North · Lancaster and · Wyre · Fylde

Secondary School Admissions in North 2016 /17

This information should be read along with the main booklet “Secondary School Admissions in Lancashire – Information for Parents 2016-17” APPLY ONLINE The closing date for applications is Saturday 31 October 2015 comms:3833


For Voluntary Aided, Free Schools, Foundation Schools and Academies for Admission Purposes

The following terms used throughout this booklet are defined as follows, except where individual arrangements spell out a different definition.

Distance The 'straight line' method of measurement only applies for admission purposes. For transport 'walking routes' are used to determine distance. Explanations of these terms can be found in the main booklet. Parents/Family Members A parent is any person who has parental responsibility or care of the child. Where admission arrangements refer to 'parent's attendance at church' it is sufficient for just one parent to attend. 'Family members' include only parents and siblings. Medical/Social/Welfare Where schools have a medical/social/welfare admission criterion then this should take into account the circumstances of the child and the family. Please note the Local Authority information in the main admissions booklet. Looked After Children The School Admissions Code (December 2014) states that within the oversubscription criteria, the highest priority must be given to looked after children and previously looked after children. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangement, special guardianship or accommodation order). Further references to previously looked after children in the Code means such children who were adopted (or subject to child arrangement orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. Admission Authorities for faith schools may give priority to all looked after children and previously looked after children whether or not of the faith, but they must give priority to looked after children and previously looked after children of the faith before other children of the faith. Where any element of priority is given in relation to children not of the faith they must give priority to looked after children and previously looked after children not of the faith above other children not of the faith.

Policies are accurate at time of printing and are subject to change. Parents are advised to look at the LCC website in case of change:


Contents Page

School Open Evenings 4

Maps of Secondary Schools by Area Lancaster and Morecambe 5 Wyre 6 Fylde 7

Information about Admission to Secondary Schools in Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre and 8 Fylde

Admission Criteria & Policy for Community Schools in the Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre 9 and Fylde districts

Schools in the Lancaster and Morecambe Areas Community Schools: High School 10 Central Lancaster High School 11 High School Sports College 12 Morecambe Community High School - Specialist College for Maths & Computing 13 Voluntary Aided School: Our Lady's Catholic College, Lancaster 14 Academies: Ripley St Thomas Church of Academy 16 Lancaster Royal Grammar School 18 Lancaster Girls' Grammar School 19

Schools in the Wyre Area Community School: Millfield Science and Performing Arts College 21 Voluntary Aided Schools: Baines School 22 Cardinal Allen Catholic High School 23 Saint Aidan's Church of England High School 24 Foundation School: High School 25 Academies: Community Academy 20 Hodgson Academy 26

Schools in Area Community School: Carr Hill High School and Sixth Form Centre 27 Voluntary Aided School: Saint Bede's Catholic High School, Lytham - A Business and Enterprise College 28 Foundation School: Technology & Performing Arts College 30

Other Information/Transport Costs 31

Application Form 33

Timetable for Admission to Lancashire Secondary Schools 2016/17 35


School Open Evenings Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre and Fylde



OUR LADY'S CATHOLIC COLLEGE 15 September 2015 6.30pm

FLEETWOOD HIGH SCHOOL 14 September 2015 6pm – 8.30pm



GARSTANG COMMUNITY ACADEMY 17 September 2015 6.30pm

BAINES SCHOOL 28 September 2015 6.30pm onwards

SAINT BEDE'S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 24 September 2015 6pm – 8.30pm


LANCASTER GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL 25 June 2015 5.30pm – 8pm



HODGSON ACADEMY 23 September 2015 6pm – 9pm

7 July 2015 CENTRAL LANCASTER HIGH SCHOOL & 6pm – 9pm 23 September 2015 HEYSHAM HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS 22 September 2015 6pm COLLEGE

CARNFORTH HIGH SCHOOL (A SPECIALIST 9.30am – 11am 17 September 2015 11-18 SCIENCE COLLEGE) & 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Open Evening details are correct at the time of printing. Parents are advised to check with the school or in the local press for any changes.


Secondary Schools in the Lancaster and Morecambe Area

No School Name School Type Page

1. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy Academy 16 2. Heysham High School Sports College Community 12 3. Morecambe Community High School Community 13 - Specialist College for Maths & Computing 4. Carnforth High School (A Specialist 11-18 Science Community 10 College) 5. Our Lady's Catholic College, Lancaster Voluntary Aided 14 6. Central Lancaster High School Community 11 7. Lancaster Royal Grammar School Academy 18 8. Lancaster Girls' Grammar School Academy 19

(This map is for information only and indicates the general location of each secondary school. The map is not a part of the admission arrangements for any school. These are stated under the entry for each school within this booklet).


Secondary Schools in the Wyre Area

No School Name School Type Page

1. Fleetwood High School Foundation 25 2. Millfield Science and Performing Arts College Community 21 3. Hodgson Academy Academy 26 4. Garstang Community Academy Academy 20 5. Saint Aidan's Church of England High School Voluntary Aided 24 6. Cardinal Allen Catholic High School Voluntary Aided 23 7. Baines School Voluntary Aided 22

(This map is for information only and indicates the general location of each secondary school. The map is not a part of the admission arrangements for any school. These are stated under the entry for each school within this booklet).


Secondary Schools in the Fylde Area

No School Name School Type Page

1. Lytham St Anne's Technology & Performing Arts Foundation 30 College 2. Saint Bede's Catholic High School, Lytham Voluntary Aided 28 – A Business and Enterprise College 3. Carr Hill High School and Sixth Form Centre Community 27

(This map is for information only and indicates the general location of each secondary school. The map is not a part of the admission arrangements for any school. These are stated under the entry for each school within this booklet).


Information about Admission to Secondary Schools in Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre and Fylde This information is about secondary schools in Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre and Fylde. Similar information about other areas is available from Area Education Offices listed on the first page of the booklet "Secondary School Admissions in Lancashire – Information for Parents". It is quite possible for you to state a preference for schools in different areas. You should, however, only submit one application form. In this information, you will find brief details about each school including the admission number. This is the number of children who can be offered places at the school in September 2016. Any further information you may need is available if you contact either the schools concerned or the Area Education Office.

About the information provided on each school You are given the basic details about each school – name, address, Headteacher's name etc, plus the total number of pupils who attend. You will be particularly interested in the number of places available for September 2016 – the admission number.

For Voluntary Aided Schools, Foundation Schools and Academies please note that this booklet contains summaries of the policies only. You must approach the school for a copy of their full admissions policy if you are thinking of applying. For Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools there is additional information given below the main school details. This refers to the intake of pupils in September 2015. On the left- hand side, it states the number of places that were available for that year (the admission number) and the number of preferences that were received for the school. For Voluntary Aided Schools, Foundation Schools and Academies similar information is given about the number of preferences expressed. You are also given some details of the admissions policy. This is individual to each school. Details about how the criteria were applied can be requested from the individual school. Please note that for secondary schools in Lancashire's co-ordinated admission scheme, information is given about preferences expressed for 2015. Given the variety of Admission Authorities involved and additional schools outside the co-ordinated system, the figures may need further interpretation for individual schools. Parents for whom the previous level of application is an important issue are advised to discuss the matter with the Admissions Team at the Area Education Office or with the individual school concerned.


For September 2016, offers will be confirmed online only for all those who apply on Lancashire’s online system (this was around 95% of applicants for the previous year). For those who do not receive a first preference offer, links to reserve list and appeal forms will be available. Lancashire’s online system will go live on the morning of 1 March 2016 to allow online applicants to view their school offer. Please be patient as around 13,000 applicants may be trying to access information. Letters will be issued by second class post on 1 March 2016 to any applicants who submit a paper form.

Apply on-line at


Admission Policy & Criteria for Community Schools in the Lancaster, Morecambe, Wyre and Fylde districts (This can also apply to schools that are in transition to Academy status) An admission number will be published showing the may include children without a statement who have special maximum number of pupils that the school will admit needs. in the Autumn Term 2016. Parents are given the (iii) As required by law, all children with a Statement of opportunity to express three preferences for a Special Educational Needs naming a school will be admitted secondary school. Published criteria are used to before the application of the over-subscription criteria. decide which children should be offered the available Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs places. In secondary schools an equal preference will have their applications considered separately. system operates, whereby the three parental (iv) Brothers and sisters includes step children, half brothers preferences are given equal status. Each preference and sisters, fostered and adopted children living with the will be considered equally against the admissions same family at the same address (consideration may be given criteria. to applying this criterion to full brothers and sisters who When a secondary school is oversubscribed the reside at different addresses). The priority does not apply to following priorities apply in order: siblings whose brothers and sisters transferred into a sixth 1. Children who are looked after by a Local Authority form at 16+. at the time when preferences are expressed and (v) The distance criterion will be used as the tie breaker if those who have been previously looked after, (see there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria. note i below); then The distance measure is a straight line (radial) measure from 2. Children for whom the Local Authority accepts that home to school centre of building to centre of building. If the there are exceptional medical, social or welfare Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants reasons which are directly relevant to the school using the published criteria (eg twins or same block of flats) concerned. (See note ii below); then places will be offered via a random draw. 3. Children living within the school’s geographical (vi) A child's permanent address is the one where he/she priority area with older brothers or sisters attending normally lives and sleeps and goes to school from. Proof of the school when the younger child will start, (see note residence may be requested at any time throughout the iv below); then admission process, (including after a child has accessed a school place). 4. Children living within the school’s geographical priority area; then (vii) The Local Authority will keep waiting lists for all Lancashire primary schools until 31 August 2016. These are 5. Children living outside the school’s geographical kept in priority order using the school's published admission priority area with older brothers or sisters still criteria. From 1 September 2016 for one school term only attending the school when the younger child will start waiting lists will be retained by individual admission (See note iv below); then authorities (the Local authority for community and voluntary 6. Children living outside the school’s geographical controlled schools and individual voluntary aided and priority area (see note v below). foundation schools will each retain their own list). Notes (viii) Children will not normally be able to start school other (i) The highest priority must be given to looked after than at the beginning of the term unless they have moved children1 and children who were looked after, but ceased to into the area or there are exceptional circumstances. be so because they were adopted2 or became subject to a (ix) Applications for school places which are received late will Child Arrangement Order3 or special guardianship order4. Any not necessarily be dealt with at the same time as those references to previously looked after children means children received by the set deadline. The reasons for a late who were adopted (or subject to child arrangement orders or application may be requested and where these are not special guardianship orders) immediately following having exceptional the relevant admission criteria will be initially been looked after. applied to all others received on time. The late application (ii) The medical, social and welfare criterion will consider will be dealt with after this process. issues relevant to the child and/or the family. This category (x) Where a child lives with one parent for part of the week and another for the rest of the week only one address will be accepted for a school admission application. This will 1 A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care normally be the one where the child wakes up for the of a local authority, or (b) being provided with majority of school days (Monday to Friday). Proof of accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their residence may be requested at any time throughout the social services functions (see the definition in section 22(1) admissions process. of the Children Act 1989). 2 Under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. See section 46 (adoption orders). The Authority has a duty to co-ordinate admission 3 Under the terms of the Children Act 1989. See section 8 arrangements for all Lancashire maintained schools. The which defines a ‘Child Arrangement Order' as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with Authority will ensure that all Lancashire parents whose whom the child is to live. children are transferring to reception or Year 7 classes, 4 See section 14A of the Children Act 1989 which defines a receive the offer of one secondary or primary school ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or place on the agreed date. more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). 9

Carnforth High School (A Specialist 11-18 Science College)

Carnforth High School (A Specialist 11-18 Science College) 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive Kellet Road Head: Mrs V Michael Carnforth LA5 9LS Number on Roll January 2015: 689 01524 732424 Admission Number: 132

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions:

Places available: Initial allocation under each 132 criterion: Total parental preferences 1st 111 SEN (considered separately) 1 (considered equally) ranked 2nd 117 Looked After Children 2 by parents 3rd 174 Social/Medical/Welfare 0 In GPA with Sibling 24 In GPA no sibling 36 Out GPA with sibling 16 Out GPA no sibling 42 Total preferences received: 402 LA Allocated 0

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Community School and Specialist Science College. Please see page 9 for details of how places are allocated in Community Schools.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Silverdale, , , Warton, , , Arkholme with Cawood, Whittington, Burrow with Burrow, Leck, Ireby, Tunstall, , Carnforth, Bolton-le-Sands, , , Halton with Aughton, , Claughton, Hornby with Farleton, Melling with Wrayton, Wennington, , Wray with Botton and Tatham.

TRANSPORT (YEARS 7-11) 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in parts of Silverdale, Yealand, Warton, Priest Hutton and parts of Bolton-le-Sands may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office.


Central Lancaster High School

Central Lancaster High School 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive

Crag Road Head: Mr J A Wright Lancaster LA1 3LS Number on Roll January 2015: 765 01524 32636 Admission Number: 150

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions:

Places available: Initial allocation under each 150 criterion: Total parental preferences 1st 85 SEN (considered separately) 0 (considered equally) ranked 2nd 106 Looked After Children 0 by parents 3rd 114 Social/Medical/Welfare 0 In GPA with Sibling 28 In GPA no sibling 55 Out GPA with sibling 2 Out GPA no sibling 12 Total preferences received: 305 LA Allocated 2

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Community School. Please see page 9 for details of how places are allocated in Community Schools.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Thurnham, Lancaster (part*), , , Ellel, Caton with Littledale, and . (Ellel, Cockerham and Over Wyresdale are in the and Central Lancaster area and also in the Garstang High area). *Up to the railway and river boundaries between Slyne with Hest and Oxcliffe parishes.

TRANSPORT (YEARS 7 -11) 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in the following areas may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office. , Quernmore, Halton, Caton, Brookhouse, Littledale, , , Ashton with and parts of Cockerham.


Heysham High School Sports College

Heysham High School Sports College 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive Limes Avenue Head: Mr J Shannon Morecambe LA3 1HS Number on Roll January 2015: 981 01524 416830 (including sixth form) Admission Number: 220

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions:

Places available: 220 Initial allocation under each criterion: Total parental preferences 1st 110 SEN (considered separately) 0 (considered equally) ranked 2nd 124 Looked After Children 1 by parents 3rd 60 Social/Medical/Welfare 0 In GPA with Sibling 38 In GPA no sibling 56 Out GPA with sibling 0 Out GPA no sibling 2 Total preferences received: 294 LA Allocated 5

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Community School. Please see page 9 for details of how places are allocated in Community Schools.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Slyne with Hest, Lancaster (part*) Morecambe and Heysham, Heaton with Oxcliffe, Middleton and Overton (shared with Morecambe Community High School). *From the border with Slyne with Hest parish follow the railway line to the river then follow the river to the Heaton with Oxcliffe parish boundary.

TRANSPORT (YEARS 7-11) 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in the above geographical priority areas, with the exception of Slyne with Hest and parts of Morecambe, may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office.


Morecambe Community High School Specialist College for Maths and Computing

Morecambe Community High School 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive Dallam Avenue Head: Mr J McNaughton Morecambe LA4 5BG Number on Roll January 2015: 1449 01524 410207 (including sixth form) Admission Number: 260

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions:

Places available: 260 Initial allocation under each criterion: Total parental preferences 1st 288 SEN (considered separately) 0 (considered equally) ranked 2nd 168 Looked After Children 2 by parents 3rd 86 Social/Medical/Welfare 0 In GPA with Sibling 68 In GPA no sibling 186 Out GPA with sibling 1 Out GPA no sibling 3 Total preferences received: 542 LA Allocated 0

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Community School. Please see page 9 for details of how places are allocated in Community Schools.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Slyne with Hest, Lancaster (part*) Morecambe and Heysham, Heaton with Oxcliffe, Middleton and Overton (shared with Heysham High School Sports College). *From the border with Slyne with Hest parish follow the railway line to the river then follow the river to the Heaton with Oxcliffe parish boundary.

TRANSPORT (YEARS 7-11) 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in the following areas may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office. Parts of Bolton-le-Sands, parts of Heaton-with-Oxcliffe, parts of Hest Bank, parts of Slyne.


Our Lady's Catholic College, Lancaster

Our Lady's Catholic College, Lancaster 11-18 Mixed Voluntary Aided Comprehensive Morecambe Road Head: Mr Brendan Conboy Lancaster LA1 2RX Number on Roll January 2015: 769 01524 66689 (including sixth form) Admission Number: 200

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 200 Total preferences received and considered equally was 324

This is a Voluntary Aided school.

Our Lady's Catholic College has a priority order of admission that complies with national requirements regarding 'looked after children' and 'children with proven and exceptional medical or social needs' and that ensures that Catholic children wishing to be educated in a Catholic faith school are given priority.

Thereafter Our Lady's is an open and inclusive school that welcomes pupils of any faith or none whose families wish them to be educated in a caring community with strong moral values and mutual understanding and respect. For further details and explanations - please contact the school on [email protected]

In the event that there are more applicants than places, after admitting all children with a statement of educational needs naming the school, the governing body will allocate places using the criteria below, which are listed in order of priority. 1) Baptised Catholic looked after children and previously looked after children. 2) Baptised Catholic pupils. 3) Non Catholic looked after children and previously looked after children. 4) Non Catholic brothers and sisters of children in attendance at the school at the time of transfer. (N.B. Footnote) 5) Non Catholic children:- a) Children who attend associated Catholic primary schools (see addendum). b) Children with at least one practising Christian parent who attends church no less frequently than once a month, over a minimum period of one year as attested by the relevant minister of faith. c) Special cases – children who have proven and exceptional medical or social needs. The Governors will take into account written medical/social reports and where appropriate will seek external specialist advice. d) Non Catholic children whose families are actively seeking a Christian based education. e) Other non Catholic children. If there are more children in any of the individual categories than there are places remaining, then those pupils who live nearest to the school by a straight line (radial) measure will have priority. The distance is measured using a geographical information system and the measurement is taken from the centre point of the property to the centre point of the school. In the event of a tied distance measurement between address points the Local Authority's system of a random draw will determine which address(es) receive the offers(s). Footnote Siblings include half brothers and sisters and children who are fostered or adopted and step brothers and sisters residing at the same address for the majority of the time. Addendum Associated Catholic Primary Schools

Saint Mary’s Primary, Morecambe Saint Joseph’s Primary, Lancaster Cathedral Primary, Lancaster Saint Patrick’s Primary, Heysham Saint Bernadette’s Primary, Lancaster Our Lady of Lourdes Primary, Carnforth [Continued on next page]



Travelling expenses will be met by the Local Authority for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit where • this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles or • where this is the nearest school of parent's faith or belief and the distance is between two and fifteen miles from the parent's home.

Travelling expenses will also be met where this is your nearest school and you live more than three miles from it. It should also be noted that Our Lady's Catholic College admits pupils from a wide geographical area. Parents should be aware however that for some pupils living in the north and east of the Wyre area (i.e Garstang) travelling expenses may not be paid if there are other Roman Catholic High Schools closer to the pupil's home.

Transport provided by the school

For other children who have attended one of their associated Catholic primary schools, the governors of Our Lady’s will provide a travel grant and / or transport if they live more than three miles from Our Lady’s Catholic College.

If the payment of travelling expenses is an important factor in considering your preferences for secondary school, you are advised to contact Katy Walker at Our Lady’s Catholic College for help on how to access the assistance provided (01524 66689).

This is a summary of the policy. Please contact the school for full admission details.


Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy

Ripley St Thomas Church of England 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive Academy Principal: Mrs E Nicholls Ashton Road Number on Roll January 2015: 1719 Lancaster LA1 4RS (including sixth form) 01524 64496 Admission Number: 270 [email protected]

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 270 Total preferences received and considered equally was 777

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is an Academy - please contact the Academy for full admission details. In the event that there are more applicants than places, the Governing Body will allocate places using the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority:

1. Looked after and previously looked after children.

2. Children of staff at the school in either or both of the following circumstances: a) where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or b) the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

3. Places will then be allocated using the following points system which reflects the fact that Ripley St Thomas is a Voluntary Aided Church of England Academy:

Points will be given: (a) (i) to children whose parents attend public acts of worship at a Church of England or Methodist Church (to a maximum of 6 points) (ii) to children of parents who attend public acts of worship at other Trinitarian denominational churches which are members of one of the following on 1st September in the year of application for admission to the school: Churches Together in England or Free Churches Group, the Evangelical Alliance, the North West Partnership of Churches, or are included on a list of other churches approved by the Governors (to a maximum of 5 points) (iii) to children who themselves attend public acts of worship* at Church of England or other Trinitarian denominational churches which are members of one of the following on 1st September in the year of application for admission to the school: Churches Together in England or Free Churches Group, the Evangelical Alliance, the North West Partnership of Churches, or are included on a list of other churches approved by the Governors (to a maximum of 6 points). *This does not include attendance with school where this is part of the normal school day. (iv) In addition, for the period of time that parents and children have worshipped with the regularity stated on the Supplementary Form (to a maximum of 5 points in the case of parental attendance and to a maximum of 5 points in the case of the child’s attendance). Information concerning Church attendance must be verified by 31st October 2015 through the submission of a Supplementary Form, which is available from the School and which must be completed by the parent together with the appropriate member of the clergy and counter-signed by the latter. (b) to children who attend a Ripley Trust Foundation School (ie Scotforth St Paul’s, Lancaster Christ Church, Skerton St Luke’s) (4 points). (c) to children who attend any other Church of England Primary School (2 points). (d) to brothers and sisters of those children who are currently on the school roll and who will be continuing into the next academic year (2 points). Note: “brother” or “sister” includes step, half, foster and adopted siblings living at the same address. (e) to a child of a marriage where one parent has died and the surviving parent remains a widow or widower (6 points). This reflects the original foundation of the school. 4. In the event that places remain unfilled after the application of criteria 1 - 3, remaining places will be allocated according to the straight line distance from home to school, nearer addresses having priority over more distant ones.

[Continued on next page]


Tie breaker

Where two or more applicants achieve the same number of points under criterion 3, then the distance between the Ordnance Survey address points for the school and the home measured in a straight line will be used as the final determining factor, nearer addresses having priority over more distant ones. This address point is within the body of the property and usually located at its centre.

Other churches approved by the Governors are: Capernwray Evangelical, Christians Alive, Morecambe Bay Christian Fellowship, Morecambe Community Church, Wycliffe Memorial Evangelical.

Applications received without submission of a Supplementary Form will be considered after all others and will be ranked solely according to the straight line distance from home to school, as above.

TRANSPORT 6 Travel assistance will be offered for pupils in Years 7-11 if this is the nearest CE High school and the pupil has been admitted on denominational grounds, i.e. the parents and the pupils have regular involvement in the life of a Christian church as outlined in Clause (3) of the above admission criteria and where the distance between your home and the school is three miles or more measured by the shortest walking route. Where this is not the nearest school, parents will be required to contribute an annual charge towards the cost of travel. The contribution for the academic year 2015/16 was £505. The figure for 2016/17 will increase by 5% plus whatever the annual increase is in the RPI for that year. This figure will increase annually by the same amounts. Expenses will not be granted for Catholic pupils where a RC High School is nearer. In addition travelling expenses will be met for other pupils where this is the nearest school and the distance criterion is met. Travelling expenses will additionally be met by the Local Authority for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit where • this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles or • where this is the nearest school of parent's faith or belief and the distance is between two and fifteen miles from the parent's home. It should also be noted that Ripley St Thomas CE Academy admits pupils from a wide geographical area. Parents should be aware however that for some pupils living in the Wyre area (i.e. Garstang/ Gt. Eccleston/Cockerham) travelling expenses may not be paid if there are other Church of England High Schools closer to the pupil's home. If the payment of travelling expenses is an important factor in considering your preferences for secondary school, you are advised to consult the Transport Officer at the Area Pupil Access Office in Lancaster to ascertain whether or not your child would be entitled to travel assistance before you fill in the admission form.


Lancaster Royal Grammar School

Lancaster Royal Grammar School 11-18 Boys' Grammar School East Road Head: Dr C J Pyle Lancaster LA1 3EF Number on Roll January 2015: 1044 01524 580600 (including sixth form) Admission Number: 120 (+24 boarders) (120 Day, 24 Boarding places)

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 112 Total preferences received and considered equally was 205

SUMMARY OF POLICY ▼ This is an Academy - please contact the Academy for full admission details. Traditionally the School has drawn its day pupils not only from Lancaster but also from places further afield within travelling distance. a) Ordinary day places Boys who reside within the boundaries of the (see map available in the school) at the time of application will be given priority of entry. The highest priority will be given to looked-after boys and previously looked-after boys. b) Residual day places Places may also be offered to those residing outside the City of Lancaster after the needs of those residing within the City have been met. The highest priority will be given to looked-after boys and previously looked- after boys.

In both of these categories, boys must achieve a minimum level on all three papers consistent with their ability to access a grammar school curriculum. Pupils are ranked in order based on their aggregate score across the three tests. Places are offered in accordance with this ranking.

In considering requests for places in respect of pupils with otherwise equal claims, the final determining factor in the decision of the Governors will be the ability to benefit from the educational provision of the School as judged from all the information relating to the assessment procedure.

Boarding places at 11+ The Governors will also make available boarding places, up to the limits of the accommodation, for boys who, in the considered opinion of the Governors, can benefit from residential education and whose suitability on grounds of academic ability is established. Interviews will normally be arranged to assess the boy’s suitability for boarding. Priority will be given firstly to looked after-boys and previously looked after-boys, and secondly to boys with a demonstrable boarding need. This will include boys at risk or with an unstable home environment, sons of members of the British forces overseas and sons of other key workers and Crown servants working abroad. 1. Parents applying to Lancaster Royal Grammar School will need to complete a separate LRGS Application Form (to enter for the 11+ Entrance Examination) in addition to the Lancashire County Council “Common Application” Form. Parents must apply on both forms, either on-line or on the paper forms. 2. The LRGS On-line Application Form is available on the school web-site. The form should be completed and sent to the School to arrive by Monday 14th September 2015. 3. The Entrance Examination for LRGS takes place on Saturday 26th September 2015. 4. The results of the Entrance Examination will be sent electronically to parents on Wednesday 7th October 2015. 5. Parents who wish to apply to LRGS once the examination results have been published must list LRGS as one of their preferences on the County Form. Parents need to consider the order of preferences carefully, and to note that it will be impossible for LRGS to guarantee a place for a boy who qualifies based on the 11+ examination unless LRGS is entered as the first priority on the County Form. 6. The County Form can be completed online at the website Alternatively, the paper county form can be returned to your son’s primary school (or directly to the County if your son is not in a maintained school). TRANSPORT 6 Travelling expenses may be met for children in Years 7-11 where this is the nearest school to your home and the distance between your home and the school is three miles or more measured by the shortest walking route. Travelling expenses may be met for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the Maximum Amount of Working Tax Credit where this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles.


Lancaster Girls' Grammar School

Lancaster Girls' Grammar School 11-18 Girls' Grammar Regent Street Head: Mrs J Cahalin Lancaster LA1 1SF Number on Roll January 2015: 920 01524 581661 (including sixth form) [email protected] Admission Number: 140

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 112 Total preferences received and considered equally was 190

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is an Academy - please contact the Academy for full admission details. Admission of Pupils Admission to the Main School is based entirely on academic ability, demonstrated in the entrance test. Places are determined by the applicant's performance in the entrance test, against other applicants who participate in the same entrance test. The required standard will be set once applicants have sat the test and places will be allocated to those who achieve the required standard.

Oversubscription Should the School find itself in the situation whereby it has more applicants who achieve the required standard in the entrance test than the number of places available, the admission authority will revert to the School's admission oversubscription criteria and will rank applicants according to criteria below:

1st Priority: to applicants who permanently live within the city of Lancaster as determined by the district map at the time of application and are 'looked after children' or 'previously looked after children'. 2nd Priority: to applicants who permanently live within the city of Lancaster at the time of application and who are eligible for the Pupil Premium. 3rd Priority: to applicants who permanently live within the city of Lancaster. 4th Priority: all other applicants who live outside the city of Lancaster who achieve the required standard*.

* Should there be more applications from applicants outside of the city of Lancaster than places remaining, priority will firstly, be given to looked after children or previously looked after children, and secondly to children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium. Only after such children have been placed will other children be offered a place, ranked according to test results.

Tie break Where the situation arises whereby the School cannot decide between two applicants (whom cannot otherwise be separated by the oversubscription criteria) distance from the front door of the applicant's home to the School's main entrance will be used as the determining factor. A computerised measuring device is used to carry out the measurement.

Selection Tests The School's entrance tests are set by GL Assessment. Each applicant must sit 3 multiple choice tests in: English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning. The score of each test will be calculated together to determine an overall score.

* GL Assessment Practice Papers are available for purchase from reception and our open evening events.

Registration for entrance test Parents must register their child for the entrance test on the School website at or return a paper copy to the School. The closing date for 2016 registration is Wednesday 16 September 2015.

Entrance test date The entrance test will be conducted on Saturday 26 September 2015.

TRANSPORT 6 Travelling expenses will be met for children in Years 7-11 where this is the nearest school to your home and the school is three miles or more measured by the shortest walking route. Travelling expenses will also be met for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the Maximum Amount of Working Tax Credit where this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles.


Garstang Community Academy

Garstang Community Academy 11-16 Mixed Comprehensive Head: Mr P M Birch Garstang PR3 1YE Number on Roll January 2015: 694 01995 603226 Admission Number: 168

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 168 Total preferences received and considered equally was 361

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is an Academy. Please contact the Academy for full admission details.

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of students with statements of Special Educational Needs, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below: a) children in public care and adopted children who were previously in care; b) children for whom, in the opinion of professional experts, there are exceptionally strong medical, social or welfare reasons for admission associated with the child and/or family which are directly relevant to Garstang Community Academy. This may include some non-statemented students who have special educational needs. c) children who will have a sibling in attendance at Garstang Community Academy at the time of transfer. d) Other students with priority given to those that live nearest to Garstang Community Academy, in accordance with local Geographical Priority arrangements. The measurement will be taken in a straight line from the centre point of the residence to the centre point of the Academy, using the Lancashire Local Authority’s geographical information system (GIS).

TRANSPORT 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in the following areas may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office. Barnacre, , , , , , Churchtown, Claughton on Brock, parts of Cockerham, parts of Crossmoor, , Forton, parts of , Kirkland, Myerscough, Nateby, , Scorton, parts of St Michaels-on-Wyre, parts of Thurnham, Upper Rawcliffe, .


Millfield Science and Performing Arts College

Millfield Science and 11-16 Mixed Comprehensive Performing Arts College Head: Mr S Bullen Belvedere Road Number on Roll January 2015: 809 Thornton FY5 5DG Admission Number: 170 01253 865929

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions:

Places available: 160 Initial allocation under each criterion: Total parental preferences 1st 258 SEN (considered separately) 1 (considered equally) ranked 2nd 223 Looked After Children 4 by parents 3rd 17 Social/Medical/Welfare 0 In GPA with Sibling 35 In GPA no sibling 120 Out GPA with sibling 0 Out GPA no sibling 0 Total preferences received: 498 LA Allocated 0

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Community School. Please see page 9 for details of how places are allocated in Community Schools.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Fleetwood and Thornton Cleveleys (part*) and Hambleton (shared with Hodgson and Fleetwood) *The cut off point being Amounderness Way from the Singleton parish boundary across to the Borough boundary.

TRANSPORT 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route, if this is their nearest school. For pupils living near the Blackpool boundary, there may be Blackpool schools nearer, in which case expenses will not be awarded. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office.


Baines School

Baines School 11-18 Mixed Voluntary Aided Comprehensive Highcross Road Head: Mr R J M McCowan Poulton-le-Fylde FY6 8BE Number on Roll January 2015: 953 01253 883019 (including sixth form) Admission Number: 168

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 168 Total preferences received and considered equally was 571

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Voluntary Aided school - please contact the school for full admission details. When applications for admission to Year 7 exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit. Twins/triplets will be considered as one unit, and places awarded based on the highest criterion applicable to the 'unit' application. 1. Looked after and previously looked after children. 2. The presence of an older brother or sister in the school (Sibling Rule). This applies where the older brother or sister will be on the school roll at the time of entry into school i.e. September 2016. 3. The consideration of special medical, social or educational needs relating to an individual child. Applications under this criterion should be backed up by any correspondence held, from the appropriate body that would support a claim under this criterion. E.g. G.P. SEN coordinator, Educational Psychiatrist. All correspondence will be treated in strictest confidence. 4. Children whose Parents are employed by the school, where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two years or more at the time when the application for admission is made or where he / she has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

5. Children living within the school's geographical priority area. 6. Children living outside the school's geographical area.

The distance measure is a straight line (radial measure, centre of building to centre of building. The distance criterion will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria.


Parishes of Thornton Cleveleys (part**), Poulton Le Fylde, Staining, Singleton, Eccleston with Larbreck, Great Eccleston, Elswick and Hambleton.

** The cut off point being Amoundernous Way from the Singleton Parish boundary to the border with Blackpool

TRANSPORT 6 Travelling expenses will be met for pupils in Years 7-11 where this is the nearest school (including Blackpool schools) and the distance between your home and the school is three miles or more measured by the shortest walking route. Travelling expenses will also be met for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the Maximum Amount of Working Tax Credit where this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles.


Cardinal Allen Catholic High School

Cardinal Allen Catholic High School 11-16 Mixed Voluntary Aided Comprehensive Melbourne Avenue Executive Head: Mr P Mooney Fleetwood FY7 8AY Headteacher: Mr A Cafferkey 01253 872659 Number on Roll January 2015: 809 Admission Number: 165

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 165 Total preferences received and considered equally was 383

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Voluntary Aided school - please contact the school for full admission details.

Places will be offered in accordance with the following order of priority: A. Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children (i.e. CHILDREN IN CARE OR PREVIOUSLY IN CARE) B. Baptised Catholic children who will have a sibling in the school at the expected time of admission. C. Baptised Catholic children who currently attend one of the partner Catholic Primary Schools named below D. Other Baptised Catholic children E. Children who are not Baptised Catholics who will have a sibling in the school at the expected time of admission. F. Other Christian children G. Children who are not Baptised Catholics/Christians who currently attend one of the partner Catholic Primary Schools named below H. Children of Staff I. Other children

** Applicants under criteria B, C, D & F will need to produce evidence of baptism ** Where there are more applicants for the available places within a category, then the distance between the Ordnance Survey address points for the school and the home measured in a straight line will be used as the final determining factor, nearer addresses having priority over more distant ones. This address point is within the body of the property and usually located at its centre. The Centre of school is the new School Chapel. Where the cut off point is for addresses within the same building, then the single measure between address points will apply and the Local Authority's system of a random draw will determine which address(es) receive the offers(s). The school serves in the first instance Catholic children from the Catholic parishes situated within the (St Mary's, St Wulstan's & St Edmund's - Fleetwood, St John's, St Martin De Porres & English Martyrs - Poulton, Sacred Heart & St Nicholas Owen - Thornton) together with the Catholic parishes of Cleveleys (St Teresa & St John Southworth), Bispham (St Bernadette), (St William), Knott End (St Bernard) and Great Eccleston (St Mary). In the case of Great Eccleston the children who travel to that school from Elswick, Little Eccleston, Larbreck, , Singleton, Thistleton, St Michael's and Inskip are also included. Specifically, and in the first instance, Cardinal Allen has the following partner schools: St. Wulstan’s & St. Edmund’s, Fleetwood; St. Mary’s, Fleetwood; St. Teresa’s, Cleveleys; Sacred Heart, Thornton; St. John’s, Poulton; St. Bernadette’s, Bispham; St. Mary’s, Gt. Eccleston; St. William’s, Pilling.


Travel assistance will be offered for children wishing to attend Cardinal Allen Catholic High School, where the School is the nearest High School to the home address and Parents live more than 3 miles from the School, measured by the shortest walking route.

Where the School is not the nearest High School to the home address, the pupil is baptised Roman Catholic, this is the nearest Roman Catholic High School and the distance criterion is met, Parents will be asked to contribute towards the cost of transport provision by the Authority. In September 2015 this figure was £505. The cost for 2016/17 will see this figure increase by 5% plus whatever the annual increase is in the RPI during the year. This figure will increase year on year by a similar percentage.

Travelling expenses will also be met for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose Parents are in receipt of the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit, subject to certain conditions.

Parents in any doubt over the distance between home and the School, and the provision of transport, are asked to check with the Area Education Office.


Saint Aidan's Church of England High School

Saint Aidan's Church of England 11-16 Mixed Voluntary Aided Comprehensive High School Head: Mr A Smith Cartgate Number on Roll January 2015: 746 FY6 0NP Admission Number: 168 01253 810504

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 168 Total preferences received and considered equally was 397

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Voluntary Aided school - please contact the school for full admission details. In the event that there are more applicants than places, the Governing Body will allocate places using the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority: A. Children in public care and previously looked after children. B. Children with special social or medical circumstances where these needs can only be met at this school. C. Children whose parent/guardian lives within the ecclesiastical parishes of the foundation (Hambleton, Out Rawcliffe, Pilling, Preesall and ). A map showing the boundaries is available in school. D. Children with a parent/guardian worshipping in a church in membership of Churches Together in England, the Free Churches Group or the Evangelical Alliance. E. Children with a parent/guardian worshipping in a non-Christian faith which is in membership of UK Interfaith Network. F. Children who have a sibling attending Saint Aidan’s Church of England Technology College on the date of application and on the date of admission. G. Children of staff employed by Saint Aidan's. H. Other Children. Where there are more applicants for the available places within a category, then the distance from the main gate of the school to the Ordnance Survey address point for the home in a straight line will be used as the final determining factor, nearer addresses having priority over more distant ones. This address point is within the body of the property and usually located at its centre. Where applicants live across the from the school distance will be measured to the centre of or (whichever is the nearer), then the distance to the school added. Where the cut off point is for addresses within the same building, then the single measure between address points will apply and the Local Authority’s system of a random draw will determine which address(es) receive the offer(s).


Travel expenses will be met for children wishing to attend St Aidan's Church of England High School where the school is the nearest secondary school to the home address and this is more than 3 miles from the school measured by the shortest walking route. Where the school is not the nearest secondary school to the home address, but is the nearest Church of England Secondary School, and children have been admitted on denominational grounds as outlined in Clause D, parents will be asked by the Local Authority to contribute towards the cost of transport provision. The required contribution for 2015/16 was £505. The figure for 2016/17 will increase by 5% plus whatever the annual increase is in the RPI for that year. This figure will increase year on year by a similar percentage. Travelling expenses will additionally be met by the Local Authority for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit where • this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles or • where this is the nearest school of parent's faith or belief and the distance is between two and fifteen miles from the parent's home. If the parents of pupils who reside in the above ecclesiastical parishes can demonstrate that they have strong religious or philosophical convictions as to why admission to these schools would not be deemed to be appropriate (such as membership of a secular society), the nearest Community High School will be considered to be the nearest suitable school. Where this is the case, parents will be required to contribute an annual charge if the pupil lives more than the statutory walking distance.

The school offers grants to help those parents who may have difficulty funding the cost of travel. Please contact the school for more information. If the payment of transport costs is an important factor for you in your choice of schools, you are advised to discuss this with the North Area Education Office on (01524) 581134 before completing your application form.


Fleetwood High School

Fleetwood High School 11-16 Mixed Comprehensive Broadway Associate Head: Mr R J Barnes Fleetwood FY7 8HE Number on Roll January 2015: 623 01253 876757 (including sixth form) Admission Number: 240

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 240 Total preferences received and considered equally was 196


This is a foundation school, please contact the school for full admission details.

When the School is oversubscribed the following priorities apply in order:

1. Children who are looked after by a Local Authority at the time when preferences are expressed and who are still looked after at the time of their admission to school and those who have been previously looked after, then 2. Children for whom the Governing Body accepts that there are exceptional medical, social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school, then 3. Children living within the school's geographical priority area with older brothers or sisters attending the school when the younger child will start, then 4. Children living within the school's geographical priority area, then 5. Children living outside the school's geographical priority area with older brothers or sisters still attending the school when the younger child will start, then 6. Children living outside the school's geographical priority area below.

The distance measure is a straight line (radial) measure, centre of building to centre of building.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Fleetwood and Thornton Cleveleys (part*) and Hambleton (shared with Hodgson and Millfield) *The cut off point being Amounderness Way from Singleton parish boundary across to the Blackpool Borough boundary.

TRANSPORT 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet.

Travelling expenses will be met for pupils where this is the nearest school (including Blackpool schools) and the distance between your home and the school is three miles of more measured by the shortest walking route.


Hodgson Academy

Hodgson Academy 11-16 Mixed Comprehensive Moorland Road Head: Mrs T Roethling Poulton-le-Fylde FY6 7EU Number on Roll January 2015: 1075 01253 882815 Admission Number: 225

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 225 Total preferences received and considered equally was 852

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is an Academy - please contact the Academy for full admission details.

When Hodgson Academy is oversubscribed the following priorities apply in order:

1. Children in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and who are still in public care at the time of their admission to school, and those who have been previously looked after, then 2. Children for whom the Governors accept that there are exceptional medical, social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned, then 3. Children with older brothers or sisters attending the school when the younger child will start, then 4. Children living within the school’s geographical priority area, then 5. Children living outside the school’s geographical priority area.

The distance measure is a straight line (radial) measure, centre of building to centre of building.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Thornton Cleveleys (part*) Poulton-le-Fylde, Staining, Singleton, Eccleston with Larbeck, Great Eccleston, Elswick and Hambleton (shared with Millfield and Fleetwood). (Great Eccleston is also in the Garstang Community Academy area). *The cut off point being Amounderness Way from the Singleton Parish boundary to the border with Blackpool.

TRANSPORT 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in the following areas may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office. Parts of Elswick, parts of Great Eccleston, parts of Hambleton, parts of Little Eccleston, Singleton and parts of Weeton.


Carr Hill High School and Sixth Form Centre

Carr Hill High School 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive and Sixth Form Centre Head: Mr A Waller Royal Avenue Number on Roll January 2015: 1209 Kirkham (including sixth form) Preston PR4 2ST Admission Number: 250 01772 682008

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions:

Places available: 250 Initial allocation under each criterion: Total parental preferences 1st 204 SEN (considered separately) 0 (considered equally) ranked 2nd 45 Looked After Children 2 by parents 3rd 63 Social/Medical/Welfare 0 In GPA with Sibling 70 In GPA no sibling 132 Out GPA with sibling 4 Out GPA no sibling 10 Total preferences received: 312 LA Allocated 6

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Community School. Please see page 9 for details of how places are allocated in Community Schools.

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Weeton with Preese, Greenhalgh with Thistleton, Medlar-with-Wesham, Treales Roseacre and Wharles, Kirkham, Ribby-with-Wrea, Bryning with Warton, and Newton with Clifton.

TRANSPORT (YEARS 7-11) 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Pupils living in the following areas may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office. Bryning, parts of Freckleton, Greenhalgh, Ribby-with-Wrea, Roseacre, , Treales, Warton (Fylde), parts of Plumpton and parts of Weeton-with-Preese.


Saint Bede's Catholic High School, Lytham – A Business and Enterprise College

Saint Bede's Catholic High School, Lytham 11-16 Mixed Voluntary Aided Comprehensive – A Business and Enterprise College Head: Mr P Grice Talbot Road Number on Roll January 2015: 794 Lytham St Annes FY8 4JL Admission Number: 165 01253 737174

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 165 Total preferences received and considered equally was 502

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a Voluntary Aided school - please contact the school for full admission details.

GENERAL INFORMATION Saint Bede's Catholic High School was established to serve the parishes of the Kirkham Deanery, which are: St Joseph's, Ansdell The Holy Family, Freckleton and Warton St John the Evangelist (The Willows), Kirkham St Joseph's, Wesham St Peter's, Lytham St Anne's, Westby Our Lady Star of the Sea, St Annes St Albans, St Annes The five Catholic partner primary schools are: St Peter's, Lytham Our Lady Star of the Sea, St Annes The Willows, Kirkham The Holy Family, Freckleton and Warton St Joseph's, Wesham

OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA 1. Baptised Roman Catholic Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children. 2. Baptised Roman Catholic children who have a sibling in the school at the time of admission. 3. Baptised Roman Catholic children from the following Roman Catholic Primary Schools: St Peter's, Lytham; Our Lady Star of the Sea, St Annes; The Willows, Kirkham; The Holy Family, Freckleton and Warton; St Joseph's, Wesham. 4. Other Baptised Roman Catholic children. 5. Other Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children. 6. Other children who have a sibling in school at the time of admission. 7. Other children from the Roman Catholic Partner primary schools instanced above. 8. Children of staff employed at Saint Bede's Catholic High School for two or more years or who have been recruited to meet a particular skills shortage. 9. Baptised children from other Christian denominations. 10. Other children.

In the event of oversubscription in any of the above criteria places will be allocated according to the following tie breaker criterion: The distance criterion which will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria is a straight line (radial) measure. The distance measure is a straight line (radial) measure centre of building to centre of building and is measured using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system with those living nearer to the school having priority. If the Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria (eg twins or same block of flats) places will be offered via a random draw.

TRANSPORT 6 Travel assistance will be offered for baptised Catholic children where the distance between your home and the school is three miles or more measured by the shortest walking route. In the above case where this is not the nearest school, parents will be required to contribute an annual charge towards the cost of travel. The contribution for 2015/16 academic year is £505. The figure for 2016/17 will increase by 5% plus whatever the annual increase is in the RPI for that year. The figure will increase annually by the same amounts. Travelling expenses will also be met where this is your nearest school and you live more than three miles from the school. [Continued on next page]


Travelling expenses will additionally be met by the Local Authority for pupils who are entitled to free school meals or whose parents are in receipt of the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit where • this school is any one of the three nearest schools from your home and where the distance exceeds two miles but is less than six miles or • where this is the nearest school of parent's faith or belief and the distance is between two and fifteen miles from the parent's home.


Lytham St Annes Technology and Performing Arts College

Lytham St Annes Technology and 11-18 Mixed Comprehensive Performing Arts College Head: Mr P S Wood Worsley Road Number on Roll January 2015: 1426 Ansdell (including sixth form) Lytham St Annes FY8 4DG Admission Number: 270 01253 733192

Information relating to Autumn Term 2015 Year 7 Admissions: Places available: 270 Total preferences received and considered equally was 469

SUMMARY OF POLICY 6 This is a foundation school – please contact the school for full admission details.

Admissions Criteria If applications for admissions exceed the number of places available, the governors have agreed the following criteria, in the order set out below, to decide which children should be admitted:

1. Children in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and who are still in public care at the time of their admission to school, and those who have been previously looked after. 2. Children for whom the Governors accepts that there are exceptional medical, social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned. 3. Children living within the school's geographical priority area with older brothers or sisters attending the school when the younger child will start. 4. Children living within the school's geographical priority area. 5. Children living outside the school's geographical priority area with older brothers or sisters still attending the school when the younger child will start. 6. Children living outside the school's geographical priority area. The distance criterion which will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria is a straight line (radial) measure centre of building to centre of building. If the Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria (eg twins or same block of flats) places will be offered via a random draw..

GEOGRAPHICAL PRIORITY AREA 6 Parishes of Lytham St Annes and Westby with Plumpton. The area to continue down the centre of Squires Gate Lane and Progress Way until rejoining the borough boundary.

TRANSPORT (YEARS 7-11) 6 Please also see section 4 of the main booklet. Only pupils living in the above geographical priority area, with the exception of parts of Westby with Plumpton and parts of St Annes, may be entitled to travelling expenses to this school provided they reside three miles or more from the school, measured by the shortest walking route. If you are in any doubt over the distance between your home and the school please check with the Area Education Office.


Other Information

Catholic Children living in Poulton-le-Fylde and Great Eccleston Agreement has been reached between Governors, Lancaster Diocesan School Commission and Lancashire County Council, that on grounds of accessibility, Catholic children living in Poulton-le-Fylde and Great Eccleston can be considered for admission to Blackpool St Mary's Catholic High School. Admission forms are available from Blackpool Local Education Authority at: Blackpool Council, School Admissions Team, Children's Services Department, PO Box 4, Blackpool FY1 1NA Telephone: (01253) 476637 Email:[email protected]

Parents may also wish to consider the Catholic High School in Fulwood, Preston as a preference. Details are available in the Preston and area information booklet. In all cases assistance with travel costs will not be met unless the school attended is the nearest school of your faith and the distance is three miles or more.

Transport Costs

Transport to Community, Voluntary Controlled and Foundation Schools and Academies Assistance with school transport will only be provided if the distance from your home to your nearest suitable school by the shortest accepted route is three miles or more. Under each Lancashire Community, Voluntary Controlled and Foundation School and Academy you will note that it lists a number of areas where if you reside in those areas and the distance to that school is three miles or more, measured by the shortest suitable walking route, your child may qualify for free transport to that school. Your attention is specifically drawn to those areas prefaced by the words 'parts of'. This means that if you reside in one of those areas your nearest school is only nearest to parts of that area. In those instances if the payment of travel costs is an important factor in expressing a preference for that school, you must check with the Area Education Office to confirm whether from your address the school chosen is the nearest school. Transport to Voluntary Aided High Schools and Academies For parents obtaining places in Voluntary Aided Church of England and Catholic Schools and Academies on denominational grounds, your nearest suitable denominational school for transport purposes will be the nearest denominational school of your faith to where you live. Under the entry for each Voluntary Aided Church School the admissions criteria will usually list the parishes which the school serves. If you live in one of these parishes and obtain a place at the school on denominational grounds and you live over three miles from the school measured by the shortest walking route, then travel assistance will be offered to that school, if it is the nearest school of your faith. However, where this is not the nearest school, parents will be required to contribute an annual charge towards the cost of travel. The charge in September 2015 was £505. For September 2016, the charge will be increased by 5% plus whatever the annual increase was in the RPI that year. This figure will increase on an annual basis by similar percentages. An additional footnote is provided for each school to assist you further. For pupils who obtain a place at a selective grammar school in Lancaster, assistance with travel will only be provided if the school attended is the nearest and the distance criterion is met. In those instances where the payment of travelling expenses is an important factor in expressing a preference for that school, you must check with the Area Education Office that the school chosen is the nearest school. Provision of School Transport Parents/carers of children not entitled to transport assistance are also reminded to exercise caution when considering preferences for a particular school based on current transport provision and the current cost of this provision. The County Council cannot guarantee that any specific school service will continue to operate in the future, nor can they guarantee that the services will operate at the current price charged. These prices could increase significantly in the future. In addition to the above transport provisions, parents on low incomes will have additional entitlement to travel assistance. Please also see section 4 of the main booklet.



♦ It’s quick, easy and secure. ♦ You can amend your application right up to the deadline date if you wish. ♦ You’ll get an email acknowledgement when you submit your application. ♦ There’s lots of further information and links to school websites. ♦ You can view your school offer via the online system on the morning of the day the offers are sent out.

Does your child qualify for free school meals? As your child is starting secondary school in September 2016, are you claiming free school meals to which you may be entitled? School meals are not only nutritious but if you do qualify you could save up to £380 per year.

Not only that but your child's school will also receive over £1000 from the Government for every pupil in the school who is eligible for free school meals which can be used to improve pupils attainment. So even if you do not want to take up the free meals please register your eligibility so that school can benefit from this additional funding.

To qualify for free school meals for your child/ren you have to be receiving one of the benefits listed below: • Income Support • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit but not receiving Working Tax Credit and your annual income is less than £16190 • Universal Credit

If you think you may be entitled, please ring the Area Education Office which serves your area and they can do an immediate online check for you. We only require your name, date of birth and national insurance number to do this for you. If you live in Lancaster, Wyre or Fylde – 01524 581207 If you live in Preston, South Ribble, or – 01772 531809 If you live in , , , Pendle or Rossendale - 01254 220714

Please note, you still need to apply for free school meals for your child/ren even if you have an elder child already attending school and receiving free school meals.



FOR OFFICE USE Admission to Secondary Schools 2016/17

Application Form

Please return this completed form to your child's primary school or apply online at by Saturday 31 October 2015


1. Name of child Surname Forename(s)

2. Date of birth / / Boy ß Girl ß Twin/Triplet ß (please tick)

3. Primary school Tel no

4. (a)Name of parent(s)/guardian(s)


Postcode Tel no Email

5. Which council charges Council Tax for the address where your child lives?

6. If the child is not living permanently with the above parent(s)/guardian(s) please give:

(a)Name of person child usually lives with


Postcode Tel No

Date when the child started living with person at address in 6(b) / /

If there is a shared parenting arrangement both parents must confirm the details of this at the outset at part 13 of this form (see the secondary admission booklet, Section 2, paragraph H).

7. Details of siblings who will be attending secondary school on 1 September 2016. (Brothers and sisters, stepchildren, half brothers and sisters, adopted and foster children living with the same family at the same address.)

Name(s) Date of birth School Female Male

/ / ß ß

/ / ß ß

/ / ß ß

Part 2 – Additional Information

8. Does the child have a final statement for special needs? Yes ß No ß (Education, Health Care Plan)

Is the child known to an Educational Psychologist? Yes ß No ß

9. Do you consider your child to have a disability? Yes ß No ß Description

10a. Is the child in care to any local authority? Yes ß No ß 10b. Was the child formerly in care and now adopted? Yes ß No ß 10c. Is there a residence, guardianship or accommodation order? Yes ß No ß

Name of relevant Local Authority

Name of Social Worker Tel No

11. Is the child subject to a private fostering arrangement? Yes ß No ß

Contact agency Tel no

12. Does a parent/guardian work at any of your school preferences? Yes ß No ß Name ...... School ...... Name ...... School ...... 33

13.. Additional information to support your application may be provided. This can be medical, social or welfare information relating to the pupil and / or the family. Evidence from an appropriate professional (eg doctor, health visitor, social worker) can be attached. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary. * Do not include Religious information in this section (see below).

Part 3 – Statement of Preferences

Please state clearly your 3 secondary preferences for the child. All secondary preferences will be considered equally. You are therefore strongly advised to use all 3 preferences and to name 3 different establishments. Where more than one offer would be possible the school which has an available place and which you have ranked highest priority will become the single offer. Your list of preferences may include schools within or outside Lancashire. Your preferences may include Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Voluntary Aided Schools, Free Schools, Foundation Schools and Academies. Independent / Private Schools must not be included.

I/We being the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child named in part 1 would prefer him/her to be considered for admission to the following secondary schools / academies in priority order: First Second Third

*Do you have any religious affiliation? YES/NO Is your child baptised Catholic? YES/NO If YES you should contact any Voluntary Aided, Foundation school or Academy which is included as a preference and obtain their supplementary information form (this is in addition to the formal application process).


14. Signature(s) I/We have read the secondary school information for parents and certify that the information given on this form is correct. The Local Authority reserves the right to verify the information given on this form. Any offer of a place will be on the basis that the information provided is accurate.

Parent(s)/Carer(s) Date

Parent(s)/Carer(s) Date

If you apply on a paper form it is your responsibility to ensure that this is submitted to a Lancashire primary school or to the Local Authority by 31st October 2015. Please ask for a receipt.

Notes for information

Before completing an application all parents are strongly advised to read the secondary school admissions information on the Lancashire County Council web pages at If you need advice on how to complete an application please contact your Area Education Office.

APPLY When you apply online at you will:- • Receive an email acknowledgement when you press the submit button ONLINE • Be able to change your application up to the closing date • Be able to view your offer on the offer date (no offer letter) PLEASE PRESS THE "SUBMIT" BUTTON EACH TIME YOU VIEW YOUR ONLINE APPLICATION. (EVEN IF NO CHANGES ARE MADE). 34

Timetable for Lancashire Secondary Admission 2016/17

The arrangements for the transfer of pupils to secondary schools in September 2016 will, as far as possible, conform to the following timetable.

Online application system goes live at 1 September 2015 Please remember to press the "submit" button every time you leave the online system.

Saturday Closing date for applications (statutory). 31 October 2015

During this period all applications are processed and all preferences are considered against the published admissions policy. Where schools are over-subscribed, decisions are made as to which children should be offered the available places. The Local Authority will liaise and exchange information with all other Admission Authorities including neighbouring Local Authorities. The allocation and offer of a secondary place is finalised.

Tuesday Offers issued to parents. 1 March 2016

Friday Return of request for appeal forms/place on reserve 11 March 2016 (waiting) lists.

Week commencing Distribution to parents of appeal forms. 14 March 2016

Friday Appeal submission deadline* 1 April 2016 First round of hearings.

By Friday Appeals submitted by the deadline* heard by 1 July 2016 independent appeal panel.

*Appeals which are received after the deadline will be slotted into the schedule where this is possible. There is no guarantee that this will happen and late appeals may be heard after the stipulated date at a second round of hearings. The schedule is subject to change depending upon the availability of appeal panel members, clerks, venues etc.



Confirmation of Offers

For September 2016, offers will be confirmed online only for all those who apply on Lancashire’s online system (this was around 95% of applicants for the previous year). For those who do not receive a first preference offer, links to reserve list and appeal forms will be available.

Lancashire’s online system will go live on the morning of 1 March 2016 to allow online applicants to view their school offer.

Please be patient as around 13,000 applicants may be trying to access information.

Letters will be issued by second class post on 1 March 2016 to any applicants who submit a paper form.

September 2015 Pupil Access Team School Improvement Children Services