Fact Sheet Only Identifies Other Part-Time Citizen Legislatures Similar to Wyoming’S Legislature Based on Legislature Categories Defined by NCSL1
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FFAACCTT SSHHEEEETT W Y O M I N G L E G I S L A T I V E S E R V I C E O F F I C E Prepared by Joy N. Hill, Research Analyst January 6, 2009 09FS001 STATE HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS PROVIDED FOR PART-TIME CITIZEN STATE LEGISLATURES According to information provided by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the Council of State Governments (CSG), forty-two of the 50 state legislatures provide some degree of health insurance coverage to its legislators. Eight states, including Wyoming, either do not make health insurance coverage available to legislators or do so at the expense of individual legislators. For purposes of appropriate comparison, this Fact Sheet only identifies other part-time citizen legislatures similar to Wyoming’s legislature based on legislature categories defined by NCSL1. By NCSL’s definitions Wyoming falls into the Blue Legislature category, meaning about half of a legislator’s time is spent tending to legislative business and considered a traditional citizen legislature. Table 1, below, identifies state legislatures that fall into the previously referenced category. Briefly, of the 17 citizen legislatures, 11 provide some degree of health insurance coverage, and six either make coverage available at individual legislator’s expense or do not make coverage available at all. Wyoming does not currently offer health insurance coverage to its state legislators. According to State Group Insurance staff, elected officials that have health insurance coverage available (may or may not elect coverage) by state health insurance include those whose positions are considered full- time jobs, such as the five elected officials (Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, and Superintendent) and judges, etc. Elected county or municipal officials are not eligible for state insurance coverage, according to State Group Insurance staff. If you need anything further please contact LSO Research at 777-7881. 1 The legislature categories defined by NCSL (http://www.ncsl.org/programs/press/2004/backgrounder_fullandpart.htm) are as follows: Red Legislatures are those that require “…80 percent or more of a full-time job. “ They also have large legislative staff and are paid a living salary without necessity of an outside job. White Legislatures are those that spend 2/3rds of a full-time job as a legislator. They have an intermediate sized staff and receive an income, but typically not enough to live off of solely. Blue Legislatures (includes Wyoming) are those that spend about half of a full-time job being a legislator. They have small staffs and are not paid enough to live off of solely and require outside employment. These legislatures are considered “…traditional or citizen legislatures” and are common in more rural states. There are two categories of Blue Legislatures (Blue Light and Blue). Wyoming is in the Blue category identified as those which are the most traditional citizen legislatures. RESEARCH AND INFORMATION SERVICES • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE 307-777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • EMAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE http://legisweb.state.wy.us PAGE 2 OF 2 Table 1. Health Benefits Provided to Legislators by Other Part-Time Citizen State Legislatures. House Senate Total State Members Members Size Member Health Benefits Yes. State pays a portion, legislator pays a portion. Same as state employees. Dental, optical, disability Georgia 180 56 235 and life insurance benefits are optional at legislator's expense. Yes. State pays a portion, legislator pays a portion of health, dental and disability insurance. Life Idaho 70 35 105 insurance benefits are optional at legislator's expense. Optical not offered. Yes. State pays for legislator health, optical, and dental. Legislator pays dependent portion of health and Indiana 100 50 150 optical insurance. Life Insurance optional. Disability not offered. Yes. State pays a portion of health and dental, legislator also pays a portion. State pays for disability. Life Kansas 125 40 165 insurance optional. Optical not offered. Yes. Same as state employees for health and dental. Optical and life insurance optional at legislator's Maine 151 35 186 expense. Disability not offered. Yes. State pays legislator premiums only. State pays portion, legislator pays portion of life insurance. Mississippi 122 52 174 Dental optional at legislator's expense. Optical and disability not offered. Yes. State pays for health and dental. Optical is optional at legislator's expense. Disability not offered. Montana 100 50 150 State pays $14,000 term life policy. Nevada 42 21 63 All optional at legislator's expense. New Hampshire 400 24 424 Health and dental optional at legislator's expense. Other coverages not offered. New Mexico 70 42 112 Not offered. North Yes. State pays for health. Dental, optical and disability offered at legislator's expense. State pays Dakota 94 47 141 $1,300 term life policy. Rhode Yes. Same as state employees for health, dental and optical. Disability and life insurance are optional at Island 75 38 113 legislator's expense. South Dakota 70 35 105 State only pays for accidental death/dismemberment insurance. Other coverages not offered. State pays a portion, legislator pays a portion of health, dental, and optical. State pays for disability and Utah 75 29 104 life insurance. Vermont 150 30 180 Health is optional at legislator's expense. Other coverage not offered. West Virginia 100 34 134 All optional at legislator's expense. Disability not offered. Wyoming 60 30 90 Not offered. Source: Current information provided by NCSL and CSG. WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE 307-777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • EMAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE http://legisweb.state.wy.us .