
A Marine park of dense -building corals around a group of small islands Keramashoto Coral Reef Geographical Coordinates: 26°12N, 127°21’ E / Altitude: 0m / Area: 8290ha / Major Type of : Coral reef / Designation: Marine Park Area of National Park / Municipalities Involved: Zamami and Tokashiki Village, Okinawa Prefecture / Ramsar Designation: November 2005 / Ramsar Criteria: 1, 2, 3, 8

A high density of reef-building coral colonies

North of Geruma Island

Coral reefs are diverse like tropical forests

species of corals have been People can enjoy whale watching in win- identifi ed here. Along the ter as well. west ern coast of Tokashiki [Reef-building Corals] Some of the , in particular, large species form coral reefs and some do not. pop u lations of Acropora corals Reef-building corals maintain symbiotic General Overview: in or branch shapes are found, and, in relationships with the algae Zooxanthellae The Keramashoto Islands consist of a some places, more than 90% of the area is that live in the coral polyp. The photosyn- little more than 30 islands, which include covered with corals. thesis of these algae promotes the secre- Tokashiki Island, Zamami Island, Aka Keramashoto Coral Reef supplies coral tion of calcium carbonate by corals to build Island and Geruma Island and are situated larvae to the surrounding . It is coral reefs. The common reef-building 20–40km west of the Okinawa Island, the an important sea not only for its beauti- coral in genus Acropora develops into vari- main island of Okinawa, the southernmost ful scenery but also for its scientifi c value. ous shapes such as tables, branches and prefecture in . Tokashiki Island, the Coral reefs are biologically diverse eco- blocks. largest of Keramashoto Islands, has an systems, just as are tropical forests, with Contact Information: area of 1500ha. The population of the two a variety of colorful fi sh typical of coral Zamami Village Offi ce , Tokashiki and Zamami, is a little reefs such as damselfi sh and butterfl y fi sh. http://www.vill.zamami.okinawa.jp/ less than 2000. It is one of the most beau- Eco-: Tokashiki Village Offi ce tiful and pristine marine area in Japan. With the clear and warm climate http://www.vill.tokashiki.okinawa.jp/ The 353ha marine area, 120ha along along with the warm water, an average the west coast of Tokashiki Island and monthly temperature of 20 degrees C, 233ha between Zamami Island and Aka Keramashoto Coral Reef Zamami Isl. Island, was designated as a Ramsar site is an ideal place for Zamami Town in 2005. After the area was designated as scuba diving and many Aka Isl. Keramashoto National Park in 2014, the divers visit here annu- Keise Isl. area of the Ramsar site was expanded to ally. Ever since the area cover the entire marine park area (8290 was almost completely East China Mae Isl. Sea ha) of the national park. destroyed by Crown-of- Tokashiki Town The Coral Reef: thorns starfi sh, local In the Keramashoto Coral Reef, a high people have been en- Keramashoto Coral Reef density of reef-building coral colonies gaged in an active erad- Geruma Isl. Tokashiki Isl. are found in various shapes like tables, ication of the starfi sh to (Excluding the islands) branches, antlers and blocks and 248 protect the coral reef.