Section Grosse Pointe ews A _.----------------------------- --------- ------- VOL. 42-NO. 29 Pllbll.h.d Q' S"ond CIQU MQlter Qt Ih. 30e Per Copy Po.t Offl" Qt Delloll, MlchlSQn GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1981 $13 Per Y.o' 44 Pages-Three Sections-Plus Insert Slain teen's father Anything offers $1,000 reward By Gregory Jakub He ccnfronted Poole in -t'he kitchen. number," the father said. The boy lunged at him :in a thre-aten. to b!!!!t Any father would be under- ing manner 'and Stevens shot four POOle sala illS rewani oiier itas stand'ably distraught over the t:mes hitting him in the head, chest, generated some information that may death of his son. But the circum- and twice in the back, police said. be helpful in solving the mystery of this heat his ,son's la9t hours. But he admits stances around the 'fatal shooting that nothing will bring Todd back and of 17-year-old Todd Poole on Adding to the mystery about who or what brou.ght Poole to Stevens' he sa'id he hopes to prevent simiJar June 21 have his father and It may have been in the home is the medical examiners' re- tragedies from occurring. police pel1plexed by what is the port that shows a 0.25 percent alcohol 90's, but seven-month-old Jon- "TIlE FACT that this happened to second and most mysterious level jn the ,boy's body which is ex, athan Kirian couldn't have my boy doesn't mwn M,isn'.t going to ham i c: ide in Grosse Pointe tremely intoxioated, police said. cared less. W ear i n g his Woods' 30-year-history. happen -to another ooy or girl • • • "shades" in the shade, wrapped "I can',t under.>1and how he b~me Everyone of these kids are exposed in terry cloth coolness, J ona- "up uLHI ,this happened 'he was a so intoxicated," the boy's father said. to the same thing that happened to than caught a few winks in- typical boy," said A'lbel't ,Poole talking "He left the party land had very little th:, boy," Poole said. stead of a few rays while on about hi~ son .in a despel13te voice ,to drink there. I don't understand PoJ:ce will n(}i s,peculate about a visit to the Farms Pier Park. that !>etrayed hLs emOltionl~, 67- how (<the 0:25 percent alcohol level) wh3t!>rou,gh,t the boy to Stevens' year-old. [ace. "He had Q girl£riend happened. He couldn't buy tit beoau5e home. B'ased on ,the facts they have, While h i g h temperatures and 13 p..ssion for his Clar. The way he'.s not of age, so SQmeorre had to Stevens' story is sound, Patterson and even higher humidity this hapvcned is ju...<t not normal." furnish it." said. The latest informabion from the made w i I t ed, whimpering Stale Police Crime Lab shows that hulks of us all, a few Pointers Even Exec. Lieutenant Jack Pat1er. Police 'agree that Poole must have the imprint on the k.icked.in door to beat the heat at its own game, son who ha.:; led 1he investigart;ion of been drinking with SQmeone shot1lly Stevens' ,home is that of Poole's shoe. ~he shooting admits it's not Q typical before the shooting. His system It was a .typical forced entry with Instead of running from sha- homioide. showed no ~race of drugs, yoloice said. ~ow to shadow, they managed the dQor bolt hroken through the door jamb, PaUerson said. to have fun in the sun. "It's not a 'who dunnit' but :h()W A few leads \have. come during ~he and why did this happen," Patterson last week but .nothing yet lhas solved Patterson admits !there 'has been a For more photos on how said. the mystery of Poole's last four hours, they did it, turn to page 16A. lot of 5Peculation about the case but Pa.bterwn say.s ,police have 9lmost Patterson said. says no one has offered any solid exhausted their leads and expect He also said they !rave no evidence evidence that ("an be i.nvestigated. to wrap up the case in about a week. to refute Stevens' story about the al. No COhal'ges have been filed against leged break.in. Yet We :father has "I get all ,these people saying some. Roger Stevens, 40, o<f 1039 Sunning. many que~tions thm he saylS need thing's going on here bllit no one tells dale IDrive who told poI.ice he shot answers. me what," Pattel'SOn said. POGle four Hmes af{er the boy aUeged- Police eX'ped this week to take all ly k,ieked in tWl) doors at his home. "The puzzling pirt about the whole damn situation is that he was scream- the evideoce to ,the Wayne OounJty The boy'..s futheris 'Offerinrg a $1,000 ing, yelling, and pounding on his Pr03ecul(}r who wi11 decide whether -------------------------------_._-----_._----- reward ,to anyone wihQ can provide house for admission ... Surely you charges agail'lst Stevens are warrant. accurate .iruformation about where his would not ~r~m and yell if you ed, Pattel'son said. boy was during the tfour 'hours before were breaking in. It went on !for five In the meantime, .the hay's b'ther t.he shooting. minutes and no one caHed :the 'police, Eaid he i:s satisfied with Patterson's Th.:s .puzzles me . If thJis had hap. handling of ,the investigation and The mystery began about 2 a.m. on pened to my home the natural reac- Gandelot is reelected realizes that the poUce can only react June 21 when three friends dropped lion would be to eall police," the to the facts gathered so .far, .the boy. of.! at Mack Avenue and father said. u-nnon after a graduation party. The "We're all in the same position," driver who 1ended bar at the party Pollce say there is nothing signifi. said Poole. "But when you look at this said the -boy ,h'ad very lilttle ,if any- cant about ,the pattern of shots be. from a sensible, reasonable angle, It school board president thing to dl'ink, the £a'!lher said. cause Stevens was in a panic and doesn't make sense." - shooting at close range. Stevens reo By Jounne Gouleehe IT WAS THE first board meeting night, Buechler said jokingly, "I'd ABOUT FOUR hours iltater, 1I'001e turned to his bedroom and called the Any .i.n-formation concern:.ng Todd for incoming superintendent Kenneth like to thank the 317 people wh3 sup- W3S heard pounding and yelling to I:olice aLter the shooting, they said. Poole's activities should be given to At its. annual organizational Brummel, who remarked that al, ported me." be let in Stevens' back 'door, yolice Al'bel't Poole'/; attorney: James Hurl. meeting M 0 n day night, the though he hall only been in office for said. Steven, took '13 .38 caliber hand. "I can't believe anyone would do nut, 26021 Southfield Road, Lathrup Board of Education reelected 10 days, he could see that "this is Buechler was a unsuccessful board g'-ln he kept in his 'bedroom and went this under panic and be that accu- Village, 48076, Hudnut can be president Jon Gandelot to a sec- clearly a quality school system." candidate in 1979. to inveotigate, according to Stevens' rate ... then have the presence cf r:::::crr"d between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ~~atement to police. mind to remember the emergency weekdays at 559-0810. ond' term and welcomed Grosse Brummel, 46, was former superin- Welcomed to her first four-~'ear Pointe's new superintendent of term on the board was incumb':!nt .,~,,~..ft~ tendent of schools in Westport, Conn. :}~..Jt,.~:"xj..::~(;f~~~'rt!:J.. ,f;~)j"'~':';lJ 'J •• ,"';,' ' .•. ~ .•~ ... \~~,.. '~'~,:~~:i".' ,J ~ ,,'" .~. r.1"~W '., t.~.(.& .'~ ,-,r: ,-1...) --<.. ....... .~ :?'. schools into office. and was the board's choice of more Mrs. Brierly who was appointed to her seat in '1979 to fill the vacancy ~'t"!j,-.,'?~~t.\".' ~> ,/,'~~?:-'+-.. ;o-,•.. tiJf;;"., . ~.,.'''''' ~~~. '-....: , than 100 applicants to replace out. ,''';''-'; Ttl",V- .. { .(.,:.ta:..'i,t-S',.:;;"".~~ ..., :~~...•.. '. '. "._. .".: ' ~ J 6<-. , Attorney Gandelot, a board memo left by Trustee Ann Ardussi. She was . >,' "" going superintendent William Coats, ~:}~1".. .$':~'»(~:':; i/ ."l.....~""~~ ~~~~ ..., f ~~.;,.r*"~' ;.~~ ... 'tI'J.:J),~~~~~ . ber since 1978, has served as the .~. ".-t< ...... ~~'J~ ~' .. '<'~",.~.,:. '~*,... ~l'AI!" '9 ,,'\ ~... ~... who accepted a post with University subsequently voted into office for 1t board's treasurer and vice-president. one year last June and won her four. ~rl"~.''''.J'il~. ~:", }~;t'o\~"'( :'.'\ •. ;,~Il~:J. ...~ .. ' ':, ' ..," of Michigan's School of Education. .vt.......~ :::,'01 ,;.,. ...":t;, ,. ,'":t-).~ ~i' ..,/~ ' 'Ir\.~ .., ... (, ..... ~):.I:, ••. ~ ..'~.,.~ Serving as vice-president over the year seat running unopposed in the seven-member board in the 1981-82 It was also the first meeting for June 8 election. school year will be Trustee Ronald new trustee Ernest Buechler, an ele. <:~~,q~~~!~f~~~S:< Dalby, who failed to capture the mentary principal with the Detroit Other annual organization items' t~~"-:_, president post from Gandclot after Public School System. He ran un. for the board Monday included the his name was placed in n::>mination opposed in the school's June 8 elec- reappointment of law firm Hill, Lewis, ;. ~~.. by Trustee Joan Hanpeter. Adams, Goodrich & Tait to serve as tion to fill the seat of retiring trustee r'("*'Kt-,. Laurance Harwood, who decided to the board's legal counsel for the 1981- Reelected to their posts as board 82 school year.
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