16 Journal of Liberal History 62 Spring 2009 the Liberal Party and Women’S Suffrage, 1866 – 1918
ThE LIBERAL PARTY AND WOMEN’S SUffRAGE, 1866 – 1918 16 Journal of Liberal History 62 Spring 2009 ThE LIBERAL PARTY AND WOMEN’S SUffRAGE, 1866 – 1918 It is no exaggeration to mong the leaders Liberal Federation executive in of the early wom- 1892 – something usually over- say that the Victorian en’s movement looked in her later, anti-Liberal women’s movement were Barbara Leigh phase. grew out of the Smith, daughter Against this background, it Aof Benjamin Leigh Smith, the is not surprising that the parlia- ideas and campaigns free trader, Unitarian and Lib- mentary launch of the women’s eral MP, Millicent Fawcett, the suffrage campaign in 1866 was of early-to-mid wife of Henry Fawcett, the Lib- largely a Liberal affair. In June nineteenth century eral member for Brighton and Mill presented a petition to the Gladstone’s Postmaster-General, Commons prior to introduc- Radical Liberalism: and Josephine Butler, an inspi- ing a women’s amendment to temperance, anti- rational Liberal feminist who Gladstone’s Reform Bill. This campaigned for the repeal of was good timing, for although slavery, peace and the the Contagious Diseases Acts.1 the 1866 bill failed and the Lib- repeal of the Corn The movement also enjoyed eral government resigned, a the active support of many male bill introduced by the minor- Laws. Martin Pugh Liberals including John Stuart ity Conservative administration traces the relationship Mill, philosopher and briefly in 1867 was heavily amended MP for Westminster (1865–68), by Liberal backbenchers, and between the Liberal Jacob Bright, who was elected enacted as the Second Reform for Manchester at an 1867 by- Act.
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