Coniferous Forest Habitat Types of Central and Southern Utah

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Coniferous Forest Habitat Types of Central and Southern Utah This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. United States Department of Agriculture Coniferous Forest Forest Service I ntermou nta i n Habitat Types of Research Station Ogden, UT 84401 General Technical Central and Report INT-187 October 1985 Southern Utah Andrew P. Youngblood Ronald L. Mauk FOR XEROX USE ONLY PLEASE RETURN TO PROPER PLACE fNT-FtLE COpy UTAH THE AUTHORS yield projections were developed with help from Robert Cottingham and Susan Prease of the Inter­ ANDREW P. YOUNGBLOOD, an ecologist for the Inter­ mountain Region. mountain Region, USDA Forest Service, worked with Individuals from the Utah National Forests who the Intermountain Research Station while preparing provided directions or supplementary information this publication. He holds a B.S. degree in forest include Alan Gallegos, Lee Foster, and Dennis Kelly management and an M.S. degree in forest ecology from the Manti-LaSal National Forest, Andrew Godfrey from Utah State University. He is currently involved in from the Fishlake National Forest, and Duane Stuart field studies of plant communities throughout 'the and James Bayer from the Dixie National Forest. Both Region. Leila Shultz of the Intermountain Herbarium at Utah RONALD L. MAUK, while a graduate student in the State University and Mont Lewis of the Intermountain Department of Forestry and Outdoor Recreation at Region assisted in plant taxonomy. Utah State University, conducted much of the field Robert Steele, Walter Mueggler, and Robert sampling for this study. He also designed the com­ Campbell of the Intermountain Research Station made puter programs used in data analysis. He is currently significant contributions to the data analysis and employed by Hughes Aircraft Co. in Tucson, AZ, and is manuscript preparation. Others who provided technical involved in computer software development. He holds reviews were William Moir of the Forest Service, B.S. and M.S. degrees in forest management from Southwest Region, Orville Engleby of the Forest Serv­ Utah State University. ice, Intermountain Region, as well as Jan A. Hender­ son, Charles Kerr, and Steve Simon. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS RESEARCH SUMMARY Financial support for this study was provided by the Intermountain Region and the Intermountain Research A habitat type classification for the coniferous Station of the Forest Service, U.S. Department of forests of central and southern Utah includes the Agriculture. Portions of the fieldwork were funded hierarchical taxonomic system of land classification through cooperative agreements with the Department that is based on potential natural vegetation of forest of Forestry and Outdoor Recreation, Utah State Univer­ sites and uses data from more than 720 sample sity, and the Department of Botany, Washington State stands. A total of 37 habitat types within seven series University. are defined and described. A diagnostic key will help Many people have contributed to this project. Origi­ in field identification of the habitat types based upon nal fieldwork was conducted by Robert D. Pfister, indicator plant species. formerly with the Intermountain Research Station, and In addition, descriptions of mature forest communities Jan A. Henderson, formerly with Utah State University, include information on the ecological distribution of with assistance from Steve Simon and Charles Kerr. all species. Potential productivity for timber, climatic Neil E. West of Utah State University and Michael characteristics, surface soil characteristics, and Madany provided unpublished data from fire history distribution maps are provided for the major types. studies in Zion National Park. E. Arlo Richardson, Utah Preliminary silvicultural and wildlife habitat implica­ State Climatologist (retired), provided assistance in tions for natural resource management are based on developing the climatological descriptions. Timber field observations and current information. Page CONTENTS Pseudotsuga menziesiilCercocarpus montanus h.t. ............................ 45 Page Pseudotsuga menziesii/Quercus gambelii h.t. .. 45 Introduction ................................... 1 Pseudotsuga menziesii/Berberis repens h.t. .. ,46 Methods ......................................' 2 Pseudotsuga menziesiilSymphoricarpos Field Methods ............................... 3 oreophilus h.t. ........................... 47 Office Methods .............................. 3 Pinus ponderosa Series ....................... 48 Taxonomic Considerations .................... 4 Pinus ponderosa/Cercocarpus ledifolius h.t. ... 49 Synecologic Perspective and Terminology ......... 4 Pinus ponderosa/Arctostaphylos patula h.t. ... 50 The Habitat Type Concept .................... 4 Pinus ponderosa/Artemisia nova h.t. .......... 50 Habitat Type Versus Continuum Philosophy ..... 5 Pinus ponderosa/Purshia tridentata h.t. ....... 52 The Physical Setting ........................... 6 Pinus ponderosa/Quercus gambelii h.t. ....... 53 Geology .................................... 6 Pinus ponderosa/Symphoricarpos Climate ..................................... 8 oreophilus h.t. ........................... 55 Successional Status ............................ 8 Pinus ponderosa/Muhlenbergia montana h.t. ... 55 Logging History .............................. 8 Unclassified Stands .......................... 56 Grazing History .............................. 9 Individual Attributes of Habitat Types ............ 56 Wildlife History .............................. 9 Ecological Role of Plant Species ............... 56 The Habitat Type Classification .................. 9 Timber Productivity ........................... 57 Key to Series, Habitat Types, and Phases ......... 12 Soils ....................................... 57 Descriptions of Series, Habitat Types, and Phases . 16 Climate .............. " ..................... 58 Abies lasiocarpa Series ....................... 16 Wildlife Habitat Values ....................... 58 Abies lasiocarpa/Aconitum columbianum h.t. .. 17 Zonal Relationships of Habitat Types. .. 58 Abies lasiocarpa/Physocarpus malvaceus h. t. .. 17 Relationship to Previous Habitat Type Abies lasiocarpa/Acer glabrum h.t. ........... 18 Classifications in the Study Area ............. 60 Abies lasiocarpa/Vaccinium caespitosum h.t. .. 18 Use of the Classification ........................ 62 Abies lasiocarpa/Vaccinium globulare h.t. ..... 19 References .................................... 62 Abies lasiocarpa/Vaccinium myrtillus h.t. ..... 19 Appendixes Abies lasiocarpa/Berberis repens h.t. ......... 20 A. Number of sample stands by habitat type, Abies lasiocarpa/Ribes montigenum h.t. ...... 23 phase, and vicinity in central and southern Abies lasiocarpa/Carex geyeri h.t. ............ 26 Utah ..................................... 66 Abies lasiocarpa/Juniperus communis h.t. ..... 26 B. Occurrance and successional role of tree Abies lasiocarpa/Carex rossii h.t. ............ 27 species by habitat type and phase for central Abies con color Series ........................ 28 and southern Utah ........................ 68 Abies concolor/Physocarpus malvaceus h.t. ... 29 C. Constancy and average cover of important Abies concolor/Acer glabrum h.t. ............. 29 plants in central and southern Utah habitat Abies concolor/Cercocarpus ledifolius h.t. ..... 30 types and phases ......................... 69 Abies concolor/Arctostaphylos patula h.t. ..... 30 D. Mean basal areas and 50-year site indexes Abies concolor/Quercus gambelii h. t. .... ... 32 for central and southern Utah habitat types Abies concolor/Berberis repens h.t. ........... 32 and phases ............................... 79 Abies concolor/Juniperus communis h.t. ...... 34 E. Estimated yield capabilities for central and Abies concolor/Symphoricarpos oreophilus h.t. 34 southern Utah habitat types and phases Picea engelmannii Series ..................... 35 based upon site index, growth, and stock- Picea engelmannii/Ribes montigenum h.t. ..... 36 abi I ity factors .............................80 Picea pungens Series ......................... 37 F. Substrate features of central and southern Picea pungens/Equisetum arvense h.t. ........ 38 Utah habitat types and phases ..............81 Picea pungens/Juniperus communis h.t. ...... 38 G. Generalized surface textural relationships for Picea pungens/Berberis repens h.t. ........... 40 central and southern Utah habitat types a'nd Pinus f/exilis-Pinus longaeva Series ............ 40 phases ...................................84 Pseudotsuga menziesii Series ................. 42 H. Climatic parameters for weather stations Pseudotsuga menziesiilPhysocarpus within selected habitat types in central and malvaceus h.t. .......................... 43 southern Utah ............................85 Pseudotsuga menziesii/Cercocarpus I. Central and southern Utah coniferous forest ledifolius h.t. ............................ 43 habitat type field form .................... .89 Pseudotsuga menziesiilArctostaphylos patula h.t. ............................... 44 Page LIST OF TABLES 14. Pseudotsuga menziesii/Cercocarpus ledifolius Page h.t. ........................................ 44 1. Central and southern Utah coniferous forest 15. Pseudotsuga menziesii/Symphoricarpos habitat types and phases .................... 10 oreophilus h.t. .............................. 47 16. Pinus ponderosa/Artemisia nova h.t ........... 51 17. Pinus ponderosa/Quercus gambelii h.t., LIST OF FIGURES Symphoricarpos oreophilus phase ............ 53 18. Pinus
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