lMK 2 TnE WORLD; TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1888. I Darbere A Dlsbrow, from 437 Broome st to 58 War-- Chryntle, W N, to 164 W 4Mh. E. Green, D, from 10 A 12 Wall it to 80 , Imhorat A, from 4C7 to 4S Broadway. A Irom 25 Nssssu st Green, W M, Irom G Dey at to corner Church and Ingersoll, It V, to 406 W 68th St. A RUINED LIFE. rcn st. Chrvstle Jauney. .... Eagan, DrJMF.from 154 E 117th to 14SE 116th J SO' r 5 3 at. it it Vesey su. Co, 61 Naaaao at to MAY-DA-Y MOVERS. Darnell, Wm, from IS John st to 22 . (,'lmmou, James, irom to Jonn Early, O L. to 171 W 125th St. Ingomar, Ooldsmlth a from Uatker, Patrick, from S2U W 18lh st to 813 W Ciairmnut, lUteile, irom 111 Wroth to 110 WOlst. Early, E 61t W st to 213 10th Green. W B, from 121 B'way to 78 William st. Maiden lane. J, from 21t are. 16 Br osdwsy. 33th st. ciappA Co, lrum5JNewstto58 Broadway. Earnest, H, from 530 to 631 Broadway, ureenbaum. A, from 31 W Houston at to 140 E Mth. Interim onal Printing Tel Co, to NEItVOl'S, GI.OO.IIY AND Inter-Ocea- Bldg DErltEasiED to 171 Broadway, Clark, C II, to W 25th U 11, 10 Gteenhanra, J, from 91 Grand st to 44 Greene at. n Improvement Co, from Potter to I Barlow Insce Surveys, from 12 "i Eautnn, It T Irnm Spruce at to Equitable Bldg, V lhunard, H, to 101 w iiiitn st. Clark, Ed, from 3fll W iWtti st to 6 ()ardn row. Echold A Miller, from 020 to 036 Broadway. Ureenbaum A liosenthal, from 91 Grand at to 44 Mutual Lite Bldg. TUB STUB OP THOUSANDS. 413 W 33d 224 W 27th llarne, J J, to 514 U 3inhst. Clark, F C, Irom 310 W 32d at to at. Eckert, from 43 to 1 Broadway. Greene a:. Ireland, W, Irom Sis Oth ave to st . W EC, 195 101 W llarnet, Him'l, from so to 33 Baxter st. Clark, I, M. irom 410 W vrtth st to 339 J7lh st Edclhotr A Itlnke, from 187 lo 141 Greene. Greenberg, J, from Division Bt to Bowery. Isaacs, O, Irom ESI W 23d st to 410 24th st 412 L 69th st. 140 W 22 Birnettlcrcsa.from 133 El 10th st to 149 El 17th st, ( latk, Vincent, irom 411 E 87th st to Edminater, Frsnk , from 130 to 90 Broadway. Greenfield, J, to 80th st Istusy, Jos B, from 32 in Old slip. A Sliver Lining to tho Clond. , Here Are Their Names and Barrett, Nephews A Co, from 7 tn 12 John st, ( lark A Bibb, to HI Brosdway. Kffard, W, to 429 W Mh at. ureenslal, II, from 430 to 432 2d ave. Ives, Jno 11, from 200 Broadway to 45 William It. BL 1 M, 4".3 791 ave. Greer, M, 231 2d ave to 339 W 14th Burroll, B c,ir, from 71 to llroadwar. larke, from to ctn Enlnlnger, 11 M, from 38 W 3d st to 70 W 4th at J from at I 321 W 33d 10 174 E With st. ( E from 4H Pine st lo 6S Broadway. 179 K Grlnbcrg, P from 273 Water at to 133 South at J, Barth, A. fr.nn st larksin, U Elstmann, F.mll, from to 100 lnBtb J, In life causes such misery as C.K1 221 at. st 310 E0 st. Notliinc haying Hf--' Where They Are Going. Battholdl Husponncr Co, from 47U to B'wsy, CUrtson," A C, Irom 370 Water l In Front Killer, Dr M, Irom 174 E raitn st to 176 2d ave. Gronc, M, from E 74th st to 803 E 77th at. Jicoh, M. from 62 Forsvth at to Market I Bartholctnew, U F, trom 3 John st to 1S3 B'way, Clay, Cnarlrs, Irom Morse Bldg to 2J9 5tn ave. Eiectrlc Bell and Gaslight Co, from 2U2 Broadway Grossman, J, frnm 143 W 41st stto 590 7th ave. Jacobowaky, M, from 19 Groan tto4i Walker it spent a dissipated or imprudent youth. How. 163 toOvjIOlti ave. (Irosimin Kolcf, from 12 Forsyth 11 to 30 .Market st. C C, 51 Uro.dway, Hrf" Bartholtmcw, W, from 192 to Broadway. Chary, MM, to 109 E9lh st, between 3d and 4th aves. Jacobs, to many mon wo ecowlio are biassed with fina i' Bartlttt, J. to 58 Broauwar. Cleveland Boiling Mills, from I'olter Building to Ella, Harris, from 62 to (.5 E Broadway. Grusvenor, l'i to 161210th ave. Ja'ous, J, from 240 tn 253 Madison st Bates, Edwin A Co. fom 113 to 79 Hprlng st. Coal and Iron Exchange Elmore, Frank, from 9 E 27th st tn 7 E lllh at 0 rote. Mattln. from 610 nth ave tn 575 sth ave. Jacobs, I, from 55 Hester st to 24 Ludlow Bt abilities aud who should bo in tho primo of i Bates, .1 II, from 41 to Potter llldg. Cleveland '1 tu Mining Co, from 71 to 53 D'way. Filing, A, from 251 Clinton at to 93 Allen st. Uuardian Assurance Company, from 54 William it Jacobi, Max, fiom 12 to 2 Baxter st. vigorous manhood, walking aloiiR .'110 HO 60 the streeti HI Batcman, A K, trom 10 and 12 Wall st to NO B'way, Clews. Jas II, Hum to W 69th St. kllitliorpe, F T, from Bldg to 81 llroadwar. to Pine at Jacobsen A Zlegel, from 613 10032 Broadway. 7t 1 Mado "Evening 99 Potter 21 HI:' A Direotory Up by Ilatiarle, A, from si Woostcr st to 132 W B'way. Clothing store. 1mm 22 E Broadway lo Pprlng st. Elmore, B N, from 339 W 47th st to 837 W H5lh Gull, Peter, to 241 W 23d st J icobion, 1, Irom 131 Madison st In Pike st with their heads bcut, their checks sallow, 50 place to 341 st 31 24 051 E 152d Bluer, P, to 1077 10th ave. Cllrehiign, W Scott, Irom Clinton Empire Mantel Works, from 153 E 113th st to 130th Gnmblner, Irom Greene st to White at. Jacobson, Mra J. an E 23d st to it their eyes lustreless, utterly without energy,.. fk Men, DautnKartcn, M II, from 27 Iioniton st to 592 W Uth at. st and Boulcvsrd. (ifi.tler, Fredk, Irom G39 E 11th at to 1089 1st ave. Jucobiou, 8. Iiutn 043 toi.33 Broadway. . World" Young Bp Bruadwar. Coadc, J, 10 237 W27lb St. Encaustic Tiling Co, from 116 to 138 W 23d Gutman, George, Irom 202 to 10i Broadway. JaeotiBon A Ziegel, Irom 10(132 Broadway. ambition, or purpoio in lifo, their wholo cxj, ' W 2Gtn st 01 E 91 to 40 Bleecker. Baycrsdortcr, Max, from 43 E 12th st to 823 B'wsy, Coburn, Walter, to4.".2 it, Englaud, Unlit II, to 947 10th ave. Uultenbcrg, L, from 23 to Broadway. Jacobus. Herman, from Canal st istenco ono ot perfect misery, and their every Beanti, Mrs (', lo 342 V 34th sL UiUran A Bealc, to 58 Broadway. Eunls, Mrs E, trom Asonrv Park to 245 E Jaglelky, L, from 192 lo I16 Broadway. .121 274 Htht. H. 1 170 Broadway. only Beakcs, C II, from 33J Mercer st to 303 E 12th st. Cndr, has J, Irom W 25tu to 9th ave. Ensler, Isaac, Irom 123 E 129th it to 120th st A 3d Jaulelky, L, Irom John st to gait and movemont tclliuR too plainly ' m Deal- -, . ''hatles, from 303 Henry st to 45th st and Colley, John, Irom I )7 W 47ih to 331 W i7lh. ave. Ilaab, F C, from 42 E 10th st to 85 E 20th st. Jannty, Samuel M, Irom 3.3 Nassau at to 0 Wall Bt that they have, in tho words of Byron',' Madlon ave. Cotley, J V, Irnm 500 to 331 W 37th st. Equitable Home Bldg ass's. Equitable Bldg. Haas, Joseph, Irom GI3 E 11th st to C41 E 6th st Joquis, A M, from 100 WOlst at to 693 7th ave, It.Was a Big Undertaking, but Bcattr. Louis, from 331 W 23th st to B20 W 37th St. coli u, M, irom 250 W 23d st to 20 W 2d St. Ei Icii, M, from 303 E 01st st tn country. lladkinson, George, Irom Tribune Bldg to 18 Cort-- Jeuncr, Wm A, Irom 200 B'way to 45 William st "spent their summer cro 'tvvni May." The ?' Brt Beaver, II, to 944 lMih ave. Cohen, H, from ill In 737 Droidway, Erickvoti A Stewart, from 531 to 694 Broadway. Undtst Jentier, W.I, to 177 W 93d St. crises of such men aro ccrUtinly pitinblo, 3144 3372 92 K Broadway. 827 E 79th to 409 E 87th 291 tn 20 W 14th bnt ', Beck, Miss Annie, from 4th ave to Sthave. Cohen, I. from M to F.iler, MI'S Stella, from 318 to 300 W 30th Ilageiuann, Chas, from st. Jentes, H, from Urand it st fc-t- . 45 st W Hero "It is. BecVcr, Aaron, from sri 7tn ave to lift Baxter st. Cohen, J A A Lo, Irom 15 Broad st to Exchange Epcn, from 1039 lo 1037 2d ave. Haggcttr, M, trom 51 Division st to 70 Forsyth St. Johnson, Annie, Irom 214 tu 223 27th Bt they aro not hopelcsi, because Dr. Groene'r m Mr, W 73 W 47ih Beddeli, E W, from 333 to 871 Canal st. place. Ettlngcr. W in, Irom 194 Broadway to 85 Nassan at Haiin, It, from 428 to 431 Broadway. Johnson, C, Irom 41 49th st to st Touio is daily 139 41 23 st 2J7 B'dway. Nervura Norvo restoring thous.'1 Beech, W, to 1C14 10th ave. Cohen, L, Irom 133 to Division st. o THivram, priming department, from 111 Haines, Chas S, Irom Park row to Potter Bldg. Johnson, FG, from Whitehall lo Bchrmanti, J, store at 39 Monroe street, Cohen, M, to 131 E'Otnst. Nassan st tu 100 Dttane st. Ilaldcmmd, John, Irom 119 E 69th to 100 E 85th st Johnson, Fit, from 23 Wmt hall Bt to 237 B'dway. anils of debilitntcd men to all their wonted lleicrmi'lster A Hpicer. from 710 to 754 Broadway. Cimeu, S, from II E llroadwar to 133 Division St. Everett Coal A Iron Co, from 63 Liberty at to 45 Hale, bainuel, 270 91 h ave. Johnson. J W, from 13 lo 23 John st. vigor. Debility aud nervous ,and physical Belden, V. to 101 W HMth M. Cohen, D, from Ludlow and Canal to 113 South SL Broadway. Haley, Win J, from 8 John at to 21 Beekman at Johnson, Jane, Irom 441 E 87th st to 412 E 89th Bt. ' d Beltfott, Ernest, ffm 317 to 252 Bnweiy. lohen, J, Irom 12 tn 18 B .wery. Excelsior Electric Co, from G Dey at to 119 B'way. Ilalk, Jos, to 58 Broadway. Johnston, Chas. 247 7th ave. exhaustion simply menu a loss of norvo power,-an- LONG LIST OF REMOVALS. SHOE 10 E 100 138 W 37th 195 ave. A Beuatar, U from 3.1st Hist. Cohen, It, (torn " l) Bowery. Hall, J, to St. Johnson, 1' B. to 10th Dr. Greene's Nervura Nervo Tonla. ,t K.K5 " - Bcup.Hct, I.e (1, frnm Alore BMg to 2.a 6lh ave. Colin, D, from 422 In 735 a I ave. h. Hail, J C, from 11 Pine Bt to 58 Broadway. Jones, t" F, from 115 W 19th st to 101 W SOth st ai Benlatntn, A, A Co, from C34 Broadway to 103 Cohn, Max, trom 1 John at to Astor Home. Fabry, H L, from 6 Greene st to 319 Canal it. Hall, J It, from 41 Parle row tu Potter Bldg. Jones, E L, to 56 Broadway. acts directly on tho nencsaud strengthens i 201 W 23.1 112 to 202 Division $ m& itltfcker st. Cole, Edgar F, lo 23th si. Pagan, F J, from 1614 1st ave tn 401 E 60th Hall's from sttsave and st lo Jones, Geo II, from 250 llenry at it them as no other medicino docs, it supplies; , 55 154 13.1 - it 23d Bt 50 W i Ilcnnct, C from Liberty at to Nassau st. Coleuiin, James J, from Allen st to9SDclan- I'uik, Andrew, from 647 to 536 3d ave. W Jonei", J C, to 23d st. 131 W 2155 21 W 100 B, to 81 Broadway. nervo force cures tho ff Bennett, Jno.M, from mth at to 7th ave. rey st. FalUnberg A Co, from (9 Grand st to 97 Franklin. Hall, J, Irom Houston st to Greene st. Jooit, trom 7 William st this lost aud worst casej ' WfS With a tolerable degree of regularity May Brrir, 1'' A Co, Irutu 120 to 131 Ureene st. Coleman, Mrs Wm A. from 62 Hcammcll to 163 W Fancy, A C, from room 29 to 21, 150 Nassau st Ilallenbeck'.U II, frnm 41 1'ark row to Potter Bldg. Jordan, John, 611 W I9tn st. of debility and physical nnd nervous exhaus- 304 to W) Broadway. John, 20 Kutgerset to 232 Henry Mile, 45 E 19th at to 347 5th ave. Brefii' Day brings Mfty flowcwnnd'Mny.bnsktta in II' rir r Bros, from lllh at. Farley, E J, from Brooklyn to 415 V20tn st Mulligan, from at joseontne, trom Bcrutnan, O A, to5s Broadway. Collins, J C, from 93 Madison st to 23 E Broadway. Parley, Titos, from 234 Delamey to 211 Madlron st Hamilton, J, irom 36 W r.tn nt to 41 w 34tn st. Judd, F C, to 85 Madison ate. tion and makes tho onco debilitated man feel , W 33.1 JPwny A G, 150 33 W 41 W 34th M 1), E 31st to 38 E Bg the country. In tbo.city it suroly brings tbo Berlltr. School, Irom 33 to 23th at. CollPter, F W, from riom 33 to Nassausl, Farl-- j A Holoian. Irnm 49 to 39 aud 41 W B'way. Hamilton, Mrs J, Irom 23th st to st Jip'son, AB, from 43 23th st nshehainot felt sinco ho was climbing trcct Bernstein, B, from 74 Division st to B'J Kranklln St. CotnbS, M A, to 104 W !!4tll at. M, tn 102 W 103d Hamilton A Gcrty, Irom 74 W4thst tn 219 W 39tn Bt. Jung, F, from 175 to 105 Grand at, ' moving. Farmer, it. nnnnnl BeroKtcIn, llosou, Irom 75 Division st to 'J Prank- - Commercial Cable Company, from 167 to 1 B'way. ave to 101 W 56th llamlen, V M, Irom 300 W35th st tnS3l WSIthst in boyhood. Despondency, that fearful fecl.-in- mmM Faruum,8D,trom70 Lexington it K. ' For nvrcok past nil otct Now Ycrk houso- - II tl st. Commercial 'trading Co, to 10 Broadway. Farrell, Dr, Irom 32 Molt at to 1 Elizabeth Band, II L, Irom room 29 tn 21, 150 Nassau St. indescribable, dread of sorao coming Hew 74 69 41 Bldg. st 1019 to ave. 192 8 Dey st, that gods been getting up and shaking Bernstein Bros, from Division st to Franklin st, Compton, May, from Park row to Morse Farroll, Jonn, to 310 W 2.3th st Banning, MrsTnereia, trom 903 0th Kahn, Dy, from Broadway to '' Hcv hold bao Bernstein, M, from 632 to ox, Broadway. Conant, Mra S S, from 22 Willow st to 250 W 22d st. Kartell, Bote, to 1)6 7th ave. Hansen, Simon, Irom 101 W 47th st to 169 W S3 Jet Kalm, Mycr, frnm 981 Lexington ave to 160 E72d It evil, wo know not whnt, that most distressing to BL IB 63 83 pi. E, 510 232 ave. 8 31 square. ' themselves preparatory to tbeir transfer to Bernstein, rnlllp, from 42i B'way 5i Walker Cone, II It, irom Fulton st to and Park Farris. A L, Irom 62 to 68 Broadway. Ilanuker, from oth ave to 8th Kahn, A, from to Union ill that flesh is heir to, which robs lifo of all ' Hir 813 ( anal to (12 Walker at. Conger, It, Irom 110 Nasau st 10 45 B'way, Hare, N, lo 243 W 84th st. M, 515 to 540 Broadway. y Bernstein, P, from st Clarence Fait, Irom to 10 Wall it. Kalmpler, from 'ocations ntui tbo idols and tboir 313 02 GS 87 Fit 167 COth 11 77 society K&l' 0ew Bernstein, J, from Canal st to Walker st. Coniress Laundry, irom to E Broadway. Feeling, John, Irom 343 W 43d st to 394 W 21st Hare, Joseph, to W St. Kamluskl, M, Irom 031 B'way to Greene at its pleasures, which makes irksome nro-o- n - 612 W 67th st to 997 6tlt ave. II, to 103 W 104th st. it Harlow, Ueo, Irom 424 W 27th st to 165th at, Glrard 300 E 29ta Bt to 214 E 31th st. Worshippers tboay,. tjrT- a Conklin, J Fill, John, Irnm !M tn 452 W 47th st Kane, J D. from has its origin nlso in tho loss of nervo force. ilrttweiier.JV trf70 10th ave. Conklliu, O.I, from "10 to 749 Broadway, Fetter, Chas, to 431 W 25th U ave. Kapp, Jonn II. irom 512 W 07th at to 997 6th ave. history moving day has nevor bcon WaraU M D, 63 Irving place to 61 M, W 3Jd st tu 210 W 22d st. U, 98 Woostcr at to 237 E 4th 120 K 01th st. Despondency is generally accompanied with " ' Beasell, E, from E Conly, Irom fa Fercuson, A, from 301 W Sith st to 331 W SOth Hsrnltch. from st Karelson, A, to Bk 1C74 avo to 311 W lBtb. it D. 1103 47 123 - traced. It comos year by year, and pooplo 20th st. Connelly, Michael, from 0th A M, from 65 to lift. Broadway, Harrington, J to 9th ave. Katl, M, fmm lo Nxsstn at insomnio, that fearful scourge, which keeps ' Hf but and in, for ono reason and another, Belts, Wm, from 419 to 421 W 27th St. Cont.cll, Win J, 2 Wall st tn 32 Nasasu at. Ferry. F H, trom 33 to 6d Nw st. Harrington & Gorhman, from 80 University place Katlsti, C, frnm 4''9to 411 Grand st Hil? Kioto Bovan A Coma, to lufi Franklin t, Cotitiell, Wm T, from 1(W to 215 W 161ft at. ave 606 46th to 633 Broadway. Kalz Bros, from 942 tn 1404 3d ave. us nwnko tho livelong night. It is difficult ;" - Fessler, F. from Ml Uth tn W at HP? W thai its- observation always increases in Beyer, Albrrr, to 303 W21tst. Connelly, .Mlcnucl, to215W10th st. Flala, Anthony, IromO Johnst to 61 Naasaast Harris, Charles, frnm 117 to 32 W.IOth st. Kaufm.inn, B, fronr331 to3'K) E77th st to imngino a more pitiable being than tho man thews Willow. Ponltney, I mm Morse Bldgto239Bth ave. Connctt,. llenry, from 5 Beekman st to Vandsrbllt Ficke, F, from 20 to 31 Bond st. Harris, 11, Irom 319 E 77th si to 414 E 78th st Kaulinann, W, Irom 310 10 343 E77that ' Huh scope A collection of tbo reasons for 103 W 13oth st 10) W 125th 242 "91 18 st 44 who feels debilitated and BUI, John, irom to st. Building. Fifty-nint- h Street Working Girls' Club, from 822 W Harris, J, trom Grand st to Broadway. Kerne Bros, trom Greene to Llspenardst utterly exhausted ' mWi, moving would form a raro asEorlmcnt of Bllzunz, 1' M, Iium 11C7 9th ave to 101 Western Conradt, O II, from 149 E 47th st to 268 W 43d st. 69th st to 315 W 55th st. IlirrH, Theodore, from 15 Broad st tn 1 Broadway. Keane Brna, from 31 Wooster at to is Mercer at during tbo day, who knows ho is unable to Clearlng-llotis- e. 1062 10 l Boulevanl. Consolidated fromG3to58 B'way. Flnkelstcln, J, irom 85 Peck slip to 51 Catherine Uartpence, Dr Wm, from 225 E UOilt st to Kearney. Edward, from 433 Madison avo to E points for tbo student of human nnturo and 10 1 45 it ? Rr?t ninKhatn, V, from Morso Bid? to Wsll st. Consolidated Coupling Co, Irom to Broadway. Ptrenuu's Insttrsnoo Co, from 191 to 101 B'way. Madison ave. 311th a;. fnco tho duties of life, who is tho victim of . 1 ita eccentricities. Dirge, Isldnr, from G3il to 1.3 Broadway. Conlanu'uu, L, from 123 to r9 Broad ay. Fischer, 51, from 20 Norfolk st to 315 Broome. Hatch, Edward, from 50 New st to 4 Broad st. Keating, Edward F, from 103 John st to 13 and 14 all sorts of gloomy forebodings, BE E Bldg to 3 St. L, A Co, 123 71 Broadway. e 1179 and who, ? HP& In n city of Now York's charactor and ex- - Birininghsm, F. from Morse Wall Cont inteau, from lo Fishel, A, from 431 to 634 Broadway. Ilatchwell, J, Irom Coleman Ilou to B'way. Cllil st. Jr Bisohotf, P, Irom 90 tn ns Fulton st. Couwav, J, to 155 W 53d st. Flihel, Netsler A Qu.traan, Irom 434 to 634 B'way, Il.iuptutr .v Co, from 1272 to 1291 Broadway. Kee Sing, Irom 44 to 30 Greenwich St. when ho retires at night, retires only to pass '0SB is al- - 131 r Hef ont ot rcn"' valued friends au Bltlcrmau, J, Irom 15 E 71st st to E 73d at, Cook, II, to 101 W'lotthst. FUhcr.Geo II, from 318 W 19th at to 157 W 14th Hauiemann, D, trom 203 to 168 Bruadwar. Kehr, Peter, from lSSMangtnst to3 Beekman it. tho hours in black despair which only a w cor sts KM Itowt'ry to 234 st 53 E 12th st 5 W 1.1tn that ,4 unavoidable consequence to anybody Black. David, from l'lue and William Cook. N, from Grand st. Fisher, W llltam M, from 13 John at to 176 B'way. llautmau, irom to st. Kenr. Peter, 5 Beekman st. most 1 150 A 010 667 230 SOth tboso who hnvo insomnia ' JHV tn 51 Fine st. Cook, Thus II, irom John st lo Nassau st, Flsk, O B, to 61 Broadway. II ivenncti, Hlrahucrg Co, from to B'way. Kelly, Andrew, from 103 7th ave to W It can ovor realize. F Huff'' whomoTcs any considerable distanco from Blackliey. J, to 460 W 31th St. Coieilake, J, from 15 Mercer st to 98 Urand st. Fitch, Henry, from 245 E 14th st, to 65 Irving place. Hawksworth. Ted, irom 98 to 64 Oliver st. Kelly, It J, Irom 17 to 3.1 Union square. How fortunato it is that all theso terrible If a man walks daily over Ulaetus, B, Irom 107 Woostcr st to 876 Lexington Copeatake, Lindsay, Crampton A Co, Irom 15 Mer- Fitzgerald. John, Irom 143 9th ave to 431 W 25th st Hay, Jus, Irom 209 Canal st to 197 Urand st Kelly, J II, from 3 John st to 83 Nassau it ' BH .MlPJAbabitntion. ave. cer st to UHdrandsL Fltzpatrlck, reter, irom 403 w aotti st to 502 9in ave. Hay, DC, to 66 Broadway, Kelp, Jas, Irom 473 to 470 2d ave. evils, dospoudency, insomnia, debility, and among strangers 18 10 379 Us a certain route, bo gets whoii Blake Bros, from Wall st to 5 Nassau st. Corbin, Wm L, to Broadway. Flxtuan, Ezeklel.lrom 5 Beekman at to 2 Nassau st. Hayes, F J, to 6th ave. Kemp, C, to 101 W. 104th st. nervous nnd physical exhaustion, aro easily ' WfM bo varies tbiit'routo by a block. Then if he Blake A Co, from 5S0 3d uvc to 647 6th ave. Carlson, W, to 177 W 93d st. Flannery, Jerome, from E 77th st to 8tf7 Lenox Hayes, Dr Ilobt II, from 842 to 850 E 63th at Kemp, Morris, from 3) to 2 and 4 Ludlow It Blake Brothers, from 18 Wall st to 7 N.isJau at. Cosine, Win E. Irom 43 E 123d st to 43 Uestor St. 1 uvc. Hayes, Thoa F. from 119 E HCtn Bt to 120th st and Kcmpe, S, to 1012 10th are. cured by Dr. Groene's Nervura Norvo Tonic enters 1H 1014 moves bis dwelling a block or a milo ho Blake, David, Irom Tribune IIIiIl' to Cnrtlaadtst. Cosaett, H, to 10th ave. Flatnw, E, from 91 to 114 Canal at. Madiion ave. Kenlage, O. to 114 lOJth st Evory day wo meet men, onco victims of k! Blanc, Baron F N, from 14 u 2.11 n to 013 3tn ave. Dr E I), from 333 W 3Ht st to 2G8 W 33d st. 562 510 Dayman, Sol, from 971 3d ave to 59th and 3d are. J, Mrs, from 305 W 24th at to 221 Oth are. " i1 an rnrolv now sccno of lifo. cotales. Flelich, M. Irom to Broadway. it Kennedy, KB Bleeckcr. DrW ll.fioni :t:u E '.7tnto 70 E 113th su Colter A btaiidlast, irom 6 Beekman st to 2 Nas- Ftelseh A Co, from 662 to 516 Droadwtr. Huynes, J C, lo 63 E 63d at Kenucv, Dr. to453 W 27th kt physical excesses, who wcro weak, nervous I to 10 SOth Do has told a friend or two where look Bloomer, II, to Uh WllXlth at. sau st. Fleming, Dr Edward, Irom 16?0 to 1773 Lex ave. II ,yne, Mrs, from W st to 53 E 53d Bt Kenned v, Wm. from 328 to 233 9th ave. and utterly exhausted and their days harassed Ki bimsolf known tbo now Dloomlleid, J, from ctb ave and 22d st to 212 W Cotlrell, L, from 811 4lh ate. to 109 E. 24ih at. Fleming, Brewster A Alley, from 31 W 23d at to Hazard A Hcrkart, trom 117X Division st to 4 Jef- Kent, II A, to5S llroadwar. - iSK 'or k'm uo has " 21st sL Cotlertl, 'I hos, Irom 377 Cth ave tn 340 W 33d t. 22d st and 2d ave, ferson st Kenwortny, It. trom 41 Park row to Potter Bldg. by despondency and exhaustion and their tell 101 201 conuT ,i EK placo long enough, but ho couldn't them Blosvereu, B, from 200 Grand st to E 105th st. Courtney, Bernard, from W2)tb to 808 W 19lh. Fl'ck, l'etrr, to 1077 lii'h uvo. Hecht. James, to 807 E 67th st. Keoh, J, from 2G Oliver st to 21 Madlon st nights passed in tho agony of insomnia, now nil and be couldn t leavo a card on bis old Blum A Co, from 740 to Ct3 Broadway. Courtney, .1, irom 130 Jane to t03 Hudson sL Flore. .Mra A, frnm 204 E 16th st to 127 E 17th It Heckinan, Cha, Irom 60 to 71 Broadwav. Kerr, Arthur O, Irom sol W 129th at to 341 Alex- H Blumeuthal, M, to 23.1 E 3r.lhL Cowdcn, Mary, to 211 W 22d st. Fulllard. Jim, to 414 W 25th st. Heidelberg, Isaac, Irom 134 E 70th st tn 43 E 69th at andria ave. completely restored to health, joyously tell- and Ml 014 702 81 51 K door, and well, ho's'movod that's all. llnnrdman, LnnHdale, Irom B'way to IS Wall st, Cox, c I', from in 3d ave. Fuller, John, to 417 W 16thst. Helm, .Marcus, irom New at 10 Broadway. Kehue, J, to 735 Madison ave. ing every ono that they owo their recovery to TnE Evening World lias taken a good deal llotse.C, Irom tu CliaiulxrHst lo2J) Broadway, Cox, Lew's S, Irom 47i Broome st to 72 Walker St. Foots A Knevals. from 9 mo 109 Water Heller, II, Irom 13 John st to 22 Maiden lane. Kwtner, Fred, to S54 W 20th st K W, 49 st 3S0 Broadway. .Mitchell. 349 In 357 W 17th St. it M, 49.) to 497 45 that great vegetablo remody, which has been moviug lioese, 0 Irom Cnambera lo Cox, Irom Forb's, W m. tu 514 W 20:h st Hellman, Irom Broome st. Keyser, bam'l, to Droidway. of innnisitivenoss to itself in this Il'iuney. Itoht, Irnm room 74 to 61 Morxe BulMlng. Coxe, Magrane, Irom 65 Liberty st to 2nd B'way. Fotcc, Wm A. from 173 Full on st to 60 Beekmin Hcmtuel, A E, lr,m 202 B'way to 109 E 9th st Kimball, Ellz, from 171 to 150 W 23d st so aptly w 123d N it 39 teimed Nature's Itestorer, Dr. matter for tbo spring of 1883,- - -has asked a Jlonynge.Kobt. (rtn W E 124th st to nil st. Cralt, It II, trom Clareinont, J, to 183 E 933 at. Ford, Caleb, irom 319 Fulton st to 333 Greenwich st Hempstead, E, Irom Broad si to 137 boath It Kimball, Wm A, Irom 55 tn 68 Broadway. Boomer, (leo 11, Irom 319 Fulton at tu 2:13 Ureeu- - Ctub'hcad, John P, (runt 120 to 90 Broadway, F ml, John, irutn 717 8d uve to MM 6th av Heuuog, Ueo, to 650 lllh ave. Klinmcy, C, from 315 W 28th st to 3 W 22d st Greene's Nervura Nervo Tonio. This great many pooplo whouco thoy would movo 644 great wlcn at. (rail, I. II, liomai Park row to Potter Bul.dltig. Ford, M T. Irom 42t W 30th at to 214 E 109lh st Ilcnner, Louli, from to 543 Broadway. King, V B, from 2 to 15 Wall st. remedy, which, ni one of our most eminent and wboro, and the results, in long columns Boonan, U, from 300 9th avo to 411 fith ave. (nine, Its, to 68 llroadwar. Ford, W F, from 278 Water st tn 224 Front st. Henry, Mrs J, to 44 W 40tn st. Kn.ncy. John O, to 133 WSOth st. iRflf, Homelier A Co, from 9U Water st to 13-- 4 ll'wjy. Crittenden, J W, irom 118 Columbia to 114 E 113th. Foreign Fruit Co, from 1268 to 1298 Broadway Ilciisulel, Henry, from 118 to 130 Hester st Kirliy, A, Irom 100 ll'wav to 54 Pine at. scientists has raid, bhould be in every house, of answers, ore prcsentod y. Bosaut, 1'to A l'lls, Irom 448 Broome st to St Crolut A wl.rc.lrom 107 P'lnrot to 133 Greene st. j.vrc"iiiicl.6Yi earn, irom 41 Park row to 318 B'way. Herbert, Albert, from 239 W lith st lo 241 W 23d at. Klrby, F E, from room 33 to 0, 150 Nassau at hold in tho land, can be had of all druggists To gather this list Evenino Wont,n roport- - (Irccno st. Croihan, John M, from loGi Madlioa avo to 108 E FotBhay, David F S, from 19 to 11 Wall at Ilcrniteln, A L, from 63 W 125th st to 345 Lenox ave. Klrby, M E. from 561 to 531 Grand st Botkowky. L, from 41 lo 17 Division st. 107th st. r Lighting Co, from 24 Tnamea at to Equitable Herschraann, Seinio, Irom 46 to 40 Canal st. Klrby A Dwlght, 10 store of 54 Fine st for $1.00 per bottle. It was discovered by canvassed assigned in por- - W i 030 033 Font 103 crs bavo districts liougiitoti, S, to 177 liitn at. Croulu, P, Irom to 2d svc. UUlllllUg. Hertz, Mrs Frieda, from E (Mth to 427 E 80lh at Klrhy A Dwi.ht, Irom sw cor Pine and William fits Dr. Greene, tho famous lecturer and special, son, and to tbo collection of names and Biiutic, it E, irom 441 to 437 V 57th St. Croauiaii, u II, Irom 31 New at to 72 4 74 Broadway. Fourntcr, victor P, from 241 to 227 W 32d at Uerzog, Max, from 72 E 5ltn st to 14 E 45th st to 54 Pine st llowi'lier, Cellua, Irom 130 E 43 st to 917 3d ave. Crougtiau, Joan, irom 300 E 12th bt to 173 Blcecker Fourteenth street Bank 10 5 Kait 14th st. Hewitt A Homer, from ,30 Union tquaro to 19 E Klisatn, B M, from 61 to 135 Fulton at ist on nervous nnd chronic diseases, who can S KS .places which thoy brought in was added tbo V, Boston, Mass, to 111 1i,h at ,.. ! Buwdltch. Ernest Irutn at. Fowks, II, from room 21 to 74 JVlOnne Building, tVICUK, 1' It Hum ,uv o, .....au be consulted at 35 West 14th st., either per- 1 addresses which camo on tho blank forms Broad nay. Currle, ltobl, Irom fith ave A 83th st to 1031 B'way. Fowler Bros, Irom Produce Exchange to 1 B'way. Ileyman Bros, from 40 Vesey st to 73 Murray st Klotz A Co, F 8. Irom 19 Greene st to 47 Wnlkerst B 1, 1 171 247 W 30th 200 163 sonally or by free of charge. j Bower A llaucrof Irutn John st to B'way, Curry, Mis.l, to it. Fox, Mra. C, to 216 W 49th. llevwood Bros, from Canal st to Centre st Klulbtr, A, Irom 407 E IO6P1 st 10 34G Pleasant ave. letter, ;' wWwf tho own columns. W A Xirlnted in paper's Bnwirs, 11 H, to 319 iiMhst. CurtH Crocker, Irom Ho Nassan at to 732 7lh ave. Fox, Wm, to 812 W 25th st. Hlckllng, J, from 03 to 68 Broadway. Knapp, Alfred .', from 116 Vanderbllt ave to 334 6th '" ' arrangement of tho names after they Ilojd, James, to v& loth ave. CiiKtilng.M J, Di, from 2.12 W 21st at to 246 W 2Sd st. For, T from 192 Mulberry st to 180 117th Hicks Bros, from HI Grand Bt to 42 White at ave. Hlr 125 J, st 107 '' 'i0 Boyil, Win, fruin 165 9.h ave to 195 10th ave. Cutin, Andrew, from Maiden lane to 113 Water Francis, Charles, Irom 239 to 462 W 20ih Hicks litoi, from Grand at tn 43 White at Knautz, M, Irom 444 Broome st to 66 Grand woro gathered was a task not at nil slight mid st 60 W st ' WT& Boyle, II, A Hotis, frnm 41Uto63tHtli ave. Bt. Frauds, M. from 351 W 29th si to 401 W 23th at Hlgalns, Francli, to 22d st. Knevais, Cliaa V, from 31 to 45 Broadway. si Kg' ono sovoroly testing The Evenino Wom.b'h lid) uioii, A, from 3 John at to 170 Broadway. Curtis, Dr II II, from 29 W SOlh st to 21 E 80th st. Frank, A, frnm 138 Division st to 80 Canal at. Higglns, J, to 113 W 83d st. Knoblocti, C L, from 510 to 611 3d ave. Bracken, Tuua, Irom ltd to 120 Broadway. Cycloue I'ulicrlzcr Co, Irom 149 to 117 Broadway. Frank, B, from 714 lo 100 3 ave. Hlbglns, Jas, Irom 201 E 79th st to 138 E SOth Bt Knoeller, J A, Irom 9 John st to 01 Nassau at 4 staff as a directory corps. How woll Iho tost 11, 1120 kI Brady, Andrew, from 610 W 311 h st tu 2,'0 0th ave. Frank, h. irom 128 DlvUlon st to 86 Canal st IHgman, John Irom to 1130 3d ave. Knopf, 11 L, Irom 150 lo 190 3 ave. 1807 'has been sustained tho formidable list of Br.iJy, Peter, 10 413 W 27th st. D. Frank, Eliza, from 4 Bayard Bt to 40 Ludlow at linger, S, to 1012 loth ave. Knorr, J A, frem 99 E 111th at 10 127 E 93d st life A Ho us, B'way to Mercer and 15 25 Hill, J do G, from 41 Park row to Bldg. A 51 Broadway. n is to show. represents a picco Brafman '.tomJrVtt Frank, E I. A o, from to Broid street Potter Knoud Camp n. to 2 movers left It Siirlne ats. Dabrownkl. V, from 173 to 177 Grand st. Frank, Wm, Irom 749 E 10.5th Bt to 972 Washington Hill, Elsoti C, from 41 Park row to Potter B dg. Kobbe, B, Irom 531 E 67th st to 107 E 85th st ' I ' work nevor before attempted by a Now llraml, Mux, from 849 to 313 E 60th at. Dnuo A Co, J T, from Philadelphia to 1 Broadway. ave, Illllcry, Miles, Irom 439 W35th et to 145 W 63d st. Koblenzer, Morris, Irom 113 E50th to 315 E 67th at ' Braud, John, Irom 123 Maiden lane to 143 Water St. Dina A llieklurd, frnm 795 lo 744 Broadway, Fraukenhelmer, Jno, from 81 Nassau st to Equi- llllllioiiHo, Tho G, from 15 Broad to 37 Wall at Kobro, Max, frnm 40 to 40 Canal at b7t. H newspaper. '.. 'York Breuny, 11, to 211 W 4stli. Daulel, W F, from 03 to 58 Broadway. table Building. lllues, Percy, from 214 E 88th to 403 E 72d st. Koch A Co, to 87 W 16th at. K, 18 to 25 Forsyth st, .Moses, 617 to 630 3d ave. 11, 3 Bros, from 214 Centre to 148 441 W 87th 811 1 Mfc' wa8 no' CPCC'C1 m' hls '"'oik Brelt, Oen Irutn Dauticnberg, from Frankleld, Irom John it to 202 Broadway. Hindi st Baxter st Koch, Gottlieb, from st to W 88th st Breltcnfcld, Dr H, from 16U to 1M E 72d st. Darke, D D, from 41 to kS Broadway. to 95 Greenwich ave. Illrsch, I), from 41 to 43 Estcx st Louh, Irom 238 O.h avo, to 10th - would bo accomplished without meeting tho Franklin, Win It, Koehler, tt and f Breulng, John, (rum Ivn It avo to 103 E 14th St. Darrab, P. tolll luithst. Franklin A Llppman, from 96 Bleecker it to 23 HlrBch, Henry, Irom 201 Clinton to 186 Cherry at AveD. joko. Tbo Brjunaii, M 1', to 453 W 27lh t. U W, 019 lo 6'JS Broadway. A Schwarzkorf, from 40 Houston st to 329 M, 1161 to 1103 2d "3 Ir- - " "omnipresent roan with a humorist Dater, from Great Joiicmbi. llircli Kohlmere, J from ave. ' Ilrowcr, llenry K, from 23 to 2il St. Dater, Charles, Irom 019 lo 691 Broadway. 135 Bowery. A, 19 Broad st to 46 Exchange Qouprtfyuait 1 m Bwing with tho blank forms cut from Naau Eraser, Atlbur C, from room to IIS Temple Kotin, Julius from ' bad bis Brewer, Dr Ueo E, Irotu 29 W Witii to 21 fi SOlh st, Davids, (liiitave, fluin 5.I2 to 634 Urand at, court. Hitchcock, trom 106 Nassau Bt to 11 Park row. place. i V tho paoer. On ono of theso was boborly pro- - Ililddon, J, iluetor, trom 07 W 23d at to 13 E 83d st. Davids, G, Irutu 8 to 14 Bowery. French Atlantic Cable Co, from 8 to 34 Broad st Hoag, T, from 1377 Broadway to 118 W 63d at. Kopanklewlcz, A, from 173 to 177 Grand st 7 Brlerly, F John, from 235 i: Klt at to 312 E 84th st. Davldaoii, It. to 103104th st. French A Hon, S, trom 31 E 14th st to 88 W 23d Hocksdater, Atlolph F, from 457 Broadway to 28 Koupal, D C, from 244 E 6th st to 201 E 82d I eontcd tho namo of " Uiss Debar, Ann W 431 st st Brink, Mrat, frimi 4in 29th to 27th, Davenport, Dr, tu 127 W 45th st. Frledlander, E J, trom 45 Morton st to 1123 9th ave. ureene st. Kosvcn, Morris, irom 189 to 141 Division st. e;o. W''' O'Dclia." with a notico of lcmoval from Brlnkernorl A Fitch, from 349 to 350 Broadway. DaMcs, II 11, irom 1399 Broadway to 216 E 4!d st, Friedman A Co, L, Irom 119 spring at to 62 W Hodman House Cate, new branch at 63 B'way. Kramer A Johnson, 10 cor. Pearl and William its. v 'i f 54 W W ' I " Tho Tombs to tho reuitontiary." Another Broikunay 'leacliirs' Agency, rum to 24 w 23d. Davis, George, Irnm 41 Park row to Potter Bldg. Houston. Ilogau, F, to 420 20th st Krcmler, Francis, to 107 W COth St. b Brodati, A, from 3'.J W 43d tn 718 2J ave. I) iv s, .1 L. Itom 164 Front at to 13 James slip. Frledrlch, Mrs P, from 612 Lexington ave to 314 Hutian, J O, from 442 W 32d st to 406 W 25th st Kroeger A Son, from 31 Union square tn 21st at and " A. 1121 PMward, Irom 18 to 54 Broidst, 120 159 Hogan, Win, from 60 Madison st tu 319 W 16th I 'I S thus declared: Hewitt. S., from lltokaw, Davis, M, from to Greenest. East I5lli st. It 3d ave. Stoves, Bedding, ' Brokan Muntifaciutlng i.'omiuuy, trom Ncwbnrg Davla, ltobl K. from 439 to 600 Broadway. Friend, Samuel, to U3 W st. Hoggc, John, to 9S8 10th ave. Kreuter, D S, from 419 E 117th st to 348 E 78th Battle How to 1010 Hell's Kitchen." Tbo 2th 11 at I. Jt M' Y to(4) Whitest. Davit & Ln, BE, from 427 tu H)0 B'way. Frv, F C, Irom 733 to 1357 Broadway. Iloilini, B, from 6 New st to 18 Wall at Kronwall, a J. Irom 157 to 315 W Slat st. ' I latter is rcspectiully roferrod for further Brooker A Doyle, from 111 to 79 Nassau St. Divlaon, Geo F, Irom 87 Wall st to 45 Broadway. I'ttld, Ludwlg, I roin 43 to 60 New si. Holmes, Cnas P, from 120 to 90 Broadway. Kuuat, F, to 427 E 59th at FURNITURE, I Brooklyn Knitting Co, Irom 656 B'way lo 74 5th ave, A Fisher, (Ml 45 Holmes, Wm, Irom 730 to 775 Broadway. 00 64 f 'Terification, while The Evlninh World goes DavUon from lo Broadway, Futlertoti, ltobert, from lloboken to 135th at and Kuho, F. Irom Oth ave to 8th ave. m Brooklyn Insurance t o, irnm 101 to lrw Bowery. Dax, E S A Co, trom 1203 to 1327 Droadwav. 4t't ave. Holt, Ueo C, irom 120 to 111 Broadway. Kuhne, F, Irom 53 W 40th st to 733 Madison ave. Refrigerators, Crockery, j, SB .onto toll what it has learned of tho May.Ilay Brookn, H J, Irom 310 W 25tn to MM W 24th. Dayaprlng, The, Irom 150 Nassau st to '13 Bible Fullerton A Co, bulldcrB, from 229 W S2d st to 119 Holt A Bulter, from 130 to 111 Broadway. Kuhne, J. to 733 Madison ave. Brower. MautUc, from 20J E 84tn st to 673 8th ave, House. W 29th Holzman, E, from Oil to 650 Broadway. Kupfer, S3 New Bowery to 13 Chatham sq. i shifting of tho masses. st. F.from CARPETS, W 6M-53- d st. Dayton, Miller A Co., to Produce Exchange. Fnlton, to 101 W 104th lloinau, Andrew, Irom 64 Marlet st to 83 Pike at Kurtz, Leopold, from 7 Ludlow st 10 2d are, be- 1 J, et (0 Bron n, A L, from John st to 80 Nassau it. Dc Agramontc, F, to 15S , SithBt. Furlong. Peter, Irom 403 to 1672 9th ave. Iloman, Wm, from 54 .Market at 36 Pike st. tween 31st and 31(1 sts. A 129 21 Sewlng-.Machl- SO Pictures, Curtains. ' In New York. Brown, It C, Co, from Franklin st to Mur- Do Aguero, M A J W, to 59 Broadway. Foald, Chas, Irom 819 W 16lh st to 518 W 37lh st Home Co, Irom to 23 Union Kurtz, Stnboeck A Co, Irom 135 to 164 Greene st ray st. Deaves, ltlcbard, starts new olllce at 6 Beekman st, square Kurtz A Graham, from 791 to 1395 Broadway. Ih' A Brown, W'm, to 224 W 27th bt. De Bllllcr, F A II, from 85 to U New st. C. Honduras Commercial Co, to 1 Broadway. Kurzman. M. from 299 to 391 Graud st Brown, Ci as, from 30 to 39 E 14th at. De Castro, B, Irom 63 Wall st tu 735 Broadway. A Joost, from 333 to 243 Water lloulg, A A Bros, from 995 2d ave toBso 3d are. Kntzinsky, Uattle, Irom 21 Catharine st to 11 Everything for Housekeeping 1 184 Division to 33 Nor-- Gage st 167 El. ' Ww Aaronson, 61mon, from it Brown, Chaa, lo 10 Bruadwar. De Castro, B, A Co, Irom 82 Wall st to 735 B'way. Gatuby, Paul A, from 103 South Bt to 278 Front Hope, J A, to W 00th st. drldgest ' sKs lOlKSL Brown, John M, from 743 E 134th to 703 E 133th. Dc Cordova, A, A bona, irom 34 Broad st to 63 Gallagher, Wm, to 224 W 27lh st. it Hope, Mrs Jennie, Irom 2IS W 24th at to 203 W C,iromSlI)3 to 2193 SUave. A 33 10 31 E 81st L,. . &. Atibes, Brown Plyiupton, Irom 14th st. Broadway. Gallant, A E, trom 100 Wonater at to 137 Spring at at.,163,165 v Alleles, C, Irom 111 WooiteriowJ Broadway. llrucr, H I), Irom 41 Park row to 251 Bioadway. Do Forrest, J, to 133 W 33d st. W, 1013 Hoaford, J C, to 30 W 25th st HlKf 41 (ialllan, to loth live, Lacey( Richard, from 63 Beaver Bt to 7 Old Blip. AbrnlianiN L, lrom4J to Division St. Ilruch, E It, Irom 971 to 1018 8d ave. A Co, 81 ront st to 106 31 Iloaford, M, from 36 W 25th at to 107 W 42d ' Delauimp from f Franklin at, Galllgad, T P, Irnm 333 to J E 67th st at. Louis, Irom 144 E 129:h st to 003 E 134th st, 'Abranami & KavuUcb, from '23 Wooitcr to 323 Aaron, from 3114 E 117th at to 417 E 118th, Di lehanty A from 353 to 351 Houghton, J, to 310 W 20th at. Lacker, K'; Brummcr. McUrutr. 8th ave. Galiup Novelty Works, from 19 to 8 Ureene at. Lagowltz, A Co, from 511 to 473 Broadway. Chatham Street, .'' BBiiJ Canal. Drummer, Max, from 082 to 614 llroadwar. De Lemoa. Max, 703 7S0 3d ave. 11 Hounnan, Arthur A, trom 85 Broad to 44 Ex- J from lo Gambel, S, from 233 Alexander avo to 24653d ave. st Lamb, Anna, Airs, from 355 W 27th st to 255 W 35th MM'S Ackerly,liK,Iroml3SUxlni;tonavotoie2K4lStlist. nrnnlng A I'uudt, from 7n(l B'way to 141 6lhst." Del Pino, E, from 200 Broadway to 43 William at. L, 1091 ave. change place. 68 Uro.iUway. Gardner, to 9th Lambert, Alexander, from 123 E 37th st to 157 E .. !' Adtms, J II, to Britnlng, John M, from 153 Monroo st to 519 E Do PlasBe, Dr Louis, from 68 W 12th to 23 W 24th. Garduer, L, to 331 W 32dst. Howard, J W. from 31 to 32 W 24th st 193. 195. 197. 201,203,205 !99 WM'S AUams. , Irora 371 Canal to 23 Jay. 84th at. 11 BO Howek, II 6, from sot W 27th at to 377 72d st K J Demtng, Horace E, from Broad st to Wall sL Gardner, Wm It, Irom Brooklyn to II West 60th at, 8th are. August V, from 902 rfd ave to cor 58th WmHif Adams, BO, to 68 Uroauwjj (N Y ConBOl'.dale J Ex-- Dm liner, F, from 170 3d ave to 121 W26th st. Dempsey A Carroll, from 40 to 30 E Mth st. Howell, Jesse, from 259 W 21st st 10 31G W 19th Lambert, at 'f New York. at Lambert Bros, from 902 3d ave to cor 63th Bt and W!:i ' change.) llriitn. S II. from 339 Canal Bt tu 100 Bank st. Deiuse) A Carroll, Irom Union square to 40 E 14th St. from 874 to 371 6th ave. Hoyt, J O. Jr, from 90 to 111 Broadway. ,-r 33 41 st. Garfield Bauk. 3d ave. Park Row, :- Adams, WlllUra, from to Wall Buck, L L, to 10 Broadway. Denhard, A, from 3 John tt to 170 Brosdway. 107 Hoyt, John U, trom 96 to 111 Broadway. ,H 22 Gariabranta, Henry, from Greenwich at to 123 Lambert, Henry V, from 902 3d ave to cor 58th - Adams, lticliter A Co, from 3T1 Canal to Jay. Buukman A lludclo, from 1092 to 1104 8d ave. Dennln, Mra Louise, from 1710 2d ave to 417 E S2d llubbell, C B, from 6 New to 2 Wall st. st Bet, City Hall & Chatham tc B K 14th V W 14ta Cedar Bt Lambert, Hobt, from 902 3d avo to cor 68th Square Elevated j WM- -' Adams Westlake, irom st to st. Bitdd A htout, from 32 New at to 58 Broadway, A 111 113 Hudson, C I, Irom 15 Broad to 36 Wall at st K VO r st. Garretsou Eastman, from room to Templo C II, to 68 Broadway. R. R. Stations, J Wxtt AROttlal. J, from Heaver at to llroail st. Buun, W, 2211 E 7tilli st. Denning, H S, to 1014 1st ave. Hughes, J C. to 415 W 14th at. Lane, t toS31 K Mrth court Lane, Miss, from 476 10 379X Grand Bt mri" Abrens, D, from all E84ta st. Durczyk, 1), irom 933 to 013 3d ave. Dciiulson Lyman, to HI Broadway. 813 E 111 llughson A Uudln, from ISO Greene st to 221 Grand r 1W5 Garrison, DrJB, from 73d st to E 70th at. C L, 159 to 180 72d ' Jonn, 93 to 6th avo. 6 150 1 S, 411 809 Lang. from b st ?& 'Albers, irom Burdick, W M, Irom room to to, Nassau st. Desmond, , fiom 400 w 41st to 445 W 37th st, A Freldert, lro-1- 81 to 113 Hulm, John Irom to Broadway. NEW c, S4U W leth to si! W soth st. W 317 Gartner Grand. 164 Langley, Mrs, from 107 E 50th at to 175 W 33d YORK. mW Albert, Irom st Burllu, Joint D. trom 310 25th st lo W 16tu St. Dette, Mrs, from 210 W 2fllh st to ISO 7th ave. M T, Irom 23 to 65 New Bowery. Humphries, J W, from E 73d st to E 79 it Mrs. N, SOU Aladlson ave to Gurvey, 17 Dey st Lanpner, 11 T, Irom 39 South st to 6 Beekman m$'- Aldrlcb, Kllzabelli Irom Burlock A Co, rum 633 tu 735 Broadway. Deuoh, Ttios, Irom 378 Caual at tu 209 E 4th st. E M, 1107 to HOI Broadway, llunder, T F, from st to 313 Church at yM' W Gaitle, Irom st Lapln Break Shoe Co., to 13 Broadway. jsj ta w 43tb st. Burns. M, to 412 .'5tn st. Deutich, Michael, Iruin IS9 E 71atstto850 E 73d at, Fied, to 342 W Hurlburt, S. from 544 to 737 Broadway. Credit or Cash Discount. L T st to 44 llroailwaj. Gebernoutzcr, 33th.st A Larkln, John, to 309 W 20th st. 7 We? Alexsnder, D, from Nassau Iturrcll, H. to 1013 lOtn ave. Deverall Mfg Co, from 583 3d ave. tn 20 cilfT st. A, 103 W KUd Hurlburt, Hhethar Co, from 644 to 737 Broadwav , w to K lirondwsj. V, 35 Gedtratn. lo si. liUBscy. 105 Laundry, from 933 to 915 2d ave. Goods tent everywhere. Price Hits mailed mv Alexander, from in Burrlll, Wm Irom Broad stto44 Exchange pi, Do Verne, F II, from 12 Macdougal to o Vaudam st. 137 320 SOth St. John, to W lOItn at ', ;1H (dialer. It, Irom Clinton place, to E 11 to Equitable ' 1 '& - AlAxander, b, Jrom 33 to til Waostvr. BiiBihinan, C 11, from K 14tb st to 633 Broadway, Devltt, A M, to 970 lOtlt ave. Hyatt, O E, irom 41 to 08 Broadway. Laurltzcu, PJ, Irom Finest Bldg. on application. 1 Allikn Marr-- IS tn I Ucndron Iron Wheel Co, from 03 Canal st to 145 Lauterbach, C, lo 737 Madison ave. Irnm llrnmlwttv. lluselllnanu. C. from 30 E 14th St to '33 ll'wilT. Devlin, Catharine, Irnm 431 W 19th st to 4.14 W 26th. Hyatt, J W, trom TYIourie Bldg to 18 Cortlandt It D, from 36 to 11 Pine kl. 223 321 W Elm st it Lawless, John E, to 970 10th ave. ' 3.i Alllcer, Butcher, Jok, irom 7th ave to 39th st. De Vrlea, Jacob, from C05 E 6th st to 15 2d ave. Gentle, ltobert, from GO John st to 337 Pearl at. Hyatt Pure Water Co, from Tribune Bldg to 18 Wter Nurraj st to 53 CqIIcko pi. ( 1V0 111 Lawrence, A N, to 58 Broadway. Ji.T, from H Butler, II, from to Broadway. Dewey, John C, from 120 Broadway to 0 Wall st, Mra Ella, 50 U 21 16th Cortlandt st t" WV?r Ass'a, Irom l'& ilroaUway to 78 115 120 , (ri.a.i I'MIIm.1,1 Georgtn, Irom luth st to W. st Lawrence, P M, to 51 Broadway. - Americsu Bankers' Butler, W, Jr, It out to llroadwar. I...... Ini,i llrni.l.u. 21 Hyatt, S B, Equitable Bldg. Geomen, W I, 50 W 19lh st lo W 18th. LawBon. Dr, from 2 E 30th tt to 24 W SOth COWPERTHWflIT i mm William st. Dutli r. silllinan A lluubard, Irom 111 Broadway to D.ek, James, f rum 233 0th ave. 1673 Hydrogen Water Co, irom 85 B'way to Equitable at ' ' Co, 133 V Gerber, Hy, Irom lwll to nth ave. Lazatd, Frcres. from 40 Exchange pi to 10 American Encaustic Tlllne from US to M Wall at. Clarence, Potter Bldg V Building. Wall at 1 Dlckeraou, Irom to Coal and Gesuen, Jus, to 414 Wtli t. 439 B'way 29 Hm-f- r S3Usu Butltl, N, to No 93 9th ave. Exchange. Hyland, M, from 378 to 279 Water Lazarus Bros, Irom to Llspenard st 157 Iron Ghlu A ltnvlra, from S 5th ave to 251 E 83d at 02 1 American Wadding Co, from 0T to 48 Broadway. Byrtie, Jaa'P, Irom 345 W 45th st to 431 WSlstst, 211 W 16th to 307 W 30th Uynes, Pal'k, to 6.W 11th uvo. it Leach, W F, estate of, Irom to Broadway. mkt Dlddler, J. Irom sL Gibbon Electric Co, from ltoa Bldg to 45 B'way. A 787 4 STfe Ames, Bam'l, from M New st to M Broadway. Byrues, '1'hos, to 1 '.'.'. mth ave. Duller, Jules, Irom 244 W 10th st to 307 W 20th Leavlett Co., from B'way to University place 103 K st. Gibson, G II, Irom 37 to 10 Barclay Bt. KIDNEY DISEASES 1V Ames, W, from 50 W 4tU lo llStn. Bjruea, Wm, to 307 W 20th. W, Hi st I. and 10th Dletrlih. EG to Broadway. Gilds compsny, Irom 1004 10 1007 6th ave. H 1 smfe, American Athletic Club, from notu st.and Lexlng- - (118 Ledeter, A B, from John st to 202 Broadway, Represent the maximum Bjritis, J, to'JJ WUith. Dillingham, Cnas T, from tu 720 Broadway. Uillen, Margaret from 917 to 413 3d ave. Illustrated Temperance Talei, from 150 Nuiaust of ailments with which the - Mnrjfti ton ave to losth st and lat ave. J V, to 427 W 26th. U It tn 12 i.ee, tiua, irum 01 juinuveiuaiz w khubu i human family is afflicted. Neglected, they Invarl-abl- y Biruea, Dillon, MraC, to42J Mh st, A T. from 5 to 2 Bible House. I American and firemen'a Ins Co, Irom 191 to 1GS Ulllender, Beekman st Nassan at. Lee, Quoog, from 338 to 336 9th ave. prove '' HaW' Dillon, Joseph, from ltv,o 10th ave to 169th at, bet dill, r Jaa A. from W 99lh st and 10th ave to S45 W FATAL. For the arreat and removal ?' ' H Broadway. C. I.ee, Tom, from 1045 to K43 9th ave. of dlieaeca BWr' Jerome and Walton uvea. 17th of the Kidneys, Bladder and Glandular ' American Exchange Tel Co, to Aldrlch conru II. 170 174 W st Lee, Wm, Sons of, to Produce Exchange. in i Cahlll, John from to Mth st. Dlimnlck, J w, Irom 611 to3t8 Broadway, A Kcmpster, from 071 st to 109 W DR. B. H0FMEISTER i,emL.,llB0 weakness liotli sexes, the VON t WWMtl!BISi Auierluau Co, Irom 1U1 to HW Broadway. GUI Gillette Hudson Lee, Yeurv A Watts, Irom 101 Sprinir st to 03 Prince. 1 luturanco Calm, J, irutn Droidway t) 93 Pi Incest. Dixiirow, 11 1, Irom 47 Broome io5-- i Warren at 23th CttAGP NBtlKO'ItENAL TUOCIIBS t S Araerlcan Ity Equipment Co (lid), to Aldncii A 1 st Lehlgn and Wllkcsbarro Coal Cumpany, from 1(2 supercede all km'i court. Lahh, hi Co, frnm fait ll'nar tu M Prince St. Dlburlug citrk of liiaucc Dept, Irom room 19 to OlttU'6011, A, from 23 Peck slip to 192 South Item! Ilcfurc the.Ilrdlcnl .Society of London a known remedies. All drugglata. 81.00 ' n mWtk Anatey, II L, Irom 150 Broadway to 53 Uterty st. Camp, 11, from H7 tu 460 Broadnay, 21, Broadway. st Broadway to 119 Liberty St. per box. Free pamphlet. btJO 20 Henry, Irom Arlington, N J, lo 114 Puper on the Uso oP'OAUIXHAD tVATEIt," ' Anderson, H, from to Wi 3d ave. 11, tu 403 W 2tlh, 521 349 (Union), Lehtnann, M. Irom 1115 2d ave to 1st ave and 67th at. Cauiibell, Divine, I'noB, Irom W 23d st to W 27tb St. ea-- VON ORAEF CO,. i aw Anderton & Chambers, from 134 to 107 4th ave. Bank st ol Which the Following la an Abstract 1 Lelnker, Win II, irom 324 E st lo 307 E 103d MEDIOAh 3 1'ark Rot, NewYork. V 1 Catineli, K.I, fiom room 9 tu 3S 150 Naisan st. Dix, Dr K, Irom 2 avo A 14th st to 31G W 2jth Bt. A 67 81 st Rn & 7 Bond to rJ;7 Broadway. Gllckmau Bro, from to E Broadway, Leli-cr- , from 410 otn ave to 1190 Broadway. 1 kPfi Anderson Krum.lrom it Campbell, Felix, ftom2;0 9th ave to 101 W 26lh. W, Irom 3 PI to 315 W 28ih bt. In peklnc of tfioue distaies in which theuss of Carta-ba- d J, H i 45 Di, Geo Glorleux, Henrj, Irom 3 to It John 23 23d to 173 V, B T, Irom l'J Beav.'r to B'way, Campbell, .1, trom 294 h'.lt live In 819 W 37th, l):ag, from 3d uvc l."0 K 64th st Water li Indicated I will confine myself Le Moult, A, Irom W st Bowery. London & Lancashire Ins Co, from 65 to SO Nas- mtK A Co, 71 (KU Ileur), ll lo st. Glover, It o, from 42 Pine it to 145 Broadway. tothoteln Leo, 175 W U3d K Arcner, I'ancoast irom Woostvr to Camphell, J II, fiom VJJ to 274 9th ave, Dodil, 1, Irom Nashville, 10.15 lladl- - Gustav, to st sau at. ' Bk Droidway. Thus Tenu, to Goetz Bros, Irom 609 to 492 3d ave. which evidence Is given for thoroughly established use- 101 63d at to 999 Cth UBSP' Camubell, Jonn, fiom 419 to 424 W 27th st. bun ave. Leslie, Mrs, Irom W ave. Longmann'a, R, Sons, from 8 to 8 at. "" R L, 193),; 1ST uU Goldberg, A, irom 631 Broadway to 101 Prince st J fulness. 241 W 22(1 Bt. John mlA Arcos, from South st to Water Campbell. '1 lion, to 118 7th are. Doherty, Irom 320 8tn avo to 231 W 29lh Lesi die. Otwer, to Lord & Austin, to 10 Il'way. H tu 43 W 33tr Jno, st. Goldberg, M, Irom 145 E B'way to 332 Canal st. to be 471 B'way 47 sWSi. Armstronir. u, n. Cauiteld lubber Co, Irom 7 Mercer st toSrt Leonard. 'lhoa, 36 40 First are mentioned diseases of the stomach Lessler A Co. Irom to Walker st. Lougbran, 407 W 86th to 858 W at.1 John, n)4 txid Dollard, Irom to Ellzibethst, Golden, K W, Irom 600 EU5tb to 331 Alexandria ave. 530 9 .Inn, from st Uth B mf?t Arnold, from to Broadway. Cams, (.eo F, Irom M W 1'Jtu to 23 W 34lh at, A Michel, 97 130 among them and above all the true Chronio Levengood, Lewis, trom B'way to Bond at (1 1 bt 62 " 7US Donat Irnm to Greene Golden, Mary, Irom 410 W 20th st to 339 W 27th st. Catarrhal Lovctt, II, Irom John to Nassan st. Aronson, Jlark, trom texlugton uvo to 43 E Carbln, S It. to 1010 lOlh are. E 42J w il Inflammation, with substantia! changes Levenson, L, Irom 644 to 54S Broadway. & Co, 45 Dounelly, J, irom la in 3to 23J au Goldln, F E, A Co, from San Francisco to 1445 of the raucous 01 49 London Lancatmire Inn trom Pine at to U wkrnVW st. Larew, A, Irom im 9lh ave to 301 W SOth st. Tllllc, 305 W 34th Levey, C I, from to Broadway, Nassan at. silE V, 516 A34 Donnellr, Irom to3.lt st. Broadnay. membrane, with ulceration and gathering of stringy and 018 012 Broadway. Arras. from to r.th ave. Carlen, .Mrs Olivia, Irom 5 E 31st to l.'ti E Mil. 11 E 14th 910 Levy, A, trom to Lowensteln, from Ot to 40 at. ' 823 631 Donoliue, Fred, from bt to 6th ave. Goldman, Mrs, from 41 E B'war to 218 3d ave, often somewhat offensive mucus. 131 Max, Canal at Bleecker W'&i Artlstlo Novelty Co, from to Broadway. Cirlion, J C, Irom 43d W 40ih st to 212 W .14 Levy, Abram, Irom 250 lo Madison st & Co, C23 511 ' . tn st. Dougherty, Dau'l, from PniladelpUla to Equitable (oldamltn, Edward, Irom 154 E 110th to 22 111th. 1 motions 99 Lowerre Irom to ll'nar. mm Asplnwall, T, from 75 S3dst. to303 5tt ave. Carpenter, II, Irom 107 Nassau at 240 be unnatural of the stomsoh csnsing pres- Levy, B, from 482 Broome st lo Prince at no; to 1113 2d &. lo Canal st. Bldg. GoldMUItu, Irom 142 W to 37 E 63d St. U1H COS Luher, Jos, from ave. ! . Asplnwall, J, Co, from 23d st and 3th avo to 303 J, 4d it sure belcblngt, the of Levy Bros, from to Broadway. W'tJi Carroll, Jusrpti, Irom H9 Waist tul24 K51st. Doujhty, D, to 1663 9th ave. A Co, 63 Exchange 58 and irritations the lutestines re- Ludovlcl, J. irom 143 to 2M 5th ave. : 6th ave. A Goldsmith Irom pi to B'way. Levy Bros A Co, 018 to 013 Broadway. Carttr, lUtvley Co, Irom 100 to 51 Wall ar. Douglaa, Henry, 2U3 D'way 43 sulting in catarrh of the bowels, aud tbe inllsmed mu- from Lucuberg, F from l'ine at to IS William at, IK Atwaier, C, 48 51 Irom to William St. Usldamlth A Plaut, Irom 111 W Broadway to 31 203 EO'Jtn 425 E II. is i '. John from tn Broad st. Carter, Uawluy A Co, Horn 140 Pearl el to 64 Dor. Dr G M.'Mtti 251 Levy, II, from t to 118th at. A. Irom 2t9 to 271 61 li ave. ' WM- - A, irom ave to W Slit st. Crosby cous mrmbranes are the most fruitful of all known 1444 38 Lulis, .' Atwood Machine Co, to bl aranu at. Wall hi. 297 st Levy, Htrmau, Irom Park ave to W 128th. , Howling, Iiom to iVb Grand st. from 1GG E 93th at to 103 causes of Out of grow most Lull, Itev Dr, to 6J7 7tli avo. .,, Ktv Auerbach, Louis, Irom 340 to Stl3 Broadway, .1 II, A Co, 847 Golditeau, Solon Arthur, disrase. them kidney end Levy, Dr 11 II, from IS Lafayette pi lo 1307 B'way. Cattci, Irom Canal to 33 I.lspcnaru. Howlllu, IroiiUlOU 3tith tn2'Al W'20th St. E bO'.h Lulley, Wm, trom 61 Ave II to 177 1st ave. Austin, Jamei, Irom 30i W 'iiii st to 330 W 34tn st, .Mri, 230 Jo. st. liver troubles, diabetes, all rheumatlo affections Levy, Isruel, Irom 330 E 4th st to 118 E 14th st. mi., IfV i from vtli ave tu 3.'4 W 25th. Dowuiuti, It 1', irom 76 Maideu luue lo 20 Ex- 94 E to Bt. and L'lnUbtoriu, D, to 114 100th at. ttsM, Aostin.W I', from 142 S3 W 38lUst. N, 34 Goldstciu. E. Irom B'way 399 Grand gout. I have found that Levy, Jos, from 67 B Hard at to 81 .Mulberry st. i Kf f carvalhn, Irom E lalst to Popham st, near change place. M, 33 10 71 tbe unnatural motions ot tbe Luther, (3 E, irom 200 Broadway to 26 Maiden : Avery, J, from Mi to 3(W 6tu ave. (loldftelu, Irnm Canal at L, Irom 0to 70 Broadway. lane. sVkVHWut Jerome ave. DowulUk', Wm. from Boston, Mass, to 45 B'way. 167 122d stomach cease, tbe Inte.tinal troubles become soothed, lvy, Lynch, Jas, Irom 32a W 10th at o 230 W 2Uth SU sVsVsVsVsVsl Avlles, M, from 170 E loth st to 334 W 59th at. 11 Goldstein, Hay, from Henry at to 412 E at Levy, L, Irum 601 to 477 Broadway, 1 J Case, U. Itom 2e0 B'way to lllh avo and 141b. Doyle, to 249 W 46111 St. and health results from use of Carlsbad Lynch, John, from 45 Aurlphl to 810 E lOSlhat, AJlward, Uev M V, from B0 James 343 W J, Goldstein, S, Irom 875 to 38.1 Graud St. the Water. Tbe Levy A Werthetmer, 71 S 5tn GO st jWR st to 33th. Casper, J, Irnm 221 to 217 Centre st. A 319 361 Irom uve to White st Lynch, John P, from 118 K KStli to 42 Dractiman Nclaou, from lo Broadway, Goldsticker, L A M, from 57 Essex to 183 Fnlton 11. diuretic eSect of this water, its quiet action upon the Lewenberg, 491 021 Broadway. Uth at. Casper, W, f rmn 221 to 217 Centre st. .1 A A J, to W, 46 Drake, bon, Irotu Murrlilown, N J, to 45 Goldwater, Max, Irom 41 to 466 Urand lining of itomaoh, healing power 630 Lyon, J from lluane st to Morse Hide . sisiiiiiiiHHsisw Caa.etly, M, 319 W 26th 34 4 st the audita upon tbe Lewcngood, L, Itom Broadway to 9 Bond at Irom tu W 25th St. llroadwar. 1, 10) tVUllam at to 7, 9, 11 and 13 st Ljon, Mra R O, Irom 849 to 831 W 15th at. Babcock, S Cl, from 500 Broome to 371 Canal. 809 W V Uoluun, irom inflamed intestines are bejond all praise. Lewis, It A, irom 151 Park row to 61 Bond Cattnck, J, from lfth to 03 25th u Drake, Wm II, from 35th st and cth ave to W 24th at. New at Lyons, Mrs M L, from 439 W 25ttt to 215 W lOttust., llach, T. trom 18 Ureene to 20 Walker. cawuoo, 17 Chamneisat, Is recognized Lewis, Mrs H, Irom 133 to 113 W 21th at. WaIs v Johnson, from E 16th at to 19 W 38th at. Dreiltws, Alex, from tn 674 1 UOUT well as arising from excess of urlo IrVVY' T'rAHa't Uacher Leon, from 4S3 Broome f0 2a ave. Good, 1), from 409 St Nicholas ave to 209 W 48th st A, to 123 E 71st I wJw to vi l'nnce. Cellnskl, A. from 154 to 146 Madison 141 I'. acid lo blood. This theory Llchten, st M. L V Uacbman, T, 414 W 23th st, tu Drerfua. s, from loin at to 55 3d. Goodrich, M T, from 350 to 272 013 ave. the la supported by tbe FAV- D, 1;V I Wm to Central bate Dei'C.t, to 5 E 14th at. 417 Llcntensteln, irom 430 E 61st to 638 Lexington Mass, 37 G3 " ' l) 5S Drud, Cliaa, Irom W 26th bt to 310 W 23th at. Goodwin, S, to 1105 loth are. ORABLE ACTION of tbe Carlsbad Waters. Dr. Lostlg, Quatavus, from Uroad st to Broadmy.l IHf Jjttsrs Wt Hadesn, a II, from Nasnaa st to Broadway. Chaffeo A Son, irom 543 B'wav to 41 ave. 25 115 Mercer st, Dube, C, to 453 W 27th St. Ueo P, trom 130 to 111 Broadway. of TepllU, Issued a pamphlet Mackintosh, J W, Irom Nassau to 38 Wall - j'THBRSc Badger, A O, from to 233 Broadway. Chullen, II, Irom room 39 to 31, 150 Gordel, wherein he recognlzsd the Llghtlull, Dr E B, from 10 to 23 E 22d st at D A Nassau at. Dnbrrnet, F. trom 15 W 3d st lo 36 Clinton place, M. Irom 36 to 33 Ludlow Macpherson, J A, to 68 llroadway. flladmaoher Maxwell, Irom 4S to 434 Broadway. A A, 34 UK) Gordon, st. great efheacy of Carlsbsd Waters in RHEUMATISM, Lightstoue, Charles I, Irom 023 09th 32 J'JBLitt.ri Chambers, from B'wy to Fulton st. Du Bols, F M, Irom Morse Bldg to 23U 5th ave. W 161 st Building. st to E Mucptierion, John, from 61 Lroadway to Ileal Sfel lMBr'A ' Andrew T. from 78 to 41 South at. Chambers, 4G7 to Gould, It from Nassau to Potter both acute and chronic, when 5llh st. jgSg .if "er, J, from 41 Broadway. Duden A Co, from 513 B'way to 435 Broome st. Gouldmg, 150 GO taken COLD. Estate ISxcnance. X''M JUlley, W U, to 45T W st. 150 J, irom to Broadway. Lindsay, E D, to 68 Broadway, ilit Chambers, ltobl, Irom B'waj, to 33 A 85Clln- - Dut tier Watch-Cas- e Co, Irom 55 Liberty to 178 (.70101b Garlibad Water Is in no sense a mere purgative, as most Mackey, Thoa J, trom Atlanta, Oa, to 261 B'rray. WmWf'i sbVHkla PM,eT, Wm, from 1023 Lexlnston ave to 23d at. It Urady, U. to ave. Liue s, Nelson, frnm 376 Water st to 221 lit tcntt. Broadway, 733 1st ave 322 pooplo believe, but It is an elimluatlve Front Bt Maor, John, 85th at. BH5;a BRfeJ Juldwln, o JJ, from Mhune Bids to Cnambrrs, 241 W Graf. Frank II, Irom to 7th ave. alterative and Linger, A M, from 83 W 8d at to 60 toaisw iscortlandu Samuel. Irom Sltlist to 919 9th are. Duff, PF, to 419 W 2.1th et. M, 3477 to 3475 remedy, woich dissolves W4th at Madden, Mra John, from 340 E 70th at to 4lBBBaWM .'111' Edward A, trom 60 to 54 (South st. Chsndter, Digoy, from 7b Graff, Frank from 8th are. out tenacious bile, allays Irrita- Link, (1, from 53 E 28II1 Bt to 895 4tn ave. tailed Km Morton n. to Harlem. Puflr, Mrs J, to448W29tn at. Granain, 1', from 19' Mth at to 170 Bin England. 4mUW.,. crlsll,En1raa,tol05Wl04thst. Chapman, Geo F, 400 W 25th 8L ire. tion and removes obstructions BY AIDING NATURE, Llpaun, Miss C, from 853 to 3(7 E HOih at, Mm, . lo Dun nar, M P. A Co, to 16 B'way. C , 270 Madiion .Square Dank, from 3 W 23d to Eth ave Uaii. w 11. from to at. G Grant, to 9th ave. by sudden Livingston, llenry B, Irum 51 to 48 pL it 1 iWBm Chara, It J, Irom Burling slip to 90 Pin st. Dunham, W II, from 401 W 33d 403 8S and not and eseeaslvs stimulants as most Exchange A, 12 to 181 WT to W 224 at, Grata, II W, from Are D to 841 E COth at Llvtugatou, S Morse anduta it. IpHHksT srd, J from Greene it. cuaile', MrsC, Irom 49 17th lo t7 W 1GIU. 405 eethartlo reraeiles do, Ita aotion is and B, irom Bldg tn 63 Wail at. 197 K '' O W, Duno, in os, trom E 13th at tn 1333 3d are. Gray, Dr lloiiln II, fiom 69 W tsth 11 to 68 West certain, a care 693 Zd jlanluuli, f, Kim at, KfmVASflKrr Jlallou, from lit to Id Coor of 6 Will at, Chauncey A Co, to 1 Broadway, A Is Lloya, Aunts, Irom ave to 301 E 85lh Mstiulre, p, f 403 mWP-mmWmt- Durum, Wm M. Co, to 16 B'wav. when effected permsnent, Not Infrequently pitlcnti it. to W gftth at. J F, from lOt William st 10 62 Veiey st. Cherry, M, 5)3 (94 6th tuiast Lockwoid, ueorge, from 613 Broadway JM. frnm to ave. , Durlee, Smith A Harbor, from 677 Broadway to Gray, F II, from 203 to 120 Broadway. have to us Sprudel In to 5th are Manoney, M, froraloo Walker to 144 Centra at. nflkwL Telegraph Co. from Wt to 990 eth ave. (taesapeske A 1 t tbe Salt addition to tbe water, as and SOlh at, it B HlD&. Ohio lilt, from 150 to Broadway, Bond t. 202 Maltl mi', T A, (rem room S8 to 91 Temple ot (be Metropolis, from 17 to 39 Union T, 41 Grar. F. II, Broadway to Equitable Building. a laxative. Lockwood A Hon, from 613 B'way to A Court. fink suture. Cheater, Walter from Park row to 251 B'wav. Durlev, p, from 9 to 8 and 10 John 202 169 8lh ave 80th. Major, MriC, from sco MadUon to Klngibrldgt BK&alHB ' r (Bk. Wm D, to ids ictb ave. 19 J at. Gray Bros, from lo Fulton Beware of Loeb Bros, from 371 to 818 at Cnevanny, Mme, from W 3d st to 45 S Warning- - Duvail. E 118 M it imitations, Tbe genuine Is bottled under canal Church at. rojil. LHEIPHbh - V. S 191 O.lr.from room to lis Temple Conru Graybllle, A, from 134 W 21th st to Banks DaW$ tiimmKu- - Pakt, a front John st to B'wav. ton square. Dwinglo. t st tbs supervision of the city of Oarlbbad, Loobel, David, Irom 3 Barclay at to 12 W 33th Mallav, M. to 218 19S Louis, trom 799 to 778 2d ave. Greison, Taos, from 1 Jonn st to 108 Broadway, 120 it W 27th at. WaWmJmWmmr' O, from 1S to Broadway. Chllds.o W, trom 150 to 40 Broadway. Loeder, Lnnla, E Broadway to 401 E 8uth V ' I Dwyer, M E, trom 69 E 180th at to col K 134th ureat Eastern Line, from sss to 429 Broadway. Each bottla has the seal ot tbs cltr and tbe signature A at Malllett, oo. from to 61 John at f,r".V reer shop, from 40 to 42 Euex st. LVirlatinan, L, to 203 W 07lh st. A It London Liverpool Shoe Co, to 1353 Broadwav. ' Dykuuu, a Co, from 176 Mercer (l to 11 W Greeley, J, 10 1613 9th ave. I of " Eisner 4t Meadeleon Co.," sole agents, 0 Barclay Logan, 10 gig 22' T-- ,ro?JM K 70th at to 815 B TM BBMmBnL-'-'L'tA btr Asphalt 00, from Stewart Bldg to iD'wsy. Ohrjitle, Joan A. from SS Nassau at Francli, 7th avr. U i p ? 120 too Will st. Houston at Green, from 78 w 7a Broadway., Nsw York, alloy, li, from 10 131 Greene at. Oil, Bt, ea the tucket the bettls. Logan, qeof irom Madison 230 w I tt to SOlh it. Uann, A W, Irom 535 to 600 broad ay. if aBisiiHtt'r O "i . ,' A :Sii'W4fettlMr! i rr5g i:k; y.aii iri-fi'mVi- ih.ilirftraiafa rtfi"w.ial!!JiilBLEbslLa