The official magazine of the Aircraft Owner and Pilots Association Lucky Henry Simpson is given the honour of flying in one of only two C-41s, the rare former Flying military-used DC-3s in a unique classic ISLE OF MAN VISIT TOP PILOTING TIPS LAPL AND PPL EXAMS MWG Chairman David Pilots never stop learning Nick Wilcock explains the Chambers visits the legendary – Matt Lane offers more latest decisions from EASA on island in the Irish Sea advice on flying safely gaining your licence MAGAZINE 02.2020 FREE TO MEMBERS WWW.AOPA.CO.UK 03 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE REFLECTIONS EDITOR David Rawlings ON THE PAST
[email protected] ART EDITOR AND THE FUTURE Dan Payne
[email protected] URING THE Christmas and New Year period the media indulges, some might say self-indulgently, in an abundance of stories about what made SUB EDITOR the news in the previous year, this year being no exception. Also, as we Lucy Debenham D are now entering a new decade there has been a plethora of predictions for the forthcoming years. However, some things remain the same. If you’re reading CONTRIBUTORS this as an AOPA member I’m delighted to inform you we have decided to keep the Pauline Vahey, John Walker, Membership Rates for 2020 the same as last year. Matt Lane, Henry Simpson, During the course of 2019 AOPA has successfully run campaigns to increase the Malcolm Bird, Nick Wilcock membership and will continue to actively do so during 2020 with the help of the Members Working Group (MWG).