Nationalelectionis Unfinished Matter

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Nationalelectionis Unfinished Matter

Thursday November 16, 2000 Section A Campus Ledger "

* _ ■ ______Mwk.kwKf "_ "_i irr " " Lucky DeBellevue " Capture the flag has Women's team pre- gives pipe cleaners new been reborn; paintball is _H__VpE pares for repeat of last meaning in his exhibit makingits presence felt. year's championship. _u H at theGallery of Art. A4 , "A B6 _B B2 National election is unfinished matter

RobertHki.mer ingin from overseas(dueNov.17). which histori- Reporter Staff cally tend to be Republican. ._____■ £______r^ _ In Douglas County, voters began receiving Painfully close national elections have unusual phone calls early Tuesday morning. A drawn high voter turnout and a storm of contro- man, claiming to be working for the versy. The presidentialrace now hingeson Flori- Democratic Party, told voters their voter registra- da;more than a week after the election,the battle tion cards would be required in order to vote, between Vice President and Gov. warning that violation of state election laws was George W. Bush continues incourt over recounts serious business. Kansas, however, operates on of ballets in four counties. The contests for the an honor system; voters are not required to pre- 3rd Congressional district inKansas and the Sen- wr^^ \\M^ sent any identification at the polls. ate seat held by John Ashcroft in Missouri The Kansas Democratic Party has denied reflected the national trend of tight races with the any connection to the phone calls. Though a candidates fighting right up until thepolls closed. Republican misinformation plot is appealing to The Bush-Gore campaign has effectively conspiracy theorists, no evidence of Republican split the American popular vote. Ralph Nader, involvement has been uncovered. The Kansas who drew much of his support from college stu- Board of Elections is investigating. dents, failed to reach hisgoal ofpulling 5 percent ______On the other side of the border, the election ______m _i'' m ______! of the popular vote; other third party candidates of the late Mel Carnahan has been tainted by such as Pat Buchanan (Reform) and Harry accusations of impropriety. Mid-afternoon, citing Brown (Libertarian) failed to break the one per- high voter turnout. Democrats sought court cent level. _■ ___mr M_-_-_t ___ j orders to extend poll hours in Kansas City and The Gorecampaign, citing confusion by vot- tfU_ St. Louis to 10 p.m.; polls were scheduled to __JP ■ _1^ a _[ _>-_ ers over the "butterfly" ballot used in several l____r """N I _ close at 7 p.m. The request was granted in St. h *** __» 1--1 I I ■__ Florida counties,requestedmanual recounts.The __ *_?■_ 1 A__r^_\\ _W >_> « ' ITY Louis and denied inKansas City. _9 .LC jJ _bh _9_T ___ B_^ aC* 1^ i 1\\ ballots, which list candidates on both sides of the Republicans responded by seeking a page, may have led some voters to mark their counter-order to close the polls at the scheduled vote for Reform candidate Pat Buchanan when time with the Missouri State Court of Appeals;a they weretrying to vote for Gore. court order was issued and the polls closed at Republicans have charged that manual 7:55 p.m. undermine objectivity of machine ______migifc Ashcroft, who lost his recounts the a __r^ V l f^^ Incumbent Sen. John recount, arguing that machines are neither # v _. __. V » reelection bid by 2 percent of the vote, has pub- Republican nor Democratic. In the hand count- __T ~~aaa_____r M. '■'■"^_ ___^^ licly stated he would not support legal action ing process, election officials examine each bal- concerning the polling controversy. Ashcroft, lot to determine the intent of the voter. Criteria, however,doesn't speak for all Missouri Republi- however, vary from precinct to precinct, which cans. some fear may leadofficials to freely "interpret" Sen. Kit Bond gave a fiery speech denounc- the ballots. ' ing the Democratic attempt to give what he -flj ■_ VuA / \ \ On Nov. 14, a state judge upheld the sched- described as unfair access to the election process uled deadline for counties in Florida to turn in to certain voters. The urban areas of Kansas City strongholds. final tabulations by counties by 5 p.m. These GraphicIllustrationbySean Sullivan,AJ Vanderhorst,MicheleVieux and St. Louis tend to be Democratic totals should include all votes except those com- At press time, no legal action had been initiated. State-wide elections a Honors scholars host circus in KC, St. Louis democracy discussion George DavidLinhardt Hillary might be interested in run- thought the Democrats would gain Schuez cynicism," said Ryan Kriegshauser. a stu- Staff Reporter Staff Reporter ning for president. inboth Houses. dent of the forum. "I think [cynicism] is Other local elections found On the Missouri side, the race one of the biggest things weneed to over- 7 brought stunning SueGamble (R)crushingRon Pat- for governor was extremely close. the most part, American youth come." Kriegshauser also expressed concern cliffhangers to local voters: ton (D) in the race for Kansas Amid a fiery denunciation by Sen. seem apathetic and uninterested in m;iss media on the polit- races undecided until late Boardof Education in the 2nd Dis- Kit Bond (R),372polling places in the political process. Youth-oriented about the effect of Nov. For ical process and the presentation of politi- into the night, accusations of vote trict, 71 percent to 29 percent. Oth- Democrat-dominated portions of institutions such as MTV have attempted calcandidates. fraud and an increased Republican er Louis, Mo., received a court numerous times to "Rock the Vote" and GOP school board winners St. Frost went on to ask the students for majority in the . polls past the 7 encourage youth to participate in American include conservative Steve order keeping open specific examples that suggested amore Abrarns, closing politics, withoutmuch success. At the forefront of the drama and moderates Carol p.m. deadline. powerful grip on rhetoric betweenGore was Dennis Moore's (D) an later, Presidential campaign strategists still Rep. Rupe and Bruce Wyatt. Bill Approximately hour and Bush. three percent victory over Kansas Wagnon was the only Democratic- an appeals court reversed the order don't recognize youth as an influential vot- ing bloc capable of tipping an election. "I believe that the Democrats have a Rep. Phill Kline (R). winner. and closed the polls. However, good handle on rhetoric," said Kay Considering youth are not typically devot- very Early returns and exit polls Now with a heavily moderate Kevin Coan, St. Louis GOP direc- Stone, another student the foi _m. "They ed to a party line, the power of youth to of showed Kline with a fluctuating slant,oneof the board's first issues torofelections,believes somepeo- to pull at heartstrings [for instance influence an election does exist. Still, tend the lead, occasionally as large as six will likely be Kansas' science stan- ple attempted to vote even at 8:30 with) the welfare ofour children." young voters were not expectedto turn out percent. Asprecinct reports flowed dards. In August of 1999, Linda p.m. Rebecca Cook, Missouri Sec- concern inlarge numbers for this year's presidential Students also addressed the of in, the race flip-flopped and gave Holloway lead the vote to alter the retary of State, will study whether promoted election. whether the candidates had Moore an 11 to 12 point lead. standards, clearing several men- vote fraud occurred during the each other, if this had a However, not every young person in hatred toward and Moore's strong showing in Wyan- evolutionary theory. Hol- events. on public image. tions of America is unwilling to leam the functions detrimental effect their County nearly loway by governor- body language in the dotte offset Kline's was defeated Gamble in Talent conceded the of the American political system, and stu- "I think the Nov. a lot of hate between the equal strengthinJohnson County. the GOP primary in August amid ship to Holden 8. dents participating in an honors forum debates showed (candidates)," Mueller,a Moore's second term in Con- emotional propaganda on a nation- dubbed, "In Search of Solutions,"are here two said Anna representing _ the forum. "I think it's horrible gress Kansas 3rd al level aimed atboth sides. to prove it. student in ■- ' ■ !—,.._ ...... they to each other and in District came through his courting Abrams, one of the conserva- f Ruth Fox, coordinator. Honors Pro- would show that am^ public." of moderates in Johnson County, tives now in the minority on the gram, and Jeff Frost, professor,math, orga- front of the Cindy Carlson, another student who and his lopsided wins in Democ- board, has pledged to work with _mm$mk **r * nized the forum. participated thediscussion,disagreed. rat-rich Wyandotte County. How- the newmakeup. t ___ lik OnOct. 31,in 232CC.theforum host- in _ W*_\\ "It seems like there's been a real big ever,polls showed many Republi- Thefinal surprise Nov. 7 came . tmA flT ed a discussion on democracy open to all push to not have personal attacks and not cans splitting their ballots by vot- when voters shocked Kansas _____■ students at thecollege. *W--\ negative," said like ing for Gov. George W. Bush for Democrats by giving the GOP two Fox began the discussion with an be Carlson. "It's almost [the are afraid to attack each president while choosing Moore more state House seats, raising the overview of the forum's format, which candidates! out out. They don't want to seem for a second congressional term. already sizable GOP majority to throughout the semester has included dis- other and mean, Iguess." Money also became an issue 79-46. cussions on political rhetoric, the electoral Fox,acting as moderator, added to the Kline's funding dwindled increased in college,observations on the twomajor par- as Democratic losses discussion by indicating that Bush and toward the end of the campaign, the Senate, where a three-seat loss ty platforms and other aspects of the politi- cal process. Gore had referred to one another as '"Vice while Moore remained heavily gave Republicans a30-10 edge. President" and "Governor" during debates throughout A series of questions were asked to financed his bid for In spite of the largest amount However, Fox said during the vice-presi- reelection. of political contributions in recent ______students attending the discussion,moderat- w ed by Foxand Frost. dential debates. Dick Cheney and Joseph Kline's loss came in spite of history, Democratic leaders had addressed oneanother on a Among other things, those in atten- Lieberman endorsement from national figures believed that Gov. Bush's easy win suggesting a varying level dance were asked what they believed was first-name basis like Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) over Al Gore in Kansas may have Gaby _____tographer and Bush. At his brief concession advanced GOP candidates across the greatestthreat todemocracy. Moore, y" Page Nov. 7, Kline gave no indi- the Senate president Dennis Senate win- "Since we have more of a republic See "Denim rat \ speech state. State ner, spawned (R) chats with students type of government,Ithink it has cation of his plans for future cam- Dick Bond said he originally during a visit to thecollege. paigns but joked that his daughter ( inipus ledger

2 News November 16,2000

more thana month,she told thcmale Model arm missing she wasnot interested. Thevictim has NCSD recognizes been issuedan escort to walk her toand A faculty member reportedonNov. from her vehicle.Security advised that a 8 at7:47 a.m., that a modelofan adult reportIk- made with theOverland Park armused for inthe SCIbuilding was _Y aW ISk *_fA* Student Success Police Department,as wellas the missing.Thetimeof the disappearance ______-51 4 ilP*_ '___1 i»il______p_*s-51 '*■__■ s_ \ m KansasCity Missouri PoliceDepart- wasnot known,butafew of thearms _ i training ______mi «l _. -_ma l ment were left outin the lab for the periodin September andOctober. An Center with award officer had remembered seeinga train- injuredby buffer ingarmused foranEMT recertification AdamHutton ty the college serves. Woman Reporter __^__^_T^_r__M class in theSCIbuildingduringthe Staff The philosophy of the _ _ __ ijfi Anofficer responded toa report weekend ofOct21.Thefaculty member Student Success Center is ill . __ I Nov. 10 at5:41 a.m.,after acustodian found anemptybox Nov.1,andhas not May of this year the essentially that the college bumpedherself with thebuffer with beenable tolocate the whereabouts of Student Success Center at wishes to place emphasis on which she wascleaning.Theincident the modelarm sincethat time. Inthe college received the career planning, not just occurrt.1on the third floor of theCOM 2000 NCSD Exemplary Pro- enrollment numbers. building whenthc buffer jerkedloose gram in Student Develop- "Probably the overall from the female and injuredher right RoadrageonQuivira ment Award, and as a result difference between us and forearm and left thumb.The victim was named oneof 24finalists the other schools is that the Girl followed on campus received severalsmall bruisesandabra- OnNov.6at3:25 p.m.,astudent for the Terry O'Banion Student Success Center is a sions.Thecustodianstated that shehad reported thatanincident of roadrage Shared JourneyAward. development-focus model, On Nov. 10 at 12:03 p.m.,a female not been trained touse thatparticular occurred on QuiviraRoad and College On Oct. 24 the Student meaning that enrollment is studentreported toSecurity that amale buffer. Boulevard.A female suspect cut the vic- Success Center received first the outcome of all the other subject had been following her since tim off asthe she washeadingsouth place for the Shared Journey services that we provide the Sept.20. At theinitial encounter, the vic- from 1-435. Thesuspect'svehicle Award. student, not the driving * " tim parked her vehicle in the upper west Vehicle vandalized changedfrom theleft laneinto the vic- The award was present- force,"said Pitts. garageasamalesubject pulledintoa tim's own,nearly causingacollision. ed by the National Council A different process of spacenext to her own. Themale contin- OnNov.8at 1:20 p.m.,an officer When both partiesreached astoplight on Student Development handling new students goes ued tofollow thegirl after she step|_.l wasdispatched totheGYMparking lot to turnonto thecampus, thesuspect (NCSD) at the national con- hand-in-hand with a devel- out of the vehicleand madeher wayto after anincident of vandalismupona mouthed,"What happened?"Thesus- ference in Clearwater,Fla. opment-focus model. class. She laterdiscovered that her cell car.Security reported that the female pect thengavean obscene gesture.The The award was created in "Our first question for phone hadalso been programmed to whoowned thecar arrivedon campus victim knows that the suspect drove honor of the retiring director youis 'What do you actually contain the personal phonenumber of at9a.m. When the femalereturned to ontocampus,but wasnot sureof her of the League for Innovation want to do with your life?'" the malesubject. On the same date she theparkinglot at 1:15 p.m..she noticed whereabouts. Thevictim wrotedown and was presented to three said Pitts. "And next. 'What found a noteleft on her windshield that that dents were visible onthe passenger thesuspect'slicenseplate number and finalists for the first time steps do we need to take to contained thephrases, .likeyou"and sideofher vehicle.Pictures were taken immediately fileda report withSecurity. last year. get you involved in that edu- "Ithink youarebeautiful." After the at the sceneof the crime. Renee Arnett,communi- cational career process?'" subjectcontinued tofollow thegirl for ty outreach counselor, and Beyond this initial con- Julie Pitts, Student Success tact with the student at the Center manager, were in Success Center is the princi- attendance at the national ple difference between the convention last month. college's program and those Have you had your flu shot? "It's a prized honor for of other schools. our institution to receive the "The main difference^, q to get the flu shot John HlPSKIND shot. It is best award by someone who is with the Success Center in Staff Reporter inOctober ofeach year. known to many individuals comparison to other schools Eggs are used in the produc- at the college as leading the is that ourstaff is fully cross- For all the beauts that comes tion of the flu vaccine.If you are student development move- trained," said Pitts. with the autumn season, there is allergic to eggs, youmay have a ment over the years," said The reasoning behind one unwanted beast that severe allergic reaction to the flu Arnett. the philosophy and process descends at this time of the year, shot. Arnett and Pitts gave a that the Student Success making life miserable with sore Some manufacturers also presentation based on the Center employs, according throats, chills, fever, muscle recommend not getting aflu shot following judgingcriteria: 1) to Pitts, can be summed up aches and congestion. if you have an allergy to the- The overall description of with an analogy of sorts. It's the dreaded influenza merosal. Themerosal is a preser- the program, 2) How the "Getting through college vims,orflu for short. vative used in contact lens solu- program compliments the should not be a test," said Influenza is always present tions as wellas the flu vaccine. mission of the college, 3) Pitts. "I think that what somewhere in the world, In the For people who do not have How the program addresses we've demonstrated and J United States flu outbreaks tend egg or themerosal allergies, the the uniqueness of the com- why we won the award is '\ to occur each year between flu vaccine has infrequent, minor munity population the col- that a school can be success- Novemberand March. side effects. The most common lege serves, 4) The accom- ful without making the Influenza causes a cold-like reaction is some soreness at the plishments of the project, 5) process so hard for the stu- m upper respiratory infection. site of the shot. A few people The impact on students, 6) dents." Unlike most colds, however, the develop a fever or muscle aches The impact on the communi- flu often causes lever, muscle SEANSULLIVAN Design Assistant within a few hours of the injec- tion. These symptoms may last aches and dizziness. It can also severe For this reason They predict which strainsof the infection. one to twodays. Democracy discussed at forum lead to more serious infections, protects against death llu are most likely to appear the the flu shot parents may want such as pneumonia. Complica- flu next winter. Some also from the flu more than the getting tions from flu cause up to 40.IXX) The virus in the flu vaccine to consider flu shots for Continued From Page AI itself. their children iftaking off a week deaths per year in the United When youget a flu shot you has been inactivated, or "killed.'" or more from work to nurse a States. These fatalities usually are injected in the arm with the This means you cannotcatch the — sick child back to health could of civility between the presiden- The forum also considered occur in the elderly and inpeople influenza vaccine the vaccine flu from getting a shot. Getting | pose a financial hardship for the tial and vice-presidential candi- the issue of youth apathy in poli-1 with chronic health problems, helps protect adults and children the shot introduces part of the flu family. dates. tics, though a devotion to the dis-1 such as heart disease and severe from gettinginfluenza. virus to your immune system. Flu shots are available at went cussion by those in asthma. The formula for the flu vac- Yourhotly then reacts by making The forum on to attendance! almost any health facility, or include adiscussion onthird-par- provednot every youngperson itdk Flu shots appear to be about cine is changed every year protective antibodies against the in your local doctor'soffice. ty candidates and campaign America is unconcerned about, 70 percent effective prevent- according to the recommenda- virus. reform. political issues. ingthe flu. Even if you do get the tions of scientists from the Cen- The flu shot becomes effec- finance flu, help against the vaccines ters for Disease Control (CDC). tive 2-4 weeks after you get the Asa result of editorial liberty taken by The Ledgerin an attempt to be humorous, a pullquote in the Oct. 19 issue implied that Mark Foster,professor,Sociology,hadstated thathe "wouldn't mind being Comedianprovokes laughter at elected captain of the galaxy." The statement was contained in the article, "Professor plans to rule the final frontier" on page A4 of the Features section. Foster's actual statement was, "I wouldn't mind being elected captain of the group." The Ledger extends an apology YardleyHall with wittyroutine to Professor Fosterand anyother offended individuals.

George Schulz Feldman. Prizes for winners include friend, too?" hold his liquor a little better than average dog is three,four or five Staff Reporter ed of Feldman has served as a John Pukite's "The Field Guide Even though the Monica Ted [Kennedy]." times more likely to shake apaw and, radio host at various times since to Cows." "Dr. Monty's Love Lewinsky scandal has become a Would third partycandidates then sing?" "Sitting through outsiders who \ isit the 1977, though not until 1985 did Potion" or the "Whad'ya Know" trite issue for much of the public, be safe from Feldman's verbal a meeting burns up how manu^ Kansas Cit> area, deter- the idea for "Whad'ya Know?" family of chicken and deer lawn judging by the audience's posi- assault?Of course not. calories: 89, 114 or 126?" Formining whether they are develop. ornaments. tive reaction, Feldman was still Feldman said he could not Ihe "Whad'ya Know Quiz" actually in Kansas or Missouri Since that time the show has take RalphNader seriously. is technically a game, though can be participants quite confusing. grown in popularity and now is Overland Park right? For some reason people say "Hereminds me toomuchof Feldman offered exception can be made "This But, enough hints to ensure three out No reaches over a million fans they live in Kansas City and they don't.They live inOver- Dr. Kevorkian. at least Nad- for Michael Feldman, host of through 3(X) public radio stations er doesn't talk out of both sides of five correct answers. Public Radio International's pop- landPark." of his mouth," said Feldman. Winning contestants walked across the country. - MichaelFeldman,radiohost ular Saturday morning show It is likely a combination of Feldman had started with the away from the evening with "Whad'ya Know'" elements from the Wisconsin- left, though he quickly moved copies of Feldman's new book Feldman, who performed a based ""Whad'ya Know?" keeps Ihis entire line-up is able to generate a few laughs his witty criticisms to the rightof entitled, "Wisconsin Curiosi- loosely organized comedy rou- many listeners tuned into the wrapped in the jazz sound of the from theincident. the political continuum. ties." tine at Yardley Hall before a show every week. "Whad'ya Know" "Joseph Lieberman was the "Buchanan is a disappoint- crowd of approximately °0() The format contains a in house band. first Democrat to come out ment. He's only getting one per- people Sun., Oct. 5, teasingly humorous monologue delivered More than anything, though, against Clinton after the Monica cent of the vote right now," said indicated that he. too. was con- by Feldman at the beginning of Feldman.success seems to Lewinsky thing was revealed," Feldman sarcastically. "He's not fused by the Kansas and Mis- the show that blends political spawn from his uncanny ability added Feldman. "Actually even getting three percent of souri division. and social satire dubbed "All the to bounce his quick wit off inno- Lieberman was shocked that a Americans who are anti-semitic "Well I know we're in News thatIsn't." cent audience members and Jewish girl could do those and white-supremacist. How [is Kansas City.'" said Feldman. "I Every week, the show also callers to the show. things." he] not getting [his] message just wonder whether it's Kansas offers a randomly chosen "Town 1-eldman did not deprive the Feldman proved to the audi- across?" Missouri, or if this is actually Feldman kept the audience r *- of the Week," the history of Kansas City audience of his ence that his humorous political __T i _HLJ is MM Kansas City. Ihis Overland humor, non-partisan. laughing for much of the show ' which is read on the air and con- well-known sense of attacks would be m___W_W "**i Park light? Ior some reason peo- tinued by an unsuspecting citi- contributing much of theevening He wasted almost no time taking with his political humor. Yet,he ple say they live in Kansas City zen from the town who is called to satirizing the presidential elec- advantage of a recent news leak did save a portion of the show and they don't. They live in by Feldman himself. tion. that George W. Bush had once for an audience-participation OverlandI'ark." Much of the show is domi- "So Gore has been cam- been arrested for driving under round of the "Whad'ya Know The audience accepted Feld- nated by the "Whad'ya Know paigning, refusing 's the influence ofalcohol. Quiz" similar to the popular ver- man's light jabs al Kansas City's Quiz," with callers and studio help as you know," joked Feld- "The |Bush|family is basi- sion from his radio show. PHOTO COURTESTY OFCOLLEGE sometimes confusing geography audience members answering man "You've got lo wonder cally like a genetically deficient Randomly chosen audience Michael Feldman, radio because with an approving laugh questions likely never lo be what the deal is between those Kennedy family," said Feldman. members fielded such seemingly host,entertained a crowd at such dr> wit has becomeexpect- found inTrivial Pursuit. two. Was Monica [Gore's] girl- "At least George W. Bush can ridiculous questions as, "The YardelyHall Oct.5. . Campuslxdger

November 16,2000 Opinion 3

Thankfulness Elections are over, but democracy rolls on is underrated A few suggestions on how to keep your favorite politician energized have Learn to want what you CEOs) pay close attention to the volume of poration you can linger successfully in the Recently my girlfriend the time this letters they receive on various issues. Admit- obscurity of international trade laws. and I were talking about column goes to print, tedly though, this method can be futile. "Blackmail politicians. This method is my birthday. the elections will have Recently.Irestarted a personal letter campaign great if you don't mind playing dirty. This "So what do you want come and gone. promisingmyself to write a letter a day to vari- approach works best if you're Larry Flynt and for your birthday?" she Newly elected ous lawmakers and corporate CEOs encourag- can offer the American people thousands of politicians will be ingthem to adopt policies that respect the lives dollars for sufficient blackmail material. Or, if making their way to of animals,an issue Iam concerned about. So you don't own a larger businessring of porno "But you already have Washington, gover- far, Ihave received only two res|x>nses: one graphic material distribution, you can call your nors will be swapping from Dennis Moore, and another from Kroger local public servants and claim. "I know what "1know." HByplaces in state grocery stores. If you are looking for real you did last summer." Fven ifyou don'tknow action, about them, more than they "Then Iguess you'll _, _> i_ 1 mansions and a direct letters canbe boring and patron- a thing likely have have a very happy birth- Georeeo Schuiz ■ , done something evil and they won't take any Vanderhorst ,., new president izing. AJ d StaffReporter an(j vice presi- "Re-election campaign contributions. This chances assuming youdon't know aboutit. BEditor-in-Chief "Exactly." dent will be method can work well if you have the Ihope this modest list of suggestions will And I did, which moving into the resources available toconstruct an enormously help you energize your newly elected politi- goes to show that wanti- White House. successful national or multi-national corpora- cians. Ifthe helpful hints Ihave offered do not ng what you have is a great source of joy. Thank- Finally, politicians will begin contending tion. Profits can be diverted by the millions to seem adequate for your political and social fulness is a lost art thesedays. with numerous campaign promises made dur- political re-election campaigns in order to get needs, I may be able to suggest one more B ingthe heat of intense election battles. what you want. Remember to contribute both option. When you think about it, it's more fashionable Does participation in the political process to the Republican and Democratic parties in "Call your local politician with a sugges- traffic, to sing a ballad about a poor upbringing or com- cease for the American people at the close of order toensure success.For more on this, con- tion to step out intobusy afternoon with plain about the downside of romance or simply nation-wide elections? Ofcourse not. tact Archer Daniels Midland. Phillip Morris. areminder not to look both waysbefore cross- gripe about a monotoneprofessor. After all, the Now begins the tedious process of ensur- Anheiser-Busch or virtually anyone in Holly- ing. possibilities for grumbling are endless, and some ing politicians remain faithful to their cam- wood. Of course,the aforementioned suggestions of themare legitimate. paignpromises. This method can also work well if you are satirical,but satire alwayshas an aim. The Turn on the radio, and you can hear expres- Following is a list of helpful hints to keep wish toavoid pesky domestic legal issues with political processdid not end withthe elections. sions of sadness that run the gamut:bluesy laments yourfreshly electedofficials on their toes. your new entrepreneurial endeavor. By estab- As Ralph Nader says: "There can be no daily about the lover who walked out, electric assaults "Write letters. Politicians (and corporate lishing your business as a multi-national cor- democracy withoutdaily citizenship." on the father who never came home, acoustic reflections about economic deprivation. For some of us, even in Johnson County, these lyrics repre- sent much more than just tunes on the FM dial. our distrust Nothing wrong with that. Government has earned u And no doubt, after the presidential votes are At a time refused to acknowledge that the experiments hundred sheep died from the gas, which the conclusively tallied, there will be a substantial when enlistment had taken place. military denied releasing until the autopsies crowd of unhappy people,no matter what the out- rates for themil- From 1945 to 1962, the military conduct- continued the presenceof the agent.Ultimate- come. Such setbacks are a normal, even healthy, m __■ tary are at an ed a number of airburst detonation tests to ly the military reimbursed the farmers for the part of life. There are many events beyond our all-time low, determine the effect of radioactive fallout on livestock,but the long-term effects on the peo- control, some of which we should be legitimately easoned active ships, equipment and personnel. Participants, ple living in the region remain unknown. concerned about. That's not unusual. c uty andreserve who were notinformed of the radiation experi- Between 1951 and 1969. Dugway served as What's unusual is that the issues people often >ersonnel are ment, were forbidden to discuss the experi- ground zero forover 1,000open-airreleases of choose to complain about are relatively insignifi- eaving. On top ments. As 'atomic veterans' aged, they were bacteria and viruses known tocause illness. cant. A ten-minute search for a parking place. if low pay and denied treatmentand compensation by the VA Since returning from the Gulf War, many Sleeping through an alarm clock. A defective com- xx>r livingcon- for cancer, brain tumors and nervous disorders veterans have experiencedunexplainedillness- puter disk.Or the fact that it's getting cold outside. ditions, some because the military refused to acknowledge es. The governmenthas spent that time blam- Are any circumstances, let alone little prob- Robert Helmer are refusing a that the experiments took place. Not until the ing the symptoms on mental illness. Only the to lems like these, enough to justify a feeling of Staff Reporter new anthrax early 1990s did these veterans begin receiving recently has government begun shot. - benefits; the Pentagon continues to refuse full acknowledge that the troopsmay actually have chronic annoyance?Not by a long [email protected] vaccine and u >eing summari- disclosure. been exposed to"something." Thankfulness is surely underrated. We never y discharged. In theyears 1948 through 1952, at least 12 Theories range from Iraqi chemical/bio- think. "Hey,I'mbreathing!" The United States touts its record for intentional releases of radiation took place at logical weapons to human experimentation of But maybe we should. Maybe we should be human rights, and was a signatory to the Oak Ridge, Tenn,Dugway,Utah. Los Alamos. vaccines by the U.S. military. grateful for everything from the color of the sky to Nuremberg Code, which set guidelines on NM.and Hanford. Wash. The numberofpeo- The United States government doesn't the fact that newerpens have handy ink erasers. human experimentationin the wakeof WWII. ple (military and civilian) exposed and the have a great track record with secrecy.Our sci- picked up right where the Nazis left off We should be thankful for an economical situ- Are concerns about the vaccine unreason- health effects of the exposurehave never been entists- ation stable enough to put us in school. We should able paranoia? released. testing radiation, chemical weapons and be thankful for transportation, a hot shower,a win- In the 1940s, nearly 60,(XX) enlisted men In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA and drugs on our own citizens, then denying the mili- ter hat. We should be thankful for coffee and were placed in gas chambers and exposed to Department of Defense worked jointly to experiments ever took place. The U.S. chocolate milk. mustard gas and lewisite,dangerous chemical research military applications of hallucinogens tary,in order to cover up the heinous research compensa- Maybe this sounds like emotional slop, being weapons. The military was running "man- like LSD in a program code-named MKUL- it did. has blocked treatment and grateful for life's more simple amenities. It's not. break" tests to determine what level of expo- TRA. From 1953 to 1964, MKULTRA over- tion for thousandsof menand women—enlist- a duty to Think about it. What would your life be like with- sure would cause injury, disability or death. saw 149 projects testing LSD on unwitting ed personnel who believed they had out breathing? The participants were volunteers who had human (military and civilian) subjects. ""Partic- serve their country; the military saw no similar We should be grateful to God for the unimag- been promised extraleave time in exchange ipants" were never informed nor offered treat duty to them. you child inable favor He shows us each day.and if we don't for testing summer clothing and gear. They ment. Because of incomplete records and a It comes down to this: if have a habitually neglects and starves pets to claim to know God, we should be in awe of the were not informed of the real natureof the veil of secrecy, most of these guineapigs will who death, stop buying him way that we receive so many good things for no experiment and were later threatened with never know they were used. The exactnumber at what point do you good reason. imprisonment should they ever disclose their is unknown, but estimated to be in the thou- new dogs? give thegov- Wanting what you have is a wonderful thing. participation. sands. Howmany times should you text of I wanted a beautiful girl for my birthday. 1 Over the next 50 years, many of the sub- In 1968,aplane intentionally released VX ernment the benefit of the doubt? Full is available at: already had one. It worked great. jects developed debilitating illnesses like nerve gas into the area surrounding Dugway sources used in this editorial throat cancer and brain tumors. The military Testing Grounds in Utah. Six thousand eight The CampusLedger Can we afford not to be grateful? Johnson County CommunityCollege is a in the world than writing about your own ideas andhav- AJ Vanderhorst Andrea Squires -t Mil! COPY EDITOR rom today, and it ing thementhusiastically published."Idefinitelyagree. EDITOR-IN right to dump the Michele Vieux, our managing editor, has always Mii'hele Vieux Brandon Baker MANAC.r_f; S. .FF PHOTOGRAPHEE Kinksgiving to with stunted stories and excuses. ED.TOR/ hat I'm thankful been willing work ADVERTISING REPRESENT..Il\ I for" stuff that we always And at the top of our editorial ladder, AJ Vanderhorst Gary Welch STAFl _t_n___APHI_ has been aconstant encouragementpersonally and pro- Chad Ruddle get this time ofyear. EDITOR But Ido have some fessionally from day one. QNUNE SARA MEYERS Staff Photographer things I'm grateful for, and Elsewhere at the college,my professors have been Debi Rose Production Manager .,...,, 1 want to look at them in a great. Judy Oden in Composition 1, Greg Harrell in David IinhaiJI REPORTER different way: why Ican't Introduction to Newswriting, and James Walsh in Sean Sullivan STAFF Design Assistant __ , afford not to begrateful. Trigonometry. George Schulzc . If you've ever taken hard math classes. Trigonome- JonGhilino Si All ._ PORTER Walsh, however,has advertising/ try was probably one of them. BusinessManager , . ui-_ _j mastered the art of explaining abstraction very simply: John Hipskindw works, and here's why. And Walsh's sense AdamHutton STAFF REPORTEE StaffReporter ly obvious at times. this is what M Ml' REPORTER __ ,,. __ ., start viewing of humor is Seinfteld-esque.I've never attended aclass Kellista. SiJvvell [email protected] When I STAFF as as Trigonometry. Anna Fink REPORTER "my" achievements in fun(ny) Sports Editor _ , say grateful of these things,and Robert....Helmer light of all myself, things start getting skewed. Ihis very When I I'm for all even that Ican't afford not to be grateful. Iknow it Tucker Brown Sim i REPORTER opinion you'rereading is a gtxxlexample. pi aturesEditor After 1 finish a story for The Ledger,Iship it to our tends to sound pretty stuffy and sanctimonious. 1 can't Daniel Spottswood quite fact— it's true to a certain extent. Amy Kelly Ii iISTRATOR/CARTOON** network file where the appropriate section editor can get get around that Nt ws Editor it's also true that I just can't afford to ignore the to it. And it must be said: I've had many stories that But GregHarrell so many have hadon my first semester at were just grotesque— or they were until my editors effects people Al)\ ISI i< thecollege. fixedthem. J_ C*M_S __« publicationandan Mid- (ariesat*welcomed and encouraged. Con_**__ to(yp«t onAll-American ACP _0 editor, all, a very accommodating family w_ winner, isItw studeni newspaper of Johnson double-spaced and fewer than words. The writer -nil to pho- Fink, The Ledger's sports has even Most of I've had Pacemaker official ■ Anna Counly Community College.Thepurpose of TwIHXW is to approach lographed ,. school, (he to sports thatI.busy running to and from work and don't _u_ to of(his colleae To further Letters to editor give readers ft.opportun*, gonebeyond that duty to work withmy often-late and define olimportance the students items (to) Jj^w. (hi. effort, (to newspaper's contort focuses on college functions and end suggestions concern,!, «£» so

Local coffee houses defy Starbucks conglomerate

_____^______\\___\\t ___a_t George Scm i / During the 17th century, Berkeley during the '60s. many can hardlypronounce. Cof- .. ,..-._i Staff'Reporter King Charles 11 attempted to Coffee seems to have had a fee fever has swept the nation. - - eliminate coffee houses, believ- controversial history wrought Seattle-based Starbucks has * jmmmmmammVk m ■^-mx-m*-^ - * - ■ __*■ *■ M *i*e. %\ history, thc cot- ing thej were hotbeds for revolu- with both the support and sup- been on the forefront of this pop- . tee house has served as a tionary activity, though he met pressionof coffee consumption. ularity and has since become,for Throughouthaven for intellectual dis- with fierce resistance. However, the times have many, a symbol of urban gentrifi- cussion, political and social orga- During the same period, the changed and the coffee houses of cation. nization and even the develop- Grand Vi/ir of the Ottoman today will not likely facilitate an However, not all community ment of the London Stock Empire prohibited coffee and armed insurgency or sweeping coffee houses have been bullied Exchange. closed the coffee houses of revolution. outof the market by the populari- According to, Turkey. Theprosperous United States ty of Starbucks. We reviewed during the 16th century Khair Coffeehouses also served as economy has permitted many two locations that have chan- Americans, r I ______»^^^»^^^^^^« _ Beg. governor of Mecca, was makeshift headquarters for lead- in questionable con- neled local quality and creativity t______—Maammmmmm*LJt____jmm./ n executed after attempting to ban ers of the Free Speech Movement science, to spend upwards of four into legitimate economical ven- GARY WELCH Staff Photographer at Universityof California in to five dollars on coffee drinks tures. coffee. the A variety of coffee beans is on display at Toto's. Road to Oz ends at The Grape maintains Kansas City coffee shop fruitful local business' Toto's mixes yellow brick tradition with city cafe Kansas City coffee house keeps its KKI.I.ISTA SlDWKI.l DavidLinhardt Staff Reporters 'where everybody know your name'

___%.. theme alive and thriving Entering Toto's Coffee and _m^W_*_wmm\ "* ______II BPBBi 1 (iix)dies is like stepping into a ■II ______way to __wxmmi . George small Kansas cafe on the ' Schulz WW^___\- m__a___ 9____ma **-______, _ ■ the Emerald City— the Emerald yff- * JL______Staff Reporter City as in "The Wizard of Oz" \\__\m 4lBPiMMni- MH withDorothyandToto. Bj bHjJ \___\\m*\ TheGrape Gourmet Cof- a iH The shop has vintage House Park of fee in Overland small-town feel. A glimpse successfully resisted the r«3B IB>^'*'C58nMilLfB has _. 1.- the colorful storefront sign is __\ r mt__W___.^P J jrm_S&__' ar^mmmtm _*M proliferation of chain-coffee- mmMmk mt enough to reveal Toto's unique houses. m*r^ I W_\ atmosphere. Located at 10126 W. Inside, the store is decorated 119th. The Grape never lacks ___T mth. 1 A__m*_\ mm like a small-town cafe, with i MB BSl* « «, 1 at Hi Gary an adequate supply of local _W ___ * w everything from old-fashioned Staff Photographer \\m"^1^ *iML patrons andarid cigar and cig- HHkji^h j I _t\ iPn! _\ m aaat I tables to bar stools. Making a stop at Toto's will truly get visitors ready for a arette smoke. Once customers take a seat trip down the yellow brick road. Onany night of the week, to enjoy their drink of choice. packed stu- Because Toto's was the first by the quality and taste of the The Grape is with , j the countrified theme begins to high we" ""m ■nila coffee house in Kansas, sticking coffee milled on-site at Toto's. dious youth from area fully set in. The main room is schools, cigar aficionados GARY WELCH Staff Photographer decorated with everything from with the Oz stereotype is an Local simplicity meets Star- addicted to The Grape's pop- Norm, dolls to posters and other small excellent ploy to draw in cus- bucks quality once the drinks are Although itslikely you won't see Juan Valdez or The tomers. The unique setting is served.Customers can find any- ular martinis and tobacco Grapeis stillan excellent spot to hang out with a cup of Oz memorabilia that add to the selection and locals just look- Kansas feel. Eolksy furnishings oneof the greathidden places in thing from lattes and espressos joeinone hand and a tightly rolled cigar in the other. Kansas City to sit in peaceand to freshly squeezed juice selec- ing for good coffee and light meld with current newspapers conversation. I'm 32 now, soI've got about feehouse and a full-service strewn enjoy delicious beverages. After tions with amusing Oz-themed bar," and magazines on tables "It's kind of like Cheers. 18 or 19 years in the restau- said Nabity, referring to to provide a comfortable alter- adjusting to the down-home titles. A variety of fresh bakery rant business," said Kurt The Grape's cigar humidor feel, customers maybesurprised items is also offered. All prices Everyone comes in here and native atmosphere. them," Nabity. filled with a wide array of are quite reasonable for college we like serving said Mathew Hoffman, employee So many years in the tobacco products. students. restaurant business have Judging by the patrons at at The Grape. "Everybody Toto's is located Johnson served as Nabity's "school- who regularly return to The Metcalf, knows eachother." Drive and one of the ing," and he said this experi- Grape, Starbucks has not ft -w ___wmw______W busier parts of Overland Park. Being virtually dependent H customers, ence has taught him more completely dominated the However, shop not only an on its regular ~ the is entrepreneurship "than popular coffee drink market. " > life, everyone does know each about BJBi^^^l HiII i*f^*m f oasis amid the hectic city any textbooks." And, for those who prefer but also a stepback in lime to other at The Grape. Many of the coffeehouse's regulars The Grape often features Starbucks over locally-owned '^ simpler, calmerdays. musical acts, including "The coffeeshops, a t-shirt on sale - - "!■ __W\^ stop by at least once a day to LflHKu' ■J m. m w2 Toto's seems to have wide Songwriter's Circle," a two- at The Grape offers a bit of appeal, catering to college stu- justpaya visitif nothingelse. **'"'." '£,„ m t_*k mm- Kurt and Alissa Nabity part acoustic outfit called advice: "If you don't like our dents looking for a place to "Nabo," and soon a Tuesday coffee, go Starbucks your- wjHiimm *j*3** iP^aUCiia currently own The Grape, study or hang out, as well as night open-mic show. self!" L-..J p*"v k^A business executives dodging having taken it over from the previous ownership in May The Grape also provides Nabity's opinion of Star- rushhour. martini and cigar specials on bucks echoes the t-shirt's If you are a coffee lover. 1999. Kurt Nabity managed The Grape for three years Wednesday and Friday nights proclamation, this is definitely the place for respectively. play on that »__^^fcJl ___m before he decided to make a "I the odds you, but even if you don't dig does the locals will stick with my GABY WELCH stallPhotographer move and take over owner- "The one thing that the drink, Toto'scombines many of going ship. make us unique is the fact that coffeehouse instead Gibson, Toto's, serves an assortment of other edibles with a distinctive Chris bartista at "I started working in we are a smoking establish- to Starbucks." coffees,pastries and snacks to hungry customers. andrelaxingatmosphere. along being a restaurants when Iwas 13. ment with cof- Paintball battles become more mainstream Taking aim at you: adrenalin-pumping,battle-like pastime now appeals to widerfan base

_, 9 premium merchandise at discount been eliminated from thegame. David Linhardt the hostingpro shop. __j__m "*r~-1 Prices for paintball equipment " prices. While strategy and tactics vary Staff Reporter '■-^X Vl; _j_¥' m\ * are high everywhere, as a quick _-_-Wm_ ■ mmm __tm*mm*__m But a paintball player isn't dependingon a player's experience,sim- visit to one of several local pro made by his or her accessories, pie infantry warfare wins more games shops reveals. The cheapest guns saidQuinn. than casual "Hey, let's shoot at that one $20-70, "The best way toget involved guy"planning. Sniping,taking point, run- An "extremesport" is usually one run while the quality auto- ning flanking maneuver guarding outside of the mainstream,or a sport that matics sell for as much as $1,400. F inpaintball in my opinion is not to a and all techniques in an experi- to Paintballs are typically $17 -30 for rush right out and buy |the equip- the rear are is quirky and thought bedangerous. war, Paintball is none of theabove. packages of 200, while masks ment]," said Quinn. "What you enced player'sarsenal. As inreal the to go out to a team is caught unprepared usually What began as a sort of macho war range from a $20 basic mask-and- need to do is field that panics, freezesup match. game has now become a remarkably goggle assembly to a far more and see if youlike itfirst of all." andloses the beginning player wide-spreadand mainstream sport. While expensive thermal goggle set The paintball experience is "It doesn't do a a (which some, nat- good to jump in with a bunch of older teens and college students once prevents fogging). intense. For warfare is lot of extraordinarily exciting hardened experts," said Glenn Schade. dominated the sport,preteensas young as Accessories like body armor ural and when out with and against Jaeger'sSubsurface Paintball. 10 years old now carry semi-automatics (paintballs tend to sting and occa- m9^99*9 CUTied **^ Mm paint- However, paintball is a andmasks onto the paintball field. sionally lease welts and bruises), friends. But the more timid recreational "Paintball [in Kansas City] is defi- gun scopes, paintball-holders baller can sometimes be left fast-growing sub-sport in the paintball nitely growing," said Anthony (called "hoppers"), C02 tanks and behind as his adrenaline-charged genre. Quinn. very healthy grow-# Irish Brigade Paintball Pro Shop. "The various gun-cleaning and repairing comrades dash across a field blan- "Paintball is and ing (in the Kansas City metroarea|,"said demographics have gone from older to parts are all additional drains on keted inhard-flying paintballs. game begins a several fields in the younger; probably the 10 to 15 age range the paintball enthusiast's wallet. A normal with Schade. "There are "break," start- you'll generally one or two is fastest growing." Players on a budget can lind as players run from areaand find — ingpositions a month beinghosted." Anyone can play all a potential very reasonable equipment at any to their first offensive tournament! With protective masks To get involved inlocal tournaments, player needs is a working paintball gun Wal-Mart store, where paintballs cover. mouth, and the Internet is the best source of informa- and mask. Several locations around cost as little as $13 for 500rounds. guarding eyes, ears throat, players few options left for Kansas City even allow players to join Accessories anil guns are generally the wield semi- tion. While there are Photo IllustrationGARY WELCH StaffPhotographer capable of shoot- the 2000 season,spring will bring a new open sessions, including the Dropzone far less expensive at Wal-Mart as automatic guns at four sec- roundof tourneys for rix)kie,amateur and Paintball Park inEdwardsville. Kan., and well, though the selection tends to Face a new challenge andpaint up your ing least rounds per ond. even pro players.Check www.dropzone- Jaeger's Subsurface Paintball in Kansas be- sparse. friends. As players hit the fields in masks, play usually ends when or for City, Mo. Some sites allow players to Commercial paintball websites armed with weaponsof war,paintball proves Game tournament information. bring their own paintballs, while others offer great prices and selection. that it has a spot in the wide world of main- a team has accomplished an such capturing an have a "field paint only" rule which Sites such as www.thepaintball- stream sporting events. objective, as,, opponent's flag, or when all forces players topurchase paintballs from and all offer opposing team members have I mipus Ledger

November 16, 2000 Features 5

Local arcade is PC-gamers' paradise Father-son braintrust draws players to Gamer's Edge experience

DavidLinhardt Gamer's Edge offers a special this year in April,and hungry players confirms the Rookards' original 11044 Quivira and their phone Staff Reporter rate to students at the college: your have found Gamer's Edge to be a vision. numberis(913) 498-3343. first hour of game play is free when game junkie's paradise. Rookard Gamer's Edge is located at you show your student ID. Other acknowledges that many Gamer's and Mike Rookard aren't Jack specials include a "five-hour card" Edge patrons spend an entire after- typical Many the father-son duo. that allows players to pay (at dis- noonandeveningplaying. men are young like Mike into com- counted rates) for five hours of play- "Yeah, that happens all the games, like puter while businessmen ing time that may be used whenever time." said Rookard. "We're open 4 Jack usually don't have time to sit at a player wants. p.m. to 10 p.m. during the week, acomputerand play. |and your friends] could all people buying R(Hikard as "You with five-hour cards But Jack is much of play in a game together by your- or an 'all-day.'" game-fan as his is. Their a son selves, or you could get on our dedi- Gamer's Edge hosts tourna- shared computer game hobby has cated servers that we host all the ments approximately once a month, grown into one the first stream- of time," said Rookard. "You could get but Rookard found the arcade's game lined PC arcades: Gamer's on either of those and play your fastest-growing audience may not be If'I Edge. friends, and with the headsets the 15-21 year-old crowd many gaming was abigthing "Internet [attached to the computers] you would suspect for us." said Mike Rookard, who could talk to each other in a chat Preteen players are showing up often works at Gamer's Edge."Then room." with practiced trigger fingers to take we an a place tt-W^al ,| i had idea for where we Rookard has even set up a LAN on their friends in gore-laden first- could have networked computers network that players can use via person shooters like 3" and together so jxxiple just "Quake could sit and Gamer's Edge computers. "Unreal Tournament." Birthday par- play." The 21st century arcade opened ties for youngsters at Gamer's Edge are a growing factor in Rookard's 5^^ ______audience analysis. And while some might expect rmM****^^^mmm**» the dimly-lit. modestly-sized game -___-Am_-_---__ J w M_ center to be noisy and chaotic, the m _m____m___\-WktW m_m_\m **M players atGamer's Edge quietly sit at *^^ ___fw* _r "--"-M-ttM _m_*^ their respective computers, clicking mmr^ \ away. Rookard said various games' volume levels wereonce aproblem, * but headphones quickly solved the *fc »■. \) ___tr issue. When Gamer's Edge opened in April. Rtxikard soon realized that in / __tm___\ spite of the arcade's location on *■_*£■ mwr*^^^^m_*^__\\\ Quivira nearthe college, wiseadver- tisement was the key to their growth. "We had ads at movie theaters that did absolutely nothing for us." said Rookard. "|With TV. ads] we've had people come all the way down from Leavenworth." With PC games comparing favorably to console games (such as xM ' mmm_tme~ —_mmmm**^ _w Sony's PlayStation 2 or Sega's Dreamcast). the father-and-son SaraMkykrs StaffPhotographer can only bigger. brainstorm grow Sara Mkyers StaffPhotographer RtHikard's connections with the com- Jessi Franz (near) and Chris Goff (far) team up to takeon opponents puter world allowed Gamer's Edge Many students like Chris Goff make time in their schedules tosit back they can't even see. Interactive game play with players around town or to get 26 high-end computers and andrelax.Although this hang-time at Gamer's Edge involves blowing around the world is one of themany options that computer game fans numerousgames affordably. The all- up monsters on a PC first-person shooter game,it is still considered are given at Gamer's Edge. day dedication ofsome of the players relaxation. Redefining Laser tagislocal,internationalcraze

Tucker brown tournaments are held at the Olathe location, objects. Once the lO-minute time limit FeaturesKditor games areplayed around theglobe withpurs- expires, a victor is declared and the game is going solo es that tally in the thousands. There is even an over.There is no set number of lives so play- International Laser Tag Association (ILTA) ers can fully utilize the time they purchase. helps Laser may staging With a sudden adrenaline rush, you hunt, that small businesses get on their feet tag be a comeback and establish laser tagfacilities. among American consumers. Many high-tech you hide, you seek and finally youscore. Karaoke experience Many games tag of tag currently hit- This is a common experience players different of laser can be home versions laser are played, depending equipment pro- ting market. more have at the Laser Storm Family Adventure and on the the These versions offer of provides relief, by facility, a range dinky gun with the funny stress Center. For a small fee,people of all ages can vided the each environment will than the offer anew challenge. At the Olathe center, noises you got for Christmas years ago. visit the center in Olathe and let their primal in Laser tag is also a fairly safe sport. There entertainment instincts run wild. Don't let the family-orient- players are grouped any configuration up to24 players. The options arealmost unlimit- is no fear of physical contact, so many par- KKI.1.ISIA SlOWELI ed name deter you from this war game set- ed. Whether it is 23 on or 12 on 12, the ents are enthusiastic about the game. With Staff Reporter ting. The center caters lo ages ranging from I challenge is still the driving force. Flashing arenas poppingup all overthe states(ranging five or six to limber senior citizens. This sin- ment came the shoot- 1,200 feet is the people you gle-level, 2.800-square-foot facility offers lights and music add a new twist to from one story and square all the Karaoke is a word that with." said one Jury's Inn cus- of past. up to live stories and over 12,000 square group discounts, is open into the early hours ergames the way most people cringe tomer. enter you feet) tag to a game that will makes or of the morning and is cheap enough for even When you the field are look for laser be remember some bad memory In between karaoke songs, strapped with a light-sensitive that has e a presencein the 21st century. the tightest collegestudent's budget. laser vest forgotten. plays music from registersyour Players start the game The IaserStormFamily Centerisopen 7 that's better off How- Lasha dance Persons wanting to participate only need hits. with ever, at Jury's Inn, in Olathe, all different decades and even 255 rounds and places to duck and a week. 3 p.m.-10 p.m., Mon.-Thur., 3 the clothes on their backs and the shoes on many days karaoke means dancing, drinks, sings alittlehimself. Once a player is or runs out pm.-midnight on Fri., 10 a.m.-l a.m. on Sat., their feet. Due to the nature of the playing hide. hit of shots laughterand fun. Karaoke is a great way to he must to arecharging unit and "reload." and noon-10 p.m.on Sun. field, participants are encouraged to wear go Every Friday night for the have fun with friends and forget While reloading, players arc U> Costs are $4 per |x;rson per game before dark,if not black,clothing. The dark clothing immune past two months, a by pressures week. a few of sitions on the field shots of others but within seconds name of I.asha has taken over When people step onto the recharging are once again fair game. are encouraged, with rates of $3.50 per per- among the ominous black lights and fog. they Jury's Inn and hosted "Karaoke stage they seem to forget about Players get onepoint for each opposingplay- son per game for eight or more players. For flic Iaser Storm Family AdventureCen- Night." From 8:30 p.m.-l a.m., what has been weighing on they hit and five points for hitting a genera- moreinformation call (913) 393-4386 or visit ter is currently in its fourth year of business. er can get uponstage in their minds just enjoy the tor team. the center at 138 South Clairborne Road in customers and Laser tag in general has grown to bean inter- of the other front of the bar's small crowd evening. These generators are targets that offer Olathe. national sporting event. Though no formal and sing just about any song Evenif youare not the type more of a challenge than regular stationary they choose. who would get up and embar- Lasha passes out books to rass yourself in front of every group containing alist of strangers,Jury's Innis still a fun If you are interested songs; customers can choose place torelax. in holding a paid posi- from a wide variety of artists "We're here every Friday Ledger and genres. Aretha Franklin's night," saysLasha as customers tion with The "Respect" to Brittney Spears' exit. "So come back and see us and only want to work "OopsIDid It Again"are avail- next week." a couple of days a able. You may choose to sit week, we've got the While customers may be back, enjoy a drink or a dessert job for you. shy at first, 1 asha encourages and watch other people make Campus Ledger them to participate in groups of fools of themselves. The is two or more to reduce the fear There is no age require- seekinga: of stage fright. ment to get into Jury's Inn, Circulation Manager "I'll sing with you if you although if you want to buy an lor more information need me lo." says Iasha as he alcoholic beverage you must be on jobresponsibilities (XTsuades customers tosing. 21. People ol all ages come to Jury's Inn is located at 105 and requirements, Jury's Inn to enjoy the drinks E. Park Street, downtown A family. A neighborhood, A community. jy Volunteers contact Human and late night entertainment. Olathe,between Chestnut Street i.800^99.0089or Resources in 252 For www.vcra.o^. ofAmerica* "The great part about and Cherry Street. more There are nolimits tocaring. GEB. karaoke is that the entertain- infonnation call 913-829-4785. ( 'aiiipus ledger

6 Comics November 16, 2000

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■ 1 C Thursday November 16, 2000 tion: B ' " (xlEntertainment < Issue 7 3 Doors Down reveals peculiar power of 'Kryptonite'

Amy Kelly vocalist s hushed yetemo- NewsEditor tional delivery, captivated the eyes and ears of Memorial Hall's occupants dur- Every so often, the world throws its ing the entire half-hour set. Backed by arms around a song so undeniably (and Sam McCandless, drums, and Jeremy inexplicably) catchy that the band Marshall, bass. Cold did a remarkable responsible for thi of sustaining musical phenome energy for the non is propelled t< bands that fol- instant success "Kryptonite," by '. The Florida- Doors Down, i d band, though the latest single t< imiliar to the WWt^t-W strike a chord witl ority of 3 the American pub irs Down fans, lie,as was highl; already lured a _\^_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\__m iKi^H^Hp evident at thei >n of followers, aSBI mm t Nov. 4 concer ) were posi- with Cold an< ed loyally in Dust For Life a t of the stage Memorial Hall. %Mm ng the entire The audienc< W Cold's hypnot- was an unusuall; ifluence on the diverse one, witl ip of primarily no homogenou: age boys was pattern whatsoeve icularly fasci- to the wave o ng to observe bodies. Althougl ng the song the venue was not t Got Wicked." sold-out, the might have crowd's response aken thisopen- Cold's Jeremy Marshall provides a band for the to each of the pumpingbassline. three contrasting -^^^^^^^^^_ headliner by the bands more than made upfor any vacant way each fan sang passionately inunison seat. Opening band Cold provided an Unlike Cold, who seemed to have exhilarating performance, feeding the already garnered a local fan base. Dust unsuspecting audience a much darker For Life (DFL) was an unfamiliar name melange of songs than 3 Doors Down's for probablyI98 percent of the concert Top 40-friendly playlist. Cold's sound goers. Despite this pressure,DFL contin- echoes the similar creative pulse that ued the energy that Cold initiated. A BrandonBaker Staff Photographer Godsmack andTool have conjuredupin comparison to Creed could be drawn, their records. Driving guitar riffs by Kel- with DFL's polished, straight-forward 3 DoorsDown vocalist, Brad" Arnold, performs for an enthusiastic audienceat MemorialHall,Nov. 4, during a show withCold ley Hayes and (who rock, but the band added a touch of old andDust for Life. donned aMichael Myers mask and nin- school metal to itsrepertoire as well. audience, to friends, then to strangers, ja-like costume, respectively, at the The bandgenuinely seemed to enjoy band and DFL seems to have perfected screaming who all portrayed anthem then again. beginningof the performance),as well as performing live, indulging in the long- this aspect.Bass player David Rhea like- themselves as die-hard fans. The popu- to friends Even if the song does lost guitar solo, raising their instruments wise jumped and hoppedto every comer larity of the band probably owes agreat not appeal to everyone, those who do seem be a as if participating in a religious rite, and of the stage, giving 100 percent to each deal to—Brad Arnold's soothing rock enjoy it to taken to "happy" showcasing vocalist Chris Gavin's sway and lunge.Onecould only imagine vocals not too hard, not too soft. place, which is never a bad thing. Harrell, impressive range. acoustic what drummer Rick Shelton would have Arnold, who looks like the antithesis of a Band members Todd bass. vocal DFL's Henderson, number, "The End," could have been done had it not been for the percussion "rock star," also emanates a likability Matt Roberts and Chris gui- tars, drums, poorly received if the crowd was rowdy, blockade. that is pure gold to shows like MTV's and Richard Liles. provided Musically, style unique Request network of that contributedto Hfltth*^"'i m ATM but this solo acoustic performance by DFL's was "Total Live." a melodies Gavin wowed observers and validated from Cold and 3 Doors Down,blending The pinnacle of 3 Doors Down's the palatable appeal of 3 Doors Down. their eventu- W-m' _W^M_m his talent asaguitarist. grunge, a bit of the blues and the dark performance was none other than"Kryp- Unfortunately, talents may Guitarist and foundingDFL member lyrics that were reminiscent of the tonite." Masses of people bobbed up and ally become overshadowed by their lack up any Jason Hughes seemedgenuinely enthusi- Doors' Jim Morrison. The concoction down from the moment the song began of stage presence. To make for astic about performing, singing along obviously worked for the audience, who until the final chord. Toobserve thereac- lack of interest in this area. Arnold did "Kryptonite" to give energetic perfor- with Gavin and offering high-fives to cheered enthusiastically aftereach song. tion that had on each indi- his best an nearlyevery single individual in thegen- The headlining band, 3 Doors vidual was alone worth the price of mance, which seemed tobe sufficient for Down, was Dust for Life's vocalist, Chris Gavin, eral vicinity of the front row. This con- took the stage after DFL and pro- admission. A common bond formed anyloyal fan of "Kryptonite." takesthe stageat MemorialHall. nection to thecrowd isessential to anew ceeded to play with the blessing of the as friends sang the pseudo-Superman

______f_\\\_W MUM Rflfc \\ B\ I i ■^^^k r1iMkm 1^^111^ WP^ __f**^^__W

Up-and-comingDustforLifediscovers chemistry for success Amy Kelly NewsEditor "Would you call Black Sabbath a grunge The product, heavily influenced by the domi- soon," DFL believe they have earned their reward. talent in the heart of Delta blues country, a band?" asked vocalistChris Gavin."I wouldn't, it's nant blues scene of Memphis, was an immediate "There's a certain work ethic and level band has emerged with what they consider just alabel. We play a lotof our songs on acoustic- success in the area, as was evidentby the numberof you have to have," said Hughes. "Most bands have Into couple just the right songs." Deepto be an extension of the soulful music guitars. Would that be folk music? Distorted guitars fans requesting the first single "Step The a of weak links. We hail WMFS, Promoting their debut record and meeting their genre— goodol'rixk and roll. have beenaround for solong." Light." On Memphis radio station the up- Memphis-based band Dust For Life (DFL), Gavin and guitarist Jason Hughes wrote the and-coming band managed to draw the number two fans are DFL's main concerns at the present time. show, in will continue for the next several months, who released a self-titled debut album on Wind-up majority of songs on the record and were later position on a local request squeezed Touring Creed and Sevendust in Decem- Records this year, has been enjoying a rapid rise to joined by bassist David Rhea and drummer Rick between major label icons Alice In Chains and with DFL joining During time, tor "Step Into stardom ever since the band formed in 1998. Tour- Shelton. Godsmack. ber. this their video The said, which DEE recently shot for three days in ing with the likes of 3 Doors Down and Stone Tem- "As soon as Iheard [Gavin's vocals], I Within the course of a year, DFL has recorded Light," album, and onMTV. ple Pilots this year,as well receiving airplay on sta- 'Wow, that guy's voice is awesome,'" said Hughes. an been signed to Hanson management Los Angeles, will be premiering Although insight for the young tions like Los Angeles' and New York's "His songs weregreat." been pickedupby Wind-upRecords.The whirlwind no down time is KROQ and, band, they loving every the WXRK, the members of DFL are now geared to Gavin was quick to concur with his song-writ- ride has also taken them on tour with Creed admit to minute of tour- ing offer their musical concoction to the rest of the ingpartner. mostrecently,3 DoorsDown. schedule. you get to world. "When [Jason|and Igot together,it was just the "It's kind of weird to be playing with people "The positive |aspect| is every night from) ago," you to said "You get to The quartet mixes distorted guitars and emo- perfectchemistry," said Gavin."When youhave the |who you bought records a year said do what love do." Gavin. play, perform meet people from all over the tionally-driven rock,but does not want to be pigeon- right people and the right team, |success) happens Hughes. and ' Despite saying fast, too country. This is what we're to and Iwant to holedin the grunge genre fast." the doomed of "too married Campus Ledger

8 Arts andEntertainment November 16,2000 ___tmmm_L^

Local filmmaker is living the cinematic dream withhis new project

Al)\MHi IION screening of his of these dreams we signed contracts with," said Staff' Reporter latest film "But- during the day Bousman. "We were very lucky terfly Dreams" at at work and at to get them to doit for free;usual- film "Butterllv Dreams"' the Fine Arts home during his ly you have to pay each actor a takes its name from a Theater in waking hours, SAG rateof$325 perday." in Thefamous passage the writ- Shawnee. Kan.. causing dizzy If each actor worked for 30 ings ofChuang Tzu. a laoist from Thurs. Nov. 2 at spells and days, that alone would have cost the East; one translation reads as 8p.m. blackout peri- Blah Shank Productions, a pro- follows: "Once upon a time. The film ods. When duction company founded by Chuang was Tzu dreamed that he was shot on 16 James seeks Bousman— for this film, almost a butterfly, flying about andenjoy- mm film with a help from a $50.000 over three times the ing itself. It did not know that it budget of around' physician con- budget for theentire film. was Chuang Chou. Suddenly he $15,000 in cerning the Despite tight budgeting, the awoke, veritably and was Chuang approximately blackouts, he is film crew still struggled with the Chou again. He did not know one month's ______M_m M__W^W told he may not production process every step of was Chuang Chou » whether it time. To raise the mm____f_____t___m _mML "&& \ %_% w^__m \m___l **^Jwk be getting the the way. dreaming that he was a butterfly. Vj ■ # money, Bous- |^ j^Bi* ______right amount of "It was not easy by any 1} or was the butterfly ■^^ i ______whether it man and Hunter VVMi MMMMMmm sleep or perhaps means." said Bousman. "There _m___\\w_\-*^^ dreaming that it was Chuang Via, production W \m* his diet is poor. were many times when we Chou." manager and edi- James says that thought that we weren't going to The contemplation ofdreams tor for the film, if anything he finish it. We were running 20- as an offshoot of reality has been held benefit con- may be getting hour days seven days a week for inplace since the dawn of rational certs at a club in too much sleep basically amonth." thought among human beings. downtown and eating too Before "Butterfly Dreams," Philosophers such as Frederick Orlando called well. Bousman directed two other films Nietch/e in the West and Chuang the Kit Kat Club. In the final at Full Sail, including a 35 mm Tzu wrote on the subject of The concerts fea- moments of the black comedy called "Winter Fol- dreams. World-renowned psy- tured local artists film, James lies." Freud is chologist Sigmund asso- playing for free, experiences a Bousman's nextprojects with ciated very closely withhis work including Blue PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ADAMHl/TTON different kind of Blah Shank Productions are still in dream interpretation. Flame Combo, *— "— *— awakening fol- in the early stages of develop- Darren Immaker Darren Bousman produced the film "Butterfly Dreams," basedon a pa: Local film-maker The Supervil- lilosopherChuang Tzu. lowing a black- ment. Bousman has now taken his turn lans. and Inep- out that brings "We're working on a couple examining how dreams can be tune. Bousman and Via kept 8( "Butterfly Dreams" focuses cessful, unmarried and over- the film to a dramatic conclusion of things now," said Bousman. more real than the worldhumans percent ofevery $5 door fee. on James Luther (J LaRose), a weight, he is driving home to his and leaves the viewer wondering, "We've been talking to J LaRose call reality. Bousman and Viaalso used a manwith a seemingly perfect life. mother's house on a rainy night. "Am1 dreaming?" about another project called 'Per- native, Bousman. a Shawnee letter-writing campaign to raise James gets a promotion to vice Before hereaches home, the man, Bousman and his crew had to ceptions,' which we want todo as in 1997 graduated from Shawnee funds for the production of the president at his job and lives in a who we later learn is Tim Rice pinch every penny in order to a feature and get funding for. And Mission North High School film. beautiful home with his loving (John Rice) loses control of his complete the film within the bud- we just recently started talking where he was active in theater. Via received a bachelors wife and his daughter Cameron carand hits afirehydrant,andjust get. Their measures included pur- about doing a dark Christmas Upon graduation. Bousman con- degreein communications in May (Jessie Richardson), but he is as the ambulance arrives he chasing materials at a discounted musical." tinued his theater studies at the '99 from the College of plaguedby nightmares of a horri- wakes up as James Luther once rate, borrowing equipment and For more information about University recently of Kansas and Charleston in South Carolina blecar crash. again. convincing the Screen Actors "Butterfly Dreams," go to the completed film and videopro- before entering Full Sail's film In his dreams, he bears no It isn't long before James Guild actors to work for free. www.butterflydreams- gram at Full Sail inOrlando.Fla. and videoprogram. resemblance to himself. Unsuc- begins to experience"flashbacks" "We had fiveSAG actors that Bousman held a premiere DeBellevue weavespipe cleaners Pearl Gallery into works ofart showcases

nille stem structures in lavender,red and sil- contain such loud colors, though not all of Thai artist GeorgeSchulz ver, eerily resembling theinternal contentsof his pieces symbolize harsh images. Many of Betsy Staff Reporter body. merely stverak printed the human his works seem to be for aesthetic Specialto TheLedger wicks. This work is also "As Ikept making these forms [in 'My pleasure. Two of the pieces even beg the based on Buddhist philosophy. Many of us remember a time when we Little Brainspill'l Irealized they reminded observer to participate in the work. It supposedly shows the true were young and ail was simple. As kinder- me of something," said DeBellevue during a One called "Hedge" appears at first The Pearl Gallery is cur- nature of objects. Cone-shaped garten students we produced Lincoln Log discussion at theopening of his work Nov. 5. glance to beofa dark green color,and stands rently presenting the work of candles are arranged in a large structures, paper mache' sculptures,clay ash- "A few months earlierIhad seen someone,a as if it werea tall hedge ofshrubbery. As the Thai metalsmith Taweesak spiral on the floor. These can- trays lor our parents and other art creations, man who had gotten hit by a car on the observer moves to stand behind the piece, Molsawat. His exhibit,"Spiritu- dles range in color from white » some of which were made from ... pipe streets of New York." the forest green combines with a wall of al Side Wordly Matter," can be to orange,invarious tones. This translucent blue that manipulates seen until Nov. 18. display represents the cycle of Stick people, antlers for candycane the retina. On the first floor, viewers life, the process of birth to reindeer and rings and necklaces have Another untitled piece hangs will find Molsawat's self por- aging and pain to death. The all been made from pipe cleaners. It aboveground and is dome-shaped trait, an open-eyed view of his arrangement of candles is seems pipe cleaners have been used for like a bee-hive hairdo,screaming frustrations. "Blind looking derived from a labyrinth spiral, everythingbut cleaning pipes. with pink,orange and yellow col- through the Light" consists of symbolizing the endless move- However, lucky DeBellevue. hail- ors.Ithangs just highenough, and 12 metal book covers and body ment of the passageof life. y ing from New York City, has taken the is just large enough, for someone parts crafted from metal. The Molsawat's final piece is m covers on artistic use of pi|>e cleaners to a whole *' to stand up inside and experience book stand individual "Then Endless of the Begin- new level. B*m^f a) 6i r < the entire piece. shelves and inside these books ning." Created from bronze, Original!) from Lafayette. La., Though pipe cleaners are a are thecrafted metal parts:eyes, gold leaf, flowers, wooden DeBellevue said art issomething he has dominant medium for much of ears, hand and nose. In this bowls, fabric and salt, the piece appreciated tor much of hislife. DeBellevue's art, a portion of his work, Molsawat attempts to speaks about human desires. "I discovered art through library work is created using other ele- express his understanding of The elements inside and under- books where Igrew up." said DeBelle- e. resembled the exposedcontentsof the man's time when simple pipe cleaners could carry front of them. Theyare attached fulf sterling works of arts from exploding in color before the eyes of the brain cavity as he lay on the street after the our imaginations away for hours. DeBelle- to the walls in a horizontal pat- buttert knives to hand-crafted observer. accident. vue's art ison exhibit at thecollege'sGallery tern. This pattern originated jewelry.j The 17th annual exhi- to from TibetanMandela. _ One piece, entitled "My Little Brain- It is hard imagine such a stark image of Art Nov.5-Dec. 17. bition where Nichol's work will- spill," contains a set of large and small die- because so many of DeBellevue's pieces "Dawn to Dawn, Dust to bet displayed takes place Dec. 1 Dust" is made of cast wax and 123. Campus Ledger

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11 Sports November 16,2000

Commentary Big 12 basketball preview: the South division AJ Vanderhorst MlCHELE Vim \ John Hipskind Editor-in-Chief ManagingKditor Staff Reporter

Baylor Oklahoma State Last season,the Bears became the only team inleague history to lose all 16 Big 12 games. It took them a 17th league game lor the breakthrough triumph against Texas Fvcryone will beyoung and hungry in Stillwater on a team that lost six of its seven Tech. There was plenty ofevidence that performanceimproved under Coach Bliss. top scorers. Baylor had defeated Marquette and taken Creighton to overtime before falling. Forward Fredrik Jon/en. the lone familiar lace, may feel displaced by thechange After notching three more Big 12 victories and winning their tirst-round league tourna- of scenery.Coach Fddie Sutton, who will dependon Jon/en as a go-to player, hopes ment game, the Bears arefeeling belterabout themselves headinginto this season. the remade team will gel quickly. Fxpectations are high for Terrence Crawford, the Gone is scoring leadei lev is Stukes, but returning are a pair of players who are jewel of the recruiting class, a versatile scorer similar to recently departed Desmond among the top at their jxjgitions in the league. Point guard Demarcus Minor finished Mason. Point guard transfer Maurice Baker, whoaveraged 18.8 points last season, will third in the Big 12 with 5j8 assists pergame, whichisn't Ux) bad when your teamranks be asked to drop more dimes than three pointers for the Cowboys. Victor Williams, a toward the bottom of the league in tield goals made. Minor also led the Big 12 inmin- new 5-10 shootingguard, will need to put some high arc on his shot toscore over taller utes at38.4pergame. guards (i.e. 6-10 Luke Axtell,KU). Post player Andre Williams holds defensive National Forward Terry Black topped the Bi« 12 with 2.7 steals per game. Black averaged promise, having led all Big 12 freshman in blocked shots (1.25 bpg) last season. All 11.2 pointsand a team-bq$t7.7rebounds this said, the Cowboys will participate in lots ofchallenging games in their revamped American Bliss hopes tocompltitoent these players withguardWendell Grenleaf. who played Gallagher-Iba Arena. his best at the end of the last season, and many transfers. Forward Greg Davis came Player to watch: Fredrik Jonzen. a 6-10Swede with finesse. sport an with Blissfrom New Mexico and sat out last year. Guard Andre White becomes eligi- Potential Big 12 nemesis: Oklahoma (or take your pick). ble after transferring from Hardin-Simmons. Chad Flsey, an SMU transfer, can play idea of beginningDec. 16. the past Pick a sport, any sport — how many do Texas Tech we need? Texas These are tough times for the Red Raiders and their head coach,James Dickey. Dickey took over amoribund program in 1991, and in two seasonspushed Texas Texas, who finished second in the conference last season, was picked fifth on the Does America evenhave Tech into the NCAA Tournament. The crowning achievement came three years later Big 12preseasoncoaches' pill. a pastime sport anymore? Last when the team finished 30-2. For thefirst time in three years, the longhorns won't have 7-footer Chris Mihm at week it was argued in these The Raiders haven't salvaged much ol season since then.Tech went3-13 inleague center,pounding in the buckets. Not only is Mihm gone,so is the team's second-lead- pages that basketball has taken play last year,bad enough for eleventh place.So \v||t does Tech have to look forward ingscorer and rebounderGabe Muoneke. baseball's place as "the Amer- to thisseason? Wu__7 a_W But the Longhorns have nothing to tear.They have astrong armament of returning ican pastime." The return of AndyEilitS^sJHcenw»«Sui^QaJiis way to a terrific season,com- players,including Chris Owens, who replacedGabe Muoneke as a starter in thesecond Iwould like to argue that ing off an injury from last year, yjyjjgsjtajljitf|50.3 percent from the field and 78.3 halfof the season andearned a spoton the league'sAll-Newcomer team. Darren Kelly, America has lost sight of a from theline before the injury|j*j| the team's top returningscorer at 10points pergame is back, likewise Maurice Evans, pastime sport amid a flood of Then there's power foiward Cliff Owens, one of the league's most underrated a 6-5 swingman who became eligible after transferring from Wichita State. Evans, variety. Think about it. Some playersin 1998-99. Hemissed last s?aso|because ofan ankle injury. Alongwith small while at WSU.led the Missouri Valley Conference in scoring andranked ninth in the countries have a national forward Jayson Mitchell and formerstartingcenter Johnny Phillips. Tech will have one country withan average of 22.6 points pergame in 1988-99. He is uirgeted as the guy "sport. The majority of nations of the mostexperienced front lines in theBig J2. who will lead the Longhorns in scoring this season. outside the US cluxise soccer. The trouble so far is in the tjackcourt, l)kke\ is trying to solve it with recruiting. Along with the returners, Texas has bagged the top high school point guard, T.J. Soccer has failed to command Five of the six newcomers are guards,andnone have hadpreviouscollege experience. Ford, for next season. a large following here, but the The exceptionis Jamal Brown,a6-foot |x>mt guard from Dallas who previously played Although Texas lost many of its big men, lixik for them to finish higher thanpre- fans itdoeshave are loyal. for Fort Scott Community College. dicted in the preseasonpolls. They will have to rely on their quickness and speed togo One theory about the lack anywhere throughout the season,but they will suiprise teams, so watch out. of interest in sports such as soccer andhockey inthe Unit- ed States is that they are both defensive sports. In football, Texas A&M Oklahoma % baseball or basketball, the rules of the game favor the TexasA&M lingered at the bottom halfof the Big 12 last year, but as they did so. How doyou replace aplayer who was the team leader in scoring,rebounding and offense. In soccer and hockey, there were indications the program was stalling to push through. A victory overTexas steals? Eduardo Najera's departure left a big hole to till, but Coach Kelvin Sampson the rules lean more heavily on Tech and a triumph over Oklahoma State showed signs of tight in the Aggies last sea- pickedup two juniorcollege All-Americans to split the work. the side of the defense and son. Post players Aaron McGhee and Daryan Selvy are both terrific athletes, ready to scoringis more limited. At other times the Aggies wereplagued by blowouts. The wild inconsistency was join the inside rotation. The) will add balance to a team whose top five returning scor- To Americans who love the mark of a young team that was defined by the talented but erratic Bernard King, ers areguards. J.R.Raymond,CMdahoma's mostdangerous three-point threat (41.3 per- the big plays and the big who playedwell enough to become theleague'-,freshman of theyear. cent last season), and point guardHollis Pricewill headup the speed/agilitydepartment scores,sitting through 90min- King's 16.9 ppg average tanked fourth among the nation's freshmen and he was on this year'sSooner team. Thesooners ha\e threeplayers. J.R.Raymond.HollisPrice Johnson, utes of a game that maybe has third in three-pointers pergame at 2.8. King set a Big 12 freshmen standard by making and Nolan projected as All-Big 12 candidates. Unfortunately, a weak non- two goals scored— andone of 48 treys inleague gamesand his 79 three-pointers set ateam record. A yearof maturity conference schedule was not enough topresent the Sooners from tallying an"X"inthe those by theopposing team- for him and his teammatescould make the Aggies the league's most improved team. losscolumn withanexhibition defeat by Global Sports. season, hope is torture. Who wants to see Last A&M^atted three or four freshmen regularly. For the first time in Oklahoma backers the team's balanced attack will make up for the lack of a scorer, that when you can see six or several years, the Aggies won'tbe pinning their hopes onplayers whohave never worn go-to or at least keep them in contention until someone stepsup. ESPN ranks sevenpoints scored in amatter the uniform. Player Johnson, of a few minutes by a football Power forward Aaron Jack received an extra year of eligibility from the NCAA to watch: Nolan a slasher who creates shots for himself. or basketball player? and returns as A&M's top rebounder (6.5). The newcomer who should make the Potential Big 12 nemesis: OKie State,arch-rival in thc "Bedlam Series." But Idigress.Some coun- biggest splash is,like King, from Louisiana. Small forward Nick Anderson was acon- tries have a sport . ..maybe sensus top50 high school prospect who averaged23.7 points and 14.6 boards as aprep two. Take Brazil, who has star. chosen two of the greatest isports played by men, soccer and jujitsu, tobe theirnational Volleyball team sports. Or Spain, where soccer is seconded by boxing and bull fighting. The United coasts to third States,however, has it all. We jDid youKnow? j football, baseball, have has |Mike Jeffers, men's basketball coach, needs only six wins to | place finish Ibecome the Johnson County Cavalier all-time leader in victo- 1 Anna Fink though I season, Sports Kditor Even a tourna- include the other so-called ries. So far the team has three wins in the leaving him I ment loss was dissapointing, such bowling, sports as danc- the team had several players ing, auto racing and golf. And Ijust short ofLafayette Norwood with 146 wins. A roller coaster year tor taking home awards and hon- to top it off, we don't just host volleyball team ors tor their play. those sports; we've made the Cavalier ended wilh a third place Erica Hood, Michelle regional finish. team Mc( ice and Kaycie Duncan I'm notgoing tocomplain The fin- ished behind Barton Commu- took All-Conference first all those sports we've team honors, while Heidi professional keeppeo- nity College and Kansas CitJ de Fans' favorites: ( Stinson and Lisa Verhulst inmy line of work inbusi- Kansas 'oinmunity College. play took second team awards. s. Iwill say, however, that "The season was up down," Duncan wasalso co-MVP for lerica definitely has lost and said Jill Stinson. pret- the tournament. District hon- pretense head coach. "We played of having a pas- Ledger staff footballpicks ors also awarded to ty well at the end of the sea- were e sport. Let baseball keep son. Ihe tournament Duncan and McGee (first phrase, since it has been pla\ was pretty good compared to the team) and Hood (second tten sometime in history, rest team). in a country inundated of the season." KU vs MU vs Chiefs vs Chiefs vs Ihe District I) Tourna- The teamis quick to look ti sports, the pastime sport Iowa St KSU Buffalo San Diego ment was played Nov. 3-5 at forward to a new season. nges with age,beginning With five sophomores leav- h basketball among the the Johnson Count) Girls Athletic Association. Four ing, the Cavaliers will need to mg, moving to football teamscompeted in the tourna- reload with about six new lewhere around age 27, ment, including Highland players before next fall. living to the Saturday Tryouts will be held dur- rning golf Community College, Barton on the course andKCK. ing the first part of December, ending perhaps with Tuc Iowa St KSU Chiefs Chiefs The Cavaliers put High- by invitation,and then a short watching the World Series at W% land away early (15-9. 15 1. spring season will start in the age of 60. That's not the 12) went on to beat February. blueprint for everyone,but it 15- and Ice KCK (16-4. 15-13, 15-12). "Spring season is great serves to show that America team lost to Barton ( 14- competition for us, and it lets perhaps has too many sports, The 16, 15-11, 16-14, 17-19, 12- four year scIkx>Is take a look definitely lacks onewhich and 15). Later in the double elimi- at our team," said Stinson. pulls the nation togetherin the | lowaSt KSU Chiefs Chiefs nation tournament, the team While spring season ASM lost their second match lo doesn't keep arecord of wins KCK or losses, they will have 20 A season that had swung practice dates and four game Gary kl Iowa St KSU Buffalo Chiefs back and forth between win- dates. ning and Kxising streaks end- ed witha 23-1 1 record. Clampu.s Ledger

12 Sports November 16,2000 Men's basketball dunks first three opponents

trouble, fouling Staff Reporter foul thenended up out in the second half. At half time it was I W 1 W_m^ ___\ tied up 36 all, but it wasn't until the *"' Entering the 2(XK)season, ___M '*_-__ the Cav- second half that the team went on a ,h U ¥___?' ___M aliers are ranked 17 in the preseason nice run. In ten minutes at the end of Arnkt ip poll. the game and went up 88-66. In the Wiiii The last time a JCCC leam opened last five minutes Brown Mackie made the season ranked was in 1975-76. five threes to cut the gap down, but After capturing the Region VI in their wereunable to get out of the hole,let- first season at the Division IIlevel, the ting the Cavaliers walk away with a favaliers enter this season as the 96-85 win. ' WtW AT \ \T_\ favorite torepeat.Threegames into the "Chris Lollar,Brandon Sims, Jim- BM an. \l season the team appears to be loaded my Hubbard, did a tremendous job and has the potential to be one of the carrying us in the first half," said Jef- best teams in school history. fers."It wasa prettygood run against a The Cavaliers opened the 2001 prettyathletic team." 9^ campaign with three straight wins. The a team high __■** W_\__v lm** Lollar had of 12 home opener concluded with a tri- assists against Brown Mackie, and is umphant win overBenedictine 102-56, assists, currently leading the region in f_\W i \ T \*W\ and then the men traveled to Salina to averaging about 12 per game. Lollar ■31 MM take on Brown Mackie. who they also had a career high at 19 points. \\\__ir^m%£M I defeated in the region championship Hubbard was the leading scorer with last year, and once again came away 21 points and 11 rebounds and Ken- with a96-85 win. nendy had 1 1 rebounds to go along Chris Lollar tied the school record with 12 points. Sims had another nice 7 zm with 18 assists against Benedictine. game as he was 4for 5 for three point- Jimmy Hubbard had a game high of24 ers andhad 18 points. points.Brandon Sims had23 andMark The Cavaliers' next opponent is DeBaun had a double with 19 points Hesston,anda win will beabig step in and 15 rebounds. establishing themselves as the top D-II MM__m m "It was a nice home opener; we program in the state. The team has liHL got out of the game what Ianticipat- already defeated Brown Mackie con- __t__-_-_Z______W_W_ ___r* _ ___-__tt_____mmm__\ ed," said Mike Jeffers, head coach. "It vincingly and will look to do the same BrandonBaker StaffPhotographer was anice way to start theseason." again. The Cavaliers have yet to lose BrandonBakerStaff Photographer Against Brown Mackie, the Cava- to Hesston, winning all six previous Jimmy Hubbarddunks the ball in the Cavs'home liers had a sporadic first half. Both meetings. Joel Yeldell shootsover twoBenedictine defend- openeragainstBenedictine College,Nov.8. DeBaun and Caleb Kennendy were in ers toadd tothe team's final lead of 102-56. Women's team aims for national rebirth

Adam Hutton result of outstand- Staff Reporter 1 .--.»s ______% \V*M ing performances team on the parts of two " I.*" Si*m The women's basketball mW^W I __* "_*_._*__ returned home after an important win over key players. Brown Mackie in Salinalast weekend. Lindsay Gal- The final score was 77 to 50,even lagher, a freshman though the Cavalier women had only a from Maranatha one point lead going into halftime, they Academy made turned up the defense in the second half the starting line up andshut down Brown Mackie. this game and she "In the second half our press really lead the team in WMMMt a -*^. C^a took over," said Debbie Carrier, coach. points with 22 * "We had a one-point lead at halftime,and points. lt. m RHH 'IHL in the second half they (Brown Mackie) "She [Gal- turned it over, got frustrated and kind of lagher] just played quit playing." outstanding on both ends,Lindsay The game was so important for the —_a _M__ college because Brown Mackie is one of is very athletic," said Carrier. "She two other teams in the region and the top BrandonBaker Staff Photographer team will get a bye in the first round of got a lot of fast lay-ups ■ regional playoffs to be held here in Febru- break and LindsayGallagherspots up for anoutside shotduring the — wr mmm**** mtwm1*---tm*mm** ary. " Hesston Game. "It was a crucial game for us, said Carrier. thepress," saidCarrier. The other teamin the region,Hesston. The women's team won the national faced the college Tuesday,when theCava- Gallagher also lead the team in scor- championship last season and according to lier women prevailed 72 to 54. The win ing in the Hesston game with 18 total Carrier is on track to do so again, but the puts the college halfway to its goal of the points. Casey Ellis, Drexel,Mo. freshman coach feels like the championship will be bye atregionals. The lady cavaliers will hit alsohad 18total points and was 50 percent harder work this season. Hesston again Nov.28 atHesston and will from the three point line "I think we're going to have to work a be tipping off against Brown Mackie at Somer Easterwood, sophomore had lot harder this year," said Carrier. "Last BrandonBaker Staff Photographer home Feb. 5 seventeen points in the game against year we kind of snuck in there, nobody The win in Salina came not only BrownMackie and lead the teaminsteals. really knew who we were. And Ithink Lindsay Gallagher lays the ball in over the head of a because of asecond half rally,but also as a "Somer got alot ofsteals for us out of they'llbe lookingfor us this year." Hesston defender in anearly seasongame. Men's cross country closes in on perfect Team hopes to keep edge at Nationals

The men finished the men's team is in aposition to Reporter Staff conference meet with a near win the national meet. He perfect score. Top runners expects both the men's and The Cavalier cross coun- included TysonEdwards with women's teams to finish in try team maintained its speed 27:15, Joel Schmidt with the top three positions. The Nov. 17 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL VS JOHN WOODCOLLEGE 8PM during the final meet before 27:35 and Seth Thompson biggest goal right now, nationals. witha time of27:40. according to Bloemker, is for Nov. 18 WOMENS BASKETBALL VS NORTH ARKANSAS 3PM 6, On Monday, Nov. the In the regional meet, the runners to avoid injury CrossCountry Teamcompetes atnationals crosscountry team competed however, the Cavalier men before the meet and to main- in a regional and conference took second, third and fifth tain the form they have Nov.20 Men's and Women's basketball vs Penn Valley 7:30pm meet in Coffeeville,Kan. places. already reached in their train- "The men ran very well," Bloemker attributed the ing. Nov.24 Women's basketball in Palomer, Calif. Tournament said Mike Bloemker, cross team's off day to the badcon- Thompson said the team country coach. "I was happy dition of the course where the plans to back off on training Dec.2 Men's Basketball vsGarden City 11pm withhow theydid." meet took place. The team so they will be well-rested Women's Basketball vs.GardenCity 5pm According to Bloemker, ran the meet on a golf course and ready to run in the however, the women had that was under construction, national meet. Dec.3 Men's Basketball vsSeward County 1pm their worstdayof the season. which made it hard for the "Iexpect our team to win Women's Basketball vsSeward County 3pm A bright spot was Cavs to get ahead and do the national meet," said Michelle Simecka, who fin- theirbest inthe race. Thompson. "We've all been Dec. 6 MENS BASKETBALL VS PENN VALLEY 7:30PM ished with a time of 20:18,a "We are fine for nationals looking forward to it and I WOMEN'S BASKETBALL VS PENN VALLEY 5:30PM time that places her first in though," said Bloemker. "The think we're prepared to run to * the women's conference and teamisstill in gcxxl position." the best of our abilities. ALLCAPSINDICATESHOME GAMES second in the regional meet. Bloemker believes the That's all youcan ask"

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