Electronic Scanned Array Design John S. Williams

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Electronic Scanned Array Design John S. Williams Electronic Scanned Array Design SCF01 John S. Williams The Aerospace Corporation (retired) [email protected] Slide 1 of 255 Course Objectives • Provide a basic understanding of ESA design principles, history and applications – Presentation will focus on antenna hardware – Radar antennas are the focus of this presentation • Communications and receive antennas differ only in details – ESA functionality enables or enhances radar modes but radar modes will not be addressed in any detail Slide 2 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Abstract Design Principles and Approaches GfGeneral design principles of aperture antennas are applied to the specific case of ESA design. System applications set the framework for requirements allocation and flowdown. Antenna Architectures and Functional Partitioning The advantages and disadvantages of ESA and reflector antennas as well as ESA feeds for reflectors are compared and contrasted. Common ESA design issues are described, including array partitioning and subarrays, lattice tradeoffs, feed design, causes and mitigation of sidelobes, beam steering approaches and techniques for beam shaping. Numerical examples using Matlab illustrate performance of specific designs. Practical Design Considerations ESA performance is constrained by the selection and limitations of specific components. Objectives of size, weight, power, thermal dissipation, performance and cost drive tradeoffs among radiating elements, T/R modules, monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), microwave distribution and packaging. Proposed and Operational Examples Recent radar satellite designs will be assessed to illustrate actual performance and design tradeoffs. Current L-band syyppstem proposals contrast different desigppgn approaches. Slide 3 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Antennas • One of the most important determinants of microwave system (radar, communications, other) performance • Requirements are determined by system performance allocation and flow-down • Attributes include: – Beam width, shape and sidelobes • Uniform illumination sidelobes -13 dB (rectangular aperture) or -17 dB (circular aperture) are too high for most purposes – Instantaneous and tunable bandwidth –Size • SAR (square) vs GMTI (rectangular) Aspect Ratios • Deployment – Thermal Dissipation – Weight –Cost • Thermal dissipation and power consumption will restrict system duty factor Slide 4 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Electronicallyyy() Scanned Array(ESA) • An ESA combines multiple elements with phase or time delays to form a beam in a specified direction – In contrast to a mechanically steered antenna physically rotates an antenna to point a beam in a specified direction • Phase or time delayyq is required to scan the beam • Gain control is required for beam shaping • ESA’s commonly include amplifiers – overcome distribution and control loss – Replace transmitter power amplifier (TWTA) Slide 5 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Reflector Antenna Radar Block Diagram Exciter Transmitter bal Frequency mm Data request Control & Timing Processor Gi Antenna Reference Duplexer Radar data Signal Processor Receiver Receiver Protection Power Supply ESA incorporates functions shown in dashed box Slide 6 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Electronically Scanned Array Radar Block Diagram TRM s) Exciter on ii (( TRM TRM TRM anifold Distribut Frequency MM TRM Data request Control Processor & Timing B TRM Reference e TRM orming & Logic ff a TRM m TRM Beam Power TRM Radar data Signal Processor Receiver(s) TRM Power Supply ESA incorporates functions shown in dashed box Slide 7 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 ESA Benefits • Multiple beams • Instantaneous beam steering (agile beam) – Reduces slew and settle time • Mainlobe shaping, sidelobe control and nulling for clutter and interference mitigation • Multiple phase centers for MTI & multi-channel SAR – Enables angle of arrival measurement – Additional degrees of freedom for clutter and interference mitigation • Multiple concurrent radar modes. • Lower loss between amplifiers and free space • Inherent redundancy (multiple elements) – Graceful degradation • Electronic Attack (EA) with very high Effective Radiated Power (ERP) • Stealth – Better match to free space – much less reflection/reradiation • Antenna surface deformation (deliberate or accidental) may be compensated • Space combining (low loss) of solid state power amplifiers Slide 8 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 ESA Performance Improvement 26 -3 dB • Multiple Azimuth Beam 24 – Improved SAR resolution 22 • MltilMultiple Eleva tion Beam 20 – Improved stripmap area km) (( 18 rate ← Boresight 16 – SCORE (SCan On Range Range Receive) 14 12 Sensor altitude is 10.0 km 10 Range to horizon is 357.3 km Boresight range is 20.0 km 8 Grazing angle = 30.0° -10 -5 0 5 10 Cross Rangg(e (km) Slide 9 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Technology Environment • ESAs have recently become very prevalent for the sole reason that they have become much more affordable (they were always known to offer significant benefits but were unaffordable) • T/R modules are a small fraction of radar system cost and a very small fraction of system cost Slide 10 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Aperture Design Slide 11 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Antenna Function • Antenna objective is to create a current/voltage distribution which creates a specified beam pattern or v/v. – Omni directional radio signals of little use (except for broadcasting) • Difficult to arrange in general – Arrays permit a sampled representation of current/voltage permiiitting a lmost any des ire d arrangement • Two design approaches – analysis and synthesis Slide 12 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Basic Appperture Shapes b a •Sqqpuare aperture • Round aperture – 4 by 8 wavelengths – 3 wavelengths radius – First sidelobe is -13.2 dB – First sidelobe at -17.8 dB – 3 dB beamwidth = ± 0.866 λ/D – 3 dB beamwidth = ± 1.03 λ/D – first null at ± λ/D – first null at ± 1.22 λ/D From Balanis “Antenna Theory” Chapter 11 Slide 13 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Analysis Regions (exact to approximate) Fresnel or Fraunhofer Near Field Transition or Far Field Region Region Region tenna nn A Nominal Beamwidth 2 D2 D2 D2 D2 2D λ 0 For = 3cm and 16λ 4λ 2λ λ λ D = 1 meter 2m 8m 17m 33m 67m D = 10 meter 208m 1,667m 3,333m 6,667m 833m Illustration from Lynch (© SciTech Publishing,Slide Inc), 14 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Regions EtEvanescent NFildNear Field FFildFar Field Fresnel Fraunhofer Near limit 0 3λ 2D² /λ Far limit 3λ 2D²/λ∞ Power decay R-n 1R-1 E and H No Yes Yes orthogonal Ω Z0 = 377 No Yes Yes • Laser Pointer • Ȝ = 630 nm, D = 1 mm => farfield at 3 meters Slide 15 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Another Visualization 4λ Slide 16 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design 3λ 2D²/λ of 255 General Concepts • Linearit y and superpos ition • Reciprocity (Lorenz) – System behavior is independent of direction of energy transfer, ie antenna pattern ihis the same for transm it an d rece ive • Antenna pattern is the Fourier transform of aperture illumination – Discrete (sampled) vs continuous – The sample interval is the element spacing – λ/2 element spacing assures no grating lobes (Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem) – Reso lu tion lim it (Ray le ig h cr iter ia ) – Round vs square • Projected aperture (cosine θ dependence) – Wheeler - Pozar • Polarization and principal planes •Radar R an ge E quati on Slide 17 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Resolution • RtiditlltdtbdidthRange measurement is directly related to bandwidth – Wide bandwidth waveform (eg chirp) required •AnAnglegle mmeasurementeasurement isis ddirectlyirectly relatedrelated to aantennantenna (ape(aperture)rture) size – Can generate “synthetic” apertures larger than physical antenna size by exploiting own platform motion • Angular resolution (Rayleigh criterion) – Coherent or non-coherent – Deconvolution of PSF allows higher (super) resolution subject to S/N – Consider two point sources (sinx/x) separated by small distance, fit sinx ’/x ’ an d ta ke difference, loo k a t Pd/Pfa – Elements spaced closer than Ȝ/2 potentially provide better resolution Slide 18 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Projjpected Aperture • Projected aperture is the apparent angular extent of the aperture as viewed from a specified direction • AtAntenna gai n is propor tiona ltl to pro jec tdted aper ture • Harold A. Wheeler derived this relationship in an early paper Broadside θ=30 θ=60 θ=90 Slide 19 θ=0 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Radar Ranggqe Equation • Radar range determined by antenna size (area), transmit power, receive noise figure and bandwidth P G262< SNR = t 3 4 (4:) kTeBF LR Pt = transmit power G = antenna gain λ = wavelthlength σ = target cross section k = Boltzmann's constant T = system temperature B = system bandwidth F = system noise figure L = system losses R = range to target Slide 20 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Friis Transmission Equation • Ratio of power received to power transmitted – Describes one-way radio links – Assumes antennas are aligned – Factor in parenthesis is free space loss P 6 2 r = G G P t r 4:R t 3 4 Pr = received power Pt = transmitted power Gt = transmit antenna gain Gr = receive antenna gain Slide 21 SCF01 Electronic Scanned Array Design of 255 Noise Eqqguivalent Sigma Zero 4:r 3 2Lsin3 k TB NESZ(< )= i B 0 6 P G G c= 2 2 3 4 t r pd
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