Date of Submission– 10/07/2014 Date of Revision – 24/10/2014 Date of Approval –17/12/2014




Yerevan, December, 2014 HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region







HGSN LLC, Director V. Hovasapyan

Environmental expert K.Sahakyan

Yerevan, December, 2014

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 2

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region


1. Scope of Work ...... 4 2. Description of the Existing Water Supply and Sewage Systems ...... 4

2.1. Description of the water supply systems ...... 4

2.2. Description of the sewage system ...... 5

3. Geographical Location and Climate of the Settlements ...... 6 4. Biodiversity and Specially Protected Areas ...... 7 5. Environmental Impact Assessment ...... 8 Appendix 1. Checklist for Quick Environmental Evaluation ...... 9 Appendix 2: Checklist for Preliminary Climat e Risk Screening ...... 12

Appendix 3.1. Schematic map of the subproject ...... 13 Appendix 3.2. Schematic map of the subproject (Google) ...... 14 Appendix 3.3. Schematic map of the subproject (Google, section 1) ...... 15 Appendix 3.4. Schematic map of the subproject (Google, section 2) ...... 16


ADB Asian Development Bank EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development WTP Water Treatment Plant DRR Daily Regulating Reservoir

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 3

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

1. Scope of Work The aim of this subcomponent of the subproject is the improvement of drinking water supply systems of Artik town and 8 adjacent villages (Hovtashen, Meghrashen, Nor Kyank, Vardakar, Panik, Mets Mantash,Geghanist, Spandaryan villages) in the region of Shirak, RA, within the framework of the project.

Priority has been given to the improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements. The works carried out for this purpose involve the following: - Construction and reconstruction of external conduits, - Construction and reconstruction of chlorination plant, - Repair of valve junctionsof DRRs and fencing the sanitary zone, - Construction and reconstruction of distribution network waterlines with polyethylene pipes, - Replacement of entry lines of private houses, business entities and apartment buildings and installation of water metering chambers, - Construction and reconstruction of water supply, valve and hydrant chambers, as well as valve units.

The number urban population in the settlements covered by the subproject as of 01.01.2014 is19665 (Artik town),and rural population is 13480 (Hovtashen- 299, Meghrashen-1497, Nor Kyank- 1968, Vardakar-791, Panik-3210, Mets Mantash-2601, Geghanist-1321, Spandaryan-1793).

According to the data published by the "Demographic Handbook of , 2012", the population growth is 0.18%.

Due to the project implementation, it is planned to provide drinking and sustainable water supply to the consumers of the communities.

2. Description of the Existing Water Supply and Sewage Systems

2.1. Description of the water supply systems

The water supplyin all of the settlements included in the subproject Artik town and 8 villages is carried out due to the high quality ground waters collected from the sub-bed drainage structure constructed in the upper streams of Mantashriver, as well as the reservoir water filtered through the water intake structure. The water is transmitted from Mantash reservoir to the 2 WTP areas in Artik town and the villages through 2 steel pipelines.

One of the WTPs, constructed from 1958 up to 1982,served the water supply of Artik town and its adjacent several villages. The capacity of this WTP has been 7500m3/day. In 1982 new “Artik” WTP was constructed in the north-eastern section of Artik town to ensure its water supply, thus leaving the water supply of the villages to the operation of the old water treatment plant. That is why it is called WTP of “Villages”. In 1988 the treatment plant became completely out of order as a result of adisastrous earthquake, its withstandabilitywas disturbed, main technological structures as the settlers, filters, etc. were damaged.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 4

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

At present, among the settlements covered by the subproject, the water supply systems ofPanik, Meghrashen, NorKyank, Vardakar, Hovtashen and Spandaryan villages are fed from Mantash reservoir. At first the water is transmitted from the reservoir to the area of the old treatment plant through steel pipeline, and then it is distributed to the villages without disinfection.

Mets Mantash, PokrMantash, Arevshat and Geghanist villages, as well as some neighborhoods of Spandaryan villageare supplied from the water filtered from Mantash reservoir through the water intake structure. The water is collected in r/c basin of the water intake, thenit is transmitted to the valve unit adjacent to the area of the old treatment plant through steel pipes, from where it is distributed to the systems of the mentioned villages through the external conduit. Some sections of the external conduit going to Mets Mantash need reconstruction.

In the above mentioned both cases the water undergoes only initial mechanical clearing. Previously it was planned to chlorinate the water in the chlorination plant in the vicinity of the dilapidated “WTP of Villages”, however the chlorination plant does not operate now and the water is supplied to the settlements without disinfection.

There are DRRs in all the villages of the subproject, but in general they are not exploited because of the lack of water or their not proper technical state.

No improvement works have been carried out in the villages of the subproject. The water supply distribution networks were constructed mainly in 1960s. Some of the deteriorated waterlines have been reconstructed at the expense of the communities, which, however, didn’t have a significant impact on the overall operation of the system. No water metering is done in the villages.

Artik distribution system is mostly constructed with steel, cats-iron and polyethylene pipes. Improvement works of the water supply system aimed to repair the distribution network and DRRs were carried out financed by ADB (2009-2011) and EBRD (2012).

In 2013 additional 570m long sub-bed drainage water intake structure was constructed in the upper stream of Mantash river financed by EBRD making it possible to increase the quantity of water collected from Mantsh River outfallup to 150l/sec.

2.2. Description of the sewage system

Artik town is the only settlement which has a sewage system among the subproject settlements. 90% of the households are connected to the network. The system of storm sewers is separate. The storm water is removed through closed network and open flumes to the nearest sewer. Wastewater is collected by the collectors and removed to the sewage collector of Artik town. There is no wastewater treatment plant. During the construction of the Artik town sewage system (1965-1970), considering its further development, there were Փ300-Փ400mm diameter sewage pipes laid. Artik town sewage maximal design discharge makes up 73.58 l/sec (the calculations are made untill 2040). Taking into account the measurements carried out in the system during the opreation years, few failures, the engineers came to conclusion that the parameters of Փ400mm diameter sewer pipes selected under the instruction of nominal demensions fully meet the standard requirements, thus, the designed additional water supply will not cause any problem to sewage system regular operation.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 5

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Table 1. Design population growth by years

Artik town population number by years 2014 19665 2023 19843 2032 20022 2015 19685 2024 19863 2033 20042 2016 19704 2025 19882 2034 20062 2017 19724 2026 19902 2035 20082 2018 19744 2027 19922 2036 20102 2019 19764 2028 19942 2037 20122 2020 19783 2029 19962 2038 20142 2021 19803 2030 19982 2039 20163 2022 19823 2031 20002 2040 20183

Table 2. Mean water demand of settlements Average daily design water Design population Water use rate, demand N Settlement number, man l/day, man (2040) m3/day l/sec 1 Artik town 20183 210 4238,4 49,1 Table3. Design water demands

Design water demand

, ,

, ,

sv. sv.







N concent.







(l/sec) (l/sec) (l/sec)

=1.3), Q




Designed Designed hourl











man),Q Q










Concentrated yield, Max.averagehourly 1 Artik town 20183 49,1 63,8 1.56 99,48 - - -

Table 4. Designed discharges

Design discharges (q =130175 l/day, man q =175l/day. man) Design Ï Ï Q Settlement population Q av. Qav. Q Qmax.daily max.daily max.daily number, man daily hour 3 Kgen. 3 3 m /h max.hour, , l/sec m /day m /h 3 max.sec m /h Artik town 20183 3532.0 147.17 191.32 1.80 264.90 73.58 The villages of this subproject do not have a sewage system. The inhabitants use yard toilets, rarely also small septic chambers.

The villages do not have a sewage system. The inhabitants use yard toilets, rarely also small septic chambers.

3. Geographical Location and Climate of the Settlements

All the settlements covered by the subproject belong to the region of Shirak, which occupies the north-western part of RA.

The overall area of the region is 2681 km2, which is the 9% of the RA total area. The region centre is town located at a distance of 120km from capital Yerevan.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 6

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Shirak region is the coldest region of RA, where the air temperature in winter may sometimes reach - 460C.

Temperature inversions are typical to the region, the frequency of which reflects on the perennial values of the air temperature. Main factors of climate are the northern and north-western air streams, which stimulate cold weather.

From the point of view of hydro-geology, the area has shortage of water, the ground waters have fissured and porous nature and outlets in the form of various springs, which do not form a common horizon. The biggest river is originating from Lake Arpi. It has a few streamlets, which irrigate Shirak Valley.

The all settlements of the subproject are located in the district of Artik in Shirak region.From geomorphologic point of view, the district of the subproject is situated in the south-east of Shirak region,on a slightly inclined escarpment at the north-western feet of Aragats Mountain. The area is presented mainly with erosion slope disrupted with numerous permanent and temporary ravines, small concavities, etc. The absolute elevations of the subproject vary within 1650-1850m.

The climate of the region is moderate mountainous, winter is long and cold with stable snow cover, the absolute minimum temperature reaches -30oC. There are strong winds, frequent fogs and snow storms. Summer is warm, comparatively humid, maximum temperature reaches +300C. The average temperature in July is 160C. The annual precipitations are 500-550mm, snow cover thickness is 61cm, and ground freezing depth is up to 110cm. The average wind speed is 3.0-6.0m/sec, the eastern winds prevail. Checklist for Preliminary Climate Risk Screening is attached in Appendix 2.

Natural landscapes are black soil mountain-steppes. Production of non-metal mineral products and diversified agriculture are developed in this area, which is rich in reserves of construction sand, tuff, slag, pumice of industrial significance.

The region has 0.3-0,4g acceleration and is located in the seismic zone of 8-9 scale seismicity.

4. Biodiversity and Specially Protected Areas The settlements of the subproject are located in the floristic region of Shirak, RA. The vegetable soil in the region of Shirak has large variety, which is stimulated by big difference of elevations, various positions of mountain slopes and surface inclinations. Vegetation in the area mostly belongs to the steppe type. Mountain-steppe black soils with spread miscellaneous herbs-cerealsprevail in the area. There are various formations of cereal herbs. Mountain steppesare presented with three formations Stipa, Festucaand Bromus steppes.The main core of steppe flora is phryganoid vegetation (Kochiaprostrata, Teucriumpolium, T.orientale, Xsranthemumsquarrosum, Achillea, Adonis, Taracsacun, Thymus, Campanula, Vicia, Verbascum), which very often involve Paliurus among the bushes and tragacanth locoweed (Astragaluskotschyanus, A.rariflorus). At present, forest flora is completely missing in the floristic region of Shirak. Now forest free territories have previously been covered with forests, the proofs of which are the present bush- shrubs.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 7

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

In the vegetative cover of the subproject area there are poplar (Populus), acacia (Robinia), maple (Acer), mulberry (Morus), wild apricot (Armeniaca), howthornCrataegus), Pyrussalicifolia, ordinary and narrow leafed ash (Fraxsinus excelsior, F.oxycarpa), scalloped spirea (Spiraeacrenata), oriental barberry (Berberisorientalis), Cotoneaster integerrima, Georgian honeysuckle (Loniceraiberica), Ephedra procera, Jasminumfruticans, elm-tree (Ulmus), Prunus, oleaster (Elaeagnus), willow (Salix), brier (Rosa). Fauna is presented by steppe, high mountainous widely spread species. It is presented by the reproduction of domestic animals and birds. Among the amphibians and reptiles there are several types of toads, frogs, lizards and snakes. Among the widely spread animals there are mammals- rabbit (Lepuseuropaeus), fox (Vulpesvulpes), wolf (Canis lupus) and a number of rodents. In the region of Shirak there are about 40 rare and disappearing plants registered in the Red Book of Armenia. This region is a home also for some rare species of animals and birds. Foundation of “Arpi Lake” national park has great significance for the preservation of rare plants, animal and bird types.The latter is located in the regions of Amasia and districts, on the south-western slopes of Yeghnakhagh mountain chain and doesn’t interfere with the subproject settlements (the settlements of the subproject are situated in Artik and Ani districts of the region at a distance of more than 40km from “Arpi Lake” national park. Although there are religious structures of cultural heritage (for example, Lmpatavank situated on a hill 2 km to the south of Artik town, 6-10th centuries), however the project doesn’t relate to the latter. In the project implementation area there are no environmentally vulnerable or specially protected areas.

5. Environmental Impact Assessment

The Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) has revealed that no damage is expected to be caused to the landscape, flora, fauna, land and water resources of the area where improvement works of the water supply systems will be impelemented. The subproject will be carried out mainly in the built up settlement areas, and new areas will not be used for the purpose of work implementation.

As a result of the project, the disposal of old equipment and pipes as scrap metals is not anticipated. The old pipeline of internal system will be under operation until the end of construction works. At the moment when new pipeline considers ready (after being disinfected and tested), the old waterline will be cut-down and the new waterline will be put into operation. The old pipeline is the property of community and will remain under the discretion of community.

According to the preliminary environmental examination, the sub-project has been classified as B category project. Along with the Detailed Design an Environemntal Management Plan has to be elaborated for this project, which shall cover all the communities that are included in the Detailed Design.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 8

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Appendix 1. Checklist for Quick Environmental Evaluation

Country/ Improvement of water supply and sewerage systems of RA settlements Subproject Title

Sector division Subproject 9.Artik town andHovtashen, Meghrashen, Nor Kyank, Vardakar, Panik, Mets Mantash, Geghanist, Spandaryan villages of Shirak Region

Screening Questions Yes N/A No Remarks A. Project siting Is the project area… . densely populated? X Shirak region is considered as one of the most densely populated regions of Armenia, 105 people/square km . heavy with development activities? X Artik town has urban development project documentation /master plan/. There is no such issue in the rural settlements. . adjacent to or within any environmentally X sensitive areas? X Almost all of the settlements have cultural heritage . cultural heritage site monuments, but the project does not interfere with them X “Arpi lake” reserve is situated in the region of Shirakin the districts of Amasia and Ashotsk and . protected area doesn’t interfere with the project settlements. The dstance from Artik town is about 40km. X There are no marshes in the project implementation . marsh area X There are no such areas in Armenia . mangrove X Hovtashen, Nor Kyank, Vardakar and Spandaryan . estuarine villages are situated on the right and left banks of Mantsh river . buffer zone of protected area X . special area for protecting biodiversity X . bay X There are no such areas in Armenia B. Potential Environmental Impacts Will the project cause…. . pollution of raw water supply from upstream X The water supply of the settlements is carried out wastewater discharge from communities, through sub-bed water intake structures located in industries, agriculture, and soil erosion runoff? the upper stream of Mantash river, where there are no settlements. . impairment of historical/cultural X Almost all of the settlements have cultural heritage monuments/areas and loss/damage to these monuments, but the project does not interfere with sites? them; they are situated at some distance from the project settlements, as a result of which there are no possible impacts. . hazard of land subsidence caused by X It is not applicable to this subproject excessive ground water pumping?

. social conflicts arising from displacement of X Not anticipated communities ?

. conflicts in abstraction of raw water for water X In the communities includes in this subproject the supply with other beneficial water uses for drinking water shall not be used for irrigation or any surface and ground waters? other purposes. No conflicts are anticipated.

. unsatisfactory raw water supply (e.g. X In the frame of the subproject potable water supply excessive pathogens or mineral constituents)? will be carried out after chlorination/disinfection.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 9

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Screening Questions Yes N/A No Remarks delivery of unsafe water to distribution system? X The pipeline is to be completely reconstructed, eliminating the illegal connections, water will be supplied after chlorination.

. inadequate protection of intake works or wells, X Within the frame of this subproject there are no leading to pollution of water supply? works foreseen in the head structures.

. over pumping of ground water, leading to X The design doesn’t foresee new ground water salinization and ground subsidence? intake, that is why the project implementation may not cause salinization or ground subsidence. The project implementation will improve the water supply system stimulating more efficient management of water. . excessive algal growth in storage reservoir? X

. increase in production of sewage beyond X In the settlements included in the subproject, there capabilities of community facilities? is a sewage system only in the town of Artik, sewage treatment plants are missing. The water supply system repair in Artik town will not stimulate production of wastewater to such a level (volume), which will exceed the capacity of the operating sewage system. At the same time installing the water meters and reduction of the leakages will prevent too much water outflow and therefore the wastewater will not exceed the limits of foreseen capacity. . inadequate disposal of sludge from water X Not applicable for the subproject treatment plants? . inadequate buffer zone around pumping and X Project documentation is prepared according to treatment plants to alleviate noise and other acting urban development norms. possible nuisances and protect facilities? . impairments associated with transmission X Impairment associated with access roads, and lines and access roads? crossings with electricity transmission lines will be carried out according to the required norms. . health hazards arising from inadequate design X All design documents for all of the structures of of facilities for receiving, storing, and handling chlorine and other chemical materials are of chlorine and other hazardous chemicals. preparedaccording to acting urban development and sanitation norms. . health and safety hazards to workers from X While working with chlorine or other contaminants handling and management of chlorine used for prescribed technological procedures and health and disinfection, other contaminants, and safety rules shall be followed. The staff receives biological and physical hazards during project training from time to time. construction and operation? . dislocation or involuntary resettlement of X Not foreseen people? . disproportionate impacts on the poor, women X Not foreseen and children, indigenous peoples or other vulnerable groups? . noise and dust from construction activities? X During construction it will have temporarycharacter and mitigation measures will be developed in EMP (Environmental Management Plan). . increased road traffic due to interference of X Not significant increase is predicted for the construction activities? construction period. The road traffic will be regulated to the maximum due to the mitigating measures. . continuing soil erosion/silt runoff from X Detailed measures of construction management will construction operations? be described in the EMP . delivery of unsafe water due to poor O&M X Mud accumulation issue in filters is not applicable. treatment processes (especially mud Monitoring of chlorine residuals in distribution accumulations in filters) and inadequate system will be performed according to established chlorination due to lack of adequate procedure by RA MoH. monitoring of chlorine residuals in distribution systems? . delivery of water to distribution system, which X During operation of this system, no chemical is corrosive due to inadequate attention to materials are used for the treatment of the water. feeding of corrective chemicals? . accidental leakage of chlorine gas? X Not anticipated, if technical safety is provided.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 10

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Screening Questions Yes N/A No Remarks . excessive abstraction of water affecting X The design of the system reconstruction is downstream water users? developed to exclude such cases . competing uses of water? X The project aims to mitigate the competition between water users . increased sewage flow due to increased water X The waste water amount in Artik town will increase supply but not exceed the limits of the operating sewage system capacity. . increased amount of household sewages X No any settlement covered by the Project has (wastewater from cooking and laundry) and waste water treatment plant. sludge from wastewater treatment plant . large population influx during project X The volume of the project is small and it is focused construction and operation that causes at reconstruction of existing systems, new social increased burden on social infrastructure and impacts are not anticipated. services (such as water supply and sanitation systems)? . social conflicts if workers from other regions X Mainly local labor force will be involved. or countries are hired? . risks to community health and safety due to X The risks will be decreased to the minimum in case the transport, storage, and use and/or of maintaining the safety rules when using disposal of materials such as explosives, fuel explosives, fuel and other chemical materials and other chemicals during operation and utilized within the scope of the project. construction? . community safety risks due to both accidental X If safety measures of associated with the transport, and natural hazards, especially where the storage and use of materials used within the structural elements or components of the framework of the project are maintained, project are accessible to members of the community safety risks due to both accidental and affected community or where their failure natural hazards will be minimized. could result in injury to the community throughout project construction, operation and decommissioning?

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Questions Yes No Notes

The following questions do not concern the ecological classification. They are included in this checklist to help identify potential climate and disaster risks.  Is the Project area subject to hazards such as earthquakes, + Armenia is situated in an active floods, landslides, tropical cyclone winds, storm surges, tsunami tectonic zone and can undergo or volcanic eruptions and climate changes dangers with all the possible consequences  Could changes in temperature, precipitation, or extreme events + The shortage of precipitations can patterns over the Project lifespan affect technical or financial cause water shortages in the sustainability (e.g., changes in rainfall patterns disrupt reliability of resources which will result in changes water supply; sea level rise creates salinity intrusion into proposed of the water supply stability water supply source) . Are there any demographic or socio-economic aspects of the + Project area that are already vulnerable (e.g, high incidence of marginalized populations, rural-urban migrants, illegal settlements, ethnic minorities, women or children) . Could the Project potentially increase the climate or disaster + vulnerability of the surrounding area (e.g., by using water from a vulnerable source that is relied upon by many user groups, or encouraging settlement in earthquake zones). * The disaster is considered a possible harmful physical event.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 11

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Appendix 2: Checklist for Preliminary Climate Risk Screening

Country/Project Title: Armenia/ Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - Additional Financing Sector: Water supply and other municipal infrastructure and services Subsector: Urban policy, institutional and capacity development, Urban water supply Division/Department: Environmental and Social Impact

Screening Questions Score Remarks1 Location Is siting and/or routing of the project (or its 0 N/A for this project and components) likely to be affected by climate Design of conditions including extreme weather related project events such as floods, droughts, storms, landslides? Would the project design (e.g. the clearance for 0 N/A for this project bridges) need to consider any hydro- meteorological parameters (e.g., sea-level, peak river flow, reliable water level, peak wind speed etc)? Materials Would weather, current and likely future climate 1 Selection of construction and conditions (e.g. prevailing humidity level, materials and design decisions Maintenan temperature contrast between hot summer (ex. Prior identification of soil ce days and cold winter days, exposure to wind freezing depth) should be and humidity hydro-meteorological parameters made taking into account the likely affect the selection of project inputs over climatic conditions of the life of project outputs (e.g. construction settlements, thus mitigating material)? the risks. Would weather, current and likely future climate 0 N/A for this project conditions, and related extreme events likely affect the maintenance (scheduling and cost) of project output(s)? Performan Would weather/climate conditions and related 0 N/A for this project ce of extreme events likely affect the performance project (e.g. annual power production) of project outputs output(s) (e.g. hydro-power generation facilities) throughout their design life time? Options for answers and corresponding score are provided below: Response Score Not Likely 0 Likely 1 Very Likely 2 Responses when added that provide a score of 0 will be considered low risk project. If adding all responses will result to a score of 1-4 and that no score of 2 was given to any single response, the project will be assigned a medium risk category. A total score of 5 or more (which include providing a score of 1 in all responses) or a 2 in any single response, will be categorized as high risk project.

Result of Initial Screening (Low, Medium, High): _1____ Medium ______

Other comments: ______

Prepared by:Kristine Sahakayan (HGSN LLC environmental specialist)

1If possible, provide details on the sensitivity of project components to climate conditions, such as how climate parameters are considered in design standards for infrastructure components, how changes in key climate parameters and sea level might affect the siting/routing of project, the selection of construction material and/or scheduling, performances and/or the maintenance cost/scheduling of project outputs.

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 12

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Appendix 3.1.Schematic map of the subproject

Settlements ´Ý³Ï³í³Ûñ»ñ

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 13

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Appendix 3.2. Schematic map of the subproject (Google)



Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 14

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Appendix 3.3. Schematic map of the subproject (Google, section 1)

Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 15

HGSN LLC -JINJ Ltd Improvement of the water supply systems of the settlements in Shirak region

Appendix 3.4. Schematic map of the subproject (Google, section 2)


Existing waterline of distribution network

Newly designed or subject to replacement waterlinesof distribution network

Asphalted road

Gravel road

Rehabilitated DRR


Subproject IX Initial Environmental Examination 16