THC NCU' RIUCR o "4r*r 4n &ad. c o INTRODUCTIOH Thls aocuoent presente an account of hor a ner river trhe bietory of the riverre constaarctlon eled. nas created in the earLy part of the 1?th century, to cuboequent developent offers nar{y faectnatln€ features plor;'iale an urgpntly needeil supply of clea.n drlnJtin€i nater, of lnterest and plays a.rIr influential part in the sociaL to the rapldly e4rantlSng comtnitieg of london. history of london, particularly in Islilgton. In orrier to establieh the inportance of lflbe fiev klver to the cittrr ft tell.s the story of an entezprising,e^nd lrealihy of London in the 17th centuqf, thie study vi11 ftrgt +*re Jacobean gentlenan caLLed Eu€h Myddelton, vho, in 1508t conslder the early hietory of water sutrrply in took responsibility by po've:s conferred upon bie by Acts netropolis, the inatleguaciee of nhlch cleflled the neeil of Parlidment, to const:ruct a cha;nnel r'or the conveyaJlce for a supplyr.:eliabl-e ln qr:a1ity as irell as quartlty. of nater fion sprlngs at ChadwelL and. Aunell 1n (Later in an appenclir an exarnination nil1 be na.ile of tbe Eertforrlshire, to the l{ortb side of the city, froo r*ricb eocial conditions vhicb provided opportunity fol the It coukl be pi.ped to hqrsebolders in the city. eoer€ence of ffditeltoatsrartificial streaner ) nnochure cotoplleil by L.G,B. Hughes for the New River &hlbition, fs).lngton Fegtival 1974. The FestivaL Corunittee lishes to thank The Metropolitan Vater Board for its support, erid the folloving for their assistance: Mr. G.C. Serry FrA, ( Senlor Eesearch Officer, ldetropolitan Water Soard ) lF,r. J. Conr.eLl, ( Spccial Serviccs Lj.brarian, islington ) !bs. E.Y. Levls, ( Reference Librarian of Flnabury ) lbr E. l,lil1ats, ( Reference Librarian of Isllngton ) s8ruTfrriT$ "t Pa rt uarBy Water $upplnes $ffi LsffiSon Bource of fnforostion; Lor,d.onrs Rich s-&.tsr Resounces; Prcbleras of ?o11utlo:r; l'be Di.sposa)" of Rubblsh; irurovatlon of the Conduit Systen; For: Drir,Jringo iVot 1{ashtn6; The lcporteueee.of fsling.loa; gesponsibilities of the City Corporatior; ftre "*'atei Ca:riere; Mo:rl.g! Water llheel; I!:e Search for a l{ew Supply. Part 2 ffiu$ldarlg The New fi!ver Colthurstts P:otosals; A lrrarnatic Tun: About; {udr llyCdelton; 3;ildlng Si;art6, But Stopa; Stnrggle *ith the lando'"rne=s; Argugents For and AgaJnst The Ner River River; Royal- Assis.;ance; The &cavation Speedily Conc).uded.; "9he Soarded. Riverr'; l{ethod.s of Constnrction; lhe Grantl Opening. Pant $ EistributEng The Water fhe Use .u:d Preparation of E1n ?ipes; Disadrraniages of lJooden Pi.pes; fryd.deltonrg Fjr:aacial lifficulties; The Klng ta.kes the initiative; For:nd.ing. of t?re Nerr tliver Coopargr, An Unus-i:aj- Constitution; t Change of !'ortr:rres - Reco6ni.tion for $dd.eJ.ton; Charles I and the Clog; lrg<ideltonrs leath. Part 4 The ffiew ftiver From The 'fl?th To The z{}th gentury Sew Rlver Eead; Intmtiuction of Cast fron ?ipes; Concezn fol Sanitation; IriorLifications; Transfer to the Metmpoiltan Water Board; The prosperity of the l{er River; leisure and the Nerv Rlver; Orlgbs of Sadlere lJe11s; A Fev Unforbulate Aspects; Srow:iings, Suicid.es, Indecency and. vanda1lsn.r The ilev River loday; Sir Eu€h l.lyd.d.e1ton - .{n Appratsal. ConcLusion. Appendix Sone :reoarkg on the nature of private Enterprise ftlcor Englanrl. All iLlustrations Loaned by kind. pe:mieslon fron Isllngton i,ibyarj,es coL1ectlon. -1- f as't 1 ,r.tffii.Y Wilg fr ffi $tjppLgu$ 3N t"*ffi&SEti +Sou.r,ce o f lnfonnacian Pr'.;bi,' t; of Polhtxion $oet of the inforla!:!:r; vs i.,.ve lraie; elcut ea:l;r ff iher.e .*&s s ;,"obieii of uerer *uppiy jn ir{edieval provlelon j.e lfuxited a,c ,r,iccirrnig ieft .io us by Stov, -1oiii Lon,lon Lt r-'.;i: .v:.:t so l:r.;.ch cne of avaj-l-abliity, but one of e faraous lllizabothan histc:iarr, whoser di11.5'ent rese,.irchr"s que,itty and. ii,:c.:,,..is. The 'r:.tcnt disrcgard. for princlpies lnto ttre antlquS.tles ,i':rk: oi l,or:c;r:r'r &Je corr.;aj.rted, 1n h:i.rj of san1i"e,t:on a::,c h)"g:i.ene" coui:;ined riih rjhe near fiSunruy cmplete o{ londontt, puo}.::ri.cii 16i}. j.ar:'::: llr :f p]-l';1iq; ;oni:roi ci: "ouiiciLrq. :ir-, *i rapicJ_y {:q$Ei.1,ili-l loci.ety, p:cd-cc;ed a iircb1::""liie eitu3.tion ia wb:ci Borever, desp:te tire 6oe.rcir::r of rnforaateon .;he on ir"{iiri: xei!or:'!rs t€s st::c,n5ie*., elti:cr by the sccr:.:ff:iared. eubJect, one caul iealji,iiuilvbry ::ecoBgtr.rct a Ii\r€ly *ffe*t ;j lj-rdusi::iaL and h-r:a'ar pcilution, or eise .tkou€h lnpneeelon .,ri.r"?j of hcw wcIl eil..i.;. l,ond.oners selre se=ved {npc$esaibj.l:t;' r.euu:-tlng fron butll"iag encroael:sent. uaier, by enlarging ou Sio,;is ::ecorejnga. ? Eo$3?er, a{itboritJ"es Lond,on s Rien llat zr I!e- )J-iT r"2J ihe vere c;p.izani,c of the pmb-ren an:d. tsco:d.g sbor,u tlit:;.b attetrili$ rreir: nade io l$prove the it centaiirly sea:a.q thrt Lor:don ,+as a welj"-caiered city sltr;*t1c1, i-,ri cvriienriy with .. itiie Euceees. As eady as during ihe l'.,i.d.c-le Ages, 'bhe iilrsero';! '&.e:.Lsr bruo:cl a;tcl 1202, 'uiene vexe re6u1aticns ,;ri ciee.nlJ.ness, orderi.t:g pontls, i:r s:*{a:Erurci tire eitr,, ;r;:::t;ie3enting t.le aL:eria1 citLze;s io k*ep tholr hor.u:e i:on*a6es ciea,n, and. j:r 1)09 e, rlners sup,311ee ,,s.:,, "wralbrooken of the [hruu-.. iI i,arrgbcurne, pr"oclail.tl::.ci, d.udiairsd j'i iiiu";i-i to thlow ordu:r or 8rrd. Oid. Boue:e. klilet ,r.i"' :liir'c,.:: ;i;',red. pa:i:i, ine south rel\:se ja'tcrthe strenos; j"i, rras to be cgrted d.ornx to the the lfaibrooie cut thrc'uglr 'i;.i{, ;r:^:iel;;..i,j. ce:irtr.e og the city river ai:tl then con'reyed. by si,€cis.l boat out of the tor*n tc to provirie ioeal as euppiy, r,:l"i- its sar,eti the city dltch, iry aiairo or cess-pitir beyorrd. rhe city wal_l-s" Ilie pelalry and Tlee ?1ee'e bro*.i; ;,:r The Rlver of .ir'eiis, , iopriarly ti'ireglreni:d. fot the Medj.ev€j" r.ater lout ilas as loucb es 40o, because of s?Tlr:€E feeriing i:.rto it i:r i;he suburbs, e.6. at €. .rsq/ consldea€b1e suo i:r dhr,se d.a3'g. Eo1l1'we1?., CLe,::eairs 'rreIi a.nd. Clerkts .,ve1.J-e , suppl:;.ed. waier to those lfng y,resi of ti:e oity. the Largbou::re and 01.,1 )}llt apari fron the occasional creditable effo:-c ic Bou:oe r,re:re snalLer stre:ns, vh.icr.: courged. th:mu€h i;he ciiy soour,the city tL:iici: asit the,!"Ieet ptke, :.Lttle a1E6 lras to joln up vJ.tir the f,i:a.ar*s end lLeei; respectlvelyo and in done to lene{y *be d.eteriorairrrg eJ.tuatlon. fect, their ner:ces indlcate their rize, since tboa:ner slgnifies b:ook or rivcll*;t. Ihie aj.so partiy erplains the Ii',a itispo;c't C., Iiahbisn orS.gins of piace aanes s1lch as l{olbor:r k -;te absence oi- ary other nethod 6f $s,Ete disposa:_, l{l.thh tbe city ther€ rele severeL lar5e pools of Ela.rt fxnrn i'irc .r.r;e of fire vhlch was hrixliy to be encotrageC lnporta.nce lnd nc:recr.er, au Stow obserred.l j.n a ";or,:z conpooed oostly of crovded. dve?.1fur6e, the people s*rpiy 'lh,rr:v their rrraste pmcl',rc|E irr. the sf,lsqrs if Ehey 'rthey hade ln eueri: Streete atid Lane of the citle vere r:eer,i:;, or d,:npea .ihe.ir in the strr:ets. ft tss Lel^t io tlJ.vels€ fugrre r*e11es anl fresh :prangr:r'. do6t ana sc&ver€er blnis i;c aci as ref\rse coilec.tors anc. rid the etroei;s of offai and bones, after which the Soaowi,rg frolr obgecvlitions l.:d.c eeveral centuries popui-ece wai'i;ec. for a p:ru-;-1aeni;jai faLl of tail to vash earlier by thi.lien Fitzsitphen, cie!-k to Thon.ae ! Becket, awaY :"116 stench. Storr f'urbher records th.rb: fn soue houses along il--e Va.Ll_brcoke f'or.ni:rate enou€h ItTlnere rreare jir:::Lh alt, Louti.tr,, ori the E1de, speciei to aceofflo(la'Le a latrine, 'i,!:e rei.,:se iraa ,Lisci:arged. rels ln the euburbr, viiol-esoae s.lir)et, a::d. cJ_erre, iilrectly lnto the strea,n, so i?iat in .braeu the VaLibrooke anon6et vhich Eo1yr..i.i., Ci.erxe:r irj*il, a.rd. Cleiaentg raI tet-lced to ar. o;;en d€raer', &rri aftet lany centuri€s or.' Ie1l are aost famoug ens f!'equented by Scolnrs, ariri poi.1i:ilc:r, ',.ie iieet feLl- .ii: e a..l;lis,r fate. youthee or'the ciiie in $uo;;ier evenlngE, *hen they nalk i'orth to te.ke thc airer'.
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