what I said, they said they were going to with weapons of mass destruction can set the veto anything that held Saddam to account. So rules for international law and the international cards have been played. And we’ll just have to community. take an assessment after tomorrow to determine Q: I’m from the BBC. Can I ask, first of all, what that card meant. Prime Minister Blair – you said that you want a Let me say something about the U.N. It’s a second resolution to be put down and voted on. very important organization. That’s why I went Could we be clear; is that what’s going to happen there on September the 12th, 2002, to give the tomorrow, under all circumstances? speech, the speech that called the U.N. into And either way – also, if I may, for President account, that said if you’re going to pass resolu- Bush – if you don’t get that second resolution, tions, let’s make sure your words mean something. what is the future for the United Nations? You Because I understand the wars of the 21st century talked about Saddam Hussein dividing world are going to require incredible international community. Surely, he succeeded. cooperation. We’re going to have to cooperate to PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: Well, on your last cut the money of the terrorists, and the ability point, I think this is one of the things that is for nations, dictators who have weapons of mass tragic about this situation, that Saddam plays destruction to provide training and perhaps these games and we carry on allowing him to weapons to terrorist organizations. We need to play them. Now, we will do, in the next period cooperate, and we are. Our countries up here are of time, with respect to the resolution, what we cooperating incredibly well. believe to be in the interest of the U.N. And the U.N. must mean something. But I would say why I think it is so important Remember Rwanda, or Kosovo. The U.N. didn’t that even now, at this late stage, we try to get the do its job. And we hope tomorrow the U.N. will United Nations to be the root of resolving this do its job. If not, all of us need to step back and – because the threat is there and everyone accepts try to figure out how to make the U.N. work it: the threat of weapons of mass destruction, better as we head into the 21st century. Perhaps the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the one way will be, if we use military force, in the hands of terrorists who will cause maximum post-Saddam Iraq the U.N. will definitely need damage to our people. Everybody accepts the to have a role. And that way it can begin to get disarmament of Saddam has to happen. Every- its legs, legs of responsibility back. body accepts that he was supposed to cooperate But it’s important for the U.N. to be able to fully with the inspectors. Everybody accepts that function well if we’re going to keep the peace. he is not doing so. And I will work hard to see to it that at least

bilagor | 121 from our perspective, that the U.N. is able to be – able to be a responsibility body, and when it says something, it means it, for the sake of peace and for the sake of the security, for the capacity to win the war of – the first war of the 21st century, which is the war against terrorism and weapons of mass destruction in the hands of dictators. Thank you all. PRIME MINISTER BARROSO: Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. This is the end of the conference. Have a good trip.

END 6:05 P.M. (L) ------Return to this article at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/ 03/20030316-3.html

122 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary March 19, 2003 bilaga 12. george w. bushs tal inför irakinvasionen

President George W. Bush Addresses the Nation

The Oval Office I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to 10:16 P.M. EST spare innocent civilians from harm. A campaign on the harsh terrain of a nation as large as THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, California could be longer and more difficult American and coalition forces are in the early than some predict. And helping Iraqis achieve a stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to united, stable and free country will require our free its people and to defend the world from sustained commitment. grave danger. We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens, On my orders, coalition forces have begun for their great civilization and for the religious striking selected targets of military importance to faiths they practice. We have no ambition in Iraq, undermine Saddam Hussein’s ability to wage war. except to remove a threat and restore control of These are opening stages of what will be a broad that country to its own people. and concerted campaign. More than 35 countries I know that the families of our military are are giving crucial support – from the use of naval praying that all those who serve will return safely and air bases, to help with intelligence and logis- and soon. Millions of Americans are praying with tics, to the deployment of combat units. Every you for the safety of your loved ones and for the nation in this coalition has chosen to bear the protection of the innocent. For your sacrifice, you duty and share the honor of serving in our com- have the gratitude and respect of the American mon defense. people. And you can know that our forces will be To all the men and women of the United coming home as soon as their work is done. States Armed Forces now in the Middle East, the Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly – peace of a troubled world and the hopes of an yet, our purpose is sure. The people of the United oppressed people now depend on you. That trust States and our friends and allies will not live at is well placed. the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the The enemies you confront will come to know peace with weapons of mass murder. We will your skill and bravery. The people you liberate meet that threat now, with our Army, Air Force, will witness the honorable and decent spirit of Navy, Coast Guard and Marines, so that we do the American military. In this conflict, America not have to meet it later with armies of fire fighters faces an enemy who has no regard for conventions and police and doctors on the streets of our cities. of war or rules of morality. Saddam Hussein has Now that conflict has come, the only way to placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian limit its duration is to apply decisive force. And areas, attempting to use innocent men, women I assure you, this will not be a campaign of half and children as shields for his own military – measures, and we will accept no outcome but a final atrocity against his people. victory.

bilagor | 123 My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will be overcome. We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace. We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others and we will prevail. May God bless our country and all who defend her.

END ------

124 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary May 1, 2003 bilaga 13. george w. bushs segertal

President George W. Bush Announces Major Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended

the USS Abraham Lincoln, This nation thanks all the members of our at Sea Off the Coast of San Diego, coalition who joined in a noble cause. We thank California the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland, who shared in the hardships 3:23 P.M. EDT of war. We thank all the citizens of Iraq who welcomed our troops and joined in the liberation of their own country. And tonight, I have a THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. special word for Secretary Rumsfeld, for General Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors Franks, and for all the men and women who of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow wear the uniform of the United States: America Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have is grateful for a job well done. (Applause.) ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States The character of our military through history and our allies have prevailed. (Applause.) And – the daring of Normandy, the fierce courage of now our coalition is engaged in securing and Iwo Jima, the decency and idealism that turned reconstructing that country. enemies into allies – is fully present in this gene- In this battle, we have fought for the cause ration. When Iraqi civilians looked into the faces of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our of our servicemen and women, they saw strength nation and our coalition are proud of this and kindness and goodwill. When I look at the accomplishment – yet, it is you, the members of members of the United States military, I see the the United States military, who achieved it. Your best of our country, and I’m honored to be your courage, your willingness to face danger for your Commander-in-Chief. (Applause.) country and for each other, made this day possible. In the images of falling statues, we have Because of you, our nation is more secure. witnessed the arrival of a new era. For a hundred Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is of years of war, culminating in the nuclear age, free. (Applause.) military technology was designed and deployed Operation Iraqi Freedom was carried out to inflict casualties on an ever-growing scale. In with a combination of precision and speed and defeating Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, boldness the enemy did not expect, and the Allied forces destroyed entire cities, while enemy world had not seen before. From distant bases or leaders who started the conflict were safe until ships at sea, we sent planes and missiles that the final days. Military power was used to end a could destroy an enemy division, or strike a single regime by breaking a nation. bunker. Marines and soldiers charged to Baghdad Today, we have the greater power to free a across 350 miles of hostile ground, in one of the nation by breaking a dangerous and aggressive swiftest advances of heavy arms in history. You regime. With new tactics and precision weapons, have shown the world the skill and the might of we can achieve military objectives without direc- the American Armed Forces. ting violence against civilians. No device of man

bilagor | 125 can remove the tragedy from war; yet it is a great America and our coalition will finish what we moral advance when the guilty have far more to have begun. (Applause.) fear from war than the innocent. (Applause.) From Pakistan to the Philippines to the Horn In the images of celebrating Iraqis, we have of Africa, we are hunting down al Qaeda killers. also seen the ageless appeal of human freedom. Nineteen months ago, I pledged that the terrorists Decades of lies and intimidation could not make would not escape the patient justice of the United the Iraqi people love their oppressors or desire States. And as of tonight, nearly one-half of al their own enslavement. Men and women in every Qaeda’s senior operatives have been captured or culture need liberty like they need food and killed. (Applause.) water and air. Everywhere that freedom arrives, The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in humanity rejoices; and everywhere that freedom the campaign against terror. We’ve removed an stirs, let tyrants fear. (Applause.) ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We’re funding. And this much is certain: No terrorist bringing order to parts of that country that remain network will gain weapons of mass destruction dangerous. We’re pursuing and finding leaders of from the Iraqi regime, because the regime is no the old regime, who will be held to account for more. (Applause.) their crimes. We’ve begun the search for hidden In these 19 months that changed the world, chemical and biological weapons and already our actions have been focused and deliberate and know of hundreds of sites that will be investigated. proportionate to the offense. We have not for- We’re helping to rebuild Iraq, where the dictator gotten the victims of September the 11th – the built palaces for himself, instead of hospitals and last phone calls, the cold murder of children, the schools. And we will stand with the new leaders searches in the rubble. With those attacks, the of Iraq as they establish a government of, by, and terrorists and their supporters declared war on for the Iraqi people. (Applause.) the United States. And war is what they got. The transition from dictatorship to democracy (Applause.) will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our Our war against terror is proceeding accor- coalition will stay until our work is done. Then ding to principles that I have made clear to all: we will leave, and we will leave behind a free Any person involved in committing or planning Iraq. (Applause.) terrorist attacks against the American people The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on becomes an enemy of this country, and a target terror that began on September the 11, 2001 – of American justice. (Applause.) and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil Any person, organization, or government that men – the shock troops of a hateful ideology – supports, protects, or harbors terrorists is complicit gave America and the civilized world a glimpse in the murder of the innocent, and equally guilty of their ambitions. They imagined, in the words of terrorist crimes. of one terrorist, that September the 11th would Any outlaw regime that has ties to terrorist be the “beginning of the end of America.” By groups and seeks or possesses weapons of mass seeking to turn our cities into killing fields, destruction is a grave danger to the civilized terrorists and their allies believed that they could world -- and will be confronted. (Applause.) destroy this nation’s resolve, and force our retreat And anyone in the world, including the Arab from the world. They have failed. (Applause.) world, who works and sacrifices for freedom has In the battle of Afghanistan, we destroyed the a loyal friend in the United States of America. Taliban, many terrorists, and the camps where (Applause.) they trained. We continue to help the Afghan Our commitment to liberty is America’s people lay roads, restore hospitals, and educate tradition – declared at our founding; affirmed in all of their children. Yet we also have dangerous Franklin Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms; asserted in work to complete. As I speak, a Special Operations the Truman Doctrine and in Ronald Reagan’s task force, led by the 82nd Airborne, is on the challenge to an evil empire. We are committed to trail of the terrorists and those who seek to freedom in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and in a peaceful undermine the free government of Afghanistan. Palestine. The advance of freedom is the surest

126 | ”we’re a peaceful nation” strategy to undermine the appeal of terror in the more than to return home. And that is your world. Where freedom takes hold, hatred gives direction tonight. (Applause.) After service in the way to hope. When freedom takes hold, men and Afghan – and Iraqi theaters of war – after women turn to the peaceful pursuit of a better 100,000 miles, on the longest carrier deployment life. American values and American interests lead in recent history, you are homeward bound. in the same direction: We stand for human liberty. (Applause.) Some of you will see new family (Applause.) members for the first time – 150 babies were The United States upholds these principles of born while their fathers were on the Lincoln. security and freedom in many ways – with all the Your families are proud of you, and your nation tools of diplomacy, law enforcement, intelligence, will welcome you. (Applause.) and finance. We’re working with a broad coalition We are mindful, as well, that some good men of nations that understand the threat and our and women are not making the journey home. shared responsibility to meet it. The use of force One of those who fell, Corporal Jason Mileo, has been – and remains – our last resort. Yet all spoke to his parents five days before his death. can know, friend and foe alike, that our nation Jason’s father said, “He called us from the center has a mission: We will answer threats to our of Baghdad, not to brag, but to tell us he loved security, and we will defend the peace. (Applause.) us. Our son was a soldier.” Our mission continues. Al Qaeda is wounded, Every name, every life is a loss to our military, not destroyed. The scattered cells of the terrorist to our nation, and to the loved ones who grieve. network still operate in many nations, and we There’s no homecoming for these families. Yet we know from daily intelligence that they continue pray, in God’s time, their reunion will come. to plot against free people. The proliferation of Those we lost were last seen on duty. Their deadly weapons remains a serious danger. The final act on this Earth was to fight a great evil enemies of freedom are not idle, and neither are and bring liberty to others. All of you – all in this we. Our government has taken unprecedented generation of our military – have taken up the measures to defend the homeland. And we will highest calling of history. You’re defending your continue to hunt down the enemy before he can country, and protecting the innocent from harm. strike. (Applause.) And wherever you go, you carry a message of The war on terror is not over; yet it is not hope – a message that is ancient and ever new. In endless. We do not know the day of final victory, the words of the prophet Isaiah, “To the captives, but we have seen the turning of the tide. No act ’come out,’ – and to those in darkness, ’be free.” of the terrorists will change our purpose, or Thank you for serving our country and our weaken our resolve, or alter their fate. Their cause cause. May God bless you all, and may God is lost. Free nations will press on to victory. continue to bless America. (Applause.) (Applause.) Other nations in history have fought in foreign END 6:27 P.M. PDT lands and remained to occupy and exploit. Americans, following a battle, want nothing ------

bilagor | 127 kbm:s temaserie

2004:5 ”We’re a peaceful nation” Krigsretorik efter 11 september

2004:4 Ministermordet En studie om myndigheternas kommunikation vid attentatet mot Anna Lindh

2004:3 Säkerhet och beredskap i Europeiska unionen

2004:2 Stereotyper i vardagen Bilder av ”de främmande”

2004:1 Krisjournalistik eller journalistik i kris? En forskningsöversikt om medier, risker och kriser

2003:6 Demokratin och mordet på Anna Lindh

2003:5 IT och sårbarhet Kritiska beroendeförhållanden i den nationella IT-infrastrukturen

2003:4 Från osäker källa Bevakningen av Irakkriget i svenska medier

2003:3 Krisberedskap i omvärlden Samordningsstrukturer i fem länder

2003:2 Irakkrigets andra dag En jämförelse mellan SVT och tidningspressen den 21 mars 2003

2003:1 Bagdad-Bob, menige Jessica Lynch och Cirkus Saddam Irakkriget iscensatt i svenska medier special feature

2004:5 ”We’re a peaceful nation” War Rhetoric after September 11

örebro studies in rhetoric

1Reklam och retorik – 10 fallstudier Brigitte Mral och Larsåke Larsson (red.), Rhetor förlag, 2004 ISBN: 91-974078-5-2 ISSN: 1652-3970

2We’re a peaceful nation – Krigsretorik efter 11 september Brigitte Mral, Krisberedskapsmyndigheten, 2004 ISBN: 91-85053-60-0 ISSN: 1652-3970

3We’re a peaceful nation – War rhetoric after September 11 Brigitte Mral, Swedish Emergency Management Agency, 2004 ISBN: 91-85053-61-9 ISSN: 1652-3970 “We’re a peaceful nation” – “We’re a peaceful nation” krigsretorik efter 11 september

”Man kan fundera på varför traditionell krigspropaganda i dagens kritiska massmediesamhälle fortfarande fungerar. Svaret är förmodligen enkelt: när det uppstår en hotfull krissituation med många komplicerade faktorer så tas enkla lösningar tacksamt emot. Ett krig som förknippas med begrepp som jakt, spel eller arbete blir mera acceptabelt. En fiende som är ond är ett legitimt mål. Ett krig som omtolkas till humanitär insats är inte längre ett krig. I dagens demokratiska samhälle bör vi emellertid ha kommit längre än att nöja oss med enkla svar, även i akuta krissituationer. Skepsis, tvivel och ifrå- kri gasättanden när det gäller krigsstrategernas verklighetsbeskrivningar bör inte gsretor bara vara tillåtna utan uppmuntras, premieras och prioriteras, för att motverka propagandans övermakt.”

Brigitte Mral efter 11 september ik

Denna studie belyser vilka retoriska grepp som användes under de militära aktioner som inleddes som en direkt följd av händelserna den 11 september. Syftet är att komma fram till en bättre förståelse för krigsstrategernas mål- inriktade arbete med att definiera världen åt oss.

Brigitte Mral är professor i retorik vid Humanistiska institutionen, Örebro universitet. Brigitte Mral

”We’re a peaceful nation” krigsretorik efter 11 september Krisberedskapsmyndigheten

Box 599 TEMASERIE | 2004:5 KBM:S 101 31 Stockholm Brigitte Mral

Tel 08-593 710 00 Fax 08-593 710 01

kbm@krisberedskaps myndigheten.se ISSN 1652-2915 ISSN 1652-3970 www.krisberedskaps kbm:s temaserie | 2004:5 ISBN 91-85053-60-0 myndigheten.se