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932 25-4 Kzntransg1 KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCE RKEPUBLICWAZULU-NATAL PROVINSIEREPUBLIIEK OF VAN SOUTHISIFUNDAZWEAFRICA SAKWAZULUSUID-NATALI-AFRIKA Provincial Gazette • Provinsiale Koerant • Igazethi Yesifundazwe GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY—BUITENGEWONE KOERANT—IGAZETHI EYISIPESHELI (Registered at the post office as a newspaper) • (As ’n nuusblad by die poskantoor geregistreer) (Irejistiwee njengephephandaba eposihhovisi) PIETERMARITZBURG, 25 APRIL 2013 Vol. 7 25 kuMBASA 2013 No. 932 We oil hawm he power to preftvent kllDc AIDS HEIRINE 0800 012 322 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Prevention is the cure N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 301693—A 932—1 2 Extraordinary Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal 25 April 2013 IMPORTANT NOTICE The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for faxed documents not received due to errors on the fax machine or faxes received which are unclear or incomplete. Please be advised that an “OK” slip, received from a fax machine, will not be accepted as proof that documents were received by the GPW for printing. If documents are faxed to the GPW it will be the sender’s respon- sibility to phone and confirm that the documents were received in good order. Furthermore the Government Printing Works will also not be held responsible for cancellations and amendments which have not been done on original documents received from clients. Page No. ADVERTISEMENT Road Carrier Permits, Pietermaritzburg......................................................................................................................... 3 25 April 2013 Extraordinary Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal 3 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ROAD CARRIER PERMITS OR OPERATING LICENCES Notice is hereby given in terms of section 37(1)(a) of the National Land Transport Transition Act, and section 52 (1) KZN Public Transport Act (Act 3 of 2005) of the particulars in respect of application for public road carrier permits and /or operating licences received by the KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, indicating :- (1) The application number; (2) The name and identity number of the applicant; (3) The place where the applicant conducts his business or wishes to conduct his business, as well as his postal address; (4) The nature of the application, that is whether it is an application for: - .(4.1) the grant of a new permit or operating licence; (4.2) the grant of additional authorisation; (4.3) the amendment of route; (4.4) the amendment of timetables; (4.5) the amendment of tariffs; (4.6) the renewal of such permit or operating licence; (4.7) the transfer of such permit or operating licence; (4.8) the change of the name, or particulars of the holder; (4.9) the replacement of vehicle: (4.10)the amendment of vehicle particulars, including increase in carrying capacity in excess of fifteen percent; (4.11)an additional vehicle with existing authorisation; (4.12) the refinement of routes in terms of section 85 (4)(f), (g) or (5) of Act 22 of 2000 in respect of legitimisation or converted permits issued in terms of sections 52 or 55 (4.13)Act 4 of 1998, read with section 41of Act 22 of 2000; or the conversion of permits to operating licences in terms of Part 16 of Act 22 of 2000. (5) The number and type of vehicles, including the carrying capacity or gross vehicle mass of the vehicles involved in the application; (6) The type of public transport service envisaged, as contemplated in section 1(1)(Lxiii) of Act 22 of 2000, with regard to the transportation of persons, personal effects, or both; (7) The points between, picking-up and setting down points and the route or routes along or the area or areas within which the road transportation is conducted or the proposed road transportation is to be conducted; and (8) The timetable and scale of charges in respect of scheduled services. In terms of section 37(3) of Act 22 of 2000, and 52(3) of Act 3 of 2005 read with Regulation 10 of KZN Public Transport Regulations, written representations in sextuple supporting or opposing these applications must within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date of this publication, be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to: The Secretary, KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, Private Bag X9135, PIETERMARITZBURG. 3200. OR 291 Pietermaritz Street, PIETERMARITZBURG. 3201. A copy of such representations must be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to, the applicant at the advertised address in (3) above. Full particulars in respect of each application are open to inspection at the Board' s office. 4 Extraordinary Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal 25 April 2013 SCHOLAR APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ROAD CARRIER PERMITS OR OPERATING LICENCES IN RESPECT OF SCHOLAR TRANSPORT Notice is hereby given in terms of section 14(1)(a) of the Road transportation Act, 1977 (Act 74 of 1977) and section 37 of the National Land Transport Transition Act, 2000 (Act 22 of 2000) of the particulars in respect of application for public road carrier permits and/or operating licences received by the KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, indicating: - (1) The application number; (2) The name and identity number of the applicant; (3) The place where the applicant conducts his business or wishes to conduct his business, as well as his postal address; (4) The nature of the application, that is whether it is an application for the grant of a new permit or operating licence in respect of scholar transport. (5) The number and type of vehicles, including the carrying capacity or gross vehicle mass of the vehicles involved in the application; (6) The type of public transport service envisaged, as contemplated in section 1(1)(Ddii) of Act 22 of 2000, with regard to the transportation of persons, personal effects, or both; (7) The points between, picking-up and setting down points and the route or routes along or the area or areas within which the road transportation is conducted or the proposed road transportation is to be conducted; and (8) The timetable and scale of charges in respect of scheduled services. In terms of section 14(2) of Act 74 of 1977, read with regulation 4 of the Road Transportation Regulations, 1977 and section 37(1) of Act 22 of 2000, written representations in quadruplicate supporting or opposing these applications must within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date of this publication, be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to: The Secretary, KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, Private Bag X9135, PIETERMARITZBURG. 3200. OR 291 Pietermaritz Street, PIETERItL4RITZBURG. 3201. A copy of such representations must be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to, the applicant at the advertised address in (3) above. (9) These applications will be heard as from 24TH MAY 2013 and applicant will be notified when to attend. Full particulars in respect of each application are open to inspection at the BOARD' s office. From/van : 2013/04/11 to/tot :2013/04/11 From/van : Gi to/tot: G1 25 April 2013 Extraordinary Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal 5 OP.1368394.(2) NGUBO NM ID NO 6403210422085. POSTAL ADDRESS: 1139 KWAMAKHUTHA, PO AMANZOMTOTI, 4126.(4) TRANSFER OF PERMIT , PERMIT NO. 1318575/0 FROM NGUBO RM (15 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: DURBAN). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1368452.(2) NGUBANE NM ID NO 6704010518083. POSTAL ADDRESS: P 0 BOX 338, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200.(4) TRANSFER OF PERMIT ,PERMIT NO. 1316976/0 FROM NGUBANE YP (15 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: LIONS RIVER) , PERMIT NO. 1316978/0 FROM NGUBANE YP (15 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: LIONS RIVER).(7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1372579. (2) PILLAY M ID NO 6308235004083.(3) DISTRICT: NEWCASTLE. POSTAL ADDRESS: 102 BRIGEVALE CRESCENT, PHOENIX, 0000.(4) NEW APPLICATION. (5) 2 X 22 PASSENGERS.(6) THE CONVEYANCE OF OTHER. (7) AUTHORITY: CHARTER SERVICES AND THEIR PERSONAL EFFECTS: FROM 11 FORMOSA STREET,NEW CASTLE TO PRE ARRANGED PICK UP POINTS WITHIN THE PROVINCE OF KZN AND SUCH POINTS TO POINTS WITH KZN. OP.1372613.(2) DLAMINI LW ID NO 6110025609083.(3) DISTRICT: PIETERMARTIZBURG. POSTAL ADDRESS: 03 LAWRENCE CRESCENT, HAYFIELD, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201.(4) NEW APPLICATION. (5) 1 X 15 PASSENGERS. (6) THE CONVEYANCE OF OTHER.(7) AUTHORITY: SCHOLAR AND THEIR PERSONAL EFFECTS: FROM DUT WOODHOUSE ROAD,CROSS BOSHOFF STREET,TURN RIGHT ON ALLAN PATONNE ROAD,TURN LEFT ON ALEXANDRA ROAD TURN RIGHT ON COLLEGE ROAD,TURN LEFT ON EDENDALE ROAD,TURN LEFT ON IMBALI TURN OFF 9SUTHERLAND ROAD AND STRAIGHT TO DUT(IMBALI) AND RETURN. OP.1372884.(2) MBATHA TN ID NO 5911260613081.(3) DISTRICT: DURBAN. POSTAL ADDRESS: PO BOX 117, HAMMERSDALE, 3700.(4) NEW APPLICATION. (5) 2 X 16 PASSENGERS.(6) THE CONVEYANCE OF OTHER.(7) AUTHORITY: SCHOLAR AND THEIR PERSONAL EFFECTS: AS PER ANNEXURE "A" ATTACHED SCHOLARS AND THEIR PERSONAL EFFECTS: FROM HOUSE NO. 1496 VALLEY VIEW STREET NO 76765 AT APPROX 5.30 AM CONTINUE DOWN THE ROAD NAME NO OF ROAD AND PICK UP SAMKE AND BIKE MAUKU AT H 187 AND TURN TO ROAD 76755 ON MY LEFT AND PICK UP NOKUKHANYA ZONDI AT NO H 181 AND CONTINUE DOWN THE ROAD AND PICK UP MALWANDE AT 172 CONTINUE AT ROAD 76755 TO PICK UP ONCE AT H59 AND MEPHO AND LWANDILE BHENGU AT HOUSE NO. A 17 AND CONTINUE TO THE CIRCLE OF UNIT 6 AND PICK UP ZAMA NGCOBO H 500 AND MANDISA NGESI AND SIYANDA ZONDI AT THE MAIN ROAD OF UNIT NTSHONGWENI ROAD. PROCEED TO THAT ROUTE OF NTSHONGWENI ROAD AND PICK UP AT NO HM45 AND MAKE U TURN TO ROCKED UNIT 6 AND GO DOWN THE ROAD AND TAKE FIRST LEFT TURN TO PICK UP AT HOUSE NO F1001 OPPOSITE NQOBAS PICK UP AT HOUSE H756 THEN GO BACK TO UNIT 6 CIRCLE AND THEN TURNM LEFT TO PICK A K-SECTION AND PROCEED TO UNIT 3 MAIN ROAD AT THE FIRST CIRCLE OF UNIT 3 TAKE LEFT LEADING TO THE SECOND CIRCLE IN BETWEEN PICK UP AT HOUSE NO C1537.
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