www.miskatonic.co.uk LIGHTS

A scenario for Call of penned by Derek Mayne.

Adapted without permission from “The Lights of Madness” -

published in Different Worlds magazine in March/April 1987

1 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS

Contents GENERAL NOTE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... 3 INVESTIGATORS IN FORMATION ...... 4 KEEPERS IN FORMATION...... 4 RESEARCH & RUMOURS ...... 4 Miskatonic University Library ...... 4 Around Arkham ...... 5 Comments from locals ...... 6 Police Station...... 6 Arkham Asylum ...... 7 Trudy Houghton ...... 8 Dr Eric Hardstrom ...... 8 Cilfford West ...... 8 MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY ...... 9 MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF ASTAROTH...... 10 Professor Mathew Gilchrist – profile of a Cult Leader...... 11 The Order of Astaroth — “Instant Cultists” ...... 12 Average male member of the Order of Astaroth...... 13 Average female member of the Order of Astaroth ...... 13 THE HOME OF DR GILCHRIST ...... 13 ELM MOUNTAIN ...... 14 Herman Wilson ...... 14 THE LODGE OF THE ORDER OF ASTAROTH ...... 15 Ground Floor ...... 15 1. Entrance Hall ...... 15 2. Library ...... 15 3. Members Library & Private Reading Room ...... 16 Giles Masterton ...... 16 4. Members lounge ...... 16 5. Ladies Washroom ...... 17 6. Boiler Room ...... 17 7. Cloakroom ...... 17 8. Gentlemen ‘s Washroom ...... 17 9. Lodge Keepers Office ...... 17 Reginald & Maria Westrom ...... 17 10. Meeting Hall ...... 18 First Floor ...... 19 1. Guest Room (Twin) ...... 19 2. Guest Room (Single) ...... 19 3. Guest Room (Double) ...... 19 4. Alchemical Laboratory ...... 19 5. Pantry ...... 20 6. Kitchen ...... 20 7. Dining Hall ...... 20 8. Wizards Sanctum ...... 20

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Byakhee Guardian ...... 20 True Magick ...... 21 The Robe & Turban ...... 21 The Crystal Ball ...... 21 Magic Wand ...... 22 The Table ...... 22 The Stained Glass Window ...... 22 THE TOWER ...... 22 THE RITUAL ...... 23 Dragons Eye Gems ...... 24 Contacting Nodens ...... 25 Aftermath & Rewards ...... 25

Howard Phillips Lovecraft 1890 - 1937

General Note & Acknowledgement This scenario was inspired by The Lights of Madness published in Different Worlds magazine in March/April 1987; a magazine which I feel is sorely missed and has never been equalled. Although the plot remains the same as the original much of the detail has however been changed along with the dating and location which I have moved to Arkham to suit my own personal campaign. With regard to the dating of this scenario, I have chosen to set it in 1924, four years before the Horror. Keepers using the Arkham sourcebooks referenced throughout the scenario should bear in mind that in general the information given in these sourcebooks relates to the period after .

As a further note, the name Astaroth is taken from the Disney movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks, it is sufficiently close to to seriously worry many of the more experienced players in my group, forgive me a wicked chuckle...

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Investigators in formation The investigators attention will be drawn to a small obscure article in the Arkham Gazette. If any of the investigators are reporters or photographers assigned to any other newspaper then this article will be shown to them by their editor as an assignment they should follow up. The article reports strange lights radiating from the top of Elm Mountain around midnight on the 22 May 1924, Saturday. This is the second weekend that such lights have been reported. As with the first report, there were additional sightings stating that the lights came from strange aircraft that moved with great speed.

Keepers In formation In 1921, a new organisation was founded in Arkham. This organisation was known as The Order of Astaroth and was interested in magic and the occult. Mathew Gilchrist, a newly appointed professor at nearby Miskatonic University, was the founder of the organisation. Many students and local townsfolk are members of the club which caters to both male and female members that are interested in the intellectual study of magic and occult history. The members are unaware that Professor Gilchrist is a Wizard and a worshipper of Yog-Sothoth. Professor Gilchrist has been utilising the power of the group in worship to Yog-Sothoth to learn new spells and to gain enchanted items.

The lodge of the order is located on western slope of Elm Mountain on the outskirts of Arkham, to the North West of town, roughly between the town and Billingtons woods. Near the top of the hill is a fifteen yard high tower which is used for the Orders rituals that take place weekly from March through to September. During the winter months the rituals only take place on a monthly basis.

Many of the rituals are nothing more sinister than simple magic tricks but at least six times a year, Matthew calls Yog-Sothoth to appear. Upon these rituals the town has produced some strange murder or disappearance. However, it has had little effect on the members of the order as Yog- Sothoth has appeared to the group in the Tawil at’Umr form, covered with the Mystic Cloth. With the last two meetings this has however changed and Yog-Sothoth has appeared in the iridescent spheres form which is responsible for the mysterious lights seen by the town and has caused insanity in some members of the order.

Research & Rumours

Miskatonic University Library All of the following articles are taken from the Arkham Gazette and may be found with a successful Library Use roll. (The same information can be located at the offices of the newspaper, again with a successful Library Use roll for each item).

October 1921. Elm Mountain, which is located to the North West of town, has been acquired recently by the organisation known as The Order of Astaroth. Professor Mathew Gilchrist, a recent appointment at nearby Miskatonic University is the president and founder of the organisation which aims to enlighten its members as to the historical study of magic, myths and the occult. The group has already expanded its number to some 55 men and women. Professor Gilchrist unveiled plans to build a lodge at the base of the western side of the hill and an astronomy tower towards the top. Construction is planned to an aggressive timescale and should be complete by March of 1922.

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March 18th, 1922. John Mullen of the Smithsonian Institution will be the guest speaker at the consecration of The Order of Astaroth Lodge this Saturday night. John Mullen will be talking on his newly released book “Kings and Magic”. The Order, now numbering over 150 members, alleged to include many prominent members of our community, are eagerly anticipating the event.

October 21st, 1922. Professor Mathew Gilchrist announced the completion of the astronomy tower on Elm Mountain. The towers primary use will be for the members of The Order of Astaroth, but any organisation or individual from Arkham may reserve the tower. The professor went on to state that the lodge would continue to provide services to the community of Arkham in hope of making the town an ever better place to live.

April 5th 1923. Police are baffled by the bizarre murder of Andre Dugan at the rail yard. The body was found near the tracks and showed signs of scorching and distortion as though struck by lightning. The Arkham County Coroner returned a verdict of death by unknown or indeterminable cause.

May 4th, 1924. The seventh of the strange murders which have plagued Arkham over the past year was discovered this morning by the watchman at Christchurch Cemetery. The body was burned beyond recognition with the limbs withered almost to a crust. The county coroner is still unable to offer an explanation for the deaths.

May 16th 1924. Strange lights were reported in the sky late last night. Several reports of as yet unidentified objects flying in the sky were received by Arkham police from nervous and indeed panicked citizens.

Clifford West an accountant for Jebediah Marsh & Associates was placed in Arkham Sanitarium by the police in a related incident. It seems that Ward had been hunting in woodlands and was driven insane by the sight of the lights. was apprehended by the police while firing an empty shotgun at passersby. Mr. Ward was unable to give any coherent statement to the authorities.

Around Arkham For complete details of Arkham and its environs Keepers are encouraged to consult Arkham Unveiled or the later publication The Compact Arkham Unveiled. However for Keepers without access to either of these excellent tomes a flavor of the Town and points to note when running an Arkham based campaign are given here.

Arkham today retains the flavor and feel of a colonial trading port. With its post industrial boom now fading and with the philosophical and intellectual growth associated with the blossoming university Arkham is best described as quiet and unassuming. Indeed to the outsider Arkham may seem dull and boring with a slow almost tedious pace of life.

To coin a modern cliché, Arkham is a “local place, for local people...” Most shops and businesses are owned by local people and many are still family run, most businesses in the town are small the two main newspapers are straightforward in their reporting and quite non-controversial.

Almost any need that the erstwhile investigator could have can be satisfied in Arkham. But only Monday to Saturday, Sunday trading is prohibited under the towns “Blue Laws” with exception given only under specific license. Prohibition is still in effect, but is not really enforced by the local police;

5 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS the private consumption of alcohol raises no eyebrows. Discharging of firearms in Arkham is illegal and will be punished, as will possession of explosives. Carrying a concealed weapon is however not an offence.

Arkham is located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, not far from the Atlantic ocean, on the banks of the Miskatonic river, about twenty two miles north, northeast of Boston, a little more than twelve miles south of Newburyport. Its climate is typical of the region the hot sticky summers yielding to sudden torrential rain with winters that range from temperate to bitterly cold. Snow, rain and sunshine all in the course of a single day is not unusual.

Arkham boasts a formidable and highly respected University, Miskatonic, which boasts a magnificent Library and Museum of Antiquities. Miskatonic University Library will provide a fantastic resource for ambitious investigators. Keepers should bear in mind that although Miskatonic University Library boasts possibly the most comprehensive collection of Mythos Tomes, these are not available to the general public. Although, there is no restricted list at the library until after the incident of the Dunwich Horror in 1928, many Mythos tomes are kept in the reserve stacks because of their age and to protect them from accidental or malicious damage.

Miskatonic University also maintains complete archives of both the Arkham Gazette and the Arkham Advertiser in bound volumes. Portions of this collection were ruined during the Arkham flood of 1888.

University facilities are excellent for the period, however this probably equates to the facilities to be found in a modern high school. It is worth remembering that the university has a sound engineering faculty and with it an extremely well equipped machine shop.

Comments from locals A successful Oratory roll will produce the following response from many of the townsfolk.

1. If asked about the lights — “They appeared around midnight. At first they seemed to be up on the top of Elm Mountain. They were there for a short time and then streaked across the town at an enormous speed and disappeared up, up into space”. 2. If asked about The Order of Astaroth — The townsfolk will only say positive things such as “A good, honest, intellectual society”, “Wonderful work for charity”. 3. If asked about Professor Mathew Gilchrist — Most see him as an asset to the community through his work at the University and his involvement with The Order of Astaroth. However a successful luck roll when asking about the professor may elicit a comment along the lines of “It was a lot more normal in this town before he started his Magic society”. A psychology roll will also reveal that people are generally nervous of Professor Gilchrist. 4. If asked about the recent spate of strange murders no one will have any ideas as to who or what, in general people are scared and concerned that the police have made such palpably little progress.

Police Station A successful Fast Talk or Law roll, especially if coupled with a high Credit Rating will produce the following information.

6 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS

Over the past year and a half there have been seven hideous murders and several missing person reports. The connections between them all are strong with all of the corpses showing signs of huge burns, as though struck by lightning. The skin was as dry as dust and crumbled when touched. Certain parts of the body where not scorched were withered and prune like. All of the bodies were discovered on Sunday mornings.

As for the strange lights in the sky over the last two weekends the police credit it to some kind of college prank and are not interested in pursuing it as a line of enquiry.

Arkham Asylum For keepers with an eye for detail, or who wish to expand further on this element of the scenario, Arkham asylum is beautifully detailed in the Chaosium sourcebook Taint of Madness.

Clifford West has been admitted to the Asylum and for those investigators wishing to visit the deranged man the first challenge will be getting past the Asylums receptionist Miss Trudy Houghton.

To do so they will either need to come up with a personal connection — relative etc, which will need backing up, either with documentary proof, a Fast Talk roll or a sufficiently high credit rating. Trudy is easily impressed by investigators with a medical background.

Once the investigators have convinced Trudy that they have the appropriate credentials she will encourage them to take a seat whilst she uses her desktop intercom to call Dr Eric Hardstrom the head of the institution.

Dr Hardstrom will again require convincing of the investigators credentials and their need to see his patient, again a high credit rating should help otherwise Fast Talk rolls will win the day.

Dr Hardstrom will eventually lead the investigators to the second floor and along whitewashed corridors to a private room. Unless an investigator has previously spent any period of time in an asylum, they must succeed in a roll of CONx3% or be disturbed by the screams, sobs and manic laughter that echo around the seemingly empty building. Anyone failing this will be forced to excuse themselves and leave the building, after 10 minutes to compose themselves; they may renter without the need for further rolls.

On entering the room that holds Clifford West the investigators will see the man laying on a hospital bed, Spot Hidden rolls reveal immediately that he is strapped down under the covers. Clifford’s eyes are glazed, he is drooling slightly and his head rocks steadily from side to side. If anyone has more than 10% Psychoanalysis skill they may make a roll and try to get a statement from the patient, otherwise it is clear that the man is completely insane, if asked Dr Hardstrom will attempt to get a statement from the patient using his 70% Psychoanalysis skill.

A successful roll sees Clifford West calm down and speak slowly; “Lights, strange lights, they move so quickly... Why do they stop? They are at the Tower; the man on the tower is one of THEM... Creatures from space have taken over the Order! Creatures from space I tell you! I must stop them, we must stop them. You have to let me go...” Clifford then begins to sob, his eyes glaze over and he passes into fitful unconsciousness.

Clifford West is completely insane from viewing Yog-Sothoth, he will answer no further or specific questions and any investigator failing a Psychoanalysis roll whilst interrogating Clifford will force the man into an insane rage. He will begin to thrash violently around with a70% chance of breaking free and attacking a random investigator. All the while Clifford will shout “Creatures from space! Moon

7 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS people aren’t going to get me!” Dr Hardstrom will eventually incapacitate Clifford with an injection; this however will take 1d6 rounds to achieve and will require a further id6 rounds to take effect.

Neither Trudy nor Dr Hardstrom will have any real information concerning Clifford or the lights. They will however be able to tell the investigators that quite a few reports, an unusual number, have been reported over the last two weeks. If the investigators look further into this they will discover that all of these reports are members of The Order of Astaroth. All reported cases relate to catatonic episodes, loss, time loss or similar.

Trudy Houghton Trudy is the asylum receptionist. She went into nursing to find herself a handsome young doctor to marry. Trudy is pleasant, polite but firm. She will be happy to converse with anyone waiting to see one of the staff or patients; she is a good source of local information. Trudy is not a member of the Order of Astaroth and regards it all as “Silly secretive nonsense a harmless way for a bunch of middle class fools to waste their time and money”.

STR1O CON9 SIZ12 INT13 DEXI4 Age 23 APP 14 EDU 13 SAN 60 POW 14 HP II Db±0 Skills: First Aid 69%, Gossip 80%, Medicine 35%, Pharmacy 25%

Dr Eric Hardstrom Dr Hardstrom is a boring, dedicated and hardworking man who cares. He personally gets to know all his wards and does all he can to better their condition. He will try to use the most modern methods available and is not adverse to newer, more experimental techniques. Dr Hardstrom has recently started to correspond with Dr Sigmund Freud in Vienna and is becoming quite a convert to the “new school” of psychoanalysis.

STR 11 CON 12 SIZ 13 INT 17 DEX 12 Age 45 APP 11 EDU 21 SAN 70 POW 14 HP 13 DB +0 Skills: Credit Rating 45%, Bore Listener 37%, Read/Write German 60%, Medicine 78%, Persuade 51%, Pharmacy 48%, Psychoanalysis 70%, Spot Hidden 35%

Cilfford West Clifford is an Accountant for local firm Jebediah Marsh & Associates. He is a bit of a backwoodsman and was out walking with his hunting companion Herman Wilson, on the eastern side of Elm Mountain hunting when Yog-Sothoth was summoned and revealing himself as iridescent spheres which drove Clifford mad and put him in the asylum. He hasn’t mentioned that he was with anyone at the time.

STR 15 CON 14 SIZ 15 INT 17 DEX 14 Age 37 APP 10 EDU 17 SAN 0 POW 16 HP 14 DB +0 Skills: Accounting 80%, Library Use 65%, Read/Write English 80%, Head

8 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS butt (1d6) 45%, Kick (1d6) 60%, and Bite (1d6) 30%

Miskatonic University As noted above with Arkham Asylum, Chaosium have published a detailed sourcebook for Miskatonic University, which gives detail of the daily life of those in and around the University along with maps and detailed descriptions. Keepers are referred to this text The University Guide Book — Miskatonic University if more detail is required.

Professor Gilchrist’s study is located in the R.C Memorial Hall, along with those of several others of the faculty. It is not a particularly busy part of the campus, however upon entering the building and following the signs the investigators will eventually come across the desk of Miss Louisa Osborne. Professor Gilchrist’s affairs are looked after by Louisa, the Faculty Secretary who will greet the investigators and politely inform them that the Professor is not available; indeed he is on leave of absence today, but will be returning tomorrow.

If the investigators are able to distract the secretary long enough to enter the corridor beyond her office they can quickly locate Professor Gilchrist’s study, the door has his name painted on the window. The door, aside from the window, looks sturdy (STR 13) and is locked. To open it will require a roll with an appropriate skill (Pick Locks, Mechanical Repair). If the investigators make too much noise they will attract the attention of either the Secretary or indeed campus security. Indeed for every ten minutes that the investigators spend in Gilchrist’s office uninvited the keeper should request that the investigator with the highest POW make a Luck roll. If they are accosted a successful fast talk or particularly high credit rating would be required to leave without the police being called.

Inside Professor Gilchrist’s office, the investigators will find a desk covered with papers and books. There is a small closet on the back wall and two freestanding bookcases. The small closet is full of yet more books and a box, seemingly full of junk. All the books are ordinary textbooks, several sets, sufficient for three or four classes. The box contains some personal effects of Gilchrist’s, a baseball mitt, a pair of candlesticks a small metal casket (which is locked), a baseball, fifteen baseball programs all from series finals, a small pocket telescope, a pocket watch (broken) and two bottles of French red wine (St Estephe, 1916 vintage).

A successful spot hidden whilst searching through the papers on the desk will reveal the following;

1. The Order of Astaroth schedule, a quick examination shows that a meeting is held every Saturday evening. 2. A roster to The Order of Astaroth listing current members. This will guide investigators to individual members if they wish to question them. 3. A small, ornate silver key (this opens the casket in the box in the closet). There is nothing of consequence on either of the bookshelves in the office. If the investigators open the casket it is revealed to be velvet lined and contains only a small notebook with no title. The notebook is obviously old and has been rebound several times. This notebook belongs to Gilchrist and contains the spells written down by the Wizard Astaroth hundreds of years ago, the parchment is crumbling and the inks are bleeding into the paper making many words and phrases indistinct. Gilchrist keeps this locked almost carelessly in the closet as he has no need for it anymore, having long ago learnt the spells and rituals it contains.

9 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS

The Spells of Astaroth Spell multiplier x 4 +4% Sanity loss 1 d3 Language - Latin Written by the Wizard Astaroth, c.1640-1720

This tome contains the thoughts and ramblings of an increasingly insane but extremely competent Mythos Sorcerer. Astaroth fortunately did not commit many of his rituals to paper, however study of the tome reveals enough detail to enable two spells to be learnt;

Enchant Blade: For this spell the caster must expend one point of permanent POW, but no blood sacrifice is required. It costs 1d4 SAN points to cast and increases the damage of a blade by + 1d4 points (+2d4 against Mythos creatures).

Contact Nodens: See rulebook for specifics. A successful idea roll for anyone who learns this spell and knows of the Snake Den Cave will realise that this is an ideal casting spot for this ritual.

Members of The Order of Astaroth Investigators may wish to use the roster from Professor Gilchrist’s office to contact existing members of the Order, they can interview any number of members but they will receive only the following information.

The group holds ceremonies every Saturday night.

All members are extremely respectful, almost reverential towards their leader. A successful Oratory roll will reveal one of the following facts, roll 1d100 and consult the simple table below.

01-20 the particular member is suffering some sort of phobia or minor insanity following last Saturdays meeting.

21-40 the member has suffered from headaches and premature aging due to POW losses from the meetings. The person notices a change after certain of the Order’s ceremonies.

41-85 the member tells the investigators that the ceremonies are conducted at the top of Elm Mountain at the Astronomy Tower.

86-90 the member is suffering delusional paranoia and will become angered when questioned directly and will attack the investigator asking questions.

91-00 the member has committed suicide in some violent way due to insanity. 50% chance that the investigators are the ones to discover the corpse. SAN losses for such discoveries are at the keeper’s discretion.

10 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS

Professor Mathew Gilchrist – profile of a Cult Leader. The professor is a man in his early fifties, intelligent looking, with a calming well spoken voice, his hair is graying at the temples and he wears spectacles. His eyes are deep blue he is of medium build and retains some of the obvious athleticism of his youth.

This is his third attempt at founding a Mythos cult, on both previous occasions he has eventually been hounded out of the area by either the law enforcement agencies or by local politicians and worthies. Gilchrist has learnt from these experiences and has taken time, this time to ingratiate himself with any potential opposition with eth ability to wield power against him. Gilchrist has effectively changed his image and that of the group as needed to avoid prosecution and litigation, to increase income, and to recruit a range of members. He has an innate ability to attract followers who have the skills and connections that the he himself lacks. Gilchrist knows that the safety and longevity of the Cult of Astaroth is dependent on his willingness to adapt as needed and to thereby preserve the group.

Gilchrist is supremely confident, his glibness, guile and innate charm make him a captivating storyteller, a talent that he has used extensively to pull others into the cult of Astaroth, especially the wealthy and influential of Arkham. Gilchrist seems to know “what makes people tick”, when to appeal to their desire for power, their wish for a bohemian nature, and so on. Gilchrist always appears to be helpful, charming even ingratiating or seductive, but is covertly hostile and domineering. Like a small child, Gilchrist can on occasion have difficulty regulating his emotions. Liable to fly into a temper tantrum he can be frightening to be around. Rage and abuse, alternating with token expressions of love and approval of his most devoted followers, produces an addictive cycle for both Gilchrist and his loyal followers.

Gilchrist’s biggest character flaw is his constant need for affirmation and adulation. He surrounds himself by those who readily provide such, the best example being his long time confident Giles Masterson (see later). When Gilchrist is not the centre of attention he very quickly becomes, moody, paranoid and seemingly insecure.

In becoming a successful leader of the cult of Astaroth his biggest success has been to make this seem commonplace and acceptable within Arkham society, in so doing Gilchrist has relied upon his talent for telling people what the want to hear. Gilchrist is in fact a pathological liar, able to tell a falsehood coolly and easily, even when it is obvious that he is being untruthful. It is almost impossible for him to be consistently truthful about either a major or minor issue. He lies for no apparent reason, even when it would seem easier and safer to tell the truth.

Gilchrist given his sanity is constantly hiding behind a “mask of sanity”, the cult leader exposes feelings insofar as they serve an ulterior motive. He can witness or order acts of utter brutality without experiencing a shred of emotion. He casts himself in a role of total control, which he plays to the hilt.

STR 15 CON 14 SIZ 15 INT 17 DEX 14 Age 37 APP 10 EDU 17 SAN 0 POW 16 HP 14 DB +0 Skills: Anthropology 84%, Archaeology 76%, Astronomy 92°/s, Ancient

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History 82%, Occult 88%, French 30%, Latin 55%, German 33%, Greek 20%, Egyptian 25%, Library Use 90%, Baseball bat 75%, Tell Lie 85%. Spells known: Brew Space Mead, Create Gate, Steal Life, Enchant Blade, Contact Nodens, Summon/Bind Byakhee, and Contact Yog-Sothoth.

The Order of Astaroth — “Instant Cultists” As noted in the Research & Rumors section above there are now over one hundred and fifty members of The Order of Astaroth, it is not feasible to list all of these in the scenario and indeed keepers are not encouraged to draw up a complete roster. If specific names and details are required the guidelines below will allow keepers to quickly generate the base facts required.

The members are predominantly male and single; although there are a good proportion of married couples with only a handful of single women. Roll percentiles and consult the following bandings to determine sex and marital status.

01-08 Single Female 09-48 Single Male 49-80 Married Female 81-00 Married Male Now generate a random name; choose from the following lists, or for a truly random selection roll 1d20.

Male forenames; Andrew, Anthony, Blake, Brett, Clayton, David, Edward, Eric, Eustace, Frank, Gavin, Harold, James, John, Kenneth, Luke, Mark, Matthew, Paul, Wesley.

Female forenames; Angela, Amy, Bethany, Clara, Elizabeth, Emily, Eugenie, Evangeline, Janice, Katherine, Lauren, Louisa, Louise, Margaret, Patricia, Rebecca, Rachael, Sarah, Susan, Victoria.

Family Names; Abbott, Bishop, Burch, Bradbury, Carter, Dexter, Forrester, Garrison, Goody, Green, Mason, Marsh, Newton, Osborne, Parker, Parkinson, Ryder, Soames, Spence, Weston.

You may now wish to add a quick descriptive adjective and profession to you instant NPC. Again choose from the following lists, or roll 1d20.

Descriptive Adjective; Ambitious, Ambivalent, Brisk, Clumsy, Cultured, Determined, Diligent, Devoted, Energetic, Forceful, Genius, Greedy, Gushing, Kindly, Pleasant, Popular, Spiteful, Trustworthy, Youthful, Zealous.

Profession ; Accountant, Banker, Bookseller, Cab Driver, Civil Servant, Dentist, Doctor, Financier, Forrester, Journalist, Laborer, Landlord/Landlady, Mechanic, Nurse, Pharmacist, Photographer, Policeman, Professor, Student, Waiter/Waitress.

Finally it is likely that you will be required to give them some kind of address, select a street name from the list or roll against the 60 Arkham place names below.

12 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS

Address ; Boundary St. Brown St. Crane St. Dyer St, E. Armitage St. E. Church St, E. College St. E. Curwen St, E. Derby St, E. High Lane, E. Hyde St, E. Main St, E. Miskatonic Aye, E. Pickman St, E. River St, E. Saltonstall St, E. Washington St, E. Water St, Federal St, Gedney St, Halsey St, High Lane, Hill Street, Jenkin St, Lich St, Marsh St, N. East St, N. French Hill St, N. Garrison St, N. Parsonage St, N. Peabody Aye, N. Powder Mill St, N. Sentinel St,, N. West St,, Noyes St,, S. East St,, S. French Hill St,, S. Garrison St,, S. Parsonage St,, S. Peabody Aye,, 5 Powder Mill St,, S.

Sentinel St., S. West St,, W Hyde St,, W. Armitage St, , W. Church St., W. College St,, W. Curwen St,, W. Derby St, W. High Lane, W. High St, W. Main St, W. Miskatonic Ave. W. Pickman St, W. River St, W. Saltonstall St, W. Washington St, W. Water St, Walnut St, Whately St.

You will now have generated a brief descriptive sentence which should get you through the initial awkward moment, something in the format;

Mr/Miss/Mrs {Forename} {Surname) who is a {Descriptive Adjective} {Profession} who lives/works on {Address}.

Average male member of the Order of Astaroth STR 14 CON 12 SIZ 12 INT 11 DEX 13 Age 35 APP 11 EDU 12 SAN 44 POW 14 HP 13 DB +0 Skills: History 65%, Astronomy 56%, Chemistry 35%, Climb 60%, Spot Hidden 50°/a, Library Use 54%, Fist 50%, Knife 50%, Sword 35%, Shotgun 50%

Average female member of the Order of Astaroth STR 12 CON 14 SIZ 12 TNT 12 DEX 11 Age 30 APP 12 EDU 11 SAN 35 POW 12 HP 13 DB +0 Skills: History 65%, Astronomy 56%, Chemistry 40%, Climb 55%, Spot Hidden 50%, Library Use 64%, Fist 40%, Knife 55%, Slap 53%, Scream 60%

The Home of Dr Gilchrist Gilchrist currently lives in the faculty residence at Grant Hall (Arkham Unveiled 621) in the northeast corner of the university campus, the windows of his rooms facing Garrison Street. Grant Hall is a residence for bachelor faculty, graduate students and visitors. A porter controls access 24 hours a day.

The Porter will insist that Professor Gilchrist isn’t in the building, and that “He‘s ‘bin out all day, yer should come back later”. Are the investigators persistent enough to get past the porter? If so then they can easily locate Gilchrist’s rooms, his door carries a plaque with his name and position in the faculty of Ancient History.

All in all Gilchrist’s rooms contain very little of interest, text books for his teaching at the university, 2 packing crates of similar text books all relating to ancient history. A small desk holds a typewriter and pages of a manuscript in production. This is a book that Gilchrist is working on, nothing sinister, a textbook on Ancient History aimed at struggling students. It is well written, although not finished. The other room is a bedroom, dusty and untidy it has about it a musty air, shows signs of little use,

13 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS there is no water in the jug or basin on the washstand, rather a good coating of dust covers the whole room.

Elm Mountain Southwest of Arkham along the road to Boston lays Elm Mountain. It is densely wooded except for the road to the Lodge and to the abandoned Carter Mansion, (Arkham Unveiled), and the pathway that now runs from the lodge to the tower at the summit which have all been recently cleared. Until Professor Gilchrist and the Order of Astaroth bought most of the mountainside it was notable only for the old Carter Mansion which lies on its northeast side. Following the death of Christopher Carter at the turn of the century it has been deserted and has fallen into ruin, to the point where the roof has collapsed inwards. Gilchrist was unable to buy the Carter Mansion as it is still held in a trust with instruction against sale and with financial provision to ensure it stays that way.

On the south face of Elm mountain lays Snake’s Den Cave, (Arkham Unveiled), not far to the north of the old carter mansion. Local folk keep shy of the cave, fearing snakes or worse (Keepers note: played here as a child).

At the rear of the cave is a fissure which, if an investigator can squeeze through (SIZ 13 or less) leads to a rarely visited inner cave. This second cave contains a central pylon of roughly shaped stone. On the caves rear wall can be seen the faint traces of a carved arch and what looks like a gigantic hand. This is the gate through which Carter, with the aid of a strange silver key, passed out of this world. It has no significance in this scenario; neither do the caves other than insomuch as they provide an ideal spot for casting the spell required to Contact Nodens. Any investigator who knows the spell will realize this given a successful Knowledge roll.

Any investigator attempting to climb the mountain by means other than the cleared roads and paths will be required to make 1d4 climb rolls in order to succeed for each failure they will slip and take 1d3 points of damage. They may abandon the attempt and return to the path at any point after the first climb roll without penalty.

There is a 60% chance that the investigators will encounter Herman Wilson on the hillside.

Herman Wilson Herman was out hunting in the woods last Saturday, with his friend and accountant Clifford West and witnessed the arrival of Yog-Sothoth. This was too much for the simple backwoodsman and he has gone totally and violently insane. Herman is armed with a shotgun and carries a large hunting knife, when encountered he will have 1 d8 shotgun cartridges remaining. Herman will attack anything and anyone without hesitation.

STR 10 CON 12 SIZ 1O INT 11 DEX 12 APP 12 EDU 9 SAN 0 POW 11 HP 11 DB +0 Skills: Shotgun 60%, Knife 57%, Zoology 40%, Throw 35%, Hide 50%, Track 38%

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The Lodge of The Order of Astaroth The lodge is located near the base of Elm Mountain on almost directly the opposite side of the mountain to the now crumbling Carter Mansion. It is closed during daytime in the week only opening between 6pm and 11pm each evening. It is however open from 9am on Saturday right through till 11pm on Sunday.

Ground Floor

1. Entrance Hall This ornate entrance has a black marble floor with staircases sweeping up and away to either side. All of the doors leading from the entrance are large and ornate with the exception of the doorway clearly marked as the Lodge Office. The entrance hall contains a small table with a visitor’s book with pen and ink, as well as a circular leather chair which surrounds an ornate collection of leafy palms which stretch half way to the ceiling.

2. Library Double doors to the right of the Entrance Hall lead into the Library. Each wall of this room is covered with shelving and carries books on all manner of topics. This area of the library is provided by The Order of Astaroth as a public service and the collection is available to the public for study and research.

If the investigators wish to spend time studying some of the topics with the books in this library they may advance 1d4-l for each eight hour period spent in study. Suggested topics for study are Anthropology, Astronomy, Chemistry, History, Occult and Psychology, although other topics should

15 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS be available at the investigators request and the Keepers discretion. This room contains four large study desks, room to comfortably sit twenty-four students.

3. Members Library & Private Reading Room Double doors from the Library lead to the Member’s Library and Private Reading Room; unlike the previous room this is open only to members of the order. The doors to this room are watched by Giles Masterton, the Librarian at the lodge. Giles will not under any circumstances allow anyone to enter unless he recognises them as a member or someone he recognises as a member vouches for them.

This room is again covered with shelves full of books, unlike the last room there are screen doors which enclose the bookcases, securing the books without obscuring them. These screen doors are securely locked when the lodge is closed. Only Giles and Professor Gilchrist have keys. There are two study desks with seats for twelve students as well as four low tables each with three leather armchairs.

Members may study any of the following topics in this room Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Ancient History and the Occult. Unlike the previous library there are no other topics to be found here. Those who spend time studying some of the topics with the books in this library may advance I d4 for each four hour period spent in study. In addition, for every eight hour continuous study spent in this library the keeper should call for a knowledge roll, successful investigators have seen the real implications of their study and should now make a SAN roll (l/1d3) and gain 1% Cthulhu Mythos.

Giles Masterton Giles Masterton is a tall man with a shock of dark black, untidy hair and a roughly trimmed beard. His eyes have a nervous, wildness about them behind his metal rimmed reading spectacles; he is particularly sensitive to noise and speaks in a low hushed, whisper at all times. Giles has been a companion of the professor for over 15 years he knows about Yog- Sothoth and readily joins in the worship losing most of his sanity as well as sacrificing much of his now dwindling POW.

STR 11 CON 12 SIZ 11 INT 14 DEX 11 Age 43 APP 11 EDU 15 SAN 13 POW 6 HP 12 DB +0 Skills: Anthropology 80%, Archaeology 67%, Astronomy 83°/s, Ancient History 72%, Occult 74%, French 46%, Latin 49%, German 41%, Greek 38%, Egyptian 32%, Hebrew 49%, Library Use 100%

4. Members lounge The members lounge is a large comfortable room, reminiscent of gentlemen’s and ladies clubs around the world during this period. As well as a selection of comfortable chairs and low tables there are recent newspapers and magazines as well as a folder containing all of the press cuttings relating to the Order and the Lodge.

There is a large Georgian style fireplace to one side of which hangs a bell pull, if rung this will summon the lodge keeper who will gladly organise tea, coffees, sandwiches and light meals as requested.

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5. Ladies Washroom Nothing extraordinary at all, this is merely the ladies washroom. At any one time there will be an 80% chance of I d3+1 members in the washroom. There are four stalls and four wash basins. The room is clean and well kept. Any male investigator discovered in the ladies washroom will have one chance to explain their presence (Fast Talk or Oratory with a -15% modifier) before being ejected and barred from the lodge. Any subsequent visit to the lodge will ensure that the Police are called.

6. Boiler Room This room houses a large wood fuelled boiler which heats the building and provides all the hot running water. There is a large wood pile (DEX x 5 roll for anyone examining the woodpile to avoid knocking it all over). The room also contains a number of tools, 2 saws, 2 axes and an extremely sharp machete. There is a locked door which gives access to the grounds, there is only a single key and this is kept by Harold Newton the Lodge Keeper (see below).

7. Cloakroom This large alcove serves as a cloakroom, there are numerous coat hooks in rows on the walls and two umbrella stands mark the far corners of the rooms.

8. Gentlemen ‘s Washroom As with the ladies washroom this is nothing out of the ordinary. At any one time there will be a 50% chance of a single member of the order being in the washroom. There are two stalls a trough urinal and four wash basins. The room is clean and well kept. Any female investigator discovered in the ladies washroom will be politely directed to the ladies washroom.

9. Lodge Keepers Office The Lodge Keepers office is relatively small, tidy and well organised. It contains a desk, a large bird cage with a mynah bird and finally a small bookcase which holds local business directories as well as a set of account books for the lodge.

The account books detail the daily expenditures of the Lodge as well as the donations made by members (if the investigators do not already have a list of members then this may be useful). A successful Accountancy roll will reveal that overall the accounts of the Lodge are rather unremarkable.

The mynah bird is named Crowley is the Westrom’s pet, like all mynahs it will quickly learn to mime sounds and noises that it hears. If the Lodge Keepers office is broken into there is a cumulative 10% chance for each ten minutes spent in the room that the bird will mimic sounds (phrases, names etc) that are made by the investigators and is likely to repeat these to the one of the Westroms. If the investigators take it into their heads to release Crowley from his cage he will fly straight to the curtain rail until it gets the chance to leave the room, it will then fly straight to Reginald if he is in the building.

Reginald & Maria Westrom Reginald Westrom has been the Lodge Keeper ever since the site was acquired by Professor Gilchrist Westrom has known the professor for some fifteen years in which time he has a become a devotee of Yog-Sothoth, hence the extremely low Sanity and POW. He lives at the lodge along with his wife Maria who acts as cook and housekeeper. Reginald spends his time tending the boiler, serving in the

17 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS members lounge and dealing with the Lodge administration, Maria meanwhile can usually be found in the Lodge’s ample kitchens, looking after member’s dinners.

Reginald Westrom STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 10 INT 17 DEX 12 Age 51 APP 9 EDU 11 SAN 12 POW 6 HP 10 DB +0 Skills: Wield Axe 76%, Mechanical Repair 47%, Electrical repair 62%, Cthulhu Mythos 6%, Drive Auto 54%, Mix Cocktail 57%

Maria Westrom STR 8 CON 11 SIZ 9 INT 16 DEX 12 Age 47 APP 13 EDU 12 SAN 21 POW 8 HP 10 DB +0 Skills: Cooking 62%, Cleaning 75%, Spot Hidden 85%, Listen 87%, First Aid 60%, Cthulhu Mythos 4%, Meat Cleaver 65%, Remember Recipe 80%

10. Meeting Hall This large hail contains a number of seats and benches arranged in rows with the benches toward the rear of the room and seats, which could be stacked and moved out of the way, making up the front rows. At the rear of the hail there are three large blanket chests, these contain the folded yellow robes that the members wear on ritual nights.

At the very front stands an altar of carved rock protruding from which can be seen an ornate two handed sword. The rock is covered in Celtic symbols and patterns, it is decorative only, but is several hundreds if not thousands of years old (a successful Archaeology roll reveals this fact).

Members of the order will tell investigators that the professor Gilchrist had the sword and stone made to symbolise Merlin’s greatest achievement, the enchantment of Excalibur, the true sword of Arthur King of the Britons. This is not quite the truth. The stone is the original stone that held Arthur’s sword; the sword which it now contains was a gift to Professor Gilchrist from Yog-Sothoth and is the antithesis of Excalibur. Whereas Excalibur stood for truth and justice, this sword represents less noble and corrupt ideals; power, greed and ruthlessness. A less than close examination reveals that the sword is loosely sitting in a hole in the stone.

Anyone trying to remove the sword from the stone must overcome the swords current POW of 20 on the resistance table, removing it will instantly cost the wielder I point of permanent POW, which is added to the swords total whenever the sword is left unobserved it will magically reappear in the stone. In effect whilst holding the sword the wielders POW is raised by the value of the swords current POW, as such the wielder of the sword can call upon the swords current POW as if it were his own for the purposes of casting spells.

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First Floor

1. Guest Room (Twin) This is a simple bedroom with twin beds, bedside tables and a single washstand with basin and jug. There is also a small occasional table and an armchair. The room is tastefully decorated in powder blue. Unless the investigators are guest staying at the lodge this room will be unoccupied, with the door shut, but not locked.

2. Guest Room (Single) Once again this is a simple bedroom but with only a small single bed. There is a bedside table and washstand with basin and jug. There is also a small occasional table and an armchair. The room is tastefully decorated in pastel green. Unless the investigators are staying at the lodge, this room, as with the previous will be unoccupied, with the door shut but not locked.

3. Guest Room (Double) Finally this simple bedroom has a large double bed. There are a pair of matched bedside tables, a washstand with basin and jug as well as a small occasional table and an armchair. The room is tastefully decorated in pastel pink. Unless the investigators are staying at the lodge, this room, as with the previous two will be unoccupied, with the door shut but not locked.

4. Alchemical Laboratory A stout looking wooden door opens quietly and easily into what is obviously a laboratory of some kind. It is well equipped with Bunsen burners, crucibles and all manner of chemical apparatus, weighing scales, measures, vials and bottles.

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The shelves that run around the room are full of bottles and jars of chemicals, powders, minerals and herbs and spices. The room has a faint, unidentifiable smell which anyone failing a CON x 5 roll finds nauseating to the point that they must leave the room.

A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll entitles the investigator to roll for three Spot Hidden rolls each success revealing one of the following at the Keepers discretion; Small jar of the Powder of Ibn Ghazi, Bottle containing Space Mead, Small lead box containing a small blue Green Star Stone of Mnar.

5. Pantry Well stocked with tinned and fresh foods there is a large Ice box which contains a number of large joints of meat. The pantry can be locked from the outside by sliding a large metal bolt, otherwise this room is unremarkable.

6. Kitchen The kitchen is a large affair well suited to the production of food for large numbers of people. It is extremely well outfitted, has hot and cold running water a large cooking range and three sinks. Many makeshift weapons could be found in the Kitchen if need be.

7. Dining Hall The dining hall has three tables. Along the south wall in front of the windows is a slightly raised dais on which sits a small “top table” with thirteen seats. Two larger tables offer seating for a further forty people. The walls are wood paneled and there are two doors to the kitchen in the north wall, one in and one out. Between these doors sits a warming cabinet, used to serve buffet foods. On the east wall there is a large cupboard where glasses, linen, crockery and cutlery are kept when not in use.

8. Wizards Sanctum The doors to this room are STR 25 and are solidly locked. Carved into the door is a strange dragon. A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll will identify this creature as a Byakhee. If the investigators attempt to pick the lock or in any way force the door to this room the carving will begin to move, writhing and growing out of the door, coming alive and attacking the intruders. The Byakhee will fight to the death to protect the room but will not pursue those that flee the Lodge. Once the Byakhee is defeated it will dematerialise and reappear as a carving on the door, it cannot again emerge for 24 hours during which time it will regenerate completely.

Byakhee Guardian STR19 CON 11 SIZT9 INT11 DEX14 POW 10 HP 17 MOVE 5/20 (Flying) Weapons/Attacks: Claw (1d6±1d6) 40%, Bite (1d6+1d6+Blood drain) 35%.

A Byakhee may attack twice with its claws each round or it may opt to take one bite attack per turn. Each turn that the bite attack is maintained, including the first, 1d6 STR is drained from the victim, if STR reaches zero the victim is dead.

If the Investigators manage to enter this room during the day it is

20 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS strangely lit from a colourful stained glass window, if entering at night they will require their own light source as there are none in this room.

In the centre of the room is a table with a crystal ball sitting on it, next to the ball is a wand. There is a leather armchair by the table that has a red silk robe and turban laid on top of its seat. There is a bookshelf against the longest wall. Whilst examining the bookshelf a successful spot hidden roll will reveal a manuscript copy of “True Magick” written in English.

Any investigator examining the bookcase will find a scroll in a bone case on the bottom shelf. The scroll is written in Latin and contains the spell Contact Yog-Sothoth. An investigator may learn the spell with only a single hour of study, a successful Read Language roll and a successful INT x 3 roll, SAN cost, if successful, is 1d8.

True Magick Spell multiplier x 2 Cthulhu Mythos +6% Sanity loss 1d8 Language - English

Written by the sorcerer Theophiilus Wenn, published 1872, Oakley Press.

This is a manuscript copy, not the original tome. The complete tome, which can be found in the reserved stacks of Miskatonic University, contains seven rituals which are all referred to in the manuscript, (“three for the creation of charms, three which can be used against a wizards enemies and a seventh which summons a hideous demon”). The manuscript copy however contains only a subset of the complete spells: Brew Space Mead, Create Gate, Steal Life, Summon/Bind Byakhee (See rulebook for spell descriptions).

The Robe & Turban The robe is red silk and a successful History roll will identify it as being Chinese and over a thousand years old. The turban is of white silk, of no great age but is set with a star sapphire in its centre. The sapphire has a market value of around $500. Neither item has any magical significance.

The Crystal Ball This crystal ball was a gift to Gilchrist from Yog-Sothoth. If any investigator studies the crystal ball for more than a few moments the Keeper should ask for a resistance roll of POW against the ball’s POW of 10. If the investigator is successful he will see a vision from the past. The vision may be left to the Keepers discretion or taken from the following table (and embellished as necessary).

• 0 1-20 A recent event (e.g. the party entering the room). SAN loss 0/1. • 21-40 An event from a previous generation (e.g. investigators own birth). SAN loss 0/1d3. • 41-60 An event from ancient history (e.g. Medieval battle or witch burning). SAN loss 1/1d4. • 61-80 A vision from prehistory (e.g. Dinosaurs or the great race). SAN loss 1/1d6 or as per creature viewed. • 81-00 A vision from beyond the boundaries of time (e.g. Azathoth or The , the twin suns of Caleano). SAN loss as per creature or vista viewed.

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Magic Wand The wand sitting on the table is also a gift from Yog-Sothoth. The wand contains 1d20 points of POW which will regenerate each day. These may be used by the wielder and expended as they wish.

The Table The table is covered with bottles full of different herbs and chemicals. A successful Occult roll will identify this as an Alchemical Library. A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll combined with a Spot Hidden will reveal two vials containing Space Mead.

The Stained Glass Window The stained glass window causes bizarre light to filter into the room. The symbols and designs on the window are representations of one of the forms of Yog-Sothoth, if viewed between midday and four in the afternoon, (when the sun is in the best position), the investigator must make a SAN roll (0/ld4). A successful Cthulhu Mythos roll will allow the investigator to identify Yog-Sothoth.

The Tower At the top of the mountain in a small clearing is a tall tower. If any of the investigators follow the path from the lodge, it will exit into this clearing.

The tower stands about fifteen yards high and is a rather foreboding figure. At a closer look the stone of the tower is smooth, black almost marble like, yet unlike marble it is warm to the touch. It appears to be carved (or cast?) from a single block, with no discernable joins or gaps in the walls. A successful Geology roll will not be able to identify the material, but it will determine that it is tremendously strong (STR 150).

At the base of the tower is a large wooden door, ornately carved and of the same wood as the door to the Wizards Study in the Lodge. Should the investigators attempt to pick the lock or force the door the carved Byakhee on the door will emerge, coming to life in the same way as did that in the Lodge. The door has a STR 25 and is locked with a simple, almost archaic lock (+25% to any attempt to pick).

If the investigators enter the tower, they will be faced with a spiral stairway which curls its way tightly towards to the top of the tower. Hanging on the wall, hidden behind the open door are three, heavy, yellow robes the same as those worn by members of the Order on ritual nights. The spiral stairway emerges into the daylight and the investigators will find themselves on a platform, approximately twenty feet in diameter. The platform is encircled by a three foot high wall upon which is mounted a metal track to which a large telescope is mounted. The telescope can be moved around the track allowing it to be positioned at any point around the towers perimeter. A successful Luck roll, followed by a spot hidden will produce a small (1” diameter) glassy brown stone. When touched or held this stone can be felt to pulsate with an inner energy. A successful

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Cthulhu Mythos roll will identify this as a “Dragons Eye Gem” (For details see The Ritual below). There is nothing else of interest at the lower.

The Ritual The Order of Merlin meets every Saturday night at nine in the evening. Many of the meetings are nothing more than historical reports or exercises of simple magic or illusion. However there are those, like the evening the investigators manage to be there, when Professor Gilchrist truly casts spells utilising the cumulative POW of the assembled worshippers. The congregation are unaware of what is really taking place but can in many cases recall having headaches and feeling weakened and ill after certain rituals. This is of course as a direct result of the loss, permanent or temporary of Magic Points or POW.

Regardless of whether the ritual is to be mere trickery or an actual invocation of the Outer Gods, the meetings always begin in the Lodge at the Meeting Hall where the congregation gather and don their ritual robes. Professor Gilchrist will appear wearing his red silk robe and turban. The rituals start promptly at ten o’clock and any non members will be safely escorted off site by this time. Professor Gilchrist presides over the events and the ceremonies, standing in front of the sword in the stone. If the investigators have removed the sword or caused any significant problems for the Professor or the Order then the ceremonies will be cut short and the Professor will dispense with the preliminaries and lead the congregation directly out of the meeting hail and up the hillside path to the Tower.

If there have been no significant problems then the rituals and ceremonies will proceed as usual with some of the more educated members reciting spells and performing minor magicks in the hope of progressing in rank within the Order of Merlin. The ranks in the Order are as follows;

1. Apprentice Magician 2. Magician 3. Sorcerer 4. Apprentice Wizard 5. Wizard 6. Grand wizard Professor Gilchrist is the only member that currently has a rank above that of Sorcerer. The members advance in level by studying certain texts and tomes prescribed by Professor Gilchrist through the Lodge’s library. The members must then demonstrate during a ritual meeting what they have learnt. Once a member attains the rank of Sorcerer they can begin to learn basic Cthulhu Mythos related spells indeed if an aptitude is apparent then Professor Gilchrist will begin personal tutelage.

Following on from a number of preliminary readings and castings, Professor Gilchrist will recite an incantation and a great gust of wind will drive through the meeting hall. The wind blows open all of the main doors and signals that it is time for the congregation to make their way up the hillside path, to the Tower. Witnessing this requires that investigators make SAN rolls (O/ld3).

The congregation then exits, back through the entrance hall and proceed up the hillside path to the tower.

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If the investigators are at this point posing as members acting in disguise there is a 30% chance for each investigator that they will be discovered as intruders as they travel up the path If spotted the reaction of the congregation is hostile although the actual action taken by Professor Gilchrist and the members is left to the Keeper to decide. At worst the investigators should be overpowered and forced to witness the remainder of the ceremonies.

Once the tower is reached, Professor Gilchrist will unlock the tower door and accompanied by the two highest ranked members of the order he will ascend to the top of the tower. Throughout, the remaining congregation will have begun to chant. Anyone making a Cthulhu Mythos roll will identify the chant as a spell to contact Yog-Sothoth.

Once Professor Gilchrist reaches the top of the tower he leads the chant with his arms raised and his eyes cast towards the sky, He will also at this point place a small stone on the wall and crush it with the palm of his right hand. This stone is a Dragons Eye Gem (see below for details). At the precise moment that the professor crushes the Dragons Eye Gem there will be a crash of thunder and strange lights will appear in the sky. These lights are Yog-Sothoth materialising as the iridescent spheres. Anyone witnessing this will require a SAN roll (1/1d 10). Professor Gilchrist will converse with Yog-Sothoth in which he offers the town of Arkham and the gathered congregation in return for a precious magical gift, The Staff of Merlin.

The professor must make a successful Oratory roll in order to strike a deal with the Outer God. If the roll is successful then Yog-Sothoth will produce the staff for Professor Gilchrist and will materialise in one of his more hideous forms, then he will swoop down on the assembled congregation then the unsuspecting town and reap total madness and destruction.

As he takes on this new form (Keepers choice), any investigator viewing this must make a SAN roll. Anyone failing their SAN roll will lose 1d100 SAN points. Those that succeed lose a mere 1d10 SAN points.

If the Professor fails his Oratory roll with the Outer God, it is left to the Keeper to decide the outcome. It is suggested however that Professor Gilchrist is destroyed by the wrathful Outer God who will then wreak madness upon the assembled throng before departing Arkham. In any case, failure means that Gilchrist will not attain his goal of possessing the Staff of Merlin.

Dragons Eye Gems These small, (1” diameter), glassy brown stones are known as Dragons Eyes are extremely rare, occasionally being found in the area of a recent materialisation of Yog-Sothoth often accredited with being a gift left by the Outer God for loyal disciples. When touched or held this stone can be felt to pulsate with an inner energy.

Dragons Eye Gems have certain magical properties rendering them extremely valuable to wizards such as Professor Gilchrist. The owner of a Dragons Eye Gem receives an immediate increase of I d4 POW and will maintain this increase all the time it is in their possession.

If the stone is smashed during the casting of a Contact Yog-Sothoth spell it will produce a 100% chance of success on Yog-Sothoth will always appear within 1d3 minutes of the gems destruction.

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A side effect of owning a Dragons Eye Gem is that the owner will begin to suffer from dreams there is a 4% chance each evening that the possessor will be awoken by an extreme nightmare. These dreams and nightmares are always related to dragons and wizards. Each time the owner is disturbed by a nightmare call for a SAN roll (San loss 0/1d3).

Contacting Nodens Keepers should consult the rulebook for the method of contacting Nodens. For the sake of space the details of the Outer God and the spell to summon him are not given here. If Nodens comes to the investigators on the night of the final ritual, the investigators must make a successful Oratory roil or Nodens will take some kind of action against his summoners.

Even if the Oratory roll is successful the keeper should roll percentiles and consult the following table.

• 0 1-70 Nodens will grant the investigators request. • 71-80 Nodens summons 1d8 Nightgaunts to attack the investigators. If the Investigators manage to slay all of the Nightgaunts, Nodens will then grant their request. • 81-00 Nodens attacks 1d3 investigators with his staff

If the investigators request that Nodens dismiss Yog-Sothoth match his POW against hat of Yog- Sothoth on the resistance table and make a percentile roll. If the Nodens is successful then Yog- Sothoth will depart immediately.

Should Nodens fail, he will choose an investigator as a favoured human to take back to the Abyss. Nodens will select the investigator with the strongest POW, if this is a draw the then highest Cthulhu Mythos, if this is still a draw then roll luck to see who is chosen.

Aftermath & Rewards Should the investigators fail to stop Professor Gilchrist in his plan to sacrifice Arkham to Yog-Sothoth then it is extremely unlikely that they survived at all. Should they have managed to remain sane and alive long enough to wish to flee the town, Keepers should bear in mind that escaping an entire town of wildly insane people is likely to require a considerable amount of skill and luck. In this event I would suggest that as a minimum halved luck rolls will he required to get clean out of town and even then they should suffer severe SAN losses as the media begin to report the events that are unfolding in Arkham, the bizarre madness which has decimated the populace and how the people of Arkham have simply massacred one another.

On a more positive note, if the investigators were successful in stopping the professor and saving Arkham from Madness and destruction, they deserve a generous reward, I would suggest 2d10 SAN.

If in saving the town they successfully called upon the assistance of Nodens then this reward should be increased to 2d20 SAN with an equally generous 1d10 increase in Cthulhu Mythos.

In the event of the professor escaping the SAN rewards outlined above should be reduced by 1d10.

This scenario is difficult it involves extremely potent Mythos forces and in Professor Gilchrist introduces an extremely powerful adversary. It is almost impossible that all the investigators who set out in this adventure will live through it and equally unlikely that those who do will be able to remain

25 www.miskatonic.co.uk ARKHAM LIGHTS sane. I would urge Keepers to be firm when applying damage and sanity losses in this scenario it represents an up close and personal experience with some of the worst that the Mythos has to offer and those that do survive will have earned their rewards.