Location The State of Qatar is located in the middle of the western coast of the Arabian Gulf, east of the Arabian Peninsula, between latitudes (27-24 and 10-26 degrees north) and longitudes (45-50 and 40-51 degrees east).The State of Qatar is a peninsula that extends northward and covers an area of 11,521 square kilometers.

Topography The State of Qatar consists generally of flat rocky surfaces. However, some hills and sand dunes which reach an altitude of 40 meters above sea level can be found in the areas of Dukhan and Jebel Fuwairit in the western and the northern parts of the country.

The surface of Qatar includes a number of geographical features to the west coast of the Arabian Gulf. Mainly found in the north and central parts of the State, such phenomenon include coves and inlets together with depressions and surface rainwater-draining basins known as Al-Riyadh. The northern and central regions of the country are considered the most suitable areas for agricultural enterprises because of the fertile land and the natural and seasonal vegetation.

Climate The State of Qatar has a desert climate consisting of a hot summer and relatively warm winter. Summer temperatures range between 25 and 46 degrees centigrade. Rainfall in the winter is minimal and rarely exceeds 75.2mm per year.

Ancestry The people of Qatar are the descendents of ancient Arabian tribes which migrated from remote areas at different times starting from the 7th century until 19th century AD.

Population The current population of Qatar is estimated at about 743,000 people with an expected annual increase of 3.5% and approximately 83% of them live in the capital city and its suburb Al Rayan.

2 Religion & Language Islam is the official religion of Qatar. The official language of the country is Arabic but English is also widely used.

National Anthem Swearing by God who erected the sky Swearing by God who spread the light Qatar will always be free Sublimed by the souls of the sincere Proceed thou on the manners of the ascendants And advance on the Prophet’s guidance In my heart, Qatar is an epic of glory and dignity Qatar is the land of the early men Who protect us at time of distress, Doves they can be in times of peace, Warriors they are in times of sacrifice.

Meaning of the words of the Qatari National Anthem: The new Anthem for the State of Qatar was adopted on December 7th 1996, upon the accession to the throne of H.H. the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani.

The first part of the Anthem starts with an oath and urges citizens of Qatar to remain committed to tread the path of their forefathers who were honorable, respectable, knowledgeable, religious and empowered by wisdom and vision. They are also urged to follow the guidance of the prophets and their preaching about righteousness, good deeds and beauty.

In the second and final part, the anthem affirms that the Qatari men of today are the defenders of its land and dignity, that they are the descendants of the ancestors who defended their country in the past.

The anthem closes by reaffirming that Qatar will remain free, dignified, glorious and noble.

Flag of the State of Qatar The national flag of the State of Qatar is a vertically divided maroon and white flag with a 9 point serrated line where the two colors meet.

3 The Al Thani Family The Al Thani family’s presence in the Qatar peninsular dates from the eighteenth century when they arrived from the Gerbin oasis in the south of Nejd.

The family is named after Sheikh Thani bin Mohamed, the father of Sheikh Mohamed bin Al Thani who was first to rule the peninsula in the middle of the nineteenth century. The Al Thani family is a branch of the Arab tribe of Beni Tameem who descend from Mudhar bin Nizar.

Al Thani Rulers - Sheikh Mohamed bin Thani (1850 - 1878) - Sheikh Jassim bin Mohamed Al Thani (1878 - 1913) - Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani (1913 - 1940) - Sheikh Hamad bin Abdullah Al Thani (1940 - 1948) - Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani * (1948 - 1949) - Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al Thani (1949 - 1960) - Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani (1960 - 1972) - Sheikh Khalifah bin Hamad Al Thani (1972 - 995) - Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah Al Thani (1995 - present) * Note: Although Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani sidestepped in favor of his son, Hamad bin Abdulla, he became Emir again in 1948 after his son died, and continued until his death in 1949.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah Al Thani came to power in Qatar on the 27th of June 1995 after a pledge of allegiance and support by the ruling Al Thani family and the noble people of Qatar.

Profile of H.H. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah Al Thani Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani became the new Emir of the State of Qatar on June 27th 1995, continuing the rule of the Al Thani’s which had begun nearly two centuries earlier.

Sheikh Hamad was born in Doha in 1952 where he attended primary and secondary schools. He graduated in July 1971 from the British Royal Military College, Sandhurst. He then joined the Qatari Armed Forces and went through several military ranks until he was promoted to the rank of Major-General and was appointed Commander-In-Chief of 4 the Armed Forces. He oversaw an extensive program to modernize Qatar’s military, increasing manpower, creating new units, updating weaponry and improving training.

His Highness the Emir, himself a keen sportsman and accomplished diver, is the sponsor of civilian sports in Qatar. He has given a lot of support to the youth and sports sector out of his belief in the significance of the role played by this vital sector in the process of building and developing a prosperous society.

His Highness plays a very important role in putting forward and implementing many successful policies which have resulted in cooperation and friendly relations with most countries of the world. He has sponsored many conferences on a variety of subjects, taken part in numerous Arab and Gulf conferences and has paid visits to many countries.

He continues to work hard to develop the countries wealth and to achieve welfare and prosperity for the Qatari people. Throughout his relatively short term of office, the country has achieved a number of goals in the development of political, economic, social and cultural standards which enable the State of Qatar to proceed with confidence in their shared future.

Important Cities & Villages

ƒ City of Doha Doha is the capital city and is located in the middle of the eastern coast of the Qatar Peninsula. Doha constitutes an important cultural and commercial center and includes a large commercial sea port and a modern international airport connecting it with all the destinations of the world. More than half of Qatar’s population live in Doha. The focus of the semi circular shaped city is undoubtedly the Corniche, a 7 km costal path along which many of the key buildings are located, including the Emiri Diwan (Royal Palace), several ministries and three of the main hotels.

ƒ City of Mesaieed Mesaieed Industrial City is about 40 km south of Doha and was established in 1996. MIC contains a varied base of industries including crude oil, hydrocarbon products, petrochemicals, iron and steel as well as light and support industries. Mesaieed Port serves the import and export needs of various products 24 hours a day.

ƒ City of Ras Laffan Ras Laffan is the most recent industrial city in Qatar. It is approximately 80 km north of Doha and covers an area of 106 square km. About 6500 officials and workers are employed there, making it one of the largest industrial cities in the world.

5 ƒ Al Khor Al Khor is a small costal town 57 km north of Doha. It is best known as a fishing town and for its ancient mosques and wind towers. It also has a regional museum which exhibits the antique and historical artifacts of Al Khor.

ƒ Al Wakrah Al Wakrah is a small town located halfway between Doha and Mesaieed. It has an old fishing port which is still in use today and is famous for its fine mosques and many houses which reflect the old Islamic architectural style. There is also a museum displaying among other things traditional Arabic style doors.

ƒ Dukhan Dukhan is located on the western coast of the State of Qatar. It has gained special attention since the discovery of oil in the surrounding fields. The city is characterized by its fascinating seashore. The city is about 84 km away from Doha.

ƒ Madinat Al Shamal Madinat Al Shamal is located on the coast in the far west of the country and functions as an administrative center for a number of costal villages.

ƒ Al Al Zubarah is situated 100 km west of Doha. It is an important archeological site famous for its old fort. This fort turned museum was constructed in 1938 on the ruins of a neighboring fort.

Qatar throughout History

Ancient Times The first signs of human habitation in the Qatar peninsula date from 4000 BC. Archaeological expeditions from Denmark (1965), Britain (1973) and France (1976) found rock carvings and groups of pottery that indicate a human presence at that time. Some historical texts claim that the first inhabitants of Qatar were the ancient Canaanites, a people well known for their trade and navigation skills.

The strategic location of Qatar in the Arabian Peninsula was one of the main reasons for its commercial prosperity. The seasonal migration of Arab tribes caused many fishing villages like Al Bida- Al Khor, Al Wakra and Al Zubarah to appear and to flourish by encouraging pearl trading.

According to historical documents, Qatar became renowned for the skill of its people in weaving and cloth making as well as for the quality of its horses and camels. Some historians considered it to be part of the region known as Bahrain, which stretched from Basra in Iraq to Oman. Qatar thrived in the Abbasid period and had excellent relations 6 with the Caliphs in Baghdad. Abbasid artifacts have been found in Marroub Fort in western Qatar.

Qatar in Islamic History In the 7th Century A.D., as the new religion of Islam spread out across the Arabian Gulf, Qatar came under the rule of the Islamic dynasties of the Umayyads based in Damascus and the Abbasids from Baghdad.

Qatar had a strong presence in Arab and Islamic arts and culture, and poets often referred to the country in their compositions.

Arab historians and observers also attribute special importance to the poet and knight of Qatar, Qatari bin Al Fuj’a.

Arab and Islamic history resources mention the sailing skills of the Qatari people and their role in equipping the first navy for the Islamic Army, under the command of Abi Alaa Al Hadrami. The Qataris were also renowned spear-makers.

The Arab geographer, Yaqout Al Hamawi, in his work “Mojam Al Buldan” mentions the flair Qataris had for tailoring garments and dresses. Clothing made in Qatar was very popular and it has been mentioned that the prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) and Aisha, (wife of Mohammed and known as ‘Mother of Faithful Believers’), both dressed in Qatari garments.

During the Abbasid era, in the 8th Century Hijri (14th Century A.D.), Qatar witnessed a period of economic prosperity and it was able to provide the Caliphs (or Khalifah) in Baghdad with considerable wealth. This is mentioned in documents originating from Marroub Fort, which itself displays a typical Abbasid architectural style.

In the 10th Century Hijri (16th Century A.D.), the Qataris and Turkish entered into alliance to successfully expel the Portuguese. For four centuries Qatar, like other areas in the Gulf, was under Ottoman influence. This remained the case until 1871. However, Ottoman sovereignty in the area was largely symbolic and the real power remained in the hands of the chiefs and princes of local Arab tribes.

In 1893 a famous battle took place at Al Wajbah Fort, in which the Qatari people, led by the then ruler Sheikh Qassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, defeated the Ottoman force.

Qatar in the 20th Century Until the early 20th Century, Qatar maintained relations with the Islamic Khalifah state and acknowledged its nominal sovereignty over it, despite the fact that the Ottoman influence in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula was on the wane. In 1867 the seeds of independence were sown after Britain signed a treaty with Qatar, under the leadership of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Thani, which no longer regarded the territory as a dependency of neighboring Bahrain.

7 Britain subsequently signed another treaty with Qatar in 1916, which was attested on 23rd March 1918 after Sheikh Abdullah Bin Jassim Al Thani signed the translated version. Under the treaty, Britain controlled Qatar's external affairs in return for guaranteeing its protection.

When competition for oil concessions in the region intensified, Britain made more specific promises of protection. In 1935 the previous treaty was amended and ‘suspended provisions’ in the 1916 treaty pertaining to British political representation in Qatar were revoked. A post office, airport and other installations were established.

Oil exploration took place over a 14 year period from 1935 – 1949. Although oil was first discovered in Dukhan in 1939, further exploration was halted for 4 years (1942 – 1946) due to the outbreak of World War II. Oil was finally exported in 1949, when the first tanker set sail with Qatari oil destined for international markets in December that year.

Before the discovery of oil the people of Qatar were subjected to a decade of harsh economic conditions (1939 – 1949). In addition to the adverse effects of World War II, Qatar also suffered from a decline in the diving and pearl markets. Food and basic commodities were both expensive and scarce.

Since the 1960’s Qatar has contributed to the international arena, becoming a member of both UNESCO & WHO and, in 1971, Qatar became an independent state.

Following the British decision to withdraw from the region in 1968, a decree was issued in 1969 (Law No. 11) concerning the establishment of a foreign affairs department. This subsequently became the core of the current Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Important Dates

3rd September Qatar gained independence on September 3rd 1971.

27th June On June 27th, 1995, H.H. the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani came to power in the country.

Health Services Free health care is available to all Qatari nationals; expatriates are charged a nominal fee. Health care services are comprehensive and include preventative treatment and rehabilitation. There are modern medical centers in Doha, Mesaieed and Dukhan which provide efficient primary health care.

8 Hamad Medical Corporation The Primary Health Services Department of Hamad Medical Corporation currently oversees 3 hospitals - The Hamad General Hospital, The Rumaila Hospital and The Women’s Hospital - as well as 21 primary health care centers around the country.

Qatar hosts numerous health institutions and private clinics that include 23 establishments and 171 medical and dental clinics and two policlinics.

Working Hours: Government working hours are from 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Private companies are open from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday are the official weekly holidays.

Official Holidays - National Independence Day: 3rd September - Eid al-Fitr is the day of celebration that marks the end of Ramadan. Officially the celebration lasts for 3 days. - Aid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, takes place on the 10th day of the month of Zul Hijih, during the traditional time of pilgrimage to Mecca. Officially the celebration lasts for 3 days.

Local Timing: GMT + 3 hours

Power Supply 220-240 volts with frequency of 50 Hertz

Border Exits: Land: Through the two border points at Abu Samra and Sauda Nathil. Air: Via Doha International Airport. Sea: Through Doha and Mesaiseed ports. It is worth mentioning that Customs authorities may impose taxes on some goods at border checkpoints.

Currency The currency issued by Qatar Central Bank is the Qatari Riyal (QR) which is equivalent to 100 Qatari dirhams (Dhs).

9 Each US dollar is equivalent to 3.65 Qatari riyals Riyal denominations are as follows: 1 riyal, 5 riyals, 10 riyals, 50 riyals, 100 riyals, 500 riyals. Dirham denominations are: 25 dirhams and 50 dirhams. Foreign currencies can be exchanged at all banks, at Doha International Airport and at a number of Bureau de Changes in the country.

Postal Services The Central Post Office, situated on Doha’s Corniche, provides a comprehensive postal service. There also are several post office branches in Doha and the surrounding suburbs.

The postal stamp fee for ordinary letters is as follows: - Dhs 25 inside Qatar. - Dhs 75 for GCC countries. - Dhs 100 (QR1) for other Arab countries. - Dhs 200 (QR2) for European countries. - Dhs 200 QR2) for East Asian countries, America and Australia Letters sent registered post are subject to an additional fee.

Entry procedures to the State of Qatar Entering the State of Qatar requires obtaining an entry visa prior to entry. The Summit National Organizing Committee shall provide entry visas to the States of Qatar through Qatar's Embassies abroad or via www.e-gov.qa or by issuing them at the Doha International Airport or via Qatar Airways. Participating delegations are required to complete the attached visa application form and attach a copy of the passports.

For further information, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Interior: http://www.moi.gov.qa

Important Telephone Numbers 999 Police, Ambulance and Fire Department 180 Telephone Directory Information 15 International Calls 4325333 Mobile Telephone Service 465666 Doha International Airport Services 4890333 Director General of Passports for Exit Points & Expatriate Affairs 4894444 General Corporation of Radio & TV Broadcasts 4334277 Department of Ceremonies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 4334446 Department of Information & Research (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 4449666 Qatar Airways 4847777 Foreign Information Agency 4455444 Gulf Air

10 4442191 Qatar National Museum 4867436 Weapons Museum 4325333 Hala Palace Services 4622999 Doha Airport Information 4464000 Post Office 4622105 Airport Passports Department 4433998 Pisan Plastic Arts Hall 4435348 Al Bidaa Plastic Arts Hall 4410207 Qatar National Association for Plastic Arts 4656417 Urgent Visas Office 4322725 Qatar News Agency 4621751 Visa Office 4448720 Public Relations Department (Ministry of Interior) 4394444 Hamad General Hospital 4621132 Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry 4411555 Tourism General Authority 4442191 Qatar National Museum 4466555 Al Raya (Arabic newspaper) 4466555 Gulf Times (English newspaper) 4662444 Al Sharq (Arabic newspaper) 4663946 The Peninsula (English newspaper) 4652244 Al Watan (Arabic newspaper) 4322844 Al Saqer (Arabic newspaper)

Limousine Services Gazira Tourist Limousine 4322800 Doha Limousine 4322772 Al Watan Limousine 4322772 Mustafawi Limousine 4671007

Car Rental Companies AVIS 4447766 BUDGET 4419500 HERTZ 4622891 EURO CAR 4438404

Taxis The Transport Company (Mowasalat) operates a fleet of turquoise-colored “Karwa” taxies within Doha. Tel: 4588888

Tariffs Inside Doha (day) Dhs. 10 per 200 meters Inside Doha (evening) Dhs. 15 per 200 meters Outside Doha (day) Dhs. 15 per 200 meters

11 Outside Doha (evening) Dhs. 30 per 200 meters Waiting during the day Dhs. 10 per minute Waiting during the evening Dhs. 20 per minute The evening tariff is applicable from 9.00 p.m. - 5.00 a.m.


The Summit National Organizing Committee is the highest body within the State of Qatar responsible for the preparation and organization of the G77 Second South Summit For more information, send an email to: [email protected]

The Summit National Organizing Committee is chaired by: H.E. Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Roumihi, Assistant to the Foreign Minister for Follow up Affairs Tel : +974 4334552 – +974 4334403 Fax : +974 4383749 – +974 4325888 E-mail : [email protected]

H.E. Nassir Bin Abdulaziz Al- Nasser Assistant Chairman of the Commission for Political Affairs Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Tel : 01+212 – 4869335 Fax : 7518632, 7584952 E-mail: [email protected]

Coordination Office: The office responsible for coordination and official contacts for the Second South Summit.

H.E. Dr Bashir Issa Al- Shirawi Coordinator of the Organizing Committee Tel : +974 4383070 – +974 5528700 Fax : +974 4383071 E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Abdulla Abdulrahman Fakhroo Executive Director for Organizing Committee Tel: +974 4334481 +974 552582 Fax: +974 4325888 E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs. Nadia Al-Sheebi Executive Secretary for the Organizing Committee Tel: +974 4334629 Fax: +974 4363422 E-mail: [email protected]

13 The Summit National Organizing Committee also comprises the following Heads of Committees and members: - H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Bin Mohamed Al-Rabban- Undersecretary of the Emiri Protocol. Emiri Diwan - H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Jassim Al-Mulla – Counselor for the Chairman of the National Committee for Protocol Affairs – Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - H.E. Ambassador Khaleel Ibrahim Al-Mulla Al Jofiiri -Head of Finance Committee – Ministry of Foreign Affairs - H.E. Ambassador Adel Ali Al-Khal - Head of Doha Declaration Committee – Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Dr. Bashir Issa Al-Shirawi – Coordinator of the National Preparatory Committee. - Mr. Abdul-Aziz Abdul-Rahman A-Soubaiei – Counselor for Commission for Financial Affairs – Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Mr Mubarak Abdul-Rahman Al- Nasser - Head of Protocol Committee – Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Mr Khamis Ebrahim Al- Mohannadi - Head of Information Technology Committee – Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Mr. Abdulla Mohammed Abumoza - Head of Technical Committee - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Colonel Mohamed Saad Al-Kharji- Ministry of Interior - Staff Lieutenant Colonel Nassir Muhhna Al-Nuaimi – Qatari Armed Forces - Major Khalid Abdulla Al-Hoti – Internal Security Force - Mr. Khalid Ali Al-Nuaimi – Emiri Guard - H.E. Dr. Hessa Al-Jaber - General Secretary of High Counsel for Communication and Information Technology - Mr. Saud Jassim Al-Juffairi – Ministry Economy and Commerce - Mr. Ali Jamal – Ministry of Finance - Mr. Ahmed Jassim Suroor – Ministry of Municipality Affairs - Mr. Abdulhakim Ali Al-Abdulla – Ministry of Health - Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Albuianain – Information and Press Committee – Foreign Information Agency - Eng. Ibrahim Hashim Alsaada – Works Authority - Mr. Ali Hamad Al-Kuwari – Civil Aviation Authority - H.E. Sheikha Muna Bint Suhaim Al-Thani – Youth Authority - Mr. Yusuf Alkazim – Youth Authority - Mr. Abdulla Mohamed Sadiq – Radio and Televisions Authority - Mr. Jan Paul Dip – Tourism Authority - Mr. Muhsen Abdulla Almalki – Construction Planning and Development Authority - Skeikh Nassir Bin Jassim Al-Thani – Qatar National Hotels Co. - Mr. Nassir Ali Al-Muhannadi – Kahromaa Co. - Mrs. Salam AlShawa – Qatar Airways

Specialized Sub-Committees

Security Committee Major General Saad Bin Jassim Al-Khoulaify 14 General Director of Public Security Directorate

Finance Administration Committee Mr. Khaleel Ibrahim Al-Mulla Al Jofiiri Head of Finance Committee Tel: 974- 4334290 Fax: 974-4320775

Dr. Ahmed Hasan Al-Hammadi Tel: 4427767 Fax: 4325759

Protocol Committee Mr Mubarak Abdul-Rahman Al- Nasser Director of Protocol department Tel: 974- 4416416 Fax: 974- 4418321

Doha Declaration Committee The Doha Declaration Committee is responsible for the political affairs and negotiation process of the Second South Summit of the Group of 77 + China relating to Doha Declaration.

H.E. Mr. Adel Ali Al-Khal Director, Department of Organizations, Conferences and International Treaties Tel : +974 4334311 – +974 5565356 Fax : +974 4424479

Qatari Diplomats at the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations in NY Tel: (01 212) 486 - 9335 Fax: (01 212) 758 – 4952 or (01 212) 751 – 8632

Travel and Tourism Committee Mr. Akbar Al-Baker Chief Executive Officer , Board of Directors, Qatar Airways and Qatar Tourism Authority Tel : +974 4411555 Fax: +974 4441550 E-mail: [email protected]

Information Technology (IT) Committee Mr. Khamis Ibrahim Al-Mohanadi Director of Information and Research Department, Foreign Affairs Ministry Tel: +974 4383714 – +974 5505658 15 Fax : +974 4353592 E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Husain Ahmed Al-Houmaid National Press Coordinator Tel : +974 4334541 Fax : +974 4427011 E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Khaled Al-Jaber Tel: +974 5855368 Fax: +974 4416172 Email: [email protected]

Technical Committe Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Abu-Moza Tel : +974 4334559 Fax : +974 4448475

Registration Committe H.E. Dr Bashir Issa Al- Shirawi Tel : +974 4383070 – +974 5528700 Fax : +974 4383071 E-mail : [email protected]

Mrs. Nadia Al-Sheebi Tel: +974 4334629 Fax: +974 4363422 E-mail: [email protected]

Press & Information Committee Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Buainain Foreign Information Agency Tel : +974 5534334

Mr. Bader Saleh Al-Jaber Foreign Information Agency Tel : +974 5017555

Healthcare Services Committee Mr. Abdul-Hakeem Al-Abdullah Director of International Relations, Hamad Medical Corporation Tel: +974 4324911 Fax: +974 4429565

Dr. Abdul-Wahab Al-Musleh 16 Medical Emergencies Director, Hamad Medical Corporation Tel: +974 4392050 Fax: +974 4392179 E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Yousef Al-Maslamani Medical Emergencies Director Assistant Tel: +974-5847689

Dr. Hamed Ghareeb Doctors Supervisor Tel: +974-5832373

Emergency Department Tel: +974-4392421 - +974-4392422 Emergencies Number: 999

Secretariat of the Group 77 & China Mr. Mourad Ahmia Executive Secretary of the Group 77 +China Tel: 01 212 963 3816 Fax: 01 212 963 3515 Email: [email protected]

Note: For amended data and more information, kindly refer to the following websites: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa


Military Aids-de-Camp

The Government of Qatar will designate military aides-de-camp of various military ranks in the Qatari Armed Forces for each Head of Delegation.

Diplomatic Aides-de-Camp

The Government of Qatar will designate a civilian aide-de-camp for each Head of Delegation participating in the Second South Summit. The diplomatic aides-de-camp are members of the diplomatic service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government departments seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They will accompany the visiting Heads of Delegations as civilian aides-de-camps during the Second South Summit. In addition to serving as civilian aides-de-camp to the heads of the visiting delegations they will be responsible for transmitting and resolving all concerns and interests expressed by the participating Heads of Delegations by channeling them through the corresponding agencies of the concerned authorities.

Civilian Aides-de-Camp and Volunteers:

A group of civil servants and volunteers will be designated to serve the delegations for the purpose of facilitating transportation, accommodation, departure of delegation members, entourage and security men.


All member countries of the G77+ China with accredited embassies in Qatar will designate an official who will serve as a liaison with the Second South Summit Organizing Committee and act as a permanent link prior to the event. For G77 + China member countries that do not have embassies in Qatar, the contact route will be through the permanent mission of the State of Qatar to the UN in New York.

Diplomatic missions of the G77+China member countries must provide the National Organizing Committee with the names of two individuals and means of contacts with them through telephone, fax and E-mail, from either the concerned embassy in the State of Qatar or the country’s delegation, who will be designated as responsible for the passports and baggage brought on the flights carrying their respective Heads of State and Government.

18 In the case of G77+China member countries that do not have an embassy in Qatar, the Organizing Committee will designate a working group to attend to the delegation’s passports and baggage. For those countries without an embassy in Qatar, the National Organizing Committee of the Second South Summit will coordinate with their embassies in New York to designate an official to serve the delegates.

Note: For amended data and more information, kindly refer to the following websites: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa


Basic information The Second South Summit will take place at the Dafna Hall in the Sheraton Doha Hotel in Doha June 14 to 16th 2005. The Summit will be preceded by Foreign Ministers Meeting on 13 June 2005 and Seniors Officials Meeting on 12 June 2005.

The Dafna Hall in the Sheraton Doha Hotel is located 5 km from the city center of Doha.

The conference arena has an exceptional record earned over two decades of delivering outstanding organization, quality and security in the hosting of world class events, in addition to offering excellent translation and documentation services.

The provisional programme of work of the Second South Summit: Date Program 10/11 June* Arrival of the participating delegations 12 June Meeting of Senior Officials 13 June Meeting of the Foreign Ministers 14 June Arrival of the Heads of State and Government 15 June (10:30 a.m.) Opening the Summit 16 June Continuing the work of the Summit 17 June Departure of the delegations

* Participating official delegates are allowed to arrive in Doha starting 10th June

Arrival of Official Delegations and Guests

Reception at the airport: The delegations participating in the Second South Summit will arrive at the Doha International Airport which is located close to the city center of Doha.

The Heads of State and Government of the G77 & China will be received by His Highness the Emir, H.H. the Heir Apparent, H.H. Prime Minister, and Ministers in the Council of State Protocol Lounge of the Doha International Airport, dependent on time of arrival.

The Foreign Ministers will be received by Ministers and Ambassadors on arrival at the Doha International Airport.

20 Other delegation members and journalists participating in the Second South Summit, will be received by Civilian Aides-de Camp and Protocol Department representatives through the designated arrival lounge at the Doha International Airport.

Offices have been set up to expedite immigration and customs procedures, along with mechanisms to guarantee the rapid reception of baggage brought by participants in the event. Embassies of G77+China countries with diplomatic missions in Doha must notify the Summit Organizing Committee of the names of the officials designated to attend to these matters in order to guarantee the issuing of the corresponding airport access pass and the smooth arrival of delegations. In the case of G77+ China member countries that do not have embassies in Doha, they will receive support from a working group created in Qatar for this purpose.

There will be an official Protocol office to deal with the questions or concerns of Summit participants regarding these matters, before, during and after the Summit.

For more information on reception at the Office and how to contact the Office of Protocol, kindly visit the following websites:

www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa

Program of Spouses of Heads of State or Government To be announced later.

Baggage At the advance party meeting, the Summit National Organizing Organizing Committee, or the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the UN, will distribute stickers that will facilitate the identification and recognition of the baggage brought by participants in the Second South Summit. Four different colours have been designated to identify the baggage of Heads of State and Government, Foreign Ministers, Delegates and the Press.

At the airport, a commission comprised of customs representatives and other organizations will work with the representatives designated by the embassies of G77+China member countries that have diplomatic missions in Qatar to expedite the retrieval of baggage. A group of Qatar personnel will assist official delegations from G77+China member countries that do not have embassies in Qatar.

21 Tourism Information At the Doha Sheraton Doha Hotel and the hotels designated for official delegations and the press, an outlet of the Qatar Tourism Authority will be set up to attend to any tourism-related questions and requests from Second South Summit participants.

All of the hotels designated for the conference at the Doha Sheraton Doha hotel will feature nearby shopping centers open from 10am –10pm. They will also offer the delegations staying there such services as restaurants, coffee shops and other facilities.

Working facilities for delegations At the Summit headquarters in the Doha Sheraton Doha hotel, a work room will be set up for shared use by delegations, equipped with such facilities as computers with modems (for Internet and e-mail access), printers and keyboards in the various official languages of the Summit, as well as fax machines, telephones, photocopiers and other equipment.

Official languages The official languages at the Second South Summit will be working languages of the Group of 77+China, namely English, Arabic, French and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation and translation services will be provided in these languages during official working sessions.

Advance party meetings The National Organizing Committee of the Second South Summit will hold advance meetings to inform the representatives of G77+China member countries about organizational and logistical details and the Official Summit program. The first meeting will be held 20th April in New York followed by another meeting for protocol and security affairs between 25-30 May in Doha


Official delegations The Government of the State of Qatar will provide an official accommodation of ten rooms for each delegation in a five-star hotel, including one suite for the president and another for the Foreign Ministers and eight rooms including two 4 bed rooms for accompanying guards (Max. 8 persons). The Government of the State of Qatar will cover the costs of accommodation, meals and dry cleaning.

Hotels designated for official delegations - The Ritz Carlton Doha - Sheraton Doha Hotel and Resort - Four Seasons Hotel

Other hotels for official delegations For Security personnel and accompanying guards the following accommodations has been arranged: - Doha Movenpick Hotel - Oasis Hotel and Beach Club - Rented building establishments

Hotels designated for the press. The press will be staying in the following hotels: - The Ritz Carlton Doha - The Ramada Hotel - Merwab Al Saad Hotel

For more information on the accommodation and deadlines for registration and other details, kindly visit the following websites: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa


General Information The government of the State of Qatar will establish a collective transportation system to ensure the attendance of all participants at the various activities included in the official Summit programs.

Official transportation The automobiles that the Qatari government assigns to Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations participating in the Second South Summit will be at their disposal from the time of their arrival in Qatar until their departure. The costs for this transportation will be covered by the State of Qatar. The arrangement will be as follows:

132 car for Heads of State or Government 132 car for Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Heads of Delegation) 132 car for accompanying national security In addition, the services of 400 cars will be allocated for receiving the members of delegations and 60 buses will be available for other participants of large delegations.

For Crew members on executive flights, rented buildings and furnished flats will be provided.

Transportation for the Press A regular car service will be provided to transport members of the press from their hotels to the Summit Press Center and from the Press Center to the International Conference Center to provide coverage of official activities during the event. This service will be ongoing throughout the course of official Summit activities.

For more information on tranportation, kindly visit the following websites: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org


Registration and Accreditation Office The Organizing Committee has created an office for the registration and accreditation of all participants in this event.

The purpose of this office is to facilitate proper identification of participants and to this end it has established a complete accreditation system that includes security aspects to guarantee maximum protection. Credentials are individual and non-transferable, and must be visibly displayed at all times.

The Registration and Accreditation Office is located in the Sheraton Doha Hotel, headquarters of the Second South Summit.

Access to the Conference Room Details on how to access the Conference Room will be posted on the following websites: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa

Registration and accreditation application forms The Registration and Accreditation Office will proceed with the administration of credentials upon receiving the duly completed application forms (attached) from the embassies of G77+China member countries with diplomatic missions in Qatar. In the case of G77+China member countries that do not have embassies in Doha, these procedures can be carried out through G77+China diplomatic missions to the UN and the Second South Summit Preparatory Committee based in New York.

(Kindly submit the application forms for ID cards issuance no later than 01/06/2005)

www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa

P.S.: ID cards could be issued to members of delegations upon their arrival to Doha. Application forms must be accompanied by two photographs 2x2 cm in size, one affixed to the form and the other with the full name of the individual written on the back of the photograph. 25 Embassies of the countries of the G77+China in Doha should submit filled up forms with personal data to the Protocol Committee in charge of the reception procedures of the President, the Prime Minister or the delegation at the Doha International Airport, accompanied by up to four officials (including the ambassador to Qatar). The Committee will take care of matters related to customs, passports and luggage. Authorizations will be issued based on the submitted data.

With regard to those countries that do not have embassies in Doha, a support group will be set up to work with Qatari officials in order to process the above-mentioned procedures with a view of issuing their cards. It is therefore advised that data should be submitted no later than 01/06/2005.

Application forms for the national and foreign press Application forms for the official press who will be accompanying Heads of Delegations should be submitted as previously noted.

Members of the foreign press accredited to work in Qatar, and those who will be here temporarily, should complete the corresponding application form and submit it with a photograph 2x2 cm in size to the Foreign Information Agency.

The national press will also be accredited through the Foreign Information Agency following the same procedures as the foreign press.

The application forms will be available on the following websites:

www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa

(It is advised to pick up the application forms for ID cards issuance no later than 01/06/2005)

Distinctive badges Distinctive badges will be worn only by the Heads of delegations invested with the power of Heads of State and Government. These badges will be issued upon their arrival at the Doha International Airport.

Credentials of official delegations All participants, with the exception of Heads of State and Government, will wear a credential designating their category (see application form) and thus have access to areas in accordance with that category as follows:

26 - Passes for entry to the conference rooms: nine only, in addition to the pass of the head of the delegation - Passes for all members of the delegation for entry to the official accommodation quarters of the head of the delegation - Passes for participation in the conference for all members of the delegation

Identification of vehicles Vehicles of Presidents, Heads of State and Heads of delegation and government, license plate numbers from 1 to 150 Vehicles of senior staff of the Presidents, license plate numbers from 200 to 350 - 150 vehicles of the Presidents close protection, license plate numbers from 400 to 550 - Unidentified number of vehicles for members of delegations, license plate numbers from 600 to 1000, bearing number 666 - 50 mini-vans for Press transportation, license plate numbers from 550 to 599 - 60 buses for transportation of delegations - one bus for airplane crews transportation

Vehicles to be used during the Second South Summit will be duly identified. Details of this can be referred to on the following websites: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa


General Information In preparation for hosting the Second South Summit in Qatar, the Ministry of the Interior of The State of Qatar, in cooperation with the Internal Security Forces, has been designated to guarantee the security of the Heads of State and Government and delegations attending the Summit. Security arrangements will take effect from the time of their arrival and will remain in place for the duration of the Summit. Head of states and Head of delegations will be provided with protection during the activities scheduled in the program, in their places of accommodation, during transportation, and during activities of specific interest to individual delegations. Details and security requirements of Heads of State and Government will be discussed with the advance parties on 25-30 May 2005.

Places of accommodation Security in places of accommodation will be guaranteed through the control of entrance access, ensuring that only properly accredited individuals and vehicles are allowed entry. Specialized trained forces will inspect all hotels, rooms, luggage, correspondence, gifts or other objects before they are passed on to the Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. A logistics center will be set up at the Qatar International Exhibition Center close to the conference center to serve the conference and provide all services.

Doha International Airport The reception of the Heads of State and Government will take place at the Doha International Airport, where the security of the dignitaries and their aircraft will be guaranteed by controlling access to the area, using the pre-established credential system. The only vehicles that will be allowed access to the inner area of the airport are the Head of State or Governments security module, the vehicle of the Ambassador or advance party, and the vehicles for transporting the delegation accompanying the Head of State or Government and their baggage. Officers from the Ministry of the Interior, in coordination with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be in charge of handling all of the documents and procedures involved in the arrival and departure of delegations to and from the country. They will also work in coordination with the Foreign Information Agency and the Customs Office of the State of Qatar, attending to the entry of communications equipment into the country, as well as any other needs of the delegations.

28 International Conference Center Access to conference hall (AlMaha) will be limited to bearer of official accreditations, which will determine the delegation members that are entitled to enter to conference rooms (9+1); they will be issued special passes with the name of the country in addition to the official delegation pass.

Other Installations In all venues scheduled for use as part of the official program and where associated activities are carried out by the Heads of State and Government, the Ministry of the Interior will adopt measures to guarantee the security of the dignitaries and other participants.

Security during transportation Protection will be provided for the Heads of State and Government and delegations through security modules organized by the Ministry of Interior and Internal Security Forces.

Entry into the country of security agents and weapons, communications, protection and detection equipment and baggage Security agents entering the country are required to submit, by the deadline indicated, the application for accreditation and, if applicable, the firearms declaration form (attached), fully completed with all of the information requested. For agents who have registered a firearm, their credentials will be marked to indicate this fact.

Weapons Only handguns will be allowed, with a maximum limit indicated on the website; refer to: www.g77-doha.org www.2southsummit.org www.dohasummit.org www.g77-sss-doha.org www.mofa.gov.qa

In order to obtain the necessary permits to carry a weapon, the firearm declaration forms should be accompanied by a list indicating the name of the security agent who will be carrying the weapon, the type of gun including brand, make and caliber, plus the quantity of ammunition and clips.

29 Communications equipment Delegations are permitted to enter the country with portable, mobile and stationary radio receivers and mobile repeaters, which must be described in detail on the corresponding declaration form (attached). To allow for their use, VHF and UHF operation frequencies will be determined and delegations will be informed of the ranges through their embassies or at the advance party meeting.

Protection and detection devices There is authorization for entry into the country of protection and detection devices such as manual explosive detectors, which should be described in detail on the list of firearms, as well as other equipment which should be cleared in advance with Qatari security.

Luggage Luggage brought by the heads of State and Government will be guarded by officers of the Ministry of Interior during transportation from the airport to the place of accommodation and vice versa.


Conference Center At the Second South Summit headquarters in the Sheraton Doha Hotel , a work room will be set up for shared use by delegations, equipped with such facilities as computers with modems (for Internet and e-mail access), printers, as well as fax machines, telephones, photocopiers and other equipment.

In order to use telephone services, Second South Summit participants will be able to purchase pre-paid cards at outlets set up in the Sheraton Doha Hotel.

Cellular phone rentals Q-Tel is the company that provides cellular phone services in Qatar, offering its clients the finest and most professional telecommunications services.

If you wish to have access to cellular phone service during the Second South Summit, simply follow these instructions:

Complete the attached application form providing all the information requested. In the event that the name of the specific user cannot be provided, give the name of the person heading the delegation.

Send the completed form by fax or e-mail.

For a cellular telephone service in Qatar, you can bring your own telephone as long as it is compatible with international standards..

If you so wish, after the end of your stay in Qatar, a receipt for your cellular phone service can be sent to a fax number or address specified in the contract (no more than 30 days after the closing of the contract).

For more information, please visit the following website:



Press Center The Second South Summit Press Center will be located in the Al-Majilis Hall some 50 meters from the Dafna Hall at the Sheraton Doha Hotel, where the Second South Summit sessions will take place.

The Press Center will receive the official broadcast transmitted by Qatar Television in Doha. The broadcast can be viewed on monitors in the newsroom, press agency offices and radio and television cubicles.

The television broadcast will cover the main public official activities and other activities of interest.

Registration for members of the press For journalistic coverage of the Second South Summit, members of the press should request accreditation from the Foreign Information Agency of the State of Qatar by filling out and submitting the corresponding application form (attached) or apply online at www.qatarinfo.net .The application should be accompanied by an official letter from the organization to which they belong, or for which they are working designating them for this assignment, along with three color photographs 2 x 2 cm in size. Accreditation for press coverage of the Second South Summit is subject to current regulations in Qatar which establish a charge for foreign press accreditation.

Requests should be submitted to a Qatar embassy or consulate or sent directly by fax to the Foreign Information Agency on +974-4847788 or via the FIA website at www.qatarinfo.net

Press credentials should be visibly displayed at all times wherever Summit activities are underway. Members of the press accredited for coverage of the Second South Summit have free access to the Second South Summit Press Center during operating hours.

Access to the Sheraton Doha Hotel is limited and will be granted in accordance with the organization of coverage of the activities taking place there. Details will be provided at a later date.

When press pools are formed for the coverage of specific activities on the program, the members of these pools will be provided with special identification for the occasion, in addition to the general press credentials.

Representatives of the official press will also have a pass identifying them as such, which will permit them access to all activities where they are accompanying their respective Heads of State and Government.

32 Equipment, bags and other personal belongings of members of the press will require a security check prior to access to facilities where Second South Summit activities are taking place.

Distribution of credentials Credentials and identification for members of press pools will be issued to individuals at the Second South Summit Press Center.

Accommodation The National Organizing Committee has issued a list of hotels recommended for the accommodation of members of the press.

Members of the press who wish to make hotel reservations should follow the instructions provided in the chapter on accommodation.

Parking and accreditation of vehicles Members of the press who do not use the transportation facilitated by the National Organizing Committee will be subject to restrictions on access and parking in the areas around the Second South Summit Press Center and the Sheraton Doha Hotel.

There will be limited parking available near the Press Center for members of the press who wish to use their own vehicles, for which accreditation must be requested from the Second South Summit Accreditation Sub-Commission.

General Newsroom The area designated for the written press will provide individual work stations, each equipped with telephones and addition hook-ups for the use of personal computers, connections to the Q-Tel network and other peripheral services. In addition, work stations will be equipped with a personal computer connected to a local server for access to the Internet and printers.

National and international telephone access to the network will be processed through the PIN telephone card system, using cards previously acquired through Qatar Telecom Company (Q-TEL Co.) in the Press Center itself. The newsroom will also offer the following services:

- Sending and receiving of faxes (using the same PIN card system set up for basic telephone services) - Digitalization of photographs and negatives - Public telephone booths (operated with phone cards sold throughout the country by Q-TEL Co. and its agents). 33 - Photocopying service - The newsroom will be equipped with monitors connected to the internal circuit for television coverage of the event and the principle cable television networks. - There will also be areas devoted to radio and television coverage, equipped with the necessary services for participating delegations.

General information - Technical services and reservations for the radio and television areas will be handled by the Qatar Radio and Television Corporation - The Press Center will offer an area for the holding of press conferences

34 XI. Health Services:

Ambulances: - An ambulance and a consultant physician will be stationed at the Doha International Airport during the arrival of delegations. - An ambulance will accompany presidential motorcades from the airport to the place of residence. - Ambulances will be stationed at various major places of residence. - An ambulance will be stationed at the conference center with a consultant physician and all necessary emergency equipment ready for any emergency call.

Clinics: A medical clinic will be set up around the clock at each of the places of residence for the delegations during the conference period (a clinic at each hotel). A physician will be on duty at each of the clinics to be set up as follows: - A physician and a nurse will be on duty around the clock. - Two first-aid men with an ambulance at each place of residence around the clock. - A medical center will be set up at Qatar Center for Exhibitions 200 meters from the conference center. - Necessary medicines will be supplied by the Ministry of Health and Hamad Medical Corporation.

Emergency Measures: - Coordination with the Permanent Emergency Committee of Hamad Medical Corporation - Rooms at hospitals will be allocated to receive patients from visitors and delegates participating in the conference whose cases require admission to the hospital and a ward will be reserved for VIPs. - The Accidents and Emergency Department and Medical Emergency Services with their full medical and emergency staff will be mobilized during the conference period ready to deal with any emergency cases - The emergency number is 999 - Hamad General Hospital emergency service number is 4392111

35 36

Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005








DATE: ______/____ 2005





Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005








DATE: ______/____ 2005



Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005


Family name(s): Name(s): Date of birth: Place of birth: Sex:

Male Nationality: Flight No.? Carrier Name?

Passport No. Date of issue? Issued by:

Address abroad: ______Telephone No.

Address in Qatar: ______Telephone No.

Post and assignment: ______Telephone No.

Address: ______Fax:______

Post and assignment: ______

Head of Delegate Foreign Minister Senior Official

Member of Delegate Protocol for Head of Delegate Security

Date of previous visits to Qatar: ______

Possible date of arrival in Qatar:______

Possible date of departure in Qatar: ______Please attaché your passport copy, and send it to fax No. +974- 4363422


Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005



Send By 10th May to:


TEL: 974-4334629

FAX: 974- 4363422

Received on:




Attach list of names and room types for reservations requested.


Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005


MEDICAL RECORD NO. ______(all information provided is confidential)

COUNTRY: ______

SURNAME: ______

GIVEN NAME (S): ______

Date of Birth: ______

Blood Type: ______Rh: ______


1. HISTORY OF HEALTH PROBLEMS (Mark with an x where applicable and provide further details)

1.1 High blood pressure ______1.2 Low blood pressure ______1.3 Lipothymy ______1.4 Cardiac infarct ______1.5 Angina pectoris ______1.6 Asthma ______1.7 Heart Disease ______Which? ______1.8 High blood cholesterol or lipids ______1.9 Cerebral infarct? ______1.10 Cerebral ischemia ______1.11 Chronic respiratory disease ______Which? ______1.12 Epilepsy ______1.13 Other neurological or psychological disorder ______Which? ______1.14 Eye, nose or ear ailment ______Which? ______1.15 Diabetes ______Do you use insulin? ______1.16 Drug allergies ______Which drug(s)?______1.17 Food allergies ______Which food(s)? ______1.18 Hepatitis ______How many times? ______1.19 Other liver disease ______Which? ______41 1.20 Gastrointestinal disorder ______Which? ______1.21 Operations ______What kind(s)? ______1.22 Vesicular disorder ______1.23 Gallstones ______1.24 Kidney stones ______1.25 Kidney, urinary tract or prostrate disorder ______Which? ______1.26 Gynecological ailment ______Which? ______1.27 Anemia ______1.28 Abnormal bleeding ______1.29 Arterial insufficiency ______1.30 Varicose veins ______1.31 Thyroid disorder ______1.32 Pancreatic disorder ______1.33 HIV positive ______How long? ______1.34 Other illnesses ______


2.1 Do you smoke? ______2.2 Do you consume alcohol? ______2.3 Daily ______2.4 Occasionally ______



4. Will you be accompanied by medical personnel? Yes / / No / /

Names and surnames:______

Place of accommodation: ______


Doha, Qat ar June 12- 16, 2005


(Please Print) This form should be photocopied if necessary Country:

Given Name (s):


Title / Position:

Passport No: Issued in: Date:

Firearm: Series No: Clips:

Brand and make: Caliber: Ammunition:

Person responsible for information provided:

Title/ Position:




Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005


This form is designed to provide information on radio communications to be used by delegations:


Type of equipment ______

Operates with repeater: Yes // No //

Power: Place where frequency is required: Operation frequency:

Number of portable radios:

Period of use:

Area of operation:

Other pertinent information:

Person responsible for information provided:

Title / Position: Signature:


Telephone: Fax:


Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005



Last name(s): Name(s): Date of birth: Place of birth: Sex:

Male Nationality: Have you had any other nationality? Which one?

Passport No. Date of issue? Issued by:

Address abroad: ______Telephone No.

Address in Qatar: ______Telephone No.

Media: ______Telephone No.

Address: ______Fax:______

Post and assignment: ______

Official press Cameraperson Radio

Printed press Photographer Others

Date of previous visits to Qatar: ______

Possible date of arrival in Qatar:______

Possible date of departure in Qatar: ______



A. Those interested will have to present: - the application form containing the request information - an official appointment letter with letterhead of the media signed by a competent authority of such body.

B. Three size 2x2 identical, recent colour photographs.

C. A detailed listing of the technical equipment to be introduced in the country for journalistic purpose.

NOTE: Delay in the delivery of the form and other documents would eventually lead to further delays in registrations


Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005



Send by 10th May to: Received Foreign Information Agency TEL: 974- 4847777 On: ______FAX: 974- 4847788




Doha, Qatar June 12- 16, 2005


Name of client: ______

Passport No. of person who will sign contracts: ______

Number of telephones: ______

Journalist: ______Summit delegate: ______

Security: ______Tourist: ______

Address abroad: ______

Address in Qatar: ______

Name of representative making request: ______

Other services:

If official delegations wish to request additional services not mentioned, they should contact the IT