
Unit 1 Topic 2; Political

SSCG2 Demonstrate knowledge of the political that shaped the development of constitutional . a.Analyze key ideas of and the as seen in the , the Petition of Right, and the English . b.Analyze the impact of the writings of Hobbes (Leviathan), Locke (Second Treatise on Government), Rousseau (The Social ), and () on our concept of government. c.Analyze the ways in which the philosophies listed in element 2b influenced the Declaration of Independence Unit 1Topics

1. Distribution of Power ✔ 2. Political Philosophies ✔ Key Document-Magna Carta

• King John’s Absolute Power • Excessive • Forced to sign the Magna Carta • List of things King can’t do. • “No without Consent” Key Document-Petition of Right •King kept wanting to wage . •Forced to sign to get money •No imprison without reason, cruel punishments. Key Document-English Bill of Rights •Consent to tax becomes the . •Parliament has free speech. •King is not divine, serves at the permission of Parliament Political Philosophers; •Wrote The Leviathan •In of Nature Life was “Nasty, Brutish, and Short” •People gave up all their rights and created an absolute government to rule over them. •Once created could not get rid of this government. Political Philosophers; •Wrote 2nd Treatise on Government •“People created to protect their rights” •Rights were “life, liberty, and ” •If government failed to protect these rights, people had a right to get rid of the government. Political Philosophers; Jean Rousseau •Said that people should abandon their natural rights in favor of a social contract. •Said that the best government to protect rights under a social contract was a direct . •Under a all men would be equal Political Philosophers; Charles Montesquieu •Wrote The Spirit of Laws •Best way to protect the people’s rights, was through separation of power. •If power separated, no one part of government could become tyrannical. Influence on United States Government •Thomas Put these ideas together in Declaration of Independence. •All men are created equal (Rousseau) •Unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (Locke) Influence on United States Government •Governments are instituted among men deriving their power from the (Hobbes) •When governments become destructive to these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it (Locke)