Representativeness of the collections Científico ‘Ex Situ’ of the Orchidaceae family between Andean Forest and Paramo in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia Karen Sofia Gil: Ecologist, Young researcher, Sciences Faculty, Pontificia Javeriana University, Bogotá. Mail:
[email protected] Jorge Jacome Phd.: Assistant professor, Biology Department, Ecology and Systematics Unit, Pontificia Javeriana University, Bogotá. Mail:
[email protected] Abstract: In Colombia, orchids are mainly concentrated in the Andean Re- gion. In Cundinamarca, the most densely populated department and the most deforested in the country, it was identified a network of actors involved in ex situ collections management and in conservation of orchids. It was performed a preliminary list of taxa of Orchidaceae family located in an al- titudinal range of 1800 to 3900 meters in Cundinamarca, and registered in the most important herbariums of the department, as a tool to capture quantitative information. The representativeness of the Orchidaceae family is determined by genera of the most striking orchids with potential for com- mercialization, including Cyrtochilum, Epidendrum, Masdevallia, Odontoglos- sum and Pleurothallis. The 60% of the species of andean forest and paramo in Cundinamarca are represented in private collections, and 20% in public ones in the Botanical Garden of Bogota Jose Celestino Mutis. According to the research, it should meet the need to increase the representativeness of the groups Orchidaceae department, out of preference for ornamentals and extend database of threatened species in cultivation to benefit seed produc- tion and ex situ conservation programs. Key words: Orchidaceae, Cundinamarca, Representativeness, Andean Fo- rest, Páramo, Ex situ Conservation. Introduction: The largest diversity of or- 15% of the species are found in the chids concentrates in the tropics, and páramo.