Spam Characterization and Detection in Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Systems Dongmei Jia Wai Gen Yee Ophir Frieder Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology 10 W 31st Street 10 W 31st Street 10 W 31st Street Chicago, IL 60616 Chicago, IL 60616 Chicago, IL 60616 1-312-567-5330 1-312-567-5205 1-312-567-5143
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT users by their filenames. A spammer can easily rename a file to Spam is highly pervasive in P2P file-sharing systems and is diffi- manipulate how it is retrieved and ranked. For example, the mu- cult to detect automatically before actually downloading a file due sic/movie industry has been injecting large amounts of spam into to the insufficient and biased description of a file returned to a the network by naming them after real songs/movies in the battle client as a query result. To alleviate this problem, we first charac- against the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials [2][3]. terize spam and spammers in the P2P file-sharing environment Spam is harmful to P2P file-sharing systems in several ways. and then describe feature-based techniques for automatically de- First, it degrades user experience. Second, spam may contain tecting spam in P2P query result sets. Experimental results show malware that, when executed, could destroy a computing system. that the proposed techniques successfully decrease the amount of Third, its transfer and discovery waste a significant amount of spam by 9% in the top-200 results and by 92% in the top-20 re- network and computing resources.