■ I • r"'.. • ' M ------r--—----- ^ ------r- -- v : h i a u , .... /. ., V ' , _ . r ' . 1 , , i / . . ; ' .asTar',-, • ; .. w ' ' 1 Id a K b -S t. •.1.3 7 . ■ ' : m c ' ■ AFizeh^ S:tr^ ,. O re g o n S t. . -0 1 6 — 35_: ______—7A4rrl*orce—— . ..Portland St, ■i^aKiornia t o s A rizio iia ^ ta n fio rd " ' 2 7 ^ 2 9 • -Id a h o ..^ . ■ iiiram Siiott- - U ta h ■ , > 1 7 ^ - L S U : i^ - ^ 1 4 M o n ta n a : — - 3 :5 .V- ...: ■SYo .... ■ « r : ...... M o n taifia S nQT Phone 7 ,1 3 -0 9 :1 1 M o re ra m Of ute oui.ioll-fr»« nwmb«Mr« Buhk C oM lc»o/a 543 4 643 Burltfy Ropert Pow*' ------D e t u i^ s v p i= 1^7 Ooklfv Npilood 678 25^? T^li-TTrbqefvon Holl.vter ■ 3?6 5375 WencJrll M ccs^ic Valley^s Horn e Newspaper C«W>d'"(j Hagerfta?:: ^36.2535—

v o l. 6 T , N O . 179 ■TWIN FALLS, ID A H O ; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8,' 1970 TWENTY CENTS t o q u i t

By LEETREiyUINE stitutionally required “ enacting As Speaker of the House, Rep. act Lanting is chief administrative TWIN FALLS - At least four effective. officer of the House and is Idaho legislators will quit if ii' The in itia tiv e reduced responsible for-making up the vQter.-apprdvediaiLiii their pay -k(;Lslative pay to the level it had. legislative pavrdll-. s r i u b b ^ if found valid, Speaker of the t)een before the 1970 session, ‘I w ill have to consider the House W illiam Lanting, R- and sets a 60-day maximum for initiative valid, and order MOSCOW (UPI) -The Unit­ Kremlin reception held, after HoUister, said here Saturday. which legislators can draw pay reduced pay for November,” ed States Saturday ordered its the parade, the spokesman Others may also resign. ' the-Speaker-said.------top. Moscowdiplonfat tu ^smib THjid:-“Sinre'he ‘Was~the~Dnly----- Where regular checks would Lantlnu said he had been :tO-day lim it on off-year the Red Square rocket parade American diplomat invited, contacted by a legislator who sessions. total $200 for each member of as a sign of anger over the there was no U.S. rppre.senta-.— the Hoyse. Rpp !,-intine s;ilH he said he and three others would Recent biennial .sessions have ftjem lin's tailare to release tion at the reception. would have to ordt?r~6nly about Be forced lo resign if 5“ lasted longer than the GO-day three captive American Army Klosson's snub was ordered two-thirds of the pay. Twb technicality does not throw out ri)aximum, a practice which, if officers, two of them'generals. because the Soviets have so far the pay cuts, repeated in the future, could see legislators are consjidering An embassy spokesman said refused to release U.S. Army " It costs each of us at least legislators servmg without filing suit to demand their full Boris Klosson, acting^ambassa- Maj. Gen. Edward C. D. pay — a suit which itt designed Jl,500 per year out of our remuneration 'in the overtime dor in place of vacationijig Schprrer, Brig. Gen. aaudc-M. to see whether the pay initiative pockets to serve in the periods. Jacob D. B e io , stayed home MeQuarrie Jr., a n (i^ a j. James has teeth. Legislature," Lanting said. Uinting siiid court suit is from the Red ^ u a fe celebra­ P. Russell. The three officers, The legislatprj, who were “A cloud was thrown over the contemplated to test thi' tion of the Bolshevik Rcvolu- along with a Turkiish colonel, pay cuts-approved Tuesday in validity of the pay Initiative by unidentified by Rep. Lanting, tioh's 53rd .-innlyersarv and sent flew . by mistake Into ...Sftviet- - -the of^yea^. elecUpn Jjeeause jWO Ii ^ ___ cifizens ^mver-—faflkjng-^iplomat- the Initiative' lacks the con­ chose not to seek-fegislative Cou-' ed no effective date, but add­ clause invalidates the initiative ■Tnilitarydispiays; ~ WASHINGTON. 1 UPI) -The launched to intercept aiVd Minister Pierre Laporte. Hie biggest Item on display ncii,whether the lack of an en- ed it would go into effect after ecial council meeting will th e ra p y Sonet Union apparently has inspect it with the capability of Bernard Lorite. 19. arrested__was-an-SSa booster-^pabte e unable to meet bombers as well as possible ~ti(ji patc any ~niidue friction proTecl^ neeas witKOuT limitation of antimissile defense between the Republlcan- additional subsidy. system.^ rcontroUed L^isla tu re and Gov. Unlike the United States, Cecil Andrus — “ though we hpiwever, Russia did not get fhay needle him a bit now and into details of specific missile ■ then.” types .or propose precise - Rep. Lanting saifl the H a rv e s t numbers, diplomatip sources Republicans are “ not interested said. in making the (new) Governor look good” . But he said any d e la y e d political infighting would not be at the “ expense of the people of TWIN FAIXS - Heavy rain Idaho.” may halt harvesting of Magic T V statio n The lawmakers initiated a bill Valley potatoes with 10 to 20 per during the last, session to cent of the crop still in the liequire the governor to fill ■ground, according to growers. gets hod Oave Uiadwick of said be has finished his harvest, WASHINGtON (UPI) — A but that some potat&es- may. Fedetal Communlcatftlns Coro- have to be taken out of storage misiloh review board has o ^ - ly cold weafty of Board tnembcra Ke*- 'Deiriecral woifld favor bis recent weeks may furtHer SO ^inK TiififiR id sler, Josepfmn, party. [dam^«e the potato- cropr, and. all Shrine m em hen,'and Rntadl Waegettn, ace E.- Sone overrided FOC Deadly trick ... ^ . •nie bdltallH rtn p ^ ; but ■it muddy 6 elda y e deUylng any A TRUCKUIAOOFEPOO If loaded in Twin repretaMak Order of DeMtlay. All are of ' PTaminAT Forest'L. JHcOenn-- — K£VIN-T0SrM4, a five-year-old .Detnit'yoiiigsfcr;' in l^ t be intarudng to start the fiirilje^fijarv^. FBHTor the iffiimal ‘ cmv«ii~t«rtiic~Shrti^ ■Twitt FaOr^A In-aonw -araas sugar beet 0^pk4:GhadreB't^sptUd Ctty^ : Satnrday wtatnBoretlna 2t wiUch awarded the teledaiSR, hieroto. H eliaJ been In a coma ilncc Tnewlay afta- eating <|ie~' the Democrats .think. h arvestin g „has also been lowUng a rt. from Irft, H ennyi pro do ^ dettiacd for Salt Lake City and Hie outlet 10 Snake Rtver^ Valley Muuilay. (UPTT Lanting said. delayed. Ranuey, Tom N m ln y, Jim ( ^ n , Morris Roth, ~ 'SEHiic-fpdiisored iio ip fiiir " Tnci ' — T rr r T ■ - ^ - a r LiJ V

>Mary Joerger inquiring how......

«ooei^s-manipuMittng-4 arge—— - con^ercial rug cleaneiSv. -Ken sHickey-waMng-down—streetr- citizen ^rm ipfes l i with newspapef binder arm .. T6ni FretweU rubbing g o r« rlt« ^ WASHINGTONJiUPI) -C o n -, have.seei) situations_in;'which cal aid fbi- any group needing . . . Jack Claibom. sitting in^ sumer advocate Ralph Nader corporate taxpayers have used ' help in its tax refot-m drive. uniform during introductions' to - ■ said Saturday lie is setting up a their economic influence to Kimberly and Hansen students.. The campaign was announced national network of citizens obtain fsivorable tax treat- . .Steve yncoln wearing ascot. •' groups toxefonnJQcal property mfint.” in a newsletter —Property Tax. .. Rudy Ashenbrener inspecting Newsletter —publish^ by the' tax laws that he claimed favor The only way to change this hardware , . L. James Kdutnik Public Interest Research big—corporation .at,, the... _sy5 tero.w Nadpr said, is for reminding' listener of accuracy • Group; a Nader-backed organi--. I .expense of the small homeown-. eitizeps in loc'al areas to band j- o f his early a c tio n predictions zation. "rtie newsletter w ill be . together. - .. . . . Craig Day discussing movie ~proviae«rTfrBe—of-Tcharge—to— I A -spbke^qn for a Nader Local groups of citizens' -witirfriend-^^^ack-Helfrechr" citizen groups, Na^er said. organization claimed tax re- already have started investigat- playing basketball in St. Ed- form could result in a 25 per Uig the property-tax s^stem^in According to Nader, “ un- _ward;s Gym . . . Fr. William cent cut in tax' bills for home "5r^"Jersey, G eorgiarT^ps^ professional assessments, done SpFute going tb“MexIcah“d iiu w '“ . at Eden . , . Kenny Poe hauling owners and small tmsinessman. Maine, Alabama, Minnesota by assessors subject to enor­ #• “ All too often it is the .and Illinois, he said. > mous political and economic manure . . . and overheard, eprporalD tai^ayer who is not ^ To increase the size of the pressure results in a property “ It’s too darned cold to be out .carrying.a^proper share of the _^campaign, J ^^ e r_ s ^d h ^_w ^ tax system that favors large hunting.” tK-loi«I,’j5r, Nader—said;=iUn^^ihg^i|pie^l^inghouse-foi^ •e^nofnie^^teFestsi^—at—t' l i example, after example, we information," and drive techni­ expense of ordinary citizens. 1 ■ I School Ripon Society labels w ants President as bumbjer i books WASHINGTON (UPI) -T h e of the strategy on which it is strategy reminiscent of 1964.” SHOSHONE - Additional Ripon Society Saturday de- based will make Mr. Nixon a Auspitz said Nixon had books and a card typist are -.scribed 1970 White House onc-term President.” earned unified Republican sup­ TnntOTtr campaign tactics as “ a bum­ "Some face saving explana­ port with many of his policies. elementary school library, bling and excllsionary political tions already have been heard •He described Nixon as "The, reports prinpipal Jack Bowlin. ■strategy" that President Nixnn Jn prnvc that ttip plertion was best forpjpn policy F*re.sident of [I The project of the library was must abandon to avoid defeat really a victory.” the survey the 1960s" and said he has an begun last summer and, 103 C a s k e t in 1972. said,. imporlaiU but-stilt unfulfilled books have been appropriated, The society, a liberal GOP Auspitz said "Republican program of _„domestic and Mr, Bowlin states. CASKET OF Cardinal Riehnra'Cushing is guarded by a policc ■ organization, released its analy­ moderates" need reassurance administrative reform. “ The library will become a honoi' guard prior to the start of funeral services at Holy Cross sis of the 1970 election at a and may have to disassociate “ Yet his politics have failed busy workshop," the principal Cathedral Saturda/.' (UPI) ... Jiews _eonfeceDce__-held. „ tiy. -themselves— from— Nixon— to- him,” lhF'aTialySs sauT ------points-out-,--i‘.and-aJI—ages—of- President' Josiah Lee Auspitz insure their own re-election. students, grades one through and Chairman Howard F. He cited Republican tactics Auspitz dismissed administra­ NEWLY ELECTED MEMBER of the New Hampshire House six, will be allowed use of the T - Gillette, Jr. ^ that offended the moderates tion claims to an “ ideological" of Representatives is Gerry Flint Parker II, 22, a senior at facility." It said the Republican jiecfor- and Siiid: majority in the Senate and said Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. He decided to run "Young people of today learn mance this year was the worst----- "These add up'to a bumbling there was little change before during summer school and arrived badk In Hashua, N. H., 10 u.se the library as a part of their since 1964 and "a continuation and exclusionary pgjitical and. after the election. days before the Sept. 8 primary. He ran as a write-in on both the everyday school activities.", the Democratic and Republican tickets and won the Democratic principal concluded. one. Ten days prior to the General election he went back up north and knocked on every door in his HlJIsborough district. Regional O bituaries (UPI) News In B rief

B e r t S m i t h M ary S alterly Funeral Services The Twin Falls Shrine.^lub will entertain the—Knights-of- HAGERMAN"- irer.t Srnlllv TWIN F A L I^ - Mrs. Louis -FII^R - Mrs, Martha A. M agic Valley Ilospitaisr Ciilumbus at 6:30 p. m. Monday 74, died-Friday-morning.in the (Mary Ellen) Satterly, 54. Lierman, 2 p. m, Mon^j', in St. Edward’s parish hall. The Knights of Columbus are. Magic Valley Manor, Wendell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peace Lutheran church...... -O a s ^ iu A It'M K triiil------(ro m lH ig .M fm o ria l if-a briet-iJlness. . ______-Nelsnn .larvi.i . 414 .Seventh Ave. winners in the ticket sales’ He was born May 25, 1896, in E.,_Twin jla ils . died Thursday ______I.^. AHmTtted . ' . Admitted ; contest between the two grpujjs — Mrs. KreTmtngion Holbrook, Neb., and^aftended in Ung Beach, Calif., of a long Guadalupe Durbnr'Jeffrey Roxie Short and Carl Smith, for the Bruin-Nampa football school there. For several years ■ illne.ss. BUKLEY - Mrs. JuUa Jayne Bujm and Mrs. Richard both Cooding. game. he worked for the Dollar She was born March 27, 1916, S Kennington, 53, a former Fackrell, all Burley; Floyd Dismissed Steamship Line, traveling in Twin Falls, and was Burley resident, died Friday at Ha>Ties, Mrs. Dan Karen, Mrs. Mrs. C. C, Metz, Joni James, C O H K K Ml CS throughout the world. He graduated frotii St. Edward's Magic Valley Memorial Dean Dayton, all Paul; Mrs. Kenneth Widick, Mrs. Ralph married'Marie Brotz Nov, 26, Roger Johnson and Mrs. Ida Ml (; K \CK> school here and from the Tw'in iHospital, Twin Falls. Faulkner, John Korhner and 1946, in ijra n iie , Wyo, They Dalquist. both Oakley. Yl MY I M THi:i> Falls High School in 1933. She was born Aug. 6. 1917, at Elmer Whitteker, all Gooding. farmed in .Soda--Springs and Dismissed Survivors include her Heyburn, and attended Ix'wiston, coming to Hagerinan Mrs. Gene Fairchild, Mrs. husband. Ixiuis Satterly, Long Heyburn rgrade school, I J o i l ' i in 1955. Raymond Hull, Mrs. CHayton U luine Xlountv Beach, one son, I,ouis &itterly, graduating In 1935 from Burley " ^ r . Smith worked here as a Bryan. PhiUip Martin, Frank Admitted III, Washington, D C., and her High School. She attended Utah tree surgeon until ill health.. Jiunter and R n h crtja ro lim e k^ —Elizabeths-Broyles, -Hailey;—- parenls.-Iivin-Falls-.______■StaTD~trnlveTslTj^ ■at—TTyB'aTr forced his retirement all Burley; Mrs, Darnel Mabey Henry Thatcher, Carey, and She was preceded in death by graduiiting with a bachelor of Survivors include his widow, and Hilton Critchfield, both a brother. Waller Jarvis, In sconce— degree— in , h(une Viola Clark, Bellevue. CARD & PARTY SHOP rman; One brother, Ben Uakley. 194G. econorfiics in 1930. Later that Dismissed ~~3mith. Holbi otik-.-Ncfa-.v-and i Births -Eli7.ahelh Rrnyle.s. Hailey. 135 Main East s;mie year she auenuea me A daughter was born to Mr. sister, M^^ J|ck jH .^ \ „ ,iS intnU »J.l.^. ...tJniversity of Idaho. Galloway. Granada Hills, C^lif. and Mrs. George Rogers, * “ ■ «0n Dec. • 25. 1941. she was ------^^^- ' Funeral services will be H;\ZELTON - Mrs. /\nna A. Burley, and'Mris were bom to Simmons, 70, a Hazelton married to Bernell H. Ken- Mr. and Mps. Dan Karen, P aul,' conducted at 2 p. m.Tuesday in A N E A R B Y the Reorganized LDS church at resident, died Friday at the nington...at Heyburn. Prior to jjid Mr. and Mrs. Reger and aflerHierTnamagc—shr- Hagerman. Final rites will be Magic Valley Manor, Wendell, Johnson, Oakley. held in the Hagerman where she had resided tor (our taught school at Elk River. LOCATION ... Cemetery. Friends may call at years. ■Sandpoint, Caldwell and Thompson chapel Monday and Slie was born April 30, 1900,- at Burley.-^ IS such a convenience during The couple resided for several E x c e ls io r until 10;3qa. m. Tuesday and at Broabv Soro. .(VnU. Denmark, the difficult time of arrang- the church from noon until time and came to the United Slates in ye;u-s in Burley, and in 1967 they of scrticcs. 1905, settling in ULah„She_aL- moved to Twin Falls, where she clixb holds ing funeral details That is was empToyedljy the^Hansen teniled .schools at West Jordan, why people appreciate ' our Utah. On "Feb. 12, 1919, she w;(s school district .-. ■ ETHEL KENNEDY, her son, Joseph Jr., and Jacqueline Haves Brow n central and easily'accessible m arried to Joseph Lamar Mrs Kennington worked as a session Kennedy Onasls, arrive a t Holy Cross Cathedral Saturday for volunteer for the American TWIN FALLS ~ Hayes Sinm>ons a.t Salt Lake City, L o c a tio n Cardioa Cushing's funeral. The cardinal was a confidante of the Cancer Society in the Cassia HANSEN “ Haw Olives, Brown.. 48. of. 3,15.Shoup Ave.. Utah. Their marriage was later Kennedy family. (UW) ■County -area, and was a bitter fruit iuitil poison makes it died Friday at the Boise solemnized in the Salt l.ake City member of the ;\ssociaUon of tasty," was an article read by Veterans Hospital following a LDS Temple. ;\merican University Women, Mrs. Melvin Switzer at -.the lingering, iHne,ss. •Mrs. Simmons had been an die ;\merican Home Economics Excelsior Social Qub meeting He was born July 24. 1922, at Idaho resident for 50 years She Association and the PEO Thursday, at tne home of Mrs. Stratfoed, Texas, and came to was .imnrtive member of the Report given club Sisterhood at Twin Falls. Ralph Scott, Hazelton. The Twin Falls in 1936. LDS Church.' and had served as Survivors include her article was furnished by Mrs. Mr. Brown was a member of president of the Relief Society HANSEN — A report was James Keefe. Mrs. Ckirdon Hill. husband, Twin Falls; one sister. L.C. M cFarland. Holiday the Southern Baptist Church and president of the Young given on the contribution given Mrs. Kenneth Naylor and Mrs. Mrs. Bernice M. Shriner, Centerpieces and Ideas were and a former member of T\vin Indies MIA. to the Special Education Cla.ss (jeorge Nauman Jr, Mrs. Keefe Minneapolis. Ind.; and one also shown or explained by f'alls Masonic Lodge No. 45, AF She was prec'eded in death by FUNERAL by Mrs. Blake Frochlich at the received a special gift. cousin, Mrs. Anna Bridges. membenk as part of the opening & AM her husband and two sons.-^ Friendship Club meeting As part of the opening Idaho Falls. exercises. He spent lliree years with the Survivors include one 'son, Thursday at the home of Mrs exercises, Mrs. Mable Arment Funeral services will be The annual potluck dinner for CHAPEL Air Force during World War 11. Ralph Simmi>ns, Hazeltoft; Floyd Patterson. Members told of visiting president conducted at 3 p. m. Monday at husbands will be held Nov. 20, a He al^.worked as a salesman three daughters. Mrs. Keith "L'OIlirltJUted-Jnncrtrre^inass for— E;isenh«uer home and moseum-- the Joseph—Payne Memorial Vhange in the-Qxiginal daLe, at 7 Addison Avenue East and operated Brownie s Antique (Beth) Wickhaln. TU'ifTFairs; use in needed everyday items in Abilene, Kan., and Mrs. Chapel by Rev. L. I I^Mancc, p.m. at the Senior Citizen's hall. T w in Foil* Phone 733-4VDD the children can use. Nauman briefly reviewed the Store in Twin Falls. Mrs. Clinton ( l^Ree) Stephens. Twin Falls. -Heybnnr;—and- Mrs^—W^llsce- ■Twin_Ealls. Final rite-s will .:______EAUL D. REYNOLDS_____ :____ Mrs. Frochlich was program T>o^, "A House on the Strand.” —Sui civors include liis-motlier: Each member is to bring two Mrs U)la Hayes Brown, Twin S B, Lapray. 74, Route 1. Filer, (.Daily & Siinclii\ ) . 82.2.1 bring three paintings to the conducted at 2 p. m. TueSdfly at Ward Chapel by Bishop died &turday at Gardiner. N. Itv M ail former Sterling Jewelry or White Mortuary bv Rev. Rennie Counselor Don Black . Final Y.. o r long illness. raid in Advonrp -former T ittg- ana i m i Q). .Wright. Final rites wilTfollow at riles vfill followin the Hazelton a .e ^ s bom April 1. 1896, at Archie, Mo., .and was married ( D a ily & S u n d a y ) between 4 and 7 p. m. Monday Sunset Memorial Park. Ctanetery.' for exhibit during the Urban to Howard Lapray at Jerome I M o h ih ...... S2..»() Friends may call at the Payne Renewal celebration. Ad­ Dec. 30, 1921. He died Nov. 3, 6 Months...... I.■».«(> Mortaury, Burley, from 4 to B p. ditional infom atipn can be r s . T h o jiia n m—today in ± at the- ukzellon 1965. She was a longtime Filer ~ I Year’. - ...... 2 3 . 0 0 obtained b y calling Mrs. Keith church oh Monday one hour resident and mernber o f the — Ev8ns7-T33-®1^ -TWP' -PAtLS- Mrs. Wethodisfechi Bgatffgg~~RtiBei's Tlioman. 75. Prior (o_scrvicg. Suivivois - include—one--90nr TIMES-NEWS Women of the Moose will hold' died Saturday at Magic Valley She was a member of the jtohald Lapray Dewitt N V - a Jormal meeting at 8 p. m. Memorial Hospital of a long American C ontract' Bridge two daughters’ Mr5 'w ^ d a SUBSeRlBERS ■Ttieslaianjhe^,W Home. illness^__^ ______League. On June.30. 1925. she M vers.raieio .’califrr’andMR!. Enrollment will be taken and Borrf;SepTn6. iraSTTn Ufirarl, was______marrieffdto to jj ..P i;*aulj lUoman Hazel SikorsW, G i ^ n ^ , NT for service on convention drills will be given rowa. she taught biology in the in Pasadena, Caljf. Paper Deliveiy' Y.; one'brother, Milo Tannehitt, as entertainment. Members— are— - Twin F^ls High School from Survivor^,. , incliide___bee. Hattrman, and one «sked,tb bring’ a cake for the ~ I9 2 n b 19ZJ. She was a member husband, 'Twin iFaUs; one son, 'Anna Beeman, Hermiston, Cdll your carrier cake walk. . of the 'Twin Falls Presbyterian John Philip Thonwi, Jerome; Ore., and four .grandchildren. Top cattle horse owners beam as they are awarded the saddle church and during World .War n -one hrother . Rii for*winmfig->he—Waho—G«ttir»g~-)Horse Assrt^rrr-competition • in Jei^cme. T (^ F W tr-W ^ c -tm ir-O T ^ -was colesnorth^andone.fourth. effort, m received a’ Com- children. of the open class competition and state chgppionship'title. Novice- before'IO a.iri. on Sunday* mile west of Asgrov comer.on .The U.S. population in 1900 munity ifey award for this white' Mortuary will an- djyision vylnner is pron C.’ Clark, left. ______, ' ...... ______.Highway M r .o'. ^ - w o r k ^ :WM:75,m875. - -r ------^ ------„ . -■ ■./ / ■ : j r w m m m m '^7*7" f^T * f. T' ■'

Sunday, November ff, 19^ TImes-News, Twrif(“Falls, Idaho \ j

fO i NOSS C O O K "• WW£ E StRVE ,/c55 ■ V g TO lO scrveSCRVE again-a w f i L-F...... - ^ ■------. . ■■■ AmiAWLE .... . ' uiul •'■ t. - .-7 i'* ■'•.■;•.< i-'K.A ..... v \ t i c U € r FURNITUHa /• ■ -•' •i->.


^ ; p f ’ •• . ' V.-:.{S5rc'',;A , ■ t-;'

f ' ’ -. .;J ■


SALE-fROM NOV. 9 THROUGH’I ...... ______NOV. 21 MEN'S AND IADSES' WATCHES Values $55.00 TO $75.00 WITH ANY PliRCHASi OF FREE S300 OR MORE! During This Giv-A-Thon SALE!

We have selected at random 600 homes from Magic Valley & Gtujley-Rupert area phone books. Come in and check the list of Hame^sJn our s^tore . . . if your name is on the list, you win a Bertie's turkey! Or guess the weight of the live turkey in front 6f the store and take one home. K a i t l i

. Mnpic I nUey'>^ Hom e \i^ivspqper SAN FRANCISCO (NEA) — tny eerfiilj buoyahtr— e h ^ e d ^ T hit-very -weeicrsome nf h)q t raded ~contactSi: Tfflth~peop upw^d'course’ forthts country d County Newtpopcr of campaigning to 10 states arid with energy, deflaritly hopeful youthful counterparts, styling Tlien he went home eycti night' and t h e ^ r ld r ^u^uonrt^o &ec^« Street West. Twin FoHi. Idaho, 63301. by Mogic Valley Newspapers. Inc. Entered ai second cioss moil matter April 8, I9t8. at the post remember best rto searing issue ho^lesMess is voiced. ' were breaking up an east Los of us would be sleeping. He read knew he was going-along blindly office in Twin FoHsrrdoho. 83301, gnder the act of Morch 8, 1879. . and no celebrated candidate but 'This-stocky lad had' puUed Angeles ^raUy fo r' Democratic • everything „'he could git- his without any tangible new faith a young Mexiean-American. I himself away from the relative senatoriM nominee Rep. John hancLs on, with a voracious to guide him. In all fairness, I met in Chicago. quiet of a ranch in the Texas V. Tunney — wrecldng his car, appetite—lt was self.educatlon .cah say 1. k;iow I gave him - He was the cUb driver who Panhandle and plunged into the beating up an aide, endangering of the most determined kind., isomething to return. - As we picked me up_at Chicago's seemingly unmanageable chiaos the candidate himself. He wanted-toknow what I did. parted, he said: , airport and drove me 25 miles to of a modern g r ^ t city. Yet all My young friend had other .When he' Heard I covered " I cannot tell you wHat you Not AII Bad politicians',-there were no dark . have done for me. It is one of the muttertogs of disillusionment or test things that has ever hap; We live in a time of slogans, of city to pass a"iaw requlringnaW hate,- no mention—o f—the Jaened-to-me.^^ -la^ls-and catch phrases designed fresh meat' to be-pacfcagedin clear discrimtoatTdrniis Tjrowh skin ' Agimst him, with his pJast^ijc trays so that shoppers can must lay upon hin>. There were elentless pursuit of knowledge, to arouse oUr emotions but which only interest and curiosity, iis absolute refusal to complato do little to stimulate reflective see bom sides. Only a lobby by pulp about the people I saw and and decry, the politicians I thought. manufacturers has so far covered. watched generally seemed pale Perhaps the most overworiied qf prevented this from becoming a Wh?n- we . rfached my to . spirit. The young copouts statewide law. desttoation, he asked me when I firbm the “ system" looked like these words is the “system,” , was leaving town. It was to be empty shells. sometimes used interchangeably Thus two consumer groups, each four days later, at an early With this nation and the world with the ‘‘E stabUshmentr^— — — -with a-worthy goal, are.working The “system" is rotten, we are against each other and the come and get me and return me bewilderment about almost told. The “system” stands in the “system” is caught in the middle. to the- airport. Then he asked; everythtog important to life, the Another example: ‘‘Please, would you do me a American politics of 1970 was way of all meaningful social favor? When I pick you up unt>elievably dull (with a few reform, and not until the system is Since glass can be recycled many Monday, will you give me a list exceptions) and 50 were most.of completely don« away with or times, its use is being urged by of five or six books you think the candidates. radically transformed can there be some ecology advocates in place of might be especially valuable fof Democrats too often sounded " any hope of solving our problems. metal cans." But suppose all fruits me to read?" like old New Dealers, chiding and vegetables were packed in .Monday morning, he showed the Republicans for economic When one .gets down to up half an hour early and sat failures, n ie if scurry for the exammmg specific cases, howeverr -cansr reading—in—his—cab—while—I—center—on—the—law-and-order- the “system” appears to be less The—extra ccjst for retooling, rushed to get ready. I had a issue, flags flying to their often a conspiracy by^Q small, group breakage and Idded shipping book'to give him and the list of lapels, was embarrassing, ,of evil men or a plot by selfish in- weight (glass jars are heavier) oUiers he had asked lor. hor Kepublicans seemed bent on another 25 miles, we talked of winning bv dwellto^ on gripes terests than something that is built would have to be passed on to the the promise of better things, of and fears. Nobody found even into the very nature of things — like consumer and would fall most the value of real learning, of the the glimmerings of the ktod of Neivton's Third Law of Motion, heavily on the consumer who can need to find ways of moving new faith my young Mexican- ■- every action, afford, it least — the low-income people to accommodate enough American deserves to help spur there is an equal and opposite perspn. ■ot4heir-4iffo was a Vociferous dove — up nuijor anli


Dazzeiing name brand jwatch- es in silver and gold beautiful styles, jeweled movements. Special Buy! on vinyl flight ^ . L. i.\ .a - With the advent-of_permanen'f press mira- Terrific Value. 2 2 ^ ^ cle fabrics and*the' newjlamelessi electric dryer. liiggngp hnlH«i one suit, three Reddy Kilowatt has jaken over another of your Iess-thah-favo?ite - homemaking chore's. Just outside pockets, fold.i)dr and choose carefully as you buy shirts,^ slacks, Toddlefi one piece. dresses and similar iterns you used to have hanger for wrinkle-free pocking. SpeciojI Bwyt on girls ~nylon "snowsoits. to iron. Then follow the simple instructionS-On -pantipii 1.00% corob- the. use of your electric washer-and-dryerr-ai belted front, otid ed cotton in whrte ' R e d d '^ Ttiey’ll never need ironing. Just the knowledge .-kn it cuffs, limited that such a go6a”-w ^ e r i? available is ehougTi dnd stylish prints. orig. 14;98 ... NOW ,u^uantities. NO-IRQ to give a gal an "iron allergy." Your fayorHe R I

eae^MBiaiSBaca ■«»9r

t-- ■

'• J - . ' 66 -Tlm*s;i-Tlm«s-N>>ws.-Twln F»ll

B o x -

By fra n k Schell ( A few, weeks ago we had a — ■ riquestr^from:'^ a reader con­ m oney cerning a merchant's token labeled “ The Golden Flood." At By PETER WEAVER the time, we were unable to Q. I drove into an automated l^ntU y it. Now, for ^ ■ ~""=CHf=W*Bh==afiee=ikposUlng ,50 cents. There, was a loud noise a .'drinkiitg establishment in and water started pouring Golden, Colo. Hope this sets down. I Muldn’t see out the rear yow~iriiirdlit''ea^ n^.“ \ro“ werer ^ window so I drove fo r^ rd Ijothered by the in a b ili^ to - slowly. answer. , There w s n ’t any attendant Mrs. R. D., Burley: I have .in and a pip^attached Itself to the my possession some old foreign .. M front of my car. After waiting, 1 bwknotes. I wow they,are. not — decided the only thing I could do . in circulation since the- first. was to drive on out. The pipe l^Wortd^a!^tHii=diTThey=^8W-- broke and feU on my car. T.he any value as collector 's-ijter^? water was still pouring down.' One is a 10,000 m ark, The owner of the place claims Reich sbanknote, dated I was negligent and his in -. January, 1922. Others are surance company refuses to pay Polish (?) PoUka, 5000 mark, for my car repairs. What can I dat^d 1^0. Some others 1 do? — Mrs. H.D., Granville, ■wouldn't__even guess the Ohio. denominations andcountry of — A. You should call your in­ the date is also 1922. I hope to surance company right off and hgyg, an answer in Tirnes-News make a claim. l,et them deal “ in the near^tufure,“ an3~‘ap- with the car waSh insurance preciate ary'_ mformati^n you company. You st^y out of it. The U s e S e o ra Easy Paym ent Plan ~carT give m e r" __[1 . J__ insurance companies have to Answer; At the close of World determine who was at fault. Use sea'rs ThTAWlWC FOR F KElTTrKKEYlTOrinM War I, Germany and the Baltic whether instructions were clear countries had inflation of and whether equipment was 5 WAYS TO GET YOUR Deferred Paym ent Plan currency which puts our operating correctly. modern money to shame If your -insurance company on Appliances . . . M 0 1 \ D A Y A 1 \ D TUESDAY just For This Event . . . Sears Germany, especially, was decide the car wash was at m printing paper money as fast as’ First PavmenI in I'ebruarv l ‘)7l r » fault, then you can have your g possible, and before they finally car fixed. Eventually, you will FREETURI^EY I^est Polyester K nit 5 got their economy sffalghlened be reimbursed for the deduc­ ^ _____ N a m e ...... I out a wheelbarrow load of tible (ISO, 1100, whatever you ) . ()[)on New .V c c o u d I for $60 or M ore Clip and Depj>Nll Thi^it s iiandy Cou« I I currency would Just barely have). If you f^ l you- ore not ■ purchase a-leaf-of bread. Vouf— 2. R c-0|)(‘ti Y our O ld ArTTriiiii Ini' S^O u t V l o i-c — -['.Ir esses at a^ 'in y --Pr-ic-^ - p«»n ~tx;uigtr • “ * § A d d r e s s ...... notes have no value what- with your state 'insurance 11 P r a w i n g s. M 3. Add to "V (nir Prtvstnit :\cco rnil S60 or M ore ■sopver. pxrept as conversation -eommissiefh------— B pieces. They are quite plentiful, 1.. M ake ("ash l\ir('lia.se.s T otaling S6() or M ore, or"order? g iVIy I\e \l i\la)»n- I w d easily obtained in new Q. Is it true that color TV H condition. I cannot, of course, manufacturers must comply Empioyps !\oi Ell- | Purchase W ill Be ...... r>. Piircfiase X'oupon Book.s I'o ta liiig S0() or M ore Iilbl(‘. 5 speak for the ones you do not with specific radiation stan­ identify — but would imagine dards established by the they were the same type government for all sets tna^rial: i manufactured after Jan. 1, "TVom A. R., Twin Falls: I 1970? - A.H.P., Omaha, Neb. W hen ha\<^ you seen sueh sm art look­ have a beautiful bronze coin 1 A. It's tfue. The first of three ing dresses fo r so little? A ll fussj-free, would Tike to know about. Un increasingly tough radiation bonney polyester knits in all the fav­ one side is a building and tests began Jan. 1 of this year. around it the words Sesqui- Tl\e second test was made in orite eolors, popular styles, flisses Centennlal, Philadelphia, 1776- July and the final test will be s i i K e s . 1926, virith a Liberty Bell below concluded neit June. the words. Around the top of the Regulations require dealers building the words: Connecticut to have a radiation certification State Building. On the other side lag for each set which includes is a branch of some kind, with the name and address of the ;al andJhe^wordsJil- manufacturer anS the month, only Regret that I have But one ^ear and . place it was 1 life to Lose for My Country. mafiUfactur^. If you or your TV dealer nert I h e I 5 ( ‘ s l l . o o k . . . O u r I Connectlcutt, 1755-1776. Un­ more detailed information, you derneath. in very small letters. can write to; Environmental the words Whitehead Hoag. Can He^tilar Knit Health Service, Information Kenm ore D ryers * ynii tpll mp anything ahoiit this Office, 12720 Twin Brook Park- coin? way, RocVirUlfi LMd, l ops S ale l^rioeci Answer: It-i84iot~a-cpini-’niis Fam <>us~K:eiim ore lih y w l.< medal was issued by th^state of ■ Q. What about those "No' Pcst Connecticut to commemorate Strips" advertised on TV by- This is the fam ous E A B R LC M A S Illlt Uryer . . V mr, ISOttr anniversary of the Shell OUT The paper said death of Nathan Hale, who was. wprp finngprnnc Pnn \ fitil] no need to guess drying lim e or tem perature. shtit as a spy in 1776, and also to mine? —K.K., Los Angeles dedicate .’ the Connecticut A. You can, with certain_ It’s electric and fu lly autom atic , . . Building on the grounds of the reservations. The department U. S. Sesquicentenrilal Ex- n o w a t t h is lo w p r i c e ! ...... 6 of agriculture,says the strips "No! jt»>! an) k iiil lops . . . ihcM* arc* renl I S pdsition.at Philadelphia, Penn., pose no immediate danger to in l(»l> iin>. in 1926. your health if used properly, ‘Ihe nl'edal was struck by -iW?iwi-T-ttr--tx7p- -rn iir a e ll Has been noticed that the Whitehead and Hoag Co. in. strips must be labeled with a favorite pants. Ni/es I to 12. B |iilt for PERM A-PREST fabrics,, built-in lin t filte r gold, silver and bronze. Only 6' warning that they should not be .gold and 25 silver-were-stwick^ used where food is served, such, and are very hard to come by. as in- kitchens or restaurants. The bronze medal, struck in The strips also should not be 1 H O U R OI\LYI 1 H O i l SOOO pieces is easily obtained used in rooms where there are and brings about $6.00 per copy, infants, elderly or sick people. if brand new. at the present Because the product was not -tim e:------officially recalled, this warning ^ TO ^ p.ns, 7 T O T.R.A., Burley. I have a very probably won't be on most small — smaller than a dime — strips until early next year. goId-pieGe^lt-is-vary-thinr-A The warning was imposed $ woftian’s head on one side, and because it was learned that 6 0 6 4 0 the date 1854. On the other side sufficient amounts df DDVP, I S K SEARS EAS\ PAY M E M p\ \?i is a wreath, and the words, the potent chemical vapor given "California Gold." It looks off by the strips, can inhibit the brand new — does not show any nervous system, causing Our *419.99 Deluxe Refrigerator wear. Can you tell die what it is labored or even arrested ~ wor4h-and w h«r»^ could^'WU -breathing.— it? - Bl{ 17.1 tu. It. l*mily sizf foldspot Rf(ri)ifr»lor Answer: This is - called a Q. I took a synthetic gem to a with 4,8 tu. iL lrttz tr MdSELEO-O MAIlj KF, MAKER “ jewelCT V ’ token. It is not legal Jeweler to have it set in a ring. Boys’ *16.99 Bear Parkas ^tender, but Is a tokeru Jo-recent He sent it out to be done. By II sivinjj. All (rosilfM. rrvfrsiblf hinjif?. years a good many of these accident I found that the cost to have been struck, to imitate the jeweler was $32 but he S ide i!'>. a " h e a r lo o k " ja< k«;t o f p ilr llia l C J ^ adjusublf shflvM, hnvv -duty rollrrs...... actual California gold money, charged me $67.93. Is this a and you can buy a set of them blends acrylic ^nd muducrylir . . . rc>«>rs«“ il. il's “ reasonable markup? —B.lt.S:', for less than »3.00.------Moses Lake, Wash. a parka of nylon quilled to polyostor. Siz<‘>. <» lo 12. ITie original California gold A. I checked with the Retail coins have a denomination on Jewelers Association, Tand this Uierti^w itli tin; word^'dullar "u i seems to be a . fair markup. O ur Elen's Regular $25 i\ylon Tou Coats ■■ O ur Regular $259.99 the abbreviation "dol.” If no When you trust your gem to a P rinted 4.^-in. F lannelelle denoinination shows, it is not a -J e w e le r, he assumes the Lighlw eight. uarm . Roomy pockets, full zipper . . . C oldspoi 1 7-iM i. ft. genuine coin. These tokens have liability involved in returning C U T * 2 4 S A V E 6 6 * 1 8 x 2 7 - i n c h no resale Value. the same gem in the same Q uality C arpel Sam ples (Questions, on coins and ’ condition. W in clie sle r ,‘5()-.‘50 eal. C a rb in e R egular * 1.49 Ib. ChoccJiales U pright Freezers currency should be sm t to The -yards Money Box. *«!i liiiid A w a; ------— - i - ______I'- “ U-

■X — r - _..8 __Ilmw N8w». Twin Faifs, Ittoho Sunday, November B, 1970 H u ffm a n e n t t t i " e s

A i I^EW YORK ('UPD—“Public •Much-more.’^' comiltnented'-guarantee obllgationB^issufed by- nilnatlon that-Britain-niust-not-y ^^ *^M*^^»^8-tand-[n-iU-r^^,r-Ttg«^iWiiM»— t. offering-pf^ $8 ~m lUlon~y.S. M artin-Sy-HttBglnsry^ devetopers to ^help rebuild itself inju-ban slums, proper environment.’’ 'This is desired to ^preserve w r v ^ a n d ^ ident in charee. of First B6 ston flnalice new community deve-.. Mo8t stilLare-iitfder construc- the stated gpal of Jonathan, gQvernmentrguarante^ .. ..New ^^«MHptement - thfr-roMing' hillaf -CDrpOTattDir^Tearesiate' acBW" 6 8 tarninimltierATitTtetiCTtiireirBT lopHient f)W]e t . ~ : ton and many have encoun- i-'evetopment - uorp."' an3 IJi" wooded areas, creeks and lakes jQrmOian Developnient Corp. ties. “ It was the first financing There are a nuinber of “ neW ter^dperplexini^ problems.—nnt p r im ^ mover. . ly . - the New Conununir” ■>nsy towns” - in the country.- Best the least of which are th e " ® ” *'!' T. ^MicKiag|n7 presldeht w ill exceed 5,000 a cr^. Open. : ters he'adeil by First Boston ties Act of 1968 —an act BOISE — A former Twin known are Restori,-in Virginia, enoiinouss metropolitan centers and " conductor of the BSC Com- NEW YORK(UPI)—ALondo-'^ Amstedam and Ivoriaori to skip America within SOO mUes of development costs in on or_near a 30 0 -^« -“ leammjg a l r p i n r ______- ~ m u n ity-S ym p h o n y— He—w. __nei: can fly to Chicago for les&_thaAtlm tic portl and enter the -Chicago-andThat7~with i 7Tllo~co'’n'!ctron with the"creatlon of center" wmai- -mTy'Sc^ neighbprhood residential ■ ^aduated from Northwestern than the regular air fare to United States al ChlCa^o. first-class Ifetels; Chicago has the new conmiunlty, called date a wide range of education- ^ ,3 0 3 „jthii,- the project have University, where he studied Rome, if he takes 'a charte" They timed the venture to more to offer tourists than :the Jonathan, near Chaska, Minn;, al- acflvities. In addition, five . been filgd and the lots "are in flight. with Du^ey Powers and is precede by a neat interval the more crowded Atlantic port, appr()Kimately*a4-miIe8-south- -villages within the projject are various stages of development. ' Taking note Of this, the presently studying for his completion of the new McCor­ cities.” west ot Mii^eapolis. HUD has planned, each with'^jiiopulation Commercial building, too, has doctor’s degree In.performance, Windy Q ty ’s Convention and mick Place on Lake Michigan O’Malley’s bureau is busily agreed, subject to certain of from 5,000 to 7,(xlO persons. begun. working with noted Argentine Tourist "Bureau, headed by replacing the vast Convention getting Chicagoans to do things conditions, to guarantee up to cellist Aldo Parisot at Yale Patrick L. O’Malley, who runs Hall that burned a few years to make Europeans feel more- $21 million of such obligations Canteen Corp.. is starting what ago. ’The new MrCnrmirk Plare over a ten-year | ■ University. TJSVnrHOFFSKN' -at_bomo~ort-the-shores-of-lj8 ke looks like a formidable drive to is to be ready for business by an’s timetable calls for up to 20 IHHUEflTEI The Twin Falls High Sch -1 - Michigan than on the west OPEN 6730 P.M. graduate served for two years wrest a big share'of European Jan. 1, 1971. coast of the AUantic. years of development. JEROME "“- ’*~ar’’assistant^Tjrtoc!pal~w“ the'‘-‘-- ..~--jStnventlon--and--toui’t8t.-trado---0'M aller'and‘-his-comrades'“ -Foi‘'ftaffiple7feEph‘crne6boTics‘ ■•"iJtistTvhBtltlfrdTsrc'omiTiiinltjr" M «TiHnrriii[rrim :Tiibiir' iltfiiiissiciirT r^O ir , Gn'cinnati . Symphony and is ...... from the Atlantic port cities--- didn't return empty handed, with multilingual directions is Jonathan to be? MACON, Ga. presently principal cellist with U P l)—Mercer New York, Boston and Philadel- They had a signed contract to mnm ■jpmco and otticr gui des "The aim Is to provide living -CRESCENT, internatio n al PRESENTS the New Haven Symphony. He University basketball Coach phia. bring the International Tool and menus in Chicago’s hotels for ultimately 50,000 residents has appeared as a soloist with Dwane Morrison has the word More than 80 per cent of all Show to Chicago early In 1972. and better known restaurants while preserving the comforta­ the Northwestern University "KISS" in large letters on the r Europeans who come' to the For years, this has been one of will be supplied 'In several ble and rural character of the lEat irtnit awh ^^ph 'o ny and the Orchestra at blackboard in his office but it United Stages enter by those Europe’s biggest trade fairs, European languages and there the Yale School of Musicr— has nothing to do with the act three ports. O’Mallye, former actually one of the largest in will be signs in various Tickets for the concert will be of bussing. Morrison said it Illinois Gov. William G. Strat- the world, languages in many places. PROOF iMakf iKmtp available at the door. means "IWSp It Simple.'. Stu­ ton and a group of other "But our big drive is to get The new McCormick "Place Pay lim it pid," and he feels that is 'one Chicago boosters made a European tourists to land OF AGE (lifoi/ouf; gniiir oj- municnP b ff/5. will have an elaborate m ultilin­ MUST of the golden rules in coaching whirlwind trip to Europe early directly in Chicago," O’Malley gual translating system some­ BEPRE- WMPT BOYD Almost any bivalve basketball and other team this (ji^l to persuade business­ said. "Our main sales pitch is thing like the one used at the m ight g ain • c u n n i n g l y men in Frankfurt, Brussels, SENTEDII produce a pearl. sports." that they can see -tl per cent of United Nations in New York. — ^-eontrivetf — OK • c o l o r

IDAHO F ALLS I UPl) -7 The"' T e l e v i s i o n S c h e d u l e r man who led the fieht to cut back on legislative compensa Sunday. November B. 1970 — Pro FoofD^ii 5 Hogan s Heroes >0:d0 At 7 p m. on channels 2b and a. and - Pro Footoatr tf:00 tion believes the people would 11 Hogan's Heroes va News. Weofher Sports 2SL — M ovie "S e rge ants T h re e " at 9 p.m on 8 — M ovie . "T h e Sons of Pro Football 3 Movip "Thp L'trip Hu*" approve a raise in pay for leg- Kaiff gruBi'— j onn-w^avMe-Mfli s ni- ?a -J- " Sttrp Ban tt T h rao '— Pro F o o tb ^ AtOO J Foofbdii Migniighis - Mowja.i'iergcanls Thcee; islators.if the lawmakers set ii ihfs tale of western vengeance 5 - Pro Football k -Director Menny Hathaway -«nd — Htii-• ..,V- ..^'?X---V/-hi05Lkedm«c.nu(;h5__ ...... _ . -definile-^imits-on-it-;------tv • " Pro" F bofK ili'' F Bl 11 Movie 'How to Marry a 3 Carol Burner! • producer Mai Wailis_ later .leanned - DJrecnons -with Wayne »n "True Grit." an 3 - Ed SolhViir. Miii.ona'f'e" It- CiaroLifiorheti— . . —r—: -- Wallace C. ~&ur-ns, Idaha n;30 6 - Bo S uii'van . ID’*3. . . '5 —'M o v ie "M a d a m e X " "Oscar winner Issues and AnsA-rrs 2SL MOvie F /ii I I 45 7B — A g ric u ltu re USA /B Bonan/a i News, Weather, Sports tion to the hifjher fiKure they M A Y M U O N L Y .Hi To Be Anno^'U fO Lionan;.! .’B Or.ji Rob'-'»s B — Big Pacture 3 Penelope Pii^top 13 10 11 News. Weather, Sports "ignored a majority vote" of 7:30 Bonitn:.! 4 Perry Mason SATUm AY, fUNDAY S CcU’oon SptH .11 : b Mo Vie Ttu' H V evwpo nr 7bL Bjook Beat .19,000 which defeated a consti­ 3 — Treehouse CiuD B 'I Ar.cJ.-M SO'-' 4 -i^moKey Bear r ki 10.15 tutional projx)sa2 in 1968 to take SHOW STARTS AT 2:Q0 1 30 MOV, If T h.' Son*. ^ Monday^ Noyernbbr 9^ 1?JQ_^ 8 “^nibkey Bear . ------We*»therr-Sporrs ' ' the lid offleyTslative pay. a — tm o K C V 'e i’ crr------*.T to 30 on chV^nnH 11 Mov.e 7B Nows Weather Sporls ‘A/f^.terner s - BRING A FRIEND n -- Smokey Bear vn Cdmpoeli Pony boid'or " T r^ronc Power sMr'j 0 Nyws Weather. Sports "I was all put out t>ecause H.gt’ bC.t^OOi f.tuili.-'lUJr i-'' tl'. Cai-ic^a.an M0u'’t,e a»t«,‘mpt.ng to 5 — Look Up ano L vc ace the N.»hon CiJf'pDeii 10:30 they iijnored a majority vote,” Doors Opon at 1 ;45 70 — Faith for Today .V iil'tim f- Ouckley ^lop .< fnm.* 0» reDelhOoS Cree in 7B Movie ''A C ortAin S m ile " f.’OO . ■ ...... 1.34.- ... r-jy ■tlumi tfnm....uQiDa-..nn .lzxe-jAt.ie 8 Movie The Sons of Kat.e 11:40 STARTS This IS the L '*e Eldrr'* /SL Mistercxjors Rated X; I.Q. Required 5 UYU Football M .gt-'I.ijtits 7 00 5 Movie 'Kitten With a Whip" WEDNISP B u llw inkie 11 Seventy 9 30 ------I2;ia Jha woHdgone mad.. ■>- BuHwinWe 2B.-T MtSMon. impcdsmic-J------__L-Au4iv-tn—~ A»-8;4&P.M. ------y 00“ Tfi LOugh in 2SL M o v ie ■ 7he D e v iT s Bullwin-kle'...... 2SL Wild K i»>■ 10 00 i M.^ytiorr 2SL .^-^Notr® Oarne H.gn 1 New*. We.j'her Spori*, s M-iybt'rry 78 f^otre Dame H.ghi. I 5 New^ Weather Sports 1) M.WtJ.-rr , h.njs h --r . News, .Ve.irncr, l,poris •i Pfu F- 6 ~ Notre Dame Higni.g F.LLi:- Wendell L. W illkie wa.s the - i?6 — f-wce t np rjarron <* — Mw’r-' ♦'it — %Vhrr*^ 'Si f-antar.- 7-30 fTr.sf loiiihK presidential can­ ] Pace fhc Nat,on • didate to poll over 20 m illion 4 D '^covery 10 05 Jfi Dor s 0,> , n Discovery :Si News Weather SpcfMs 1 Dor s D^t votes - in 19-10, when he ran vVor'O 10 35 ■) F fTi. 1 V A H a - r 5 - - F ilm 'd O* 0 ’ H B.v „W alt ' — 1:15 fi - M eet the Pri*ss Filrned in D isn e y ■jumgubook’’ ■ 2B Pre G amp S^'ow — \* A wo m a n 3 - P rc G am e Show Prtunii 7K)0-10:00 from the 5 - Pre Game Kremlin born for love. .11 Pre G ame S^ov. 1 T hei to the ~4 -- Camera i Reports A man bom to love her. 1 1 00 • Ukfoine. —7SL - FOofLali 7B - Pro FOQtbjll urn a - Pro Footbju A>r ,t/cMnoo^ TECHNICOlOlt^-:;^ e x p o s e d HerCiie ftni M a rin e HlODtKCAMtl'H C O i^ A R faces Plo« Al 7:00-10:00 COVM^

. WASHINGTON (U P li - A ■ I Marine sergeant who voluntari-

' tieen charged - with desertion GRANb-VU • F^ILMED JUST ' and aidiog the enemy in DPIVF-IN AS IT HAPPENDED . \^«tnam. He could be sentenced PHONE 730-5928* S i" ? on tf.S. 30 to Orondvl*vv OrT^ A STORY FOR TO death trconvicted. THE ENTIRE FAMILY According to Sgt. John M. Last Times Tonite - — Sweeney, of Babylon. N.Y.. he / THREE YEARS IN PRODUCTION r~^mma-ahot and laft te die by his— Qotes open 7: QO_E.M.„ ...... 1 — fOULdW'^’WHIskERS'''^. 0 — -Amu’ican comrades.-Ihen cap-__ Ar_9:10_ hired and released by the ■ - An independent and cunous VouHf: cougar. ■ through two e»C'tmg years in a 4«-'<^erness Oonuniinists in Vietnam. He 1 paradise Kno'vn as ’ CQUGAff COUNTRY laty wc^ to Sweden ~ k * i l .He'is charged with desertion, misctwidact in the presence of ENDS TUESDAY fenemy by abandoning his and ammimtion and aiding jL -T'- 1 \Bieleneiny by, “ preparing and | H u rA ty ;3 0 -I O;3O ~ _ _ lv ' recording in his own voice pro- "iH N iiorT fiiA m r ~ fTarmrinnM and anti-American _ W . Oayl - «:30-4:30 — -^^pnpi^aSM ^ te n e n ts : n j f l l h ' l f : _ If the chaises *re refOTcd to Suti. - l3:)5-}:1S-4;30-«;3(^t:30 -ooart«u|rtial as capital TWM F/UiS - BUHL - JEROME a -a lta U M ,-tfa ^ BiIarine could be BIMIIY-BIIKBT-HilUtY L' «. ApUITS -> >1.75 UNOEff 13 — 75*

- , . -4. - .V-. - • „ V. , m' . IT rr>y-r»».r. —„— Christian- with ’ the praqflcality ' of Surrounding the main teinplQ explidned a young Ehglish-' woven baskets filled with white IfS S IG N OF t i m e s Air Force B ^ , Ala; Qiaplain Theological Seminary in In- Western picnic. _ are individual rooms where the speaking boy. “ It w ill go. I radishes, " lettuce and other Astrology interest iriff^ Copsey is presently assigned to ■ dianapdlis. He completed one At DakshinkaU, l« h pilgriins prepare their animals: don’t believe in .sacrifice but it- vegetables. .ences many manufacturers to ------— - the 62nd Air ^ase. Group at year.of duty in Vietnam. His century 'temple' in the hills Small bowls of flowers, incense takes time to wash the minds offer astrologies gifts o f jew - Coyotes feed mainly on Mc'CKbrd A ir Force Base,^ wife, Geraldine, is the daughter north of the country's capital of and other delicacies accon lepeople." JQ ifiJiG rept Plague" caused elry, stationery, pennants, rabbits, ground squirrels and Wash. He was graduated frtim' of Mr. aiid Mrs. Arthur R. Bell, =Katirtatidu^ ritual -Mcrifices—the-aninralTaihratS^d are After saj® ^ this, He wi^]ce3 68;59S deathi in’Tjondon iiri665. -glassM-and-books.— — r------m ick . — — G<}oding High School in 1946 w d Buhl. ' , — taka placfe .regularly each, sprinkled on the head before into the teniple, watched one^ Tuesday and Saturday. Tlie the saoriflce. chicken beirig- killed and - *

filled with the faithfiil bringing black goat into the temple to his forehead. chickens. enRs and goats to t>£' prepare it. S « « d water was The goats friay Ije dispatched OFliN MondayiHI killed in honor of the goddess. -sprinkled oh thiKs•W a ll goat’s with a swift slice g^ the WiukuH Kali who protects heai^ and head, tail and inside the ears or with a slow sawiflg motion, the needs of the family. - ' until the animal shivered. accprttag to one Nepalese who An egg is. considered worthy Unless it shivers, tne sacrifice "has dftSrifterfded-tt»e services. as a sacrifice beoause it also is cannot take place.. When the huge horned wpter C h r is t m a is “ alive,” according to one Hie altar, in front of the ' buffalo are brought in, they' are Engiisii-speaking Nepalese who goddess image, was surroOnded , ,Ued.wd held bv several men as was attending the ceremonie*r •‘by lovely barefoot' "Nepalese ^ e pi-iest severs .the head \yith At major holy days, enormous women in brightly colored one mighty blow. water buffalo are sacriflced.^_U After the sacrificing is ended, *aris, the hems just-sweeping c r Before the heavy monsoon the blood-stained floor. A the worshippers take their now- rains of last June, July and special priest, whose family dead animals to the nearby 'August, Dakshlnkali coiild be maintains the' temple, wielded river to wash and cleto them. reached by a 15-minute walk the curved khukurl knife and Now the solemnity ends. The down stone steps overlooking severed Ifie head" 0f~ i chfckenr WDmBn^~chHttBr~cheerfuHy as the temple. Now, with most of He thr&«. the body-.and bloody- they— pluck— and ilean— the- ’'the steps washed away, or the neck behind a^bronze statue. chickens, dipping them in large stones' dislodged, the *.rapidlyjninniagxi.ve£.----- — 'nanwTtbt5on-41ke-Toad-ls'the“ the goddess and on lesser Fires are lighted in the small only approach. images in ^ e temple along I rooms, or in the open erassv | The main part of the temple. including the sacrificial altar and flQor, is very small— perhaps 20 feet square. It is Mrs. Holmes top winner open on all sides and guarded by six frowning bronze temple HANSEN - Mrs. Isabel the door prize. All VYinners were SAVE ^ 6 . 0 2 lions, three on each side of a., Holmes was high score winner from Twin Falls. There were low iron gate. for women at the card party and ten tables in play. IVlens’ 3-Spct‘d l.ightw eipht Hioycles cooked food sale held Thursday The party was under the at the Woodman Hall, spon­ direction of the finance com­ Ml‘D5*ljnoiliil —Rrpttlm* sored by Royal Neiglibor huncilebarN, wheel rims and huh>. ^ 7^ Tiremtjersr as chairman, and Mrs. V iltuil huiul bruk.es. spriiig sadiili*. aii

TWIN FALLS - A representative of the Small R liperl borui ily (jltdguh E l *RiiginAM Aflm inistratinn wiTfha" ;^atJheJTwin Falls Chamber of im tiatcrct iiiTo icfrg^a Commerce office. Thursday. Nov. 19^ ^ meet with area ' RUPERT - Mrs. DeLayne W ri^ t serving as mistress of businessmen. ' Yasaitis, president of Beta Eta cer^o n ie s to reveal secret Mrs. Roberta Koppes, loan Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, sisters. Cards and gifts were officer from the Boise office, conducted the ritual initiation ei^changed to reveal the names 'w ill be available to discuss the for pledges Thursday at the and members read poems or various programs of the home of Mrs. Virginia Wor­ gave readings. New name: (iirls' 3-.S|Krd Li^litH<‘i^lit Bicycles agency, including the business thington. were drawn, New members are Mrs. Tlie group will hold an auction loan program. < .l)roinr*pK iU ‘fl u Ir t I riin-^ ■(•■Kulur Assistance with management Yvonne Bean, Mrs, Janel of homemade items to raise ainl dii.il — Johnsonr Mrs. Judy Huizinga- hindsto sponsor a gtrl Xff Girls' problems is also available • inM lr 1111(1 hiindlrli.ir -Kifl Htiv v and Dianne Woodhouse. State, The auction is set for 7:30 9 7 through SBA with home study in color w itli NvWilt* triin..,UefifoK»r. management training courses, A dinner was held at the p, m. Thursday at the home of and in personal counseling by Pondemsa Inn after the Mrs. Nancy Jones, 1020 I St., S A V E * 0 ^ SBA— staff- and voluntoor— initia^n, with Mrs. Larry and the public is invited. members of SCORE,' Service Corps of Retired Executives Appointmeiita .may- be SPIDER GREMLIN...the calling : ftjlls- Chamber of 733-3974 .Hirrm sjrw HRj Par-Out^pvder fromSears * 5 . 0 2 EXCLUSIVELY AT ------20+16 bike with eye-^a|>bing “bill­ X a m p F ire board” raised letter tires. Also, “flaming Regular S51.99 stack'' chain guard and'ch.eftter-BlickMar^ aides m eet t ir e ^ I^ a | rear b ra k in g gy«tein^.JBojj8* ip 9 t -flamboyanj^yeUowv .girls’ in. ItOBt Jidi^n_ Boys' 20-in. Spyder fo r lunch color . . . with basket. ^Icek-Iooki (tdcIp------R p p u Iji y S 4 ^ 9

TWIN FALLS - The leaders Liar4i rima and handle- association of the Magic Valley - ■ Camp-I ^ ‘gTrls met Thursday at the Methodist Fellowship G irls* 20-inch Hall for a noon salad luncheon a Spyder B icycle with Mrs. Paul Ross, chairman, in charge of the business session. Date books, prepared by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. James Van- 5 M 2 denbark, executive director, - were aisTfibuted" FalT decorations centered the tables and bookmarks were given as The bnsir Spyder. linn high rise favors. Mrs. Dorothy Peavey, handle'bor^, bucket style Reot. field director, introduced the knohb> rear tires for trarlion, guest speaker, Mrs. Jerry chain f^uard and bi^ red rear Me'yerhoeffer, president of r e fle c t o r . Junior Qub, who gave a talk on Girls’ 20-in. Spyder cha fm ...... Trim Spyder ityling in brilliant K r p u la r A plaque was displayed which flamboyant green with white ba­ had been received for the nana leal. Coa«ter brake for nire American Camping Association ■top«. ReanmonntedJarge reflector^ 3 a * " showing 1970 approval of Camp Tawakanl by the'association. ? Mrs. Archie Turner, co- Sears Has Everything for a Bicycle Christmas

gave instructions and A. S7.29 20 or 26-in. Speedometer* suiggestlons regarding the sale tiikr iip«yHl<>meter. tachometer -wtoh-witl-b8^i»-MeBdayr and odometer. Steel drive gear. TTie next meeting is Dec. 3 at fREVIEWmrEAinirFASHlOH 10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. B. SS.49Padded Vinyl Spyder SeaU Peavey. A gift exchange will tie Polytirethane padd^ glitter leata. Blue, featured. BY HART SCHAFFNER & MAjlX red,or gold color. Univenal clamp. HSAM ttyling m*n'» fo«htont fof. —otcnt ah«od ond HSfrM W*«k k your opportunity fe whot't n«w for 1971. C. 24-in. Backrest for Spyder Bikes Bo our guo«t! Como in ond too how HSJkM clothing "thopot upj' ior Adda rarofort. Chrome-plat^ bar. NeedA r f t i yoor now. Soo n«w mbdols, colon, n«w pettofin«7^« con’t no clamp. Hole* fit most bikea. . , bogin lo loR you How rnuch i» now—youMI hovo 16 t*« If yourtolf. D. Safc^ Refleetire K it forlBicydes , S tie ty preaaea on bike . . . relTecU Thcil't why.wo'ro colobroltng HSAM Wook, Evory doy„fl4j«_w*«kt&. iag ear-headliiJita^‘A inqat!-|-----: through »vrderhing'dopaptTn«nt.-Try onfhoHSArM^ikooyou Uko. E- Two-T«i»ie B ike Basket S— haw gront van bok. Wlute u«Uid

Sears "]Twm Falls SH O P A T

Htt'»liwnROni*C...H'fnCNtII tWIM ~ lU iU r f - ' . - J - : l- ..1:.. 10 Tlmei Newi, Twin fjalls, l^b o Sunday, November 8, IWO


■Hojntie gardeners who raised twooming is that the .twigs have" the giant “ haniburger” onions been pruned. Thp florists’ are asking what’s causing-the hydrangea blooms-on-*ood of ■ onions to rot. the previous season. The flower Onions have plenty of troubles buds Originate near the-tips of afid this veai-h tftih k voii can ^the-canes, saJLyau do prune___ -blame-^ most-of them on the thcnv,— do so right after attrerT^iiainprtoggy-or^wBt^ =WOTmnH] =feal ninttig weather is one reason why renioves the flower buds and downy mildew to be worse. This gels no flowers.' causes leaves to collapse. ^ If you’re in doubt about Neck rot is a storage problem prui^ing, skip it for a couple and is worse on immature, wet years. One sure way to make onions in storage. Well-^ied your hydrangea flower is^to dig and well-stored onions do not up the plant, bring ^t indoors Farm Fresh W hole Safeway Superb Golden Ripe get it. Brown insides is bacferiaT and store in the callar (naar ' soft rot, a conrtmon cause of bright window J. Keep it slightly “ slipperyne.ss" of onions. Not watered and when spring rolls much' you can do about it, but around' set plant outdoors. I’ll Fancy Fryers Ground Beef next year delay harvest until guarantee it'll blossom for you. the tops are completely liied Motthng /OT yellowing of U.S.D.A. Inspected Buy Any Size Pcjckage You Need down, A1.S0 apply several .sprays leaves means the soil is sweet Safewoy FYoduce . . . Always Best For Whplesomeness____ At This Low jrfice of Maneb during the latter .half I alkaline). Add some aluminum of the growing season. sulfate (1 teaspoon to two The—way—yoTT-harve.st—nm) qTKfrts T5TlSaterT to planf atTd '... store onions can make a dif- mottling will disappear. "The DISCOUNT DISCOUNT ference. One common ^.mistake greenhouse hydrangea gets its is to attempt to hasten maturity colors due to presence of lb.3 2 lb. 5 9 lb. 1 2 by rolling down tops with a lawn aluminum in the, tissues. Use j nlli!r--nr n r-rir t nf gnmw cnrt — y -the-alum inum sul fat/>,snliitlnn, li l-^b. Coptoin’i Cho Rub, This practice i.s ■ not recom­ to a times a weekly intervals, Sliced Bacon t'icklow T ' ng. 69^ Ffsh Sticks BrQwn n S*rv . 58' TexaSweet Grapefruit B.d 10,.98‘ mended in lig h t, of new ■,'f" and you'll have blue flowers. If Stirling Looded W.th N®J.» Crop %/A evidence, because it leads to you want the pink flowers, add Frankfurters Skinleit 59*’ Beef Short Ribs T«nd«»r . 49<= Fuertes Avocados Coliforn.a 22‘ lower yields, poor s'torage .some lime to the soil. full Cut It I Alwo/l Idaho quality, and increJsed Iqsses Plants in soils of intermediate Rounds Steaks U.S.D.A. Choic* . 1.09 Ground Chuck freiHly Ground ■ . 73^ Russet Potatoes Us No 2 1 20 88‘ due tu neck rot. Your test bet is acidities develop unpleasant Blad* Cut • Loaded wlih to let the bulbs complete their’ niixtiu-es of muddy pinkish and Chuck Roast U.S.D.A. Chotc* . 59" Fryer Breasts ------Russet Potatoes r. 10.?, 48' growth and allow the lops to bluish flowers. Family Pock—Fint Horm«l O' Large Heodi drop over naturall) ' a.s the root QL KSTION BOX Pork Chops & C«nl«r Cut Chops 68« Canned Hams Mo'r«ll % 5 1 4:98 Iceberg Lettuce Cr,»p 4 Furr, 24' system on the union plant ,\.W, of Twin Falls '1 have a Ronch Hand Brand local fi-d begins lo die . You can help hy ^m-1 apple tree, l^ s t year we Beef Patties Br«ad«d—futly Cookvd lb 98<‘ Turbot Fish Fillets h, . E . t r c i iivi'p thu liip 59-= Delicious Apples fa n c y 8 98' vrth- -had, more apples-than-we knew- a raKe, bin (loHnot bruise the what to do with. This year not a Crisp Carrots bog W neck as it shortens storage life. one! Not a single blossom on the U S No 1 Onions like ventilation to keep whole tree. It has grown so GREAT BAKE SHOP DISCOUNTS Yellow Onions M,[d & S~c< 4.?, 38' well Do not ,storu anything but bushy 1 can't get near it. We Garde schd b u l b . s ______want to prune it but the problem Breakfast Prunes F r • ih 2 ^ 6 8 * ‘ r; R A P F ,S f H A N G E IS, how can you tell the budded G(:>|j(>Riv— A—reader—wciUikj- TiarrtfqiirThgTm renimbs*------feemon Meringue Pies 'Please tell me why iny grapes The m ultiple-variety trees Enjoy The Refreshing Taste of Smoo+h ill hf‘rniii(Uine-kiniLi.hisI , , . year.. - 1 . ToftCTmrtted 5Pway'‘"of'3"WTT" “& -Tart"bemon nils, year thev were all white, bacauxc--with the-,5 variptjpf' Fluffy Mountains on Angel Light Meringue Why"’ " First. I'll .say that grape you have different rates of varieties never change color. I growth. Sometimes the suspect you had a grafted vine, strongest-growing varieties will O u t o f The one which had a pink, and a blue Oven and Over outgrow, the others and even­ v;iriet> grafted onto a white tually take over the whole tree. The Counter varietv 'I1if blue and pink Yau do have to^, prune for To You. ( anes Mir arms "i either died unifoppiity, .so that one variety durinij the winter, or were doesn't grow more than the pruned out ;it pruning tune, other, otherwise you're apt to Glazed Doughnuts „.K 5« Cinnamon Rolls leaving the white one to fruit. liave a lopsided tree. A good FIHKTHORN (;1VP:.S H1.ACK Idea IS to pul a tag on the limbs' Sugar Doughnuts ..K 5" Banana Nut Loaf BFKRIK.S -Pie firethorn or when they are bearing, Pyracanthii is one of the Apple Cider otherwi.se you might prune off a Cake Doughnuts 6 . , 3 8 0 Squaw Bread showiest shrubs ■ around' 'l'hi.'> -liamilyT year we’v^inijtTr^a TTTTof corn- 5 9 ^ As f ^ a.s tearmg _is^j:qn- Pumpkin Pies Boston Cream Pie plamts from pnrrfenen: disking ciTned, It could be due to lack of M4pr uy at • tn move- them arid how, would------18 Skylark Brecfd flowering time with an an­ "Peter Pan Peanut Butter Z 58" you do It"’ " 1 Slicecj^potalo Sfl4UUAe/u:yi’ SUPEiSAVER$^ tibiotic lontaininn strep­ I'd rather wait until spring to Oceon Quart ' R«9ulor tomycin move them. The reason'? Cold Cronberry Juice Spfoy Jar 51" Dial Deodorant Soap Sii« bor WIN'TERIZINC, KOSK.S A weHlher will set in shortly and tf— -Otition t-lb : 56-«< readfr WTites "To protect in> the root system has be^n “ CTanherry Juice Spray Bottle 1.84 Loaf Parsons Ammonia ------— 'ftsvrt* ■ 56e ■ro-sesJor winter I place a collar -*listijrbed7 ymrre gomg-to-have------2 5 around them to keep the,gro>und 33-01 fewer roots to take care of the :----- Liquid Plumr 0^., BonI* 78‘ intact 1 use thp flonsfa' papier Siiine amount of tree. Hot ~ Safeway Discoui^t SUPER SAVERS 1 5’ )-oi. inache (H>ntaine{.s i the kiird i;unny days; plus dnving winds Puss 'n Boots Can W used for cut flowers i The will remove moisture from the twttom IS cut out to form a Stores In All Dennison's Chili T.I", ’r : 31^ 46*0 > plants faster than they can Lake Simoniz Liquid Wax Can 1.32 collar. Now I'm trying a new it up nre result: windburning, T8te.se Towns: idea - usinc pla.stic jugs with 3-Jb or drying out of the foliage. Armour Vienna Sausage ’cl-t 49<= the bottom rut out to form a OMO Detergent p^:: PI18 IV If you can get a nurseryman * Boise ‘ Pocatello collar Do you think they'll Armour Treef " 59^ 33-ot I or a trained^horticulturist I to Blackfqot , ‘Twin Falls Lux Liquid Detergent Botft* 44‘ work’’ " ^ dig up the plants with a good, ‘ Tdoho Falls *M tn . Hom e I'd use them akmg with some solid ball of earth, you can Libby's Peas & Carrots s i " ' ^'"c::,i4’’ , ....1 Riaht Guard .soil. .Soil—IS. the best mulch - Rtgby Rupert transplant the evergreens now 7-01 material you can get lo win­ and have a good chance for Noodle Ronr 32^ A^’oiol Orodorant *P a y« H e Cpn 1.19 terize your rose.s, Sipnply Ju iljt. -survival. If you do move them up around the base, making Montpelier G6oJing Potato flakes 11-= now. get plenty of soil-and roots. Vick's VgpoRub sure you don't deprive the rooLs — Al>x>, water thc- t r-ansplants------*W eise r ‘ C a ld w e ll E S Z 3 3'voi of fle c tio n , as they can well, and doTibt let them go into Coffee-mate Creamer 66-= pcorn I t T ' 55<= Cold M rdiciry* BoftU I • I 7 placed the bottom in aTarrel of Thru Next Sunday. spray with one of the plastic Vet's Dog Food to* water— that was'six weeks ago. sprays designed to prevent * These Sfores Open^u^nday Formula 44 The needles are nice and green. wilting, 3’4-of He asks if this will root in the COPTtlOHT iy60 SAPFWAr STOIES INCOt^tATfO Jack 0 ' la irte rn ^ m s ‘ c " 44'= Bftra Str»r\gth CougK BottI 96F barrel. No. It'd be impossible to root the top of an evergi-tfen thi.s The^.Mm anac way. Sometimes a Christmas SAFEWAY LOW SAFEWAY LO W SAFEWAY LO W By United Press lotenutional tree will send out new growth Today is Sunday, Nov. 8, the DISCOUNT ♦during the holiday season and DISCOUNT DISCOUNT ai3 da> of 1970: - many feel it s rooting, but this is The moon is between its first PRICE r K i w c 'not so. Heat and water merely quarter and full phase. stimulated the buds, pausing The morning stirs are Mars ^ e m to -growth, ; The evening stArs are Mercu­ riW liite Magic^ Cottage Cheese Your U.S fTA, NON-BtX)OMmG ■" ry, Venus and Jupiter. ”Too33?ompi HxnRANr.FAS-Thp pink and- — ‘n inse barn on this date arc— Detergent PowcJert blue-blossomed -‘hydrangea- Go Further under, the sign.of Scorpio.. continues- to baffle garderters: On this day iri history; at Sofeway As .welKfi—Cnentioned many . In ^837 Mfluiit HiSl^te times, the rea ^n why it makes V^here You Get Seminary - M**sachus«tl*^ nice growth blit fails to bloom is Discount Prices became the f W college found­ winter in ju ry ^ B te buds are ed exclusively for woinen.„ , Every Dayr tender And df?out. Sometimes — bi- 1923-Adolf-tfitle r- they’ll come thru winters National Socialist stoi% troo­ .without protection (snow pers marched into a Munich protects them) and they’ll beer hall and forced the ^.they^ SMART SAVIRS SHOP AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT - Bavarian prime ■JlSnm it W ancjthaf tfca- m m ia tp,m : rwinterkilleiir— ;------rsrirearz:i03ralt3r- toz:theT:Na*t. revolution. Tlie Army broke up ; Another reason for non- t}ie meetings------/ j r ------? SPEED ■Paeifie voyage ends .,. » m 8 BUTTON ^ DUAL SWIVEL MIRROR POUR ADVENTURERS aboard the ra it LaBalsa float Indl&ns could have sailed to Australia centuries (igu. Riding the ^REGULAR OR MAGNIFIED towards Mooloola'ba, Australia, ending a ISMay 7,000-mile Vnft are Modena of France, Vital Alzar ..of Spain, Norman SOLID ^ 4 LIGHT SETTINGS- voyage across thi^ HacUlc OeeflB'ts prove Itfflt South Aiuerieau------—Tetfcnnult^PCanada-andGabrlelSalasjiUjhlk . dJPl)______STATE- DAY-HOME WITH ® AUTOMATIC R ap disappears TIMER

not been seen since March

By JACK R. PAYTON niittee (SNCCI is hiding out in wanted them," says one of hl.s in Detruil following the riots — NEW- What t^pened to Hubert ed by his radical 'CQlieagnes. . jLajLlhatJund,oLrappQttJ-__ . city!s blacit uhetlos. 'Gerii'dlffiosm JlZtthets-claim -he -has- left-the —;-That- year- Browu-spflnt—Uie— £to-tto-ni(Jht-of-.Jul>v24T-lWi7i “ Tw‘o~years ago, Brown was coiihtfy foFCuba, or for Algeria ^luruner'wTt^i his older brother' to n top of a car in the hero oL tlie black power to join Eldrid^e qeav^er, the Ed, who was a student at front of a •gtietto. school in movement. He cxjined the Black Panther party mmister "Howard Uiiivei sily -iji Wasliing-- phrase, 'burn, baby, bum," of information. ton, D.C. He took part in group nf blacks: and said, "violence is as No matter where he is, if he several civil rights' picket lines “ If America clun't come American as cherry pie." He - still lives. Brown apparently is and got to know leaders in the around, Uien black people are was called Rap. convinced he can no longer Non-Violent Action Grolip going tu burn it down. ' Rap Brown has not been seen function in an /Unerican society (NAG) and SNCC. Following Ihe rall\. he was walking a young girl home at pubhcly since last March 7— which he says imposes white Durmg that time, he ap­ Uie head o£ a crowd of blacks two days before two fellow middle-class values on former parently still believed tiiat when siiolgun fire, of still militants were kiUc'd in a bomb African slaves. , integration of blacks into white undetermined origin, broke out, .explosion at Cambridge, Md. BrowTi kni^' about middle- society was the solution to injurmg him slightly. During Fellow militants say 'Brown class values. racial problems. the tense night which followed, also was killed in the blast. He grew up m a middle-cla^ According to his friends. the ghetto school was burned Police found no evidence of Negro neighborhood in Baton Brown's attitude on civil rights -dow)Wi»d-€aiHbFidg<»-had-a full- -this:------Flouge, Ea., where fils father took a radical turn after the scale riot on its hands Assuming he.isjlll.Ye. JBrflivn— was a labor-er—at—one—of—the -summer-of-4964i------following (lay Brown ^'as has managed to slay out of locgj petroleum refineries. That was the year he spent a arri'stwi'tri Ali-xandria. V;i. He ------stght-atnce—thtit tiriie, desprt -m OTjth-in Holme.'i C

THtt chftic" rf o Vfohh' "chccV up” for, . - yom-w,»««hich M ’ %pected, both m*colty ond tlec- * tfieolV by Th€TnosT modgnftetrrqwp- H , meof. You will b« with written reootl i f our 1 • mgt, of fhe conclution * ^ PHONE 733-«721 FOR APPOINTMENT ¥OU>R&eNCOURAOE(UaWAIT^ITH.YOUR CAR AN& TO WATCH THE TEST PROCEDURES. REMEMBERIiyiS^^

.. LYNWOOD SHOPWiap CENtER m II open 9 a.m.~d p.m.'Weekdays, 1 0 a.rn.-7'p:ni. Sundays ' 4 C ' CtTfZ|^ PISC0Ulif^^^^ Main Ave. South ..; Phone 733-8721 ®. ___LI___ ^______

,.' ------O F D U T C H E S


/ — - s FREE W e've got fantastic new merchandise that will interest PRIZES every per^n, in Magic Valley (and beyond). CoWe“TiT‘'~- and _^see. Qur newly rennodeled and enlarged store, FREE you'll b^pl^asantly surprised with the added room and the additional merchandise we're able to display. -And diirinq our opening we're qiving FREE TURKEYS with major purchases throughout the store. Come in FREE and say "H/"/ TOYS FREE F O K T H E KIDPIEIS TURKEYS C O M E I N S K E O l'R NKW LY HKM ODF.LKl) S'1>)-KK: YOU CAN BE SURE IF IT’S


W ESTII^GIIOlSi: LAUNDRY FREEZER I \ i>«) $ 0 0 17 (!u . E n o i ...... 299 WBSTi^WHWbfKE— ------TEAM::;- REGRH^ERATOK Mod,-I H n 77 I .11.VI 17(11 H. \'.l|u.iiihl."hrlv,-- * 3 8 9 * ® WESTII^GHOtSE RA^'GES^.t-<^.n.,------Kr ......

" ^ m o n e y i W E ^ t ^ E A T p-N’S 'B E A--liT-VR-ESX„ A N Y P R IC E SLEEP CEl^TEK IN MAGIC VALLEY

l)elii\f MATTRESS AND BOX SPRlNi.S W- $ A A 9 5 d i s c o u n t NEW HOOVER, THE COMPLETE l . O V t \ b Convertible.; CANISTER SIMMONS SAVES MONEY. Beals, as it f lo a t . s sweeps, as it cleare... carpels last longer. SAVES o n a i r y««- TIINE. Large thfow-awav bae fH ) (H tllirvij; needs changing less oflen. +H+ tH iiiiilH '- ^Qmc.s..ia-ji>e-rrir u— ------— *^Qrpfits m o e/c ------. n i^ rliv e s 50* more suction) busmessrCdmrin^. - ^ -with attachn)ents. Cleaner adjusts to rug piie depth. PUUS We cany dispo&able-bags foe all clearters. • Powe'fui Motoi' P e o p e m n c S p e c ia l .. • Alt Sleel Consliuclion CKNTENNIA'- • Wiap Around Bumper Guard iVYLOiv SHAG • Convemenl Toe Swilch orF.F.N SIZE h e a v y M ATTR ESS o n e i n c h NOW AND DELUXE UPRIGHT S p e c ia l! m SPRINGS •‘’q. n r o

FURNITURE d .APPLIANCES JMEM FIJRTVITIJRE Tm.maiom m u l A y^ eluee the ^ ARRIVING DAIUl. YOU WILL HAVE TO ViSlT OUR STORE AND I a .\7.' 11 • r.s7.:/> LaZ- I OESim - . Boys CHAIRS (America’s'No. 1 Recliner-Rocker) iu st rfceived. f OUR C A R P Ft ni?r* * « DEAL WITH DUTCH” d e p a r t m e n t J ^ YUWA Y NOW FOB CifRISTMAS - . By GEORGIU LAYTON n o tT d ^ k re-election. ^ mvernmentsfor use In road and too nifiSeroM to mehtrori, M d to "Tbnea^Ne -BURLEY - Robert S a ^ G olfin ^.F ellow sh ip s. at St. at Bellinfiham. then was af- ^drew3rScotlandrln-l96fma=^Hated~‘y ith- a station^ w a w e im a v anveTTie saiHT in P am Springs, Calif., in 1968. nearly 25 years, does not bplleve only tenas to bUlld ^orfe y^~ i^tH in '~tiie~t!8aiity, The'only ptottb rH fl "would ^ Boni Ja»r.-13;1930r andTaiaed "TOl t t r in any level of goi^mment government jobs and...more lUeves. allude to is that of “ common on an Iowa farm near Decorah, .^ tio n in Burley In 1960 as sales doing Its own ‘‘empire opportunity foi: red. tape and He feels work should continue sense" and the ability to listen he was graduated from Decorah mwager and sports director tKu-eaucracy. ______on development of the Raft to the voters,’’ Saxvik said.- High School in 19^. In 1951 he aiid assumed management and ______jlectioi; lajpseefe;' Noting that he was against River and Oakley fan areas. Saxvik is vlce-presidiMi£“ ahd entered the tl.S. A ir Force and part ownership in 1962. defeating Sen. Joe Preston, was l^,______^ litic a i promises______which____ cannot“ I would sw k methods for the gjeneral manager of KBAR senredloiiir and one-half yefiris Saxvik and his wife, M iirilynr ----- eonsidered-the^politic41-upseUof- hp kppt, ‘Si^icvik npknnwlMlgwi • sfntfi to r etum. more school Rjiiiln .stfltinn,-Burlev. He is a jis crewman on B-29 and B-36 j^ y e one dauehter Robin, and _ the elecOon in M apc VaUey his election was the r^ u lt of monies to a local level^ rather past president- ol. Burley "aircraft, in. iJtrategrc- Air o„e son,'^c. They reside in _ . since Cassia county—is_-weu, supporll)rindepenaents as wejl "than funding “ unnecessary chamber of Commerce, Burley Command. He.,flew:'24 missions B u rl^ . M rs .. Saxvik is also ^over^North Korea on B-29's and known ^ S i" a HepuBIfcan "s^Voters"ironr-tK)trTiiajorr-BdationstoffiFSatelfniver^ty"Tt5tary~Cliiljr"tdahcr"Stat{r ' active in eoinmunity affairs as stronghold. The last Democrat j^arties. , ; and CoU^e situation,” stated Broadcaster’s Association and was a w a rd ^ the Air Medal a member of Burley Sorop- to represent the county in the He believes thg state Saxvik. ■' Biir,ley Men's Golf Association, with one Oak Leaf Cluster, tlmist Club, Beta' Sigma Phi F irs t in 25 Tears statehouse' was • Clarence government should make more ■ “ There are many othei" Presently he is serving as In 1959 he graduated from sorority and a Pink Lady at Western Washington State PhiUips, "Declo, who , served meaningful efforts t« return tax matters wtiich I have' views on executive vice-president of Cassia Memorial Hospital. ROBERT SAXVIK) Caisia county’s newly elected senator,-, from 1946 to 1952 when he chose dollars to coOnty and' city ^ Idaho Golf Association. H^ College, Bellingham, Wash., expresses his political philosophy. ■ ’

Ti.mps News, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, Novembers, 1?70”

TBfRUTHMILLEK Times-News Staff Writer decorative supplies in the core for evergreens and perhaps Businessmen also discussed TWIN FALLS - Three area! Decorations previously liiihtpoles in the mall. A group the possibility of changing the hundred strings of Christmas displayed on the main strip are of College of Southern Idaho regular late opening night. Most lights will be purchased to trim not usable in that area since students has volunteered to stores now remain open on trees in the downtown mall in utility poles which held the assist in the decoration project. Friday night, but many feel Twin Falls, according to a trimmings were removed in the The lights will arrive in Twin Monday night would be better. cleaiiori reacfiecT'TrfCtny^’af^ improvement-progranh------Ftrfls^tts-soonasiwssiblOr-EUson- tcrnoon by a group of Merv Edson, chairman of a said, so decorating for the Those attending the meeting businessmen. decorating committee, said holidays can begin. voted to keep the_ Friday Merchants operating in the lighLs for deciduous trees alone Further plans for the Thur­ opening in effect until’ after the ImpriivementsectiDn also voted__ will c-oat more than -$hOOO. an sday. Friday and Saturday- first of the ~vear.~In the mean- to provide additional" outdoor average of about J30 apiece for' grand opening of the newly time, a committee will poll decoration on a volunteer basis. 40 ■ businesses. Lights for completed mall also were downtown and Lynwood Because a plan for decorating deciduous and evergreen trees reported. All lights in the merchants to get a majority has hot'"' been executed, would run about $2,000. section will be off by 6:45 p.m. opinion. businessmen at the meeting felt Ilie group voted to purchase on Friday and go b a ^ on in a There also is a possibility of it _u«>uld—not—be—feasible—to_ iiehts for nnlv deciduous trees lighting ceremonv at 7:30 p.m „ foregoing a late opening night purchase additional decorations- . with, the. cost to Iw pro-rated, aec'ompanied -by •' ‘all- the noise- during the slow merchandising M oderirt^or Camp .qntil—4^?4-r—-Merv Edsonr dependinc on tha^ize- of-.the- possibltj^’i^— ------;— months of January- and- chairman of a decorating store involved. On Saturday jets from February, according to WALLS ARE being poured for two buildings at the Paul labor which were termed unfit for use according t« State Health committee, also pointed out ■ Businessmen w ill then Mountain Home Air Force Base businessmen at the meeting. camp this week. The new facility will replace old CCA barracks regulations. M a rq u e e Shoshone Special pWa made Burley coiteert W all poured planned business for blood in T.F. slated Monday redecorated -TW1N-FAW.S— A_spcmL the needed blood relatively BUKLEY — James Sch- rare. .- ,, wahnrhpr, tpnnr, w^ll hp^ the SHOSHONE - Redecorating plea for AB tj-pe blood, RH at new cam p by club Tlie 'IVin Kails drawing will \-a rtist at 8 p. m. Monday, for the and alterations at the Palace positive, nt“eded at tlie Boise A SHOSHONE CHnSHONP' —_ MptnlMembers of blood center, has been made in be held from 2 to 7 p.m. at the Mini-Cassia Community Booster club wiil-asaiat-iti- PnnI hall .-irf iinHpr a r n y , r p p n r t s new owner Alvin G orrell, connection with the Red Cross Anierlcan IjCgion ha(l and at the PAUL — Concrete walls of table to any height buUduig or uistalling a marquee at the high drawing here Monday Kimberly grade school from 1 to building floor plan. Walls school grounds, r-epopts Russell Gooding. two buildings at the Paul I.abor Mrs. Violet Oneida sold the ■ "David- “ 5 p.m.Tuesday. varying from four lo 12 inches Scott, president. Camp were poured Thursday by business after having managed blood program chairman, said Earl Haroldsen is honorary thick can be poured, usmg these New memtiera welcomed to Magic Valley Sand and Gravel, it by herself since the 1960 death at least 14 pints of blood arc chairman of the coming drives forms, he noted. the club membership were Mrs, Burley, Otha McGilL owner of of her husband. The Oneida required' for an open heart and the mobile unit will be the finmrsaid.- ,11, Is a much taster method Melba Gray and Mr', and Mrs. surgery to be performed Steking 150 pints in Twin Falls -Wayne Bokot*.------— brothers bought the buiiiness'in McGill is franchise holder for ~ffi'an~QTc~old wooden-furms, he 1925 and operated it jointly in ‘muTsday, uwurdtnB-io a,letter ‘ drgwliig said. The pouring of the walls of Coach Edward Sandy an­ received Friday from Dr. E.F. If the quota is reached this a new type of form, which is connection with the sheep conceivable aspect of vocal beuig used at the Paul Labor the county weed control nounces a wrestling match for Sestero, director of the regional will mark two full years of 12 business they had in this area. repertoire. building and the recreation Dcf,.} at the local school, with blood center. consecutive drawings since the Camp. The forms are of per­ A.F, Oneida purchased the He has performed some 14 building for the camp, took only, Wood R iver team, Coach Only 'fo u r per cent of all local area has'~failed to meet Its forated metal, put together at business from his brothers and different roles with the_San__ three^ and^one-half hoursr~hc- -W illiam Olosson states4he_first_ Tieople ty p ^ have ~ AB~type goal.7 Nelson and Haroldsen the top with two-by-fours lo hold operated it until his death. Francisco Opera Co. and .bag said. The walls of the buildings basketball game will also be joined in urgiiig, community them apart and then clamped. Gorre.ll has been leasing the blood. Nelson said, and of this ^ been the _ leading tehor.".ijtlhe_^ poured at the camp are six played Dec. 1 at Castleford. support again on Monday, They also are braced on eaCJl Miramar establishment in four per cent, about 85 per cent Carmel Bach Festival for 15 inches thick — two inches of Burrell Williams stales JAMES SCHWABACHER side______^GoodTrig: : ------=havc-the-positive t ype, making.. years. The concrete is poured in, insulation and four inches of SSmpTes of jacRefs for~1he^ then troweled off smooth on the concrete basketball teams will be here outside, McGill said. The forms A truck with a concrete pump soon. Ferry Hadlock will fur­ 'are left in as part of the wall, .is used lo lift the concrete from nish emblems for the jackets. making them much stronger the mixer trucks to the top of S h o p p i n g spree net§ house than ordinary 'concrete, he said. the forms. This pumper truck is This is the first time they being hired from King Con­ By PHYLLIS K. COLONNA fond of the home they were looking for a fam ily. ,baS£m^ent,_31ieeLi!JL55 feet. Re Vickie. 14, chose blue and hav«ieon-uscd in Idaho, McGill struction Co,, Boi.se. Tlme5-VewyCorrc»pondent already,,living in' Wnlt had J L belonged to the F irst is perhaps the only man in Twin white, with a princess valance said, as they have only been The boom of the truck can B u rle y TWIN FALLS - Most designed and built it himself, to Chri.stlan Church, and was on a Falls whose basement cost above the bed, and sprays of manufactured about eight or reach 60 feet across and 100 feet husbahds are indulgent about exacting bachelor part of the church's l»t needed more than his house. daisies. nine months. A- two-inch up. McGill .^id. their wives' little shopping specifications — which is what for parking - space. Con­ Inside he provided space for Danny, 12, chose brOwn and , styrofoam insluation can be The forms were designed by m a n h u rt he had been at the time.' sequently it was offered for sale furnace room, work shop, gold, with leopard skin drapes added to prevent moisture from R. E, M e rrill, M e rrill excursions. But some afternoon how But after he altered his for $1,000 to anyone who would photography dark room, and spread, and a bookcase full leaking through. Development On , Eugene, Ore. would you like to ask - scarcely bachelor status in June, 1%7, he move it. showers, storage and family of his own carvings and per­ McGill said they are adap- in crash bothering to look up from the brought back to his three-room The Blaylock fahilly went to recreation room. sonal effects, as well as books, bungalow not only a bride, but lopk,alJt loKether. It wasacase amen this was doniuJttie-Lattac___jaiOfij^-gM -aariens^lK. . BURLEY - Emilio F. find to buy today, dear?” also IheTjeginnings of a good- ot mass love at first sight. While part of Ramos, 17, Burley, was listed in And hear: ,‘‘ A two-story, sized family — Randy, Vicky, -the parents discussed the pros moving the house began. flowers. Her collection ot -good condition Saturday at seven-bedroom ,house, with a Danny and Sharlene. and cons of buying, the children It didn 't procced without miniaturehorses stands close at Action panel held Cassia Memorial Hospital from glassed-in front porch. How When Melody joined the ran upstairs and picked out difficulties, large and small. hand, ® injuries received in a two-car sobn do you think we can be fam ily a few days a llef. their rooms. For instance.-the day after the Joan-made the curtains, and - , accident at 11 ;55p.m.Friday at ready to move it?” : Christmas in 1968, Joan began Once Sie decision to enlarge house was jacked up off the matcliing bedspreads. ^ by church women the intersection of Eighth Street This is more or less what to feel that perhaps the tune had hving quarters had been taken. foundation, vandals broke 28 Walt and the boys weren't and-Conant-Avenue, Burley. happened to Walt Blaylock, m m p tn aHH " hoiisp” lo her Walt entered into it whole- jdndgws idle. There was a new floor to TWIN FALLS - Church ■ aide with the Extension Service, Ramos’ car collided with one proprietor of the Twin Falls shopping list. heartedly. After clearing space A considerable obstacle was put in the- Wtdien, and a“ Women'United ot i'wm i'a lls workuig w iui _unaerprivUeged driven Uyi-JatA lU Ilu lliW iiL 55. ' CamBTa CHiitM. last March Fortunatply ihprp was nhn In _tQr-the_new house bv hLs or- the size. The largest hou.se ever stairway to build from the joined a worldwide com­ people and Roma Ricks of Burley,,who was going west on N otth^thisw ife, Joan, wasn’t -the city a t ihal^tim e, a h o u ^ chard, he Jjegan digging la full moved in T w ji Falls, in; some basement--the-house had to BB- memoration of World Com­ Church Women United. Eighth-'Street, The Ramos areas traffic lights » id electric rew lr^ and^hew^pluintrtn munity Day with a panel A panel discussion on the vehicle traveled about 80 feet wires had to be taken down installed, and there were two discussion and speakers on theme "Use A Key for after theimpact, coming to rest ■because of its height'. In other fireplaces and J^_ J h te w to ry "Action in Our Own Com­ Tomorrow — Education” was on a lawn, pohce said. areas, u tility poles were chimney” to be laid. munity” Friday at Valley ■directed jointly by Mrs. Rudy Ramos was dted for failure to loosened and tipped sideways With everyone pitching in. Christian Churdi, Ashenbrener 4nd Mrs. Edith stop at the stop sign on Conant because of the- width. including two-year-old Melody, Speaking on the theme of Robertson. Panel members Avenue. Both vehicles were Nevertheless, after two days the house is — if nbt finished — ‘faction” were. Paul Swfft- included Mrs. Ruth Brown, demolished, pohce said. on the road the house was at least ready for occupancy senburg, representing the Child Mrs. Ralph Nelson, Mrs pettlcd over ita hawt bawment batora winter weathir,______Development center ot ■ iW i Herman Woebke, Mrs. John and the family project of The family isn’t quitting- Falls: Rose Marie Fairchild, an transforming new house into there. They a l r e ^ have plans Vance and Mrs. Emma Steffen. j V l e e t S e t Mrs. Esther Hatcher Is new home began, ' ■ f8f fefflisdelinffthekitchenrand- president of Church Women_, SHOSHONE— ^a m te r Fortunately, the Blaylocks ^e a do7t-your^rTamify. TwjBgfeT^OfliSZIH^*!^^ Joan's mother, Lola finishing up the work thQrVe Ashliman from Providence, already started. WalTuid Joan P TA elects Utah, came . to -sp ^ a wwk. fed it will probaUy be anothw Mother, daughter and'' grand­ year before they have things daughters began spacMing, exactly the way they want officers sanding, papering and painting. them. ; J la c h child chose __ the__ In' the meantime, most MALTA — Mrs. Jeanette Wood River slated decorating scheme for'his own' hiiabahds'afC"1ndulgent~dmit ^ Bennett was elected president room, going ttrough boota and Oie^ir wives’ little shopping . of the newly formed Raft River SHOSHONE - . aeaning of Howard Adtans, reporting to P X A jL a meeting at the high L ittle Wood R iv e r' through the^club on tte propose*^' park '.... - - ^ wanted. Hieneadihelp^ apply 'and find' - - a really good — -sdiooLHiursday*:- - sign proJect,_s^d^«ttct type of the p ^ t he had chosen.' bwgaln. • ■Shoshotiir teill .be -done^^ abo^,- V Mrs. Charies V^srd yas Nov. 22, reports Myron jbhn' “Sgn has not be«f adbpt Sixteen-year.«1d Randy, in BttfTwrn'inahy thejaxMttthatOTwlMlri Bla ta ’s B JIMr- ' named vice president and Mrs. son, committee member, from to hifcuway department Family ivdei to w orK we-ot -pagulations Big J Sw im i^' brought home » Ward, a member of the bo&rd of ' Dean Durfee, Howard 'Hill -jgrVi™~RFTWflQM liome pnrdiased by Mra. Wall BlaylKk andirnte,.;^ seven-tedrooD boon the club’s projects of thejear.. m trustees, discussed re-«oning of Water in the American Falls and Harold Williams w'ere dnring a “slwpfiliig:iivee” has been reniodeied i^TJre-Twla hi the trustee districU within the cw id will be low tboi and little welcomed as new m m bers of rab famOjr aiui, altfcangb not tiaite flalshed, was ready (or araround the light, and sword h ' ctntn o e e a ftm j betee wlater,we«tlMW set ta. Tie BUytecks Junre wWalt brbogbt iMCk from Ger- BigrWoo^ jUyw.__ HiMty rn n r^ plaSTTi^ the larKtWO-storvliOMe mirtv otf the'?^. . I ......

, i : 4 ■ “ I" ' THwe»'New», T w lii" P alK v m atiB'-"x ^ u nda y; N a^eriifaBi a.-i f y

, ..1^

PHONE 73 3 -0 3 4 2

TWTO FALLS — Residents'in Avenue-to about 650 £fet east of BLUE UKES SHOPPING CE^EFT ALWAYS SHOP OSGO-BUnREYS FAMILY SHOPPING^ CERTERT the vicinity of Addison Avenue the intersection center. West were reminded Saturday Washington Strie^t would be PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY THRU WEDNESDAY ’ STORE HOURS: & a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday — Sunday Hours 10 a.m. .to 7 p.m. of the hearing this week on the wideried. and ' rebuilt from ■ ^ _____•...... redesign of West Five Points Second Avenue West going intersectioif. . north as far as Shoup. Avenue. 2 4 COUNT 1 POUND The public hearing, con­ Main Avenue would be ( ^ V ia p faV ' 16 ounce ducted by the- state highway narrowed to permit entrance Vi ..board, wilL.be Thursday at.2 r, only from the intersection, A 20 ^UCRETS m, in the America Legion Hall. foot, one-way entrance onto City Manager Jean M ilar and Main Avenue'**<^^m■ the in- ^ R O A T LOZENGES Bacterial Cleanser p o n d ’s : D M S m Mayor Frank Feldtmamirged^ “ tersection would'W provided. REG. OR CHILDREN dry skin cream good attendance. Interested Highway eagineers have Reg. $2.49 CREAM riti7pns may give'__or al -j:alled for iL basi£_dght of way . testimony during the hearing or width on Addison Avenue West submit their views in writing. of 99 feet with an 81 foot curb to 7 7 Redesign of the intersection curb roadway section and a 16 $ 1 4 9 which^carHes^some-Ur-S. High- —foot-raised-median^This-would- REG. way 93 traffic from the south provide four lanes of through REG t ^ P ^ and U. S. 30 traffic from the traffic and a right turn lane. ~w6st into Twin Falls, caljs for The north side curb line would MODEL 4 0 5 2 reconstruction-over about one be retained west of the in­ MODEL WESY BEND GENERAL ELECTRIC IM l —ijoarter of a mile, tersection. 5 4 0 8 WEST BEND ,— Wofluwould-begin on-Adrii.son. On AHHUnn Avpniip proper, a ^UTOMATII Avenue West, about 470 feet basic width of 98 feet would be UART iHghtelHlltFFO ■ wesl W the 'iniorsection-x:cntj.i:- ohtjiincd—to includc—roadway - Four jeparole ligtil iei^ tingi, 10 itmulote different and extend east on Addison curb to curb width of 82 feet and • AUTOMATIC HUMIDISTAT , lighiir>g moods ... ----- four travel lanes. - • QUIET OPERATION There would also be four C D iar” Office/Home.ondEvenlng, • AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF travel lanes, a right turn lane • Duol swivel mirrors lilt • PURE WHITE ADJUSTABLE hwuonlQlly.to ony angle. H o n o r r o ll and a 16 foot raised median on POPPER FILTER BELT • Regular Imoge Addison Avenue. • 8 1/2 GAL. RUSTPROOF • Mognified Imoge announced kigni 01 way width—»tt- RESERVIOR Washington Street North would Tr-VERnCAtnftlR1>tOW=Ne- be 82 feet with 66 feet a t curb tQ — DIREeT-DRAFT k N - H a ile y curb-roadway, four—li • FUU VIEW WATER LEVEU h i traffic and a 16 foot painted tEG. $5.as 9 9 9 5 GUAGE -M.'. HAILEY — The first quarter median. STURDY POLISHED • DECORATIVE STYLING honor roll for the Hailey Junior On Washington Street proper, ALUMINUM SAVIflO.OO WALNUT VINYL FINISH High School was released this running south of the in ­ week by principal Phillip tersection, right-of-way width Homer. would -^-86 feet-providing 66 Those receiving all A's were- feet of travelway oeiwe MODEL 70164 Rocky Sherbjne, eighth grade, curbs, four lanes and a 16 foot 3/8INCF Vanessa^Sabala,-seventh.eradev^. -caised.median. ______and Kristy Lanier, sixth grade. IJoyd Barron, state highway 8S Those receiving honors, with board member, said right of two A’s and the rest B's, are way acquisition is planned to Ralph Shirts, Layne Zickt;raff, begin in 1971. AKreements with Glen Haar, Rexene Turner, utility companies and the city of Juliei~Garatea, Terry Mc- Twin Falls would be required POWER HOUSE Pheters, Louise Heuston, and the project would be Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Karen financed as a Federal Aid HEAT DEFLECTOR 2-SPEED Gillis, Amy Rowen and Peggy Traffic Operations Project for • FOR HOT AIR ELECTRIC Swaner, eighth grade; Kelley Improvement of Safety HEATING SYSTEMS REG. $16.88 Ann Gillis, Patty Shaw, Stacy Capacity by the Idaho • WALLS-CEILINGS, Sproule, Pi^tli Syms. May Department of Highways and CURTAINS, DRAPES 7 7 DRILL Terra, Kelly Thurber, Susan federal government. LAST LONGER— GEARED KEY CHUCK slflly -----Pl.-in.shppi'; nn Ihp ^STAircrEANKir -ORtttS^P^O-M NCH ------Kelly, Julie Jensen Bridget available at the Idaho- Depart­ 5 9 i IN W O OD BelJ. Gary Ivie, and Tamara ment of Highways, Twin Falls • LOCKING TRIGGER SWITCH ■Iliomas, ^ev^rith^gr'adeT and orflce at 1150 Highland Ave. or * Die Cast Aluminum Housing "Lori Anderson. Debfaie-BlalteT— the district engineer't; offico in- KENT Danny Eakin, Vernon Exncr, Shoshone. Kim Jones, Don Kunkcl, Nancy Persons wishing to submit nimcnocmMrr Litzineer.___Linda----- Mizer, ■statampnt'i after the hearing ■ XARJSEi Rosemary Rainey, John have until Dec.' 2 and may « O L O - i f O O T B A l i - “Richards, Rustin Sherbine, ad(^esslReir remarks to Wayne DOOR David Swaner, and Dona Zoll, Summers, Hearing Office, P. 0. WITITKrCKi!flrrEE~ “ sixth graders. Box 7129. Boise, 83707. R u e s l COlORFUl MATS WASHABLE MADEFROML • EXPERTLY WOVEN Valley Traffic Courts RUBBER TIRES 7 7 • REG. $2.37. ____ REG. $2.47... TwiNJRAi,LM;oi;STy :iTadIoctriwm ,i'alli;?IIIL ... ' Police Court Improper lane change: Speeding Michael Kevin F,ddv n Mc-Hain, Hazelton, McKain, T^in Falls, $19; Jon $10; Carl Ui.sswell, Twin Falls, Glen Hill, Twin Falls, $11; R $10. David Fiala, Jerome, $15; Driving while intoxicated: ------Denms l^eRoy- James, Burley,- tmn $11; Jams Deborah Gwin, Twin $100. NOV. sa. - SUNDAY S g TattS7T12: Deborah Renae Basic rule vtotation: Merlin Sizemor,e. Twin Falls, $15; MjTon Reed, Twin Falls, $35; OSCO BARGAIN! Joseph Clement Ryan, Twin jon Galen Hill, Twin Falls, $10; Falls, $10 bond forfeiture. Gilbert Blame Anderson. Tw-in. Disot-derly conduct with a Falls, $20. rnotnr vehicle: Walter " Dick Failure to drive in laned TWENTY 5 Hankins, Twin Falls, $10; roadway: Rotx;rt I^Tin Olm- --TTJanncsg i Pwkin8',-HageH«n.-

3 : ' ' i r - ...- - ' ” ' •'» V« •' r ■«■ t ‘' . ; .'••tjPTTT'T/:' ' J.-’ ,i- . ' f ' ' ' V ------...... ------...... Sunday^ Moyember y / IWfl; ,

% *••••*•••••• fmmmmit I WE ARE NOW I

PROCESSWC w i o r WASHINGTON. CUPI^ - faulted, it' usually was tor town’. McCormack was not that 1ie Whatever else they may" have failing to ’use all their~'vast Working hls-way through ihe wasn't a lib e ra l bat that he done, and whether they knew it powers. 'University of Oklahoma he won didn’t push hard enough. They G ^ a » fE or-not^^the-voters on Tuesday Albert was first and foremost more, scholastic and debate are ■not sure Albert will either. handed,the goventmentls se­ y R a y b u in ‘man, and later a honors, and'likes to'recall he They-point-out-h(v_Buffered cond bieeeSt job, paym); ^ ,5 W loyal McCormack supporter. was on the wrestling t^am. heart attack in - 1966 a yeaiCjo hish officialdom's T lust nopg'q ::rjn ' ga f f "oir nattnmtf opatoncal whichwiiicn nehe luiiylully recovered)SfKIMBERlYl ana • ------, « llttlest man. the tradition of the two griSat contest brought him tl;500 and they are concerned that -he • COLD STORAGE • He is Rep; Carl Albert, D- men I have served with," a trip to Hawaii. might not.be able to keep up * Okla.,62,currently Democratic.. told interviewers i-ecently. After graduation Albert spent the fast pace that marked his t « a 3 - 5 2 8 4 • House Leader. With continued "That doesn’t mean I woa't three years ' at Oxford, - a' early career. * . t ___ v • [.-•■DemQcratic....CQnlrol.^of the have my own idpas." As a cliie Rhodes scholar plong with a ' House assured by the election to his own philosophy he also Georgia boy flamed Dean Rusk, returns, the pint-sized Albert is said: "The crying need of this later t6'be secretary of state. guaranteed promotion next day is a unified America in Albert got two law degrees USED CYCLE SALE g i.io a o o i ^ e giant=Si7cd-‘j( cbuld'see, 1968 as A House Speaker. iinother." from the way he- had run night 6S0cc Ciatotn Eitr* Skvp • 995.00 He« B4S.00 All indications are he will His official biography claims and day, that he“ wasn’t 1970 Kowos'aki 3S0cc Big Horn D£mo ...... 794.00 1970 manage it well and in ways nat Albert is 5 feet 4 inches tall. It- intending to employ them just Honda 175«c Moto Sport . 695 00 New 519.00 too different from those of his does not say what he was hanging around the local 1970 Kaw a»aki 100Mb. T'otl Boi» ' 499 00 New 379.00 recent predecessors, Rep. Johii .standing on when they mea- courthouse. 1970 K a w a ta k i 2j8cc Green Srreok "Racer' 688.00 . M c&rm ack. D-Mnss,. and sured him. But the fact is that Albert was el^tecntr'Coh- 1968 * ol . ------^ 0 .0 0 - e late Speaker &mi Rayburn _w;ht;fl., Jie , huddles with other gress in 1946 on the slogan 1966 Y am aha 80fc Real C ieon . ( 4 9 . 0 0 1967 Texas-.except that McCor- Hou.se members his gra'^ijng, "from the cabin in the cotton to Honda ^?Occ Trail 2-«peed 2 4 9 . 0 0 1969 Honda 7 4 . 0 0 1969 y'am oha 3S0cc Scromblef-Twin an occasional relaxinu bourlxin enough for the job of House recess ' appearing Jor other 4 6 9 . 0 0 and water. ' Speaker, which pays the. same Democrats. ------— ...... - The job of Sm^aker i.s _ili. g a l U ^ p __prui'ided for by the ‘ Constitu­ carries resi»nsibilities usually prefixes or suffixes," Albert 1970 Honda 50cc MiniTroil • Like New , a o i . o o tion, which neglects to say considered second only to those has said, "a plain Democrat Bonanza M i n i ...... , T l.IS O Into waiting waters of Puget Sound. The of the President himself. who goes down the line with the much about wluit his role i.s- — A FULL LINE OF CUSTOM ACCESSORIES — IT WAS 30 years ago Chat the Tacoma collapse resulted from Insufflclently-rigid Under House rules and p ra c tt He (la.sn't quite born in a log main issues of the party. " Th^ cabin, but Ins family moved to Narrows Bridge coimecting Tacoma and the roadway which “ galloped” when high winds ces through the . decade^ fact is, his voting record is During Sale — Open Sunday - 12 to 4 p.m. O lym pic PeoiQSula, aicknamed Galloping blew, whipping about with a wdve-liJce motion Speakers have rantjed from line from their modest house in liberal, -but the organized Gertie, collapsed. The 2,800-foot bridge toppled like a snapped length of rope. (IJPlj mere gavel wieliiers to legi.sla- .Mc.Mester. Okla., when he was Democratic liberal bloc in the tive dictators. Rayburn and :i Hi.s father was a coal miner house Is not wholly content with CRIPPEN'S CYCLE SALES McCormack fell somewhere and later tenant farmer in the that. 1802 Kimberly Roqd . Twin Falls h ills n few Tillps from The liberals'-complaint with

La.-'i W inlcr . . , Don’t Got I.ofl in the Cold

— -TACOMA, Wash. ( U P l»—It Goaster^ndencies.-Ihtte were Icave-his: owner's, caj was just 30 years ago this some who said Gertie undulated went down with the bridge. weekend—on Nov. 7, 1940—that so much that approaching cars 'While he lost his dog, the late Galloping Gertie galloped for would disappe^ from sight, as Tacoma newspaperman Leo- , The last tlme.“ ------if negotiating a series of rolling nard Coatsworth got the story ^ e was a thing of beauty— hills. of his life. His was the last the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, At 11 a.m. on Nov. 7 Gertie automobile on the bridge before third longest span of its kind in galloped once too often. it collapsed. SALE the world. Over one mile long, A strong wind had beeh ‘Once I stepped out on the Shop rhi>i M oiulay till 10 the bridge rose over Puget building for most of the week roadway 1 was thrown on my 2 Days O nly Sound, connecting Tacoma and and by late Thursday morning, face and slid against the curb. Open Kvery N ifjhl till 9 l*.M . 'just two days after President M onI hem s al l{

Judeo-C hristian accord

hurt by M ideast crisis

By LOUIS CASSELS mg has depicted Judaism as a and. Orthodox Communions UPI ReUglon Writer fossil religion, of interest only affiliated with the World Jewish and Christian scholars -because- i t - was-the-conteKt-ift- Coaneri of ChtaxlieaT— this from several nations met a few which the Christian revelation patronizing. Christian view of days ago at Seton Hall took place. Jews have been Judaism has been radically University, South Orange. N.J.. treated as potential converts to modified. to discuss how things stand Christianity rather than adher­ This t>etween these two faitos which ents of a living faith -which may Judaism has been accompanied history has placed in a . cjose have much to reach, as well as by a growing willingness on the but often strained relation^ip. something to lear-n, in dialogue part of Christians to acknow­ The military-diplomatic crisis with Christianity, ledge, thatiGod's spirit may be

and continuing source of tension partly as a result of the work His will manifested in more between Jews and Christians. of the Catholic Vatican Council than one religion', Jews feel that Christians should and partly as a result-"of-----iThis is not-a ■■new‘--Christia give Israel strong and unquali- initiatives by the Protestant viewpoint. Our Kr^iilar S 1 Karly •fied. support, in. J>ec--hour__oX^ An» compact gas heater feutun-s furniture It aj. uxi cffi*;icnl heiilur - have stylrri cabinet-tf> fit -any tleeori- huilt-iiv v^hon *h<* door*,, (ir** rIospH. and n« Christians, in the name of nil i»jirn firrplarf v»h«‘n (liuirs cafety pilot and tiicmiostat. -iee-thru from interfaith amity, to take a tire f»p<'n«'d. r a s l-ir o n an d panel for warmth yot»%,can see. "Life-tJad”^ particular position on an As M uch As You W ant W i c<»n>tnirlion. ceraniir-roated hcat-exrlianger and com­ international political question. Few if any participants in the bustion chamber. Setrni Hall dialogue saw. much hope of early solution of this difficulty. But many were inclined to view it as a IOC'S OF PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM—OR USE YOUR O.WN_- T H IS AD IS temporary setback to a long­ S A V E $ 1 5 term development that O U R W O R D f >Ii r S 1 7Q Q t r. Ftlrnn^o excee^ngly hopeful. _____ It is liarkrd by ^ars .\<1- ______The long^^erm developmenL Lsave enougn to aliori v f r ti^ u u T I *olicicK M a n ual was desoibed by Rabbi H o m e ! Do some or all o f the easy finishing work y o u rs e lf uhirli rojuirm fv'^ry ad- I .Now H. Tanenbaum, director of at your convenience. Or sub^contract and still save. In vffliftcd .itrm to "mip- this day of soaring prices it's like money in the bank! P rio rd T 6 4 * * interreligious, affairs for f>*in&_ American Jewish Conunittee. You also save with Capp's complete free plans service, ,. ___rl—iitpif I- ^«pBei ly t^O iO tW factory-cut materials, volume purchasing—arid low cost Ktore 'K ilh - *iifn rici^ l’ i n r r ~ TJirect^vent, coiihleirllo^farnii^uiM Reviewing progress of recentJ 16 .50,000 HTli; to control heal financing. j chandiw . ..." If we tho uld outaide air for freah ventilation. years, Rabbi Tanenbaum said: I for mild or rold weather.' Crnlral W« 4*Uv»r«win»k«r«, «r*«t IK* H«fn*»lir«ur chek* •nyvur l*t. fur* . MonniR flush on wall; sliih,‘trim at- “Me^^ingful first steps have [ A«»»i rinUhtnff f«r tnUtfa vnA »u1 —at • n r w niri out of any reduced price v&ystem effieien'ry al low in»lalla' tracUve styling. ' been taken to create an i item during the «ale. we- »iH 1 lio n CO*.!. ____ wnwgant nfg OiriatUui-cultiin!.', ■ i f o f-w vtin - r^-flralot.aidon'townali>tt>utcaiildutant. . is beginning to be appreciated tities Are b m u ed — ------■ ^ You Need in H&aiing; Equipmenl froin Sears ^asfl.penntam^spiir^^ 130 North t . ------■■ tMvW and vilue J'iFor ihe Jewish kiaKaFak. kloho people.” ' *3401 Sear»Tw in Kall>i A N D SAVE Shop Daily 9r30 A .M f till 9 P;M — - Ih e - _ s jm . 4d 3M a in Ave. W. statement ' ' Is loaded with Satiriaetiim Ouarant^td or Your M o i^ B ati S e a r s ^ n e 7 3 3 - V 2 1 Now until Christina*. , . ^ F a r k F i significance. For centuries. ■OrtheUc and'f fote

m am ^4 TImes-News, Twin Palls, ijaho .Sunday, November 8, 1^70

P j p o d U i c e

— A^^&tepday^is-3-fiTTO »^ri€es-/ Wheat Barley'bats Mixed Grain Pintos Great ^ l i f . ^ a l l PUHL Corn (13c.) Bean Growers 1.38 NQ NQ NQ ' Rangen, Inc. 1.44 l.qa 1.90 1.80- 2.20 GOOblNG — Com growers sponsoring the field day Shields 1.38 1.80 1.90 1.80 NQ _jBn-^-^of_MBgicJiMex_hayejrQgtaiiu^'Ihe trlaJ_idot-^»a3- . Trinidad been invited to a “com day” planted to several promising BURtEY pkvgram-Tuesday at 9:30 am . varieties of Fi;nks G. .hybrid 1.38 NQ NQ NQ on the Willis Hawks fann at com to show yield data on each Feeders prain 1.38 2.00 2.10 2.00 Tuttle. ' variety. Ihis wU) be calculated -Union Sced - -b tO a.OO 2.10 2:00- Coro harvested‘on part ot a from ' DECIX)' ^ d a l seven acre trial plot on Monday, Larry Robertson of the MorBan-Lindsay 1.38 1.80 1.90 1.80 Hawks fiuTO will be on in­ Gooding Seed Co. reported. FAIR FIEl,p spection. Remainder of the plot Hie Hawks, ranch can be' Camas Prairie Grain 1.36 2,05 2.20 2.05 vrill show stalks still sfanding in reached by going one niile west EDEN ' field condition. aid one and onehalf miles south Morgan-Undsay 1.(18 1.80 1.90 1^0 Gooding Seed Co. and. Ger- of the Tuttle store. FILER mnin’s of California are co- Bean Growers 1,38' NQ NQ NQ -Cheater-Br-Brown-.....- NQ p . J, Childs Seed 1,30 Idaho Bean • Allison Feed Mill 1.38 1.90 2.10 1.90 F a r m 1 e a d e f s GOODING From Frozen Semen Bcakpn Bean •' J.38 NQ NQ NQ NQ HAZELTON ~ snrvtvedrTheTHifversltyplans (o breed 50 sows Bean GroW(??s 1.38 NQ NQ NQ 7.65 8.00 7^75 8;00 FHIST-LITFER OF baby pigs.ln the world wlth ftozen semen in December andjnftther 50_ o n b i H Conida Wrhse. NQ NQ NQ NQ >IQ NQ NQ NQ 'conceived from frozen semen were bom early in Id January. They hope to perfect4he4echiilque-i— JEROME October, the University of Minnesota an- so that eventually frozen boar semen could be ^ a n Growers ^ ■ -1.38 NQ NQ NQ^ 7.65 8,00 7.75 8.00 nounced Friday, and four of the five pigs have used on a commercial basis. (UPI) WASHINGTON (U P I) — compromise measure and send Farm leaders will be s p lit, it back to a senate-house coh- jrfersKalff^fTise^' “ .... U£f..... ■■ TB5“ 8,00- fereirce-commlttee •fer-ftirther Moi’gan-Dndsay ^ 1.38 1.80 1.90 1.80 7.65 8,00 7.75 8.00 ...... KIMBEkLY-Ii,\NSEN ' ■ Congress' returns-JJov." 18-and—-bai^aining ,on , “ im- provements.' Bean Growers ^ NQ NQ NQ NQ 7.65 8.00 7-.7S 8.00 the senate moves to a vote on •7 rc Hansen-Farniei*'s Elv. liTtft- I.Bfl, ------•0.01^* -8:00- final passage of a compromise But the National Association Magic- VaUey Belin Co“" $1.40 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ farm support bill. of Wheat Growers, typical of a Morgan-Undsay 1.38 1.80 1.90 1..80 7.65 B.OO 7.75 8.00 Two of the nation’s biggest number of other groups, in­ Ml^'RTALGH farm groups have indicated dicates it thinks the time has Bean Growers 1..38 NQ NQ NQ 7.65 8.00 7.75 8.00 they’re opposing the bill — the come to get the new farm bill on PAUL - Population pushing American Farm Bureau the books despite its short­ Mort’aii-I jndsav 138 1.80 1.90 1,80 7.65 8.00 7.75 8.00 Federation because the comings. RUPERT measure fails lo move toward “ We haven’t analyzed the Chester B. BronTi • NQ NQ NQ NQ elunination of direct subsidy election returns. But we would Floyd E. Idle Wrhse, NQ NQ NQ NQ against w ine industry payments to famgrB; the~~ still like to see the bill approved~ SHOSHONE NaOonar Farmers Union by the senate as. soon as possible," a wheat growers Beakon Bean i.:i8 NQ NQ NQ NQ ROSEBURG, Ore. lU PI) - freeways, it ’s R„r(,„nHy l^^cause the bill does not authorize higher payments. spokesman said today. -"FVVfN^FAfctS- California is IfiaTung m ^ n E a noble w-ine lovers will be able to turn and^Alsace in France and the — Many—othep—{apm-HjPoupSi- _Bean_ Growers 7.65 8.00 7.75 8.00 effort to prevent its wine in- their attention north to Oregonr Tlhinc m~Germany. Data has — E^r-lieMhe-NAWG-had-atood- however, will be urging the shoulder to shoulder with the Haney St'ed -NQ— NQ- -NQ- ~NQ- dusti} [i oii'i being efowded out —: At- the—moment,—Oregon'a 4tl60- b«»n—compUod- showifu; Idaho Bean & Elevator 7.65 8.00 7.75 8.00 of existence by an ever-growing wine inriirstrv i-; m innsriilp that thp watpr_an)nunl_nnd- senate lb -«>T«f)16t6 pflS3ag6 Of- •FHr iners ' t lniuii and' suim; 80' the tiill on grounds that while it oiner groups in a national garnT Intermountain Bean NQ NQ NQ NQ population. compared to, California’s. There types of soils in ,variQus.pa£ts.Dl South Side Bean Co. 7.65 8.00 J.75 8.00 - Jf_the effort-fails,-hflwever, areonly a handfulotwinecies in,^the. Willaiiietto -Valleyi^sueh as “ f3ns lb proW______^ ,,p___„ __ __ J . g. Foed-l.Jee... -j-3a--a.aa_jjo,u.80-. - and the vineyards are replaced Oregon and their total Roseburg, are.similar to those TfiinFnecessliry7‘ir!s possible sijpTp'orT available compromise.-All the- -guarantees in a new-farm bill. WENDELL by houses, shopping centers and production of slig h tly over in the'Eurpjje’an wine regions aid they think necessary, it is ------Wendell Elevator l.:i8 .1.90 2.00 1.90 2.20 7.65 8.00 7.75 8.00 100,000 gallons |jer year Is not Washington grows some .the best available compromise. -like ly 4o-inUinidate California European grajes and ,has the ' T>'pic5I o flh e last-ditch 6p- PO’TAtoES where the 1970 first quarter potential lo produce more, but IwsrttDn—to th5“ bm was a prodiiclion was over 47 million the slate is hindered by oc- JEROME statement by Farmers Union gallons. casional severe wlnlers. C. J, .Marshall Produce U S, No. Is U. S. No. 2s G r a n g e r s president Toy T. Dechant, Of considerable significance, California has demonstrated KIMBERLY issued after the congressional Henry’s Product NQ NQ however, IS the growing interest that it can grow Just about any in the area around Roseburg as kind of crop from cotton to elections produced a number of PAUL n a m e d t o defeat.s for Republicans in rural a potential wine producing artichokes and wine grapes Magic Valley Produce 2,15 .75 districts. CALENDAR region. The Roseburj area has have grov^n Idvishly Ihrer. RUPERT ’ The election amounted to a become the site of one of the few Purists point out, however, that Holland Jones Produce NQ NQ referendum on the farm o f f i c e wineries -outside California to California temperatures are TW IN FALIJ; program proposed by the ad­ use ' viniTcr'iT....rEuropeahV Just slIghlTy'warffi.er than those Carl G>Vb . nq NQ TWIN FAl.I.S - Magic ministration in those areas v^arieties of grapes. Oregon's of Europe and, incidentally, - .... ;i; F. S Harper . NQ n q Valley Grangers aro —well where it became a tnajor issue -irrrir.-i. other wineries use eginnlng of-what ^ AucJioneam G f» o t 'SrrTrtlHon, Joh a n n isb e rg " Etiropcan^wtnes. Auction Service ■ Stewar'd^ " B ^ n a r S c o (17 must be termed a farm revolt. Riesling and Gewurtztraminer. With a little encouragement, Produce Prices Heyburn, gatekeeper, and Mrs. It affected not only the house NOVEMBER 14 Oregon is in the same Americans might include wine Livestock Kohntopp, lady assistant PAUL & BESSIE MOSELEY CHICAQO lyp.!’ - latitutdes and has_CQmparable— perhftps-Orpgnn.tvinf;, and !j£.nate._bML waS-&vldent Cheese S id processed lOd» 60'j 6?'.• stewarii------— many the governor races," Adv0rtif«m«nt;T4ov#mb«r \ 7 OMAHAVUPI )-^Livestock: ' DENVER (UPI )-Uvestock: orictt 6 0 7 0 ' : muensfer 60'’« 70' ^ Ched climatic conditions as the ^ n e regular part of their meals. Auclionnert; G r*at We«t«rn Nampa, chaplain; Wayne Advertitcment: November 13 U) 25 higher About 200 head 11.00-13.00. For the week, bar­ Egg\ Jiteady Whg 79 55 60 3« 70 79 47 39 40 16« Moscow, Ceres; Mrs. Iceland uf. 30 ^0 30 95 79 90 39 90 BOISF. — Health of dairy ,S;miucl Guss, veterinarian at 15 75. f.y* \le«Ov >o SO rxgher. Froien Por* Bellhrfl Laird, 'Weiser, Pomona; Mrs. flc3.flr.cr Of' awPfBOe c^Oice ana tje PD 30 BO 9$ 30 97 30 S i 30 72 Wayne .Paris, Culdesac, Flora-; tttiiiuulsjtilLbe discussed-aUlwo—P«np- Statg,—He—is—author—of Cattle -tOO; calves JOO; not uf.ggf—i_UO ^ ------J1-TT » 5 t 7T TO SO 31 00 meetings this week in Magic many publications on -enough^teers or herfei-^ on offer C0w» steaOr W 33 05 10 33 70 31 70 33 00 Harold. Gray, Moscow, and jo w e r p r . m c 1 ?00 ' 350 Potatoes Total s^lpmer^1s Robert Waitley, Meridian, new^ V.-ill-v previintion and c-ontrol of daiJT 1,700-pound lift to 10 f t for a markel. scattered, sales J.U. J ia , X 4. 3g-iLO..ja.aO- n * . t ^ v - r , g w t r o 'c e A r.a 0 ' " ^ * 950 '.OSO 'D S o Mow ■>arhe» O u 'i executive committeman. George Cleveland, extension diseases. He recently received a high good and choice 1,000 to J < 3M0 CX3 cowS ono comme'' Trac* \am noo its u i i a idar>o dairy specialist, said the National Science Foundation 2-lever steering control 1,150 lb steers 26.50-28.00; cows c fli 17 ’ 5 '9 (Xt fl »r«v hcg h O re% S'ng u i . i . t , r.o la'es reported Minnesota Nor i h o 19 c.*r.f.er nr,a C uf» er l i iO lA SO ko*A O to Piver valley round reds meetings will begin at 10 a, m grant for a world tour to study steady. fli.a fl- 71 }S SO turai color rn.»ed packed 3 00 Wednesday at the Ramada Inn, dairy and sheep management 37 max. horsepower Sr-rro . i^ e s n e d b a le p e r c>*^t * 40 ■* 50 2; Spud group Sheep 100; not enough on off­ On.ori^ Total ih.pmer^t^ 43 arr' Burley, and Thursday at Ida- Dr. Richard Hall, Idaho 5 track 70 supplies rr^oderate oe"'ar«aa rid 4-wheel drive___ er for a market tesT__ rrv«rlL£t duU. Gem Dairymen, Jerome extension veterinarian, also will POW^LASL O’f Trac*- la'es 50 > idflho yeiiov^ »tock •a rg e 3 15 3 35 r::i-S £.aking-_-^— .... -5244-ifiefMum i ftg-circle- Cattle TVT'O' g o o o 6 sizes of buckets - [ 19 50 b i. 'u f f o m r r 'r I 50 2 Ct>0'Ce c a 'v e \ i ‘> CMj /v OC i »'0 c r 410 460 IC itrr-- .A *0 15 CW Beets alm ost done 7 mph, top speed N o g s 310 D f l " 0 W . cl'C3 g . 's t i. t '- 'o w , BOISE (UPI I - The State and g'lts fs ' >• o-.r.:. < : r s l a t e d o n Potato commission has decidcd 17 00 1 7 30 tfvs, ; j X 400 D ')_SC TWIN FAL1.S - The 1970 factory is about 16.5 per cent, IS 50 WHEAT A to atadvertise in Idaho newspa- while last year's was 15.8 per __ _suu«r beet crop is about 90 per Jl cv ; for a new adi-ninistrator. cerir harv'esled. Robert Day, cenf Ttle Mini-Cassia factory SC w a t e r Corn The commission decided to district manager. beets are averaging about the 15 tC 34 fX, Oef use classified ads to seek a new BOlSt: I UPI I - The Army Mar /Vmalgamated Sugar Co. .said same as last year M a , administrator after dismissing today. The first campaign run at £ngineeriiig_ ^ Corps-Oii Engineers has scheduLi Administrator Jay Sherlock and t>d public meetings i Boise and Cfec Day siiid the yield per acre both factories will continue until his assistant, Reed Huntsman. thi.s year is about the same as about mid-January with a lifter i n c r e a s e s I-ewistontodiscuss proposed wa­ ter releases from dams along last year, which averaged 18.2 juice run at the Twin Falls STOCKTON. Cajif-1 U P Ii-A t f.\At tons per acre. However, the factor; . About six million the middle Snake River. Ma y a time when students at The announcement was made SOYBEANS C o m m ittees sugar content is up slighUy, .gallons of sugar beet juice Is Nov 3 OS' - 00 , particularly. in the Twin Falls being ^ r e d until spring when engineerine .schools are becom- T>iiirc/tay hy Sen. I.

are Ivnns~ai^ Spencer is their READING, England (U P l)- practice, according to L. J. COLUMBUS(UPI)-'nieOhiO- ybiB^er brother. V Every day at 8 ajn., G. A. Korto livest^k specialist at EdtifaUnn Aj^nrifltinn thiy -SiuUi Liakota Ikaie University. dwUOT was ‘^ e mart disas^ fire-fi^^g exf«r- Gas-Works, gathers his gear “ We know parasite in­ trous in Ohio scho6l history." icnce in the Navy but Work as and goes on his roun^ as a $48- festations are reduced ^ d this The OEA'said only 68 of 243 ■[ k,ve • -■ thto-^Army pogtr- -pee-week gas me te r-readerr , . >r new tax levies Ihey came firom Carthage, Feisal is Prince, Glvazi Feisal, since rotational graiing tends to were passed and only 14 of 61 111 Overiand Ave. Ption» (578-5585 Miat.-JRrank in 1»W, Jim in pretends to the.throne otJraq increase-the yidd of-fprage," *Jiopt ,b6nd issues were pass^ . BURLEY, IDAHO lM7aadS^cier inl950. ,, who fled his country ta 1962. the specialist states. in Ohio.' ■■ ■ : ./ , . . ;// / T-'/ l ! Sunday!: Novemberr.a^ lWO' Tlmes-News. Twin Falls. Idahjo 17

Ida fiio :. .

-lenipei^iQ B i^s^ =N a t i o n a t S T le n fr oismarcK Boston p a th o^f G e r ma^i^y^^ iIcaf(J~ Oncliuiati Qeveland Editor, Times-News; business man who, like the idace in our land, much less in Denver oiir schools. Many good Des Moines proposals have been presented arc ,the.the— nroat—u*ust W6uder^ul^re- wxnr ■DetFOit for. screening the undesirables, , generation thip nation has ever Housllpn abject cowardice and futility the incompetent and worst of proeody...AinericaflS’»- ” l^ 'k ot'AmeTVca tiT S n p re s ' Panthers, Pink Panthers or Red Arlington Cemetery, helped by government food Twin Falls and vicinity: and snow at higher elevations dropping into-the went up in dust. When will men Panthers, Nazis, Weathermen CECIL CALHOUN mid-20s to through the 20s and 3(te in the relief programs rose from ■ Increasine~~trlond3 today-■wtth- -tnrfaj- and tonight: "chnncc^tif- tiitd-^os-tDntghrr like-thta- leam te-dlHefenttate- and their assorted Ilk have no (Buhl) lower valleys and in the teens atxjut B.9 million in September. between bona>fide ‘students’ chance of rain; high today JS to precip^tation 20 per cent today, The extended ouSook for the and 20s In the higher mountain 1969, to an estimated' 11.7 and those who have infiltrated 52; low tonight in the mid-20s. increasing in> the west to 40 per period Monday through Wed­ aj^tas. million in September of 1970, the universities for the sole Chance of precipitation cent tonight. nesday calls for mostly cloudy The normal high and low the Agriculture Department purpose of using a decreasing to 20 per cent today Weather synopsis: skies with scattered showers of range for the area over the five sa i^ today. conglomerate of draft dodgers, Dropping of suit and tonight. Outlook for Mon­ Cooler teiWperatures arc in rain in the lower valleys and days includes Boise, 51-30; Assistant Agriculture Secreta­ alienated youth and children of day — cloudy with a chance of store for most of Southern Idaho snow in the mountains above. Pocatello, 48-26; Idaho Falls. 47- ry Richard E. Lyng Indicated in leisure to act as their diver­ rain; little temperature change. and Eastern Oregon today after 5,000 feet elevation. There will 23, and Twin Falls, 53-27. a statement that the increase sionary force? b l a s 4e d - b ^ ^ between — Rain fell generally through came primarily in the food ’Hie Great Silent Majority of the low to mid 40s; loW in the pressure system which moved storm systems, but tem- Southern Idaho on Saturday sUimp program. Eru-oUment in- j^this-eounto^is^oUowing the- fc;ditorr4^me»7Je> Hil-oolTiut m'iigiemperatuf ^ - that'^pi^grnm rnse. frnm nbout- 'same path the Great Majority So the sugar action is illegal, into the Snake River, This drain with snow above 5,000 feet, High temperatures today will Daytime high readings will be recorded. Only light amnnnts nf ■3,.tmllUnn people a yoar- ago-to- — and the Jews of Germany s» Of so saya- the _ _ >-phifit^ —Ceiitial Idaho-rnount.iins: - -tx' iimstlv i n the 405 and lower mostly in the 40s and low 50s, precipitation were reported in about 8,2 million last Septem­ blindly trod in 1934 when a Amalgamated Sugar Co, for yeats before it shut down. Is Chance of rain in the valleys 50s, with overnight lows while overnight lows will range the area. ber, papef^linger from—Austria And. ranted and pushed his way into also criticized for initiating the remember, there has, I believe, pnwer In thh.se. yenr.s v g : watched the youth of Germany the board of health had, in ef- about 50 years in Idaho. OFFICE ANP STATIONERY DISTRIBUTOR FOR INTERNATIONAl___ shouting,-acreamiJlK. Boo&e- D iifvri:c,c.i-nM PA>jv n iBN U H fn ACCOUNTS

stepping in response to TJttm an;'6f the U lafi'^fatrBarr~''«iders-is^PtrBLIC APATHY+ '‘Btttt0^^t50ttAR'MARKET by “ Strength through Joy’’' representing the sugar- com- E arl Warren, when .he retired.. Jeading manulactureri. slogans. ■ panj',' stated that the said it; the Idaho Fish and We need a mon or woman of obientee ownor who wbyliTliliB fo iarViiTbwn’ - ..-We sayJJiiaparanQid-maniac Amalgamated Sugar Co. has Game Department said it hourion^ work, from hii home or office fU U QR PART hme. Our product IpflH ‘'thpm tn HpnTil flnfj Ibeen worldng wife the'Idahn have "a lettcii_sQ statntg:iIiOJiLiEdttgr- Koi b—rt BY MilUQMS orid iold our. REGlSTEREib JRADE- pureiir uttenipt to avoid her, n(T inosi people d6uld ease my NAME You w ill enjoy doihg"^bu7irt«Vridir«CT w rrfr^ e mof*uTociuf*f Vou them); the public is bombasted destruction, firs t centering Board of Health for 20 years in Monday I lost one of the few attempt to stop after hitting her mind; sometimes I wonder. procett or lervice occounrt uiing o corefully letted product Require! NO their hatreds on , the holv ati_effQrL _’_:to be, a corporate, with it. Is it any wonder that the animals I've ever been really and no attempt to stop on his MARCELLA L. HEIL SELLING or telephone lolicitotion crusade to rid their dountry of citizen,” He should have added public is apathetic when money attached to and loved very way back past our ranch. — (Castleford) TWO PROGRAMS non-Ayaran people. And the that they have beeii dumping does all the talking and the much. You may have heat'd this 1 SERVICING ACCOUNTS to be ettoblilhed by monutoctuf*r The small courtesy of stop­ INVeSTMENT lOOSi. RECOVERABLE Jews responded by preaching rotten, dirty pollutants into the doing, regardless of the con­ type of heartbreak expressed by ping would have been welcomed Santa seeker sequences, and against con­ ■?" AbVERTlSlNG p r o g r a m , hondlmg prdipectwe occou'nfi. procetting and teaching the right of a river for half a century! others, but only personal ex­ and very much admired; it also PQBTSMOUTH, Ohio (UPI ) - orderi and keeping recordt. eormngt unlimited depending on your people to speak freely and The drain ditch from the Paul sensus of the opinion of the said perience can teU you how truly would have been very com­ Post office employes in this in itia tiv e determine their future. The Sugar factory used to run clean public? * e p and unbearable the pain is. forting. southern Ohio town report an You mutt hove the obility to moke an immediate commitmtnY and invest classic result of this blind and clear. In fact, a Japanese- Our political aspirants cry The person responsible for enterprising and original young S2.7^0 00 to $7.00000 Pertonol interview with compony repr#tenlol»ve in The personal tragedy can’t l>e your oreo Check our eicelleni *mancial position and reputotipn Manufoc- denying the facts that stared^ A j^ ric a n farmer was fined-for -over-arid over- what they have striking and-mutilating my little lessened;' hbwtrver .knowing man- -has -already mailed _hls them in the face was enacted by fishing in it once, as trout had done, and are going to do, for white poodle. '-‘M isty,” ha ^w r thjre is goOTlri the hearts Of' Chrlstm&s plea to Santa Qaus, including your phone number a Jewish professor at the been planted in the stream. our clear air and water. And all idea the peace my husband and North Pole. m a r k e t i n g d i r e c t o r Upiverslty of Munich. After the sugar factory began the time the public waits and I could have felt knowing he For writing paper, the boy 4307 Lorain Avenue Cleveland. Ohio 44102 wonders. How many of them The deepest sounding record­ After lecturing his students on dumping into it, it became a tried to avoid hitting her and ed in the Atlantic Ocean is used a score card of the have been paid off? I have also was truly sorry. Maybe he did the right to determine their own sewer and the stench was, and 19.372 feet. Cincinnati Reds. course in national life, he was still is, awful. . Is this noted that the first three letters and was, we'U never Imow. - clubbed to death b y aiit ef hia Tooperatiorr? ------:------of pollution ■and-polltician ore- — Ttie individnat- TO ulJ see for a precious scholBra. — Shelley Processlng^duniped the same.------rniTe” ^ d Misty, givefT"Tialf' a And so the wind that blew their waste and rotten potatoes BERT CORLESS chance, would have gotten out through the whiskers of this into the old sugar factory drain ( Bliss» of his way. He made no ap-

Statement O f The Condition Of W eekly M arket Review

A r m t w I f f m . «oo Sep n U 114! n 45 M J7 W liKLV lALEI TWIN FALLS BAMK & TRUST CamiUIUf MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - O c t 11 J7 W \0 n 10 96 T h i i W k Y r A ffo l»left»«v Ltd Its .100 SOVftBANS MEAL N e w Y o r k Stock* S4.ifi.0)0 iO.OlS.llO Investors Stock Fund, Inc. has S fd o n NJ U 3 .I0 0 D ec 79 SO T9 05 79 15 7 f 10 66 SO New York Bondi U3.423.1'0« u « . » B . m 1970 declared a regular fourth- J a r. 79 w , 7B 80 15 7 t 05 M 70 Americen Stocks U.M4,«70 J4 .O S .U O . JUUf J9-40 MOST ACTlV^f AMPBiCAh ------tiuartenni»ine“tllvldena'of 12^ M e v BO 35 79 J5 79 ^0 79 M 69 60 S«le» High Low Ciote Cr>e Calif Cmpr 333.300 )4t, )0'< ]}’■« 'i H certts per share, payable JlY: BQ.7Q 79.M BQ.QQ ___20.?i WMAI THE MARKET DID A u g BO 15 79 90 79 60 79 <0 70 75., Wk Ended High Low Adv Dec t*r*ntrrr Ht m.TOC tr ir»i—t’i AtemereOH 143.100 iS'i 1S>«— '} RESOURCES October 30,1970 to shareholders Sep 77 70 77 00 76 80 7* SO N o v 4. 1970 SI IS 99S 6 t ] ------O Ct 38. 1970------TT------Svalemi £a Jji^iOO II on Am n 1)4.700 33'« }1'« }i’*— '« ------or T iCbrd-^Octotier 29. I 97g,~ A Asktd. B 9>d;N Nom(n«i N o v . 1949 M l 49 917 417 N o v . 1941 1S3 ) • 914 444 1)4 bo^d chairman and president WEEK IN REVIEW Cosh & Due Harold K. Bradford iinnounced. By United Pre«i lnternetloi>ei NEW YOAK—The week In review for STANDARD A POOR Sqiueeze From Bonks 4,681,218 90 ttte week ending November t The income dividend amounts SM ^TOCK INDEX DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES F6derol Funds Sold 2,100,000 00 to approximately $15,295,000 Open High Lew Cloie Cho H ig h L o w C lo t * Ct>g NEENAH, Wls, 1UPI1--A and Is the 101st consecutive )Q lndu«t 7M.0I 77) 97 7S» 01 77t 97-t-U U 43S in d u » tr ie i« 93 19 91 93 93 41 -f 0 94 U S Government JO Trent U« Jl U | fj 14* 11 U | 93+ J « 30 R e ilr o « d » JO 94 30.31 30 96-f 0 I) mechanical press, normally dividend paid by the company. IS U tM i 10*.13 109 4) 106.13 10 9.41-f 1 0 4 SS U tilltlet S4 OB S3 01 34 01 -^ 1 34 Securities 2,423.503 03 4S S « K k » 341 $7 344,37 J41.S7 344,37 - f S S3 used to make beer, wine and Ihe 1969 fourth quarter Income •4 33-*'«9r apple cider, has a significant State & Muntcipol dividend amounted to j.aless B o n d s . -a ^ 8 A ;0 8 5 ^ 8 -4 12,690307.9-1 ------rz,879,8ar, or n:^i"«j5ts"Tjer- 40 Bd> 4S SO 4S 44 4S 41 45 4 4 - f 0 34 S«lv« HigA Low Cioit Chg palatable liquid—paper mill share. U t R R l 47 33 47 40 47.33 47 3 4 -f 0 40 te le iC o r p 2 . l9 4 . 7 0 0 35 30 30 — 3nd R R * S7 74 S7 94 S7 74 S7 9 4 - f 0 37 Rov«l0utchl3t.700 48 4|<, 43'r~l'i waste water. Kimberly-Qark Federal Reserve Bonk Stock 75,000,00 At 1969 year-end Investors U tiU 11.03 tl.30 to.97 Bi.SO-f 0.17 Pitney Bw SSO.OOO 31>« 34 3414—)i» I n d y t t 74 03 74 07 7S.77 74 0 l - f f> I t l^etf Nt Mg 444.300 S4a« St U '4 + i* ^ Corp. uses the press to squeeze Loo ns 8. D isco u h ts 19,850,462,22 Stock Fund also distributed a In c R R l 44 9S 44 g , 44 9S-f- 0 17 O cccS nti P e t 40S.SOO 3 1 'i I9>« 19>4 solid materials from 5 million capital gain ^ of 88 cents per Thii week’t volume S4.194.030 A T A T 399.700 4S'« 43>« 4 4 '» -* -l> , Volume week ago S 0.S 34.7t0 Chrysler i399.300 37‘-» 14'. 2« gallons of effluent a day, thus share, or 196,529.920. Unlv Cmpt 190.Seff 34H 3l«t+ U COMI>ARATlve ST6CK VOLUME redoclng the pollution of local Total income dividends for Pim ton 34S.300 40>4 40 ’ . + 1*^ Thii Wk Wk Age Ky Frd C i34S.300 tSi, waterways. As much as six ^ 1970amount^tl to 47-Wt cents per 9.447.740 9.30i.470 Oen M oteri 330.300 74' « Ti;7H.TH 9.473.140 Am On Ini i3)7.400 I4 'i share, compared to 49-Vi cents \^»dnesday 0.1i4.730 IO.44S.Mo texon Ind 3)0.700 33<« Tnuridav 10.103,370 )0.44a,S«0 Xerea 307.000 other solids are separated daily per share In 1969. Total dollar 9,970.S90 10.531.430 MoAewk Dt 301.000 33S for use as land fill amoints came to $54,454,000 for S4.194.630 S0.S34.7lO OuK OH 393.000 39^« fiscal 1970 and $53,024,000 for fiscal 1969. Investors Stock Fund, one of the six mutual fund companies far which Investors Diversified Services provides Investment advisory and distribution services, has assets-of more than $1,982,000,00(1 and 377,900 shareholders account?. There are approximately 122,365,000 shares outstanding, according to L.T. .Dolphin, local repreisaitatlve. ' r-.-i-.

18 ~'nme»;fclews. Twin Falls; Idaho Sunda'y.v Nov!embet-8~ BRIDGE

. a , dik-ard ah(TTt)osl‘"-Sifiyone ~ Oetense would have played a hiRh heart to ask for a heart shift ^fhw urt^queeie after clubs were all taken. CONSIDER THIS - Do yo^i go to sleep sometunes without "T -Boris made the very dif- first turning off your radio? You ought not. Or so says a team x rtm fereijt -vplay of the h e a rt xif^Canadian researchersrNcrniaTteriiDw^softTmlToothingnhe" A K,I 7 2 deucc. He confinuee^ by dis­ music, a radio crooning into your ear while you doze is said to ¥ AC ■ carding the three and seven, intenupt your dream patterns Thus your frame of mind can’t ♦ S86 while West was taking his properly mend itself. One such night doesn't hurt much. X K :< 4 :< two good chibs. MayhtjSYen a weejLot-iLdoesn’t, either. But eventually, these -U'EST==EAST= =Sbtitlf4TatfHt>=d to[t-a-^pade 4 8 5 3- A Q l O i l . on the last club. West studied ■IIL ABNER ~rea'd you to’oddball notions and funny attitudes, r V J5-4 V K 10ll7:n> awhile. It'was very obvious ♦ A 7 ft « K ' that he w anted to lead a AS TO UNUSUAL BIRTHPLACES, I now have a reader + QJ109 *^2 heart but Wctt sighed and SOl'TII (D) led the t Ji'r e e of s p a d e s. who was born in a railroad station. Can you beat that? . . .THE' ■ A A fi -1 Boris' nine forced^ South's P.L U R A L OF “ snafu,” claims a client, -as VQ 8 ace South cashed his dia­ “ committees." . . .OUR LOVE AND WAR man's advice to ♦ QJ10-):i monds but had to let Boris brides is, “ Never argue, just cry." HAVE THOSE aerosol ■ *A T C w ith come nut yet * i th a vermouth in a spray can? . . .IT'S —-----Bath -v-utncrabic------the spade tjueeri..... THE CUSTOM in' Venice for_the best man, not the VVc'ht North South Suppose that West had led bridegraom, to-placc thc nhg on the bride’s finger. ------1 ♦ a heart, instead of a spade; Pass I N T South could rise w it^ dum- W H^T FEW FOLK realize is complete color ipovies came Pa^^ Pass Pa.s^ m\ s ace. enter his own hand ' . "tlrforiT sound movies. First in color was “Toll of the Sea’’ in with Ihe nee of- apftdesr-eastv 19-2^ First-fulHim gth-sound-fthnr^^ie Jazz Singer,^!-didn't Qpcnin^; li*ad his diamonds and squeeze-^ come along until 1927 . . . DOWN AT THE southern tip of U'jris out of either the heart Chile there’s a town called Bahia Felix where it rains an Boris Ko> tcfioii of Ntnv king or the guard for the average of 325-days a yeai. But up in the noilhein Up of ehite- ^'ork holds tin- dislini-tirin nf spade (H iw tr WIZARD OF 10 there’s a town called Iquique where no rain fell for 14 years h a I n g wpresenlecl .1) o I ti i NeiraMcet-inlemtiit Aiin.I---- HI international competition CUSTOMER SERVICE - Q r-“ S«re, you know John F. He sat Kast tuday and-vvas Kennedy .was portrayed on the U.S. .half dollar., but.who was t a s t the other President so portrayed on same?’ A You mean Ben ■■ihle to V 1 s nn H / 1^','in ap- F^Hl ’ A L '■ - proat'hint: squeeze and sij;- -P tr^r- W'bPP PRiswr Frankim? Old Ben wasn't a President Let's see you name the nat the defense lo break it P iA r THE FPCNT T z r ~k)ur othfcrTPresjdentS'portrayed-on U S ccsms Nevt:rimnd; a The mddinK has been; customer has taken me to task for asking rhetorical questions "P- W c it N o rth East S o u th South went iT|!TiI'Tti't- with without supplying immediate answers Those Presidents were 1 4i 1 4b Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and Franklin D Roosevelt' diinuiiy's king of chibs and Pass 2 '* P ai^ 2 ♦ led the nine of diamonds. If '> Pavs 3 A Pass ) Boris could ha\e been sure You. South, hold: LOVE AND WAR - “ Why isit most women close their eyes his partner would shift to a AAKH7G VQ4 ♦KJ32.+72 when kissing while most men do not'’ ' inquires'a client. Out heart if he won that first Love and War man has given this matter muoh thought At do you do now'!' d ia m o n d , he would have first he fipiired^Aiwrnerv- p r ^ f- th e ir imagmation to the-real- __faiir spades, -“ Play^ed ltiwr However, he was- article And men won't want miss anything But no. He p»r

/ ThOae Ikj th e 0-^JK \ ' ^ I I t'Ea-'- I .vs-r ‘Jci* tme c'AMr> \ PCJ:>s\Thc 0a^-c.-R'« t v'.m.lE \\E ro A L iT I ^ E ^ ------'-I . Aniwcr to pfevioiil Pullle Visiting Asia s WINTHROP A ,\C KOSS If, (un.ii / I M GOING TO CALL A w e 'll a l l m e e t AMD s to w p ^ THE M\ND BCOC3L.Ee. 1 U l.nu is It.y Hf.juuf / CDNVSsinON OF T03ETVHEC R i g h t HER& I T ( Huiiitl.iviin ----- Atfcw&sswi-ecwFBie* ~ WINSDAlE. ' - IN tr f'W O c l- d : Mi,.r,.,r. 1,. ,n ■>•1 ll,. H.^U.I.,^..■ A" i 1 . ,.p. s ('"Urili \ in ; . II.-..11, ,.( Asia ., k.,„: 17 O ; I'll.,,, In s.,nMu-l "\ ■ I'i Kri'i..-,. i Iiil.t I'L-lUiUtXJXljI------W-14- ll.il ii'ii 1 m-nU'' I • - 'itl I n .i I I ± h ~ H \ fur a. taiii . 1 Li-ic;.i-a-U:------r>*> P.’Trtrmf-n -’fi \Vi i\v jfi l.u h e b a ll 41 Chnibinn IJMdix.iio. .. --.-DliUliS ...... ALLEY OOP -’1' AImc-i ixiu ■ 57 Hush, of i:i Saj; 42 Travels hy scap^ilt tirdN JH C h o lt T slcanifi WHATD I TELL lOU. \ ------1 PASS IT \------^ AIXEVOOP.' ...YOU CHJGKT TO BE X Ow \^ELL,.EAi^ COME 2f) Month (ah i UMPA? HERE COMES/ RDfcl ^ AROUNP,/ OKAY \ SO VDU'Re THE ASHAMED OF VIXJR- 2m Undmunish..- 42 Dch«Tl iionuid MECoe^ ARE MADE -MiTrr 1 \ £H [X>l*70R’’ 2*'< K.unaii (iatr DOW.N TH^T OE^ERT (3CO'NESS.\ OOP! i <3U2... J.'.OME' WHO SELF. A BIG,GRCM/K 2i Tiu-iUii fi 44 G trT*. nrtiM*- ' Ik)5URAkk:E - y V .______.. I A il jcaii— WANTED/ E; -----^p^STCH.£ MY FRLJrr.' MAN LIKE '»OU.' Snihnj: e-4 »+• *** w*J** IU ■4^ M^ill Lfuu.:- spars atilflopo ArahstaJi.- 47 Brisll«‘ :iL’ l ilt .Mf t.il Hfpruv<‘ 48 T h t'ciill rXiKTCf; IT^TTVnil 4‘.f Anrirnt P.Tsian FAMILY CIRCUS .uiii.u.l in.w.ui, i C u u ju s h t.l. .')1 SuMiniiT ( Kr > A p p f I-.H ti H a n i;* ' <)( llu !)!i Hi'ad i-(jviTin^:

I'-::. Oit. 13 __ fk\ "

1 '1 : 1 I 16 I n 18 119 THE BORN LOSER 20 SURE, flake 'JOU'VE 22 23 24 27 28 29 itJ RDjP^P H0L£S Ah® f?DU>X> CMJ DO IT THE pets IW SOARS HCtE9|^ ^ eAsv'\A:Av.' 30 r 33 V, 35 ' O j ^ \

M ♦3 44 l47 48 W


------Hy ( LAY R. rOLL.4s------1------MAJOR HOOPLE AIICS LIIIA tJAf. 2 Y o u r Daily Ac\Wi!y C ui'J# ! Sffr. ;j ^ *' According fo ih t Start. '' ocf. ?J wisS/ fScJcM sw F re R A N V tiM C ^)23-2S-i2-ifi Tq develop message for Mfcrdoy, ABt2AM<&6C' VJHO w o u lp >&^54.57.72 read wtjrds ccrrc^>pcnd.r,g |o nurr^bcrs 1 ^EAR T^^E AAEETir'lS.' LET N O tZ M -cf ycurZ-odToc birth sign, AWAT&UtZ-SDMS- iseMEwsepry^aJ AKWAMGS TA U llU S wRvTe«'-naiep^ t o H&tfcrr Ti46 c u t - -^ tU G C /CTTTTTT ~Ta 31 B ^ # . r 61 P ty th .e ocr. CRAfi;*4 T»Ae PAT6 CAXEfZeiZT VW3ULP P LW J i <— M<4r 30 2 Good 32 Enjovob!* 62Lcoki --34.**ckv------^K**p. _ 63-AppeoLng- afW the i47-rt.5t^9 - II S t * e c riT 41 '” 15*18-20^9, -.A'Ay" i . ,I .. »2&<5V 42 Yoo t»6978 ^ Vts5 'P vvg ^ MATUSALLV TO VsJr nT ivaxjtcd 13 Pay ^Ooy PCI A t«?TVJlC>AWD, iKCJOe>jrALLy “X A W ir U M o k * 44 To C AfRICO RH CAPE TMAT% iK A ^ ^*6 ABOUT COs.^ Ki'JiKO ISTiunk___ A^youHl- : CALLtP Vff 0CWSR4 V ^ o AAKSeV ^ .C B llA 9 / MAYBB Wt Y ^ACTiCre WTTH h:V ' iv e WnW3V^ t i . . 16 Th**-..... Up _ ^ TMg - ^ Ji;sr ABc?irrcoMg-7n thE i 17 V .i.t.ng 47 Yoo — AT TUB rof^ P - CUJ^\pfU -THAT-Z^^HQULO f 18 Po«y - JUVr 22 U 22An JAW.JO • » 23 Romonct tl.A U G . 12 24Bm»- /£*.■ t i 2S> $ 3 5 E z a e “ srif 87N«tt ^n^»fGrWV*r--- -- 5»Oon*» nArt>m riscis Trie » ’ a' 99Srntkmg m . If \\x 6 0 Im petfcnc* n / 9 • (S )A d v ^ iM i n

± j : defensive u n if TH£ x^sMiie Plunkett hits earns trip POCATELLO — Idaho State .punt returns to sparkle ’ turned to Its defensive units for defensively and also chipped in ^ TD passes eight pass and w ith three field goals as the to b o w l fumble recoveries, outstanding Bengals, without a'September field position throughout' the backfleid starter or wide LOUISVILLE. „Ky. (U P l)- — night and all of- their scoring receiver, had the rare op­ Cheered by its largest home to top Huskies chances Saturday night in portunity of “ going to the crowd ever the fired-up Louis- vUle Cardinajs defeate^Mem- — ripping.Portland State 37-6. bench" late m the game^ -__. Undefealed Arizana Staters phis State; 40-27 .'Saturday night Stanford, Calif. fU FD —Jim of 36 passes,for ,26iyards. BiaL,. I^uie Hurst, a Wood' River Sophomore Tom Lee sparkM to clinch the Missouri Valley Plunkett, eolletje football's most enabled the Stanford senior, a' high school graduate, picked off the Bengals with some good (Conference championship and a successful passer ever, threw leading Heisman Trophy candi­ two passes and had four long rollout running and threw a sm other San Jose Slate 4 6-10 trip to the PasadenjeBowl Dec. four scoring strikes Saturday as date, to break by six yards the touchdown pass after all- 4he-Stanfoallndlnr1s ramft-frnm career passing mark of 7.076 America candidate Jerry -19r 22,657 fan? looking on, behind in the fourth quarter to yards held by Steve Ramsey of H . Scott Dunne sustained an apparent TKMPE, Ariz. l UPI)—J. D. not play until after intermis- ■ Arizona State closed the With quarter back~^ohn' -defeat—WashirtKttjn—2^22~and l^orth^Texas-Stflte------"Imee injury m tne tu-STquarter. Hill and Bobby Tliomas each scoring on a safety in the ■^sophomore Madeya _ised_for ^ne _touch gain their fir^t Rose Bowl berUi Plunkett threw coring passes Hurst’s 28-yard punt return got a pair of first-half The SDartana.'..scflceJaUo.K£d-.-£lgsingjmiDut£S-when Lipi>ij«as- - ^ ^ ran for two others as Tri‘'19“ years7 ..... ■ of six'yards'to Jacky Brown, surp.rises - ^ tu p w eyentual-i5^ara*tieia~to'(rmdaWs"~to~Taiinc?r^ritB^ ______u . . r , ______tackled in i r . tht.end zone------u.,by uownunt a fumble recovery by Bruce the Cardinals avenged a 69-19 Plunkett, who holds every nine to Jack Lasater,'27-to Bjob rgbal midway.-ihrQu^ t lS ^ a C ximi(ed Arizona ,State to a 4fci!l ^ r r y Delbridge. Lecuyer_Qa.the ASU 18^ shellacking— la s t- ^ « ^ — and T ’aeific-fl Conference passing Moore and 14 to Rftody Vataha. period and minutes later H irs t win over San Jose State. Boise 7 -3 stretched their wiimihg slrealt re c o rd and the NCAA total ■'The throw to Va*«ha cli­ Intercepted a Tim Von Dulm ...Saturday nicht. to four games. offense mark, connected on 22 maxed a 67-yard, slx-pjay drive pass ,and returned it to tha, the unbeaten 'Stjn Devils SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (UPI) ...... _ Hard running reserve half- with 7:32 left to play and gave iOans-^i—fi-14 late in the fourth quarter. leading the season. ^ lead. ball 10 times to lead a fumbling third completions of tlie night — plays after 'San Jose Irish \ictory Wer Pittsburgh. Sophomore quarterback Greg B'K Eight in ruslung prior to Quarter'batk Dean Carlson The Stanford defense, which It was the seventh straight Green Wave team to a 31-16 that carried to the five and l>ee John McMillen fumbled his Gagne, who entered the game | the game, led 2ft-7 at the half fired three touchdowns passes time and again stopped the homecomings victory ^ye r the._ rolled out -from-theFe—Hurslr'-K second p a ^ from center. win for the unt>eaten and No. 2 in the fourth quarter to try and a ftc a bewildering, wide-open for the Cyclones, hitting Otto Huskies when it seemed they ■ ranked Irish and the third loss Miami Hurricanes Saturday last punt return - a :t3-yard With Sun Devil coach Frank spark a lifeless Cowboy passing' runningga»!nc, featuring Colorn- Stowe twice oti plays covering might pad lhe^Md^rtJfe-fWBJ~ mght.------Kii‘i+1 I'ivini.' his second team a in emht i-ames for Pittsburgh attack, hit fianker Mike Leake do quarterback Jim Bratton 33 and 19 yafds. quarter, stopped SixklUef and Ilie win gave Tulane a and-a viinely of options Carlson's third touchdown WinihinjTtnn at thp .«aiinfnrri lead at 14-13 in the second Jack record, its best since 1956. and remaining. Qanahan broke off tackle for period. But then Theismann guaranteed the Green Wave its Jt-marked the .■jith..straight the longest scoring run of the rallied the Iri.sh for t

. . 70 Tlmes-I^ewj, Tw|n FalU^daho Sunday, November 8, 1970 M o n zo n arm as >oses

ROME (U P I)l^ a rlo s Monzon ‘ 1 of—Argentina won the ' world-'.| middleweight title iiaturday night with a dramatic 12th round-knockout of; champioD_.| l Nino Benvenuti of, It^ y . j ' - T^ e x a s r al i e s b y B a ^o r The 28-yew-old challenger knocked Benvenutl down for the “ OXFORDV Mistf fUPr)—“ .-WAGO,.—TexBx^(0;Pi)_Top^.detemined-Baylor.raUy^to-slip^;^,‘‘^ S ^ - ^ r ^ Archie Manning threw two Studdard. ranked Texas .its high-powered the surp ^tag Bears touchdown passes before suffer­ Houston------wrapped up the offense sputteringerinc thrmiDho.it-throughout- and extend the'nation's longest at one minute, 57 seconds.of the round with a hard pverhwd ing a broken arm and Qoyee scoring in the final tWo minutes the game, erupted for three winning streak to 27’game?, right that left Benvenutl on his Hinton kicked a near-record 57- on a 15-yard touchdown pass second quarter touchdowns Longhorn fullback Steve Wor- hands and knees in his own yard field goal Saturday in from Don Mullin to Pat Orchin. Saturday and fought , off a ster bulled his way in the two corner. leading Mississippi to a 24-13 one-yard touchdown runs in the A capacity crowd o f '18,000 M i \ictory over Houston. second period, and quarterback which paid a record Italian • The injury ended Manning's Eddie Phillips s lip p ^ ’fiY.e_ indoor gate of $176,000 gasped ■ collegiate- careerr dashed his LSU hits Alabam a yards on an option for the other as Benvenutl—unbeaten in 31 hopes of winning the Heisman Texas score; all within a span previousappearancesln Rome— Trpfihy and jeopardized Ole of just over 12 minutes. was counted out by WqsI-' M i^ ’ chances of winning the with 14-9 upset Rifle-armed Baylor quarter­ Germany Referee. Rudolf Seutheaatc fn-Gonfcrenoe oham- back Si Southall kept the Bears Drust. pionship. BIRMINGHAM, AUm UPI Hunter quickly’ passed the in contention, hitting split end Monzon. throwing wicked left ' Manning's injury occurred Safety man Carig Bur'tis sgt up CYiinson Tide to midfield only Derek Davis with a 73yard hooks and Jabs for most of the when he was tackled m the the go-ahead-touchdown with a to have tJiat threat end when bomb in the second quarter. • fight, had staggered Nino at third period while trying to 33-yard punt return Saturday linebacker Ixiuis Cascio made The Bears canie to life again least three times before knnck- pass. Doctors said his left then tjirned in two pass the Bcngals' fourth intercep­ in the fourth -period, a s -a Ing him down. v ----- Tor?srm“ ^a?~broken.v ap­ interce'ptions td help protect It tion . j ' penally- nullified a 75-yard Benvenutl, who like .Monzon^ parently when he fell on it. as underdog Ixjuisiana State ■scoring pas's from Southill\to T8”S&7^TJr^t biarely made the weight lim it of Manning had been having a shocked the Alabama Crimson Don Huggins. 160 pounds, bloodied the chat typically "good game” until he Tide H-9. . K -S ta te But David ^ Jones broke lenger’s mouth in the 10th ------was-injured hy. Hnii.ston . line- The mint return bv the ___through to hlook a tMckerChBflie Hall’s chance. speedy senior from Baton by Gary Keithley., and Bear shot thrown by the champion He threw two touchdown Rouge put the 12th:ranked runs over- linebacker Ray Penn gathered all night’. passes in the first quarter, fbr Bengals at the Alabama 22 in the ball at the Texas 45 and The knockout was the 23rd 14 yards to tailback Randy while the Tigers were trailing romped all the way to make it CowJjoys for Monzon. making his first Reed and five to running back 3-0. Five plays later Art 21-H with 8:21 to play. Rnh Knight ' Cantrelle leaped across from — Baylop— got— three— more^ ring appearance outside. South — MTtNHA-n ’ANrKan. [U PtT=~ America, and it ran....his Houston narrowed the margin the two-yard line to put LSU chances to go for their first win, Kansas State mixed the running professional . record to 69 in the second period when into the Head with 7:09 left in over Texas since 1956, but of Bill Butler with the passing victories, three losses and nine - I iulihack-IHahert-Jle whouse _ Uie fLrst half, of Lynn Dickey to brush aside Southall’s long aerials couldn’t The Bengals, pickini; up their ripfpnl.s------— ------7 shook off several Rebels on n Okldhuinu-Stutu 26-15 Saturd&'y~ find their marie------sixth straight victory after an For Benvenuti it was his fifth 12-yard touchdown run. in a big eight conference Defensive halfback Alan Im - opening loss to Texas A&M, defeat against 82 wins and a Manning, who completed H contest. wry set up Texas' opening drove 87 yards- for their other draw. The 32-year-old son of a of, 25 passes for 188 yards in The W ildcats scored the touchdown, recovering a Baylor touchdown with the final two Trieste fisherman had never that first half. Tried only, two clinching fourth touchdown witfi fumble at the Bear 15. It took yards coming on a pass from ^even been knocked off his feet. passes in thef second half. The 11:49 left in the game after Texas just three p ^ysto score, Buddy Ixe to Jimmy I>edoux first failed. He was trying to defensive end Mike Kuhn with Worster going the final with 8:17 left in the third throw the second on a third- intercepted Tony Pounds' pass- yard. 4)eriQd...... and Iwo— sltuaUon —ifrom- and rEtumed'it-'lSryards to'the The-other-Ijonghorn scores Io w a tops ■ / 2 - P B I C E Alabama, a three-point favor­ his si when he suffei-ed the Cowboys’ 15. Butler swept end came in drives of 77 and 78 W hen you buy the 1st tire at our everyday arm injury,___, ite, in the regionally televised yards. ------for 12 yards and Dickey scared ^change price

Sunday, November ^ .ijj^ T liriw -N e w s , Twin Falls Idaho 2J

W iscom be gains 104 U tah O regon beats Falcons 46-35 EUGENE, Ore. (U P I)-S o- Trailing 35-29 entering the Ducks a 36-35 edge. ' season bowl Jjrsr phomore quarterback Dan last quarter, the Ducks r a lli^ . Later in the fourth period got "a measure of-revenge for yards to key V and^^ Fouts' hurled four touchdown behind sophomore quarterback after the lights had been turned’ the 60^13 humiliation suffered at passes’ S a tu i^ y as revenge- Dan Fouts to puU out their on, Ken W o^y kicked a ,40-yard ■ the hands of the' Falcons last beng Oregon toppled seventh, sixth victory in nine starts. field goal to close the Oregon season. ranked and previously unbeaten Fouts hit: end Bob Newland. swring. A ir Foret Or*«on t h i r d s t r w i n ,^r Force .com^g from with a 3B-yard pa.ss after. „The 17-pQint-onthnr1AN, Wash. (UPi) - pecially after knocking Mager slower to make its rtiove waiting over'frofti the one to give the. chances for a major post- P a u e s 34 U 7 71 41 4 Iron Mike Wiscombe stormed out the ball freely on a rain-soaked' Pun»j 4 )4 7 9 3AS from the game on Weber's first until the third time it had the Fumolei loM ' 2 ■ i of the fog Saturday to destroy series of downs. bpU befOM scoring oii a 26-yard field, directed Utah to a 17-0 Yard^ penaliied 75 ' 102 Weber State and the University The Vandal offenseVas a little field gorf by C^tillo. ' victory oyer arch rival Utah USC shakes slum p to bury qf Idaho Vandals won their State in Romney Stadium Sat­ . Air Force had. won eight annual Big Sky conference urday. straight without a loss. Fouts completed 28 of 43 clash, 27J7______-U»«h O t*h- Wiscombe carried the ball 25 VTontana crushes P i r i f D o w • •• 14 U passes foF39G yards. Two bfTii.s Ru&hing Yardage 138 times for 104 yards and two Passing Yardage 1B9 touchdown passes ‘went to Hflurr. Vardage 70 SPOKANE, Wash. (UPI) - Rae replaced starter Jimmy in the final six minutes on , a touchdowns as the Vandals 106 Newland. who caught f l for 15:t Pjsses , n 30 1 n 74 4 ' Clarence Davis ran for 118 Jones in the second period and two-yard plunge. overcame a 17-9 halftime deficit. P u f lt s 4 45 3 8 3 1 .9 yards. ' . VISU, nabs title n D le s 3 . 3 "Vards and stored two touch­ nipped three touchdown passes. striking throuHh ever4ieavier rds Pcridlized 79 40 downs before leaving with a A 35-yard' toss to Sam w «btr ..Idaho MISSOULA, Mont. (UPI) - minutes left in the first qtiarter Firti oownj n 3i ■Clyde plunged over from the severely bruised hamstring Dickerso;! closed the first half Ru»ning Yardage 144 3^7 The -University of Montana when junior halfback Casey one for one touchdown and un­ muscle Saturday in powering scoring with the Trojans on top ARemrcAj sno w /^obtif Pasilno Yardage i9 7 UO Grizzlies marched over arch ri-. ReUly scooted around his left Return Yardage M 47 loaded a 59 yard pass to Jim Southern California to a topsid- 35-10. val-Montana-Stater35-0. Satur—«»ifoF-14^tardsand^.^l7=i)fitst Brown for another in s' second ed 70-33 rout o f. hapless Punf»,4, -6 39 9 6 38 Rae then hit Skip Tliomas ■The''Boss C at" has had a i>#'w litter! Fumbles ioit day, clinching a second straight quarter lead following Don Wpr- period thrust that saw the Utes Washington State.. Yards Pervaiued undisputed Big Sky Champion- roll’s conversion. . with a 45-yard scoring toss and clinch their fourth straight win. It was the highest score ever All Twin Cylinder ".Panthers" “Ifiip " ancT'Biadlhg for' another . AlthoTigh unaWc-to-score-m- fog during the second half. m H te:.,,«... ui.. the- s t s a t f g M t s a bowl appearance. ' U»e second period, Montana a quick 3-0 lead on the soggy Idaho's second half scoring third quarter for the Trojans, and the all new "Puma" . ’••"'Chtfe was no question about continued to dominate play. turf with a,42 yard field goal record 127 points tallied by spIuFge was also ait^j^d by who are 3-3 in the Pac-fl and 5- ■ Rl|py, who ramfi off thp h«?nph Uie outcome of ^ e game as the Worrell was short on a 46-yard in the opening quarter after a California against St. Mary's in ^ I d - goal-attempt and tim e-ran- 3.1,.Qverall______J ______COME SEE THEM A N d 'V a KE YOUR PICK ■ in the final 30 minutes of action Grizzlies moved the b ^ at will "TioIBing penalty set up a first 1920 for the Pacilic-(i conte;r- out with , the Grizzlies on Rod McNeill, another Trojan to pack the ball 16 t,imes for against the Bobcats, despite a down on the Aggie 28. ence record. the Bo£)cat one-yard line. sybsititute, also tallied three bunched defense that at times The Utes loosened up their Davis, the conference's lead­ 124 yards. Montana broke the game open touchdowns on- runs of 46, 54 DOUGLAS SERVICE. The elusive Riley, who had became almost an 11-man line. attack ir^the second quarter ing rusher and ranked among in the third quarter when Griz­ and 5 yards as USC rolled to The Grizzlies scored with five with CHyde playing the key role the nation’s top 10 ground M agic Valley's Oldest and Most ■ spent the past week Ui the in­ zly fullback Les Kent boomed 375 yards on the ground. in a pair of touchdowTis which gainers, tallied on an 11-yard firm ary with an abscessed tooth, over from the one for a Mon­ ' Experienced '' C a t " D e a le r______L gave the visitors a 17-0 halftime run in the first period and then Ken-'Lyday was the only picked up all of his yardage tana touchdown and quarter- BOX 54 HAZELTOn ] IDA. 83333 Phone 829-5974 lead, ------zipped 88.yard.s with a kickoff -double-scorer for the Cougars^ in a second-half rampage. \ . M . rips back Gar y Berding hit end Tom return of r his second TD early His first tally came on a 34- Idaho scored the first time it McMahon with a 41;yard scor­ Qyde. throwing with, confi­ THINK SNOW ! dence despite the Inclement in the second period. yard run In ^e 'th ird period and had the h ^ , grinding out 60 ing pass for another. yards in lOpljiys with fullback A rizo n a weather. S^T?V'"'"ore quarterbpfi<- Mike he capped ttie Cougars’ scoring Wiscombe punching over from the two-yard line. Ricardo O s- by 3 5 - 7 tillo missed only the second _ point after touchdown attempt in ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (UPI) his two-year career with the —Halfback Fred Henry romped ifandali. for-touchdowns-of 52 arid 40 The Wildcats put together two yards Saturday to lead the Uni- touchdowns' in just over,' one versity'orNewlviexlco Lobos to minute late in the first quarter a 35 - 7 win over Arizona In a when Buford Wilson dove in to Western Athletic Conference the end zone from three yards game. out and Dale Maeer hit Randy ■The win,~ sweet revenge—foi^ McDougall on a 45-yard passing the Lobos who have not beaten play. The second Weber tally the Wildcats since 1965, gives came after a Steve Olson pass UNM a 4-0 record In the WAC was picked off by Wildcat line­ play and 3-4 for the season. backer Rick Steere on the Idaho liie Lobos ran' for three touch­ 45. downs and recovered a blocked On the first play, McDougall punt in the Wildcat end zone, beat Vandal quarterback Kelly while Arizona got its lone touch­ Ourage and Mager laid the pass down on a short run in the first in perfectly. period. ■The two teams traded field Lobo fullback Sam Scarber goals in the second quarter with opened the scoring early in the Jaime Nunez hitting from 48, game with a two-yard run, cli­ yards out with slightly less than maxing a 56-yard i^ive in seven six minutes left in the half ahd. -ptays: ^ CastUlo booting a 40 yarder just Arizona came back with Willie 34- Beoonds-l)«for»4h»4ntarmis. ’TZiiiB’-T s n r^ flra plunge a few Sion. 'ITie moTnenliiincl score was set up by a 37-yard tically the second half as the punt return by Jack Ashby and Idaho defense came out fired a series of passes by quarter­ — up-and held-Weber-Jo-just-two , back BtH Demory;------first downs the rest of the game. The Vanda defense, quickly dominated Weber’s offense, es- CSU Rams O k la h o m a topple surprises BYU 26^9 FORTCQLUNS, Colo. (UPU

M isso u ri up 207,yards rushing, ran for two touchdowns and set up an­ NORMAN, Okla. (U P D - other Saturday to lead Colorado Runnlng (back Greeg ^ u itt State University to a 26-9 win crossed me goal line three over Brigham Young University times Saturday, twice on passes in a Western Athletic Conference from Oklahoma quarterback game. Jack Mildren and once-on two-yard run, as ran for a touchdown and-place- Sooners scored a 28^13 upset kicker Dan Torzala had a field homecoming victory against goal and three extra p o in t A Missouri. safety on BYU rounded outTlw Mildren plunged over from Rams scoring. the 1 yard line for the other RYTT*

'atonned' {rotn befaliid to upaet becauw Taylor ' was slightly -Georgia ii-W *...... injued last week, added, the. Reaves and Ahrircx, ahoyrfaig final tondidown for the sizth- tfae.pia^ that led the Gators ra n M , unbeaten, untied Wolye-' to ■ «-M record last aeaaon, rines oh a one-yardrun^ cocabtoed far a a^yard acoring The mini a r« .M in the Big pass wttS 5 :i5 T a t and ^ -W wfiiirffirW fflvSfDterB^T- yarder ^ritfaJl:39 rrmatning. perfect Sfl. Vi

M.Ju/In F«ll». Iii^hn Sunday, November 8, T970

. ' ■ ■ ■ . • ^ T G orrell sparks Gooding inlo

GOODING Quarterback three and Jim Thohipson fe lte d n e cte d :w lth ;G ^ W ri^ t a Garv Gorrell scored twice on Uie conversion. With 3? seconds 51-yard pass but ( ^ ^ e ll got the t o 1 8 long rollouts and Fred Chesllk left in the half„Gorrell th/ewa-^Hst-Gooding-toudidown^ ^ent'24-yards foraii(5ther-BMre^29-yard-totiehdown--t}as»-, to JEROME — Senior Kirk The IVoiMis, running their in the first period Friday night Funkhouser and Thompson winning streak to' 18 in a row ■ E>ennis ran for one touchdown, to...... points the...... G p o ■■ ^ g Senators" ‘ ^ again converted. A WARNING over the past three years, shut thi-ew for anotho- and scored a to a 50-20 victory Qver the A bad snap from center early third on the end of a three-party out the Tigers in the first half in the third quarter gave TO OWNERS . and'traded touchaowns with winless Filer Wildcats. ' play Friday. night to cap Gooding wound up the season Gooding possession on the Filer them in the second to n fil down . another undefeated Wendell ll^lwith a-4^1 record while Filer 19 and on the third play Gorrell. the ^decision. Jerome held LQF SAMSONITE IVojans season with a 20-12 wound up with one tie md nine threw a fla re : -pass 'to decision over- the Jerome -Dennis-to - 79 -yards-in-rushing Funkhouser for six yards and with a top run of 23 yards, but Toss^. ^ ~ ‘ ELECTRIC Tigers. The Senators quickly took 'the score. Filer rebounded on a the talented youngster gave lofig pasg from Peterson to them trouble with his passing control of the game, taking the CAN OPENERS opening kickoff and racking up Daniels and Peterson later Models 1110 o r 1 1 1 5 ■ and.receiving and set the tone of , big hunks of yardage before sneaked in from the one. He also the third quarter with a t Cheslik ended the ^ iv e with his got the two-pointer. Early in the booming 51-yard punt. — ^ 24-yard scamper. The Senators fonrtlr period,—Petepon con- - However, the game finally hinged on a pass Interception by gpt a break minutes later when. Filer fumbled a punt and Moniy Adams that led to Wendell’s FROM r A ll AMGIES Funkhouser Tell On it at~the~ T H E P L A C third touchdown and again If ybu h*ve 1 Hodtl 1110 or 1115 Filer 24. On the next play tobuyyournewTOYOTil Stmionite Electric C«n Opener with the By LARRY HOVEY Coach Yogi Behren’s defensive Samsonite njme molded In the plastic Tiines-NewsSports Editor Unie conunanded most of the Goreell tucked the ball away, casing, 'return it to SaniiOflIt# COfp.,. swung right and delivered a Boi 5S22, Denver. Cofo. ftO?17. It will -With—the- fourth, district -time,------^ ^ ^ ^ _ be eiammed »Ad. if defective^ repaired picking off three of the four Jerome made one good thrust -classic-stpaightarmJULerasc_th® and returned at no chargt. AM can open* last Filer defender-enroute to TTT tr q u tn rt- trophies in state competition the in the early going but then was -j; Approved Label. A few may hawe a d»- Wills Motor Co. fective electrical connection mahln| past two years, cross country is the touchdown. Again Filer had pretty well stymied until Jim. ' I 236 Shoshone St. West them potentially urisafe To protcct our "Be^iying one uf Uib bigger -to punt after taking the kickoff cmtorner>. we art recalling the entire THeekCanaTeaffltaaice- p fo d u c tio n sports (in the area. while, revved up the Tiger of­ BREAKING LOOSE up the middle, Wendell helped Inadvertently by official Bob Mai who and, after one first down. Gorrell rolled out the left side, Its Excellence . has earned fense »rith passing. Jerome kept senior K irk Dennis evades two Jerome tacklcrs was caughl up in the play as shown but in effect again straightarmed the last Jerome the right to host the the pressure ,iip throughout the enroute to a H-yard touchdown run provided a key block on an unidentified Jerome man out of the play and raced 36 state combined competition fourth ..quarter, onsides kicking against the Tigers Friday afternoon. Dennis was lineman. next year over the Jerome after both touchdowns and yards to score. I wish to thank the people for Country Qub golf course. In regaining possession. But Filer came back with a good drive, Chadwick running well voting to return me to the legis­ addition, the ' Southern Idaho Adams' pass interception came and getting most of the yards. Conference has decided to after the first and the Tigers \ew Meadows'^snaps Carey’s lature. I will continue to sponsor a championship in the weren't able to capitalize on the Midway through the - sccond period, Lynn Peterson Hit Shane appreciate your advice and sport and the first one will be second. * run in Twin Falls. Jerome held Wendell without Whitney with a five-yard 16-gam e im defeated streak glance-in pass for the touch­ counsel on legislativeThaffers. a first down in the first quarter • The third district has lost' but on their third possession the down. CAREY — Long Pin Con- ternoon'-in ;i playoff between ii fumble recovery at midfield, But within three minutes Ray Lincoln Representative Disf. 23 three basketball coaches Ui^the Trojans started moving. Fred ferenee chariipion New conference champions. Iliir l Murdock hits Stocking on a past couple of weeks to the FBI, Blackburn caught two passes Gooding had nullified that when Meadovys, taking advantage of It was the first lo.ss for the long pass and on the next play Mike Mickes, went in from the ^therpay offered Inductees teing: ■ ifind-BirM Sisson one'-for-the W g - a pass-interceplion-for-the go— Panthers iii47-*;aHies dth(>UHTr ^)efims~Ruiih,'cutting .tx:hind a considerably better than that gainers as Wendell moved to the ahead touchdown, dropped the they were tied in bolh the 1%9 block by Siinpste Mom Wrl> Twin Folli Mahb Phone 7'33 0601 Mini Mac 6 Automalic ‘ less cultmg attachftients from Neil Graff to l.arry Camas Couniy blasts Mialfk. McCulloch Power Mac 6 McCulloch Power Mac 6 Automatic Cascade in playoff ...... ''»t pfi F A IR FIE LD — The Camas the Mushers. Minutes after the .County Mushers, sparked by long run, Charles Ashmead two touchdown runs by frosh TO? Moro Cutting powCf scooped up a Cascade fumble NOW YOU CAN BE WKI,I. man the Mim Mac 6 yeiit Oils Its own !6 Cjiyne Osborn, throttled the and went 35 yards to score. GROOMED AT ALL tllVll S: wcghs |ust a few ounces ,md rha'H for longof IMe Cascade Ramblers 54-18 Friday Brent Giesler got the two- more 14' b.ir and chain The top of Iht; McCuMoch afternoon in the runner-up pointer. Coats capped another I.OOK AND FfiEI. YEARS Built to professional supof lightweight i>no YOLIlNGEiMN SECONDS U I T H standards Out-cuts many wiH feJMrcHis up to 3-foot with-a- onp yard quaf j weighing ». it. my eh; - —mi£Ai»cris.Tcu&v-iq nanaigi -teamS'lhHirTBr'SBfiTte River terback sneak w d ' just before and Long Plnr^MCBtfe narrowed yards and the £n a l points;. BRAKE & PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. INC. formafton; tncludtng your new.full Ifci— -f the^-^and-^paBsing,-4With—Osbof n- ( ') I h«vr ni«vi»r worn n hilirpii-<-p. ( ) I have worn n hairpirrr h«lf County regained a averaging nbie yards and Gill iwo-totidKlown advantage when seven per carry, the Mushers f o r ------venrs. N A M ir ...... piled up 2S8 yards rushing while OmU hooked up with Bus AODRE-SS VaaSkSke"ran S kiu m on/a /» 35-yard3S-yard bomo.bomb. UMCoats tsthrewfo threw for 220. Coach Phil CITV ...... STATE ...... Z I P . Oaborn’a Mcltoff return Brackenbury lauded his Z 3 _ 3 - 5 Q 9 9 r^pteia M mariM rtTpumer fBr 'defBiflvenint.^ W tO X K . . . ■ ______


'■p- 'r '

i * Tlmi!s-N;w!i, Twin Fiill«: Irinh^ Sunday. N o ve m b e r B. 1970 . V o x y g o n ' ^ ' N e w s ' O # - for C h ristm as D rivers lose ticenseS^ HyjpnotisiErdoctor’s tool BOISfif- SevelW Magic GoodingCoUnty-Steph^E. ~Bek rfr^wenT and Lynn'M. . S c rv ic e m e n -Us'wiS use it are the patient’s "latest symptoms suppU^ by Chenietron Corpor­ chum, driving while under the Sam Walters and Nelspn ^cum ulation of points; L^ta ’ And --any ^ e r ic a n doctor psychiatrists and they do it' and to write out his prescript ation is mixed with natural gas, influence of alcohol, and Lennie WUson, all Rupert; DWI; Tom .Viola E rha rdt, F lie r, and quietly, for carefully selected tions,” he says. who still thinks hypnotizing to make the flame- in gla^ Lee Eldredge. Carey. vioTatfonJ l^^^oplrand Stanley-AT'StankHr~Jeffrey~ - T ; Hoogland, DIRTY CARPETS? patients smacks of quackery ' patients. Rowing rnachin'es burn hotter, of restriction. ‘-both'mipm-, reckless driving: ' Castleford, violation of has allowed prejudice to'blind H artland urged its use in making gldss shaping easier Van D yke sued Cassia County drivers include JameS Craven, Douglas Martin, restriction, and Larrj^'TMan ■ him to progress in medical general' medical practice. By and f a ^ r . David Balderas,' L a rry R. both Rupert, and John Wilson, Richards, Kim berly, and WE WILL CLEAN -^ ie n 'c e r—In—short, hypnotism -hypnotizing- thfr'^tients,—he "Casper atfd"^Ellsie=2^ieli=aU=-Paul,-accumulation-oFviolatlon~Wllliam-

Sears Has E verything to M ake Hom e E ntertainm ent F ^n ...

l4^4ru-lXiag0 days Of sale. Free repIaVemenl I li(il>tlil« m ill loni:*- «>praLrr. iiii i tube furnished if piclure tube proves defective within first monthly payment in February firr. uulom niH <• (H iioinaiic uiiln ( ••iil three years; other lubes and parts—one year. nisTainnroire'xrfTorfrf-rdavs. ENJOTTHE SOVNUS OF FUNWITH STEREO B y N O R M A H E R Z IN fc E R lUchti,,ltlrs. Davidl!'ollihgstad,‘M rs^ T om Schafer , M rs^WesIey-Startin,. ‘ TW IN FAUiiS -- The mystery and nMrs.-Leon Smith,-MrS.-lMdtt-Smith- -^citem ent of the anusual is always and Mrs. John Wattland. ren^mBfeTed and Magic Valley ~ The fashion:show^Hl be narrated residents attending a forthcoming A by, Mrs. Richard Reed, with fashion show will rememb^ it for a background music played by. M r s .,. long time. ^ Elbert-Davis. Special intermission Iflatching dresses and flowers will I entertainment will be provided by go on view ,as tw o 'G alifo rn ian s-w ill- T-' BeckylSulJivan, former -Miss-Twin— be exhibited in-an untanny wedding 'Falls. . ■ of design and naturfe to be shpwirby .The ex,citing fashibns wH!....b e ..: Idaho’s own Twip- Falls’'loveljes -. rijghlighted'with hairstyles by Mr. courtesy of Bob Harvey at the J u a n ’s B eauty—Salo n s '-a n d shoes Mayfair Shop and the Twin Falls from Hudson’s Shoe Store. .Special Junior Club. ' -..... prizes, card prizes and favors will be “Toast to the Holidays ’ the Junior* ■ given. A display of holiday Club’s 11 th annual fashion show, will d^drations will be featured by Fox include, among> other current Floral. , ' fashions, .tlRose by Miss Elliette, the Mrs. Michael ‘Green is serving California designer, who has as general chairman of the event, fashioned— her— faH— eeHeettoii—xiL. asisisted bv Mrs. Michael Glenn, cl^iffon di^esses in gladioli colors stage .and lights; Mrs. Ed Person, while Edwin and John Fr^zee, the table . decorations;- M r5tf4^_, Tiation’s' largest ^gladioli growers, Decker, tickets; Mrs. James Fitz-■ have planted exact color matching Patrick, publicity;- Mrs. Larry- prize sp>ecimens. The combinations. Henman, favors and prizes; Mrs. in vibrant shades of flame, yellow, Bill Morrison, clean up; Mrs. Steve pink, purple, lilac, green, etc., will Lund,— refreshniCTitir; Mrs: Fitz­ be shown^Hnring the stvie show and patrick and Mrs. Wesiev ^tartin. benefit card party beginning at 8 programs; Mrs. Don Pfefferle, p.-m. Thursday at the Episcopal seating, and Mrs Kermit Leir, Church Auditorium. arrangements. Still growing among 1,250 acres of All proceeds for the event will be gladioli beds, the fresh flowers, given to the Magic Valley Film planted especially for the Mayfair Library, which is housed in the Shop and the Junior Club, will be cut College of Southern Idaho Library. A on Sunday and Oown directly to film will be purchased concerning IVvm t*'allS. Shlpphig a ria iig e m enta drugs, as a part ot the him library s for the fresh flowers have been awareness program which is in- mad eby TW'A-Marketai-r- and will b&- tended to educate Magic Valley distinctively arranged by Fox Floral residents on the causes, effects, uses for the event and abuses of drugs. Any civic This promises to be a most organization, club, group or school unusuaF and beautiful -sight- with ^D_f)uickly and easily borrow these -JunioL_Cluh jaoodels. .showint; these -filmsv^fee-of-ehargev tasho.w-to their^ pastel-colored fashJon-perfect . particular group. Dr. James Taylor, chiffons amid a setting oM60 dozen Dr. Terry Smith, Paul Ostyn and the matching colored gladioli. college librarian select and screen The unique dress and flower idea these films, choose only the most was conceived by The designer. Miss important and useful films, keeping Elliette, two years ago on a drive them in sequence and up-to-date. X )ne in 24 million ... through a secluded California valley Thursday fashion show. Twin Falls Junior Club models Several organizations have already overlooking the Pacific Ocean where will be showing these postel-colored.. and fashion-perfect donated money toward the purchase STANDING AMIDST 24 million gladioli, the largest the Frazee's annually grow 24 chiffons amid a setting of 160 dozen matchiog-colored of these films. gladioli bed in America, at Oceanside, Calif., Is^ this m illion gladioli in 1,000 differen t lovely model wearing a Miss Elliette all-over pleated gladioli lo be flown fo Twin Falls and arranged by Varieties covering every color shade Last year the Junior Club style chiffon _goy^n.______>o those to be jhown at the Fox flassiL. except black show proceeds were used to pur­ Scheduled to model the beautiful chase a Reading -Master for the liss—EUicUe-chiffons—and—other- Child Development Center fashionable ensembles for the Tickets for the forthcoming holiday season from the Mayfair fashion show and card partv are

AfiAONG THOSE to model fashions from ihe ul>'j show ond benefit card—party, are, frim left, MrsVWchrard^1teedPM fiv--W eileY^:Sfki^n'.l^Bi.'-Sfti'ifi^ •Jftrff 'Meyerhoeffer o nar -m : KofiSTd~ticKrr: Th i "ivim " l i = p. m. Thursday ot the episcopal CfcwrcA r

Buhl couplft pinns opph house - BUHL Mr. and Mrsi'Ray Qark,^ Buhl, will o b s ^ e their Gold^ Wedding Anniversary: h u n t s e t with an open house at their *TJre- JUto 4:30 p. m..Nov. 15. Welcome Wagon Club will haVe iltitlves of Ihe Its fall party N q v . 14, starting at couple are Invited to attend and . m. at A1 Htmkins’ bam, two _they request no gifts. - last—of—Blue—Lakes - — Qark Is a-veteran of World Boulevard on |Falls Avenue. War I. Hiey wwe married at^ A iscavenger hunt 1^ planned V, , the Logan LDS Temple No^ 10, -j ' with dancing and refreshments 1920, and resided In Qarkston, afterwards. Utah, untU. 1938 when they Committee chairmen for the mnvpd •I^aho^ where-thevv were engaged in farming. In Melba-'Lydrickson; calling; r 1966, the? retired from farming Betty. Moser, decorations, wd^ : and moved lnt(j Buhl. Barbra DePew, games. A They are parents of nine OTall cost per couple, will be ' children, Sylvan Clark, made. • Hagerman; Nile Clark, I Reservations can be obtained Meridian; Don Clark, Glen I by calling Pal Albers, 733-3951 TTarkr3be”ClarkrMrs. Gerald I or, Mrs. Lydrickson, 733-33M (Vaudis) O'Briwf, Mr?. Fairls’ I T)efbre Nov. 13. (Ruby) Qarkr^MrsTTlaymond I (Dorene) Clark, and Darwin I>egend says Home was Clark, all Buhl. They have 28 m . A N D MRS. RAY CLARK founded by Romulus in 753 B.C. grandchildren and sixj_gre«t- (Dudley photoj grandchildren.

o c ta i .u e n

_ TWIN F A I^ - Unity aub w ill meet a1 12:30 pCm?^Ved-^, nesday for a potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Louis Svehlak. Mrs. Max Van- Sw eet tooth?- members p f fhe Ta Win Okiya group. Mrs. Paul charge of the program. f S T H E W O R D PREPARING FOR ibe annual candy sale of fhe Moseley Jr. is leader of the group, wifh Mrs. M ary 'r r : 0 '1 TWIN F A L l^ - Zenobia aub Magic Valley Council of Camp Fire Girls are, from Lu Weaver as assistant leader. The candy sale is set No. 2, Daughters of the Nile, left, AHa Frazier, Eha^ Rodriguez and Alix.Fiazier; Jrom Nov. 9 thrQugh D^C, 7^...... will -meet at ISTSO^r.m . 'Wed-~ nesday at the Masonic Temple for a luncheon. Members are BOOTS asked to bring sandwiches. Cam p Fire Girls New book fells how io / F o r D r e s s ’ TWIN FALLS - Tuesday evening w ill be Friendship candy sale slated improve your vocoBulory^-::::^ Night at the regular meeting of Twin Falls Chapter No. 29, H ie aiuiual • Tuiiier. Area chairmen are his vocabulary quickly, easily NEW YURk — DO you know Masonic Temple. candy sale of the Magic Valley being appointed for the outlying the origin of the following words and entertainingly. It tells the BOOTS Council of Camp Fire Girls will towns and Include Mrs. Sandra and phrases: bowdlerize, bunk, fascinating history of the PAUL — The United F o r P a n t s get under way Nov. 9 and Reinhardt, Kimberly, and Mrs. the real McCoy, peeping Tom, English language, lists -foreign Methodist Church Youth Group, continue through Dec. 7. Dale Atkins, Buhl. ' nicotine, sandwich, schlemiel, words and phrases that add senior high school age, will The girls'have an opportunity The candy to be sold from baker’s dozen, corduroy. color to your speech, offers vital . meet at 7 p.m. today -a t-tlie - -to r earn, a coiipnteslorrwhtctpTVlcDonald C ^ d y CoTahdapleta-Jbonpyninon? , . words ' Iq r effective -b u s ih e ^ 'home~Of" Mr. and” Mrs.“tie ra Id '' helps_j?iUL thek Cainp J f f i cotlets from Liberty Or- Do you know the difference ih writing; relates interesting Stoller. expenses and the sale also chard Co. usage between; bimonthly and stories behind some common BOOTS provides supplementary council Girls selling candy, jr ill. be^.semi-monthly^ flaunt and flout; words' and phrases; makes support? HENRIED DIRECTS wearing their Camp Fire or - flounder and founder; imply suggestions to teachers about F o r S n o w Co-chairmen for this year's Blue Bird costumes. Camp Fire and infer? Show business has pupil interest in vocabulary HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A c to r- candy sale are Mrs. Duane Girls is a member agency of the affected and enriched {he building; and offers a variety of director Paul Henried will Hankins and Mrs. Archie United Fund. English langtCige considerably self-scoring quizzes to sharpen direct an episode of "Brackerr's with such words as ad lib, ham. one's word power. World" at 20th CenturyrFox. You just won't believe the selection flood lights, but do you know the you con find’ ot Hudson's. If we can't meaning of these theatrical Luncheon nneeting slated meet your needs you con't be fit. term s; apron, grip, house. W lt^ F A L L S ----- The-Magi(r-BaugtT;-Shoshone, will present "^wlniam^^o^fi's, editor-in- Exclusively a t MPtKS V ^ e y Oirlstian Women's Qub "The Joys of QuUt Making” as chief of the bestselling, widely M . ^ ' “ "cheon at 1 p, m. the special feature. acclaimed American Heritage Nov. 10 at the Amencan Legion Reservations can be obtained Dictionary, which Dell has Just

Boise, as featured speaker. Filer. 326-5180; Buhl. 54W062. written a companion book to the ^ .Howard Lar?on,JKim -, jjrJfirom e. .324^2. JVee baby- -dlctionaryi-—Your-Heritage of if granny could berly. poet and soloist, will jiU ing^Js—nvailable by ' con, “ “ rease Vour present the music and Edith tacting Shirley Harris, 423-4091. Vocabulary Instantly.’ OF NORWAY onyseeEeTEooF The Magic Valley Christian "Your Heritage of Words" :ii'a Club is fur Clii istiaii Side Draped women of all denominations. L i n e d w ! ,.Th'erkj and all Magic Valley women are XAMB LEATHER o r W hat a sensational group of boots invited to attend; Printed Pattern P a c k a g e U n l i n e d these are with Glow-Coaled Crink­ les, Suedes, Leathers running knee G lifb-m em bers 4itgh;------^------p l a n n e d Sizes to 11 hear review TWIN FALI.S — Members of 2A toC 2 4 S T Y L E S SPRINGDALE - Mrs. Albert the Salmon Social Club made Fillmore, revtewed the book, plans for sending a gift package - From Which to Choose - '"The Immortal-Wtfer'"—(Then to an ■ urphaiiage In Vietnam PIERRE ..members of- the BoUos- Lettres during a meeting at the home of" VIVA AMERICANA—YODELERS met at her home TTiursday for Mrs. Eldred Taylor. t:ONVERSE. the November meeting. Mrs. Mae Fuller presented TTie book is on the life of the program and gifts were : Jessie Benton Fremont, the- pre^nted to Mrs. Alice Court­ ' daughter of John Charles ney and Mrs. Joanna Smith. Fremont, a Missouri senator. The next meeting, Dec. 6. is at A Dec. 3 Christmas dinner the home of Mrs. Charles O’Dell -party, with a gift cichange, was" and Mrs. Effle Bauer will be planned at the home of Mr. and program chairman. Roll call Mrs. W. A. Matthews. Husbands will be "A ll I Want for Christ­ of memtjers will be guests. mas is . . . "

^lianLsQ ivini ^ a ( Sp ecta i

9489 1014-20}^ PERMANENT WAVE

E venings By Appointment _ Second perm anent p h o n e 733-1641 - In f NEWEST STYLINGS-SMARTEST COLORS Draping is drawn to one side Artistic Beauty Satonl In rich excitjriQ quality leathers. siied<»«;__a n d Sew this important dress in crepe, blends. — PHiiteJ Patigm~94gg: New -JM fS faet lOH, liH, 14^. 16 ^ 4SVi, 3DMi. Size 14% ( bust 37) SGHOoisPEcm r Alexander's fashions^reqt. 2% yds. 60-ln. •-J^____ ' leathers for-m en, »ooj~ Seventy-five ^ t s for paoh PERimiiNEIIT pattern — add 2S cents for each “ pattern fo rAir Mail and Special WAVE Use your Roper's Option Charge Handling. Send- to Marian Second ' or your Bank Cmds ______M artin ^ -(Hmes-News), 39S- ’ Tyei’irra n e rit P a ttm D e^., 232 West IBth St., . Mew York, N.Y. lOOn. Print BEAUTYARTS - Now accept* A C A 0 E I I Y : ing opplico- G itiriw - IM dynianic designs. l3SMoinA^.W. tioni for n«w itudenn . . . ■ E rM jP ittem Oaqpon. SO cents. 733-6342 > fo r *o profesitono! career _ H lft Mm KO Kin^.. (ttJUOm hatmA Ssniag Book - TwinMh^iaaho — come in andtee.us. ■ m m FAUS — MJHL — B U M IY M IT B tT Taa^,||i«ii(lcjTOTO roast beef, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, steamed G etting ready . . . carrots, gelatin salad, hot rolls, pumpkin and apple pie, coffee and PREPARING FAVORS and decorations for the annual Harvest milk. Committee chairmen include M rsr Richard Fuchs, food pur- Festival dinner sponsored by- St..EdwardYX-Slholic, Chuich^ Jire. -chases and food donations; MfS. Bengoechea, food preparationsj V\il| /UOIH will'll .'.iltiil .it till' laliti* •frbm leff, Bdrbara Sievers, Arlene Schmidt, Catherine Bengoechea, Mrs. Denis Kirsch and Mrs. Jim Schmidt, table decorations; Mrs. Bob . IMiiri' '(il.iil liiiwl. Judy McFarland, Avis Wasko and Evelyn LeClair. Jhe event is set Schwetfeger, tickets; Mrs. Wasko and Mrs. Roger Graefe, dfban up, ami -jLiii in;.Ti'ii- from 5 to 8 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Parish Hall. The menu will feature and Mj_s. Francis Karel, publicity. .illiMi livi' Ir.iy .Mill ...... 'I" t.ilili- Mi\ ■lri'--iii:; Fashionables ...... \l lii-l, lliin iilil |x [in'i'.in'il 111:: I'. 11 h'n t'. I . _fn t ■ BOTH OF THEM are putting on the dog in brother K .n iij '*-r\ I- and sister outfits. He's wearing an orlonjionded knit suif with-pulloV£r SW6Qt6r‘ that has while i-iBbed~furtTe f t o l i d o y hufrsiytes occent^tegun^B =~^^~^ neck collar and cuffs. Sister wears an orlon bonded iJi'i l.iiHiiiL (littnrt ______' .1 lll<-|MI (him' •MoIi -^hift.^itb^rlfek~r^ek--ariSfjrrd‘-herrtT-4iet^ecrtnrdt^ave^ print duggie's on them to matiib doggie ^ppliqu^; Ihe a c t^ t is on 1‘legaiife in profession. - • " the hair fashion picture foUows tentlonairy pretty and romantic, distinetivenoss desired,'in the I'-" ' l*'|” ..>• the new hair styles designed, for The new styles were through fmm fall, and continues They are usually composed of total-look. " i " - " ' h i( 1 >•' I ‘ *r«- ‘ . j l l i i i j the hoUdays ahead by the ()f- previewed before___^ ‘veral__ trend of hitihly supplc-wauciUhatflowunatithei:______auOs,4 oo,-inakcaho-sccnc-m "Ticial Hair Fashion Conuniftee thousand hairdressers from feminine hair styles that help lahguidly sensual lines, or soft all variations, from short half of the National Hairdressers across the nation, meeting in pull together the elegant wavelets which are either cOrls to clusters of spirals of and Cosmetolo.^isls New York for the National Hair variations in clotJiing fashions highly defined or just a true or false hair. Association, the hair fashion Fashion Show, for the season. suggestion of motion, depending Poufs of soft and silken hair authority of the beauty "Pie influence of elegance on The new styles arc in- upon the individuality or have also established them­ selves for the winter season after their great popularity last fall. They appear as light puffs, cushions or overlays, usually at , the top or in the back crown area, and serve very well to form la__genlle_haiig-_aluin------\ hairliiles require. ii.n Frnnn the frnnt fhe new hnir__l,i styles continue vrith the small head look with hair dressed gently ofMhe- face in most in­ stances.

TtyTes liave .a, pa7ticularTy luxurious look of opulence formed by an extra volume of hair just hfilnw the rrn am_Ihis. "more head” look with short hair lengths has to be propor­ tioned to give a graceful silhouette and balance to the head. It is not so Jar^e, however, that the exfra'volume can be seen from the front. This extra volume at the back crown can be a rranged with one’s own hair, shaped, con­ ditioned and illuminated with flattering hair color. Or, it can Curled elegance r be achieved with the use of Committee ol the National Hairdreaers and Cosme- hairpieces, embellished with ~A y OF"honGhnTrTjbaTixii'percritjL chad~ afop tologlsts AsfoctaHarr. The' cluster ui vptmi cxrrts ur~ loops, braids and small and this Curled Elegance Cotllure gives a gay and festive the sides are a romontic touch from yesterday s gar- large swirls of curving hair. touch o f fashmrr furi- fa lliil nyw liuii.ilyly dusiyutid den of memdi'i^s, updated lor today s more active -Braids “ Uf~-all—slzt^ for the holidays ahead by the Official Hair Fashion life styles. shown. One large braid created the extra volume at the crown all by itself, and falls were used to flow from the crown in every length, frorrra demure mini to~a new Miss ISU Miniskirts defrimenfat longuette of romantic locks. Omanients, such as jeweled POCATEI.m - A red-haired and IS also entitled to a NEW VORK' ( UPI i- A Louis- spends one hour out of every buckles and clips o f tortoise sophomore from Murtaugh has scholarship. Miss Allred has v>tJ(;^Ky.. management consul- work day ogling minis. shell, and see-through ribbons become the new Mi.ss l.SU after been given, both, the-duties and. opposing. —N o la n .m a rrie d and. -.th'e_ -added festive notes^of rom a ntic- the old Mi.ss l.SU became ;i iMrs, the award. the rfuni'skirt, charging the father of five, put distractions fun to the holidays styles. One JIH Allred wa.s crowned in an .Jill IS majoring in in­ style was "detrimental to office into three classifications: particular favorite was a large informal ceremony by Nuralyn ternational relations .She works efficiency." glance, doubletake and contm- butterfly perched atop the head, Olsen, the reigning Miss Idaho, ir the periodicals department at To back up his charge. iious observation, A glance, he and made of large loops of wide who is also a sophomore at ISU, the ISU library and she is drill Rwert E, Nolan, vnce president reported, has a one second time , horsehair ribands in a color that ran a value, a double take -four contrasted’with the model‘stjwn^ TSU tnie last Aprij, married,, She was _a runnerup to Miss distraction-time value study of .seconds, and continuous obser­ hair. The holder of the title is in­ Ricks in the spring pageant. office workers and found that vation "such as watching a girl For hair lengths, the front volved in ceremonial occasions the average American male walk the full length of the hair varied according to the office" was 69 seconds. fashion look d^ire d , as well as individual heeds.

ofSoiul WooJCar^

Receives frS l . . . — ~FAkrtY.J.Iikj^U-R£D iicrow jiedJh^D ew ~M iit^ iSU-by~Noralyn'C)Jt9n,~tha~-reigning M iu Idaho, o ffV ic k i ^cks, who Wort the M iis ISU iitfe Jasf-April marrJed. ______— ------— 28 • Times-Ne^ws, TwIn-FaHa, Idaho Sunday, November 6. 19fo • ■ ^ ..... - ' ks__ . - ■ ■ ' . Schold rship awdbds nbt^d C S / drf (Jisplay 'feQiures for G ooding 'Junior Miss' i ...... '...... - f - . -.I—

GOODING — The Jaycees Foods. These companies that over $350,000 was awarded, j 1:8 Tgkikawa paintings will be'.offering a |200 sponsor vnrioiis scholarships, last year in scholarships, bonds scholarship to this year’s . awards ^ d other prizes for the and'various-other awards in Gooding County Junior an national fin ^ held in /^ b ile , local, state- and national — IncPeasr*of *iuu over previous Ala., each ye^. It Is esiimaiited pageants. yeBrsrVTbond wUl be giveffio- each of ttie runnetsdip^J___ The pageant is scheduled for 28 at 8a.m. In the Junior More conservaTive W ith tliese increases in mind, the Jaycees are contacting WASHINGTON (UPI) —Itie roast stuffed turkey with giblet business men in Wendell, first fam ily will have the ' gravy, celery stuffing, candied Hagerman, Bliss and Gooding traditional Thanksgiving dinner sweet *potatoes. tiny peas. blueberry muffins, crant>erry Paintings . . . to help support their • local in th e .^ ite House again this contestants with a cash year. .But this time, the sauce and pumpkin pie all CURRENT ART DISPLAY ai the College of Southern Idaho Fine donation. gathering will be on a more prepared by White House Chef -Centei^ fealurei^lb^paintings ol Yoihiko Tnkiknwn, nhtn-ko, _ ,The.original. Gooding Junior intimate scale. Henri Haller. The President astounded Jap a n / and will be on displjg^ until Dec. 15. All paintings are titled Miss Pageant was inspired by Last year, President M d Arden Stutzman in 1961. Since Mrs. Nixon invited about 200 guests last Thanksgiving by with Ifiirtttiy and year and include these three, April 15,1967, left; it ’s beginning. Gooding pounty persons from homes for the limiting his lunch to cottage April 1, 1969, top and April 10, 1969, bottom. Miss Tokikawa has Junior Misses have been run­ elderly in the Washington area cheese, eaten on a tray in his I p a rtic ip a te d in the annual exhibitions of Women Artists' Association ners-up twice and have won the to Joir them at. the White Oval Office. in Tokyo, and participated in the annual exhibitions of Modern 'Art hostess award for four con­ House for the holiday festivi­ In the afternoon the family Oew to Florida for ^ evening Association in Tokyo. She was qraduated from the Department of secutive years at the state ties. Nixon made a welcoming speech, and the g u e ^ had a dinner of turkey and all the Aesthetic and Art History, Keio University, Tokyo, enrolled in the pageant held in Moscow in Febi-uary. In 1967, ttie, Gooding" tune. trijiiinlngs. College of Idaho and enrolled in Graduate School of Art and Jaycees won the trophy for the “ They did not want to make A trip to Florida also is in Science, New York._ She took a trip i/i. ■roost—improved--Junior—Miss^ it-U'Cuatom;“-exptaincdan*alde*-the-ptans'for-thlErThanRsglvthr '~Egy^'fo~sfudy aris arcHiiecture and in Jariuary, lf)64^ joined Pageant in Idaho. to the First Lady when asked weekend. Nippon Design Center as part timer and has been w a rin g until The pageant has grown whether there would be a The Nixons also are planning repeat performance this year.. a number of tradition^' parties present lime. nationally since 1958 when it introduced., Presently, While for the Christmas .season Jor_ more than 30,000 young men and their options open, it ’s clear friends, staffers and ar^a women combine forces to stage they enjoy keeping holiday children. Junior Miss Pageants in 1,400 traditions in the White' House communities In all 50 states. even though, they are likely to depart immediately afterwards National sponsors for for Key Biscayne, Fla., or San Tricia Nixon, home from the America's Junior Miss Pageant Qemente, Calif., where they political wars, will be an honor are John H, Brack Co., have resort homes. guest today after the 1970 Chevrolet Motor Division, The Nixon's Thanksgiving Christmas stamp dedication at menu includes fresh fruit cup. Eastman Kodak Co. and Kraft the National Gallery of Art.

Blue Lakes Shopping uenter STORE HOURS: Mon. thro Sat . 9 lo 9 Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P.M.

Illonday O ral Roberts to host Lewis, €torT an Thanksgiving show

T U l^A , Okla. -- Comedy, smash, 'Whvel uf Fortune." dian nations, for the traditional traditional music, and a bit of The liltle lady with the bit; dmner. Oral Roberts, Miss nostalgia best describe Oral voice has been busily recordinfj Starr, and Silverheels all have R q b .e .ri Records and making~ Thanksgiving Special. Hounding out DEAR ABBY: I am in complete sympathy with the rounds as guest on many of B L U t R O B K ^ Alf aady signod as guest stars tlie TV -ra n e ty sho-n3 - She -wi ll Thuiiluigiving luieup- W A ’i m " who sa.d ^ e n his wife decided to je t twin provide--the music on the Contact" regulars--Soloist— • beds~ something happened to their marriage^ producer Jerry Lewis, singer Thanksgiving Special along ^ch ard and wife Patti, the ClayT^fgets^ My husband asked for tw'n bou feel and quit wasting prccious^ timer And U subjects. His____ planned s. T . P . you bolh loss and turn half the night, at least you'll have discussion with Lewis will Overindulging C(ytiipany follow this pattern. I^ewis has ARTTTREEZE never been one to dodge current Holiday time i.s fast ap­ OILADDtnVE PREVEMTFUa FREEZE-UP issues and has been a leader in as masses of froth in the proaching again' Getting into MIXES WITH ANY FUEL D i:.\fi l.a-st Saturday night my husband and I the entertainment field in digestive tract. The victim feels went for a rnii* in the car ai donating--^-tini«--to--Gharttis&^-. the spirit of the festivities often ..ti2£_mU:jmed..Ea5_jti5ij2)flati means 'overindulging in'YooS’ couple My hiisfjand went to the door to see if they were He is best toiown for his rtork and pain. REG. 23'XA1^ . home. Tht? lady of the house answered the door and said they with the Muscular Dystrophy and drink, late hours, and A New York gastroen­ catching up on the gossip with were just u;ilching TV, and to come in, so we did. Association of /Vme.rica. terologist recently reported that family and friends The roum « a.s dimly hi and the man of the house was Kay Slarr has belted out a combination of simethicone . Physicians have found that iind digestive enzymes com­ 0 0 siltini; in Ij'r cliair with nothing on but a pair of many a hit .song since her first most of us. when we drink or bined in one tablet, Phazyme, under:;nort': Wo .sat there \isiting for a good twg hours o’ Uilk more than iisuul tend to breaks up entrapped bubble more and hr never did fjot up! to go pul oh a pau- of pants. I ^;^-.llln\l- ;iir nnH th->f enrrtfl 5 / i l -inasses in -the digestive-tract 6 8 ------was lerrihly i;mbarra.‘^spd What would j ’oa havp^one“ ln ~a ^ The guitar fish has, half persons swallow more air than allowing the gas to be . situation hke this? ' E m '^RRASSED and half, the characteristics others Excess amounts tonn diminated of a shark and a ray. tiny bubbles that cling together I)P;AK KMHARR.VSSKI): rrobahly exacUy as you did. Just sat Ihcri- txpccting "Nature Boy" to excuse himself at AUTO FLOOR MAT COVERED BOWLS . any momenl. lo put op a pair of pants. But since he didn't. I SNAP-ON AIR TIGHT LIDS , would have learned a lesson: When one drops in on friends ONE PIECE ____ without telephoning first, he can expect anything.____ 14 PIECES ORDER YOURS NOW PROTECTS CARPET KEEP OI^ORS OUT DEAR ABBY About a year ago we moved to California. FROM MUD & SNOW FRESHNESS IN We moved into a very nice house in a nice neighborhood. We FOR THANKSGIVING would have appreciated it if only oneneigbt)or had rung.our - j ..— . bell and said, "Hello ' We've been here a year now and we ^BJ.%7.66 still don't know any of our neighbors Since nobody rang our ^ l)ell, should we. as newcomers, have rung their bell and said, FRESH-PLUMPrivtjn-rujmr ^ >1 "Hello'’ " PUZZLJEI) m ------DKAR n .ZZIjt'jt)! No. It's up to tlie uelghbtxs to make a. OVEN-READY- newcomer welcome. Since they ignored you. a-friendly greeting » hen you see them is about as far a» you should go. If yon wrre to Ting a neli>hbor’<, beJl and «ay ■ Uplift,■■..ynn— be taken for a ding-a-ling. TURKEYS SHOT SHELL ‘ FreShrAfThe Farm O r tjviijv. a w \ r c luuvti UiW C m m interesting to have a picture of the couple, side by side? 24 Sheirioops JOHN ITROM OHIO 151b. FOWL DEAR JOHN: Ye«. bat ihere*s:a pragflraLrMMM.. » l.j . BUTTONFRONT most Mwspapcn uie only pictures of the brides: Pictor«s of PHONE MAGIC VALLEY’S 7 0 0 0 1 C A ISItrRO AST coapleii take op too ofluch valuable space. Also the qaality tf OWLY TURKEY TARH I . J J " J X O J REG. $2.88 te them . What's your problem'* Yoa'II feel better V yoa get it f i l t ' 7 7 4 4 chest W|ite to ABBY. Box t»7M, Los Aji^eles, CaL HULL'S TURKEY FARM SALE Far-a personal- reply eacUce stampM. aUresac4' 1/4 Mie South Of Tjie Carry Crossing At Highway 30 n

‘ n - '■sstirr. •> I

Sunflay, November B, .1970- TIraes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho W l r r f e r w e d d i n g December date set

€ k r t € T S € P h -SHOSIJ(W E-='Mii:ind"Mrsr^and—Munroe^ ^e'. vhiors at tiUiiam—Hr—Daniels—North^-;-:Wall8—Walla-CDtleger"06n e ^ Shoshone," announce the Place, Wash. ■ GOODING — Mr. and NIrs. engagement of thev daughter, Ekl Morglm,lMoscowi aitadunce The wedding is planned for Ann, to Dennis A. Munrde, Dec. 20 at the Twin Falls the engagement and for­ ^ u i l l e , Oi'e., son of Dr. and Seventh Day Adventist Church. thcoming marriage' or,their Iw s. Allan B. Munroe. ■tq_Dei1nl3- Miss Daniels is a graduate of" Simon is a Hebrew name Wright, son of Mr; and Mrs. ■Gooding High School. Both she lTorest_Wrlght.^;Gooding,„, „ meaning "peacefur,” -The bride-elwt is a graduate of the Moscow High School and a 1970 graduate of the University of Idaho. She is SIGN UP currently employed as a F0R3M0NTHS . spe cif education teacher f6r KAY MORGAN the Granite School District of Salt Lake a ty . Wright, a 1968 graduate of the F>rovo, and teaching seminary AND GET 2 EXTRA W^EKSFREE. University of Idaho, recently at the Orem Junior High School. completed a’ two-year mission A Dec. 30 wedding date is set to England for the LDS Church. at the LDS Teniple, Salt Lake He is currently working toward City! A reception will be hosted ANYONE WHO SIQN5 UP his master's degree at the by her parents' at the LDS Brigham Young University, Cultural Hail, Moscow, Idaho. For One Month IN NOVEMBER OR DECiEMBER WILL GET ONE EXTRA WEEK , Boufique Moll planned ------TWIN FAl.I.S - Wiitrii fiir- fcaturing.-^amemade- c.andies, O n e M o n th ...... S |QOO the Brand opening of the jelHes, jams and ^ a c k treats; boutique rriall on_NoV;^_ the.bakery, which w ilt have all Three Months...... tj.'pes of bread, cake, cookies, 13 at 9 a. m. T^e general con­ (Payable monthly) tractors are the mfembers of the pies, etc.; Farmer's Market, Women’s Society of Christian with all kinds of produce; Tots Service and .the Wesleyan ~and Teens, whtch-witl' featurc' 4iUdeal^iftFo^Chnstmas^=— — Service Guild of the Twin Falls m ittensr StOCkUrt}! caps, room United Methodist Church. accessories and wall hangings This is not an urban renewal for the young people. There will Flow er talk yellow pompons, yellov/ daisy chrysanthemums and -project but Is financed entirely also be an Art Mart, Attic Blue Lakes Figure Salon TAKING THEIR CUE fi^m the rich palette of the clusters of dried star flowers. For a touch of the by the efforts, love and concern Treasures and a Wishing Well along with many other Uttle autumn fields, FTD florists have designed a special season's fields, the arrangment also includes cattails, of each member of the society. The many shops located on shops. There w ill also be a 1021 Blue Lakes Boulevard North oak leaves, leatherleaf fern and tassels of wheal to Thanksgiving floral arrangement, appropriately the mall at the fellowship hall of Beachcombers Shack where . J W I N FALLS, ID A H O called 'Thanksgiver." This colorful design, above, complete a perfect centerpiece for holiday hostesses the United Methodist Church you can stop for lunch or Just a arranged in a wicker basket, features bronze and across the country.______will be, the Sweet Shoppe, snack.

Start Modernizing Your Bath and Save Auxiliary donates Hold yoMr hat

|J\ PAZ, Bolivia (UPll-La $1^000 to hospital Paz taxi drivers seldom use Sears Fasltioii their engines in carrying rpii.ssengers. .iWXKffooC airport'down to the capital city — proxtivi;iU‘l> 41tOO() .111..equip- - the. (.'alendar .selling project, of 12,000 feet elevation. Once ...jnenL beeii duniiLed to-tlie— cepoticd—the—calendars, cora* Sun Valley Hospital by the pletc with new pictures, will be road, they cut their engines and hospital iiu.\ili;jry on sale soon to raise money for coast all the way to the heart repfJrted Friday. Uie functions of the auxiliary. the city. The group ha.s purchased a Stryker frame for bat-k injuries and an Emniersuri pump for chest wounds. The Stryker frame enables the hospital staff M agic Valley Favorites to turn over and move "Im ­ mobilized patients without risk Week's Recipe Winner of further injury The pump i.s to GEORGIA McKEEGAN free lungs and the chest area of Box 84, Richfield fluids, and foreign matter The auxiliary has made plans -for-a4ea-to4ion<>r-(ita{f-ni«mber4i— -----WCNISONJWINCE*lEAI__^r-ind-and4mceawo--^^ and to decorate a f.tiristmas 1 po luid suet ■ arid !wO leirions. Add sptces and" 2. qunr hospitiil. The event will be open chopped fine (2 poundsj to the p_ublic from 3 to 5 p.ni. nec.-lfi. Plans have Inade

pine trees to raise money for the voluntary orRanization af’ain this year The trees will be decorated with items made by Ern^^t Hemint;way school students, Tlie project is under the direction of Mrs. Shreve Archer.

-hotiw to ip-Iree.miniiilf R e g u la r $27.50 '2 4 * balh-n^«muinc nmU.

R e g u la r S I 2 . 9 9 Smart Mooomically, foM djs eati ir« D l*r. Iwting piir«d.30in,bi|^10'4 btMBiy. WKK*. 'Dnrable, ^cdhtttitlCal, rtey- w iJ r. m ih c . E a ir to elcan.. A r t M a r t . . . lo-cleM loiI«t u a U f o r an _ ^ T R I M E X T R A ■llractirc iMthroofn. ^SEAT^XTRA^ PAINTINGS t v MAGIC yalleY'^ A«k for Srars Free Elatimate for Modernizing Your Bath . . . Robert Sass, Twin Falls, left, and Mrs. A lfin Konicek,--Mvrtaugh, v/ill be featured at the Art M art tet for Nov. J2, J3 and 14 at the form er Sterling Sev/elry and Boone , „ F f t l E E ^ S k o f Mw>_ OuiO a.al. SHOiE»^^T iffiA B S A M ) SAVE Sears Twin Fall* Land Title Co. buildings.' In cDrijwKtion with the official opening of the new down­ 4 0 3 W m I M a l» S l. rSlore«i)lc town area, the Art M art is sponsored by the A rt G uild of M agic Valley mnd wHtbe Sati^aftkm auaronUU S e a r s Plwnt733hfi82I_ Parkiwt o p e n fro m 9.-30 a.m. to 5.-30 .p.m. A ll paintings displayed w ill bm by guild members., .4. ■

A m a m 30 TlmM-New»/ tw [n'Fyiis/kSho^ November 8, 197o'

Idaho federal

used for research program s

ByJIMHUMBIRD Idaho Flah-Cjjune Depaitmeift BOISE — Nearly billion dollars have been allocated to the several states of ■ the United States In U« three decades under two federal ' aid pi^ograms for fish and wildlife land acquisition, research and development. Of this, a total of *9,419,800.04 has been spent ‘ on Idaho projects, not counting the current fiscal year, running through June 30, 1970. TTiis money has come from’ excise taxes on guns, am­ munition and taclcle and presently is appropriated to the ■^I'states at a rate ol about ISO" m illion .annually. -The U.S. Treasury. Department collects the money, then turns it w e r tor the Interior Department’s Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife for allocation to states following a formula based on the area of the state and the number of paid hunting and filin g license holders.______The hunting equipment tax began with the 1937 Pittman- T rap p ed Robertson Act and since its PART OFFEDERAL AID money allocated to sheep, 65 mountain goats, 63 moose and 14 black enactment, more than *350 Idaho over the past three decades for fish and bear have been tagged and marked for future million has been collected. In wildlife research, land acquisition and IdeDtification since 1963, according to the Idaho Idaho, a total of *7,550,992.03 development was used for big game trapping, Fish and Game Department. Except for elk, has been spent of “ PR” funds. tagging and monitoring through radio deer and moose, a majority of the other big The fishing tiackle tax was telemetry. The deer in this picture are in a trap. game animals trapped and tagged have been provided by the 1950 Dingell- Records show that 1,232 elk, 778 deer, 97 bighorn transplated to neu ranges. Johnson Act. It has resulted in the collection of more than 100 million dollars. Of this. m^aeed initiebest- "I FOUND MYSELF A *i,tf/;i,tr/6.79 has been spent in wildUfe and for public fishing animals from summer ranges both the steelhead and spring I d ^ in “ DJ— funds. and hunting. Almost 100,000 to important key winter ranges. Chinook salmon projects are States submit projects for acres of land haye been Unrestricted passage of elk to found in the increase of hat- approval by the Bureau of acquired or leased through the their winter ranges has reduced 'chery produced downstream GREAT LIHLE USED CAR Sports Fisheries and WUdllfe, years for hunters and fisher­ or eliminated damage to smolts for both species, and a which then provides 75 per cent men. More key w ^ter range surrounding private lands and gradual increase in run size of the cost from the PR or DJ areas are still needed to insure crops. each year. funds, according to Vernon big game hunting. More Other wildlife management As an off-shoot of past Rich, federal aid coordinator marshes and coverts are also areas are Boundary County, plantings of downstream WHILE READING THE -ftr^the-Idaho Fish and Game needed to provide the average K illa rn e y Lake, St. Maries salmon and steelhead migrants,, - Oepartment.------— - -person a place to hunt upland Game^nges-Fort Boise, B oIm is the increase^ of natural ^"^Tifatfdhally^ mudh oHhe game : :game birds and w a te rf^ l. Rivet, Snake Rtver, NorthrLake- •spawners that corne back t0‘ money has gone for acquiring Idaho’s largest wildlife and Market LakeV artificial hatching-channels, lands for public hunting, live- .management areas is Sand Miscellaneous lands include where they got their start. trapping game for restocking in Creek in Fremont County, about over 160 small public acqess Considerable production is TIMES -NEWS suitable ranges, habitat im­ 20 miles northWest of Ashton. It • units as well as several public obtained from adult fish provement, fencing, building contains 15,770 acres purchased fishing reservoirs. Project returnees, but department roads and trails, managing from private owners at a cost of personnel also over-see the workers still are planting hunts, and game research. nearly *250,000, along with over management of 13 primitive salmon and steelhead eggs as' Research prdjects have in­ 12,000 acres of public domain area ranches used as com­ 'iieeded. cluded surveys and censuses, lands. These Bureau of Land mercial hunter outfitting bases Steelhead and coho salmon animal ' behavior, and other Management, U.S. Forest that provide acccss to an under­ eyed eggs were planted in the CLASSIFIED biological studies that improve Service and state-owned lands harvested big game population. South Fork of the Qearwater the management of wildlife for have been withdrawn from These back country ranches are River. Both spring- and fall-run the benefit of the sportsmen and disposition and reserved for also open to public hunting Chinook salmon eyed eggs were the general public. wildlife use. whether by outfitter or not. planted in the Selway River, a of the—Qearwater. i beiaean 1.3 million- WANT A P S^ la n ^ designated as “ Wildlife with adjacent private owners to' the past decade or so haS' cost eyed clunook eggs were planted Management Areas" which obtain----- an-^—unQbstiucted uvel" * 2 ,000 ,000. FrelimmTfy^^ with Oie^average^^gom^liBout two million in the Selway River since 1961. Rptwpen H tn g m illinn pypc eggs have been planted in the Clearwater, and for the first T54 area residents to court time this year in the South Fork of the Clearwater. The reason REACH 2 OUT OF 3 MAGIC VALLEY FAMILIES! for the plant in the South Fork is on fish, gahie law charges because of the surplus eggs this year from the Rapid River Use This Handy Tim es-News Hatchery. Eyed eggs up to this year have corne from downriver TWIN FALLS — Idaho Fish vahdate a deer tag; W. Emery sporting an untagged deer^con published (Ad must run same arrested and taken to court in while trespassing on private Mike V. Valdez, 27, Bellevue, drainage in Idaho. day canceled). PLEASE PRINT, USING PENCIL. BALL POINT O R Magic Valley during October, land *35, transporting an untagged Another example of how the fishing tackle tax allocation is TYPEWRITER. The department reports 26 ~ FVom other ' Magic Valley deer; John N. Vosika, 58, used in Idaho was the other people were given war- towns arc Joseph C Beck, 29, Kmiberly, *50, committed to 13 WORDS OR UNDER MINIMUM R A T E ning tickets for minor in- Burley, $25, possessing an jail in lieu of fine, possessing development by the Fish and fractions. untagged deer; Claude R. wrong class of license, and Game Department three years Those from Twin Falls are Bronson, 48, Paul, $25. Terry N. Wilde, 23, Pocatello, ago of Horsethief Reservoir ■Trmest V"''Bownian, 22, *35, possessmg a '^easanl —Eascade;----- and—Spring-- transporting ah im properly closed season; Dan P. Brown, tagged deer. Valley Lake near Troy for tagged deer; William L. 16, Bellevue, hunting and recreational fishing only. Crumbliss, 19, *35, possessing fishing privileges revoked for an„ improperly lagged deer; the remainder of 1970 for LEGAL NOTICE U p to 13 W ordt W ilford L Hand, 56, $40, possessing an improperJy is .00 for 6 doyi possessing a pheasant during tagged deer and Tim J. Brown, NOTICE OF SALE >3.00 fo f 3 dayt closed season; James L. Hull 17, Hailey, hunting and fishing NOTICE IS GIVEN Ihat a p u b lic Park Place Subdivi'sion ni ap 14.17 W ofdt Jr., 35, $200, making a false privileges revoked for auction will be ricid by ftie City of proximateiy HO Fourth Avenue fS.SO fni A A rft ? w r n ftJaho. fit »0-00 A M on West, Twtn Puffs, fdsho, of orrw ^ Statement on a license ap- remainder of 1970 for hunting Fr.drty November 20, 19 70. at tne claimed personal property thf %4.50 fof 3 doY* plication -and Dorothy M. without a valid deer lag. C ity S to ra 9 e w h ic h is cuitooy of the C'ty and described a4 18-21 Words located on Lot *3 Block l. Terrace fo llo w s Miller, 35, license revoked for Merald Buhler, 51. Wendell, 57.00 for 6 days making false statement on a $30, shooting from a public MOTOR VEHICLES 56.00 f6r 3 doy^ license application. road; D a rryl A Byington, 22 • 25 Word* Robert- C. Miller, 35, $25, Pocatello, *35, possessing an 1 C h e v ro le t WS3 2 ton green tudor SN C515nS003 $9.50 for 6 doyt J Oidsmobiic I960 1 vor ; s ta r on w a g o rt V. 8 SN 607H 76549 i7.50 for 3 doyt making a false statement on a im properly tagged deer; a R a m b le r 1961 Groy &tat^on wagon 6 • SW C4U029 • license application: Marie Gaylard Eggleston, 25, Buhl, i DotJgc 19^9 Blue forcJor V 8 SN M312131928 Nielson, 24, *25, possessing an fine suspended, po^essing an PAYMENT ENCLOSED □ SEND BILL n untagged deer; I^ n a B. Parks, untagged deer; David J B tC r C L E S To FIGUfiE COST. 27, *25, possessing an Im- Harden, 24. Kimberly, *25, Publish for ... days, beginning ...... 1 B O V ', 26 Inch WcsTern Flyer G re en properly tagged deer; Bud R. making a false statement on a N o s e r ia i ’ P\rt only on* w c^ in •och tpoca 7 Boy‘s 70 inch Murray * . Gold " Mos'wiai ‘ Rountree. 19. *25. failure to license apphcation and Allen L'. obov*. Ir>clud« ybvr o3clr»is 6r~ 3 B o y 's 76 in c h Coast K mg Red PS6x90 419319 C la s s ific a tio n ...... Jertsen, 28, Burley, .*25, 4 G - r f s 20 in c h Sportmaster R e d w h lie K 15-OlS ' phor>€ nufnbvr. Count «ach word •5 B oy s 26

. -1 ■ I ■ V aui'iiiayTNUVeWUlii' H. IvVu -...T fi i iLA-fiii'w x 'T ii iw r n lh^ IJ u liu' ' i ' . ■' r - ^ ^ . ■ -■■■ V '■ ' IV WANT AD WILL MOVE merchandise , G ff YOU A jp O tN D YOU A HOMf, DO M

H « r f ^ a n t 4 d Hpmf s For Sal* Fonnt For Sol* and liounci' Business Opp6rtunitl«t ' 30 HamM For-Sal* Fartn* Put Sat* and AcrMgai 54 i ‘ r e w a r d h r feloro of mole Germon .FULLER^ BRUSH needs.ma|e. and WILL purchase real estate con-| Youmop. Beautiful, BRICK .Rombler—with % ' to^droomaj- SfMiofNoHcM DRIVERS WA'NT-BD: Apply In corner lot. $17,900. Large low In- .lofge ■ covored. pctiff—Loyely hncein. — person-V i i p aoTT • - T Q - T-H E — loan yviav bfe 33-5974.; $26,000. WEST END REALTY'. 130 Near Kellwood. Largo 3 bedropm . COMMERCIAL door space for lease AREA MANAGER BRAND NEW and beautiful 3 bed­ or rent. Century Automotive "an~:raclrPsrronr7W*7925/ or 733- W O R K W E E K ! e fd a b w a y Scnitn'. B b h l, 543-1409. home, ? baths. oui bulldlnigs.' id(iai •W«tkInS Products, Inc. is seekino room Gold Medollion home with full smatl stock setup; tl?,500. 0\«ner M a c h in e . 261 W est ‘ A d d is o n , 733 0SO8. mature m arried lady to manage 3 bedroom GTable home, clean. X in Patterson, Broker or Alfred clean,clean. Laraelot,ditch water boiement, .Shoihone o^res. $-32,000. anxious, Charles P. Hawker, "5 0 7 0 ' it's persona) stH>pper program in U "Tou would lilurYo work^lO pa>s». Salesman. ' c lo s e to H ig h S chool. SM.OOO. realtor. Harold's Agency, 733 5532. HYPNOSIS^ Stop'smoking, lose Twin Fails, 'Appoint and motivate hours u week, ut ' your oy^n ^ weight, develop better study Hurry this won't last. Call Frank E v e n in g s 733 7879. • CpmmerctttI Property sales organization. Direct sales ^)uce, in your-own -car', and' K HARRISON CHOICE Sduthslde 128 Acrey. Close ------I ASPECIALTY habits. Call 734-3B65 1 -8p.nfi.M on - experience helpful. W rite 'Mr. 733-5974 AAountaIn States Realty. build your owfi ^business . . ■ tO' Twin Falls. Well improved. FelOtman Realtors J33 1 9 8 8 , ■ F ri. Wagner, P. O. Box 5216, SpoKane. REALTY ' I -I SHORT '/jA cre. BrickhoTne. 14fruit Land lavs perfect. Corrals lor ‘ Wash , 99205. If you would^Iike to iiHest as cattle feeding, granaries, silo and T R E E , t r i m m i n g and removing trees, garden, irrigating water. 7 3 3 -2 3 2 2 ' Vbww httle as $600 lo $1500 in . Has own well. Price reduced for shop. Owner very anxious to sell. & Vacation Property 5 1 Free estimates. Insured. Phone WHY NOTCALL Dorothy Kolor 733-6848 See this, and make offer. Call 733-6068. Box 211. T w in F a lls . spare cosh to start u business _Vlm aiediate sale to $13,800. Call ■ Elm er Sommer, 733-5597or Harold COUNTRY SAi.exiR tRADEJor property thal cun Kjve you a nice re­ Harold keithtY. 733-2400 or LAND Gene Conner — 733-4019 YOU'LL BE GLAD K e lth ly , 733 2400 o r L A N D O F - in Idaho, 1 vacant lot. 50 * 100.' turn per yeur. ihen we’d belter OFFICE OF IDAHO REALTORS,. ENJOY the good life. Run a few X Y O U D I D 733 0716. across from Sears. FICE OF IDAHO REALTORS, Clearlake Park, California in Lake ha^ve u little tutk' 733-0716 across ffom Sears. cows and pay for the place.Ideal County near beautiful Clear Lake, HYPNOSIS BUHL^R REALTY small livestock setup. 20 acres. For weight, smoking and memory. Nalional company wjll select* 2 I NEW LISTING; R^al nice 3 507 W . A d d is o n A v e . largest inland body of water -n Wt*’W show yoli how lo make 2 stock or row crop combinations Lots of water Co/y 2 bedroom C a iito rn ia . c a ll 733 4846 Phone 733-0420 men loearn up to S500or m ore first bedroom home on large corner lot. y'our ypare time puy hundsaPne north and east of oooding. One 120 home, full Pasement Lots of month, A S25 raise each month for 1*3 baths, formal dining room, 2 Bedroom fencW yard, car^peted other" 210 acres. Good land well adequate out buildings REALLY 1st year. No experience necessary dividends “with .^11 Snuck fireplace in large living room . New o n ly S7500 — S m a ll d o w n , fenced, lots of’water S300per, 423 A SHOW PLACE Close in S35,000. Cem etery Lott 5 9 — P _ - h u ii oas tufnare Prifprt rJghl-^at only. -A— B ed rn gm __ split level, lam ily te rm s . selected. Expenses advanced opportunity m a k’rowinB $^ $13,500 Call Nadine Koepnick.-733 room, firepl^ice. acre to boot! PLEASE ACCEPT our thanks for 7297 or LANDOFFJCEOF IDAHO 5974 F O U R L O T S in S unny SloRos, Sunset while training 2t,percent of our billion market where <>l 4 Bedroom, large family room, MemoriaJ Park inquire at 445 3rd The fine cooperation received REALTORS, 733 0716 across from patio with sunken fire pit, A steal men earn over $12,000 per year the busir»»iaii-'is done by the .93 ACRES South ol Jerome. 2 5 ACRES loaded .with im Avenue West. Twin during the Roberf Stuart Junior S ears at S18,000. Entire sales force averages $9,552 I bedroom home, corrals, small provements, CloSe in Must bo sold High P T A. tund raising protect. smuU mdepfndent operuK»r. 3 Bedroom home, large sun porch per year. Excellent fringe benefits < barn. t47,500. Might cons>d^r 'fnm ^iately. iliu25Q _iViU . n ^ v e r ' TWO aLO IS—4n~ tnc- v/ acw- Special thanks to the students for REAL NICE 2 bedroom home on garage, good commercial location and eKc.eptional retirem ent plan. No experjeni e net essury' No moderately priced home as part buy more. Flexible terms Addition Sunset Memorial Park their orderlyi patronage and to the Harrison Street Ideal home for on Main Ave, Requirements are: You own a car down payment, STOCKMEN'S 1110, cash each 326 4695. F ile r administration and teachers for personiil soles lulls neces- retired couple or would make 2 Bedroom home with office, 6 — Be n e a t a n d a re w illin g to REALTY, 600 South Lincoln, their understanding and patience v w rk . ‘ sury' We w ill train you. Cbun- excellent rental. See this and make income units Good location on 4 - during our P.T.A day at the us an offer. Call Eunice Cooper, J e ro m e ' P ho n e 324 4B45 tiel you, securt* yi>ur K>« uli.m s busy (highway. Small down. C a n > j> « r« 63 school. The abundant donatiofX of 733 4960 or LAND OFFICE OF d u p l e x — 2. 2 bedroom apts. -of- w ha All you >*; yuur i.yr. ■ GET THIS ONE while they really TWJM I ALLS food and money'by the parents you have'been doing, if you arp "I DA h u R b'AL I URS,— 733 0»ta ~campieterv't 0rmsntRj~ si4,3oo. were genuinely appreciated. Mr, sniull investment, and be w ill across from Sears want to sell. 2'36 acres North of HAt TBAII Wl n F available for immediate em Call or Drop by and Mrs Don Youtz, Co President in« to* work hurcl lu bfconu- a Gooding. Very good 3 bedroom a n d In s . .Completely self contained Car ployment. call M r. Craig Fiisher at H o w a rd B u h le r HeletS W e n g e rt and Mrs Ray Randall, Project’ home, good out buif^dings - U3 peted living room and bedroom. 7 3 4 2 805. M o n d a y 9 a m , to 1 p. m . s u i c e s s . Y o u f c y t is c le n t loU ii Now available — well located 733 52^5 7 -i;i C h a irm a n acres irrigated, lots of water , S old n e w to r J4500. n ow S2900. for appointment. eltort wiH r iiin i:« ■ in L o n n -.______nrntit_jninded m a n . Id a h o . 637 4463 P«r«onol '1 P O R T A P O T T I, S75 i Reese No. Form W ork W anlad 23 A r e vQu r u d y t S ta rt in ip r* . V w o rk e r C a ll 733 0023 o r 423 4137 A L K L !>. it iu s l l y .nay ar>d' 4'SO equalizer tra ile r h*itch. $75 \ EXERCISE the new way Rent • M o u n ta in S tates R e a lty 733 5974 nice 3 bedroom home, basement, Leo's Custom in ur u u i>ni«I-^ 'n»en w iite s ^ camper, bouoctLiW ^i^-iJU iw exercise and health equipfnent MANURE spreading plenty of out DuildmQs including Farming. Filer. P ie ru lu tl. reft-rt-ni. es .in*l NEW BY OWNER. Deluxe split MOVE water tank J15., Sever-aKoads and' speed Dike, massagr roller, belt Stanchion, walk through barn, for NEARTWIN FALLS e n d s 1890 O s t e r lo h ^ vibrator, actioncycle. BANNER te l •[>h«n« n utiib < -f levet 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, fam ily quick sale priced at only S34,5QQ ; room. dout)le garage, basement, F u rn itu r e 733 1421 WAN.TED Bean thrashing, corn tei»ms excellent. j'EROM ^j 36 acres. 20 stanchion dairy barn, U f,i t" covered patio, dishwasher and' ATTENTION!! -Wilt sacrittce ’j thrashing, plowjng Art Peterson, R EACTY. Glen Jackson or B'll . copral buiigmgs Good 3 bedroom range, carpet, fireplace Choice- o r „ l e q u ity on 1969 0' P a c ific c a m p e r 536 2»3 1 S s. /'M/i. w r .r i K e rs e y 32-1 438B______‘ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS- Twin location J Clifton Smallwood home Year round stream Good Large over snot. Like neW Call 324 / / '/ ' . /■ ( ,f.!r CHRISTMAS terms Owner will c'arry'$42.X0 Falls Courthouse, Wednesday at P ho n e 733-3390 or 733 6058 2667, Jerome 8 30 p m F o r F u rth e r m CUSTOM PLOW ING 3 tKDttom Gary U l 7 ; . ’ 153 ACRES, 140 shares water D ic k n ro P ho n e 423 5990 Good modern home, also tenant loxmation, 733 4030 Al Anon 3rd 242 . 6th A V E N U E E A S T 3 NORTH OF JEROME / v , „ BRICK 2 bedroom, den. I' 2 b a th s , house Barn. shop, corrals, large B U Y T H E B E S T . A ll m o d e ls 1970 Moor 733 7937 b e d ro om s O w n e r an ilous Price 120 air conditioned, sprinkler system, fields and concrete ditches acres lovely 2 twdroom home Travel Queen campers. Now In CUSTOM MANURE HAULING) reduced Si,000. Real good term s Dairy barn, loafing sheds. Ideal stock. Sportsman Lodge. 1000, REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Blair's Custom Farm ing, call 324 double garage, top area, good S72,000 Lt»t us Show you this farm Money Wanted 36 loan , S25.000 then you COMPARE VALUES stock or dairy setup, $42,500, Good Springs. Hagfrqfian, Idaho. ' (ELUlCtEX. , il.6 9 - L O S E 4A59. J e ro m fi^ 595 JACKSON Cute 2 bedrooms. 3*fiEOROOM~nofthwest r a Sharf> - WENOELL-REALTY_____ te rm s . WEIGHT salelv with Dex A Diet. 'On r y ~'rro7D do: 0Wh"e r c a r rr e r MAGIC VALLEY Doctor would like s p a c io u s h o m e 'fo r S 16.500 536 2274 > V8 cents At Osco Drugs CUSTOM BEET digging, Harold balance to qualified buyer. Mobil* Homo* to tX)rrow 120,000 on long term C l e a n ano cheap 2 bedroom, gas Charles P. Hawker 64 Petersen, Filer. 326 4226 or 733 loan Will protect loaner with hfe fu rn a c e X7,B00 80 A C R E S , J e ro m e a re a 122.000 5990 SHO RT A C R e '^3 bedrooms, fam ily PRIVATE InvffStigator ~ 74 H o u r B R I C K 7 taedroom S34,600 40 ACRES beautiful home and Realtor 1965 M ARLETTE. 10 x 55 With ex- insurance. Any one with this room. 2 fireplaces. I'a baths It's HAROLDS AGENCY Scrvicc AM conliOcnrlol Phone amount ol money In savings wno f e l d t m a n r e a l t o r s View,good soil east, Buhl 136,000 p a n d o . M u s t see to a p p re c ia te 733 DON Me DOWELL, custom plowing, b ric k C lose in 73 3 5532, E v e n in g s 733 7879 1893 a fte r 5 00 p. m J33 6A3I ~ n ig h t 733 5773 would like to increase their oar 9! 1 Shoshone Street N o rth 733 1908 Call Joe Wagner discing, harrow ing, phone Jerome, nings write Box D-7, Times News. FELDTMAN REALTORS TAKING ORDERS for Christmas 324 5165 ALL ELECTRIC Quality 733 1900 16' SELF CONTAINED trailer 365 A C R E S n e a r G o o d in g o n o ile d ReaJsilk appafels, uniforms, and throughout 5 bedrooms, family house Phone 543 4242 or 543 5509. ' M ason shoes F W N e lso n, 733 CUSTOM ROCK picking with Art' Schools 4 4 OFFERED BY BUtLDER Two room . plus rec , 3 b a th s , . 3 road, good 3 bedroom home, barn a ft e r 5 p m 5379 derson Rock picker Brent B ow er, ______large, fam ily size luxury homes fireplaces, den, garden “‘court ‘ and fences are good, 165,000. Fireplaces^ carpeting, appliances Must be leen to apprcciatf- IT'S 160 ACRES 543 4725, B uh l ,EABN- m * —a»—n o m « .- LOVELY new 4«x24'mobUe-homeon-; ■firicTuding >efr V Top location JUST GORGEOUS! 600 ACRES, new 3 bedroom home, Joe, exciting news awaits you You W rite o large barn, good corrals and other thought you were canceled? We School District Office. Bo* 7646, f S'^6 K im b e r ly P h o n e 423 5206, LIGHTING CENTER BRICK DUPLEX S23.000 B y rooni Viome lully CQipelfd or'i buildings, spring water. S95.000,' have necessary papers to fl?t Gl M essenger a nd L e w is . 324 2245 ’Boise. Idaho 1036 B lu e L akes B lv d N o rth lo an fo r h om e p u rc h a s e 733 5974 appointment only. 733 1121 We hd\/e several good I60‘s near FOR SALE 12 X 60 A/bbile homo “ Mountain blalei Rejftry* Ctt^TOM mdfvuf^ ' Gooding 150,000 each New oven and fireplace. Call 670- Han?ingrr324 -5^07. Jerom e ' Other ln»fr4:Ktion-- 46 ------^ W E S T E R N ------_i62a,_TButley.-.„ . : Baby SiHert—Child Care 16 U S Civil Service Tests 80 a c re s in e x c e lle n t 3 7 in r T~ CORN THRASHING Don EiiiOtt, Men women 10 and over. Secure $ 1 2 , 8 0 0 R EA LTY C O . bedroom home. S29,500 SEE TODAYS WANT ADS for the JACK & JILL Nur-»ery Licenced F re d . 733 3830 Jerome, 324 4tl0 jobs H*gh starting pay Short 3 BEDROOM, carpeted living b e s t DUV5 In lo w n , ' Child caro Children 2’jpre F o g g y . 733 6015 TARiAS r>Ours Advancement Preparatory room Unusual rock fireplace 7 3 3 -2 3 6 5 school 110-1 10th A ve E a s t, 733 fo n y , 423 5688 , ■ RANCX j HAY STACKING, call 7 33 2971 N training as long as required Ground.fioor u tiijy room Garage A fte r h rs Geo. G o u ld 733 9 M J O U ice 664 7 E a r l, 423 5659 Saturday calls, please Thousands of lObs open Ex and -large lot’ Call for an ap 934 4231 1043 B lue L a k e s N o rth 733 0227 A L W A Y S penence usually unnecessary p o in tjn e n t D ic k 934 5070 WILL BABYSIT . 1 my home for FREE booklet on lObs, salane^' Out of Town Homes 51 ^ R ex 352 4491 BETTER BUYS working mother Pioneer Trailer CUSTOM MANURE HAULING requirements Write TODAY!, V Jack 934-4626 C o u rt. No 34. Ki Tiberiy Road. Lilllbrldge Custom Farming, HOME IN WENDELL Very nice NEW LISTINGS Watch for 14 wldes arriving each giving name. addfeSs and phont? D ic k G ra v e s 934 5160 733 8363 HAMLETT la rg e h o m e and lo ts P ho n e 536 webU. 65' and 70'. L in c o ln S e rv ic e . Box R 19, CO 18 ACRES, 2 bedroom WILL DO babysitting m my home 2264, W e n d e ll T im e s N e w s h o m e SU.OOO 734 3346 Work Wonted 24 REALTY AAAGIC VALLEY Dovp Homl(»*t B 'okfff 3 BEDROOM Gold Medallion on 5 0 large lot in Hazelton Less than 3 60 ACRES, 2 bedroom home STHICKLAND MOBILE HOMES | 7 *irpArw^lNG and roofing and car Homes For Sale PI«o«e coll 733-4079 1 o n y tim * i Employment Agencies' years old STOCKMENS 500. ___ _ p e n try d o n e b y th e h o u r o r io o 733- : Ann Hoffmo«t«r 733-26 1 0 I hom« I T ra v e l T r a ile r A*V)tor H o m e s . C H O IC E 4 '3 acres Shady home, oui REALTY. 600 South llncoln, LAN REAL ESTATE CO. 4244. After 4 p. m. 324 4800 221 So L -n c o ln 3 '-miles westof West 5f^jlnf$ M A G IC v a l l e y Placement buildings S17.000 ACE REALTY, Jerome Phone 324 4845 jip N T E H Consultants. Box 710, secpnd floor, O pen 9 6. u n le s s a d v a n c e a p 7-»T «;?17______,cnl iPdTffTmeT^T ; jj 6U I.------ffS iV o t”td6fT6"'0uHdingV N D'"5nw~aTrtm rTrr-s3wr' D i B n a x i w ------— ro c k h o m e m Shoshone A c re s "'Homes For Sale sharpened — automatic machine • BV OWN&R-RoOfny Ihre^ fn 3 50 i-H om «» F o r ^ U 50- process. ShaneW Sharpening Help Wonted - 4 ^ home 1 block from Mornmgside extrax tr a large bedrooms, 2 baths. school Large fenced bacKyar^ TjrrntiyTporri rmrt JO»N COREY CORPORATION with truit trees and gardM space floor. 2 large bedrooms, bath, - S 3 SEE IT NOW! bales force. «n prov*d«ng Many extras Assume large 5'- recreation room and den *n luM revolutionary coffee service for all CARPENTER work wanted p e r c e n t lo an 116,800 C a ll 733 fm.shed basement Must see this 350 ACRE farm and cattle ranch Renrodehng, sheet rocK and 1971 FLEETWOOfr types of business. High com 2487 h o m e J35.000 00 c o m b in a tio n fo r s p le . tra d e . 324 mission to salesmen vAt>o qualify concrete P ho n e 734 2489 BUT 4061. — Tnnn^vtnrolftfgmentfromannuitv -4.0VELY 6 bedroom house, 3 u p income from accounts. Build “ babysitting ancf ironifSa in my GEMSTATE stairs and 3 in basement 2 baths, Lolt and Acm g** ------54-t- —SWJNGER business for your&elf without in home. Phone 334-2252. Jerome 15 X 54 recreation room, 2 large v e s tm e n t Phone (801) 407-5991 fireplaces. Must see to appreciate REALTY FOR SALE by owner J3 BCres undn------GOIHpletcly Neilf M odcl Corey Coffee Service Plan Inc , P, MIDDLE AGED lady wants work m S32.000 P hone 733 0814 The property to fit your needs. Homes ■ Forms - cultivation. 3 miles north of Twin * • »# . O -Box, 1.5431. Salt Lake C ity, Utah^ h om e c a rin g fo r e ld e rly p€?opie C)31 Bk.f No'iK 733 5336 Commercials. ■ Falls. City-^ewer available. Ex-: 04116,‘Attention Joe Lewis R eferences a v a ila b le 543 4559 BIG. NICE home at 818 Yakima in U-... !h c -s u - M i cellent for small ranch. Good 'Just For The Young F iie f C a ll F ir th . 346 2932 C'o.,a V.. 7 33 3455 investm ent property. S2B.500, i PART TIME bdbys«tter Wai need CALL US FOR QUXUnED AND COURHOUS SERVICE SEWING and alterations Phone 714 J •*' ...... - ^ 3 4540 te r m s a v a ita b le . C a ll E rn ie , 733 & ovwn transportation Call YWCA. 2405 B a rb a ra H o sha w w ...... '3 3 V06V 1/2 ACRE with 3 becJroom home, neor Twin Foils. 7365 or 73? 4868 after 8 p m 7J3 4384. tp r in te rv ie w tim e COUNTRY yLWING, brick, 3 Young At heart’ bedrooms, formal dming, car ’ .n A69 NEAT ond cleon home 2 becJrooms up oncJ 2 bedrooms peted. 2 baths, appliances, CHOICE COUNTRY building lot WANTED Salesman to work for Business Opportunities 30 d o w n b a s e m e n t 118,900 A ce R e a lty . 733 Good view, near hiway, near aggressive organisation TWIN FALLS T e r m * 5217 NETTIE MAGEL. anytime 733-1242 Kimberly No trailers 423 5AB5 Reasonable *sorking hours. Car COCKTAIL LOUNGE & NiC G 3 bedroom house with smgie A r r a n g e d furnished Write letter RESTAURANT Por. someone who attached garage Trus house nas a SPOTLESS BRICK rambler FOR SALE OR trade, 3 acres. 3 Q uai 111 c a t ' fwTAtw Vitw DRive 1580 Below you will find many lorvices'ovoiloble from Magic Valley Busi SSion A d m in is tr a to r "T7475UU Bfoodmqrpi Wf \p*ciol.»e ^rjuore loo* br ~h~rJr'on^ Background should include ex and Service v a l l e y R E A L T Y , 733 5500 tli^ ♦wiiww i«* cnntact pne pf th^se firms 1 cuitom ordvrVd uoiti Only » |970 1 I 7 bo*>» forr • oo "' perience m one or more of the Station prus comfortable home Sundays ano evenings 7M 5830, for the fmest m service and quolliy products ■54”' 7 lifU P U ljnr following fields, potato produc d o u b I g n I Excellent buy for mar and wTte 733 3169, 733 6531 Out pncp Immed'Ole delivery on 1 tion, .processing, or marketing, R o b ' t S T u operation Doiog good business on, POTATOES SEWIMO MACHINE ^REPAIRS TV*?0 B'oadmoff. dll elect'i< 3 bed advertising, public relations, BRICK 3 bedrooms, carpeted CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Hiway 93 Owner selling because 'oom home produce merchandising or garage, oeautifui caO'nets Highly of health 145,000, price includes CUSTOM upholstery vvork Car and Q U IC K F I X P O T A T O CO "W e Peel Need »ewing macttlne repa^.ei?? association admmistration Salary landscaped SU.900 110.000 inventory Call Nettie FAUS AvENUf 3 bfd'oo'^',_ truck seats. Also furniture. Call Um — You Cook Um” Cut tresh- . Call R J . e«IL com m ensurate wMh . M a g e l. 733 1242 S H A W R E A L T Y R E A t. T Y . 733 5217 d aTIy T ^ o n e 733 3007 f ♦ xned .»968-5fcytine 2 bo»H^ m o.'' MoC’ '-.ifh * Jack C a lto n / 733 7B03 e x p e rlfn c t. free estimate: f»lciiu|> qualifications Send picture ikid 733 0473 and dellvery^AlLwork-ouACimteed. only <4.750______' r«SiMne. lo ioano- -Pol*io Com. -, • eCAUTtf»-VL new home. 5 tovety Mobile Hbm e'Trantporiing a p p o i^ *'^ p ^ i *o vcc • m is s io n . P. 0 1068. B oise. PROFITABLE Oriv»4n resfauranl bedrooms. 2 tuU. bamsi^.tamj|y- CERAMIC TILE Idaho 03701 . SPAA.YJNO_____ - . SIMPSON MOeiLE HOME Nicely equipped Busy locatiorv room. fireplace, large double HUGHES. Mobile Homes Locally 1------, SPPurE STPEH Tim, n - SINKS, TUB BACKS, showers, etc 4 3 6 -4 7 4 4 A ce R e alty, 733 5217 ^ carport Part brick Fully car o.wned. Insured carrier. Local and t LAWN fertllliation, term lti control, NEEDAladytolivemmyhomeand peted including kitchen • Ap Qftroc*'»r 4 hrdfoo'^ 7 m installed LEMP TILE COM long distance. 73 3 3 773 Rupert, Idaho P A N Y . 324 4177 house fum igation, root feedlrwg. ' "care for'1-scnooi aged children BARE LAND adjacent to city and pliances. fenced yard Near High bo\emrnl lomily roo<^ do\>bl* I Gem Spraying Servlet, 733 4306.' Send resume and references to railroad Phone 733 6661 School A trXily striking home Just go'Ljgr lo'g^ poi'o Walli ' W E L D IN G Box-O 1. CO Times News J25.500 Fine Terms M a G i C ir*g di\tonall in NEW LiSTING. Corner lot on 9tn Falls, r'ear of Fun Acres M ini Golf hauling — container^ — special Ave E Completely redecorated, part-time position Excellent vestment required Sendnameand Course. t^auls — inside or outside city new carpet, radiant baseboard BUILDING CONTRACTOR opportunity for semi retired or phone number for personal m lim iT l. ----- heat, spacious living room Clean retired individual wt>o wants part terview to Box 0 4. c-o T*mes- ROOFER'S time job. Applicant w ill be trained and. Sharp Just tl2.500 Good LOBE BUILDING Contractor Remodef. SEWING MACHINES N ew s by employer if not previously term^ QUICK POSSESSION. additions, new construction. Free ROOF PROBLEMS? Complete experienced. Contact James E vM agic: v a lle y R e a lty . 733 S580. REALTY estim ates. Pnone 324 5657, EXPERT »«wlng m ioilc^ repair ti FULl?^' EQUIPPED coin operated, roofing service. Calf 734 38B6 for Rosenbaum. Assistant Ad S u n d a y s a n d e v e n in g s , 733 5630. Jerome, laundry mat Will sell all equip Tree .estimate and copsultatton- ta in . MewBoduiad eoi»im«rd»l»: ministrator. Magic Valley 733 3 16 9,7 33 4531, 7 3 8 -2 « M Sciuori WiArpcncd. Vic's Sewing ment for tfl.OOO cash or $6,500 on -BOTCWgHtN^ SE P T IC T A N K SE RV ICE - MscniM s«rvic(. sa 4in Avmua "conTracfi lor>g term Tease in JyA 733 5457 — 733 2340 — 733 5045 Monday tt^rough Friday. Equal building Good location and MOUSE FOR sale or rent E » ll. 731^7045. u n d .r J,1,000 00; o n e n t w tro v e l Prescott M o b il Butct^ering Opponunlty Employer. . business SSv A\3r Laundry Mat.** Falls, y bedroom. 334 497J ROTO'ROOTER sewer- servtee.- ■'H'lr b«l«w.tail!. t n r: tjrixtut ■ Co<*,twintonli» . offic‘e work. Must be good typist cavation. John A. Haken. 7 3 3 -^1 . VALLEY TREE SERVICE Wo, 11.15000: . New $995.00 Phbne Gene. 733-4901. for ap IROPRACTOH ______Danoerouft Trees, Give Us A Call* p o in tm e n t CRAVEN'S S « « r S«rvlC#: S«pfl^ 733*3331. Uied'lS' Alfo-itove, ov«n. ^at light. OFFICt AND STATIONEXY DISTKIIUTOK fO « INTEtNATIONAL V HARDIN — Chiropractor. 157 t»nk • »«w«r lln« d««olng. Pownr Wot $795 00: . , NevySM5.60 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for | OIGANIIATION TO ftOCtSS COMPANY FURNISHED ACCOUNTS Washington. Twin Falls. •Qulpniant, lre« Intptdlon. 7a3- TOWN ANO COUNTRY Tree Ser­ Uted-15' Mobil Scoot »tove. oven, master barber, Idaho's finest I 09 733-4741. J0S3. vice. Free estimates, insured. •ce B ox, g o t ligKt BtLLlON DOLLAR MARKET or i^vel by offijioiioij ».|h of tt-*e Phone 733 60««, Twin Falls, . salon. )Write Box O B. Tim ei News. : Wot >£^5 00. : . . New 5750.00 lec£:.ngrr.cr.wtccr:;rrr4— -— • --t__ ■ SICK ROOM eouiP M H irr U»ed l6 ' Troilmotfer-Surge, Ji>ro4tt. SMILING WOMAN over 21. S40 per W e r»ef(1 c m orv c,f ob^**ntee r.»r%er -.h o w r,ul.J l i t e to h i^ ov»n PURNACt CtEANINO VACUUM CLBANkllt »toy e how/1. Oftd frc-m h.% or o^f.ce.FULL OR PART lim e Ouf pfo;!v>rTf;2T *#0&P*TAL-bedST-w*t«»i rx o m tr.------n«nt nr APP TMF AftTMnpiTpn W o * ------Newi‘»t*0.00 — . — Ash€r«(«^-733.39St b^eeo 2:00 E*ptrjance_d ofi^rators. Idaho »»n«rmicy. TM -W I D««l*r (or Hoovw, nittx -You wrlleftjcr dcTftg ma^ttJfr __ — p . m , ------— :------■ f utn ia aeairifett. Wiibhe 7XTt42W ------lTOTWmI^^5 ■"numii.wufjt ^HEEL^cn^ln. «n«rclitnQ _ urvlo-am t-rapalr^ll - iiu l lelephooe sciicirotion. ibiHJrddm, ttattirrfamtty*a»xJ itenof rattulH vacuum*. r6t SW^5.00: . New'$i95.00 (U Bookkeeper.-»secretarvr I mo. ----- two FtOCRAMS---- > - roomrtrvtiMJToomwim ^laanartel IJMW. L M tn r K *jCe T n >V t >fn i n r a7,~TTtrai;; ;^ n r~ rT ~ oH in summtr. Ideal iob. (3) ' sTone-ttreprsce. "R W irTnetfiw HAULINO- lig h t. 1 3 ^ T S£RVi C i n G~a CCC u n TS tc be e ito b l'v h < d by monufoctufer. - Qf ^ u t' Lakn and Ihd Av«iu» Salesmlan. high pay plus com m .. In kitchen with built iiis. L^rpe INVESTMENT 100^) RECOVERAELt Eat». Call m io jr. VVot $1,995.00; . New$1.S9Si» M. v.-*rea/Top firm .'(3) Inside d o u M e . oACAoe-Miith-covecfeKLPon EZ HAUL National truck — trailer SAND. A O B A V E L --- ... ------r-r:- •marline operator,...... will ti^TnT“".. .'"OT ^ "2 A D V tR T rS lN lj FK O O K A M , "Rb“nfnerUriiO»W -VOir r s r o n c s w ? - J C ^ a v t l r ____S. ■ perience hetplul.__f5>- O ttter _ J f------' ~K- — H a o » m j g g openings avanable. ■Yoa-rrwnt >«o»e'-t»>e-otyt*ry'ro Tnofcg on ~ im o«rdiate CONSTRU^ION - W r C o i f j ^ - S2.730 00 to ST.800 00 Persor^ol mterv.ew w«th compony repf%sentpf)v« m LYNWOOD REALTY Kii. Chompioo. ycujf or*o Check our e»cellor>* M o o u f o c ^ , Blue Lakes Nortt) * MEYEK'S CONCRETE Con­ Aniwering.tarwca. Tha jidvyrtii^ ^11 b* nofifMd lo rock. T rov*l*t*, ItaadrwiHwr. Taity . A'e rio n n tl S ervlte in finonc>ng.your e>ponsioi^. C oll (216) 961-3500 Of 'Wnte, m - w n lu ref will o is iit struction: Patios# ;jSrivewayt. call you, W »he tela phon * o4 ony' o d v a rtiiw in ,lW» . V 7 • *nclud*r»g yowr phor>e number * ‘ .curbs and Buffers, fo l^ work and 7rfayiaWa«k.f«aainj|ia.W' AFTER HOURS: bastmant*. Hert>ert W. Meyer or DIRECTORY is not ari»w«»d, dial 73^2384. Tate- MARKETINO DIRECTOR' ..... 7334416 jDtAnna Vsanwr R*. J . Schwen dlm an 7 3 ^ 1 0 0 ^

'.'t . , 1

B s a k a i 32 Tltiries-News,-Twin Falls, Idaho ' Sunday, November 8, 1970;


Mobil* Harney- 6 4 cysatpet w ith ’, W IL L BU.Y dlrei;t or Auction your MUST SELL near new outlaw W 7 SCOUT DELU XE cab. hubs, excellent, condltjoo, brand neW *■ Eaitln^dnfl^ Sons, Jerome. refrigerator and stove and break- Host. No wet stiamppoo problems. I furnlture appllancesodds & ends. Trallcycle. Phone evenings, 733- skld0an and low mileage. i73.SI37, 334, BUVING USED Buriap bags. Scents 1965 VOLKSWAGEN BE-ETLE^ NEW .} 4k65' each. Western Nursery. Phone 733- Good condition S785. 543-4566. ^< ^8 E 6 T HARVESTOR with j high pressure washers, call 9179. 3 b^d ro om r huge livmg WANTED: Used furniture, ap­ ,Acc«ttori«t & Repair 182 tractor mounted topper ur>Jt 2 row Specialized Equipment. 733-3026 1968 DATSUN 1600. Low mileage. gorgeoyi Early Ami-neon ,de tank type orijy'-.dug 120 acres- b u n . Also 1 regist.<>red Black Angus pliances, baby ttilngs. coal stoves, days or evenings. bull. Sold as unit'only. CaI1^36-25^ antiques. Repairing, upholstering. W ANTED TO BUY good used wood S1400. Phone 733 .9385 after 6 p. m. Shog Carpet TOaDED wilh c** $2,000. Phorfe 829 5407. John lathe..,' Phone 543 4296."^Buhi______6TRUCKIoadsof Atodel T and A ^ flr after 5 or weekends. Hayes Furnitur^33-4010. .B y F F g T SQ" _,,0arts. $175. 733 3159 a lter 6 p. m. ond PRICED RIGHT Okelberry. 1964 COMET CAL IENTE. cherry wood wardrobe suitcases. SHOP THE WANT AQS and save SHOSHONEI CASH FOR GOOD used stokerm atlc Phone 733 4412. —£ftrJ»rmflnce,-3gO-.J^etaUc-gceen- IB YARD HANCOCK elevating time and motiey. r with black vinyl top. 886-7767. j. scraper. Requires 65 H P. tractor. r parlor f.urnaces, also good used oil Trucks 196 NEW 12x48 • Front and rear b«*< SALEYARD healers, BANNER FURNITURE M U F F L E R ! installed w hile yo.i/i ! Excellent condition. Phone 678 hjml d n d W ood 1 4 3 1969 CHARGER RT. $3,500. Phone roomi Tfuly the onv»»e» ' STOCKER AND t=EEDER SALE new. Rental plan, rental applies on DELUXE POOL tobies. Hand FOR SALE, fireplace wood, several HEW 18' Beet Bed. Metal frame. AliO with.Pifiiup dompt-ci of top-quality feeder cattle, crafted^. Natural Italian slate. $700. $900. Call 733 5920. DODGE TRI MATIC SPRINKLER, 'i new,, -pasture calves; stock cows, fat ‘ purchase price. Conn • Bundy • varieties. $30per ton delivered 733-' cost. Replaces two hand ielmer and Reynolds. Warner • Freight prepaid. Orders must be in 5940. cattle; fai and feeder cows. hogs, spr.nki«?rs'. 423 5917. M ^ ic . 133 Shoshone North. by Nov. 15th. Penny Wise Drug- 1955 CHEVROLET v,-ron panel. See and sheep ^ FIREWOOD? Cut your own with a at 361 6th Ave.'E- 733 3981. BAKER'S SAVE COSTLY repairs nexf Spr ing ! SHOSHONE RENTAL RETURN: Hammond' SEWING MACHINES, new and' McCuHoch chain saw, Brake & CITY Store your custom farm equip O rg ^in T 111 S ave $300. M a s o n c f used>^ Service all makes. Complete Petroleum. 213 4fh Avenue West. 1969 FORD F 100 Ranger — shell mcni Inside this winter. Also SALE Y A R D M u s ic . 733 8609^221 M a in E a s t. stock -O f -S-T R^E T C H fabrics. 733 3028. camper. -360 V8. posi trac, We Always Have The MOBILE HOMES repair wock avaiiable by experts. Patterns and notions. Skinner's Michelin tires, radio, 4speed. 41J Add'iion We.t 733-3356 Century Automotive Machine. 261 NEW Yamaha pianos. Used pianos. Sewing Shoppe. SaVeOn Shopping d r y SEASONED fireplace wood tinted glass, power steering, Best Selection W est A d d is o n , 733 5070 B86 VOK Quitar's and a^pliliers, K.LH Center. All kinds Phone 731-4206, auxiliary gas lank. 733-3360. - A f K oH-r.-Fufnt»hod —TO __ H8 6 2?42 stereo record players Warner -175rCHEVRT3rrr Music, 131 Shoshone North CUSTOM p-iinting Cars, Trucks, PEACH AND apple cordwood burns 3 ton pickup- V8 ^ D A V ID B R O W N 1200 tr a c to r Used 7 3 3 2880 LOOKING FOR an apartment * 103 pickups Dents removed Davtd Brown 990 tractor S w in e hot, long, and clean Far superior 1964 d o d g e S 6 9 S h ou se? C a ll Q u ilic i 733 2940 Demonstrator. John Deere B with FOR SALE upright piano, reasonably Cabs built for »rac to p in e U h a u l o r w e d e liv e r 543 re a s o n a b le , c a ll 733 8386. SPECIAL FOR 3 point 1 50" and 1 80" Rotqvator YOR KSHIH E and Yorkshire Durock tors, swathers, hay m«^chines 423 4055 4 door 880, V 8 engine, automatic bedroom - Adua. .no, electricians C LEAN 2 u. Used 1 100" Rotovator, New All cross, ]flryc weaner pigs fl '0 5634 transmission, power steering, I F A R M g R S C h ild re n , no pets 734 2024' an<75. parlor furnaces, and good used oil fire s , Re4 £jy ro go to work Barracuda, radio. V 8 engine, TayloV. Kimberly WANTED” PureOred wearier Ouroc Claude Brown's Music and Fur h e a te rs . B a n n e r F u r n itu r e 733 R ice CHEVROLET V 8 MOTOR and transmission tor automatic transmission, heater, tioar with papers Also some for m tu rO 1421 ✓ Je ro m e 1955 Chevrolet, $30 2 wheel 324 4318 see this one! BEAUTIFUL NEW — rail' a34 D(j>.to------— t r a ile r . $50 733 3145 , trailer, Kimberly Two bedroom Sporting Goods 159 C a ll B ill F lo y d , 423 5598, n ig h ts HorMS 104 Radio and TV S«*s 125 MEXICAN PICTURE frames **A u te » Tor Sole - s e e — c o m p l e t e GOLF set. 11 ir.ons, 2 SALE Large assortment, reasonably 4 door wagon. 6 cylinder engine. SPACE EIGHT Auto Stereo. 8 t r a c k . woods, bag. and-kari Also 1937 1962 D O D G E 6 C y lin d e r Red a nd HORSE posture for rer^^,• KrmCfenV* p r ic e d 42 7 E a s t A v e n u e A . With overdrive, and very clean Apartment!—Unforn. 7V Compare our $ 4 9 9S p r ic e white. 2 door hardtop Standaro RoacJ in Twm FaMS Water, shade W e n d e ll 536 2383 O ^ e v y CouDe H \jn s qoo o 886 2>49 1 M iNTtRNATlONwl $200 934 4141 b e fo re 5 00 p m 934 — PTion v - ja a p t s i , B um ------— anYwtigre, Camgffl Cgntvr.. VERY NICE apartment 1 bedroom, T u rrT p T d T ; —•n 5 57rTT-Tt ra r rft*r rr.-j—e-wn 5‘ DO _p ■...... m SAW ON A stand Additional at 30 04 REMINGTON rifle 13 gauge living room, kltct>en and bath ri'OuntccJ $ 7 5 0 "l^lW ustang , $1495 ALL TYPESt)f horses, txiught, sola tachments plus 8 blades $50 cash Springfield shotgun Crossman Water and heat furnished $80 per MAGNAVOX stereo, beautiful S H A R P 1968 M u s ta n g , e x c e lle n t H a rd to p . 289 c u m V 8 engine, I IHC ... IN ] t R N A r fQ N A l tradeo Plenty of ranch gelclmos 734 2269 pellet gun Ammvn-tion extrds month. Lady preferred. 733 0716 or walnut cabinet. $179 at Cam's 733 c o n d itio n . 17.000 m ile s See lo Ron Haley, n ? 60S5 7111 733 8A05 automatic transmission, power ; 733--24tX). bctrt hofvfifo' •TS a p p re c ia te $1,800 733 1398 steering., in excellent condition BUNDY clarinet Brand new Argus 1 New iOHN WOODS R E G l S T E R E D Q u a rib r H o rse s Top SILVERTONE STEREO, separate movie camera and projecfor Also THREE ROOMS and batta, stove, hcolci 1 4 000-aJU ' > I 8 S Snovhuxmbjles 160 1970 COUGAR, excellent condition refrigerator and water furnished blood lines Running and Chariot s p e a k e r 160 c a ll 7 34 3618 Revere movie camera and P ho n e 324 4182 1969 Ford $2695 733-1016, ’ Ust-cl O t'ver prosp*.>cts T ernns C a ll 733 8108 protector. Tape-recorder and i* i large speakers Boy's Spider bike, 1969 A R C T IC C at P a n th e r. 380 cc Gaiaxie 400. 4 ooor nar 0 to p , 390 S I 9 S 0 E « c e lle n l c o n o iiio n 733 836^ 1961 R A N C H E R O . g o o d s n a p e . V 8 engine, power steering and 2 BEDROOM BRiCK duplex, car 4 YEAR OLD red sorrel geldmg. fla» almost new Boy's 26"' 3 speed I U%ed Modri M IHf Good Things To Eat 133 b'ke Motor bike Kitchen table p h o ne 733 0354 a fte r 6 brakes, factory air, vinyl top, peted. bath &. ' 3. basement, car m a n e , stan d s 15 *. 5 ye ar o 'd low mileage port- Available December 1 No $ 7 J 5 buckfckuv...Oi.*iding by Snipper and chairs Tent Skits, poles, si/e 7 boots, new Twin Box Spring ana ARTIC CAT SALES MU j T SELL BY November 20. 19 65' p e ts . 733 0707______^ ______Sypr^me^ see these, 3 ?6_4;|7 l C A N N IN G h e n s , 3 pounds up. SI '0 ■ M a t tr e ss ~Prtonc~7'3 3-l ------—“------flrSE ^ V ICE------— Qoflor fall ?n.9l9S ______VALLEY MagiC Valley's largest Artic Cat 1 9 « B D 6 a g e ^ “ $ W 5 " HouMt— Furnished Sheep 1 '70 F o rd G a la x ie 4 d o o r se d a n , 390 V 1 P O R T A P O T T I $75 1 R eese No Dealer All models available C oronet 440 s ta tio n w a g o n . V 8 8 engine, power steering, hke new DELICIOUS AND WINTER Banana 450 equaiiier trailer hifch $75 l DOUGLAS SERVICE engine, automatic transmission, 2 BEDROOM home with bath at Ford & Implement FOR \7S good wrttie laced ~ 7 33 0545 apples, you pick, cabbage, red set c a m p c r b o u n c e a w a y s , $30 i Ha/elton. Idaho power steering, brakes, 1 owner Curry- $50 unfurnished, $60 fur EAST OF CITY ■■ yl*arling ewes Bred to lamb in potatoes. BODENSTABS, 2 mties water tank $15 Several odds and n is h e d 733 4010 o r 733 6931 F e b ru a ry P no n e .823 3722- a tte r EXCEPTIONALLY clean l966 Voiks Norfti, I mile West of West 5 e nd s 1890 O s te rlo h SNOWMOBILES 7 00 p m fastback. New tires None better Heovy Equipment 92 P o in ts FURNISHED THREE room house $1195 or best offer 731 Aituras ' 67 Plymouth $1395 WOMENS suede leather fringe New & Userh,m l - i f» ------SAXUif-iCe due to tiiness. 1V64 p re fe rr e d . 733-5399 and new 5th. wncisi. Cbeop. 7J3- good condition r 0157 GENTLE 3 year old geidmg Also l falls $1 00' We stiii have a lot of plugs Tiiio»son Eiosch Rambler, excellent condition, plus Sup M u s i Sell i 326 4d49 nice'.jppies J E Bowden Or 2 snow fires $600cash Phone 32 4 ' HUNTERS! STUDENTS! repa-r Bens 401 1 Houw—Unfurniihed 74 Hoy, Grain and F««d 94 (.h'ard. ' ; riiilf south of Kimoeriv 1964 Chevrolet J495 M U S T S E LL N o v e m b e i 70 HAMMOND'S ^IKE NEW 1967 98 Oldsmobiie 2 BEDROOM home, gas'furnace*, •TREAT YOURSELF to whOlL'SOme SljlUpn^iiaQ.n,-^ ,v a. onaine. HAY bought and -sold Bonded female Gern S he p ne ro Can I WARM GOATS i - R6PA1RCENTER ------■Luxury - sedan- -FuHy--quipped, • basement and_gjw;age. 733-2874. .1__dealers. - M cK ilrlck- TrucM^ng; ^ 'miTVWiTh fl grearTTavor 77 cenis a • KTD5 COATS S5 9'5 &. up ' Standard transmission, radio, ^ T33 9198 689 N W a s h in g to n 733 5099 stereo. Vory reasonably pnced ’ • gallon Save at Bingham Dairy and heater, runs good , B e lle v u e . 788 2281. * • WARM NAVY P-COATS ' C a ll 733 5178, IN HAGERMAN. 2 bedroom home. L O N G - H A IR E D H I M A L A Y A N Ado.ison Avenue East •W A R M PARKAS ' Stove and refrigerator furnished CUSTOM STEAM grain tT)ltlng, • Siamese kfttens »0-15 poondi. • WARM Gl FIEIO JACKETS | Boalt For Sale 169 1966 Olds S169S $60. P ho n e 837-4781. H a g e rm a n mobile ~ molasses. Ai Haskell. when mature Soft voices 324 55!>1 - S T E W IN G H E N S P acK atji-a iincJ • WARM INSULATED i 1966 V O L K S W A G E N s e d a n , goo d cond.t.on. Phone 543 4935, Buhl '98' L u x u ry s<,*dan V 8 e ng in e, 423 5800. K im b e r ly frozen rftjdv for fOur irwzer COVERALLS CHRYSLER boats and motors 3 BEDROOM, carpeted, ooserpent. ■ AK C REGISTERED SiUor Small q u a n t it y d is c o u fu s . J2J 243 / . Starcraft boats Camper trailers automatic transmission. powe< • WARM INSULATED VESTS Harley Davidson motorcycles, steering and brakes, windows a v a ila b le D e c e m b e r 31 $135 W rtte 100 TON OF EAR corn Top quality Toy Poodle puppies Champion • WARM INSULATED Box D 6 Times News References L o y d A n d e rs o n , W e n d e ll. 536 2386 lin e s Ptioru- a M fr 5 00 p JEROME IMPLEMENT & “BEST DEAL AROUND" and seat, belted tires, tu tone 4928 VED AND GOLDEN DeiiC'OuS UNDERWEAR MARINA p a in t CHKCK W m i (:i,\>M H l.l) Rorr>.es Wine sap and winter • LEATHER Coats & Ve»tt STftAW FQR s a l e P ho n e 324 41 35. _J ‘AKfc- -Rfc-U lla-Lfcj^fc-P Germrtn oannnn 'apptps— Orr Orchard, i ♦'ltfrTH6R^i»onchoi & Hol» FO R T i n : ------Je ro m e Boats Motors SnowmobiTes Your S3395 Sheprierd puppies $40 1 ^50 miTc -North ot Bunt on Green Giant • BEiLBOTTOM-bluft. denims -. Evinrude and Mercury dealer 1969 bodge l.M KST KI.M I I s Deposit will hold until Xmas H3 R oad P ho n e 543 5093 11A2 Blue CaV«'-NOTtttT-7^3-4-l9a- CAR CITY Polara 4 door sedan, radio, V l Animal Breeding 100 740J AifekcJ.iys. V to b T n ~ engine, ai/t'orrial*c~Tr^nsmIsilu 11 TWO BEDROOM house 1 ' lO H O M E M A D E c a nd V . sm o ktKJ m e a t, iNSiDL siorrtg*- now cjvai.oDie. power steering, factory a_i_» orchard, pasturp. 1 m»ie Soutri of SELECT sires Incorporated All POODLE PARLOR Dreads pies letiios. rei'shes, OcH> t i«jt F a ll ana v V in ier w e a tn t-r Buhl, Idaho cond|tior>ing City Umits Pr'eferred '1 5 year Dreeds, dairy,-beef Walter Leitch. Proft*ssional Grooming pillowcases, fisnn.es, can diimagf your boa*, camper or 543 4ASS Any firet*0 of Dog 733 1 IVS 01 le ase . P ho n e 733 4 l5 7 ..a fte r 6 00 p e sticks clothing tovs. i.jrnp trailer See us today' 197Q VOLKSWAGON U 3 4 5 - ____ A x U iflu g ___ J x m ia — "•fl'Brnnr,'------“iwrf»tyTm roTfi $77V5“ . A ftT lF rCIAL axecfljofl-lc A as great F^SODLE GROOMING, stud ser S h o s h o n i E piScopai F ,1 1 r W**st A a d is o n , M 3 5070 ONE aeoROOM m o m e « proven stres, nation's highest type vice, puppies Cher* MiHer Ken Srtturdffv - N o v 7 »0 00--^ i-0 0 cV— 4^;,, Sot s if 1970 JAVEltN SSI F-ory lU 2 door hardtop. V8 month Middle aged coupie No neis. West Redcap corner. Kim production srres. Also all breeds of The Fun Spot to Shop (Ill .n,l..s engine, automatic transmission, d o g s . 7?3 7320. a fte r 5 00 p m beef available Buhl, 543 6102, b e rly - 423 5104 Motorcycles 180 A n f i q u M 139 1^11 -.[J-ionl, power steering, power brakes, j,e ro m e . 324 2652. S ho sh on e. 886 1 53 ^n d Aye S ‘2771 vinyl top. factory air .1969 N lN l T R A IL H o n d a B lu e- $175 . 7587,■ Burley, 670 9253, Haielton. :COCKER SPANIEL- Dupp.eS 2 TWIN FALLS - BOISE W T O IK ^ P A IA conditioning, sharp. Kpomt—Boord ond Room 76 — — a tr^ iu : 831-UA3iu- _' ___ G u______t D U D S, P A u V Pt-tt> ------« 1r s s m - Johnston, j'oj Sduth >,Vtishinylon -orrrt- CLOSE-IN, Clean, excellent sleeping ' ( A ir p o r t Ror low mile^ steering, power brakes, real $90 p ho ne 702 423.5055 o w r ite China and glass specialties’ «24i fopper. Brass>Alumlnum, n ic e FlJCtOfy ! CARE for elderly p ervyn m , Sunrise Ranch. 1495 Moody Lane. BOB'S l^N N EL S _ Gun dogs - ^ Polk Street East, Kimberly. Phone Radiators. Batteries, Etc 1969 1 75 BRIDGESTONE Road and my home Vacancy now Phone Falion! Nevada O b e d ie n c e I r a m 'n g B o a r d ih q 423 S343 H KOPPEL CO t r a il. 5 sp ee d M a n y e x tr a s $395 733 3513______H a v e som e c*ogs to r sa le 733 2230 152Cnd Avenue South 733 31 59 a fte r 6 p m >2575 1968 CAPRICE loodfd 1 963 Ford ‘495 41 DAIRY COWS lor sale Call 536 W ear .1 • I »' ♦ or' 1V3I SENIOR CITI2ENS board and 2316 16-, 10 -iTh p»rro\ clrnn foirTdnf 500 7 d< Hrjrd»op V H ^ p r iv a te ro o m s P ho n e 733 1093 SPRINGER SPANIEL, purebred T rucks 196 ; Trucks 196 ’2195 auto mo tie »fO” ■' '■mare' S'm DnrnvvarcTnated—Atso" .•.xuu:ix____L a L iAlALLL_Ot_ 1968 BEL‘AIR, bcdan. ■ 29 HOL'STrrrr npiferV We"-gh‘ -.4 1 a l i j —— goor+ - a ro u n d 600 tbs P ho n e 326 47S9 Russian Blue Maltese Kifen 324 V 8 rU-an Farn^s For RAnt 84 2437 ^ 1 1 9 5 SA l l V S ANTIQUES 438 59S0 1968 IMPALA C >1. V 8 1968 Chrysler $2695 SMALL SOUTHSIDE farm, cro p F A M li 't .MILK cows. cheapt*r inan Wound anng t,ioieI e s . t n a ■ r s ST BERNARD -PS lor sai.‘ a k c ANNOUNCING - Newport 4 door nardtop. V t Share re n t, beans and beets W r rr' I h b»Ms fin iin c 'n a a v a ila b le r.uT^ncs, a.sh a sh s I »} n d s , Phone 54j 4tijd uee Mathews, fti engine, auto transmission. Box D-5. CO Times News J e ro m e 324 241 5 other furniture 4 B uhl OUR OPENING 1795 ^ -OQ'«eT_sleer m g b ra k e s , ja c tg r tM P A rn i r r air. stiarp. W anted To Rent CALVES 1936 1; TON TRUCk wlh or V'/e are going to have the %prrd BABY and Grasscaives, an kinds Uvefttock Wanted 114 Without Oidfme camper Runs WANT TO lease ranch or range n ';W » *s f 'e S o u t h o f K im b o f I y 423 good See at J2-J East idaho Strt*"t ’775 $2195 5124 o r 423 5809. Q «. 0 C a ttle i DAHO HIDE &. T AL LOW '69 Dodge Northen^ Nevada or Southern B uh l 438 554 1 1 9 6 3 SCOUT Dari S~*r-\}.M 340 i V fl DEADANIMAL P i CKUP Idaho Any amount W ritfBo" D. 2 LARGEST TRUCK SALE nyf top or'** P hone c o lle c t 733 6835 4 ^prrd Irons"''''''*' c o T im e s N e w s BULLS COW^., nor^P^ loan • ANT lOUEb sold on conygnm^TY* ff«oT or irad«- 0.irr«-ii 541 Your price gua ’•antced See our 788 W A N T E D f a i l o a s r ^ ‘.fl24-or S43 W \4 Appliances & HH Equip. 120 Iarg»- c o lle c t lon Hayes Furniture ANYWHERE 1965 FOfiD . V 8. c o r r a ls fo r 100 hj-^cJ of r d a -, M'->(jne '68 Olds 98 $3095 a fte r 7 00 p m 473 'j C- ; REGISTERED ANGUS bulls im .ie n e w AND USED appliances Also KUeceWon^u* SoU 140 Starting Novem ber 13 lu»u»Y Scdon fully po “North. 1 m ile West ot Jerome golf ‘1095 WANTED TO RENT. 2 bedroom c o u rs e D ee H o rd . 3 24 4014 dilion.ng lust liWr hrur 9 * 13 LINOLEUM rugs, assorted 1 9 6 7 MERCURY CYCLONE unfurnished house with pasture for patterns. $6,95 BANNER FUR 45 Trucks to Choose From 2 o r 3 h o rs e s 733 1104 o r 733 5967 WOOD CHIPS FOR SALE, SCmi t POWTABLE Tv 1966 Meccury S12SC loads a’ 10 wheeler pncc'. 678 fl4l9 N IT U R E , T w in FaM s. 733 1421 • Almost all are GM Trucks ngntns Ml 69 4 4 9 5 tciair 4 door sedan. V8 A^'Tease or — nttrr e rt-TTT ------* — 1-966 ^» thTU “t^ 7 V *y ------— 3 to 1964 TRAVEL ALL ine, automatic transmission, Storage fac ties if posS'Di* C .v C l OT h ES f o r fa s h io n f W I G I D A I R F d sri ^ r ' U ip • V6's and V8's power steering, bright red atier 6 p n 423 4906 SO v f'n ts to 90 te n ts wWl ’ 6 9 5 5 00 & BETTER head Holstein (oad nq por'atju- g S8H cr In fo w n . 324 461 1 • All ore 5 speed with 2 speed Springer hp.fers weghmg from at Cain s H3 ^11 1 OOO to 1,350 pounds Lots of • All have 900x20 rubber 1964 CATALINA 1968 Chrysler $3095 Ugkl Indwstrial Equip. 89 cioseup heifers, for m Ic or tra d e ,IKE N E A' bea ut.tui • W arranty still left on almost all Town and Country wagon, Sorne Jersey and Guernsey WEST i n & M O U S E s t o v e $ 7 i 7 9 5 $1B‘ Phon» 734 2394 1 9 6 3 FORD XL 4 s Springer Hei*ers I now have two PorT.^bie Frigidaire dryer S^5 • Some have cab chassis engine,~ai/tomatic transnSTssIon. power steering., and power finance companies to sell cgvyi EVDth regular S'Ze and good con • Some are equipped w ith bed and hoist OTtton Phone Tjtrer 7p m •^T3 9 7 7 9 .^7* ' 7 jo o r s >699 brakes: a»rdM*Oft*/vgr through I c an'tTnVincc'fVbrn 2 to 5 \9t>6 GALAXIE ? door years Sec me tor lurther m % IKh P hon.- • M Irt’ M • Some 1 0 wheel's ore available “ one o w n e r -formati6n Eugene Hughes. 324 NGPOOM furn.tu COIH^E AND SEE US TO DAY!! Or> cond'tioninq 2415, Je ro m e 1 $ 1 5 Wilson Bates m i l l i o n s Ot ru g s h a v e b e e n V 8 ue N o rth cleaned with B'ue Lustre Its ‘1245 TOP Q u a lity I.ghi .ve-yh* calves Ami^rica s t nest Rent electric , 1964 BEIAIR AH binds r . V.'est of ftu^'i on G O O D USF D t V • r e c o n d it lon #‘d s h a m p o o e r \) GreenawaH's POLLARD LEASING, Inc. Wogon V 8 ‘645 H ,Q n w a y 3 0 5-J3 -176A 40^2 an d q u a r a n ’ eed Some color , USED INDUSTRIAL 1968 SPORT VAN t*‘r ms Avail,ibie W' ison Bates 733 YOU SAVED and slaved for wall to 328 West Ave. A 324-5721 Jerome BOB EQUIPMENT wall carpel Ke»p it new with BlJe i V fl ‘1865 GOOD, BABY and pasture calves for M.chigon l^SAloodi'r $6500 Lustre Rent elcQfric shampooer 1 1966 IMPALA s a le A ll k in d s P ^o n e 324 4162 or SPOT CA S H $1 K r tM ig e l S ! JD 840 tcroper. Si.OOO 324 4028. J e ro m e For Furniture AppliftrKes Mitcellaneou* F«r Sole Srdor' V 8 ‘979 Honcocfc 8E4 v«ropi»r $7 IOC T h in g s o f V a lu e ! REESE’S 1970 CHEVROLET PICKUP, Cuuom C a t 12 Grod«?f $6500 10 MOLSTEiN-milk cows for saie. b a n n e r f U R N IT U R E AC model H3 crfy»irf do»»‘' .A Q S B r e w in g . Phone 543 57 76 127 2ncf Avenue W e;^^33 1421 .. x^b_. Y 8. pQr;cj itc c fin g .. radio- HUNTING CAMPING HEADQUARTERS pleof*«Y of e»*»ov A 000 octw-ai nulci. DODGECITY • S4750- - , 26 H E A & ) o'f o p e n v a c c ' r*'ateo full locfory C ASE. m odel '■ r : Furnilure & «M Goodi 122 * WARM CIOTHING 5 0 0 Block .n£i.ter.ii...... 70Q ocLwnd -ji! . il_ ^tEftTHEI^Gt^^^St^^^OS-A^«>-SW rvetS c e n ts cwT P ho n e 733 3633 BUY Sen Trade Camera Ccmter, ‘3095 doier $3500 _ SADDLE BAGS • «;CABHABDS iP ?010 6uctr»oe Sc? 3- I72ndyive. Soiitli WEANED WISCONSIN DAIRY • SLEEPING BAGS • GAME BAGS CDWOVbKHEAD ------CASE 530 BockKor S6750 calves or hoisteip angus cross TRADE YOUR , old piano for fur • G ,I. W O O L P A N T S ...... LOW PRICES AT , , . Foil lir»|» of new )ohn Drpf f- - sh pped on approval a m ages mture or carpet for any room in o W inn Ellis trial Equipment '.Vr-te for fr^e price hst Van the house Claude Brown's Music e MUMMY BAGS ...... drrburg Cattle, North PraTie,* and Furniture • G.l. STYLE COATS & PARKAS CAR CITY o Joe Butler ELLIOTT'S ."/Wisconsin 53153 UNFINISHED FURNITURE, CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING Buhl _^S43_-4951 111 Ov«Hand Av«., Burley Id W IL L S E C l 11 head of registered highest quality, gcx3d selection • CAMOUaAGtRAIN WEAR & NETTING tofi BUNDS o Ken Moon PKo m 6 7 6 .5 5 S 5 nereford hCifers With papers. Also Mary Carter Paints. 1936 Kim- • WATER PROOF TARK AND VISQUEEN Op«n 0;3O o,m re 7:30 p.m. 20 h e a d g o o d Q u a lify h e re fo rd o e r tv » o a d heifers Wtii average 600 pounds • G.l. DUFFLE BAGS AND PONCHOS Dav« Munroe ' 543>S335 0peivEvenwgst9Sp.m. SdUs R*prrs«ntarive 324 5287 J4onr Phfin* 733.i^Q n _ HAVE UPRIGHT Diano lot‘Jfcalc- • -H IP ^ O © T S -» -W A D E « S ------Make otter. Call 536 2316, W^^dell. PAIR OF-TW INS. also. 2 singles all < • Boofs f6r Work, Hunting, High Quality Insulolecl Bm U 20 - moniAs-^ o ld . -Long tin e : • -- G.l, 5 .Gal, Go* Can* • Tentt-*- Jackets Farm Implemantf 9 0 registered. Polled Hereford botis. - tNOOOR^ ovtdoor cerpetr-evocado L I T T L E A D S See end compare/ 2 4-10 miles ■ green or sa;i^hir'5r^ M fuirit ^ SNOWMOBIIERS INSULATED COVERALLS M O L V N tU X M a c h in e r y yard at Cain's 733 z m ■ South of Appleton Grange Hall. .— ------H«ltkt______— r r f t n r ■nnr r t f f g . if t f t ' m f ------^ —PWW 3 PIECE CURVED seciional. very Folding Shovels Army Style Pieki ------T BA D 6 new-tew ber end-ees*» -for V* • -row com picker, catl S44 24S6. W e b S tra p * ------CHRY^ER-PLYIidDTH-DODGE Insulated Boots P ieftlP w cionr Pe a le r ______, ------'— m g ' M em we. u .9so—(xl6tr-im -— T O P Q U A L H Y j / ditkyv. v n j o n . Nov. 9, I»70 — 11 G lfT ITBMSt W0 L a ya w a y BANKAMIMCAKD / / (J) potato b*a». 1 H*. V 1 SALE BARN A ■ ’ -Tie*: Alw 1 ben bed. mefsl r-^C A R P fiT t remnants up to dOper cent- m aster CHAHGB 'Drive A littie , Savfi A Lot" frame. Phone 43* « « , Rupert. MAC KAY, IDAHO . off at Cain's 73>-7i Ti . GOODING 9 3 4 - 4 1 1 2 1 ■

'• I

,*^Vin,tiflY<.Nft«BmtMlcJ,..iaM— VjmMiltomi. Twln;P«lt«, "W RESULTS ARE WHAT YOU P A Y ^ R AND RESULTS ARE WtfAT YOt) GET WHEN YOU USE A WANT AD!

^ u l o t I A utei For SoU 300 Aut^FerSaU SCO Autet'J=or Sali> 200 Autoi For Sale 200 Awtot For Sals 2 0 0 Aule* Salit 3001 AuI m For 'm~ jU PEW,'s>OR'r cn»V9"Ti;-4- ’’i f W^ e w e v ROLE T 2 uwr, rurrr good tires, body and 1970 Ply ■noutlr Speed' transmission. 327 engine, 0 b6 d. S9S, 1957 Ford, V-8, o ve r­ Ptune.7».77l9. 'motor. Lots of car for little money. good tires, go6d, condition. 676- drive, S95,921 North 9th» Buht, 543- 432-4413: 2M5. 2515 P ark Avenue, Burley. 4411 after 5, \ - SHARP 1947 .^Cyclooe GT. V«, FOR SALE by original owner. 1964 1963 PONTIAC Star Chief. New sutpm allc. SI39S. Call 734-230I 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner. Take after 3:30.------—cuAtom-J^-ontiAC—Xempest. V .B. over payments plus small equity. tires. Excellent condition engine, low mileage< automatic - thri>ughout^CflU_y33-30a9 after 6 p. ,733-0157.— -- . — BY OWNER: 1969 Vollss. Below drive, power steering and brakes mar tot-prtce.-Call. Bt ir t yaarW3- » Excellent condition. Phone 733 1966 EL CAMINO. 6 cylinder. 3- 9402. 2678 for price .and details. 1970 AAERCURY M onterey 4 .Door Sedan. speed. Excellent motor. SIOOO. 733- 1965 JEEP CJ5, fu ll steel top; n ^ beautiful unmarred blue exlerior with tb*ona while top, nylon blue interior, 1866 after 5 p. m. tires, new paint, $1,350. 734-371% WORKMAN 'Furry III 4 cioar'Hardtop, Radio, Heater.'Air conditioning. blue_wall_to wall carpet, thi^. bcQUtiful outomobile powgr steering;.rp- . ~ BROTHEIIS- Fury III 4 door Har'dlop; R»dior"HeateV7~^ATr~«ond1ti6Tilhg,“ dio, KeoterT autdmatic f~rbn?mlurort, whitewoll lir» wReel covers, Sov* Pontlac-Cadlltac . Q M t . Rupert, Idaho, 436-3476 Thaiten Special Price ...... ^ ■ MOTOR SELECT Special This Week >289Q 1969 MERCURY M ontego Hardtop ^ 0 ^ / T I A C S ONLY ...... ^ 3 3 6 6 Sport Coupe, red exterior,* white lop, *beouiiful 'bll'red leolher interior, ou- BUICKS USED CARS CHEVROLETS tom’olic Irdnvm iiiion, power steering, whitewolL lirev. tinted glo\>, wheel Used C ar OLDSMOBILES covers, back-up lights ond ol course it hos V-8 engine that burns regular FROM ✓ A t ' •» WILLS— MOTOn------D e p o rlm e n t 254 4th «*e. W. gos, exactly like new. n f \ ^ LEO RfCE MOTORS NEW CARS 236 Shoshone St. W. Theisen Special Price I V 3 ‘1195 mSouTH...... *1135,. ” '"''<36tt«IH(r-ldaho 4 d»Of; tHis cor wos traded Valiori't V-200 series, 6 cyl­ .... T .1 1969 FORD Goloxie 500 4 Door Hardtop inder' automotic Iransmis- in by a person of Paul and Eieauliiul sky blue finish, locol owned, looks brand new. has air-conditioning.* -tion, this cor was ownrd . 1967 PLYMOUTH power sftflr*ng. hrnke^ whitewall tires ond ek enlfo clean______fury II tfotion wagon, 9 pattenQer, mileage.

^^6 6 PONTIAC mission, whitewoll tires, l9oki brand new GTO, Bucket leats. floor ihift, radio er ilecnng, rocJRi lnfS3513 Ac* Chov. PriCe *2930^ " Theisen Spg wheel bo4e Fieetude V-8 4 vpe«d Ayfuo^n Gold, equipped with lurbo hydromoti< tron\ Iv Sport Coupe, beouliful boby blue finish with white fop, blue leatherth e r interior, in tires, 6 cylinder engine, appreciate, has all the fine X* tton^mniion rod'O •’% m'niion power »te«ring 350 trngine G78-t5 this unit has all the cookies and looks brand new. sharp, clean, nice autom atic transmission, feotures Continental puts 1 9 6 6 F O R D U>t Pric# $3300 S^TifVA :•** belted whifewoll tir«^ radio Ace Chev. Price Z / u U S Wo» *3535** Ac» Chev Price Z 9 o U radio, excellent shope: in 4h©r© cor*. Counffy Sedon »tqiion wagon. -S Priced At O nly ...... S 1 5 9 5 pbitenger, V-8 engine, rodio. heot ^ Cf- QUlPmottc Jrontmiision. foctory oifconditionrng. 1961 CADILLAC f^Sip'on^-opr: 1968 CHRYSLER tow n and Country Coup^DeVille Pyll powrr loctory o'r-conclitioning power steering belted red wall tirei. ) 7.000, octuol btoiionwagon BeoulifOt^srar5'im8aniWr-|r-fully--rt^iiipctf--wilh puwtr ^ M 3 9 3 a creom puff tut Pnce $095 milei, a reol crcam Lut Price S2795 Steering, power brokes, power seats, and air-conditioning, it looks brand new and is safe buy guoronteed.______rJ lW E R C U R Y ------: Blue B o^ $2900 ...... P r ic e ...... Meteor, V-8, »londord tronim iiiion » 2 4 9 5 ^ ru n s w e ll. 1968 MERCURY Monterey 4 Door Sedan I MOTOR COMPANY 1 1967 IMPALA 1966 MUSTANG Shorp sutono while with turquoiie lop. ond turquoise nylon interior. Ihit Hofdtop Coupe GoJ JOving 6 cylinder engine, -beautiful oulomobile has power steering, power brakes, rodio, heater, _ _ _ » 4 8 6 __ Hordtop Coupe V 8 ittcki vhih Liit Price S1395 1^64 Main Ave. So. 733-6811 ilcjndard troo^m iijion Li\t Price S 1 395 tinted gloss, whitewall tires, on extroordinory cleorv cor. ^ , Kelly Houk • Do Ip ^or#*r^i;on 1 9 6 6 m e r c u r y ” A ceC hov. Priced A» O n ly . . . . ; : . . . . r ; . t t - 1845 Xom ci,.2door,.V;a^ilandord Irani ^ , * 9 8 0 P ric e ...... * 1 0 5 0 • " J a c k Cox m ittio n 1968 COMET Hordtop:Sp;Qrl Coups 1970 IMPALA 1967 CHEVROLET Shorgj^hiie jjnish_w[th all rjdjeqlh^r iptefioL^imjoll.V.fl.jjrigin*. slondord ■ *893 Hardtop Spori Sedon v B.-.auiomaiic-Uaxiw»ii**«Mw - _);"2 Ton, Long wheel bose Fleetud^e ptckup. 6. cylin­ . . ______, healef7-whHewalMw»ti=— ------$ H" ^ Q '1T~ pOwer-i»«eung...tocto/y o

Water ( not air) heatrng------Thei i en Speciol Price TTTBT Country tedon ttotionwagon, radio Fully reclining bucket seats _ heater, outomotic tranim inion, 1967 MERCURY M onterey 4 Door Sedan power iteering. factory air condj- TO P^inn.iTY __light preen, dork green top, green pylon interior.with matching afaen..wQll_ Front Disc Brakes tio n in g . lo wall carpeting, outomatic tronsmiliion, power steering, radio, iseoltr,. whitewall tires, wheel covert, tinted gloit. o truly nice cor. C « if O f Tinted glass _____ u s ru n n n rs Theitan M otorsSpacial...... 2 Speed electric wipers & washers 1 9 6 4 B U I C K 1967 MERCURY M onterey Stotionwdgon Nylon floor carpeting Riverio. foil power, foctory o We sold Ihii one new and the local owner kept it ihol woy. fully tquipptd conditioning, odiuitabte tilt wheel and must be seen to opprectpte. ^ C 4-on-the-floor all synchromesJO' Theisen Motors S pecial ...... ■ transmission * 1 ^ 9 2 1966 MERCiJRY CoMet 4 DoorZSej^^ W hitewall tires S ilv e r C r c y firsisT>, s ta n d o rd Iro n sm issio n , 6 cyliner engine, radio, Keater. o Chromie wheel covers ATemfrTffuy . . . . . 1966 BUICK Custom LeSobre 2 Door -HartfreprtfmpH Btntit Bim ’wrnr cjiiin luBirTiii-w ltliti lor. lully luxury equipped Theitan Spacial Price 51388 1965 CHEVROLET im pola 4 Door Sedan White finish with turquoise top_,^ equipped wiih automatic tronsmisiion. power steering, whitewoll tires. ro*dio. etc a Irufy great buy.

T haisan S pacial P r ic e ...... 1965 FORD Goloxie 500 4T)oor Hardtop Extremefy cleonl exterior, with interior that looks new, outomotic tronim iv sion, power steering, power brakes. radic». healer, whitewoll tires ond in CKCeptionolly good coAdiiion. ______^

~ 1964 PONTIAC Star Chief 4 Door Secjan Equipped with outomotic tronsmissiorv. power steering,-power brakes, etc. ?480 T9^1DIPSM 0B1LE F-85~Cotlos5 2 Door Hordtop. Block & white combination, outomotic transmission, whitewoll tirei. radio, etc— . ------Typical Theisen Special ...... y / w 1962 CONTINENTAL 4 Door Sedan A lu.ury cor Ihot it .quipp«d with .verylhing intlgding air-conditioning.

Priced A l O n l y ...... • • ^ 6 5 0 1962 FORD Falcon 4 Door R ed .bottom , white top. nicely equipped. J h # l*« n Meter* Spacial ------^ •. '' 1960 FORD-Falcon A good littU runoboot. ^ 1 60 3k


[ . B ut firs t see oujr new


f e « r t m r k t g

Foihibnoble yet praclicol lift-coat by Ernst Engel Twoj/ippers for getting in. and out easy, Porko goes between the te^s to sray down and under you when getiing on and oH the lift! Legs are y roomy enough for complete i^TDvement. \ Q uality pants in. the llotterlng bfi,U-bof- tom style Conceolcd stirrup goes under sklwear (aot to keep Q_imoolh -Jil. Rosewood; avocado, wdjnul^ cliqmgjs*' jnoond.pst b lu e , n a v y

Parkd -■ 1 ^yfon with polyester This high-tashion pprko by Ernst Engel ho> many features for skiers — fill- Small medium, large. S79. l»ngth keepi you warm orf cold days, belt holds out of your Pant^ wool.'nylon/spondex Short, way, back pleot unsnaps ond two-way lipper give you freedom of regular long. 8 16 S65 movement. Soft fur trims a convertible hood,'collar to make you feel pampered. Rosewood, avocado, walnut, chomois, Moondust blue, navy. Smoll, medium, large. $130

Warm-up panJs are really ml Nylon with polyester quilt lining. Two-woy full lengtK side zippers will fit over the bulkiest boots. Arpfen 'Skiwear. Tri beautiful . solid colors and bright prints. Small, medium, large, $22. Not illustrated: Aspen Skiwear's sleek pants in wool/nylon/span- dex. 'NaV^ coffee, persimnnon, black. Short, regular, long, 8-16 -^ • 2 * ------


. / 5 / / 7AAB


■* B U G S B U M ’N-'S' S t o f f e l & HEeiM a.d.ali.1 n ■ -


CA.PTA.X]N^ l»y~C?yoroK:s & I7a.w y(enc«>

PR ISC XI.riA ’S FO P lis r A lJ lte jp »ia.ocx*^ ______„ „ 1 , . ______...,:,i...: ......

rNi A A T A A O S P H E R e ? IS M iM sei::F'Buyii4<& ------HiaASAV h e w a s . AMP V6T X NEEtP T i4 E ^ P A C E BUI upiM<3sa=>AAeTMisr

I ^ A I ^ C E L O T bsr co h eir Se P e n a n .

/ W & 'K e 0 0 /V \U C H OLDER THAN VOU. ^ / w h a t c o u l i ? w e p o s s i b l e \ FOR INSTANCE—WITH THE PINNER^O KS/JK ^ ABOUT THE eSNERATION g A P ^ V HAVE INCOm M ONJAIlTH^' *)/'^DH, L O T & yi^^LL^& & ^& ^R occ^{g- VOUNG PEOPLE LIKE VOU? O F T H I N G S

1>3r!Die]c CTOTeXlir

DEAR-POLLY—Before going on a weftlc* DEAR POLLY— P uf vorTeoTore j scraps end trip we decided the birds mighf 0 3 I o f toilet soap in a 12-inch square oF need nioie gtuiti. Witli Ihingw ul hmitl" ^^ylq^ct7npnlt^$jdeSr.UILa£0Hnd^PSRi |-tfgged op a teedarrThe oHfy^t^are’riiaTs'' and tie ti^ tty with string. This is both PATT e RHS needed were o foil olote. emptw cQlfea^ _ilecoioti»e.and.useful.-Swijh -through can wifh □ plasHc lid, lead pencil, a long the water when washing lingerie, or a n d T r if t i piece of string and a can punch. Puncli give it to the kids when they ore in the Look nea^ and trim when wor1(« tr tiole ill I' ing around the houfc in on the can and its plastic lid. Punch three- opton ^rth b»ov-t»inn ond lo»ge- DEAR POLLY— Double your clofheslino cornered holes, with the .can punch, »ize pock.«tf, No. 83SS with and He a kno f every 12 inches or so, all around the bottom of the can. PHOTO GUIDE II »n Sizes Teaving a small loop when making this Loop string around the pencil, then Sriioll, Medium a n d Large. knof. When drip-drying clothes ou t­ thread the string up through the foil A»^edium Sue, 1 yords of 5S- side, slip the hangers into these loops inch 6Sc each, ^ plate, can and ,l)d. Fill can with bird and they w ill stay put,— JESSIE seed and put lid in place. Tie'ends o f 8 3 5 5 string' to a protruding tree limb. Prcs.tO V£>U-ACie.N^T_KEM:r-Yi3Ut?__ bird teeder.— SUSIE utJOTS AUEK’T EVENLV

DEAR POLLY— I wo»h-o fceocfi fowel vifh my plastic tablecloth and hove no Vimklej.— RUBY

pressing board for taps 1 want lo open an ice cream stick I ju it thot is ironeif on. It prorid«r'n~firm"faut^ resilient surface. The book slips easily sack. The paper slides oft cosily without In D o m a n d into legs a.nd sleeves, and if the mand^ tearing,— KIMBERLY A"ttattmTTgxowt’TteckHn€~wif(t ■ V ing tape ihouldttjckJotitj slickcoM ut 5737-N burton-down thouiders. No« ‘ peels off without (listurbing the patclt. 83S3 with.PHOTO-CUIDEiii.« s m a l l ' Festive Decor hJew Siiet 10'}-24*3 (butt 33- DEAR POLLY—To clean dirty whifa iMreRE$r£D /m ■ DEAR POLLY— We like lo pfoy eJiecTc- 47).SIxe 1 ? '2. 35buit,2'iydl* M E D IU M i ^ \ LARGE. convas shoes so they are really w hit« Trim your home for ChrlstmosT Tha ot 4S'inch. 6ic coch. crfrbutdo not have any checkers. Wo again, I wash them in warm soapy w ater use pop bottia cops. One player-uses graceful angel is easy to moke from ■ T h e Jurnp.S iiit- and use on old toothbrush tor the scrub­ them right-xide-up, and the other crept! paper; the gaily decorated can> bing. Rinse till a ll fhe soap Ts bu>; W fiile ^ la r eo«t’-a-worm-qlo»r-'!n -ony-rooml- TKe TooV iTiof count?. A Jump-tuit t h o t (i se.w-timpr# fa player uses them~ upside-down.—* n^oke in a chcck with rop ttitched pocketi ond o chain-belt. stilfwet, J rubsoltoll over them and put CINDY Ideal for gift*. TW O SEPARATE PAT­ N o . 83> 9 w U h -P H Q T P < S y iP i r j in N ew S ' l « 8 18 ( b u |l J I ' i - them in the sun to dry. After the shoes TERNS. Me each. 40,*. S»ie 10, 3i! i bo»f,3!j jrofdsoHSinch.^&croch, - - ore coiTipfetelr dry I brulh the jo lf off; —KAREN (T 1970 hr Yitl. DRESS FATTERNS 65e ta c h riding or jurats boots, put tightly rolled ■ T t i ADnCD< ^ >WMr wft* m w , t M m , iMrttMi mWr ««l to tA T U U n [ Petlf po'ft a dollar tor eyrry idta vsee/l newspaper in the legs to support them I Senrf th ^m t o ii#


V O U M O V g ~ p u r A 0 A A A U U N g X f: ?=^UI? A l e t 's X X iSMAjeefu^e J A t ^ I N A / ^ ? r o F s A u r F’ A N A N C ? X o . i N i - H ^ r i ? p OUR O W ^ f O M " r n ^ j c 0 . IS’A C K .-IC ^ c u s g e ANt? AAAfc^ A N V iruC JO K U K B AfSOUNI? 5AU-T 1NSIC?& i r . ^ •TW^ TH^ WAf^g^AFe V) f g i A i ^ g - p NOW Q o v o ^ \ e w W A V ^ A N « W g « :j PO U fe A • r w g w a T ^ i? i N S i i ^ g K N O W N - r & ' LITTLE •THg JA g eHOUUC? XJ W A Tgf^ H V ^ IN CAlS’t'lV llV lNlt> tW ^ CTAI^.. •fUfSN INTt? 1C& -IM . F^OI^ A e U O N iS ' A 0puT :?^A\lNUTgS. -t5 y^At^5.

ffi) lOTO by N tA . IrKy a / a t u r e c o l o n s [ HEY, .GROUP! MiNhI.>\^5WT5^ M0NNAMep*TW6 SUN'-PAY V q lu a b te :j^ow.H(a/y:rHe- C?Ay$-<5P-4m- ivq a pyy ^ 4?lF.THg- - Y f r n a n m i m for qaesHons! M A K ^ ^ - r w e Awpac^flrriwBfe A 12-inch Worfd . <5lf?AF5f^g -rw ^ N A M g 5 . v/0$rr\u.im ■ Almanac globe for the question us^ and ^ 'TALUgSt UAM12 *rnc?6g NAMC6 T u e s a ^ y -OMweredeKh week,. v AKIIAVsL. HerM Ay and liBrory editions of .^IgKrgLUMSy. ^ the World Atmonac for Hg CAN duTfeuN A the next four besti Send; your qfu^Kons to: iSffA N C e. f W ^ ' S C ’A Y ' (THUfespAv y.-^ W o n d v v H O S f O \ C ^ ^ y i K IN 6 60C? OJ?_lHUNt?g;? c7o this newspoper.

> ■ > -I Familv Weekly

Are You M issing DENNIS HOPPER: Pick the Tim e O pportunities A Film-maker D o i n g F o r t h e B i r t h o f T o S a v e M o n e y ? His Own Thing Y o u r B a b y JISk*lhem*%iwsdf c ]

F O R W A L T E R / . H iC K E L , FOR JANE FONDA, actress FORiaAVRiCE DREiCER, FOR PAUL HANEY, SrrrftarY of the Interior author-gourmet VJ*. Houston Astros^ —andl Astrtfdomr ■ ■ For the kUHng of tchal yourself- so much in Where have you found animals does ihe Gov- indian affairs, antiwar the best steak in your W hat is the reason for erhment pay fe o u n iy T ” movemenis,^and in su p- 2^-year-long search for aoubte rows of hash ---- A ri Rohr, Devils porting the Black Pan­ the perfect one?— N o r ­ marks on the football L a k e , N ,D , thers* cause?— M rs . M . man Orlander, Las Ve­ field in the Astrodome? — Randy Roll, .Zanesville^ Ohio • Thtt Federal Kovenimenl is not in­ L,, Oreen Bay, Wis* gas, N e v . volved in bounty puymenls. We d» nol • I think the times I^vc determined my • I came nearest to finding the best • College rules say the ball will be put believe tbal ibe use of the bounty Aysteni involvement. When I was a student grow­ steak ''in the world nine years ago in in play at least 5S-feet, 4-inches from the ii uac/ul a wildlife manai;ement'looir ing up in my white middle>class envi­ Kobe, Japan. It came from a steer that sidelines. Pro rules say it must be at However, a l^ounty program still exists ronment, it was easy to thmk tliis coun- had been fed beer and ma«sag«*3~by hand least 60 feet fron\ the side. -Hence, sta­ in a few states. ^ ~try was working, ao“ oircr~conld go nbotrt^ ------a - p o p u la r m e th o d fo r trc a tin fiU -h te fil diums like the Astrodome, which host • one’s own business quite unconcernedly*. there. It wasn’t perfect though. I told both college and pro games, nave both FOR WERISHER VON BRAUN, Today the problems affect us all and are the Japanese press that both the steer markers. NASA too horrendous to be avoided. If one and the man who massaged it should Do the astronauts ever scrapes the surface of American life and have had more beer. FOR OHAR SHARIF, actor carry any type of tceap- sees w h a t 1 3 happening, it's impossible What do you admire ons when they go into to remain indifferent— if one cares at all F O R B E T T Y F R J E D A N , Pzvsidtnt. rnoMt in a wpntan?— space or Jand on the 'about bur futurV/ " Nationa! Organization Dorothy— Laney . C hica^ . fo r JTomen n%oon?-^Ed-De ba l i e , - g o , #//. Holmes, N.Y, FOR CHARLES C. EDWARD, W h a t is y o u r g ro u p • The afltronautj) are unarmed. We do Commissioner, Food and going to do about fe~ Drug Administration not expect to meet hostile beings in space ^ ^ nutle candidates for # Good breeding is what counts first. or on (he moon. How many drugs have political office?— M rs , Then intelligence. After that you worry been taken off the mar~ J. Davis, Sacramento, Calif. about other things. FOR JOE NAMATH, ket, and for what rea- % This is the last year we’re going to (juartrrhac/i, Nrtv Yorh Jen ton?— Joan Hubbard, have to decide to vole for the best man. FOR DR^ RALPH R, LOBENE, How did you ffoi thp Ogdan, Utah By 1972, if we don’t have women can­ Forsythe Denial Center, nickname **Itroadtcay • Approximately 500, most of them be- didates, we may have to start a separate Boston ^ Joe**— 'N . Si4»ma jJ ^ e v it‘ --milHf. llify n rr- ini-ffrrtivK r r few because political party. We will become a potent Is pyorrhea so hard fo l o t r n . P a . they are both ineffective and unsafe. political force. CTuF pov^ifr'is iri our soli-" detect in it* earlyslagt^s . a darity. We are not one organization, we that a dentist can*t tell 0 In 1965 a magazine run a story a()otil FOR RAY NITSCHKE, are an»army. whether a patient has the Jets’ rookies and u.ned a cov«*r phea is olanuf*. w hich ~ € ttlv n a , "~tM'a'"ffi’Tt/itn amdnlHl^iJf ftf.~ is a transparent film of saliva, bacteria, # A linebacker need not get into a three- cruelty to horses?— and food particles that sticks to the sur FOR PR. NO RM A\ SHU MW AY Claire Reenstierna, point stance when standing at the line faces and fills the spaces between the teeth of Stanford ...... ^ Charleston, S.C. of scrimmage. Next time you go to a ami gums. These bacteria produce noxious University Hospital game, watch the two comer linebackers • Not on my series, for sure, I might t'hemieals that cao irritate gums and H o w m u c h is p a id to and notice where they line up in diflerent add that horses who do fails and other eventually tiestroy the bone supporting the donors of human defensive alignments, U ^a lly the offense seemingly “ pai^iful” tricks are trained llie teeth. Slime early signjj of gum dis­ hearts meant for trans- sets the pattern for a defensive align­ for such work. Sawdust and other fulf- ease. or periodontitis, are blee ding , p a in ­ p la n ts , o r is p a id to th e ment. Watrh closely. breaking material is u.sed for their land­ ful or swollen . gums that may sho>^ survivors of the donors? ---- P a t S c h a ­ ing. There is no pain in a horse rearing changes in color, bad breath, and loosi* fer, Concord, Calif, FOR BOB KEESHAN, and some of them, the more spirited ones. te<*th. If you have experienced these dun # There i^ no monetary payment at all. i ’ ^ your de.ntiiiU Many families of heart lransplanl d<»nors How did you come by have expressed lh«* ferling that through th e n a m e “ f,'«pla»n organ donatiiHL. ihiis giving the possibility Kangaroo?'*— Mary Want lo Bik a fomau« p<>rs4in ■ qiirslU>rv? You ran ihroufh ihia colum n, and we'll g r 9 o f ' <^xt-eixle*l- th e ir Nartin, E. Longmead' ihf answer from ihr prominrni |>rr«on you dr*ij(niilr. Send prrftTalyly on a own grief has been eased poAt cara, to A*k Tkiun Yourmclf. Family Weekly. 611 t«xVn^on Ave..'Ncw York. N.Y. o w , Mass. 10022. W r eannol arknowlfvlsc qurvtiom, but $5 will b« paid for carh onr us^-d. • I got my name bccause of the enor- JO R LETTY COTTON POGREBIN. mi»UH poekeis of the jacket I detUded to — • • author of "liotv to \inKr wear on the show. They resemble a kan­ F 3 .in ily W k^kly T h « N 0wspap«r Magazin* Novem ber S, J 9 7 0 ft trt a .^//in ‘5 W orld" garoo’s pouch. lE O N A R O S. D A V ID O W Pr*»id*y^t NEAl ASHBY Manaoina K d ito r I have heart! that ft MORTON FRANK PuhlUhmr MARIUS N. TRINQUE Art Htrm^tor TfUre-ftrTP — i r n y f o r a ------“ Wr^AOe^MOMKON Advertising Mor.: D««Miid M . H v ffo rd ; MCLANie DE PROFT Food Editor woman to make it bifi How do you feel when. M rfe to r.. $wI Loyaftkv;I ...... N ew York- Soi«4 . U ffr > 0*rald AM$t>dat< Rditorm: Hot london. business trorUl S. W r*« ; RepiofuiJ Salea M a r,: Rob«r1 J. 0 » ri« ti« n : Mil»on louM bcrrv. TarrV tir«,lH< # I advise against this roiiir because an # We don't need any new solutions for You'are invited to mail your questions or comments about any article or advertisement ttiat excellent steno and typist l>eromes an'^ appears In Family Weekly. Your letter will receive a prompt answer. W rite to Service Editor. criminals. We have plenty of old ones Family Weekly. 641 Lexington Avenue, ^(ew York. N.Y. 10022. indispensable secretao'- if only we have enough guts to use them. A-' The bigger they are th e h ard er they fall fo r

The bigndog~cl 0 g f 0 0 € l ;

— 7 - ^ J55UKJEW«^;-BR0WN^

loon, causes no pain and requires n(i \ ^ u ’ve heard of-exp>ectant anesthetic. mothers’^ midnight dashes to Then, Oxytocin infusion begins. T h e hospitals. Perhaps it has process is something like receiving! a even happened to you. The blood transfusion. Qytocin, in a water solution, flows from an overhung h o i middle of the night often tje, through a tube, into Ihe m o th e r 's seems to be a baby’s favorite arm. The amount infused can be rcK'n time to be born- lated* according to indications o n a The -wife turns to her soundly slccp- graph. It can be sped up if contruciioiis ing husband, wafTffS'fllPn; anti WlliipL'i!., ------On-.ir, I Ihinl' timi- " Hi^ jumps; out traclions become too intense or loo of bed, dresses frantically, runs, stum­ frequent. bles, fumbles, and generally carries on The advantages of having your b .ib y like a nervous nincompoop. on your own schedule, not Ihe baby's, It’s a familiar story tfaat: bccomcs a afc multiple. In an era of dwindling fatnily joke in later years. But that Tnanpower,—especially— nurses^ whole scene may pass into the nostalgic delivering babies on a predictable sched­ past because modem- mediciiic ha.s ule reduccs the number of petsoniiel found a way for mothers to give birtli ' -...... ' _ at a predetermined time of da' And k j^s ^urdy jpreferable to th e It works like this. During her final two mother, who can now know p r e c is e ly weeks of pregtmncy, the mother and what day, and what time of day. h e r fetus arc medically tested, then later the baby will be born, so she can m a k e h e r frequency, intensity, and duration of preparations ahead of time, get a g o o d contractions are measured electronical­ night's rest, and appear at the h o s p ii. il ly, If they reach a certain level, the alert and ready. — m o th e r is ready, and t h e" b a b y T»~ced up the natural proce.ss. If the mother method. And there have been n*> p ro b ­ were brought to the hospital between lems or complications after birth. nine and 10 In the morning, her baby In spite of its success at some h>'s could be delivered about five-and-one- pitals and its great promise for the lii- half 'hours later, or between two and ture, there are some obstetricians w ho four that afternoon. This is about half feel it should not be done universally, ‘ the normal labor time. full term, it leaves its post, and the nor­ When the judgment is made, the Dr, Gusberg is one of the conservatives mal delivery process is allowed to be­ mother is brought to the hospital, given in this belief. T h e search fo r a m e thod to .-issist, gin. If it left its post at an earlier time, a final physical examination, and, if fit, "I don't think induced labor shovilil or speed up. the norrnal labor time goes a premature birth could result. It is administered a small dose of oxytocin b'c done as a m a tte r o f convenience, back many years. It has only been in during these final two weeks, then, that to test her reaction to it. If favorable, for eithcT the doctor or the patient. In ihe lasi few years, however, that the oxytocin-induqed labor is introduced. and in the m a jo rity o f cases it is. the •k)me cases it shouldn't be done at .ill problem h;is been solved siitTicicntly to B oth m o th e r and b a b y are ready,______m etho^ can. proceed. i iq first births when the mother's c e rv ix _ use the method on a convenience basis, The mother is ready when the cervix, Two things are then done, A .small is not ready almost until labor st.irtb, that is, to delivcF the~baby on a sched­ or neck of the womb, is "ripe," or open; balloon is placed on the end of a cath­ when the fetus is in odd postures, o i ule most convenient for the patient and when the womb itself is receptive to eter, a flexible tube, and inserted bot- when there is any problem that w o iil^ i medic.ll personnel. oxytocin; when'the pelvis is of normal tween the womb and the membranes forbid it. In some cases, cxccssive con The key to the solution of the prob­ ' size' and cbnfigufalion; and when there holdtng^ the^ fctt«: The contraclions'of- tractionfi can even injure the baby. lem was to find what caused Ihe uterus, are no medical problems that would the womb force fluids in the ballon "HoweVer. for medical reasons. ii or womb, which for nearly nine months forbid using the system. through the tube to a pressure trans­ docs have a place in obstetrics, in eases nourished ,ind prorccted the "fetus, sud­ ducer, a device which translates the of slow, sluggish labor or prolonged denly to eject it. Another hormone, TThe baby is ready when it is fully cTJrttraCtions into electrical signals. The labor when it can harm the mQlhgL.'.:------progesterone. -was.iQund to hr. thit-.kcy.- grown-an

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FA M ILY W EEKLY called on experts to learn bow everyday expenditures con b e c u t

W h e n I remarked that I (he money goes," find out. Sil down wilh insurance and then see how m uch the item, the use your family will make was going to research an arti- a pencil and paper. Total up a ll y o u r money is leftover. You will have a of it— and whether you reJlly need it - tpcnding for-th e month,—ew ii—thoa; ------m nrh mnri; realistic idea of yoUr actual Every fam ily develops its own favor­ cle with this enticing title, my nickel-and-dime items— they have a way spendable income. ite economies. Some families save In friends said. “Tell me how”; _of.jLdding-up_lo-doll»n(,-^hen-eompare-“— — Use crodH-wlsoly. According to many smalt ways,''afTi-ctinp their i-n T Irr ‘ my husband said, ‘‘H oorayl” what POeS out with th/- nmminl nf in- Sidney Muij^ulius, an LAptJil UH (lUltULiar standard of living. Others effect large ■ jjavinss when nece.ssary by eliminalini! and my hjother ^aid. ,“Tt can!E ------e e f n « - < io m w e - i» V '- O n c « y o t t - f c n o w M 'h e f u ------— m a t t o f s —w h o —h a t sc r v ^ - o n —t h e - J ? r c s l- ~ ffit money iS being spent, you can de- denl'.s Consumer Advisory Council, most a rnajor expense, .such £ s a vai^ion or be donec^ cidc where to cut bacTcT pcofile "spend mortr'thnTr ncccssnry in' a'SCC0ti -going, out fotJhose simple howli- - the, popiilatioiujiatfei^ usea^^edit. __A ccording-to the--updat cd~197f)-^p (now commonly 12(t) to collegc tuitioriv -ing—evenings -(involving, drinks all other 50 pcrcent includes, many persons sion of thcJUfnited Stales Bureau of La­ most of us find ourselves constantly on aroun_d). O r for taking the whole family who use it as a way of life. They finance bor Statistics consumption budget, an iihe run just keeping up with current out for Sunday dinner. Or for maintain- purchases that they could afford to pay average American family with a son. ~~oxjehscs^~ ""Irrg^Ihgr sceomT^Tr'OnlV vo» can de- ^fortiTcash;^~they buy^more than^they IO;~;r daughVer, six, and a non work in)>\ Vet, a financial expert, a family ^cide which items arc truly important to wouUTifThey^^afTzcOROuir^fcnrinT _wali: wjllJipcniLapprQximatcly i'7i)0 per-, counselor, and a slew' of thrifty souls yoii aniT^iiTvrciryou should cut batk on their indebtedness; and'they pay more month to mamtain a rriodest but ade­ ofTer the following principles of money Plan your spending. Unplanned, than they have to for the financing. quate style of life in ar( urban setting. m anagem ent, as w e ll as a few specific spur-of-the-moment purcha.ses can Depending on where you borrow your Tiie following figures represent average

cost cullers, for F a m i l y W k e k l v wreak havoc with a family budget, money and how long you take to repay actual monthly expenditures, not neccs readers. whether it’s a $200 encyclopedia or­ it, you may pay interest charges from sarily }in ideal allocation of a family's Know how much you are spend- dered from a door-to-door salesman, or $31.90 up to $231.25 for the same $500 income;. .Such long-range items as .sav- ing—ond for whot. "Most people just a scries of five and $10 items loan. So shop around for credit instead ings, education, and income taxes arc whoygct into financial difficulties honest­ picked up on shopping jaunts. A hils^ ~bf automatically arranging to finance a not included. ly don’t know where the money goes." hand and wife should-sit'^own together car, a suite of furniture, or a major ap­ Housing (including utilities, up­ says Robert BressTer. a project director to establish^he broad pattern^i of their pliance at the store where you buy it. It keep. and furnishings) ...... S’ 25 of the Family Scrvice Association of spending, especially when it comes to may be less convenient to get a bank or Food (including meals away Nassau County, N.Y. large purchases. crcdit-union loan, but you could save fro m h o m e ) ...... 1 5 "When people corrie to us, they are A shutterbug husband, for example, plenty by doing it. Triuisportation (principally the often in desperate financial straits. They might feel free to buy small pholo- Be coutious ' about bargains. family car) ...... HI may have a good income, hut they can t graphic accessories as he wants them. Many apparent bargains end up to be Clothing (including repairs anil keep up their monthly payments, they When, however, he wants a $100 cam- costly purchases, such a.S the ofT-brand cleaning) ...... 7f> are being hounded hy creditors, and they c4a> he would sit down with his wife, appliance (with a vaguely worded war- Medical carc (including health arc constantly robbing Peter to pay sec where their bank balancc sits and ranty) that breaks dqwn after limited insurance) ■ ^ ^ ...... ^0 Paul. Most o f these families arc sur- d ^d c together whetbcf they cinZHE- use, tho-incxponiiivo cut of meat that no Reading and recreation ...... 30 prised to discover the .simple truth that ford the new camcra. one in the family enjoys, or the salc- Personal carc (haircuts, beau­ they’re actually spending more than One way to plan your spending is to priccd dress that your teen-ager refuses ty p a rlo r ...... 20 th e y c a m .” list all your fixed "m ust” payments, like to wear. So don't rush to buy a bargain Other goods and services . i . . . . 21 If you feel you "don't know where savings, mortgage payment, taxes, and until you have checkcd the quality of Here are specific ways y o u r fa m ily can cut costs in every one of these-im— HushanJ am! wife should determine how much they have to spend, then hudftct wisely to economize. portant categories: HOUSING • If you are not already a ilo-it-your- aieU out a gutter, harig wallpaper, reftnish an old table, or make your own curtains • Invest in the' best quality furnitun- you can afford— it w ill last longer.

weekends? Tell the operator when you get a- wroh£ nitmbcr, so you can get credit— even if it was your own fault. FOOD ------^ •W h ile we are all in the habit of eat- ing regularly, our food oTUlnv is ex­ tremely flexible. A recent survey made by consumer expert Margolius among 300 Queens, N .Y., families with similar ■food costs ranged frorn $1.25 to $1.90 per person. For a fam ily of four, this may mean a difTerencc of almost $1,000 per year;

prices (price per ounce) to determine cost differences between brands, and be­ tween sizes. Usually the economjt-sized package is a better buy than the smaller one, but this Is not always so. Only arilhm elic will tell for sure. Urge yotir local markets to provide unit-pricing information, but until they do. figure it out yourself. • Shop right after you finish a meal: food won’t look so interesting, and you’ll buy fewoi^-UiipuIsc items. • Make up your list ahead of time, and star those items for which you have cuni!i-uff coupoTisrsjryou' woh't r^fgec -B r-m refui whan buyinn “buiKuiti-piicrd" i/rni.t. T/it y—m a y - ' go o d <1 ti Mulily Inst- 'lo n/; . them at check-out time. • Pack picnic lunches for fainily out­ ings instead of going to restaurants. jng-preferences, don't biiy without tak- ♦ Buy healt^nsurancc. especially a to take advantage o f year-round bar- » You’ll save money, "aHd you mayriiaiiC -ing-them,-The^ best-b»gain-is-» wasto-of- -typc-that-covcrs you for-major illness. gains—Elan-to make some o f your own— an even better time. money if it never cniicr^s TrbrrT'tKe It may hurt to pay those high premi­ gifts; while you wtti be spetraing less ums—but it will hurt more if you arc money, yonH be-gfJing more of your- TRANSPORTATION closet. • Keep yoiir- car-longer instead-of- .___»-_Discpyer .jouc _local_sulomatic struck by accident or illness and arc_ -seLL aa_wcU.______trading it in every two or three years. cleancr for cleaning knits, children’s not covered. - ^ Despite the rising tide of inflation, - I f you give it the repairs it needs as jackets, and other items that do not re­ READING AND RECREATtON you can spend less money if you make soon as it needs them, it should serve quire pressing. You’ll pay about half • pis^ver.your local library for up your mind to do so. N o one else can you long and well. the cost of regular dry cleaning. magazines aniLbesl sellers. tell you how because only you know-' how important each- expenditure is^ to- • Buy your new car in (he late sum- -MEOICAL CARE - • Make a pact with-your friends to you. Wc all make choices. One family ___ mer nr carlv fall so v.otU-Mn «Cl thc- • » Too many people save money on forego elaborate entertaining jrt^Jayor may spend 3i4U a week on me cnildren s previous year’s model at substantial ddtlor's Dills by not paymg ttiem! here ” 6( lig h t“Irefreihments. Irour nealth and music lessons; another w ill take an elab­ savings. are some better suggestions: your figure will benefit, as well as your orate and educational vacation; another • Investigate the used-car market. • Stay healthy through annual check­ bank account. will buy a new house; another will em­ Since a car loses 29 percent of its cur- ups, appropriate immunizations, good PERSONAL CARE ploy bousehold'-help. - rent value each year, you will pay. for nutrition, and adequate rest. • Learn to cut-your children's hair at ------You cun-halance l ireomft w ith outgo — a two-year-old car in cortdUlon. ----- • Chooso a family doctor who is af— ~5|D aJong wiirtitnhi trend to~ — if you make choices. Such choices are about half as much as you would for a filiated with a reputable hospital. He will ward long hair. difficult but not impossible for the fam­ new one. ^ keep a permanent record of your m_edi- • Invest in a wiglet or fall to save cal history, which should-prevent the trifw to the hairdresser— unless you ily that truly wants to cut back its L j c l q i h i n g ------’'^pending: ♦ ' • Invest in a sewing machine. One duplication o f expensive tests. ' ~joaOw' yo^e~all tfiumbsr* mother of two, who kep^^ record of • Before seeing any doctor, ask him f. Check your spending on toiletries — do you really need all those bottles? her first year's use of her machine, esti­ or his secretary what the fee w ill be. M ora W ays fo r j^amilias to Saval • Shop aroiind before having a pre­ OTHER GOPDS Afijir SERVICES mated thal it had paid for itself within yt-ntn/rng guidance on how to ac­ a year through home repairs and simple scription filled. A recent survey of 13 • Check ydlirrrociil'hum ane society- quire more of die things they really want, sewing. A fte r that, whatever she saved typical pharmacies found that prices for a lovable pet. You might just find a get out af debt, provide for college ex­ was a gift. for filling the identical proscription pedigreed dog available for only a penses, trips— ail without earning a penny ranged from $2.65 to 15.95. Remem­ nominal donation. Choose a medium or more— may send for A rthur M ilton’s hook. • Get to the store on the first day of "How to Get a Dollar’s Value for a Dollar a sale in order to find the best high- ber. though, that convenience costs. ^ a l l animal— big dogs arc too expen­ Spent/' M ail only S4.95 to 50603 "DOL­ quality merchandise. I f you need delivery or 24-hour service, sive.to feed. LARS VA LVE r 2093 Book BIdg.. 4500 • If your children have definite clofh- expert to pay more. • Make up your Christmas list early NW . 135 S' Miami. Fh. 33054. Tw o R enow ned C rim inologists Tell Us

H ow to Keep By ALAN D. HAAS

more and more hostility and rejection. Q. Why are we failing so badly? A . The trend towards permissiveness, placing fewer restraints and limits on be­ havior, has been disastrous. Q. If more discipline is needed, how can .paFunts handle-this problem? A . Love is the essential.ingredient. A par­ ent can be overstrict at times or too lenient at other times, yet still be a gflod parent if he or she really loves the child. A chilil quickly sen.ses whether or not it is loved. W ith a steady flow of afTection— plus firm ­ ness— the child w ill develop self-discipline, Rroblcm yoimg ttrrt today u»;m t^) come from affluenlJiomes- as often -as from, ghcttocs. W hy is this? A. Our society has not yet defined a mean­ t h e l ^ ingful role fo r adolescents. Once, chore.s around the house made a child feel impor­ than'r fobe. - tant and useful. Adventuresome kids could go to sea or head west. Today kids arc -----The- Suzuki-Nomad isn4 built— rubber trader: handed things on a silver platter. Very little ---like other snowmobiles, it'9 butfetor : --^TThe:brakes:ar«rthe=big^c eflfort is required by thcyoun^ters-with the- -^ake--on- tiie -eountry. - It-s-built—to*4h©—-

Fam ily Weekly, November 8, 1970 The *TFun r ^ e g i n s

"l.ights Go Off!

C hristm as O rnam ents G low in

D a r k r P-i-v«-Q ontsf W on ’t S haH cr,

W ear Out, or B urn O ut! G uaranteed!

(HOLLYWOOD) Now. lor the first lime, you can Shatterproof Ornaments! Neit. he tilled out decorate your ChristmaT tree-witti amazing breakable materials, so even the youngest mem­ Magi-Glo ornaments ttiat "come to lile" wtien ber of the family could share the thrill ol trim­ the ligtits go oil! ming the Christmas tree. The final choices In­ -Glow,, rioit-in Space! the’ie unique gold. red. cluded specially treated, shafferproof materials "So little li required of today's youth, many become bored, turn to delinquency." green and while ornamenrs^dd a lestive s ^ ril' (durable enough-loi^outdooi-display I) and color­ to the most elegant tree, under ordinary light ful metallic laminates. A. Wc have to rc-cducatc today's help parents do a better job? ing conditions. But listen to the delighted gasps Available Only by Mall! Excited by Ihe enthusi­ adults on what it mci^ns to be a good A. Wc would like to see a return of surprise when you turn the lights out. astic comments of his normally blas^ movie- - parent. W it nn-fl ju-hqiil.i fo r parents to the old custom of grandparents Then, in total darkness, your Magi-Glo orna town friends, he arranged for exclusive dlstribu- which would be operated within the living in the household and looking rrttnis cuntlrruG ty lih ltti, ijicam. ^ d glow and public-school system. Perhaps we after the kids from time to time. This giue the illu s io n ol gently floating in space! to keep the price down," he explains. "For that reason MagrClo ornaments are available ONLY could begin with regular evening con­ could counteract the destructive at­ Won't Wear or Burn Out! Magi Glo ornaments by mail/' ferences— as often as three times, a titude of those who say it i.sn't even will biigtiten your Shristmas year alter year week— between parents, teachers, desirable today to bring a child into alter year' That's because your Magi Glo orna­ Set ol 72 Only 50! The successful result is ments can’t wear out or burn out' MagiGlo’s the availability ol Magi Glo ornaments that glow school guidance personnel, and school the world. trncroscoprr cnergyniTTttT can bp charged and ~Tn ThmarK with radfant, TutriTnescenrcolor Arid adfflnlsti^lprs. "Sr(TTo3a;^s drug users and ad­ lechaigtd mdftmitety' And they require no bal- they are priced so low thal you can decorate dicts products of disorienting home Our chief problem is ignorance teiies or electrical connections' your tree lavishly,-use them for table decora­ among parents who don’t understand experiences? Hjilcal Fiiures! Designed by American artists, tions or "stocking stuffers"-or even trim pack­ what their duties and responsibilities A. Our studies have shown that the ages you want to "outshine" the rest! backgrounds of drug addicts and produced by American craftsmen. Magi-Glo de­ arc. These parents should be able to signs embrace all the traditional, wonderful, 'A deluxe ass'ortmehl of 7? ihdivTdual Magi- anti-social youngsters arc remarkably gel advice on properly raising kids magical figures of Christmas Cuddly S^nta Glo ornaments (averaging over 3 Inches in without having to pay for it and similar. Drugs are a form of escape Clauses' Darling Christmas angels' Sparkling height'), IS bargain-priced at only SO That's without having a stigma attached to from the real world and satisfy cmo- stars' Delectable candy canes' Shimmering less than live cents apiece,' And quantity dis "Christmas trees' Gleaming candles' Caroling counis make Magi-Ulo ornaments "iSeal (or p jc i planning to jn a rry should also be parent-child relaticmshi^^ ----- belliLAnd jBanY-jnamr. mniEL -Hihnstmargiftt; You save $l-en each odditiQwal Q. W hat would you say is the out­ set you oriferl cncouraged to attend .such clinics. 'Accidental' Discovery! A TV and motion picture Magi-Glo ornaments are the perfect gift for We also favor the idea o f having look for the future as far as our producer accidentally discovered 1he secret Ihe people who deserve "something more " than married couples serve as teachers in youth is concerned? process that makes this spectacular effect pos just a card! the same classroom. The teacher who A . There arc some hopeful signs, sible, while Investigating special efiects for a can’inspire and excite children about but priiTiarily the outlook is for more science-fictlon movie. the learning process is a wonderful violence. We can’t solve this problem Researching phosphorescent rnaterials. he force, and if a harmonious man-and- at the Governmental level. Until we found the only known methods of application GIJARAiVTEED! w ife team were to assume the role o f tCTcdUcate parente, no'...pcrmaDent (hand painting and silk screening) were Often unValislactory and“alwayi' costly. Hovf«vei'‘(be- an inspiring teaching couple. tJie af- gains can be made. If their children Yon'iniistte 'complelelif and unc»ih Ivrnmp dflinquent, they wilLlikely __ cause he didn't know that It "couldn't be done") dilionally satisfied with yoi)f Hatl- fect ,flg-4hc. pupil*—would—be—vcry^ he developed a new method using laminated grow to produce delihqiJeht children Glo ornaments-or you may rtturn wholesome. metallic inserts and miection moulding t’s not heredirv. It’s ^ them within 10 days for a prompt kiF -IbenrM io iin lm lH e lesliied Ihul his —and uiu|ii»ttianed refund of simply that one’s own unresolved * schools play in improving fam ily life? secret process would make if possible chase price! A. We should train’ youngsters in conflicts make him ineflfective as a _____to produce stunning Christmas kindergarten for participation in fam- parertT. W rlS ave found^ Iha^ 45 per- ornaments with sharpness of detail ily life, teachers should ask ques- o f the mothers of anii-sociaT and delicacy of design never pos­ . tions like, "W hat does a good mama children had a history of criminality sible before' Offer Is Limileil! Supplies are limited and time say?" and "What docs-a bad mama themselves. About 66 percent of the They'd glow m the dark, yet cost IS short Order now to make this your 'brightest' less than ordinary ornamerits! Christmas! say?" Wc aJso favor a national Head fathers of anti-social children had a Stan program for all youngsters, be­ similar histoiT^. ginning at age three. We have found Today everyone is so busy work­ om/t NOW TO IHSURE D ELIV[R Y! that even age six may be too late ing on the children alrcaay demon, p. M. manufacturing ; Dept, ia-Q “ ------for restructuring character. We pre­ strated to be anti-social ih a t com­ paratively little is being done to at­ 466 North Western Avenue fer to have the early training of Los Angeles, California 90004 youngsters handled by profe.ssionals tack the problem at Its soinx:c, the - hom e. "U nder the ro o f’ therapy is rutli Hit •rrumcnts nut matically (lew In taUI *irkn«t«! I understand that tficy rt«|uirt — even those who may be mediocre no battfries. ne electrical ceonectiens-that they will never ihatter, wear eat. er burn out! I musi bt cem- — rathjir than leave the entire respon­ the only technique that promises real pfttety end «»c«»d«tie^J» utlsficd. er 1 m>r rftwrn them within 10 d a rt I t a fyll reltiwd; sibility to parents whoseflives and at­ progress, and as yet wc are not prac­ Q DelMit luertnienl ef 72 (»li dMtn')-»3.50 (erryl Me C.O.O.'tt ticing it w ith sufhcient energy and Q TWO dfluie j«iertmenl*-t«.00 (Sa*e>M ^ >WINT NAME titudes may rub off on their oflspring ' O AddttLeaal D eluie A iiertm ents. each-$ 3 .5 0 AND ADDRCS3! with ill aff^t. intensity. U ntil, and unless, wc do rvCASC add eitra fiftr cents for pe«taft and handlinf ef each M««r1.iient! Q. Are there any other social more in this area, nothing w ill change changes you would recommend to very much. ♦ Addre

Fam ily W Mkty, November 8,1970 T-'

Exquisite l^ rm loves w om en in fu ll flower.

l f i ) U . '

The fuller figure... one of the forgotten majority, who wants and needs thei^raitifort and support Exquisite Form givesyourExdui^te Form loves you and proves it with th6 ‘Ful-ly family—the -^Ffe6frbras^d4io8eholderpanty«ontrollers- for the fuller figure. ■ Like our ‘FuUly’ bra. You’ll love pits fuller sides and cups that stretch as you breathe. You’H love its padded shoulder straps that prevent^cuttin^^-^----- In permanent press polyester/cotton from $3 (lace from'$4, longlin^ from $6). — ...... — ------P/PRESSLAC&L.UNE B 34-44/ t 3 34-44/S6 C 32-46/J3 3 2 -4 2 /M 3 4 -4 6 /le . . P ...... J 2 -4 6 /M 34-44/16 34-48/S7 E (D D ) 34-48/«6 t x T ^ X T

Like our new ‘Ful-ly’ Hose Holder Pimtie GOTtrollef that gives fabulous control with a miracle'silky-soft stretch fabric. Holds you and your hose without garters'in one smooth-as-silk line. In S,M,L,XL-short length $10 (average length $11).

, a n d w o m e n

in fu ll flow er. T hey’re niside fo r each other.


■ -•/ r . E«qul*ll« Korm ltH)uMrl«<. Ino.. «ub«ldl*/y of THE SUMMIT OnOANIZATION. INC.

r~Select your Ful-ly style from inform ation in >d *Bbve~^ Kxquiisik' I'orin Sliop-: it-Ilonie S tr\itc From ^ oiir l';tvoritf Store STYLE SIZE QUANTITY PHICK 11 iiia il It) an\ .sU t c Ij^lcd t^clDW, I Siiiiplv till I'ul ai.a 532 B R A A R IZ O N A I hr I nitor SACKAMKMO w i u r i i i K I 538 BRA W hllticr Ou-id 7M2 BRA (LONGLINE) M -J jc ic — t-Lz ^Add’iUr U) cure;, u: FymiTi nri>jrl'u‘ Sf.i-r INUlU ( <) l> ..ful ap;>l.. , --i.J.- I .' 1174 PANTY (SHORT LENGTH) 2K40 S. 4 lh <■ Ih r C iuthr- (;<»vllnRs I ashionv R:.9.V9 M .le 1176 PANTY IDAHO 1 5 ’;- i.ilc ’. la.x and g07 4lb A*c««jc I.a>»rfnc«S V’arlr!» Sl*»r« UOISI-: T o U l: A d d 4'*. s ilc^ l.iN ' I I V I K M O U i: S I21 Frreifnrt Hoiil««jrd Idaho Drparlmrnt St.>rc ja rR c # Appaffl 3'';^ salcH I.IX and p t*': juc MarBen*"' I>resi Slioi* H andlinfr Charffte 2*56 (rsl Avrnuv Marian's Apparel 7759 Cre\lw«od Ilr4«e ^ 7 1 0 '-'-J-' S U t * t NAlNAME- ______S a l*m T a x CALIFORNIA I M ANHAl lAN B1 VCII kales l.m jnd lOAIIO FALLS T o U l H*«nqt>r B ljnchr Ada’s Fashions BAKERSFIHI.I> 1147 A*«auf 516 Firtt Street SAUNAS \ 1519 Columbot Slre«t T W I N F A L L S KO.MONA l-:thcra 266 Main Street F .4 io d ’s “ CITY __— ------Jo-FIIrnt ” ~ 131 Main Avenue E A 1237 Filer Avenue EUREKA 15.10 On the Mall l>flb Bro%. S A N T A A N A Idaho Department Store 405 F S|r*el Rotxrtf Drparlrornt Slorc Flo«r FeuarfaHona I STATE ------ir.ip I Please ioclud. h»ndlin< charge m p d «ala«T«m wh«re applicjiblg | If your child is a poor reader V ; • . — r. — s e e how ^phpnics csm h e l p h i m The Car Window Problem ('.an windows up or down? The problem b« ito lv tl wH h-

Nobody can be as agreeable as an The boy noticed that the girl had u n in v ite d — Dan Bennett turned angry red and her brow was drawn into furrows. The Firs! Sergeant had tisccmblcd He stamrriered,"Oh-h, about a 25- his men for a spccial announcemonl. dullar loss!" '— W ilfred Beaver "Now, all you men who Tike mu­ sic." he sang out, "step forward two Fam ily secret: kinfidential. paces.*' — Frank Tyger Six men responded. "Now then," said the Surge, "you Out from Under , M \ men get busy and carry the piano Try it for TW O W EEKS FREE at home . M e n 'j i c lo th e s , a U ia it l, h a v e ______to the top (lo o F b rfh c fJarracks!” sprung to life — F. G. Kernan .jA semeatcr-long study involviB(E.^^^r in HhuficH reiiplt'ndenl, gay. See how your child can learn to read better and spell better in just a feW P“Pi>« ^ Chicago schools prayel Tl- Remarks that arc uncalled for are A mun cun now vie with his wife ■ th a t the clasaoa given The Sound Way weeks with records that teach him usually delivered. ^—Selina Glasser In colorful array. to Easy Reading showed marked im­ b y phonics, at home ! M all Free Trial provem ent in reading and spelling over The young man. tryin g to impress an(~oov«lly ------—C o u p a a b e lo w . tho control groups. u new girl with his wealth, said: The well-dresHed man now -^otr-know r- l'-vc~got—abottt—iS- ____a p o rta ______1 ______-(HiW you-K ke-ttr see ymH--ehii« gain as much as a fu ll year's grade in Don't wait for your poor reader to "Is that so?” she commented cool­ Restricled to his shorls. reading in as little as six weeks’ time? reach high school before coming to his ly. "A nd whahare you expecting?” - Sterling Leiby These are result-s parents have seen aid. By sUirting your child on The again and again with this simple home Sound Way to EaSy Reading now, you tutoring course-in reading. can change his entire attitude toward Mrs. B. .1. Smith of C'onccird, Calif, school —tu rn his sense of failure into w rites: "Iti leti iceekn my non adrancrd the jo y of succe.s-s. T ry it fre Tcaches with records TO M. Anri our othor^twotr«mr-vp from l>to('.- rtl never get nw>re for my money Ibiin I Don’t think it's all your child’s fault itlrcAdy have with your courM.*' if he hasn’t learned to reaoor reader*.” training in —that they will H.E. /'inson, /Vtnn/xi/. AuKi^sta.Ga. minus V i -Ittddtc This never master reirding without u! A pleasure to hear ray claaa read —*'I am From a four-letter word that means W hat would you call the people The Sound Way to Easy lading Juat delight4Hl. In the laat twelve weeka 22 of hoih small and weak. talce~away the who arc in a room so crowded that teaches by the phonics methcB (the my fourth gradr pupila brought up their -■mi.thnd hy w liirh mo^t nnrenis learneU1 ■ blends. Once he learns the 12;i baaic in heavy traflic. rieaae aend me T1m» Sound W ay to Raay Head­ (See Answer Box) phonic sounds, in this course he can ing. poatpaid, on apprmxi/. A fter 2 weeka trial, read up to 85''; of the words in the_ if I aee encouraging reaulta. I w ill aend $r> as first payment ^nd wlU remit each month AMSWER BOX English language. It works for children for the next 5 months. I will send $ 2 ft aa of all ages—in the earliest gr*deR,-and .paym ent in full. If not »a^iaI both ACROSS and DO W N. In a pilot study by university psy­ iSee A nytver Box ) •aajfl ‘ajSo 'jn o j tsfSMO^v 8«?s»ll\l chologists, children gained up to a full .State year’s grade in oral reading skill after C ix y ______-Zip—

o n ly 30 lessons w ith The Sound Way □ TKACHKRS: C h ^ c k for pricca and facta on claawoom Edition with large wall charts. F a m ily IVeefc/y, Novembvr 8,1970 II to Eaay Reading. Asthma Sufferers: FAMtLY WEEKLY COOKBOOK Read how AsthmaNefriii’ won the “Race for Breath” Ooerio^ed

7 4 E L A N I E P g ^ P K O F T Food E dito r

■ N u Ib can cnhancc any cour»c on u Astnm.iNefrin sl.irts Compt-Mitor A lakes Competitor Q takes m enu, on any occaBlon. F il ihcme n u l- This Walnut Sour Cream Triple Fudge Cake, in A s e c o n d s cjvcr 7 sccondi*. ov«»r 8 s e c o n d s . fillcd rccipeH into your menu olunning. which can he prepared in a jiffy, combines a ■-Evepy second counts when you're caught by a sud­ pudding and pie filling mix with a cake-mix. den bronchial asthma attack. An impartial test - proyed.AsthmaNefrin Mist went into aclion twice Walnut Sour Cream as fast as ttie leading competitor. Triple Fudge Cake ■ -AsthmaNefrin can deliver medication toair- Orange-Filbert Poultry Stuffing starvcd lungs faster because no other leading aero­ 1 pkR. (about 4 oi.) chocolate pudding and pie fillinR mix i cups w h ite bread ciJll'eB / sol IS so sim ple and easy to operate. No fum bling. ____ 1 pkg. Hour cream chocolHtc______2 cu PH, chopped, pared apple ______1 rudRe cake mix 1 cup chopped celery in seconds 1 pkj;. sour cream chocolate '/i cup chopped onion And AsthmaNefrin is smaller, more compact than fudge frostinp; mix 2 cups chopped toasted Alberts other leading brands, although it delivers 1 cup (about 4 oz.) coarHely 2 teaspoons finely shredded orange peel the same amount of medication. chopped walnuts IV, teaspoons finely shredded lemon peel Ask your doctor or druggist about 1. Grease and flour bottom of a 13x9x2-in. '/. cup t>utter or margarine, mdlted AsthmaNefrin Mist, Discover for yourself pan; set aside. 2 c k k b . beaten how it wins Hie "Race for Breath." cup orange juice 2. Prepare the pudding and pic filling in a 2 tablespoons lemon juice Now: To h*lp prew«nt •ttark«. try the Aithm aNefrin C«p«ul«. Th« mo«t complata form of m«dlc«tton you large sauccpan following package direction.s. 1 teaspoon seasoned salt c a n b u y. Remove from heat and blend cake mix (dry '/j teaspoon pepper teaspoon thyme mix) thoroughly into the hot pudding. Using '/j W H E A T n i l '/« teaspoon ground nutmeg an clcctric mixer beat for 2 min. Turn batter YIOBIN G E R M U I L 1. Put chopped ingredients and shredded peels into prepared pan and spread evenly. — BAOKACilE=^ into a large bowl and toss lightly to mix. gives 3. Bake at _>50” h. iU min., or Until calnrTcsts^^ V ig o T . Painful Joints Drizzle with the melted butter ot margarinir- done. Rejnoye fronv oven; allow to cool. .-ind tOs.s lig h tly .,...... You long to ease those priina. S f a m in a 4. Preparp frosting mix following package di­ 2. Stir juiccs into beaten eggs with a blend of oven tom pornrily, untK the rections. When cake has cooled, turn fro^^tinc causc IS clearod up Why not se.i.soned salt, pepper, thyme, and nutmeg. E n d u r a n c e join m illions of other usors and onto center and spread evenly to edges. Sp^inr ' Potjr Dvcnnixturc in bowl and toss lightly. try DoW itfp Pills? Farnpus for kic with the nuts and gently press into frosting. over 60 yoarrf. DeW itfs Pills 3. Spoon into body cavities of poultry or into contain an analgesic to reduce 5. Cut cakc into 3-in. squares. J2 zervings a 2-qt.‘ greased ca.sscrole. Truss poultry and Less Heart Stress pain, and a mild diuretic ' to •f help eliminate retained fluids. roast at 325‘ F. O r cover casserole and bake Ihus flushing out bladder Fluffy Pecan Salad Mold stulTing at 325°F. I ly . About 2 qls. stuffing 'Don't believe if? wastes which can causo such 2 pkKH. (3 oz. each) or 1 pkg. ^ You W ia when pnins DeWitt's Pills often suc­ ceed where others fail If pain (6 oz.) lenfion-flavored gelatin you read FREE Bulletin -15 1 cup very hot water Almond Butterscotch - - -rc&carch persists, always consult youi ' Sundae Sauce World Export Physical Fitness doctor, but first, try __ 2 cups unayectentd oineapplc juice ‘ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES - Only 2 t^lespoons lemon juice ,cups firm ly packed light -DeWitt's Pills-* I cup (about 4 oz.) salted brown sugar —V-iaflin Qil.proved effective. p^cnnii. rhnppeH ______------l-.cup h^ayy < V I O B I N , Monticello. Iltincis 618S6 2 euB whiteR 1 cup light corn.syrup Vi cup BURar ' 6 tablespoons butter or margarine '1 cup thawed frozen whipped '/( teaspoon s a lt Now. w^Flastio-CFeam desflert toppinir ' I cdp toasted blanched almonds, 1. Pour hot water over gelatin in a bowl, stir­ cliopped Revolutionizes ring until gelatin is completely dissolved. Blend 1. Mix^ together in a heavy, large saucepan the in the pineapple and lemon juices. (?hill, stir­ brown .su^F, SearnrcoTn sytnipr buner oi^ D en tu re ring occ;>sionally. until slightly thickened. margarine, and salt. Stir over low heat until 2. When gelatin mixture is of desired consis­ sugar IS dissolved and butter Ls melted. In- W e a rin g tency, mix in the pccans. crease heat to medium and bring to boiling, 3. Beat egg whites until frothy. Gradually add , stirring occasionally. the sugar continuing to beat just until peaks 2. Insert a candy thermometer and cook with­ For the first time, scu*ncc.now offers more comfortably, loo It’s soclastic arc formed. Spread de.ssert topping and beaten out stirring until thermometer registers 226°F. unt<][tjc- p la s ttc crcam th a t you may Ixle harder, chew belter, dentures bolh 'upptrs" and low­ eat more naturally. egg whites over gelatin mixture and gently 3. Remove from heat and remove thefrtiome- ers"'—as ihcy’vc never been held The special pencil'potnt dispenser fold together. Turn into a IVi-qt. mold and ter. Cool slightly, Stir in the nuLs, Serve warm. before. It forms an elasiic membrane lets you put PixODKNT e x a c t ly th a t M p s hold y o u r denture% to the where ji’s nctjdcd, Resists oozing chill until firm. Refrigerate remaining sauce and reheat de­ niUural tissues oj your mouth. over and Ragging. 4. Unmold onto a chilled serving plate and sired amount when heeded. It’s Fixodent^ a revolulionary Just one application may last for discovery for daily home ust? .‘v) hours. Dentures that fil are essen­ garnish a.s desired. About 8 servings About 4 cups sauce different it’s p r o t e c te d b y I I S, tial to heiilth. See your dentist rejfu- PaUnt #3.003.?fe8. larly. Gel casy-io-use F i x o d k n t FixODfifrr not only holds den­ Denture Adhesive Cream at all drug tures firm er, bul it holds ihcm counters. 12 Fam ily Weekly, November S, 1970 Jkreatiast! . •' '• .••-V A ! the fun of the M SIX GREAT m E sr^ m suaiirNETm iK ^ m S

B ig , B ig CHARUE BROWN ^ m m S k B o o k s H ,■ hy U ‘ 4 in cIu 'S ' ★ Every page in TVSPEOALS l;|p S H FULL COLOR! (k B e a u tifu L h a rd -c o v e r in 6 glorious e d itio n s !

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ForfO DAYS FREE Here'^'-news cif a major publishing event for fun-loving follu of all agesi The firil authori^d «ix*volume collection of FULL-COLOR, hanl-cover, spedal edilioni of CharlesKIIScliiil^ beloved stories__the wonderful stories featured on the six STARSraU-about the only baseball~team. in the world whose line-up includes boys, girls and a beagle . . . K CHAllLlE BROWN CHRISTMAS, where Lucy actually admitted that Charlie had the best Christmas tree of all - even if he was a blockhead . . .-HE'S YOUR DOO, CHARUE.BROWN. when Sooqpy^almost got sentrbacIc.to^finiitailULKhoaL. . r r s THE GREAT PJJMPKIN, cThARUE BROWN, where one of our-country’s most distingtushcd flying aces was actually mistaken for the Great Pumpkin him- seU . . . YOU'RE IN LOVE, CHARLIE BROWN, with Ums Uule red-headed girl . . . and IT WAS A SHORT SUMMER. CHARLIE BROWN. Where the gang went off to camp — and Snoopy and Lucy fought each other for the coveted wrist- wrestling championship. All six are yours to examine and enjoy in your home for todays, freel . . Each one of these big, beautiful books is by M i inches, and in FULL COLOR - true CHARLIE BROWN color, created and approved by Charles M. Schulz. The whole collection comes in a keepsake slipcaic bearing kisses from > Snoopy and love from Charlie Brown......

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Y- ».4o‘« I > ' I rncloae SI2.9S full fMym«nt. 1 undemand you will pay all fthiDping and han- □ dling charges. (Same free-examination privilege, with full refund guiaranteed if not *lgl»ghtgd.>(^ valinblt in Canada. Shlpm«ni anH $0rvlc*t from Canada.} , MEN -.W OMEN COU PLE5 Convert-a-Orawer Moffal . , ■tiOME/€FFiGE^FIL£ Avallobl* '

Would VOli' lik* to m»«t ^ p l« , hav« Job . ftocurity.trav* •I and livo in ______I •uffo«ifHl)nc«9'4iMtVCIISAL~ lAotol Schools iraing you «l homo ft Mot«i crartcs,Olort Houm - o«p»r«, Hostoftsot. and altwn Ret* Idtnte TrainlnjK at MIAMI BEACH. FLA. or LAS VEGAS. NEVADA. M a 75e^Soii? no barriar—maturity an attat. for FREE inform ation m ail coUpon today! Aecradttad Mambar N.H.S.C. Switch drawar fronts from striking APfROVED rOR VrrCRANS AND INSERVICE Madltarranaan motif to warm Walnut By JOHN E. GIBSON PERSONNEL UNDER NEW Gl DILL A charming cabinet (or sewin£.> knitting paraphe- nalia. magazines, club and family recordv Two I UNIVERSAL MOTEL SCHOOLS, Dapt^FWI 10 by 12 by 17-inch dee(» drawers aie'accented 1M 1 N.W. Straat. Mlaal, S ^ in I 7 ria. J at one end with a sinking Mediterranean motii I Please Print . . . have a contemporary walnut finish at the other. Use either way with black drawer pulls. I N J m e ------Built to last of durable corrugated fiberboard A n a lionwirii^ ■jnrvfy h.is shown tHat AtuiUy iimUi diaw«< ■■■^Vnirrrtnnrmal if your-thoughts - } ■ A.iln ^ lides. 29 inCT cabinet, walnut woodgrain finish, it is not normal. 1 hii survey alsu sliuwcd llia t asy to assemble. Order 2-Orawar File Model ^ Z ip ______Phone _ __ _ | ? feelings, and actions don’t depart 12069. Money Back Guarantee you're out of step if you snore. T l]^ vast ma­ too far from those of the majority jo rity of fellow Americans sleep w ithout sound 5 0 9 5 plus Yl.OO pesteK# A handllnc Helps Solve 3 Biggest of people. Example: It!s-entirely -e ffe c ts .------normal for us to eat our dinner 4. False. ItV normal for certain people to «^bSE-TCETH A Dlviiioe of Fidelity File BoK. Ine._ ~lii^e ceflanr JBbs or~(irs1tRe s^cific . occug~$-~ —'OaoL^TOO^WO^'PetmiyTviTfTrKyersr “MtETirEnlte and tork, sittings at- ^^W orpi»s-oiicF1ir^leins= -----■InnajioolHrMlnnasetr 59*aF— " lions, but to hate work in^f . rA STEETHW bh~ a- table JLl’s abnormal ( or so con- your deniuroA ooa all this: (l) abnormal. -Holpa hold both-uppem-ent) lowers especially if you aren't particularly firmer lon«rrf tS'i^olds thenr-more sidered) to take your jueals sit- comfortnbly; <3) Helps you eat more TRUNK DECORATING - fund uf tlieiii. O u i'iiieniory processes o ften" nnturally. PAfiTEETrH venture Ad- hettlve Powder In not ncld. There's beolitet “ Trunks to 'black out'— at least temporarily— names o f nn ifiimfny |fr>o«iy pii«t.y n«.n- Trt*>un»** ih w a tltp by ittp turca that h i nre csiientlnl to health. how fo tfiio'v” -using a ehisel-and-a^ pair-of-pUers persoh.s, as well a^ihcidenfs, wifh we Soo your dentist rcKularly, Get •ndcr*«tiv« hobby MahahOcM FASTEETTH u t uU druK counters. ch«sls. blanhal c h ts lt. toy for silverware. associate unpleasantness. tMivs. ale InclMdes Idaai (or Oacorsllng and Full Color You may have more fun expressing your­ 6 . T rue. It's normal to feel bad when things PHOTO CREDITS lllu&tralions Sand check or money ordar to don't turn out as you'd hoped. It's also nor­ Cov«r: P«tar Screl. self through behavior that departs from the PoO^ 2: Fobion Dochroch. SUNRISE HOUSE normal, but you w ill also causc eyebrows to mal to worry about things even when you Pag« 4t H. Arm strong Rob«rlt. Oapt fW II? . Blaka Olds . C*lK>y. Calil. 9S020 raise, and perhaps be considered a 'weirdo' know perfectly well that worry will do no Page 6:- Ewing G alloway, i^age 7: H. Arm strong Rob«rt». or at least ‘different’. However, some people good. F a ilu re to feel anxiety and concern un­ Pog# 8: W ide W orld. enjoy being ‘different' as much as others ap­ der such circumstances can be an indication Page 19: French Government Tov^riit preciate being coisidered completely 'normal'. of abnormality, ^ ’• — O ffic e . When You Order There's no sure way lo prove that being nor­ 7 . False. It's not particularly normal, but it's mal is better. a lot of fun— and adds color to your night­ By Mail From In any case, this true-false quiz w ill help life. A survey showed that only a compara­ GENUINE PHOTO you pinpoint the areas where you coulim r tMVorltr The Smith Famll/ 3. It's normal to grind your teeth while you They were subjected to a battery of psycho- ^ilriurt*. |>nnt sands of orders coming in usually to niBkr 40 < ;nuiliir I’I h iI o axe sleeping. , . ------logtcal—l«sts to find out how it—fools to b e- ...... _ „ mir «tr A N V our advertisers^ so f^tin m unmten- 1 rm i-ti rv d \V> rrfiTMl 40 (irnulnr tional delays occur. Although such 4 . If.s noriHar to hattr work. “ .IS normal as you can get.' I liri’itiiijM ra/rU l fM(r A iu t t>M l i ir I'tM li i* r /) in |il m rr v lrr •>l»- Tf you\e any question about mail spend time worrying about things that you their vocation as well as their marriage part­ order, just write: Service Depart­ can't help. ner, They were hIghTy realistic anti possessed ment, Family Weeltly, 64! Lexington 7. It's normal to dream in color. a marked cap.icity to adjust to conditidns. Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. 8. To be a complctcJy normal person is a Bui tesfs showed that they tended to ib c mixed blessing. lacking in imagination, spontaneity, and cre- A p. The more complctelv nortnal vou are, the ativitv: lo have a limited capacity for emo-_ more conservative you lend to be in your lional experience; to lead lives which many I f y o u r d e n tu r e s a r e tastes. people would characterize as essentially mun­ dane and dull. ANSWERS j)ver2 years o ld ..., 9. T ru e . The XJniversify of Minnesota study 1. Trite. The life-style of many of the world’s showed that when Ihe very normal men and N o w - I tTiprfnrJ h t >r/ntilu K I N il h ^"It^tpplCTrTCnfrWidst" succcssTuT ^people departs T5cnlurc C‘'lc;m scr y o u c;»n g e t e v e n o h /ir women were asked what they would do if dentures cicancr. hrii»htcr faster far enough from the usual or the norm to t>c Ihey received a windfall of five million dol­ J u s t /n.i.’ in K l M S I M jiives dentures classified as definitely eccenfric. University lars, their responses tended to be practical, a cleansing action unsurp.issetl h\ any un- of EloridS»’.s. Df- Sidney M. Jourard points out down-lo-carth. and showing little creative,,flair oxygcnntcd ^Icnlurc lahict. paste or powder. that it is also possible to be a normal person or originality—such ;« "I’d take the money Im p ro v e d K m i m I ! has nw tr n<>n’ pm- and be absoljitely miserable. .-ind invest it," "Buy a house," '‘Get another t'lrn/trn: poner than t'vcr. Ii surges to every 2. True. In psychological tests on a normal car." etc. Responses of le^ normal subjects denture surface l.t>oscns film, Ihe^dlngier population of over 400 college students, the took a more excitingly flamboyant turn, such the denture.- the more spcctncufnr the nr- ' overwheTming majority drew the human figure as " I ’d buy a yacht and a Rolls-Royce," "B uild 'sults. O nly K ill SMI giscs \ou ihis easy- j in preference to the animal figure. a terrific golf course," "Build a hospital.'' ♦ tO'Usc form ula that p rfr even o f d r r d e n - turcs cleaner, hnghter faster ?

that fit m r cwvnfml m hrohh. S rr your tientt\t rexula’rly- Familu Wakf-" * ' rainuy neeKiy, novemoer a, ly /v ...... NOW THERE IS A^FANTASTICALLY FAST AND SURE HIP. THIGH & WAISTLINE REDUCER!


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EARN ^0^ $700 IV.CIIMTH ... J.EAB«L. ______„ KKORliEiraOST H A tF TAX PREPARATION THE TAX SEASON. AT HOME — IN YOUR M A pea-tTOO - -*1-wnn<«a tiau Ft? ^ A H E TIME - - WITFT the tax Mason fait year ^ and Ju&t a rew hours each evening. It added an easy' H>R 11.200 to my income. Can't waft for next tax season. Judy Edwards H B B d C D C K ^ Phoenix, Ariz. “ 7?»# Incotn* Tma H & R BLOCK PRETTY PVT-ON — Tosa- GENVtNE DIAMOND soli­ ^ TAX WORK INCREA& on Bolero features an ex­ MAKE BIG MONEY ED HIS INCOME taire? No, it just looks liki' S600 A MONTH pensive hand-crocheted look one! S carat size, adjustable THE FIRSXYtAR “ Because of my shift Here is the perfect wav ^or any h o u rs as a fir e m a n , i in washable orlon acryl{c„ ring of silver chrome rhodi- could only work three man or woman to make up to four days a week at H o( I t ’s "lig h t” yet it "takes um finish gives platinum $700 a mQQtli,trA-£XXRA-4N^ fftnrtf—■•;£v«n xor't' ' $600 a month during tax' season. off"- the chtlh - In vhite-,- COME, without selling, back­ loolr. "^Prineifffs^ring is breaking work, or a college Tax time is “ extra money*' time • “ J o h n F e .2 black, pink, light blue. Sizes $ I.9i. 2 for $3.49. Terry El- e d u c a tio n . ______p^»ytr>wn 32 to i6. $5.50 ppd. Ferry lintt. Dept. FW 78X. Box H onse, Uept. W, Dobbs 1918, Grand Central Sta., IS PROFITABLE YOUR SERVICES ARE NEEDED NOW! Ffrry. N.Y. 10522. New York, N.Y. 10017. Good tax preparers who work for U.S. Hearing Aids ★ Over 70JX)0.000 Americans must H & R-Block, make up to $700 now file Federal iricome lox returns, o 'm o n ih ffncTup~T?y $ 3 ,0 0 0 ' In 'O iF ohd^We sweeping ' fax Heform AcT ^ SAVE up to 67% 105 day tax season. Think of the of 1969'* {which calls for tax law JBUOMJWEHItW lttOe AIOS_ -b»Us— you. couUi- p«y_-w ith^ha^— changes— thcouQ b— 197.3}__ m sures a direct from factory. Behiod the Ear, All-in-llie- kind aljnone^3-ai»^genei^, motl—fl£fi^!aa„damand Jpr prgio«ipTOj_ux W eekend Shopp er Ear, Eye Glass Aids. One ol America's largest tax preparer. bus.ne«

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10 FABULOUS FRAGRANCES OF FRANCE! A MARVELOUS G in FOR EVERY WOMAN T h p °" nr^ qfmprouK ni:i’ Minin tint's of, JXhe-loitely—Gift—Box, printed in—coJor_^ith F ren ch Perfum es. N ot samples . . . not coloKnes charmintr Parisian desipns, containinK the 10 or toilet water, but 10 full-strenKth “parfum” Genuine, Authentic French Perfume Minia­ brand.s like Cordon D'Or, C'f.TT la Vie. Cheval tures, is bound to delight and thrill the lady of I 3S9 Past ItW . D«»t924 ll, Lv c Ii h i I. N.Y. I053SI Bleu, Cordmi D ’Ardent — and more ! All bottJed yo u r choice. Be she 8 or 80, rvcry woman will PIea.sc KUSH French Perfume Sct(s) a.n I and sealed'ln France by Parisian Parfunieriix. love these fabulous scents— and she’ll adore you checked. I must Ix- completely satisfied or I I may return within 7 days for my money buck. for jfivinK it too! Avoid Disappointment and I NOW SAVE $10 . . . $20 . . . UP TO $50! □ Send ONE— $4.94 Q TWO (*r $«.S9 Q FIVE fw $19.95 order now for the (jals on your Christmas list. I We are offerinK these 10 French Perfumes at a Take advantage of these tcrrific bar(^ain prices (N. Y. Residtnis please add appropriate sales ta«) fjibulous lutvinKiii Tho PorfumeR hoII individu­ t norw! Ycm mnst be dellRhted with every Per- ' PtW Km u ______ally at $1.45 a bottle but our LOW price is just fume Set ordered or you may return within I A M m s ^ _ $4.94 for the Deluxe Gift Boxed Set of 10— a 7 days for your money back! I savings of almost SID! 2 Sots are only $8.69— City ^ ____S lt t i ______I a aavingB of .over $20! 5 Sets are $19.95— a f 'o s It o s: V ^ STB. It BavjngTB of over $50! Sncre Bleu! Can you Please enclose 45C * ith .order to pay a pari of shipping I match a bargain like this . . . anywhere? 369 Post Rd. Dept. 924 M. tarchmont, N Y. 10538 I

L HOPPER: S till D o in g

the succcss o f "Easy Rider," which w ill Likewise, it was reported that after bring him from one lo two million dol­ the script of Dennis’ latest film, "The lars, that he became sufficiently indp- Last Movie," was written, Dennis paid pcndent to make the break. very little attention to it. Instead, he Dennis b c ^ n a love affair w ith show improvised every scene as he wcaL business just after his grandmother took along. Since he sho^ four times as much him to sec his first movie when he was film as the average director, the rum«rs five. When Dennis was in his teens, the seemed to have credence. However, he family moved lo California, and Dennis made the' whole film under the most got involved in sports as well as dra­ difficult '*8f circumstances 14,000 feet matics. He became so proficient in box- up in the mountains of Peru in a record- By PEER I. OPPENHEIMER ing that in 1950 hn wa.-i n finnll.'Jj.Lifn-: ::^ o ak ing eight w ceks^the last two [he Golden Gloves welterweight divi­ weeks it rained— and he played the lead fudging from accounts I’d and his four-year-old niece. sion. In his spare time he acted with as well. We had many long talks during my the San Diego Community Players. The day I was to leave, Dennis a.iked read in recent magazine a rti-, stay in Taos, and one thing was evident When he was 17, he had a small role me to look at the footage he’d cles and other sources, when throughout. Dennis^Js deeply disturbed !n the La Jolla Playhouse presentation e d itin g ^ r Tire past three months. Not T took off for Taos, N . M ., to by the accusations that he has been of "The Postman Always Rings Twice" even Universal-Pictures which finanq-d ~a result, was interviewed by ibe spend three days with l:)ennis "and taicing hardTjpugsr^ the film, had seen any of it. Nor, to "I never have and r never will," he casting director o f the: Hal Roach stu-~ the bcS of-my Hopper, I half expected to told me. dios. This in turn led to bis landing else except Dennis and his two. edildrs,. find a very free-and-easy liv­ "U nfortunately, when I was inter­ the part of the epileptic in the tv film, While it is difficult to judge a film until ing style; But the atmosphere viewed fo r 'Easy Rider,’ I made the "Boy in the Storm," which brought him it is completed. I became convinced llfial mistake o f saying I’d tried I^ D . I also lo the attention of three major studios, Dennis is one of the most gifted of direc­ 1 found was businesslike. said I believe marijuana should be le -' cach of which offered a contract. Dennis tors. He knows he’s walking a tighl- Although I’ve known Dennjs since I galized. But I never said anything about ^gned w ith Warners, appeared in "Jag­ rop>e: "Everybody said 'Easy Rider' was first m cl.him iri M arfa, Texas, in 1956, heroin or any of the other hard stuff. ged Edge," “ Rebel Without a Cause," a fluke. This film w ill either make me when he played a feature role in George I don’t care so much what is said about and “ Giant." or break me." Stevens’ "Giant," I’d seen him only pc-’ me as long as it doesn't affect a lot of Dennis is the first to admit that most riodically in between. The last time was. other people. But when someone reads of his problems are of his own making. H o p p e r has been seeing a lot of at last year's.Cannes Film Festival where that I take heroin or shoot speed, they’re Typical was an incident when he was Michele Phillips, who costars in "The ho won the award as best new director going to think that maybe all that stuff 19 and attended a party at Cole l^orter's Last Movie." They'd previously an­ for "Easy Rider." isn’t so bad— and they can get them- . house. "1 got so fed up with everyone’s nounced they intended to marry. -1 found a-U an—and tvL-s-iiilu aJpt^ifa nfrci-ji>f{_A>iith- M r. Pofter-th « t" f blew Nothing short o f a disaster woiiid up and told them off. Mr. Porter prompt- drive jeep alongside his six-foot-thrcc- ennis is a loner. He doesn’t like ly a.'iked me to leave but la t^ wrote this, 1 didn’t even dare ask why he inchc!. friend, fellow actor and body­ Hollywood and doesn’t ciire for New me a very nice letter," Dennis remem­ titled his newest— The Last. Maybe it’s guard, Owen O rr, his eight-ycar-old York. At heart, he is very much Dodge bered. "H e said 1 was right but that he all a gag, but no one seemed to be daughter Marin by his ex-wife, the for­ City, Kan., where he was born 34 years was loo old and had gone too far'to laughing as I drove off and left Dennis mer Brooke Hayward (daughter of Le- ago. For many years he’d contemplated put up with such behavior from a young Hopper shaping his future against that land Hayward and Margaret Sullivan). moving somewhere but it wasn’t until punk who hadn't proven himself yet," dry and beautiful Taos landscape. ♦

Unsanitary Owners of automatic dish­ employees a bonus of a co-ordinatcd washers should take advantage of the wash ’n’ wear wardrobe lo wear on the machine and ncyer polish off the clean job: a longuelte, mini-dress, jacket. dishes with a" towel, according to the WfaatintheWorid! Nfw Enff/and- Journal of Medicine-r Thai spreads bacterid If dishes are washed by hand, let them dry in the rack. Tips Against Gyp* Although tourist lax, collectible at the airport. It's worth traps do exist for the unwary traveler. .saving out the exact amount in that A W orkin g W ardrobe There's one he can save money and annoyancc with country's currency. Don’t rely on travel­ group of employees who'll never com­ ers checks. ( 2 ) Some "duty-free" air- plain that big business doesn't carc -port shops just arc n o U PrJce.s may_eciual about it— the tellers of National' Bank or top downtown prices. Notable excep­ of North America. For one thing, their' tions: Amsterdam and Shannon - air­ personnel-devclopment program offers In. E urope, ports. (3) . Arriving pas,sengers should a thorough course iriy charm, beauty, fo o d avoid the "chauffeur-typc” waiting with make-up. hair styling, weight control, Wbrdrobe bonoi for working girli. chack m a y limousine outside customs. That’s not a eliqueltc. molivalion, and customer com­ cover lip . metered cab he’s driving; he’ll charge munication. Many of these tellers are blou.se, skirt—plus pants for the-undc- two to three limes more, (4) Most , young, w ith "young'Lsalaricfcthatsdon't restaurants add a service charge to the quite stretch lo include both ends of the home. maintain it, and each weekday bill. Check the figures before tippling. present expensive controversy over skirl make a choice from 12 possi^e com­ (5) To beat the '.'double gratuity" sys­ lengTh. Board Chairman Sidney Fried­ binations. One girl told F a m il y W eekly, ■onic inside information. According lo tem among some bellboys, tip only the man and President John Vogel are sym­ " I like the longuette-over-pants enotlgh IW A’s man-in-Europc, Tom Bell, (1) one d e liv e rin g dry-cleaning, not pick­ pathetic to ih cir problem and decided to to wear on wcckends?'^7Tnd that's the many governments impose a departure ing up. present them a eo-ordinated wash ’n’ long and short of it. , D o you know these 12 professional decorating "secrets"?

1. How inexp«nsive wallpaper "tiles" can add character, 5. How plants, fresh color and an unusual accessory (try 9. How to give your bathroom instant elegance by to a room that lacks architectural interest. a lamppost) can give your bathroom a fresh new look. replacing an ordinary medicine cabinet mirror with an a n tiq u e one . 2. How ordinary wooden "cubes" can be papered to 6. How to make a toom.more dramatic by mixing two provide a bright I6ar-oi=- space) for any room. modern art. stereo center w ith Just a window shacle and bright color. 3. How brightly printed no-iron sheets can move into 7. Why you should look (or a perfectly fitting drawer 11. How color can Make a long, narrow room look the living room as window shades, curtains for sliding that slides in a center track when shopping for a square (just paint the two end walls a different color panel screens and even slipcovers. quality chest or desk. from the rest). 4 . How you can save space and add an 'intriguing 8. How a bamboo divider offers privacy in a bedroom 12. How to create an impressive entryway with co­ decorative note to your living roonv-by displaying hi-fi shai'ed by childrer>—yet rolls up conveniently for a more ordinated patterns of self-sticking paper on a wall, Componepts as mc^em art. , spacious feeling. m irror frame and table.

See number 0 above. See num ber 2 above. See num ber 3 a b o v e ., See numt>er 12 alMve.

W ith professional '^secrets" like these, you can m ake your hom e m ore attractive, m ore com fortable—m ore you!

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THE DOUBLEDAY HOME DECORATING PROGRAM starts w ith this exciting triple package of the newest decorator innovations W H I C H ^ ^ R E FASTER JOHNNY LIGHTNING OR THE SIZZLERS7


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