Section Grosse Pointe ews A

_.------VOL. 42-NO. 29 Pllbll.h.d Q' S"ond CIQU MQlter Qt Ih. 30e Per Copy Po.t Offl" Qt Delloll, MlchlSQn GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1981 $13 Per Y.o' 44 Pages-Three Sections-Plus Insert Slain teen's father

Anything offers $1,000 reward By Gregory Jakub He ccnfronted Poole in -t'he kitchen. number," the father said. The boy lunged at him :in a thre-aten. to b!!!!t Any father would be under- ing manner 'and Stevens shot four POOle sala illS rewani oiier itas stand'ably distraught over the t:mes hitting him in the head, chest, generated some information that may death of his son. But the circum- and twice in the back, police said. be helpful in solving the mystery of this heat his ,son's la9t hours. But he admits stances around the 'fatal shooting that nothing will bring Todd back and of 17-year-old Todd Poole on Adding to the mystery about who or what brou.ght Poole to Stevens' he sa'id he hopes to prevent simiJar June 21 have his father and It may have been in the home is the medical examiners' re- tragedies from occurring. police pel1plexed by what is the port that shows a 0.25 percent alcohol 90's, but seven-month-old Jon- "TIlE FACT that this happened to second and most mysterious level jn the ,boy's body which is ex, athan Kirian couldn't have my boy doesn't mwn M,isn'.t going to ham i c: ide in Grosse Pointe tremely intoxioated, police said. cared less. W ear i n g his Woods' 30-year-history. happen -to another ooy or girl • • • "shades" in the shade, wrapped "I can',t under.>1and how he b~me Everyone of these kids are exposed in terry cloth coolness, J ona- "up uLHI ,this happened 'he was a so intoxicated," the boy's father said. to the same thing that happened to than caught a few winks in- typical boy," said A'lbel't ,Poole talking "He left the party land had very little th:, boy," Poole said. stead of a few rays while on about hi~ son .in a despel13te voice ,to drink there. I don't understand PoJ:ce will n(}i s,peculate about a visit to the Farms Pier Park. that !>etrayed hLs emOltionl~, 67- how (rou,gh,t the boy to Stevens' year-old. [ace. "He had Q girl£riend happened. He couldn't buy tit beoau5e home. B'ased on ,the facts they have, While h i g h temperatures and 13 p..ssion for his Clar. The way he'.s not of age, so SQmeorre had to Stevens' story is sound, Patterson and even higher humidity this hapvcned is ju... ,/,'~~?:-'+-.. ;o-,•.. tiJf;;"., . ~.,.'''''' ~~~. '-....: , than 100 applicants to replace out. ,''';''-'; Ttl",V- .. { .(.,:.ta:..'i,t-S',.:;;"".~~ ..., :~~...•.. '. '. "._. .".: ' ~ J 6<-. , Attorney Gandelot, a board memo left by Trustee Ann Ardussi. She was . >,' "" going superintendent William Coats, ~:}~1".. .$':~'»(~:':; i/ ."l.....~""~~ ~~~~ ..., f ~~.;,.r*"~' ;.~~ ... 'tI'J.:J),~~~~~ . ber since 1978, has served as the .~. ".-t< ...... ~~'J~ ~' .. '<'~",.~.,:. . '~*,... . ~l'AI!" '9 ,,'\ ~... ~... who accepted a post with University subsequently voted into office for 1t board's treasurer and vice-president. one year last June and won her four. ~rl"~.''''.J'il~. ~:", }~;t'o\~"'( :'.'\ •. ;,~Il~:J. ...~ .. ' ':, ' ..," of Michigan's School of Education. .vt...... ~ :::,'01 ,;.,. ...":t;, ,. ,'":t-).~ ~i' ..,/~ ' 'Ir\.~ .., ... (, ..... ~):.I:, ••. ~ ..'~.,.~ Serving as vice-president over the year seat running unopposed in the seven-member board in the 1981-82 It was also the first meeting for June 8 election. school year will be Trustee Ronald new trustee Ernest Buechler, an ele. <:~~,q~~~!~f~~~S:< Dalby, who failed to capture the mentary principal with the Other annual organization items' t~~"-:_, president post from Gandclot after Public School System. He ran un. for the board Monday included the his name was placed in n::>mination opposed in the school's June 8 elec- reappointment of law firm Hill, Lewis, ;. ~~.. by Trustee Joan Hanpeter. Adams, Goodrich & Tait to serve as tion to fill the seat of retiring trustee r'("*'Kt-,. Laurance Harwood, who decided to the board's legal counsel for the 1981- Reelected to their posts as board 82 school year. The board also ap- secretary and treasurer were Cather. step down after eight years on the board .. proved a number of financial arrange- ine Brierly and Mrs. Hanpeter, reo ments at the lightly attended meet- spectively. After he was sworn in Monday ing in the administra:ion building at 339 St. Clair. Under regular action items, the new board approved memberships in TIle new guy at St. Clair the Michigan Association of School Boards, the National School Boards By Joanne Gouleehe of Eduoation. Apparently members Association-Direct Affiliate Pro- lhought the same of him, giving him gram, the Metropolitan Detroit Bur- He's only ceen in his first- the top job in ,~he system and '3 three- eau oj School Studies, Inc. and the floor office at 389 St. Clair for year, $49,000 contl'3m, :\1ichigan High School Athletic As. two weeks now. And so when sociation. asked what his plans are for im- In his office la.9t week, Brummel said he is beginning to remember Bids to restore the tennis courts proving the curriculum or hand- again what it's like to De a superin. ling enrollment declines, Ken and all-weather track at No!th High ten dent. The Connecticut edut'ator School were also approved. As part Brummel points out he really r.e.s:igned almo",t a year ago from his of Phase Five of the Building and can't say right now. fonner po,.t knowing board members Site Fund, the board accepted a bid He', busy getting acquainted with there would not renew his con1raot cf $54.690 to reconstruct t~e 13.\'ear. becalEe some were poJi.tiroJly on the this new community and his new old tennis c:"Jur! and a bid of s3i.420 opposite side of the fence. pos~tion as I>uperintendent of schools to repair and reconstruC't thr track's in Grosse Pointe. He since has been consulting for po'e vault and long jump nlnways. the Connecticut Commis~ion of Edu- REI,OW IS the ,chcdule of regular By Susan McDonald containers and bollards ($5.280), ad. But that's not to say the papers cation. provement prOject come from Com- haven't begun to be shuffled around monthly meetings of thc Board of ditional trees ($1,440), and improve. munity Development Block Grants to on ,his de.:;k or his shirt-sleeves rolled Among his achievements during his Education. All meC'tings begin at B The Park council Monday ap- ment of unsightly right.of-way areas the city from HUD. The three-phase up to tackie those school matters superintendency in We.~tport are reo p.m. proved t.he third-and final- at a ;\tobil Gas station and Cable TV project was originally approved by the Eyst-em's highe3t office ducing odm inistrative costs. negotiat. stage of construction work in a garage ($12.050). the council in 1979 to encourage eco. • Aug 10 - Administration Bllill- holder. ing long.term contracts with collective federal revitalization program nomic reinvestment in t,he commer. ing. Deleted from the lisl of new projects bargaining organizations. strengthen. for il., Kercheval Avenue shop- cial strip that is just across the Brum:nel has this week been in.ter- • Sppt_ 14 -- Administracwn Bulld. were ~\\'o studies aimed at future im. ing graduation requirements and es- ping strip. bnrdrr from Dctroit. viewing candidates to fill principal tablishing a program of curriculum ing_ provcments on the shopping/service slots at Trombly and Poupard schools. revi.'ion. • Oct. 12 -- South High Seho'l!. The council unanimously approved stri p - an architectural survey of Since work has begun, city officials a $65.500 contr3ct with Morrison con. present building facades and improve. say sevl'ral new businesses have And ye.,. he admits, th~re are plans Brummel ..'a:;l h:s aim here will be (('ontinucd on Page 1.';'\) struction of Trenton. to complete ments ($5,9[10) and similar study of to look .at the curI'iculum in the to fOClii on ~trcngthening the health moved in or expanded and general work to thc cast end of the business signs in thc area ($1,800), business actiVity has picked up in the future and "it's possible, bu.t not pmb. education dcp3rtmen!. particularly district - adding some items that Kercheval area, able" that Gror~-e Pointe schools will addreE.ling the problem of drug and Those two items were riclded from were earli('r deleted because of budg. he open ,to non-residents to compen- alcohol abuse. He was the originator the contract at the reljuest of Coun. et over run~ and holding off on two Dalc Ehresman, of Stevens and As. sate fJr a 4,000 drop in students of "We Can" (Westport Ccmmunity Inside cilman Douglas Graham who ques- propo.<(lls t~l sturly further improve. sociates, designers of the improve. since 1971. Action Now) in Conn('cticut where Cable TV Guide.. . .. ::l-6e tioned the .advisahility 'of spending mcnt project, said he considered the community leaders, parents and Cla,sified '" .. __. . . 7C men-!<;. Brummzl quickly add, that "I have eity money .to ricsign new storefronts projcct a success. youngsters workcd togethcr to under. Erlitorials 16A Th(' ha~ic, phase three program for busi nes.'cs when thrre is no guar. been hired in Gros"e Pointe not to stand the problems of substance F('a!llrp 12B "There's no question there's much close schJok I \'alu~ thc neighbor- will ('(1st $46,700 and will continue antep the husines.-.; owners will impl>:-. ahuse.\('r.' to J<:ditor 16A thc g-cn('ral improvements slarted at ment the designs. more tr" [fie and pcdi-strians in the hood school." Obiluaric<; .7,\ area," E'lresman said. "The numbers Bfllmmrl Eaid thrre arc plans for thc west end of the shopping area. Prime TmlP 11'\ Similar .,tudics WNe (:,onducted on of businessl's that have mOVed in The 46-year.old Holland, Mich. na- informal mc>eting" with parenls and From Lakrpointe to the cast end near Soeiet~ 1.7fl :l1ark Avrnur in the Park and, accord- and cxpanded provE's its success." live wa.; th~ Board of Education's th(' community ,<0 they may get to Beaconsflelrl sidewalks will be wid- ing to City Manager .John Crawford. dlO'CC th15 ~p'ring over 100 applironts know him bC


PH,U . , 'b ". ' ., . . ,', •.-...t, :.' ~'... • j .... _ ..... ~, "I ~!O. ." Page Two.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981

...... - -_. + ------,PICHE BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN-IN.THE.VILLAG~ at EGAN'S MEN'S SHOP lea,tures Bolshoi, Beethoven, Bach '-1 TU" .•Frl., Sat. '~4 - App't. or •• Ikln 1..-. 1:10 r_ tfltr_ only The lives and work of Highlights include the crea. music performances by Amer: at the 1980 .Festival Inter. The first Iprograms ,in Iher diance photogl'aphy, pho. 8811-111143 Tolstoy, Frederica Von Stade, tion of "Peter Grimes," his ica's greatest musicians and n

GALlf.R'I' HOl'RS theme and weekly host. oratorial by George Fredel'ic a e. a I narl'-te- I raphing children .as well as day Aug. 1). ~"" tl.)U ... ,d. Sat. 10 00 6 00. Th'l.lfl.. t'n 10 rx.J . S 00. S\ln. 12 00 ..tJ 00 .A~ong the prog~amming Handel the German born and" "'~he Execuhon~r's I-~-:"~-'---~------~ . ' - hlghbghts of "English Mu. com os'er who lived in Eng. Song, . hiS ~ove of box~ng \\llO WI!'\GS ~75 Ann Arb", Trail (Down\o," n)l'lymoulh. MkhlJOn48110 sic Reborn" hosted by Phil. I l f h f h' l'f . and hiS feelings of makll1g I

A guide to help people call help ,them arrive '81 a ~i~M1 Now In Progress who are consIdering reloca. ntional decision 'Sbout re- ..

Suits - 20% to 50% off ~~rsiJ~ ~:i~~~g;~b h~:r~~~~ 10::~I~~~tiOn of the guide f,¥,r.,:.~.;.J SALE been published by United .. -' Community Services of Met- is .pal't of ill special UCS ..•.., Sport Coats - 20% to 50% off ropolitan Detroit (UeS). project to reach out into ',;,~ Entitled "The Grass May i~~~~~~~~t~rd~:~ss~~:,a~;: f,.•,',~»":',. THE BOYS~SHOP Be Greener . • , Check it a Topcoats-Raincoats - 20% to 50% off out Before You Leap," the cause of economic hardships, iI

fi~~PO~e~~~:e t~U~~;in,o~~~~ :f:~.nt~r~~~~~ ~o~~fper::~~ l::.'.i.!.~.,:.:., Sprilg Jackets - 20% to 50% off to consider. before making persons resolve immediate .'~_ Sport Coats - Slacks the move, where to get ~~~bl:r~rtsU~ s~~n e~;~~~ ~,;,?,~ counseling, how to gain in. '.., Trousers - 20% to 50% off formation about benefits, agencies in the tri.county (~ Shorts - Sport Shirts Furnishings - 20% to 50% off ~~~e~o~~~~nr:/~~~::j~~ ~:~~iot~ ::~~~~n~i:~l~~;~r~ ;,:4 opportunities m i g h t be assi!>t.ance on relocation to ¥.~ greater, other job markets. ~ Short Sleeve Dress Shirts Shoes - 20% to 50% off "The idea of relocating to The project made pos. '<:~.,~~~ '.' another area is very appeal. sib~e 'by a ~eci~l grant fmm ,'~~ ~" ing to some unemployed Umted FO'.!:1~t!On. I ii;:0 ladies Summer Clothing and Furnishings families right now," said Thousands of copies of :IY" Pajamas - Neckwear Richard F. Huegli, UCS ex. this free guide are being ,', i:, 20% to 50% off ecutive vice.president. "But distributed throughout the • Sale Hours: 9-5:30 daily; Thurs. till 9 such a move can be traumatic tri.county area. They Gre also Jt-\~ if it isn't handled with care. avaihble by calling or writ.. I';~ ~rost families and individuals ine United Community Servo tt' THE HICKEY LADY SHOP contemplating such a tre. ices 51 West Warren, Detroit :if mendous change in their 48201 or by calling 833.0622. t?i., lives .need help in assessing. . ~'''~ their situations before mak. COpies CY! the guide are ~';0'j ing the '\'inal d e cis ion. available '3>tpublic libnries, i~ Blazers - Skirts CLASSIC STYLE. UNCOMMON SERVICE, Through this ~ecialpublica. MESC offices, health and I ~ 80 Kerch~voi I-\venue. Grosse Pointe. MI 48236 • 882~35QG tion. we hope to provide im. roera1 agencies and union i .•~ji. portant information which halls. : .,i~& Slacks - Shirts I Dolly trendy first lady i"I One of the earliest adver. ! :;.,'t

lisements for ice cream ap. !I :I~ Sweaters - Raincoats 'S.~ Luggage - 30 - 50% peared in a New York news .. ~;. paper in 1786. Dolly Madi- !:;,;~ ~. Lark, Invicta, Sampsonite, son was the first to serve: ,:'.~ the delicacy in the White' I '.~ ~ Compleat Traveler Boyt, etc. House. :Ji i ------.- "i/J to OFF ,~ 1/3 1/2 "<, Selected gifts and leather Grosse ,,~~ All Sales Final Pointe News :,~ goods 50% (USPS 220.600) Publshed Every Thursday :~ By Anleebo Publishers 99 Kerche\'al Avenue ~;; .'!: Selected handbags and ,~ . business cases 50% Grosse Pointe, Mich. ,iR2.~6 "~I~ I Phone TU 2-6900i~ j SIl'CD"d Cion Postoge paid cf I ,. , SINCE 1900 i Detroit, Mic"igol'l. '~.i:;W i $ub.cr1pt;O" Rot.. $13.00 p

, \ Page Three.A Thursday, July 16, 1981 ._------_._-_._------_._----GROSSE POINTE NEWS • . King's Brass to perforln I Park police nlake arrest . i Farms regatta IS this weekend The King's Bras~ beginning' arc Tim Zim~el'nlan (Dir~c'l A Detroit man ~> ar. mat~hing -the woman's de. Its third season thts summ,er, tor), Bruce Zimmerman, -r:1m raigned last week' in Park E>~ription of her assailant, the band, "Magic" will s~rt Featuring the Colidie u x of -trophies and raffle ticket will be touring through five Strong, Jim Kapanka, Mike Munieipal Court on a pu,rse police re,'.uned their chase AU Gro~e Pointe Farms at 8 p.m. Cafe Easy Riders, old cars drawing concludes rega\ta states in the northcentral Robertson, Bob J 0 h n son, snat1:hing charge of ~he auto base:! on a de. re,5~jerI.5, r e.1 8.t i v e oS and On Sunday, The 'RegalAa an11the Fifth Mi.chiglan Regl. events a-t 4 p.m . . part of tile United States. Steve Reynolds Erik Gott. . . ' , friend') are inVited tf) par. mental Band, the pa1"'8de wiH ,Raff,le (icket prizes in. .They .will appear at Grosse schling, Tim S~nborn Paul The man, M'ark Speagle, oorlptlon and ll< .pLate ticip~te in the 29,h annual Parade k:dlS C1ff at 1 p.m., led by Boat Chili officers, form at Kroger'ls (on Mack elude a Sony Beta-Max TV : Pointe Baptist Church on Miller, and Dan Marvi~ (Key. 21, of 2153 Dickeraon, ~s number broadcast earlier. . re>gatta of the Gr()sse Pointe Avenue) p.arkin1'l lot. The tape recorder, two nignts and July 19 at 6:30 p.m. boards). relea,ed on $3,000 bond alter They found the car parke:! I Farms Boal Clu'b. Activities C:Jm:nodore Gal Magm, Vice. Comm(ldore Jim Kidd, Rear route will take it down Kellby three days for two at the Their program, presented The group consists of high arraignment on a robbery and em,':y at a party store for lh~ weekend hllvz been to Cha1fonte, ChaHon1e to Grand Hotel on Mackinaw . live, consists of a variety of school and college young b~fore Judge Bevel'ly on and As.hland, ac. planned {or the enjoyment of Commodore Dr. Len Bartos. zewicz. Recording Secretary MOllan, (In Moran to McMil. Island, a one day cruise on styles from claseical to gospel men who live in the Detroit G.rolmel. His examination is cor:!ing to r~ports, and no. all ages. I3n, to Kerclleval to Morass Lake st. Clair for six 00 eight s.electlons. The Instrum.en~a. area. The '!laJoritY of them set !or today, Ju~y 16. in t'ced item, alle~edly taken In the s'..lhedule of events Ann Geww, Treasurer BHlie Jacoby and Directors Jerry and finaLly bo the Farms people on a 39 foot sailboat, hon of the t~mpet chOir m. att~nd Chrlshan s~hools in Grobbel's courtro()m. from the woman s on for Saturday July 18, both Pier. a Weber grill and many 6 eludes a piccolo trumpet, theIr home area, with a few p ,I. I' ff' the froM seat. When passen- th "a'ilboat' rac • and the AUE'!el'berry, Joanne Leon. .nfl t t ts t. 1 b ar!:i pollee a whLte male Some Bra z i 1 i a n coffee The Miss Gros:e Pointe as use .ec utes slwrp ~rIn state gqod quallt)' b,rass m.uslc for Information concerning the ~n,,'1 h!st midb thl20's we.aringh bound for New York Is be. Farms Contest, coora:natedh f Michigan motorists are I more than was used during a .15.7 percent drop in gaso. churc h. es, TheIr entire. tour concert, call 881-3343. I :. ~r 5 or a a ng SUIt ad ing smuggled through Para. I' ~y C,)rlene Doet5e,,' ~m using less gasoline for the the same period in 1970," he line usage. Is fin ..nced on a free,WlIl of. , ' )~ ,t grabbed her purse and, guay to avoid Brazil's hLgher A Touch of elas.s, beginS third straight year and can. continued. Gas prices nearly 10 per. ferlng basis. . Thomas A Edison patented e,caped on fool. duties. r~ports World Press I .. t 4 p.m. S~:urday. sumptlon In the state Is now This February was the first cent higher than last year, The members of tile group 1,150 lrlVentlOns, Finding no one In tlip ,11;'<1 !leview. An adult dance fealuring! at its lowest point slnce 1970, month since February 1970 more fuel.efficient cars on .------,1 according to the Automobile that motorists used less than the road and the state's eco- I Club of Michigan. 300 million gallons of fuel. nomic problems were cited "T h r 0 ugh April, state "The drop In consumptIOn by AutQ UUO 8S ntajQr n:iI' drivers used approximately is especially noteworthy since sons for the decline. 1.26 billion gallons of gaso. it is estimated that tourism "Michigan motorists also line, or 9 percent below the in Michigan is up about 6 should be lauded for their same period In 1980," stated percent over last year," said efforts to conserve gasoline," Auto Club Touring Manager Ratke, who jldded that Mich. Ratke said. "indications are Joseph Hatke. Igan tourism activity may that while vacation travel in "This year's c()nsumption ecllpse record 1978 totals. the slate Is up, driving near also is 17 percent le88 than Last year, Michigan mOll)r. home, where most mileage Is in the record gas use year of Ists cut gas consumption 10.7 accummulated, Is down." 1978, and only 1.5 percent percent from 1979. The reo Through April, molorlsts ducllon was the second high. In Michigan have driven 1,4 ellt In the naUon, with the percent fewer miles than in Local clinics District of ColumbIa postlnR the Urllt four months of 1980. join eye study It you hRVe hRd dltbetu tor levertl yoars, you may be ellg1ble to Pllrtlclpatll in II nlltlmlwide study of dll\- balie eye dlseue and Il! lreatmllnt, for which two eye clinics In the Detroit ArtA are now 1'Ollrultlna patients, The r 0U U c h project, Semi Annual Sale which wl1l Involve 4,000 patients and 19 medical Cfln. ters aCTO&! the eountry, Is , called the Early Treatment Now In Progress Diabetic RetInopathy Study, or ETDRS for short, It 119sponsored by the Na. Further Markdowns tlonal Eye Institute (NEI), a branch of the Federal Gov- ernment's National Institutes of Health. Recruiting for the up to 50% off study in this area are the Kresge Eye Ins t it ute of Wayne State, University SChool of Medicine in Detroit and Associated Retinal Con. plaal'd-71ol'ton sultants in Royal Oak. 92 Kercheval On.The-HUI . Grone Pointe Farma, Michigan 48236 Each of the medical cen. 882~1 ters involved in the ETDRS is seeking peopl~ for the study w.lIo have early signs of diabetic. retinopathy, an eye disease that is one of the commonellt compUcatlo'l\s of . diabetes. Diabetes retino. Annual July Sale pathy Is a disease of the retina, the light - sensitive tissue -that lines the inside of the eye. The disorder Is All Lamps 20% off the third leading cause o.f new cases of bJindn~ss in the United States, and is present -to '3t least a mild degree in and more about 40 percent of the na. tion's eight million diabetics. Bring I.n Your Lamps that ar:efrit~re;t~~ 1~a~~t~~c~~t~ don't work ... For Fast ing in I1he ETDRS should Repair. contact their eye care spe- Custom Made Shades cialist or the physician who (Silk & Parchment) .1 is treating their diabetes for 1 / 3 to /2 off advice about entering the

I II ~~iffi~::~r:~o~~:~rl~:t~~ n g 0 u r b g the two n ear b y ETDRS Lamp Repair I dinics for further informa. dUr tion, I WRIGHT'S ~~::;.~~gx:;f:i~: Gift & lamp Shop phone number is 577.1320, 18650 Mack Ave. CLEARAWAY extension 46. To contact the SUMMER DRESS (Next to GP Posl Office) clinic at Associated Retinal Consultants, write to 35351 West 13 Mile Road, Sui~e 5{)7, Royal oak 48072 or Free Parking 885-8839 at Eastand on y telephone 288-2280.

clearance 19.97to 54.97 Orig. $30 to $98. Now's your chance 0/0 off to buy those dresses you've been ON eyeing".they're a lot more affordable! ALL IN-STORE All of our summer styles for petites, missesand half-sizes;for career, casual FRAMES and social occasions are savings- and ALBUMS priced, And there's plenty of warm Thursday, July 16 weather left for them, Don't miss this through one or you'll never forgive yourself, We ~~- Saturday, July 25 have 2000 dresses all gathered at one convenient store, Eastland, for easier Try Our Over-Nite Photofinishing shopping, But hurry, they won't last. tAL

Hudson's Eastland open Monday through Saturday 9:30 till 9; Sunday, 12 noon to 5. 17114 Kercheval Avenue Phone 885.2267 hudson's "IN THE VILLAGE" =c_ ,. ..age t-our.A GROSSE POINTE'NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981 . The Grosse Pointe New. o~\ento/ This Week in Business ,\>,o\JentlJr~ lli Thomas appointed to hospital post New president of the Detroit Receiving Hospital and Univer- '\ 25%to 50% off sity HeaLth Center is Edward \ S. Thomas, who had been vice. president for corporate admin- ilrtrative affairs at Harper- \\ every area rug in Grace Hospitals. Thomas, who began his hospital car~er at Harper-Grace 12 years ago, \\our collection will take on responsibility next month overseeing one of the country's largest I nt--. ..Hllrl~()n/~-- _. - _. . -, emergency-tr.auma and 'ambulatory care programs, Budd Company \.'" ~. ~"~, promotes Deeney , , / Eastland . $599 5'6"x8'6" \ :~', " ., sale Budd C 0 mp any employe . i Reg. $1220. Clasllc Peking deslgfl Oriental, " Starting today, for 4 days only. A sale that Gerald P. l)eeney has stepped .,J.. into his new position of assist- one of the many handcrafted beauties from ,t " takes you to the storied lands of India, ChIna ant to !the senior vice-president Mainland China. This,in navy or ivory; every I "l' and Pakistan, Fillsyour ears with mysterious and chief operating officer. detail handcarved. Then the rug Is washed to! names like Bokhara, Sarouk,.Aubusson, Ardibil, Deeney, who has been with the bring out the soft luster of Chinese wool, Ivory I Tabriz: Shows you centuries-old designs, company for more than 30 tone Chinese Dragon rug also in the collection. hand-loomed in lustrous wools; many years, has held key pos~tions in Budd's accounting depart- reg. sale legendary symbols of wealth and power. All unsurpassed works of art, all destined to ment. In 1972,he was promoted 2'x4' $190 $139 t~ controller at the company's De~roit, plant. Until bring an aura of enchantment to any room. 3'6'x5'6" $470 $3491 hlS recent promotion, Deeney has been assistant tc 8'3"xl1'6" $1880 $1349! Nowhere else will you find such an extra- the vice-president of Budd's Stamping and Frame 7'9"x9'9'" $1670 $1239: ordinary collection of rugs, both hand-made Products Group. , " . Orientals and Oriental designs. All of the 9'9"x13'6""$3100 $2299' CPAs promoted 12'x15" $4040 $2999 finest quality and backed by Hudson's 100 years of dependability. Come travel with us, at Price Waterhouse 3' round $230 $169 '. explore the values at Hudson's Eastland. Use 5' round $585 $439 . The accounting firm of. Price Waterhouse & yo~r Hudson's Charge or Home Deco Account. Co., has. announced four key promotions. Former 2'6"x8' $480 $359 tax manager, Robert A. Lass, has been promoted to 2'6"xl0' " $585 $439 sen'ior manager in the firm's Detroit office, Lass .Speclal order only. a CPA, joined Price Waterhouse in 1973 afte; grad~ation from Western Miclhigan University. The ,fIrm h~s also named Edward Mannino senior manager. The 'Certified Public Accountant was previously an audit manager and joined the firm I in 197~. Timothy C. Clayton,' CPA, was promoted i to audl,t manager and has been wHh Price Water- .1 ~ouse since 197ft New tax manager 'at the company I 1$ CPA Mark L. Fosse, a University of Michigan I graduate who joined the firm in 1974. i Hickey corporate' advertising manager Joseph L. Hickey has joine'd the advertising staff at Chry- sler Corporation as tts new cor- porate advertising manager for t~e sales and mar~e:t~up. Hickey had ,been;~resi- dent and supervisor on the Chrysler Corporate and Fleet and Lease accounts at Kenyon 'iI. -. & Eckhardt Advertising, where (" " '. '" he has been emploY,ed for the last 12 years. X"-;~ J~'; Clements appointed L~ Commerce director 1 , ,,,..... New direotor of the Greater I / ''{'t~~~ ~etroit Chamber of Commerce " .., 'C' .; ,~~'1.,,"" IS Gary Clements, who has also been appointed president of the GDCC's World Trade Council of Detroit. Clements is vice-president of Export For- w.arding at the Kennelly & SlSm'an Company and serves as vice-chairman board of trustees for the River-

side Industrial Park. I !" , , " ~ i '. . f.; .,'" I .;...., 1, t~. .... : . ~.~)~.t , , Announcing ••• " .." "'" . " ," Judith M. Pente<:O!>tand Lawrence W Cook are 1981 recipients of The University of Michigan Certificate in Real Estate ... The Donald K. Pierce " I & Company Insurance Agency has been awarded , membership in Aetna Life & Oasualty's 1981 Great Perfo~mance Club ... New manager of Strategic ~lannmg at O. Germany, Inc., architects-engineers, IS D. Michael Brady .. , Executive vice-president I of ,the Campbell-Ewald Company in Warren, Peter I A. Do~, has been elected chairman of the Michigan Council of Ithe American Association {)f Advertis- ing Agencies ... Remington J. Purdy of the Miesel/ Sysco Food Service Co. has 'Completed a course through the company's School for Professional Foodservice Marketing. . -Joanne Gouleche

sale S'10"x9' sale S329 S'6"x8'3" sale 56395'6"X8'6" sale S6595'6"X8'6" $1199 Reg. $1759. Sumo Sine Sliver Reg, $450. Courtral Blue Reg. $660. Shanghai Ivory Reg. $880. Heera Cream Chocolate, hand, knotted In Beige Peking, woven in China's Tabrlz, exclusively at Green from India, hand- Indio, just for Hudson's most famous rug weoving Hudson's, an all-wooi import knotted of finest wool. with Fashioned of all wool With about center. The finest WQolsand from Belgium Also may be had approximately SO knots per sq 50 Knots per sq inch G!orious dyes go into the making of this in Ivory Kerman, Green Kerman inch Also in Ivory Gold, Ivory colors also of Light Blue Cream exceptional Oriental collection, or Red Sarouk. Rust and Ivory Block ond Cream Navy Also in Sandalwood Beige, 2'10"xS', reg $130. sale $97; 3'6"xS'6", reg, $39S, sale $289; 3'6"xS'6", reg $380, sale $279; Nightingale Blue, Green Beige. 4'xS'6", reg $240, sale $\79; 8'6"xl1'6". reg $1720, sale $1289; 8'6"cl1'6", reg $1700. sate $1269; 3'10"x6'2", reg, $800, sale $559; 8'3"x11'3",reg $830, sale $6\9; 6'9" oct, reg, $68S, sale $509. 2'6"x8'6", reg $43S,sale $319. 8'3"x12', reg, $3000, sale $1999. 2'10"x8'3", reg $240, sale $\69,

Aft $lleS quoted ore approximate A~rugs subject to prior sale 300 un,!s' available whie quont,lies last

...-- .- . ~-----,- -~~--.....-...... Thursday. July 16. 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Kottler's next, July 22 Tocco charms festival with Chopin, Joplin By Irene Moran I more prQminent place in more relaxed good mu,sic for evening:' £aid ,MlIS, Sterling perial Conservatory of Kiev, Lt was 11 glowing opening American mlhSic literature, a hot ~umm~r evening," S, S'anfod the festival's gen. and two years loatcr was ready for the G:rosse ~inte Sum. And then Tocco played the Would he ever con;ider doing eral chairman for the fourth for a concert tour DC the mer MuSIC .Fe9hval's 24th "Keltic" - emphasizing its Jop1'n en cor e,<; abroad? year, Also. pleased wi,th the major cities oC the Ukraine, searon on Wednooday, July beautiful melody, its majes. Smilinio!ly, .he nop:mded, "I full hou:e succet>, ticket He eonltinued his 1;tudies in 8. The C'O~rt! held In the tic color and technoicality, as ml:ght." chairm3n Mn Willliam 0, Paris with Alfred Call1ot and Fries Aud1otormm of the througoout the evening, his AIter ju:'t c(}ml>letinlol a Bradley, Jr" urges everyone in Vienna wtth EmU van Grosse Pointe War Memorial playing was ~l-awless, He also June concert tour in Italy, to purcha,se, tickels early for Sauer, one of the famous Center, featured the renown proved ibis earlier oral stl1Jte. Tocco is scheduled for a reo the remamlng conCi!rts, pup:!, oC Franz Lis2Jt. pianist James Toeco, a native ment, turn tr:p, wLth pe~formanees I Featured at the July 15 Kottler has concertized ex. Detrolter. Tocco's playing For the seennd half, Tocco at the Rome FesNval with concert wer~ Broadway 9ta!s ten3ively both tn the United brought the packed house programmed the complete 12 the S'anta Cecilia Oroh~tra, B'.lrbara MeIster and ~vld States and abroad While in audlence. to ~ts .feet as he Chopin Etudes, OP. 10, The in Michelangl!lo PIazza on ~en1er (more on ~he slng- New York, Kittler did the ended hJo;;l'ecttal, and right. beauty of .the Etudes played' Capitol Hill! and at the Sar. ~ng husband, and' Wife team accompanying for students fwHy 60, by the expert hands of Tocco, dinia Fe ea:lIer of the 1981 sell;,on wnl feoa. Auer, Ja.~ha Heifitz, Mischa director, f.l~t greeted the lines S'trong arKI meaningful t~unmg With BOllI; Max1l"?0' ture Mi~ha Kottler, Detroit's Elman and Nathan Milstein audienee~ and in ~ehal! of as wl':tten 'by '3 man's pen; and later he studied pianist laureate and the Fon. were all pupils of Auer. It the festlyal com~it~ee ex. still not eluding any tender- w:,~h t~achers, Magda'1 tana Ensembl~ in recital. was Auer w.ho had Kottler tendedtI hi;• appreclatlon for ne:3-Chopin is so frequent. 1\ferro-;)au I,nIn NPam Yandk OlaudlO It will be held on Wednesday ' ..r.l-ay ,for Sergei Raohmanin. PI'anl'S'• Jame ..' Tocco brought the audl" .Summer "IUSIC..' Festl\'a'1 's Opelllll!!. contcr t Ie grea" suPPOl't received ly over.romanM,eized, Tocco'" ew or, " July 22, at 8: 15 p,m" in the oU, And it WiaS Raohmanin- ence to its feet at the Grosse Pointe at the War :\Iemorial. from everyone. claims having no favorites in Af.ler the War MBmorJall Frie, 'Auditorium of the off who told Kottler to go ------"T}--...:;iliusic ft.;~ivGl ~.) doH hi,i ri:jjC:;~u~i."li;:,t.u~ (.ci{..Q~{iI~j r'"'''lC'ert. !,:,d;'i"~1 gl,,~~tc: Z'::lth- C::8-:-:~ !>'.:~r.!c '~12!"~!cmDr~:ll, b~"("k t"0 E'..!!'O:,'e to ~'.!dy I I all-ollit community project, hi, evident love ~nd un-der: ere:! in the Frie, Cryst'al Center, 32'Lakeshore Road, Kottler retired from the plano ct.Vl;lon at Wa'yl1~ i' i>wii>ag, ,\b() l.-)l1tiIlCl' L'!llllOll, In,' l'flli ,tli,'lj!ll "', and that',s what makes it even s~anding of Choplin's music Hallroom for a reception hoon. K(}~tler'3 program opens Detroit Symphcmy Orchestra State University where he Raim, who played in recital Dallas, :'oTinnp,,'ta Jnd (,l~\",'- more e xc it i n g," he 58id, could not be overlo()ked, ol'ing Tocco, Receptit>n chair. with the Beethoven Sonata in 1970 a.fter ~lOlding the was awarded the Dislin. at the 1978 Gro3.,;e Pointe land On:heslrai lI,p B "I fin Suczek aIm spoke of its be. After numerous curtain man Mrs, Lynd,le R. Maf'llin No, 30, Op, 109 and closes post of oUicial pianist for gui"hed Fa cuI t y Service Summer ~rus:~ Festival and and San Fra);l'I,(,O S\ Jll. ginnings 'and how now, the calls, Tocco returned to the and her ccrnmittee were in w:,~h five Chopin selections: 22 years, He appeared> as Award by ,the Board of Gov. recen~ly made h2r D~troit: ph:lIlleS, th~ Israr'l Pltililar. fe:;tival js con;;idered as one keyboard, oU his white charge of the eetHng. B3rcarolle, Op, 60; a Ma. solobt w:th the orchestra ernor, in 1976. R, im:cription Symphony Orchestra debut I mon:c, Lrmdon anel BBC of the leading music festivals jae! own penonal eareer, Gro-,se PoInte debut with the' Ca,a!; Fes::I'al Orch2;tra.

e;ta,blls~ Festival Piano "Here LS another American He's 'a very elegant patrician B3iI1ade in F minor, No, 4, playing ,the TohiakoV'Sky Con_ Mr. Kottler has given gener- fe;tival as a r2citali.>t in the I The Fontana En .['mble, at .' Competition event, ccmpo.ser-Scott Joplin," pian~;t-one of the very, very Op,52, cerlo No, 1, with Antal ou:ly of h:mEelf :in guiding Young Arti,t Debut Concert. ; h8me or on toUI', Ii trull' an Tocco opened his program "T,he Maple Leaf Rag" best, Hi, reference ,to Mac. Kottler wa~ ,born in Kiev, Dorati, He al,o served as young mus,icians in fuUilling This gentleman of music: expe~::;ience [or mU'le lover,. with, a clear and impressive pl'lye,:l on a Steinway c()ncert Dowell W:L, weII advised and Russ:a, His rwh musiC3l life director oC music at WWJ their ambitions in music.': is now approaching hi.; 80th: fl, un:qup ,tI'ucture permits • rzadmg of Beethoven's Son. grand piano is quite a swit.<:h well ar:icula.t~d." Leon rec. begln with violin studies at rad:o station for 33 years, Some of ,hi., students who b:rth"ay, For the oceasion" b~en:lil1g d In;trultlenl, in a7cl in D Major, Op. 28, the from the tinny out-of.tune ommended Jame, Tocco to the early age of three and a Kc,:;~ler come: program \\:11 b" <1l'\[)led t" Dowell's work, saying it choice of the Joplin en-cores p!lony Orchestra. to ",tud~'ing the piano. At age Kott-ler is ,presently pro. a Rachmaninoff Award win. I from suoh acclaimed sources chamber musIc by fOllr II1rll1- merits more attention and a Tocco replied, "It was a littl~ "It was .a most triumJ)hant I seven h2 entered the 1m. fessor -and chairman of the ner, Margaret Barthel and I as the Melos Ensemble of (Continued on Pagc 7 A) • fine VILLAGE.MARKET wines 18328 Mack .Avenue-In the Farms • - present- liquor by John Lundberg

"'hen you sen'e ",ilh wint'. ~'Oll arc ','nillg 'Ollll'- "THIS .WEEK'S SELL RINGERS" • thing that is just a IiIlIl' extra 'peri a I. \l; iIll' ",Ill Illni a commonplace meal into a d,'Ii~hlfl1l "'1"')';('111'4', h,," ClOSED SUNDAY and ClOSED WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M. Prices EHective July 16, 17 and 18 lunches can benefil. A cllol SlImlTl,'r lundl i, "I'll ~'Olll- plimenled b~' a Ii~hl ",hill' winc, At thl' oth"I' '',In'llIl'. a heart~' summer steak harhcrue 1I1'['d, II ,II'lIllg. 1",11 wine to match, In belween rUII diff,'n'1l1 kinLi, "l" BONELESS ROLLED DUBUQUE meals. wines and tastes, Howe\'cr. thL' filial dl'lerlllina- tion of which wine to sene should hI' hn'l'd lOll "hii'll wine ~'ou like, We su~~est Ihal ~'"u Ir\ n \arid' lhi- .R()A~T LB. BOILED H'AM summer. ~JAE~). ~. . , '. $2.. 98 For the wine of ,"our choice or Ihe \ari"l' to "H'I'I the taste preference~ of all. the un;;",PI' i_ I'\UI\.IE';;; ROSEN'S LB. I PART\' SHOPPE. 172,');) 'lal'k. COI'Il"1' "I' -;1. l:Iail'. 81.98 I Detroil. "'e han' an (',c.;lh'1I1 \(lI'i.'I~ ol" 1"''''I'agh in \'arying lastes. siZl'~ anti IIri['[' ran~l", Fnr "in •. and 'Catch Of The Day' beer from around Ihl" "nrllL r01111' In I' \ II1\.1E'" LB. PARTY SHOPPE where ~our laste hlld, \I ill tin;.:l .. ~,9LA~~T~DBEEF $1.88 DUBUQUE FRANKS with pleasure and enio~m For a filw "inl'. ('I) lilt' I BOSTON BLUEFISH 10 Ihe fine be\crage store. , , P\HKIE'", P\HTY FlLITS (POLLOCK) SHOPPE. Open 10-10 \lon.-Thur- .. 10-11 1'1'1. &- MR. TURKEY BEEF PLUMPERS Sat.. noon-6 Sun. Tel. HIG-0626, '1.79 LB, [l'nE If ISlJO.H: Clarets are usualh. sened after mClll~ '10"(' Ih," R.clp. PURE GROUND TURKEY LB. PKG. are rather sweel. ' $1.39 _ WI f.RTlIF. 11f.\ T - Broll.dal •• flsh Wash approxlmatUy 2.lbs. 01 Bluelllh, 3 LB. CHUB $3.98 S... on with lalt Ind pepper, sprinkle with Part Time Business 011or butler and broil over a good lire DUBUQUE about 8 minutes to a nice color. When cooked put on e hot platter pour over 2 with full time enjoyment and tablespoons melted butler. FRESH BRATWURST CANNED HAMS I financial rewards. If you have a nice large home with extra BOSTON SCROD $1.89 LB, $1.89 LB. rooms guesthousing may be LB. CAN $5.69 I FILLET OF SOLE $2.98 LB, 3 your ready made answer! Let KLEENEX privotels show you how to BELL take advantage of your pres- RINGER ent assets and talent and the exclusive FACIAL IISSUE upcoming Super Bowl in 1982. \,; Gourmet WHITE For Information Call " ~ Meat. 200 Vernon or Diane Smith ~ "MADE FRESH DA/L Y" ~ COUNT 59C 552-9184 Oven Ready KRAFT SLICED rtoRlHERn City ESTATE AUCTION Chicken AM.ICAN CHEESE BATHROOM TISSUE at the gallery L&On Cubes 01 Veal and Pork On A Slick featuring properties removed from 12 OZ. PKG. $1.25 Oven Ready 80"e/ess Chicken PACK8~ the eslale of Charlotte nester Breast WHITE ..", -- (Neff Road, G.P.) 9 4 Friday, July 17th at 7:00 p.m. Milano $2 PB.' M.cI',flated in our Ow,", "~I(ll l"\urlflOM o~d br~d \llfl~ Saturday, July 18th at 11:00 a.m. ovr ttolio'" 'PIC*" 01'14' MO'O""l'lg ;1'1 "",n_or. Pcn r.ody for 1M eftf'!. Sunday, July 19th at 12 noon \~)~. _?~ no:,:" ... ", .. " .. .~ ,~~~ DIET ~ ~ .:=="""'"""""""".....~-= OVEN READY ~~r=-- ~_.T.;,:l~..~.~,~.~,~ Veal AVIl, P~Il, 2~ lb, $189 SQUIRT ...... ,~ i \~ ' N¥$ . Parmesan LB. :~ ' Por"'~'" fiOll'(lrl'd ~l p(tf'l,,, '" ~r own lp«~ol 1'01'01'1 ~v(". 'Imoth.,4"Ci .. "h ~UOt.f1t1 r~"Wo il'l (I'IH_Ore FRESH tray r.-:Jay for ttI. 0 ...." c FRESCA ZUCCHINI 39 LB. Oven Ready Sfuffed FRESH Sugar Free ~iIPl:~ '9C Roasting 69 GREEN BEANS 3 LB. DR. PEPPER Chickens fB. FANCY In 0 cooking bog. ~ Ib overoge C V2 Litre BLUEBERRIES 98 PINT U.S.D.A, Choice Marinated FRESH Bottles 8 EDMUND ADLER, OIL PAINTING ON CAN'!/>.'; Beef (German, 1871-1957) Sunday #69 Kabobs CORN 7 Ears $1.00 I L.on b../ gorni,h.d with onion ond g'tln P1US DuMouchelle's plpptr on a .Iolnll" .k.wlr. LIMES 4 for,69C • Deposit 409 E, JeHerlon, Detroit 48226 $159 Phone: 963-6255

~ I ,",I. , " , ,

Page Six-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday I July 16, 1981 •------_._------_._------~------_.------

~'j "

" " " .

r ;\ , .-

.' .

I • IViBYOn GIIS A .COCA-OOLAJWlK. PLUS :~ IHI CJIAIlDl !O WI. $1.00, $B.OO,$10.00, even $10.001 Open I new savings account and we'll add $8.00 morel _

il .. Just come into our office at 21143 Mack--Avenueand ask for the "real thing. ;" : You'llreceive a Coca-Cola"Real" bank. Check the bottom of the bank to see if you've won one of our instant "real money" prizesl There's nothing to purchase i and you don't need to be a customer to win ... i , ...but we hope you'll take advantage of our "real" convenient services such as:

• All-day Saturday banking. • 24-hour banking, seven days a week with a free Michigan • Statewide access to your ac- Money Card. counts at over 430 locations with a Michigan MoneyTM • Regular checking free of Card. service charges with a minimum balance of • Free Michigan Interest $299.00 . Cheking Account (NOW a.ccount) with check • And $5.00 added to your new sa.fekeeping when you have statement savings account. a Michigan Money Market Certificate. Michigan National Bank .-. Offer good only while supply of 600 Coca-Cola Limit one Coca-Cola banks lasts. ~ro55t ~ointt5 bank per person. "Coca-Cola" and" Coke" 21143 Mack Avenue You must be 18 years or are registered trade- Grosse Pointe Woods older to qualify. marks which identify 885-5600 Limit one $5.00 addi- the same product of The A Michigan National Corporation Bank tion per person and per Coca-Cola Company. Members F.D.I.C. account .

• p pe • $ , •


Thursday, July 16, 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven.A She was a 'gentle wit' Services were held recent. Clubs of Metropolitan De. Obituaries ly for Mrs. Mary Farley troit. She was Ladies Cap. Schlaff, 63, who died Mon. tain of the Manressa Jesuit Will,iam Errett Speer Mrs. Sophia K. theater, he became the first day, July 6, in Bon Secours R e t rea t House and also Services for Mr. Speer, 62, N t I preSident of the Detroit Hospital. brought the Eucharist to the Gran;! Opera Association and former Grosse Pointe Park . ugen A life long Grosse Pointer, sick at Cottage Hospital. Serv:~e; for. Mr>. Nugent, IIfJS among those responsible Municipal Judge, will be held she was a real estate broker According to Sister Mary 81, of Washl.ngton Road, for bringing New York's , 11:30 a.m. today, Thursday, and had recently been named Flaherty, quoted in the St. wzre held Thursday, JU'ly 9, Metropolitan Opera to De. July 16, at St. Mary's Cath. Sales Associate of the Year Paul Reporter, Mrs. Schlal!'s at thz Verheyjzn Funeral troit by the Grosse Pointe Real "gentle wit, love of living olic Church in SI. Clair, Mich. He died Sunday, July 12, Home and St. Philomena M~. Jay was also active in Estate Exchange. and deep spirituality which in River District Hospital in Church. civic and philanthropic af. AWNINGS A member of the Women's brightened up the day for Mary 'Farley Schlaff SI. Clair. . E.h~ died Tuesday, July. 7, fair,s, iM!:Jding the Kenny- D i s t r i c t Goll Association so many patients at Cottage Mr. Speer was the Park's m the Georglan Ea~ Nuromg M i chi g a n Rehabilitation since 1958, she was an offi. Hospital" will be missed. municipal judge for three H:m,e. Foundation established to • REDUCE HEAT cer and on the executive She is survived by her Auto theft years, serving a term from Born in Redridge, Mich., ai;! polio victims. board in 1979-80. She was husband, Nelson W.; three 1970 to 1973. A veteran of she is survived by a son, He is survived by a • SAVE ENERGY deeply devoted to St. Paul daughters, Frederica Rent. hits City World War II, Mr. Speer Robert L. and a sister. daughter, Virginia Pehrson Church, where her funeral schIer, Suzanne Kerr and Grosse Pointe City Police moved to St, Clair from & COOLING COSTS service .was held. She served Mary Shepley; a son, Nelson h~~erment was in Holy and a grandson. are saying someone in their Grosse Pointe two years ago. SepCllchre Cemetery. Interment was in Oakwood as president of the Children W. Jr.; a sister and six community has more of a of Mary at the convent of grandchildren. He was a member of the • • • Cemetery. Adrian, Mich. CUSTOM COLORS AND STYLES pen c h ant for snooping State Bar ol Michigan, the tge Sacred Heart, where she Me mar i a I contributions around garages and parked American Bar Association DECORATOR FABRICS hlld attended school, and as may be made to the Man. cars in the wee hours of the and a member of the Incor. president of the alumnae of ressa Jesuit Retreat House COMPLETE m(}rning than he does for porated Society of Irish the convent. or the Grosse Pointe Acad. ~tfinaa'~ sleeping. American Lawyers. Mrs. Schlaff was also ac. emy Restoration Fund. MODERNIZATION Police reported a rash of He is survived by his wife, PERMANIZED WITH SILICONE AND VINYL tive in the Women's Associa. Interment was in the St. Margaret; a daughter, Mrs. tion of the Boys and Girls Paul Columbarium. auto burglaries last week ill • Designers the 500 block of Lincoln - Susan Speer Taylor; three • Planners f.REE ESTIMATES all of them occuring in the sons, William Jr., Robert early morning hours. Pollct) and Th8mas and one grand. FAST DELIVERY. TERMS Music Festival said one resident on Lincoln child. observed someone running Interment will be in St. (Continued from Page 5A) en.tly is a member of the out of his neighbor's rear Mary's Cemetery in St. Clair. bers of the Font'ana Ensem. mus:c facuHy ~t A~bion yard about 4 a.m. The man • • • ble: Barry Ross, violinist; College. chased the suspect but lost. S.~eve Brook, viollit; Wini. Flut8t Bor(}uchof!, a Pro- him in the area of Kercheval Howard T. Rowe fred Mayes, ceIli"t, and fessor I8.t Michigan Slate and Lincoln, police said. Howard T. Rowe, 74, for. Israel Boruohoof, flutist. The University, has appeared as Later inve:'.'tig,ation showed merly of Grosse Pointe Park, Ensemble wiU pel'lorm a soloist III/ith the Israel Phil. someone had ran'.::acked two died July 9, in a Clearwater, String TI';o by Lennox Berke. harmonic, th,) New York on Lincoln Roau. The Fla., retirement home. Forest ley, .and Mozart's Quartet in Con~emporary Chamber En- suspeot, a white male in his A former productiop. man. D Major, K. 285. semble, the 5t. Louis Sym. late' teens, wore 'a white agel' of Maxon, Inc., Mr. Violinist Ross .is head of phony and the Chamber Sym. ~h:'r,t, blue ie'3n'S, and had a Rowe was with the Detroit Steven Jay strings at Kalamazoo Coliege phony of Philadelphia. He pony tail. advertising agency for 40 years before his retirement Services for Mr. Jay, 95, and is concertmaster of the played with the Cas.als Fes. Police also reported large brlla~t 10 years ago. of .the Pointe, were held Fri- Kalamazoo Symphony. He tiV'Al Or(lhe~tra, and has amounts of silverware miss. He is survived by his wife, day, July 10, at the Verhey. I h3s also served as concert. worked with such eminent ing £,rom a heme on Rivard Thelma; two sons, William d.e,n Funeral Horne. j i • FUEL SAVINGS VENT MIZER master for ,the American and conductors as Pablo Casa1s, July 13. Reports said the and Robert; a brother and He died Tuesday, July 7, Conneoticut Chamber Or. Igor st.ravin3ky and karon culprit entered a basement four grandchildren. in Cot:~age Hospital. +).~- 1 • gt~~rACHEAT EXCHANGER chestras. He has appeared as Copland. window of the home and ap. . M e m 0 ria I. contributions Mr. Jay was president of solo~t with the Twin Cities The se~:>n's omy outdoor parently snuck around the the R. H. Fyfe Shoe Co. in I • ELECTRONIC IGNITION premises while the owners may be made to the Ameri. Symphony Orchestra and as concert, on Wednesday, July De-tro:t until his retirement I 'I " , Modern energy.soving air conditioning saves were asleep. can Heart Association. ~ M Ut recitalist at Kalamazoo Col. 29, wiU featuTe James Da. ii'0.1 . operating costs ... power humidifier provides 10 years a.go. He became lege, We.>tern Miohigan Uni. The homeowner found sev. • • • pogny's Chicago Jazz B-and ccmpany president in 1947 MODU just the right amount of moisture for winter versity and Universi1y of on the ~akeside termce of eral pieces of silver strewn Meade E. Ion and spent much of his life ~ Deluxe Model comfort ... electric oi r c1eoner keeps your home in front of his garage, left 397 Wisconsin Alger House, at 8: 15 p.m. In Services for Mr. Ion, 89, de~oigning' and selling shoes DUUl£ '._ 568C virtually pollution free ... only Bryant's total by the burglars. . Violist Brook is illl'tist.ln. case of rain it win be held of Neff Road, were held to 'thousandos of Detroiters --_.,. 5 YEAR LABOR deluxe comfort system delivers the energy sav. A Dadieux Road resident r~idence wHh the Grand in the Fries Auditorium. Saturday, July 11, at the during his 67 years with the reported a watch missing AND PARTS WARRANTY ing features you thought were years away. Rapids Symphony Orohestra. 'Dhe fifth and olosing con. ON COMPRESSOR BY from his home after he dis. Verheyden Funeral Ht}me. company. He is a graduate of Michigan cert on Wednesday, Aug. 5, FLAME FURNACE covered someone entered his He died Wed'nesday, July A g'reat admirer of the IMMEDIATE INSTAllATION State Univers:.ty, where he will fea.ture the f~tival ,piano 8, in Bon £et:ours Hospital. I home through a basement 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE wag concertmaster and prin. competitIon winner Steph. window. Born in Pennsyivania, he Arson not mercenary act cipal viola wHh the Univer. anie Leon in the Young Police are investigating the was pre:ident and founder of Most Seattle a r son i s t s I WE ARE LICENSED HEATING, REFRIGERATION & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS sity OrchestrlLS, Arti-rt Debut Concel't slot. incidents and urge residents the Ion Optical Co. for. 40 aren't trying to make money 35 VEHICLES TO SERVE YOU. SERVING GROSSE POINTE SINCE 1949 Cellist Mayes, a graduate She will ,pe1'form 1,n the to call the department at years. Mr. Ion was a life by .setting fires. A study of (}f the Curtis Institute of Fries Auditorium at 8:15 886-3200 if they hear or see member of the Detroit Ath. r-ecords from 1976 through Music in Philadelphia, stud. p.m. anything suspicious. letic Club, the Optician As. 1978 in the Northwest city ied with Felix Salmond and AdV'ance ticket orderiS may socia1ion of Michigan and showed the typical adult ar. ~~?:!~~~I FREE ESTIMATES I ~~~.~;}~°!1~PE Gregor Pia-tagorsky. She was be purchased at the Memo. Nice group to join Oriental Lodge No. 240 F & sonist to be a white male (Noa, • Mil.) WARREN principal cellist with the rial Center or order by Nearly 15 million Ameri. kM. between 20 and 34. The tar. Fort Wayne. P,hHharmonic check payable and mailed to can households, 18 percent He is survived by his wife, get usually was an apartment and was the first woman Grosse Pointe War Memorial of the total, were in a brack. Mabel; a daughter, Mrs. or house; the motive, reo string player in the Boston Association, 32 Lakeshore et of more affluent income Barbara Thornton; one sister venge. Or, in some instances, Symphony Orchestra. She Road, Grosse Pointe FaTl1lll, in 1980-that fortunate group and two grandchildren. the act was prompted by was formerly wibh the Phila. 45236. Of1fice telephone is with more money to spend Interment was in Forest mental or emotional prob. delphia Orchestra and pres. after necessities are paid for. FLAME FURNACE 881-7511. Lawn Cemetery. lems.


at the all new 3 million dollar Vie Tanny Health &. Racquet Club Get ready to enjoy the ultimate in luxurious fitness facilities - at the exclusive new Vic Tanny now you can join and take advantage of our moneysaving Charter Memberships. Call today and be East Health & Racquet Club! We're bringing you everything you want in your health club ...and among the first to experience 3 million dollars worth of the finest in health and fitness faCllitlesl A limited number of Preferred Charter Memberships available Visit or call our on-site preview and information center today! VIe 1 EAST Health.&.. Racquet Club 20701 Old 8 Mile Rd. at Harper ...Call. ..772-0005

:- -"--~-~-~ Thursday, July 16, 1981 Pa98 Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEW~ ~--~------~------

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WAYNE; SOUTHWESTERN MICHIGAN DETROIT -WEST: GROSSE POINTE WOODS: ROYAL OAK: TAYLOR: SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN BRIGHTON: 10700 Pelham at Allen Rd. 35150 Michtgan at Wayne OFFICES; 8516 E. Grand River near ChalliS 17540 Grand River near Southfield 19700 Mack Ave. near Cook '406 N Woodward near 12 Mile OFFICES' TROY: WEST BLOOMFIELD BERRIEN SPRINGS: CANTON TOWNSHIP: 25712 Grand River near Beech Daly LIVONIA: ST. CLAIR SHORES: ANN ARBOR: 14221 Greenfield near Grand River 17230 Farmlnoton near 6 M,le 25515 Harper near 10 Mile 2401 W. Big Beaver.Main Office TOWNSHIP: Mars and Cess Streets 3201 E,senhower Pkwy al Packard 44101 Ford Ad near Sheldon 6120 W Maple at Farmington 10641 Joyal Manor MADISON HE1GHTS: SHELBY TOWNSHIP: 2699 W Big Beaver near Coolidge EDWARDSBURG: 2630 Jackson Ave al Map::, CENTER LINE; 24224 Joy near Telegraph 55 West 12 Mile at John R "660 24 Mile near Shelby 940 E Long lake at RocheSter WESTLAND: Gateway Shopping Center 25001 Van[)ylle at 10 Mile 7957 N Wayne BEllEVILLE: 16841 Schaefer near McNichols NOVl: SOUTHFIELO: VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP: NILES: 186 Ma,n al Second DEARBORN: at Nankln Blvd. N.W. FARMINGTON HILLS: 43600 West Oaks Or near 1-96 29405 Greenfield near 12 Mile 2069 Aawsonvllle near '-94 333 North Second BIRMINGHAM: 40C Town Center Dr m the 315 S. Wayne nellr Cherry Hill 35410 Grand River al Drake PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP: 25123 Southfield near 10 Mile WARREN; 1706 Oak Streel 50 West B

- - _. - -~~------~--~-- Page Nine-A Thursday, July 16r 1981 GROSS.E POINTE NEWS --_._---_.------

'"' St. Paul has I JOSEPH P. PERSe with ~Greg sketches plans for future ! t.: By Tom Greenwood tice, Gr2g, of Unljve.l'Jity Place, de. tion, G'reg credits his ,parelllls with astor cided to recoup lost revenues by pa,sing their artistic talents onto him. ..J/&C Uplw!Jter'l CO. 'Q It had to happen. Even t!he Pope pllr~,[ingp;!n to paper. "My d1ld, R:chard Gerwh, i,<; Senior 'ha, gone 'preppy. Poised beneath ,his IndJ,lrial 'Designer al Bell Northern pointy 'hat, John Paul II sports an 'Tm into ar,t and Mr. Rober,l Rath. Re.'earch," said Greg. "My mother, UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING alligator shirt, whale belt, sai~boat bone, my 'art imtruc-tor at South, Regina, is a teacher at Ferry School. • Servicing Ihe Pomles lor 37 years bedecked trousen and laSJ31edloafers reeammended me '10 'll woman who Any talent I hlve I got from ,them." Perfect for that casual get together wanted a caricature of her boyfriend at -the scmiruary after a tough day at to give him on hi, ,birthday," said A ~ophomore at South, Greg has the Vatican. Greg. w:>rked on the staff of the Towe{', the school new>paper. as an and Wide Selection of "She liked it so much she paid me His H()liness In shade.> of pink and c-ar:oonLt. He ,hopes to scrve on tJhe $25, Now I figured it's a good way green? Not hard !to imagine if you're I'-'lper again in ~he fall. CASUAL & 14-year-old Greg Gersch and have a to py for rowing and ",ave money for trfW PICK-UP & ae/lVf1ry c:l1ege." t3lent for caricature. Nratly dressed, friendly and almost tree estimates DECORATIVE plinfully polite, Greg admits he has Forced ~o quit 'his paper route be. The winner of a Gold Key Blue VA 2.9660 cause of Ejarly morning rowing prac. Ribbon award in a ~!ate art compeU- 10 set the "proper mood" bl'fore he can work. FABRICS I 12339 HAYES

"I usually put on ,ome music. My --~------._-- .------favorites are Simon and Gar-funkle or the Doors," said Greg. "Then I ~~~" take my shoes and socks off and get The Rev. Douglas P. De. We deliver Vos, of Belanger Avenue was . 355 FISHER RD.. comfort3ble. It ju~t makes things .. easier." installed as new Associate Open 8 to 5:30 daily, Wed. Pastor of St. Paul EvangeH. 882-5100 'Iii noon. Closed SlIIlcloy Working from a photograph, Greg cal Church during the ser. will u,e about 20 different pens and vices on June 28, with the p~::.d~3 v~..:: :. :....::; ~c~: p..:r:cjl ~"'vl"~ R~~,~. D~. K~~~eth L~~~!. ~A D liKe. CJ IfA J:) vr:vT' if the portrait is difficult to work Senior Pastor at SI. P'aul, of. ~~~"..Lr ..u C/r~.&~~~Ji from. ficiating. Pastor DeV03 wiIl work in "Sketching a car:cature of someone a team ministry at St. Paul, i.> a lot like drawing their portrait," but will have primary reo Fresh 100% Choice Young said Greg with a smile. "The major spon~ibility in the areas of difference -i,sthat I work quicker and education and youth work. Ground Beef Leg of Lamb wi:,h elOageerated movements. Prom. DeVos, a native of Roch. inent features .are enlarged and em- ester, N.Y., also served aJ; LB. LB. phasized to try ,to capture their Ithaca, Mich. prior to coming '1.49 '1.89 per.sonalities." to Grosse Pointe. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree Boneless Rolled Beef Roast $2.98 LB. Greg usually char.ges $10 ,to $15 from Heidelberg College in for work, more ~f the drawing is Tiffin, Ohio. His Master of Imported Polish Boiled Ham $3.29 LB. very ,involved. "I use ," he said. Seminary in Chicago. While in seminary, Rev. 13.0Z. 98e "We prac-tice at 4:30 in the morn. Crosse & Blackwell Vichyssoise CAN DeV(ls was active in hos"pital ing, and as the coxswain I make sure ministry, Clinical Pastoral everyone is on time, sCit :lhe speeds' Education, Emergency Room Johnston's Ready Made Michigan and stroke.> and help direct the .boat. (cl'isis) Ministry and served I love it because we travel so much." 1\3 ohaplain -to the Chicago Chocolate Pie Crust Cucumbers According ,to Greg the team has Fire Department. His f,il'st C c met with much success, and' hopes church was 10l'ated in Ko. 3 for95 to win the Junior Olympics held in komo, Ind. Pastor 13eVos is 98 Syracuse, N.Y. "If we win there, we also a licensed Emergency e receive a gold med131 and :a ~rip to Medical Technician, 'll certi. Californa Avocadoes - large Size 2 for 9S compete in Bu-lgaria," said Greg. fied firefighter and an in. for e "There is a rIot I()f similarity between 5tructor >in Cardin Pulmon. California Bag Carrots 3 95 ary Resuscitation, CPR, for dl'awing and rowing. It takes disci. Eldorado Plums 89t LB. pline, ilMctice land hard work. Plus I the Michigan Heart Associa. I get to meet a lot of [)Cople." tion EA. DeVos i.s married to the Canary Melons - large Size '1.95 Greg currently advel1tises his tal- former Mary Jane Heintz. ents in the Gro..eople are calling," he said. DeVos is a registered nurse. "Gues.> it's the economy:' Weight Watchers Creamy Italian Dressing PI. Jar 'I. 19 She has (aug,ht at NOl"thwest. e Wh:Ie he loves art, fu,ture plans ern University and Indiana Ul]iVer5~ty, -and served as Weight Watchers Mayomaise PU,r8S Ee in another direction. "It would head nurSe in the hematology be nice to earn a living as -an art~t, \,nit of Ohio State University "." or caroonist for a newspaper," he Mountain Valley Water said. "But the competition is " I've though{ it over and I'd Hke to vices at St. Paul, located on . Pnoto by Tom Gree"wood .spe~lal;ze in pediatrics." ::175 Lothrop, beg,in at 10 a.m. 12 28-02. BOTTLES'9.98 Except for the hat, Pope John Paul II. looks U~e the perfect Pointer the rest of the year, Services after Greg Gersch finished applying a preppy patina. Greg, 14, creates'-- 'From" ' POPe to preppy are at 9:15"and 11 a.m. with' SALE ITEMS ABOVE IN EFFECT TILL JULY 22 nd the caricatures to earn money for college and sports activities. pediatricians? H's possible. Sunday Schonl in between .

• NOTICE TO BUYER' The Ioc\()ry inYeice pric. i1 higM, !lion 1M pric • ..... lIdvolly paid 10' II>e Wthic,,". A ,eboIl to !he deo~I''''ip i. Included in tile ICKtory in.oic. price. ~ ok<> may inclucle aMmlino. 0IMISIIltfth. futy,. rebotet. allowonc .. , di1<:ovntl and inctntive owords from tile monufoctv,., to lIl. deolet,

f. I

:..oLd' ....

Page Ten.A GROSSE POINTE NE'WS Thursday, ~uly 16. 1981 • If It's Nautical IS being noticed Brit Nice ... *': . Anti-hunger center's impact W'e've Got It! '. ~.~.....~ . CANVAS By Tad Goodwin food and deliver it to the defense, recipes, a book reo handicapped (ace. L 0 c a 1 government is rector MPatanishi said. "Pea- - _,r & Nautical Gift, & loal Sllppli., ~ The American Friends Ser. homebound. view, and health tips, Waltz received her Masters pleased with the progress IpIe won't recognize Marge's .~' L1(ATHER SHOES vice Committee is known The community garden or' The Center began with degree from Wayne State and that the Detroit Anti.Hunger assets until long after she .. :~ around the world for its ef- Farm.A.Lot is a gar den eight interns in 1975 and has been teaching so cia I and Youth Advocacy Center is gone." Foul '~'" ~y. forts to lend a helping hand planted on a vacant lot has since grown to accommo. studies to junior high school has made. According to Dan Anyone from the Pointes s .. to those who really need it. where a house once stood, date 35 interns between ages students at St. Ambrose Aldridge, manager of the interested in serving as an Foo ... e.m",t Grosse Pointe's neighbors The interns are growing to. 18 and 22. Interns must serve School for the past 12 years. Southeast Neighborhood City intern or in becoming more Weather On Any to the south in the Jefferson. mat 0 e s, cabbage, carrots, eight hours per day, four to "We are using modern me. Council, "They have done familiar with the workings 110.1 Chalmers neighborhood are corn, zuchini, eggplant, and five days a week for one thods to make this training many positive things in the of the Detroit Anti.Hunger Gear faced with great crime and mustard. year to 18 months, in order enjoyable and effective," she area," and Youth Advocacy Center unemployment problems, as Hungry area residents are to reci~ve a certificate of s,aid, "We would ver~ much An.d the Am,erican Frie~ds should call them during reg. well as the results of these e~couraged and welcome to completIOn. like to generate mterest Service Committee ASSOCiate ular business hours at 823- (f 50 7xSO BINOCUlAR $1l2.50S89 problems _ fear and poverty pick what they need, The Interns at the Center are from the people in the Secretary John Sullivan at 1100 Ideal 101POWtf or Soil! VALUE The neighborhood is on~ Ce~ter is encount~ring a van' trai~ed using modern role! Pointes in this program," the international offices in . • Ships Wheels All Siles 18" 10 60" lof the targets of an effort dahsm problem With the gar' playmg, "value clarification" The interns at the Center Philadelphia said they feel n'd Greeks start it? • Ship's Wheel Tables ,bv the Friends Service Com. den, as some of the vege' and "peer tutoring" tech. are very enthusiastic about that the Quaker funds are . I , h I b r • Seth Thomas Barometers & Clo.;;:":;.' o;hf-~~t: t~~ !~t~~~s ::~:: ~::'::):l::::;;cd !n~ ".'!t~ r('0r'p ~n,' I~y;n~ (\r~?ni

* Water Pu~ps & Hoses 'I food outreach eCfort, interns I inform those who are eligible Complete Air Conditioning- for food stamp assistance 1 .. * how to go about obtaining I food stamps. In cases where services the eligible parties are homc- bound, the interns sometimes actually and deliver the food stamps, 1 DAY SERVICE A shopping service is also i i provided for homebound el. All Work Guaranteed derly and handicapped resi- dents. The interns pick.up a shopping list, and the neces. 775-8720 sary money, food stamps, and coupons from the home- 14447 Ninl Mil. - 1 Mile W. of Gratiot bound resident. The interns then shop for the needed PHIL'S 14430 E.WARREN at Chalmers . Detroit; Mich.' 41215 Off Chalmers-ford Freeway hit 822.3310 . Value, Rood from nu"., July 16 thru Sol, July 22 liTHE VERY BEST A T REASONABLE PRICES" U.S.D.A. Choice "Phil's Pride" Home Made GIFT S250armore SSOOormore $1,000 or more $5,000ar mo", S10,OOOor more 1. CERAMIC PIE PLATE 1 Free 1 Free 2 Free 3 Free 3 Free CENTER CUT ITALIAN Free Free Free Free' $169 $139 2. 3-PIECE BAR-B-QUE SET S 3.00 lb. lb. 3. FLOATING TARGETLIGHT LANTERN 425 Free Free Free Free' POT ROAST SAUSAGE 450 100 Free Free Free' 41b. avg. Family Pak. 61b. Avg. 4. LADIES'/MEN'S SELF.FOLDING UMBRELLAS S 5. ONE DOZeN SPALDING GOLF BALLS 5.75 3.50 Free Free Free- 6. IGLOO' UTILE PLAYMATE COOLER 775 6.50 S 400 Free Free

Extra Lean Land-O-Lakes 7. SLACK & DECKER' '.0" DRILL 950 750 4.50 Free Free 8. GE AM/FM MINI PORTABLE RADIO 1100 850 600 S 350 Free 59 9, OLD PAL' TACKLE BOX 1300 1050 8.00 500 Free STEWING $195 BUTTER $1 10. KODAK PARTYTIME' INSTANT CAMERA 14.50 1050 800 500 Free BEEF lb. lb. 11. WEED EATER' TRIMMER 1500 1250 10 00 750 Free Family Pak. 6 - one lb. package With $10 or more Meat Purchase (limit one) 12. BLACK & DECKER' 50-FT. HOSE & REEL 15.00 1500 1250 9.50 Free 13. PORCELAIN PICNIC SMOKER 2750 25.00 2250 2000 S 15.00 Extra Fancy, Fresh 14. GE AM/FM RADIO/CASSeTIE RECORDER 4100 38.50 3600 3450 25.00 PattieBurgers 125.00 122.00 11700 115.00 10800 Individually packed 4 to a lb. 15. TMK' MINt.SCREEN TV PORK '",to"', ',;,re 9 1'& IreS' 75e 10 lb. box (40) S15" O""e q 'I ;:f" acco , ...... V~"'ei"'" ..'S' 'E"'T1a'" 0" (Jf'Oos' ,~i ~;:;s: 9') -Jays )' :,)5101.g. 'I"", be oe:Lcted a~ H~'l)' 0' N1hdrawal NOW aCCDJnls rT'uSl remal"'l operl HOCKS lb. 9C .:::a,5 o~ ccoe:':,' c ': ,.." ::-= cec-,cle-Cl' a"....,e c' a.:-:c,.....:(: c<:,"'; G"; :er-s ""'ust:t:e se ~::'-ej Ir""Imed'(lle'y S'Jpo' es' r""\ 'e,j P'e3se add S3 50 I! ,1em IS10 be Large, Lean. Meaty, 3 to a Pak 5 lb. box 20) S83t ...... 8 'S'c: :'erT'S ""

Tender Loin End ,..~ :",~ :0,': FREE ,.,.,,...,""'"'" ONE DOZEN PORK 19 LARGE EGGS $1 With $10,00 or More Meat Purchase GET IN ON THE ALL-STAR LINEUP OF ROAST lb. L,mi' 1 -- Exp".' July 2L 1981 31b. Avg. Cut into Chops FREE GIFTS FROM DETROIT If NORTHERN. POINT OF INFORMATION Here S just what you need for summer 5250. eliminates handling and stonng your balance of 5500, you can have your checks returned Ifyou have $2,000 or more In FAMILY PAK To get your gift. open an account at D&N cancelled checks. Or. with a minimum Did you know that we have 45 different types of any D&N savings or certificate account, MEATS? 45 ways you can save money. and have the convenience of or add to an existing account. Open a NOW account and geI5".0:0 DETROIT there's no minimum balance requirement. unit packing for easy use. "REMEMBER" we pioneered this con- Interest Our new Statement NOW account. . NORTHERN Open your account NOW cept-"SMALL QUANTITIES AT DISCOUNT PRICES." with a minimum balance requirement of only II:IlI_ SAVINGS & It pays to go Withthe pros "FAMILY PAK MEATS AT PHIL'S" GO WI1'H THE PROS Over 38 years of serving the Detroit Metropolitan Area :-JrTRO T :,Qb" 8r.:lM.('l-<£5 7';1 '5"1): l I ....U,tH~E~~ S'TEAl,ING ~E+GHTS G~CSSE PO ~TE D!:T~::'I ~ .'II.RVI~,G-C'~ ll...o~P, '.,Ie • EO • Carry out Catering • Convenient Food Services 22'25 0',:;r a.j ~c), e R::.a j ?B:,<1<;- ..'J F ,( ',l"e ROil:': ''':1 So-,~~,Vi'! .. S"Nr 8~24 E 'Z ',.I Ie R0ac 2270 EII~ 16 M,~ Ro~ 19307~3CI<;A,e"lIe "13"lG1SIof'"",S'"N:l' ~ 33~CJe 'w'~ r ,e ~,l e R:I('IO 26681 Hoove r Roa'" • Homemade Sausages. Home Freezer Service '82' I :: ••l.c'\J'C ...... "s P,:::{:{) G'e~~' ~'<1 ~ MAKE FRIENDS • SAVE MONEY Get tog.ther with friend. and neighbor •. Share your purcha •••.


" if 7 • ;., ...... ~---- Thursday, July 16, 1981 ______GROSSE POINTE NEWS...... __ .. _e.- __ .... _ .. _. ~_...... -_~ Page Eleven.A

7 Widows slate SWIMMING POOLS M M DISTRIBUTING "CO. 18x32 IN-GROUND STARTING AT . T· picnic plans & Widowed Persons of Grossf' I C/eanini Materials & E9uipmen' VINYLLINER POOL '3095 ------PrIme Ime------Pointe and Harper Wcods QUALITY INSTAllATION AVAilABLE I will hold thr )"(:p'ularmonth- 1 YR. FREEMAUnUANCE PKQ. WITH INSTALLATION I ly ('on!erl'ncc lIl\'cting on: WE DEUVER or enioritizens------, Sunday, July HJ, at 3 p,m. ~ F S C in the luunge at Grossc: MC~~~::'~~l~ FREE HOME SURVEY Pointe Woods Pres1Jyteri:mI 884-0520 Designers & Builders • Any Shape & Size Available Church, 19950 ;..lack. I A picnic is planned in. 16734 I: WAllEN DETIOIT, MI .• 8224 By Marian Trainor • high offices. With that event, hop.e-I stead of a discussion pro. CARRIEPOOLS 573-0075 Women everywhere are cheering fully, laws will be enacted that WIll, gram. President Reagan's appointment of reflect the concerns of all women and I For marc information call Sandra Day O'Connor to the United the special concerns of older women. I 884.0B58. r-- States Supreme Court. What a vic- And they are many.' ._------tory and not just from a feminist's Her life is marked by the discon- . In thc ".S .. 104,000 people point of view. Everyone agrees that tinuities of an interrupted career as I dlC from accldenlal lnj uric, Does Your Patio we should have a woman in the high- a homemaker and often the combin- ('\'cry year. ~lor(' than half Need limited ShGding? est court of the land because women ation of career woman and home- ~eould be saved with speedier today, more thqn ever, need an in- maker. She faces a large number of; ~~~erg_en.::~trea~~~~~ _ A relradoble, sell.storing owning is the onswerl terpretor of the law who will not losses in her life - the departure of I . only be cognizant of women's needs children and the likelihood of outliv-I MEN'S. WOMEN'S SPARKY CALL but one who empathizes with them ing her husband, She is assaulted by I D · as only a woman can. unflattering stereotypes and by re- . eSlgner r-: HERBERT'S ,'. ~. ~ ,: No one expects her to make de- duced income plus poor access to I S t'N) , Invites You to Dine " lEA N . " cisions solely on the basis of repre- t:ansportation, loneliness and isola- : ~ ' "7 Da".~ A 'Vf not ... :;enting women's views. She is tou uon, , II " I J;) ~.t. n "" .. professional for that. But the feeling DESPITE THE problems older 0 Food Service 11 :30 a,ffi.-l2 midnight pervades that at long last any mo- women face, they also possess great 20 / Beverages IiI 2 a.m. mentous decision affecting women's strength and potential. Given the op- /0 OFF BELLE ISLE AWNING CO. rights under the Constitution will be portunity to exercise these qualities :iLight Jazz Entertainment,! 774-1010 carefully considered. of life for women in their later years We know that she is a fighter. When will be more than just surviving, It : Thursday through ! she was a state senator accused of will also be rewarding. . ~ J Saturday Evenings trying to weaken our poHution laws One issue that will affect them and ••.• ,Il e::"::_~-" ( Food Ser~ice Sunday) DESTROY YOUR SECRETS BEFORE because her husband's law firm rep- one that is becoming increasingly IN ROVAL OAK resented Kennot Copper Co. slre controversial is social security bene- 305 W. Fourth 51reel Begins After 4 p.m. . YOUR NEIGHBOR SEES THEM.. . countered: fits. While it does concern both men 545-4446 Most of us have confidential p~pers that "The amendments I have proposed and women recipients, there are dis- IN GROSSE POINTE 15117 Kercheval are my own amendments because crepancies in the system of particu- 16S39 Kercheval should have been destroyed years ago. 882-6260 they represent my own thinking and lar concern to women. 822-0266 But, we never got around to It. judgment." In recent years social security has They are dad's records, mom's papers SHE IS KNOWN for her independ- been the object of increasing scrutiny ence, inner strength and dedication with regard to how it affects women, and your own, you have collected over to the law. But. Sandr.a O'Connor is In part, this scrutiny reflects the years. Many are very confidential not just an intellectual. She is an all- changes that have occurred in our and should be professionally mutilated. around person who well represents society. The extent to which women the many activities of women's role participate in the labol; force, the im- Throwing them in the trash is not the. in society. Besides her brilliant career pact of employment discrimination First of Mich igan Corporation answer. Curious neighbors, kids, trash as a lawyer and lawmaker, she enjoys and other factors (including child is pleased to announce that pickers, private investigators and the cooking, skiing and tennis. She is the bearing) that have restricted wom- wind are fair game for your secrets. mother of three sons and the wife of .en's average earning and therefore a prominent attorney. social security benefits; increases in We will destroy your confidential papers On the matter of sex discrimina- divorce rates, leaving more women KATHRYN A. STERR in your home, under your supervision. tion Sandra O'Conner has had first with less than adequate social secur- Mutilated beyond reco'g~ition - Forever. hand experience. Although she had ity protection; growing recognition an excellent record at Stanford Law of the economic value of women's has become associated with our firm GUARANTEED DOCUMENT School, she was. unable to get a job work in the home and growing dis- in a law firm after her graduation. Eatisfaction with eligibility for bene- and is qual ified to assist with your investment needs DESTRUCTION, INC. Later as a state senator, she pushed fit9 that is based on dependence in stocks, bonds and other securities. 888-2331 through bills to eliminate discrimina- status, tory language from Arizona laws, to Such concerns as these indicate provide equal pay for equal work and that a number of changes can and to remove an eight-hour a day re- should be made to improve the way ij-T-AK-E -A -BR-EA-K-••• striction on w 0 r kin g hours for the program works for women. women. The adage that unless you have Firstof Michigan ;f~~ "Let's give the women a chance walked in someone else's shoes you Have A Cool Tall One for a better life and a bigger pocket- cannot know how rough the rond can Corporation book," she told her senate colleagues. be is appropos when' it comes to Members New York Stock Exchange,lne. These are c h e e r i n g words for needed reform in social security bene. . . ~, ,. 3 ~~~,s~~~~~:i.:;~,J~~.~ri:'younger women'but for older vromen' fits for women. Women legislators 100 Renaissance Center j26th Floor I Detroit, Michigan;4B2.1l-3 also. Women in the 65-and-older age .will bring to their decision an under. Telephone (313 )259-2600 '""".~ 2 for 1 group are the fastest growing seg- standing for those problems that male ment of the United States population. legislators may not fully appreciate. Delicious Doily Luncheon Specials Women are living longer than men. To alleviate some of the inequities Jul,. 20 Hot Veggle Sandwleh (Sorry about that gentlemen. We in the social security system benefits I July 21 Splnaeh Crepes really need you around. It's not much should be increased for among others, July 22 Chopped Steak fun without you). single women and widows who' gen- On Those Hot Summer Days Jul~' 23 Vegetable Lasagna While the prospect of a long life erally get the lowest benefits and are July 24 Fish &. Chips for ladies is a happy one, it does the least well off. I Serve Fresh Seafood Salads REDUCED COCKTAIL PRICES ..' carry with it special problems which Another possible adjustment would I MARTINI'S/MANHATTAN'S S1.25 will under:standably become issues be to increase the two-earners as HOMEMADE DESSERTS that will need resolution, if not in'the against the one-earner couples. A di- • Fresh Maryland Crab Meat • Lox highest courts than in legislation. In- vorced spouse would then receive 45 spired by Sandra O'Connor's appoint- . percent of the increased primary • Lobster Meat • Smoked Sable ~~illitt!r!l ment, more women will seek and gain . (Continued on Page 12M • Cooked & Peeled Sllimp • Smoked ClUJs Cottage cited for PR work I CD ..... __ .Fine Food & Spirits Cottage Hospital received Detroit chapter of the Pub. - DULII:iI- • Fresh Salmon • Smoked Wtitefish three awards for excellence lic Relations Society of Amer. GBudso\:~.;' Graber retires Rubies & Diamond From left S650. $450, S295. I from Poupard Head Engineer at Poupard I Elementary School, Clifford I Graber, has retired after 33 years in the Grosse Pointe Public School System, I The Board of Education, IRISitl~~I at its July 13 meeting, cited ---1'----../ EST. 1M ... Emerald 5525 ... Sapphire $475 Graber for his faithful ser- Diamonds & Ruby $495 vice. He began his career in , 1948 at Maire Elementary II Summer Specials School where he worked as a custodian until 1951. That year he accepted the posi- tion of First Assistant Engi. neer at South High School, r.=:3i~D."1/3.i.b~..96c ~:.:~r~r~~:;..1 remaining there until 1958. Graber was named Head i Engineer at Poupard school : Ail Diamonds $162S . in 1958. I : SUN. THRU WED. - SORRY NO CARRY OUTS : I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fresh Lake Perch Dinner Thurs., Fri. Soups and a Variety of Fine Sandwiches For the Hearty Appetite May We Suggest Our Club Sandwich Served with Fries 10.DIHerenllnlernalional CoHees 18666 Mack \ LUNCHES AND COMPLETE CARRY.OUT SERVICE 1 Fine CocktaU. Gro••• Pointe Farm. Open from 11'30 a m.2 am (,.,.~"o Po.' OWe.) • •• •• 881- 5675 Grill Open rill 1:30 e.m. '''. f' 1981 B'aCk. SI811 & Frost. LId .Ft\irlane Town C6n1er/(313) 336.6155.

r , . ------_--. ------_.------..-.--._--~-~~~---- ='- ;44 4

Page Twelve.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday I July 16, 1981 Prime Time for seniors REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON i**************** (Continued from Pqe llA) not set aside and invested the way ~ Aluminum Awnings benefit or about 50 percent (as now) pension funds are, GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE CO. has introduced a revolutionary concept of of the present primary benefit. IT APPEARS that part of the cost Real Estate sales. We prefer Grosse Pointe residents only and age. or pres~nt ~ 16 Colors occupation are of no consequence. Income for a representative sellmg A special benefit should be paid of the social security system, as much as one-third in the long run, should $1,500,000volume exceeds $36,000. . . for one year to assist widows ill en- Your only qualification is to be personable, a tasteful dresser, clean, honest, rell. tering or reentering the work force. be met from general revenues, that is, primarily from graduated taxes able, able to maintain records and have an insatiable desire to meet more ~POINTE ~CRE;Nr~eSASH.~.~ Additional "drop out" years should that extend to the upper levels of in- peopie. . .. 20497 MACK TU 1-6130 be allowed in figuring the benefits of come and are delivered from sources CALL JOHN BRINK, BROKER * persons who drop out of the work beyond wages, salaries and self- force while th~y have young children employment incomes. in their care. / ti'lr05sr IJollltr l~rl1l cesllltr co. ***************** Economic security has always been The ultimate goal of these rdorms a big problem for women and partic- 88"2-0087 and others in the assurance of bene- ularly for older women for many of Confidentiality will naturally prevail! fits at least sufficient to keep recipi- the reasons stated. Granted are Inthepast 5years, ents above the poverty level. other factors that contribute to a Although the social security is better life and merit consideration, I severely taxed now to deliver pres- such as good medical care, comfort. I ent benefits and is under attack by able housing, proper nutrition, pro- inflation incieased younger workers who are bec:oming • ,1 tection against crime, companionship increasingly resentful of the necces- and leisure time activities, but even ~~ sary deductions from their paychecks these are somewhat dependent. on 55.4%• to finance the. system, there are re- economic sustenance. uTo Meet Your Health.Needs ... forms which should be considered by Hopefully as more women follow both young and old. in Sandra O'Connor's footsteps in ... We Covet"The Poin!~~.:' "- Though words such as "insurance" courts and the legislature (this is HARKNIC55 rr ... -- :) and "trust funds" are sometimes used bound to happen, one third of those PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY to characterize the workings of Social entering law schools this year will be 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E. Jefferson Security, it has always been a pay- women) there will be a gentler view 884-3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 as-you go program. The taxes paid of all their constituents' needs with 881-0477 IDS Growth Fund into the system are almost immedi- special attention to women in general ately paid out in benefits. They are and older women in particular. shotup Social Security 249%.* Should you delay retirement? A S1000 investment in IDS Growth Funu on Why work past retirement been getting benefits. For reach 65 to make sure your Decemher ,1,1975 would have grown to age? Some people enjoy the people attaining 6~ in 1982 Medicare .protection starts at S3486* in juS! 5 'years. TOllay,you can still invest challenge of tneir careers. this percentage will be in. 65. in die fund with a~ little as $1000. And you Others like the people with creased to three percent for For m,lrc infarmation, call can redeep1 your shares at any time~* whom they work. And some each yeal' worken after 65. the Social Serurit:l' general CaU or'send in our coupon for more don't Jbelieve they can finan- But remember, even if you informatJon nUMber at 493. informarion. We can't make any guarantees cially afford retiremen't for delay your retirement, you 1111 or visit the local Social about the future, We 'only ask that you take awhile. should apply for Medicare S e cur it Y Office at 17420 a good, hard look at our past With our life span contino three months . before you Mack Avenue, . ually increasing, it's not un. usual today to see people HI. d CALL 779-6202 working well into their 70's, aSl and some even into their erte sets e 80's. If you're one of these I'm interested. Please send me'complete: information ------I people who ju9t doesn't want SerVI.ce on IDS Growth Fund, inclmling a prospectus and I to stop working, there are days management fees and expenses. I understand that I I some special provisions in should read your prospectus carefully before I the Social security law for In an effort. to maintain I information and similar in. invest or send money. I you. close lies with the citizens formation will be available. NA.\lL . _ 1 of the 11 cities he represents itl'~;'iel1t~ of the 14th Con. I l( you're 72 or older and in the House of Representa. gressional District may con. ADDHLSS -: (:ITY _ I' getting monthly social secur. tlves, Congressman Dennis tact Congressman Hertel's I ity checks, you .ca:1 get your Hertel recently initiated a district office by telephone Or choose one of these other great offers SrATI-.__ ZIP PIlONE_____ I full payments 10 and after series of ''Citizenship Sel'. any day Monday through Fri. TERRY M. LAYMON I the mO'lth you reach 72 no vice Days" in each commu. day between 9:30 a.m. and 10W-30 Expr ••• $12 1DW.40 Express $14 MobiiD. $2LOS' Maillu: DIVISIONAL SALES MGR. t matter how much you earn nity. 5 p.m" 892-4010, or by mail Includes 5 qlS. 95 Includes 5 qls. 95 1000/0synthetic g7 Mobil Speciall0W.30 Mobil Super 10W-40 Includes ~ qls. . t9OO1 E. 8 MilE RD., . in a y~ar. The purpose of these days to 20491 Van Dyke, Detroit, E. DETROIT, MI 48021 Lube Oil filler Lube Oil filter Mobllll Lube Oil filter ' I If you don't Lake your is to provide citizens of each Michigan 48234. ~~\ IDEAS TO HELP YOU I retirement benefits before community with an oppor. -----.- ~ 9 point clr check plY! 9 poInt clr check ~9 point clr check 65, and continue to work tunlty to meet with members Police hunt ~:-'MANAGEMONE\ I without getting social seeur. of Hertel's staff who can These offers are good onlv at: DETROIT' . e• 121\1;-' 11IJlt~} A'\'lIml.'~ 'Ill""] ~" IOld ...... ) JCdCHlI..'"d Jlhi.lll dl\.IJO::I1c!~ ity checks, your payments assist them with any con. I purse thief SAM AWWAO MOBIL - HARPER &.~OIEUX V,'tfL' rt"II1\l;'~,cJ In In", <'ir~I\I:lh r'uoJ I will 'be increased by one per. cerns they may be having R-EN.CJ:N-MosiC 0- °JEFFERSON & ST. AUBIN '.RC(,\l'OlPl'IIr.'I trt iU ~h(' l'hen u.nn ..lIt ntl 0I5'1::(\'oI1u(,' J L~ ------cent each year betweel\ ~ with the federal government, A 70.year-old GrM8e Pointe EAST DETROIT I and '72 that you' could have such as problems with Social CLty wcman was knocked to (M~blll BILL SCHOCKER MOBIL - 10 MILE & KELLY ~ ______------,,=====_ Security, immigration, or vet. the ground and had her ST. CLAIR SHORES eran's benefits. pur;:e 5tolen behind her 1-94 & 9 MilE MOBil - EAST 9 MILE & 1-94 I For the convenience of home Mondlay afternoon only Prn:es she ....n are 'Of moSl cars Dealer reserves 1M 'lgnl 10char'1ge l:ll1(.es and dlscmmls those residents who live in mom-ents after she left a the Harpe'r Woods or Grosse branch of the National Bank Pointe portions of the 14th of Detrobt at Jefferson and district, the following Citizen Rivard. I Service Days have ,been set aside. The woman told police she At the Grosse Poi n t e was unlocking her back door Woods City Hall, 20025 Mack, on Neff Road about 2:15 p.m. service days wlll be held on on July 13 when a man ap. p FRESH AMERICAN WINTER'S July 28 and Aug 25, from 10 proached her' from behind FR.ESH FAR.M a.m. to noon. and pushed her to the OLD FASHIONED On Aug. 4, from 2 p.m. to ground. PRIME GER.MAN STYLE GRADE AA 4 p.m., Hertel's staff memo A neighbor told police he Before you 'buy your next new LEG 0 LARGE EGGS bers will meet at the Harper witnessed the purse snatch. BEER SALAMI Woods Salter Park Office, ing and described the sus. LAMB 19430 Harper. pect as black, about 18 years car come in and see what '2.49 LB. 69 DOZ. A Citizen Service Day has old with a slender build. The '1.89 LB. been scheduled for Aug. 18, suspect was wearing dark Create An International from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the pants and no shirt, and es. R.INKE TOYOTA U.S. NO. , LARGE Office of the Mayor, at the d . t 1978'1 F d FRESH AMERICAN Event In Your Kitchen Grosse Pointe Park Munici. cape 10 0 a SI ver or with Thunderbird parked on Jef. CALIFORNIA pal13uildlng., 15115 East Jef. ferson, the neighbor said. has to offer LOIN LAMB ferson. GOURMET PEACHES Any service nor mall y A short time later, police CHOPS handled by his district office said they received a call CREPES can also be handled at these from a Grosse Pointe Farms '3.79 LB. 49 LB. service days. In addition, a woman who reported her Trimmed Broiler Ready • I. I'q. '1.95 I'kt. number of government pulr purse missing after she left lications, Washington tourist the same NBD branch at Jef. ------ferson. LOUIS RICH WESLEY'S LARGE CRISP QUAKER MAID JEEPS, CARS, PICKUPS Police said they have good TURKEY FRANKS GREEN AVln.~I. II leads In the cases and expect 33V,o/o LOWER FAT ICE CREAM fro. $35. to make an arrest soon based 1.LB. PKG. 1/2 GAUON eTN. CABBAGE IOCIIBe,'1 Alcllo... For on the witness account of Directory 0111Slrpll. the Neff Road robbery. PKG. All Flavor. '1.59 IOC LB. Dati CIItIr 41.5-330-7800 Cottage naUles staff doctors Ralph L. Wilgarde, admin- •• istrator, Cottage Hospital of $5148 p.o .•. Grosse Pointe, announced this week that three physi. I cians recently were approvpd , by the board of trustees and the executive committee of the medical staff for memo : bership on -the courtesy st'&!f. Order Yours Todayl i Named were Edo V. Mar. I cuz ~.D. obstetrics and ONLY 890 MILES gyn'ecology'; Scot! T. Monson, RerT'€mber Compare these est'mates lO the "EPA TInted Glasa. Power Brakes. M.D., orthopediC sUi'gery; ESllmated MPG of other lIeh'cles You may gel dlf- Power Steering. W.S.W .• SALE PRICE I ferenl mileage depenchng on how fast you dnlle, and Christ'opher L. Lee, M.D., weather conditions and trip length Aclual highway Remote Mirror, Auto. Trans .• orthopedic surgery m:leage Will probably be less than the EPA Highway 0Ix. Whl. COveI's, Stereo Ra- I EPA cSlmaled '81 SKYLARK. }-Jv.y ~,,..lPG Est,male dio. Stk. No, 1286. EPA CSllmared '1PG $6930 Can't have everything 2 DOOR i In the 19th century a new I house could be built for $550. '81 REBAl2 DOOR c~ '81 REGAL 2 DOOR c~ , Sirloin steak was 17 cents a '81 SKYLARK4 DOOR Tinted 01 .... '101.8,'101,.Pow'" Brak". Power COMPARE ~EATURE FOR FEATURE. YOU WON'T Tinted Ola •• POWM Brak •• , W S.W., R.mote Tlnl-.:l al"', w.sw. Power Brak". Pow.r pound. A good net income St.... , AulO Trani. Elec. R. O.fog .. Sl.reo. St_1nll. Auto. Trana .• EI.e. R. Defog.. SIereo, MirrO," Au10 T(L'", DI'll: Whl Co",.r., Stereo Stk. No 1348. ~IO Slk' No "03 ON\. Y , 1.0 MIl.E8 Stk. No 1342 ON\.Y .1. M~ was considered to be $600 a , year. However, man's life ex. FIND A BETTER VALUE ON THE ROAD TODAY. :,:.~~$7054 :,:.~~$8041 :.r.~~$8041 , pectancy was 38 years. 1------~I!D '81 SKYLARK 4 DR, C~I!D '81 SKYLARK 2 DR, ~IONI!D '81 SKYlARK 4 DR. tinted ~ .... Pe:tWer Br.k .. , Auto. TriM. OIx. Whl. Troted GII" P0W8r Brl:cea AU10 'rrA"t ~lI: Whl TlI"ltedalan. POW'frl'BrII(M. Dh: Whl Cov1H'I, Stereo, Cover. Stereoo [lee Del0006' Re-r.ote MI'. ve Eng . RfIll6~ Oel~r. R.mote ~Ir'or, Auto Trani. WSW. ~:i:r":;'s~s~~'I~o...~~rr~e.JJii p.".... 5vg WSw Sl~ "0 '£00 6HLY 112. MIUa SlI< No 1510 Ol'lLY ... MILIa TOYOTA :.r.~~$7693 :.r.~~$7922 :.:.~~$7893 "GMAC FINANCING AVAILABLE AT RATE FAR BELOW PRIME," RICHARD BUICK INC. RINKE TOYOTA VAN DYKE BTWN, 10 & 11 MILE At1~~~OI~:,~~~.~::~1tPhone 886-0000 17600 llliERNOIS . 863 7800 15JO. KERCHEIiAl • 822 9070 CENTE~LINE • 758.2000 *~~**a**a**~ * 1126 MAPlE RD . 6£3 £880

I , I /, ->---,..---_.-._------p---

Thursday, July 16, 1981 G R 0 SSE POI N IT ENE W S Page Thirteen-A War Memorial reaches goal' Rotary' helps finance Senior Center The Grosse Pointe War As of July 13, $170,307.58, Memorial Center's 1981 sup. has been received from 5358 Dr. Don Briggl, President gr:Jlvn to ir.elude over 1,000 merous community needs and .. port and membership fund. families. In 1980, $170:7-l2 of the Gr:E,e Pointe Rotary member; .. In addition, the supported hundreds of com . raising campaign has been Crom 5642 families, was do- Foun:laEon, recmny pri!- Gro.:,e Poin~e Senior Men's munity projects. Their gift • . Bite size pieces of ribs, declared a success, with the nated. ' ser.~ed the final portion of a CLlb and a loca.\ chapter of to the Neigh'borhood Club ~: with delicious Rlbby sauce center's operation for the en. While the goal of $170,000 $25,000 cap;~al fund gift to Amzrican A:sociation of Re- was the first major donation ~ . 15300 E. WARREN t :881.'512 8811.11233suing year guaranteed. has been reached, the center John Bruce Executive Di. tir~d .p.znons (A.A.R.P.) use to the Club's capital drive ,,' hopes to raise an additional rector of th'e Neighborhood the ce!liter on a regular basis. and helped set the stage for • $20,000 by the year's end as Olwb. The Rotary gift helPi!d On June 17, 1937, almost the completion of a success- ,.. was accomplished in 1960. fin~nce the constr:u?t~on of a 4.4 years ago, the charier ful campaign. , ' .A FAMILIAR SIGHT ... John J. Worcester, cam . .semor center adJommg the. . t Groose Pointe Rotary's sup. . paign chairman, expects more Club's facilitie3 on Waterloo meehng of the Grosse POIn e port of ccmmunity organiza. .I m 0 n i e s and memberships ~ince its opening in Maron Rotary was held at the old tions has enabled many , will continue through the f ISBO th _ d _ f G N e:g.hborhood C 1u b com- groups to provide important c~lendar year as many fami- (}. ~ ou,an~. ~ ros:e, munity center. B()tJ1 organi. service,. The Neighborhood hes prefer to donate later I Pomter, have pardclpated tn I 'lations have continued to Club has a €8 year tradition for tax purposes. programs at the center. The ,lay impol'tant roles in the: of service in Grosse Pomte, Groe.~heckChapel of The c e r: t e r's volunteer V:llage Club, a sen:or adult' Gro~se Pointe community. ,and the new faC:Llltyhas en- board or dlre~tors and.! group sponsord by t'le Throughout its history, Ro- abled it [Q C(Jn,LnUetl! m~et etxpressed thelr t3'ppreClatlon Neighborhood' C 1u b h", '.Jfl' Ins re.:Donded to nu. lhe nei:zL:;()I .--":':(:r.\o o every $uppor er. . - The Wm:R.fJamilton C'o. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Park home hit F.'I.hI"h,J J 1;\ \ 22.6 CROCKER BLVD. by burglars Mounl Clemens 4806~ ThouSllnClS or area residents have Deen plagueo thlsl A quiet "cat" burglar 463.0577 past winter by rising utility costs, roof Ics damming managed to break in and out ceiling cave Ins, sagging eaves and moisture laoen \1; m. R. Hamilton II Da\'i Di rt'l'tors The burg,lary was reported Our preventative maintenance services, Include re- ,\1emher h). [rn Ilal{(m O.'Nsag roofing, ralnware & Insulated aluminum siding and lrlm, on Wednesday, July 8, at a NatIonal Seleered ."lorlicianJ m For those who cannot afford to have maintenanc6 home on Berkshire Road. wor~ done twice, please call 8~2-3100. The retidenls told police,they retired' for the evening at ~ng UD55 midnight and woke at 6 a.m. to find cash missing from the ~tnf.NANCE & AlTERAl1a 882.3100 pocket of a pair of trousers, .A. CONTRACTORS It • ROOFING. SIDING according to reports. Police WI ... THE HOUSE DOCTORS • ENCLOSURES' said the thief gained en . 17181 L WAIIIIfll. 1I£TRlllT. MIQlIlWI 41224 • INURIOR REMODlLlNG trance through a rear door. They have no sl;LSpects. Have your Carpets Cleaned by Professionals magnetic Truck' Mount 2 ROOMS & HALL $5995 light 8.lound Steam for - . YOUR HOME ENTERTAINMENT STOR~ REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE "The Club" Is forming We use the Finest Truck Mounted people are )olnlng everyday. Steam Equipment in the World It's the latest way 10 enjoy video movies Today, Manufactured by RO~llry Club President John R. Cobau the Park, presented the Neighborb,ood Club Select the movie you want and , CLEANCARE INTERNATIONAL (left) and Rotary Secretary.Treasurer John Director John Bruce with a che<:k for R. Craw~ord (right). also City Manager of $25,000. watch it when you want. k::: Call Today for Appointment Exciting movies like: ,;J 949-5430 or 296-5970 State museums' offer look into past • Buck RDgers • Pop.y. --.J:;i ~ichiganians can peer into I a 1900 Durant-Dort Buggy; a tury-ol~ village of 19 historic • Bridge Dn the Riv8r Kwal • Ordinary P8Dpii ,;"~: the future at the Space Cen- 1914 Marr; 1917 Stanley structures where the famed • Fame '. larba the Bruk !: CI:l • Furniture Cleaning ter in Jackson or review the Steamer, and C.S. Mott's Cor- Jackson Iron Company smelt- • HDpsCDtch • Winnie the Pooh ~ ~. • ~c3~:~a::Clal Cleaning ;ta~~'~Yot1i:;tifi;ea~U~;u~~ va¥he Gilmore Car Museum ~~91~ron ore from 1867 to • The Great Santini , , according to the Aulpmobile at Hickory Corners near The history of Great Lakes Call today for membership details .> : Club of ),iichigan. Kalamazoo boasts a collec- shipping is told at Detroit's , ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;Located on the Jackson tion of more than 50 antique Do~sin Museum on Belle Isle . • SONY: il I Community ,C!l~~e".campus, and classic cars; including a in the Detroit River and the :.lIi~'- lhe Michigan Space Center is H u p mob i I e, Duesenberg, Museum of Arts and History -.t 17045 KERCHEVAL-~ housed on a ,. gOld geodesic Stutz and Pierce Arrow. at Port Huron. 8'85 S''';::''3'''--O'L' O' dome with a $7-million, 63. World - renowned Hen r y The Dossin Museum's ob. IN THEVILLAGE ... • . foot-long Redstone rocket Ford Museum at Dearborn servation deck and a window- CAM PUS SH P outside. Inside, an open, 83- has a series lJi "firsts" -I paneled wall pro v ide . STORE HOURS: MTW 1Q.7 / THF 1Q.9/ S 9:3Q.5:30' 0 foot orange and white para- America's first automobile of. ! glimpses of giant freighters. chute used to bring one of fered for public sale, an 1896 the Apollo spacecraft safely Duryea motor wagon; Henry down to sea forms a ceiling Ford's first vehicle, the 1896 I for the Astro.Theatre, where quadricycle, and Ford's first A Very Special Ethan Allen Value! AnnuaI JUIY CIearance daily space movies describe mass-produced car, the 1903 the U.S. space program in ~ode1 A. . ~ detail. ~1ichigan's lumbering era Now During Our Summer Sale 01 -Izo'd Shl.rts 25 7(0 off select group MuseumThe ~1ichiganin Lansing Historicalfeatures beis ringhighlighted~useum atin theHartwickLum- a "Walk Through Time" ex. Pines State Park at Grayling. hibit which traces the state's' The story of the "White Pine SOLID ANTIQUED 5 historic and prehistoric peri- Era" is told through exhiDits ' Shl.rts $10 or 2 for $18 .°. ods to the geological era which include scenes of a Boys which created Michigan's two restored lumber camp. peninsulas. The exhibit in. Two restorations in the PINE A CENT TABLE 50 eludes artifacts, phot{)graphs, Upper Peninsula - Fort Wil- 's Dress Shl.rts $15. or 2/$295.° maps and audiovisual materi- kins at Copper Harbor and Men also Fayette Townsite near Gar. Automobiles have played a den - recall the days when -ltS and' Sport C t ~al~:~t~~~e~nm~~~~nln ~~~ ~~ft~:~~~~~r~Far~re brought I state have excellent collec- Fort Wilkins at the tip of SU oa S tions. the K~w~enaw Peninsula is The Alfred P. Sloan Mu- the last original wood fort seum in Flint is named for a east of the ~ississippi River. Up to 0 0 former president of General It was built in 1844 to pro- 50~ If ~Iotors Corp. Its 30 famous teet copper miners from In- vehicles of the past include dian attack. Fayette on the a Flint Road Cart, 1886-1895; Garden Peninsula is a cen. Ties and Belts 1/2 off Scltool Board (Continued from Page 1A) • Nov_ 9 - Monteith Elementary School . • Dec. 14 - Administration Build- ing . Pants- Shirts - Jackets • Jan. 11 - Administrative Build. ing. 00 50 • Feb. 8 - Barnes Elementary Values up to $20 Now $12 School. • ~l:arch 8 - Brownell )l:iddle 50 School. $2500 Now $15 • April 12 - Admbinistration Building. 50 • May 10 - TrombJ:' Elementary $3000 Now $18 School. • June 7 - Administration Build. I ing. ONE FOR $49.95 00 50 $35 Now $21 --- - (Reg. S87.50) Save 537.55 50 $4000 Now $24 TWO FOR $89. 95 ATTENTION (Reg. S175.00) Save 585.05 50 $4500 Schools, Churches and Civic Groups. This versatile table is beautifully Table is 19" Sq., 16" H. Come Now $27 crafted from solid Pine with all Meet your fund raising goals for '81 and '82. take advantage of this great the careand quality you expect FRIA Corp., the nation's leader in fund raising, "carry home" offer during our supplies the two most important success factors. from Ethan Allen. The mellow exciting Ethan Allen Summer All Sales Final 1. Fund raising counselors who will help you Old Tavern finish is richly dis- Sale! (Sorry no mail or phone Open Thurs. and Fri. till 8:30 p.m. Minimal Charge for Alterations plan and supervise your fund raising campaign tressed and antiqued by hand. orders. to a successful completion. Perfect in pairs as a cocktail 2. The most unique and asked for products in table or alone by a favorite chair. Offer good through Sept. 5th fund raising today. FRIA Corp. is a national supporter of the Easter Seal Program and the sponsor of the Bob Wieland Lift-A.Thon. Act Now-Place your fund raising campaign in Tradition House the hands of a FRIA professional. Your Ethan Allen Gallery 17045 Kercheval William C. Porter, Inc. 15 minutes from Grosse Pointe In The Village Box 236 East Detroit, MI48021 Hours: Mon, Thurs, Fri. 10-9 Tues, Wed. Sat. 10-6 Sunday 12-5 884-0701 772-9627 Fund Raising In America means FRIA 5600, EAST EIGHT MI. at MOUND RD. PHONE 366-6512 PI'I Fou""n-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981

OOU N -----.OPtion to Purchase.. ------, Rental I Golf tourney set for August " r Young golfers will 'hav.e a te!'." for (Jhnse partJcLpal1'tJj I, 1111AWilli I coonce to demonstrate their between the .ages of 16 and WITH COUPON g(}1fing sk1llhs at the tblrd en. 18. . I nual Jun~r Wal(er Hagen The top three go1!ers in. I Knabe 'XPIRES 7/31/81 Mason & Hamlin I Golf Championship to be held each division at each cour$e., in August at the Iol,lowing wiLl partidpate In the Met~o., I I courses: Oakridge Golf Club, Detroo.:t Finals at Sllrle~ Hills: Lennox Twp., Monday, Aug. Golf Coul'ie In Nol'thVtlle On, I I 3 Whispering WiLlows G are aYail- . Club, Pontiac, Friday, Aug. 7. able at most golf clubs and I Sponsored by the Ameri. courses and al60 at Ute Amer. , can Cancer Society, the Jun. ioan Cancer Society office .. ior ,Wal~er Hagen eooble.5. For entry information cali. ------young go1fel'5 to part~ipaote 557.53~3. in tournament play while BUilDING CO .... __ perpetuating the memory of The mini'lIlz11 nation of,. golf's Walter Hagen, Sr. Singapore boasts the second .. ------.:£In.u. '9'/ ------L:::fIt Boys and girls ,will play hIghest !lving standard in the separately and> ~e groups Far East, after Japan, Na. Having a Problem? Call wUI be split JntQa "M&ters" tional Geographic reports. 882.3222 DIvision for those particl. The former British colony pants between the ages of 13 became fully independent in Remodeling Specialists ... nl"'l 1" ~T1(l t.h!, "Go!~f''' "",!",?C. , lll!", MOOTIng, ....amlly Rooms, Hac. Hooms, Kitchens .. , Code Violations and Estate Maintenance I CITY OF

W. hev. our own ata" Photo by Tom Greenwood A collision between a car and a moped last .Thurs. for failing 10 yield the right of way. While shaken up ~rnSli~ Ifnittt.e1J1arms day afternoon resulted in minor inJurles to the 18-year. by the incident, the driver of the auto was otherwise MICHIGAN old driver of the two. wheel vehicle. He was transported uninjured. She did not receive any violations from the to Cottage Hosp1tal by the Farms Fire Department. Ac. po:ice. NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION ." FREE ESTIMATES cording to pollee reporls, the Pointe youth was ticketed UNCLAIMED PAINTING BICYCLES & MOPEDS _ In accordance with the provl.lom of Section II of ." I Rivers vital links in Michigan's history Ordinance No. 184 and section IU of Act aoo P.A, of Ml~hlgan's river. and streams 1ale.1800s as whlto pine lum. 1848 aa amended: sec. 1111,153, C.L. 1848: MSA 9, ltU, nOll.stop Marathon C II n 0 0 Ste. Marlo, /lite of the Soo notice il hereby liven that a public auction of PLASTERING hlVtl played a vllal rolo In bor became tho atatll'lI ptln. Race, which tak!! phlco Locks, tho world'lI bUllest. .al. the nation'. and the atate's clpal produot. unclaimed blc)'cl .. ancl moped. wUl be helcl on satur- July 24-2&. 'rhe locks are part of the la. clay July IS 1881, at 10:00 o'clock 1n the forenoon at LICENSED AND INSURED hlttorlca-l, Ind.u.»trltl and rec. Ent Michigan's moat fa. In the last century, the mous St Lawrence Seaway, reaUonal development, Ile. mous logging stream Is tho the 'Police Station, 90 Kerby Road, Gro .. t Pointe Muskegon River became one which also tllkCll 1n tho St, Farm., Michigan. . cording to the AulolMblle Saginaw River, which once of the IItahl'S most Important Clllir River, nicknamed th~ 774-2827 Club of Michigan, had more than 100 mills logging BeclIu!le of "blue wllter routo" connect. A lilt Of the itema to be auctioned will be poIted 10 Soine of the Itate', mDrll along Hs blinks between Bay fall ulman lInd sprlnlf Iltllel. In, LAkes Huron Rnd St. day. prior to the .ale at • than 38,000 miles of streams City And SailnAw. The mills head runs) it now Is the Clair ltlvllr, Detroit River. It The .ate hOUle at the M.O. Pier are named alter the region's are gone, but the river 8tHl most.flshed rIver In the Is the atllte', deepest rlver, famous explorera. 18 heavily used by lllellure stllto, with more thIn 143,000 mel8urlna 48 teet to the Th. boat houle at the M.O. Pier One such river I. the Pere cNit and by GrHt Laktfl angler-dllYs spent on tho bottom neir the Ambauador The bath houle at the M.O. Pier Marquette neal: Ludington. freighters servin, the area's stream annually. Bridge. Father Jacques Marquette, auto plants and grain eleva. The Grand River, the The Rouge RIver, a 011' The Lobby of the Police Station founder of SIult Ste. Marie tors. state'. 10nllest waterway, .also trolt River tributary which The lobby of the City Office and St. Ianace, dk1d on a The Au Sable, another fa. Is one of Mlchlaan's mOlt passes by the. alte where bluff overlooking the river mous logging river, Is am(mg popular fishing ,treams. Fllh Henry Ford began his auto The Groue Pointe Public Wbrary In 16715 and the spot is the most canoed .treams In laddeJ,'s at dams near Lyonl, empire) also reeeives heavy The Kerby Field Activity BuUdIng . marked with an Ulumlnated the state, with thousands of Portland, Grand Ledge and traftJc in its )ower reacl1es .' white C1'08S. . families floaUng Its &entle All itema offered for 'JaIe will be available for In. in . northern Lansing will from iron ore and Umestone " In Southeast Michigan, the course each summer between allow anglers to fish for ships stopping at Ford's mam. spection between the hour of 9:00 a,m. and 10:00 a.m. Raisin River flows serenelY Grayling and Oscoda. It also spawning salmon beneath the moth Rouge Complex. on the day of the sale. through the rich farmlands is site of the 240-mile annual shadow of the state Capitol. Michigan's most southerly of Monroe County, but it was Richard Solak Michigan's sparkling trout stream is the. SI. Joseph City Clerk the site of a major battle be. Detro}"tfaces streams lire some of the best River, south of Hillsdale. It G.P.N. - July 16, 1981&I July 23,1981. tween American and British east ot the Mississippi, and connects with the Maumee and Indian forces in the War featured at of 1812. The site is com. one of the better brook and River system in Ohio and is brown trout rivers is the hl)t to be contused .with the memorated by a stone monu. Ph G II Boordman near Kalkaska. state's other St. Joseph River, ment at Elm and Winchester oto a ery That city is site of the Na. which Clows west to Lake SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES .' Streets in Monroe. Photographer Tony Smith tional Trout Festival each Michigan from the sanle CITY OF Many rivers became nat. of Grosse Pointe Woods will April.. are$!. urai highways in the mid. tl) be one of the contributors Another is the Jordan _. _ " , next week when the Detroit River. near East Jordan. now <6rn1is.tJnitttt 1J1ttrw.a Photo Gallery opens its ex. preserved as a wilderness MICHIGAN.," .' t stream alt. -4t - wal"1Iameci .. t hibit on "A Portrait of De. -WATER ',. - ""'-jULY 6•.1A81 trolters." the fitate!S=fil'llt wild-scenic river in 1972. On display at the gallery The Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. every day are photographs !More than 150 waterfalls HEATER? j from over 15 photographers. grace rivers. of the Upper Present on Roll Call: Mayor James H. DiDleman, Councilmen Smith is director of the gal. Peninsula, but none is more. .. Jack M. Cudllp, Nancy J. Waugaman, Gall Kae.. and Lloyd A. Semple. lery, located at 151 W. Con. famous than Tahquamenon t gress (wove the LMdon Falls on the Tahquamenon River near Newberry. It has Th08e Absent W:!re: Councilmen JOllllphL. Fromm and Harry Chop House). a drop of more than 40 feet, T. Echlln. Room The exhibit will feature the largest east of the Mis. A150Present: Mrs. Kathleen G. Lewi8, Associate Counsel. Mr. Smith's p hot a g rap h s of sissippi, next to Niagara. Andrew Bremer, Jr., City Manager. Mr. Richard G. Mayor Coleman Young, Lee 17600 UVERNOIS • 863-7800 Some 70 miles east. the St. 15304 KERCHEVAL' 822.9070 Solak. City Clerk and Mr. Robert K. Ferber, Chlef of Iaecoca. Steve Kemp, Bill 1726 MAPlE RD,• 643'4880 Police. Kenned~', Thomas Hearns and Marys River flows past Sault at the others. Six other photogra. Mayor James H. Dingeman pre.ided at the Meeting. phers are also featured in the exhibit, which will run CITY OF Councilman Joseph L. Fromm and Councilman Harry T. I from July 24 through Sept. Echlln were excused from attending the Meeting. 25. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting which was held on June Gallery hours are 9 to 5 ~rn1iS~'ntute mnn~li 15. 1981,were approved as submitted. top Monday through Friday and 10 to 4 on Saturday. MICHIGAN The Council, acting as a Zonlni Board of Appea1I,granled the request of Mr. John Dykema. of 110 Stephenl Road, thereby The 38th floor of Tower 400. Renaissance center, authorizing issuance of a Permll 10Inltal1 an Air Condllloning Is now available for sublease, In whole or In part. High Water NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City CoDdelllOrIn the front open space of his home at the foregoing The nation's five largest Council of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods will addreas. rivers averaged 220 billion hold a public hearing in tbe Council.Court Room ThisIsan unprecedented opportunity to acquire the clty.s gallons a day above normal of the Municipal Building, 20025 Mack Plaza, The Council voted to approve the requelt of Mr. Daniel Clancy, owner of the premises located at 121Vendome. for the most prestigious address at one of the Renaissance in 1979, reports the U.S. Grosse Pointe Woods, on Monday, August 3, 1981, colUltructionof a six foot high brick wall. Center's four distinctive towers. The space is tully dev- Geological Survey. Only the at 7:30 p.m. to consider the formal .adoption of a eloped and ready for Immediate occupancy; features Columbia suffered a dry revised Zoning Ordinance of the CitY, of Grosse The Council approved the low bid of Advanced Underwriters year. The Mis s i s sip pi at for Public' Errors and OmlsslolUlLiahilily Insurance for a Include upgraded carpeting. built-In cabinetry and Pointe Woods. All interested persons are urged three year period. Vicksburg flowed 47 percent to attend. wooden millwork. spectacular view. Sublease the entire above normal; the St. Law- f100r or suites of almost any size. Favorable lease rates Chester E. Petersen The Council adopted a resolution authorizing an extelUlionto rence at Massena, N.Y., 14 July 31, 1981,for Boat Mooring Space, to Dr. John Bradfield. and terms available. percent above normal; the City Administrator-Clerk Ohio at Louisville, Ky., 66 The Council adopted a resolution authorizing an extension to percent up; the Missouri at GPN - 7-16-81 July 15, 1981, for Boat Mooring Space, 10 Mr. Peter P. For details, call Hermann, 17 percent above; Thurber, and the Columbia at The The Council adopted a resolution authorizing an extension to Dalles, Or.. 25 percent below CITY OF July S1.1981,for Boat Mooring Space, to Mr. Dwa)'lleGrUfin. Renaissance Center normal. Those five rivers, which drain about half of the The Council adopted a resolution to proceed with the verbal contiguous states, carried an Intent of the City Manager and the Board of Education to (313) 568-7270 average of 933 billion gallons "rnss~ 'ntute 1J1arms accept the offer in accordance with the Cily Manager's a day during 1979. memorandum to purchase Old Kerby SChooi;further authoriz. I MICHIGAN ing the City Attorney to prepare the neceuary legal documen. tatlon for such purchase, . The Council authorized a donation of fundi in the amount of NOTICE OF HEARING ~,OO. to cover a portion of the C08tof conducting the annual "The Little Blue Book" Groue Pointe 80ya &I Girls Fishing Rodeo. ZONING BOARD The Council authorized a donation of funds In the amount of. • $300.00 to help finance the Annual Regatta. July 1S&. 19. 1981. Now Going To Press OF APPEALS The Councll authorized emergency expenditure to Stock NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Brothers. Inc.• in the total amount of '1.694.75for work per. formed on an emergency basis. Board of Appeals will meet in the City Hall at 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, on . The Council authorized the Policemen and Firemen Retire. DEADLINE JULY 31- ment System to obtain outside counsel. of their choice. In the MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1981 matter of Sgt. Arnold ParsolUl' request for duty-dlsabillty re- at 8:00 p.m. to hear the appeal of Mr. tirement, In an amount not to exceed '1,500.00. If you wish to be listed Kampfer owner of the premises at 461 Calvm, The Council approved the low bid of Uforma In the total from the denial of the Building Department to amount of 'l.22'7.SO.thereby authorizing the purchase of 10.000 issue a Permit for the construction of an addition meter violation forma. or wish your advertising to the side of his home at the foregoing address. The CouncUadopted a resolution appointing Councilman Gall Such permit issuance was denied fo!, reason ~hat Kam 88 the of/lclal representative to the Annual BUlIn811 the residence located on the foregomg premises Meeting of the MIchigan Municipal League to be hald In De- message included in our troIt September 9-11. 1981,with the alternate delegate to be is non.conforming for reason. that it project~ ,into Richard G. Solak the rear yard space in violation of th~ p!,ovls19ns new edition - of .".rticle XIII, Section 1300 of the C1ty s Zonm~ The following reports were received by the C~1l and or. Ordinance. and in accordance with the provI- dered placed on file: sions of Article XV, Section 1502, Item 4-A of the A, Building Department Quarterly Report, 1981. City's Zoning Ordinance, no such structure may B. Property Maintenance Code Quarterly Report. 1981, be enlarged or structurally altered unless a var- The Council adopted a reSll!utlonlproclamation honoring Uni. PLEASE CALL: 882-0702 iance is granted. versity Liggett School Athletic Direclor and Varsity Tennis Coach, Robert Wood, who was named the 1981National Tennis The Hearing will be public, i~terested. pr.o~rty Coach of the Year by the National High School Athletic OR COME IN owners or residents of the City are inVited to Coaches Association on June 26. 1981. attend. Upon proper motion made. supported and carried, the Meeting Richard G. Solak adjourned at 11:00 p,m. 19802 MACK at Dorthen CITY CLERK &: SECRETARY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JAMES H. DINGEMAN RICHARD G. SOLAK Grosse Pointe Woods MAYOR crTYCLERK GPN - 7-16-81 GPN - 7-16-81

f, t Thursday, July 16, 1981 G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W 5 PIg. Fifteen.A ------~~_.-.~~-.,.-----~_._-- Team studies disease at WSU nledical school Senio.ts A s t u d y of" lJ chemical I in Norway from the urine of tor be found in blood as well pliant and neat." eIigihl,e found in patients with anor. 10 girls considered to have as urine? What arc the lev. Anorexic patients rarely. exia nervosa, currently un. I severe anorexia nervosa," els of anorexic factors in the seek treatment and are us. der way at Wayne State Uni.' says Dr. Marrazzi. "When urine of patients with other ually brought to a doctor by for lower versity, may lead to a better the chemical was injected in. disorders having similar psy a concerned parent. "The under~tanding of this psychi. to laboratory rats, it caused chiatrk, anorexic, metabolic disease is much more com. gas hI-lIs atric disease. Anorexia ner- a decreased food intake and and reproductive aspects of mon than we realize," Dr. vasa, a disease characterized a loss in body weight. the disease? Luby says, "and seems to be b r fusal to eat and a se h d on the rise in our weight- Persons 65 years of age y a e - "The immediate goal of our T e stu y in v 0 I v e s 20 and .older who have a utility ~ vere loss in body weight, af. study is to confirm the isola. anorexia nervosa patients in conscious society," he says. account with Michigan Con. L " f~cts as many as 500,000 peo. tion. of the anorexic factor the Metropolitan Detroit area About half the patients get solidated Gas Company are (#'

pie each year in the United in the urine of anorexia nero between the ages of 16 and completely well and begin to eligible for a senior citizen 'I 'j, States. vosa patients, and to simpli. 30. The patients are under. gain. weight, according to Dr. rate on the gas they use at The Wayne State scientists fy the purification and test. going clinical treatment as Luby. "For the .0Uaer half, their principal address, , ; will isolate and test this ing t'rocedures of this fac. well as the chemical testing. the disease becomes a chronic The special application! i, chemical which has been tor," she explains. Anorexia nervosa often is condition they need to fight form may .be filled out in ' found in the urine of anor. "We expect that the identi. complicated by underlying all their life. A small per. the office of Senior Citizen exia nervo~ patients, fication and characterization emotional problems. The pa. centage die." Information of Seniors On- vestigators for the study are of the anorexic factor will tient often suffers withdraw. The one and one.half year ward for Change, Inc, (SaC) Mary Ann Marazzi, Ph.D., help in diagnosing and monL al from family and friends, study is funded by the State at Ferry Elementary School, Asscc;ate Professor o~ Pharo toring the course of treat. depression and guilt. Clinical of Michigan Department of 748 Roslyn Road in Grosse , macology at the School of ment for the disease" Dr, treatment for the disease In. Mental Health. Pointe Woods. ,.p~' Medicine and a Grosse Pointe Marrazzl says "This ~ay al. eludes psychotherapy, family ------Special facilities to take I /: Woods resident, and Elliot so lead to the de\'elopment therapy and behavior modifj. Jesuits found quinine the applications will be set Luby, M.D., Chief of Psych~. of drugs to treat or control cation. Quinine, which is extract- up .for Thursday and Friday, atry at Harper-Grace Hospl. the disorder" "Anorexia nervosa is 10 ed from the bark of cinchona July 16 and 17, and Monday tals and Professor of PSyC~~. The resea~chers will seek times more prevalent in fl'. . b I' h t h r 0 ugh Friday, July 20 , Photo by Tom Greenwood a~ry at the ~ch~ol of Me ~. answers to such questions as: males than in males," Dr. trees, ~ • e leved to av.e through 24, from 10 a.m. to I Topping off a successful sidewalk sale Hill Merchants Association. Winner of a cme and a Blrmmgham reSl. Does the level of the anor. Luby explains. "It usually been discovered by Jeswt 3 p.m. Applications may be I held recently on the Hill was the drawing $.WO £hopping spree was Catherine :IT ('!" jt!~~ ?fte!" :n dent. exic urine factor chang!' with flc('\'r< tl\,r~~g missionaries to Peru, who filled out ~m' d::y the ~! ';S,ri!1f1~!"!Z H('li:pfs ~!!Ht~ng fc~ luck)' R~n:lur, uf La:":~liH...J. A..t;uue, " ;;l:1G 1-'.I~"" "The anorexic factor was I the course of clinical treat-I puberty. The typical patient I introduced the drug into I Senior Information Office, al. persons to a free shopping spree at local went to Carol Schulte, of Bournemout:l • isolated in 1979 by a group ment? Can the anorexic fac. is a very good child, com. Europe about 164{). t,hough these days have been stores. Conducting the drawing were (left Circle; S100 was awarded to Catherin< ------set aside to give special at. tD right) Shirley Hartley, of Hartley's Kikas, of Deeplands Court and a $50 sprc' tentIon to those eligible and Country Lane, Fanns Mayor James Dinge. went to Janet Walston, of West<:hc"t<, desiring to register for the man and Pat Reynolds, president of the Road. rate. Mid Summer Clearance The only restrictions to Jews spreading out the rate are use of gas for America's Jewish popula, "(;A /".1 Up to 40% off hundreds heating a swimming pool, for tion is reported shifting :JJeM:fnnt ; running an air conditioner, somewhat from its historic REMODELING of Items in Limited Quantities or r~r an outside light. There concentration in the North. are no income restrictions, AND ADDITIONS eastern states. For example, according to sac's Senior census figures show 2,000 COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL .:-- ,;e.~ Selected Items of Citizen Jnformation coordina- tor, Virginia Downing. more Jews now in Atlanta ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE , " Umbrellas than in 1979, Sun Belt cities, Thooe making application BATHR1l0MS .:. KITCHENS - ;f"', . too - Fort Lauderdale. Las Cushions must a>ring proof of age, Vegas, San Diego and Tuc. proof of address, social se. son-show major gains. Los 777-6840 ., curity number and account Folding Furniture 21719 HARPER AVENUE number with ,Michigan Con. Angeles gained 48,000 Jews over 1979 to bring the total 51 CLAIR SHORES. MICH 4!QI) "_~r I I solidated: Gas. Persons 65 in that city to 503,000. J years or older must be head

::.::" . , I• :t 1 :.:;'.'1 • ORANGE CRUSH

August 5 • GRAPE CRUSH "met • BARRY STEVE ~.INIFRED ISRAEL YDung Artist Debut Concert $4.99 A ~ - ~ · ~ ROSS. MAYES, BOROUCHOFF, BROOK. STEPHANIE LEON, PIANIST . I ' Violinisl Violist CellISt Flurisl Winner of First Festival Piano Competition • BARREL HEAD CASE OF 24 • Single concert admission. . $ 8.00 12 OZ. CANS • Young Artist Debut Concert: ROOT BEER Single admission. . . . . $ 5.00 (Plus Deposit) ~ /~. , Chicago Jazz Band Concert ONLY: For a complete evening of enjoyment, Festival.goers are ~(~ Lawn admission . . . $ 4.00 welcome to arrive as 8arly as 6:30 p.m. for pre-concerf • Children and student admission:.. ... Hair p"ce picnicking on the lakeside grounds or Alger House Ter. -7 UP Reserve by check payable to: race. PiCniCbaskets may be brought or picnic box suppers Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association -catered by the Cenler, are available at $5.00 each by a Naturally sparkling from , 32 Lake Shore Rd.. lirosse Pointe Farms 48236 prepaid reservation three days prior to each concert. In the renter of th{,t~arth. case of rain, picnic fun moves indoors. • DIET 7 UP Information: 881-7511 or 886-0079 $5.99 c: 23~Ol. - CANADA DRY CASE OF 24 79 Bottle ------Compliments of------12 OZ. CANS Or $8.50 Case I GINGER ALE With This Adv. (Plus Deposit) Plus Deposit --~~- ':lASSIC STYLE. UNCOMMON SEIMeE. IN OUR NEW FREE PARKING CONVENIENT LOT! • , Page Sixteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday I July 16. 1981

Kudos for O'Collllor In the 191 years since the Su- THE RELIGIOUS and political preme Court of the United States right wing ,has protested Judge was organized, 100 white men and O'Connor's nomination hc:cause it one black man 'have served on the is not satisfied with her record on highest court of the land. Now for abortion and the equal rights the first time a woman has been amendment. Yet it is finding diffi- nominated and soon will be con- culty in persuading any U.S. sena- firmed unless the ultraconserva- tor to take the lead in opposing the tives can rome up with evidence nomination and the consensus of to sustain their objections. That is Washingtoll observers seems to be ~ not a likely prospect. that she will be confirmed easily, , Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, r In nominating San d r a Day an old friend and supporter of O'Connor for the vacancy created President Reagan, has made it by the retirement of Justice Potter crystal clear he favors the nomina_ Stewart, President Reagan not tion and thinks ithe uHraconserva- only lived up to a campaign prom- tives 'are foolish to oppose her. ise but apparently has made an That weakens the oDPosition's case. ~....o.:t::iit:ui. choice. True Juuge O'Connor has not had as ~uch ex- Thus anot'her obstacle on the Photo Tom Greenwood perience on the bench as some of route to full equality for American When it's so hot trees begin chas- Pier Park pool. The three sets of legs her predecessors but she has Ihad women soon will be surmounted. ing dogs down the street, it's time to pictured below belong, (in no partic- a broad range of experience in As women's rights leaders remind cool off as best you can. For Veronica ular order), to Susan Hays, Kim Mel- public life which will stand her in us, it has 'been a long ~nd tax- Gornie, 11, (above left) and Heather drum and Biz Smith. You can't help good stead when she weighs the ing struggle and progress has come Meldrum, 12, (above right) that but smile when seeing the grin of issues that come !before 1he Su- slowly, Yet is was only 61 years means sharing an ice cold chocolate happiness on to.month-old Katie preme Court. ago, in 1920, that American women soda before both they and the ice Schmitt's face as mom bounces her finally won the righJt to vote in cream melt. Another trick is to spend in the kiddie pool. At least someone Known for excelling in what- federal elections through adoption time head. first on the bottom of the had a good time in all that heat. ever course she pursues, Judge of t'he 19th Amendment, even O'Connor is a Stanford law school t'hough many states had awarded graduate. She served as an editor them the franohise much earlier. of the Stanford Law Review, was It is ironic that :N" ,_)VI'l'lo" ~ Coif, an honorary legal organiza- men and women first sawviotory :~:~J~:.":"/ - At its meeting Monday The Ludington News Cont. tion, and graduated third in her over slavery and suffrage fur black night, the Board of Educa- pany donated '10,000 items, class. She spent six years in private men before they achieved the vote tion accepted a $650 dona. in c I u ding new paperback practice in Arizona, served as for women. Now women can exul,t tion from the Maire school books. skill and activity book. PTO for the purchase of two lets, puzzles and flash cards assistant attorney general of Ariz- in another notable achievement. ona for several years, and then Sinclair ZX80 Personal Com. to be used in the early ele- PRESIDENT REAGAN deserves puters, mentary grades. The board was appointed to the Arizona State The board also accepted a accepted the gilt, valued to Senate. Subsequently, she was the commendation he is getting but $2,767 donation from Mason be $5,800. elected to two full terms and was some activists are still doubtful school PT6 for the purchase elected majority leader. She left about his administration's overall of a Woodland Climber play The board must approve the Legislature to run for Superior record in appointing women. To structure to be installed on aU gifts to the school system Court judge and served in that ca- date, it has been less than satis- the school playground. if they are over $500. pacity until she was appointed to fa~tory ,but the nomination of her present post on the Arizona Judge O'Connor does prove that Court of Appeals. in 1979. Signifi- the President is no longer ,ignoring cantly, she was appointed by .a the great human resources found Democratic governor after she had in America's women in making been mentioned as his possible Re- nominations for the highest ap- publican challenger. pointive posts in the nation. . "v"" . :.. ~~ .-

~~',,~.' ?):;e-:,sr .., ..,~~;~:'?~~:-.>'r::".'.....~~.,../h"1-~" • By Pat Rousseau No man is an island • • • .~ '.. ~. For The Traveler .. , whether around the ~~~.'.. , ...... ;.. .~ .'.' ~orld, ~ho'pping or to the beach -100'l) Robert B. Edgar, Editor and Publisht'r Brand• New Entertaining , Idea ... at the League Shop, 72 Turning. back the clock (1940.19791 7kJ •.- .• - Kercheval. A package of cock- .10I\\;E III !WIH I 1j)T.',I~ ,I:\1. ~J"" tail napkins comes with a holder Sonw11O\\"it was appropriate' that Oakland ITJlh Cn\llltn Club, said Hfll:l'.HI (, 1';1)(, \1( \~S)~T INT TOI.1 TlI.I~III EDLTOR n:H( Hf: ,OCl f:TY f flIT()H .\ 1'\ f:flTI SI:\'(: ~I ".\Gf:fl napkins. Each package costs $3. See them on for the Palmer family. For or.e of his first major victories WLLBLH f:1,STO:\ DAW:> HOW,\IW .1'\ ,f:T IIIIF:'\TLEY display in the Paper Department. What a fun came when he won the U,S. Na- EPITOR),\f. C,):-;SI LT'\~a ("j Het LATino; \l.\~.\( :r'l'. ( I ISSII.lf:n ,L I'EH\ ISOH The TV networks, how eve r , little hostess gift! tional Amateur championship at missed a great opportunity. They the Country Club right here in have been cutting back on TV Lambert-Brow, GaJlerips• ... 3 Kercheval Grosse Pointe back in 1954, shortly CLASSIFIED DISPLAY hroadcasts of golf tournaments, be- is open 9 ..10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mondays through before he turned professional. So NEWS ADVERTISING ADVERTISING cause, they claimed, their audiences FrIdays. Closed Saturdays for July and August. the Detroit area has been good to 882-0294 882-6900 882-3S00 have bepn declining except for the 1',\ r HOI S~f;'\l Palmer. I'F:(;(,Y I) (',,:\,()I{ f H,\:-l \ f:L\ BI X) • SedE'\; !'f(lmlitlon major events. Yet here was one of ~f:I,t. HI\ ,\RD Pappagallo .. ' has jUl';t rc- ~_ .1..\~IES.1 \;.It\I~1 \IIKf, LAKSIlEH(;r:R C:Hl"(;OHY .lIK( II .\N:'If: ~11I.lIf:HI'II ceivcd a new shipment of swea- It w<.s the 82nd victory of Palm- the great golfers of all time recreat- H(jI;r:H II.I(;F" Il.... " .IO.\:--i:--ir: \; C;OII.EClIF: (XlHOTHY SCIII\t\ "" Y er's career and revived Arnie's ing the golf of his youth and put- 1'0\1 (:Hf:f::-;WO()P CORf:f:N SIX'if:(, DOROTHY (;IG:--iAC ters from Point of View. Natural . . ,'R'\~ llACIIA I'AMf:Ltl IJf:R\ ISlli e color f,ullovers come in soft ting on a show that helped lure Army after a long dry spell. Dr. IlERN,\flf:Tn: ROBERT' 8 Doug Reintgen, Palmer's son-in- more than 42.000 people to Oakland acrylic or in 100~( wool and the new cardi- Hills. And the networks pa.>sed it .ldHte:ru. gan is in a spicy paprika ... 115 Kercheval. Jaw who was also his caddy during Membrr l\Ilrblll~n Press ASl(,ciRlinn and N~lional \'rwspaprr I\,soclallon dCi".I'UUJ his virtori"Jus tour of Birmingh;Jm's up. -Advertising-

..... II _..----..---...... _-_..__....__._---_.-...._------

ThursdllY. July 16. 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS The Community LINe By Shirley Brogan

"Gme fish in' " is not on a sign on our front door 'as ,summer's warm, vacation days come. Oper- a'tion LINC (Linking Individuals to Needs in the Community) still keeps its regular hours-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday-makes pickups of donated goods and works to bring together goods and services with the needs of Wayne County agencies. Those needs don't take a summer break, and we still try to be there !fa help. Hems we ,have recently received and placed

'I include g 1974 Buick station wagon, to INDEPEND- Section B ENT YOUTH OF GREATER DETROIT; an offset printing press and duplicating machine, to CA- REER DEVELOPMENT CENTER, a job training facility; two sewing machines, to DETROIT RUBI- From Another Pointe Short and CON ODYSSEY HOUSE, a rehabilitation agency; and craft items to LUTHER HAVEN NURSING Of View to the Pointe I HOME. All are in Detroit. We gave a Minolta 101 copier ,to FIRST STEP, $"' By Jallet Mueller Bachelors degree recipients a Westland organization for battered wives. 'art Trinity 00llege's 15St.h All in the BOll Secours family .. . • • So ... there were Alice and Jack Walmsley, of commeJ1oC~mer.Jtexe.rci,3eson • As MRS. ROBERT G. FREAR, Si;;ters of Bon Secours and the hos- Operation LINC also forwarded donated funds Cranford Lane, sitting around the Detroit Press May 24 mduded JULIE P. outgoing president of Bon Secours pital staff. Mrs. Frear stated that to NORTHEAST GUIDANCE CENTER, in Detroit. Club one night with Esther and Hugh Munce of JOHNSON, daughter 00 MR. for its annual Conununity Baby Shower. Ed!J~: t\,,, c!\,,,~,, rol"b t,,11.:__ ''''. .." d' rI!'d MR'S DAN!~!, L. JOHN. Hospital AS2istance League, looks on. $35,000 would !!o to the Richard C. ...~~..v.~~.~ , ".....Hie> 001 '!-ill::> aUU ~lIaL, an some_I SON of WoodI'1and.Place MRS. DONALD VALLEY, who Connelly, M.D.~ Education Fund; the iiouai workshops, lunch and prizes were pravule« one said, "Wouldn't it be lovely to doa real English SlBLElY GlrLLrS daughte~ served as the League's president in remainder of the donation will be I for more than 75 expectant mothers and 50 chil • Pub Crawl-in Eng}and?" of MR, and MRS.'GAY:LORD 1971-72, presents the gavel of leader- used to purchase needed equipment dren. Operation LINC funds covered the cost of And that, a year ago last spring, was how it all W. GILLIS JR., of Merri. ship to her daughter MRS. JOHN A. and support various hospital pro- thermometers and baby clothing given out in gift began. 'l'he group grew by word of mou:th-"I know weaotherRoad, and RICHAiRD BOLL, the League's newly elected grams. Other 1981-82 officers in- packs as well as other miscellaneous child care someone else who'd like to ga"-until, this May, 13 P. DARLING. son of MR. president. Mrs. Boll assumed her stalled at the annual meeting are expenses for the day. ' strong (lucky 13!), they gathered at Metro Airport and MRS. WILLIA-M D. new duties during the League's an- Mrs. Arthur Bodeau, vice-president; • • • and prepared to flyaway. Before flying, they were DAHLING, of HaWithorne nual meeting in mid-May. Before Mrs. William Ireland, second vice- In recent weeks we've also taken care of a few I toasted at a special cocktail party given by British RQ'ad. * * * handing over the gavel, Mrs. Frear president; Mrs. G. F. Schaefer Jr. real challenges ,to our "linking" a'bility, A caller Airways 'and ,the Travel Galerie. How else do you with a pet rooster in need of a new home was re- Am@g A~bionCollege May pre!;ented a check for $140,000 to the and Mrs. James V, Lemhagen, re- start the definitive English Pub Crawl than by hospital. It was accepted by Sister ferred to Belle Isle, then finally -to Kensington raising a .few glasses? 9 gradu'ates were WILLIAM cording and corresponding secre- ... V. HARRITY, son of DR. Lucretia Gottschall, C.B.S., and Sis- taries, respectively; and Mrs. Ernest Metro Park where the bird now lives. Another • • and MRS. WILL1AJM A. ter Mary 'Lucy DeRitis, C.B.S., who Moeller, treasurer. donor with ~n' artificial leg, as wel,l as -crutches and The- planning had taken a year. The core group HiARRiITY, 00 Vend om e expressed gratitude on behalf of the cane was linked with CALVARY SENIOR CEN,; began its work in May of 1980, (the actual tour de. Road, summa cum l~ude, AI. TER'in Detroit. parture date, May 9, 1981, was suggested by Es. b'on Fellow, chemimy; SUo DAVID WILLISON, of Rea...... ther), with a meeting at the Birmingham home of SAN K. LEV.ERENZ. dJau.l!h.,ther Lane, perfonned- cham- from Sou,thern Illinois Uni.1 Arbor. David holds Bachelors Rather than feature specific agencies and their Jeanne Duran Harris, who'd said "Of course I'll Iter of MR. and MRS. JOHN versity and the University of and Master of Arts degrees needs this month, we would like to mention. again ber mu~,ic for the residents Minne,~ota,as well as a doc. from U of M. He is present- items most frequently requested. go!" at the very beginning. LEVERENZ, (If Bishvp Road, of Belmont Nursing Genter Thereafter, on a practically every month basis, home economics; MIDLI&S.Ain mid.June. Rob Reed, a torateUniversity.fromSheWaynejoinedStatethe gerIy Assistantof Gale PrcmotionResearch Co.Mana. Calls stl'll come throughout the sUmmer for thQ the prospective Pub Crawlers gathered for Sunday A. REGHAN'J.1I,dilughiter of 1930 graduate of Grosse 'MR and MR.S. THOMAS J. U of M-Dearbcrn faculty in • • * basics: furniture, especially beds and infant Cribsi, brunches, during which they made their tour plans. Poin'~e North High Sch(lol, 1972 NANCY A. PORTWOOD, and household items. Drcaperies and curtains can R'EGHANTI, 0 f CloverJy They too.k turns hosting the brunches in their studied cello this year at * • *. of Hollywood Road, has been be used by families that have been fire victims. R()'ld, med::a in c()ntempor- Peabody Conservatory. He 'homes, on both sides of town, for this Pub Crawl ary AmerIca; G~RY R. DAVID BIANCO. of Neff named to the honors list for Pots and pans are requested for families and by p1an3to a,~tendthe New Eng. R'Jad, rece-ived a Masters de. the winter semester ~t Cen. agencies which have fund raising food sales and had become more than an East Side event. WOOD, son of MR and land Con~ervatory of Music Jeri and Ed Pierson were going along. The MRS. RANDOLPH G. gree in Business Administra. tral Mi0higan University. need the items for cooking and baking. in th2 falL Ann Willison, a tion from the University of Nancy is a sophomore at Maternity and infant clothing are always in Piersons span the metro area, for they are fanner WOOD, of wmow Tree 1979 Nor~':lHigh School grad Michigan at May commence. eMU. PI-ace. economics and man. Pointers, the Piersons of Pierson Interiors in Fisher Ill,te, i> an oboe student at ment ceremonies in Ann (Continued on Page 12B) (Continued on _P~a_g_e_4_B_) _ Mews, who live now in Bloomiield, Jo Ann Russu ag€'lllemt; JAMiIDS S. AM. the Manh~tJtan School of ------,------and her daughter, Julie, were group members, LUXEN. !'On of MR and Music. along with Sophie and R~d Rieser, Mary Jane and MRS. RiI

If \ •• _- sq - • p •

Page Two-S GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981 ------,------'----- ~;'.O:I;~n. DIXIELAND The Michael Pedersons CHET BOGAN woI,er::' J~ 18ftO Pederson-Chartier "Ill TUEDU.9, .•. AT THE LIDO D" C k'j 2<4026 E. JEFFERSON " ' mmg.. ot far S (Jllst North of II Mi,} ; Ivows are spoken t Mrs. Bert J. Chartier escorts her daughter down 1 I Saint James Lutheran Church aisle t J. cPLChaftd CDutlQap CD.CO. g., cAt g. ~. at mid-May rites Joan Ellen Chartier spent more than 100 hours ~tlilOUtlCes dle ft~ocatlotl ob hlS making the satin white-on-white gown, featuring a mihiature floral design, she wore Saturday, May 23, ~ftthodotltlc epftactLCe to when she spoke her marriage vows in Saint James Lutheran Churoh to Michael Dean Pederson. The dress featured a '1---'- .- 181g6 vMack cAve.. (Jftosse CPOltlte. u\"hch. lace-ruffled scoop neck- g~at, of. Ann .Arbor, ~ho, line, an Empire waist, a with bridesmaIds Jenmfer cummerbund and lace I B r e h Q b, of Marblehead, <;Jr~err\OI1e 881-5890 Mid.October wedding plans . . ffled Mass, and Susan Westbrook, . I ar~ being made by MAR. sleeves endH~g m I'u of G~osse Pointe, attended ------GARIIT MARY NALLY and cuffs. The skIrt ,was very the Universrty of Michigan Jose-ph G. Amarll whose en. full, hemmed wIth a deep with Joan gagement has been an. ruffle, and extended into • Their fioor length gowns, nounc:ed b~' her fat her, a chapel train. I pale rose in color. featured JULY Thomas Joseph Nally, of TJ1e former Mi.'>3Charlier, I pink, violet and gold floral Belanger Avenue. SAVINGS who was escorted down the chiffon overskirts. They car. The bride-elect, who is aLso aisle by her mother, Mrs. ried arrangements of minia. the d-aughter of the late Bert J. Chartier, of Colonial ture pink carnations, purple I Margaret Mary Nally, re. Court, also ware a fingertip sta~ice and baby's~reat.h. ceiveu iler ljaClleJOr oi lien. length veil of lace. matchmg Jeffrey Pederson VIas his $31 eral Science degree frem _- her dress, caught by a pearl- brother's best man. They are Oakland University in 1978 Cut and Color trimmed Juliet cap. She car. the sons of Mr. Ilod Mrs. and was graduated from ried a cascade of white rose. Peder Pederson, of Storden, $33 Mercy SChool of Nursing as buds and ivy. Minn. Ushering were twO' a Registered Nur:e in 1979. At a late Imorning cerer,nony Saturday, May The late mol' n i n g cere.




from Martex i: are made of CUSTOM AND PETITE SIZE DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR thick. thirsty and soft full-looped cotton terry. SHOES. ACCESSORIES In a wide choice of solid colors: bark, coral, jade, CHILDREN'S APPAREL AND SHOES cornflower, lapis. lemon, peppermint. tiger lily, MEN'S CLOTHING, SPORTSWEAR, vanilla and white. 25x50" bath towel, 7.50; FURNISHINGS, SHOES AND ACCESSORIES 16x28" hand towel. 5.50: 13x 13" wash cloth, 2.35 MR. APPAREL FOR YOUNG MEN J Sale ends August 31. 1981

SAVE ON COOL CASUAL AND DRESS WARDROBE ADDITIONS FOR CAREER AND TRAVEL. AND ALL THOSE SPECIAL SUMMER ACTIVITIES. BEACH PARTIES, PATIO ENTERTAINING. ACTIVE WATER AND LAND SPORTS, FESTIVE OCCASIONS WE HAVE VALUES FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Jacobson's STORE FOR THE HOME GROSSE POINTE Jacobson's GROSSE POINTE Thursday, July 16, 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-B Married at St. Mary's Getting Settled Miss Zaleski wed to Mark, Rabidoux Made Simple. Bride is c1ttended by Michigc1n State University and Linda Kasiborski, as ity hroth.ers, and Je~Irey Ra. New.Town dilemmas Cade after a WELCOME bidoux, -brother of the bride. WAGON call. -. . , Chi Omega sorority sister c1nd bridesmaids, As WELCOME WAGON RepresentatIve, It Creme chiffon capes cov. groom. three high school friends er,:!d the SMulders of their The 'bridegroom's sisU!>rs, job to help you make the most of y~ur new ne~' borhood. Shopping Areas. Commu.nlty opportum- Mary and Kimberly Rabi. At home on Kensington Road are Mr. and Mrs. scoop . necked, spaghetti. ties. Special attractions. Lots of tips to save you strapped dresses of creme doux. gave the readin.g.s duro Mark Kenneth Rabidoux who vacationed in Petos- crepe de chine, accented with ing the marriage ceremony. time and. money. '1 key following their wedding Saturday, May 30, a pink and lavender floral Plus a basket of gifts for your fa.m. y. The mother of (he bride I'll be listening (or your call. in Old Saint Mary's Catholic Church, and a recep- borMr print. Thil print mo. wore a floor length dreSlS of tion in the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Crystal tif was repeated on their boo hot pink crepe de chine, long. Ballroom. ------dices. sleeved :and :belted. The chapel train. Each all~nd.ant carried an bridegroom's mother selectethls saturday, July SALE The Elementary Sex Ed. Workshop, begun this year 18, for II noon aunoneon ucation P"""ram will have to. offer information on den. meeting at the Marine City ""'e ht:me of Mrs. Harold E. 'Mrs. Jeremiah Burke - as tal disease, oral hygiene, Doyle, located on the banks 10% 011 on all chai1'll1an - she is also in nutrition, fluoride, profes. of the St. Clair Rlver. charge of scheduling - as sional care in disease preven. Champagne Dinner Concert well as 'Mrs. Stan Kazul and tion and methods and mate. In trus UJlique setting, as Christmas Needlework Mrs. WilliiBm Jackson as rials which can be used to the lake !freighters cruise by, Frida)', July 11 at 8:30 p~m. mailing c h air men, Mrs. teach dental health in the tlJ.ey'l:l enjoy a program by now thru July 25 2 Dinner SlItlngl 8t 5:30. 7 Wayne Shapiro as supplies classroom. This program is Anne Tompert, author of chairman, Mrs. Jerry Peter. staffed ,by Grosse Pointe several ,books, on 'I1he Way Tickets for concert & dinner, $15 per person son audio-visual and Mrs. teachers on a voluntary basis. Things Were: a ,history of We offer knitting and needlepoint classes ... Patron ticket $25. Concert only $5 Guy.Doyal, ad\'is'or. The Welfare Committee Marine City and the sur. rounding area. professional finishing for all your needlework. The Breast Self.Examina. donates food and clothing to Purchase a~ the St. Clair Room or tion Progrl!-m chairmen are needy persons on a confiden. FUI'ther information may call 882.7000 or 822-7141 Mrs. Ahmad Azar (North tial basis. The <::ardio.Pulmo. be obtai-ned by calling 16930 Kercheval. In The Village. 881-4575 High &11'001) and Mrs. Rob- nary .Resuscitation Program ~ence Moore 'Davis, 422. Open Thursday Evenings In case of rain, concert will be in ert Murphy (South High teaches the lne-saving CPR __ .__ . _ Fries Auditorium at War Memorial School). The Cardio-Pulmo- technique to students in local nary Resuscitation Program high schools. There is corn- chairmen are Mrs, John plete .oriemation and train. Dinka who in addition to ing in OPR by volunteers being chairman, is also in certified as instructors. charge of sc h 0 0.1 liaison The NutriUon P ~ 0 g ram SEMI ANNUAL duties and sc~edulmg, Mrs. aids parents, teachers and Jacobson's No~ Labadie, volunte~r students in their awareness GROSSE POINTE trammg, and . Mrs. Davld of good nutrition. The Ele- McQueen,. ~pplics. men~ry Health Education FLEe ll31son is Mrs. Dahl. Program provides sex educa. CLEARANCE SALE tion by qualified volunteer leaders from the community; their presentations stress the primary role of the family in sex education, .pro"iding ex. amples of dialogue parents may use ~n fulfilling this responsibility, DOCKSIDES The Breast Self-Examina. ~- tion Program, in conjunction with the American Cancer ~C Society, teaches high school girls the correct method of ~og lb:r e 185 t geM. examination 10% through a film presentation. J~~I The School Health Clinic OFF Program .recruits and trains volunteers to direct school o~ clinics dn the middle and WOMEN'S high schools, as weU as in a MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MEN'S few elemen~ry schools. The He a 1t h Education CHILDREN'S Council also con due t s a NATURALIZERS lecture - discussion s e r i e s t.hroughout the school year, AIGNER, MAGDESIANS TENNIS SHOES SEBAGO, DEXTER "" to::which the public is cor- .... dially invited . I --) Ir;~ To take dinner I $29.90 TO .... 50% ._-, on the terrace OFF $ Members of the Windmill 50% ~ OFF rf(") PoiMe Garden Club and their SELECT GROUP 49. 90 husbaOOi; gather !this Satur. day, July 18, at 7 p.m. on SELECT GROUP the ,ter.ace of Mr. and Mrs. SELECT GROUP Do u g 111 s Bordon's Lake., CHILDREN'S HAND PAINTED NEEDLEPOINT CANVAS ••. shore Road home, ovel'1ook.: ing Lake St. Clair, for the; MEET THE ARTIST, JEAN SMITH club's :annual summer din. I BUSTER BROWN, ner .party. The theme this i FLEn AIR, year will be Mexklan. All Regular Priced Friday, July 17,11 a.m. to 4 p.m. FOOT MATES STORE HOURS: Jean Smith will be in our Needlepoint Shop in the GRANDFAT"'~D Merchandise Store for the Home with her custom needlepoint Mon.-Wed. 9:30-5:30 CLOCKS 20-50% canvases. Many of her designs are adapted from Oriental OFF Thurs.-Fri. 9:30-9:00 sources such as antique robes and china, or she THE POINTES 10% Saturday 9:30-5:30 interprets themes inspired by nature itself. Custom FINEST OFF SELECT GROUP designs from the customers' own reference material are SELECTION available upon request. Meet this talented artist and see her collected works. FREE SET.liP AND 2 YEAR GtJARANTEE I CLOCKS REPAIRED GVillage ~ POINTE CLOCKS 15121 KERCHEVAL 17112 KERCHEVAL Jacobson's GROSSE POINTE PARK "IN THE VILLAGE" STORE FOR THE HOME GROSSE POINTE 821-1111 •Phone 881-1191 I ..,..._-.-..• •

Page Four-B G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, July 16, 1981 ------_._-_._------. .0 r~ODUCTJON5 Further to our association with ITCAM TRAVEL INC. In Brus- IN CONJUNCTION WITH From Another Pointe sels, Belgium. our Agency has now concluded an arrangement MICHIGAN YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE wlth ACOTRA, the Youth Travel Service of Belgium,' P~E5ENT5 WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOU WITH THESE TWO MERGERS Of View ARE FARES THAT ARE THE BEST BARGAIN IN EUROPE. They cannot be sold in the United States and must be issued

(Continued from Page lB) I by one of our Bellgan Offices and then forwarded to us, histQric inns and castles: a very posh Crawl, for pri- ACOTRA Rail tariffs are than Youth Passes for trav- vate bathrooms came with each room at each stop -.w, .. A_ elers under 26 years or Eurallpasses. We also can arrange THEWIZ Then it was back to London for a week at On~ acoommodatlon In Youth Inns all over the world. The Stage Production slow Court, a delightful. very EngliSh hotel rom- SABENA BELGIAN AIRLINES and DE BARY TRAVEl will or- ganize your most economical Trip in Europe. plex consisting of '8 flock of Georgian Houses five When going to Europe, see the European experts! Roseville High School Auditorium minutes walk from the Victoria and Albert Mu- seum. The Pub Crawlers arrived there on a Sun. 16250 MARTIN - ROSEVillE, MICHIGAN de Bary Travel Inc. ITeAM Travel Inc. day; Qn Monday night the London Press Olub gave 62-64 Rue de la Montagne JULY th.em .an elegant party: a dinner dance, complete 17850 Maumee Rd./Cor. Fisher Rd. 9, 10, 11 .. " 16, 17, 18 ACOTRA Tickets $4.00 Advance - $5.00 at the door ~th Jazz band. It was billed as Anglo-American Grosse Pointe, MI. 48230 NIght, and London Press Club President Penelope 881-3747 38 Rue de la Montagne FOR MORE INFORMA TION CALL: 463-2228 Wallace, daughter of Edgar Wallace followed the Brussels 1000 traditional Toast to the Queen with a TQast to President Reagan. • • • ~ Summer Clearance Still In Progress The next night, the group was entertained by Watney's Brewery which arranged a mini. bus tOUl' of four historic pubs, ending at Regent's Park f~A!tuJ Up to 30% off (selected Summer Styles) where a Bavarian Band played on, and the night NAME ~..--tt DATE -4&.,.,J f", " _ '" .... .,..,... '" • GHcr ~UIU ute YOGUIl"'t",)''', WUQ wer., uuuneu a lew New For Fall years back in London (Jack is English., Alke Amer. ADDRESS , A.c.m'i; 1 #' .. 06 ,lJ~~I/U--.-J. ~In ...",- ican), gave a party at Onslow Court. "We wanted OUrEnglish friends and family to meet our Ameri. . I U~ David Brooks can friends." Cord.reySQlnta II. Cttr4IIltII And the NEXT night it was out to Putney as St. CetWt p~ "The Perfect Wardrobe Builder" guests of Bunty and Johnnie Johnson. He's secre. tary of the London Press Club. She's a well-known the Blazers from $125 sculptor. In St. Clair Professional Bldg. Classic Women 5 Sportswear Pants from $42 There were, of course, spots of sight-seeing interspersed with the main business of Pub Crawl. 22151 Moross Ground Floor Skirts from $44 ing: times for the ladies to stop sighing over the fact that they'd danced the night before with Earl 343-3776 Grey, Navy, Natural Atlee and start sighin~ over what it must have been like to lead the life of Guinevere, times for Mon.-Fri. 9:00-6:00 Sat. 9:00..2:00 the gentlemen to pick up a few non.liquid items as Matching Belts And Ties souvenirs. by Ginnie Johansen • • • The Walmsleys brought Royal Wedding pen- :':::!Zt~ ~. Belts from $12 ... Ties from $7 nants and mementos h\:lme. Jean Freer, of Flitwick (pronounced "Flittick") in Bedfordshire was their David Robert S'Ource.The windows of the Travel Galede in- • Harper Woods -are needed by groups with recreation programs; river. just two miles south ,., 884-8994 ,...,. '.... , radios and televisions can be used at these centers, of the sf. clair inn, st. clair too. Operation LINC has also had a request for new models open sat. & sun. 2-5 toys for a community center Christmas program Mon. thru Sat. 8:00-5 P.M. Friday tal9 P.M. 979-1660 already being planned. • • * If you can help with any of these items, Qr are looking for a way to get things in good, usable con- dition which you no longer need tQ others who may need them, please call Operation LINC at 331-6700. ROMO'fON aRT~ All items d()nated 'are tax deductible. Our office is looated in the main administrative building of the Northeast Guidance Center, 13340 East Warren, in Detroit. LINC NOTES: the Operation LINC membership f'v10VING $ALE is reminded that by-law amendments will be voted upon at the Aug. 6 meeting. Please be sure to look at the proposed changes which will be mailed to you. Operation LINC column space is provided SPECTACULAR SAVINGS! monthly as a community service by the Grosse Pointe News.

of 20 N 60CJo on 'Small World' is on the air The Interna-tional Insti. We thought ~t was ~ime to every item in our gallery tute of Metropolitan Detroit hear the voices behind the celebrates one year of broad. scenes that keep ethnic heri. casting "A Smali World," a tage alive in the many ethnic u n i que information radio communities that make up take advantage of great savings," sh"Ow .featuring different our great dty," she explains. • ethnic commu.n~ties of Detroit Gu~ts have included De. and their special people, this tmit B,lues singer Little .------summer. It's heard every Sonny, Mischa Kottler, a Wednesday a-t 2 p.m. on Ukrainian ' immigrant' WM WeAH, 1090 AM, It's hosted became Detroit's pre m i e r Jlillfh]uc &' Contemporary; by Mary Ball. pianist, 'and Ed Baker, pub- The ~how was the brain. lisher of the Midwest's only child of Mrs. Ball, executive It.3lian laTliguage newspa.per'l Asian & Indonesian; d~r~:or of The 'International ~1usical interludes that reo In.~itute, who brings to "A flect the na.tionality and f(Jlk nrts, 11l1il1ting:;, dhllrrie rugs, inferior I Sma-ll World" £evera~ decades often the recordings of j 'of €xperien~ in working guest, arc an entertaining dl'(orni iLJil £1((c::;sorics, I with ethncc ccmmunities in addition to the show, and Detroit; in fad, while 5erv. all through the summer, a -- -- -""-.-----=--=-~-:- inc as Special Events direc. special feature on each river. I tor for the City of Detroit front ,-.,Lhnicfestival and the Whittier Towers - Marketing Office under CorroN Mayor Roman cGmmunity it comes {rom is Many prices below wholesale. S. Gribbs, she in~tiated the offered. 415 Burns Drive, Detroit, MI 48214 riverlron~ Ethnic Fe.stiv3ls I "Though there are many Name in 1970. . foreign I a n g u.a g c ethnic I Addr-e-ss------Don't miss this rare opportun", ~rs, Ball saw "A Smal1l shows on t,he air, ours, I be. I World" a~ a chJncc t.0 fea. i liew', is the only multl-ethnic : City/State~------Zip : lure th~ dynamic out often EnglJ.'h language show. We I Phon e Ag------e _ it! to invest 'In something unherald('d ethnic leaders of 2tlempt to bring all the cUl.1 mciro Detroit. "It's said that tures together to enjoy their I Please call me to set up a visit one of Detroit's gre-atest as. diversity and similarities," I ___ Please provide more information unusual (& save /) ~.{)~'i':~",""r.",olef sets is its ethnic diversity. £ays Mrs. Ball. 13B! ~~~ 6210 _P_"P__ "'-""l"'_".~P "!""",,,P_P -"---_------~-

Thursday, July 16, 1981 ,G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S The John Gerwecks To be wed ESTATEAUCTION At the Estate of Helen Fallis ,\\ 2970 Valley view OIT AWA HILLS. TOLEDO, OHIO Purchasers (probate File NI483(9) SATURDAY, JULY 25, 11:00 A.M. of SUNDAY, JULY 26, NOON ~~ Diamonds & Estate Jewelry 20139MACKAVE GROSSE POINTE WOODS 886.4600 W.H.D. Koerner' (1878.1938l oil on canvas, "Playing the Bear", "Fur $oeclallsts for over 55 Years" c. 1932 canvas: 36" x 30"

::. 1~ ? >~,t I) ~.A' photo by Coli,ng'o'wood StudiO t Plann'ing to be married in I A COMPLETE, FINELY APPOINTED HOME, October wedding plans are " mid-April, 1982, are SUSAN including fine designer furniture, Oriental art, fine being made by LINDA JEAN HELEN WENSKUS and Scott silver and china, Bielecky rattan furniture, and Victorian cast iron lawn set. POVLITZ and Patrick Jos- " I William Kusch whose engage- eph AntoneHi whose engflge. ment has been announced by SPECIAL FEATURE ON SUNDAY: ment has been announcetl hy her parents, Mr. and :\Irs. 1981 CadIllac Fleetwood Brougham, fully equipped, 217 miles. her parenls, Mrs. JO.lnne Ralph Wenskus, of Lochmoor 1980 Oldsmobile Supreme, fully equipped, .Povlitz, oI Littleslone Road, Boulevard, approximately 15.000 miles. and Donald Povlitz, 'Jf War-I 484 Pelissier St., WINDSOR Both the bride.elect and PREVIEW: FRIDAY, JULY 24, 11:00 A.M, .7:00 P.M. ren. , hpr fi "nrp «m of' formE'r ...... 1,...,...... ""'1' "''''''',.. "I""" _I'~ -"~""'I""l_j~ JOpp. YWCA, 2 minutes from fhe Tunnel) j.5iii.i5;1.5im: ~ v1'\ I ML-VU';;' #""\ w MIL,.f"\CJLI;. 1"'\ I ,""un Vi.,. I I 'Ul I .J\ Woods residents Mr. and GALLERY $5.00, POSTPAID $6.00 "'PRPRROqRRqRRIRoOg'p'R'I"'R""R The bride. elect was grad. I ~lrs. Fred Kusch, who now uated from Grosse Pointe I make their home in Sun DIRECTIONS: 1.75 to 475 to Talmadge exit, left to Central, right to Valleyview, then left. ',:...: •. North High Scho.ol and holds City, Ariz., are Grosse Pointe Off Central between Talmadge and Corey Roads, a Bachelor of Science degree North High School alumni. '.. I in Accounting Irom the Uni. )1iss Wenskus attended ,,:. versity of Detroit, where she I Wayne County Community SUMMER ~ I! was affiliated with Beta: I College. :\k Kusch attended Western Michigan University ?l1~ 409 E. Jefferson g~~Alpha Psi, She is presently I ______. ._. and is a member of the So- .. ~ working Ifor a naiional pub------Detroit, Michigan 48226 Lawrence F. DuMouchelle ciety of Automotive Engi. Auctioneer (313) 963.137915046 SALE neers. . ~ lic accounting firm. Her fiance, son of 1I1r. and Debora h SplOtzley Mrs. Earl Antonelli, of THE ORIGINAL THE BOYS' SHOP Hampton Road, is an Aus- d SIGN OF THE MERMAID tin Catholic Prep Scho'Jl ° ° 'alumnus who holds a Bache- mar r 1e 1n Ju ne lor of Arts degree rin Politi- 16844 KERCHEV AL AVENUE THE HICKEY LADY SHOP cal Science from the Univer- She speaks vows in Christ Church to J!,hn in-the- Village sity of MiclUgan-Dearb'Jl'n, He owns his own ~u5iress Leonard Gerweck; they vac'ation on in East Detroit. Barbados, are at home in New York A reception at the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club elf's Introductory offer ... Ice Buck.t To visit Canl P followed the late morning wedding of Deborah Swing Handle, glass '900 Jean SpHzley, daughter of Doris Smith Spitzley, of lined. 2 qt. capacity. Grace Bentley' Roosevelt Place, and Carl J. Spitzley Jr., of Roch- KEROfEVALAT ST.CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE The Michigan League for ester, and John Leonard Gerweck, son of Mr. and save 20% Open Tl;urJday EveningJ 'til 8:45 Crippled Children extends Mrs. Leonard John Gerweck, of Red Bank, N.J. 882.8970 1ft an invitation to members, Presiding at the 11 ;30 1------_ on elegant heirloom Silverplate . , Mastercard VISA W' friends and the public to at. o'clock ceremony Satur- Derry, N.H., to act a3 best ..~ .. _,,.,'- ~;a~e a B~~~f~;,onIO:;te~a~~ day, June 27, at Christ man for his brother. Ushers ------.,...------.,--- I miles north of Port Huron at Church, Grosse Po.inte, were \Villiam Annacone, of was The' Reverend Wil- Westport, Conn., K:m Felis, ~!o~~~!!~~~~yI Jeddo, next Thursday, July liam Tudor.. of Fa ir.llield, Conn., and Ste. 23, at 1 p.m. A Subsidiary of REED & BARTON The newlyweds vacationed phen C. Spitzley IIf Union ------Mid Summer Sale Donation is $5. Tours of the on Barbados. They are at Lake, brother of the bride. Pln•• ppl. Coy.r.d C.... rol. camp, operated by contribu. Three Sizes: 3 qt., 2 qt., 1-1/2 home in New York City, The mother of thi! bride tions to the MLCC for ortho. qt., oven proof glass liners. paedic and cardiac handi. where the bride is Corporate wore a dress of pink linen. capped children, will be con- Coordinator of S pee i a 1 The bridegroom's mot her ducted, and the director and Events for all Saks Fifth Ichose a 'petite floral print counsellors pr.omise a pro- Avenue branch stores and silk dress gram put on by the young. the bridegroom is Corporate • • ~ •• C.... rol.,.. sters. Management Consultant with Three Sizes: 3 qt., 2 qt., 1 qt. Joseph Seagrams & Sons. ' • • - oven proof glass liners. This is an excellent oppor- The former Miss Spi,tzley - Bridal Registry - tunity for MLCC contributors wore a tea length. off.the- to see the good their money shoulder wedding .dress of does; among this year's ai- antique lace over silk, de. Carpet and Area Rugs locations for instance, were signed by John Bates of Lon. funds for stainless steel ser- don. Her bouquet and head- FREE Front Parking ving trays and a. working piece of Iilies.oI-the..vallp.y table in the camp kitchen. and Sweetheart roses were Further info~ation on the I designed by A Silken Gar. luncheon excursion may be den, Rumson, N.J~ EUkliszewski. obtained and reservations Nancy Spitzley was her made by calling Mrs. Edmund sister's honor maid, Brides. Bitters, 886:9596, by this maids were Mrs. Michael Monday, July 20. Donations Danaher and C h a r lot t c NOW • COhfdMct \ =c will be accepted during the Parker, They wore oft.the. 778.5510 day for pri~es for the Lea. shoulder, tea length dresser. THRU JULY 31st 21435 Mlck AVI. I gue's September fa s h ion. of white eyelet, and carried 0t*1 unlfl' p.m. Mon., Thu,.., Fri.; Tun., W.d., Sit. unlll a show and card party at Bon. arrangements of yellow and nie Brook Golf Club. white daisies. ------James Genveck came from

Eleanor Harshbarger to be August bride RED ... 20% The engagement of Elea. OFF nor Leacr Harshbarger and WHITE 30% OFF SILHOUETTE David Lee Love, son of Mrs. Ethel Juretich and Dewey BLUE 40% OFF SNIPPETS Love, both of St. Clair I Shores has been announced STERLING HTS. TROY by the' bride-elect's parents, ROSEVILLE R 12500 1241l Mr. and ,Mrs. Ronald Harsh- lEI - t~· Hall Rd. (M5'\ 14 Mile Rd. barger, of Harper Woods, II ""Ie I/!!I II laleltde Mill) (I lI,e [II: ,IllS) formerly a f Beaconsfield aX:.ideD'~~,J:!~.,::-:~;:';::; Avenue, A late Augu~t wed. : Tuee., Wed., Thurs. 9 to 5:30, Mon. & Fri. 'Iil 9, Set. 9 105 771-2211 739-9700 585-1400 ding is planned. I

A few deft snips of the scissors is all it takes and you'll see the Ilkeness of her subject emerge In a silhouette by Sally Newcomb. A personalized treasure, mounted on art paper and ready to frame, this charming traditional art work will be cherished by family, loved ones and friends. Ms. NAwcomb will be at 'TI'lIPLE DRESSER BASE FLAME MIRROR POSTER BED 4/6 or 5/0 CbMMOOE , CHEST Jacobson's Thursday, Friday and 7.dr" 56 x 19 - H 32 in, Framed size 31 1/2 x 51 in Headboard post hI. 56 1/2 in.. 3-dr .. 24 x 17 - H 25 In. 6-dr., 36 x 19 _ H 48 1/2 in. Saturday, July 23, 24 and 25 from 10 a.m. footboard post hI. 50 1/2 in. to 5 p.m. Heads are $6, full figure $15, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TREASURE as shown in Mahogany on SALE ... $1881.00 all copies 1/2 price. Appointments are recommended, call Truly a Treasure for Years to Come Other Sizes Al'ar/able 882-7000 ext. 126. :Journier :Jurnilure CO. ST. CLAIR SHORES 2 LOCATIONS to better serve you! DETROIT Jacob sons 27113 HARPER, bet. 10 & 11 Mi. Rds, 16421 HARPER, near Whittier GROSSE POINTE HOURS Mor, , ThU?s.!F~,-1~:~:9gs"Wed. Sat 10.6 C!:l • Man. Thurs, Fri.eve~~~I~ 1.~~~es .. Wed , Sat 9.530

. , Page Six.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 10, 1981 ------~-~._--_.-----_.- ---~------_._._------Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fetters I Mrs. Ray' Westbr.ook Leech bride J Westbrook -Foley of Thomas Fetters vows exchanged Plum Hollow reception and dinner follows rites in P.;de wears h~r mother's wedding gown, made by' early May at Kirk in the Hills; pair ner grandmother; is attended by two sisters vacation in Florida at noon ceremony Lace rimmed the off-the-shoulder bodice and Katherine Elizabeth Foley and Ray Andrew hem of the traditional gown selected by Martha i Westbrook exchanged marriage v9wS Saturday, E\'alyn Leech, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom I June 27, in Saint Anastasia' Church, Troy. Their Leech, of Troy, for her spring wedding to Thomas I parents are the Martin J. Foleys, of South Deep- Arthur Fetters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fetters lanldls Road, and the Haze~ E. Westbrooks,.~f Cros~ of Lincoln Road. I ' we . I r I A band of flowers 1 given in marriage by her I The Reverend William gJ)'S of spring flowers. caught her lace-edged: father, was ~ra.:ctuated in B. Davidson officiated at Scott Westbrook was his veil. She carried :in ar- I 1980 frem ~hohlgan State his niece's noon wedding. broth~r's b~st man: Terry P. rangement of gardenias! Universit:, where she affili. A reception followed at Gross, their COUSlD, se-ated and stephanotis. ated With Ka~pa Alpha the Detroit Yacht Club. the gues's. . Theta. She studied at the 1'h.e bride wore her moth. The nllwlyweds vacationed . The early evening double Paralegal InstHute, Philadel. I er's wedoing gown, made by in Florida, at. Key B!.scayne. rmg ce:emo~y Satur~y, ~fay phia, and works for Ray. her grandmother, fashioneo Tpey are makmg their home 9, at Kirk m the Hills was mond, Rupp and Wienberg f~lIowed by a reception and in Troy. of antique satin with an over. m Harper Wood.g. dl.nner at Plum Hollow. The bridegroom also was skirl and bodice of Chantilly \\ hen ~he new~yv.'~ds left. for graduated in 1980 from lace, long, lace sleeves end. MSU to aid children a week s ,'acatlOn m FlorIda, MichiJ;(an State Universitv ;,':." lfig in :v~i~.p.oints, and self. via Resource Network .....v.C'J.'Cu Vi ..U,looVlh:ll. N t k f a ~. 1\ ur,n t'alm . .tSeacn.. I His fraternity is Theta Chi. Sh or a hat of matching I ~ Resource e wor or bnde.), as wea,rmg a wrute I He is a sales reprezentative /. ewe . ChIld Advocacy has been rrted su, ' .th a la, euder blouse. I for Beecham , ,-",y~ laCe t and c:a an arrange. formed at Michigan State ::,.::" The~' I;a\"c ~een at. home in Diane ~h, in a spag. ".:- . . mc~. of flesh garden ,:l~ers University to address issues and her grandmother '" sl~ver affecting children and youth, noc.nes,~r smce mld.~ray. he~ti--stl1apped, r&Spberry 001. ' .. - "'v l;), and mother-of-pearl bndal reports Dr. Andrew D. Hunt, _~::': __..~~~ ..: _.'~.:.....-.Fetters, ored dress and raspberry , Photo by Beafriee•Zwoon 4 rorory. T~e rosary had .als,o chairman of International ------I jacket, piped in white, was Marriage vows were spoken Saturday, May Saint Anastasia Church, Troy, was the been C3'wed by the brIde s Year of the Child activities lUUSell1n salutes I ho~or maid for her s~r. 9, at a 6 o'clock ceremony in Kirk in the Hills by Saturday, June 27, for the noon wedding of s!ster and mother at their at MSU I Brldesrnalds, dre<>sed 1del1' MARTHA EV AL YN LEECH, daughter of Mr. KATHERINE ELIZABETH FOLEY, daughter wt!ddings. . The .network, the major Irish heritage Ili~lly, were ~yla ~nson, and Mrs. Ransom Leech, of Troy, and Mr. Fet- of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Foley, of South Deep- Thll former MISS Foley recommendation of the lye I Cmdy Hunter, Manue Mar. ters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fetters, of Lin- lands Road, and Mr. Westbrook, son of Mr. and was attended by two si~,lers, Congress on the Future of . Michigan's. Irish Heritage I ron, Jody Fette ns, Jody coln Road. I Mrs. Hazen E. Westbrook, of Croswell. Jul:a Marie Foley as maid Children in Michigan, not IS featured m a special De. \ Johnstone and Carol Zo. of hQMr and Louise Foley only will help others help to troit Historical Museum ex. houry, Pink roses, carnations I S-tuchker as bridesmaid. They ensure well.being of children hilJilion which opened June and baby's-breath formed wore dresseG of pale ye-Uow but also will advance use of 26 and will continue through I their bouquets. Cottage t~ill continue classes on childbirth and blue floral print goor. MSU expertise in public pol- :\Iarch 17, 1982. Best man was Rich Fetler.s. gette, matching. wide-brim. Icy areas that are child- Although Cottage Hospital's i couple; it is refunded if the i over another, mothers are 'I sol i dating its Obstetrical Planned in cooperation with I Gue::ts were sea.ted by Dick mad M~, and l'arried nose. related. the Cultural Committee of Mitchell, Erucll Leech, T()JI1 Obstetrical Unit will close on! class is completed. prepared to attain totally I' Unit with Bon Secours Hos. the Gaelic League and other Dapl, P~er Hull, Larry Aug. I, area couples can lOne Registered Nurse and natural childbirth. pitat, prospective mothers members of the Irish com. Brookes and Harry Z1X:COli. still receive childbirth prepa. an"instructor teach the class. A husband mother or' and their coaches will tour munity, the exhibit features The mother of th.e bride ration at Cottage. Couples I es. Prospective parents reo friend is invited to accom. the Obstetrical Unit at Bon Irish contributions to tbe wore a long gawn, pale pink ~ho will deliver t~eir. bab~es ceive complete .ins~ruction in pany the expectant mother Secuurs to become familiar growth ,and development of in color, with a matching m October are mVlted to I the natural childbIrth meth. and act/ as her "coach" with.a typical obstetrical de. Retail Space the Detroit area while also jacket, The b.ridegroom's register for the seven.week od, including breatl)ing and C 0 a c he s assist the ne~ partment. highlighting the ancient his. mother ohase a long, maroon. session beginning Aug. 19. rela~tio~ techniques as well mother in learning natural Classes are open to every- tOry of Ir,eland. colore~ dres-s. Plnk roses and Classes meet Wednesday.f as exercises. to prepare the I childbirth techniques and one. Registration .may be Photos of early Irish Art a white carnation formed evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 Ibooy for dehvery. putting them into practice in, made and further informa. treasurers are on exhibit. each mo~er's corsage. p.m. at the hospital on Ker.[ Instructors also teach pre.[deIiVery. They also provide tion obtained by contacting Available cheval Avenue in Grosse natal care and care of the emotional support through- the Cottage Nursing Adrtlinis. Pointe Farms. A $5 registra. newborn. While one method out pregnancy and delivery. tration Office, 884-8600, Ex. tion fee is required for each of delivery is not advocated. Now that Cottage is con- tension 2380. . In ! I WE'LL GIVE YOU HAIR THAT'S EASY TO LIVE WITH. 'Eight-inch connection' begins baby's learning Village Have you watched a baby learns to' focus first one eye ing, It is -in th~s way that More information on this absorbed in expkJring his and then both eyes on a he 'begins to distinguish fully subject and about the physi. own hands? He's learning to point or object. Later, he where 'his own body stops cal and social development , separate himself from the learns eye movement, two- and the outside world begins. of children up to six years world around him. eyed vision and depth per. At this point, give the old can be {)btained by writ. 884-5447 "G row i ng Child," the ception. . baby objects to hold. Vary ing to "Growing Child" 22 monthly child development At first, a baby will spcnd sizes, sh;opes, t e x fu res, North Second street, P.O. I newsletter reports that a't considerabte time just look. weights. Household objects Box 620 N, Lafayette, "Ind. I first a baby will spend iong ing at the out5tretched 'hand. are the 'best: the variety is 47902. When writing, include 886-4883 I @REI)KEN peri~ds 'Of time ;:imply look- He l",iIl also g:-asp small ob. endless. your child's rbirthdate. ing at his outstretched hand. jects ,that you give him. At . Why? It's the "eight'inch about four o:onth~ old, h.e , l' ., .lI~,...." ,., connection." "' wm succeed III brmE:lng hiS A month-old bilhy is very ~o ban~s together~ ~hen ~e near.sighted Like n camera Will begm expl()rin". the fm. Grosse which is r~cused only for gers of one hand With those, the baby's eyes see of the .ot,h:r. . PCJinte clearly only those things . The JOIDlng. of hand~ IS an SEBASTIAN INT'L a-bout eight inches from his ~ll1Pol':ant milestone, In an Area Services nose. Faces, when they get mra.nt s development., As he HAIR • SKIN • NAILS into the eight.inch range, gra.P5 one ha~d w1th .the 21427 MACK Acro .. Irom 51. Joan 01 Arc - fascinate him. So do mobiles, he f~ls the sq~eezIng. ~, Open Wed" Thurs. & Frl. until 9 p.m. • and bright shiny colorful ThIS senS!llJcll tells him that .- 773-2620 773.8440 . things. ' , ~hat he has .seen and grasped I. The Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Woods , h' 'h t IS part of him. . But there.s on~ t mg • a Discovering him s e 1£ as " IS aLways elght In~hes awa~ Iso m e il h i n g distinct from MEMORIAL CHURCH fro~ a babr. It s alway' other objects around ilim is United Presbyterian PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~. ,/. avaJ1~ble. It sunder . the very interesting and exciting 19950 Mack Avenue ? s COIl't~ol. :That elgh:. to a -baby, and he wit! spend (halfway between Moross and Vernier Roads) Inch connecti'On IS the baby s hours ex p lor i n g his two own outstretched hand! hands and finding out what BUYING 10 a.m. Worship Sunday Summer Family Worship The ba:by's hand .provides they can do. Church School 10 a.m. Fine Art Objects a stable and dependable ob. This begins the process of Nursery Care Available ject to look at. It is exactly finding 'Out what is self and Each Sunday at 10.:00 the distance away that he what is ..Jt self. The baby Casual attire appropriate.. Cash or Consignment REV. GILLEASBUIG MACMILLAN can see. By studying it, he will pay carefnl attention to Preschool child care during worship. Minister-High Church One Item ()r Whole Estate everything he touche" to see Kirk of st. Giles for information if feelings come from the Edinburgh-Scotland ~. An opportunity touched obiect as well as' call 886-430024 hours a day Oriental rugs, signed crystal Preaching the hand that does the touch. ! 1" for Girl Scouts ------t Tuesday Carillon Recital, 7:30 p.m. Pastors and. porcelain, fine paintings, William DeTurk . Kathryn R. Gaglio and 16 LakeshDre Dr. Dlal.a.prayer David J. Eshleman Robert C. Linth ;!Jm Lydia Pallas, members of NESCI I sterling, jewelry, collectables," 882.5330 • 24'hr. 882-8770 John R. Curphey Grosse Pointe Girl Scout Ca, dette Troop 960, left yester- YOuRS"r,(,S yoo.LlFELIIIEI" fine antique furniture. E FIRST day, Wednesday, July 15, for CHIRDPRACTICLIFECEMTER The Grosse POinte .< .ST. MICHAB.'S .- CHRISTIAN Please Call or Write: Rapid City, S.D., where they IS @ .H£AD.lCllfS St. Paul J:v. Congregational EPISCOPAL will spend two weeks hiki~g I • ft~~IES CHURCH REFORMED and exploring in the Black I ': ABTllftITlS Lutheran Church American Baptist ~ CHURCH Hills ,"Land of Infinite Vari. IACHAlll 20475 Sunningdale Park DuMouchelle's C ~, . 881-6670 Lt1444 Maryland A,.e. ety" with 58 other young .' =UAl Church Grosse Pointe Woods 409 E. JeHerson, Detroit 48226 Grosse Pointe Park, women from all over the na.1 g,. Vlnc«ll Nncl • AUTll Chalfonte and Lothrop 240 Chatfonte at Lothrop 384-4820 Phone: 963-6255 lion as participants in a. I g,rKtor ACCI~IITS Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist summer Girl Scout Wider I OPEN6DAYS 10 a.m. Summer Hours - 10 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Morning Worship lO::ma.m. Opportunity. i 774a7920 7:30 p.m. Thursday (Nursery Available) ------1 Kathryn, who was captain' I161ftf(Itn No Sunday School Weekender 10:30 a.m. of the dance team and editor 1fIIAY Rev. Douglas Devos Evening Worship 6:W p.m. ~::II~m~: Crib Room, Pre-school of the new~paper at Pierce II .•.II',.a CIiI! 1(1IWt. lEAllSlTIt Choral Eucharist and Facilities available Give .Your Windows The Works ~nddle School this past year, ItlnJllAY l1TN.10~~C.fIl). AT I~ Sermon, Sunday School is the daughter of Roy and ball',.& -- .... Rev. K.R ..Lentz, TR.D. Douglas A. Warners, Pastor "LOAD LIMITS" Weekday Eucharist Marjorie Gaglio. She volun. 9:30 a.m. Tuesday teers at the Foundation for 1st Cor. 10: 1-13 6:45 a.m. First Thursday Exceptional Children during Dr. Roy R. Hutcheon Vacation Bible School the summer. GROSSE POINTE Rev, Jack E. Skiles Rector Robert E. Neily begins August 3rd. SAVE Lydia, daughter of James and .Janet Pallas, also is a BAPTIST CHURCH • ~ ---.- I 21336 Mack Avenue Looking For Friendship ';t~ '::":;:-'! summer volunteer at the 30% Grosse Pointe Woods and Bible ~eaching? CHRIST THE KING " Foundation for Exceptional CHRISTIAN "':.:", Children. She is an active, A Worm Welcome SCIENCE CHRIST LUTHERAN member of Grosse Pointe i Awo:ts You CHURCH South High School's racquet. i MomrnQ Worship First Church of Christ, FELLOWSHIP 11.00 a,m. • WlrtlClls Sdentist 20338 Mack. GPW. ball club. $u"day School CHURCH The Wider Opportunity: 9:4S a.m. (non.denominational) • Henzo.tlls that the Pointe pair is par. r Even:r\g Service Grosse Pointe Farms Family Worship , ticipating in is one of many I 6:30 p,m. 282 Chalfonte 21760 Raven Road. !-'-O;;eo".,;r;-~ B(H5 E.\ST JEF"'ERSO~ Nurury East Detroit 9:00 a,m. offered to qualified Girl I A', No! E •• ry!M"gl I • WIVII Wons DEtROIT, :mcn. All Services near Kerby Road 'Jar uj;:C:,J!8~! cHef aeveraf (Just West of 1-94 Scoul~ from all over the r A Cordial Welcome! R.v. Wm. Toft. Services: at Toepfer ~~;~~~:~:dl6~~S~r'Ca~"~: • world. Participants are se.: 821-3525 Bro •. !i1.Jr;10851~VOl) Ghec,..; ar'l.j' lected from many candidates: Sunday 10:3() a,m. Services: Joseph P. Fabry, Pastor CO~P.:)'& t"El reti'lll prrce!1 John Duerr, Vicar befo:-e yOLJ buy on the basis of scouting ex. i Qunli/y (nr", Wednesday 8:00 p.m, Sundays 1O::ma.m, c ._ -.--. __ ._. 1 • Sh.dlS perience, written applica.: Sunday School 10:30 a,m. Exprres 7131181 lions, personal references. st. James (infant care provided) Firat English Grosse Pointe "See our fine products" and Interviews. Reading Room -----_._._------Urtltlld . 106 Kercheval.on.the.HiII st ,Lutheran Church Ev. Lutheran METHODIST ',;" lWjJ!I~!Nj!ilmJ Open every day except CHURCH g ESKIMO (Inuit) ART McMillan at Kercheavl Sunday 10 a,m.-5 p.m. Church 211 Moross Road - ...------Wallpaper and Paint Exltibil 80 Sal~ 884-0511 Thursday until 9:00 p.m,. Vernlet' Rol'd ~ WlldgewooQ 88&-2363 WINDOW SHADE CO. at ' by Summer Schedule: Drive, Groa .. Pointe WooCS. Summer Schedule Big Discounls ARC::TIC CIRCLE GALLERY I Sunday Worship 9:30 n.m. 884-5040 9:30 am, Worship At CAllE GALLERY (Nursery for small children) 20025 E. 9 Mlill Rd .. 774.7840 I and 802S ....n.. 331-1'58 Thursday Worship 8 p.m. ATTEND THE Church School for Mon. thru Frl. 10:00-8:00 Sat. 10 to 6 IrrL,,- .",alll!! \;"'/l.j Summer Worship OPE~ING I July 9-August 27 July 11, CHURCH OF 9:3.0 a,m. Children PLEASE [) 5CI"",...r;'s :,:!r~ .vl IN; t.abl& 10 ~P~,'I&O pr~c&! In Hou" rlooot'•.1 P I:D i' \0"l1ll7ral Ministers; NOTE'rJr, r.ff;:llinra 1!'r,liilllll.l.0:"l end m&SSl)re Iddj. aOMd "Gb • T~u4•.,. Tbru July 31 Rev, George M. Schelter YOUR CHOICE tt(Hldl ~u.. 1i~IC~1on tiles Lip 10 B4x8i. Rev, P. Keppler Robert Paul Ward I EVERY SUNDAY David B. Penniman

, . AS; $' P apt'» p» p p p » ;as F • .. p

Thursd~y, July 16, 1981 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W 5 Page Seven-B ------~-"-'---"~'" -" . ._~------_._-_.- ~_71111Ib Looking forward to Salvation! LEON'S GOLD and SILVER SUMMER .. First th~re was Monopoly with financial acqui_<1 __ . . ~. r;"" ;' i 17888 MACK AVE. sltlon and power its basic motivations. Next came . ~":. "" I p f Scrabble. Communication and language formed the !! Buying Estate Jewelry, basis of its appeal. ' Diamonds, Gold and SALE Now there is Salvation! Its premise is at once ~he simplest and most profound of all: the work~ Silver Coins, Sterling, mg out of one's long-range destiny. . Pocl:et Watches. , Salvation! is the brainchild of. a Michigan-based company called Omni House. But to hear CATH. 884-9393 ' , ERINE GRIMSHAW, its president, talk about the ;:;'/ Appointment Only , game, the whole idea was not really theirs at all ------~ --~---- "~t sounds strange, but we really see ourselve~ as bemg only the 'carriers' of the idea," Ms. Grim- shaw, .Qf The Pointe, insists. "After all real Salva- tion is a gift from God. All we can take credit for is trying to translate the teachings of Christ into as constructive and enjoyable a game format as Lees we could. We hope 'we've succeeded." Designed for people of all ages and sects Sal- vation! The Game of Saints and Sinners as' it is offi~ial1y titled, is simple to learn and easy to play. "straight-and-narrow" where little kindnesses like Mid Summer "giving up your seat on the bus" and singing in "giving up your seat a nthe bus" and singing in the church choir" will gain them single merits OR .$>/'", . fill they may choose t he more hazardous route "out in Ii" . Sale • 1 11" \...... f-+' ~ ... "' .,'~\.\\~"'., .. "uc -w'v£~u -ltI;¥.uC~~ ",c~p",~ ..:~r:. ~:: ..... :::::'I.C:-:~.I. :-c J \ \. {,- . wards from such misdeeds as "shady real estate " .\\.'}"" .' v';" ',' deals'" and "political payoffs" are rampant. Y .:"' 1" FR~E Front Parking There is also ample opportunity to do greater { )-'" ~~" ood along this path such as "raising funds to build ""> ;" /,/' , 1 , . }'''''''"t---' I., g Il!;$ .,/'", '. ' ON \ -.:. ?£E{;'~,::'~~r~~r;~d?~t:::,~,:n,,~[~~~rb~:kc~~:,1--~. )'iv;,<}.,f' ~)~- As a player makes illegal money, he collects ,/;;:,~!;[-(:,j , d'''i!t ' , - ::'ira it from the stack on the gameboard. ,The bills, in== $1 million denominations, feature such 'telling points of the game, in fact, are bas~d on passages 776-5510 21435 Mack Ave. phrases as "Almighty Buck" and "Root 0.£ All from t~e N~w ';1'estament including the entire Evil" as well as a note that states emphatJcally: underlymg premIse, paraphrased from Matthew Open until II p.m. Mon., Thun., Fri.; TUH., Wed., Set. until II "You can'~ t'ake it with you." I 6: "Do not sav~ riches for yourselves on earth ... During the course of ithe game, a pl~yer .c~n i Instead, save for yourselves in Heaven . , . Needle Arts Inc. count his money but cannot keep tabs on hIS spmt- for your heart WIll always be where your riches ual worth since aU "merit stamps" must be stored are." invites you to a showing in small {nail-boxes labeled "!"-ir.Mail to Heaven" A,s Ms.. game's end. As a result, it is usually impossible to it is hot:e that, in some small way, pl~ying predict the winner of the game. Salvahon! WIll be for its players "a reminder of canvases and 3 dimensional At 'the conclusion of each complete circuit of the importance of maintaining a sound perspective the gameboard, players draw from the "Signs in of spiritual and temporal values." Christmas ornament the Heavens" card deck. When the three main To attest to their belief that they are only canvases - from Elegant (or "wild") Sign cards have been drawn, with the "carriers" of the concept, Omni House will make FRONT ROW sun, moon and meteor imprinted on their face a donation to charity from the proceeds of each

Stitch of Texas sides, Judgment Day has arrived for"'-all players. game sold. > The "Signs in the Heavens" reference is de- In The Pointe. area, Salvation! is currently Summer Clearance July 16 through July 18 rived from New Testament scripture f-oretelling I available at Punch and Judy Toyland The School Thursday. Friday. Saturday and Monday , 10-5 the end of the world (Luke 21). All key playing Bell and Krieg's. ' SUMMER BLAZERS were $54 - NOW .30 Orchestra Hall Friend8 To stage Cute Baby Contest WINTER BLAZERS The Harper Woods Jaycee ,rite picture of a chHd under were $89.95 - NOW .89.95 romise Pra,eludium III Auxiliary is sponsoring a three years of'llge. AU pic- P CILteBaby Contef)t to' be held tures must be no larger than SUMMER SKIRTS The Friends far Orchestra Lyn Harrell will be featured Sund'ay, Aug. 9, at the An- 5x7, and accampa'med' with up to $35.00 - NOW $18.00 397 FISHER RD. Hall will present their third Friday, Oct. 2, in the see and nual Harper Waads Family the fallewing infarmatien en BLOUSES' ' , Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48230 'Praelud4um Recital Seasan cancert af the seasan, and a Picn:c. Proceeds wil1lbe used the picture back: name af starting in mid.September. native Detroiter JDseph Sil- to' support the auxiliary's ch:,ld, birthdate, address and up to $38.00 - NOW 40% oft 882-9110 Featured this year ar~ five verstein, cDnce/t master af. Buckle-Up-Babes (BUB's) in-' tele-phone number. outstanding artists. ~he Bastan Symphany Or- fant car seat rental pragram, AH en~ries must ,be reo SWEATERS to' to' Wednes. , -_ The ,1981-82 series apens chestra, returns town There is an import~nt need ceived no later tJhan NOW 30% oft 'Fash"on K,tt' chens. Wednesday, Sept. 23, wi:n perform Wednesday, Jan. 20, !a educate the .pu~lIc an the day, .Aug. 5. Pictures should , SLACKS Iftl ' ,- .' Ju d itll 'Blegen,'. sopranO', 1n the season's third concel't. Import'ance of chIld ~n. be' sen't to Cute Baby Con. WOOD, FORMICA AND 'star of the Metropolitan Silverstein vioHn will dedi- ger safety; the Jaycee ladles test care af 18795 Woodside up to $42.00.- NOW .18.00 f)M6A FURNITURE STEEL CABINETS I Opera. Valunteers of the cate his' program to' the will have excellent l!,terature H,:\;per Waods. Mich. 48225: I Ronald McDonald House are memory of Mischa Mischa- to' pass out at the 'pl' ~largaret Whiting pr0m. ,receivep a Bachelor of Arts i,es some of the George GE'r. at SALE : d c g r e e from Randalph- shwin and Richarrl Roger3 i Macan Waman's Callege, s8ngs that made her famous

at ! Lynchbu~ __~_, __ '_ ._I_i_n_t_he._4_0_s_a_nd_5~Os_._

Yack Arena, Wyandotte ~.:. Hawaii Honolulu Package CUISINART FOOD PROCEZSORS 29 Days (March 2-30, 1982) Cuisinart will present a demonstration Includes Round Trip Air Windsor Condominium Accommodations for 28 Nights. lecture in Jacobson's Kitchen Shop July 16-18 1981 Tranlle .. , All Tips and Taxes, Lei Greeting to show you how easily their Canadian u.s. The Finest Antiques From 7 States '1775 '1518 remarkable processors will do so Alaska Fly-Cruise many of your food preparation July 17 July 18 11 Day Pa(~ag. tnc Rovnd Trip Air Fare, July 16 7 Day Alas~a Crvise on "The Sun Princ... ," chores in a minimum of time. Thursday Friday saturday I " 3 Nights Hotel in VancC)uy.,. T,ansl." & Taxes Plca!;e call 882,7000: ext. 1GB for your reservation, noon - 9 p.m. 10 a.m. • 9 p.m. 10 a.m. - 7 pm, ~ From '1819 Canadian "565 us. Friday, July 17 Ge'1eral Admission 52.00 For Information 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. CALL Call 284-2400 for more Information 963-6104 1011 OUELLETTE Jacob sOIlS PROCEEDS TO THE HOSPITAL'S DEVELOPMENT FUND AT ERIE .J blt»("u 'rom ,,,. W'fU,l.O TV,",fI'. STORE FOR THE HOME GROSSE POINTE Our Spv./alfy ;J . : '~:- FULL FRff, SfRVICf :.: P-ag8 Eight-S GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd~y, July 16, 1981


Grosse Pointe Real Estate PRECIOUS WATEltFRONT Exchange Members Planning to sell your house? I 72 Lakeshore Drive Talk to a professional. Call any dlrecUy on the water I Borland Associates Wm. W. Queen \ Ir. the exclusive world of waterfront properties you i member of the Grosse Pointe Real of Earl Keirn Realty are always assured that you will find elegant taste, Schweitzer Estate Exchange. sensational architecture, and decor fit for Royalty. At They have the know-howl our "72" offering it is said that this modest and un- Wrn. J. Champion & Co. Real Estate, Inc./ assuming "mansion" is the most beautiful of all the Better Homes waterfront properties in all the Pointes. Whether you Danaher, Baer, & Gardens ~\ are with family or entertaining, "72" handles all living prerequisites! \ Wilson and Stroh, Inc. 600 MIDDLESEX The -master suite with private bath and dressing Scully & r PRICE REDUCED - LAND CONTRACT TERMS area opens onto a fantastically beautiful view which is R.G. Edgar & Hendrie, Inc. l'hi~l',PilUtif\1llvsituated contempOrary offers room to accomodated comfortably by an oversized private Associates HIGBIE-MAXON, .-.1 roam. Five bedrooms and a family room with plenty ot deck. Seven bedrooms in all to take care Of all occa. SrlUlewuuu baths and in\'iting terms make this unique home an sions. The sculptured, heated, pool is surrounded by a Goodman, Pierce E. A. Brown exceptional investm~nt, near yac~t d

Call for further details and personal. Inspections on any house curre~tly for $ale in the Pointes. RELOCA'TION HOME WARRANT¥ HIGBIE MAXON, INC. SERVICE 'PROGRAM 83 KerCheval Avenue -, -886.3400

mrr "mutr/r.;II{l pf'uple 19968 \VEDGEWOOD . , . 8000 charming and move (II HI hOIl.~f'1l right in condition. A newer 3 bedroom colonial near 1(';lh imaginCltion" Star of the Sea and Barnes offering central air, 3 fire- places. oversize family room, etc .... plus a large fixed rate 11% assumable mortgage. Goodman Pierce & Associates, Inc. REALTOR ALSO OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 9\'zo/c LAND CONTRACT buys this choice brick Tudor with 4 bedrooms, 2lh baths, leaded glass windows, family room plus a cozy den. See it at 1201 GRAYTON this Sunday I GREAT. SELECTION • • • SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 1369 YORKSHIRE ... Relocating owners offer their

impeccible 4 bedroom English Tudor with 91h% -< ._.~ LAND CONTRACT terms, The beamed country English kitchen inspires gourmet cooking . . . to ~--• serve on your 12xll screened terrace overlooking a lovely rear yard. Charming throughout, just wait- ing for the right family!

Enjoy year round comfort, .. with the central air and excellent heating system. A decorators dream, beautifully appointed. , . for superb family living. Four generous bedrooms, family room, plus game room with wet bar. Near University Liggett school at 23281 N, ROSEDALE, St. Clair Shores, See this CAPE COD NEAR HUNT CLUB. First floor bedrooms, POPULAR FARMS LOCATION - Reduced to $79,900, Sunday. GROSSE POINTE FARMS COLONIAL, four bed- rooms, 2~'2 baths, cozy library, large kitchen, recrea- family room, 3 full baths, kitchen with built-in 3 bedrooms, }l~ baths, large (l9x16) family room, con- tion room, financing terms available, Open Sunday 2.5, appliances, land contract terms available, venient to Richard, Brownell, hill shopping. Land con. BY APPOINTMENT - Call 886-3800 tract. BALFOL'R - l:nique 4 bedroom Georgian colonial, 52 Handy, near Jefferson, FARM COLON!AL .;.. One look will tell you how un- ENGLISH TUDOR - Three fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, 3 BERKSHIRE - S. of Jefferson, 4 bdrm., 21~ baths, FIRST OFFERING - $61,900 - Huntington. Well maintained bungalow in convenient Woods loca- iquely attractive, both inside and out. this Grosse full baths. beautifully panel,ed living room, large 91'l<:', LA~D CONTRACT. tion, living room with fireplace, family room, land Pointe City home is 2Ox14 family room with fire. family room and updated kitchen, sprinkling sys- HL:~Tl."iGTO:-< - Three bdrm. ranch near shops, bus tem front and rear. sellers are offering attractive contract. place and attractive decorating are additional line. $75,900. highlights, land contract tp,rms, LOTHROP - Custom-built 5 barm .. 31., bath. LOCA- COLONIAL - NEAR LAKE. Spacious family colonial. T107'l. 9''2'} LA:"lD CONTRACT, 4 bedrooms, 21.'l baths, family room and den. Land SHOREPor~TE - Fabulous, loaded 2 bdrm. condo. 9''2<'7, LA."iD CO:-


.. ' : l "Thursday, July 16, 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-B ~~~.'~r~P()inteRe~J,lstate Exchange

< '",' ":';"~~:.P:R; ,."../ .i'''Ll.yST'EQ,: ;OM!f~?:~ :<;"'<'4;42i)t<:),.:,~." '~:;~BEOFFERED EXC'LU.$,IYELV, ¥,", "'~'i""",,,,,,.::~f~c.;:I~;':;~""" . .;':..••rAtE EXCHAffGI.;;, ti}:,;

TOLES & ASSOCIATES INC. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Realtors Are Matchmakers ..(A :They match up special people with special houses. Call a Realtor@ to find FIRST OFFERING 663 UNIVERSITY PLACE ~ WHEN A HOME HAS YOUR specicl house. It 'Narks. You'll see. ~E:~!'! ~--"'.!!'!'!'.~!!'!'ED?~ m",tj~'.~10,.'.1"". thi. nnp ha!' there's no need to decorate before -moving in. Four bedroom English with library, 2'h baths, attractive breakfast room with beamed ceiling, recreation room and surrounded by lovely gardens. Early occupancy and realistically priced for a quick sale.

1489 DORTHEN - IDEAL STARTER HOME OR GREAT FOR EMPTY-NESTERS. Brick ranch on a 7o-foot lot near shopping. Two bedroom!>, den, Florida room, fireplace, 2-car attached garage. Priced in the 60's.

424 WASHINGTON - EARLY AMERICAN COLONIAL on a lGO-foot lot in a prime location. Paneled family room, SERVING GROSSE POINTE FOR OVER 50 YEARS garden room, 5 bedrooms, sittin.g room, 3 fireplaces, wooden patio deck and garage space {or 4 cars. WITH 3 GROSSE POINTE OFFICES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 416 LAKELAND - An older colonial with the charm and spaciousness that is hard to find in new homes. Four , .•.. t~ .. ' family bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 maids' rooms and bath, library, glassed porch, recreation room, 3-car attached ~ .... " garage, 100 foot lot. . ;. 1537 HAMPTON - MOVE RIGHT IN! Ever popular Cape Cod architecture and available on land contract or mortgage assumption. Den, formal dining room, breakfast room and 2 bedrooms. New kitchen with dishwasher, new furnace with electronic filters, new carpeting, freshly decorated. Realistically priced in the 60's.

BEAUTIFUL GARDENS AND LOVELY LANDSCAPING ARE THE FOCAL POINTS of this white colonial near the lake in the Farms. Family room, recreation room, 4 bedrooms, 31,2baths including a master suite with sitting .room. Land Contract available. $209,000.

CHAMPINE - IN THE FARMS NEAR MONTIETH SCHOOL. Attractive colonial on well landscaped W-foot lot. Three bedrooms, family room, modern kitchen, 1'h baths, recreation room with bar.

FOR THE PERFECTIONIST! Brick ranch in move-in condition. Three bedrooms, separate dining room, fireplace, screened porch, new 2-car garage. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ON A PRIVATE FARMS LANE 61 MOROSS - CLOSE TO THE FARMS PIER. Completely redecorated and remodeled, including a new kitchen. This gracious country French home has been featured on Symphony Christmas Walk and Garden Family room with fireplace and bar overlooking the walled patio, first floor laundry, 2 powder rooms. 2nd floor Center Home Tour. The delightful accommodations include six bedrooms, large kitchen, separate contains 4 bedrooms and family room. Two attractively decorated bedrooms and bath on 3rd. With assumable breakfast room, a charming morning room, family room, four fireplaces and MORE - all mortgage. tastefully done in new decor. Excellept assumable mo~age available at 13,5%! Call today for all details and an appointment to see! il84-06OO, 245 CLOVERLY - A UNIQUE HOME IN A SPECIAL LOCATION - Contemporary tri.level designed to take advantage of its hillside location and beautiful landscaping. Paneled library, garden room, 4 bedrooms, 3% OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 baths. The dining room and 32-foot windows overlook the patio and gardens. Central air conditioning, immediate 20910 BEAUFAIT - Three bedroom ranch - F'amily room, Pointe schools, ASSUMPTION. $61,900. 884-0600. occupapcyand A LARGE ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE! 318 FISHER - Three bedroom, 1'h bath Farm colonial. Country kitchen, den, REDUCED! 884-0600. 1168 GRAYTON - Three bedroom, 1'h bath colonial with family room. Good financing! 881-0300. 8 LAKESIDE COURT - LAND CONTRACT TERMS AVAILABLE. A quiet lane leading to the lake just east of 869 LAKESHORE - Fow:.l;l,llQroom, 3 bath colonial. OUTSTANDING TERMS, central air. 884..(l6()(). Cadieux. A unique floor plan - 2 private suites on the 1st floor and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths and a dressing room on 988 LINCOLN - Cape COd. 2 bedrooms, bath on EACH FLOOR. Best buy around! 881-4200. the 2nd. Paneled library with fireplace, cathedral ceiling in living room, 1st floor'laundry. IMMEDIATE 480 NEFF - Two-family,.English - FOUR bedrooms, 2'h baths each unitl 881-4200. OCCUPANCY. 764 NEFF - FIRST OFFER of 4 bedroom bungalow with lPh% simple ASSUMPTION! $69,900. 884-0600. 1317 ROSLYN - Three bedroom, 11,2bath bungalow with family room. Nicely priced. 881-6300. C.W. Toles 21778 VAN K - Four bedroom, 2'h bath colonial - Library, rec. room, pool, Assumption and/or Land Contract. Sue Adelberg William E. Keane TOLES & $163,000. 884-0600. Betsy B. Buda Ann W. Sales Sally Cae James D. Standish, III ASSOCIATES, INC. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Mary F. Ferher Lois M. Toles REALTORS 885-2000 VERY SPECIAL FIRST OFFERING! A quiet Grosse Pointe Shores setting near the lake and a three year old Early American colonial featuring 4 family bedrooms, 21,2baths plus powder room, large family room with fireplace and beamed ceiling, fully equipped Mutschler kitchen with Jenaire, den or 5th bedroom, 1st floor laundry, central air, sprinklers - it has EVERYTHING! Owner transferred and occupancy in time for school. Assuma- ble 81/4% mortgage. A real beauty! 884-0600. FIRST OFFERING on Roslyn! BUDGET PRICED and excellent land contract terms!! Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath William J. Champion & Company bungalow with natural fireplace and nicely updated kitchen. Hurry! 881-6300. OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 JUST LISTED! A fine 4 bedroom, Ph bath WOODS Semi.ranch handy to Ferry elementary and North High. Includes family room and nicely finished basement. Details at 881..oaoo1 19201RAYMOND 547 WASHINGTON BOURNEMOUTH - EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAlLABLE! Nicely priced air conditioned 3 bedroom colonial 731 HIDDEN LANE 388 MOROSS with family room and lovely updated kitchen. Handy Grosse Pointe Woods location near all schools. Make an appointment to see this one today! 881-6300.

NEAR THE LAKE! Excellent 3 bed;-oom, 2'h bath COWNIAL on larger lot on beautiful tree.lined Park street - a great family home and tratlsfcrred owner offers GREAT VALUE! 884-0000.

TIP-TOP MAINTENANCE makes this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath PARK colonial on lovely wide boulevard an excellent buy! Includes family room, 1st floor laundry, attached garage and large fenced yard. $124,500. 884~.

GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Spacious 4 bedroom, 21,2 bath colonial features family room, 1st floor laundry, attached garage and big fenced yard. You'll like the price - $124,500. 881-4200.

FINEST LAKE VIEW AROUND! Outstanding Georgian CQlonial on sizeable LAKESHORE ROAD site offers de- lightful air conditioned accommodations including 5 bedrooms, 5'h baths, large library with fireplace, big 497 LINCOLN family room with fireplace, super kitchen, maid's quarters and all amenities for gracious living. 881-6300. GREAT PRICE REDUCTION - A must see home this Sunday! Lovely 5 bedroom, 3'h bath colonial with large family room, screened terrace, adjoining dining room, new 2 car garage and finished basement with • FLEXIBLE TERMS and IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY are offered on this larger 3 bedroom, 2 bath RANCH with dark room. $148,000. family room on beautiful boulevard street in Grosse Pointe Woods. 881-6300.

BISHOP ROAD - Three bedroom, 1'h bath English colonial with den - handy to Maire elementary and Village BY APPOINTMENT shops - just right for the young family! ~4,900. 881-6300. "FIRST OFFEI,UNG - EASY ASSUMPTION AVAILABLE on this sparkling 4 bedroom, 2'h bath colonial on quiet cul..

" Lakeland 9141,2 Sun room, library, family room. Assumption ". I.".. ( -'~\'l~ IMPORTANT SERVIC~ Lakeland 4/3'h Family room, garden room. Assumption ______v:...'_'__ FOR TRANSFEREES: Lakeland 3/21,2 Family room, central air. Assumption Mill. ijjif ; ~ Nottingham 3/2 1st floor laundry, terrace. Assumption Roosevelt Place 8!31h Condo with library. Land contract • f ... L T o • s Roosevelt Place 4/21,2 Family room with fireplace, air, Land contract at 101,'2% Rose Terrace 4/21h Library, family room, Assumption REL(!) Three Mile 3/11h "Gingerbread" house in Detroit. All terms Three Mile 3/11,2 Breakfast room, leaded glass. INTl!l.CITV !lILOCATION IUVlcr Assumption University 9/41h Family room with fireplace, slln room, extra lot Assumption Vernier 3il Breezeway. new roof. All terms We are here to serve you 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday thru Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Saturday and Sunday WM.J. ~~ember of the GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOOD$. 'Member of RECOA , Grosse POinte Real Estate Exchange Macomb Board of Realtors 82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881.6300 a nationwide referral network. ChamMionANO COMPAN'f DetrOit Board of Realtors 102Kercheval 884-5700 DETROIT OFFICE - 11500 Morang - 839-4700 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981 P.v. T.n.B ,------_._----_._------_._-'------

1606 LOCHMOOR BLVD. - BEST BUY ON THE PEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 MARKET - Excellent location and meticulous 65 STONEHURST - ONE FLOOR LIVING growtds hlghlight this lovely 4 bedroom, 3 bath NEVER LOOKED BETTER In this prime 0 semi-ranch, With the added advantages of a 30 foot ar~a "Colonial flavored" ranch in Grosse ." family room, a paneled library, and a bright Pomte Shores. Two f~l baths, large famUy m screened terrace, you'll have plenty of space for room with fireplace, generous land contract Z the entire family. terms and a drastic $10,000 price reduction tn ad~ up to an unbeatable investment oppor- C 19295EASTBORNE - PRICE REDUCED ... GREAT Members of the National Association of tunlty! Z FINANCING ... SIMPLE ASSUMPTION ". 3 bedrooms, natural fireplace in living room, a new Realtors (NAR) have access to a variety 921 NORTH OXFORD - Just off Morningside ~ family room, attached 2 car garage and a price of of educational services that constantly attrac~ive, clean 3 bedroom, 21,2bath ali -< $67,900 make this package too good to miss. I ..: update their professionalism. Members of brIck colom~ can be yours at closing. And it ~as al! the nght features to buy it right now, ~ 41 VERNIER ROAD - The Old Vernier' Farm house ~--~~ -- _... the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange including family room, central air and at- has really been updated, 5 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, ideal Grosse Pointe Shores location. are members of NAR. They're real Pro's! II) tach~ 21,2car garage. Now the' great news 0 - N - ~nce chopped to the bone - $141,900, willI ." 2013 KENMORE - Excellent location, 3 bedroom >- a SImple as;sumption $108,000 mortgage at ~ brick bungalow, including a den, paneled recrea- SINE REALTY ce: 10.5% ... lust $33,900 and closing costs ,It tion room and a 2 car garage. Grosse Pointe pri- a moves you in . , . if you hurry! v' GROSSE POINTE WOODS Z C vate park, and an assumable mortgage at 14%. PRESTWICK - Four bedrooms, 21,2 bath brick colo- j 1058~~TTIER (leaving) STATE SALE! Owner Z 1582 BOURNE MOUTH - This popular Cox & Baker nial. Deck off family room, completely carpeted, tn retlrmg to the East and regrets being unable ~ colonial with spacious country kitchen and carpet. attached 2 car garage on large lot. Excellent Buy! Z t~ take this superb 4 bedroom, 21,Jbath colo- ~ W rual with attached garage, spacIous lot, and ed rec. room is really prime for your lnspection GROSSE POINTE FARMS Do great land contract terms. Will sacriflce at a ~ and approval. Very attractive terms avallable. pr!ce so cheap we're embarrased to put It in C1I Fabulous 12%% financing available ... Call today BELANGER - Bell.ut1ful custom built home - Move. o for details. In condition - Two bedrooms down, 1bedroom up pnnt , , , ask us Sunday! with room for 4th bedroom & bath. 1<'amlJy room IOPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-51 DANBURY LANE - A taste of New J!:nglana on tnis overlooking garden - 2lh car garage. most desirable street of charming Cape Cod colo- Showings By Request, Please nials. 3 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, family room with ST. CLAIR SHORES Golf course view, attached greenhouse and spacious natural fireplace, first floor laundry and many WOODBRIDGE - Beautiful "Condo" DORSET other great features. Call today for more details. UNIT - Woodbridge EaSt. Excellent condition, spa! . , , Just a few of the many extras this fine four bedroom, 21,2 bath colonial has to 19 ROSE TERRACE two large bedrooms & 2l,\t baths. PrIvate patio - 2 HOLIDA Y - SURPRISE PACKAGE - PRICE RE- Year Land Contract possible. offer. The beautiful library, attached garage, huge This charming Cape Cod in this special location has a deck and sunny FlorIda room make thls an DUCED - A fabulous new family room. Immacu- rare owner's suite on the flrst floor, together with two late conditlon throughout, 3 bedrooms, 1'" baths DOWNING - Ranch wIth three bedrooms - Remod- unbeatable package at this price and generous addlUonal bedroom. on the second floor, plus an un. land contract t6rms, and a newer kitchen. U&\Ial kltchen.famUy room-offlce arrangement to the eled kitchen, famUy room with fireplace, ree, room uaual dining room and Iivinll room, To Chose who thll with extra bath, 2 car garage, Land Contraot EDMUNDTON DRIVE ~ 4 bedrooms, 2~ baths. cen. terma. IN THE WOODS, NEAR LIGGETT - Spacious three mlaht appeal to, early occupancy can be arranged, bedroom, 1J,i bath contemporary at 8 new low tral air condlUonlllll, oak cabinets In kitchen, and a Sul)dlvl.lon reltrlctiona prevent weekend open Inspec. l)rice of $124,900 , , , call for detAils, simple assumption available, tlons but weekday appolntmentl CRn be Il.rranged, HARPER WOODS LOCHMOOR - Three bedrooms, :I baths - Srlck bun. SPECIAL RANCH '- Three bedroom., 11,i1baths, cen. HILLCREST ~ Thill prime a bCldroom, .'" bath colo- Illow, excellent buy, Groue Pointe School., Land trAl aIr, family room, attached lJllrllle and land nial III well located In one of Detroit'li neighbor. Contract term., contrad terms mllko the _B,900 price look Krelltl hoods, Well priced. Ilt t63,tlOO, DETROIT PERRI EN PLACE ~ Exceptional 4 bedrooms, 2\it LANNOO - Three bedroom, 1'" bath brick colonial. bath colonial. rirst floor laundry, IIpaclOUIlroomll, Den, 2 car aarage. Simple alsumpt!on at 12"'%. custom kitchen, a largo familY. room with wet bar and adjoining patio, recently ctecorated Bnd ready Scully&Hendrie,Inc. Real Estate for possession, SINE REALTY 20169Mack Avenue at Oxford Road MULTILtST SERVICE 881-8310 FARMS OFFICE 884-7000 100 Kercheval On. The-Hili Vou"tbloocl I Reen" '''c. I. STAOnGmdn i. 881-0800 .,ftIOC..... IIK.U ..LTOIS REAL ESTATE MARKETING CONSULTANTS I 20017 MACK AVENUE • OROSSE POINTE W.OODS ! Did You Know . . ,that planting ~eciduous trE::eson the south side of a building is a form of paSSIve solar heatmg and coolmg? Be energy conscious. Plant a tree. .

OWNER TRANSFERRED . . . Assumable mortgage You'll be amazed at the generous proportions in this , ,. OR , , , Land contract terms with $20,000 down. six bedroom house on Merriweather Road. Entering This house features four bedrooms, two full baUls, plus from the uniquely octagon shaped center hall are a a brand new half bath on the first floor. All natural library, family room, garden room, dining room and Ichweltzer ... Be~fnes. wood floors throughout, new heating system in 1980, kitchen. Three full baths on the second floor and a Real E/tote.lnc. I and Gardens updated kitchen and freshly painted both inside and fourth on the third serve the six bedrooms. PRICE I WIllH out. RECENTLY REDUCED. Two names you can trust _ FIRST OFFERING Two bedroom, two full bath condo just a few feet from the shores of Lake st. Clair. Completely equipped kitchen & freshly decorated. Association dues include; heat, central air, pool and club house. . FIRST OFFERING - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Charming three bedroom ranch on 532 ROBERT JOHN, Natural fireplace in living room, and in the completely finished basement. Family room overlooking a brick patio and a beautifully landscaped yard. Two car attached garage. FIRST OFFERING Looking for a good investment? This four unit all brick income may be just what you're looking for. All apts. have ,''''' separate utilities IE storage. There is a four car brick garage, new roof, and -alum. storms and screens, ''''' ..v ~ , . GROSSE POINTE - Spacious three bedroom, 2 bath GROSSE POIN-TE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 brick ranch. This home features a breakfast room, Lovely four bedroom, 21;2bath brick colonial on almost finished recreation room with 1;2bath and fireplace, a half acre, Dining room, family room and basement, 11351Balfour, Detron family room and more! Fl60 Freshly paInted, new carpeting. Central air. Heated Thr~ bedroom colonialln excellent condition and an owner that is anxious to have an offer. Natural fireplace in the 886-5800 three car garage. F186 living room, plus a formal dining room, a spacious kitchen are just a few of the reasons you must stop by on 886-5800 Sunday to vIew this home. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 173 Mt. Vernon One of the fe~ houses in. Grosse ~ointe. Farf!lS for under $100,000 with three bedrooms, new family room, new furnace W1thcentral alT, new drive W1thprivacy fence. And on top of all that ... it has been recently decorated and ready to move right in!! TOWNHOUSE ... on a secluded but convenient Lane in Grosse Pointe. Recently remodeled, this unit features a master bedroom and dressing room suite with two baths and a sitting room on the second floor. The third floor offers an additional suite with bath for guests.

MEADOW LANE ... Houses rarely come on the market on this street and you should take a look at this four GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Land contract terms GROSSE POINTE - Su~r low heati~g costs {or this bedroom, two bath colonial with one of its bedrooms and bath on the first floor. An easy walk to schools and available. Spacious brick ranch that features living three bedroom colonial in the Woods. Excellent land shopping. room with natural fireplace, family room, library and contract terms available! Call for details on terms and outdoor patio. New roof. G633 additional features. G662 MOVE RIGHT IN .. '. to this recently decorated and carpeted contemporary on one of Grosse Pointe's more 88&-4200 886-4200 secluded yet convenient streets. ;'-lso convenient is the first floor bedroom and bath, plus two more bedrooms and bath upstairs country kItchen, paneled library. HARPER WOODS - Land contract terms available. GROSSE POIt\TE PARK - Great terms available for COOL AND BRIGHT describes this new (1979) home with Tudor exterior and contemporary interlor. Lots of Newly renovated two bedroom aluminum ranch. this 4 bedroom brick colonial. This home features leaded glass, formal dining room, den and updated light stre~ms in .thro.ugh th~ windo~s of the atrium and is enhanced by the cathedral ceilings. Kept cool with Updated electrical system, new furnace and hot central aIr condltlomng. TIlls beautlful home features three bedrooms, 2'h baths 3 fireplaces and Mutschler water heater. Attached 21,J car garage. FI58 kitchen. Call for details on assumable mortgage kitchen. ' 886-5800 available. FI38 886-5800 UNU~UALLY LAR:GE HOME ... on very neat and tidy Allard Road. Four bedrooms, two baths, country kitchen GROSSE POINTE PARK - Land contract terms. Im- Wlth ample eating space, plus a formal dining room, The first floor also features a marble fireplace in the living pressive four bedroom Mediterranean colonial. GROSSE POINTE PARK - Lovely family home with room, plus a family room. Featuring 31,2baths, living room with natural fire- three bedrooms, large kitchen. beamed ceiling place, library and recreation room. Call for details family room and recreation room. Call for detail~ on assumable mortgage available. G653 1979 C,ONSTRUCTION . , . but all the charm of the older homes. Large family room with natural fireplace with on additional features available! F224 brick hearth, 30 foot redwood deck, the second floor features a master suite with its own bath and loads of closet R86-5800 886-4200 space, there are three additional bedrooms. ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE. GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Authentic Cape Cod in GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Call for details on terms available. Spacious four bedroom colonial tl~at fea- TERMS ... IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. , . are just two of the many reasons why you would find this custom built perfect condition. Featuring two fireplaces, lib- rary, dressing rooms and more! Excellent land tures two fireplaces, breakfast rl)(l'7l, covered patio Cape Cod with 4 or 5 bedrooms just the right house for yoor family. The first floor features a circular staircase and central air. Call today! G664 charming family room, spacious kitchen, and laundry room. The extras include central air attached garage' contract terms available. G588 and custom landscaping. ' , 886-4200 886-4200

LOOKING FOR VALUE AND SIZE .. , You would not believe what is available on Lakeland for under $179000. OPEN SUNDAY TWO TO FIVE ~I~e huge bedrooms,. three and a half beautiful ceramic baths. The first floor has natural fireplaces in IX;th 1800VERNIER #48, Grosse Pointe Woods 886-4200 1033BISHOP, Grosse Pointe Park 886-5800 hVing room and famIly room, the library has a wet bar, The basempnt is finished. and the 2'h car garage is 20882HAMPTON, Harper Woods , .' 886-4200 19735HUNTINGTON, Harper Woods .. , 886-5800 attached, 1215DEVONSHIRE, Grosse Pointe Park , , ,886-4200 70 N. EDGEWOOD, Grosse Pointe Shores 886-5800 481 HIDDEN LANE, Grosse Pointe Woods 886-4200 633 LINCOLN, Grosse Pointe City, .. , ... , ,., .. 886-5800 CALL ONE OF OUR SALES ASSOCIATES FOR 1259NOITINGHAM, Grosse Pointe Farms 886-5800 INFORMATION ON ADDITIONAL R.G. EDGAR LISTINGS Schweitzer OffIces are open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday inN Frl'iay 1028Berkshire $192,500 1037Kensington $137,000 9 p.m. to 8 p.m. saturday and Sunday 'n Beverly $23fl,OOO 24 McKinley $235,000 85 Clairview $195,000 22940Newberry $79,800 'nO Country Club Ln, $125,000 622 Rivard $1l8,ooe GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE 2147Hampton $55,900 23287N. Rosedale $127,000 886.4200 886-5800 102Handy $147,500 31 Rose Tf'rrace $2!n,000 , ... ,"f,

20461Kenmore I," ". '. $62,900 4310Three Mile $32,000 D[AllOrl Seventeen Offices In Four <:ountles 13037Rosemary $47,500 20720Virginia Ln, $84,900

( I Thursday, July J 6, 1981 ------"------_._------~~-~~-~.~------~~-~~------GROSSE POINTE NEWS Peg' eleven-B

S~ oueerL~.==------~ 20439 MACK AVENUE ~ RERL ESTATE E,~,g'~~~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE "Where Sales and Friends Are .1Iade" OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 886-8710 305 KERBY - Three bedroom bungalow with a lot of charm. Good storage and closet space. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 BY APPOINTMeNT 21940 SHOREPOINTE LANE - Condominium. Two bedroom, 2 bath, finished rec. room, cenlral air, Il1lrglar alarm and stereo systems. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 1ST OFFERING - ANITA - Lovely 4 bedroom bun- galow with screened porch. Finished ree. room with additional bath in basement. EMORY CRT. W. - Charming 3 bedroom (with den or TAPPAN AND 4th bedroom, 2% bath semi.ranch in tranquil set- ling. Jalousie porch.

WELLINGTON PL - Beautiful 4 bedroom New Or- ASSOCIATES 1824 ROSLYN - IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Completely reo leans colonial with additional apartment over gar- Charming with excellent decor. Modern kitchen, 3 decorated 4 bedroom colonial with 2% baths, family age and in basement. 1st floor laundry. Freeform ~~!"~'T!~, firep!~':t!, recre::!!~'J!! !"c~mt 2 ':2.!" g~!'3ge. rOO!Tl, lihr~ry. ~~t flnor l~n,,(lry. ~!'.!mi!mm trim, heated pool. Many fine features. central air, recreation room. SIMPLE ASSUMP. TION. POSSIBLE LAND CONTRACT TERMS. SO. OXFORD RD. - Spacious 4 bedroom Farm colo- nial. Beautifully maintained. Modern kitchen. 1st floor laundry. Paneled family room. ...OPEN.....-_------;- 2145 Vernier G.P.W. 3 Bdrms 1 Bath Land Contract terms, updated kitchen, fireplace. Z 1960 Ridgemont H.W. 2 Bdrms 1 Bath Assume at 12%%, appliances negotiable. OVERLOOKING THE COUNTRY CLUB OF DE- ~ 1319 Nottingham G.P.P. 4 Bdrms 1% Baths Excellent condition, immediate possession. tJ) TROIT. Traditional English Manor home featuring Z 920 Whittier G.P.P. 3 Bdrms 2-2/1 Baths Land Contract terms, unique architecture. c: sunken living room, paneled library, family room, new :J 21111 Kenmore H.W. 3 Bdrms 1 Bath Immaculate move-in-condition, nice sized rooms. z kitchen, slate foyer and much, much more. CALL UJ TAPPAN for complete details. 22924 Canterbury S.C.S. 4 Bdrms 2'h Baths Land Contract terms, blend rate, priced to sell. o 882-0087 Z 23355 Colonial Ct. S.C.S. 4 Bdrms 2!h Baths Land Contract terms, owner anxious to sell. W ~ ADDITIONAL TAPPAN EXCLUSIVES 22200 Colonial ct. S.C.S. 4 Bdrms 2% Baths Land Contract or blend rate, whirlpool plus more. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5:00 0.. ~ ALLARD - Neat 3 bedroom, 1% bath colonial, family oL.- ~~...... ,...,_.",..,..,..,,.,.,,,,....,...=-=-.,,. en 844 Blairmoor - Spacious 5 BR, 2% bath Cape Cod. room, 2 fireplaces, big kitchen, finished basement. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 385 Hillcrest - One and % Story, 4 BR - LAND CON- . TRACT. AUDUBON - Newer 4 bedroom, 3% bath Cape Cod . 1205Balfour - Traditional 3 BR Colonial Family room, country kitchen with built-ins, 859 Lochmoor - Custom 4 BR Ranch LAND CONTRACT TERMS. 39308 Venetian - Waterfront 3 BR Ranch, Harrison Twp . BEAUPRE - Four bedroom, 2% bath French colonial. • Library, covered porch, in good FARMS location, FIRST OFFERING - AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. LAND CONTRACT terms. ANITA - H.W. Blended rate available, Grosse McMILLAN - Land. contract terms or assume at This "larger than it looks four bedroom home, Pointe schools, 2 bedrooms, large lot, family fantastic layout, immaculately kept PLUS AS- BRYS - All brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, fam. 13%%. English, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths. room with fireplace. SUMPTION possibilities at 914% ~ (And there's ily room, finislJed rec. room, new roof, appliances, even two fireplaces!) fireplace. RIDGE RD . .:-. English manor, completely updated. BEAUFAIT - Simple assumption, Grosse Pointe schools, 3 bedrooms,.l bath, rec. room and bath, Pool, 5 bedrooms, 5lh baths, 3 fireplaces. FIRST OFFERING - THIS ADORABLE, NEAT owner anxious. CADIEUX - Affordable 3 bedroom 1% story, den, three bedroom has been tenderly cared for by its Florida room, fireplace, aluminum trim, owner. Located in the near Eastside area and SOMERSET - Land contract or simple assumption, 2 ROSCOMMON - H.W. Land contract with 20% down, appliances. attractively priced in the low 40's. family flat, maintenance free exterior. simple assumption, family room, 2 bedrooms, corner lot. HAWTHORNE - Bargain priced 3 bedroom, 1% bath HAVE MORE FUN this summer in this easy-to-care- colonial, den, family room, screened porch, LAND VERNIER .- Land contract terms, 2 family income, for three bedroom home. Large family room and NEWBERRY - S.C.S. Land contract terms, im- CONTRACT or BLEND. maintenance free exterior, good location. quick access to the Parks. Call now! mediate occupancy, 1% ba!hs, close to lake. JEFFERSON - A Historic Summer Cottage in Grosse FEEL CRAMPED? Then make your appointment to WESTCHESTER - 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, simple as- Pointe. Four bedrooms, 2 baths, natural oak WESTBURY - S.C.S. Spacious ranch off Marter Rd., see this spacious four bedroom, 2% bath sumption, lovely grounds. woodwork, LIC or VA. 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, spacious rooms. custom-built ranch. Two cozy fireplaces for en- tertaining, dining room, large'kitchen and beauti- KERBY - Restored 3 bedroom FarmhoUse, 1.lhbaths, ~.". ful yard make this ~ smart investment. family room, new kitchen, fireplase, assume '\t 9.5% or blend new mortgage. " - " LAND CONTRACT TERMS on our cute four bedroom residence in the Farms make this an irresistable LINCOLN - Recently reduced 3 bedroom bungalow, find in the 70's. Immediate Occupancy, too. 1 ~.. FIRST OFFERIN(i 1 A! baths, Florida room, new roof, appliances, I LAND CONTRACT TERMS. Centrally located in the Farms, well constructed brick 1% story Cape Cod, large living room with fireplace, family LET'S BE PRACTICAL - If you have a large or room, spacious master bedroom, 3 more bedrooms. Call for details. growing family, this 5 BR, 2% bath Cape Cod is for you! Your entire family can enjoy a secluded FIRST OFFERING . yard, pleasing family room and great entertain- Four bedroom colonial. Large kitchen and family room combination, plus den and recreation room. Central air, ment area in the basement. Practically priced large patio off family room and newly landscaped backyard makes this an exceptional value. just for you.

FIRST OFFERING COLONIAL TRADITIONING abounds in our beauti- Deeplands area, a home that opens up for entertaining. Glass doorwalls allow the seasons to unfold in all their ful 3 BR, 2% bath. Beautiful room decor and siz- beauty. This Mast built home features a brick fireplace wall in the family room that stretches the eye to the ing, family room, sun room all in move-in condi- cathedral ceiling. As you would expect, all the rooms are airy and spacious. An added plus is the beautiful first tion. Hurry on this one! floor master bedroom. ESCAPE THE ORDINARY in this 3 BR colonial. LOCATION Great family room, dream kitchen and super lot! 8DS IBA FEATURES PRICE PARK LAND CONTRACT TERMS!! BEACONSFIELD 2-1 ea. Two family, Land Contract. $62,900 DECORATORS DREAM in the Farms. Sensational RIVARD - Elegant English tudor' featuring new HARVARD 4-2% Up-dated kitchen, new screened porch. 159,000 kitchen conversation area, four bedrooms and 3 "Dream kH~hen/garden room" with top of the line LAKEPOINTE 4-1% PRICE REDUCED, Owner transferred. 55,500 baths grace this exceptional home. Call now for appliances, formal living room and dining room, study, WAYBURN 3-1 Newly decorated, Land Contract. 42,900 the exciting details - they're too numerous to 3 full baths with pewabic tile, new garage, driveway mention! and stockade fence. BONUS: Simple Assumption with FARMS 28 years remaining at 10\1!%. LAKESHORE - Gracious estate living - Details upon request 495,000 S.CHEME A LITTLE with this great family home. MOROSS - Early English styled home with 3 bed- McKINLEY PL. 5-2% Family room, modernized kitchen. 235,000 For the modest budget-minded this four or five MT. VERNON 3-1 Remodeled kitchen, Land Contract. 99,500 . bedroom (one could be a family room) with rooms, 2 baths, library, garden room, newer newer carpeting and country-sized kitchen can be kitchen, LAND CONTRACT. CITY ready in time for summer enjoyment. CADIEUX NO'ITINGHAM - All brick 4 bedroom bungalow, 2 full 2-1 Condo, close to Village 79,500 ELMSLEIGH baths, brick patio, 2 car garage, Assumption or 4-2% Family room, Land Contract. 198,000 LAND CONTRACT TERMS are available on this MAUMEE LAND CONTRACT. 3-2% Townhouse, family room w/wet bar 147,500 roomy, custom-built, all brick ranch. Two bed- NOTRE DAME 3-1 Family room, remodeled kitchen & bath. 75,500 rooms, over-sized lot and country kitchen are just RIVARD a few of the design's specials. OXFORD - Roomy 4 bedroom, 2% bath colonial. den, 5-4% Family room, rec. room w/fireplace. 174,500 ROOSEVELT enclosed terrace, appliances, assume at 7\-2% or 6-3% Condo, library, Land Contract. 119,000 ST. PAUL l Land Contract. 4-3 h Condo, Simple Assumption. 129,000 BOATERS BEWARE - Don't say we didn't warn you! This immaculate 3 BR ranch will tempt you WOODS daily to enjoy your favorite pastime. Just think. PRESTWICK - Neat as a Pin I Three bedrooms, 1 LANCASTER 3-2 no more 20 minute drives to your rented slip!!! bath + lav in basement, fireplace, newer roof, Screened porch, recreation room. 69,500 drive and patio. LOCHMOOR 5-2+(2n~'s Family room, garden room, CAC 255,000 PEAR TREE 4-21A! Family room, sprinkler system. THIS INDIAN VILLAGE SPLENDOR is probably the 149,900 dream of every connoisseur of "the good old RIVER ROAD - Brick "Family" ranch, 3 bedrooms, ROSLYN 3.1 Family room, Land Contract. 79,500 days". Old World styling amidst substantial quali- 21'2 baths, family room, appliances, covered patio, central air, LIC. SHORES • ity decorated with impeccable taste. Private view. LAKESHORE 7-5 Library, garden room, pool. ings for those genuinely interested in top quali- 550,000 ty!! ! RENUAD - Su~rb localion for a 3 bedroom ranch, 2 L~KESHORE - Deluxe English Tudor on Lake St. Clair - Details upon request. baths, family room, library, assume at 81. Board Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 4R236 31~-R84-6200

-~-~~------_._------_._------_. * * Feature Page * * ------~------* * --- ~ --->- ---_. ------• ------_.~- ..••-~------._-_._--- --~ * * flJ-1Jtnte !I Pointers of Interest -11__ E_l_e~_a_n_t E_a_ti_n_g '_ Asd~t~ofreci~~mtbfurlh~miq .ntsi,I'------~ low.calorie, low-cholesterol - and penny.wise - Counter P01 cookbook by Thyra Grey Howard and HeJ.ena By Pat Rousseau DeWitt Roth featuring, this week. the second of Now's The Time. , . to fill in your summer two columns on a summer menu built around a wardrobe during the SUMMER CLEARANCE delicious JELLIED BEEF MOLD, SALE at Walton-Pierce. Included are day and eve- Last week, we gave you the ning dresses, sport separates even bea~hwea~ which recipe for ~he main course 1/2 tsp, dried tarragon, is going fast , , , lots more too! Whue takll1g ad- Beef Mold and a list of sug. double if fresh vantage of the many bargains, take a look at the gested accompaniments, This Cut tomatoes in half, and beautiful new fall fashions, There are many out- week, we focus on the accom. arrange in shallow baklng k t' J S'I e "'" paniments: Sauteed Spinach dish so that there isn't too stan d ing ensem bl es. T ne k noc ou IS erry I v r- and Vegetables, Tarragon much space In between, Mix man's heather brown mohair blend coat that's Tomatoes and Cherry Pud- remainIng ingredients In collared and faced with tawny brown ultra suede. ding Enjoy! small bowl, and sprinkle over The belt is mohair one side , . . ultra suede the SAUTEED SPINACH AND tomato halves. Bake In pre. other, The coat tops a brown blouse with a ruffled VEGETABLES heated 3? oven for collar and an ultrasuede skirt. Have you heard 2' Tbsp. margarine, un. about 30 minutes. Makes 8 cerise mentioned in a long time? Well this bright salted servings. cherry red is in for fall found in Vera Maxwell's ;4 lu. lIlu"iuuulJ',", :;lil:cu Calories per servinj( about Hew ui~!a:;u~uc (;Ua~-ul"c:;:;:;~yit:U wi~;1 lWU pa~ch I 1 bag (10 uz,) spinach, 30, Cholesterol 0, pockets and closed with gray pearl buttons crossed 'I' washed and dried • • • with gold. Cercise is also used for Koklar's two cup thinly sliced cel- CHERRY PUDDING piece pattern on pattern two piece tunic dress for ery A long time family favor. after five, It comse in half sizes. For those who 1;4 cup sliced scallions ~le . ' , and 011,how delicious wear half sizes there's a good selection right now ~/8 tsp, salt it is! at Walton-Pierce, Kohlar fashioned 100% wool Dash pepper 2 Tbsp, margarine, un- crepe into an elegant simple navy suit. The jacket Melt margarine In a large, salted with its slight mandarin collar is gently fitted and deep fry pan. Add mush. 1% cup sugar button onece, The wrap skirt is interesting as it Photo by Tom Greenwood rooms. Cook over medium 1 cup sifted unbleached buttons down one side and has on over-panel effect. GROSSE POINTE NORTH HIGH SCHOOL RETIRING 'IEACHERS (LEFT TO RIGHT) DOROTHY heat until tender, about 5 flour Kohlar's polyster-wool blend -knit dress comes in J, NEWHOUSE, EDMUND W. HOWARD AND SHIRLEY J. LEWIS minutes, Add remaining in. 1 tsp, baking powder soft flattering mauve. First Lady is another line gredients. Cook covered, stir. 1/16 tsp. salt of half size fashions and among the new arrivals By Janet Mueller ring occasionally, until spin- % cup skim milk l'S a ll'lac chl'ffon crepe dress wl'th a sl'de draped Th f G P , t N th H' h S h 1 't th ach is tender, about 5 min. 1 e French, Science and Math Departments 0 rosse om e or Ig C 00 won seem e utes. Makes 4 servings. 1 /2 cups cooked or can. panel caught at the shoulder with a bow. Very same next year, for a veteran member in each of them won't be bac!., It's retirement time for Calories per serving about ned cherries pretty for parties all year round. Preview fall right Dorothy Ne\vhouse, Edmund Howard and Shirley Lewis, One is going to Australia-but only for a 82, % cup cherry juice now at Walton-Pierce and save on summer fashions visit; she wouldn't dream of leaving Kerby Road permanently, One is going back to Traverse City. Cholesterol O. Creazn together Inargarine all with one stop at 16828 Kercheval with free One is staying right here, in Harper Woods, All are brimming with plans, projects and possibilities * * * and 1 cup sugar. Sift togeth. er flour, baking powder and parking in back. for the future, They've been busy people all their lives; retired, they'll be equally busy, but with TARRAGON TOMATOES salt; add alternately with • * * a difference: from now on, they're setting their own schedules. For Dorothy Newhouse, late of North Tomatoes at their very milk to creamed mixture. Check .. , the bargain table at the Notre Dame High's French Department, the schedule will still include time in the classroom, both behind and in best! What a delicious note Pour into oiled baking dish. Pharmacy. You'll save ~ to ~ off a selection of front of the teacher's desk. "I'll continue teaching Beginning Calligraphy in the Continuing Education of ,color to a dinner plate- Combine cherries with re. famous name cosmetics including lipstick, eye Program, and 1- want to take a more advanced class or classes. in Calligraphy at the Center for Crea- without straining calorie limo malning sugar and Juice: shadow, nail po 1is h , perfume and soap. tive Studies, And I want to study Anthropology with Dr, Moss at Wayne State," its! heat. Pour mixture over bat- * • • That's after she comes ------5 tomatoes, cut in half ter. Bake In moderate oven July. , . is the month of the ruby and at Tony Cueter's 'back from Down Under. Dor. Dorothy, They both traveled! sity of Michigan Speech Camp ent, beautiful suburb, but the Va cup grated skim-milk 35'0 degrees 35' to 40 minutes. Bijouterie you may view a wonderful selection of rings and othy and her husband, S, with spring vacation student! i i~ Northport and tennis reality, particularly Lake. Mozzarella cheese Serve wIth whipped topping, If desired. Makes 6 servings. pendants, Also loose rubles are ready to be mounted at I Sid.ney Ne~vh(}use, who also teacher groups. to Spai.", Ger. i ~oach .at Traverse City Sen. shor~, e~ceeded what they % tsp, salt your request. Bijouterie, 20445 Mack Avenue is open 10 I retired th~s year (he ~vas man~' and ~Iexlco. Their ,most: 10: I:Ilgh and ~orth~estern' had lmagmed, Va cup bread crumbs Calories about 297 per a.m, to 5:30 p.m Tuesday thru Saturday Closed MOnday.) research director for United recent Jaunt was a tflP to' :\I1chlgan College. He s also "There used to be a big 1/16 tsp. pepper serving. Cholesterol-trace. Visa and Master Charge for your convenience .•. 886.2050. Community SerVjce~3) ~eave I S,witzerland .wi~h a Univer: I coached high school footbal~, gas _station on the corner * '" • Oct. 31 for a month s tnp to _slty of :\I1chlgan alumm I basketball and track at Vl'orl"near where the bank is now - S d ' I Australia and New Zealand, ' group; Sidney, an Ohio State ous times, and co.founded on East Jefferson Avenue," Synlphony under the Stars ~y lointe Cable for later Hurry to 26717 Ltttle Mack, St. Clatr 1l11-.oPJt get WIstful? . . ml~s the French, Club; . Scien~e F?undation gra":ts, teaching high school in Mar. a : an p,m, rl ay, shOwing, Shores, Closed Mondays, Open Thurs-.I ~he was born .to Phlladel. ~ut 1 WON T m~ss. cor; The first, In 1964, took him quette for a few years, She'd ~~ir~~'~~i:I~t ~~ f~~~~~~ Dinner and the c~ncert are day and Friday nights until 9 . , . 776- . phla, graduat~d from Ger- rectlOg pape,rs, at. m~,dnlgh~. I to Sacramento State lo study originally chosen the north and members (both men and $15. Concert only tIckets are 6230 m:mtcwn Friend, Schelol - ~r the dISCipline. Sh,e s ,Cell Biology. The second, in for a very practical reason. women) of the Grosse Poinie $5. Reservations may ,be made ' >1<. * there, earned her Bachelors I lookmg forward. to catch~ng I 1965, took him back to Cali. "I had hay fever, and I . . degree at Wheaton College, 't up on he~ reading, to, do~ng I fomia, to Cal State in San couldn't see myself starting S~mphony Women's Associa. by calling 822.7141, 882-9848, ~y l com:! to grant, in 1971, took him once ve~y gla,?, she came to The tion and settlement, fur trad. programs entitled Life on than ~ oods OptIcal StudlOS. ~ll the per~onnel are: vania Academy of Fine Arts Grosse, Pointe in 1967, he again to California, for ~l:o.I.Pomte. I ve had wond.erful'l ing, fishing, shipping, the the Great Lakes that include exceptlOn~lly knowledgeable m both optics as weill in Philadelphia, then in Co. kept hiS ~ome, there, He's lecular Biology at the Uni-I c~~~ac~ t~r~ug~ t~~ y~a~:, lighthouse system and water ~essons in knot tying and as cosmeSlS. Stop by 19599 Mack Avenue between: lumbus, O. been rentmg It all these versity of California.Berkeley.1 WId t~ e s u ~n i' "e sa, oriented recreation-a major singing songs (chanties) of 7 and 8 Mile Roads ... 882-9711. Then Came The Family years, and, now he and He'd been teaching 28 anTwO ecfr~~~ ~oion~~ School II element in making tourism the Great Lakes, Demonstra. * • • Then came Sidne~', and Esther, the ~Ig~ school sweet. years, six in Holt and 22 in Board members Cathe Brier. one of the slate's top indus_ tions of ship rigging will be A Trip To The Lake, .. can be extra ~ then ca~e Nancy, mar.ried to heart .he married (alth~ug? Traverse City, b~fore he Iy and 19aO~l' Board t~ies-are all elements of the featured on the afternoon Of special with a castle bucket and shovel, Tom Tnmmer, The Tnmmers post-hIgh school, th,ey dldn I came to Grosse Pomte. Why den,t Jon Gandelot arG dl£play, Saturday Aug, 8 Earlier in Just fill with stand and turn over a won. U live in ~irmingham and have see each ,other for SIXyears), desert ~ichigan~s magnificent, among :\liss Lewis' forme; I Arlifacts include the lamp I the sum~er, on Wednesday; l . two c~lldren, Tommy, to, ar~, headm~ bac~ north. . ~Jr:h? I wa~ In ;) rut. and! students. f~om the Copper Harbor July 15, there was a craft derful sea castle .. , The School Bell, 17904 :and :\-hchelle, 8. Then came , The ""!al~ th~ng about r~ 10 Traverse City we took our I She holds a Master of Arls lighthouse, Great Lakes navi. demomtration- exhibit and ng Mack Avenue. i Philip, \~'ho' is in the, proc~ss t~rement I: .e.epd busy. ~n, wages in scener~'," And a i degree from Wayne State ga~ion in,truments, ship logs, I a mllSical pr~gram on the * • • lof moving with hiS WIfe, I,m not '\Olne , about t a,t. fellow Tra.verse CIty teacher,: University has studied at Co- fish:Ilg equipment, shipping State Capitol lawn, Save . , . 30% to 50% off all sprlnj( antI summer: Cind~', and their two children, I II have plenty to do. I II . Russ Luttmen. had come to lumbia ~iichi an State and

fashions durinj( the Semi.Annual Sale at The Pointe Fash. ! Juliana, 2~2. and nine.month probab~y. spend tV,h'oor three The Pointe the ycar before, I the U~i;ersityg of Wisconsin ions 15112 Kercheval 822.2818 i old Andrew to A\'on Town. years flxlllg up t e house - and liked it , :. ". '. ! ship Then ~ame David who a home that's been rented' So the 'Howards headed and has made many, ~any I. " '- that long needs fixing up - ' th b t th k t th' travel/study ex cur s Ions. During The Lamp Sale ... at Wright's Gift I ~lVes WIth l~ls WIfe, KathYI d .' 1: b sou , u . ey ep elf She's .been to South America, I In East Lansln" an ne ve a ways cen a Traverse CIty home They I SPECIALS and Lamp Shop, You can save 20% and more on The Newho~~es came to traveling family. \Ve've been knew thev'd be goin'g back, She's been around the world all lamps at 18650 Mack Avenue, Bring in -any lamp' Grosse Pointe in 1960, and in in every state in ~he Uni~n one day. . I Dow~ Unde~ AND. U~ Top that aeeds repair, It probably can be done while' January. 1961, Dorothy went and every pro v I n c e m I North or South? ! (tha~ s feloV. and aDo,e the I I1------1ASSORTED HOUSE PLANTS I you wait and there's convenient FREE PARKING back to school, to Wayne Canada, . I On his first day at Pierce,: eq~~eO~t~rted out in Grosse: next to the building. State University, She reo They'I! Be ~ravclmg On : Ed was handed a note; "Do, Pointe teaching jfath and, 12~1I POT . 60~I * • * ceived her C,ertificate to ",We'll continue to travel., you want to, teach at North, Dramatics her ('ol1~ge minor i IREG.79' NOW I S' M'l 11 h . 'teach French In December, We d llke to return to Eng. ,or South High next year?"', , ' h " ' i !Cux arCl", te s us t e Grand Openmg 1962 Sh hIt' d' d t land and renew the friend., S' " th H d ' h : 10 the :\!Jddle Sc ools, P~e:ce I UMIr 5 1 of Net 1 On f M' h' 'll b J 1 22 Th' . c as a so s U Ie a , I In~e e owar s orne was I and Parcells She's retiring 9 e U bea t c lYX?-'I!C tt antW1t684 1 K y h' . llspn eu: I Oakland Unh',crsity and, in ships we made there when we only a block away from: as a )'Iath t~acher at ~orth u y sa on IS oca ea.d erc, e1.:a acel I 1956, ..: an el;;h\-we2~( ,urn. v:_ltcd our .''In, Alan, w~o North. there ',vas no contest, 'Hi h next to the back entrance of Walcon-Plerce. Salva- mer ::>iatlonal Defense Educa. was an cxchange teacher In After one Pomte year as a ~h' , b f D It L---_~~:~~~~~~~~~J tor~ l(entimiglia is the hair stylist and there is a tlO~ Act Institutc during I[)75.76," :\1iddle Sc~ool Physical Sci. Kapp~ sGa~l~ae,~n~r s~e's s~a~~i faclaltst and makeup artist along with two nail which only F r c n c h was .\Ian, ~ graduate ~f Ccn., ence and Bl(}!ogy teacher, Ed ing on in the are3. in Harper j technicians who specialize in nail wrapping m ni- sp~ken, .. tr~l :\Jlchlgan Ul1lverslty like moved on to North, to teach, Woods. ' , t-ALi-JACKSON -i-PERKlNsl . d" 1 d' ,a She suh,t1tuted in a num. hIS brother, Stephen, and BIOlogy, '" cUTlng, pe lCUTlnq, scu pture nO.lls and artwork her of Detmi\ schools hefore sister, Connic, the only oni" He became involved with I • As 1 teU my ~'ludents, I, o nalls, Call 884-2770 for an appomtment. hccoming an official member of the trio who attended Grosse Pointe Woods Pres. Will ~oncent~ate o~ .~e GO?d I ROSE BUSHES ! - - Adverti.sing - lof the Grosse Pointe Public' North High (she is the young. byterian Church where he I to :\hss LeWIS actIVIties. 1m Schools teaching staff in De. est, and was a member of' lVas chairman of'the Deacons: startmg to look at travel cembcr, 1963, It was not, the Pointe Chorale), is home and an Elder for seven years.j b.roc h u res off.s~ason I ! NOW 1/2 PRICE ! however, her first contact now, and there are eigM: Esther became a lady of lei. I times. ),1aybe, III be In a I Short and to The Pointe with the Grosse Pointe Sys- Howard grandchildren. Every. sure, She had taught piano' cl~ssr~l; a1althb~t ~n ~he, I MANY VARIETIES TO I tcm: she'd taught summer bod.y lh'es i~ :\1ichigan, for 17 years: w,hen she mov~d I 0: ~r ~I.,e 0 e es., a, a (Continued from Page IB) grandparent:; are :\fR. and school at Brownell the sum- Ed's r.!lchlgan.born, a na, to Grosse Pomte, she said,' s u e~ '. . I LI CHOOSE FROM ~I I LT. COM:\fANDER and I M~S GAR: BAR~ES. of mer before Sht' taught at til'c of Lake Linden, and "That's it: I'm nevcr going b ,She 11 co~tmue to cnlo~ Hrnwn,'ll. cu;ntua!ly ;Jlti'r' went to school in Hastings, to give another piano lesson," rldgc, ~,, c?nc:rls a~ : MR$, R')BERT MOELLER, De,ra:t. KaLe wa, ~hrlSten')('d g M Ch3r!~':~T] S (' an. a,l Chrl't Church on .TunE'~7 ~'li i'1:: d"y' wi I h Pi,' rcr, Il /11 iI H;>th his parf'n I~ wc're teach. She's kf'pl her word. bdlkm . ~ \f\111Im~ss ,he ~ ~; . "II' '~I\''o,''i "n (r,,"!! \lid ':-, 111- [-;I'll'r, ill Lt('I, \\:\> .\fter six decade~ OJ(' ents an" acu I~ cont,1C s. : nounc:' Ih:, bir:h '(Jf' their \',22rinJ:( a 7:J-y~:,r 1:ld ('hri~ I"" .------. flr,t child, a daught::r, KA. t::n:ng rove from l'_ngland, dr" ..;( 11')',]' I,) \'"rti: liil'h_ J ,chon! '1IlH'riTlkll1RYJ_ the Alliance f'rancaise de sworE' I'd never go lnlo ad. his profession are mixed. up III d te ar J~h e4~10 i~.1 Jer i3 the former MARY GREWE former Poin~crs Grossc Pointe. thc American mini,tration. You havc 10 "I'll miss the students," he l anf ~ mo~~, an m : S ELI Z A BET H REJENT, who nJ~- re.ide in St. Clair As,<,oci~lion of Teachers of sat isfy everybody, from t he says, "but I'm not as sad as: u es or unc , I Now I.99 I daugh'cr of MR. and 'fRS. Shores, eelebratej their 60:h WITH COUPON TIL 7.20.8J French and the \\torkshop of nlaintf:n~ncc men to the some people think." There ~ I rr t IA-;'-E-KIY BRIDE I I C, S, RE.JE:\'T of Stanton we1ding aniver;3ry \\'Jth d the AATF. tcachlng staff to thc "ludellts are compE'nsalions. This fall, ' "." . 'b {~ L1ne. Pa:ernal 'grandparent, family dinner on Jun? 28_ Thc trip to Australia is in to the parents, and that's Ed WIll be somewhere he's of Anita Avenue, ede ra ~------~ ar:! :\IR anj MRS. THO:\fAS The Grewcs have a daugh~€r. the natllrc of a sc-ntimental just about impos~lhl('_" In always wanted to be: in ~ew her .9Oth birthday With a rE'- "WELLER, of Bayville, :'>1,J, a ':"In, 10 grandchildren and journey for Slrincy. who. was the classroom, tE'aching SCI' England ~urjng thc fall color ('('pilOn at the Gros.'(' po~nt: Now open daily 'til 8 p.m. hur gr2::.grandchildren • • • .-tation(':i IhE're In \\orld pnce, was the plar'£' fr,r him, spason, With Esther, ~unt, Club on ,rune 2~_ ,fr", • • • War II ann ha, always \lant- and h("s IH'en happy thcre, Whcn Shirley J. Lewis dc- Kllbwl{' was bor~ In f rench- ~IR ann :\fRS, JERRY I;,' ucc reCIpient, al :\lichi. eel to f!(I hack, hut thl' \ie\\'. Sports ann naturc w£'re hi~ cidcd to come to Gross{' tf)wn Tow n s hIp, 'fonro,e BAR~ES. of Calvin Avenue, Ball TechnOlogical Unl\Tr,ity housps h,1\'e mana~eel 10 flLlt 10\"('.', "nel he\ hC'en Pointe to teach, her parcnts C'lunly. Hrr grandfalher" Allemon Florist ann:lUnc~ thc birth of their 5 p I' In g commencemcnt on 'l a I()t. illh('~l, ,ays !lor- trur In them At E:"tern dC'cidecl to make a fami],' ex. hOll,"", loc3tcd near Trlc- fir"l rhlJ~, a daugh:er, KA. :'Iia)' 23 includcd WfLLlA:\! crthv. "111 Ilttlc hits ;lnr1 \!ichlgan l-nil'cr,lty, I',herr cur Inn nf it and drive' hrr rraph ann Stonc~' CN'ek TIE ELIZABETH BAR:'>1ES, E, BRCSH. of Th(' City, pip~es hr earned hi,> HachelM' dc. (!:lW:l to hr-r nt'w ('()mmunity, H,oan.has heen d(',ignatrd "~n on E. Warren on :\la~- 10, :\fr5, Barne, is Bach<>lor rlf Sr'('ncE' in BU'i. Europran Sojourns gll'I'. hp wa, ~llmh(oJ" 011(' l!C'r fil\hC'r hild " ga, ,lalian hF,tr)[JC landmark. ~rs, Kli. the form~r JA~~~ :\1cCAR- ness Admlni~\ration, ano \)/1. nor () I h \ :1',1,'(('(1 Ihrl"" ('nlll' 1,1a:,('r ;Inel cn.e"pt:Jin \n Preston, :\linn, wherc brln(' ral<('el a family of 10 TU 4.6120 THY, cbughtpr Ilf \1R, and VJ]) F FEHYl"S, of Tile ("nr"'. ill 't;,k.'l/! ,(u,1I-ril (If thl' TC'nni, 1'r';o)) Shirley grew up, 1 h,'y'd illl rhilrlr('n in Thr Poin',e. Sht' 17931 East Warren Open Sundays :\IRS. THn:\IA~ \fcCARTJlY. Woods. Bachr10r of Sc.f'nr'(' ~"'llP' to FrallrC' O\er ,.JlIII1;( I'" lIa, I!';)nl" IIhlru('tnl' heard ,A (;ws ..e Pointe; they h1, 49 grandchildren and 24 of lbrpcr Woou." Paternal in .omputcr Sciencc. \dcatJ()J1' Sidlley a....i..lcd [1)1' [rHII' ~ 'Jr, aL I he Llnlv:'r- were preparcd for an afflu. gr('at-grandchildrcn. , ....., '- , \



(2) SUMME R 198 I ..

Save now, on everything you need to add lasting beauty and comlort to your living room! Enjoy big savings on Ethan Allen sofas, chairs, sleepers and reclin- ers covered to order in your choice of over 800 exquisite fabrics. You can almost see and feel the loving care and craftsmanship fhat go into each piece- flawlessly matched patterns. precision t~iloring. cushion and spring construc- lIon carefully mated for luxurious comfort.

Top, shown from left to right: Sale Chippendale Wing Chair, 20-7403 Reg. (as shown) 81150 $721.50 Reg. (from) 489.50 399.50 Square CornmocIe End Table, 16-8008 R~. 409.50 339.50 Roll Ann SOfa, 87': 20-7233 Reg. (as shown) 1209.50 1039.50 Reg. (from) 879.50 . 709.50 Heugonal COCktail Table, 16-8011 Reg. 489.50 . . 399.50 Rent TIIbIe, 16-8007 Reg. 379.50 319.50 eMIr, 20-7231 . Reg. (as shown) 640.50 .. , , 560.50 Reg. (from) 479.50 399.50 CHf~n,20-7230 Reg. (as shown) 199.50 169.50 Reg. (from) 129.50 ., ,99.50 ~~9E5aet~~~~~.1.~.~2 199.50 Antique Kuak Rug (IVory), 04-111 B 4'5" x 6'7" Reg. 479.00 419.95 5'7" x 8'2" Reg. 789.00 679.95 7'5" x 9'10" Reg. 1099.00 , 969.95 2'7"x 9'10" Reg. 439,00 .. , .. 389.95

Whatever your taste ... casual or formal. classic or transitional, Ethan Allen has styles and sizes to fit every room-every budget! And best of all. our Interior De- signers are ready to give you all the help you want. including a visit to your home, so you're sure the styles you choose are just right for you. Front cover from left to right: Sale Slope Arm Lounge ChaIr, 20-7221 Reg. (as shown) 570.50 . , $490.50 Reg. (trom) 409.50 _ 329.50 Oval brop Lu' End Table, 17-8017 ~99~~j System; Inciudes' 339.50 ~2} 17-9210, (1) 17-9200, (1) 17-9203 ego 1818.00 1499.50 t Door Be .. Iffllt, 17.9200 Reg 369.50 319.50 Cia .. Door Top, 17-9203 ~~Pt=uriit;.1.7_9.2.10 449.50 Reg. 459.50 , 389.50 . ~ Ann Sofa, 86", 20-7223 : '. Reg. (as shown) 1293.50 , 1133.50 . Reg. (from) 82950 .. _.... _ 669.50 . ~ular End Table, 17-8013 Reg 364.50...... 299.50 ~re Cocktail Table, 17-8011 Reg 45950 _ 389.50 Queen Anne Wing Chair, 20-7517 Reg. (as shown) 604.50 .. .. . 534.50 Reg. (from) 369.50...... 299.50 Chalrslde Chest, 17.8019 Reg. 484.50 , 399.50 :~~~~r~~.~)~18.95 ".tnslaJlalJoo not incIu

EthanAllen --' ~ ~

2 .~.~.:;;,:i,/J&;:;%S;;!!f~


.., : j-


Se'e~tyour favorite colors, patterns and Butler's Tray Table, 11-8009 textures from a spectacular array of Reg, 309,50 ,., "",,""'" 259.50 over 800 exquisite, durable, pre-tested Drop Leaf Pembroke Table, 11-8164 fabrics and colors, You're assured Reg, 359,50 """",,,""" 299.50 years of enjoyment with famous Ethan cane Back Chair, 13-7120 Allen quality. superior construction that Reg (as shown) 473,50 . , . ' .. ,413.50 blends the design and craftsmanship Reg, (from) 37950 ,., "." 319.50 of the past with modern skill and Writing Table, 11-3017 technology, Reg, 169,50 ,,'" ' ' 139.50 &lown from left to right: sale Entertainment center Base and Top Tufted Back Chair. 20-7083 Unit., 14-9134/9135 Reg, 1849,00 ., "., ... ,,' Reg, (as shown) 567.50 ' ., ,$487.50 ,1549.50 Entertainment center TV Base Unit, Reg, (from) 42950, , , , " .,," 349.50 eom~LampT.ble, 11-8165 14-9134 Reg, 819.50 , .... ,.699.50 Aubusson Oriental Rug, 04-4303 ~~I' ~~' sota; 81"; 20~?11~550 4'xG'Reg 87500 , .. ' ." .. ,.719.95 Reg, (as shown) 1360,50 , , , , , 1200.50 6'x9' Reg 187500 ...... 1549.95 8'3"x11 '6" Reg, 339500 ." ,2699.95 Reg, (from) 879,50 """,.",719.50

3 lIlanufacturer's suggested resale prices, optional wit1l retailers When it comes to that warm, relaxed, "make yourself at home" look, nobody does it like Ethan Allen. Atleft. a luxurious chair and ottoman for the man in the house complements a comly tufted-back sofa with handsome Antiqued Pine trim. The cogwheel table and sugar bin, at left of sofa, add a touch of true Americana. Shown from left to right: Safe Drop Leaf Lamp Table, 12-8203 Reg. 309.50 $259.50 SwIvel Rocker, 20-7511 Reg. (as shown) 429.50 359.50 Reg. (from) 349.50 279.50 Sugar BIn End Table, 12-9003 ; . Reg. 254.50 219.50 Three Cushion Sofa, 83",20-7634 Reg. (as shown) 1014.50 864.50 Reg. (from) 739.50 589.50 Revolving Cogwheel Table, 12-8058 Reg. 369.50 319.50 Rlg"t FlIClng Bookshelf End Table, 12-8207 Reg. 309.50 259.50 Loun~ Chair, 20-7236 ;::'- .. Reg. as shown) 999.50 649.50 '. Reg. from) 509.50 419.50 Matching Ottoman, 20-7237 Reg. ~as shown) 379.50 319.50 Reg. from} 149.50 119.50 Carol na Lily Accent Rug. 04-2036 3'10"x5'6" Reg. 18995 159.95 5'BHxB'6" Reg. 329.95 , . , 289.95 8'3Hx11 '6" Reg. 479.95 399.95

AI left, a hardy family-proof sofa and loveseat in mellow Antiqued Pine sport handsome plaids. Wall units add archi- tectural interest. put walls to work. Shown from left to right: sale Two Cushion Lov .... t, 52",12-7622 Reg.las shown) 527.50 $447.50 Reg. from) 439.50 359.50 Revo vlng Drum Table, 12-8036 Reg. 19450 ,., 159.50 3-Plece Wall System (3) 12-9016 Reg. 101850 , .. 849.50 Open Bookstack, 12-9016 Reg. 339.50 ,...... 289.50 w Three Cushion Sofa, 74 , 12-7623 Reg. (as shown) 70950 . .. 599.50 Reg. (from) 569.50 . .... 459.50 RuCiderDrop Leaf Table, 12-8006 Reg. 214.50 '. .. .. 179.50 G0$81pBench,14-9022 Reg. 194 50...... 164.50 Trestle Cocktail Table, 12-8000 Reg. 194.50 , 159.50 High Back Rocker, 12-7630 Reg. ~s shown) 424.50 , . .. .. 369.50 Reg. from} 334.50 279.50 Doug Box Magazine End Table, 12-8026 Reg 214.50 179.50 Club Chair, 12-7621 Reg. ~s shown) 253.50. . 203.50 fleg. from) 239.50 . .. . 189.50 Tray oman, 12-7628 Reg. (as shown) 122.50 . .97.50 Reg. (from) 114.50 ...... 89.50 Brslded Rug,04-5098-D 5'6'xB'6"Reg.119.95 ..... , ... 104.95 Available in a variety of sizes & colors,

4 Manufacturer's suggested resale prices, optional with retailers Shown lell. a classic wing sofa (also available as a sleeper) with a gay infor- mal flower print to brighten a room that could grace a tra("lional New England country home, A big extra is the Custom Room Plan wall system adding space for study, storage and display. Shown from left to right: Sale High Back Wing Chair, 10-7426 Reg. (as shown) 449,50 , $389.50 Reg, (from) 32950 .. ' , .. , .269.50 " Ottoman, 10-7428 Reg, {as shown} 167.50 .. , .... 147.50 Reg. (from) 119.50 ., .... "., .. ,99.50 ~Plece Wall System, includes (1) 14-4511P, (1) 14-4550P, (1) 14-4S10P, (2) 14-4019 Reg 1407.50 .... ,...... 1199.50 Shutter Door Cabinet Sase, 30", 14-4511P Reg. 309.50 ,.264.50 Upper Bookcase, 30",14-4019 Reg. 204.50. . .. , ".,. 119.50 Four Drawer Student's Desk, 40", 14-4550P Reg. 379.S0 ,. 324.50 Three Drawer Chest, 30", 14-4510P Reg, 309.50 264.50 Base units have Forrmca& Decorative Laminate tops ~:~a~g,r,~IOLa~P.T~b~e,10:8~~ 74.50 ,'. Three Cushion Sofa, 81", 20-7023 Reg. (as shown) 844.50 714.50 Reg. (from) 619.50 489.50 Butterfly Drop Leaf End Table, 10-8014 Reg. 224.50 189.50 Oval Drop Leaf Cocktail Table, 10-8018 Reg. 224.50 ... , .. , ... 189.50 Club Chair, 20-7021 Reg. (as shown) 401.50 331.50 Reg. (from) 309 50 ... , . , .. , 239.50 ~:~el~l5~d.Table,.10:8017. .189.50 Braided Rug, 04-5093 S'6"x8'6"Reg.119.95 '. 104.95 Available in a variety of sizes & colors,

Shown right, sunny' Nutmeg finish on handsomely detailed accent tables complement a classic comfortable Law- son sofa and chair in a bright and cheerful garden-living room. Shown from left to right: Sale High Ladderbaek ChaIr, 20-7703 Reg. (as Shown) 544,50 , ..... $464.50 Reg. (from) 429.50. _ .. ' .. 349.50 Square lamp Table, 10-B035 ~~~a~:'I~~10-9044 ' . 174.50 Reg. 289.50. , . ' , . , .. , . 249.50 Three Cushion Sofa, 84", 20.7194 Reg. (as shown) 1159.50 . , , . , , 999.50 Reg. (from) 829.50. . .. , 669.50 Oval Cocktail Table, 10.8031 Reg. 204,50. .., .. ,.,.... '" 174.50 Round Lamp Table, 10-8036 Reg. 204.50.. ., ,.. .., 174.50 Club Chair, 20.7191 Reg, (as shown) 359.50...... 289.50 Reg, (from) 359.50 .. , . ,. .. ..289.50 Cloverleaf Magazine Rack, 14.9019 Reg, 102.50. , ., ... , . ' . , . , , . , , .84.50 Sierra Carpet (20 colors)' Reg, 1995 sq yd. ' . 16.95 'Insta'lation 1101Included

Ethan Allen ~1J~jjj ~~11~

Manufacturer's suggested resale prices. optIOnal with retailers Choose from our sparkling sale collec- tion of Collectors Classics by Ethan Allen - the one designer's name that never goes out of style. Here are just a .. few examples of lamps, clocks. area rugs and decorative accessories from home and abroad especially chosen to enha'1ce a wide variety of rooms and ~A~tf, moods. Wonderful finishing touches .~'. ". that can make a personal difference in .1~"~':--' your home-can give a fresh new look to SAVE ON DECORATIVE a room. Save now on these inspiring linishing ~-' -'--_ ..---- TREASURES FROM touches for your home or as a great gift AROUND THE WORLD for someone else's.

From left 10right: Sale China Round to Square Lamp, 31"H Beanpot Lamp, 23"H., 09.4261 09.4276 Reg. 179.S0 149.5 Reg. 134.S0 , $99.50 Solid Bra•• Hurricane 011Lamp, Hurricane 011Lamp, 30"H., 09.4280 23"H., 09-4321 Reg. 109.S0 .... 89.5 Reg 149.S0 ' 119.50 Bra•• Finish Faceted Octagon Lam~ 33"H., 09.4083 Reg. 219.50 ... 179,5


Sale Pharmacy Lamp, AREA RUGS TO WORK C. Jalpur Aubu.son, Sea Green, 04.1451 36" to 51"H., 09-2080 4'x6' Reg. 619.00 ., .. , ,.,.549.95 Reg. 129.S0 .. $109.50 DECORATING MAGIC 5'g"xS'g" Reg. 1299.00 ., 1139.95 Rare beautiful rugs in classic oriental S'3"xll '6" Re!iJ. 1779.00 1549.95 • I designs from Europe and the Orient- Also available In Ivory and Dresden Blue. each a dramatic conversation piece to D. Kermanshah, Sat. Blue 04-1320 give a room a whole new pcint of view. 4'8"x6'7" Reg. 359.00 309.95 Sale 6'rx9'lO" Reg. 714.00 599.95 A. Antique Sena, Ivory w/Jewel 04-1116 S'3"xll'6" Reg. 829.00 , .. ,.,. 699.95 4'5Hx6'l" Reg, 479.00 ,. $419.95 E. Stylized Peking, Peach 04-4302 S'7"x8'2" Reg. 769.00 679.95 4'x6' Reg. 87S.oo 719.95 7'S"x9'10" Reg: 1099.00 969.95 6'x9' Reg, 187S.00 1549.95 B. Bakhtiari, Empire Blue 04-1041 8'3"xll '6" Reg. 3395.00 , 2699.95 4'xS'7" Reg. 16995 , 139.95 F. Agra Peking, Blue 04-140S s'rx8'3" Reg. 299.95 , 249.95 4'x6' Reg. 419.00 369.95 8'3"x11'3" Reg. 529.95 '... ..449.95 5'g"xS'g" Reg. 799.00 , 699.95 Also available in Cinnamon. S'3"xl1'6" Reg. 1199.00 1049.95 Available in additional sizes and colors. Sale Cherry Drop Leaf Tray Floor Lamp, 55"H., 09-2088 Reg. 229.50 .' ... $189.50 SAVE ON LUXURIOUS "Ventura" is only one of the great Ethan SAXONV"VENTURA" Allen floor covering values during our BROADLOOM Summer Sale. Strong. lustrous 100% nylon pile Autoclave Heatset to pre- 95 serve its rich texture In 30 vibrant nigh Sale 11 sq. yd.* fashion colors! reg. 13.95 sq. yd. ., nstallal 00 nol Included EthanAllen ~


ManlJfacturer's suggested resale prices. optional with retailers 6 J J


Sale Jewelry Box, S"H., 43-5053. Wood and brass. Reg. 219 50. .. . $194.50 Glass Flowers, 9"H., 43-3271 Reg. 13950 .. ' . . . 119.50 Oriental Figures, 3 pc. set, 8"H., 43.3302 Reg. 119.50 104.50

Sale Romantic Ladv, 12"H., 43-3094 Reg. 15450 .. $129.50 Shepherdess, 9"H., 43-3140 Reg 117.50... .104.50 Above, left to right. Sale Ballerina, 15"H., 43-7013 Reg. 39.95 . . .29.95 The Townsend, 73"H., 41-3021. Maple solids and selected veneers, Horse and Rider, 20"H., 43-7011 Reg 8950 .79.50 Classic Manor finish. Westminster chimes. Reg. 999.50 .... '. . ... $799.50 The Willard, 76"H., 41-3022. Maple solids and selected veneers, Nutmeg finish. Westminster chimes. Reg. 999.50...... 799.50 The Kingston, n"H., 41.3035. Oak solids and selecled veneers. contrasting burls, Tudor finish. Triple chimes. Reg. 979.50 ...... 799.50 All floor clocks above have moon dial and raised brass numerals.

Below, lefflo right: Sale Pine Ogee Wall Clock, 24"H., 41-2004 Reg. 349.50...... $289.50 Cherry Mantel Clock, 28"H., 41-4003 Reg. 419.50 ...... 349.50 Pine Schoolhouse Clock, 26"H., 41-2002 Reg. 349.50...... 289.50

Left to right Sale 3 Arm Solid Brass Candleholder, 14"H., 42-1165 Reg. 124 50 .. $109.50 Solid Brass Candlestick, 9"H., 42-1114 Reg 89.50 ' 79.50 Solid Brass Candlestick Pr., 4'h"H., 42-1097 Reg 52.50 . 44.95 SoUd Brass candlestick, 5"H., 42-1112 Reg. 59.50 . . . 52.50 Solid Brass Candlestick Pr., S"H., 42-1136 Reg 47.95 42.95

sale Sale Sale Mountain Goat, 9"H., Hoopoe, 14"H., 43.3031 Pepper Mill, 9WH., 43-6013 Reg. 12950 . $114.50 43.5051 Reg 99.50 . $89.50 Hummlngblrd,9"H., Reg 49 95 ... . $44.95 Bear, 8'12"H., 43.6014 43.3241 Globe with Legs, 12"H., Reg 11450 .... .99.50 Reg. 179.50 .' ... 159.50 43.5060 Reg 7450 , . 64.50 GREAT WALLS THAT CONQUER SPACE I

34- LIbrary Cabinet Sale $2 299.50 Base Unit, 16 9007 6 Piece waif System, Reg 429 50 ' $369.5<1 34" LIbrary Upper Bookca:s ..... 102" of Linoar Wall 169010 Reg 399 SO 339.50 Reg. $2737.00 34" Llbra!Y Chest Base Unit, Sale $1 949.50 From our Royal Charter Collec- ;69008 Reg 42950 369.50 3 Piece Wall SvlJ!llm, tion (In solid Oak 2nd selected 102" of Linear Wall veneers) ~~L~O Upper Cab!net~ '.fi.9£~.50 ..... $2300.50

',hr.jfaClurers Sug;e~'r "

Whichever satisfies your dream of a perfect bedroom ... we have it at out- standing savings right now. All Ethan Allen bed rooms are painstaki ng Iy crafted of favorite cabinet woods and selecled veneers with rich lustrous finishes, intricate design details and ample storage space. Come in soon! Right: Our distinctive traditional bed- room blends fine classic proportion with fresh new design detail. Storage is pure luxury in the imposing 8-drawer triple dresser lopped by a handsome pedi- ment mirror. Available in choice 01 rich brown Classic Manor finish or sunny Heirloom Nutmeg finish Sale 66" Nine Drawer Triple Dresser, 10-5203; Pediment Mirror, 10-5220; Tall Headboard, 10.5634, Full or Queen Size, 3 pieces Reg. 1283.50 . , ... , ... , .. , . $1049.50 Same with King Size Headboard Reg. 1323.50 , 1099.50 Cabinet Night Table, 10.5206 Reg.239.50 ""'. . .. 199.50 Swivel Rocker, 20-7505 Reg. (as shown) 444.50 .. . .. 374.50 Reg. (from) 349.50 ... , .. , ... 279.50 Eight Drawer Chest on Chest, 10.5205 Reg, 819.50 ..... 699.50 Ventura Carpet (30 colors)' Reg. 13.95 sq, yd 11.95 -Price does not Include inSlallallDn Left You'll love our solid Antiqued Pine and selected veneers, Ample storage space is marvelously organized with Ihe Iriple dresser and hutch lop. The beauti. ful armoire is like an extra closet! The handsome bookcase headboard com- bines tradition with modern conven- ience. Sale 76" Trfple Dresser, 12.5 iG3, cabinet Hutch Mirror, 12-5120, CabInet Bookcase Headboard, 12-5618, Full or Queen Size, 3 pieces Reg. 220850 , $1849.50 Same with King Size Headboard Reg. 2268,50 , .. 1899.50 ~:g~~~~NJtt.S~~d: ~~.-~~.1,~.299.50 Armoire, 12.5105 Reg. 1029.50 849.50 Barnstable Rocker, 14-9720 Reg.214.50 ...... , .... 184.50 Cigarette Table, 12.3512 Reg.47.50 , .. ,.,., 39.50 Berber Plaid Rug, 04-1522 4'xS' Reg. 339.00 ' 289.95 6'x9' Reg. 719.00 - .. , , 609.95 8'3"x11'S" Reg. 1099.00 ,. 939.95

Our Gift To You! The latest Ethan Allen Treasury Here it ;s-392 colorful pages fliled with great decorating ideas, a $79S value that's free when you visit us No purchase necessary Right: Our Chateau Normandy bedroom _ American Traditional Design with a French accent-offered for the first time at sale savings! Superb quality and craftsmanship are reflected in the scroll and shell carvings and handsome hard- ware. All in solid Pine and selected veneers with a warm Antiqued Fruit- wood finish. A dream-came-true bed- room from Ethan Allen now at Summer Sale savings. Sale. 68" Nine Drawer Triple Dresser, 17-5023, Vertical MIrror, 17-5010, and Cane Headboard, 17-5601 , Full or Queen Size, 3 pIeces Reg. 1658.50 $1349.50 same with KIng Size Headboard Reg 1778.50 1449.50 Night Table, 17-5026 :~'lv:~~~lr;20~750'1' 299.50 Reg. (as shown) 429.50 364.50 Reg. (from) 329.50 264.50 Door Chest, 17-5025 Reg. 1079.50 899.50 Pereon'. Bench, 20-7445 Reg. (as shown) 249.50 219.50 Reg. (from) 169.50 139.50 Essex Carpet (30 colorst Reg. 28.95 sq. yd 23.95 'Price does not include installation.

All drapery fabrics, made-to-measure draperies. custom bedspreads, decora- tive pillows and table pads are .from Ihe Etharl Allen collection. Many are available now at 10% to 15% savings in our Home Fashiorl Center. All Oriental design rugs, broadloom car- pets arld area rugs in this brochure are from the Ethan Allen collection. Some at 10% to 20% savings. All lamps. chandeliers and decorative accessories illustrated are from the Elhan Allen collection. Some are at 10% to 20% savings. See pages 6 and 7.

Our great romantic heritage is ex- pressed in this Georgian Court bed- room superbly crafted in solid Cherry and selected veneers. From the spa- cious triple dresser with triple mirror to the classic canopy bed, these elegant pieces will captivate you with their pains- takin!;) delall and ample storage. On sale Tight now ... come in soon. Sale 64" Triple Dresser, 11-5223, Folding Mirror, 11-5230, and Tall Poster Bed, 11-5632, Queen Size, 3 pieces Reg. 2248.50 ...... $1879.50 same with King Size Bed Reg. 2548.50 2099.50 same with Full Size Bed Reg. 221850 . .. . .1849.50 Canopy Frame, Queen Size 11-5989' Reg. 87.50 74.50 'Comparable savings on other sizes Cabinet Night Table, 11-5226 Reg. 324.50 ...... 279.50 Loose P11Iow Back Chair, 20-7518 Reg. (as shown) 419.50 359.50 Reg. (from) 319.50 .... 259.50 seven Drawer Chest on Chest, 11-5225 Reg. 1029.50 849.50

,Co",, <.~ ... ,; 11

Manufacturer's suggested resale prices, optional with retailers. \ " \ ,\

Left, top and bottom: . " Save on hidden bedrooms! These Ethan Allen sleep sofas are so comfort- able, you'd never guess they're wait- ing to be transformed into a super-com- fortable bed. Order in your choice 01 \ 800 fabrics Enjoy the same meticu- \ lous tailoring and precise pattern \ matching for which Ethan Allen is \ famous. What's more, the bed adlusts to ,I a sit-up position and the back tills for- ward for easy vacuuming or sweeping. All at Summer Sale savings! Top: Sale Three Cushion Tuxedo Sleeper \ Sofa, 80" 21-7044 Reg. (as shown) 103950 ..... $869.50 Reg. (from) 929.50 .. ,. , .. ,. 759.50 Mr. Swivel Rocker, 20-7302 Reg. (as show,,) 520.50 .. , .. . 450.50 Reg. (from) 359 50 . . 289.50 Oval Cocktail Table, 13-8202 Reg.489.50 ,.. . 419.50 Berber Weave Rug, 04-1521 4'x6' Reg. 309,00 ., .. , .. , .... 259.95 6'x9' Reg. 649,00 .. ,.,.. . 549.95 8'3"x11'6" Reg. 1029.00 ., .879.95 Bottom: Sleeper Sofa, 70" 21-7083 Reg. (as shown) 104450 . . . 894.50 Reg. (from) 819.50 ...... 669.50

The utmost in super comfort and health- ful relaxation, thanks to a cleverly con- cealed reclining mechanism. You can choose an Ethan Allen Restocrat for its style and decorative value ... only Ethan Allen offers you a superb Quality recliner in your choice of over 800 maNelous decorative fabrics to go beautifully with your color scheme and other fur- , nishings. Relax and save now! \ \ Shown right top to bottom: Sale Wood-trim Restocrat Re«:lIner, 21-7911 Reg. (as shown) 479.50 , . , ... $399.50 Reg. (from) 37950 ,., .. ,. . 299.50 Pad Arm Re«:lIner, 21-7955 Reg. (as shown) 487.50 . , . .397.50 Reg. (from) 409.50 . .., 319.50 Reslocrat Rocker, 21-7912 Reg. (as shown) 479.50 . .399.50 Reg. (from) 37950 .. . .. 299.50 Wing Restocrat Recliner, 21-7910 Reg (as shown) 484.50. .. 414.50 Reg. (from} 35950 ...... 289.50

EthanAllen W1Jill.3 ~ l' 12 Manufacturer's suggested resale prices. optional with retailers Here's your chance to own the dining room of a lifetime at exceptional savings now during our Summer Sale. Superior craftsmanship, fine solid woods and selected veneers. beautiful finishes, proportions and details. give years of warm and gracious entertaining. If you love casual country charm com- bined with old-fashion quality crafts- manship, you'll love the Heirloom dining rooms on this page. There's a rectan- gular extension table with easy-care Formica~ Decorative Laminate lOp, a stunning round pedestal extension table and beautifully engineered de- signs for storage and display All at Im- portant savings!

Top: Sale Spoonfoot Extension Table, 10-6044P, 36"x54", opens to 84" with two 15" filler leaves, Formica~ Decorative Laminate Top. and (4) Bowback Side Chairs, 10-621" 5 pieces Reg. 867.50 $729.50 Bowbsck Arm Chair, 1O-6211A Reg. 184.50 ...... 159.50 38" Server and China, 10-6006/6009 Reg. 759.00 . . 629.50

Bottom: Sale Round Pedestal Extension Table, 10-6113P, 44" diameter, opens to 74" with two 15" aproned filler leaves, with Formica' Decorative Laminate Top, and (4) Flddleback Duxbury Side Chairs, 10-6020,5 pieces Reg. 1029.50 ' .. $849.50 Flddleback Duxbury Arm Chafr, 1Q..6020A, Reg. 12450 ...... 104.50 SO"Buffetand China, 10-6126/6128 Reg 1189.00 . . 999.50 Console, 14-9216 Reg. 359.50 299.50 Mirror, 14-9217 Reg. 144.50 .. 124.50 Peking, Octagonal Rug, 04-1409 4'8"x4'S" Reg. 439.00 ...... 379.95 8'3"x8'3" Reg. 1279.00 .... 1099.95 1 J Save now on custom table pad sets for all Ethan Allen dining rooms featured in 1 this brochure. ~ j j J j J J J

Ethan Allen Home Care Products Elhan Allen offers a speCial group of home care products to help you keep your hOme and furnishings beautiful. You II find profes- sional quality furniture polish, spot remover. upholstery shampoo, cleaner for leather and vinyl. Exclusive at our Ethan Ailen Gallery 13 Manufacturer's suggested resale prices. optional with retaliers. 60" Buffet and China, 11-6236/6238 Reg 193900 .. ' ... 1649.50 ~m~ Host Chair, 20-7312 Reg (as shown) 503.50 443.50 Reg. (from) 269.50 209.50 OOl~m~ Tea Cart, 13-9202 Reg.569.50 , .. 479.50 WHEN YOU SAVE Apothecary Chesl, 13-9012 ON ETHAN ALLEN, Reg 519.50 439.50 YOU SAVE

ONTHE BEST! Shown right: For a warm and homey country mood, nothing beats this Ethan Allen dining room in Antiqued Pine and When it comes to memorable and selected veneers, hand rubbed to a pleasurable dining, the right setting is deep dark finish. A rugged round just as important as a deliciously pre. pedestal table extends to 6'12 feel, sad- pared meal. That's why Ethan Allen din. dle seat "Catkin" chairs oller comfort mg rooms have been the choice of and the big bullet and china offer great American families for generations. Here storage and display. are four more gracious styles from which you can choose during our Sum. sale mer Sale. Round Pedestal Extension Tabfe, 12-6053, 48" diameter, opens to 78" Shown Below. The classic elegance of with two 15" aproned filler leaves, Georgi::l.n Court in solid Cherry and and (4) High Back catkin Siele selected veneers. A handsome exten. Chairs, 12-6011, 5 pieces sian table and chairs in Queen Anne Reg. 1229.50 . $999.50 style complement an exquisite,. beauti. High Back Catkfn Arm Chair, fully engineered buffet and china With 12-6011A Reg. 159.50 139.50 lighted Interior 60" Buffet and China, 12-6006/6019 Sale Reg. 1339.00 1099.50 Oval extension Table, 11-6214, Drop Leaf serving Cart, 12.9010 44"x66", opens to 44"x1 02" with two 18" Reg. 339.50 289.50 aproned filler leaves, and (4) Queen Lazy Susan, 12.6065 Anne SteleChafrs, 11.6211,5 pieces Reg. 77.50 64.50 Reg. 1827.50 ...... $1499.50 Sturbridge Braided Rug, 04-5502 Queen Anne Arm Chair, 11.6211A 6'x9' Reg. 339.95 289.95 Reg. 279.50 . . . 239.50 Available in a variety of sizes & colors.


~••.. ~ t ~ I ~

~ , ~ ,\, , ,, ~." \ ~ I, ~. l ~ I k

I l > 7-, ~ 1. 7,

; .' '. Save now on custom table pad sets While efforts have been made to antici- for all Ethan Allen dining rooms pate reasonabledemands.We regretthat featured in this brochure. we cannol assure you every item in this cilcular is in stock and available for im- mediatedelivery. If an Itemis out of slock. we will special order it during the sale at price shown Above: Superbly scaled lor smaller din- ing areas. this Classic Manor selling offers gracIous hospitality. Round table extends to 80" China cabinet features crown glass doors and inlerior light. Sale Round Extension Table, 15-6003. 44" diameter. opens to 80" with two 18" aproned filler leaves, and (4) Cane Back SIde Chairs, 15-6010, 5 pieces Reg.1477.50 $1249.50 cane Back Arm ChaIr, 15-601 OA. Reg. 249.50 .. ' 209.50 56" Buffet and China, 15-6006/6008 Reg. 1469.00 1249.50 Left: Here's the elegant stately look 01 17th Century England in this Royal Charter dining room expressed In stur- dy solid Oak and selected veneers Generous storage in the butle! and chi- na and roam to seat mare with the good looking extension table. Sale Oval Extension Table, 16-6034, 42"x54", opens to 42"x84"with two 15" leaves. (4) cane Side Chairs, 16-6030, 5 pieces Reg. 192750 ..... $1599.50 cane Arm ChaIr, 16-B030A Reg. 33450 ...... 289.50 S2"Buffet and China, 16-6036/6038 Reg 184900. " . 1549.50 Windsor Carpet (24 colors)" Reg. 29.95 sq. yd .. 23.95 'loslaliallO nol Included EthanAllen ~ (~f.\rl};r ~ ~

Inside: Classified Ads Section Cable TV Guide Sports C

Thursday, July 16, 1981

A"W,ds bent B"(,II'(,I"sfOl" '\ V.'il'A junior 'I I tOll/'lley ill .4/lg. Babe Ruth c1wmpim,s1tip N,ltlOnal recoHnltion L\ Ihe I~on I !I r "JlllC 275 con t c~tn uts B;\-' AI lIi1dl'nbrnll{\ (i"IlTj!(' B"llllll,l' h"t! ~ lnplt' I 1(' 1'1,' \' n t 1Il1~ t h r ot.'~t :. Oll n r: In th~ AllWflt'all Leal,u\' fill (I,ll' Hed 1 ,'I:' Bill \"m I 1",01(' ll'rHlII 1'1")l'r, In the Iii,' indlt,tl.q dd,'"I{'d the 1l,'I\\)I1I',r.1 \\.1, tht' \\'11 lI'IIOfl, ,I, thl'J' cUlIlrc(,' 1ll Y'3nl,cc5 135 "11 ,1\111{' ;n,' mug !lIl('\l{'r Bob PIll'll I 1 th,' lllUl tt~TA Nation.!I' ~}~c~~:t~(Il~~'ll:;[{'~),~~;\~~;{l~~;~Irl:~"\ll~'~1H;":~I~~~'~'lknl 1:'lIne! ,JUI,I'" ']"'1\1\1" Champion I

Gl1a1al \11th lhn',' li,l, ,'l(:h rh,' Allj;\'l, d{'f,'ll"d (11,' I ;!Ijl,:~"tU~I;;:~:~lll\',I~~~na~~~~l,:!

~~~\~~~~I~~;~~'l\;b~I~~'~;hl~~:~!~"l:~'f~;:;;~~,l<;rf~l1':~:~I~\~'~c:li I ~1(:II:l~;;'t~~lrO'n~:: th~h~~I~;~I~li I hili cllch Illch Hunt ,hm'lb) Gl'OI!le J,'I\ll1l(' Ilho lull I h,1I.Hll,1700 loJlcgc'~ 5lol\e bled lor the )',!nkc("i HI(:h I h \ !rclJnd hOlllC lUll of tlw I . i.1elHu, M"dllllll In Kalnm,l I Suhrhclnrlch \\M the "111 IC;l.;OIl, Ha) Coth) \\ho had! 1'1)¥,o~~~ /e~r~, the natIOnal I m~~ l:~:~lw,~n A 11\ I' r II' a n ~\())~t~ ~;~' :n::o~~;~(~ll?~~~~I Ll'~gue. the Br('I\H, ddent ..rl ,1l'rtlllll' rnc ('hobc!-.. nnd I : ~1;lr;,~~~~onl;~:~r~;I;~:~~l~~~ ~flle i I !il~(''~;r~~;:r~7~,t~~\. "~:!:~f~::1 ;~';:~ )~~~I'nl~o~~~h \~l~~!tt~~;: ! ;::~~:~~t;:~~,rnl n'l~rntrlleJ;;~~:,\ I b) Phil Sup('rnall~ht > three "Jrlnlnr: [ll\l"er Inc1tHllllJ: hIts ~like Sanlo, D;l\(' Won I On June 30 the A1\I(t1<;de I Con I Dr, Richard F, Huminski D.C. ~~~~;c~~~rlb~:~~ /~~l~~l~ri~ I ;1;~te~\Irle An;;r[:'~;s L~:~~~i : the Brtmer (,Juse Ra" Colb) I PI \)"rf Tournament The I ~~~~ hJd:l dDubl(' lor the Angel~ I Angel, nttnek lIas p:lced b" I D:I\e ~Iaddox IIJ~ the \lln CllOhlk Illth t\IO nBI I01. nlng pItcher ll\\l'd b} George KmppmJn On June 21, the TIIlns de "md ~olan Illth one nBI fe:lbd the Rangl.'rs 23 9 The I eilch Th~ Hed Leg; att:l.ek I 1JU{E ONE EVE~V lFOU~ ~:;n~o~~~~n~lelthlln/ou~ed hi~, I ;;I~~e 11~1~'~~'d ~~:r,~I~~~~~S! openlnl: C('fel Cllrt Edwards and nradlln" doubl~ plu; tllO RBI A All A . n:n.tum \\,th three hits enell, Tum DeBcer and Dan ~dgar In... merlcan faced ;t~~~l: ;:~~~~ I HOURS FOR REUrEF Stadium pre'Hled o~er by ~~:ar?,o~~l'b~~~re~~ft~ ~~~ ~~~~cJla~l;n~C\~~ih c~:~i~~~ I Pointer WilliulI' D, Vanderhuef, (uho\'e) hns hIts eaeh Al_~ Walter FI,her I of the ~"a'on, I a Ii~t of sports uchicvcments a ~ord long-hut ~tl;l;;I~:~~C;(,~;II~;eA~J~~~~~I Of PAIN. andJml Berg eachh:ld ,I hit In th~ All AmerIcan the best of those came in Mil) nllen the i{ulu. Illw ha~ guiden th~ tourn-a i !:Ir the Tl\lns Seall "filler League ChamplOnslllp Gnmc maZOa College tenn!c; team cUllln!n {(lIalifll'd as menl for lh~ pno: 23 )earS I had three hIt, for the Han fJla}cd on Jul; t, the Angels I an AIl.American. Vanderhuef bl'C,HlH' un AII- ",I 'ph pia:. b('glllS Satur g:r;. Whlb lc:mmatc; '11k" I ddcatlJ the BrCllers 138 American, olle of the tOJl eight college lellni., da; morning AUj:l 1. and \\l\llam; had 1\\0 hIts ,md Th~ Angds had one b,l~ WO. plu)crs in the countr;y, at the NCAA tournament c~ntI1lU(, through Sundn} ~~:1~m:~\e;n ~~dth~r~Cga~~ \I~;:~!l \~;~~\e;~ol1~I,:;o m. Salisbury, Md, A~ n No: 1 yla~er III NO,rth aft lnoon Aug 9 Th~ quar. I ~~¥ ~~~?,I bl final eompet'tlons \\111 of the sea:on [Bre\\l" club Clutch Jills byl ~,gh School,.Vunderhod. \\::1., a four )en~ ..a~- bl! r,' ..c!on 1'hur.>da} -and The Angels de£ca!l.'d the Todd LIncoln, Ken Il'vln, I ~Ity, letter wl~ncr, captUlIl of the tellm. I.n h~::. rm!aL "ug ij and 7, I\Jllle n thl! 'eflll-fmal contests \Il!! j~~~i~~t,~:a,~~~cl:~tta~~'~I~~;~o~h~el~~e~~l~ ~~~r~:I ~~~~~~~~l~ ~~~~~~r~;~~r;~n.~:~IJ;;;llo:l.V\~a: aV~~ Ill' ('(uded on Friday and 1 a, p3eed by Andr('s Ben! al1OI\('d the Angel> tll take something of nn AII-AIIWflCllll "hcn It {,lInC to :,~turdJ' Au!: 7 and 8 The I('nu:o nnd Rn~ Colb\ I\hoj the lend The Angel~ of. school. HI;' rNent1~ complc1ed \\orll £01 n dcgrt,(' ,'lamrllrlll blp round, \\llJ each had a double George I fen~e \\a, led b, Taylor I at Kulanll.iwo College, \\ here he hud a double cl)nriurL. rm S~tUrdd:' dnd Jerome, Rn" Colb) , and Bob I Lmeoln wIth a double nn,d major: Economic!> and Political Science \\ ith CUll- ~UIHb, nft(rllQuns Aug 8 Nolan eaeh had one RBI for ho RBI follo\\ed by Ste\e I ecntrution in International Commerce. He ha~ Jnd'l the Angels' C3Uj](nt "r on ad,,,!} bJ'1S r'or defeated the Red Leg, 53 I lie and two RBI D:lve ;\!ad. ntunnr.;cment 1II Arl7ona. Bt'fort' att(,lIdmg grud- fUlllirltlfulll1nllononlicket • HEADACHl:S "JECK PAIN The 8rCl'ers offen'c I\a., led dux nlo eontnbutcd a dou. ullte ,chool, Vnndt'rhoef hope" IfJ J.:mn u H!Ur of , , ,HId st rtlng 1l00es, by Ke\m Do,Je ;nd S:lIllo hie to the Brewer eaus'.! intern,ltional \\ork experiellce ill 'Vest Gcrlll

Dodgers-Reds TRYING TO CHASr AWA) THIc PAIN? DRl!V., The Dodg~n look ano:hcr giant step !:YcN ASPIRIN HAY! S!DE !:IHCIS BeFORE )OU t:;\',an!.> ~h!! NatIOnal LeagUe pennant by ddeatlllg Ih~ Rl.d., 10 3 ~Ilke G3le's grand 1AKI I HA I N.X I I'll I SH II. )OUR I'RUBLLM stam ~hut the dour on dny hopes th~ Reds bd of vJC:[lr;y !>Inll MOllrad aLo contnb. (AN 1\1 IILLI'IJ) WIIHour II ut'Cd lJ t~le \Ictor) Illth a three run homer. Doug Hagen belt~d out a home run for t!le Red., (1lIROI'RACTIC WORKS WIIHOUI 1HI. USI OJ ('ub~ PJratc5 [)RU(,S OR SUR(,ER'! TO HI )OU H.,\[ II'S Behind th~ pitching of Russ nIce and 1.1' Mark Benle, I~e Cub, defeated the Plratcs 1HI "NI)[URAI 'AI [IRNA[IYI' 14.n n,~" ~,,-l Tnl.~ kltpthetu!Jnll} ph.,:, ila ~'ld lI.WJ1t7h !,'J II'J dflUb\. Bra\r' I'hlllle~ Down 202 'II tll,' secon:l tnmng the Bn.~:-5 reared bark to the Phillie.; 2321 In nn aC:lonprked g3me v.eek Dan R:l;;hld's no hr' ba'('ball for four inn 109, \1:1, In trHmenLd In the BrJ.\'e viclory

Dodr:ctl>-('uln The Dedgc:~ won the NallonJI Leagu

Family Plan FREE CALL NOW Patient Health FOR Talk THE HEALTH OF Every Wednesday YOUR FAMILY Night 8:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome

PUBLIC NOTICE Men's shoe s:~le 17232 EastWarren • (313) 884.0661 Our final men's clearance Detroit, Michigan 48224 sale is on today SAVE MONEY ON Home of 'he IFill'S' ALLEN IFreeSpinal Adius'men' ./C,DMONDS to

775.8320 AI.l. NEW PAIIENIS HOllW MilO" Tue,,, Thurs .. ~.u,9.6 884-0661 Charge. 1ZI Wed"Fri. 9.8

7' Page Two.C Thursday, July J 6, 1981 - ---~------_ .. _----- NEWS ---_._--- --_._------Top winners in Sail Club 29th regatta The Grosse Pointe Sail Harvey pickford; Odyssey, chelle; Baadicea, Roger Rig. Club's 29(h Annual Regatta Hugh Ross. gins, was held Saturday, July 11. IGR.C: Soma. D, lIoze. PR.'.F: Clue, Richard Hall; Listed below are th:! top brook; Boomerang. Tomp. The Hun, Mike Hornai; Pres. thr('e winners in each class kins Bros.; Kokino, J. Pap. ter John. Grorge Brand, Jr. and their owners. Tornado: Ban she e, W, P~Ts'arlan.IO: W his per, L. Sherry; Jet Airliner, Andrc:,v IOR.A: Aggressive II. 'k G W net' Scheibner; Reynardine, D. Zit us; ....og. ' , ur jU. Frank Piku; Sure, D. Naples; and E. Cochran; Polka Dot, dale. Jammin. Kip Anderson. «', Skikiewicz. .F.tchell: Tusk. Wm. Zem . . .NA.40: Hotspur, F. J. PRF.C: J & B, William I mm; The Beast, J. Harper; Somes, Jr.; Velero VI, Doug- Quinn; Tr e b lee 1e f IY, Sh~ Hou, Sher~an Handy. las Wake; Sundance, Don and Thomas Leto; lIypothesls. I (r e s ~e nt, ~ocahontas, Greg McQu~n. . Konstantine Cost. I Hpnry !lllstele; Tiger Kla.w: PRF.A; Skunkworks, Gary PRF.D: Whiskers, Joseph' David KJ.aa~n; My Way, Thomas; Wave Train, Bald. Periard; Chrusciki, M. ~!('- i We,sley Wiedrick. . rak.Siudara; The G rea t Quire; Jaeger, Lee Sutton. ~ ~~[.25: Blue Cloud, David Whisper, Warren Jones. MORC: S~:,alll)lIS, JohrJ:r;I~ William:;; Jo Mama, Feldman IOR-B: Moo n r a k e r, N. and Sporer NSSC. Mr, Green Tu<;a.Brem; Entropy, Rodney Muench; Hot Flash, J. Usn is; Jeans W<,brr.Hind; ~1~l'h Ra

ball Tournament. of the 1980 Wood- All-Star 0 ed b th P k' D'I On July 7, >ChrlSStebbins, Bill I.sbey and nine strike-outs for Toledo. They were the Jim Harrington .- ' cov~r. 'Y e. e mg 31 y I Brian Down:; £IJrared ,the ~uty on the mound ~ T I d (h t d I "h • Chang, Si.cially renetioned by the ~;w\V u.anadM'7J:e BeH r~Oing pitching duty hit3 for Hoag and one for Schuurman. 884-5485 Soores, along with 14 other League. . Um~ed States BFeooll Fed- for the Ran.orers. BHl II.;ibey led Buffalo's I:bey and Stebbins shared the duty on Chinese-Amel'ican bo~'s aged Tho Chlll S t F d ratIon I ~ the moun:! for Buffalo an:l I~bey htt a ~ I' ~ . ese pol' s e. ~ . 10 hit 'aHack wi1,h"a double, triple and' 'horne hamerun. 'I1he fin::l score was 3-1 in the eratlOn ~I!l. play .host to ~he ------runs, driving in nine runs. Also hitting for July 11 final gam2 of the regular season, team whll~ m ~n!na. Durmg F d Buffalo were Chris :McCormich, Robbie * * * t-he t?ur, SIXOfflC1~land four arms e ges Petz. Ke:-lh Kozak. :Brenden Henry, Blake Whi~ Sox.Pirates ~aRD• ,~ea ranee.I prac.tlce .games. will .~ pl~y- Woocls in Iirst Cr3wrord and Chri-s &ebbins who :had a The Wh;te SOXcaptured the World SerIes MaN- CI e:l :n SIX m~Jor CIties, m. single and a douob~e. Ki:.skaH -and Koenig title in Gro"se Pointe Park 13$t week, win. MODEL 11302 c1udmg Pekmg, C?engdu, S'l{)l~nll~~eet hold ,the ,two R'8nger hits. The :tinal score C.hungking, ShanghaI, Nan- II; w" _, Bullafo over tlhe -Rangel's, 17-9. ning the ~iret two games of th€ r 13 ,,~rikeouts while a.Uow,ing only three the six:h for the unltlcky Pirates who gave Yardman Edger Fishing Rodeo held at Wind. from 8.and-under to 17.nnd- hits. Mark Jnngwkth, David Reed and Greg up seven runs to lo~e 7.6. For the 3 HP mill Pointe Park on June 27 under. Swimmers who placed Snyder, ,p:-:ch,;-ngfo; Columbus, struck out Wh:':e Sox, Al Shaheen slugged a horne run was quite a success. With first in all events were: Paul 14. Snyder and BIlly AUI"an:l each had in the ,h:,:h to start the scoring. Mike Paull 95 participation doubling this Wilson, Laura Verona, 2\Iike I lriple-s and Jungwirth had a double for cantributed a double. Sale $769 year, the competition was a Woods Bill Lllberto and Columbus. Paull and Jeremy Wise shared pitching List $26995 bit more intense and the Ann "andes all fro~ the' Toledo.Rochester honors for the Sox, while losing pitchers atmosphere was full of fish- Woods.' Strong h:Wng by To-Iedo gave them th€ were Brian Aardema and Jamie Cimini, ing excitement. .. 10.1 win over Roche:te:r. On July 8. James Indians-Phils Fishermen ranging in age Other fust place wmners Comb:; wa:; the {(lopn.:tter,for the d'ay willi Jerry Henry '8nd John Paul Hogan, each fl'om 5 to 15 snagged every- .from the Wood~ wer~ ~ran- t,hree,. Rena'to, Jjm Mello ~lDd pitching, three .innings and cWlecting six thing from granola bars to den Cro~ar, Lisa. w~hams'l Andrew Hoag had two hits ea-ch and Chris ;:,~r;keouts. combined to beat the Phils 5.l. carpeting and, of course, filsh. Ka1hy KI.9h, Katie .f?ung. Sohuurman came up with two h1ts, the sec. Dave Caldwell and -Billy Huntington paced Prizewinners in the follow- Dave Farrell, Jeff WIlhamS'[ ond cf which wa:> :a homerun ~n the sixth the Indian:; in hitting with two hits each. ing ca1egories included: Larg. Nancy Woods, Ann Verona, inning. Joe C~ldwelJ an~ Tyler Knight eacll Reds.Pirates est fish - first, R u sse 11 ~aren Turnbull, Bre~t Car- carne up with -h:ls in !the second inning to Billy Leon-3rd pitched three and a third Gooel ,hI" 7/23/91 Brunke. se~nd. Scott Sol. mey, bring in the Roohester run. ~lrong innings .against the Reds, giving up terisch, third, Jennifer Me- From the Farms, R. Hoeh. Richmond.GPC Yankees only three rllns 'as ~,he -Pirates defeated the Sorely. Smallest Msh-Chris C. Wienberg, J. Osborne, B. Tom Harrington had :an ouotshancHng day Red-s 14-12. The Reds made 'a :strong corne. MDn.-Fri. 8-6 Kirkpatrick. Most fish C'aught Suzor F. Karabetsos J. in leading Richmon:l .to III 14-0 shurout of back in ~he fourth and fifth .innings but .A".t!~ Saluday 8.4 - first, Dan Sparshu, _see- Mello: A. Connell, D. Santo, the Yankees on July 11. Harrington opitche

\ j" Thursday, July 16, 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-C COMPLETE LISTINGS - WEEK OF JULY 16-22

Grosse Pointe Teleguide

become very successlul (Repeal) team up In lhe oldwesl to Iryblockmg Q)iJ~ TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN mOIne art (60 fnH15 ) 1:10 Howard, Cindy Williams ~pl)t\IS ana ~losed.Caplloned, U S.A ) a provate Army.s landgrab scheme @!l CALLIOPE 'The Fisherman Who UNDERSEAWORLDOF JAC- m~QJ OffiMOVIE'(HORROR)" "Twlna sounds ollha 60. Picks up where GROSSE POINTE NEWS iHl THIS OLD HOUSE Th,s Old (2 hrs" 10 m,ns.) Neededd Kn,~e' 2} HellcOplerRJdal' QUES COUSTEAU m 01Evil" 1972 PeterCushrng, Oenms "AmencanGrafl'll leftoU,laklngl's Hou.e Isnew agalnl The workmen are 3)'Pra",,,Album' 4)'The TwoWorlds 1:15 m i5e: OFF THE RECORD Pnce ldcnllcal tWIl'lS become in- of Musenlb{:" youthful crowd to new adventures In CONVERSION CHART gone and Ihe newly renovaled r~) 8ll MIKE DOUGLAS m:B~ JIM BAKKER volved WIth Puritan ant~-wltchcrBIl MOVIESALLNIGHT 'Casbah. 6:35 new places (Raled PG) (2 h,s) Big$low House LS ready and waiting mo g, A.R.T.S, 'henna The Home 01 sect WIth a vampire anceslfY. (90 torl1snewoccupanls 8obVI:3takes '948TollyMarl,n, Peter LOire 2) THAT GIRL GeniuS w III Pwr(c Salmger ') The s:os GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICH. m mlOs) us on the long awalled grano tour In 'Hells' Cross,oads' 1956 Stephan 7:00 lnlerndl1011dl Flute 01 Michel Debost rJJ fJ) MIKE DOUGLAS 1:25 5,25 thiS speclallmal program (Closed- McNally RoborlVaughn 3)'HoldUp' om PM MAGAZINE Mozan s The MagiC Flule' 2) G,eal m ATLANTA BRAVES BASEBALL fD lOVE AMERICAN STYLE Captioned. USA) (60 mlns ) '974 FIf'c1ock Slafford ,Nathalie om JOKER'S WilD Palntmg'> f3rpughel'The Huntsmen REPLAY Allanla Braves vs Ch,cago ~..I:!'" Off.Alr :::;.:.~:: ~ .. ..,~ ... 11;, o-n ..... c:: , 5:30 MVVle .~CO~i::DY)"- """~'h~1'c O(~(j)CANDIO CAMERA In the SnoN ]) TheParrentn Quarfe!: iaI Cubs (If olavers' sfrlke continues. 1:30 0(7) ABC NEWS mAl U.S. CHRONICLE II 'Lower WJBK Detroit, MI • CIJ The Bulfa'" Roam" B,II Murray, Beetho~~'11 s ~1r111gUuarte1 NQ J allernale programmmg wlll De DAVE ALLEN AT LARGE Lancasler Street' <.ientfltH:;:atlon l~ WDIV Oetroll, MI • Pele' Boyle 8ased on Ihe real.II'e 0(2) ADAM 12 o (ll Opus 18 ,1) Coli Me Flicka 5) Beelh. arred) CIl (~)fJ) ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW lhe urban Irend ollhe BO's, bul lion. WXON Oet,olt, MI • wacky adventures 01 Or. Hunter S. &'l THURSDAY NIGHT BASEBALL o¥'en S Sjlliphony No 5 1:30 ~ (REPLAY) Phlladelph'a Ph,II'es vs HOGAN'S HEROES volve. dISplacement ollhe poo', Thompson,lhe Infamousjournslist m~ l'1JJ CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stam. f.B BLACK SHOWCASE WXYZ Oet,olt, MI • rn SanFrannsco Giants (Due 10black- (6«1 WILD WILD WORLD OF whlchbweds ,esentmanl and neigh, (Raled Rl (2 hrs ) m peders \1::- Hamilton Tlger,Cals mSHO MOVIE .(SUSPENSE)' "" ceET Windsor, ONT. • FIVE MINUTES TO LIVE 1mINDI!PEND!NT NEWS ueo,) um BULLSEYE M,tch's ""do,ng al SOUlhlo,k hava row" 11184Sophie Loren, Mercello HTN ME • o FAITH FOR MIRACLES 2:00 en GREENACRES far more III~p"r;l on lhe EWing 'amlly 91SESAME STREET . Mastrolsnnr A lroo 01eloll8O Iboul NEWS.WEATHER.SPORTS MOVIE CH New York, NY • 1FREEMANRI!PORTS Aone hour am NEWS.WEATHER m TELI!TONE NEWS lh~n Is apoarnnl to Ihe esaemtllad loya Ind lI\u'8ls aelln lIaJ~,(2 hra ) na1ionall:BII In"n,oeplhlelk Ihow THIS OLD HOUSE This Old (0) THE DOCTORS MOVIE -(FANTASY'" "X.n' New York, NY • 89 eSI'(llu~eat, 80 mine,) mONI!WS 1 HBO .du" I lleO Ol,via Newlon.John, with aliyl.l "Udl~nCe, Houae,,""", ~U&,"I Tho workmen lie ~11!1DBASEBAll. Chicago While m DR. BUNDOLO • NIGHT PLIOHT' JournlyThrougM III) HTN'8TRAV!L CHANNI!L gone and Ihe newly renovaled SO. VI Clllv~land Inolana (If pl,yere' INO!PI!NDENT NI!WS Gene Kelly No Olhar Inlormallon e IheP .. 1' Av.llabl~ (Reled PO) (2 hll ) ,meM' in mind conllol: and Bal'y 10:011 BIQalow II"UliU " reeO~ ano walling sinks ContlnUllI, alle,nale prog,am. '"' NEWS 10,111nsw'lncuppnU Bob Vila tskel III SPORTI UPDATI! The lalli' &:011 Aaron repotll on phYllcl1 damaga • TIB EVENING NEWS minQ.\\'1I1h" alllld) o FAITH FOR MIRACLES ,pollaruullilor lh. Weal Coul 10:30 UI on th~ long oWlilltd greno 10UIIn mlllQl M,A,S.H •• 'R!fMAN REPORTS'" one hour • IT'S YOUR BUSINISI THURSDAY .nllicleoon ~oyngllerlunderl3who ~porll la"ij. 8:10 engagllill conlacllPorta, (Rap"I: (f)IIDA HIWS Ihll epe' ,,,lllnal prou,am. (Closao. II 9 MACN!IL.Ll!HR!R l"all'ln, 'n ,1,,~lhlal~ shOwWith a Ilye 2:011 HONI!YMOONI!RS ~pIlOnl,<1 USA) (80 m,nl,) III W!!K IN AGRICUL TURI! qQmlnl,) PORT audlboc" (J) MOVII-(DRAMAI'" "Vlc- SOFT8ALL: HOM! RUN HIT. ID 8:30 July 18, 1981 U@MOVII-(DOCUMINTAIIY)" I THURSDAY NIOHT SASI!BALL llIlI LIVEWIRI! 'Love' III) HTN'BTRAVI!L CHANNIL lOll" 191,13 Georgll Hamilton, Now York Yaoke81 Vi Oakland "'I liNG CHAMPIONSHIP SI'ORTSPROB! 10:30 mDIITROIT I!l .01 il~slstal1l to Ihe eslab. who will '.urronder her Virginity first. Perception mn THE SCENE Columbia Llone VI Toronlo Argon. Shire. (I'uld Subscllphon Talevi. INTERNATIONAL WEEK IN MATT AND JENNY 'A Call to aylS, (3 hrs.) remarkahla marrlage belween 2:30 Ilahmeni s owner and sculpler, (Raled R) (~h,s,) m g, slon)Mall'Old, wilh a babyon Iheway REVIEW Arms' superel", .inger Lorolla Lynn and l'1JJ SPORTSCENTER (Repeat 60 mlns ) 11:00 CD iGl MOVIE -(DRAMA) ..... "Kid .rrnd disillll';lOned by vanIshing fame SHO AMERICAN DANCE MA. CALLIOPE 'Ide Fanlanny and Ihe her husb~l1lcal,,"d popular mu. 111m TITANS Kosi Petrick Walson Ruby De" The story 01black revolu. O THE TONIGHT SHOW 'The 4:30 she $Ug~l.'Mts 10 Valefle a marnage fD RAT PATROL Wllh lhe IlHnd blowmg discovery 01 mSi) F"'RMREPORT ANIMALS (Closed.Capl,oned) Be510fCdr~oll' Guests DlOnneWar" 0 ABC CAPTIONED NEWS w.lhCrevl)l Adellneflnallydlscovers 4,10 m SATURDAY DETROIT Q)(flI 100 HUNTLEY STREeT Q)O MARCH OF FAITH dllen life 'JIIl!.Hlh. (2 hrs" 12 mans.) Wicke, Charles Nel,on Re,lly, Buddy m CFl FOOTBALL Calgary Slam. m ~ g, STUDIO SEE' Jumprope' Hector "nf! brongs him home (60 (9lfJ) ALLNITESHOW m HBO MOVIE .(DRAMA) •••• RICtlJ.R1 P"Oll 60 IlIIl)S) TODAY g, WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF e!.ders V~ tiamlll0n Tiger-Cats 4:30 m~OJ SESAME STREET 6il SPORTS LOOK NEXT? mlOU "The Gudlather" 1972 Marlon o m ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE WSHO BIZARRE 011.beat comedy SPIRIT OF DETROIT ABC CAPTIONED NEWS Pi1C1110 NEW ZOO REVUE m SPORTSCENTER m HBO MOVIE .(DRAMA) •• ',. OlD m(58! Brando, 1\1 Slor)" of a "nchore'IIIY T,,:00 lalls in lov. with a picture 01 a haunt- m TENNIS WCT Hall 01 Fame Anlla Co, ,l',.J.UI Ayooeyglobofooze m SHO MOVIE .(COMECY)'" lon, Ben \lprcpn and The Muppels; om MAGNUM, P.1.Having once Ingly beaulltul 19lh century actress, Classlc.M.tch J. plops down 'rom Duler space via a "More Ame,lcan Gralfill" Ron l1!.Ped II..... In Wes1 Berlm been of Invaluable service 10 and 1ran';('p.nris space and 1~me to m MOVIE -(COMEDY)" "Fish comet,31lJJel,/ours people,growlng Howard. L.llldy Williams Sights and W HTN'S TRAVEL CHANNEL wealthy, olind Agalha Kimball. Meg. hnoher moLled PGl (2 hrs) ThaI Saved Plllsbu'9h" 1979 vnth ever I mr'al (1 \0 mlnS ) sounds ol the 60s Picks up where 7:05 num IS c,I!Il'd upon agalO when trou- 11:35 .lullusErv~nQ JonathanWlnlers A 12 B.30 'Amenc.,lll GrdHlfI" teHoH, takmglls fD ALLItHHE FAMILY ble arlSl'C; concerning her grand- mMOVIE-(BIOGRAPHICAL)" "EI Y("<1 r old \"., I pr h.;y .1I1d.1 n as I rojog~sl o (41 DEAR TEACHER The youlhlull fn'o'ocJ 10 l1eW advenlures In 7:30 dau.\l.ble, Amy (Repeat; 60 mlOS)" 1966 MeiFerrer,flossanna Pd" up tr, J,lk.' lhp r"1Ihn~ r,tlsburgh romance 01flflh yrade teacher Annie new place, (Raled PG) (2 h,s ) 0(2) LET'SMAKEADEAL o {4J THURSDAY NIGHT AT THE SchlalflllO E~ Greco, the famed naskelb,dhl('>am '0 the c:hamplon Cooper IlH1 h"f 'Mr RighI' becomes 11:35 om BULLSEYE MOVIES 'The Olher S,de 01 The Spanish I,amler, aml/es In Toledo1o sh,p pial' ,'" (HJleO PG) (2 hrs ) r.omphc(itl 'dwtlcn she learns that he fD MOVIE -(SCIENCE FICTION) Local Shows m~ GREENACRES MounlalO 1975 Stars. Ma"lyn Has. pamt an .,Har piece and lalls In fo-ve IS the latl" (,,; he' mosl precocious ...... , "The Thing" 1951 Kenneth am FAMILY FEUD sett,BeallAndges Basedonthelrue With a young woman who warns him ~tudent Tobey, M"r\la,ul Sherrdan A Thursday, July 16 - Channel 17 0(9) THE DOCTORS story 0l.lil1 Kinmont, a young skIer aboutapll)) 10J.lro~ehlma heretiC (2 om I'M A BIG GIRL NOW Diana 5trange tH"lng from another world h,s) '~aD CAROL BURNETT ANO deslineu lor Olymp'c gold, who FRIDAY IUlds her ~ell In the rnldsl of a feud lerrOflll'" .1(1 A rl:i U"; US research e 6:30 p.m. - "Hank Luks VS. Crime" - Mr. Luks , 1:45 FRIENDS became p "'I~~orrproducer (Rated Paml,ng' Mecke', 'TheHatShop' 2) marmembr {irf>O((>(ll'h011ywooddlrec wh~,,&'hr' raps ron Ihe crook! InlO alonOIJohnaonCounly" 19768111 g r2~TWILIGHT ZONE for~ In thl~ pp,c,ode FOOln(H~ from dellvMnq ~lIlh. ~Iolon good. 10 a Poor (disaster) B"by, 80 Hopkins ... roolloosa ,~ISIl HOGAN'S HEROES mf'ny "1m 0:; dlut",lH11t'l'S the (flrectors' poll-:e'opCr;)lnd fenrlno operation Boelonmr) a no a Wyom,nQ cowboy m ~ DICK CAVETT SHOW .k,1I Md 'he clpvelopmenl ollha (Rated PGl (90 m,ns ) •

Page Four.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, JlJly J 6, 1981

2:06 6:30 en. e V at U SCtlP ~on MOVlll.(COMEDY}" "Gorp" • ACSN Freehand Skelching ('J') WOMAN TO WOMAN i • ON DECK CtRCLE TWILIGHT ZONE TeleVISIOn) No Other Inlormallon 1ft 1980 Dennla Quaid. Whit crazy 'Qverlapping' tAl OETROIT BLACK mNEWS AV8llebie (96 mine.) I 2:15 shenanigans could poulbly erij$ltal • HI!WSM4KER SUNDAY Denial JOURNAL . COMPLETE LISTINGS (THill rlASEBALL Alla~laB"vesV8 (1) THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO .. HBO MOVIE -(DRAMA) ... I Jewiah summer c a",p inthe heart 01 Schorr and a panel 01 correspon. 610 BETHESDA. TEMPLE lID BASEBALL DOUB. "Rockrlf'19r9SylvasterSlallona. Chicago Cubs (II players' st,ike 1 Ihe Calakill mounlalna? Tha coun. denla d,scu .. lha iasues 01 Iha 3:00 conlinua., allernale programming LEHEADER Clucago Whit. Sox V5 Talll ShIre Mamed, w,lh • baby on salor. 01Camp Oakemo wiliahow C!lTHISWEE.KINBASEBALL. TeXla Rangers (It players' alroke da~, Will be a"ad) Ihe wly ilnddlsdlu.sloned by vani&h. you. (Rllod R) (90 m,na,) 10:05 m SPOTLIGHT ON THE NEWS • BAS!BALL Allan •• Brav81 vi conlinuas, a"ernate p'ogrammln~ Ing lame and lortuna, Rocky WEATHllR.SPORT8 ed PG) (2 hrs.) II m LONE RANGER: AN AMER- & CD BUGS BUNNY.ROAD RU"" Quayle. r a'Lan reacues a lemale and the I"w (Rated PG) (2 hrs ) Ihe lalesl t,lms (!3apesl. 90 m,ns ) m SHO MOVIE -(COMEDY) •• 10:35 I~ANLEGEND NERSHOW 0FAITH FOR MIRACLES lit ~ MOVIE -(COMEDY) •• "Bronco Billy" Clint East.. ood, pilot and caplurea the gang thaI 3;00 • MOVIE -(DRAMA}" ~ "World m 0 MESSIANIC JEWlstl !.•iID WORLD TOMORROW robbed a selltemenl 01explosives STUDIO SEE 'Clearwalar' "Studanl Teacher." 1973 Susan Scalman Crolhe,s. A Iho'oughly Of Suala'Won9" 1960 W,lliam Hol' ILQICE" am SOUL TRAIN Damanle. Brooke M,ils (Paid Subs. 0TEENPROFIL! ~m,"s) 1 MILLER BILLIARDS naive former shoes salesman trom den, Nancy Kwan The story 01 an f!I) LlVEWIRE 'Juvenlle Just,ce' C!l $POIlTS AFielD PINWHEEL lID ACSN L,leracy Instruclor Train- TOURNAMENT c"pl,on Telov'5Ion) Thrae IUSlY.lus' NewJ8Isey real'zeshisboyhoodde. AmellCln ,,"st ,nHon~ Konll,lallln~ m FREOSAXON INSlDE 8USINESS I ~ PROGRAMMING III BOXING Weslarn U S, Amaleur cious. CIH'JaceoUs teachers Bre s"e to bn ,,"other Wild Bill Hickok, 1 ~ 'talking It Over' UNANNOUNCED in love with an orienlal proslilute (3 4:00 8;35 III MEDICINE AND YOUR HEALTH C-hamplonships learmng H\If'\g5 e~erlJ day from Ihelr (Rated PG) (2 hra.) hra,) o ~ PROFESSIONALS (PAIIl M: ...~~fte ,. r"HIRU,,"UOC'." II~.",,"" IDD SOUL BEAT SPORTS SATURDAY sludenls 190mlns ) ft\ if" .... '''''''I ..... iI"'-:'~.r> ...... ,~,.. __ l!D 6;05 11:00 SUBSCRIPTION TELEVISlONI ".., •• - ...... --.~ .. _. l"'''l •• ,.'et .afT' .Qf'" tJe:we: t;1;;--s'~;"'- ;953-' Rlcha;d Issue!l ... "I".;J II'I ~_... fa Ol"TWI'I'N THE L1N!:!! -m n"T'lnIT FlfCHANGE ft('1')MDVIE.(COMEDV)','.' "Love Greene, Leonora Amar One bold • ENG'LisHCHANNEi." --" 7:30 ii~ COMEDY SHOP 6:10 11:55 NEWS.WEATHER-SPORTS emlim BRITISH OPEN ABC II A Ball" 1963 tilenn coro, Hope rogue agalnslan army of enemies. II a CV PRICE IS RIGHT ED PRESS BOX @II WEEK IN AGRICUL TURl! om DEAR ALEX AND ANNIE 3:30 Sporla w"l provide coverage of Iha Lange. S~llappo,nled malch.maker malching",I! and .. eapone to w,n a DC!l DANCE FEVER @lSHO BIZARRE Oll.beal comedy 6:30 Iinalround 01pla~ in Ihispresllgious deshnas nnheIress to m.rry a duke. kmgdom And love. (90 mma) om YOUNG PEOPLE'SSPECIAL D~ TEMPLE BAPTIST lalealUred ,nthe cont,nulng sSlIaa 01 CHRlSTOPHEFl..CLOSEUP -Th& Fisherman's Son' 11m goll tournamenl Irom Royal SI (2 hrs.) 8;55 emMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 'Blzarre' ED PRESS BOX Washlnglonb"reau Georges Goll Club InS.ndwich, Eng. m~MOVIE-{COMEDY)'" "Ba. maMOVIE-lHORROfl)" "Pha'" 'Aonlreal expos vSSan O,ego Padres Gl MOYIE -(COMEDY) "'. "Tha ch,ef and yoe.' correspondantadia' em SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK tom Of The Oper." 1962 Herbart land. (2 hrs.) chelor And Tha Bobbr SOll"" 8;56 (II playe" 51".a conhnues, aller' Shout" 1919 AlanBales, Susannah cuss evel1l~ of the week, Lom.Healhar Sears IIhideoualydia' mlTARZAN 1947 Cary Granl, ShtrleyTemple, A 8(2) IN THE NEWS SATURDAY n81~,ol'l ammmg wHf b!3 aHed,) York. AWAnderer dominates Ihehou- QD MOVIE -(COMEDY) "'. CD TOM AND JERRY bachelo' plagued by a school'glfl figured mUSIC,anlerrorizealheParoa (JO 9:00 m IN SEARCH OF ~ehold 01,1~oungmamed couple. (90 "Unldanllfl.d Firing Odllball" who has <.i r.:rush Of"l him, falls (Ot her JULY 18, 1981 Opera Ho ...58 in niSi lovetor IIIbeautifut II) JIMMY SWAGGART GOOZILLA iRIUP AND COMING minS.) 1979 J,,,,Oale. DenniaOugan.Aman m 2/?,era SUllier (90 mlns ) BEST OF C-SPAN s,ster. a ludge (2 h1SI ~ AMAZING GRACE L1VEWIRE 'Drugs and Alcohol' 1t:35 and his look. alike robolarelcc,den. llIl LIYEWtRE 'Prjvale Lives'Public IACSN Bluegress8anjolsvel One 1819 FREE TO CHOOSE 'Who Pro. r.nFONZANDTHEHAPPYOAYS SPORTS PROBE • (I) MOVIE .(CRIME)" "Pr.tty lally launched Inlo Ihe put when 1 AFTERNOON L,vas' 'laason F,ve' tecls lhe Consumer?' Fnedman GANG MOVIE-(SUSPENSE)" "Ra.ur. Boy Floyd" 1960 John Ericson. I'ghtn;n" slrlkes Iheir apacecrall, tD NEWS.WEATHER-SPORTS shows how gover"menl re\lulatiQns 12:00 • STYLI! l REX HUMBARO .. etlon" 1980 Ellen8urslyn.EvaLe Barry NeNm.n The slo,y ollhe in. (Rated G) (~hrs.) 11:30 .nd .gano.y wal chdogs lead 0Ifectly (.'1 FAT ALBERT SHOW .MOVIE-(DRAMA)" "l!:namyOr Galliennl' A woman diEiS and comes famous q<1ngslEH who heeded the ow 7:00 ROMPER ROOM Th. P.ople" Steve McQueen, B,bi mSUNOAY IN DETROIT lo mcreascd costs 10 the consumer, SESAME STREET mAMERICA'S TOP 10 back 10Io!~ No.. noone she touches I' B I 's n'osl wanled IISI ,n Ihe lale II C!l AMllRIC4'S BIBLICAL Andarson A doclor dIScovers mir- 1ft ADDAMS FAMilY wh,le I,esmark'ets and compehlion MOVlf: -(HORROR)' "Mon- 1m ABC WEEKENO SPECIAL .. ,IIevert,,, 1M same (Raled PG)(2 193O's. (~hrs ) HERITAGE 1 Ie aculous healing powers in a Nor~ mIDMOVIE-(MUStCAL)'" "Gar would lower prices, ~Closed. IterDamolilllar"1963GermanRo. 'The ConlAsl Kid Strikea Again' A hrs ) 11:45 • 9 BETHESDA MISSIONARY wegian t()wn' s miner 81 springs. When Purr .. a" 1962 VOices 01Judy Gar. Caplion~d. U.S,A.) (60 mlns } bles. Julto Aleman An Army of vam. grand scll~me backl"es .. hen a boy ID HBO MOVIE -(ANIMATEO)" om MOVIE -(DRAMA)" "Train TEMPLE 'he wa'''' becomaa polluted, Ihe land, Roborl Goulet. Anlm.led lea' GOlD APOSTOLIC WAY TV BIBLE ~"es lEseIrom Iheir crypl s to da .lroy .. ho enl ersevery conlesl thai comea "Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown" Robbera" 1972 Ann.Margrel.John r.n THIS IS THE LIFE lown Ihr""lens Ihe doclor's heallh. o tura aboullhe advenlures of a group CLASS Ihe "0,10 (90 mlns.) t\long wins a flock 01 chickens and P~anlJls I Llny NoOlherlnfotmallon Weyne 'nuke' W.yne ISal his guns. (fl. SUPERMAN 01cala in 1890 France (90 mons.) tIll CFL FOOTBALl. Edmonton !is. decldeslo keep Iham on an elaganl (A.led G) (~hrs) Avallablc. (Ral~d (,;, (90 mlrs.) hnging bpst 10 Ihls Texas epic of @ll SPORTSCENTER EID ACSN ADillerenl Underalanding 3;35 GI ~ GREAT ZOOS OF THE kLmos vS Winnipeg B(ue ~orobers 'Tag Alonlf eatate In help his friend. an under- "reed. JJllrsull and lustice, The EID ACSN Fasl Forward NUMERO UNO (PAID SUBS> 7:35 WORLD - III FREEMAN REPORTS, - @II FREEMAN REPORTS Arepaal 01 paid buller_avoid starvation. ClJ~ sourca 01all the fuss? Gold, Don'l 'SimulatEvns' CRIPTI(lN TELEVISION) fa MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) "'. EID ACSN Understanding Ihe Mad,. 9) SHO MOVIE -(CO~'iDYl •• .& preYiOllS interview wi1h audience (Be!?!al) mls' lhe ... rprose endlOg (PG) (115 Q) WEEK IN REYIEW 4:00 "Flying Le..lllerneckl" 1951 John 'Newspapflr Communication' 2) "Bronco Billy" . Cllnl E",.twood, parhclpallon hosled by Sandi lI(tl YESYOUCAN mms) 7:05 Uill ADAM 12 Wayne. Rt1bert Ryan Strict disci. 'Newspa~er. A Buamua' Scatma" Crolhers. A Ihoroughly Freeman (l) I!IlISSUES UNLIMITED 12:00 fa JAMES ROBISON • C!l SPARKY ANO AL SHOW phnsrlar' ,dIll N i1nd his squadron tD WI!EK IN AGRICULTURE naW6 former shoes. salesman rrom 9:26 o ~ SPORTS AMERICA miDMOVIE-{HORROR)'" "Hor- 7:25 SHO MOVIE -(DRAMA) ",, CI ~ PROFESSIONALS (PAID becomelllt:nO:::i In IlH3cruclbleolwar. m New Jars"y rna I,leshl sbOY!>Olldde. 'lIlf! IN nlE NEWS 'Inlercolll'Ylate F1:odeo' ror 01 Or.cula" 1958 Chrisloph" &(1) MESSAGEFORTODAY SUBSCRIPTION TELEVISION) (2 hrs., 31) 1l1lr1<:") - "Gr •• t Santini" 1979 Robert sIre to b" ,nother Wild 8ill Hickok. 9:30 611 BEST OF CALLIOPE Lee. Pele, Cushing. A dedicaled tD~ JOT Duvall, Blylhe O.nner. A MaroneJel (Rated P(';) (2 hrs,) III SPORTS: COLLEGE PREVIEW OC1lNHRA 17tllANNUALSPRING 8:00 doclor c-1Jlllbals a vamplf'ic count D m BATMAN AND THE SUPER 1:27 ~ilot in p~.cellme runs his lamily "~e 01 MOVIE -(COMEOY)" "Lillie OIMOVIE -(SUSPENSE)" "Rnur- NATIONALS U CV ENOS When a syndicale hil who prey ...upon hiS femate Victims in SEVEN 0(2) NEWS a battalion and tnes to shape his san Darllng&' 1980 iatum O'Ne.I.K"s. tecllon" 1980 ElIenBurslyn.EvaLe m e CHALLENGE MATCH man IS 'tuken lor a ode,' Enos and a Europe,,, v,llage (98 mlns ) D~ CAREER SPOTLIGHT 7:30 inloa slars and Slripe. image 01him. Iy McNichol Twoleenagegirls,atler Galllennc A woman dies and comes FISHING Turk are '''''iolqflf!O 11)(t prell,.. assis. Ur.n RICHIE RICH.SCOOBY AND fiD FREEMAN REPORTS om ORAL ROBERTS aall. (Ratod PG) (2 hrs,) meeting ...... wm'Jer who brags of her back 10Ille Now no one shelouches @ll PBA BOWLING Waukegan lant dtSl Ilf t i1 ttorney 10 break the SHO MOVIE -(ADVENTURE)" SCRAPPY 000 SHOW m o (t) PARISH PARTNE'RSHIPS sexua1a( livilies. make awagerasto will eve, 1>1'Iho same (Raled PG) (2 QEan ca.e Wid.. "1'0" (Repe.I,60m,ns.) "Kill Or Ba Killed" Norman WITH THE DISABLEO Or. Merlin tTl. MOVIE -(COMEDY)' "Spy who will r.ur/t'l'r.der her virginity !lrst hrs.) OJ TAKE TWO The besl 01 Ihe II(4J BARBARA MANORELL AND Cha.. r." 19S5 Leo Gorcey. Hunlz Combes, J.,unesRyan.Amartial arlS Schullz 01 -the Lutheran Church- (Raled R) (~hls) 12:26 pre\lJous week's programming. THE MANDRELL SISTERSGuesls' competl1lnn turns in10 an arena of Hall, The Boys bruah shoulders with M,ssouro SynOd is hosl of thla SUNDAY 4:30 8 (1) IN THE NEWS €I) SHO MOVIE -(COMEDY}" Mickey (,oIl~y iendy Pendergrass, de.lh as d Ka,aleexperltakesonan royalily "nd rescue a lhrone for a lelecast wh,ch ,llusHates hOW""r 6 CDCBS SPORTS SUNDAY CBS 12:30 "HoldMe!" KalhleenChallanl,Paul ~nd Ihe 1\,,,111 rUl'l'els. (Repeat. 60 army 01ql,diators hired to kill him. Belhel Liliheran Church in SanFrsn- kmU90,,"ns,) JULY 19,1981 Sports proVides coverage of a. 12- U(1) KIDSWORLD Dooley. ~pool on I"mtland lo,ing in 'n,ns ) (Raled Pl.) (~hrs.) IDIM BIG BLUE MARBLE cisco m~hillzed volunlaers and round NOllh Ame"can Bo~ing Fader. DC!l PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND Iha mod~rn wo,ld. (2 hra.) CI~MOVIE-(DRAMA)" "Honay- 12:05 ra,sed lu"~s 10a\d developmanl8!1y EID ACSN.Home Accessories 'Ma. 4:30 suckle Rose" WolheNelson, Oyan AFTERNOON atlon llqhlweight Champlooship crame Tree' O~MOYtE .(HORROR}, "Night m MOYIE -(ORAMA).' "Acro .. disabled members 01 the CBS SPORTS SATUROAY Cannon lP.,d Suhscnphon Televi. light between Ray '800m Boom' 10:00 Evelyn Came Oul of ll1e Grav." oCIJ Tha Brillge" 1956 Rod Steiger, communlly 12:00 BASEBALLOeiroltTlgersvs slon)S1ol y,lbouf .."1 O:;lnger'sllfeonthe Mancm; anti Jose LUI'S Ram.lftJ!; Tim 1971 Anlhony Siellen, Erica Blanc, om Maria LandI. EVQry hand tS against a SOUNDINGS AGRONSKY AND &(1) ALl-N~W POPEYE HOUR Oakland 1\' <(II playe,s' Slfikeconl,n. road. with ,!flt'r IllHJnlyht bus tides to urn II GL Ryan. (,II Clancy. and .. W8A No Olhel Illiormalion A\lallable (90 rnan on till' run and minions 01 dolfars ()). CARTOONS C.OMPANY ~COMPUTER WORLD ues, aHer,,;;tp programmlOg Will be Ihenex1 t.lltk fr)wn lh(~f)nty cer.ainty Llghlwe"lhl Champion Se.n B.C_ GARDENS mms.) can'l 58.... 1115life (2 hrs., 5mms) tD~ IT'S YOURIlUSINESS JETSONS I(Ii a"eo.) (2 hrs) C111ft O'Grady report from ringSide in mID MOYIE -(WI!:STERN) , •• D(T) BRITISH OPEN 12:30 CD lit LORETTA FRY m. CISCO KID ONCE UPON A CLASSIC EIGHT IS ENOUGH Tommy Yo~sl'>wn, OhiO. (90 mlns.) .(1) CANADIAN REFLECTIONS m9 IIm 9,m NEWS fD SUPERSTAR VOLLEYBALL BUSINESS ANO MEDIA: AL- "BloodOnThdloon" 194BRobert WRESTLING gels 8JOlJ dt a lhghtclub speCialiZing GIS C9u REV. lEONARD REPASS ',1). CHARLANDO mn o ~ WODEHOUSE;h 326 8rolishColumbia V8 LIES OR AOVERSARIES1 Milchum Walter B,ennan A co .. boy III FIRST ROW FEATURES 'Lone ,nmale Slrlppers AClubhis falheris m MATT AND JENNY 'A Call to become:-- Ilhlolved In a 'rlend' sunder- GO0 TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL PLAYHOUSE Onlsrio GI 1ft PROGRAMMING PINWHEEL (CONTINUES) Woll' trytnglor lrlO:;p OIndflbbyfaceS aeoo._ tIll PBA' BOWLING Waukegan Arms' handed :,r:hemes but reverses the fIl fJI ACSN Faal Forward 'Eleclronlc UNANNOUNCED 4:35 G NEWSMAKER SATUROAY €Ill H80 MOVIE -,WESTERN)" frontatloll With thl! u ....l:rt..fltlcalfal.her Open Med,cin~ dchonto ,111.1 a g"l.nd he, lalher. (90 "Doc" 1971 Faye Dun.... y, Stacy ofTom'Sr"slwile (Repeat,60mins' fA NASlSOCCERCalilornl. Surf¥s m RAT PATROL mins,) Daniel51 h,)" rnoderates 3 group 01 1;00 ED INTERNATIONAL WEEK IN Porlland T,mbers Keach. Wy."Earp.OocHolliO.y,the (Closed e~,lp!IlJn~d. U.S AJ 5:00 d,stongul',hed correspondents Wtlh DrflBLUEJEANNETWORKPRE- . REVIEW QJ FOR THE FANS miRI YICTORY GARDEN Clanlon Il, ,)fhers and Ihe beaulilul MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) '''. O@ TWILIGHT ZONE yuests 111 .1 l.IueS110n and answet m~ SENTS'I '..clrlcLlyhtOrcheslraand 7:35 12:30 IlIII BEST OF CALLIOPE Kate Eld~'f 11\111 agam as some ollhe "Ouelln The Jungle" 1954 Dana o m NEWS AND Tl;tIS WEEK IN SPORTSCENTER fo,mal, Dlscovel, lnnovatlce classlcal. fa IT IS WRITTEN UCIJ FOCUS DETROIT ED boldesl ~,'ll~Sl)'thelegendaryWest Andrews .Je-I.JlUH: Crain An .nsur. PARLIAMENT News and the currenl 1:00 rock wilh Brilain's Eleclric Llghl Or. 7:45 • D@ MEETTHEPRESS lID ACSN Freehand Skelching come to 1111' scrp.en (2 hrs.j 3nee invl .....llqfltor Hark") an alleged , events InP~rllamenl (Sa min•. ) 'Forming Ttucknesses' o (f) MOVIE -(MYSTERY1 .. chestra. 'JO nuns.) :VI. NEWS CII~MOVIE-lCOMEl)Y}" "Bion- mall J\fr II":d [TJ fil MOVIE -(WESr'ERN) ... "Ghost Of Frankeneleln" 1942 4:35 dead IQ {2 hrs ) CI~MOVfE-(THRILLER)'. "The 610 FAITH FOR THE 80'S CD ART OF COOKING Pol Marlin m RAT PATROL m ,'Ie' PROGRAMMING di.'. Secrel" 1946 Arthur Lake, "Bend 01 The River" 1952 James demonslrales tHS culinary skll:s. Lon Chal1l'Y. Jr . Evelyn Ankers The Shining" 1979 Jack N,cholson. 8:00 Panny S,nylelon Dagwood can't , ~ ... '-,# UNANNOUNCED Stewarl, A,lhur Kennedy ,In 1647,. .. SHO TANVA,TlJCKER ... HOTf rnonsff!r HUI setfby Dr. Frankenstein. Shelley r1t1vall (Paid Subscription om REX HUMBARD lakeBlondieona promisedliac.min, r:ses up tn rI(!slroy hiS r.:reaior. (2 .~~ ADDAMS'FI\MILY . ',: . . GO 62 OPERATION felevisl ,") f_n e).lra sensory gill C!lOPENOOQRS . ' 'rtailpnV;j ~f\lt\l~~r,e I"mo;.loPorlland Sullry s,"y'ny sensallon Tanya ,BREADBASKET so he arranges to hava Ihe luggage s,EiIEtk;og c." Ule and prO\l1 sions for seJ. hIS L er.n WIDE WORLi) OF SPORTS r.alled 'TII r. ')h Inrny. terronzesa fami. . ~ 700tLUS"HeallhyRlp.0Ifs' ':lloleil:biJi he neglects 10tel11tieir r(Jchef5,.r.~SHOWTlMEon f,temthi:s On 100al , en 00FACE THE NATION dellvertnll ;111the stoleh 900dS to a II) SHO AMERICAN DANCE MA- IIIn GET SMART Available {db I11lns ) crel ser\.1l e tiyenfs dlYlded loyal. Cumm,nus The slory 01Ihe I,vas "I lIP ACSN Oeallng In DiaclpHne 1C!lMOVIE-(COMEDY/'" "Don. pOllce.o~r~uited fenCing operation CHINE ',\ Celebral "metH~anG.L's 1 CI (2~ THE ZOO AND YOU 8:26 Bob and Juyce Kaulm.n I,om W,I. 1 Gene K

Thursday. July 16. 1981 ~ROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-C

155 1178 Craig W.. aon (Plld Subl • CD Ale NEWS NIGHTLlNI! • MOVIE -(DRAMA)" '10 Chlln erlpllon Tele,lllon) No Other Infor Anehoreo by Ted Koppel COMPLETE LISTINGS- WEEK OF JULY 16-22 Llghlnlng 1950Humph'e~Boglrt 'l!J!!2.n A'I,lable (106 M,nl) TAL!SOFTH1!HAUNTED WEDNESDAY Ind Jille Inlo Irlneportinlll clrgo IIcac NEWS Eleanor Parker A let pltolllcrlllclI .aJ HAPP,(DA'(SFonzl. gellantly BeNNY HILL SHOW July 22, 1981 of ~gLIIIII dynlmoll • (J) CHAIRMAN OF THI! l scruple8 and honor lor monay (2 t.k el Jenny PlccliD AI hi. bride ,nI ill NOVA The Aalerold end lhe e Blake (60m ns ) CAREER SPOTLIGHT m SHO WE LL BE RIGHT BACK A MOVIE -lCOMEDY)" Oh .. ~ GOSPEL TRUTH 198000 OeLotJIse AnneBancroft mreil FAITH FOR MIRACLES ,,@ .@ tD PBA BOWLING Waukegen lIB MOVIE (COMEDY) •• "" 8fT) TUESDAY MOVIE OF THE I ,ely ral ospeel ,alealur n'l some Godl Book II 1980 Geo,ge Bu,os lit U S PRO CHAMPIONSHIPS Fal man joes on a d at and becomes 6!l SUPERCROSS COMPETITION Unldenl,f,ed Flylnll Oddball Me" ~ T~ , f om SOBlan Open WEEK I n c III L"kewood Manor 01 the worh1 s most enlerta n ng and _!:: ~ hn .... rl F om De ro t Pari 4 325 1979 J,mDale Denn,.Ougan (Pa,d Suzanne Plesnelle (Pe a ::SuDcnp .. INSIDE BUSINESS l(H7 S c; Suzanne Somers un10 ge f ble commerC a's w th I onTeley,s on)Ayoungg,,1 ... kad 1140 rather be lat and happy (Rated PG) G FREEMAN REPORTSAonehour NEWS SL.\b'Scu~1 on TeleVISion) A man anO OlV Rubert F 'w >Ilh "yroup 01people L,;, s. na t- r t.: ~"'t' 'i.:Jot.. 0 Ud (2 hlB) 635 natIonal L;111l n In depth talk show slook I ke obot are ace dentally by God I) come up w,lh 88logan to em MAN FROM U N C l E 330 n 'ica ch n I) () 1ance and pleasure and Pal M Iche I mske God a household word (90 11 45 w th a v ud ence Isunched nlolhepaslwhenhghln ng m THAT GIRL 700 8m REUGIOUSMESSAGE \l1alav 51 n Ntp.sorl a esudden 635 Gl HTN ~ TRAVEL CHANNEL sl kas "e r spacecrall (\00 mlfl.l IJOO SPORTSWORlDNBC Sparta 8rn PM MAGAZINE lilE!IlMOVIE lCOMEDY)'. Henry I~I appe II ~ rln ,d ylhreal!romlhe m THATGIRL • m HBO MOVIE (BIOGRAPHICAL) m ns) ill SUNDAY HIGHT MOVIE oilers e.clus ye caller age 01 the ,",OKERSWllD Aldrich Edllor 1942J mmyLydon d.plhs 0" .,Ih 700 IIOO ••• Coal Mlnllr s Daughter 1980 .. HBO MOVIE (DRAMA) •••• VoyageOIThuDamnad 19n5tara CART M h gan 500 Indy type car Q~ CANDID CAMERA Ct ar es Ih The ed lor of e h gh fIm PM MAGAZINE S ssy Spocek Tommy Lee Jonas The Godlalher 1972 Marlon OJf'Il MOVIE -lMYSTERYl •• '. I Faye Ou ,oway MaK Von Sydow race an I o,erage 01Ihe Tour de om ABC NEWS school p ~e Vels nlo trouble {90 Love A MY81ary 1967 da Lup no em JOKER SWILD The ups Juw s dnd ,esoluhon of tha Brando III Pac no Siory 01 a Sage 01600Jew,.hpassengerswho France IJ cycla ace (3 h,. 30 (I) YOU RE ONLY YOUNG m ns) Dav,d H "man Th ee detecll,es ell t2'Ql tANDID CAMERA 88,led" ) ,Hamburg n 1939 and mons~ o remarkable m,Hr age between synd ca' h ella n h,s lam Iy Iia TWICE 01 SHO SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY search r J 10 n ~slng b Ihona (a om A6CNEWS superst nyer Loretta Lynn and andhlso~ al uos nlhecf meworld whom no c 1unl,y would allow to dlS 8 m MOVIE -lDRAMA).. ZIg- (t)flll) ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW LEWIS J ,'he k ng 01comady on f nd that Il y ve been lured '0 an s am MAJORLEAGUEBASEBALL he, hu.!:> d Mouney (Raled PG) {2 stage atll LasVegasSaharaHolel (3hrs) em~k (Jh .. ) lIlI 1970 George Kennedy Anne GJ~ HOGAN SHEROES I rs I~ , ) and (21 ~) Montrea FlIipos. vs San Franc seo • \.LI WilD CANADA Enchanled Jackson II term na y I mantrama. lor Ih s h I r OUSn ghlclub acl then 830 If) tAl WILD WILD WORLD OF 1025 m ~ NIGHT GALLERY a anls ( Pop aye sst kecor'll n Islanda John and Janal Foaler ex h msell I If murder onordar to get ANIMALS meet the pr ,ale Jer y Lew s back .m FtOFlonskalol,n'lherhome et!' NASL SOCCER WEEK IN ues allf :lIp p cgramm ng w I be m TBS EVENING NEWS her fr entl:s and her money when she ploretheQueenCharlollel.l.ndsolf ,nsu,encdorh sw Ie bulwhenasuc 1i2) PROGRAMMING slage a. Il Ih "u\lh 101mcl palraconll REVIEW a, ed ) ( I , JO m ns ) m 1030 s nks ell he has n a flaky Canada Wesl Coasl (60m,ns) caaslu 01) ratooncuresh 10 hamusl UNANNOUNCED h s mov Ind stage ca1'eers SHO MOVIE (DRAMA) ••• t) flll) ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW O(~ SOLO deal (Perl one01a Iwo pari presen m I'HID MONTE CARLO STUDIO SEE LaSI Show Ot MOVIE (DRAMA)'. The II Luna 1979 I IIC aybu,gh Mallh mtSOl HOGAN SHEROES ma BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL p,o,a h, nnocence (2 hrs 10 m m~ HONEYMOONERS Isl,on ) (Hepeall et!' SPORTSCENTER 'and 1980 M,~hael Ceone Dav,d FlW Barry An Amm opera s nger m ~ WILD WILO WORLD OF CDQ SUNDAY NfGHTLlVE 10 ns) m~ ON WORKING 8 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY G MONEYLINE F nanc,al b.s ness Warner lacy ,Ihe Carnbean (2 m has an I pstuou5 affa r \IV Ih her ANIMALS • Lo,e II """ 1200 OJSHOTANYATUCKER HOT' Lenny an...J~qu yyy fantas le about and consu lef news w th heavy em hrs) drug add led son (RaledA)(2hrs mdhvanahenbe,ngwho ed PG) ( s) mtSOlMASH ... McLlntock 1963 John 8rn THREESCOMPANYWhena CDCft NEWS 10 ,aluall, n yl >lJeassaulledby Ilghts Ir "llh 0~1 on ....Ih N ck wealtt;y Ian becomes obsessed Iceds on I y ny ~realures (Rated R) 1205 MACNEIL lEHRER Wa)lne MiJU {;c 0 Ita a Cuel 01 PEOPLE TONIGHT An hou' ot lIals and 5 m C!Ill Charles" Il Bob Ku II w th makong a reluctent Cindy h s (;! hrs ) IlD MOVIE -iMYSTERY).. Kill Me REPORT be1ween (': Itl~ h;:uon and a hard personal ty n~ws Inle views and om FAMILY FEUD OJ MOVIE (COMEDY) '.',. br de JackdndJanel deYlsea ploHo 8 OS Tomon.,w 1957 PalO Br en 11) t1VEWIRE Censo,sh p woman l Ius) revIews I 15 ~ Si) CAROL BURNETT AND Unldenl,',ad Flyln9 Oddball slop the Nf!'mony '0 avo d 'arever fB ATLANTIC CITY ALIVE Gnorger ul",ro. Cromareporter YOU' FASHION MAGAZINE FRIENDS fill 1979 JimDale Denn sDugan (Paid lOSing II u rI Capl oned F ve Hours Hl58 Slepl\an McNally yllng r n nd solye a murder (105 fD AAA BASEBALL R'chmond h s ook ~n, b)1 , accldenta I~ TUESDAY Roberl Vaughn 2) Dreaming Out m ~ MACNEIL LEHRER Ihlllluan Ilhulasllh ngshewant,," 'a) USA) REPORT Bra,es" Ilucl esler Red W ngs (II launche,' 10Ih"p",lwhanl ghln n~ July 21, 1981 loud I~ h)I-'d U;t,!5 Lei !Jlord 3) onolher n I hut I hrr mol~or has her 1230 mm SUIlIMERMOVIE FESTIVAL fI) L1VEWIRE Men no ADAM 12 MilJor le IUP."itr ke r:onl nues 1h 5 sir kes 1("0 -::>IJ lJc.;rafi ( 100 MacB"lh O,."n W"II. Jeanelle way lhal ""~"y what ahe II be .(2) The Cia N M\ rde(s Sta s Susan Q&NASLSOCCERJa~ksonv lIeTea lI.!!.mew,l r) 1245 m ns) 11 25 Nolan (4 I I::' 4;) III n5 ) lI!!ttong Ulupeat) W CNNSPORTS A reporl onwhel s EVENING Kelly L ",'"nr. Dan" A prac',cel Men vs Td 'pa Bay Aowd es g AUTO RACING '81 IIIIl HIO MOVIE (WESTERNI ••• unn NEWS 600 ,oke at a 1111Iowc't;n partylurns Inlo a 01 HBO MOVIE (COMEOY).' happene" and what s aheed 'n Smokey And The Bandllil 1980 m CNNSPORTSAreporlonwhal s Mason I on 00 HI9h Plain. Driller 1973 CI nl 1130 .(2)8 4 8 7 m'821 NEWS ample. W"h 01 k,dnapp ng and I sppeneo dnd whsl s shaad n Easlwooll Verna Boom A dr Itllr Is sports 735 Burt Reynolds Sally F,eld Furlher 1100 8m MAUOE Iit~ PARTRIDGE FAMilY murder ( rs) sporls 73S 1!J(if1 ALiCEMel ajealoulyovarhll hHed by l/lwnspaopla 10 prolecl m GET SMART II GU THE TONIGHT SHOW Tne am PAOGRAMMING NOTE All CD (II MYSTERYl Rabecca Epl adven'ure8olalrucker hlSp rlfr end mOlhu life 8 cuhnarytalentll 81 Ihom f,,, yu 1I"lul oullaws who 750 BostOIC" so (juesls JoanR ,ers l:BC p' ~ dOlr' 'y s sublecl to soclelV IIol nlluusl and a blsckm.oI and Ihe I w (Raled PG) (2 hrs ) m BASEBAllRlchmondBrsves,s nosl ~ h m ".1 ,,' busliess hllye IUSI t en ,Offlfllllod 'rom pr son ID TELEVISION TONIGHT Pre,Jew Douglas Fa rbanks Jr June Vall hange i ~ Ih, ~1nke al Ihe aile lOP'I ,d Ihe de W nterl to Lon 130 Syracus 1els (fie~al) (105m n ) on lhe b~,1 bels lor lelev ew,ng Ihal Dr Paul L, eh (Aepeal 60 m ns ) CBC don wherl' Ihey unct)ver Rebecca s 6Iil MOVIE (COMEOY).. Where 750 .. (4) THE SUNDAY BIG EV!HT 100 noghl e 00 C!I~ SHEEHAN SHOlLYWOOD I)I!ID CHICO AND THE MAN besl kepi secret (Closed The Butr~lo Roam fl I Murray m TELEVISIONTONIGHTP,e, ew 100 Ye 01 G }Iden H,ts W II am (1)FOCUSOETROIT II CV MAS H Colonel Polter ~AID SUBSCRIPTION) mCPJ KIJNGFU Cellt,one I.lW nClyhbor and whO WTn u rl'!nd~r her Vlrg n Iy h(st HOUROFTRUTH murder "f h s w fe so al I rsl he illlliJEI)~ NEWS ~eswr l (t>hr ) mo 0&'Ol CANDID CAMERA ....)moon W)I I\,( lolp-IAboulll (Aaled R) (~hrs ) ell) U S PRO CHAMPIONSHIPS humors, c tdlurls uf a seem ng y 8115<» INDEPENDENT NEWS Moneyl nu W ~ MOVIE (ADVENTURE) (lJ ABC NEWS (R"l!.!'ai) 210 Men s T~ sF nals lrom Boslon slow w II d pollr.(' L ~ len~nt to a 19ft FAITH FOR MIRACLES liDSHOWHAT SUPAMERICATh s Whan Ihe North W,nd BloW8 IIIatJ BURNS AND ALLEN (PAID (I)g CROMIEC/RCLE f1j) 19818RITISHSOCCER CHAM checkh, •• b (~hrs) U(9) MANY WIVES OF PATRICK • FREEMANREPORTSA onehour month sedll on lealu(osa ...s tWltha 1974 Henry aadon DanHaggerty 8)8i) ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW e SU8SCRIPTION TELEVISION) 230 PIONSHIPS No Ihem Ireland 's m9 NIGHT GAlLERY nalonal linn rleplh talk show b rdpsych air st ar deonthelegen I\wryo I ~~ I u sa 1 I lliPlrc Kr shn?l palace S bena ( I" l m ANIMAL:> CUP SOCCER Auss,a '8 • MEDICINE AND YOUR 1'eports Irom around the "at on and AUTO RACING 81 Bluing Saddles 1974 Clevon 300 m~OIONNEOUINTSDona'dBr I m ml" s. Iy (80m ns) BECAUSE HE LIVES W HTN S TRAVEL CHANNEL m mn ",hen he I It Y mpnndong'alh (Closed pi on" l USA) (60 rancher I () W(ln!s 10 get h ski er phys callJl nO l: lua Iy (Rated 1015 tilt 1981 BRITISH SOCCERCHAM ESPN S SPORTSTALK 'l' 705 fJlI prhood I C;~ h'''' hp.ff~a..,.emenl and n ns) brelhe, I sudlromp"scn (2h s H)(1l7n s) II ~ MOVIE (ADVENTURE) •• PIONSHIP N"lIhern Ireland vS W ALUNTHEFAMILY m P~IMENEWS 120 Salel Ie la n' I (Ile~ual 60m ns) fit SPORTSCENTER 30 m ns) 1230 Seven W II am Sm Ih Barbara Scollano 330 (epolls I I d tHJ d Ihe at on and 730 • atJ MOVIE lCLASSIC) ••• m NEWS WRAP UP MOVIE lCOMEDY) •• ' .. e (!) TOMORROW COAST Lc'gh (I d Suosc 'pi on Te e-. (l)f!IlMOVlE-lDRAMA)." Anat Ihe wo I M r P\I n!s 01 the day m .(2) LET SMAKEADEAL Gnal Expectallon. 1947 330 Unldanl,lred FlYing Oddball TO COAS T GuU'ls John West ~Ion) Thl ay f cent ;:,eycn are ou1 lasla 1956 In I d Bergman Yul cove ad 0(4) BULLSEYE AnlhonyWagner F nlayCurr e (Pa,d fD PROFESSIONAL RODEO From 1979 J mDale Denn s Dugan (Pa d fa me U or Ambrlsc;."d()rloSaud 10 stop !;I"ven of Ihe underworld s Ofynne1' \ wi Ie Ru~s an rogue lu mSHO 1II0V/E (THRILLER)" o (2Ql TALES OF THE HAUNTED S bs ..r p n T luv son) Fash or.ed Mesqu IT, s Subsc p nTule ....s on)Amanand Arab a a j I A,cray. Wh leBand mOsl notu ou:)' busses ll05 m ns ) Ims ana "i \ 9 I nGe many as The Sh nHI9 1979 Jack N chol Ev ISla" 1I ~1I uSe I'd III Hold I ')m Dlcl.l; n<; novelahout a bOy S 68 SHO MOVIE {ROMANCE)." tl s look 10'.(> obot are aCe dentaUy (gOmns) 1030 IheSury y qc1Au<)hlerofNcholasll !;on Shel~f'yDuv~1 Anexl a sensory ng flie s 1'<; pI' ~on~(~ n Ihe r own '$Irange I 'J w th an escaped Dreame, 197,} T m Malheson aunche I ntolhepasiwhen ghln ng m @ MOVIE (COMEDY) ••• • ~ HONEYMOONERS lasl Cza I Russ a so as 10cle m oJ It cal e I The Sh n nlJ te or zes a ~ ause S 10. 3~carch~slora cache >nvct I Mnges h s lie (2 SusanBI on y F 11abouloneollhe sl kes I e "pacecratt (100 Three Men on a Horse 1936 m I!I TOM COTTLE SHOW lo,ty mil htH'lance (2 hrs 5 'am y m 1n (Aa ed R) (2 h s 30 01 s Ive d mOl el prop' Edo Dance F ,I ye P obolus Th s pro B sck An 0 cn ASwell as Aesgan s 81 NEWS om HOUSE CALLS D Amos ". McL,nlock 1963 John MOVIE fI Noy Lie 1975l Slars • SHO MOVIE IORAMA) •• '. hasahel ",hOpl,nsl end shhap Wealherb~ s con, nced he s dy ng grAm pre') n1s a pe fo mancebylhe pol c,es n sac a and "'Ie nel anal DICK CAVETT SHOW Wayne "1" ro n 0 Hara Ouel mill Ang e D ~ T"lS0n Go LIon P osenl A Grnt Sanlonl 1979 Aobert pen ngs (Aated A) (2 h s ) bullsnolp eparedfn av ",t omh s P oho u (,)flee The,::,lr£!. taped al IS9ues .. SHO MOVIE (DRAMA) ••• belween ;title b;Hon and. a hard woman mu<;1 f.omp a g ps w lh he o va I P h 0,:1 r1 l" A Mar ne el 420 he lSl80fl n canD,nceFesl val PROGRAM Luna 1979 J IC evbu gh Mallh s sle, an" "'0 cous ns (Repeat) woman UI 's) m et despa I he husband aco lege MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ~nd rea' "r.;. the cho eoqr.aphy of pl')l np f' no unsh slam Iylke at 0\1 UNANNOUNCED ow Barry An Arne can opera 5 nge Engl 9h t ~r:h£, k lis h tnse flea", 430 founders M:')~~s Pend eloo and Jon 6lII HBO RACE FOR THE halle1 nr1lr~SloshApe" sson (111heP avu s sl ke s st I neffecl PENNANT • SPORTSTONIGHT Alilhe h,gh has an In estuou9 aHa r w th he lJ!g:noellp nat on (2hts) nf()<, sl;fl n I C)lr lJes mageofh m. • FRED SAXON ..t lernalc p og amm I1gw la ) alhan W ken (60 m ns ) I ghl s fr n at Ihe;le on w th N ck drug add c ed son (Ralency (Raled R) (Z 530 In 90se".n e maQAl nfl' es thai Brian 1979 G ,ham ChApmAn lfuwomf'nnlh,.wo dw!vc'o the PENNANT sl ngy \l h hu serae nqhook e h s l mAVIKINGS BolIF,omlheBlue It M '")'" Un \/("ft>c 98 f om Ihe 130 exam nf" ~ hcnQmena d l;covered 1105 John Cle \e S 0 "101 a mal1 who!ie eo' unt I he bN" )me"i nva Yf\d w th' 11e Tf'l 8 ep "'0de evea s hOY the MARCUS WELBY M 0 h OUQh <; "nil oRe1\I ty and (\ IIIIHBO STANDING ROOMOItLY M n$ko' Thf'rli (> n NE"Y Yo k C Iv o ~ m NIGHT GALLERY Ie paral e • Ch, Sl' Ie (Aaled R) MssMa < TheKd (105mn.) remarks! V ~ ng ,/pc;.ge 5 dam nat SHO MOVIE (ADVENTURE'" !e.1red bv t uman ctJr OS y HALLELUJAH HOLt YWOOD Hosls B ha" ~e "ndElkeSomme 81 11 25 (2 h,s) rQ JIM BAKKER ed Iha I yAS01lhe adventu ous Nor Senn W lam Sm Ih Ba,b.,. UC41LOBOAc.'Ihaftr nglhalu ... m 1005 GUllSl sl Pe e " en (2 h s) .(T) NEWS 630 fill ART S Enlll.h Mus c Raba n f8 TBSWEEK!NDHEWS seman a d enabled Ihem 10become e ({) FLAMINGO ROAD Even Le gh Th na\Jn f cen S9venafeoLit prettyg s as decoya prompls Lobo 1130 • a TOM COTTLe Sttow 10slop '~

t _... .• ' .. J :" Six.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, /981 ShOW'(MON ),'Kod,ak'(TUE ),'Pon' Sll ACSNW"t,ngloraRoason(EXC. @lIS MOVIE (MON.) 'Fatso' CDiD FUNNY FABLES ,es'(WED) • MON.) 1:D5 fJ) DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE ACSN Home Accessories • MOVIE lWED.) 'The Shoul' . W MOVIE 'Nlghlmare ,n lhe Suo' ll1D COMPLETE LISnNGS WEEK OF JULY 16-22 tlll GOLF: 1978 BRITISH OPEN m (THUR .. TUE.).KaepltRunOlng(EXC. , HIGHLIGHTS (THUR.l AII.Slar 11:00 {THUR.l, 'WIld Ones' (FR! ), 'Along THE TONIGHT SliOWGunle: wanla hIS klullY aon 10 tallow .n hil , 5:00 THUR ,TUE) • h'gh school sophomore who eUend. ern Saccar(fRI ),NASLSaccer(MON), o(~)PRICE IS RIGHT Came Janes. (MON l, 'Susao Slepl Robert Kle1n, Johnny Melh.s. (80 loolsleps end Induce. a fellow 10 C8iAl BIOGRAPHY OlSHO NEWMAID(THUR.)Movle • ed private .chooHor 9 yearsdacides Goll 191\0 B"/lsh Open Highlillnts o rn WHEEL OF FORTUNE Hare' (TUE), 'Man in Ihe Middle' mlnll.. coachhlfll (2 hll" 5 minI,) Gl MOVIE -(DRAMAI •••• "God' (EXC. THUR ) 'Rush II' (FRI ,MON ), 10 lry publ,C schoOl (RIled PG) (2 (TUE). flus"ahan Rula. Foalball (THUR .• FRI.) Youog Lives (EXC (WED.) AIC NEWI NIGHT1.lNI! 1:15 fath.r. Pa,t II" 1914 AIPaclno '80n Voyage, Charlie Brawn' (TUE ) hll,) • rn tWED,) 1HUR, Fill) 1:30 Anchor.d by T.d Kopp.1. MOVIISALL NIGHT 'Tlell of Robert Du,all Canllasls'l ,rile 01 m MOVIE (THUR., TUE.) 'Where • HIO MOVII! -(DIIAMA) "10, 8IIl ACSN ConlempolAIY Hullh Is . or') THRE SCO"'''ANY CDAS THI! WORLD TURNS TALUOf' THIHAUNTIO .0TellOr' D ••• O'B"en, 2) '51. Hcp. melanch'.)I~ don w,ththe ". ,days The 8ull"lo ROdm'(THUR ), 'Uplown .. ..... HI1t Mllc.llo Auee (EXC FRI.), 61ullg(8sS BanjO t4.3 [fl SESAME STREET 121 PETTICOAT JUNCTION IIl!NNY HILLIMOW kin.' 1941 Sunn H'ywlld, Bob 01 'hla1athor 85 aillmmlQranl,"j New Saturday Nlghl' (TUE ) Mlltrollnn" Laure AnlonellL In Ih. • al Onu (FRI) Ie) HOUR MAGAZINE rt) WOK WITH YAN Vork, (Rnlnd R) (3 h.. ,30 OIl"S ) 3:35 lu'nollho c enl "'~ Italy. hUlblnd,nd MYIT!!Ilyl 'R.b,cca' Epl- 3) 'Tluaull of T.yopa' IBEVI!RLY HILLBILLII!.S I ) III LOVE AMERICAN STYLE II CNN MOANING R!PORT I'LINTSTONES wil. diacovars IIkuII Identity In. lod, IV. An inQuul and a bllckmail R.nnWtnl,,", BobColIIgen (4 hrs , 5:10 I(THUR" FRI.) MOVIe (eXC THl)R , I'D • SHO MOVIE (THUR., TUE.) STUDIO SEE alllmpliead Ihe de Wlnlerl Ie>Le>n' 45 minll 111111 ALL NITUHOW 3:57 . dep.ndeotly (RIled R) (2 hrs.) 'Wlzard.' (THUR ). 'Deed Man's JIM BAKkER F"I.) 'Ba,lnIQP"ncuCllalilu (MON.), de>n,where I hal' unco~,r R.b.ce,', 5:115 0(2) NEWSBREAK • 9:30 t:35 Flcst' (ruE) WRESTLlNG(THUR ) Superslsr ~ne psler.ce' (rUE) 'My Fa'Jr,sh besl.kepi Becret (Closed. RAT PATROL 3:58 nil! FACTS OF LIFE Bllir • MOVIE -(ADVI!NTURE) •• , m IVolle~b,,11 Cup (FRI 1. Auto Racing Heerl' (WEO) em Ql MOVIE (MON.I'The Rip Off' Captioned. USA) (60 mins ) 5:30 om FYI '10 sea t he sludent counc~lpresH1 ency "Beachcomber" 1955 Glyois 8:05 '81 (MON ), TenniS (TUE ,WED) fIl DUSTY'S TREEHOU~ CDO SPIRIT OF DETROIT Johns.RoberINewl"n Anoulcaslon €Ill AU'\T" , L1AN RULES FOOT 400 108 rival whose outward confidenc4 LASSIE fl!) ACSN II's Everybod~'s Busmess €Ill TOP RANK BOXI': ill.) CFl NASL SOCCER (REPLAY) BALL T. ' . £h" AllllOlJl1Ced m 01.11 JIM ROCKFORD: PRIVATE end sell .1ssursoce mask the fears m a Iropl(.;lll",laod IS th(own together 8.30 (EXC FRll. Workshop (FRI.) Foolball (MON l Jackson"lIe Tea Men vs Tampa Bay With a mls~lonalY s pwn Sisler when INVESTIGATOR and pjessures that Ifaglcally eOg\'lf 2~ MOVIE' ABluep'rmtior Murder' Q) SHO MOVIE ' Slock,ngs' 6il ACSN Conlemporary Heallh Is. Rowdies a pJague lueaks oul (100 mms ) o 8(4) WHAT'S HAPPENING :.: her lRepeal) THURSDAY ('~IUR >, lJwll.'IlSI/.)!lS' ,rf-il), 'Oh (rHUR.), Somebod~Up ThereL,kes sues (EXC f RI ) SPORTSCENTER 0120; BATMAN OO lliE TWO RONNIES SII 2:00 I Me' (FRI ), 'Two Weeks In Another rn MOVIE (THUR. TUE.) Menl Ot\ \/,")lllt'I1 ' 'MON) 'Jacob Oi7, MOVIE S"o",bu",,'OHUn ) o NEWSDfSK A n,"ely.m,"ute SPORTS UPDATE The lalest B~ HIDDEN PLACES: WHERE G THROUGH TI,',. , T','ol' ~.1e.-"151h\" Hooded fang' Town' (MON). Silk Slvck,ngs 'SOnl€wlH'lf" In TII114: (fHUn) "Don't 81 r\IFlld 01 the O;lrl.. (FRI), HISTORY LIVES 'Two Roules Wesr news final. sports rtisu/ls tor the West Coast (TUE ). 'SumebodY Up There Likes MelIOr"," (I UE.) nUL }. 't~,;d's l:Hli: Acre (WEO) The Mall Vlhu lol. t.d Cal OH.nclng' Philip Abbolt lS gUide on a Inp along 11:35 ~of1slan Me'(WEO ) 2:00 WEDNESDAY m15Q' FLiNTSTONES (MON l. I ",Iy In Ceme'li. (TUE ) the overl,ln c:t rcul e anc11he MISSISSlP" • MOVIE .(MYSTERY) "" l!J) SHO WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK A m (56: VEGETABLE SOUP 11:30 o (4) ANOTHER WQRLD "Cronc ullenl" 1971 Robert l''fely (etHJSpeCr,,,e featunng some MORNING Ecj,(thqu. The Ins,de StolY m(~Oi ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW m (9) MOVIE 'SIO" 01 Mal1kLnd pentous; ,\nd complex search tor the m m'Sa! SESAME STREET • WIGHTMAN CUP TENNIS Crlsttne. Ff'uare, Avecy Schretber WED.) W,lh SI,n, Goodbody (FAI ) m~ VEGETABLE SOUP (THUR) L"I"¥eli~ Escad"lIe' kIller of 8 young man aboal'd 8 cable m 62 HOUSF OF (REPLAY) and Pal M,'chell !>,50 Q) SHO INTERNATIONAL ALL fn GRANOSLAMOFHORSESHOW (fRI) Hnl,rii<¥ 10' Lo""s (MON), car (2 h" ) FRIGHTENSTEIN 10:00 2:05 WORLD AT LARGE (MON .• STAR FESTlVAL(WED.) JUMPING (FRI.) E"P\~SI\"l' GeneratIon' (TUE) 11:45 m ' fIl WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF em QUINCY QUincy tralns an al. (t) flI1 NIGHT8EA T ruE.) 8:35 l'.ID ACSN The Grow,ng Years (EXC 'Sound a"o (h~ Fury (WED) .. (I) MAN FROM U.H.C.L.E. NEXT? lraclrve ')'.JUf1'aJ meolcalstudent tobe 2:14 6:00 FRI) 191fID NEWS(THUR,.FRf.1 12:00 W MY THREE SONS aD U.S HOUSE OF a medlC;lll"'xf\mlner bUI18 8noc~ed ClUO RELIGIOUS MESSAGE 0(4) CLASSROOM 9:00 Em MOVIE (THUR" TUE.) 'The Con. m (~ ROMAGNOLIS' TABLE ROOKIES REPRESENTATIVES and d,.ILrl;ed when she repOllslhl1 IJW 2:30 NEWS 0(2) JEFFERSONS lesslona, (THUR), The Islaod' (THUR.)Here sloYou,Healrh(FRI), LOVE BOAT I.aac I,"dlhim. m f!!) ESPN'S SI'ORTSTAlK (THUR.) a veter811 :s!alt (joclor IS coveting up em • 1ft MOVIE -(COMEOY) .. rse MACNEll.LEHRER RICHARD SIMMONS SHOW (TUE) JollI Ch,'o [MON) Mag,c 01 0,1 selfln apleCa/lOUI POBltlonwheo he 1 m CAR T }\'JtqR:lrlnlj(FRI ),W&lytll the hOm'Clde death 01 a glngsler "Happy Birthday G.mlnl" • (1) KELLY ANO COMPANY 11,45 Palnllng (rUE J LI\llng Green REPORT 1 1<11'0\1 (TUc: ) rnel1.!'al, 60 mlns.) maels e beau!,'ul 10lmer school madeloop Kahn. Rile Morano. (Paid UI2~ VIEWPOINT (WED) fD ALL-STARSOCCfA(TUE.)Goll: m~ ILOVE LUCy ~ ACSN K,ds' Connect,on .rll lJ,PRINGTHAW chum Ind her machohusband.anda Subscllph"n Tele.,slon) lusly. rol. 11:57 fIl VEGETABLE SOUP 1980 11""sh Open Hlghllghls mist SESAME STREET EEl SHO MOVIE (THUR,) WiZards It)GUi) ~ NEWS youngman IneSIOwlrtlhe aflf!'clions hcklng, w,"um Rod human slOry aboul O(~) NEWSBREAK ail U. S. HOUSE OF (Y'IED) fD ESPN'S SPORTSTALK (THUR.) ID MOVtE (WEO.) 'Gn,o' tD iA INDEPENDENT NEWS of an oldp.! woman (Repeal. 70 30 (talrsn Amencan youth commg of OJ AMNEWSWATCH Cloi/ 191'1 Ar""h Op"" H,ghl,ghl s REPRESENTATIVES 405 CD" FAITH FOR MIRACLES mlns.L l!.lle ,n Soull, Phllad~lphia (2 hrs.) fn BOXING (WED.) Ql MOVIE (MON,) 'Fatso' (FRI). l"","s (rUE.) ill ADDAMS FAMILY 01 FREEMANREPORTSAanehoul [f) Sl) MOVIE .{DRAMAI ••• "'l1li HIDDEN PLACES: WHERE THURSDAY ACSN lhe GrOW,nq Years (EXC 6:05 ~ ACSN TeachIOg tha Youog Han. m 4:30 ...... " ...... 1. "I In 'n r1J'O.nlhfalk show "Bridg •• AI Toko-Ri" 1954 William HISTORY LIVES 'Two Roules Wesl' FRI) Tl..:•,y the Youny Han m HOll YWOOO REPORT dlcappeu ,~~l!~ (,~~~R,' TUE ), S,m. Through 0(41 ALL IN THE FAMILY wllh Il.....dU~lenc~ t1ol(Jen.\.lracel'\t!'I1Y I't. ~\Oly,l':ldllll~ t-nlup AOoot4 I~ '::o!UIl.h:1VII a 111r,J a.i .....l1~ a O,i:U ~;~UIII-::, \"'V" ...... , , •• _ ...... ,r-f""~ """ ou"aooed rhl!d (FRI ) the pers,")nal dfama set amongst ~1"1n Inl.HH.,J1I C;()I<~OiTHU~ ~ HTN'S TRAVEL CHANNEL the o~erl. L11{iroute and Itle MISSI~SIP' ,91fID NEWS Q) SHO SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY vv r;;;UI'\U;;vLJI'\ I Ul CNN AFTERNOUN Na.y can Ie' based Jet polors and ruE.) ui" ,,""u ((xC fHUR, WE ) 10.05 J.HRLvenllf/lf'qreaU«)(tr,er, sfopping 6:26 LEWIS (MON.) rn MOVIE IWED.) Mv Bodygua,d' hehcoph'! rescue teams duringlhe AFTERNOON 019' TAKE 30FROM . m TBS EVENING NEWS at little kuown c;lles)hallell a great fJ [21 MESSAGE FOR ~ MOVIE (WED.) 'Gorp' 2:15 KoreanWa' (2 hIs. 5 m,ns.) 9 ,fID YOGI BEAR AND FRIENDS 1030 deal aboul Amerlca's past TODAY.NEWS 9'05 12:00 'II) fID LEAD OFF MAN (THUR .. m:5~LOSTINSPACE m(~ HONEYMOONERS GID NfGHTGAllERY • OVERNIGHT DESK 8esl ollhe 6:30 W FAMILY AFFAIR 0(Z)8 4, NEWS FRI.) ESPN'SSPORTSTAU< wre:!! VARIOUS PROGRAMMING Q)SHO JOKESMY FOLKS NEVER m day'srepuns. Newsdesk. Freeman 0(2) EO ALLEN SHOW 9:30 OiN MIKE DOUGLAS 2:25 lIIl SHO MOVIE .(COMEOY) ••• fIl LIVE WIRE P"vaiP L""s"P"bhc TOLD ME 1'I,Iyboy Playmale Sanoy Reporls Spnrls Update and BEWITCHED (I) NEWLYWED GAME or71 FAMILY FEUD [9) II) BASEBALL (THUR., FRI.) "More American GrafllU" Ron om o' (TIIIJfl ). 'L~)v(, (FRl), Cen Johnson 1I1dPpnlhoLise Pet Marivin Moneyhl1~. Oaare (9)1I) MIKEOOUGLAS '9)8i) FAITH 20 CDl50J FAMILY AFFAIR m(5ij) $50.000PYRAMID IJrogramlllllliJ will be aIred) "'AmerICd.nGrat!lll 'feftotf. tak.ingifs f!!) SUPERCROSS COMPETITION ~l/er'old 300 ABC CAPTIONED NEWS C.SPAN PROGRAMMING Wheo SESAME STREET m ~ m m~ 2:30 (MON.) 10:45 youthful Cfowd 10 new ad ....entures i" t!I(~) NEWS.WEATHEFI (EXC. MON.) Heru'" I" Your Health US Hou'i\: of Rl)J>(t:~"'Jltdtlves ad. W [D2J TIME OF SHARING (EXC. new placP' (Ra,eO PG) (2 hrs.) 0(2) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW 4:35 ., f2lt MOVIE .(COMEDY) •• CRiHl ANARCHITECTURALODYS. [MON) lOUfOS. 01 hl~r C.Sp~n programming MON., TUE.);!(, Men (MON .. TUE ) 12:30 SEY WITHG.E. KIDDER SMITH HilS o 12~ LEAVE IT TO BEAVER m HAZfl "Ceddy.hack' 1980 Rodney Dan. CDnlNFORMATION will then "It mils V1dCt:t @) U.S. HOUSE OF LILIAS. YOGA AND YOU 5.00 qer1,etd. TpdKn,ghl (Paid Subsc/lp' II rn TOMORROW COAST- do<:umenl.try p.xnmines the char. Q) SHO MOVIE (EXC. FRI.) 'Hat 611 NASL SOCCER: WEEK IN REPRESENTATIVES o~ fll MAn: AND JENNY (THUR., O(f) MAUDE 1l0n Tale. 1:,ILlII)WlldanhcsotgoHers TO-COAST Cluesls The Who, The 8cler 8nd ...dvontures of G E Kidder Siulf (TtllJn l. ~huwl,me ,n Holl~- REVIEW (WED.) fIl ACSN Ktds' Connechon TUE.) 'A' ..,lllo Arms' (THUR l. 'The om BAANEY MILLER dnd empl,,)'(','~ ol nn ultra e ..clusrve Knack. (110 mlns,) Smtih. atl 'lIh:~r. histOrian, photo. wood (FRI >. 'Rin Bravo' (MON ), 51) ACSN SrmpleGifls {MON ) TAKFTWO' OJ Masl' (Tl/F ). F"SI Row Fealures C!Il~~ SUPERMAN ~ol/ cau,',.' (105 mms ) .aMOVIE-{DRAMA)" "Hon.y- grapher .IIIGCCl'IC He undenook a Wlzafd:, {JUl) MIHe American SHO NEW MAID (THUR.) We'll MOVIE (FRI" WED.) 'The Music m m (EXC THUH ,rUE) Op'HallanThird C!J (li) CAROL BURNETT AND 11:00 .uckl.Ro.... Willie Nellon, Dyan unique I.Jlllllt..1'; ~.JsllnlJ more than GraHIII' (WeD) Be Righi n"ck (FRI , WED ). Mavla Man' (Ff<1 l. II", Rip Uif (WED.) r.annon. (Paid Subscriptlao Tele.i- )'('.1('\ Form' (FRI) 'Thr. Hunch' (MON l, FRIENDS (2)1I(118mNEWS elghl .10d covering ollar 6:50 (lUE.) 'VI,IIt" Oal>rt'S 12:05 The Zoo fluob.try (WED) 91 fID MCHI>oLE'S NAVY (EXC. 1(1', CRC NEWS sioo) Slory "boul a s.nger' shle onthe 150,000 ""II". I" photoglaph and CD~ NEWS 01 MOVIE (THUR., TUE,) I'D FREEMAN REPORTS 8!l ACSN Ame/lca nG'Ivernmenl Sur. THUR .• FRI.) TWILIQHTlONE road. will, alter midnlghtbus,ideato e'll'aJuale IUHIl1LOYS ul AmcrLcan ar. 6:53 'McL,nlo' k (TiIUR ), 'UplownSatur. 12,1!; i'~. ve~ (EX(', ~RI.) "'ISTERROGERS PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H Ihe nexi t.Lnk lown Iheonlycerfainly. chllec'ufo' (6Q mms ) or,1) KIOBITS day N".Ihl (rUE.) W [ail DWIGHT HURLBUT (FRI.) m[5~ "IN 0) SHO INTERNATIONAL ALL THE SCENE CRI!I URBANLEAGUE'SNATION. (2 hrs) • SPORTSCENTI!R . 7,00 9,35 12:30 mo STAR FESTIVAL (THUR.) m CI>oLL.IN PROGRAM AL CONVENTION 'New StralegieS mt» MOVIE -(MUSICAL.DRAMA) mMOVIF. (DRAMA).' "EnemyOI O(2) MORNING W I DREAM OF JEANNIE [2) YOUN.G AND THE o MOVIE (FRI.) 'The Godlalhel' fn PROFESSIONAL RODEO tor Ihe Ct1.llll)lHY Times' ThiS year's •• "Mayor Of 44th Slreet" t942 The People " SI.veMcQueen. Bibi 0(4) TODAY 9:45 RESTLESS m Pa,tll (THUR.) ,\11 Sior Soccer (WED) Iheme e .. liUlnp!;.lhe conser'olative George Murphy, Anne Shirley Andersoll A uoctl.lf dlsco'iers mlr' Ui2O' 700ClUB . r9) VIIRIOUS PROGRAMMING or4) DOCTORS o 2:35 WACSN Blueg,a ssBanl~Level One maodol HI" (.~)ulllr)r' andlts Impact on Retormeu mob leader becomes an aculous tlt'"IlIlY powers In a Nor. o (7) GOOD MORNING AMERICA 9:55 0(1) RYAN'S HOPE LOVE AMERICAN STYLE (THUR ), \.>~lIeral TopIC (TUE.) alack Anwllc'L as wet! as Reagan's agent 10' olg name bands and runs wegia.ntow1I'sminiP.r.:1fsp,tngs When (9)Q) TOPO' THE MORNING 1lI(2~ NEWS 0(91 BOB MCLEAN SHOW m (THUR .. FRI.) EEl SHO SHOWTIME IN HOLLY. 'P()licies 01\ ~.)CHl[ and Inle,nallonal anto trouhfp, with an acquainlance Ihe wal('r IwC":omes polluted, the tD~ BATTLE OF THE PLANETS 10.00 TOTElL THETAUTH tD~ 2:55 WOOD (FRI.) New Maid (WED) )ssues. !lam the "IJ days (104 mon•. ) lown Ihr(,i,Ip.1\5 Ihl' duelor's heallh ERICA PHIL DONAHUE SHOW CD~ 26 MEN (EXC. MON .. TUE.) m~ orn ,mr5~ NEWS MOVIE (MON.) 'Heidi' GJ 1ft CHRIST IS YOUR ANSWER maNEWS (Allad G) (2 hIS.) CDn JIM BAKKER 700CLII'S PINWHEEL (CONTINUES) m B~ em 2:58 mHBO GOOFYSPORTS(FRL)Dr • SPORTS TONIGHT All the high- 1:00 3:05 fJl SPORTSCENTER (9) Q) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 12,58 MOVIE -(WESTERN) ...... om FYI Snuggle", nl"f1,Hk;;ble Fidgely lttdhls hi III ~II the netio" wi1h NiCK 8 CIl 8rn MESSAGE FOR TODAY ACSN UnderslAndlng the DETROIT TODAY 0(1) FYI m m~ 3:00 River (MI)N ) Charles .... J Bull Kurll "P88alon" 1954 Cornel Wilde. 3:15 M.d,a 01Rl MISTER ROGERS 1'00 0(2) GUIDING LIGHT 5.05 .1IIl0VIE-{COMEDY) •••• "Amer- Yvonne 011 CarlO. A yo'ung man .WNEWS GI MOVIE (WED.) 'My Bodyguard' G)(J1) NEWS DAYS OF OUR LIVES a m TFXI>oS OlZIE AND HARRIET Ican Grullit," 1973 Ran Howard. robbed oll"slMd Ind hlslamilymur. • MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) 0 •• '. 7.05 aD U.S. HOUSEOFREPRESENTA. B(J!'O) RHODA am m ABBon AND COSTELLO . !;:30 RIchard 11"'I'luss (Pald Sub$c/lp. dered. Ot'( 'Imps an ouUaw. seeking "Cout Or Shl,'on." 1964 FUN riME lIVES (EXC. MON., TUE.) ALL MY CHILDREN o ~ W Dm urn GFNERAL HOSPITAL 0(2)0 4 D'7' NEWS lion Tele','I'.lon) Film about the Amer. 'iengeanr I' on those who perpetral. Richard Tndd. Vi.i Bach. An ex. 7.15 fJl SPORTSCENTER [0')11) PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H CD~lll POP EYE OI2Q) GET SMART Icnn ~ar ' ultlJlP .l"LJ whalll was like ed lhe C'''I1r. (2 hrs.) Brillsh Ollll.(.:lI~ tllfUU lu lIlyestl~ale m~ A.M. WEATHER 6ilACSNK"epIlRunn,nq(EXC FRI , m ~ MOVIE 'Angela' (THUR >. DIONNEQUINTSOonaldBril. the Afric III I'1tJi!mtlonCi nl A b.q.'ime m rse; OVER EASY o r9' MARY TYLER MOORE 10 be 8 ""In ",ronnol teenager in a miRI m ACSN .\ M Wr',Olll1r MON.). LJL,.lr,/I~ 111 O"clpllO" (FRI , 'V,va Zal'"ld (fHI ), 'ThiS Happy ~LOSED.CAPTIONED) SHOW ' ~mall nOIlIIl~11l C.lllll,)rnJa tuwn In Ihe la,n's EnllllY"WIMlng documenlary di8mond II,nrl~1'f WIH) lS noted lor 1:30 lltON.) Fr.eling'(MON ):N,yhlandDay'Palt WfZ JIMBAI €Ii) HBO MOVIE (THUR .. TUE.) (2hrs) liD cae pr' j' .II1IrHlfl'J l~ cwbIfH::I to oef) EDGE OF NIGHT FAI), T• .I' hll"J Illl' Y)UlIY Han 9 8i) MY THREE SONS (EXC. Candle,t,ue (IHUR, TUE), 11:0!> WHEELS, WINGS AND WHISTLES atter tOl Hll! wtn'''' months (95 ,hi1.nclf I ) j .. II.,. ..,l',~f.\ at lhe 0(9) MR DRESSUP dlcappecJ l-rllid (f-HL) lHUR .. FRI.) NIGHT GALLERY 'The Sinry of Transportallon in mms) cae :9i811 $50,000 PYRAMID SHO MOVIE Hul "lull (THUR ), f1eorqeJ JIlPc;fMON ) Dr Snuqg'P5 m m r5~ FIINTSTONES 11:25 Amenca 1:10 4:00 9 fID 8010 m~ HFfllTHFIELD Fdlher 'II". n"rl,,' (FRt) 'Of m Unbehe'll ,I 'I' \'J Hl<.rllobile Aoven D'8'NFW$ • rTJ MOVIE .(COMEDY) ,. o ~ DICK CAVETT SHOW m(5Q' GILLIGAN'SIMAND m!56\ EL EeTRIC COMPANY HumanS In,t.lIJ':" (MON) ti,.>rSlult m~ VILLA ALEGRE lure (WEolJ ) 4:30 STUDIO SEE 'Jumprope'l - 5:35 11:30 "Thal'.MyBo,"1951DeanMarlln, CD 56 OVER EI>oSY m:uJ VAntDUS PROGRAMMING (Tue), 'A'Ju' j\lIlf;tll;dtl Graf!d. em \THUR) ~"Jqh~1t} (FAI) L.ast Jerry Lf ...'c, An fIo~ iQOlbal! slar 0:51 ARC CAPTIONED NEWS '(CLOSEU l;AP flONED) -...". PiNWHEtl'(CONfINOE'SI ."" l'B BEVERLY HILLBIL\.I£S I!I rf) MAUD!! aJ (WED) I ;~'j,:~::~~';:.~*F;t::~ J.,



\. ,.' '\

"." _." ''',.

,'~,..... Cambridge , \.

\.. •

, ,"":

O'l'1$lp MO<:- 19«1 i . Jrn lh8lliU mo"laf': 11.01mgnic6tille llV.J)ef di3mltby FTCMethod,

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determmed That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health, .J/~ i ,I: , l

. --,,------UP • # .. , $ >$ .'. ~,.,"'t" ',: .. '::.' .,' - \ .,'-,., : T', '..

Thursday, July 16, 1981 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven.C

Call 882-6900 6 Trunk Lines to Serve You Quicklv CLASSIFIED ADS •

I 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 2D-CAMPS I4-HELP WANTED GENERAL GENERAL. CA:LLIG-R,A'PHY~lnv itJatiorn;, CAMP ARBUTUS - Private ORIENTAL RUGS IINDEX TO CLASSU'lED OFFERED AREG::::~KING FORA I'DElAL FOR nonsmoking ma. LOCAL BUILDER need.~ em- envelopes addTessed, pLace girls camp, June 21st.July WANTED 18th, J u 1Y 19th-August REWARDING CAREER? ture woman, wanted to ployee with experience ~n Claro,s,etc. call Ma~ret at 12D Lake ond River Property all of various residential one or many 15th. Call 881-9442 after 5 1 Legal Notice REAL ESTATE MAY BE stay with 2'1l.year.old boy, 776~740. 12E Commercial Property consliruc!ion. Gotfredson Private collector will pay any p.m. for information. 1A Personals YOUR ANSWER full time, preferably in my reasonable price. WILL SHOP for you - gro. 18 Secretarial $,)rvice 12F Northern Property We have openings for 2 am. home. 886-4383. Building Company 882. 644.7312 ceries, gifts, miscellaneous. 11C Public Sole 13 Real Estote bitious salespeople in each 8199. COUNTER PERSON, regis- Also errands, transporta. 2G-CONVALESCENT 2 Entertainment 13A Lots for Sole of our branch offices near 1er, car rentals, checkout. PHONE SOLICITOR. Prefer tion. Patricia. 885-8059. CARE 2A Music Education 138 Cemetery Property Eastland, Grosse Pointe Mack and Rivard Standard. experienced producer. Will Tutoring and Education 13C Land Contracts Park and Grosse Pointe SCHUMMERS for ------/28 . consider someone with sim. RELAXING MA.S&AGE USE)D HOSPITAL e.5 I 2F Schools 148 Vocation or Suburbon hensive training classes counseling by a:ppoill and salary. Call full time nights. Fringe Grosse Pointe Woods FOUND: Siam~;e cat, 885. SII Employrnent Agency 19 .Printing and Engraving of the AMWAY opportu. pondenc'e, addressing, over. Chuck. 259'1840. henefits offered. In-!er. 881-4363 2361. SC Catering 20 General Service nity? Call Marilyn at flow, reasonable. 372-4083. 824-2200 PERSON NEEDE)D f. Flexible ATC repol'ting. Non-smok. commission with guarantee. WOMEN: :E}ac.hof us want ______._. - scheduling, must have one Towers, 415 Burn.s Drive, ing person prderred. If BenElf.~ts in'Clude B I u e It's a unit that offers you a different type of nursing "to be a someone," worth PIANO LESSONS, qualified y e -a r rec~nt experience Detroit, Michigan 4B214, -these qualifiootions are not CroS'S and discount on experience, - a unit you can be proud of. (Ihoes and clothing. Retail knowing. Won't you consi- teacher, my home. 882. and reliable transportation. EXPERIENCE)D receptionist yours, please do not ap.ply. If you are interested in our SPECIAL TRAINING der reserving July 27,th.31, 7772. Call for an inlerview. for doctor's office. Knowl. Mrs. Wilkir,son, :1", D:.ry experience preferred. Peo. pIe needed for these loca- PROGRAM for this unit, Qr you want to know 9.11:30 a.m. for a week of MEDICAL PERSONNEL edge of Blue Shield and Travel. 881.3747. MORE ... Call our " exciting mornings, devoted 28- TUTORING AND POOL other insurance. 3 diays tion'S: Ea...r lane. CaLl Mrs. Hitchcock BODKKEEPER-eLERK, full _8_84-_1_0_21_. _ SANDY N~VETTA for children ages 3-grade part Hme day position in 851.8855. 6. Christ Fell 0 w s hip TUTORING time. Payroll, accounts pay. PART TIME - Cooks and pleasant nursing center. 494.7477 WANTED-Perron to watch Church (non.denomination. ALLSU BJECTS able, bookkeeping for small ,beef cutter'S wanted-Good Apply 2 toddler children, prefer. Possessions available - all shiits full and part time. GRADES 1THRU 12 m:mufacturing companY'j pay plus generous commis. Belmont Nursing Center al). 21760 Raven, East De- ably in Laiayette Park troit. M01"'e details next PROFESSlONAL FApULTY Call 259.0330. sion for weB known cafe. 19840 Harper 881.9556 area hame. 259-4309 or HUTZEL HOSPITAL week. WE CAN HELP ICARETAKER COUPLE' _I ~:S'~fly. Haas Prime 393-0016. e DETROIT MEDICAL CENTER IN LOVING memory of our GROSSE POINTE Sm'~l ap:u,tment buildiing. 373{E n. VE:ry 19840 Harper, 881.9556. Jliave W.S.I. and be able to faD, Church. Places available RN'S good commission plus bene. I ,teach' canoeing. Send res. Gently we gather and for 3 and 4 year olds. 885. fits. 882.1500. GOVERNMENT ume to P.O: Box 36122, treasure them all, 4372. TOP WAGES IACCESSORY Designers get JOBS Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. Unseen .md unheard, you are TO $17.15 PER HOUR paid for having fun! Ex. WRITE: FS&R, BOX 300-G igan 4S236. RN's • GN's alwa::s near, PRIVATE TUTORING FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING citing opportunity for cre- RICHMOND HILL Loved, missed and very dear. in your own home. All sub. ASSIGNMENTS IN ative women with a flair NEW YORK 11418 WOMEN 21 or over earn $50 We Invite You To Our Your family jects; all levels. Adults and YOUR AREA for color and decorating. to ,$400 a week, part or FULL AND PART TIME Flexible hours and a limit- full time. Call Stephanie TO sell discount children. Certified teachers. WANT AVAILABLE less income. The $29.95 in. AVON 881.0729. notes on bar an d building, DETROIT and SUBURBAN Make the most of spring, BENEFITS INCLUDE v~stment in portfolio and OPEN HOUSE forclosure po~::ible. 885. TUTORING SERVICE make money. Earn extra ART SALES • Major Medical samples is the best deal of 7682. 356.0099 money selling Avon. Be A flair for decorating. Ideal Thursday, July 16,4 p.m. - 8 p.m. • Dental Insurance _a_li_fc_t_im_e._88_2_-5_0_4O_._ your own boss, set your for teachers and home. lA-PERSONALS • Optical Insurance DENTAL HYGIENIST own hours. Call Rose La. nnkers, desire for manage. AT SAINT JOHN HOSPITAL • Tuition Reimbursement in Detroit office, 4 d:ayS a fata. 527-1025. ment helpful. Flexible week, Wednesdays off, no hours, will train. TU 1- Our :-iurse Recruiting Center, located in the MEDICAL Conference Room of the Education Center, will be FAMILY CLOWNS evening.> or Sa.turdays, per. DRIVERS - Openings avail 9191. Call between 4.7 p.m. CALICO AND PERSONNEL manent pooiJtitm av.aila:ble. able, all hours open. Need the site of our Nursing Career Open House. Nurse good driving reeord. 15501 Recruiters will be here to provide immediate CHILDREN'S PARTIES OUR SPECIALTY POOL 871-2144. LIVE.IN companion for sen. interviews for all Registercd ;'I;urses and HELIU~i BALLOONS BOUQUETS AND Mack at Nottingham. ior Grosse Pointe lady. Re. Graduate.Nurses interested in 882-6640 LEGAL SECRETARY for liable, dependable, mini- ANmAL BALLOONS. MAGIC AND PUPPETRY. BUTCHER WANTED - HOME CARE me. Full time, Thinking of relocating? fulI or part tim('. Also di. mg the publiC. Full time' or part time. Immed':lllte discuss available positions. benefits and a patient. Bouquets of I--dozen Il.inch balloons, , We have the largest numbp.r, reclor of nurses, St. Anne's hours with benefits. Apply! openings Oall 5B4.3330 education progrrsonat Henry's Clean. ! • • of out of town newspapers I 03dieux.Harper. 886-2502. I from all over the U.S.A. ------.---- personal activities. Spend an enjoyahle and en, 20119 Mack Ave., be.' RN's - LPN's CALL 882-4968 Sunbelt. Want.Ads inclUde] interesting Thursday afternoon and ('vening with tween 10 ~,m. and 3 p,m. CO~E JOIN OUR NURSING BOOKKEEPER . Flo:-ida, Arizona, Texas, NATIONAL WELL KNOWN us at Saint John. Wc'd like to meel you. and we'q Monday.Frzday. STAFF. PLEASANT SUR. like you to meet us. Colorado and others. I FIR)1 NEE DS FULL GROSSE POINTE CUSTOM CAKES CAR ROUTE for the Detroit ROmmINGS I N THE NEW HORIZON'S CHARGE BOOKKEEPER. For additional information. call Pl'rsonnel CHEESECAKES News. Profit plus gas al. HEART OF THE WOODS. BOOK SHOP ~nNl:'tiIDf 5 YEARS EX- Services ilt (313) 343.3980. !owance. Mr. Derey. 882. PART-TIME 7 TILL 3 13 Mile at Little Mack PERIENCE. ~IA~Y BEN. New York style, baked daily, all fresh ingred~ents. 4755. AND 3 TO 11 SHIFTS Roseville EFITS. SEND RESUME 10 in party size , $10. Small 7 in., $6. PlaID or ------_ --,. ._._ AVAILABLE. APPLY SAINT JOHN HOSPITAL , 296-1560 TO BRESS E R CROSS chocolate. Call 882.4968 or 882-7921. BEI,MONT N U R SIN G ______INDEX CO., 684 W. BAL. PART TIME 2210l Morass Road . , CENTER. 19840 HARPER. . . -- -~_ - -- : WANTED: Conscientious per. TI~ORE. DETROIT, MI . - - ._- - ._------~ - SALESPERSON 881.9556 Detroit, Mi~higan 48236 ~on to assist in new cater. 43202. ATTENTlON: B, B. for elegant fine jewelry PERSONALIZED DO W N TOW N re,tauran-t ing busine.;s. Good oppor. L 0 CAT E D IN NEW I store. ~ust have sales EqUal OpportllnLt) ~:mplo)rr I tunity for someone to earn CENTER AREA. I FRONT LICENSE PLATE experience in high.tick. looking for wa:tre;:ses, WQi. Ideal for ten. brmaid,s, baf1tender3 extra money. Must be able -.----\ A nice gift for any occasion, DesiJ<:none for ye>ursc1f. et items, to help out food prep. DENTAL ASSISTANT, chair. Pointe resident. an:I ho,te~,e.s. Experience $10 pIllS postage. nece;~ary. Ca.ll af-ter 3 p.m. aration. Call 774-8515 -af. ~jde, Perio office, 4 day 885.1232 268-3321 963.1225. ter 5 p.m. week, experience. 882.3431.

_____ . _~._._., ~.' ~..___.._...... , •• ..,. 1') .,~ ", • Ed II"",,' .'.ir*r .... .+' C 4 C 4 44 WI

Page Eight-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981

4A-HELP WANTED 01------1------1 S-SITUATION SA-SfTUA TION 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6-fOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT DOMESTIC WANTED DOMESTIC UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED , ------I MATURE LADY to babysit in LICENSED European pro. ATTENTION hou,ewive.s and CHANDLER, Outer Drive AVAILA,BLE NOW Oil Riv. THREE-.B~I)ROOM dupleK- SIX MILE..etralmers area. 2. CHATSWORTH. WARREN, my home. 3 children under fes!'ional gardener . land. £maU b u s.i n e s oS sh"Ops. area. Lower 5.rocm, stove, ard ju,.t off Jef>fel'son in O.1dieux Road, immediate bedroom lower flat with uJ)per, heat, leal" 7. Must have Grosse Pointe reaper. Make any kind of Housecle>an:,ng by the hour. refrigeotor, $175.881.3221 G'roi,;e, Pointe City. 2-bed. &coopancy. Call after 6 b3.Seomentand garage. R~. ,petC'd, neo,yqy decomted, references. 824-7723. gaNlen. Trimming, pron. Dz.penda,ble ami have ref. .--.------. --- ro()m upper with appH. R.m. 885'()300. sonable. Call John after 3. suitctble for couple, no pets LIVE.L'i to care for elderly ing, m3l.intenance. Dlay or erznccs. Call between 8 UPPER - Five room, Grosse 'allces. Fully carpeted, 2 Security deposit. 711-8358 MANrSTIQUE AND Lo7ler'I __ l_.2_4_7_'I_894_._. 1 lady, Eastland ar.ea. Room job. 534-0571. I <3.m.-2p.m. 839.1462. __Poi~t~!~~~~2~.~!~.___ g.~l'lage spaces available. !after 6 p.m. 2.Dedroom house, $180 a WOODS - Prime location. 3nd board plus $300 a ODD JOB SPECIALISr YOUNG ~A.,nLY Wo.\fAN LOWER F1L<\T - $350 plus Rent $360 wibh security I .securit)., carpe~ing through. uepo',,:t plu,,, utilHies. Park mon~h. Referenl:-es. 881. Three. bedroom Colonial. OIl'AilMERS.Outer Drive', 3 month. LA 7-5642, 9.2 p.m. G~rdening ~nd h,ou~eclean. a v a i I a b I e for general ou.t, air conditioning, ap. pr:vilege.,. OaH Alice 881. 5109. 1m m a c u ,Iat e condition. large rooms, apartment, mg, eJeterlOr painting, of. house cleaning Has rcfer. stove, refrigerator, heated, PROFESSIONAL educator plbncC3 including di~h. __a_~o_o~ _ GROSSE POINTE PARK _ W'llking d-istanee to schools fice cleaning, light haul. ences. Call aiter 6 p.m. and churches. $425 a lighted parking, utilities desire, mature woman for ing. No job too small. Call 296-5038. wll£her. Shown by appoint.- OLDER 6 room farm house, full time silting, two chilo Flat, 5 rooms and bath, month. Oall 779-892a. except electric, $210. 881. Bonnie or Mary. 527.5304. I. ~~~~ __ mznt only. CaU aflH 6 384 Kercheval, near lake. stove, refrigerator, $250 8700. dren Must have own trans- p'll. 465.2493. Clean, carpeted, draped, per month. 882.8318. GROSSE POINTE WOODS portation. References reo EXPERIENCED .PAiNTERS SC-eATERI HG --l-~~ver incom,e. stove. Ideal for couple. No DETROIT, Three Mile Dr. ,three. bedroom Col{lnial ST. OLAIR near Vernor-2. quired. Oall after 7 p,m. - Interior and exterior .•• ------Flvi~~:R-oo-M near Mack and Outer Dr., home on Bournemouth. bedrooms, terrace. Avail. 882.9878. Vernier . Mack Window, gutter, aluminum MARIE'S CATERING-Qual. $200 a month plu.s security _.pets, $~~ 791-0071. Four bedroom house, $350. Stove, refrigerator, no pets able August 10. $340 a ar€'3. siding cleaned. Call 882. ity food for all occasion. deposit. No pet". Call from LOVELY Executive Indian month. 882.0059. 8 'a.m ..4 p.m. 965.6958. Villagt' home to lease with 885.5768 after 5. 'SecUl'ity. Available Sep. 3045. Buffets, din n e r s, hor, ,tember 1. $475. Lease. 343. GROSSE POINTE d'oeuvres, party trays. Pre. -_.--- -.- option to buy. Rooms large GROSSE POINTE PA!RK _ E~PLOYME.'lT AGENCY HANDY'MAN-:Are-med stu. ALTER ROAl) - 'A. duplex and beauifully done in rich NEWLY DECORATED and 9163. pared and delivered. 862. carpeted two bed I' 0 0 m, N'ice, cozy, quiet upper Needs cooks, nanIl'ies, maids, dents, Extperl painting, 6295. near lake. 3 bedrooms, till earth tones, new carpet. $175 a month plus secur. BRAND NEW 3.bedroom rtud:o aI1artment, ava-il'&bl~ housekeepers, co u pie s, pool care, land.:;caping. b1ths, gas, heat. Landscap,e ing, natural woodwork, ity 884-4873 h'ouse. Mack.7 Mile area, for mature adult, stove, reo Nurse's Aides, companions r.eput3.bole references. J'ack ;~ervice. Available August fireplace in living room, 6-FOR RENT '. I security deposit, no pets, frigerator, utilities, $260. and day workers for pri. or Andy. 885.3288, l;t. $2S5 mont,hJy pillS se. stunning kitchen. $800 per GROSSE POINTE WOODS- 9.4 p.m. Oall 463-454a, af. S&urity deposit. Af.ter 6 vate homes. Experienee UNFURNISHED eur:,ty ode,po,;'!. 331.2019. month, security deposit pm. 87f1-2717, . SITUATION WANTED: Com. 1515 Anita, "2 bedroom, ier 5 p.m. 468-6900. and references required. . and references required. panion desires care of C kitchen, stove, refrigera. ------18514 Mack Avenue, Grosse GROSSE POINTE PARK BEA ONSFIELl)...... ,Charmmg 923.8294 ft 6 tor, carpeting, 2 car ga. SIX MILE.Hayes area, up- CHAIRMING COTTAGE on elderly lady. No Pointe Fanus. 885-4576. 5 room townhouse, newly ~wD.b.ed:oom h{)~z located " a er p.m. rage, no pets. $450 per per Hat, $240 a month, eve. 1M'a-ryland, Groose Pointe References. 885-7764. I ~:c~~:Uti $250. 882-83181 ~~~;;;~~~e~ D~.~~~~t.~~~~ D ~~;"'~;; X ~!:::~ff:!~c;d~~~~,. mont~: pl~s a~, ut~i.t~:~, nings. 259.()'768. .}'Iark. New carpet and paint CARE OF newborn-Mature C8LLEGE STUDENTS wi! .,)t:""'u...... ". ut:,tJv,:,u...... 'Cu,;;". S ~h"(',,~hl>1lt Living' !'O<>m, I ------. --'- air, fi-rep1ace and carpeting ren 2 bedrooms basement woman wanted, Mtb"t be paint, wJ.,h windows, gar. ences, 1 year lease. Avail. OMERSET in Grosse Pointe dining room, 2 small bed. GROSSE POINTE CITY - $29? per m?nth pIu, se. yard and garag~, $325 pe; depend-al>le. ann have own den work, any job you able August 1. 881.7959. upper, fully romns, appliances, garden tramportation. References wish. Experienced. Brad NefC Rd. Upper flat, 2 bed. cUrtty deposlt. Call after month, plus security and oorpete:l. with kitchen a.p. rooms, stove, refrigerator, 6. 882.7978 or 882-4213. -utilities, 885.4033 or 882. beautiful poreh, parking required. Mter 6, call 372. 685.5862 LAKEPOINTE - Grosse ~Iiance'S. $350 per month WI' 1 c-ar, but no gtal'age. carpeting, Convenient shop------I 8297 Pointe Park, 5.,room upper, plus utilities and seeurity 3941. I' ping area. 885-1411. GROSSE POINTE PARK, 3. I • '$375 per month pilus utili. ------DEPENDA'DLE co-liege stu l:bedroom, appliances, no deposil. Call 882.4195 after . r:lOm Clean, FOUR BEDROOM 21<- bath ties. call 343-0569. ELDERLY Lf.j)Y to live in dents will paint, ro()f, do MODERN Brick Canal Home. • ,'~', ~ets, security deposit, $300 7 p.m. ~mall home in Gro~se an)'1:hing needed done, Ref 3rd from lake. 10 Mile quiet, safe. $275 heated a cerner entrance Colonial per m()nth, 823-4021. WHIT'11I'ER.HAm'lER Colon. B VCKINGHAM, Grosse Pointe Woods, also sorM erences. Call Fred 821 area. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, mon~h. 882-8689. in the Park, near Kerche. ial-3 bedrooms, natural Pointe Park, large 4.bed. wage,. TV 1-8941. 769'8 or Kev;n 882.6257. attached garage, boat doek. L:)WER TWO..bedroom floJ.t. val. Living room with fire. BBDFORD.WA>RREN-2-bed. fireplace, basement, 2-car age plus extras. Immediate place, dining room, break. room upper flat, $275 plus room, 211l.bath CQlonial, gal'lllge, newly carpeted a,nd silting room off 2 bed. TEACHER S'EEKING ma.ture PRIVATE DUTY aide wa'n.ts occupancy. "700 per month Exceptional, fire-place, s~all fa"t room, den and pan. utilities, security deposit. decorated. $350 plus secur. ~ shower. $275. Utilities ex. I d t' 2 rooms, laTge liv,ing room, w{lman to care for toddler night relief work. Grosse Plus utilities. References e ,z recr.ea Jon room, . No pets. 886-3491. ity. 463.7645 or 956.3583. in my Grosse Poillite h-ome. Pointe area only. 823-0865 and security deposit. 359. tra. Ou.:er Dl'ive.E'llst War. ear garage. Recen tl y dec- n'atural fireplace, formal TWO-BEDROOM Ea$. side, Re fe re nce s required. 8955 or 371.2867, ren area. 862.6010. orated. Available abClut dining room, family room, GROSSE POINTE FAiIl:MS- COLLEGE STUDEc~T want carpeted, $210 a month Please Eend resume to Augu~t 1st for minimum of ~tained and leaded glass, CbsoSic Olloniad fow.bed. ing cleaning job. Past ex GROSSE POINTE - Upper, NEED MORE space? Ohelsea. l.y,ear period, $1,000 a ,plus $325 security. 821-4437 2* car garage, large lot Grosse Pointe News Box or 823-0678. .room home, 3.year lease B.75, Grosse Pointe Fanns, pel'ience. References, 774 5 large rooms, Heat, fan, Chalmers lClWer income, month including water and prooessionally landscaped. excellent> condition, neW 6580, garbage disposal, carpeting, newly decol"ated, one eJCtm CQmplete yard service. 885. SJ'IA'OIOUS 5. room lower $950 a month plus security k:itchen with'S in. nopets. Prefer no smokers large bedroom or recrea. 1153. 886-9030. S-SITUATION A MATURE w.aman will stay in building. Security de. bion room and -two m€'Jium flat in Gro.sse Pointe Park. c-luding microwave, small WANTED nights with eltieI'ly or sick posit, $300. 821-4915. 'Siz,e b..."ilrooms, 'large kit. FIRST MONTH free if you A v a i 118,bIe immedialtely, BEAJUTIFUL UPPER and fenced yard, low mainten_ Call 931-2709. ------ohen, dining room, living repain.t. Lakewooo, quiet with sun room, basement 'rower, 3.bedroom flats, ance, washer, d~er. freez- GROSSE POINTE WOODS - room, yard, ga. neighblJrhood n'llar Warren -applia~ces, and ~e, balth fully cal1peted, sepa. er. AvaiJ~le late August. COLLEGE PAINTERS F1RENOH • SPEAKlN~ giTI 3 bedroom Colonial on pri. r.age, a fin~JJhed !basement. bus, Outer Dr., and Ford $350 per month. 822.0036 rate -basements, 521.3612, $900 month. Security de. LOWEST PRICES AROUND wants to babysit for the vate overlooking $200 monih. Referen~s, EXipre:sway. Large cheer- evenings. posit, references. 0a1l 343. EXPERIENCED, summer an!d week'end.>. Jo the goU course. Living ~ecurity d-epo.s1t. 888-232.'l. ful 1 bedroom apal'tment, H1A;R'PER NEAR Dickerson- 0046. CHARMING COUNTRY Eng. REFERENCES sette. 881-e246. room with fireplace, for-I I . appliances. $186. 882.9850. I-bedroom, air, a:ppliances, Grosse Pointe Residents mal dining room, Florida SIX-ROOM u,pper, 2, bed. Ush Townhouse. 2 bed. caI'Peting, laundry facili. EXCIDPTIONAL LOWER flat PETE 372.1324 CHAUFFEUR seeks position room, newly decorated. room" living room, !tit. AVAIL.ABLE immediately. 'room, and bath, centrally ties. 371.7638. on lDarcouf't. New k'itclten Has Grosse Pointe refer C I' o s e to transporta t'Ion. chen, dUning mom, sun Ind'Ian V i II age garage ,locatM, garage, sw:rnming 'large family room, living BOOKKEEPER~Fully quali. ences. Reliable. 526-3420 $850 per month plus se. reom, dean, coarpeted, fire. apartment, $300 per montJl pool, aLl appliances, furn. HhVERilHLL-6'room upper room, wning room, 2 bed. fied, desires employment Ask for Doug. curity. 885.0990. pl:ee, $275. 331-3808. plus utiHtie.s. M.fnimum 1- i:.hed, .partially furnished. flat, 2 bedrooms, l1la1tural rooms, 2 baoths, central air fi>replace, a.ppli a nces. in Pointe vicinitY. 1 ODD JOBS: Pl~tering, paint 1 year I,ease. Rrlerences and $750 per month. Reply to conditioning. $650 a month Call evenings. 885-4434. ing, .guMem cIi!'aned, mas. MT. CLEMENS ONE. BEDROOM upper flat E'll'CUr-1tyrequired. 821-6988 Box D.2, Grosse Potnte Available August I, $400 Wm. J. Chantl),ion &: Co ------I '" TOWNHOUSE on H"veI'l"-ill. A'~i'-'ble im. after 7 p.m. News. per month includEffi water onary, tree trimming, ror L . 2 b d' ~ '11 .- .... 884-5700 . MINUTE MAID UlCU'I'101L5 e room ~own' medil\:t-eiy. $250 including _ and beat, plUs sC'eu.rity. HOME CLEAN ING 1 s.ervloe call Bill at 885-{)934 1¥.l baths, appli. utiatie.s. 1'3t and last GROSSE POINTE. WOODS C,R'ACIOUS BNGLISH Tudor 881-4513. SlH.ORELLNE - EAST condo. & SERVICE CO, PROFESSION,M., s.ecrellar.i'lll ances, hea.t, c'arpeted, month's rent. References, 1965 Hollywood, off Mack, home, . spacious, excellent miniul1!" . one - bedroom, service BUlSiness and' per. fenced prhllate Y'ar.d, car. £81.0813 after 7 p.m. north of Vernier Road. 3 .for entertaining, prestig. ST. CLAUt SHORES home- 'river V!lew,$430 per month WE ALSO DO •ana' letteI" typed rasu lX'lrt, No sf'Curity deposit. bedroom, 1 story brick ious Farms location, con- 3 bedrooms, 111l baths, 881-4&19 after 7 p.m. • Carpet.upholstery cleaning ~es,' xeroXlS: 'legal,' thes~ 468-3930 or 961.7930. GROSSE POINTE PARK - ranch, central air, fire. venient to' public and pri. ,bs£emeIllt, auached gal'lllge ------• Wall washing, interior. I p:!:per.s ($2.25 page), cas. k'teh Waybul1). 5.rocm lower, reo place, 111l baths, com- vate &ehools, swimming ,large kftcihen wilth dish: GROSSE POINTE area 5- exterior and garage paint- .•atte tran" ....~bing, aIllSWer. ALTER.JEFFERSON, I . frigerator, stDve, garage, .pletely renovated. Security ,pool, 15bed,rooms, 4 babbs, wa..aher, newly decor.ated ,rOQmuro>er, e.'(cel1en.t con. . - "'" eneb~i! and 1 ,bedroom, .. __ mg jng .serv:ice. 885-1900 or clean and secu'l'e. Reason. fmeed yard, paneled ~e. depos~t. ~No pets. $475 a master bedroom suite with luge fenced yard. Avail: dition, $2.20 per month. • Floor cleaning, waxing, 885-5442, men'!, all ~iL!I included, month. 88~1340, 886.1068. fireplace. Large country able August liSt. Refer. 9419 aft&' 5. buffing and refinishing I 'a!ble, References, security. $350 a month. 988-0657, .kil'Chen, L3:rge living room, _~nl!es. $450 per month. SOMERSET, DetroIt, 2 '"ed- •. Window washing FOR'MER TYPING tei'cher. 821-4929, 775,3636.. RIVIERA TERRACE: 2-bed- su,n room area. Dining ,,52.7_ 095. .,.. "\J . - . . 588-4058 ,,;ecl1tary will do youI:' busi. ' ... ", ~ BASE'M~NT APARTMENT, room, 2.bath con-dominium, roam with fireplace.,. ca • . !I~m !'Uppel"'.:-B.bedroom ~O~BEDROOM home'~ith' ""'ll&Wer;" 'Ill . h~f' :ineiuo.ed r~ oJ- ne.;.s or l)eNoMl typing in CAVAL! ER MANOR seIJllra'te eru~ance, appli. Eouth balcony view; carpet. bhedral in llbI'llTY, .- L~DED_ GLASS my home. Quick, rearon. 24575 KELLY an~e's, all. utiDties included ing, drapes, closets, elevator, beautiful JNlrd• gaMge, elCce1ilentcondition :$300 and $350.. - WINDOW REPAIR able. 871-9247, Luxurious 2 bedroom apart. $190 per month. 343-0523. carport, pool, secun.ty, $5OQ < wood floor.s, lovelly mold. 7 Mile a,nd Morang area: $350 per monith plus $200 EAST DETROIT, near 9 & MIRROR REPLAOEMF.NT I WOMAN AV:AlLABLE af. ment. Appliances, carpet, 'TWO.BEDROOM duplex. 7 Air, heat included, Secur. ings, formal entrance with mwble floor, exquisite at- securilty dep'o:sit, Available 'Mi~e, nicely furnished base. Also buy leaded glass doors ternoons and seven ni~ls, E~~~r:~d a~~e:OOl, ~:~~o~o Mile and Kelly, 526-9873 #1~osit. After 6 p.m. ::la ,tention to de1la11.$1,600 per August 15th. CaU CaIlla 'ment apartment, id&l for and windows 9 '> 13 will care fu:: elderly, stay Mile, or 792.5538. . _. 8:30-4:30. 259-3232, siJl'gle, utilities included, 58 month. Reply B{lx D.3, 882- 33 58 ...,4 wit'h chilti'1'en or house and 772-3649 or 961.7411 1 ST. CLAIR SHORES. :ffi1'l':per Grosse Pointe News. $60 .per week. . N k 882-61At\ UNIQUE AREA of Detroit 'and 13 Mi1~ cond'D-'nium, BEA!UTIFUL 1-bedroom con. pet~ .• on"l5IIloer. 'ZV P' 4 '". from ... uu NURSING SERVICES'8lm~rs - One on lpe-r, .. ames 2 bed'rooms, living rooon, OARRIAGE HOUSE rent or dominium, all appHances COLLEGE-Detroit. 1lh-bed~ INC. U, of M. g,raduate majoring belix{)om upper. A'Ppliantes ,the lake. S>pot1e"s upper d-inlng rovm, laundry room, ean do odd jobs for rent, ,with heat 15 Mile.Gratiot. rooon upper, newiy decor. PRIVATE DUTY NURSING in ecoMmic.s' iand ffi'l!Iket- included. AV!allilJl>leAugust unit. Huge rooms, new kitJ:hen w0Lh appliances, inside or outside. No pets. $325 plus $425 securi>ty de. ated, uti.1ities included. e Ii 24 Hour Service ing dr"...siressales or career 8, $.130 monthly, $175 se. carpeting, natural. fir: . air contiitioned, carport. 885-0078, posit. 821-4437 or 823.0678. $260. I Phone 77A "154 related position. Oall ?aul eur1ty. 881.3536. place, f-ormal dining room, $386 294-6709 I' ~ 88A A""'> -~------___ ultra modern kitchen, 3 . . LARGE &t--01oon, FIVE.ROOM upper fi'llt, 2 , f NURSES AIDES __ ba SIX MI'UE-GJ'atiot. 1- and 2, - 't-'1O_""'_.______GROSSE POINTE PA'RK :oec!room'5, separate se. MACK.OlITER Dl"ive area- GrOSSePoi~ Pal'k. No all'. ib€'Jrooms, Warren and ORDERLIES LET ME do your odd jobs, Studio apal'trnent. stove, mant, $300 per month. SllD~le':lSineccne on Devon. Ipliances. 526.1810 or 343. 'DeVonshire, Detroit. Com. bedroom apartments, $185- II $200. _ I ~~~s caB Bernie, 331-6580. refriger-3ltor, 3ir condHion. Ell'sts1de Management Co. shl'l'e. Upper unit with 0352. pletely redeco1"8ted, air c011'ditioning unit. Call 372. I d d CHAUF1FBUR-Eyne-rienced , ing incoluded, all utilities, 884.3890. . l'l.l"ge room3, hardwood U "'ER . J"'~'D"""N _ 4. WA YiBUIRN • Chandler Park j Screened and Bon e h d d '''''bl f Park pass, $225 per month f1~or. a~t:":-""' fl'rep"ace nu.;.L ""' ....'~ 0577 or alfter 5 371-4387. Li d b th St t foneS!, epen a e, re er. 5786 WA YBURN, 2.h-erl'room " ..,' ...... ,..... '., ~~om n ••, clean, $160 n"r ,Drive. 2.bedrom upper, III 1 cense yea e 0 f II ti 831 1908 plUG 'Security. 881.3296. fo~."'l d;~m'g rONm large .u "''''' .,.. ! Michigan ences, u me. • flat, appliances, 5 rooms, .. ,"~ ~,' ~, month. 526-1610 or 343- GROSSE POINTE CITY Ca- heat included. $215. ., ! Owned and operated by d'ays. HARCOURT _ 3.bedroom, , kitchenette, garage, car. ki~hen with appliances. 2 0352. dieux Rood near Bo~ Se. Patricia Harness R k . spacious duplex, appli. pet€-d, $235 a mon"'h , gas Ibedrooms, morlem bath, cours. 3-bedroom,!l RE'I1LRED genUeI$rl will- . SEAMST ESS wor , In my ances, $625 per month hea:t. 8'88.9727 or 774.2760. .!:epante uti~ties. $325 per MAUMEE - 4 bedrooms, 3 home. $325 per month Plus sbare willi elderlY' 1lady TONY VIVIANO • .nome, reason3!ble rates. plus security Jease and uti!. Leave me!l)age for F.1'3nk. month. East:ide M'3.n'age. baths,' den and garden security. 886-6634 aiter wHh same interests, ;.2 rent 881.1732, ities. 824-6330 evenings. Reyn~M,s, ment Co. 884-3890. rooon. $800 month. July 19th. $170, Handyman • AFDE Ii' k HIG:BLE MiAXON, INC. Carpenter Work NURSES',, coo BBDFORD.W~REN. Very TWO.BED,ROOM lower, re- OLEAN TWO-'bedroc>m u])per 886-3400 HOUSE to lease - Grosse Call IJaVon's-173.2035 . and and Hght duties, will tra- nice 2 bedroom upper, re- fr:gerator, .~tove, newly in GrOim~ Pointe Park. Pointe Park. Ideal famHy Miscellaneous vel. 852'()781. frigerator, ;:tove and heat I decorated, 2-car garage. Ten:mts pay utilities. Ap- GROSSE PQ.lN'I'E PARK - heme on AudUlbon Street. SEVEN MJ:LE.Keolly area. Repairs DAMP COUNSEL{)R, mil. included. 331-6227 or 343. Security deposit required. '{:rancCG in'CludeU, security 3.bedrooon h()use, availl-able Three bedrooms 11,2baths 'Duplex, 2 be<>t in Johnstone Minor rep:lirs, carpentry,!ay, Wednesday, n. ' L'" ~ 1 b" d - i GROSSE POINTE CITY - cluded, $265 monthly plus 'rage, balsement, appliances eledrical. plumbing, C'3Y, 7 a.m. to 12 Noon or SIX MILE/HAYES area _ lrge,' e r~om upper Executive rental, lovely 3. security. Ca'll af,te-r 5:30 $295. 88'5.2497. TWO _ BEDROOM upper, Rosemary across from dty painting broken windows I 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. $36 firm. 5 room upper, newly dee. flat, ~.Dve, ref rlgerator, g3. bzd,room, 2.bath lQwe,r. 12472629 and sash cord rep 1ac,ed E xce,'I en t re ferences. Non. orated, carpeted, garage, ra"." e $275 p_ro month. 822. $600 per month. Ref~r... p.m.. - . NEF1F ROA!D upper flat for 'airport, heat included, 881. etc. Reasonable. Refer, .smoker, own traMpnrtation utilities eKcept electricity. 8457. ences and securrity. 884. LAKEPOINTE-JEFFERSON, .rent. 2 bedrooons, l'iving 9173. room, d'ining room, new ences. 882-6759. and own lunch. Mrs. Wi!. $235 plus security deposit. OUTER DRIVE.Mack area- 3559. Gr{)r,::ePointe Park, 2 bed. oarpeting. $350 879 ST. CLAIR, attractive 2. ------Ham;. 882.£113. 839-7612. Sh':lrp up"er fiat on Buck. ------room upper, stove, refrig. CARE FOR your loved one. ,.. LOWER FLAT, Jefferson I rat r ash~r and d""er per month. Call Phil at 'bedroom Ria-nch, wood. In hospital or home. Ex. ------LINCOLN ROAD - 3 bed. in5!ham,- hugz rooms, nat. Lakepointe area, newly eo, I decOTatw...... Aval'l~ble-J, 004-3890. burning flrepi-ace, fenced. SA SITUATION ural fin'place, den, formal new y =. .. perienced nurse's aides, - room Colonial including - decorated, new carpet, no . d' t I 8'23 2065 WAYBURN, Gr",,'oe POI'nte in yard, paneled relCreation L.P.N.'s and R.N.'s. 1m. DOMESTIC I f:tove, refrigerator, washer, d;ning rorm, 2 bedrooms, pets, $285 / month. 52.1 Imme 'I'a C y. . . Park I~ f' """ l' room, 886.5914. modern ba'h large kl't ~ ,,' vwer Ive, app lances, mediately available. Lowl------dryer, dishwasher, finishe d ' , . l?399. KELLY.MORv.:x> area - "" h II t r O~ De - h newly decorated, carpeted. GROSSE POINTE PARK - cost, 24.hour service. HIRE A professional Minute (ec. room, carpet, 2 car ga. c en, ex~e en a ea" . ------'bedrocm du.p!eK wit stove, $2 1.bedroom upper, clean, PRO-CARE ONE 1NC. Maid cleaning crew. 588. rage, screened porch. July 'IrQ:t. 5300 per month. East. BEACONSFIE~D south of refflgera~or. 886~98. 90. 821.6833. ,private parking, $250 plus 4058 (see classification 5). 15, One year lease or more, ,ide ~lanag~ment Co. 884. I Jefferwn, qUiet 2-bedroom 1------NEFF ROAD f1at-one of u-tilities. Call 823-1003. 569-4400 ------$750. 964.4200, after 6882. 3390. I upper, dishwa;her, stove, EAST JEFFERSON near Grosse Pointe's finest. 3 ---.------YOU'VE TRIED the rest, 2425. --.------1 refrigerat{lt', leaded glass AUer, 2.benth, pe, central air, 2,000 tion. $185 per month. Ref. In home. hospital or nursing ing with many excellent clean, quiet building, near czcorate-d. stove and reo P2tS. 823.3733. .security deposit. 772-4317. sQh?are feet, li-teraIIy every. $ h t mg YOUneed and much erences and security. 864. home. R~'s, LP~'s, Aides, i Grosse Pointe ref.zrences. excellent transportation, frlger:alcr, 275 per mon~ . ~------3559. companions, male attend.' 779.1130. $205. 245-1953. r:lu> u~;lities. 1 m~nth se. S8:\iERSET NEAR Harper- TWO-BEDROOM dupolex-7. more. Immacul~,te condi. 1 ------cur:ty deDo-it an:! ref2r. Lovely 2 . bedroom, stove K.elly area, aw\i:ances, tion. interior decorator's GROSSE POINTE PARK -' ants, live.ins. Screened ~nd IRELIABLE WOMAN- wan.ts ST. CLAm SHORES - Lake. en"e- 822.8622 'and rcirigerator, $35D per $Se{) month plus utilities, deiight. $645 month. 882. b?nded. 24 ~our{ sC:V:c:,. general hou,ekeeping job, shore Village, 2 bedroom __ .__~ ~ . mon~h. Refe-rences and se. and deposit. 885.1618. 8332. MaryiQnd, large home, 4 bedrooms, 2'i:ar garage, LIcensed nuroe~ nr Inoul'l no ironing own transpor. tow n house. 776-7177 or TWO.BEDROOM Park upper eurity. 884.3559. _ ance case. I tation 922-4017 775.2037. ~'()ve, refrigerator, carpet. __ Terms Negotiable lIfACK.OUTER Drive - 6. :formal living and dining POI:\TE AREA NURSES : .-- - -.----. THR--EE---B-E---D--R~,O-M-S--,--IivI:n--g ing. g'JoJle. ba-ement ..e. GRo"C:;SE POI N T E PARK 1.94/15 MILE at Harper, room flat, carpeted, newly room. Natural fireplace, TV 4.3180 IWOMAN WILL provide 20 " . '1 d '1884-3084 upper flat Lakepointe off. decorated separa.te en-/ b.rge kimhen, full base. ------__--- .. ---, hours a week domestic room, dining room, kit. _.:.ur: y__ ~_~~> ._'._'_ st.reet parking, carpet,' cur. one bedroom apartment. trance separate basemen-t.1 men,t, full C'arpet appli.- GE"ER" AL II OUSEK"EF'PER work in exchange for pri. chen, save,t re f rig-era. tor, ,GRG~SE POINTE PARK - tains, appliances. 5290 in. (',..entral air, carpeting and s.,ill.iS ble fo-r couple or 2 ~lIlces, ne'llr schools and' desire, permanent posi. vate living quarters. 823. carj)ct -drapes. No pets, a~a1"tment cle..n eludes heat. Immediate private entrance, all mod- working girls, no pets, 771. 1 transportation. Park privi. lion. 5 days, Start. 0609. $50G per month plus utili.: ,are. $275. Ht-ated 'parking! occupancy. 882-6385 after :~;~f~~~ng~e~a~m~j~:~n$~~ ons or 372.2762. 1 iege'S, $445 per month plus ing August or September .. ------.------. ties, "ecurity depDsit. Ref. 1 882-6(;£9 . I 6 p.m. I uti'lities, no pets Avail:able. Please send r e p J i e 5 to I EXPERIENCED European erences and one'year leasz ' ,_ . ~ .______plus utilities. 881.7085 or McKINLEY. GrMse Poir.te B:il 424-2510 Grosse Pointe News Box i \'/oman wis>')(~3hou'S~w()rk. 886-4049. 882.4634. Farms, 3.beUroom Engl,ish, or 823.0316. No. }<".50. i Good references. Reliable ------.- FARMS ----.------$800 001-0029 -,------hard worker. 527.4495. ST. CLAIR SHORES. 3.bed.. ALTER.KERCHEVAL. Nice . . THREE'BEDROOM house- PAI;'o;TI;<';GDO:-

r ~, • P» .FP""VPP P po ... p is is p p /

Thul'$dey. July 16. 1981 POINTE NEWS Page Nine-C ------1------, ------,-,----_._------_.------~6-FOR RENT 6C-OFFICE 6D-VACATION 8-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES Ii 8-ARTICLES ! S-ARTICLES


-' ] ;,TWEIJV.E M,UJE corner of IfARPER WOODS deluxe, SUPER Garage Sale - Treas. YARD SALE - July 18 and ONE VICTORIAN love seat PSALTZGRASS DISHES Beau~itu~~~:l:e~~~:, 1~- ORIENTAL RUGS "j Greater Miack~paciQUS 1. !paneled oUkes, from 200 ures, bargains and other 19, 12 to 5, 4820 Bucking. and three beautiful pieces Serving for twelve plus ex- : ~OOroom apartment, cat". .to 2,000 square feet in. bath condominium, central WANTED good stuff. Saturday only, ham, Detroit. Household of carpeting. Call for sizes. tras. 331.3785 . <-, iP6tiDg, air, heated, 885. cludes utilities and jani air, large pool, lighted BY A PRIVATE PARTY 9.4. 21187 Parkcrest, be. items, clothing, etc. Good 885-5952. tennis courts. Days 886. PAYING FROM Q. 4364. ,toria1. 881-'0096 or 922-6116 tween 7 and 8 Mile, be. to excellent condition. -----.------DISTRESSED PINE bedroom I 6922. Evenings 885-4142. $20-$200 per square foot hind GPW City Hall. No' GARAGE SALE, 14974 cor., set, extra long twin beds, ESOAPE MAYOR Young ap pre.sales. 1ESTATE OF a lady wiMl ex- am between 7.8 Mile off double dresser. 882-1092. .-6A-FOR RENT ORLANDO AREA, beautiful 1-6~_3-7607 _ ,pointed bUrSiness ad.dcress. :i-uKE BOxE-S------S-e-b-er.-g qui,,:-t~ ta~e: Caned chai~, Gratiot or Hayes. ADMIRAL 17 cu. ft. upright • l FURNISHED Mail, desk, room. anne villa, 2.2, 27 cha":lpionship LARGE SELECTION of reo hole golf, tenms, pool, conditioned SCHWINN bi. Model 106. Exceiient CUll: fl~e tab.les, sofiabed, <1>1- ALL WICKER lounge, sofa, gas freezer with key lock, parker, TU 5.4415. dition. 776.1583 or 822. nc.,te, l.'hma for 12, IDal1lJh. ,',ATTENTION EXECUTIVE week.month. 729-3122. Call cycles. Reasonable prices. 7829. enware, gLasses, Lamps, l~. chairs, rocker, lamp, desk, $75, Tappan continuous Transfers: one and two preferably a.m. Village Cyclery, 777.0357. gage, 8e'agrass rugs, pamt. table, chest, high chair, clean electric stove, $25. 6D-VACATION ings, Revereware, knick. stroller. 824-0441. After 5 p.m. 203-9235. bedroom apartments, dec RENTALS "FLORIDA", Hutchinson Is. - DOLLAPPRAISALS -1100% ALOE VERA JUICE, orator furnished. Linens, I land. Indian River Plant a- ANTIQUE OR thousands taking for arthi. knaclc5, ladder, miscel. 3 PIECE Contemporary bed. BOY'S 24 IN. Schwinn Var. , dishes, utensils included CLEARWATER BEACH, 440 tion. Luxury 2 bedroom, 21 COLLECTIBLES tis, rhuematism, ulcers, in. '!aneou5 housewares, satur'l room set, navy b I u e sity, 10 speed bicycle, mint I $200 per week, $650 per weSt. 2.bedroom, 2.bath bath condo. Pool, ocean, SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM digestion, low energy, over. d(lY 9.2, 12619 HraT!P€'r, leather coat, size 16, choc. condition, $75. TU 2.2795. " 'month. Location: 1/600 be. $250 weekly. 1-694-9315. 7::;7.5568 weight. 6.70 quart, 20.00 Apt. 106. brown Frostman wool coat, ------tween 1/75 and 1/94. Se. luxury condominium on 1------._ gallon. Free delivery. 885. Gulf. 661-1714. HARBOR SPRINGS-Luxury 4836. NINE.PIECE ak di'n size 12, 28"x~" mirror, OLIVE GREEN, Sears frost. curity, references. 469 WANTED o m g gold frame. Fnday.Satur. less refrigerator, 18 cu. ft., 1075. HARBOR SPRINGS _ "Lov. Townhouse, heated pool. ------room. set, .16th Century day, 9.3. 19968 Emory Ct.. $150. Gold gas stove, $100. liest 1ime of the year." free lighted tennis courts, BUYING SWORDS, LOTS OF NEW and used Engl.~m deSign. Excellent W., Grosse Pointe Woods. Call 881-1894. :ST. CLAIR SHORES condo. private c1ubhou£e, golfing, GUNS, DAGGERS, aluminum awnings, all sizes condItIOn, $1,200. 526-7289. 886-0765. - -- .------. minium, 2 boo-room$ taSJte. Make your SUMMER res I 8 """'tacular v'lew and colors. MI'scellan.eous WHIRLPOOL casement win . ervations now. Call :for s88e6e~~9'24'.s..~_' . A. A.EDALS, HELMETS, fuHy furnished, close to ..., J'", aluminum siding and also SIGNATURE AUTOMATIC GARAGE SALE, housewares dow air conditioner, 8,500 the lake. Close to shopping special rates. 832-2597. BOYNE COUNTRY."'Com. 774-9651____ roofing. Call 759.5110. wa£her, heavy-duty, 18-lb. and hundreds of items. Bro, two years old, $80.

and transpoI'iation. $450 WALLOON LAKE, Petoskey. h I SU ER Y A 'O.D 1 C3j)llcity, excellent condi. Saturday and Sunday. 2731 Call Mike 882.8396 I 577. One.bedroom unit, ($175 pletely fllrnis ed, a I elec- WE REPAIR ALL CLOCKS P n.llJ sa e, 5261 }:tllJ.5 depm,:;t. 778-5124. tion. $135 aner 6 p.m. 885. Merriweather. I 1545. tric, 2-tier Chalet. Upper FREE ESTDfATES BL~hop, Friday and Satur. 0079. per week) and 3.bedroom tier, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, POINTE CLOCKS day. July i7 and 18, 10 . ATTENTION EXECUTIVE. summer home, ($300 per Translfers: one. and two. week). Carpeted, furnished kitchen, living room with 15121 KERCHEVAL a.m.-S ,p.m. Sunday, July STUDIO COUCH, tan tweed, ~nil ..""m ",,,,,T"!m..nh dee. AVV',.,-,t f",. linens. P.O. fireplace. Lower tier 3 bed. GROSSE POINTE PARK 19, 10 a.m ..3 p.m. Baby good condition, $90. 886- ~~r--'fu~~. Linens, B~~.573, Petoskey, Michi. fvuuiS, ~ b:l~l1.s, :;::~:l';.:~, 3Z1.1111 itpm~. rl'l'amic~ ~nd much. 7863. r-r"I I .... ' , ...... , " , nlt....~L •.•q....1 dish~, utens.ils .included. gan or call mornings, 616 living room with fireplace, ------muoh more. Tiers may be interconnect.. "ALMOST.NEW" APPAREL ------BEAUTIFUL all"Wood furni. t1arlz~ PROFESSIONAL $28.60 per day, minimum 347.2636. ed if desired. Clubhouse, accessories, furs and an. BOX SPRING and mattress ture. Quality king-'Size bed. Househok1 Sales SERVICE one week, $650 per nwnth. CONDO HILTON Head Is swimming pool, spring-fed tiques at a fraction of the .sets by Serta, 'h off. 'I\Yin room set, queen, double, Location: 1-698 between I. land, Oeeanview. Complete lakelet, private putting original cost. $145. Full $185. Queen dining room, wall UMt, go. SUSAN HARTZ 75 and 1-94. SeeurJ.ty, Icl. for 6 peDPIe. 331--4989. green adjacent to golf We Buy Furs $225. King $325. All first fas, tables, rugs, Magnus YOUR SPECIAL erences. 469-1075. course. 425.8933. Consignments Welcome quality. Dealer warehouse Qrgan an~ mi;:ce11aneous. POSSESSIONS 886-8982 ARE MY 'STElRLING HEIGHTS - 16 LAK E CHARLEVOIX in LEEIS clearance. 263.2854 or 371. 463.7404. Grosse Pointe City Boyne City, modern cottage HARBOR SPRINGS Condo- 2033!i Mack 881-8082 5400. SPECIAL CONCERN Mile and Schoe~rr. Four (Condo), excellent beach sleeps 6, 2 bedroom, 2 ------GARAGE SALE, 9 to 4 bediroom brick quad.level, fishing, golfing, tennis bath on LiMle Traverse WE BUY, sell or trade an. YARD SALE - Our discard Thursday and Friday only. two baths, f&rOOly room, near, $230 per week. 313- Bay. Available by ,the week tinque jewelry, watches, is someone's treasure. Many . Beautiful swamer ~k, two.ear atbaohed ga-ra-ge, 695-1857. August 7 ~hrough 28, $450 clocks. Kiska Jeweler3, 63 varied items. Thursday and old lamPs, two 8mm caJl1. - c()mpletely furnished, one. P'er week 8379082 Friday, July 17th and 18th. eras, tools, five solid wood . year lel3Se. $650. Rowe and HARBOR SPRINGS _ Petos. .'. Kercheval, in the Colonial 9 till 3. 5968 Lod ewyck , 3 I Federal Building. 885-5755 doors, wood he'lldJ>o.ards, Grove, 777.1220 all'd 884. key. Luxury 2 and 3 bed. HARBOR SPRINGS luxury blocks west of iBalduck adult Scllwinn bicyCle, 1000. . room condominiums on townhouse, fully equipped. SILK OR dried centerpieces Park. '!ltools, and much more. 565 Household & Estate ( lake. 886-4327 or 616-526- Sleeps 8, pool, tennis. 556. by professional f lor i s t Roolyn Road between M-. 9473 9 3 MAN'S BICYCLE, like new v. Sales & Appraisals .. 'GROSSE PO'INTE, Vernier- 7690. I or 77.2 79. working at home. Custom with ba'by carrier. Make is ninllside and lJakeSlhore ( BtllSiness or professiGnal. 3-room upper, completely HARBOR SPRINGS Town- conAGES work, very reasonable. 839. Ro1lf:ast, 3-speed. $60. Call 'Rood. furniwed, front entrll>nce, house,3 bedroom, 21h 6434. 881.2111. 1920 SOFA and dresser, e-Iec. • FREE CONSULTATION baths. Accomodates 8. Com. ON LAKE HURON HO E OWN R C 'd . k f ,heat, utilitill's, hot water, M ! E S: onsl er 1,200 . BTU Whirlpool, air trlc ni' e, bedb-pread hold. e JOIN OUR MAILING LIST •.• pletelyequipped. Pool, ten- 1., 2. and 4.bedr-oom, com. thO . t t' t' ., applNinces, linens and '1 bl k IS IDsurance pro ec lon condl.tion~r, like new. 882. er, :l-'PlDgta'll"'Ie, steam cur. nis, etc. Aval a e wee s pletely furnished. Carpeted f II \t1oo 000 " I -. Call 882-8654 or 881-7518 after 5 p.m. dimes. 884-4744. h, August 1st, as 0 ows; '1', on 0574. ers. 885.5345. of July 25t cottage with TV on 300 dwelling, $10,000 on ga. KNOWLEDGE OF ANTIQUES. TRAINED PERSONNEL BEAUTIFU1JLY di!COIlated August 22nd. 625-7538. ,feet of sandy beach, 65 rage, $50,000 on contents SIX PAIRS natural lined DESIGNER - New, Dakota -FREE CLEAN-UP , and furnished 2.bed:room FOR THE nature buffs or miles North of Grosse and $100,00 liability cov- drapes, Coleman 2 burner 'bed~read and shams, wa. briclt Ranch bome (,1W.f sport enthusiast _ Just 7 Pointe Woods, in Lexing. erage. Only $344 per year. gas stove (new), fuel. 881. Iter Llly pattern, cost $395 duplex) wi!th garage. $425 mile, soutll Q

.J ( .,, ~' -----~._..---""--- .. Cd ..... ' '-----.a -.-.-.-:-:------t'" .. ~"'!.. ''\ •••. ~.' ••~ •.~ • '. ~':.'..

~' Page Ten.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16, 1981

8-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES liS-ARTICLES S-ARTICLES 81-ANTIQUES 88-ANTIQUES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOrt SALE I I HUGE BASEMENT sale, pi. PRE"MOVING SALE - A TWELVE place seHing,3 -I STOP! Bel ore you buy - C)UCH, love Eel.:.1 and wing FURNITURE lor every room ANN ARBOR, THE AN. PONTIAC MALL ano, tables, chairs, some bit of everything, 1310 Seven pieces, Wedgwood People's Discount Club is bck (,hair blues and on sale. Dressers, beds TCQUES M'ARKET, Sun- ANTIQUE SHOW antiques, something for Bishop Road, Grosse Pointe I Royal Homes pa~t bike, $15. 881-0384. sell fast. Starts Friday, NEW TO MARKET: A.ll dresser mtrrol', $39.50, ______1717 Anard G'r()SS('Pointe neous. 20871 Hunt Cluh, ------.------July 17th thru Sunday, ANTIQUE SHOW and sale. whjte lritclJen cabinet $30, GARAGE SALE _ Friday, I Wood,. ' Harpe!. :voods. Thursday CC:\t ICE SKATES size 9 July 19th,. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. lo'ORENCE ACKERMAN, 'MeadO\vbrook VHI.aRI 882-5312. rope design, with ~oose pil. ------ers, blowers, other yard SC H UMME RS P.aul M c Cob b Capt'ain SNYDER, COOPERSBURG I -~,~-----_.-- low. Price $100. 886-8297. GARAGE SALE-Thursday, CARPETING, 2Ox20 brown equipment. Must sell. 15686 chairs, solid birch, Fruit. PENN. D.2 DON BECK ANTIQUE Oak roll top desk, 12.4 and Friday, 10-4. S('c. t' t 8822882 Hawthorne, Grosse Pointe SKI SHOP wood fini;;h, $25 e3ch. 881. 'FORT WAYNE, INDIANA origina1Jy in small town HERITAGE FRUITWOOD I tional sofa $50. Desk $50. WIS. '. Woods, Thurs-Sat., 9-5, 2925 painting>, bronzes, toys, R. R station, high quality, :~~n~~~~~e~~ ;~s4 l~~ F?i~.'.'?~' n,.;" ..: ZF~~~~t ~~~~riti:: If:~"n:~',: ~~~D~~~--~-~;~-- ~-~l-~:---~~~ I ~!OW OPFN I (;;l{-:l\lo\'T'TTlll<' , ------PENNY STOCKS;> set, lots of storage, 2 see Blairmoor Cou-rt off of 881.2312 fur nit U l' e, appllances, ~OTORS, tools, special lapi. . tional gold sofas, cuO' TRINTS C4#2 ROGERS EQUIPMENT Marter !Wad. Friday, July . , household items, 9 :lHIe/ dary machinery, melers No. Penny Ski equipment. Icing-size, brown striped (4 eagles, 2 cows,lolHpop): ------17th, S3Jturday, July 19bh, ALR CONDITIONER, 8,000 Mack, 21930 Pleasant, Fri- and also rocks. Reasonable. Call Schummers Ski Shop bedspread and drapes. 885 BOOKS E 20 MADAY: E30 METAL DESK with wooden 9-4. BTU, 3 speeds, 11 temper. day, 10--3, Saturday, 10-3. 772-3103. for details. 3956.. GOETZ: F9 RANDOl.lPH: top, matching chair, $50. at~.lfCs, pr!c,e new $384, 2 FA.'dlLY SALE, Rolls---~[ FAIT1{ CO-OP--N~;:-serY ga. 881-4363 REFERENCE BOOKS A21 776-9535 after 5 p.m. THREE-PIECE bedroom set, -IDmt conditton. $85. 884- upholstery fabric, tools, rage sale, 3494 Han'ard, off CASE1\lENT Room Air Con A~R CONDITION'ER, Whirl WOELlJER, F40 TERRY: ------li\f1t Noveau, 1920-1925. 5498. , boy's clothing, size 8-10, ~lack. ~lany children and ditioner, 7,500 BTU, $85 pool, 7,500 BTU", new BUTTONS .last canopy #2 9--ARTICLES 686.9826. G.IGA:NTIC GARAGE SALE, glass, games, skis, books, baby items. 10 to 4 Salur. 885-1728. save $85. 881.4008. HELEN BAY: CANTON & WANTED July 16.17.18, 9-5 p.m. An. Friday, 2-6, Saturda)', 9-.1. day, July 18th. ------WHIRLPOOL E LEe T R I C OHINESE EXPORT & SEARS WINDOW air con. tiqu~s eollectibles furni. 2017 Stanhope. --. -- YARD SALE------~1ARANTZ STEREO contro 11 t liT COIN SILVER A-32 VA. SAFES WANTED - Almost , ' console ,model 3300, tuner $I'a4nogeA'fetxce6en c ()JJ"1 VING to Germany sale. imported hutch, English Saturday, 2-4, Sunday, 1-3. ------~ 885.5299. everywher-e A-3 SHOPP.E -TW-O--K-EN-W-O-O-D-~-ea-ke-r-s, Sa~urday, July 18, 1981, 9 oak, 4'x6', large chest of 17021 Waterloo near st. ESTA'IiE SALE- Household TAPPAN GAS range-Excel. OF ANTIQUITY: A4 PAR. SERIOUS local ~ol1ecto: will KL-77A, 110 \WItts ~"'ch, a.m,-l p.m. 61 Moross drawers, Schwinn bicycle Clair. ' items, office sup p 1i ~ s, l-ent condiMon, $65. After K'ER super popler garden hoses $6 each. SIC BOXES D25 SCIA- spr . s, rar-s, , Saturday, July 18th, 9-3. $20. ------you. Have your ya I'd 526-3503. dren's Uterature art pho- beautiful 15th. cen~ury or. 646 Lincoln. I • B WO:lden d:nner phles, FOR SALE ~ Maytag clothes ~prayed by professional RINI, REGINA coin oper. ,togra]lhy, Americana, De. nate desk, patiO blind, rec.I______~60 $15 dryer, Kelvmator fogger at an average cost GARAGE SALE-Saturday, llited' E28 BROOCK, Re. troit, Civil War, Occult, ord player and records. TWO SEARS air CI)::ilitiotl.- I were "dl ,. . S10 refrigerator, yea r old of $15 References 885. S dla 95 238 G gina he}C3phcne table model Avant Garde Lit., military Hundreds of articles. Fri. \ en, on~ 22D I'tJ1t, 18,700 - Ca~ e scounces, paIr, ~ Scotts push mower and 5722 . . ~~.n~l~'r Sh~res. ~as s~~:', juke 'box very rare 1909: oounty histanies philoso. day, Saturday and Sunday, R,!,L"$, ctlols ;3 rooms, $150. - Chmese latern l~mp, wa" catcher, child's large rock. . P A I N TIN G SAN D phy and worthwhile books July 17.19. 44-10Yorkshire" One 8,500 BTUs for $75. $50, $15. . ing horse, basketball hoop SHEER DRAPES, rust 120x couches, chairs, tables, mis- PRINTS: C.2 MILLER; C33 or collections in all cate. 10.4. Bc~h for $200. 881-6857. - Pastel blue ceramIc l,"mp. for garage. Call 882.6249 84, $25; open we a v e cel!aneous articles. KIELY gories. Cash paid and im. ______$10. evenings. Hedslrum strol- drapes, wheat, with blue WESTINGHOUSE frost"free C36 LOWELL, D5 FRENCH, mediate removal. _ Leather top lamp tabk' ler, professional hair dry. and gold, 44 in. x 84 in., ~ide' by _side refrigerator, 023 .MALLY, D35 MY- $10. I er with attached chair, 5 $15. 5 piece shower cur- perlect condition, white. ERES, E26 HER RON: GRUB STREET • Feininger prinl. framed,: -globe modern ehandilier. tain ensemble, y e I low $250 after 6 p.m. 885.0079. PEWTER D24 WOLF over A BOOKERY WANTED $15. [ Call 882-7239 evenings. double swag, per c ale s 200 pcs ArneI' & Engl, 17194 East Warren, near Call 882-9388 after 11 a.m.' with valance also window CR,IB, BASSINET, car seat, I milch 5gnd.: PHOTOGHA. Cadieux , 7 FA2\llLY Garage Sale - curtains to match $10 All dryer, chair, ottoman, fans, PHY & STEREOS C26 ORIENTAL RUGS Detroit, Michigan MOVlNG OUT of the COU!1', 4377 Audubc:n, Friday, July like brand new.' 822.9337 -hmp, % b€d frame, porta. I CORNISH, F2 THOMP. try, couches, beds, mat. 17, 10 a.m ..a p.m. c 'b h ore Saturday 882-7143 ESTA TES PURCHASED tresses, household, Christ.: ------~ ------. - 2 AIR CONDITIO~'ERS, ex. r1, muc m . SON, C8#5 POSEDIAN OR mas, drapes, misc. Satur. G~RAGE SALE - Mls~. c~llent condition, $150 11-3 p.m. 77 Mesdow Lane II, QUI L T S everyhere: WAiVTED - Exercycle day, July 18, 1981, 9 a,m_.I Items, toys, Thursday, FrI- each; art deco type chest in Farms. RUGS-O R I E NT A L E-9 not electric. 881.5053. SINGLE ITEMS 1 p.m. 16 ~Ioross Blvd., d~y, Saturday, 10 to 3. and dresser, with mirror, I TERPAKS, C3#8 CON. SMALL CHEST, curio cab- WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Grosse Poinle Farms. 2e08 Lennon. $225; lawyer's bookcase SA-MUSICAL NOUGHT, CI0 #3 KLEIN: inet, front hall table, cig------L!GliTOiIERt~;ck-lighting: needs work, 100; wash INSTRUMENTS SIV,ER C12 FORSHEE, arette tab 1e, bookcase, 547-5000 40" GAS STOVE, separate with focusabie se::led beam 1 stand with mirror, $100; C22 WORK: SAMPLERS blender, wicker headboard, broiler, S50 or trade for t 1 . d $8~ b 11 A<>O....AIU"'RAITH lamps included_ Profes-', ar g ass WIn ow, ...; a PIANOS WANTED "'<.l u- '0 ex:cep- semanier, serving cart, out. dehumidifier. 886-8717. d I t bl S45 824 t' I 11 f SPIN ;;;:====:::;===:;::;;:;::;;==:;::;;=:;::;;======r~ ------sional quality. Best offer, [ an caw a e, . - LOna co ec IOn: I' door Woodard chaise, cop. DEHUMIDIFIER _ Westing. 872.6500, 331-8642. ,0816. GRANDS. Spmets, Consoles NING & WEAVING items per or brass tub. 885-8117. house automatic, hardly -. [ ------and Small Uprights. C28 MOBERLY: SPONGE. BED: BE.~liTiFUi~.~h~-~:;.GARAGE SALE - Sunday, TOP PRICES PAm WARE D-30 POTCHEN. WANTElD: Bicycle 16-inch FOR J GET THE MOST _____used, $75. 886-5234. French Provincial full size' J uIy 19" 11-5 p.m. 2049 VE 7-0506 TOOLS BIO HATHAWAY, or 20.inch girl's Schwinn. KODAK 500 slide projector with Beauty Rest mattress, i Vcr n I e 1', Grosse Pte. B-36 TOYS C3 #2 LIP. Will pay $40 if in good YOUR O'RIENTAL RUGS i with stack loading changer. box springs. white wood! Woods. ALL PISCH, C9#2 CRANMER: condition, 823-6992. I Also 50x50 Dalite Lenti- dres' 12.PLACE SETII;'IIG, stain. Pieceldouble base, sSm o ke y ORIENTAL RUGS of-print books in goad con. crat corner cabinet Also Pointe Shor('s, Thursday, Ie s s silverware, never, Vista lte, Lik e new, ,l 25. ! Experto appraisals, estates. dition. From single volume Garrard record changer. .July 23. 9:30-3,30. used. still in boxes, $150.' Call aCter 4:30 p,m. 886. purchased. Modern s«r.i. to large collections. :;;------~--- All like new. 886-8291. - -- 885-7801. ' 8979. antique and antique. Ex. THE LIBRARY CO. PriCi{I~G MACHI:\E and PHol~oC~T~1~02~~i~~~~r~ ~~;: PAIR OF twin--bo~ 'fack and Y1arter. 8642. I 12.4. Saturday 9.5. Cadieull ~ ry, Collectibles _ Finc Antique Furni. with radio and turntahle, 4x.'i (;RAFLEX View Camera, - ----.------. ------.----.- ---- i at Warren, 882-4396. i 12 inch black and white l('ns(',< super 8 erlitor min. GR.-\:'lD7ITA'Sstuff and mine STEI~WAY, full Grand, eb" ------' ture. TY, school house clock, clt(' S 5. ncw. Pako print -:;-:--Chippendale mahogan)" ony. 77?~513 ~r_293-3~~~ i rUR.NldTURE reedfinished, re-. PLEASE CALL OR WRITE; miscellaneous items. B8fl dryer. 872.6.'>00. 331-8642. ll\nlng room set, 9 pieces. YA.\T.AH,\ 7 foot 6 inch I palre .. stnpp , any type I Books 3364. - - - - S900. Chippendale d('~k, Grand Piano _ satin eb- [ of canIng. Free estlmates. [ ______A:\'TIQtJE SHOWCASE and $250. Wing chair, $85. Dun- f' . h :>'10 . g 885 i 474-8953. JOHN KING DuMOUCHELLE'S ENGLISH forward scat sad- barber chair, :'ITany other can Phyfe dining table and any InlS , . rnm s, . i ------~-.-- 409 E, JEFFERSON die, completc with fittings, collectibles. B('(lding, cloth. chairs, S350. Antique love _ 6098.___ _ _ .__ FURNITURE, strlPPll1g, reo 961-0622 DETROIT, 48226 5>150,Baker horse hlanket, ing, dishes, furniture, mis- seat. chair, tables, lamps. i GUITAR WANTE;D - Used: finishing, done by hand. S5

t ____ p__ .._p ....p...... - ...... __ ~ __._ ...... P_4-_.-- i ....P_. ----~------..

~ ,~"... :' :('; ",,' c::;t; .., -':,~,:... : .. :, ,.t; ,•

Thursday, July 16, 1981 ---- • • • __ ._. GROSSE POINTE._. NEWS...... _ ...... -.16fO .... _ ...... _..-... --.. .. -...... _. ---....- ...... PIge Eleven-C_

9-ARTrCLES ll-CARS ll-cARS l'-CARS l1-CARS ;;-::CARS l1B-CARS 11C-IOATS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY AND MOTORS I WANTED: Gym mat, $25 if 1980 CHRYSLER LeBaron-- 1980 FORMULA - Charcoal i 1889 VW Bee:!e, runs, $350. 1975 AMC Pacer, A,M.FM ra. 1978 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass CASH FOR CARS OHEVY, 400 h.p, Mlarine en. in good ('ond1~ion. 823-6992 Sun roof, air, power, cloth grey, air condltloning, 8 eS24&15. dio, air, power ~'teerlng, Cruiser, wood, power, load. TOP DOLLAR PAID iin~, brand new, $1,200. -'--" ------interIor •. Md/FM. Loaded, track stereo, Many extras. ----.--- ... - - ... - ....-- power brakes, 6.cylinder, ed, After 6 p,m. 88:).6826. ~IlKE MAHER I",;HEVROIJET 8241l8'10, NEED immediately, man's 881.4309. M In t condition 1:1600 1964 MUSTANG convertible, 3.~peed, 43,000 milcs, good I - " : . k USED CAF. LOT 1------'-- dCll'k und chair, picnic I -----.----. miles $8100 8B~2182' California car, mint condi. con:lition, $1,500. 839.2206. I 1972 CIlRYSr,r. Nl!~ Yor. :' '.5T JEFFERSON AT a-FOOT LASER saHboat table. Call after Monday 1980 ELDORADO - A Black I '" , tion. $3,900. 774-68S5. -'" .-----. ------.. - ". .. I cr, body 811'.1 IlilerlOr real I ALTER ROAD wJth trailer, excellent con. 882.7992. Be au ty. DIesel, 12,000 11958 CORVETTE - 4 speed. ------.---' 1976 MAVERICK four.door, cle~n. no rust, all ac~es. 821.2000 ditlon, 824.0329 after 5:30 miles, loaded. Best offer. Good condition. $8,500 or 1973 LEMANS, high per. good condition automatic sones, engIne not runmng. _ I 1 •l-O-A---M-O-T-O-R-C-Y-C-L-ES-554-6199 days 272-0301 eve. best offer. 372.5090. formance eng';ne, 3.000 .power ~teering' and brakes: Best offer over $250. 81l ' JUNK CARS a"'l ,ucks p.m . nings. ------,--- miles, new tran:O.nission, FOR SALE ------11981 GAZELLE - 1929 Mer. $300 AM-F'M c~:;ett~, 882 Low mileage, $1,900. 885. 5117, 886-6484. j wanted, Top dollal 776. I THTSTLE, 17 foot fiberglass. 7417. '74--FI . '128 I~~;- mile. 4529 or 777.8352. Wooden mast, 2 suits sails, ------..-- 11980 TRANS.AM - Loaded,. cedes Benz rcplica. Many 7055, 5 p.m. .\T --=' I 1975 HONDA _ CB 5UO T. burglar alarm ,8,800 miles. extras. Must see to appre' -,-,--- 1976 FORD LTD 2-door. fair ~ge, needs little work, 4 -----'---. - - trailer, boal ('"ve:~. $1,995. 1 Faring, electric start. Very Excellent condition. 839- ciate. $12,900. 4£3-9906 or 1972 MERCEDES 25GC. 2. condiL:m, $1,200. 884-1341. sPc_cd, $400 88::2~~_,' 88&8511 or 882.93~_ clean. H50. 885-9185. 3436. 463-7910. c.Jor hard,~op, mint con~li. CAS H --- I------1 ------..."-6 t~on, sunroof, power win. 1980- CITATION' -' f\~1'.F:U119~.oRj:BB~T: loadc~, $6,30,0.! 1979 HOBBIE CAT _ 16 ft. 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON _ 1980 CHEVY Citation - 4 1~6 BMW 320 type (1. caw;, fJ.d:a'~s. air, dark .,tereo, power steering, pow. I all aftl'l b p.m. 286.1059., Catamaran, like new. Blue/ Super Glide 1200. Excellent cylinder, automatic, air, ex. htre) Europe~n model. green ~~ddle interi:Jr, in. er brakes. 19,000 miles. 28' 1980 \''\.\'.\(;0'\' __ '7-p;~-i for white with trailer. $2,600. condition. $3,150 original tended warranty, power Glass roof, r~dlo, cas~ette: dude:; a CUotcm,fitted can. ,n.p.g. _$5,800. 881-9219. I S e n ,500. stereo, new tires. 4 wmtel , , " 865.1197 CARS I 881-8673 evenings. tires on rims. Very good va, co\er, bC. . 1966 OLDs~toinLE- 1972 ) a l;l xiI i ; l' y, A~I-F~i, lo~ ------after 6 p,m. 527-2090. 1 -- 1 condition. $5.000. Days, ~6,OODor off~ ... _,'_ __ ~la.,.erick. Both dependable ~llieage. Best offer. 882. 839-5300 I SAILBOAT - Flying SC'Ott. 1976 HONDA Super Sport - 198J VOLKSWAGON Rabbit 962-6526. Evenings and transportation. 331-3785. I ~~:, _.. .. Oider cars towed in free I' #77, equippcd for solo Good condition. $1,250 or -e')nvertible, 5 speed, air, weekends, 881.0018. 1973 PONTIAC Catalina ------..,-- i .. l' JAY BOLOGNA ARS sailing, 2 sets (Yf sails, 4. best offer, 881-6844. undercoated, low miles. A:r, p~wer steering, good 1975 PONTIAC Le)tans _ i 1975 ~IALIBU. 4. door, excel .. _..!: C h(}l'se English Seagul1 mo. Like ne'",. $8,950 or best 1979 BERLINE'IT - 6 Cyl., rhClJpe, dark blue, white V.8, power brakes, power I~~t nld I t lon, l_~,OOO: DEAD OR ALIVE .tor, $2,500. 882.9113. 1967 TRIUMPH 650 - Call offer. 88'z.7625. cruise, rally wheels, 23,000 vinyl top, $750, 8S5.9050 or s tee r i n g, air, A.'\1/F~1 ~ ua toml es, power , eel'- I _ after 6 p.m. 685-8229. ------I miles. Clean. $5,000 firm. 886-0143. stereo, 4 door, HD suspen- I~g, power br~~es, new CARS - TRUCKS 1979 CENTURY, 4,000 _ 21 COUPE DE VILLE '79 774-9737. ------sion 91000 miles. New tires, hitch. ~1fI~g, and Fl\EE TOWING _ 7 DAYS f t 170 h d th d- LOOK! NEW CAR 1970 VW, rebuilt engine, ., " . ,.. shocks for trallenng. $3" . I ee,. .p., €'I> soun 1974 HOND.'; 1979 ST. REGIS - 100% good tires, 4-speed, reliable I tIres, snows, r~dlator, Illtl? I 000 or best offer. 886- 1365-7322 573-3788 I er, Shlp to shore, compass, ONLY 4,000 MILES power, air, AM/FM. 8 track .t~'an,port3Jtion. $650. 571'1 ~~rlP.t~~~r;~~slOn. 886- I 2706. I' I extras, excellent condition, ~tl'!,pn, !'l'ar defrost. cruise. U77. ,.. ~_r.._,__ :. ,__ i ------,---.-,-, - i FOREIGN CARS needoo _ $12,500. 331-3891 or 886- Custom St~ matching P;~~b5!~;.d~. 1 P;i~? I.A.tJ9~~ '~i~vi n y I, $5,400. 885.4219 1973 VWC~;;p-e~'.- -$2-,'560~ "78 PINTO 3 door, automatic,' 1&,,£1 Vi-i-, lUll' ;>\NU, ,,,,,,J,; Aoanaoneu, JunK, ,ai,,,!>..,. 844 . helmet, sissy bar, 11,000 8645. after 6:30 p.m. ££-3.7090 or 772-1620, Gooo power steering, A..\f/F!\1 ~~~y _~~~r_~ ..886~~~~.?_._ 1 Running or ~ot, for use in I---- ,------miles, excellent condition, GORDIN! COUPE convert. 1978 CHEVROLET, No v a, cond,:tion. st~reo, radial tires,. ~ow '79 CUTLASS Cruiser Diesel, I ~uto mechamcs class. Pay. 1973 LYMIAN 16'7", iap. $775. mIleage, good condition, nicely appointed, superhr mg $100. Mr. Carson. 776. strake, 107 h-'P. inboard/ ible, 1979, Recaro seats, automatic, excellent con. 1975 VOLVO 244 DL, 4-<1001', $2,800. 774-3689. condition, excellent en. 3202. outboard, 4 cylinder, Mer' more, 17,000 miler. 881. dition, 13,000 miles, $3,. gine, Caramel tan metallic. cruiser, ti1t~t.railer, new 3594, after 6 p.m. 700. 777-4546. 4--::-~e::I, AM.F~f. 72,000 1976 KAWASAKI - 175 En. m]2':;. $2.900. 8B2.6287. CHEVY CA.'rIARl? 1978 LT I For somcone who's fussy llC-BOATS tires. Excellent condition duro, runs grt'at, best offer. ._,------~------Power ~teerlllg, power about appearance. Private. AND MOTORS in and out. In water and 8~D1TIONING miles, decar group, A~1, stereo cassette, brown, ------__ ,__ ------olier. Must sell. DaY'S 822- 197131h HARLEY DA VIn. n~w br:akes, 775-8735. $4.500. 884-5044. 1967 NEWPORT, good con. BOAT - 1978 33 foot Chris 4603. SON F'LH - Excellent SELLING YOUR CAR? dition, n,O(}\) miles, $300. Craft Corinthian (formerly condition, full dress, best 1978 PLYMOUTH Fury, ex. 1962 MERCURY LN7 - 2 886-0839. Coho). Very low engine WHY NOT HAVE IT OHHIS CRAFT Lanser - 23 olier. 331-3891 or 886-8441. cellent condition, 8,000 seater, air, stereo, power ---.------hours, excellent new con. PROFESSIONA;"LY RECONDITIONED steering, TRX suspension 1972 DODGE Charger, S.E. dition, new carpeting on loot, ()vernighter. mint Free Pick Up and Delh'~ry mile-s, power brakes, steer. 1973 HONDA CB 45Q-Very ing, AM.FM radio, air. package, 4 speed. 881-6540 sport car. 886-8656. flying bridge and lower condition, lots of extras. Cail for details 886-5128. good condition, low miles, rear defogger, snow tires or 882-3258. 1975 YELLOW Super Beetle aft deck. Many ext.ras. $450. 792-6016. includ€d, $3,500. 884-2024. 1-97-8-C-HEVETTE--'-----A-ir-c-on-. - Convertible VW. 773. Priced very attraotively. 884-6743 CATYAK Ca1Jamaron, 10" - 1973 HONDA 750. Stored 3 lS79 CHEVY Monza 6-cylin- ditioning, rear def~gger, 1864. Call 491-8860, ext. 200, 9 IRoof rack, new trampoline, years, 3,500 miles, extras, great MPG, excellent con.. ------a.m.-6 p.m. dt!r 2+2 Hatchback, auto. 1980 PHOEr\'IX LJ two door, ------$475 534-9034. 881-359'1 excellent condition. $300 m? Imagine flying at 1976 CHEVY Pick.up - % Silver with burgundy V.B, automatic and power 200. 881.7581. trailer and more, $5,600, ,120 m.p.h. to your week- Triple Blue with leather. VOLVO 1968 P 1800 - Re. ton, heavy duty. $400. 885. leather. Real nice conditlon. steering. Private, no deal. 881-3594 after 6 p.m. end retreats. Start earning 9185. 31,000 Miles. stored, low mileage. A ONLY $2,485 gem! Best ofrer. 399.0587. ers. 343.0576. BIDCK 1969 Skylark, 2 door, your very own priv.a1e pi. ONLY $7,595 air, mag wheels, $600. 684- 11A-CAR #P49A lot's license now! Introduc. srock Stock #387A 1974 PLYMOUTH Duster, 1972 Le:\1ANS-Power steer. 7429 ll-CARS ing, air conditioning, new . REPAIR tory flights, $25 per Ih hour FOR SALE slant 6, power steering/ radials and rally rims, ex. '73 MERCEDES 280 SE-Ex. _ with qualified instructor '8t SEDAN '79 ELDORADO brakes, automatic. Runs and fuUy .equipped plane. well, $500 or best offer. cellent condition, $1,100. cellent condition, leather, ..,c,'.,- 'd•. VIII. 884-40145 after 9 or on AM/F:'1 stereQ" air, all Call, 886.5846,., ' . I, . AUT01rwaiLE'oWNEIt /~ Silver Cad. roof 881-8693. As ,low as $25 qua my Diesel, factory offical burgundy velour Interior weekends. power, mornings. 885-6098. EASTSIDE , buys Compulsory No Falllt Only 3,600 miles Only 21,000 miles 1958 JAGUAR XK150 - $2,. 12-SUBU'R'BAN Insurance. 881-2376 .. 1976 MERCURY Cougar XR7, TRANSMISSION ONLY $t 5,285 ONLY _$10,995 1974 white 2 door ,Landau. Bat. 500. 881.0128. 16301 MAC!K at 3 MI ACREAGE WILL BUY $'h;lcIf IPS f Stock #PH tery, shocks, brakes, ex- FREE ROAD TE5I CORVETTE haust system, steel belts, '75 MONTE CARLO Landau, VACANT 10 ACRES - Lots power steering, power WORK GUARANTElD THAT JUNK CAR w•.. II only the flnllt pre-owned Cadillac •. New Engine (all chrome), all new. Excellent condi. of big trees, oak and so brakes, cruise, Burgundy. 884.5959 All lold with 'I.lue protection warranty. new interior, automatic, air tion. $2,150. Call 681.2162. forth. 8~.B979. TOP DOLLAR PAID Sharp. Must sell, $1,950, conditioning, power brakes, FREE PICK-UP At your .. tv/ce ell/I: 1987 SUNBEAM Alpine - 774-0710, 885.7132. power steering, AM/FM new parts, $750 or best 12F-NORTHERN 777-4440 Jim Hanley 881-6600 Terry Soldan cassette, T.tops, oversized 1970 PONTIAC Wagon, good 20903 Harper at 8 Mile offer. 839-0038. PROPERTIES 1973 MAVERICK - Badly wheels and tires, sidepipes. transportation, $200 firm. rusted, runs good. 302 V.8 Best offer over $6,000. 527- 1976 SEVILLE-Well main- 884-2884. engine. $100. 881-9271. 9479. tained, 1 older G,osse Pointe gentleman owner, CHEVY BISCAYNE '69, one MICHIGAN THUMB AREA 1980 CITATION - 11,000 owner, 6 cylinder, low 19781f.l CAMARO Rally Sport $5,950. 939-4068. Prime Land - 300 acres - Hills, streams, woods, - 4 speed, air, 8 track, EVERYTHING WE TO'UCH miles, excellent condition, mileage, $525. Day 868. best offer. 881.6712. CORVETTE Stingray 196~ 6451, after 6 p.m. 886-4865. and some tillable acreage. Land Contract terms, drh'en by careful adult. $265,000. Garage kept. Excellent con. TURNS TO SOlD '72 _ 2.DOOR Gold Skvlark,l sih'er black, reconditioned '79 CAPRI, V.6, auto., loaded, , convertible, hard top, new GEORGE PALMS REALTOR diti(}n. $4,500. Call Thurs. power brakes / steering, tires. 882.6720. excellent conditino, $4.500 886-4444 day between 9 a.m ..6 p.m. AUTO FI NDERS INTERNATIONAL best offer. 882.8594. or best offer. 881.0704 _-_-_-_-_-:.--_-_-_-:...... 1 343-9573. !:======-- "SPECIAUZING IN THE SALE 1973 BUICK LeSabre, 4 door, after 6 p.m. MGB '77 SAND GLO, 30,000 good condition, runs well, 1971 LINCOLN Mark III - OF PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES" miles, AM/FM cassette, 1972 CHRYSLER New York- HARBOR SPRINGS LOT Call after 6 p.m. 885-8229. $900. 886-6291 after 4:30 1976 BONNEVILLE - 1978 DODGE .Magnum, $3,800. 777.7001. p.m. er. A1l power. stereo, air Birchwood Golf and Country Club '73 PLYMOUTH Gold Duster, Brougham - excep' triple white, leather condtitioning, air shocks, 1977 PONTIAC Catalina, AM, air. good condition, tional condition, red, in t e r i 0 r, sun roof, MARK III $950. 372-2658. Most beautiful site in Midwest for an exclusive resort $950. 773.5143. interior, $2,595. every option available. '71 Impeciable condition, II power steering, brakes, air, area. Rolling hills - heavy forest of birch, pine, triple brown. ~lust sell, stereo, rear defogger, $2,' 1977 PONTIAC Firebird Eg. $3,495. .prit. Au.tomatic. stereo cas. oak, etc. Gorgeous views of Lake Michigan, forests 1975 GMC window van, asking $2,600. Evenings. 100. 881.7621. and hills. Two acre hillside lot, ideal for another 1980 BONNEVILLE - 824-9531. ------~ette, $3,200. 884-3680. white V-top, red ve:our '81 VW RABBIT. 2 door, low distinctive Birchwood custom.designed multi.level See $895. Brougham - 2 door home. Paved roads, all utilities and guards. coupe, 15,000 miles. 1970 TOR.u~O - 302 engine, milage, luggage rack, red, 1&73 LeMANS wagon-Pow. er steering, power brakes, Ray Campise Immaculate condition. good condition, 5395 or like new. :\lust sell! $6,300. Many Grosse Pointe, Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills 1974 TORINO wagon, 1 offer. 771-3520. 881-3493. automatic. good tires and owner, no rust. g(.od $7,395. members. ------brakes. $450 or offer. 881- transportation. $695. 1969 CHEVROLET Impah 1973 GRE~lLIN, excellent 1977 BUICK Riviera, 8931. Free to ~l:embers - Championship 18 hole golf course. DRUMMY custom - air conditioning, transportation, 22 miles, 1972 VOLKSWAGEN - red, cloth interior, full Tennis, swimming, bridle paths, cross country power. 39,000 miles, power s tee r i n g, power per gallon auto regular gas. 1980 FIAT X.I9, 6,100 miles. Bug, dependable trans. brakes, excellent condi- 57,000 miles, S800. 527. skiing, hiking. OLDS $3,495. gr~at shape, black, $7,300 portation. $795. tion, good transportation, 2183. THE ROAD TO $650 firm. 681.4112. I _ or best offer. 886-6850, be- Impl'essi\'e Clubhouse - Highly suitable for pres. WE HAVE SOLD fme 5:30 p.m. tigious entertaining. Outstanding restaurants, SAVINGS . ----- downhill skiing and marina in the area. THE 81's ARE HERE ]976 PACER DL - 36,000 l2F-NORTHERN 1975 CHEVROLET Caprice- ; OVER 466 CARS miles, super clean. Air, PROPERTIES ORDER YOURS NOW! Loaded, Florida car. $1,- CALL 885-8792 Grosse Pointe FC'r that personal touch LET US SELL YOURS power steering, brakes, ------175. 682-8""36. . AM/F~l stereo. Best offer. on new or used cars. WE WILL PAY TOP $$ Call 881.8668, leave meso Monday and Thursday, sage. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tues- FOR CLEAN, USED CARS day, Wednesday and IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY FAST 1971 CHRYSLER 300 - No I Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. rust, clean. Excellent trans- 884-6740 18195 MACK portation. 79,000 miles. 772-2200 Best offer. 886.7899. t HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION! NEW 1981 RElIANT 2 DOOR NEW 1981 RELIANT 4 DOOR Avromoti<",isSfon, Pow~r Steering, Reo. NEW 1981 HORIZON 4 DOOR Automo!k Tran~million. Power Steering, Vinyl mete Mirra,. Vinyl Side Moulding, Conven. AutomOhc trQrl,m'U'Orl Po"",r s~"/Irlq E11I!"~tr1C ~"'O' Dl! tional Spore, \A., r.;•• wrdl QI"'H,.jio\ Tir,!~, CIOfh Side Moulding. W~itewall Radial Tir.s. Clot~ fro~t, WhHI bp MOuid'f\9 (lf90 (o~pel, (Io'h Bl)(1o:~, Benc~ Sea!. Slk. No 542.6 AVAilABLE. 8enc~ ~at. Slk, No. 431. 9 AVAILABLE ~Ot1 wit", Re.::IIl"l.r COfl .... nl.orol Spa,p, Wt"'l!""Or, ll'ad.o'\ s,\: "'I,;) 319 6 AVAIIA.8LE :~~:$6148 Plus 'alf. plat., " $258 d.s'ination. Plus talf. plate. " $237 destination. NEW 1981 TO NEW 1981 RELIANT SR NEW 1981 LeBARON SALON 4 DOOR Automotlc T(01SmiHlon, Power Ste.ering, flec- AI,J1omotic ironsmiu.ion, Power S'ee"lng and ","" Co."d,llo()~.d ()1j'0 "0"11 p,' ...... r \'IU''''~ ~ b"l'lk ..\ !'~"c tric D...f- ..:;.s', Tin~ed W,,,dows, A.M-FM Stereo, Brakes. Aulomolic Speed (o~'rol. Electric R.or t'l( Itar d,.II~", I,"P liJlOH """''(~ rcoF 'lJ"l~ry ...... ~I" (0""""1 ATLANTA MICHIGAN (Ie'h B,}(h, 5.01" (oo"en',onol Spore. Vv'hile- '>o"of 'pont clol" b .... cn I1'0f wICI!I,f"" o'rr',,""' ....1-',. ....0 [)elre,!, Oigilol Clock. lrg~t Package. AM.'M 'od,o' .,' .. , (ei'l"MiIJ I'\"l "0' 5'" ~b '11 3() Miles East of Gaylord wait Rod,ol Tor., S,k. No 362 5 AAIIA8lE. Radio. Whitewall Radial Tire, Slk. No 107. A year.round rt'sort in the forest-like peaceful setting on 31~ acres and 700 foot " '.-" j ~ frontage on beautiful Thunder Bay River - only 4 hours drive from Detroit in . ~."~ ''''''1 the heart of the Lower Penmsula. :~~:$6329 too. plale. & $259 destjnation P'u. ti' \.~!. .I Relax in t.his 7-year-old completely furnished cedar sided inside and out, PI". P'u, 'alf. plat., .. $258 de.lina,ion. ta~, plat". " $237 de,rinalion '1Iew YohIc\e "'-dme PIcol On.l ...£nmieyM/llotir .. .r lodge-like IIvmg room, 4 bedrooms. 1 fireplace, 2 full baths, modern kitchen and fj f ""PII'" ¥4 25 r large screenoo.m porch. Carpeted throughout. I Four season pleasure characterizes this "Chateau In the North Country" offered In the high SO's. An estate settlement Call for details, 881-0732 evenings or 759.4550. 9 a.m, to 4 p.m,

l I ~'. -pq--.-.---.------

Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 16. 1981

12D-LAKE AND 12E-COMMERCIAL 13-REAL ESTATE '1-1l1AL ESTATE i3-REAL ESTATE 13-R!AL ESTATE 13-REAL'STATI RIVER PROPERTY PROPERTY FOR SALE 'OR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOil SALE THREE Bedroom brick nnllh LAKE LOT-155 ft. on Lake HARSENS ISLAND ST. CLAIR RIVER, Harsens HlARP.ER WOODS - Sharp IGROSSE POINTE WOODS- OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 - BY OWNER ~luminwn 2 bed roo m, 6-room brick Ranch. R~- _ Basement, two car .a. !danuka, (over 200 (t San Souci - Commercial Island - 4 bedroom, 2 542 Briarclilf, Grosse Pointe Woods b 'a s em e n t a,nd garage. reatlon room, $89,500. rage, fireplace. Near Saint deep). Near Gaylord. $18, building, 2,400 sq. ft., extra bath, year round home, John Hospital. 774-4434. 000. Land Contract terms lot, Land Contract terms .. maintenance free, 2300 sq. Elegant 5 bedroom home. Paneled family room with Broker. 861-5109. Owner. 886-6'766, 476-0778. 11% i~terest. 100 ft. com- R home, with cathedral fireplace, wet bar, book shelves plus attached mercial lot on the water, ceiling, large living/dining den-office. First floor laundry, finished base. 3 ROOM Cottage - Lake good investment. Land Con. room, with naturl\l fire. ment, central air, professionally decorated. Huron frontage and Y-25 tract terms. place, 120 ft. frontage on All the extras. condition. BY OWNER - FOUR SEASONS CONDOS 121h miles from Port Sanl STI EBER REALTY majQr shipping cantil with Appointment only. la(' 527.()()41. ~86.2057 775-4900 boat house and worhshop. BLOOMFIELD HILLS 12 ACRE LAKEFRONT prop- All appliances, landscaped erty. Over 2,500 feet of by architect. Prime ('ondl. wllter frontage. Beautiful 12F-NORTHERN tion. Many extras. $189,000 I MANOR Luxurious two.bedroom. two ba'th. Over 1,750 square feet. Entrance foyer/pal'Q~et park like setting on a PROPERTIES terms. 748~557. GROSSE POINTE FARMS flool'in~. Heated underground garage/two parking stalls. Heated asphJllt drive. chain of spring fed lakes. - way. Basement stora>le unit (20'x12'). Central conditionlnR/elootric air 50 miles west 0( Ann LAKE ROME sites on Deer FARiMS - 424 Hll1('rest. 3 LAND CONTRACT AVAILABLE Arbor. $95,000 on Land Lake. Walk to Lake 27 bedrooms, 2 fuU baths, din. Two.bedroom Ranl!h immaculate condition, full base. cleaner. Power humidifier/water purifier. Package elevator. Balcony. Com- Contract terms. 517.750- and Martin Lake, walk to ing room, fireplace, new ment, gas forced air heating, close to shopping pletely carpeted/custom drapes Spacious closets and cupboards. Same floor 9100 or 517.688.~202..By Gaylord Country Club, 6 kitchen, red e cor ate d and tramt:ortation. All for only $62,500. utility and pantry rooms. Swimming pool/lighted tennis and 5huffleboard owner, minutes to Gaylord. 1m. throughout, cul-de.sac. As. courts. Elegant club house, four informal lounges. Assum&ble mQrtgage 10IA0/0, ------pNved. restricted subdivl. sumable 8TAsor 11% Land COX & BAKER Appointmell't only/No brokers. Phone 338-7'713. ST. CLAIR RIVER SiOIl, rolling, tr~ covered. Contract. $73,500. 885.5944. 885-6040 East China Township-3,OOO I' Call Bloomfield Hills. 644. Open Sunday. sq. ft., family room. formal 6446. dining, central air, 3 oaths, OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 boat house. 19930 Old Homeslead, Har- BY OWNER FISHEIDl:A.~S PARADISE I FOUR.BEDRooM home on per Woods. 7 MHe/Bea. 2 boat hoist on Bell River, Ellk Lake, Traverse Cit.y consfield, 3 bedroom, brick 2061 SHOREPOI NTE MONROE & A.SSOC JATES Z vv".~, --.."- area. $115,000. 643~43. y,.... "".... 'Q~,..,..'h r'ont ..Q' ail" famllv ~?QS'3E pmN'T''F'. WOODS OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 kitchen and dining area, ;OO~:. di~'i~g'rooni,-. 1st new seawall, Vi mile off floor laundry, 2 baths, 2 lAND CONTRACT AVAILABLE St. Clair River. HARBOR SPRI NGS car attached garage, in. Ask for Joe Joachim ground pool, 100x184 foot Immaculate' executive condo, largest unit in complex. 19823 WEST IoDA LANE - GROSSE POINTE WOODS - OWNER READY Cathedral celling, dining room, butlers pantry, EARL KEIM REALTY LAKESIDE CLUB lot, with park like setting. TO DEAL. If you haven't seen this most remarka-ble ,buy in a three 329-9093 $98,000. D'Luge Real Es- den, 2 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, 2 car attached garage, bedroom all brick RANCH you cywe it to yourself to make a special trip 329-4241 tate. 293-6800. electronic door opener, finished basement, air ro see thLs home, BIGGER ON THE INSIDE THAN IT M"P,IDA:RSFROM Luxury 2 and 3 bedroom conditioning, bar.b.que, luxurious decor. TH,E STREET and features a lar~e family room. country kitchen with condos on lake near Larbe 3 BEDROOM condominium, built.ins and loads of eatin~ area, screened terrace, fOl'mal dining room. ST. CLAIR Croche State Park, shop. full basement, 21,2 baths, 884-1449 Showplace home in prime lo- A"ta1:hed t,wo car ~arage and fin-joShed ba£ement with welt bar, three ping - PHASE II PRE- Grosse Pointe 'Schools, Fireplaces. ASSUMABLE BLENDED RATE MORTGAGE AVAlLAB.LE. cation just north of the ST. CONSTRUCTION PRICES kitchen appliances, $69,900 CLAIR Inn. Mag.lilicent from $99,000. Call 886. terms. 775.5043. BY OWNER 1618 NO'RTH RENAUD-MOST PRESTIGIOUS AREA ON A TREEID STREET lot with 120 ft. of ST. 4327 weekdays, Rusty. - Lar~e lot. This center entrance colonial ,has a IQt to offer a person CLAIR RIVER frontage. OPEN SATURDAY and SUNDAY lookin~ for THREE BEDROMS, 1Yl BATHS, FlA'MILY ROOM, oversized Custom brick ranch home 114 SHADE TREES AND A :z.BEDROOM CONDO 1096 BEDFORD ROAD liv n,g room with natural fireplace, beautiful kitchen with loads of eat. with terrace, heated pool Grosse Pointe's most con. Grosse Pointe Park ing space, formal dining room, ready to move into and fast possession and guest house. Do~k and can be yours. venient location. Carpet- A country farm house of stone and brick. Situate.d at . hoist. $259,000. ed, central .air and ga- GLORIOUS view fro:::l this 3 PETOSKEY an elevation on a corner lot with circular drive. 22807 CANTERBURY - ST. CLAIR SHORES - J.EF1FERSON AT NINE rage. Call alter 5 p.m. II Custom built for minimum up-keep. bedroom, 2 bath. seven. 885-3574 MILE ROAD is the location of this immaculate THREE BEDROOM year-old home. N )l'th of patio discreetly located by a separate 2 car gange. ALL BRICK RANCH. Family room with natura! fireplace, 11h baths, town, with 75 feet ot river- PROPERTIES Living room, dining room, leisure room, wet bar, country kitchen, neat as a pin and fast possession 'is not a problem. front, redwood deck to • COMMERCIAL powder room, large kitchen and summer porch, REDUCED TO SELL, MAKE US AN OFFER. . GROSSE POINTE PARK view the passing ships • RESORT I 2 fireplaces, Second floor bas 3 bedrooms, dr~- ing room, 2 baths. Each room is individually dec. 686 BlRoI':H LANE - REOPENED THIS SUNDAY - THE BUYER DIDN'T Possible 1 and contract • ACREAGE 1151 BUCKINGHAM RD. l orated and of pleasant size with fine appoint- COME. MORNINGSOIDE AT FAIRiFORD is the setting of .this remark. $142,000. • RESIDENTIAL Slately center entry brick home. WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO SEE Colonial, bum 1953. 4 ments. Air conditioned. Appeared on the 1979 J BEAUCHAMP "stop by when up our Hous~ Tour. THIS DREAM HOME. Three good sized bedrooms, 2Jh baths, formal I bedrooms, family room. dininl( room, and a very large :family room with wel bar and natural REALTORS way" High 8% % assumable 886-2682 f.irepace, iving room, of very comfortable size w1th natural fireplace, 329.~755 413 E. Lake street mortgage. $140,000. Petoskey, Michigan 49770 1st floor laundry which is hard to come by, full basement and an at- t.aehed .two oar garage. CUSTOM BU1'LT IN 1957. Move in condition. ST. CLAIR RIVER, ~eotween DETROIT BANK (616) 347-5360 GROSSE POINTE WOODS Marine City and ~;. Clair. & TRUST EAST WILLIAMS CT. 75 of river property 'TRUST REAL ESTATE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY P.LEASE and ,top quality o::cnstruc. PAT VERHELLE, Three bedroom ranch. 21,.2baths, formal dirnng room, P and kitchen, natural fireplace, rec room with bar, ear.port. $155,000, Land BY OWNER ROSLYN ROlM>"';"GRO'SSE POINTE WOOn<'...-'A.1'l'ENGLISH CHAR:MER-1Located new rear porch deck, aluminum trim, new on a treed ~trret, fOUT bedrooms, iormal d'ining room, LIV,ING ROOM WIm Contract terms. 5235 Devonshire - Eastside - 3 bedroom, large awnings, new 2Ilol car garage .. Grosse Pointe ST. CLAIR. One aio:.!: from NATURAL FJ,REn>LACE, Florida room with doorwaYs tQ ,the weLl-eared-!or living, dining room, sun porch, large kitchen and School distrIct, Shown by appoIntment. Priced !back yard whkh is ample for the largest of .families. Full basement and a the river in fine f.zighbor. alcove, full basement, newly decorated, 2 eRr to sell. Has an 8Jh% assumable morlgage, ~o-car g.a:rage all can be,yours. fOf, tpe a, , '..J : , hood. All. brick (;\1stom garaae, fenced in _yard. - . ' ,- , .. .• ranch homhvltt1"t.::Ce' (or WOODBRIDGE EAST ,. PEMBEiRTON-GRO'SSE POINTE PARK-LOO1GtL'lJG FOIt-THE PERFECT HOME? four) bedro9ms, d".~, fam. PRICED IN LOW $30s . ; ST. CLAIR SHORES~' " <;ALL TODAY .FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION OF THIS BEAUTY. ~ j ily room with fireplace, Call 882-0839 Five room townhouse, 2 large bedrooms, 11h baths, \ FOUR. n.atura~ f;re1Jlaces, THREE }arge bedrooms, family room with parquet ,. fully equipped kitch:m with fun basement, all GE appliances, private patio, ~oor, natural oak fioors, country kitchen with bunt.ins separate FLORIDA breakfnst dining Il:za, 21h 2 car carport, pool, clubhouse facilitites. Security ROOM, 2¥.l baths, fun basement witlla sepaI'ate gamee room. SEE IT TO i babh.;, full bliseme~.,t with I guard. Will consider Land Contract 11%. BELIEVE IT AND PRICED VERY AF!FORDABLY. 'I huge recrea,tion [:~a and 490 LAKESHORE LANE abundant ~torage I_ttached PETTINE REALTY TRULY A SOUTHERN MINI MANSION-LA'RGE LIV,ING ROOM WITH BAY ~ 21h car garage, utility l GROSSE POI NTE WOODS 775-7880 521-4030 WINDOW, separate. formal dining room, country kitchen w1th built-in's and ., Etorage building. $~34,9oo. lots of eating space, extra large Family room with natul'3:l. fireplace with Land contract terms. BY OWNER raised hearth, buflt4n bookcase, I~l floor laundry one and a heH baths on ST. CLAIR AREA. A-H,active main floor, FIViE LARG'E BEDROOMS UPST.iH~S WITH TWO FULL tri-level three ,:Jedroom 5 bedrooms, 2. full, 2 half baths, paneled family room, 'B~'l'HS, the master suite has two clothes closet.s and a pri'l'llte bath home in excelled c ~ndition den, full basement, 3 car attached garage, air FORDCROFT with slla)! shower, the full basement has been professionally done complete and tastefully d~~:rrated. conditioned, built in 1965. Excellent condition. with a wet bar, two-caraUached garage. ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE IS Family room wi'Jt. fire. Land Contract. GROSSE POINTE SHORES AVI.MLABLE. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION. J I place, Solar.X slid.:!I.g door A unique contemporary home, only 4 years old, I LAKESHORE DRIVE--DIRECT~Y ON THE LAKE-GROSSE POINTE SHORm j wall 1)pening onto !'l'ivate, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 complete in every l"i!specl. Master suite on 1st , Fom f,amily suites, plus thr~ addiHoool guest bedrooms grace this lovely old covered patio, ceIJ;ral air, I floor, designed for maximum privacy. Glass r By Appointment Crill 884-9148 mami?n. The 31 foo~ living room has a direct lake view, the formal dining fully aut a C'll a ti ~ lawn vislas overlooking a wooded estate, a court yard sprinkling and atta,.~hed 21h and a wal~.ed garden. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on ro~ 1S ample an.:! will seat a very large dinner .party without inconvenience. A kltcllen a, master. chef would be proud to work in, and for the man of car garage. Fan-tast:c land. 2nd floor. eliveable price and terms. 21304 MACK AVE. I: 18 U~IT APARnrENT Bldg _ Detroit, eastside, 1m TO'M McDONALD & SONS GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICH. :1 maculate building. G()()d JIM SAROS AGENCY 1\ return. Excellent manager 886-9030 3rd GENERATION 884-5885 i Contact Mr. Brown. 1.287 "} 6250. i j l ,r 'I I I I

" ' -,...... --_. .,

Thursday! July 16, 1981 GRqSSE POINTE NE'WS Page Thirteen-C

13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE " ------CONDO-ST. CLAIR SHORES BEAUTIFUL custom four MOVE I N WOODS - 1190 Torrey, 3 THREE BEDROOM, 21h BATH COWNIAL SHOREVIEW: 1 unit of 1 bedroom Cape Cod features CONDITION bedroom, 2 baths, semi. GROSSE PO INTE SHORES Large paneled family room with fireplace, new fur- :story 2 unit building. 2 2~ baths, central vacuum, ranch, below market Ii. nace and central air, new carpeting, 21h car at. 80 STILLMEADOW LANE bedroom, bath, kitchen. sprinkler system, thermal Woodbridge East-Two bed. nancing available. 882. dining area, living room. windows, full wall fire. room, two bath apartment 7577. tached garage. $165,000. Appointment only. OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 P.M. Attached'2 car garage with place closet and Condo. ------886.2816 Custom built center entrance Colonial, first floor automatic door opener. All much' more, Call Clara PRICED TO SELL INCOBMyESOWFONERRSALE laundry, large kitchen with built.ins, large pan. new appliances Including y 298.0010 I elled family ro~m with fireplace, 4 bedrooms dishwasher. waSher/dryer. ore, . 772.9632 with hardwood floors. 2 full, 21/2baths, very large New car~ting anI.! draPeS. ENJOY GROSSE POINTE I Call owner evenings ------OPEN SUNDAY 2.4 Full basement, Bas F/A Park privileges but meet 774-4038 BALFOUR SQUARE fenced yard, with lots of fruit trees. 'd ------CONDOMINIUM with central air. Under City 0 f Detroit reSl ency 9 Fl d B t'f 11 $94,500 'r"m4nts. Large II'vl'ng MARSH. LA,ND-2. 3 acres .on 1 711 eetwoo. eau I u y $70,000. No Brokers. 296. requl " " D t t R t ts d decorated one _ bedroom 5537. room, dining room, 2 bed. e rOI, olVer,}!J.S au I e Large lot. Grosse Pointe Woods. Cape Cod. Close to I rooms (down) and 2 up, of Wmdsor, exceHent ~or unit near Eastland, fea. all schools. 3 bedrooms, library, family room, 2 BY OWNER GROSSE POINTE WOODS- extra bath with shower in I permanent duck hunting tures spacious rooms, fin. fireplaces, security system, gas grill, 2.bedroom starter heme. 't 8 f' bl ished basement, central . . basement new furnace SI e. acres a alra e al'r and a"pll'ances. Prl'ced patio. Living room, d lnmg room, ' , land xc llent 'nv "'m nt y central air move-in can. ,e e I e.. e, to sell at $57,000. 88A29"" central air, garage, dition. Land Contract. Call Windsor. 1.519.776. ... "" CALL 882-0687 close to schools and trans. New World _ Don Parke 4126. I __ 0_r_88_1_.6_2_97_, _ portation. St. Joan of Arc 5B8.5762 ILAKESHORE Village Condo Lan d Contract ------. _. ST, CLAIR SHORES, lake _ 2 bedrooms, finished tenns. Mid.saD's. 881.7600. HO~~E OWNERS: ConSider property, Ranch home, at. basement central air Call BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN VILLA 1 thiS insurance protection, tached garage, fruit trees, I- 779.0420 'after 6 ' SPARKL1NG, newly deeor. as f?llows: $100,000 on large lot, owner, 772.980B. . 251 IJNCOLN ated 3.bedroom, 2.bath dwellmg, $10,000 on ga.I------1 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 home with family room rage, $50,000 on contents ST. CLAIR SHORES _ Own. CRANFORD LANE 16819. PRICE REDUCED. MUST SELL FAST. 6 bedrooms, and u p d ate d kitchen. and $100,00 liability cov. er 3 bedroom ranch fam. off Cadieux near Maumee, 8 baths plus carriage house plus maid's quarters, Ideal location in the erage. Only $344 per year. ilY room with naturai fire. Desirable four bedroom, 55 foot rec. room, large country kitchen, 50 foot FARMS ..At~I'active fin,ance :!:h0J!ls !n~urance _~genc~, place, central air, finished three bath end unit. Nat. living room, new furnace. Open Sunday, 2.4. I $255,000, maKes tilLS 1I01llt: 1II0", ..p t.astlana cemer. tldl.2.310.\ .basement, 2 car attached urii~ !r:,,~::;c~, ;c~cdzled pealing. 881.5683. $18 000 garage, assumable mort. kitchen, Newer furnace, 884.2647 I HISTORIC Indian Village BELOW APPRAISAL gage. Open Saturday and wfl[~~BURG 2060~ _ I'al 5 bedrooms on. . Sunday 2.5 776-2414 884. Colon , 'Chnton TownshIp Moravian 2414 . , Tasteful decor, two bed. halC acre lot. Excellent con area. 20385 White Oaks.' room, 11f.!bath condo. Cen- ditioll. Energy efficient Spanish ranoh with a mar- I GROSSE POINTE PARK _, tral air, patio. Schultes Real Estate 331.3130. ble Roman tub. Open Sun. By owner. 6'6 brick, 2.fam. BY APPOINTME~T 16109 EAST JEFFERSON- day 2.5. 1.468.5701 ily separate furnaces "as GROSSE POINTE WOODS What goes up most come down The Hi st 0 r i c Wardwel 1 ------'--- heat. Income over '$700 ROSEDALE - Spacious four That's Newton's famous Rule house on over 1~ aeres at INCD:\1E PROPERTY per month. Completely reo ~edroom, .2th bath Georg. For Mortgage interest rates around 885-2238 Three Mile Drive is bein g Near Grosse Pointe - This decorated. 881-4856 or 778. Ian Coloma!. Family room, We're hoping this is true offered by Grosse Pointe 6/5 all brick income with 9550 wet bar and basement, But when it. comes to real estate Memorial Church. Cal I garage and basement. Ideal I • SHOREHAM - Three bed. It's interesting we've found. your local real estate bro for investors, Seller pays HARRISON TOWNSHIP - room, 1th bath ranch, Iin. The prices rise on homes in town ker. points on below market Ii. Ranch Condo. 2 bedrooms, ished basement, den, cen- As interest rates come down Century 21 Lochmoor 295 LINCOLN _ N~cely dec nancing (G.4850), Call Pat. 1~ ,baths, full basemenf, tral air, new kitchen, So if you want to buy this year orated smaller home, jus t 977-1500. Chamberlain. 950 square feet, central HARPER WOODS But think that terms are rough FIRST OFFERING off Lakeshore. 2 bedroom s LAKESHORE Subdivision _I air, 1 block from lake. At. VAN AJ.'lT~P - Three down, 1 uP. large living Excellent 3 bedroom brick tached garage, windows on bedroo:n brIck ranch, nat. Just wait until low rates appear 1906 Broadstone - Four bedroom colonial. Modern For to get tough. room with fireploace, l!l'rge ranch, 21f.!baths, attached 3 sides. $59,000. North I ur~l f 1 r e pI ace, Grosse kitchen with built-ins, ree. room with bath, 2 car Bay Condos. N'J assump' Pomte schools. . garage. kitohen with eating space garage, large kitchen, cor. tion No agents 882.9572. HUNT CI.:UB -:- Outstandmg IOPEN SUNDAY) All 'app1i'Snce.s includeQ ner lot, many extras. Must I' . decor In thIS three bed. 260 McMUlan - Stylish Tudor in popular area. Distinc. BY APPOINTMENT New furnace and roof see. By owner. 772-1320. WOODS _ 1622 Newcastle, room brick bungalow. Nat. tive decorating and large airy rooms. A very ap- 2247 Anita - Three bedroom brick ranch. Den, rec. Large lot, 51/2% a.,--sumab1e BY OWNER _ 1187 Anita, 4 bedroom Colonial fam. ural fireplace. G r ass e pealing home with 3 BR's, 21f.!baths and family room, 2 car attached garage, attractive terms. mortgage, $108,000. O~n Grosse Pointe Woods _ ily room, 21h garag~, land Pointe schools, room with wet bar. Sunday 2 to 5. 886.8041. Charming, 2 bedroom brick contract terms, Queen of WI LCOX 884-3550 2181 Hollywood - Three bedroom brick ranch. Two ARIZONA PROPERTIES , home with family room, Peace. 0 pen weekends. - 752 Loraine - Extra large economical bungalow. 3 baths, full.size in.ground pool. Must be sold! Residential and Commer large kitchen with eating 881.5757. 809 Blairmoor Ct .. BE, 2 baths, family room. 350' sq. living' room with cial Inve,tments, Call or area, built.ins, large living IC U S TOM BUILT Ranch 5 bedroom Colonial, 21h natural fireplace & bay window. Just a great home 1413 Kensington - Four bedroom English Tudor. 2lh wr~te to William E. Speer , room with fireplace and home, 1487 N. Renaud baths, 2 car. attached ~a- in a nifty area. Price Reduced. baths, completely redecorated. Corporation owned. Jr., c/o Fir"t Southwest dining L, new aluminum Road, Paneled library, fin. rage, larg~ ki~c~en, famIly Rea 1t y & Development , eaves, siding and storm ished basement enclosed room, l?aho, flDlshed base. 1059 Devonshire - 1953 Executive colonial, attractive 1509 Hollywood - Two bedroom brick ranch. Fire. Inc., 3368 E.' Grant Rd., windows. Many extras, 2 h 2 r 'I 2~ ment WIth wet bar. Attrac. Tucson, Arizona, 85716, 1 car attached garage. Large pore, lrep aces, tion 10th % assumption. design inside and out with a flexible first-floor place, enclosed porch. Beautifuliy landscaped, . plan. Great.for entertaining. A big screened porch, 602-881.7015. open rear yard, nicely land. ba!hs, many ex~ras. Ap. Open Sunday 2.5 p.m, or scaped, Assumable mort. pomtment 882.18;>8. call 881.4?..53, a real bonus this time of year, 3 bedrooms, 2lh FAR EASTSIDE of Detroit gage, $87,500, Call for ap. k TU "'4415 baths. Nice ree. room. . Cen ury DC moor - Thr~.bedroom Bunga . t t 8827098 0 anne par er, or - GROSSE POINTE PARK - t 21 L h low, finished recreation ~Olndme~'t 5' . pen offers: suburban survival 1214 Buckingham. Highly 1 Rathbone - An uncommon home, elegant on the 19866 Mack at Torrey Road room, bath and a half. un ay. o. I farm house! 4 bedroo:ns, . underpriced colonial on grand scale, lavishly detailed rooms. First time Land contract available ST. CLAIR SHORES 21h baths With rental wmg one of the Park's finest open to the PUBLIC. Take advantage of the oppor- 884-5280 $35,000. 521.5458. 21616 Englehart, near Little 2 bedrooms, bat~. Walk?ut streets. Four bedrooms, . tunity to view one of Grosse Pointe's most distin------.-,;--'1540 NOTRE DAME, new 3 Mack. Super immaculate, baseme?,ts, !,Ieatllator fIre. 2V2bath.>, over 2,000 square guished residences. ------. or 4 bedroom Cape Cod custom brick ranch, 6 places, liet heat thrc>ugh. feet of living space Owner ~ : . , , . '~'fiii Large f9.mily kitchen, fam 1~ r g e rooms, a,lumincm _~ut, we , acreage. has city cert. $114;900. ...Jt~ t 3492 Devonshire - 112block from Grosse Pointe. Four ~') I ily room. with fireplace , tnm, panel~d, fanu1y. room, l'O~ HA.m'TON .:....:.Cape Cod, JIM 5AR05 AGENCY f 1 ", . '.bedroom, 2 h batl1st' Beautiful big colonial. Formal $119,000 .. Open Sunday ~ basement flnJshed With lav 2 bedrooms, sitting room, INC ,. I dining room, living room with fireplace. Gorgeous to 5 or call for appoint- and showe;, 2lh. garage. den, fireplace, all appli. • ,,:.;-.. : . ment 882.3222. Leto Bldg :'fortg~ge 9v.i% S~mple As. ances, 2* garage. Assume i.~'\~.; ; kitchen that is absolutely a gourmet's delight. 886-9030 ~; , Price Reduced!! sumpllon. ImmedIate pos. $52 000. 10% % or land ------_ I , I I Co. sessMlOn'WARNER contract. $69,900. 886.7473, GROSSE POINTE , , WANTED . I 884-1805. WOODS BUYl NG SWORDS, 885.5788 RAJ.'lCH _ 3 bedrooms nat'12057 Norwood - Beautiful GUNS, DAGGERS, REDUCED ural fireplace, newly'dec. 3 bedroom Colonial, huge ' orated. Mack/}foross area, family room, living room MEDALS, HELMETS MUST SELL 294-5968, with natural fireplace, Ilf.! 774-9651 ST. CLAIR SHORES ------baths, modern kitchen for over 30 years 20406 EDMUNTON DR. 3 .BEDROOM RA."1CH Ca.d. with built.ins. 2 car garage BY OWNER - 3 bedroom near SI, Joan of Are, 4 bed. leux nea~ :'dack, Det~olt, with automatic opener, in- 771-8900 brick, 2\-2 bath, natuM! room brick colonial, at. Large, kItchen, spaClOUS sulated, aluminum trim fireplace, Floric1a room, all tached garage, formal din. closets, deep lot, 2 car ga. and brick. condi. DETROIT new appliances, 2 car ga. ing room with fireplace, r~ge, $39,500. Will Con. tion. Assumable mortgage. Doll House - super clean, beautiful finished basement 1022Kensington rage. In beautiful area in finished basement. Assume sl.der renting, a.m. or eve. For appointment call 864. with electric fireplace, excludes curtains and Gros£e Pointe City, Lal)d 6% mortgage or blend mngs, 861.4530. 4967 or 885.9325. A home you would be proud to own; characterized by drapes, HBO TV.service available. Owner will look Contract possible. Hi g h rate, By Owner. 773.1801, HARPER WOODS. Large lot I OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 comfortable elegance and affordable maintenance. at all offers. Hardwood floors, extra storage. 70's. 885;0301. Some of the highlights are: $25,900. (H14719) OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 location. Charming Cape • Large gracious entrance hall. PERFECT FOR HARPER WOODS Cod style, 3 or 4 bedroom Executive St. Clair Shores I WILLlA.'1SBURG CT. brick, 372.3495, ranch, • All rooms on main floor have custom stained oak EXECUTIVE'S DELIGHT! I NEWLYWEDS floors and high ceilings. We love our condominium at LAJ.'ID CONTRACT TER.'\IS ------( Quietly decorated three bedroom spacious brick ranch 3 bedroom bri"k ranch, IlL GROSSE POINTE WOODS - , • Richly appointed formal dining room with Riviera Terrace, but must '" n 709 B l'a liff D' B Large home with 3 bed. with family room, first floor laundry, 2112baths, baths, family room, fire. r rc rive. y mahogany cabinets and trim. now sell it. Call. 885.7890 private patio, attached garage, quality built neigh. owner. Save broker's com" rooms; family room, fin- . • Pewabic tiled garder room with floor to ceiling or evenings. 774.1884. place, new carpeting and I m i s s ion. Custom. built i.shed basement with wet borhood. Land Contract, full wall brick fireplace, french doors. drapes, central air, at. I builder's hGme. 3,000 sq. bar, 2 way fireplace, first kitchen with built.ins. Large secluded yard, air RIVIERA TERRACE - Lux. • Spacious library and family room. tached 2 car garage. As. I ft., 3 bedroom ranch. 1m. floor laundry room. Mutsch. conditioning. (037710) $89,900. ury 2 bedroom, 2 bath, • Modern ltitchen with built. in appliances. sume mortgage. Grosse i maculate. Assumable mort. ler kitchen. Land contract garden level Condo, Large Pointe Schools. • SIX large tastefully decorated bedrooms & 4lf.l CO~OMINImI gage. $134,500. Move right terms available (G501) HARPER WOODS Ijving room, large master baths. JEFFERSON/16 ~nLE in. Call for appointment. bedroom with adjacent • Dignified Tudor exterior with professional land- Adorable custom.built two bedroom brick with expan. 2 bedroom brick, air, range, 881.7578. SCHWEITZER sian attic, dining room, tiled basement, fireplace, closet, Kitchen fea. scaping. refrigerator, natural fire. LAKESHORE V ILL AGE REAL ESTATE This is truly a fine choice for a wonderul family aluminum trim garage. (P21526) $61,900. ture;; all built in aI>pli. ance5. Spacious c1O'Sets,in. place. carpeting, drapes, condo, Immaculate 2 bed. Better Homes and Garden home!! attached garage, laundry room, townhouse, corner 777-4940 GROSSE POINTE PARK cludes carport and storage area. Large mortgage bal- room. Very sharp. S46,800. unit, quiet location, assum. ST. CLAIR RIVER with IAlso available by apPC?lntment I Big Price Reduction - Custom eight room Cape Cod 53,000 dGwn. Low interest. able. mortgage 103/4%, all ~ breathtaking view, Home style. Large master bedroom. dining room, ance, current1~ .. assumable Income on Rivard - Excellent rental in ideal location. at 14% 885.1747 or 881. STI EBER REALTY . apphances,. freshly pa~er. i features living room with finished basement, 21'2 baths, lots of extras, under. Three bedroom lower & 2 bedroom upper, 4 car 775-4900 ed and pamted, beautIful I natural iireplace enclosed ground sprinklers, assume or land contract. 7257. garage, alum. & brick, has Certificate of Occu. ! hardwood floors. 886-7621.: porch, 2 bedro~ms, plus (H1348) $130,000. pancy. Significant PRICE REDVCTION. : :'dAIN FLOOR CONDO _ in i billi~rd room or rec room. . LIGGETT SCHOOL AREA , Lakeshore Village. $43,000. I Askmg $112,000. Grosse Pointe Blvd. - Handsome Georgian colonial on ST_ CLAIR SHORES 4 bedroom Colonial, dramatic foyer, winding stairway, Larger, private bedrooms are featured in this beauti- I Call Diana at Kee 751.: beautiful park-sized lot, features attached garage balcony, 25 foot family room with fireplace and 6026. ,ST. CLAIR RIVER - East fully decorated brick ranch. Big kitchen. base- w:enclosed breezeway, modern kitchen, breakfast parquet floor, dream kitchen, closets, '1 China, 3,000 sq. ft., 3 bath, ment, garage. Low payment, FHA terms. $52,900. 5149,900. room and family room with fireplace. Three bed. ILAKESH~RE DRIVE condo'i family room, balcony off of rooms, 2 baths; all oak floors - master bedroom (B.22007) 774-0439 Exceptlonal .2. bedroom master bedroom overlook. has dressing alcove. townhouse. Fmlshed basco ing river plus boat house HARPER WOODS ment, custom walipaper Owner t~ansferred $175 ~ and drapes, newer carpet. 000 ., Charming colonial on Mt. Vernon - Delightful home Extra large second floor bedroom & formal dining BY OW:\'ER with very large living room featuring natural fire. room highlight this adorable one owner home. ing, pool, tennis and club . house. For the fussy buy. place, cozy family room, formal dining room. Fireplace, finished basement, garage. Terms. ST. CLAIR SHORES, 19510 RIDGE:\IO:--'-T - Town. er. Walk to bus and shot>- BELLE RIVER, l/~ mile from Three bedrooms, bath and a half. Wonderfully Make offer! Land contract, $25,000 down, 5 vears, house in Eastland Woods )'fanor, Beaconsfield ping. Asking $49,990. La~d ' St. Clair River. ~ew sea. $61,900. (F205141 • quiet location. and 8 :llile Area, Prime end unit, 3 floors, 2 bed. Contract terms with $20,.' wall, Doat hoist, 2 plus reams, finished recreation room, covered patio, 000 down. :lfust sell. Cal[, bedrooms, basement din. Side Entrance brick colonial on Vernier. All terms PRESTIGIOuS LIVI~G carport, cen:ral air, alarm syHem, $65. :\fain. Diana at Kee, 751.6026, i ing area, new kitchen. available. This charming home must be sold. Beautiful brick colonial in one of Grosse Pointe's finest tenanCe fee. :l-fany extras. By appointment. Land ------Fi.>herman's paradise. S62,. Three large bedrooms with 11~ baths. Sunny living areas, Florida room, formal dining room, 112 contract if required. ~londay through Thursday, ~IAGNIFICE~T HO:\1E for' 900, Earl Keirn ~a1ty, 329. room with lovely fireplace & family room. baths, 3 large bedrooms, sun room off master bed. 6.10 p.m. 779.3913. entertaining. Must see to I 9093 or J(}8 Joachim, 329. appreciate, newly dec(). I 4141 room. natural fireplace. rec. room. breakfast • -_-, I rated home on Jefferson/ i . _ Now available in the Park - Large 4.plex with all room, many extras. Land contract terms. $76,000, separate utilities. No vacancies - all units in good (M.4681 I 250 Washnigton, beauti.1 1221 LAKEPOI~TE-3 bed. condition. Under $100.000. fully landscaped, cheerful i room, family heme com. large bedrooms, 5~ baths, pletely redecorated' mod. DETROIT Gladhill Realtors with brass fixtures, 4 fire. ern kitchen bath' and.a. Three bedroom home with basement, P2 car garage, FIRST OFFERIXG. 5045 Balfour - 4 bedroom brick places, sun room, elegant half, S16,900 ass u m e 5, oven & range in kitchen, formica counter, bungalow, na'l. woodwork, rec room. Assume or cherry and oak panelling Schweitzer 886.4200 (G. SCHULTES REAL oak cupboards & paneling, ~ew roof on garage, Blend Rate Aavailable, $38,900. m.odern, .beautiful kitchen i 653). ' basement finished, $22,900 (Cl9690) WIth bUllt'llI appliances ,_ -----,-, ._ 1XVEST:\IEXT - 5 & 5 flat, 3674.76 ~ottingha!l1, Large oak panelled library' 1181 FAIRHOL:lIE-3 bed. ESTATE DETROIT Lower renls for S295 plus utilities. Assumption S250,OOO,for sale or lease:. room, 2 bath, semi ranch, of Blend available, 881.0986, 886-6809, In ex cell e n t condition, Nice 2 bedroom home with 1l'2 car garage. basement, '------man~' extras, priced to sell. 881-8900 dining room, leaded wlOdows, natur"l woodwork, COCRVILLE - Completely remodeled Colonial, new Jt;ST REDe-CED, by owner, I Schweitzer, 888.4200 (G. all terms, $32,500. (Ell265) garage, kitchen, furnace. LC terms available. ~rosse POinte Woods attra. 558), tlve 3 bedroom ranch. I GROSSE POINTE OFFICE FIRST OFFERI:\G - 4 bedroom brick in Warren. ST. CLAIR SHORES brick, in 1964, J .735 .• LC available. S69.900, '-3-A---l-O-T-S----- 16840 KERCHEVAL AVENUE Quality workmanShIp features highlight this air can. sq. ft, llvll1g room, dining I ditioned 2 bedroom brick ranch Custom kitchen, BEACOXSFIELD - 3 bedroom Colonial, spotless, room, family room with i FOR SALE ;"I:\' THE VILLAGE" family room, finished basement with 2 extra bed- lari(e newer garar.:e. LC available, Call for appt. fireplace, many extras in.' ------ALICE BOYER SCHULTES rooms and bath, Lakeview schools, Land contract. eludes washer and dryer. BY OWNER, lot on St. Paul Realtor $73,500. (M25941) Desirahle location, assum.' between St. Clair and i\eff. 881-3670 able mortgage, $124,000" (115xlOO) zoned two fam. 882-0843. lily 881.3i07.

\ i ~~...oOL.____..~ ._.._ __ .- ~ _ ~ __ ~ __ ~ ...... ~ ...... ~~ __ ~ __ ~ _ ____ ~_ ~ ~ __ ~_~ ~ -A.- .....__ ...... 4_: .....4 ._. _

Thursday, July 16, 1981 P.,. Fololrtttn-C ------'------'GROSSE POINTE NEWS 21G-ROOFING 2o-GENERAL 21-MOVING 21C-ELECTRICAL 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 1JA-LOTI 16-PITS IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 'OR IALI FOR SALE SERVICE MACHINE IMPROVEMENT NEED SOMETHING moved, J. P. SIMON Building 00. TWO.Y,EAR.()LI) darlln« dog delivered or disposed of? S & J ELECTRIC F1LOOR SANDLNG profes. EXPERT REPAIRS IUILO TO SUIT NO JOB Complete u i din g and Two Pointe residents will Reslden tlal-Commerclal slonally done. Dark stain. b I aou TIMACI needs a aood home. House. home Improvement. Spe. GUTTERS ,trained, Win_oro trained, TOO SMALL move or remove large or No Job Too Small Ing and flnl.!hlng. All work Gro... Polntt 'hrm. RESIDENTIAL c1a1.U In every pbase of ROOFING1 mixed breed, spayed, fully smaIl quantities of furnl. 885.2930 guaranteed, Free estimates. MICHA.t1X CT, CHAIN LINK FENCING improvement. F I'e e e9bl. vaccinated. Perlect com. ture. appilances, pianos - 885.0257. SMALL JOBS GrOIN hint. Ihol'U INSTALLED and or what have you. Call for mates. ~035. !lDW, J. Rt.l8I!)1"L INC. panlon. She'\9 free to a lov. REPAIRED 21D-TV AND 774-9651 ,ing new master. FO!' more free estimates. John Stel. "LET CHARLI E 8M-laee ninger, 343.0461 or 822. HADLEY HOME Iin!ol'tnlatio n, 88l5.3'734. R. RIVARD & RADIO REPAIR DOIr' ALL ROLLING buildl", lite on SON 2200. Certificate of Occupancy reo IMPROVEMENT ROOFING &: GUTTERS Charlevoix in the Farms. COOKER puppy, AKC, buff, 774.6887 P.S. People may copy our pairs. General home reo NEW AND REPAIR pick of litter, excellent ad but never our price, ex. SATELLITE INC. 511feet by 134 feet. $45,000. After 5 p.m. pairs. Decorating. Dee k COMPLETE REMODEL1NG Can Bill 882-3539 blood line, heavy coat. 776- perience or style. TELEVISION Land contract terms avail. building. SERVICE ------HANDYMAN for the un. II able with $20,000 down at 3479. Receive over 200 channels PHONE 882.1537 Kitchens/Baths ROOFS and DECKS usual call, 775-7~62. Exellent from orbiting satellites. 11% ror 2 year contract. MOVING? Attic/Rec Rooms GUTTERS AND REX KI'ITENS CFA - Blue references. ResidentioH and comme'r. 882-3073. males, affectionate, non. COMPLETE A1iditlons/Porches DOWN SPOUTS MOTIVATED elal systems. allergenic. 882-7086. MOVERS MODERNIZATION Aluminum Siding/Trim Gutters cleaned and flushed STOP SIGNALS EXPERT WORK Gutters/Down Spouts New and Repair Work 13B-CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL Black Lab. 18 .COMPIErE • Fast PROPERTY 361-5146 Storm Windows/Doors Licensed and Insured week old, all shots taken CUSTOM PAINTING • Reliable REHOUSE, Inc. ADVANOE MAINTENANCE care of. Very affectionate, • SERVICES RENDERED TO • Just $19.95 per hour Mon ..Fr!. 588-7220 Roofing/Shingles/Hot T... 2 CEMETERY TV and STEREO Reriair set'. 17319 East Warren LOTS - with fantastic disposition. ENRICH YOUR HOME You supply tmck and gas. Aluminum Siding and (Gethsemane) Section J. 884-9512 885.9136, ask for Tom. • See our ad on page Nine.C Call Doug, 882.5628 vice. Free &I~m'ates, Free KELM GuUer Cleaning 882-8837. houl3e c-a..Il3.Joseph. Har. Column 21.1 Floor sanding. refinishing, Fences/Repalrs of all kinds CASHAN ROOFING PLEASE HELP ME! I was MITCHELL A.M. PAINTING RELIABLE Pointe resident pH Woods. 881.5574. old floors a specialty. Ex. Licensed and Insured 14-REAL ESTATE abandoned 3 weeks ago. SINCE 1972 with truck will move slYlflll pert in stain. 535-7256. 886-0520 HOT ROOFS The nice doctor is getting or large quantities. Boo, Commercial- Residential WANTED 881-5105 21E-STORMS AND AWL CAR:PENTRY-general me a home for now. but I 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 882.1968. SCREENS Year round service need a family very badly. VOCCIA maintenianoce. Residential, Shingles and repairs WANTED TO PURCHASE ! ~m A lUtl., mixed female T t"'\,....T,.~ ~'C'-tT'A"''' ~ 'T""\ .,t I.,...... • .-" t,-. eommeroiSEffi NOSEDA & COLONIAL FEDERAL nings, 886-1153, PIANO TUNING and repair- storm windows and doors. Dormers maitels. 886-6527. SONS, Inc. SAVINGS & LOAN HAN'DY>M,AN. No job too ing. W 0 r k gt.aranteed. We can replace "ANY" win. Garage~ ROOFING EXPERTS MR. GUILES SHELTES, AKC. shots, sable, small. OaB John 823-2318. Member AFM. E d war d dow or door. Free esti. Kitchens FLOOR SANDING, staining. Since 1913 886-1080 beautifully marked, cham. Felske. 465.6356. mates. Fireplaces Free estimates. 382.5323 or Aluminum and vinyl siding, pion sired. Home raised. Brick and Cement work 386.5664. trim and gutters. Featuring CASH for HOMES 822-8251. 20A-CARPET COMPLETE plano service. GALASSO Bank financing available ALCOAprooucts. Licensed SERVING AREA 40 YEARS LAYING Tuning, rebuilding, refin. CONSTRUCTION Completo F1ATHER AND SON sales. SHEPHERD mix, 6 years, and Insured. STI EBER REALTY ishing. Me m bel' Piano Home Modernization man, Instal'len •. Ou~ 25tih 822-1878 885-8814 free to good home, good 527-9479 775-4900 CARPET LAYING Technicians Guild. ZE'ch- 777-2816 773.1105 year. Aluminum sidJnade l'ClCks repaired. Mike Schuster at 882.4325 JOHN WILLIAMS Good service, 538-4835, !l8e-5813 and Ken Carter. Call 778. ADORABLE KI'ITEN - Very PAIR OF COCKATIELS _ doead!bo1Jts imrtJaUed. WH- HOUSE PAINTING: anytime. 1680. alte;"oD1dte and loving - Albino female, grey male, son'~ Lock...~i1h Shop. 00l. REROOFING and repair - QUALITY INTERIOR/ neew3 c:arl~g home. Dump- $200 Includes large Parrot 2937. Sub.Contractor - Leaks EXTERIOR SERVICE LAKEPOINTE ROOFING K-CARPET ed by prevIous owner. WUl cage and stand. 881-5923. stopped, senior citizen dis. with special attention given CONSTRUCTION Repairs and reroofing. Alum. inum trim and gutters. CLEANING )'OU please give an orphan count. Free Estimates. 881- to surface preparation. Ex. Complet~ H?me Father and Sons. a home. 839-2441, evenings. F10R SALE - Blue front 20F-WASHER AND 9173 or 778-6274. cellent references. COMPANY . Modermzatlon Bob Isham Dale Isham CARPET Parrot. Can between 11-1. DRYER REPAIR INSURED 622.0129 KItchen and ,bath specialist 526-0666 527-6616 4 BEAUTIFUL all white 986.1519. 5 years old. GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY SPEOIALISTS Peman kittens. Healthy, SPECIAL OF THE MONTH FREE ESTIMATES HANDY.MAN-All types of • Steam Extraction litter trained. 7 weeks old. 3 CUTE free k.wtens. cau All kitchen remodeling LET GEORGE DO IT HOOVER work, household repairs, , • Shampoo ~27-71~7. 886-637,1. Washer. dryer, dishwasher 20% oU. A.1 ROOFING-shingles, flat , .,~ Spot and Stain kmoval FACTORY AUTHORIZED 'bathrooms, kitchen, addi. Licensed. 882.6707 roofs._ gutters, ~uminum l!nd.. rang'1:S . repairecLJ All SERVICE tlons, plumbing, electrical, ~ . '.t1pholstery Cleanlng -"" ".~D~~~~~,-;~~.N~l:t.t6~Ptf ..".....,....~ makes. NO SERVICE trim. Free gutters with ..•• . . at affordable prices roofing ...siqing, carpentry, ,root job. Free estimates. loving ~eutering C H A R G E if repaired. POINTE VACUUM EASTLAND horn.. ,. GROOMING 'basements, 'etc. No job too 839.4193. C.E.G. Roofing. 882-0688 fee, 7114-8741, 869-"79 or Guaranteed paris and servo FRF.E PICKUP AND sma-II. Licensed and In. ALUMINUM 835-1651. Ice. Speci&::,;:ag in GE, DELIVERY sured. Free estimates. Call ROOFING: Aluminum siding PROFESSIONAL CARPET DOG GROOMI~G done in Kenmore, Whirlpool prod. NEW REBUILT PARTS PRODUCTS your home, 10 years ex, Chris and Larry at 772- Siding, trim, roofing, gutters, and trim. Carpentry re- UPHOLSTERY CLEANING BLUEPOINT SIAMESE - ucts. AT REASONABLE Male. Perfect bred. De- perience. Ask for Debbie, TU 1-0700 6323 or 77:J.1235. storm doors, windows and pairs, snow plowing, LI- RATES PERSONALIZED We use Von Schrade~ dry clawed and shots. $100 or 21002 MACK porch enclosures. censed, Insured. John Car. 388-7047. SERVICE SINOE 1965 foam extraction equipment. best offer. Call before 1:00. Free Courteous Estimates bone. 839-4051. George stults • Deep Soil Removal 822-5190. DOG GROOMING - Done in HARBOR ELECTRIC OF:FICE/SHOWROOM 885-1762 JOANNA WESTERN - • Fast Drying Violations Corrected 29315 HARPER COCKER SPANIEL pups _ your home. 882'3018. WINDOW SHADES PAQUIN • Leaves no resoiling residue S.C.S. 774-'04e0 FREE ESTIMATES PAINT. SHUTTERS. BUN OS for free estimate call Distinc. AKC, 2 blonde buff males. 2O-GENERAL KAUFMANN ROOFING 20G-GLASS AND , STORM OOORS AND :~'NDOWS tive Carpet & Upholstery $175. 792-6468. 882-9420 Specialists in iFlat Roofs SERVICE MIRROR REPAIR Licensed llnd insured con. JOHN W. SCHOBER Cleaners. 839.5155. Ask for THE iHANDlEST GUY Licenced - Insured HAND FED baby yellow tractor. Tom Barrese. Satisfaction IN TOWN Nape. 366-2563. CUSTOM DESIGN and reo 839-7534 guaranteed. . • PLUMBING • Nnting and glazing • PLASTERING pair. Windows, doors, mir- ALL TYPES of electrical TWO UNUSUAL Parakeets GRA'TOP • Carpentry and cabinets CARPET AND upholstery • PAINTING rors, etc. SpecialiZing in work. Ranges, dryers in. with cage, $30. 343-0779, • Small plaster repairs cleaning treasonable • CARPENTRY leaded' glass. 882.521'1. stalled - remodeling. Elec . RESIDENTIAL ROOFING a :Mike. SALES AND SERVICE • Small plumbing repairs rates. Call and lDquire • MASONRY trical repairs, fixtures. Li. 15011 KERCHEVAL East 01 All., • In tho Pari< • Violation work X-ELENT about the Von SChrader' BEAUTIFUL Schnauzer, 5 • VIOLATIONS censed and insuretl. Col. 21-MOVING ville Electric Company. TU 5-6000 I • Water damage work QUALITY , method. Tom. 839-5155. years, shots, neutered. Ex. CORRECTED Clo •• " Mond.y. cellent companion. Protec. • NOTHING TOO SMALL Evenings 774-9110. Days __ 884-1285 WORKMANSHIP SPECIALIZE IN garage door HUNT Carpet Cleaning' and tlon for retirees. 881-6610. LA f-7352. Re.roof-900 sq. fllow as Janitorial Service. Pallets GU'Y DE BOER service and repair. 24-hour $425 complete 885-4624 RETIRED ]'fASTER electri. 21E-STORMS AND SCREENS made and repaired, reason- CFA ORIENTAL short.Mirs, service, general carpentry, ALUM1NItJIM SIDING roofing, int.etlor and exter. ciano Licensed. Violations. able, scotchgard. deodor- klbten.s, Grand Ohampion GENERAL Cleaning Service. Services increased. Also GUTTERS izer. 779-8430. . sired by reJi~lDal winner. Homes, apartments. Two ior painting. Andy, 526. . ROOF REPAIR 1015. Mitch 541.3063. small jobs. TU 5.2966. BEST QUALITY •. Beoauti1ul colors, unique hard working students. Re- FREE ESTIMATES 21.I-PAINTING, markin~. $50. 792-6016 liable. references. 751.3573 BOB'S IDLECTRle--.Licensed BEST DEAL 757-2953 evenings and weoekends. or 573-7594. 20E-INSULATION con~113~tor. S e r v de e in. WORK GUARANTEED DECORATING creases, city violations,-re. Ii .. 16D-ADOPT pair and rewire. Quality SPECIALISTS J &: J PAINTING - Experi- A PET SUDRO INSULATION work at a mudest price. Custom Work Done By "Craftsmen" enced college painters. Ref- Since 1948 875.9766 ! ROOF erences in the Pointes. Prepare now for skyrcek. EAST SIDE ALUMINUM PRODUCTS . 'LEAK Free Estimates. Call Jim, eting fuel ERIENCED, 21D TV AND REFERENCES 17 Mile Road, Sterling Heights, 48077. Phone RADIO REPAIR 939-4240. Hours 11:00 ~.m. to 5:00 p.m. SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES ROOF LEAKS Grosse Pointe Residents PETE 372.1324 SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. , STOPPED • Donations Welcome. Cat ...... ALL ROOF and - - GUT'I1ER WORK ~( and Dog food coupons " TV , • S \ N YOu It H TV ESSIAN ~ _ helpful. Volunteers are FENC ING "~;~;}. NEW AND REPAIR PAINTING " ~, ~ Gel., TV _ HI.'l _ 5,., ... 0 At I ~ solicited. • Shingles A' A4Gih•• 5Ia~do,d lok, Cfftd 'a,.. G..,o'o"", RUSTIC STOCKADE' • Slate COMPANY Thank you for helping those . 921-6282 CHAIN L,INK,'" VINY~ : 881:6264 ReA - ZENITH 886-8264 • Declts CUSTOM : V' 'IiIltuiu 'Il,clrlmlt. COt.ORED-GALVANIZED who can not help themselves I ' _- ' ..... • Tile , 766 NOTRE DAM!!.' I GROSSE POINTE •. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR I COMMERCIAL - : SINCE 19S0 Gulters Cleaned and RESIDENTIAL PAINTING lAND Flushed WALLPAPERING I . PET PENS Y. 20-GENERAL SNOW FENCE Wort Guaranteed ReaSQnable Rates SERVICE Free Estimates F1ree FAtLmates .t; 10403 HARPER References ((t. Anti-Cruelty MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. - JACK D. TOTTY ~ CALL BOB ANY TIME ~ Association 774-9058 i 882-4381 13569 Joseph Campau Beautify your home or building with ~.' l~,,;. high prellure cleaning. Oro ••• Pointe Fence Co. 21.I-PAINTING & ll,lt\. { 10 Hamtramck Brick • Stone • Aluminum Siding DECORATING ;:..7.",;,. a.m. to 4 p.m. Wood • Vinyl • All Surfaces CEDAR \jI~PLEA;;nd:~h~:~~alurda, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! 978-7500 STOCKADE I UNIVERSAL WALLCOVERING & CO. No after hours help as yet. Veterinarian 5 days, "Wallcovering SpeclaHsts" 1/2 day Sat. We keep dogs as long as possible. : '..... ',.:.', t,'" "'. I' •• ' ' .'.: • MOST ROOMS $10 PER ROLL ~Inanced or)ly by donations, Remember animals FENCES In your Will tool "~{l/;"ftA'~I':",.::~-:::.:.:;.,~~..l1"~I::.';"';i.;' 'I~."~'~~!;fi~ • Free Estimates • Full Service Company • ,"",'''.' ('<0\0 ". ',~ 'I~ INSTALLED • 2 YeQr Guarantee • Interior Painting Volunteer help wanted. Pet food and can - .- • Insured • Wallpaper Removal labels welcomed. For information call Mary, I 886-1924 B CALL SAM OR VIC 774-4048 or 756.2637 891-7188 THE HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING CO.

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Thursday, July 16, 1981 G R 0 5 S E POI N TEN E W S ------'_._------_.-.------_.------...------Pig. Fifteen.C 21.I-PAINTI~G & 21-I-PAINTING, 21K-WINDOW 210-CEMENT AND DECORA"fJNG I 210-CIMINT AND 21S-:-CARPE NTER 21T-PLUMIING AND 21.Z-LANDSCAPING DECORATING WASHING BRICK WORK BRICK WORK SERVICE HEATING TREES" . PAlNTING & Wallpapering GROSSE POINTE "WE PLANT A.OK WINDOW CLEANERS. BRICK REPAIRS - Work PORCHES, chimneys, fir e . LET(l MWH~L PILORGET-Land- - 29 years experiencl'd. PAINTERS Service on storms and guaranteed. Porches, chim. PLUMBING Licensed & Insured. Local places repaired or new con. BUlLrING COMPANY loaplng, Complete service. Exterior 'Painting, 5 ye • Family Rooms I PL:JMBING/DRAIN • QUALITY WORK SERVICE Painting - interior-exterior D WINDOW CLEANING CO. • Masonry Repairs JOBS AND REPAIR Ritehens & Recreation Areas and We guarantee our work. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR paperhanging and paneling: Storms and screens, alumi. • Cement walks and drives WORK E~tate Maintenance SEWER CLEANING For free estimate call Window glazing, caulking, Free estimates cheerfully num and gutters cleaned, • Firepla{:-e Inserts-Airtight JAMES BARKER . Spedalizing In LARRY 792~771 wallpapering. References. given. Licensed and In. free est i mat es. Lowest wood'burning anu chimneys 882-1721 886.5044 • Blocked Sewers Free Estimates. Licensed & sured. prices in the • Patios~Brick and cement • House Drains Insured. 882.9234 773-0525 0 Basement leaks repaired 21P-WATER. • Attics. Porch Enclosures MURPHY'S 775 5790 • Violations Corrected PROOFING • Additions • Kitchens • Sink & Lav. Drains LANDSCAPI NG _ - MIKE'S PAINTING 0 WINDOW CLEANING CO. Over 25 years in the Pointes • Commercial Buildings VISA-MasterCharge GARAGES, scraped, primed I Interior, exterior, wallpaper. Storms and screens, alumi. 293-7951 or eves. 293-2557. JIM SUTTON I:xpert Workmanship Call now tor deliveries and painted. Reasonable ing, minor repairs, patch. num and gutters cleaned, N INO J. W. KLEINER 1677 Brys Drive Reasonable Rates • Top SoU rates. Free estimates, call ing, plastering. Free esti'l free estimates. Lowes t Basement waterproofing TU 4.2942 TU 2-2436 Telephone Estimates • Fill Dirt Davia. 882-2795. mates. Reasonable and hon. prices in the Pointes. CONSTRUCTION All work guarantf'ed GROSSE POINTE • Sod LICENSED ~~------est. References. Call any. 773-0525 Garage, driveway, porch, ad. PLANNING TO BUILD CALl:. • Lunestone MICHAEL'S time. European. I ditions, waterproof base. TU 2-0717 A DECK? 526.7271 • Cobblestone PAINTING 777-8061 21L-TILE ment, brick patio, walks, If you are . . . • Sand 1 DAY SERVICE CODDENS "LET CHARLIE 21W-DRESSMAKING DECORA TI NG I WA-L-L-P-A-P-E-R- WORK Fr~t~. Estimates 527-2996 Interior-Exterior Service I 1. _ CONSTRUCTION DO IT" AND TAILORING 885-9179 Painting MANHATTAN TILE CO. - BAND C CEMENT ESTABLISHED 1924 Free estimate All types of bacement water. antiquing and varnishing, REMOVAL New and remodeling cer. CONTRACTORS PHONE 882.1537 kLTERATIONS and repaim stripping and staining amic tile in kitchens, bath proofin.g. 7 years guaran done in my rnm,e. 772. THREE CS Complete kitchen refinishing BY JEFF d f 7 A343 All types of cement work l-ee. References. 886.5565. KURT E. LADENDORF 3475. F f t 8853230 an oyers, 71~ . New and Repairs LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION CO. Design in Gardening _r_e_e_e_s_l_m_a_e_s_- .__ Free Estimates - Insured ------___ Free Estimates CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTIO I N LICENSED and INSURED WOMEN'S and children's Specialists - INTERIOR and I' x t I' r i 0 r (Low Rates) 21 ~-ASPHALT Licensed and Bonded Basements made dry. Cracke d RESIDENTIAL alterations. Grosse Pointe Commercial & Resid~ntial paintin~ and paperhanging. 14 years experience WORK 839-a123 772.1649 walls repaired, underpi n COMMERCIAL Park. 822.1291. * Lawn and Garden Reasonable rates. 30 years Prompt Service 1 I footings. All waterproofin g Specializing in Custom Im- * experience. Ray Barnowsky 779-5235 545-7768 G. W. SELLEKE provements _ Additions. * Spring Cleanup AL'S ASPHALT PAVING CEMENT guaranteed 10 years. 11 21-Z-LANDSCAPING 822.7335 after 6 p.m. censed and Insured. Tony Family rooms • Kitchens * Power Raking SEAVER'S Quality House 0 Since. .1944 d I Dr;veways, wa I k s, palios, • Jacuzzi Hot Tubs and * Top Soil, Sand, Peat, QUALITY PAINTING wner supervISIon an p an. steps. Expert porch reo 885.0612. . Painting. Experienced ref. nlng Gu rant q al't decks • Anderson Window PATIOS * Fertilizing SERVICE . a e.e u I y pair, waterproofing. Qual. Installation • Roofing • Tree Removal and Repairs erences, reasonable. Also workm hl'P at r a bl ARE OUR ONLY * INTERIOR- ans e ;ona e ity tuck pointing and WATERPROOF ING Wallpaper and more. Free Shrub and Tree Planting interior, plastering. Eve- rat BUSINESS * nings, 882-0000. e~'EAL COATING patching. All brick and AND STRUCTURAL Estimates. TU 6-1280. Landscape Design and EXTERIOR Ask about our antiquated * 20 years professional I ------SPECIALISTS Chimney repair. REPAIRS * Construction FRANK B. WILLIAMS, Li. brick. Fully Licensed and Insured experience I NT E RIO R / EXTERIOR Slate Licensed and Call 885.4391 MY SPECIALTY censed builder. Specializ. 1riATT FLETCHER painting. Rea son a b 1Y Insurance References I-A-L-L--T-Y-P-E--B-ri-c-k stone PATIO MAGIC INC. Gerald J. Christ , ing in home and 776.3338 779-6864 Clement A. Chargot 4151 Buckingham TU 6.6102 priced. Quality by journey. 281.0626 291-3589 block and concrete work, JACK WI LLIAMS all minor or major repairs. 757.5330 man painter. Ask for Gary. 1----______archways, steps, porches, "J. W." Porch enclosures, doors ad. . GEORGE'S PAINTING. 30 296.0093. C & J ASPHALT patios, chi m n e y s, fire. CONSTRUCTION jus t e d; bookshelves in- LANDSCAPE yearl' experience. All win- 1------IF NO ANSWER CALL IJICENSED European pro. dows, cracks, caulk and MARC HOOVER PAVING, INC. pl'aces, new and repairs. stalled, paneling, new coun. DESIGN SERVICE 1 AFTER 4 O'CLOCK tel' tops, vanities. Code fessional puttied. Clean, guaranteed LICENSED CONTRACTOR Improve the value of your De Sender 822.1201. If no Will plan and ex€cute land. scaper. Make any kind of work. 841.5961. home with a profe.<;<;ionaI answer call evenings. 885-0602 violations corrected. For Professional paperhanger job. Over 20 years s€tving .------courteous expert assistance scaping needs at garden. Trimming, prun. I and Painter Grosse Poirrte in drive. MI KE GEISER in improving your home in POINTER ing, maintenance. Day or DONALD BLISS $12.50 per roll d r F 21Q-PLASTER any area, please call me job. 534-0571. 4.~779.1545 ways an sea mg. ree es. LANDSCAPING Decorator Phone for quot CEMENT WORK at 881-0790. Free Estimates ,,- timates. Owner supervisor, 885-1900 1------References included and I CO NTRACTOR COMPLETE gutter mainte. 1-7050 TU QUALITY INTERIOR insurance. Driveways, pat i 0 s, walks, PLASTER CONTRACTOR- 21T-PLUMBING AND TRIMMING, removal, spray. nance, cleaning painting 50 Years in rtrosse Pointe PAINTING CALL ANYTIME steps, tuck pointing, water. Repair work. F r I' e esti. HEATING ing, feeding and stump and installation. FREE ESTIMATES 773-a087 proofing. No job too small. mates. Prompt service. J .. removal. Free ertimates. PAINTING - Interior-exte. Maniaci. 778.4357, 465-4150. B&D rior, wallpaper. wall wash- PROFESSIONAL FREE ESTIMATES POSITIVE Complete tree service. Call AFFORDABLE --~~"~----- Fleming Tree Service, ~74. TREE SERVICE ing. Seniors d i s co u n t. SUPERIOR DECORATING PLUMBING and For appointment call 210-CEMENT AND 881-6000 6460. Trimming and removal. spe. James B. Wilder. 776.7774, BRICK WORK All types of plastering, dry" HEATING cializing in difficult jobs. 331.5370. 7 89 886- 1 . J. W. KLEINER wall repair, stucco repair. Plumbing violations correct. /S Senior citizens s p I' cia 1 B & D SERVICES. T & M CEMENT CONTRACTOR Painting, all types. Grosse I'd. Boilers, furnaces, gar. MAC rates. HOUSE Pointe. references. Reason- INTERIOR EXTERIOR CEMENT. BRICK. STONE bage disposals, drains Un! SPRING CLEAN-UP 823.1293 "PAINTING Michael's CONSTRUCTION Patios, walks, porches, steps able prices. Insured. Tom blocked, sprinkler repairs. Interior. Exterior Service CEMENT CONTRACTOR Flagstone repair McCabe, 824-8576, 331. Personal Service. Master Complete yard work, shrub WEEKLY LAWN CARE o Wallpaper al)d r~rn'eval _"fl."' .. Pal' ,~.c,elPent work, aJl kinds Tuck pointing, patching 2356. ,. - Charge .and VISA accepted. and tree trimming, etc .. d.COJ.l1plete lanoscaQing.,,)8 Reasonable rates. ql1allty years experience. Lower .' Patch, plaster l'epai? • Decorating • Porches-block.stepwork SPECIALIZ ING IN . 881-4988 G Thorough prepa:rati~n • Paper hanging I) Basement waterproofing FREE ESTIMATES service. Call Tom. rates. Seaver's 882-0000. Plas:er and drywall repairs . 776.4429 OR 882.0195 Q Free estimates • Wood refinishing Guaranteed SMALL JOBS BOB DUBE Insured 885.7067 771-6698 REASONABLE PRICES FREE ESTIMATES Painting, interior/exterior, PLUMBING and HEATING MAC'S TREE AND I JULY SPECIAL 774-4896 343.0528 LICENSED Licensed, insured. Cal! GRASS ROOTS SACK IN BUSINESS Ron Pope. 774-2827. Licensed Master Plumber SHRUB TRIMMING Any 2 bedrooms $165. That I __ ~_TU 2-0717 SEWER CLEANING, .Pair. ~ing - Decorating FRANK'S CEMENT-Porch. -----~ LANDSCAPING COMPLETE WORK Wali Washing. Elmer T. QUALITY PLASTERING - SPRii>lKLER REPAIR, etc. in c Iud I' s white ceiling, es, driveways, patios. Free R. R. CODDENS Let two hard working men Reasonable rates, quality LaBadie, 882.2064. choice of wall color and tailored repairs, cracks Grosse Pointe Woods lend you a hand with all woodwork included with estimates. References. 774- CEMENT eliminated, prompt service. 886.3897 service. Call Tom 776-4429 your landscaping needs. or 882.0195. JOSEF'S clipping this ad. _183_1_.__ .____ CONTRACTOR 30 years in Grosse Pointe. • Lawn M&intenance WA:"LPAPER REMOVAL COMPLETE PAINTING and 'MASONRY REPAIRS - Spe. family business for 55 years Free estimates. Satisfac. EMIL THE • Trimming TREE & STUMP REMOVAL'•. xperl'enced d" cialized tuck poi n tin g , • New and repair work tion . guaranteed. Reason- PLUMBER • Planting ' - ecoratmg service. Inter. ab:e. James Blackwell. 821- JAMES a Insured . b h h chimney and porch repairs, • No J'ob too small . SPECIALIZING IN • Transplanting lor.exterior y Ralp Rot. II 7051 or 294-0034. . {)Reliable References in the Pointes. excellent references. Ca • Driveways and porches • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Fertilizing TREE SERVICE 725-4598 ',Esitma!es at no charge or 886-8248. after 6 p.m. 775.7362. our specialty • Laundry rooms and • Sod PLASTERING and Drywall. Reasonable Rates obligation. ------. Porches • Patios Neil Squires, 757-0772, violations • Old and new • Spring Clean.up 776.8267 EXPERT spraying of acous. • Patios • Chimneys work. Free estimates. PROMPT SERVICE FOR MAINTENANCE FREE tic ceilings, clean, effici. • Painting • Waterproofing FREE ESTIMATES 21R-FURNITURE Tony, Licensed Plumber, landscaping call 882.9849. PA INTERS ent, also interior painting, _ Concrete Work, etc. • Violations repaired Bill, Master Plumber 296-0331 263-4473 EUROPEAN EXPERTS' trustworthy, reliable, ref- • No Job Too Small CALL ANY TIME REPAIRS ; ~nteri,lr, exterior. wallpaper- erences, free estimates. JACK WILLIAMS "J.W." 886-5565 882-0029 MURPHY'S ing, pitcning, plastering, 885-2223. CONSTRUCTION BOB SCHOMER FURNITURE refinished, reo ALL PLUMB ING LANDSCAPING window puttying, caulking. I THE TRANSFORMATIONS If ~o Answ,er Call After I GRAZIO paired, stripped, any type TREE SERVICE No Service Charge Trimming, removal, topping CALL MURPHY's FOR Good work. Grosse Pointe IN RESIDENTIAL 4 o clock CONSTRUCTION of caning. Free estimates. • Spring and Fall INSURED references. Free Estimate. ARCHITECTURE 885-0602 I . 474-8953 or 3456258. SMALL OR LARGE • Complete lawn care service Reasonable. Call John any. PAINTING COMPANY 1 . --- • Cement drIves, floors, ._---- JOBS 881-8526 • Custom design service EXPERT ANTIQUE repair time. 776.9439. Paint stripping, power wash. CALANDRA I patios. • Free appraisals: refinishing and restoration ELECTRIC SEWER ing, carpentry, 10 years ex. CONSTRUCTION • Old garages raised and commercial, industrial am\ by Tony Sertich, 521.1998. 'FFtOFESSroNAL Floor Sand. perience. Michael Mageau. renewed. CLEANING POINTER residential ing and finis:ling. Special. 824-9531. • Garage raising and framing I • New garage doors and reo PRIVATE PLUMBER • Discount to Senior Citizen., izing in dar:{ staining. • Cement d.riveway~ . framing. UPHOLSTERING by retired I upholsterer. Good LANDSCAPING Call for f r e e estimate. SUMMER • Porc.hes,. tuck po.mtmg • New garages built. work. REASONABLE Reasonable. VA 1-4900. • Spring Clean Up JIM MURPHY W. Abraham, 979.3502. • GROSS'E POINTE HOMES Qual1ty m mater.lal llnd Family operated since 1962. 886-3537 • Thatching 885-9179 • HISTORICAL HOMES . workmanshIp I Licensed and insured. • Fertilizing PAINTING, deco,'ating, in. Llcen7se7d6&_5InOs9ur6ed 774-3020 772-1771 21 S-CARPE ~TER terior/exterior, minor reo • PROFESSIONALISM FOR SERVICE FRANK R. WEIR • Weekly Lawn Care pairs, snow remJnl. Li. A MODERATE PRICE . • Bed Work SOD censed. J. Carbor.e Eve. MITCHELL A.M. PAINTING HAROLD Dl DOMENICO I PLUMB~G, HEATING, • Bushes Trimmed 80~ PER YARD DELIVERED Dings 839-4051. SINCE 1972 CHAUVIN CEMENT CONTRACTOR CUSTOM SEWERS AND DRAINS • Sodding 100 yards or more, Sl per yard under 100 yards 881-5105 Driveways, walks, and floors, I' HOME REPAIR SPRINKLER REPAIRS • Licensed ANDY KEnt, Decorator - 8:30 A.M .. 5 P.M. CEMENT CONTRACTOR brick work, tuck pointing, Remodeling, repairs' of any • Insured Mimimum 50 Yards Professional painting ~nd ~_____ ALL TYPES OF waterproofing. kind. Work alone. No job 885-7711 • 16 Years Experience Installation AWtilable wallpapering. Free <;;!.i. 2lJ WALL CEMENT WORK No Job Too Small I too big or small. Rotten • Free Estimates One Day ServIce 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS mates. References. l:.:l:. -WASHI"'G • Walks • Drives • Porch~s FREE ESTIMATES I window cords, window sills, Design and Construction POINTER 6269. 1"1. Patios. Waterproofing Since 1925 -G-R-O-S-S-E-P-O-I-N'-T-E-t-'I'r-e-m-a-n • Pre-Cast Steps 881-7900 jambs, door, porches, base. Keith Danielson Our Specialty LANDSCAPI NG KEN RUSS: Custom paint- • Tuck Pointing ------~------ments attics. Call Bill Licensed Master Plumber DAVE BARLOW 885-8448 jng, 20 y~ar'5 experience. will do wall was h i n g • Chimney Repair CAP IZZO. Lynn 'after 6 p.m. at 773- 885-1900 Clean, e f f i c i e n t work. 821.2984. No job too small CONST. CO. 0798. LANDSCAPE designing and Thank you. 2gS.3212. i -K-.M-A-IN-T-E-N-A-N-CE-c-o-m-pany Free Estimates Specializing in driveways MELDRIDI LANDSCAPING -A-L-B-E-R-T-D-.-T-H-O-M-A-SC. T. HARTU NG installation by land9Cape ------wall washing, floor clean. I 779.8427 882-1473 and porches INC INC. A COMPLETE MONTHLY college graduate. 882-6710. PA IN TIN G ing and waxing. Free esti. I Licensed • Patios, walks, steps. MAINTENANCE SERVICE mates. . 18 Years in Pointes • New garages built Complete Plumbing - Hot • Spring Clean Up I DECORAT'JNG I, 882-0688 • Old garages raised CONTRACTORS, INC. Water and Steam Heat. • Fertilizing MICHIGAN I CHAS. F. JEFFREY • Floor/ratwall replaced We are general contractors. ing Service. Free Esti. • Grading TREE SPECIALISTS One can takes care of all t R'd . I S d' , Interior. Exterior - Proper I ------MASON CO,N'TRACTOR • Waterproofing, 10 year ma es. eSI entia -Com- • ee mg Ex per t tri mming, topping, , pnparation means quality' 21 K-WINDOW LICENSED. INSURED guarantee. your building. remod~ling mercial • Soddmg shaping and removal. 24 , work. ~toderate pr!ces.' WAS H ING • Brick • Block • Stone NO JOB TOO BIG or SMALL problems large or small. ! • Pruning hour emergency service. : Free estimates. Tom ....-'j).: ------• Cement Work Licensed & Insured TU 2-0628 I 777.3868 • Planting 25% discount to senior son. 822-4885. G. OLl\JIN • Waterproofing TONY 885-0612 I • Patio.., citizens. Hedge and bush ------.- - -- 1 I1INDOW CLEANI~G • Tuck Pointing i ------A name in landscaping for shaping. Tree straighten. PAI~TING by expencr.2ed SERVICE ,. Patios of any kind . Aii)Y'S.-~fASONRY AND 21T-PLUMBING AND HEATING over 50 years ing and nursery care. exterior pain~er. Free C3. :CREE ESTIMATES : "PORCHES A SPECIALTY", CHnfNEY SERVICE ------882.0287 882.7201 Stump removal. Nursery ___ti_ma_te_s._8_81_.S:~::_~ . -,'IE'. ARE INSURED 882.1800 All masonry. brick, water. --'VOODLAND-iiILLS- chips available. HOUSE PAINTING 372-3022 ------PA-T-IOS.---- i~~~~f~~gt:ce:a~~~~t~e~~~: ANDERSEN & DAVIDSON LANDSCAPING I 463-6~ ESTI~fAT.f:?7.3237 :~~tpe;;?:~;~~e~i;:ssc GROS-S~ -POINTE-fuem-;~ I ARE OUR ONLY ~maldl jobs. Licebnlsed'88inl.1 PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING cOd~~~~~.iaiie~~~~t~i:~n~e;~: wl1l d& \;indow washing. BUSINESS sure. Reasona e. . I SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOU'I.."T Pointe College seniors 821.2984 I Ask about our antiquated 0505. ., lawn cut tin g, weeding, • Very reasonable .._. : brick. . ------.------372-0580 shrubery trimming, !lower, • Free Estimates K.WINDOW cleaning com.; PATIO MAGIC INC . BRICK W~RK. Small. jobs, tree and shrubery planting 1 Call Tim. 881.3442 pany. Storms, screens, gut. 776.3338' 7 79-6ea4 tuck pomtlng, chImney, - ._ _ _ . _. and all other gardening FOR After 5 p.m. ters, aluminum cleaned. In. i .: porches, violations repair-I work done. Sodding and. 1 -----.------.------I RYAN cd. Reasonable. 886.5565. I ACTIVE DRAIN SERVICE '1 d r k sured. Free estimates. I I ral roa Ie wor . I

;ro~~, ITg~r~~~, R~~~J.:' : 882-0688 CONSTRUCTION .P-OR-CH-~.-S-.l-P-A-T-I-~-S--.-N-.e-w I SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICALLY CLEARING ~_a~~~~._~?~ __~~k_t.o.~_!~lTll etc. Interior and Exterior ..------.------Cement and Block Work or re ui t, tuc pOlntlng" BLOCKED CL.ASSIFIED ADS painting. MIKE'S Drives. Patios. Floors brick replacement, caulk. I • Sanitary sewers • Sinks and Disposals EXPERT

Also Specialize in WI NDOVI Porches. Walks ing. point sealer with HI. I • Toilets, baths, lavs. • Basement drains TREE SERVICE

Sign Paintmg C EAN ING Garages built or raised. TEX chimney repairs and I Expert Workmanship, Fair Rates Call for Free Estimate L 'Free Estimates. Profl'ssional rebuill. Ba~('ment water. I 20 Years Located in Grosse Pointes Trimming, RemovaL" 527.5903 Windows w II s h l' d,. eaves I Work. Licensed and Insured. proofing. Over 30 years ex. , Cabling CALL 882-6900 Ask for Gary Hebbard cleaned. 52~~::45 Estlmates. ! 778-4271 469-1694 ::~:e;;~:56~~~ald McEach.: 884-8840 752-7446 '------l

"" l ',' '. . ." .... c ...... cue .. , $ 4 p ~ 4,: ... ; , $ a




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