
"4r*r 4n &ad.



Thls aocuoent presente an account of hor a ner river trhe bietory of the riverre constaarctlon eled. nas created in the earLy part of the 1?th century, to cuboequent developent offers nar{y faectnatln€ features plor;'iale an urgpntly needeil supply of clea.n drlnJtin€i nater, of lnterest and plays a.rIr influential part in the sociaL to the rapldly e4rantlSng comtnitieg of . history of london, particularly in Islilgton. In orrier to establieh the inportance of lflbe fiev klver to the cittrr ft tell.s the story of an entezprising,e^nd lrealihy of London in the 17th centuqf, thie study vi11 ftrgt +*re Jacobean gentlenan caLLed Eu€h Myddelton, vho, in 1508t conslder the early hietory of water sutrrply in took responsibility by po've:s conferred upon bie by Acts netropolis, the inatleguaciee of nhlch cleflled the neeil of Parlidment, to const:ruct a cha;nnel r'or the conveyaJlce for a supplyr.:eliabl-e ln qr:a1ity as irell as quartlty. of nater fion sprlngs at ChadwelL and. Aunell 1n (Later in an appenclir an exarnination nil1 be na.ile of tbe Eertforrlshire, to the l{ortb side of the city, froo r*ricb eocial conditions vhicb provided opportunity fol the It coukl be pi.ped to hqrsebolders in the city. . eoer€ence of ffditeltoatsrartificial streaner )

nnochure cotoplleil by L.G,B. Hughes for the &hlbition, fs).lngton Fegtival 1974. The FestivaL Corunittee lishes to thank The Metropolitan Vater Board for its support, erid the folloving for their assistance:

Mr. G.C. Serry FrA, ( Senlor Eesearch Officer, ldetropolitan Water Soard )

lF,r. J. Conr.eLl, ( Spccial Serviccs Lj.brarian, )

!bs. E.Y. Levls, ( Reference Librarian of Flnabury )

lbr E. l,lil1ats, ( Reference Librarian of Isllngton ) s8ruTfrriT$

"t Pa rt uarBy Water $upplnes $ffi LsffiSon

Bource of fnforostion; Lor,d.onrs Rich s-&.tsr Resounces; Prcbleras of ?o11utlo:r; l'be Di.sposa)" of Rubblsh; irurovatlon of the Conduit Systen; For: Drir,Jringo iVot 1{ashtn6; The lcporteueee.of fsling.loa; gesponsibilities of the City Corporatior; ftre "*'atei Ca:riere; Mo:rl.g! Water llheel; I!:e Search for a l{ew Supply. Part 2 ffiu$ldarlg The New fi!ver

Colthurstts P:otosals; A lrrarnatic Tun: About; {udr llyCdelton; 3;ildlng Si;art6, But Stopa; Stnrggle *ith the lando'"rne=s; Argugents For and AgaJnst The Ner River River; Royal- Assis.;ance; The &cavation Speedily Conc).uded.; "9he Soarded. Riverr'; l{ethod.s of Constnrction; lhe Grantl Opening. Pant $ EistributEng The Water

fhe Use .u:d Preparation of E1n ?ipes; Disadrraniages of lJooden Pi.pes; fryd.deltonrg Fjr:aacial lifficulties; The Klng ta.kes the initiative; of t?re Nerr tliver Coopargr, An Unus-i:aj- Constitution; t Change of !'ortr:rres - Reco6ni.tion for $dd.eJ.ton; Charles I and the Clog; lrg

Sew Rlver Eead; Intmtiuction of Cast fron ?ipes; Concezn fol Sanitation; IriorLifications; Transfer to the Metmpoiltan Water Board; The prosperity of the l{er River; leisure and the Nerv Rlver; Orlgbs of Sadlere lJe11s; A Fev Unforbulate Aspects; Srow:iings,, Indecency and. vanda1lsn.r The ilev River loday; Sir Eu€h l.lyd.d.e1ton - .{n Appratsal. ConcLusion. Appendix

Sone :reoarkg on the nature of private Enterprise ftlcor Englanrl.

All iLlustrations Loaned by kind. pe:mieslon fron Isllngton i,ibyarj,es coL1ectlon. -1- f as't 1 ,r.tffii.Y Wilg fr ffi $tjppLgu$ 3N t"*ffi&SEti

+Sou.r,ce o f lnfonnacian Pr'.;bi,' t; of Polhtxion $oet of the inforla!:!:r; vs i.,.ve lraie; elcut ea:l;r ff iher.e .*&s s ;,"obieii of uerer *uppiy jn ir{edieval provlelon j.e lfuxited a,c ,r,iccirrnig ieft .io us by Stov, -1oiii Lon,lon Lt r-'.;i: .v:.:t so l:r.;.ch cne of avaj-l-abliity, but one of e faraous lllizabothan histc:iarr, whoser di11.5'ent rese,.irchr"s que,itty and. ii,:c.:,, The 'r:.tcnt disrcgard. for princlpies lnto ttre antlquS.tles ,i':rk: oi l,or:c;r:r'r &Je corr.;aj.rted, 1n h:i.rj of san1i"e,t:on a::,c h)"g:i.ene" coui:;ined riih rjhe near fiSunruy cmplete o{ londontt, puo}.::ri.cii 16i}.'::: llr :f p]-l';1iq; ;oni:roi ci: "ouiiciLrq. :ir-, *i rapicJ_y {:q$Ei.1,ili-l loci.ety, p:cd-cc;ed a iircb1::""liie eitu3.tion ia wb:ci Borever, desp:te tire 6oe.rcir::r of rnforaateon .;he on ir"{iiri: xei!or:'!rs t€s st::c,n5ie*., elti:cr by the sccr:.:ff:iared. eubJect, one caul iealji,iiuilvbry ::ecoBgtr.rct a Ii\r€ly *ffe*t ;j lj-rdusi::iaL and h-r:a'ar pcilution, or eise .tkou€h lnpneeelon .,ri.r"?j of hcw wcIl eil..i.;. l,ond.oners selre se=ved {npc$esaibj.l:t;' r.euu:-tlng fron butll"iag encroael:sent. uaier, by enlarging ou Sio,;is ::ecorejnga.

? Eo$3?er, a{itboritJ"es Lond,on s Rien llat zr I!e- )J-iT r"2J ihe vere c;p.izani,c of the pmb-ren an:d. tsco:d.g sbor,u tlit:;.b attetrili$ rreir: nade io l$prove the it centaiirly sea:a.q thrt Lor:don ,+as a welj"-caiered city sltr;*t1c1, i-,ri cvriienriy with .. itiie Euceees. As eady as during ihe l'.,i.d.c-le Ages, 'bhe iilrsero';! '&.e:.Lsr bruo:cl a;tcl 1202, 'uiene vexe re6u1aticns ,;ri ciee.nlJ.ness, orderi.t:g pontls, i:r s:*{a:Erurci tire eitr,, ;r;:::t;ie3enting t.le aL:eria1 citLze;s io k*ep tholr hor.u:e i:on*a6es ciea,n, and. j:r 1)09 e, rlners sup,311ee ,,s.:,, "wralbrooken of the [hruu-.. iI i,arrgbcurne, pr", d.udiairsd j'i iiiu";i-i to thlow ordu:r or 8rrd. Oid. Boue:e. klilet ,r.i"' :liir'c,.:: ;i;',red. pa:i:i, ine south rel\:se ja'tcrthe strenos; j"i, rras to be cgrted d.ornx to the the lfaibrooie cut thrc'uglr 'i;.i{, ;r:^:iel;;..i,j. ce:irtr.e og the city river ai:tl then con'reyed. by si,€cis.l boat out of the tor*n tc to provirie ioeal as euppiy, r,:l"i- its sar,eti the city dltch, iry aiairo or cess-pitir beyorrd. rhe city wal_l-s" Ilie pelalry and Tlee ?1ee'e bro*.i; ;,:r The Rlver of .ir'eiis, , iopriarly ti'ireglreni:d. fot the Medj.ev€j" r.ater lout ilas as loucb es 40o, because of s?Tlr:€E feeriing i:.rto it i:r i;he suburbs, e.6. at €. .rsq/ consldea€b1e suo i:r dhr,se d.a3'g. Eo1l1'we1?., CLe,::eairs 'rreIi a.nd. Clerkts .,ve1.J-e , suppl:;.ed. waier to those lfng y,resi of ti:e oity. the Largbou::re and 01.,1 )}llt apari fron the occasional creditable effo:-c ic Bou:oe r,re:re snalLer stre:ns, vh.icr.: courged. th:mu€h i;he ciiy soour,the city tL:iici: asit the,!"Ieet ptke, :.Lttle a1E6 lras to joln up vJ.tir the f,*s end lLeei; respectlvelyo and in done to lene{y *be d.eteriorairrrg eJ.tuatlon. fect, their ner:ces indlcate their rize, since tboa:ner slgnifies b:ook or rivcll*;t. Ihie partiy erplains the Ii',a itispo;c't C., Iiahbisn orS.gins of piace aanes s1lch as l{olbor:r k -;te absence oi- ary other nethod 6f $s,Ete disposa:_, l{l.thh tbe city ther€ rele severeL lar5e pools of Ela.rt fxnrn i'irc .r.r;e of fire vhlch was hrixliy to be encotrageC lnporta.nce lnd, au Stow obserred.l j.n a ";or,:z conpooed oostly of crovded. dve?.1fur6e, the people s*rpiy 'lh,rr:v their rrraste pmcl',rc|E irr. the sf,lsqrs if Ehey 'rthey hade ln eueri: Streete atid Lane of the citle vere r:eer,i:;, or d,:npea in the strr:ets. ft tss Lel^t io tlJ.vels€ fugrre r*e11es anl fresh :prangr:r'. do6t ana sc&ver€er blnis i;c aci as ref\rse coilec.tors anc. rid the etroei;s of offai and bones, after which the Soaowi,rg frolr obgecvlitions l.:d.c eeveral centuries popui-ece wai'i;ec. for a p:ru-;-1aeni;jai faLl of tail to vash earlier by thi.lien Fitzsitphen, cie!-k to ! Becket, awaY :"116 stench. Storr f'urbher records th.rb:

fn soue houses along il--e Va.Ll_brcoke f' enou€h ItTlnere rreare jir:::Lh alt,,, ori the E1de, speciei to aceofflo(la'Le a latrine, 'i,!:e rei.,:se iraa ,Lisci:arged. rels ln the euburbr, viiol-esoae s.lir)et, a::d. cJ_erre, iilrectly lnto the strea,n, so i?iat in .braeu the VaLibrooke anon6et vhich Eo1yr..i.i., Ci.erxe:r irj*il, a.rd. Cleiaentg raI tet-lced to ar. o;;en d€raer', &rri aftet lany centuri€s or.' Ie1l are aost famoug ens f!'equented by Scolnrs, ariri poi.1i:ilc:r, ',.ie iieet feLl- .ii: e a..l;lis,r fate. youthee or'the ciiie in $uo;;ier evenlngE, *hen they nalk i'orth to thc airer'. ldoreover, the trtgatnent of st:eets ae nibbish tipe e-'renh:aii;r ail'ectEd. the que.liiy oi sprlrrg vater collected Vlth reprd 'io Sbe olerkes dcll , it is inter€stin6- io 1:1 the wej"1s, thtough sction ol pol-eon seeping tirrough ,ihe see that the present tiay ci.strrc,c of Clerkenwei- is r-aicca, g-:ri;;:ri ic cor:ts.!01n&te e tt€a^uJ3, aireaqrr eufferlr:g lnfect after the fr,ue lrhere of the we1i, 1n the Mldale - Agce;, th.e fror .cicge ps,ssa€e to cssspoo).e sri,i i:ctretries. parleh clerks of London w€!.e e,cctriliro:rnclrl to gathe? ann'iriil,1y to.,perfo:rr rniracle plays before tr.c nobility, rn festivais ,rcontlnua11 h'lth the ericrcr-rchnerrta upon the banks... and. o€lebrationr vhlch laeted .r$rthlng up to elght days. and casti:rg cr'soyiage intc the gtres.nerrnnr4r of the ij.vers, -2-

tmoks a:rri poole coaccd ro prcvi'-ir-. r:a.tlr lcr pcrsr:na1,liy cltizens. fli€s€ glftE aras In p&rt altmlstic, consumption irnd wer.s fi).1ed ln, or !*ir.J-trji over. ro facllltate but were &1so E&d6 to a:rel6e prlvate i;uppiy cf water the building of houses or rorktl.opr cvc:.. i!ir:a. lhe i,angbor:_rne, to household.e by uethod. of tappb,g the conduit pipes 01rl Sourna & Wallbrooke, haC d.l:appearei i:r th.1e nqy by 1606, vlth sEali 1ead. pipeo bnowr as trquiller.

In view oi the eormercial ,::i r:luegi:ic lreed.e of a Soae religLous bodlee, such s..s the Gley 3ylar.e, d.enseLy po-rulated area and the i:i.p*ru*r:q, of oaj_ntalning a snai ihe Black lbiars, had their ovn conduj.t s,-stea. cleal supply of dnai

Such was ihe lmportanse of tire condulis and. the The follorring year l!c:rJ.s reae po:mliJce

In 1495 th; rzt;'i-caniers of the cit;, oiher*ice poPtfle'rly lcrro'*:r ae 'rcobsn f,rrr:ed. ther,sclveg lnto a guJ.lti eal-leci ?he Seaych F3g L !.iea Suppl .,rrl!be 3rotherhood of St. Crlsicfer 0i i;he kater Bearersf and fqunalett theJ.r near what j.s nov i.iver?ooi St*et. Enf,ortr:na,te$r, the supply offeted by ttre Landon 3rifue lJstersorks $ae ltulted lrn lts renge of cilstributlon and vas Fne rate: ee, va.s a :i'aeiiie"l traCesnan durt:g tire oerbainly poor ln qus,lity, re].atlve to tjre eprj:i1E '"e,ter 15 and 1J centaq'.r s:rii'ir'as seen either carrylng'a co4.lcai ta$ka-Td, ileolie Here acflrstcmed to receivi::g. The-lefote, i"t r,rae uelte of J Sraliois capa.c'ii:y, or eLse should.ering a yoke ririch carrled critlcal yet aaa:in to seek otleer rqethoAa a.nd. sources ol suppl;; tvo patLs. to catel for the need.e of a population utdch iiad. expsnded frcs 50r00O tu tbe reign of Een:ry. IlIiI to at l.east 150r0OO by the Mortie' ilcttet ithe<:L tLne of Janes I.

It appeara, that bythe aid.dle of the 15th centuxXr spring f'!re nert prt of the etory aLfts to 6ho!r hol,r E4gh brought j:eailequaie nater fr.orn tirc aubu-rbs was provln6 to the tff.aielton ca1qe fo11fs3d. to oeet the chailenge of !€eals g::owlng of the cii1,, and. so, in 154t e Act of tJrlg d.ena.nd. by efforts ot, privaie oaterpriee fui Parliaoent vas introduced "i:o authorlse the conveyaJrce of an unitert€Jring nldch rras to plove h1giriy profitabLo vater f?oa Eampstead to 'bhe City, but nothirlg leas rione anil J@enaely va}.nbl-e lr eervd-ce. &bout lt for severa: years, a.nd. because of this it becane necesaary for the CorTroratlon :c .{:ae -*ater lifted. froro t'he tbames by ho::ee dlar"'n pi:cps, to supply the lovpte coailults. T'hls loeii:od of supply anticl.pated ln Botre reepeote the first raajor at.i:eapt to caF:tallEe on a uechanical iterriee to supply plped water.:rane1y, the vater nheel lnirentLon introduced. by a Inr.tcL engiaeer, ?eter Mo:rcls 1n 1561.

I'Iegotlations beixeen }iomis ani. the City started. i.n h 1574c but It was noi until i)e.. thai he was grarited a JOO year lease of the first e.fcli at the North enC of Old Iondon Brldge, to house a iide '*.i:eei, driv!:g five puttrpg :a'a.ter for 1lfiir:g lnio a.n elevaieci tank, frctr where it co.,:Lti grawitate **g pLpes to Lond.on houses. rgB TABIE BOCI&, ,S'A?

t'lEl'OLD WATm CAIAIE ill?lrd.8*rdcbn'

lir Hugh MYddelton II THE NEW RIVER

Ycrc Ecrtforrt

$rc Eonce R. Stort i:3i!;i:;'lfrry


lroxbournc Original course of The Nerv River N Yonlcy

Nerv , River Rercrvo:l"r t Psrkffir"ra" \{ \ tl't*-'., * ) '*, j/ { **. i,/ h Southgats ff:lj-- ---'F #lchhe,.r,l t- \ / )\ I t \ -( { I rn. King Geor ge and **Y) storage n-'--: ----i' xt$ilrt?t Valley) , - -r,{"': /i t/ Horrrrey storage 'and filtraCion *orkn.--6-.. ,') I

i,, l The E. London Aqueduct conveying stored - watcr to the E. London wortg s0orage 2ce.- Q---- E. I-ondon filtration *rrks

Scaletmihrbliri:h. Clerkenwcll filhetiotr worka (end of Ncw River; m

Two views of The Waterhouse at , by Wenceslas Hollar - 1645


rn$f,cn. -4-

Pant 2 &e$f;!"s1ffi& T$ifr rufrw RttrEffi

CoLtt:utst,ts ?z,o ilb,at le quite oloar in thie {ct 1s t}re deefue of t}u City Sanller,nerrtlon va,e rao.e o::' ;:: Act of Parllenenr, 154jr authorl.tles to lnprrve rrater suppLy, but at the ea$e tiao io engowerrs the l4a.yor a::ri lon-or'.al.1-ty to brir6 r'ater to mphasise thelr :e'iuntance to shou.Lder a::iJr .,trLlnlted. li.abtlit;r the Clty fron Sprk6* a". ilai:ri:l:cad, ona altho-,:gh the por*ere on r> eaE 1j-!:s1J .bo be E cosiiy a$j aj.shr v€nture. sere not successftrily e;;*d. it inau€u:rated the fir"st of a serLeE of con;nrJ.sorir -,.::Lfi ro Lond"gn uith lresh ; ?c*n11',1"y '"be se&lisation of this :nobiLl.sed Co1*}urr:t ini.r gEter, &{iEe!ibij::g' a coq)erJr of *iends or ;lcirreuture:r, to provid.e a ;lllenciai backlrg rdrlch er.abledhis tc unri.eriake the venturs al Ii; ves ln 1600 tb,€rt g, gcl:eme trae flrst pr.t fon*ard ki-s *ua eoetrfor a retu:t of the prof,its. in pr5nclple the c:'t3 erp1or3.46 the possib:i.'iity of creatilg an a"ptificial river. Csusb &Esented. to this 1n 1608, but stlprr.Lated. €t tlro Je&" CaptaJl E&orzrd Colthrrat .;r' tsadr propcsed to bring,er tu: the work a^rd saitl thet ro eoste elror::d. falt" tc fir. t:X;lt** froro apin6e in Eertford",;aire and M1ddlesex to ilre Ci,cy ln err .&ftEr ooasld.erhry tbe financiai aspects of th€ sltlretion lfor open ahsrulel, suggestir.g that t"ro third.s' of the r.ater scrre uonthsn Colth:rgt proposeil to bri::g a strrna$ to sbould be. d.evoted. to :courin6 the d.itches and. the rercainlag Ieiirgtcn to e er a piece of bigb. gro':nd. noareat r<: thir€ to be u-se,l in the auppJ-y of houses {r:, Loraon and the Cifur, on oonitLtlou that his la:*tners enioyed l\rl.L bo;ier:it tleatrolngter. of ttro Aot, enel bc firCclrar proBoeed thei; eithcr the CorooaalrLlr palroil hJ.n s,214c0 r'or publLo use of tl,o-+"tdrds of ths rmtsro cr j.d.ea Ehe was ere11 receLved by the Clty ancl r:nder the €lse ho enil bie IraJsha€ra vould. bear t&e eutfura cost! alx: ts-rF fust:ltzctlon of Sreen Elj.zabeth I errqufules vere uad.e to all *lre profita. dbe Corporatloa eiecteil to fouos tb6 Le,tte?; aeeess the feasibillQr of the pmject. fhe fueen dj"ed before frrrther eieps cou!.d. be taicen, s.nil so Lt rlas necessa:y for A D'ranatie Turn About Colthrrst to apply for a 1lcence frors Jamee I, which r*as gmatetl hln tn '1604. Seven years rrere to be allorred for . But ilr 1509 a drarnatlc and. uae4rected chanr6re ia reeor.ded, fc: tlre conetr:uction o? the cha:rnel, but no recor{s jndicate an Aet pagsed by the Co@orr, CowrciS. u cor.stitutes Ei6h $fdeir.i:a:i j:icoeillatel"y that Colthu.rst comencetl constructlon. In fact and not Edmnd Colttrurst to rmderta}e tbe venttls. [he It appea^re the,* plane his were hal-ted as a resuLt of other sarrcity of lnfo:enatloa oa tb.!,a poln! aakea it dlfflcuLt t..r c@lng fonra;rd. propoce scbeross Ira:rtles to ln cmpetitlon with eqr3.aln clearly i&e laason for n but a 1tkeLy i:rteaprei"a{:ic::r hLs or,.,n. Eovever, 3'n 1605 foiiowing the rebomendations of is tnat the Clty p:nefe:ted to convey the povers and an adwlsory comittee, set up by ihe Comon Cor:nci1 to stuftr :responslbiLities of t}elr Acte of Pacllaoent to a relatlwJ:r the guestlon, a 3L11 was LatToduced. irr Parlianent, for the wealthy ne,n 11ke lftr&ile1ton, than to nd&und of obtaLnihg powera: 1nlr1,oee statutorJr trho hsd not the neans to suppori the veatu:re. lnJr*re.y tt j"r &rrrr:i ttrat Col+*nrret autt l6rdd.el.ton Lere prt:rexr J.n ilFor tbe 3ringlng ln of a fresh strean of nrnnlng uegotlatlons on the Nelr fiiver, ancl were later to oo-operata tat€r ibon the Riner Lee, or Uxbridgeo t?re to Ln the erecui;lon of the taek, as record.e show ln the 1{ew Sorth ?arte of the Cl\r of lonclonlr. llhrer Accowrt Eook8 1509 -1612. On the flret pa4e of volume on€, there ls an entr"5r aade in !&lltleltoars L*atl !o' e sligbtly rnod.Lfled folen the SilL pasEett a gecond. :rEedira anal n:rs accepted. I[o ln the House of Io:ts. ltr. Col]nrret, to geve tlre Ofj.ser for va:*qmg* the Corltty, to oeate ln that bueiness ?/6 &r. effect, thls Act comentlecl the aclvlsability of the soh€ao arttl ackrowled.ged. its likely profltabilltyg it lnthony ltrntlus, $towtg rrcontlnuatorn, con!1et6:y enpove:ced the na^ke City to a rlver 10ft. ln vidth to be tilorega^rds Coltlnrrsi;tE great contribut{qas :nsite in llaunchiug oonneyed. ln anr open trenchrttre responelbillty of access and. the scbeme, and presents h:gtr {yd.d,eltoa to ug ln the folJ.owln; rnaintena.nce resilng on the Cifir, who were aleo to pay ).audatory fashlon:. ccnpensatlon to landowners for anJr loeg or damage io propertcy. the rThe compensatlons wer€ to be evaLuated by authority natter had. been rrell nentionei!, tbough 1l.ttle vestea! four in vater comissloner€. Moreovel, there vas EJ.nded, long tlebated., though never concluded, t111 provision for the constructj.on of bridges vhere necessa:::y, osun€a and. resolutloIr lovlngly ehook beaat-s tog,ether and r:ncloubtecLly nost lnportent of d.11 a olause vhich ln the souLe of thls, ne3,1 preventeil s^r5r couuoencenent of work wrtl1 ArJ.1 agreeroent had tnlndeal gentle-qn il. b6en :.€ached botr.'oen or.rner/occupierg of ths iBnds and. ths oomLggLonera. Ilu;th Mitd,'.ir:Lt,* oel1,:uu1y oiovecl d.orn, and $o?k waa flnaliy h;,Lt*ci 1n lebruiqz, ixrvlng onLy roachsd. the fiorthern i11Eitg cf Cheshwii. ?he troJilct haC enccu:rtered a eerlours obs"becle ln th€ detenined :iugh Myddelton vas bor; *'bout thc yeer 1!50, the oppor*:!.+"1on of l-an

Eugh {yddel-ton enjo:r:: pro}jiiy the nos+., i:; In:ti*liy the iando*ners been noot co-operatile, aespect of hle acirieve[enr; '*j-ti,r the l{ew P.ive:e, a:ra a]eo ili ar:,*. soE* haC even given ).and.s without r:equeBiixg coepe:xation. laterentrepreneuriai co:rl:ectr.or:s viih the :ecia.oation of l}l'i .5the:s refused tbe eettienent teuos arrd colbi.ned to 3radinS Earbour and. ti:e u:;i:ag of €o1d in ox'gerrjlse a fo:mitlabLe eempaign a6ainst ltn&del.tcn.

AB a youih {ydd.eltoa entenad. into applenticeehip with k'jxllst the oppositlon prepa.led its 1egaI ofl'enalve, the the cooperqr of Goldsroiths anii this wag to be ol'ua;or Clty asked. ';l,e ki4g tc giye favour to Wdd.eito4ts paroject, signiflcanclto his career in thst the Goldsuitha wer€ im asklrg thats 6ttte ana prlvilrged. bo{y who, ap&rt fxo& the prrctlce of their specialiseci trade, perfomed. i;he fturction of bankers lail letts anit<,e uay be removed anai vair gly€n and lnteracted. ciose3-y tbe london nercheni; arieiocracy. to l1r. $yd.rielto*rl l'lrls preetigious backg?ound conrributed conslAexably to tbe lnpetus of hie career and. was the founde:clcn of his $evertireless, by Mey 16'10, the opposltloa ba.d not cnly SUCCeBAeS. tskea thej.s case to Parliemeot, bui had ensured the presentation of a 3il-1 to napeal- the Acts that authoxised Eis first invoivemerit vilo'rt a. coi:cie::cia1 liroposition i:ire naicing of the river. fhe coubjned pcwer of the uas l!1 ar: atterrlt ia flrid coal in ])eabigi:, but this pmved ie$dopners in ?arlianent, ar:aetl with grossly exs€€€rate,- soEewbat uasuccess.i'a1. Eowever, rt serwed bin a usef\r1 accountg of the expense of tbe rive! alrd lts df,eadful erlpdence in engineering, the bno*-1eu6'e of nhich he could. aceonpa.raJring clauage, poseil a verT ser:oua tbrceat to a Later appiy to the task of The liew &iver. Eclr€lie, va€ue a!rd. too alobitious in aepect to roogt people.

Ee represe:rtea. !€nbigh in Parlia:rent, bui apparently rnade no tiiotinguished contrj.bution. Ee 1fas best latown at A"gunents Fot, And Againet The lleu Riper the tlme for his tral:sac'cioris in jewe1ry with Ja:nes 1o a.nti riobjec.tlons for his serrices given on sone of the arlvisory conroittees $be naJox and. aaiedicti.oasagainei the,re :reporting on the stuciy of the liev Rfver. ?iverrr, *e::'e iij.vlded lnio tvo seetione; ccupiaints a6a:nst dl..rerslon of i,ixe sprLn€E ar:.d coroplointo against th,e eou:se. fn iauning our e.ttention to the construction of It wd,s argued. that divertlng the springs cculil loi,rer tlie {yditeltonts river, one finds a laajor souace of d.etaj.ied ierrci cf the T,eo e.nd. so hinder nawigatlon, a:i a.rxlety nLich Lnfomotion In the accoun'c bocks, r" are particulariy ldyd.iieltcn shoned to be uo{ound.ed.. Eo ergu:reats ih*i -t-i" helpful ln cirarting the riverts constx.rctioaal progress o:r the lrea wouio suffero !ffddelton pointed out that there 1n ilescribing'the iype of labour anc. nateriaLs used. was enough vater for i;heir need.s arril that in the eveat of Referenee vili be oace to rhen occasionally to illustrare lnj'ary to trade, tbere vexe lavs pnrvitii:rg fo:: ccmpe:rsetlon. partlcular points of interest, but :.r. $eneral- thls stuoy Conpl"aints ihat needovs edjacent to lhe llea r.:or.ld. srffer ri11 j6ep to a basic ottllne of histor:-c{r:" derr€lopnents. d.ecay, vere d.lsnisgeal as nonsense, antt a1ieiEatlons tJ:et the river vould tuzrr: Building Sta"bs, But Stoos trmeadowg into bogges and guagnires and errable into squallie groundsj'

, In nonhatlng l{yd.del,ton for the job of conveying water uerr rel\rted. on the grounds that exp,ertence eiroved. ""be to tond.on, lt vas etipulated. by the Corporaiion that the contrary to be tnre. As for the ccnpialnt about: rork should be. conpl-eted ln fcur Srears. llroio reeeipts "nangling of thelr 1ar:de lying ln coroon fielde into entercd Lnto the accounts, it appears ihat ;urve;r'^ork quillets and Eroall peecesr,l startett in March 160!, vhich vas folioweci by s pcriod of negotlations ln land acquisiti.on. By bhe enti of Seotenbel !,lyddelton 1n reply reaseertsd the ft:nctlon of cornpensatio:irs +"he 1JO labourers were engagerl on the construction, bui by ena enphasleed the inportaJlco of the works and inevljable Ja,nuary ln the follouing I'ear, excavatLon work had inc6nvenience during the early stageo of constt:.rctLon" -6-

Th.e grtcoae iJt x c a u,a t'q o of the ies:io was :Lndeclnive, and. It renained. e 4 ry *9p.eS-*-U-_9.9!Sj:!*! l'o" llyddeltonts suppor-tenr to -:11r and. pu1). off an urgently n€oded p'b).lc relati"ua oxerc:ae to herald the attractlven€sa Hork etaxted agaln orr 16th ll'<;"rerobEr, 161i ancl. of th€ rlver to the raeor,vi.nce,i.. they streeeed the p$cegded with 6Teat speeil conpletlng the rcrnalning thi:ty Bdvantag€B of obtelning vetor: ml1eg betr,reen Vort*ley ;*rd CierkenvelL nlthtn tvo yeare . If ra foll-ow ti'l* r*:u:se pro€:c€ss, rr€ ae€ tbt tn l,tay 1612 it2! foot'r hi6h 1ri J:n:r ;;oilsd ;;n tond.orl, or wjtirin the the chgrr:loi. ri:aehe"l ihe Kiagr pari at 1.j:eobalds in Enfielct. lLberttee or subu-tira; ft then ;ani oesible .<hor'6h it is re:iecn&bie ro say thai few Ito en$heeli:lg d.ifflcuiiies ccnfr.qrrt*d. i;he corutructioa of lett rrir:ne the cocke to cool.e the etrr:ets and. fbe lien P,iver, it rets neveridh.eiess accoapllshei. oL€nze the kenne1Le.....".and .io be in a rediness skilll\.dly a^nd. pmr,ed reruu:labl.e .uhe .? for danger of firegtt. ir:. se$ereri as;grer-rts. tnirs.L, aijl of, {yddeiton to comanti a :"arge vork for.r:e *nd. eracuto the ooapletlon of tha rrork wlth eucb swlftnaae, llh.ilst ensurlrq- t&at the river fel"1 by only 18 l"nches in dO nilesr Is I Rau.-tL eorrnend,able feat ln ltself. The creilit .a ':.: sist.ance for the precl.eirr. surveyln€i fal1s on Sdwar,ri pond., vho e*raeshat i:modies*}y f,:.r; thiE achieveraent neriteti a p).ace i:l bis airenac of treat Forbunat*J"y for !\yd.delton i.:e '*as seved by the be11, in eveats ln the hietory of the rlorld.. that ia,aes f C.j.ssolved ps.rlianent in Febmazy 1511, arrd lt ras 116! untj.l Ffuddelton haet ttSince after conpleted. his nork that it the river frm Ware to j,ondon began by roe Ed rras reca11ed.. Pond (r5 yeare)

-i{y{'oeLton &rt of course, was not to imow thisn and in lrSi.rceLt rrae flnlsheal. b}'ne (ttle Sole !,gerrt) Ed. pond. 1 fact, he appl:led to tire City for a.rr ertension in time, vhlch tJre Coroon Councll wi1L1qg1y granted. hi.n. This aeLf approvJ:rg sentiorent contrasrs raarbedtry rdilr : ,,a.* Sugh l{yddeiton though*of his orm, ach.eveoeatE. l{ltb Parllarceni d.issoivetl anci helped by an erbensj.oa of flve years, l{yd.d.e1tonts positlon geened. rrFen tiefinitely raore are the thingE done by ue, for r,&jeh I give God } * 6pt{nJetlc, but idealLy lt requixed roJraL baclcin€., for. the Glorytt beneflt of extra firiaace and. to sbleld the project fron fi,rrther posslble critlctsn. J_L2_Q o a :{s!__\jlt x' ! Durlng the eunlaer of 1611 neg,otiations couoenced betneen lffatdelton antl the Eari of Salislu4r', The Lord Treasurer, on tlre featu::e of the Nev Ri'rer .;h:ch t!.rew the aitnirati:r uacl bebalf of Kilg james, aboui the eiverts flrtule, uhlch coultl pr:a!.se of {ycldeltonts contelrporaeieg, $as undor:btedly the r, be tlecid.edl one vay or the othe! by ihe klngtg inclination. Ei11 !'rame, which csrrietl the river ac:coss air aqua.d,uct o,.r The resu:.t of these iliscuesions was that Klng Janee f offereil the Salmon Smok Yailey rrear Edmonton. nather thcJr t€^ke a to becone partner r'rith l{yd.delion, poseibly out of some clrcultous and. expensive detour arou:rd .the head of the ogrorbwrlet Eotive to capltaiise on tlyddeiionrB stnrggl"lng va13.ey, {yd.dleton constructed a uoode}i frame enclosing a:.1 posltion in order to reap the anticipated rich financlal open trough, 650 ft i_ong, 6ft d.eep, jft wide, supporled. cn barrest. 3ut ln s$Jr cae€ the benefite ar:d. rilsadvantagee were nooden arches Ln parts, 2r.ft in height fron the ground. to be rutual to both. 0rig1na11y the trough nas lined. vith rneltecl pitch, but tli. The financial basj.e of ihe a6reenent vas that in return ves later replaced by leaci. for half the pmflts, the klng would contribute half the . erpenrliture, past as velL as future. Wiren these tenrs x€re finalised., Salisbury proraised to renove Unfortunately, desplte lts i.lrpressive:j.ess, the fraee. 'rr,rnjust and unlawfti1 ircpedimentstl tenrted to ieak profusely and lequlrecl conetant aaintenar:.:e antl to aooelerate the acquisition of iands. -7-

A tew years Later a second irergie wae built ai There rrere other ;obs which Elghburyr to cross the Eaclcrey Slroir, an

Wit:" vegeri. to oethods of constnction l-t ie recorded 'th,gt the work of excavatlon and. The Gz,and Apening bulldlng up of tne ba:tks wa; cavrled out by g€r,gg of J.abourenst but it le lnterestlng to sct that before the stoppa6e at Uornley, a country fe1lor,r voir:nteered the service of a On Mtcbaeloas Day, Septerober 2!, 151], uechallcal contriva.nce caiiecl. rThe Igenr n i'or the purpose after flve nonths busy repair and Jmprovenent, fhe New of dlgging the chermei. lhe Ingen consisted. of pioughs a.rld River vas i-nau6r:rated 1n a pa6eant of great splend.our, :o banesses drarne by 17 horsesr an invention nlrich vas assuretl celebrate the great conclusion to a ttifflcult venture. to save l$ddeLton thousarrds of por:nde. Records showrhor'rever, Aesenbleil on the aby a d.istlnguisherl conpa.ny of Clvic lt hacl er! luperfeci ,:ar€err requiring so rnuch repair that dignitorles ancl nobl-enan, lnclucilng Eugh ls brother it was abend.onea after ]509. Sir fhooas l,Iycltleltoa, n]ro on that day celebrated. hie electicrr to te:a of office as l,Iayor of Lond.on. We ar€ to1d. that a troop of soloe Eixty labourers rwe11 appa:cellecl s.rid, uea::'ng Ihe charmel was probably exca.ra'ted in sectlons, the river green Monnouth capst and canying their tools of labour beia6 controlled by slulces a:rd floodgates, whi-ist certain ioa:rched three iines arouncl the gigtrslri to the aecompan:aeat parte of the trench vere deepened and banks raised. up. I,/hen of crn:ms, al'tenrhich one of theu recited. a fai-riy long the rlver net a stream, either the strean vas taf,

fatthfu1 senra,nts, the speech conclucled ae the f3.ood6ates The rlver covered a meand,erlrs course of nearly 40 openetl s'rral rnter flowed lnto the ciBtem to the miles fron its sou?ce in ChadveLl to Nev Ri'rer Eead. 1n acconpardllent of beIIs, tuopets and dr:ras. ClerkenveJ"i, a.rrcl this devious route is erplained by the adnantages j.t gainea in keeping to the 1o0ft coniour line' to naintain a levei couiac.

At lts helght the excavation of the cha.nnel involvecl Ehe euccessfril coorpletion of the contract was a great achlevement I'Iytldelton, 2OO labor:rers eaz:ring 10ii a aay at piece rate, .in a variety for but he was sti1l to dlEtribute the of occupatlons. Sone were d.ixected to the task of rrater to householtiers, and., as we shail see proved. excavating, whilst othels congoiidaied- ii:e banks vith cLay' shortiy, this as and riifiicult an undertaki-rg ae the eonstnrotlon atone, litle or even Ba.rrure. of tbe charurel itseif. ry



Above: London from Islington (City and East End) from a view by Canaietti. L?53 Below: New ll,iver Head

L7" "/.|/t"ru a7'tAz Ibru '7i'ue,r v

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t+ \ N J. 8-

4 s-cii"& 13 S$S b ffit&tuT{$i& t'ffiH W&'g"nffi

tilrEn the l{err !.:.vo:r i"sraei:ed 1ts tex!:icua ln uctuai branch 11nes conveyl:.g r.'ater to households Ci,erkenvel,1, ai vhat 'rag i:icr"rn trs "uhe hcking ?ond, uerc nade of lead, snd to el"x'eoi & guncti.on ai the polni rhele Sd.d.el.ton colrvertedi the sj,!,e i:ltc ihe fror:rrrc Po;.d., a branch .l*ae 'la^ken off, b:caes fer.r-leil qere ilriven hto th6 l&lcb uas io act as & !ssurr'J.;r:, ior the eupBiy of pipei. noo

.-nrl !he iJse P;'e a',c!.;'c;,r; Cf tln Piptt eLt:].,:u$'r rsork on distribu"blng pipred. .rater p::ogressed. epeed'i'3-y, i.he supply fbe water pipes peefo::nance falied to nutch its er.peetrtlons. Sven with,mt r€:re buiLt out oi ei;: tn:::ke faehioned. i'6J ii?e lr.rx1ory r che hi:ldenri:ce of iec'us €.nd. tbei? slrort hfe. the pipe* ccuil a roet*rod. used. sirlce i?onan:. tJ.nes, the choj.ce of eiro pmlabiy onJ-y eueiein a iov preesure, and :lr waa neve? possibie to being d.acid.ed by i'!s ,:ols?arltively sircn{i v&ter ::?sistart sesice leorr3 tllan $ound. fl"cor Le.rre1e, conttm4f to 1r6rddeLtc, proportiee. Elus were'o$ought f:sru the Eone Counties by iro{ast ol gtsttlngi weter: j:. riner to the t3rifuil Eougel at lcii"ihwark, r'he:se tirey vere r25 trboi; higb &r{i hc'r-se i,cnd'ont:" '., talen off at tl:.e t?1pe 3cerars "*harf I , ';o ihe aiiis for preparation. lhere, the trr:::*s or bra;rches sere laid $Elther was the supply conetsni" trhc;rsas eoae on teeetles a^nd boreC throush b;r augers, soroetjges resLthler eitisen€ possessed;e:*s in titel.r bor.:.oes, olrelaied by nater, or hoises dependlng on the size nos-l people had to nake conloni uiih a ci:mr:nei water of t'be tnuk. but*, vhich cor.*d be fiLled orrLy r*ren the iu:rncock hrmed. on the uater eupply as he passed. oii h.l"s f,ounds. ?iges of riit'fererrt d.j.aneter vere made, rith bore sizes of J, 4 "sd 6 inches, ve:re designed eo that {he tllariet Aubrey furcludes in irio book r3::ief liiv,es r one errd of a pipe ,^ras tapered, tlor.ra l-ike a penciL arrd a critlcaL nemora^ridum on the affaj.r.s of the Sew River, i;lre other end holioveti out in a conical shape, by neans nanely; of.e cutter. rrthat aor (J.682) Lond.on i:r grorrne Eo tr:olfiLoue anil big that *he l{ew Fo:r, tbe iop end of one pipe rra$ sinply Rlver ol'{ydd.elton can serve t::!e driyen lnto i;he buit end of'the atljacent plpe, with arr plpes i;o private hoirses 'cut t"*ise iron hoop inserbe

Freguentiy there nas anr outcry :fiiou.t rrErter nct bsing fihe tprk of pipo neking f,equited. great craft, end. a1i:hough ta::ied on for a veek or so, & diera: sltuaticn vhich tbE pipes rooden haci a very short 1tfe, eoraetines es ij.itle as hardJ.y recoroend.ed {yddeitontE corrroodlty J-n the eyee of four yeans, the e1n plpe systern sen'lced. Londonle supply for p,oteniiaf consuEels. over 20O yeare.

MItdd.eLron I s Firzancia?- Digglr€ the pipe trenches vas the vork of pavioure rrriro Di ff.icuLties usualLy eanned. bet!€en ft eirtd dfd a yard., and often worked at at&t. $ne firet iine of pipes vas 1aid. fron l{ew River Eead .hhe pi"acticaL acnoss the field.s to St. ioim Street, then to llest Srolthfields, d.:.fficuLtles incurred.ln esiabilshrng a ziped. water Pie Corner and I'Ievgate, vhere one branch ran to Cheapsicle anti systeu, greatly conpoundeC lfydrieltonrs financla.L the other uent dovn 01d 3ai1ey i,o i:ufuaie. lhie work vag problens, for ln effeet, the e:cpenditrire invol,,€d i:1 coupleted. by January, 1614. fhriher exier,eions rlere 1ald. gurchaslng the e1ns, turnln6 ihern lnto pipee, dlggi:rg throu6hout the'year, especlally in ihe area goLbo:or erd of trencbes for ihen errd ensuring conetant laainte:ence, [eropLo Ba:r. exceeded the coet o.f conetrrctlng the $ev River iieelf.

In 1517, gecond. a of malns was iald elong Gosvell Ii hae tong been pogrlarly, though elroneously Street, and on this occasion plpe lines vere set down suppooed ths,t the I'Iew Rlver cost a stagser1ll6 ;i0arr0o0 sltle by slde, ln order to suppLy a greater volume of vater. io build. fn fact, up to the end of l{ovenber i{I4, -9-

.Ci8r525. 0. id.. lied beer: epon'u o:1 the uncelteking, of in ri.n e.tteropt to boost ao$,e eorij olllfs j.nto tho vhlch , t9r26l" !. 6d.. wae;{i.:.c j-rr lri:taicc:;-ts by i(ng fbrt':na.: gl the rra'ey, Ja.nes corlr:Ldel-.t1o ,:*agre1L1r,ng i, in accord.enr:e wii;.i ihr;.r a6reo:aeni, .Ja,neo boueehoiier€ io uss the nater euppiy. k *r icttea add.rsrJsed ro the l,o"d Iiiayor and Ald.eroen, the prlrry 8nforil:nately :'o: Uycideito:r, the :e were etiLl Cor:ncJ.3., one lead.a th!,t i$ .r.ien cf: oonsldoralLe$1n68 o-::. rr-.pai.::s, e..':.::r'r :noney ttthe flom 6e:re::e11 goori altC prr:,ffit Bpent cn sajor al,ter:atio;isr .:"l.kd 'i?"e t.9ca::d.eri ]lj"verl ai cf the ,rl.tty, &s veli ae i: the Eighbury all of whlch heu t,i {;)::e u;"; of pr,of!.tso when - " of sveete ailai boleaone r.rater they should arlse, Vl,th ne;r:r::.1,' ,:l.L irj"s capltal iiteraliy ,.;,t-i !t: preservacion of, ti-.s buried und.er5ymw.ri, ;{ru.ielt.:.r ;ul ;ii.1.4*C. 'i;o req.uest a au,re fxtl& casue,lty and. 6i,::4pr loan of ttr@O fwn the Cii,1' -:-L',:;'r-irl.ties. ..,j,-irm , sirdl "r,eo,riuje cf the ttteappotntj_ng respor€e j*]r*l Und{r'r'biediy i:i i'l',; ,.:r,:.'!t li'ear.s ihe l{ero'Ri.rer r;as ttre gener&j.l5rte .urir::r :.t a veqf 6.lsappoin'l.J:i5 itf,fit uak:.:::.g, neeJ."r,-lng i:: nae prlaci.paily inten,ied., :rent end r&ts s'r',lrars oniy a sre'il fxactlon of itg tre lfsgor !r&E to and prrvl*e ttrai* lnrttstneut. tt&o aaid lru'te? !:B8ir bs ffi.ken lnto s..!.i s,rch bousee witir.Ln One factor etrich may have jaundiced. peoplen that-cltty .and the Liborties opirrione ln tl{re aa-lter ',/as the prejudice held ag,ai:rs.t the ss sithe::: ouie ol necessiW ltlea of piped war;er. kis regc.h.loa vae r.afur3aLiy ericouraged and convenience Eay nake .ase by the vater ca:rlets, v&o €eti a thren,t .l;s thelr iivel,lhood of tht "ott" ln tlre Euccesa cf the lietr !?:verr *rd th*refsre tcck every opportuniiy to p:i$r on ihe sJrxopaihies people of a.nd. vocifelated The pre,ctical outcaee of thls loya:. hiti.RtLl-e trss in ttre stlreetsi; eua-1L, but it rrasntt to pr*rvent the Kirg frora intervenlr5l t?lwsl: a:s!d. fa,ir aen ril,er gateri s€€,1-n ieter, to a proposal uade by roae of your pipe shi(gel. certaLn bre,,re::e to take over lotgete condlrit anrl ite punping naehlnexy, cn the g:3oud.s that tlrey could be: Fowevet, tlie l{ers' Fllvel by no neans cilspiaced the rplettlfully served $ith !,ater trarle of the nai,er carrier, "*ho fbr Ea4y yes,rs to coree r*ag f1@ tb nerr atreeile to go aboert h1s busi:ress productively, vitbout to Is1!"agtorr and eonveyed. t\m feeling any adves'se fir.ra.ricia^L effect frcr conpet1.iion thenee by pipes lnto the Cj.tty,J vlt-h the river. 1l iae-1, .fol sorae ti&e the opposite vas tnre, in ti:at the ua.rer carrieru enjoyeti tbe benefrt of In 1618, the Xlng uert proposed. tl,at poeeibiy tire 1nrre iruter froa l[ev River [ea,j. as priats of tbe period. beet Lnter€ste of the Ser Rlver night be ae:s,€d if tirre ll1ustrate. Adventulerg (those vLo hari provlded capi.tal backiag to $6irlel.ton in tJre ftret place) gave up tb.oi.r shares *o hirn .0,t ery rate, there certei!:Ly rrias no p::eclpitous tr €L6e to place t&e Kfu:gtg uoitle trn capable hands at rr':sh by congumers to receile piped rlater especiaL).y since , a rent to the c!o$a" they couJ-d. get it free at tlie condu-its. By ltidsr:roer L5i4 there veee a pltiful JJ ueers, and. by Christnae the nr.:mber bail or11y risen to t5l-. It wasntt rintil l{ichae'ln,q 161g, tbat Foundir,s 0f The Ne:,t Ri.;ey Ccnpan,s: the numbel of tena&ts exceed.e6 3.rOO0. An unusuaZ Condti-r.ution

llhege.telanrts paid a rflner or prenium on the . Il{tinately, ln tbe reign of Cha1es I, the eecond of lastallatlon of a supply aetrl then paid. guarterly rent8, tbege alterrtatives r.aa attopted., but the lsoeiliate uaually elther 5/- oz 6/ea. outeoue of the negotlailone rlaa ths lncorporation of the 2p .id.venturere by charter, dated 2l June 15i9. Ilncler the name I'ihe Ihe Kins ?akes ?he Initiatiue of Govemor and CodpanJr of tlre llev Rlner, .orought r"roro ChsdrlelL and linnell to London',, vltlr Eugh $ddelton as the first goverror. 0bservla6 the diLatonr I - lFhe Constltutton of the Conparly vae rxrusua3., conditlon of the l{ew Rlver proflts, it re not eurprising becauee the Klng could not incorporate h1nee1f, even that King Ja.raes f shodlti feol eonevhat lnpatieni; and. though he held half the shales of the concern. Fe r"ta a.nrlous about his investroent and look questiorrglJ, at the entitled to an obsel:\rer at the neetlngs of the Nen uana6enent of the vhoLe concern. BJ.rrer Coupa,ngr, lut heltt no rlght of nans€enent in the affaha of i;he Conpa,rly. -10-

,lithou6i: the'; ilj:ei f;a:.r ic pe::suado the '*ile!i har:l siar*leii irr one of the v-.irehorsos of Slr Ui1118n Acivariu:ere a:rrrentres Coeicayra, tc i,helr )6 r;ha:eu, t:rey zseisteti i!.e . I'r*dch pnes€run: errid we1-i advier:*.ly ioo, irr t"he Iigi1t of ihe huge nlght have g?eat1Y ? thege shaaes r,e:r:, i;o en"i{}:: in tLe iStii aJlC liih erldan€ered the Cittle had that cenh.rr7. rreed.fulL'*eter !itu1 wsJltin€lt.

$eenviriie, *,he l:g;xru,;' ln ,::cngulcex d.euand. rriad.e it fiovever, tn L6?5 uatt€rs

neces$aqr to supplear:rl'i ';hn ;'rp,:ly of water fron Charrr-el"L took a des;rcra*e tulzr for'Jx€ vorse, 1tl that in the Jrea:e a$d w,*eLl r by tal..;.:.,,; a cut frloa the River iea itself. of th& iGi:grs

Ehers is cr,e a.r-r,ej.r."g *io4; vhJ.cir racalLe how u.n. probab-y BignaLlec to Cbaries i, ja,lc*st successor, that englneer frrorn thu ];ew :{:l/o} Ccropa4r offered ta pey u:r tha rogal rnoitie 1n i;he l{En i.jver w&s rro-i: worth keeping, agent for the r{uthoriiy, doubLe ihe price fo:: Bo that by lnden*ure j.a 16)1 he eu:rendereC hls share ext:ca of vater, if a, pip€ of rioubis ti:e dianeier to the Advenf,urere, .k retu:n for e cove::ani by lgd.rielton, ras lnsta,L1ed., an agreed upon by t'-he agent, not €uaiEate€1{t€ to the Crorm.a }el3retuaj. anrn::ity of f,,loo. r€a11Bln6 ia irls S.gnorance ln this vay the liiev Blver Conpargr vas receJ.ving fsu: trm:s as such lrater, for onLy twice the price. Cha."Les f And The CLod .C,ltJrough the*e vae :=1 increase in outErt, the pneral lroepecte of thE }Ier.r Yee.r +ontinuetj. to Look bleaJc. llhe Kingtg noitie r*e"s then d.lvided in J5 parts, krorrn as the Kingrg Shares, ald, Like the Ariventurere A Change Af Fortunea - Recagnition Fon liyCd,eLtoyt sh&tes, theee rere freeJ.y bought, sold and divided jlto fractions, but possessed the unique li-nLtations ioposeii on then by the Charter of I5L6. 3ut 1"622r asrd. in }tyddelion his collea4ues enjoyed. a Irr fact, the Cmr*r ilid not Lon6 revenue change ln fortuere, for in Septenber, proflts cane in sight frc@ thie covenant, loto$n as r[?re Clogrr, for tturi.:rg the for the t1me, fLrst and in 0ctober, lfud.clelton wae cr,aated. reI€n of Cbarles II Lt passed. into uercha.nt hands, and e Sanonet, in ::eco6nl'uisn of his great sewice and. unttl L956 renalned. ti:Le inherrted p:roperty and. privilege achleveoent8. trhis was & generous public ashrovleogenent of a p:rlvate fa,ni1y, rrho soial it back .bo fhe l4et::opoiitan o? {ytldel.tons nork anti was exceptional in that it rvas the lfgter Board for a sizable Eu!I. custoo to confer a bamnetcy as a herealitarJr titl-e to those anpJ.e in neane to "o:;qy ii, rrheneas in lriyd.deltonte case it Mu ,7de Lton' s Death r"as a! honorary arra^rd. Shortl-y afier the conpletion of qydd.elton Not ihat woul"d have been so popular in the agreeraent with King Cherles i, itr Ldl1, Slr Eag;:. the Kingtg eyes ear3.ier i.r. 1,he year, when Ja.laes i:ad. the l{ydd.eLton

/'h/r, . tu.

l -.\ (J$J 't..( J ic.. -, I{,ritr\! :5,A l- -^- $s

!'o*''-AuX"ts't7g6' -1.'u'ttr/r/u /'ul t,4 Alluu h, W*'t 't5'P;t'tu'nttthr -11 -

Part & T${ffi ${ffi\$d ffifrwEm Fffi$e$ ?&fi8 l?tlT T8 T$gn

E St&r 8EffiT$JffiY

Oae of the dj.fficultles i:i reco:ootnretlng a.a Inir.o

Neu Rioen Head As society e:rperiencecl the overrhel-ning velght of ohan€e lir the lndustrial revoLution and. rltnegsecl the huge g:sovth of popElation i.n Lond.on, the deaa.nds on fhe I{e}, in about the year A7O9 a vindraill lras erected at R:iner becane fo:mldable, To ueet the greatly Nev ILLver Eead by Georg€ Sorocold, for the puqpose of increaged consumer requirenents the ConpanJr constrrrcted. t,lo etora6e 1nmpfry vater up to a r,ev reservoir ca1led the Eigh pond, at Stoke l$enil6ton in 1811, vhich also on the elte of vhat is :to1r Tbe Clarenont Sq. Reservoj.r elightly filtered the vater by al).orring Lnlrurities to setfi"e. fhla poncl supplied houses on higher gror:nd., and ii; is a eh&ne that no prj-nts ex:st *hich feature the vindroilJ., 3ut even wlth the greaily enplified voluue of althougfr there are several rrhich show tbe ni.11 without water lnto Ttre New River fron the River Lea, rt uae lts salle, fron the when horses worked the necesserlr for the Conparqr to further supplenent this supply puEp{'ig tnachineqf. by einking a ueil at Cheshwrt in lgr] to feed. lnto the rain water strea:a, and during the 19th Century several other llhe use of horee polrer vas :e1iab1e antl eebnonlcal, we11s r.rere sunk along itr; course, as the riemand inc::easec. so much so, that 1t rrasnlt rmtil 1758 that the Corapar.;r. kept pace vith technoiogical d.evelopnents a::d. installed A rfile eng1rter, J..e. one of the etearo engine noclela designed. by Concern Fon San'itati Jobn SnEaton.

lieariwhlie, followlng the need to euppleaent the lJith legard to oanitation, :upply fron the }lertford.shire springs by wate:e dra-rnr from Li Ls certaLnl-y evldent ihat despite no:slal to the irea, an Act vas passed providing 'the for the controL of the contain prcbi-en of poLlutlon, the ifev RL,rer Conler\y qua.ntlty of water passing frorn the Lea lnto the Nev River, aade littie atternpt before the 1!i;h Centr.r:ry to purify by roeans of a baLance engine and a g'auger later lcnoun as its supply. r[]re Marble Gauger. Later, the River Lea Act of 1855 Save io the Nev Sven though the New lllver Conparqr cha:ter iesued River Conpargr and the East London Vaiervorks ihe right to ciaugeg whieh prohibited people fror thro*lng in the rlver: abstract the whole of the water ln the lea, wlth the exception of a quantity t'Anlo requircal for navigation. earth, nrbbieh, Soyl"e, 12-

:";i:'":::1.,' "';1" lhe Eighbury irough vae reaoved in j-7?6 and the l,fii; Bueh Hlil lbaice vas shortly to follo.* in 1?g4 to be snle urwholrsofie or unc],eone replaced'cy cnbanlonents. thir:,gp'j

this had liit1e effect ln cieteri:rg people r'rrn using the At sone polnts, notebly between Pa]nere Green rlver as they 1lked. A1though ihe Conpi--q.; er:pioyerr anti Eornsey Eigh Si:=et, the river was conveyed into a .ihe ralkstoen pr"obably oiC nen il-q..;:r:c.t;r,cL ic pa-broi ba:rice fi:r:nel and. taken unCerground. By the end of the century rnui.sol"reest, a.ncl apprehend people comoltring this offered. the Nen River beiow Clissoll park vas covered. cver and tlre a negllgible benefl-t to the trnrbiic .irrai h&d. no effect rd"ate! carrleC urider6'ro'.urd ir: lron pipes four feei in r*rateoever on the decaying conc.it_icl cf the rater, the poor dia.neter. quallty of which event-aa11;' bec,::ae a tatter for pub11c conceln. Tz,ans"i'ey To :!:.e l,ietropoLitan ilater Eolrd Und.oubtedly, tb;: o:-"br*:;-s of Cholera epideuics nhlch ra6ed. through iond.on i::r i6{€i and recurred. sporadicall.v fhe uaclertaking wrtlJ. 1856, killing over i{,O00 ::eop1e he)_ped. in of the Nerr Ri'rer Conpa:gr rxas translereC to The _{etropoi.itan a cllnate of thi.nkir,g'*hich reaiieed the neerL for aajo:: krater Soard in 1.904, ae a regult of Tl:e ldei;rcpolita:r refor:rn Ln the laws of 1/ater eanita.l;iirr. In coroplianoe vith the Act 1!02, vhich pmvi-ded for the acquj.s:.t1cn -oy provlsions of Pne lletrocol.itan i+rate:e Act 1g!2, $ew the purchase of the eight lfutropolita:r llater Conpar,ies at that Rlver Coropa.rqr buil_r fiitration wcrks at li'e!, F-j,,rer Eead g.:rd at time. Een years 1ater, the Rouncl poni. at l{ell X.iver Eead Stoko Neulngton in 18!6 and at Bornsey in l"Br9. vas aband.oned and in i945 the New River gead finally ceased. to fr.urctJ.on, river then te::oinating at Stoke Nevir,41ton. .An account of these wor.i

D.Eing the latter part of the centutXr, the coulae of the New River was consj.derabiy shortened. Up until the Uhereas, originally the length end of the 19tL Centuqy isline.bon fron Chadweli Springs to a sna1l parlsh, vas New River r*'hose picturesque rural ilead extendeci to mor.e than n!-1ee, ciraracter nade it ]0 following a fa.vourite resort for visitors. the lie of the Land, after lBfJ tire distance felington was celebraied. was for 1ts fresh air, rgweet vatersr reduced to about 2J ui1es, by cutting out enci placee of publlc thc u_nnoccssa.ty enterteiruaent which provldcd 3.oopc a.nd thon ctraightcnlng a.uuee&ente a.nd recr€etlon tha course. both for flio poor and rlch a1lke. vu

SAlilT,liiY SIiOtsTCOMiSGS: I,ONDON IN i86r. Or Sa'iurde3r after:.,con the bod.y of a ;ror,.ng HorrEul va$ taken ,Jut of the ?{e* .l:vr;:_,' 41our" by Saoler'o l/elis. A lad h-ci dr--ri,€ri i!:i flshlng care, ani gettj.n.t el"::a?.e tc, drali :i; up, hiiche(i it in the vonanrs .Lrth,}s, anC 'lJy th&t oeane di*covored her. The bildy had eppe.rentiy leln in th6 rlvef, sore iaya"

i.hrui tuc, ntelock in ?hursde). afteyno..n the bcili c:' a can, appa-Ten,;iy a,boLlt JD years nf s.i, , $a:r tn-ken out of the Nev nj..r"r:, nee:. the fnaicheC-housen the legs ireirig tj.,:r'i tcrr,:ri,her ulth a I':'rice of" In his pockets u$l:"e foL.?id Bome !"raJ.fixn':e, a enu-ff-box, and & paj-r of cllsctacles. lxre body rres taken to fa1J.n6gon hbri*1ouse, l?BS

0n l'loniey Last five young aen, uost of the:r, apprentlceEr -*ho had been a^oprehended on the San- riay batr:ing in tbe i{ev livel, nee;: Isii:rg$cn' vere brought before Sj.r Jon:i Flelding ; but it being iireir firsi cffence, a:ti tiiei.r nalti]:s rn:trl. ,:ti:ers eppetrrirg for theno snd provirig thri.r gener*.L behavio-.rr vas orderiy &,"id very go.d, a::d that ::|iey had taken that liberty soej"nrl others cio sor v:'.lh- out knowing the dengerous consequences of it, they nere dischar8ed ulon their pr,rnise never to ropeat the .And we hear that the Go.rcrr:ors of the rlr,LxY, offence. w.{ltB suP?!Y,-!lO tsUrFLY. rt{yrNcPaN ct.lgEauliwEr& Neu Rlver Conpar,y, in corlJunction slth severaL of Illq tJre mslner of , tb4v. vafier-sup9ly, uoll{tth' the eo6t respecNabie lnhabitants of fsl:ngion ere rtalding all tlrt haelds€n soid, is in mosi respects dGtereined to use their utnosi enCeavours tc prevenf, not better then it wrg soygtr or cigbt years *go. that ehaceful practice for the firture. Il the eltsrnoou, thoeo who pass that wsy rc&y re€'o:r looking up the narrorv entracces ot' theee courte, crowili of women and chiiCren; and, on making acloser insperlion, wiili',rrci the"i tltere *re fmm tienty-five io thir;;- peopie, nrovided wit): bottler, pailsr ttbs, iea-hettles, i;rc;;en- jugs, aml other vesgels. These peoplc will tell you that thev hcve not a ciroa tri waier irl r,i,uil irouses; untl', you seem to'drrubt, rleir word, tlre;'wili \ r.t1, #, if ' | '-: tal.e vou to their niscrabie bomes ard sl,cr' yc,u ,,lt / that ihis is the rbc-!; and you mi;ht erNmi0e twoty of these rooms, &! from Lwo ti.ii past ibree o'cloci, antl not fild'rn'7 water in nileteen of them. The groupr to which we have ref('rred a.!'e rriting for the turr.ocl" to maka the w&ter flowi

lfundus Justly observes that t the Si:anefui hactiee (vhich we took llciice of i;r a fome: Paoer) of Comno;r Seirar3 rurrning into tn* iie'r River, so as, in sone llaces , to it look as bleck a:id tbjck ae :.f iiog;l-,uars of Ink rere tbrovn into it, is so rr:toie:ab1e, j-n such an ele6ant Tovn as this, that re shoufd no long€r pretend to any ileglee of Elega^ncy, or even of CLeaniinesa, if ue su-t-i'er j-t t r conti.nue ; o!. go on drJ.rlki_ng or usi:i; such l./ater in our Kitchen$"i Gtr Corlespon,j- ent proceeds to reraanc, that I by so .J.cing ue in aone Sort fall, under a C,lrse denounced tt -the Old Testa.oent to sone Nations.r I{e prcperi; adds that the ller River has no Flrix, or RefLux .to p':ree or Duriiy itself. like the ghairtes.'

On Tnurstlay s, youitg vonaa re11 {iresged airc:j:).ic6 to droryn hersel--i .tn the Ne!, River ht at noon, ln the sight of ia:.y spectators, iy rhrov:ng helself in; but several f,fining to he: assista.nce, she ras ts.ken out vith icuch reLuctance on her part, TsE rfsw Brvr;B 4s sowsY" and ras ca:ried into a public house to te taken care of . She rould not say virat her naine vs.s, r.lcr place The etrstsr ia pwe in cditudle, of etodo. Al 1 that could b.r rfot fro,r her rinr thnt tsui; r*srin* on agid t&o bauntg ofmeu her ltlr vail e bur.Jolr to hor, Bnd $hn fra,.i t.ath+:r bo It Srids po[uti,oo theto. and ftllc &oitr thGqca dstd th.ut to Iesd thrr lifo itho ,.lid ulliie! ritich $, A tainted tid,s ,*o.*ql, oother-in-IsY. vm


Extensions to the Engine House at New River Head, 1E12 showing the Round House for horse drj.ven purnp treadmill, the horse stabies on the lett aad the Cornish boiler rn the foreground. fo the Frintel ,rf the ClZfgfglR. NEU RIVER. As the q:rovr-ng evj.l of bathing in the New Riverr' 1799 New River Hsnts better fences .:.n sifht of the inhabitants of We1L,s rorrrhas been 3.onc conplained of in vain; and as the consequences r rar:ge ^. housesL^,.^. nor resi,ectj,jl.g the warer j.tseLi af;e very cis;€eeabre, e -^-.^^ of is build- and the iridu""n"ro" practiced there too uiro"ilii'to iing on tf3 u11t if tce lien River Uednesday 'beiueen the City roa'j 3xd Cole- be expressed in a neuspsper--The rrite" a,lilU'il" . !. j,s ", was observed to be brook row, Isi.initcn. It ls cailed to be infcrned if there ary ciause in -rv'iia"lF" l--T.i:n "t p}ace; that prohibits and b:"{ in throvlng a. corlcs}ti-n Drurcan but t.r the disSrace it; what the p*ri"ir-' h'*rnanrty, Hhich guarded men: those persons a-re subject to.;who of i.nto the,liew. S:-ver,* in of ihe fence wanto#^;; ,paste the remoi/ed' and' there i&pudently sur:h lav daily. A copy intoxicate ihe fish' river is 'riolate oit"l"i :3": :: popuia:e .€sentec beil,q a considerabLe opc'njrg fron cl-ause, if arry there be, ins€rte6 in this p";-;;'" Jit-i3tt^,tle 5o riould greatlrob.Lige they th:er hj-n heed- thi: footpath cn thd road' it is sose irhabitants, vhcse"J"Sp- T|:h lhit -:eralix but dreadful in6s a"re near this sha.defuL nuisance. y""t"rioi-i Lont into the rive:r', by ray of i::tpossible ac'j'deri*'s rrust hap-cen on dark and eax a gentlelo8n and ixis daug,hte!, as they *"=lir==- lT3pl!: to dete:: ot:rers frora the ing 1,;Lose fielcs, €.3ariy rlsul"ted , tfr" li-ke pernicirus practice. f::5;e;r evenings, when the unwary pass- ^o."it"liiy ;:fi;';: ;:;:;ti m :*::i";fi"il i:f;i:ii,:5 4c*t; t/ta*. ratt€. tv6s i:::lfiltiii"il::$:,*i:ili': vhich sone of then obsl::ving, ran ilre length o.f, the fiel.d. to come nign rc ihern, vhife olners :rat und.r€6s- ::;t:^::: :T:::::::"?:.:nt:^:lf: ed o;: the r.ext was vrvrev/ siil;. This aloui half ,iJ.:]crr rr]:overy pers)ns i,hen dio'*ned' before service began, of ar:c in the ch,"i:ch Fath. :ret equll- care !:e taken to prevent rn ihe aft,eraoon a .ge.-rtlenan, ilis l,!fe d&u6hter vere treated p!|:soris beinq dr 'cwr:ed' rn a pol- in rike Eurnner; they uere at a distancd itj'cal rnd $d!a1 vie"'r the prevent- in one of th,rse f:el'is, and as they approaehed. the stile This rnorning the vater in the Ne* ijver- coiniq qood is the best' io enter tne ne:{t, or fcrr or tiros*""oln 1":^::d:^:: surprisod to ra:r naiced to tiie stiLe arc tiresrselves head. llas let out, cn accc,Jlrt of :. nei* ,ra:.e L l^flto.b::n,::uo""ttt17 care which has fuil viev, urtered a la,rrrraire shn-Beful-1y inaecen-t 1o laid. on: uhen several hundler-l'r':iqlt ie:le?l-:"-lt:-ltttle the l.ady, anti of fi-re large eers, percir, roach, carc,'n.1 bicn inne tc.pre'rent atrcic'ellts by had the husbard. lase;:ted,.it, the r'ier ?lver' therr numbers, no d.or:bt rourd ""Ii"r""s other fish, rere taken'oy the p,:pu1a.3e eb lnto he have been d;;;"; :e:son::ii.linc cl rsLington werl the river, and hls ri.fe ir rnear tiae tr."" lu*n"lol]" t"" a.rch, ihe botton of spar-l.i.eia, *nici, ]'e lfar;:an-:s jectec to their rere soril to several of tire s;ectato.< k:cv hcw freluently such accidentg bltal i..y. I n short, it is noi-i"- l:ap;;en' Uere those to ihe corDe one of mos! ab.rrriened scEnes ths.t ever vas for a consj.derabLe sJIo of Doney' '!g!ij-nds pen:itted in tb:-rr cr ;Lty ccllnt:?.. If th*refs ira.listrates Hir.,. Elrcn;tq?o* /766 ii'il"l"il.iIi::i ::':"t"il*';:li" nil! int€j.rere, nor tne ."",rilr,l3" " a:rc use- cr rhe lrei/ iiver aire.rt to check it, r hope every :";il:able :nhabita-'i-! :\ct;gen Stoke )iewinEion al.rd il::e liet live: ;;i"ilrit*,1rffi1 EeaC, nay, e'/en thcse of london r.ho a:e lrith thosr-. walers, 'r:.lJ- take this natter 5.nto ve::y serious consi.derati"on. ?ilistoxy -:: ir:"u e::d. topc51::aprry of fsllngtonr lewis Ai; thr begi.rr:rlng of the llth Ccr.tu:ry aj1 popularj-ty .- ,,-'-bes the ojl 'lnese enterira].rlnenta. ]ie "{cquailc Theatrg was constnrcted. cn $ld.Le:ro g=oundo 'that ..:s i1s in the dietrict or' Cierkenve',1- there ners rrhereby ;r huge talJ< gOft by ]Oft va.o iii1ed vith water .---*i places: froo tl:e I{ew River, for a c}range of tvo guinees. In this Itvhere ther-- ::J.gnt ie cat] those tank the na.:rageoent pzreuented. sre.rln€ neutlcal neiod,iamas, lefreshl"ns el€Bentn tr:at cheet, wirich featur:ed ihe excj.tesent of mini:jtu:.enauticai battlee, but not 1x.eb'tiate, '*1th the the thrilig ol seei44 a Crown-ing heroine r"escued by her aitdltion or' :ir-*s:.i a-r-d. d,ancing", iover, end the cirectti,cular slght of a Nenfoundland. dog eailee 3ruin leaping iato ttre vater to save the lj"ves of ar';G eisewhere, iher.e vere taven'.s '^'hich appealed to a real bablee, thlalr,l.ll ln for the realielx of the occasioni ;-:er seciion of the public, by proviciing aie, une, punch *'.o.'rdreraatic rep=eoenta'tlons'r. . ?hese aetonishi:rg acquatlc d-ra:cas uere extrenely populas I'or about 20 5.r341s, but then j.'€1L out of f&Eh.ion 'lbere were several. iuveiy walire &nd ;oLaces of ay L82r, so tirl"i tho ta:rk vae resoved ana destrryed.. -e1.:,ee vhere peopie couiri play bowls o! r,ratch Mcl='is {i

Borever, there were aspects: of the tnd, of coujrse, one of the nost famous resorts l{ev River rlhich were d"isagreeable, ar.noying and. even oi a1i vas the tllhlie Conduit Houser which.attracted darigercus. Although j.i rras r_rnd.erstandable for eonroentatols aanlr eiaeees of people to valk s:ao!€ the tea gar-d.ens or to euiogise tri:e beauty and eerenity of the s*rea,u, _:"'"rt:,cipate in a variety of entertai::nents. lpure in soiltudet it vas also sonewhat€eror:a in its lack of prctective fhe a:rivaI of the New River ad.ded even moxe to fencingo as Ba::Jr peopl-e found. to their cosi. it rrras no.l the c;-r--- of fs3.j.ngton J.eri

ari,g'ins 0f SadLet,s iteLLs And of cou-?se, there rlas the irre-rrj-table nuisancg cf people bathing in the river and. usiru; it ae a coimon 3,, unsociab-Le aciivities vhtch eirockea srrd. outraged. lhe story of the theatrets roargr peopie of ideceni sensibiliiyr. history begins in L58J, rlhen ?homas Saorer accidentaliy discoverea an old veLl in hi.s garden ad.joining the New Ae j.f Lt riasntt bad enougJ: faced nith these liver. It r.ras belleved. that tilis vas a p::e-Refo:sation eonplalnta arrd stmggling with a J,eaking and occaslona1iy Eoiy possessed ve1l and nj.racul,ous healing prcperties. u::pred.lctable eupply, wi1ful vandallsa greatly exacerbated lfot, eurprisin6..1y, Sad.ler rras soon besieged by aii sorba the probleas oi the $es River Colrpa:ry, a.rid in gcrne insiar:oes of sick peop;- ho;lefl:l for cure, anci it ilierefore d.aaage to eupply r^'ag the del_iberate work of ie::dovners occured to Saciler io capitaliso ulon his discovery by lgnora.ntly provokir€ conflict over questious of te):ritorial" bullding ln his garden a rnoaest eetabljshnent vhere hle rights. clients could pay to be eniertaineC, whilsi they drank the irater. fhis establishnent becaoe known as There is ever! "a rer-e:nce to a helnoue political tsadlere Musick Housel, end upcn this site vas later plot to sabotage lThe New Rj.vert acco:xji.ig i,. &n accourrr built fhe Sadlere Weils fheatre, the of which is rritten in 16{2 entitled: international. i'a dlu::ral of lrugers, vherein are -14-

$rurl1'nrirLi,{1. aJld broritrfirt. i.o ilght r,t&n t accounts r:rj"tten trbout l{,ydciciiorrls liev River, one ie grr,r&t lrnii trlltc&rd .Ji' ,i:ij.i,jvc1.'i.:o. i,o gtruck by the aa:':net 1n L'hich rfi'Lters, particr:-iarly tho adnlrot,i.ori o1' al L wi(r irave c&rcs Vlctorlan col*rL-ntaiorn, lionize hle, ar though to he,ar'e , oI B'i,r()!trj iL.rilrts to the exa:rp1e of l{yd,ieitonle carcer constitutes the end.ure - by J.K. pui;iishecl in the qulntesserrce of courage, charitabii:+.y, stout the year of just jral"ou":i"ers, respeci;abiLity and success. ?his sort of hrgh colouring apparent piote, fatai fea:s a.rrd needs to be toned dortn soieavhat becalue llyild.eLien vas not elng1e securities.r necessarily a nar of ;tupendous abi)"ity. !\:r:.ds&ente:-1;, he wae a pmd.uct of his a6E, a 8ut for a1I these proi:.eis ani d.rsadvantages, znan fortunate eriougr. to enjoy po*ers obtain€rn by vj.rtue of the Nen prov:d"ed River e:r i::nei::;ely inportant serric€ to his !, n:tb€r: than charac'tjer, !n an a;1c rr:hich was London for ncre tbE$ IOO yease anq. carried with it a €ninerrtLy ccnd.u;.j-ve tc entlepreneuri€i1 activlt,iea, a rich legacy of social hlstory" coadition which e:erg.e,i out of 6reai cbalr6,es i:i the econooic sir:;.:i,rrre. In conparieon to other spi:r'ts of' the a4e, he ras Ihe Nea Rixer Tada,! by no neans a'rr archetypalAdventurer, but riore a urai! of piaced resolutness, whose ioeal-isu .*es gove::red. by asbate buslness abii:"ty, vhj-ch was probably acquiied fhe face oi ],ondon l"ras been ira.nsfo::ned raCically during his app:enti.ceship witir the Coiapan;r of Goidsniths during the last CenturXr, and. tod.ay, orJ.y s:i.frL a a:tl:-icial and vhich alfordsi hij.n the opporbaniiy of apprcachir6 s611. atr€am, constructed. tn i954 and winiling decoratlveiy fron powerflrl ln sealth arid. politicai i:u.Luence. behind Essex Road. .Lc ..:,s io r'Ia1l-ace iload, renair:s renind Fhe dyna,nics of the situatircn encouraged. ihe of the sylva.n charrn thiat !,as cnce Isi,i.ngtonrs. alpearrisce of soneone f.ike ldrrideiton, but thj.s is not to l{evErtheless to reli.i,nd. us of lqydaeiionts acit.levegerrts ';ndervalue ihe achievenents of an iedividual who succeeded there a ie [email protected] statue on isJ.in6ton Green, i:r crceting a :iew river for the benel"j"t of the citizens of revealed in 1852 by Wiliiara Glad.stone, then Char,celior iondcn. It was a d.ifiicult ope::aiion, not fror! the of the Exchequer. tecirnical point of vier,r but j-n respect of the fierce hunan opposltion which taxed. his paiience, courage anri finalciai Fre Sev River, as ve hoor it lesource, a:rd. which only a person of iris caLibre had the at present runs &ostIy rni.ergrsund. and. surfaces in the strength to overcone. outer reaches of Enfield, anci is nov only a srnaI1 part of a higirly conplex rurd.ertakir:g &a:ra€eai by the l{etropolita:r Water 3oa:d. ConcLusiort

Today, the river Lee supplies iFA of l,ondonrs Sre llew liiver i\i1fi11eri alL i.ts greatest rater supply a:rd. the, lfort:r of the fha.ues provide e)ryects,iions, in its financial re$a?d a.nd ln j.ts service a.nother f6. l! ig sg{ineted. ihat the da:-ly colisu.lDptj_on to the public need" Also rre have seen hov, in establishi:ng of rate! in Lond.on is 4O5 roillion gal-ions, of rihich T49d a cruiie but service&bl-e piped water euppiy, the New River ls suppJ.led. by the Thames. Conpa:qr not onl-y reduced tire danger of nater boure diseases, but aleo set an inspi-rir,4. exampie to be followed by oiher In fact, as frorn April lst, 1!/{, u:anageaent of r.rater vater conpanies fron the end of the 17ih Cenr,u:qf o::vald, services in ltrrgiand and f.iales uil1 pass fron the present such as: the FanpsteaC lJater Cc" (]"692), The Ycrk statutory bodies - river autholj.ties, water und.eriakers, Bui3.aing lJatersorks Co. (i691), The Cheisea Watenrorks seirerage and sevege disposei authorities _ into the hands (tizl), ftre Lanbeth Wateryolks (f Zs:), The Granci Jr-rnction of RegionaNater rtuthorities set up und,er rhe Waier co. (1S1i) and. The Southwark a:rd Vauxhali Coropanies (foal)t Acl" I97). The Met,ropolitan Water Board, rhich hae supplied a^11 of vhich have been taken over since by the Londonrs vater for seventy years, ,,lili ihereafter be knovn Metropoiitan'rJater Board. as the Thanes lriater Authority: l.letropolltan Divicion. Ve take for grarrted the a:nenity of havlng pure dri:rkln8 water in our tapsr a.nd raroly appleciate The new Authority vil"l be responsible for aI1 the proeesses'.rgh which water is paseed belore it is aspects of water mer.a5;ement vithin j.t6 area covering delivered to us purified. These are the benefits :i: a !rOO0 square xnj.Les t'rorn the Cotsvolds to Creater Lon


;1r-- 1.'" i ;o#.";'l;l ":':

New River fiead Works The New River, after flowing by gravitation from , discharges itself into a circuiar basin, 200 feet in diameter, origrnaily called the Inner Pond, the sumrnit of whrch is eigirt-two feet above Tharnes high-water mark. From this pond the water is

During the later part of the reign of George III, the nurnber of houses erected in the northern district of the metropolis required an additional suppiy of water from New River Head, when the original pond or reservoir was gxtended by forming an angular basin, twenty-five feet deep, round thaee parts of the circui^ar basin: this outer basiir as we have expiained, now contains the filtering-beds, which our artist, Mr. N. Whittock, has done well to show before the water was admitted: the compartments are well forme

Amrr"in$ mcirtion ol I ttvcrn wlrich stood ucrr to tltc Ncrv llilcr Tlcntl is rnntl,' in n sn all quortotrnetof cightpsgcs'cntitlc'l "'ill)iurnllolJ)nnE;'t'sr"ltintcdin I6{2:-:t r! The l'rre ((l;ty niglrtr lhcse corrtrircrsr tIcsc Cpvcnantcrsy 20 of t)trrnr pLctctrrlcr!. lo be tnctt.t- (nol' ]hc lillirrlrie of ,ltrcse rogrrcs), bcentrsl it rrts ncct. lslirrt{on, :rnrl thong}rt it rvlq a Gtrllrison'Iorrtlc, nnrl litt^rv lltar thev :"ltcnltl )rlr.e goorl cnlies :rncl a!; for pillagc (impurlcni viilains thnt dare pilhgc tlrcir orvu coutrtr-r), lvcrtl :rll ir)to lllo t'f ll-olcr lft,lsr rrrd crllurl irr li.ccly firr ril varietit's irlrl slnrcd n() cost (tlrc1" kncw hor l,r c,r,l1" i1 rgri:r). gilesls; \'el, ltsvinq llcen trp the rright bcforc, dcsircrl thxt the.\'s'ottlcl cstlttsc hiltr, arrrl srrllcr liinr t'r ''otl i'r li rl: 'I1cy(crrrlrri'*trritors)rtclelrr.,,scntllasrvillingnshe,thatthovlniFlrt actt'llcit'dccrlcofthrl'rgrs,llreit'ir"ihleil rll)r'rlt pilrpoge (frrr n0rv t.omec lhn horror of it), 'l'he sIrvrnt l,reingc 111'r111ft4 a5lcclc, tltc.v grtt $ith rll spc{r,1" l}"jir i"t'i"tttt' r'lmc thc ltulrtlrctl ltlrrcls of gttnp'itvtlct (tlrc cunning 1ri'nt"ers hltl sirrtrnq ir lttitte ttrt'i"t thr si!ler ';i rttltle tlr"it lrnir&s s1rich l1e.r 1rd accoss to through lhrt ccll;rr) I r.hcn tire.v irnrl lai,l tlre bartrlS rrntlrt s'atcr, sure, nnrl rearly to fir.c tllc ln1tr.1, a rlarlrp the t'nrrrlle orrt, anrl (rs roorl ltrct rtoulrl hrre it) tlrclr lYls rto 'crc 1111 firc in lhc tlr)llsc. Onc ot'lheru s.tol)s to Cirrr.Jir,r-r';cll t,r fctch lirc, nhich hcc hatl; the.*ateir sr"'iilg r.nrta rrrn lrrlil-r.1itlr firc lorr:trfl Islirrgtorr, t5e ir,'urclrrirtq lrle anrl tltn tinrrs rlr.trgetous, t|cy frrllon' irinr rl ircrlr' tt' I lit':ir nniv to the horrcc, lrut in n'rrl rlorrn into the cnllrr, brokc oP.'rt tlr,'ir Lnrrr:lq arttl ronr'rir'i rr'ri fir', llirr:r' I n'prrlrrnrl llrc eon

NF,'rt RMA O!'FICE Bridereil precinct June 1l :7/i. Wnereas a great number o-f idle and CrsorderLy persons have assenbied theroselves together in i:e fields be- tueenfslington a.ird Nevington BJld the pe.rts adjecentt a.:'rd. havo, by bathing and vashing themselves in the iiev 6itc ;elttlrf"b$lt$t. ilivel b:oke dorn the barJ(s and dorie ot,rer daEAge t Ye rvho with rod nnd line aspire to crtch nuisancv a-l]d a:rnoyance to the said *Lver, a-nd have a13o Lcviathanr lira'. rwinl rrithin thc streiuu j-nd.ecent Of this farn'd ,fiirrr','irorv no longe r Jy'ea, in ihe scst atrocious, ard iil-egal aanner con- \.er nitted ne.rry other offences highly injurious to the prop- still so crrli'd, conre hitlrcr to the Sluicc-house I gutlgeons and f*ttcst rosch company a.:rd public j.n Ilcre, largcst lirc, erty of the to the 6eneralt llcsort, and crcn bnrlrcl have trccn lound. ccntra:i/ to act of Parlia-aent passed in tne Year oi hjs Ilcrc too tioth srrmetitnes preli the rav'ning slrtrk lfajesty Kirr*g George tre Secondr ?his is there.fore to Of ulreanrs likc this, that is to say, a jack. give notice, that the said Co!1pgny are detelsrined to If frrrtuue aid 1'e, ye pcrclance siurll fintl lrosecute vith the utmost severity of the La',r, all such Llpon au an,ragc rvithin onc dtyr persons vho for the future shall be found 'io be offending: At lcrst :r tish, or trio; if ye do not'. lnd vhoever shail apprehexd any person or persons Euj-1ty 'l'l,is $ill. I l,roil)isc \'\', thar ve shail irarc of such offences, sha1i, upon hi.s or thej.r convicticn l,t,rst'gloliuus nibble" , conle tliL'n, haste ye here, r\rrtl liitl c bring Inrge stock of baits aud prticuee. bef,o:ce afly of his iYajes+ryts Justices of the Peace, be 1 the s'ari of forty sizillings by ltr Eolford, Secretary to the llev River Conpany, at thej.:r Cffice j.n 3rj-derell, Precinct, London. _ t) _


tho Corporattonrs Hj.11irl4reoo to lnveot 1n acherne.s Fhe perlod was to witness Ell.zabethan sriciety proposed by Morr'1e anrc ]iuiucr, n:.j-srs some lntereotir.g ln th6 proee8s of change, acrivatedtn large part by ':ol:c.*". about i;he nature o;:& g-r.!L-ii'l of private enterprlee Coruerco, exploratiorr and warfare, which. inte!-related l:- i;iie Elizabetha.n arrld iacabeorr p*:.J.od., ancl p:rcvidei iut to the gea';est d,eeds of firat genelation ar:d :-.jorballt context for an €;ccor:a1t on The Ner.r River. helped in reaiising a significant transt'ol:aation in the stn:.eture ol soclety. Faced. with the neea to G.M. Irevelya:1 in i;ris rlllustrated Fistory of conpete witi: a generalLy hoetiie E\aropeal Con.;inent ::glandl d.escribes the age as bei:rg lat onee iniensely the :nercharit ad.venturers vigorously eea:rcheri for nen :.ationa1 and intensely inriiv:iua.listicr, and explains noi'kets, and capitalisir.g on the tratij-iicc of sea-faring "9.:r:g this attitude of nj-nA as the resuit of accuruiated. siciiis, the E4glish E€:u!er€_, heaviLy a:red a:rri equipe