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Indian Sunset by Elton John Name(s):______(RR) Retrieval and Recording Date: ______

1.) Who did the main character go to see the chieftain with?


2.) What did his horse leave in the sand?


3.) What did he learn to do with the tomahawk?


4.) Find and copy the words which explain how Geronimo died.


5.) Who would he not leave with the buzzards and the soldier’s guns?


6.) Name two Red Indian tribes mentioned in the .


7.) Find and copy the simile used in the song




8.) Name three things you can find at the yellow moon,




Extension – Come up with your own retrieval and recording (RR) questions.

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Indian Sunset by Elton John Name(s):______(CC) Context Clues Date: ______1.) What do you think buzzards are? a.) friends b.) large birds of prey with sharp beaks c.) a type of bee d.) mobile phones

What key word(s) in the text helped you answer this question?


2.) What do you think the word renegades means? a.) people who have left the one group of fighters to join another b.) Native Indians c.) people who fight regularly d.) soldiers who get good grades in lessons

What key word(s) in the text helped you answer this question?


3.) What do you think the words run the gauntlet means? a.) run through football goalposts b.) ride a horse c.) run away from ghosts d.) to go through criticism or bad treatment

What key word(s) in the text helped you answer this question?


4.) What do you think the word ceased means? a.) started b.) suddenly c.) stopped d.) increased

What key word(s) helped you answer this question?


Extension – Write a sentence of your own for each word

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Indian Sunset by Elton John Name(s):______(INF) Inference Date: ______

1.) What do you think the song suggests about the way Geronimo was killed?




2.) What impression do you have of the yellow moon? Use evidence to explain your thoughts.





3.) When it explains that peace comes with a bullet-hole, what does it mean?



4.) After he stopped his senseless running, he strung his bow. What do you think this means?


5.) Why do you think he says ‘there is no reason why I should carry on’?’ Use evidence from the text to explain your answer. ______



6.) What do you think the yellow moon is? Use evidence from the text to help you explain.




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Indian Sunset by Elton John Name(s):______Assessment

Date: ______

1.) What is a tomahawk? RR CC INF S Code (1) Answer (1) a.) a machine which throws tomatoes b.) an axe-like weapon c.) a type of hawk d.) a hairstyle

2.) What two meanings can the word graze have? Which one is used here? Code (1) Answer (1) RR CC INF S



3.) What do you think is the main message the song is trying to give? Code (1) Answer (1) RR CC INF S a.) Save the Native Indians b.) Riding a horse can be dangerous c.) The story of this man is interesting d.) The killing of the Native Indians was a tragedy

4.) What is the name of the chieftain? RR CC INF S Code (1) Answer (1)


5.) Find an example of personification in the text. RR CC INF S Code (1) Answer (1)


6.) What might happen to the tribe’s pride? RR CC INF S Code (1) Answer (1)


7.) Who might he meet at the yellow moon and what does this suggest Code (1) Answer (2) about them? RR CC INF S


______Total ______/15

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Indian Sunset by Elton John Answers

Retrieval and Recording

1. his warlance and his woman 2. hoof tracks 3. hurl it 4. He'd been laying down his weapons when they filled him full of lead 5. the chosen ones 6. Sioux and Iroquois 7. the smell of wood smoke clinging like a gentle cobweb hanging upon a painted tepee 8. a sinking red sun, hills of gold, healing water, grazing buffalo, loved ones, fathers of our sons

Context Clues

1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c

Inference (answers may vary)

1. It was unfair because he was putting down his weapons to stop fighting and they killed him anyway.

2. It seems like a calm, peaceful and happy place because the waters are said to be healing, the red sun sets under gold hills suggests it is beautiful, animals graze peacefully without the sound of guns and loved ones are there.

3. By dying, the Native Indians will no longer be suffering.

4. He stopped running and began to fight back.

5. He feels like fighting is pointless after hearing about Geronimo’s death and that he is all alone with soldiers about to attack. He has nobody to save and he is probably outnumbered.

6. Because the fathers of our sons and loved ones are there, and the fact it is portrayed as a peaceful place, this suggests it is the afterlife or a kind of heaven where they can live in peace. (Answers may vary)


1. CC - b

2. CC – To eat a little and to scratch/hurt oneself by scraping skin

3. S - d

4. INF – Yellow Dog

5. RR – wood smoke clinging, die along with my tribe’s pride, red sun sinks, healing waters

6. RR – It will die

7. INF - The fathers of sons and loved ones, suggesting that it is the afterlife and that they are therefore no longer alive.

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