
Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Actin and -Binding

Thomas D. Pollard

Departments of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental , of Molecular and , and of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8103 Correspondence: [email protected]


Organisms from all domains of depend on filaments of the actin to provide and to support internal movements. Many eukaryotic cells use forces produced by actin polymerization for their , and motor proteins use ATP to produce force on actin filaments. Actin polymerizes spontaneously, followed by hydrolysis of a bound (ATP). Dissociation of the g-phosphate prepares the for dis- assembly. This review provides an overview of the properties of actin and shows how dozens of proteins control both the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments. These players catalyze exchange on actin , initiate polymerization, promote phosphate disso- ciation, cap the ends of , cross-link filaments to each other and other cellular com- ponents, and sever filaments.


1 Introduction 8 Nucleation proteins 2 , sequence conservation, 9 Actin filament polymerases distribution, and abundance 10 Capping proteins 3 of actin and actin filaments 11 Cross-linking proteins 4 Nucleotide binding and polymerization 12 Filament-binding proteins 5 Overview of actin-binding proteins 13 Concluding remarks 6 Actin--binding proteins References 7 Severing proteins

Editors: Thomas D. Pollard and Robert D. Goldman Additional Perspectives on The available at www.cshperspectives.org

Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a018226 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016;8:a018226 1 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press T.D. Pollard

1 INTRODUCTION (Gunning et al. 2015). The early branching flagellate Giar- dia has the most divergent actin eukaryotic (Paredez The evolutionarily ancient, highly conserved actin mole- et al. 2011). cule assembles reversibly into filaments that constitute one Many , including budding , fission of the three major cytoskeletal polymers. This review ex- yeast, and the alga Chlamydomonas, get by with a plains how the structure of the actin molecule accounts for single actin gene and protein to make all of the cytoskeletal its functional properties, including polymerization dy- structures required for life, but many species, including namics and regulation by a suite of actin-binding proteins. , have multiple actin genes expressed in different Other contributions to this collection explain how actin tissues (Herman 1993). Humans have three genes for a- participates in many cellular functions, including inter- actin (muscles), one gene for b-actin (nonmuscle cells), actions with myosin motor proteins (Sweeney and Holz- and two genes for g-actin (one in some smooth muscles baur 2016), (Titus 2016), cellular and one in nonmuscle cells). Plants have 10 or more actin structure and motility (Svitkina 2016), genes; some are specialized for reproductive tissues and (Sweeney 2016), and (Glotzer 2016). others for vegetative tissues. Early during the of eukaryotes, the primor- dial actin gene was duplicated multiple times and, through 2 GENES, SEQUENCE CONSERVATION, , gave rise to genes for actin-related DISTRIBUTION, AND ABUNDANCE proteins—so-called “Arps” (Muller et al. 2005). The Arp The actin gene originated in the common ancestor of all life genes diversified into multiple families with distinct func- on Earth, as evidenced by the fact that , , tions more than 1 billion years ago when the common and eukaryotes all have actin molecules related structurally ancestor of , fungi, and amoebas diverged from and functionally to each other (Gunning et al. 2015). Even the large clade of , including , plants, cili- earlier, the genes for actin and the glycolytic hexo- ates, and a diversity of other single-cell organisms. Arps might have had a common ancestor as their folds are share between 17% and 52% sequence identity with actin similar and both bind ATP in a central cleft. Bacteria have and are numbered Arp1–Arp11 according to their diver- genes for three types of called MreB, FtsA, and ParM. gence from actin. Arp1 and Arp11 are part of the Polymers of each protein have different functions: MreB complex (Barlan and Gelfand 2016; Goodson and Jonasson influences synthesis and shape, FtsA participates 2016), Arp2 and Arp3 are part of the Arp2/3 complex (see in , and ParM separates large . In ad- below), and several Arps (Arp4–Arp9) participate in chro- dition, bacterial plasmids and contain matin-remodeling complexes and other nuclear functions genes for more than 30 additional actin homologs (Der- (Oma and Harata 2011). man et al. 2009). A subset of archaea has a gene for MreB, Actin is one of the most abundant proteins on Earth and organisms in the so-called TACK (Thaumarchaeota, and the most abundant protein in many cells, from amoe- Aigarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Korarchaeota) branch bas to , often accounting for 10% or more of total have another actin gene more closely related to eukaryotic protein. Its abundance is topped only by in brain actin in sequence and structure. A nearly complete and in . Actin molecules in cells over very sequence from a deep-sea environmental sample came slowly, on the order of weeks in muscle cells. from the most closely related to eukaryotes. This “unseen” (not cultured) archaeal cell called Lokiarch- 3 STRUCTURES OF ACTIN AND ACTIN FILAMENTS aeota has a genuine actin gene and other eukaryotic genes such as Ras-family (Spang et al. 2015). An ancient The strong tendency of actin to polymerize into filaments relative of Lokiarchaeota is presumed to have founded the thwarted efforts for decades to grow crystals, but eventually, eukaryotes when it took on a bacterial symbiont that in the early 1990s, cocrystallization with DNase I (Kabsch evolved into the mitochondria. Thus, the eukaryotic actin et al. 1990) or profilin (Schutt et al. 1993) allowed for high- gene was present in the founding . resolution structures. Now dozens of crystal structures are All eukaryotes have one or more genes for actin, and available for eukaryotic and prokaryotic actins (Domin- sequence comparisons have established that they are one guez and Holmes 2011). of the most conserved gene families, varying by only a few The eukaryotic actin polypeptide of 375 residues folds amino between algae, amoeba, fungi, and animals. into a flat protein with a deep medial cleft that binds ATP This conservation is attributed to constraints imposed by (Fig. 1A,B). Actin is described as having four subdomains. the of actin with itself to polymerize, with The polypeptide winds from the amino terminus in sub- motors and with a large number of regulatory proteins domain 1 to subdomains 2, 3, and 4 and back to subdo-

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A DNase loop C D Pointed end 4



C 1 N G46 B V247 K50 Nucleotide- E241 K68 binding cleft I34 S232 D1 L221

A321 A7 S348 K326 E334

Barbed-end groove Barbed-end

Figure 1. Structures of the actin molecule and actin filament. (A) of the actin molecule with space- filling ATP ( [PDB]: 1ATN). N, amino terminus; C, carboxyl terminus. Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 label the four subdomains. (B) Space-filling model of actin showing the nucleotide-binding cleft with ATP in situ and barbed-end groove. (C) Reconstruction of the actin filament from cryo-electron micrographs. The labels are single-letter abbreviations for selected amino acids. (D) Cartoon of the actin filament showing the position of the pointed and barbed ends. (A,B, Reprinted, with permission, from Pollard and Earnshaw 2007; C, reprinted, with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd., from Fujii et al. 2010; D, adapted, with permission, from Pollard and Earnshaw 2007.) main 1 at the carboxyl terminus. ATP binds in a deep cleft, vealed that actin filaments consist of two strands of interacting more strongly with subdomains 3 and 4, but subunits in right-handed helices staggered by half the also with residues in subdomains 1 and 2. Several proteins length of an actin monomer (2.7 nm) (Fig. 1C,D). This bind in a prominent groove between subdomains 1 and 3— structure can also be described as a single-stranded left- and, hence, some call it the “target-binding groove” (Dom- hand helix that encompasses all of the subunits of the inguez 2004). filament. The polarity of the filament was revealed by elec- The two halves of the protein flanking the nucleotide- tron micrographs of negatively stained preparations of binding cleft have similar folds but no sequence similarity, filaments saturated with myosin heads, which form an suggesting that a very ancient duplication formed the orig- arrowhead-shaped complex with each turn of the helix inal actin gene, followed by divergence of the two halves (Fig. 2A). These myosin arrowheads define the “barbed” of the gene. Arps have the same fold as actin, including all and “pointed” ends of a filament. The target-binding of the required to bind to ATP (Robinson et al. groove is at the barbed end, and the nucleotide-binding 2001), but their surfaces differ extensively from those of cleft is at the pointed end of the actin subunit. actin, with insertion of one or more surface loops and The best available actin filament structures are recon- many amino substitutions that participate in forming structions of electron micrographs of frozen-hydrated unique macromolecular assemblies. filaments (Fig. 1C) (Fujii et al. 2010; von der Ecken et al. Early X-ray diffraction studies of live muscle and elec- 2014) and models from X-ray fiber diffraction of aligned tron of isolated filaments (Huxley 1963) re- filaments (Oda et al. 2009). These models revealed ex-

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A B C ATP T D 10 Pointed-end 0.8 0.3 growth 1.3 0.16 Polymer 08 K = 0.6 μM K = 2.0 μM

06 Decorated

Pi 04 Extent of reaction


Barbed-end 0 growth 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Minutes D

100 nm 10 10 1 K = 0.12 μM K = 2.0 μM 10 1.4 8 106 100 1 12 4 ATP T D

Figure 2. Actin polymerization. (A) Electron micrograph of a negatively stained actin filament. A seed was first decorated with myosin heads and then allowed to grow bare extensions. Elongation was faster at the barbed end than at the pointed end. (B) Diagram showing the rate constants for actin association and dissociation at the two ends of an actin filament. The pointed end is at the top and the barbed end is at the bottom. Unit of association rate 21 21 21 constants, mM sec ; unit of dissociation rate constants, sec . The K values are the ratios of dissociation rate constants to association rate constants, the critical concentrations for each of the four reactions. The horizontal arrows indicate the exchange of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) for ATP.(C) Time course of spontaneous polymer- ization of Mg-ATP–actin monomers. The solid line is the polymer concentration measured by the fluorescence of pyrene-labeled actin. The initial lag comes from slow spontaneous nucleation. The reaction reaches a steady state when the free actin monomer concentration reaches the overall critical concentration. Filled circles are the extent of hydrolysis of the bound ATP, which lags behind polymerization by a few seconds. (D) Mechanism of nucleation, showing monomers, a dimer, a trimer, and a filament, with estimates of the rate constants for each step. Unit of 21 21 21 association rate constants, mM sec ; unit of dissociation rate constants, sec .(A,B,D, Adapted, with permission, from Pollard and Earnshaw 2007; C, reprinted from Pollard and Weeds 1984.) tensive contacts along the short-pitch helix and between the b- and g-phosphates of ATP, stabilizing its + subdomain 2 of each subunit and the barbed-end groove with the protein (Kabsch et al. 1990). Ca2 is used during + of the next subunit along the long-pitch helix. Compared the purification of actin, but Mg2 is bound under physi- with crystal structures, the subunits in filaments are “flat- ological conditions and is assumed to be present in the ter” because of a scissors-like rotation between subdomains following discussion of polymerization. ATP binds nucle- 1 and 3. otide-free actin monomers rapidly, with a rate constant of 21 21 22 21 6 mM sec and dissociates at 10 sec , and so the K is in the nanomolar range (De La Cruz and Pollard 4 NUCLEOTIDE BINDING AND POLYMERIZATION d 1995). of free divalent cations increases the dis- The availability of large quantities (hundreds of milli- sociation rate of ATP 20-fold. Monomers without a bound grams) of purified actin from muscle and other sources nucleotide denature in seconds unless stabilized by high (see Box 1) has enabled a half-century of quantitative sucrose concentrations. mechanistic experiments on nucleotide binding and hy- Actin monomers polymerize spontaneously under drolysis and their roles in polymerization. physiological conditions with either or both monova- Actin monomers bind ATP or adenosine diphosphate lent and divalent cations in the buffer. Cations bind specific + + (ADP) tightly, provided that either Ca2 or Mg2 is present sites that promote interactions between subunits in the fil- in the buffer. One of these divalent cations associates with ament (Kang et al. 2013). Spontaneous polymerization be-

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The classic preparation of actin from starts by (McLean-Fletcher and Pollard 1980). Purification from other extracting myosin from homogenized with a high con- cells usually requires a preliminary step to concentrate the centration of salt, precipitating the residual proteins with ace- actin by ion-exchange (Gordon et al. 1976) tone, and drying to make an powder. Actin monomers or affinity chromatography with an actin-binding protein such are extracted from this dry powder with a dilute buffer contain- as DNase I (Schafer et al. 1998) or (Ohki et al. 2009). ing ATP and polymerized by adding salt. The filaments are One or more cycles of polymerization and depolymerization, pelleted by ultracentrifugation and depolymerized by followed by gel filtration, complete the purification. Actin can against low-salt buffer. Gel filtration removes actin , be stored for days at 4˚C in low-salt buffer with ATP, a sulfhy- capping protein and other minor contaminants, yielding dryl reducing agent, 0.1 mM CaCl2, and azide to pre- monomers suitable for quantitative assembly experiments vent bacterial growth. Freezing is not recommended.

gins with a lag that depends very strongly on the 2002) by repositioning the protein and molecules concentration of the actin monomers. Already, in the around the g-phosphate (McCullagh et al. 2014). Hydro- 1960s, the lag was correctly interpreted as a slow nucleation is irreversible (Carlier and Pantaloni 1986). The hy- step that forms small oligomerssuitable forelongation (Oo- drolysis reaction is “concerted” in the sense that association sawa and Asakura 1975). Computer modeling of the com- of the attacking water with the g-phosphate is coupled with plete time course of polymerization of a wide range of actin dissociation of the bond between the b- and g-phosphates monomer concentrations established that nucleation con- (McCullagh et al. 2014). Most evidence favors the hypoth- sists of two unfavorable steps: formation of a dimer and esis that hydrolysis occurs randomly on polymerized Mg- addition of a third subunit to form a trimer (Sept and ATP–actin subunits (Je´gou et al. 2011), although the nu- McCammon 2001). The association reactions are fast, but cleotide state of neighboring subunits might influence the dimers and trimers are very unstable—dimers dissociate at rate. One version of such influence was a proposal that 106 sec21, and trimers dissociate a subunit at 100 sec21 (Cooperetal.1983;Frieden1983).Thus,dimersandtrimers are present at exceedingly low concentrations in a polymer- ization reaction. The is more stable after adding a fourth subunit, presumably because the subunits have a full ATP–actin complement of intermolecular contacts. Larger oligomers Seed elongate at the same rate as long filaments, with the rate of ADP-P –actin elongation depending on the monomer concentration. i Actin filament elongation is understood much better ATP P i ADP–actin than nucleation because one can measure the elongation hydrolysis dissociation rates in bulk solution or by observing single filaments by electron (Pollard 1986) or microscopy (Kuhn and Half-time Half-time 2 sec 350 sec Pollard 2005). Barbed ends grow much faster than pointed ends, with a -limited association rate constant of ATP 21 21 10 mM sec for ATP–actin and slow dissociation at 21 Half-time 1 sec (Fig. 2D). The ratio of the dissociation and asso- ~60 sec; ciation rate constants gives the “critical concentration” for 14 times faster polymerization at the barbed end of 0.1 mM. Association with and dissociation of ATP–actin is much slower at pointed ends. A bound nucleotide stabilizes monomers but is not Barbed end required for polymerization. Free from association Figure 3. Nucleotide reactions of actin. The cartoon shows an actin of actin subunits with the barbed end can be used to pro- filament that has grown from both ends of an ADP–actin seed. Over duce piconewton forces (Kovar and Pollard 2004). time, ATPbound to the polymerized subunits is hydrolyzed random- The conformational changes associated with actin ly to ADP and phosphate (Pi), followed by slow dissociation of the phosphate, leaving ADP–actin. ADP dissociates from ADP–actin polymerization increase the rate of hydrolysis of bound 26 21 monomers and is rapidly replaced by ATP. Profilin speeds ADP dis- Mg-ATP from 7 × 10 sec by actin monomers to sociation. (Adapted, with permission, from Pollard and Earnshaw 0.3 sec21 in filaments (Fig. 3) (Blanchoin and Pollard 2007.)

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016;8:a018226 5 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press T.D. Pollard hydrolysis occurs in a zipper-like fashion along the polymer Actins from species as divergent as and (Korn et al. 1987). amoeba polymerize (they even copolymerize) and handle After ATP hydrolysis, the g-phosphate dissociates very the bound ATP similarly, but one must be alert for excep- slowly from polymerized actin, with a half-time of 6min tions. For example, polymerized yeast actins hydrolyze (dissociation rate constant 0.003 sec21) (Carlier and bound ATP and dissociate the g-phosphate much faster Pantaloni 1986), and so ADP-Pi –actin is a long-lived in- than other actins (Harris et al. 2004; Ti and Pollard 2011). termediate in the polymerization process (Fig. 3). The po- lymerization properties of ADP-P –actin are close to those i 5 OVERVIEW OF ACTIN-BINDING PROTEINS of ATP–actin (Fujiwara et al. 2007), but once the g-phos- phate dissociates, the ADP–actin subunit behaves quite The behavior of actin in cells differs dramatically from that differently. Most notably, ADP–actin subunits dissociate of the purified protein in a test tube. At the total concen- faster from both ends than ATP–actin subunits (Fig. 2). trations found in cells (50–200 mM), .99% of purified The critical concentration for polymerization of Mg- actin would polymerize in seconds, and subunits would ADP–actin is the same at both ends, 1.8 mM (Pollard 1986). exchange on and off the barbed ends roughly once per With ATP in the buffer and bound to actin monomers, second and at the pointed end would exchange more the critical concentrations for polymerization differ at the slowly. In contrast to this largely static situation, approx- two ends of filaments (Fig. 2B). Consequently, at steady imately half of total actin in cells is unpolymerized at state, net addition occurs at the barbed end balanced by concentrations in the range 25–100 mM, orders of mag- net loss of subunits at the pointed end—so-called treadmil- nitude higher than the critical concentration. Furthermore, ling. The treadmilling rate of ,1 subunit/sec is so slow that filaments assemble and turn over on timescales of tens of it contributes little to actin filament turnover in cells, but it seconds—far faster than relatively inert actin filaments in a has fascinated the field since its discovery in the 1970s test tube. (Wegner 1976). Actin-binding proteins account for these differences by Filaments trap ADP irreversibly, but they exchange regulating virtually every aspect of actin assembly (Fig. 4). phosphate with the medium. The affinity of polymerized Collectively, these proteins maintain a large pool of actin ADP–actin for phosphate is very low because phosphate monomers available for polymerization, nucleate assembly binding is very slow, with an association rate constant of of new filaments, promote elongation, cap barbed or point- 21 21 only 2 M sec (Carlier and Pantaloni 1986). Thus, the ed ends to terminate elongation, sever filaments, and cross- Kd for phosphate-binding ADP–actin filaments is on the link filaments. order of 1 mM, depending on the pH. Most actin-binding proteins are widely distributed in Differences in phosphate binding explain the polymer- eukaryotes, and so they arose in an ancient common an- ization asymmetry between the ends (Fujiwara et al. 2007). cestor. Giardia is an exception as it lacks genes encoding Subunits at the ends of filaments bind and dissociate phos- many actin-binding proteins, including myosin, cofilin, phate faster than interior subunits, and the affinityof point- , and the Arp2/3 complex (Paredez et al. 2011). It ed ends for phosphate is 10 times weaker than that of barbed might have branched before the actin system was fully de- ends. Given this difference and given that subunits associ- veloped or lost these genes. The following sections explain ate and dissociate slower at pointed ends, pointed ends are the properties of proteins in each of these families, most of much more likely than barbed ends to hydrolyze bound which have subtle mechanisms of action that contribute to ATP and dissociate g-phosphate before being buried in the dynamics of the actin system in cells. the filament. This exposes ADP–actin with its higher crit- ical concentration for dissociation from the pointed end. 6 ACTIN-MONOMER-BINDING PROTEINS Cycles of actin assembly in cells occur in an environ- ment with millimolar concentrations of Mg-ATPand phos- The small (13–14-kDa), actin-monomer-binding pro- phate. Most of the cytoplasmic actin monomers have tein profilin is essential for the viability of most eukaryotes. bound Mg-ATP (Rosenblatt et al. 1995), which is hydro- Given its affinity (Kd ¼ 0.1 mM) for ATP–actin monomers lyzed on polymerized subunits, followed by phosphate and a cellular concentration in the range 50–100 mM, most dissociation. Depolymerization releases Mg-ADP–actin of the unpolymerized actin in the is bound to monomers into the cytoplasm, where ADP exchanges for profilin, except for mammalian cells that express thymosin- ATP, restarting the (Fig. 3). Regulatory proteins, dis- b4 (see below). Profilin bound to the barbed end of an actin cussed below, promote phosphate dissociation from fila- monomer (Fig. 5C) sterically inhibits nucleation and elon- ments, disassembly, and nucleotide exchange, but none has gation at pointed ends, but not elongation at barbed ends. been shown to influence ATP hydrolysis. Profilin binds weakly to ATP–actin on the barbed end of

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Severing Monomer binding Elongation

Annealing Monomers Elongation by formin Cross-linking Capping

Network Bundle Branching B

Capped B filaments Profilin–actin Arp2/3 complex on FH1 domain Filament P

Figure 4. Overview of families of actin-binding proteins, including monomer binding, polymerases such as formins, capping proteins, severing proteins, cross-linking proteins, and branching protein Arp2/3 complex. Filaments can anneal end to end, but no proteins are known to facilitate this reaction. The drawing does not include and myosin motors, which bind to the sides of filaments. (Adapted, with permission, from Pollard and Earnshaw 2007.)

filaments (Kd . 20 mM), so profilin dissociates rapidly af- Profilin also binds polyproline sequences at a site physically ter a profilin–actin complex binds, freeing the end for separated from the actin- (Archer et al. 1994; further elongation. (Profilin has much higher affinity for Ferron et al. 2007). As explained below, this interaction the barbed ends of ADP–actin filaments [Courtemanche allows profilin to deliver actin to polyproline sequences and Pollard 2013].) However, high concentrations of free in elongation factors, such as formins and Ena/VASP, and profilin can slow elongation and even promote dissociation to promote elongation of actin filament barbed ends. Phos- of the terminal subunit (Je´gou et al. 2011; Courtemanche phatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2, com- and Pollard 2013). monly known as PIP2) binds profilin and competes for Two other activities of profilin are essential for viability binding actin. (Lu and Pollard 2001). Bound profilin reduces the affinity Thymosin-b4 is a of 43 residues originally de- of actin monomers for ATP or ADP, so profilin catalyzes scribed as a thymic , but it is also the most abun- nucleotide exchange (Mockrin and Korn 1980) by rapidly dant actin-monomer-binding protein in some cells, dissociating ADP from newly depolymerized actin mono- including leukocytes and (Safer et al. 1991). The mers and allowing ATPto bind (Fig. 3) (Vinson et al. 1998). amino terminus of thymosin-b4 forms a short helix that


Figure 5. Proteins that bind actin monomers. Space-filling models of the actin monomer with ribbon diagrams of bound proteins. This is the standard view of actin (see Fig. 1), with the ATP-binding cleft at the top and the barbed- end groove at the bottom.(A) The WH2 helix binds in the barbed-end groove (PDB: 3M1F, from Vibrio para- haemolyticus Vopl). (B) Thymosin-b4 helices bind in both the barbed-end groove and across the pointed-end cleft (PDB: 4PL7). (C) Profilin can bind simultaneously to the barbed end of actin and to polyproline helices such as that from vasodilator-stimulated (VASP), shown here as a red stick figure (PDB: 2PBD). (D) The carboxy-terminal cofilin domain from twinfilin binds on the barbed end of the actin molecule (PDB: 3DAW).

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binds in the barbed-end groove, and the rest of the peptide binding. Nevertheless, weak binding of cofilin to ADP-Pi consists of an extended region that binds the front surface subunits in filaments promotes dissociation of the of actin and a second helix that caps the pointed end at the g-phosphate, producing ADP–actin polymers in seconds top of the nucleotide-binding cleft (Fig. 5B) (Xue et al. rather than in minutes (Blanchoin and Pollard 1999), a 2014). Given concentrations of .100 mM in the cytoplasm timescale reasonable for the rapid turnover of filaments and a micromolar affinity for Mg-ATP–actin, thymosin-b4 in cells. can sequester a large pool of actin monomers, preventing A crystal structure showed that a cofilin domain from them from engaging in any of the polymerization reactions the actin-monomer-binding protein twinfilin binds in the because of steric interference with all of the interactions barbed-end groove of monomeric actin (Fig. 5D) (Paavi- required for polymerization (Fig. 2D). lainen et al. 2008). This interaction is maintained when Profilin competes with thymosin-b4 for binding actin cofilin binds an actin filament, whereas other parts of co- monomers, offering a pathway for actin monomers seques- filin contact subdomain 2 at the pointed end of the adjacent tered by thymosin-b4 to participate in elongation (Panta- actin subunit along the long-pitch helix (Galkin et al. loni and Carlier 1993). This shuttling process is possible 2011). These interactions force actin subdomains 1 and 2 because both proteins exchange rapidly on and off actin (the outer domain) to rotate 30˚ from the flattened con- monomers. Given the physiological concentrations of all formation in the filament to become even more skewed three proteins, most of the actin monomers are bound to than monomers. To avoid steric clashes, the twist between either profilin or thymosin-b4, leaving a low (submicro- successive subunits along the short-pitch helix is reduced molar) concentration of free actin monomers. from 167˚ to 162˚, enough to reduce the repeat of the long- Other proteins have one or more sequences homolo- pitch helices from 36 nm to 27 nm and make the filaments gous to the amino-terminal half of thymosin-b4, including more flexible (McCullough et al. 2011). the helix that binds in the barbed-end groove of actin (Fig. Cellular processes dependent on actin filament severing 5A) (Chereau et al. 2005; Rebowski et al. 2010). These by cofilin include motility and cytokinesis. The mechanism sequences are called WH2 (WASp- 2) motifs af- of severing is remarkable. Filaments saturated with cofilin ter their discovery in Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein are very stable, but binding of small numbers of cofilins (WASp; see Sec. 8). WH2 motifs can deliver an actin sub- promotes severing, most likely at interfaces between flexible unit to the barbed end of a filament such as those nucleated decorated sites and stiffer bare segments (Elam et al. 2013; by the Arp2/3 complex (see Sec. 8). Tandem WH2 motifs Ngo et al. 2015). Therefore, steady state severing is optimal allow proteins in the Ena/VASP family to promote actin at concentrations of cofilin far below the Kd (Andrianan- filament elongation (see Sec. 8) and the proteins Lmod toandro and Pollard 2006). However, high concentrations (Chereau et al. 2008) and Spire (Quinlan et al. 2005) to of cofilin sever transiently as the first few cofilins bind to a promote nucleation by bringing together multiple actin bare filament or if other proteins compete with cofilin for monomers. binding. Cofilin was originally called actin-depolymerizing fac- tor (ADF) (Bamburg et al. 1980), because it reduced pel- 7 SEVERING PROTEINS leting of actin filaments in the ultracentrifuge. Severing The two main families of actin filament–severing proteins explains this behavior. Severing also creates free ends for differ greatly in size—tiny 15-kDa cofilin and large multi- depolymerization, but cofilin does not promote dissocia- domain proteins of the gelsolin family. In addition, at least tion of subunits from either end of filaments (Andrianan- two formins, FRL-a (Harris et al. 2004) and INF-2 (Gurel toandro and Pollard 2006), contrary to a widely cited et al. 2014), can sever actin filaments. theory (Carlier et al. 1997). Most eukaryotes express high concentrations of cofilin, Cells use multiple strategies to regulate cofilin (Mizuno a small protein that binds in the barbed-end groove of actin 2013). Binding of cofilin to PtdIns(4,5)P2 or phosphoryla- monomers and to actin filaments (Fig. 5D). Cofilin bound tion of Ser3 of cofilin interferes with cofilin binding to to actin monomers inhibits nucleotide exchange (Nishida actin, so either inactivates all functions. LIM phos- 1985), but profilin overcomes this effect (Blanchoin and phorylate Ser3, and phosphatases, including Slingshot and Pollard 1998). chronophin, remove the phosphate. The extent of cofilin The main of cofilin is to sever actin filaments. changes during many cellular activities, Cofilin binds cooperatively to the sides of actin filaments, developmental processes, and diseases because many sig- with a higher affinity for ADP–actin subunits than ATP- or naling pathways impinge on . These include ADP-Pi subunits (Cao et al. 2006). Thus, ATP hydrolysis morphogenetic protein signaling through and phosphate dissociation act as a timer for cofilin kinases, inflammatory mediators operating through

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Rho and ROCK, guidance molecules through Rac, Cdc42, One splicing isoform of gelsolin has an amino-terminal and PAK, and vascular endothelial through signal sequence that directs the protein into the secretory the -activated protein kinase pathway. Chemotac- pathway and eventually into the . The high tic signals also influence the activity of Slingshot. In addi- concentration in the blood keeps gelsolin active so that, tion to disassembling actin filaments, severing produces together with D–binding protein, it forms a “scav- a free barbed end that can stimulate actin filament assem- enger” system to depolymerize actin filaments released into bly (Bravo-Cordero et al. 2013). Actin-interacting protein the bloodstream from damaged cells (Nag et al. 2013). A Aip1 cooperates with cofilin to promote actin filament in patients with one form of familial turnover in cells and actin filament severing makes gelsolin susceptible to in the Golgi ap- (Chen et al. 2015). paratus, and the resulting form deposits Many organisms, from to flies, have a single co- that damage multiple organs (Solomon et al. 2012). filin gene that is essential for their viability, but mammals The eight members of the gelsolin in mam- have three isoforms (cofilin-1, muscle-specific cofilin-2, mals have specific expression patterns (Nag et al. 2013). For and ADF) (Poukkula et al. 2011). Cofilin-1 is required example, adseverin helps secretory granules reach the plas- for viability of mice, whereas ADF-null mutant mice are ma membrane in endocrine organs, and has an extra viable but have ocular defects. domain that allows it to bundle actin filaments in microvilli. Other members of the cofilin family are widespread Macrophages express CapG, a family member with three from fungi to humans, but none of them is as essential to gelsolin domains that cap, but do not sever, actin filaments. viability as cofilin itself (Poukkula et al. 2011). Glia matu- ration factor (GMF) shares the cofilin fold, but, rather than 8 NUCLEATION PROTEINS interacting with actin, it binds Arp2/3 complex and disso- ciates actin filament branches (Ydenberg et al. 2013). Twin- Given that actin filament nucleation is intrinsically unfa- filin consists of tandem cofilin domains that bind actin vorable and suppressed by profilin and thymosin-b4, cells monomers and filaments, suppress polymerization (Paavi- rely on regulatory proteins to initiate actin filament poly- lainen et al. 2008), and promote subunit dissociation from merization in a controlled manner. They use Arp2/3 com- both filament ends in cooperation with cyclase associate plex to produce actin filament branches, formins to initiate protein (Johnston et al. 2015). unbranched filaments, and proteins with tandem WH-2 Members of the gelsolin family comprise two to six domains to form other filaments. homologous gelsolin domains. The fold of the gelsolin Arp2/3 complex is an ancient (basal ) assem- domain resembles that of cofilin (Nag et al. 2013), although bly of seven subunits, including Arp2 and Arp3 (Fig. 6). no strong evidence exists that gelsolin and cofilin have a The complex is intrinsically inactive because the other sub- common ancestor. Mammalian family members consist of units hold the two Arp moieties apart (Robinson et al. three or six gelsolin domains plus other domains, whereas 2001). When Arp2/3 complex binds the side of an actin homologous proteins in other species have two, four, or five filament, Arp2 and Arp3 move closer together and form the gelsolin domains. base for growth of a branch (Rouiller et al. 2008). The free Gelsolin and related proteins sever actin filaments and barbed end of the daughter filament elongates, whereas the cap their barbed ends. Calcium binding regulates most Arp2/3 complex anchors the pointed end of the filament family members by releasing gelsolin from an autoinhib- rigidly to the side of the mother filament. ited inactive state and stabilizing the gelsolin domains into A variety of nucleation-promoting factors activate a conformation that permits binding to the actin filament. Arp2/3 complex (Rottner et al. 2010), each in a particular The affinities of the calcium-binding sites range from Kd ¼ cellular context, including at the leading edge of motile cells 0.2 mM, which is physiologically relevant, to Kd . 100 mM. (WASp, N-WASP [neural-WASp], Scar [suppressor of The long a-helices of gelsolin domains 1, 2, and 4 bind cAMP activator]/WAVE[WASP family verprolin homolo- in the barbed-end groove of actin, similar to the binding of gous protein]), at sites of endocytosis (WASp), and for cofilin. This interaction with a filament results in severing, internal membrane traffic (Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome leaving gelsolin associated with the barbed end of the sev- protein and Scar homolog [WASH]) (Rotty et al. 2013). ered filament. Polyphosphoinositides (e.g., PtdIns(4,5)P2) All of these nucleation-promoting factors are intrinsically can compete the gelsolin cap from the end of the filament inactive because of sequestration of their binding sites (Janmey and Stossel 1987). Mice with a muta- for actin monomers and Arp2/3 complex. Intramolecular tion of the gelsolin gene are viable, but they have defects interactions inhibit WASp and N-WASP. Rho-family in cellular motility and function during blood GTPases, polyphosphoinositides, and proteins with Src- clotting. homology 3 domains overcome these autoinhibitory inter-

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A BC ARPC2 ARPC2 ARPC3 D2 D1 ARPC2 A c ARPC4 Arp2 Arp3 ARPC3 1 2 3 1 ARPC5 4 ARPC4 Arp3 Arp3 3 3 ARPC1 c Actin 1 Arp2 v Arp2 ARPC3 A 90° ARPC1 Actin ARPC5 ARPC1 v Figure 6. The Arp2/3 complex. (A) Ribbon diagram showing the two actin-related proteins (Arps) and the five novel subunits. Subdomains 1 and 2 of Arp2 were disordered in this structure (PDB: 1K8K). (B) Model of the branch junction from reconstructions of electron micrographs (Rouiller et al. 2008). The Arp2/3 complex anchors a branch represented by daughter subunits D1 and D2 on the side of the mother filament. The numbers indicate the subdomains of Arp2 (red) and Arp3 (). (C) Model (Padrick et al. 2011) for the interaction of Arp2/3 complex with two verprolin-cofilin-acidic (VCA) motifs (black), each with an actin subunit bound to the V (WH2) motif (Chereau et al. 2005). The location of the A motif on Arp3 was determined by X-ray (Ti et al. 2011). Other aspects of the model were inferred from binding and cross-linking experiments (Padrick et al. 2011). (A, Reprinted, with permission, from Pollard and Earnshaw 2007; B, reprinted from Rouiller et al. 2008; C, adapted, with permission, from Padrick et al. 2011.)

actions, allowing WASp and N-WASPto interact with actin dissociation of branches. A drug-like molecule called monomers and Arp2/3 complex. The WAVE regulatory CK-666 is available to inhibit branch formation (Nolen complex, consisting of five subunits, inhibits the Scar/ et al. 2009). WAVE family (Chen et al. 2010). The Rac GTPase binds Formins are multidomain, homodimeric proteins char- the WAVEregulatory complex and frees Scar/WAVEto in- acterized by a formin homology 2 (FH2) domain that in- teract with Arp2/3 complex. A similar teracts with the barbed end of an actin filament (Fig. 7A) regulates WASH (Campellone and Welch 2010). (Goode and Eck 2007; Paul and Pollard 2009). FH2 do- Binding of Arp2/3 complex to the side of an actin mains form head-to-tail dimers (Xu et al. 2004). When filament is unfavorable because it requires conformational free of actin, an a-helical link holds the two halves of the changes in both partners (Rouiller et al. 2008). These high- dimer close together, but the linker can stretch into an energy states are poorly populated, so stable binding is slow extended chain to allow the FH2 dimer to wrap around (Beltzner and Pollard 2008) because most interactions re- an actin filament (Fig. 7B) (Otomo et al. 2005). The actin sult in dissociation (Smith et al. 2013). Association of two in cocrystals with FH2 forms a polymer with twofold sym- molecules of nucleation-promoting factor prepares Arp2/3 metry rather than the 167˚ helical twist of actin filaments complex for binding actin filaments (Padrick et al. 2011; Ti (Otomo et al. 2005). A refined model of an FH2 dimer on et al. 2011), which completes the process. Each the end of an actin filament (Fig. 7B) has extensive contacts nucleation-promoting factor also brings along an actin between the FH2 and actin (Baker et al. 2015). Next to the monomer; together, they become the first two subunits FH2 domain, most formins have an FH1 domain with in the daughter filament. Binding to the mother filament multiple -rich sequences that bind profilin. Many is thought to drive the conformational changes that posi- formins are autoinhibited by interactions between a diaph- tion the Arps to initiate the branch (Ti et al. 2011), but one anous autoinhibitory domain (DAD) near the amino ter- nucleation-promoting factor (Dip1) can activate Arp2/3 minus and a DAD-interacting domain (DID) near the complex to nucleate a filament independent of a preexist- carboxyl terminus (Alberts 2001). Binding of Rho-family ing filament (Wagner et al. 2013). In contrast, a protein GTPases near the DAD overcomes this autoinhibition. named arpin inhibits nucleation of actin filament branches Most formins nucleate actin filaments, presumably by by Arp2/3 complex (Dang et al. 2013). stabilizing actin dimers (Pring et al. 2003). Only free actin Actin filament branches are quite rigid and stable for monomers appear to participate in this nucleation process tens of seconds. The protein stabilizes branches (Paul and Pollard 2009). In fission yeast, each of the three (Weaver et al. 2001), but both cofilin (Chan et al. 2009) and formins nucleates unbranched filaments for specific struc- the related protein GMF (Ydenberg et al. 2013) promote tures, such as the cytokinetic contractile ring or

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Actin subunit addition

Trailing FH2 Leading FH2

FH2 step

Incoming actin

Leading FH2 linker FH2

Trailing FH2

Figure 7. Structure and role of formins. (A) Domain organization of a diaphanous (Dia)-type formin. DAD, diaphanous autoinhibitory domain; DID, DAD-interacting domain; GBD, GTPase-; FH1, pro- line-rich formin homology 1 domain; FH2, formin homology 2 domain. (B) Model of the actin filament elongation mechanism, with actin subunits shown by a space-filling model and the formin Bni1 FH2 dimer shown as red and blue ribbon diagrams. The model is based on the crystal structure (Otomo et al. 2005) docked on the barbed end of the actin filament model from fiber diffraction (Oda et al. 2009) and refined by molecular-dynamics simulation (Baker et al. 2015). An actin subunit binds from solution, creating a binding site for the trailing FH2 domain (blue) to “step” toward the barbed end. The lower diagrams show end-on views, including (left) the actin filament and (right) the FH2 dimer alone. actin filament cables, but with some overlap. The situation membranes, such as the , and others is much more complicated in mammals, which have 15 interact with . Transmembrane helices anchor isoforms with partially overlapping functions (Higgs and some plant formins to membranes. Most formins can ei- Peterson 2005; Campellone and Welch 2010), and so as- ther inhibit or promote actin filament elongation, as ex- signment of biological functions is still in progress. These plained in Section 9. formins also nucleate unbranched filaments for the con- Proteins with tandem WH2 domains promote nucle- tractile ring, stress fibers, and filopodia. Some formins are ation, presumably by favoring the association of dimers or associated with the plasma membrane or intracellular trimers (Dominguez and Holmes 2011). This family in-

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016;8:a018226 11 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on October 5, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press T.D. Pollard cludes proteins called spire, cordon bleu, and JMYthat have polymerization. VASP can deliver either free actin mono- been implicated in the development of the nervous system mers or profilin–actin to the barbed end of the filament, and other tissues (Campellone and Welch 2010). A protein using either an actin-monomer-binding site related to a with one WH2 domain, called leiomodin, participates in WH2 domain (Ferron et al. 2007) or polyproline tracks actin polymerization in muscle (Chereau et al. 2008). Some that bind profilin (Hansen and Mullins 2010). VASP is bacteria express proteins with WH2 domains that subvert much less processive than formins, with a dwell time on cellular actin assembly. barbed ends of only 1.5 sec. Mice need at least one of their Two other mechanisms can create barbed ends. As not- three Ena/VASPgenes for viability. These proteins concen- ed above, severing by cofilin produces a free barbed end and trate at the leading edge of motile cells and the tips of filo- a free pointed end, a reaction shown to stimulate polymer- podia, where they contribute to the growth of the filaments. ization in live cells (Bravo-Cordero et al. 2013). Removing a cap from the end of a filament has the theoretical capacity 10 CAPPING PROTEINS to open a site for elongation (see Sec. 10). Capping protein (Edwards et al. 2014) is a heterodimer of structurally similar a- and b-subunits that binds tightly to 9 ACTIN FILAMENT POLYMERASES actin filament barbed ends (Fig. 8). Virtually all eukaryotic In addition to nucleating actin filaments, formins both cells express capping protein. Given micromolar con- inhibit and promote the elongation of actin filament centrations of capping protein in cells, barbed ends are barbed ends by interacting processively with the growing capped in seconds—and remain capped as the half-time end (Paul and Pollard 2009). On their own, FH2 domains for dissociation is 30 min. Capping protein cooperates with from all formins tested slow barbed-end elongation. A sim- profilin to maintain the actin monomer pool, limit the ple explanation is that the complex of the FH2 domain number of barbed ends available for growth during actin- and the end of the filament has two conformations: Actin based protrusion of the leading edge, and stabilize the monomers can bind to the open state but not the closed barbed ends of filaments in the Z-disk of striated muscles. state (Vavylonis et al. 2006). Depending on the formin, Capping protein is constitutively active, but is regulated barbed ends are open between 5% and 90% of the time. allosterically by proteins that are generally unrelated but Profilin overcomes this inhibition and can bias polymeri- contain a capping protein interaction motif, including zation toward filaments with formins, providing that the “capping protein Arp2/3 myosin I linker” (CARMIL). formin construct has an FH1 domain in addition to the Other molecules that regulate capping protein do so by dimer of FH2 domains. FH1 domains are flexible “tenta- sterically inhibiting its binding to the barbed end (Edwards cles,” located amino-terminal to the FH2 domain, with one et al. 2014). Polyphosphoinositides bind capping protein to 14 polyproline tracks that bind profilin–actin complex- and block its interaction with barbed ends but do not dis- es. After rate-limiting binding of profilin–actin to multiple sociate capping protein from the end of a filament. V-1/ sites in the FH1 domain, diffusion of the FH1 domains myotrophin sequesters capping protein in the cytoplasm of delivers profilin very rapidly to the end of the filament, cells, whereas CARMIL allows capping protein to allowing rapid elongation in spite of the fact that the end associate weakly with barbed ends and slow elongation. is in the closed state part of the time. In favorable cases, As discussed above, members of the gelsolin family are such as formin mDia1, which is open 90% of the time and calcium-regulated proteins that not only sever filaments has an FH1 domain with 14 potential profilin–actin-bind- but also bind to barbed ends (Nag et al. 2013). This capping ing sites, elongation can be five times faster than for a free activity allows gelsolin and capping protein to nucleate barbed end (Kovar et al. 2006). In spite of the rapid elon- filaments that grow from their pointed ends, as observed gation, all formins tested are remarkably processive, “step- in skeletal muscles (Littlefield et al. 2001). ping” onto the newly added subunit for thousands of cycles is exclusively a pointed-end capping without failure. This polymerase activity inhibits capping protein (Rao et al. 2014). The protein wraps around the by capping protein and allows actin filaments associated three terminal subunits at the pointed end and blocks with a formin to grow very quickly and persistently in subunit addition and loss (Fig. 8). Interactions with the the cell. For example, formin mDia1 grows filaments at amino-terminal ends of two tropomyosin molecules 700 subunits/sec in fibroblasts (Higashida et al. 2004). strengthen the capping activity. These interactions stabilize Similar to formins, tetramers of Ena/VASP associate the pointed end of the thin filaments in muscle but still with growing actin filament barbed ends, promote elonga- allow slow exchange of actin subunits. A shorter isoform of tion, and inhibit capping (Edwards et al. 2014). In contrast tropomodulin caps the pointed ends of the tiny actin fila- to formins, Ena/VASP proteins do not seem to nucleate ments in the –actin network of red blood cells.

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Tropomodulin (Tmod) ABS1



Tropomysin (TM)


CPβ β-tentacle

Capping protein (CP) CPα

Figure 8. Capping of the two ends of the actin filament. Depicted is a space-filling model of a short filament with two laterally aligned tropomyosin molecules (orange), terminating with tropomodulin at the filament pointed end (magenta) (Rao et al. 2014) and heterodimeric capping protein (CP; cyan and blue) at the filament barbed end (Urnavicius et al. 2015). (Figure prepared by Roberto Dominguez of the University of Pennsylvania.)

Arp2/3 complex also caps pointed ends in the act of stabilize higher-order structures, such as bundles of fila- nucleating actin filament branches that grow at their free ments in microvilli, filopodia, and cytoplasmic cables, as barbed ends. When a branch dissociates from the side of a well as networks of actin filaments (see Svitkina 2016). Two mother filament (spontaneously or promoted by cofilin), actin-binding sites in the same polypeptide or in two sub- Arp2/3 complex caps the pointed end of the former daugh- units of oligomeric proteins are required to connect two ter filament. filaments (Fig. 9). The actin-binding domains (ABDs) of many of these proteins consist of two -homology domains (Borrego-Diaz et al. 2006), but the distance be- 11 CROSS-LINKING PROTEINS tween the pairs of ABDs varies considerably. The tandem Physical connections between actin filaments made by a ABDs of fimbrin and the twofold symmetry of pro- large family of cross-linking proteins (Matsudaira 1994) mote the formation of actin filament bundles, whereas the

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ABD β-sheet domains EF hands /ABP Actin-binding Triple-stranded α-helical domains ABD PP domain GPIB/IX-binding α /plastin - domain P ABD ABD ABD ABD ABD 80 nm 40 nm

Figure 9. Cross-linking proteins. Illustrations depicting the size, domains, and organization of the actin filament cross-linking proteins fimbrin, a-actinin, and filamin (ABP). The different patterns of distribution of the actin- binding domains lend the proteins distinct cross-linking capabilities. ABD, actin-binding domain; EF hand, calci- um-binding motif. (Adapted from Pollard and Earnshaw 2007, with permission from Elsevier.) widely separated ABDs of filamin (ABP) cross-link less- ciating the mechanisms of the modest number of organized networks of filaments, such as those at the lead- regulatory proteins covered in this review will allow the ing edge of motile cells (Matsudaira 1994; see Svitkina reader to understand actin filament dynamics in all of the 2016). systems described in this collection. ABDs typically have relatively low affinity for actin fil- aments (K 10 mM), so they exchange on and off fila- d ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ments on a subsecond timescale. Rapid exchange of these linking proteins makes the mechanical properties of actin The author’s research reported in this publication was sup- filament networks much different from those of covalently ported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences of cross-linked synthetic polymers (Yao et al. 2011). When the National Institutes of Health under awards number deformed rapidly, cross-linked actin networks are stiff, R01GM026132, R01GM026338, and PO1GM066311. The but the rapidly rearranging cross-links do not resist slow content is solely the responsibility of the author and does deformation (Xu et al. 1998). This explains why cells are not necessarily represent the official views of the National stiff and elastic on fast timescales but deformable on time- Institutes of Health. The author thanks Roberto Domin- scales of tens of seconds. guez for many valuable suggestions and Figure 8, and Qian Chen, Naomi Courtemanche, and Shalini Nag for com- 12 FILAMENT-BINDING PROTEINS ments on a draft of this review. The coiled-coil protein tropomyosin binds along each of the two long-pitch helices of the actin filament (Fig. 8) REFERENCES (von der Ecken et al. 2014). Genes for one or more tropo- ∗ Reference is in this collection. are present in fungi and animals but not amoebas, plants, or other types of eukaryotes. Tropomyosin protects Alberts AS. 2001. Identification of a carboxyl-terminal diaphanous-re- filaments from severing by cofilin (Maciver et al. 1991) and lated formin homology protein autoregulatory domain. J Biol Chem influences which myosins interact with a filament (Pollard 276: 2824–2830. Andrianantoandro E, Pollard TD. 2006. Mechanism of actin filament and Lord 2014). In yeast, particular tropomyosin isoforms turnover by severing and nucleation at different concentrations of associate with filaments produced by different formins. In ADF/cofilin. Mol Cell 24: 13–23. striated muscles, tropomyosin and comprise the Archer SJ, Vinson VK, Pollard TD, Torchia DA. 1994. Elucidation of the poly-L-proline binding site in Acanthamoeba profilin-I by NMR spec- calcium-sensitive switch that regulates contraction (see troscopy. FEBS Lett 337: 145–151. Sweeney 2016). Baker JL, Courtemanche N, Parton DL, McCullagh M, Pollard TD, Voth GA. 2015. Electrostatic interactions between the Bni1p formin FH2 domain and actin influence actin filament nucleation. Structure 23: 13 CONCLUDING REMARKS 68–79. Bamburg JR, Harris HE, Weeds AG. 1980. Partial purification and char- Evolution has produced a system of proteins that use actin acterization of an actin depolymerizing factor from brain. FEBS Lett subunits to build a rich array of different structures in 121: 178–182. and eukaryotes. These range from the stable ∗ Barlan K, Gelfand VI. 2016. -based transport and the dis- of striated muscles (Sweeney 2016) to force- tribution, tethering, and organization of . Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a025817. producing branched networks at the leading edges of mo- Beltzner CC, Pollard TD. 2008. Pathway of actin filament branch forma- tile cells that turn over in seconds (Svitkina 2016). Appre- tion by Arp2/3 complex. J Biol Chem 283: 7135–7144.

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Actin and Actin-Binding Proteins

Thomas D. Pollard

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a018226 originally published online March 17, 2016

Subject Collection The Cytoskeleton

Microtubules and Microtubule-Associated Overview of the Cytoskeleton from an Proteins Evolutionary Perspective Holly V. Goodson and Erin M. Jonasson Thomas D. Pollard and Robert D. Goldman Motor Proteins Types I and II Intermediate Filaments H. Lee Sweeney and Erika L.F. Holzbaur Justin T. Jacob, Pierre A. Coulombe, Raymond Kwan, et al. Myosin-Driven Intracellular Transport Muscle Contraction Margaret A. Titus H. Lee Sweeney and David W. Hammers The Actin Cytoskeleton and Actin-Based Motility Type III Intermediate Filaments , Glial Tatyana Svitkina Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP), , and Elly M. Hol and Yassemi Capetanaki Mechanical Properties of the Cytoskeleton and Cytokinesis in Metazoa and Fungi Cells Michael Glotzer Adrian F. Pegoraro, Paul Janmey and David A. Weitz Intermediate Filaments and the Regulation of Cell Ciliary Motility: Regulation of Axonemal Dynein Motility during Regeneration and Motors Fang Cheng and John E. Eriksson Rasagnya Viswanadha, Winfield S. Sale and Mary E. Porter Intermediate Filaments and the Plasma Membrane Actin-Based Adhesion Modules Mediate Cell Jonathan C.R. Jones, Chen Yuan Kam, Robert M. Interactions with the and Harmon, et al. Neighboring Cells Alexia I. Bachir, Alan Rick Horwitz, W. James Nelson, et al.

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Intracellular Motility of Intermediate Filaments Microtubule-Based Transport and the Distribution, Rudolf E. Leube, Marcin Moch and Reinhard Tethering, and Organization of Organelles Windoffer Kari Barlan and Vladimir I. Gelfand

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