> GOVERNMENT OF . ARCHAEOLOGY AND MUSEUMS- DEPARTMENT. ORDER V In pursuance of administrative approval No. 17/24/2017-Pura/5261-62 dated 26.02.2019 ;Sanction is hereby accorded under rule 19.6 Sr No.l PFR Vol. I to incure the. expenditure amounting to Rs. 1.50 Lacs (Rupees One Lac Fifty Thousand Only) m connection with purchases of zip logs, boxes etc for keeping soil samples, ceramics and bones at excavation camp, Kunal as per Govt. instructions.

Sanction is also accorded to the drawls of above amount in advance. ■■•■V The payment will be deposited into Account" of Sh. Darbar Singh, Photographer, Camp Incharge, Kunal. The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major Head 2205-Art & Culture-103-Archaeology & Archaeological Survey- Revenue ■ Non Recurring Archaeological Excavation/Exploration Programme under Sub-Head 'OE' durins the year 2018-2019.

Dheera Khandelwal, IAS Dated:28.01.2019 Additional Chief Secretary to Govt ofFIaryana, Archaeology & Museums, . EndstNo. 17/24/2017-Pura/ ^^^ofoLjCI Dated: A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 1. Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. The P.S to Additional Chief Secretary (A&M) for information please. 3. The Treasuy Officer, Haryana. Chandigarh. 4. Bill Assistant of this office. 5. Sh. Darbar Singh, Photographer (Camp Incharge)

/ Account^Sffic^ y for Director AJchaeology & Museums, ^Taryana,Chandigarh -2^-



In pursuance of administrative approval No. 17/24/2017-Pura/5261-62 dated 26.02.2019 ;Sanction is hereby accorded under rule 19.6 Sr No.l PFR Vol. I to incure the expenditure amounting to Rs. Rs. 1.50 Lacs (Rupees One Lac Fifty Thousand Only) in-connection with purchases of zip logs, boxes etc for keeping soil samples, ceramics and bones at excavation camp, Kunal^j"^ )>t^

Sanction is also accorded to the drawls of above amount in advance.

The payment will be deposited into Account of Sh. Darbar Singh, Photographer, Camp Incharge, Kunal.

The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major Head 2205-Art & Culture-103-Archaeology & Archaeological Survey- Revenue Non Recurring Archaeological Excavation/Exploration Programme under Sub-Head 'O.E' during the year 2018-2019.

Dheera Khandelwal, IAS Dated:28.01.2019 Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums, Chandigarh.

EndstNo. 17/24/2017-Pura/ Dated: A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- f \l. Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. The Treasuy Officer, Haryana, Chandigarh. 3. Bill Assistant of this office. 4. Sh. Darbar Singh, Photographer(Camp Incharge)

Accounts Officer for Director Archaeology & Museums, . Haryana,Chandigarh I i* fin- t. ^ 576

From The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums Department, Chandigarh. To ' Director, Archaeology & Museums Department, Haryana, Chandigarh.

Memo No.l7/24-2018-Pura/ Dated: Subject:- Administrative Approval amounting to Rs. 1.50 Lacs (Rupees one lacs and fifty thousand onlyjfor petty purchases at excavation camp, Kunal, for the year 2018-19.

*********** Sanction of the Governor of Haryana is hereby accorded -foMihe issuance of Administration Approval for incurring an expenditure of Rs. 1.50 lacs (Rupees One Lac Fifty Thousand only) in connection with purchases of zip logs, boxes etc for keeping soil samples, ceramics and bones at excavation camp, Kunal.

Sanction Is also accorded to the drawls of above amount in advance. The payment will be deposited into Account of Sh. Darbar Singh Photographer Camp Incharge, Kunal. The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major Head 2205-Art & Culture-103-Archaeology & Archaeological Survey-—Revenue Non Recurring Archaeological Excavdtion/Expioration Programme under Sub-Head 'O.E' during the ^year2gi8-2019.

■" - , Dheera Khandelwal, IAS Dated:28.01.2019 AdditionatChief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums, Chandigarh.

EndstNo.l7/24/2018-Pura/ -+0 Dated: A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 1. Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. The Treasuy Officer, Haryana, Chandigarh.

. Accoun^officer ^ for Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, ^ i^useums, department. From

The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums Department, Chandigarh. To Director, Archaeology & Museums Department, Haryana, Chandigarh.

Memo No.l7/24-2018-Pura/ Dated:

Subject:- Administrative Approval amounting to Rs. 1.50 Lacs (Rupees one lacs and fifty thousand only)for petty purchases at excavation camp, Kunal, for the year 2018-19.

Sanction of the Governor of Haryana Is hereby accorded for the issuance of Administration Approval for incurring an expenditure of Rs. 1.50 iacs (Rupees One Lac Fifty Thousand only) in connection with purchases of zip logs, boxes etc for keeping soil samples, ceramics and bones at excavation camp, Kunai.

Sanction is also accorded to the drawls of above amount in advance.

The payment will be deposited into Account of Sh. Darbar Singh, Photographer Camp Incharge, Kunal.

The expenditure involved will be debitabie to the Major Head 2205-Art & Cuiture-103-Archaeoiogy & Archaeological Survey- Revenue Non Recurring Archaeological Excavation/Exploration Programme under Sub-Head 'O.E' during the year 2018-2019.

Dheera Khandelwal, IAS Dated:28.01.2019 Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums, Chandigarh.

Endst No. 17/24/2018-Pura/ Dated: A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 1. Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. The Treasuy Officer, Haryana, Chandigarh.

Accounts Officer for Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archaeology & Museums, department. 251'K' \ ^ L -^^77^/^m- i?nrmr J\ ofl 2)1 / eM Qn-x^ 'he

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■^JTSuoSTc^ —-- DIRECTORATE OF ARCHAEOLOGY & MUSEUMS HARYANA CHANDIGARH Major Head :2205-Art & Culture up to 25-01-2019 Minor Head:103-Archaeoloqv & Archaeological for the year 2018-19 Revenue (Recurring) Sr.No. Code No. Object Head Approved Revised Expe. %age Balance Outlay Estimate 1 Non Plan (R)Dlrectlon & Administration 0 1 Salary 145.00 130.00 94.03 64.85 35.97 02 Wages 1.00 1.00 0.46 46.00 0.54 03 Dearness 10.00 8.44 7.52 75.20 0.92 04 Travel Expenses 2.00 3.00 1.74 87.00 1.26 05 Office Expeses 0.60 0.60 0.11 18.33 0.49 06 Rent,Rates and Taxes 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 12 Scholarships and Stipends 2.70 1.30 1.04 38.52 0.26 21 Motor Vehicle 0.50 0.10 0.03 6.00 0.07 24 Matrial and Supplies 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 33 Profession! Services 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 34 Other Charges 1.00 0.50 0.18 18.00 0.32 45 POL 1.00 1.00 0.42 42.00 0.58 67 Medical Reimbursement 14.00 10.00 2.12 15.14 7.88 69 Contractual Sevice 14.00 13.00 8.80 2.36 4.20 70 Leave Travel Concession 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 79 Ex. Gratia 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.30 87 Honorarium 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.30 98 Furniture 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 Total 196.06 171.00 116.45 59.40 54.55 DIRECTORATE OF ARCHAEOLOGY & MUSEUMS HARYANA CHANDIGARH Major Head :2205-Art & Culture up to 25-01-2019 Minor Head:103-Archaeoloqv & Archaeoloqical for the year 2018-19 Revenue (Non-Recurrinq) 1 Archaeolooical Excavation Exoloration proqramme Object Head Approved Revised Expendit %age Balance

Sr.No. Code No. Outlay Estimate ure 02 Wages 50.00 50.00 13.54 27.08 36.46 05 Office Expeses 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 21 Motor Vehicle 10.00 10.00 1.54 15.40 8.46 24 Matrial and Supplies 7.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 34 Other Charges 3.00 3.00 0.06 2.00 2.94 45 POL 6.00 6.00 3.70 61.67 2.30 51 Compensation of land 25.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 Total 121.00 121.00 18.84 15.57 102.16 2 Publication/Publicity Programme 07 Publication 15.00 5.00 1.20 24.00 3.80 88 Comouterization fiT1 100.00 45.00 13.75 30.56 31.25 Totai 115.00 50.00 14.95 29.90 35.05 3 Protection/Preservation Protection/Preservation Monument/ Sites 0 1 Salary 40.00 40.00 7.98 19.95 32.02 02 Wages 50.00 50.00 6.47 12.94 43.53 03 Dearness 6.00 6.00 0.66 11.00 5.34 04 Travel Expenses 2.00 2.00 0.03 1.50 1.97 05 Office Expeses 2.00 2.00 1.02 51.00 0.98 09 Grants-in-Aid 50.00 1267.68 1267.68 100.00 0.00 18 Maintenance 200.00 200.00 0.04 0.02 199.96 34 Other Charges 10.00 10.00 0.63 6.30 9.37 67 Medical Reimbursement 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 69 Contractual Sevice 75.00 75.00 34.43 45.91 40.57 70 Leave Travel Concession 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 92 Energy Charges 10.00 10.00 5.18 51.80 4.82 Total 458.00 1675.68 1324.12 79.02 351.56 4 Preparation of Plaster Casts of Ancient Sculptures & Antiquities. 0 1 Salary 8.00 5.60 6.42 114.64 -0.82 03 Dearness 4.00 2.50 0.49 19.60 2.01 04 Travel Expenses 1.00 0.55 0.18 32.73 0.37 05 Office Expeses 2.00 0.30 0.23 76.67 0.07 24 Matrial and Supplies 1.00 0.15 0.02 13.33 0.13 34 Other Charges 2.00 0.15 0.08 53.33 0.07 67 Medical Reimbursement 1.00 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.35 70 Leave Travel Concession 1.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.40 Total 20.00 10.00 7.42 74.20 2.58 5 Setting up of State Archaeoioqicai Museums 0 1 Salary 8.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 03 Dearness 5.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 05 Office Expeses 50.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 24 Matrial and Supplies 7.00 5.00 1.50 30.00 3.50 34 Other Charges 30.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Total 100.00 20.00 1.50 7.50 18.50 6 Setting up of Zonal Museums 0 1 Salary 35.00 18.00 15.80 87.78 2.20 02 Wages 20.00 10.00 5.30 53.00 4.70 03 Dearness 20.00 2.00 1.19 59.50 0.81 04 Travel Expenses 5.00 5.00 2.29 45.80 2.71 05 Office Expeses 10.00 5.00 1.48 29.60 3.52 18 Maintenance 200.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 24 Matrial and Supplies 10.00 5.00 3.31 66.20 1.69 67 Medical Reimbursement 15.00 15.00 3.20 21.33 11.80 69 Contractual Sevice 80.00 50.00 39.71 79.42 10.29 70 Leave Travel Concession 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 Total 405.00 120.00 72.28 60.23 47.72 G.Total 1219.00 1996.68 1439.11 72.08 557.57 7 Building Archaeoiogy 16 iMajorWorks 1000.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 1 G. Total 2219.00 2996.68 1439.11 48.02 1557.57 -.5

DIRECTORATE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND MUSEUMS. HARYANA. CHANDIGARH ORDER Ex-Post FactoSanction is hereby accorded under Rule 19.6 Sr. No.l of PFR Vol. 1 Fland book No. 2 to incurring the expenditure amounting to Rs.31335/-(Rs. Thirty one thousand three hundered and thirty five only) in connection \with the petty purchases at excavation camp, Kunal Distt. Fatehabad as per detail given below:-

Sr. No Bill No Date Name of Firm Amount

1. Nil/Reciept 06.01.2019 Dilbag Singh S/o Sh. Mukhatyar Singh, 250/- Tempo No. HR 62-5362

2. Nil/ Reciept 06.01.2019 Maklian Singh S/o Jogender Singh 300/- Tempo No. HR 62-4075

3. 2429 11.01.2019 Flospital Suppliers, Chandigarh. Shop Nc 1462/- 54-55 Sec.l6-D, Chandigarh.

4. RET-004582 11.01.2019 Satyam Pharmacy, Chandigarh. SCF-37. 577/- Sector-16-D, Chandigarh.

5. 029022 12.01.2019 Magna Metail Chadigarh. SCO 28, Sector 1121/- 18-D, Chandigarh.

6. 936 17.01.2019 New handloom, near Govt. 18928/- School, Main bazaar, .

7. Nil/ Reciept 21.01.2019 Maklian Singh S/o Jogender Singh, 1500/- Tempo No. HR 62-4075 8. 1604 21.01.2019 Standard Book Depot, Flisar. 81/-

9. 111 22.01.2019 M/s Shri Mahaveer Machinery Store, 2970/- Main Bazar, Ratia.

10. 157 22.01.2019 M/s Nirajan Singh& Sons, Road, 3100/-


11. 478 22.01.2019 M/s Punjab Electric Store, near Sanja 330/- Gandhi Chowk, Ratia.

12. Nil 27.01.2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Fatehabad Road, Ratia 716/- Total Rs.31335/- (Rs. Thirty one thousand three hundered and thirty five only) This amount has already been paid by Shri Darbar Singh Photographer/Camp Incharge, Kunal from his own pocket.

The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major head 2205-Art & Cultural- 103- Archaeology & Archaeological Survey - Revenue- Non Recurring Archaeological Excavation/Exploration Programme under Sub- Head 'O.E' during the year 2019-20.

Ravi Prakash,Gupta, IAS Dated:19.04. 2019. Director, Archaeology & Museums, Flaryana, Chandigarh. Endst. No. 17/24-2018-Pura/^ 315+0 |3 Dated: <^3, 4.-.)9 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:

1. The Accountant General, Flaryana, Chandigarh. 2. Treasury Officer, Flaryana, Chandigarh. 3. Cashier of this office. 4. Shri Darbar Singh Photographer/Camp incharge, Kunal.

y - /^ox Director, ArchaeoTogy & Museums, / Flaryana, Chandigarh. 4


The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums Department, Chandigarh. To ^^rector, Archaeology & Museums Department, Haryana, Chandigarh.

Memo No. 17/24-2017-Pura/5* 73 0 ii, 33 Dated:

Subject; Administrative Approval amounting to Rs. 1.50 Lacs (Rupees ^ one lacs and fifty thousand onlyjfor petty purchases at excavation/^ camp, Kunal, for the year 2019-20.

Sanction of the Governor of Haryana is hereby accorded for the issuance of Administration Approval for incurring an expenditure of Rs. 1.50 lacs I^^C^7^(Rupees One Lac Fifty Thousand only) in connection with purchases of zip logs, boxes at excavation camp, Kunal. The sanction already issued vide endst. No. 17/24-2017-Pura/5261-62 dated 26-2-2019 is hereby treated as cancelled.

'fl/t The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major Head 2205-Art & Culture-103-ArchaeoIogy & Archaeological Survey- Revenue Non Recurring Archaeological Excavation/Exploration Programme under Sub-Head 'Q.E' during the year 2019-20.

Dheera Khandelwai, IAS Dated: 11.04.2019 Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Archaeology & Museums, Chandigarh.

Endst No. 17/24/2017-Pura/ Dated: A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 1. Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. The Treasury Officer, Haryana, Chandigarh. 3. Sh. Darbar Singh, Camp Incharge, Kunal

Acco u nt&^fi^bt^^ for Director, Archaeology & Museums, ^^Haryana, Chandigarh. o

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>\\£.^vd- I ■ r. 599

^ directorate of archaeology and museums. HARYANA. CHANDIGARH ORDER , Ex-post facto Sanction is hereby accorded under Rule 19.6 Sr. No.l of PFR Vol. 1 Hand book No. 2 to incurre the expenditure amounting to Rs.8754/- (Rs.Eight thousand seven hundred and fifty four only) in connection with the petty purchase expenditure at excavation camp, Kunal Distt. Fatehabad as detail given below:- Amount Sr.Nn. Bill No. & date Name of the firm 425-00 1. 376/1.2.2019 M/s Ved General Store, Main Bazar, Ratia 710-00 2. Nil/1.2.2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Ratia. 685-00 3. Nil/11.2.2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Ratia. 685-00 4. Nil/24.2.2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Ratia. 1145-QO 5. 1623/6.3.2019 Durga Trading Co-Tohan Road, Ratia. 380-00 6. 479/6.3.2019 Kapoor Chand Shesh Kumar, Ratia 727-00 7. Nil/8.3.2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Ratia. 1775-00 8. 397/12.3.2019 M/s Ved General Store, Main Bazar, Ratia 727-00 9. Nil/15.3.2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Ratia. 475-00 10. 851/20.3.2019 M/s Mahavir Machinery Store, Main Bazar, Ratia. 730-00 11. Nil/22.3':2019 Ram Bharat Gas, Ratia. 148-00 12. 108/Jan.2019 Dahia, news agency, Dhani Dult. 142-00 13. llO/Feb.2019 Dahia, news agency, Dhani Dult. Total Amount: 8754/- (Rs.Eight thousand seven hundred and fifty four only)

This amount has already been paid by Shri Parveen Kumar,Asstt. Moddler from his own pocket. The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major Head '2205-Art & Culture-103- Archaeology Scheme- Scheme Arcaheological Excavation/Exploration Programme under Sub Head 'O.E'during the year 2019-20.

Ravi Prakash Gupta, IAS Director Dated: 17.05.2019. Archaeology & Museums Deptt. Haryana, Chandigarh. E-ndst. No..l7/24-2018-Pura/ee»[S/ yoo<^ Dated:^ A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: 1. The Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. Treasury Officer, Haryana, Chandigarh. " 3. Shri Parveen Kumar, Asstt. Moddler. 4. Cashier of this office.

y Accounts-OfTicer ^ior Director Archaeology & Museums, ■ Haryana, Chandigarh. B^ry \jy fcPMSNo:-. feats.- ^ rfi^lPlcbl m-STFT « Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Department of Architecture and Planning Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee '^L\V5 Roorkee, Uttarakhand, 247667

Date: May 29,2019 FUeNo.: %/«/" To: Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya Deputy Director and Co-Director of Exacavalon / Directorateof Archaeology and Museum /0^\L \ ^1 1 Art and Design Building, Sector 10 Chandigarh, 160011

Subject: Proposal to prepare a Comprehensive Development Plan for the Archaeological Site at Kunal Village, District Fatehabad, Haryana.

Dear Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya: It gives me a great pleasure to commend and compliment you and the Haryana Archaeological and Museum Department for undertaking a great archaeological project under your positive leadership at the Kimal Village, District Fatehabad, Haryana. We,at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Rookee, believe that this is a historic proportion project with exceptional and unique qualities oflearning ancient Indian history, civilization, culture, architecture, urban design, urban planning, creativity, skills, trade practices, and way of life; 6,000 years ago. In cooperation with you and the Department, we would like to take this international stature project to the next level. The initial proposal is a pro-active approach to prepare plans for developing an interactive, multi-activity museum complex, a visitor friendly welcome centre, and multimodal safe, easy, and efficient accessibility plan to the site. The plan will explore challenges for economic growth of the region, that includes Kunal Villae and District Fatehabad, investigate and recommend local agricultural related resources and use local available resources to provide/create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for the local residents. The overall vision is to make this area an upscale world class tourist attraction for the local, regional, national, and international visitop and explorers at the same time persevering the archaeological assets. The future developed site will encourage and invite students of all ages from to learn about Indian archaeology, history, civilization, cultures and efforts ofthe Department of Archaeology and Museum. fie talented and expert faculty with architectural and planning background ofthe recently rated number One school of architecture and planning in India by India Today(May 27, ,2019), is eager to tackle this project in association with the graduate and post-graduate students. This will provide arena for students to leam from a hand-on exercise. I am confident that you will support and approve to proceed with this proposal for the benefit of the whole country. Your suggestions and directions regarding the next steps to proceed will be highly appreciated. I am available to answer any questions you may have or to discuss this proposal with you any which way convenient. Please feel free to call/contact me at 09875950814(Mobile No.) or email at [email protected] I am looking forward to hear back from you soon. Thank you for your time.

Warm Regards

Sincerely, )

Harmit S. Bedi, AICP Visiting Professor Department of Architecture and Planning Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee j ^ DsHry GFMS No:-.


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Department of Architectiife and Planning Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee ^ \ Roorkee, Uttarakhand, 247667

Date: May 29, 2019 File No.: Arch/433/PF-HB

To: Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya Deputy Director and Co-Director of Exacavaion Directorate of Archaeology and Museum Government of Haryana Art and Design Building, Sector 10 Chandigarh, 160011

Subject: Proposal to prepare a Comprehensive Development Plan for the Archaeological Site at Kunal Village, District Fatehabad, Haryana.

Dear Dr. Banani Bhattacharyya: It gives me a great pleasure to commend and compliment you and the Haryana Archaeological and Museum Department for undertaking a great archaeological project under your positive leadership at the Kunal Village, District Fatehabad, Haryana. We, at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Rookce, believe that this is a historic proportion project with exceptional and unique qualities of learning ancient Indian history, civilization, culture, architecture, urban design, urban planning, creativity, skills, trade practices, and way of life; 6,000 years ago. In cooperation with you and the Department, we would like to take this international stature project to the next level. The initial proposal is a pro-active approach to prepare plans for d^veloping_an interactive, multi-activity museum complex, a visitor friendly welcome centre, and multimodal safe, easy, and efficient accessibility plan to the site. The plan will explore challenges for economic growth of the region, that includes Kunal Villae and District Fatehabad, investigate and recommend local agricultural related resources and use local available resources to provide/create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for the local residents. The overall vision is to make this area an upscale world class tourist attraction for the local, regional, national, and international visitors and explorers at the same time persevering the archaeological assets. The future developed site will encourage and invite students of all ages from India to leam about Indian archaeology, history, civilization, cultures and efforts of the Department of Archaeology and Museum. l-k

The talented and expert faculty with architectural and planning background of the recently rated number One school of architecture and planning in India by India Today(May 27, ,2019), is eager to tackle this project in association with the graduate and post-graduate students. This will provide arena for students to learn from a hand-on exercise. I am confident that you will support and approve to proceed with this proposal for the benefit of the whole country. Your suggestions and directions regarding the next steps to proceed will be highly appreciated. I am available to answer any questions you may have or to discuss this proposal with you any which way convenient. Please feel free to call/contact me at 09875950814(Mobile No.) or email at harmitbedi(ggmail.com

I am looking forward to hear back from you soon. Thank you for your time.

Warm Regards


Harmit S. Bedi, AICP Visiting Professor Department of Architecture and Planning Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee cc: Prof. P. Chani, Head, Department of Architecture and Planning 6/4/2019 Gmail• Follow Up GmBi! V I Archaeology Haryana

FoIio'A/ Up Hofmit Bed! al 9:49 AM To: [email protected] Cc; Prabhjot Singh Chani

Dear Dr. Bhotlachaova

Greetingsl It was delightfui and encouraging talking to you on the phone yesterday. I am pleased to learn that you are working diligently at your side to gel full support for the proposal. If you have any questions or need any additional Information or you think our presence at any point will be helpful, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Locking forward to hear positive from you side.

Thank you for your time and support.

Warm Regards

Harmit Bedi Visiting Professor Department of Architecture and Planning Indian institute of Teclinology Roorkee (HTR) 09875950814

Proposal Letter May 29 19.docx 93K

,,:google.com/mai[/u/0?lk=03f9b999e7&vlew=pt&search=a[[&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1635382198957205500&simpl=msg-f%3A1835382... 1/1 AfUn 'ft. Arrlja^xrlcrgtral g>ari^tij (Registered under the Societies Registration Act 21 (2)of 1860) Patron Dairy No*.-...— Prof. B. B. Lai Former Director General Archaeological Survey of India File No. 19/6/IAS/KunalExc./18^7<^ Ct'M3 No;-...g May, 2019 New Delhi 'Executive Committee Chairman Cf^S-3^^ Shri O.P. Tandon ear Shri Goel, Former Director Bharat Kala Bhava: Varanasi 1 was happy to learn that you visited the excavation's^it Kunai pr.B.R.ManiVice-chairman •; ,S",^o^1vhich presentlyis 8 project the of Director the Indian General, Archaeological National Society Museum, directed New Delhiby Dr with. . Director General National Museum ^ _ n the collaboration of Department of Archaeology and Museum, I• Government of Haryana for the last three years. Prof. V. H.Sonawane Former Head of Department of Archaeology and Ancient Hi: As you might be aware that the origin of Indus Civilization has been Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda shifted to the middle of the 8^^ millennium by a series of carbon-14 dates Vadodara from the excavation at Bhirrana, about 20 km from Kunal in the early General Secretary - ypar*; of centuryj [2004-2006].^ The excavations carried at Bhirana,c u- «lTDir=ctorGe„en..O-l-<^Kunai, Rakhigarhi, Girwad also confirm the eariy beginning of_ this Archaeological Survey ofIndia civiiization which is now commoniy accepted as Indus- New Delhi Civilization because a part of this civilization has also been reported from Treasurer Dr. S.S. Biswas the adjoining part of the country iying presentiy in known as Former Director General • . Bahawalpur State. National Museum, New Delhi ^Ifp Secretary (Prehistory) Dr. S.B. Ota As the excavation at Kunal has provided rich harvest of antiquities joint Director General and other early details of the civilization we are thinking to organise an Archaeological Survey ofIndia, New Delhi exhibition in the National Museum, New Delhi somewhere towards the Secretary (Proto-history) end of June or early weeks of july, 2019. In this connection, I would also Prof. Vasant Shinde £p^^like to call on you at your convenience. Deccan College, Pune ;Secretary (Historical) - 'Prof. P. P. Joglekar Trust you will appreciate this move and give your blessings to the iDeccan College,Pune exhibition. • Secretary(Science) Prof. K. Krishnan With kind regards. M.S. University of Baroda Yours sincerely, Members Prof. K. K Misra UtJtal University, Bhubaneshwar sXj—- Dr. Prakash Sinha University ofAllahabad (K.N. Dikshit} - hr-J.N.Pal 'Jniversity ofAllahabad End: Reports . ■ 'rof. 0.P. Tewari ; Jniversity of Lucknow |)r. Ajit Kumar Shri Arun Goel, IAS Jniversity of Kerala Secretary to the Govt. of India V ' Jrof. R. A. Sharma jwaji University, Gwalior Ministry of Culture pr. P.Ajithprasad Shastri Bhawan d.S. University of Baroda 3r. Pushp Lata Singh New Delhi . janaras Hindu University Irof. P., N.Singh fanaras Hindu University Copy to Smt. Dheera Khandelwal, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary : .pr.C.B.Patil [Archaeology & Museum], Government of Haryana, Main Secretariat, iangalore It. R. IC Chattopadhyay Chandigarh ' .! Residency University, Kolkata . (findi (Consultant) [K.N. Dikshit) hr'A-sbaJoshi ■ bpiversity of Delhi B-17, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016. India Office +91-11-26852695/26523728, Telefax +91-11-26960654 Email: [email protected]^ [email protected]; [email protected] website:www.indarchaeoIogy.org n

lAR 2018-19

Exploration and Excavation Haryana Ancient site Kunal, District Fatehabad, Haryana. In continuation of previous years' work (2016-17 and 2017-18), excavations (Pis. I & M) continued from January to April, 2019 in 20 quadrants of 6 squares under the direction of B.R. Mani, Director General, National Museum, New Delhi as a project of the Indian Archaeological Society and with codirection of Benani Bhattacharya from the Haryana State Department of Archaeology and Museums assisted by the respective teams of National Museum, National Museum Institute, Indian Archaeological Society and Haryana State Archaeology. The evidence of earlier excavations were repeated but certain new features new stratigraphy and material culture were noticed. For photogrammetry, drone was used. Some interesting terracotta animal figures with painted decorations (PI. Ill) were found. Amongst stone objects a stone seal with a square divided into quadrants and a hole in the knob (Pi. IV A&B), chert stone weight (PI. V), chert blade, bone points, semi-precious stone and faience beads and beautifully painted pottery were found. An interesting feature in the stratigraphy of the site was added with the location of stratified deposit of Painted Grey Ware found in associations with black-and-red ware and black slipped ware along with a few sherds of Harappan origin. The deposit continued upto the depth of 4.80m in the trench yd. Quadrant 2. Various sizes of mud-bricks were noticed from Harappan and other levels in the ratio of 1:2:4, 1:2:3, 1:3:4 and 1:3:5. -i.-*' "i".' ill" •■ ^ v^*\, ^ •. - •{' ■♦'i

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(PI. ill) Kunal: Painted Terracotta animal figurine


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(PI. IV A) (PI. IV B) Kunal:Stone Seal 2,1-

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(PI. V) Kunal : Stone weight £3

lAR 2017-18

Exploration and Excavation Haryana Ancient site Kunal, District Fatehabad, Haryana. In continuation of previous year's work (2016-17) excavations for the second season continued from February to April 2018 under the direction of B.R. Mani, Director General^ National Museum, New Delhi as a project of the Indian Archaeological Society in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana headed by Banani Bhattacharya with their respective teams. The main objective was to understand Pre-Harappan horizon of the site, its legacy and to know the chronology of Hakra Ware. Excavations continued in 14 quadrants of 7 squares measuring lOxlOm each. It was noticed that the earliest settlers dug up large pits over which wattle-and-daub huts were raised. They were familiar with agriculture and domestication of animals. For proper understanding of the structures at site and their plans, drone was also used for photography (Pis. I-IV). Important findings of the season were terracotta animals figurines, one of which resembling horse (PI. V), terracotta bangles, beads, ritualistic objects, cakes, beads of semi precious stones such as carnelian, agate, faience, and steatite, copper and bronze arrow heads (PI. VI), bangles, knife (PI. VM) and bone points and bone arrow heads.

The latest determined Ci4and AMS dates from excavation put antiquity of Kunal to somewhere around 6^^ millennium BCE (6026-5736 BCE) whereas there are other 17 C14 dates putting it upto 2247-2236 BCE covering almost four thousand years of existence of human activity at this site. However, the prominent period of activity had been between 3800 BCE to 2200 BCE. So far these samples have been analysed in the laboratories of BETA (Florida, USA) and BSIP (Lucknow). « : ,

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(PI. I) Kunal: Drone View of trenches

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(PI. II) Kunal : Drone View of trenches -2^




(PI. Ill) Kunai: Drone View of trenches


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(PI. IV) Kunal : General View of the trenches (PI. V) Kunal ; Terracotta animal figurine

(Pl.VI) Kunal: Copper arrowhead ^7

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(PI. VII) Kunal: Copper knife lAR - 2016-17

Exploration and Excavation Haryana Ancient site Kunal, District Fatehabad, Haryana. The early Harappan site Kunal Is located (lat.29 'SO'N and long. 75 '41'E) in Ratia tehsil of of Haryana. The site is approachable from Hansi via Bhuna, a town about 12 Km from site while proceeding towards Ratia. It was excavated in 1985-86 and from 1991-92 to 1994-95 by the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana under J.S. Khatri and M. Acharya. The area of the site is about 9 acres which is under protection by the state department and maximum height of the round is

4.10 m.

The site in earlier excavations, has provided evidence of dwelling pits and mud brick structures in different levels and three C14 dates have been determined - 3016 BCE and 2837 BCE from Period IB and 2577 BCE from Period IC. No dates are available from Period lA and Period II. Hakra Ware was found in Period lA which has round dwelling pits 2 m in diameter and 1.10 m in depth with rammed floor and smoothened walls. Mud bricks were aligned round the dwelling pits in Period IB. Silver crown and other ornaments were found in Period IC and structures of mud-bricks were also encountered. Period II was considered to be of Painted Grey Ware (PGW) period of which most of the deposits were found eroded except remains of the pottery on top level and evidence of a moat like structure cut into earlier deposits.

With the objective to understand the earliest material culture which is comparable to the evidence from Bhirrana, a nearby site, excavated by Archaeological Survey of India and to have more scientific dates from earliest levels at Kunal and to try to know about the evolution of the Indus-Saraswati culture mentioned sometimes as pre-Harappan or early-Harappan, the site was reexcavated in 2016-17 as a project of the Indian Archaeological Society under the 2-^

direction of B.R. Mani, Director General, National Museum in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana headed by Banani Bhattacharya. Excavations were undertaken from February 2017 to April 2017 in 15 quadrants of 7 squares, the last measuring 10x10 metres each (PI. I, Fig. 1). On the basis of fresh excavations the chronology of cultural sequence was revised as follows-

Period I A-Stage I (Pre-Harappan) Period I B - State II (Early Harappan) Period II A-Stage III (Transitional phase) Period MB- Stage IV (Harappan) Period lll-PGW

It is interesting to note that in the previous excavations the earliest deposit yielded remains of pit-dwelling and it was called Period lA. In the present excavation another deposit represented by hearths and floors and potsherds was noticed (PI. II) below the level of pit-dwelling of previously called period lA. Therefore, in the revised chronology the Period lA has been associated with the level below the pit-dwelling, unnoticed earlier and hence the revision in chronological frame work. The study of pottery and antiquities is in progress. Besides different varieties of Hakara ware, red ware, black on red ware, black- and-red ware and Painted Grey Ware have been found in considerable quantity and with various shapes. Terracotta cakes, terracotta beads, bangles (PI. Ill), gamesmen, steatite beads, faience beads and bangles (PI. IV), stamps, terracotta animal figurines including one with pasted steatite beads (PI. V), three small gold beads, copper objects (PI. VI) and such other antiquities are found.

An activity area of craftsmanship having evidence of furnace and workshop for making steatite beads was noticed with evidence of finished and unfinished products at trench YAI, Qd.3, (PI. VII). This belongs to Period II. Mud brick walls and floors have also been noticed from the levels of Period II (PI. VIII). Z'.ii VP?.liii T^' vj |.l[:Ci£.:'i, ?nt


(PI. I) Kunal ; Drone View of the site

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iiifii (Pi. Ill) Kunal : Terracotta bangles 3Z-

(PI. IV) Kunal: Faience bangles


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(Pl.V) Kunal:Terracotta animal figurine with steatite beads pasted over it 33






(PI. VI) Kunal:Copper objects

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T7 -rr (PI. VIII) Kunal : Mud-brick structures 3^ Meeting:

Date: 9.7.2019

Time: 3.00-P.M. From

Director, Archaeology & Museums Department, Haryana, Art-Design Building Sector-10, Chandigarh.

To Harmit S. Bedi. AICP, Visiting Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Memo No. 17/24-2018-Pura/ ^$"14 Dated: 01

Subject: Meeting Notice regarding power point presentation with proposal.


It has been decided to convene a meeting on 09.07.2019 at 3.00 p.m. under the Chairmanship of Director, Archaeology and Museums Department at his Office Room, Art-Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh regarding comprehensive development Plan for the Archaeological site at Kunal Village, Distt. Fatehabad. You are, therefore requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.

Deputy Director for Director, Archaeology & Museums, Department, Haryana, Chandigarh. 478


Director, Archaeology & Museums Department, Haryana, Art-Design Building Sector-10, Chandigarh.

To Harmit S. Bedi. AICP, Visiting Professor, - Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Memo No. 17/24-2018-Pura/

Subject: Regarding power point presentation with proposal.

Kindly reference to this office letter No. 17/24-2018-Pura/7514 Dated 01.07.2019 on the subject cited above.

A meeting notice has been issued by this office on 09.07.2019 at 3.00 p.m. under the chairmanship of Director, Archaeology and Museums Department at his Office Room, Art-Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh regarding comprehensive development Plan for the Archaeological site at Kunal Village, Distt. Fatehabad. Due to your absence in the meeting the decision in this respect is still awaited. You are requested to specify the reasons for your absence. So that the matter be proceeded further accordingly.

A Deputy Director /Tyfor Director, Archaeology & Museums, / Department, Haryana, Chandigarh. 3T


Date: 30.9.2019

Time: 11.00 a.m.


Director, Archaeology & Museums Department, Haryana, Art-Design Building Sector-10, Chandigarh.

To Harmit S. Bedi. AICP, Visiting Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Memo No. 17/24-2018-Pura/ §33? Dated : / 6 j o q j^ ^

Subject: Meeting regarding power point presentation with proposal.


It has been decided to convene a meeting on 30.09.2019 at 11.00 a.m. under the Chairmanship of Director, Archaeology and Museums Department at his Office Room, Art-Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh regarding comprehensive development Plan for the Archaeological site at Kunal Village, Distt. Fatehabad. You are, therefore requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.

Deputy Director for Director, Archaeology & Museums, Department, Haryana, Chandigarh. 8/27/2C1S Dairy No;- LLI3. Gmail - Regarding power point presentation with proposal

...... 1 1 (' ?,p^Q j j Archaeology Haryana

Regarding power point presentation with proposal

Harmit Bedi Men, Aug 26, 2019 at 9:15 PM To: Archaeology Haryana Cc: Prabhjot Singh Chan!

Dear Dr. Bhatacharya


Hope this email finds you in the best. 2.^

I am in receipt of your email with the attachment of the letter stating not being able to attend the scheduled meeting. I apologize for not being able to attend the meeting. I had a medical emergency and have come to the USA for treatment and-^3<;- recovery. I will be returning to the Institute soon and will pick up the project where I left. I assure you, it is not forgotten only delayed for a short period of time. 2.^^ /2P^ At the Institute we are serious about the project and it is a priority.

We appreciate your understanding and patience.

Thank you

Warm Regards

Harmit Singh Bedi

[Quoted text hidden]

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ORDER Ex-post Facto Sanction is hereby accorded under Rule 19.6 Sr. No.I of PFR Vol. 1 Hand book No. 2 to incurrif^the expenditure amounting to Rs. 920/- (Rs. Nine Hundred and Twenty only) in connection with the purchase of PVC Pipe

Sr.No. Bill No. & Date Name of the Firm Amount 1. 1374 Dated M/s Bansal Marble & Sanitary Store, 460-00 21.11.2019 Road, Bhuna, Fatehabad. 2. 1376Dated M/s Bansal Marble & Sanitary Store, 460-00 23.11.2019 ^ Hisar Road, Bhuna, Fatehabad. Total Rs. 920-00 Rupees Nine Hundred and Twenty only. This amount has already been paid by Shri Ajit Singh, attandent, Ancient Site Kunal,from his own pocket. The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Major Head '2205- Art & Culture-103- Archaeology — Revenue Non Recurring - Protection/ Preservation of Ancient Monument/Sites under Sub -Head 'O.E' during the year 2019-20.

Lalit Siwach, IAS Dated: 27/01/2020 Director Archaeology & Museums, Deptt. Haryana, Chandigarh. Endst. No. 17/24-2018- Pura iSSS"S'S? Dated: VS A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: 1. The Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh. 2. Treasuiy Officer, Haryana, Chandigarh. 3. Cashier of this office. 4. Shri Ajit Singh,-attandent, Ancient Site, Kunal.

/ Accom^fc Qc y for Director,Archaeology & Museums, (X-^ Haryana, Chandigarh.