
As Developed by Anand Mehrotra


300-hour Yoga Teacher Training

Manual 4 2020

Master Yourself, Master Your Life

Your purpose here is to evolve, to transform, to experience your radical aliveness, to awaken to your true nature. You are the path. The path is you. The time is now.

This manual represents a great deal of time, effort and heart. Please respect the sacredness of this material by honoring the copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, photocopying, recorded, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. This manual is designed for and provided to students of Sattva Yoga Teacher Training Programs. No part of this manual may be shared or used by individuals who have not fully completed a Sattva Yoga Teacher Training Program.

© 2009-2020

Updated October 2020

Table of Contents

Ayurveda Health & Healing 1 Self-Care Practices 2

How to Teach Meditation 3 Five Steps of the SATTVA Meditaion Technique 4 Typical Meditation Workshop 6 Giving Mantras to Students 8

Mantra Origin of Mantra 10 Three Aspects of Origin 10 Cosmic Values of Mantra 11 Kirtan Use of Mantra 11 Ritual Use of Mantra 12 Maha Mantra 13

Yantra Introduction to Yantra 16 Sri Yantra 16

Sacred Rituals: Introduction to Puja 17 Symbolism of the Offerings 18 Significance of Each Cardinal Direction 18 Six Steps to Puja 19

Introduction to Sacred Scriptures of the Yog-Vedantic Tradition Patanjali’s Yoga 26 26 27

Kriyas Breath 3-part Prana Breath Kriya 1 28 3-part Prana Vayu Breath Kriya 2 29 Bala Meditation 30 Breaking the Bondage 31 Chakra Sadhana 32 Grateful Heart Meditation 34 Kundalini Bliss Kriya 1 35 Mahi Sasura 36 Mantra Aham Brahmasmi 37 Aham Brahmasmi Meditation 38 Cosmic Body Meditation 39 Ha-Tha Set 40 Ha-Tha 1 (standing) 41 Ha-Tha 2 (standing) 42 Ha-Tha 3 (standing) 43 44 Happy Buddha Meditation 45 Healing the Swadhisthana 46 Hu 47 Hu Meditation 48 Kriya Set 49 Kundalini Kriya 51 Kundalini Mata 52 Kriya 1 53 Lakshmi Kriya 2 54 Maha Durga 55 Maha Shakti Kriya 56 Manipura Awakening 57 Moorchitta Pranayama Kriya 58 Nara Simha 59 Namah Shivaya Kriya 2 60 Om Namah Shivaya Meditation 3 61 Om Namo Guru Dev Namo Kriya 62 Meditation Kriya 63 Shakti 3 64 Sri Yantra Kriya 65 Swayam 67

SATTVA Yoga: Partner Work 68 Dancing in Unison 69 Forgive and Be Forgiven 70 Happy Buddha 71 Healing Circle 72 Nara Simha 73 Smile & Release 74 Soul Embrace: Two Person Variation 75 Soul Embrace: Community Variation 1 76 Soul Embrace: Community Variation 2 77 Soul Gazing 78 Trust Fall 79 SATTVA Integration Practice 81

Kriya Sets Shiva Sets 81 Set to Release Addiction and Holding Patterns 82 Joyful Heart 82 Set for Balancing the 7 Chakras 82 Positive Mind 83 Set to Cultivate Detachment 83 Heart Opening Sets 83

Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana 84 Muladhara 85 Swadhisthana 86 Manipura 87 Anahata 88 Vishuddha 89 Agya 90 Sahasrara 91

Notes 92

SATTVA YOGA : Health and Healing ACADEMY

As presented in SATTVA Manual 3, the science of Ayurveda is both an integrative and preventative approach to healthy and balanced living, including restoring balance. It is the oldest science of medicine, deriving from the . Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Ayurveda began as the same science. Ayurveda then grew as a singular science under the expansion of Yoga. Ayurveda is the basis of all Eastern medicine. In the following section we will explore the nature of disease, address the five stages of disease, and present some Ayurvedic self-care practices that may be incorporated into your daily routine.

What is disease? To fully understand what is meant by health and healing, we must first explore what is meant by disease. In Ayurveda, disease or dis-ease is regarded as confused information formed or expressed in a certain way, thereby communicating with the cells in a certain way. It can be experienced on a physical or psychological level. According to Ayurveda, disease occurs when you are out of alignment with nature. It is ultimately a crisis in consciousness, a crisis of meaning.

Integrative approach to health and healing When you look at health and healing, what is needed is a shift from a pragmatic, analytic, isolated, exclusive, and fragmented approach to a unified, holistic, inclusive, and integrative approach. Ayurveda invites you to see that the core of who you are is whole and in perfect health, so the more you move toward your natural Self, the healthier you are. Ayurveda invites you to take a dynamic and active role in caring for your own health and healing.

Five stages of disease from the perspective of Ayurveda 1. Accumulation/Aggregation (easy to cure) 2. Build up (of toxin, imbalance) 3. Transference (travel, move in the body) 4. Mutation (information is confused) 5. Manifestation Ideally, you want to cure any imbalance or disease at the level of aggregation. Allopathic (Western) medicine is more effective in treating at the expression/manifestation level (symptom-based). It does not necessarily address the source of disease, but gives relief. It is effective in treating acute health conditions.

1 SATTVA YOGA Ayurveda: Self-Care Practices ACADEMY

»» Mindful eating (nonviolent, organic, plant-rich, connection to source, variety, seasonal, experience in the body). »» Fasting. »» Herbs (singular herbs such as: Triphala, Ashwaganda, Brahmi, Neem and Amla are recommended. Chawenprash is a multi herb). Only take 2-3 herbs at a time for 1-3 months. »» Golden milk (turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper or cayenne pepper. Add coconut oil as it supports absorption of turmeric. »» Ghee (increases fire/heat in the body). »» Keep the environment in the physical body alkaline.

»» Drink water (warm or room temperature, not cold. Cold water cools , the digestive fire; drink water first thing in the morning). »» Don’t drink beverages with food (it starts fermentation). »» Drink hot water with lemon: Do this before eating or drinking coffee. This alkalizes the body as well as gets the digestive system moving along. »» Develop a strong navel center (most diseases are due to a weak navel center). »» Wash your face, brush your teeth, and scrape your tongue upon rising. »» Before showering, dry brush your skin with a soft, natural bristle brush or with silk gloves designed for this purpose (to enhance circulation and lymphatic flow). »» When showering, be conscious of connecting with the element of water, allowing it to cleanse you physically and energetically. Also, develop friendliness with cold in the body (by taking cold showers). »» Self-Abhyanga: give yourself a massage with oil, rubbing it on the body in circular motions beginning at the neck and shoulders. The oil calms the nervous system as well as removes excess Vata (energy, air element within us, which causes mind chatter). Make sure you also apply oil on crown to ground. »» Throughout your day remember to take moments to connect with nature. Go outside, breathe in some fresh air, filling the body with new prana. Nature always provides connection, serenity, and healing. »» Burn incense, use etheric oils – if designed intelligently, incense and etheric oils balance and activate a specific .

2 SATTVA YOGA How to Teach Meditation ACADEMY

SATTVA Meditation is a kriya-based, mantra-based system. It is a seated meditation practice, a technique stemming from the SATTVA Yog-Vedantic Tradition. This is a comprehensive, simple and effective technique which consists of Breathwork, Kriya and Mantra. When practiced 20-30 minutes twice daily, it can benefit all aspects of oneself. In the West, people often separate meditation and yoga, not knowing that there is no yoga without meditation and no meditation without yoga. Meditation supports and enhances all the other yogic practices. Without meditation, all the other yogic practices do not yield their full potential or desired effect.

Some general comments: It is important to make meditation accessible, meaning it is preferable to have students meditate once a day if twice a day seems unmanageable in the beginning. Or have them meditate for 20 minutes to begin, with an intention of extending the meditation practice to 30 minutes in the morning. Mediation is one of the most, if not the most, important practices to bring into your daily life. With a consistent and regular meditation practice, your students will start to have transformational and transcendental experiences. Meditation is the foundational yoga practice. It supports and enhances all other yogic practices. Without it, other yogic practices do not have the opportunity to reach their optimal desired effects.

Teaching SATTVA Meditation Technique Our objective in teaching meditation is to enliven the awareness to content-less awareness, to create the transcendence. That is our very simple goal. Make it as accessible as possible without diluting the teaching. You as a teacher will win when the student goes home and practices.

3 Levels of Teaching Meditation 1) Guided Meditation – guide your students to breath awareness and give them wisdom. 2) General Technique – In a group setting, give your students a breath set and instruct them to use a Vedic mantra. 3) Personal Initiation – the SATTVA Meditation Technique is explained. Kriya 1 and a personal mantra are given.

3 SATTVA How to Teach Meditation (continued) YOGA ACADEMY variation 2. Nadi Shodhana explanation. section for See pranayama minutes each side Practice 1.5 Nadi Shodhana Step 1: First three pertinent steps are non-negotiable 6 or 12 Breaths oral initiation. instructed during Practice as a group setting. individually or in the Kriya 1 initiated into students are tradition, In the oral Kriya 1 Step 2: Sattva Meditation Technique Ananda Chit Sat - - So Hum Brahmasmi Aham - following: or pick one of the personal mantra Stay with your Personal Mantra Step 3: and translation. booklet for text section or puja See mantra group) or aloud with the (Chant silently Practice 6 rounds Gayatri Mantra Step 4: Steps to integrate slowly as students are ready

Exhale. breath. movement of Rise with no to the ground. Bring 3rd eye Inhale. times. Bow 1 or 3 Bowing Optional: intention. Introduce your Turn to the West Turn to the South Turn to the North Turn to the East. and turn directions: Rise Four cardinal Step 5:

4 SATTVA YOGA How to Teach Meditation (continued) ACADEMY

Five Steps of the SATTVA Meditation Technique 1 – Breathwork 2 – Kriya 3 – Mantra 4 – Gayatri Mantra 5 – Cardinal Directions, Setting Intentions In teaching SATTVA Meditation Technique, the first 3 are non-negotiable. Remember to keep it accessible without diluting the teachings.

Breath Activates the energy and clears the nadis, clears the energetic system. Give Nadi Shodhana.

Kriya 1 We never teach Kriya 1 out in classes. In that setting, we use SO HUM, HUM SO or even a Cosmic Breath. Tell your students that just by doing Kriya 1, immediately they gain a certain level of mastery of the mind. We are generating a very fluid, solid, stable, grounded nervous system. Tell them Kriya 1 stabilizes the meditation to a whole different level; there is immediate suspension of thought. Explain the Kriya 1 very clearly. Breakdown the kriya, guide the students, then practice with them for six rounds.

Mantra Then explain mantra. There are 4 levels for practicing mantra. 1) Out loud, 2) Whisper softly, 3) Thought, 4) Tuning in. In the SATTVA Meditation Technique, we are practicing at the third level, the level of thought. In a group setting (e.g., a retreat), you can teach all in one session. The students will use a Vedic mantra like Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Prema, Om Namah Shivaya, etc., as a place- holder until they have been given a personal mantra. The personal mantra initiation must be one-on-one. Tell the student that the meaning is purposeful. The bija sound that is given has a dynamic value in it. Also remind the student that the personal mantra is not to be shared with anyone, because we don’t want any associative memory with the personal mantra. 5 SATTVA How to Teach Meditation (continued) YOGA ACADEMY

Gayatri Mantra and Cardinal Directions As the student matures in their practice, also teach the Gayatri Mantra. Later the Cardinal Directions/Intention Setting can be added to their practice. Bowing can also be taught; It makes it a little bit more complex. Keep the whole meditation process accessible.

Typical Meditation Workshop In the following section, we will have a closer look at what elements to include in a typical 3-day meditation workshop with a 1-day follow-up session. You may of course choose the content and structure that is relevant to the format and space you are teaching in.

Day 1: Introductory Talk »» What is meditation? »» Why meditation? »» The benefit of meditation. »» The importance of meditation (consistent and regular meditation practice). »» Guided SATTVA Meditation practice (giving them an experience).

Day 2: A Deeper Look into Meditation »» Nature of the mind. »» The energetic body: Koshas. »» Eight limbs of yoga, focusing on “Samyama” (the four last aspects).

Day 3: Meditation Basics and Initiation into the Technique »» Meditation basics (setting, posture, timing and duration, preparation). »» Initiation into the technique (personal practice). Create a ceremony/ritual around it. Give the group the same technique OR if you are teaching one-on-one, you may give a specific SATTVA kriya set. »» Guided SATTVA Meditation practice (giving them an experience).

Day 4: Follow-up It is important to have a follow-up meeting 1 to 2 weeks after the meditation workshop. This gives your students an opportunity to share their experiences and ask questions. It also builds and strengthens community.

6 SATTVA How to Teach Meditation (continued) YOGA ACADEMY

Ways to Teach There are many ways to teach meditation. For example: you may hold weekly meditation gatherings, host a meditation workshop or retreat, or teach meditation in corporate environments. The possibilities are endless.

Exchange It is important that you charge money to support your teachings. Nature enjoys exchange. When you create something of value, the charge should reflect that value. Remember, people are buying a certain value (experience). Some people will only take you seriously if you charge money. At the same time, know that your intention is to help as many people as possible. Money should not be a barrier to honest inquiry, but an exchange must happen (otherwise you are teaching them to become greedy, entitled, or a taker). So, there must always be an exchange (intention, attention, presence, time, respect, etc.).

As you tune into the sound of silence within, you begin to discover the luminosity which permeates the whole Universe and calls you deeper within. In this depth lies the greatest love there is. Discover this secret love within and allow it to take over your whole being. – Anand Mehrotra

7 SATTVA Giving Mantras to Students YOGA ACADEMY

How to give a personal mantra:

Before giving a personal mantra to a student, it is important to explain what a mantra is, from where the mantras originate, and also to share with your student “the transformative power of sound” (naad yoga).

Important things to consider before giving a personal mantra:

»» What is the energetic response I would like to invoke? »» What mantra supports that energetic response? »» The specific use of the mantra (personal meditation practice or for a specific sadhana/ mala practice).

Giving a personal mantra:

1. Write down the name and date of birth of your student. 2. Ask the student to tune into their breath (practice with the student). 3. Close your eyes and tune into the consciousness or energy of your student. 4. Practice your own guru mantra silently (enter a receptive state). 5. Allow the bija mantra to arise and share it with your student. 6. Practice the mantra together, slowly allowing the student to practice on his/her own. 7. Let the mantra flow its own natural way. Do not record or write down the mantra for the student, or allow them to do so.

8 SATTVA YOGA Giving Mantras to Students (continued) ACADEMY

General comments:

Vedic mantras have a calming and cooling effect, whereas mantras from the Tantric tradition have more Shakti behind them. It is best to give students mantras of one bija sound (not complex mantras) in the context of meditation. The primary purpose of bija sound is 1) to invoke the value of bliss and silence, and 2) to create a certain energetic response. The intention in giving a bija sound as a personal mantra to your student is to sow the seed in their consciousness, invoking that specific vibrational value. Never use OM as a bija sound (by itself). It is not recommended as it creates too much spaciousness. Tell your students not to share their personal mantra with anyone, not to Google it or write it down. You want to keep it pure. You don’t want any associations with it. Know that as a teacher, you cannot give anyone a wrong mantra. Be at a stable state yourself, invoke the connection to the guru and then tune into the other’s consciousness, allowing the mantra to reveal itself. You do not want to spell it out, because you want them to tune into the sound current, the nada, and NOT engage the linear mind. Having said that, if you are sharing a longer mantra for a specific sadhana or japa mala practice, then the student may write it down or record it.


Origin of Mantra

Mantra is a body of knowledge originating from the Vedas. From the Yogic perspective, the origin of mantra is the origin of life. The oldest scriptures in yoga are the Vedas. The Rig Veda is where mantras arose from Akshara, which is the original meaning of consciousness itself. The akshara, which is the sound, arises as a container of meaning for that which is ultimately uncontainable. It is why we need sound, an interruption of silence. Similarly, all form is an interruption of space. Sound in yogic understanding comes from the Rig Veda. The standard mantra is like a nuclear bomb of meaning. All meaning is contained within that. The Rig Veda speaks of four levels of meaning of sound: auditory, thought, subtle feeling, silence. The meaning of mantra is not static; that is why in yogic tradition in the real mantra you are not obsessed with the meaning. Why is it not important? Because it is dynamic, we are not interested in static meaning. The meaning is shifting. The ultimate meaning of mantra is at the transcendent level, where there is no thought. All sound is an expression of consciousness. So, what is the ultimate meaning of sound? To reach the transcendental state, on a five sensory level is inner value expressing itself in different manner. At a certain frequency stable for our senses, infinity warps itself consistently for this nervous system. In Rig Veda, the sound of mantra is met by the individual (by his or her state of consciousness). As one refines, the meaning is shifting. Every time you visit the mantra it shifts.

Three Aspects of Origin

When we talk about mantra in its truest essence there are three aspects of the origin. “Shruti” is where mantra begins. When rishis meditated, they entered turiya and shruti happened (they started to hear and see). Rishi means the one who sees. In that seeing, sound and light exist. When one sees it, there is a memory that arises. “” means starts to rise. It starts to make sense. Insight is a memory arising from the infinite field. An example is how Einstein realized E=mc2. It is plucking something out from God’s mind. Smriti starts to express as “Purana” or tradition. The story of humanity and the deities is contained in Purana. When you work with Tantra, the mantra starts to be associated with deities. How do Vedas and connect? Veda means infinite knowledge. Before anything is known on the human level, it is known in consciousness. All shape and form is contained in the field of pure potentiality, pure chitta which is called Veda, the all-knowing aspect of consciousness. Purana is shared information. It becomes a tradition and maintains certain values. In a linear timeline, Vedas came first (pure field of knowledge), then the (maha mantras), followed by the Agamas (tantric techniques), and Puranas (meaning coming into manifest form as tradition, stories, legends, or sutras). 10 SATTVA YOGA Mantra ACADEMY

Cosmic Value of Mantra

When the mantra takes on the value of silence, it takes on its cosmic value which is our ultimate aim – to experience that value. Which is why in the Himalayan tradition, we don’t tell the guru or personal mantra. You don’t want any associated meaning attached to it so you can really go into the cosmic value. Taking on a personal mantra is a powerful way to anchor ourselves in consistent support of nature. It is not just an intellectual idea. You are really expanding your awareness into nature, recognizing the you outside of you, that love. Using specific mudras and gestures with mantra helps build that bond, not on just an abstract level, but on a visceral level. When one experiences the subtle value of the mantra, dharana is being developed through pratyahara. The sound is not the alphabet or the language; it is a sound. The meaning is the same. Bija is a subtler sound that doesn’t have a static meaning. It is only suggested in tantric scriptures. It has to be experienced. The awareness follows the sound and penetrates the subconscious. Some people will have the ability to transcend; some develop observing power. The knowledge for some is there, but the dominant thought is still of body value. With mantra, natural awareness arises. You can see the subconscious and that seeing introduces the possibility of change. One has to face oneself, one has to see that and one has to transcend. The nature of the mind is to find the bliss. If it does not, it becomes object obsessed. Self-destructive behaviors begin. Mantras are subtle, sound is subtler than imagery. It is easier to refine it. As one transcends, Gamma waves start to arise, ecstasy waves in a heightened state of spiritual experience, or euphoria, the highest frequency. Certain mantras create synapses in the brain, e.g., gayatri maha mantras which create a positive mindset. Mantras can change our neurochemistry when our chitta is refined. When you take any sound of a mantra and trace it back to its source, you begin to experience its chitta value. Different values of information will be available to different people. It is important to remember that mantras must be done in addition to other practices such as meditation.

Kirtan Use of Mantra

There is mantra for specific techniques and there is kirtan which is on a level of invoking . Kirtan is used to uplift our consciousness, to get into a feeling state. Chanting gets us into a receptive state. Sacred rituals, puja, aarti all get us into the heart, the bhava, a receptive state.


Ritual Use of Mantra

One of the original uses for mantra was for rituals. It was done in a way to invoke a certain meditative response. All elements are used. Ritual becomes powerful with correct knowledge and meditative awareness. We are living in life and interacting with so many different vibrating values. If we don’t have corrective measures, we get affected. Mantra is used because we are operating with so many individuals’ vibrating energy and consciousness. That comes from the vibrational quality of nature. Mantras/rituals are used to invoke and correct energy. The Law of Nature is that the energy-rich environment prevails. External values of energy consciousness dominate so mantras create energy-rich environment within ourselves. So, mantra and ritual each morning/day can help to invoke the value of the sacred in one’s life. Ishta is your sacred relationship to the Divine; you eventually start to take over that value. Specific mantras are used for specific intention and ritual; that is a whole body of knowledge. On a personal level, use mantra gently and devotionally to invoke a creative, rich environment and vibrational support of nature. When you bring that value, it will elaborate and create a vortex in your life. Rituals that are conscious (mantras, sutras, and offerings) invoke vibrational support of nature. When we have that nature, flow starts to happen in our life, not obstruction. Most of the time obstruction is in our consciousness.

Mantra invites you to experience deeper meaning of the mantra. Its ultimate purpose is to bring you back to Source. – Anand Mehrotra


Aham Ananda Buddha – I am Happy Buddha. Aham Brahmasmi – I am Totality, I am the Divine, I am one with all, I am the universe, all that I see is me, I am you and you are me, the sun and moon and stars are all within me, I am the one who was never born and the one who shall never die, I am totality.

Arha Phat Sa Na Dhee Dhee Dhee Dhee – the mantra for invoking the presence of the Goddess Saraswati and the quality of transcendental wisdom.

Ha-Tha – Sun-Moon. Hanuman – Hanuman invokes the presence of Hanuman, master of the elements. HARI NAM, HARI NAM, HARI NAM, HARE – No one, nothing, belongs to me. I belong to no one. I am totality. This mantra represents the transcendence to Truth.

Hat Hat Har – bija mantras for the Sun, invoking authentic power and strength. HU – Like OM, it is the sound of your longing. It welcomes and calls in the divine embrace. Iccha Shakti, Gyana Shakti, Kriya Shakti, Namo Namo – ICCHA SHAKTI = power of supreme will, supreme will power, tejas, , GYANA SHAKTI = intelligence of supreme knowledge. KRIYA SHAKTI = supreme action, kriya. NAMO NAMO = I invoke.

KLIM – Invokes the presence of Kali, the Goddess of liberation and the fierce desire to be free.

Kundalini – Infinite potential of Being Kundalini Mata Shakti Namo Namo – I honor the Infinite potential of Being, the Mother, the creative energy of the universe.

Maha Durga – Invocation of the great infinite, the great cosmic presence of the Great Goddess Durga, strength, courage and action.

Nang Mang Singh Shiva – Nang = the naked Shiva, no masks, no projection, no ideas and no stories, absolutely raw, fierce and clear.Mang = fierce, intense, ferocious.Singh = active, not passive, the Lion, Integrative, Participative, no hiding. Shiva = we are invoking these three aspects of Shiva.

Om Kali Kaye Namaha – I surrender and attune myself to Kali; I go beyond five sensory perceptions.

Om Namah Shivaya – I surrender my lower self into my true Self. I die to all ignorance so that I may be born anew. I recognize the fierce presence of freedom within me. I bow to that. I bow to Shiva within and without.


Om Namo, Guru Namo – I bow or I choose to always surrender to the Guru within, transcendental wisdom. I choose over and over, as I lose contact with wisdom, to constantly return and come back to wisdom.

Ram – Ram invokes the presence of Hanuman’s Master and each of the five elements. Ram – symbolizes truthful living, an archetype for the deity representing commitment to freedom.

Ram - the bija mantra for Manipura. Ra Ma – Ra is the father principle, Ma is the mother principle; centering and expansion, destruction and creation, sun and the moon.

Shakti – Invoking the presence of Shakti. Shiva – Invoking the presence of Shiva.

Shrim Klim Lakshmi Namaha – bija sounds of the Goddess to invoke Sri value, abundance of nature, total fulfilment.

Shrim Lakshmi Namaha – bija sounds of the Goddess to invoke Sri value, abundance of nature, total fulfilment.

Sri Shakti Namaha – Sri Shriye, Sri Ishvare – SRI SHRIYE = Sustaining value. SRI ISHVARE = Enhances and magnifies.


Shanti Mantra (nature of reality) May all beings be awakened, experience (closing mantra, never used as opening). peace and wellbeing. May all beings become realized. May all beings enjoy, Purnam adah, purnam idam, celebrate life, and receive the fruits of Purnat purnam udacyate their labor. May all beings in this life Purnasya purnam adaya transcend conflict, may they not suffer. Purnam evavashishyate

This is full and that is full, and this full Mantra (Divine Mother/Divine has come out of that full. And even feminine/Divine Goddess) though this full has come out of that full, Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Shakti Rupena that full maintains its fullness. Samsthitaha Namestasye, Namestasye, Namestasye, Namo Namaha Unity Mantra (intention setting for student and teacher). Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Mata Rupena Samsthitaha

Om Sahana Vavatu Namestasye, Namestasye, Namestasye, Namo Namaha Sahanau Bhunaktu Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Buddhi Rupena Saha Viryam Karavavahai Samsthitaha Tejasvi Navaditamastu Namestasye, Namestasye, Namestasye, Ma Vidvishavahai Namo Namaha Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Lakshmi May the teacher, teachings, and student Rupena Samsthitaha be united together. May we move deeply Namestasye, Namestasye, Namestasye, into intention, discovery. May we move Namo Namaha with passion, enthusiasm, and energy to realize that for which we sit. Hey Goddess, thou art in all, all energy is thou. Hey Goddess, Divine Mother, Shanti Mantra (healing and peace) thou art manifested everywhere as the Mother, thou art this world, you Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha have become this world, I find thou Sarve Santu Niraamayaha everywhere. Hey Goddess, thou art intelligence. Hey Goddess, thou art Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu abundance, giver of life and love. I bow Maa Kaschid Duhkha Bhaaga-Bhavet to thee, I am flat at thy feet in surrender, I accept thee absolutely.


Introduction to Yantra The word yantra comes from the word ‘yam’ meaning to sustain, hold, or support the energy inherent in a particular object, element, or concept. Every yantra is a sacred enclosure or dwelling of Ishta Devata. Yantra is one of the aspects of Tantra and works as a substitute for the image or of a deity. A Yantra contains its mantra and the subtle energy body/vibration of the deity expressing its sense of spirit and energy. Yantras are most commonly drawn on paper or engraved in metals or crystal. The optical focus of the yantra is always its center, or Bindu, from which everything radiates outward. It is the region of the Absolute, where the ultimate union of the aspirant with the Divine takes place. Awakening one’s inner center implies gathering one’s self into a single creative point and balancing its expansion into totality. To “center” one’s self is a way toward inner awakening. One can use a yantra as a form of meditation as it represents a subtler level of reality.

Sri Yantra Sri Yantra is the most powerful and celebrated of all tantric yantras. It is a representation of cosmic creation. Sri Yantra is formed by a 3-step Bhupura, three radius circles (three representing the trinity, cycles of time, states of consciousness), a circle of petaled lotuses and two interlocking sets of triangles, four facing upward representing the male aspects and five facing downward representing the female aspect. In the center triangle is the bindu, where Tripura Sundari resides and from which the totality of existence emanates. It is where unity with the cosmos and the merging between the masculine and feminine is experienced. At this point, all radiates outward. The nature of nature is to expand. All the triangles represent this expansion but still maintain the quality of stillness. This body is ultimately the Sri Yantra.

16 SATTVA Sacred Rituals: Puja YOGA ACADEMY

Introduction to Puja

Sacred rituals are mindful rituals to incorporate in your daily routine to replace rituals that are not mindful. These are practices that are in addition to silence and meditation. Puja is a sacred ritual that can be done every morning to assist in refining your state of consciousness. Puja is a ritual that puts you in a state of receptivity, receptive to the presence of grace, because grace is ever present. There is incredible power in the practice of rituals. As we are on the path of wholeness, not reductionism, these devotional practices can give a specific effect to invoke presence and receptivity for your day. This practice is exceptionally powerful for women, tuning into the natural grace and love of the divine feminine. It allows the woman to connect to the vertical love, the love that frees. The practice of puja ignites a dharmic state, meaning the action does not have a reaction. It ignites freedom from the fruits of action. The one doing puja should be in a Shiva state of consciousness, practicing to the altar as it is a deep extension of one’s Self. From this state, nature will respond to the state of the one performing the action. The practice of puja also strengthens your auric field. Building an altar in your living space charges the house with positive energy and magnetism. When you enter that space, it will raise your awareness to that level. It is important to treat the altar as an alive being and an extension of life. It is most desired to place the altar facing East/South East, so that either the altar or you are facing East. This specific sequence of mantras and offerings used creates a desired effect in the one performing the puja. Using a copper jar is ideal, as it brings in the Sun’s energy. When you are offering to the Divine, you are invoking a personal relationship of loving presence, giving, offering back into existence. You always offer with the right hand.

A Sacred Ritual is a conscious action to invoke a desired response from Nature. Yoga is about you claiming the rituals back. – Anand Mehrotra

17 SATTVA YOGA Sacred Rituals: Puja ACADEMY

Symbolism of the offerings: »» Water – life force energy. »» Incense – subtle change in the atmosphere, subtlest of our senses. »» Tillicum – invokes sustenance, offer with right ring finger. »» Flower – offering the fragrance, the ultimate flowering of life, the bliss expression of nature. »» Prasad – blessed food, high-vibration food that acts like a medicine when integrated. »» Fire – purification and passion. »» Bell – element of sound.

Significance of each cardinal direction: »» East: rising sun, illumination, inner wisdom, inner guidance, intuition, and enlightenment. »» North: wisdom of the masters, cosmic intelligence, and transcendental wisdom. »» South: abundance, purity, innocence, adaptability, playfulness, spontaneity, joy, creativity, gratefulness. »» West: surrender, letting go, setting sun.

18 SATTVA YOGA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja ACADEMY

It is important that you take a shower (preferably cold) before you do Puja.

Step #1: Prepare your offerings and sit down in front of your altar. Start the Puja by chanting the Gayatri Mantra.

Gayatri Mantra Om bhur bhuvahsvaha Tat savitur vareniyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi Dhíyo yó nah prachodayat

Step #2: Ring the bell and make offerings.

Water Take jar of water. Offer to the Divine with a flower shaking at the Divine, then yourself, saying the following mantra:

Ya devi kamlehbyo charanam jalam samar payami (Divine mother, to your lotus feet I offer water.) Turn in all directions: east, north, south, west, offer water, and then offer to people.

Incense Light incense and swirl around the Divine and then yourself.

Ya devi kamlehbyo charanam dupham samar payami

Kumkum Mix with a little water in a little tray with right-hand ring finger saying

Ya devi kamlehbyo charanam tillicum samar payami Offer to the Divine, yourself, and place by altar.

19 SATTVA YOGA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja ACADEMY

Flowers Take flowers in right hand and chant:

Ya devi kamlehbyo charanam fulam samar payami Then offer to the Divine and place them on the altar.

Food Place some prasad (dry fruits, sweets) in little tray, hold with right hand:

Ya devi kamlehbyo charanam ritufalam samar payami Offer to the Divine and place it on the altar.

Fire – Agni Light candle or pure ghee/oil with a cotton in a jar, hold with right hand. Making sure it doesn’t go out during the ceremony, chant:

Ya devi kamlehbyo charanam agni samar payami Offer to Divine, then to self, then in four directions, east, north, south, west. Then place the fire on the altar.

20 SATTVA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja YOGA ACADEMY

Step #3: Ring the bell and chant the Guru Stotram.

Guru Stotram

Guru Guru Guru Devo Maheshwara Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha

Akhanda Mandalakaram Vyaptam Yena Characharam Tat Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha

Ajnana Timiran Dhasya Jnana Shalakaya Chaksur Unmilitam Yena Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha

Dhyana-moolam Guru Murti Puja-moolam Guru Padam Mantra-moolam Guru Vakyam -moolam Guru Kripa

21 SATTVA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja YOGA ACADEMY

Step #4: Ring the bell and chant Aarti. Pass the candle to participants.


Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare Swami Jaya Jagadisha Hare Bhakta Jano Ke Sankata Daasa Jano Ke Sankata Shana Mein Dura Kare

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Jo Dhyaave Phala Paavai Dukha Bina Se Mana Kaa Swami Dukha Bina Se Mana Kaa Sukha Sampati Ghara Aave Sukha Sampati Ghara Aave Kashta Mite Tana Kaa

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Maata Pitaa Tuma Mere Sharana Paru Me Kisaki Swami Sharana Paru Me Kisaki Tuma Bina Aura Na Dujaa Tuma Bina Aura Na Dujaa Aasa Karu Me Kisaki

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

22 SATTVA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja YOGA ACADEMY

Tuma Purana Paramaatmaa Tuma Antaryaami Swami Tuma Antaryaami Paara Brahma Parameshvara Paara Brahma Parameshvara Tuma Saba Ke Swami

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Tuma Karuna Ke Saagara Tuma Paalana Kartaa Swami Tuma Paalana Kartaa Main Murakha Agyani Main Sevaka Tuma Swami Kripa Karo Bharta

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Tuma Ho Eka Agochara Saba Ke Praana Pati Swami Saba Ke Praana Pati Kisa Vidha Milun Dayaamaya Kisa Vidha Milun Kripamaya Tuma Ko Main Kumati

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Deena Bandhu Dukha Harta Tuma Thaakura Mere Swami Tuma Rakshaka Mere Apane Haatha Utthaao Apane Sharana Vadhaao Dwaara Paraa Me Tere 23 SATTVA YOGA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja ACADEMY

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Vishaya Vikaara Mitaao Paapa Haro Deva Swami Paapa Haro Deva Shradhaa Bhakti Badhaao Shradhaa Prema Badhaao Santana Ki Seva

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Swami Jaya Jagadisha Hare Bhakta Jano Ke Sankata Daasa Jano Ke Sankata Shana Mein Dura Kare

Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Step #5: Ring the bell and chant Shanti Path.

Shanti Path Asato maa sad gamaya Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya Mrityormaa amritam gamaya

Sarveshaam svastir bhavatu Sarveshaam shaantir bhavatu Sarveshaam purnam bhavatu Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu

24 SATTVA YOGA Sacred Rituals: Six Steps to Puja ACADEMY

Lokaah samastaah sukhino bhavantu

Om tryambakam yajaamahe Sugandhim pushtivardhanam Urvaarukamiva bandhanaat Mrityormukshiya maamritaat Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Tvameva mata cha pita tvameva Tvameva bandhush cha sakha tvameva Tvameva dravinam tvameva Tvameva sarvam mama deva deva

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hari Om Tat Sat

Step #6: Close the ritual by putting Tilak on foreheads of participants with right ring finger. Offer prasad to participants.

25 SATTVA Introduction to Sacred Scriptures of the Yog-Vedantic Tradition YOGA ACADEMY

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras This Is That: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras Padas 1 and 2 by Anand Mehrotra is valuable and required reading for the 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training at SATTVA. means a key to opening up an expanded state of consciousness. A key is very small; take this key to a door, open it, and this tiny key opens the way to an incredible palace inside. The sutras are also a clue to guide us toward treasure. As we all know, the best treasure hunts have complex clues. You have to really commit to the search and work hard to find the treasure. So when you really enter into the meaning of the Yoga Sutras, when you really go deep into them, not just the meaning as expressed by the words, but as intended by the state of consciousness through which they are being shared, then you have access to a deeper realm of consciousness. Each sutra acts as a clue to our evolution, a key to open doorways to subtler perceptions. That is Patanjali’s approach to yoga. It is not putting your right leg behind your neck. That is not Patanjali’s yoga. Patanjali’s yoga is the art and science of transforming oneself and reaching one’s true potential in a very deep manner, expanding one’s consciousness and transforming one’s being. He teaches yoga as an evolutionary, integrated way of life, not merely body culture. That is absolutely not Patanjali’s intention and he makes that very clear. It is important to keep these multi-meanings of sutra in our consciousness.... It is important to remember that whatever state you approach anything, that will be the aspect that is revealed back to you. If you approach this moment with arrogance or aggression, this moment will reveal that aspect to you. If you approach this very moment with receptivity, devotion and deep appreciation, then these aspects will shine most brilliantly in your consciousness. Therefore, I invite you all to enter the Yoga Sutras in a state of deep reverence and receptivity, in a state of gratefulness to all the Masters who came before us and dedicated their lives to sharing this magnificent body of knowledge with us which, if really and truly appreciated and practiced, can solve all the problems of humanity.

Also available soon by Anand Mehrotra: That Is This: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Padas 3 and 4

Isha Upanishad The only way we can taste liberation is by living our whole life fully, engaging fully here and now. This ancient text, Isha Upanishad, teaches us how to celebrate life, to live it totally and absolutely, while also being liberated from it.

Liberation – An Interpretation of Isha Upanishad by Anand Mehrotra Profoundly relevant and deeply insightful, this contemporary interpretation of the ancient Yog-Vedantic text is an invitation to anyone interested in the fundamental questions of life.

26 SATTVA Introduction to Sacred Scriptures of the Yog-Vedantic Tradition (cont’d) YOGA ACADEMY

Bhagavad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is the largest scripture on yoga. It is also known as the Maha Upanishads, a reading which contains all the knowledge of yoga. The Gita is one of the most complete pieces of yogic scriptures. It addresses all nuances of the yogic path in incredible detail, in eighteen chapters.

The conversation is between the great yogi avatar and his disciple student, Arjuna. It is set in the battlefield with armies drawn on both sides. It makes these teachings incredibly relevant in these times. If this teaching is relevant within the presence of armies ready to battle and kill each other, then there is no moment in life when these teachings are not relevant. All eighteen chapters in the Gita are essentially on Yoga.

The entire course given by Anand Mehrotra is available on Sattva Connect. Completion of the course online is a requirement for enrollment in Sattva Yoga Master Teacher Training. In taking the Bhagavad Gita course, you will understand the Gita as a whole. You will understand the teachings of the Gita, how you will apply them in the context of your own lives, and how they can help you gain a greater understanding of Yoga as a state of consciousness. Also, as teachers, you will learn how it can be relevant for you to have the knowledge of these teachings in order to be a better channel of the teachings of Yoga.

27 SATTVA Breath Kriya: 3-part Prana Vayu Breath Kriya 1 YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Activate and balance the 5 prana , cleanse the chakras, increase vitality, grounding.

Description To practice, stand in Tadasana. Inhale in 3 parts through the nose. Bring your arms straight in front of you, elbows are straight, palms facing up and arms are parallel to the floor on the first inhalation. On the second inhalation, bring your arms to the sides, parallel to the floor and palms facing up. On the third inhalation, bring your arms above your head by first bringing them back to center and then straight up. Forcefully exhale through the mouth as you bring your arms straight down and bend your knees.

Drishti Eyes open. Placement Middle of class. Duration Minimum 4 minutes.

Benefits Activating and balancing the five prana vayus, cleansing the chakras, cleansing and strengthening the aura, energizing, uplifting, expanding and elevating the energy, increasing vitality. 28 SATTVA Breath Kriya: 3-part Prana Vayu Breath Kriya 2 YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Activate and balance the 5 prana vayus, cleanse the chakras, increase vitality, grounding.

Description To practice, take a wide stance. Inhale in 3 parts through the nose, as you circle sweep your arms to the side in 3 sharp movements. Exhale forcefully through the mouth in 3 parts, as you bring your arms back down to the sides in 3 distinct movements (bending the knees).

Drishti Eyes open. Placement Middle of class. Duration Minimum 4 minutes. Benefits Activating and balancing the five prana vayus, cleansing and strengthening the aura, energizing, uplifting, expanding and elevating the energy, increasing vitality, releasing stagnant energy, grounding.

29 SATTVA Breath Kriya: Bala Meditation YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Reaching inner resolve, centering, experiencing infinite potential of being.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with your spine lengthened. Clasp your hands together in front of the heart chakra and bring your elbows out to the sides. Apply pressure and meditate on the space between your palms. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Drishti Eyes closed, awareness at the space between the palms. Placement End of beginning or middle of class, after an intense breath kriya practice.

Duration Up to teacher. Benefits Centering, integrating and grounding the energy, creating an inner resolve, bringing the awareness to the quality of light by squeezing negativity out of you and experiencing infinite potential of being.

30 SATTVA YOGA Breath Kriya: Breaking the Bondage ACADEMY

Intention Break the bondage. Set people in your life free (especially your mother). Release childhood traumas.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Bring your hands into Sarwa Siddhi mudra, right below your heart chakra. Palms are facing up, fingers meet and interlock and thumbs are pointing forward. Inhale through the nose while you twist to the left and exhale through the mouth with an O-shape as you twist to the right. There is rapid movement and breath. Then come to center and stabilize the breath. Hold the mudra. You may end the kriya by changing the directions. If you do so, you would practice for an additional 3 minutes. Inhale through the nose as you twist right and exhale through the mouth with an O-shape as you twist left. At the end of this kriya, come to center.

Drishti Eyes 1/10th open, gaze at the tip of your nose in Nasikagra mudra. If you add the change of directions, change to Sambhavi mudra.

Placement Beginning or middle of class. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Plus 3 minutes opposite direction (optional).

Benefits Breaking the bondage, setting people in your life free (especially your mother) and setting yourself free. Releases patterns, releases childhood traumas and neediness, cultivates detachment, acceptance, appreciation, and staying power.

31 SATTVA Breath Kriya: Chakra Sadhana YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Deep healing and balancing of each chakra. Attune to chakras. Align chakras.

Description Begin in seated position, breathing with deep awareness. Bring attention to Muladhara, the root chakra. Speak to all representations and qualities of the chakra, both unconscious and awake. Ask for balancing and healing of the chakra. Breathe into the Muladhara chakra. Stay. Bring forehead to ground without exhale. Rise up. Center. Exhale through the nose. Can bow 1 or 3 times in same manner. No movement of breath while bowing or rising. Pressure will build at Agya chakra. Take several deep breaths.

Identify Swadhisthana chakra. Bring attention and breath to 2nd chakra. Speak to all representations and qualities of the chakra, both unconscious and awake. Breathe into the Swadhisthana chakra. Stay. Bring forehead to ground. Rise up. Center. Exhale through the nose.

Take several deep breaths and continue through remaining chakras. After the seventh chakra, stabilize, breathe, pause. Experience the prana.

Savasana is a supportive choice after this kriya to allow full integration. This is a meditative kriya. With each chakra you will speak to all representations of the chakra: deities, planets, elements, colors, qualities when in harmony, qualities when disrupted, etc. It is important to have thorough knowledge and experience with each chakra before teaching this kriya. It is important to spend plenty of time with each chakra, allowing attention and breath to flow there. Through attention and intention, great healing can occur.

Variation 1: When doing a class/workshop focusing on only one chakra, it is ok to use this kriya for the single chakra. Spend at least 10 minutes. Bow 7 times bringing dharana to the chakra.

32 SATTVA Breath Kriya: Chakra Sadhana (continued) YOGA ACADEMY

Drishti Eyes closed with deep focus moving to each chakra.

Placement After other kriyas focused on chakra balancing.

Duration Minimum 15 minutes.

Benefits Deeply healing, supports balance of all chakras, awakens chakras, harmonizes chakras, develops awareness and attunement to chakra energy, releases limiting patterns.

33 SATTVA Breath Kriya: Grateful Heart Meditation YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Cultivating gratefulness, unconditional love, natural surrender and trust. Increase the radiance of the heart.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Lift your arms up in front of your heart center, straighten your elbows, palms flexed and facing forward, creating a triangle with thumbs and index fingers touching. The other three fingers are straight. Eyes are open and gazing in the middle of the triangle. Inhale through the nose for 10 seconds and exhale through the mouth for 20 seconds. Feel the radiance of the heart expanding.

Variation 1: Use Breath of Fire. Drishti 1/10th open, gaze in the middle of the triangle. Placement Anywhere in class. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Cultivates gratefulness, kindness, unconditional love, natural surrender and trust. It awakens the natural intelligence of the heart and increases the radiance of the heart.

34 SATTVA Breath Kriya: Kundalini Bliss Kriya 1 YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Awakening Kundalini Shakti (infinite potential of being) and reasonless joy. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana. Close your eyes; your awareness is at the 3rd eye. Inhale through the nose as you bring your arms up in a wave- like movement, palms facing down. Exhale through the mouth and bring your arms down in a wave-like movement, palms facing down. Your spine moves like a wave, fluid spine. You may end this kriya coming into Tadasana. Practice the same breath and movement. Move like a snake.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused at 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or middle of class. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Awakening Kundalini Shakti, infinite potential of being, cultivating creative intelligence, reasonless joy, sensuality, and improves body awareness.

35 SATTVA Breath Kriya: Mahi Sasura Durga YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Destroy ignorance. Awaken power of the Goddess. Release old stories and fear.

Description To practice, come into Tadasana. Bring your right arm overhead and your left arm near your right shoulder. Make fists, engage your arms strongly, and visualize you are holding a trident. Inhale, bend your left knee and lift your leg high off the ground. Exhale, stomp your left foot down and drive your spear into the ground by your left foot. Alternate from side to side. Make a strong roaring or screaming sound as you drive your trident into the ground.

Drishti Eyes open or closed and focused on 3rd eye. Placement Middle. Peak kriya. Duration Minimum 4 minutes. Benefits Encourages fierce confidence, awakens the power of the Goddess, releases stories and fears, destroys ignorance, transcends negative emotions, breaks through self-sabotaging patterns, strengthens the entire body, warms the body, releases stress.

36 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Aham Brahmasmi ACADEMY

Intention Increase access to transcendence, cosmic consciousness. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana or Vajrasana with your spine tall. Inhale and chant the mantra AHAM while expanding heart forward with elbows bent, palms wide open and facing forward. Exhale and chant the mantra BRAHMASMI, flexing forward and bringing hands into Namaskar mudra with thumbs at Agya chakra. Continue. Chant the mantra softly and gently. This is a meditative kriya with soft, seamless movements. Mantra & Meaning: AHAM BRAHMASMI – I am Totality, I am the Divine, I am one with all, I am the universe, all that I see is me, I am you and you are me, the sun and moon and stars are all within me, I am the one who was never born and the one who shall never die, I am totality. Drishti Eyes are closed and focus is at the 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or end of class. OR in the middle of the class if the class is meditative. Duration Minimum 3 minutes. Benefits Increases self-knowing and intuition, takes us from level of mind to level of heart, unites polarities, cultivates physical body transcendence, refines and expands consciousness, increases access to the astral/cosmic realms, teaches us that we are cosmic beings having a physical experience, opens the chest and shoulders, elongates and strengthens the spine.

37 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Aham Brahmasmi Meditation ACADEMY

Intention To invoke a deep experience of being one with the Absolute. You are totality. Description To practice, take a comfortable seat. This meditation may also be practiced in Savasana. Your hands are simply resting in your lap, next to your body or in a mudra of choice. First, establish the mantra AHAM BRAHMASMI (x7 rounds out loud, then chant the mantra silently). Secondly, expand the mantra with visualization. Guide your students through the visualization. “Within the realm of your consciousness, experience...’’ (oneself, the others in the room, the room with all that is included, country, earth, space), etc.

Mantra & Meaning: AHAM BRAHMASMI – I am Totality, I am the Divine, I am one with all, I am the universe, all that I see is me, I am you and you are me, the sun and moon and stars are all within me, I am the one who was never born and the one who shall never die, I am totality.

Drishti Eyes closed. Inner expansive gaze and visualization. Placement Beginning or end of class, unless the class is meditative in nature. Duration Minimum 10 minutes. Benefits Invoking the experience of Cosmic Self, the Absolute Self, the unbounded and timeless presence within, cultivating witness consciousness, radical responsibility (I am the Creator and Creation, the experiencer and the experience), surrender, trust, and humility.

38 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Cosmic Body Meditation ACADEMY

Intention To invoke a deep experience of being one with the Absolute. You are totality. Description To practice, lie down in Savasana. Your hands are simply resting next to your body or in a mudra of choice. First, establish the mantra AHAM BRAHMASMI (x7 rounds out loud, then chant the mantra silently). Silently chanting AHAM, bring your focus of attention to the heart chakra. Silently chanting BRAHMASMI, expand your awareness to intergalactic space. Continue.

Mantra & Meaning: AHAM BRAHMASMI – I am Totality, I am the Divine, I am one with all, I am the universe, all that I see is me, I am you and you are me, the sun and moon and stars are all within me, I am the one who was never born and the one who shall never die, I am totality.

Drishti Eyes closed. Inner expansive gaze and visualization. Placement Beginning or end of class, unless the class is meditative in nature. Duration Minimum 10 minutes. Benefits Invoking the experience of Cosmic Self, the Absolute Self, the unbounded and timeless presence within, cultivating witness consciousness, radical responsibility (I am the Creator and Creation, the experiencer and the experience), surrender, trust, and humility.

39 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Ha-Tha Kriya Set YOGA ACADEMY

Ha-Tha Kriya Set The Ha-Tha (standing) Kriyas are practiced as a set of 1, 2, 3. Practice each for a minimum of three minutes. They have these characteristics in common. See the following pages for the Descriptions.

Intention Experience Shunya. Awaken Kundalini energy.

Mantra & Meaning: HA-THA = Sun-Moon, Masculine-Feminine. Drishti Eyes open or closed and focused on third eye. Placement Beginning or middle of class. Peak kriya. Duration Minimum 3 minutes. Benefits Helps to experience Shunya, awakens Kundalini energy, balances Sun and Moon energy, good for health of brain and nervous system, strengthens spine and shoulders, stimulates abdominal organs.

40 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Ha-Tha 1 (standing) ACADEMY

HA-THA 1 (Standing)

Description To practice, take a wide stance. Left hand is near the left shoulder as you chant HA and the right hand extends across the body with palm flexed. Right hand comes to the right shoulder as you chant THA and the left hand extends across the body with palm flexed. Continue. Movement is strong and pace is rapid.

41 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Ha-Tha 2 (standing) ACADEMY

HA-THA 2 (Standing)

Description To practice, take a wide stance. Raise arms with Namaskar mudra overhead with fingertips pointing up. Chant HA. Bending the knees, sweep the arms out and down with Namaskar is pointing to the earth with fingertips down. Chant THA. Continue. Movement is strong and pace is rapid.

42 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Ha-Tha 3 (standing) ACADEMY

HA-THA 3 (Standing)

Description To practice, take a wide stance. With hands in Namaskar mudra, sweep the arms up until Namaskar mudra is overhead with fingertips pointing up. Chant HA. Sweep the arms down the center of the body until Namaskar is pointing to the earth with fingertips down. Chant THA. Continue. Movement is strong and pace is rapid.

43 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Hanuman Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Devotion, surrender and trust. Description To practice, come into Tadasana. Bring your hands to your heart chakra, forming loose fists; elbows are bent and to the sides. Chant the mantra HANUMAN out loud in a long and expansive way as you draw your hands to the sides, opening the heart. Reach your arms overhead and bring your hands into Namaskar mudra. Chant the mantra RAM x5 in quick succession, lowering your arms in steps and ending at the heart center. Soft and seamless movements. Chant in a slow and meditative tone.

Mantra & Meaning: HANUMAN – Hanuman invokes the presence of Hanuman, master of the elements. RAM – Ram invokes the presence of Hanuman’s Master and each of the five elements.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused at heart chakra. Placement Middle or end of class. Duration Minimum 5 minutes. Benefits Strengthens arms and shoulders, opens the chest, cultivates deep humility and devotion, creates a meditative space, inspires people to reveal what is in one’s heart, encourages surrender and release, encourages openness to life, reveals the inner master, teaches the practice of surrendering to the Guru within and without, and invokes the presence of Hanuman and .

44 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Happy Buddha Meditation YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Invoking the presence of Happy Buddha. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Bring your hands into Gyana mudra, palms facing up and resting on your knees. Inhale slowly through the mouth as you chant AHAM. Hold the breath in and chant ANANDA. Exhale through the mouth and chant BUDDHA. The mantra is chanted whispering.

Mantra & Meaning: AHAM ANANDA BUDDHA – I am Happy Buddha. Drishti Eyes closed and focused on 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or end of class, OR in the middle if it is a meditative practice. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Invoking the presence of Happy Buddha, cultivating bliss and uplifting energy, activates the heart chakra, cultivating heart intelligence, love, devotion, trust, innocence, joy, and detachment.

45 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Healing Swadhisthana YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Deeply heal Swadhisthana chakra. Develop acceptance. Description To practice, begin in kneeling position with a lengthened spine. Bring your hands to the 2nd chakra. Press your fingers into the abdomen just below your navel (massaging and shaking). Continue this movement for several breaths. Then, extend your arms to the side and shake your hands rapidly as you raise your arms overhead. Continue shaking as you lower your arms to your abdomen. Again, bring your hands to the 2nd chakra. Press your fingers into the abdomen just below your navel (massaging and shaking). Continue this movement for several breaths. Repeat. Inhale gently through the nose, exhale softly out the mouth, releasing. End this kriya by bringing your hands just below your navel, hold, allowing deep healing to occur.

Drishti Eyes are closed and awareness is at your 2nd chakra. Placement Anywhere in class, a good peak kriya, need to develop healing environment for this kriya. An option is to follow with Breaking the Bondage kriya and visualization.

Duration 4 – 15 minutes. Benefits Creates a wave of energy and electricity in the body, clears shame and trauma, releases guilt and resistance, develops acceptance, heals childhood issues, clears samskara and past lives, creates a cosmic form, expresses the infinite beyond the finite form, deeply heals the Swadhisthana chakra, opens the chest and shoulders, strengthens the arms.


Intention Evoke ecstatic devotion. Connect Self to the Divine. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Place your left hand on your 2nd chakra. Bend your right elbow with open palm facing forward. Inhale deeply through your nose. Chant the mantra HU in a slow, deep, almost humming vibration. The “U” sound becomes pronounced as it ends with a strong navel pump of the navel. This is also the end of your exhale. Use your left hand to gently, yet firmly, press into your 2nd chakra with the navel pump as to encourage release. Give a slight pause before continuing with the deep inhale through your nose. You may end this kriya by quickly reciting HU in a strong tone and with both hands gently pressing into 2nd chakra while engaging a strong navel pump OR end the kriya with series of quick, strong Mulabandha engagements, squeeze and release for 1 minute.

Mantra & Meaning: HU is like OM. It is the sound of your longing. It welcomes and calls in the divine embrace.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused at 2nd chakra. Placement Beginning or middle of class. Duration Minimum 5 minutes. Benefits Powerful for healing Swadhisthana chakra, emotionally balancing, releases fears, traumas, anger, and repressed energy, supports mind/body connection, creates deep energetic release, evokes genuine ecstatic devotion, connects self to the Divine.

47 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Hu Meditation YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Evoke ecstatic devotion. Connect self to the Divine. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with your spine lengthened. Bring your arms to the sides, palms facing each other (as if you are holding a ball of Existence). Begin to slowly rotate your torso in circular movement while slowly and deeply reciting the mantra HU. The mantra sounds like humming with a long deep vibration. Allow your movement to remain slow and relaxed, circles may grow larger or become smaller.

Mantra & Meaning: HU is like Om. It is the sound of your longing. It welcomes and calls in the divine embrace.

Drishti Eyes closed with gaze at Agya Chakra. Placement Beginning or end of class. Duration Minimum 5 minutes. Benefits Powerful for healing Swadhisthana chakra, emotionally balancing; releases fears, traumas, anger, and repressed energy, supports mind/body connection, creates deep energetic release, evokes genuine ecstatic devotion, connects self to the Divine.

48 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Kali Set YOGA ACADEMY

These 3 Kali Kriyas should be practiced together in this order. They share these characteristics.

Intention Invoke the presence of Kali, fearlessness, fierceness, transformation, and healing.

Placement Beginning or middle of class. Duration Minimum 3 minutes. Benefits Invokes the presence of Kali. Creates and supports deep transformation, clears and creates at the same time, creates radical presence, develops dedication and total commitment to freedom, clears shadows and illusions, clears fears blocking personal power, releases fear and heals trauma,. Encourages alignment of the spine, strengthens the shoulders and arms, engages the core, warms the body, balances the nervous system, heals chronic pain by creating a shift in consciousness,

Kali 1

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a tall spine. Close your eyes. Lift your arms up at your heart level and form a big circle. Visualize embracing a big ball of fiery energy or the Earth within your arms. Chant the mantra OM KALI KAYE NAMAHA in a strong and deep tone.

Mantra & Meaning: OM KALI KAYE NAMAHA – I surrender and attune myself to Kali; I go beyond five sensory perception.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused on the 3rd eye. 49 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Kali Set (cont’d) YOGA ACADEMY

Kali 2

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a tall spine. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the 3rd eye. Place your hands on your knees and rotate your upper body, grinding your navel in very small circles. Chant the mantra OM KALI KAYE NAMAHA softly or quietly, but with a strong and deep tone.

Mantra & Meaning: OM KALI KAYE NAMAHA – I surrender and attune myself to Kali; I go beyond five sensory perception.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused on the 3rd eye.

Kali 3

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana or Vajrasana. Lift your arms up to each side of the head, bend your elbows and open your palms wide, palms facing forward. Bring your hands together with force as if clapping, but stop just before your hands touch and quickly apart. Your hands come together in front of eyes, try not to blink. Keep body still, only your arms move. Repeat quickly while chanting the mantra KLIM.

Mantra & Meaning: KLIM – Invokes the presence of Kali, the Goddess of liberation and the fierce desire to be free.

Drishti Eyes open, gaze forward, blink as little as possible, keep eyes open as hands come together. 50 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Kundalini Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Awakening the Kundalini Shakti, infinite potential of being. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Your hands are resting on your knees. Bring your awareness to the root chakra. Chant the mantra KUNDA as you apply the root lock. Let your awareness flow along the spine, experiencing the great Kundalini Shakti moving in waves up your spine. As your attention moves to the 3rd eye, chant LINI and release the root lock. The mantra is chanted out loud.

Mantra & Meaning: KUNDALINI – Infinite potential of being. Drishti Eyes are closed and focused on the 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or middle. Duration Minimum 7 minutes. Benefits Awakens Kundalini energy, generates an upward spiral of energy along the spine, releases dormant energy at the root chakra, activates and refines the Agya chakra, energizing and uplifting, grounding and stabilizing.

51 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Kundalini Mata Shakti Kriya ACADEMY

Intention Awakening the great Kundalini Shakti. Balancing the divine masculine and divine feminine.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Lift your left arm up and let the fingertips touch the crown chakra. Bring your right hand to the root chakra. Chant the mantra KUNDALINI. Then bring your hands into Namaskar in front of the heart chakra and chant the mantra MATA SHAKTI. Open the arms up to the sides, bend the elbows, and bring the hands into Gyana mudra, palms facing forward. Chant the mantra NAMO x2. Lift your right arm up and let the fingertips touch the crown chakra. Bring your left hand to the root chakra. Chant the mantra KUNDALINI. Then bring your hands into Namaskar in front of the heart chakra and chant the mantra MATA SHAKTI. Open the arms up to the sides, bend the elbows, and bring the hands into Gyana mudra, palms facing forward. Chant the mantra NAMO x2. Continue. Mantra is chanted out loud.

Mantra & Meaning: KUNDALINI MATA SHAKTI NAMO NAMO – I honor the Infinite potential of Being, the Mother, the creative energy of the universe.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused on 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or end of class, OR in the middle if the class is more meditative. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Awakening the great Kundalini Shakti, the infinite potential of being, balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, creating full brain function and optimal brain health, energizing and uplifting, grounding and stabilizing.

52 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Lakshmi Kriya 1 YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Tune into the abundant nature of the universe. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a tall spine. Bring your arms to the side, elbows bent and by the side of your ribcage. Hands are facing forward in Ananda mudra (index and middle finger pointed, pinky and ring finger bent with thumb over them). Chant SRI SHRIYE x3 out loud. Then, bring your hands into Gyana mudra at the heart level with palms facing up and sides touching, or use Lotus mudra at the heart. Chant SRI ISHVARE x3 out loud. Mantra can be chanted fast and slow.

Mantra & Meaning: SRI SHRIYE – Sustaining value. SRI ISHVARE – Enhances and magnifies.

Drishti Eyes closed and awareness at the heart chakra. Duration Minimum 12 minutes. Benefits Awakens heart intelligence, refines and expands the heart energy, increases the electromagnetic field of the heart, cultivates compassion, abundance, trust, acceptance, devotion and surrender. Invokes the presence of Lakshmi.

53 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Lakshmi Kriya 2 ACADEMY

Intention Tune into the abundant nature of the universe. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a tall spine. Bring your arms to the side, elbows bent and by the side of your ribcage. Hands are facing forward in Intention AnandaInvoke mudrathe presence (index ofand Lakshmi, middle unifyfinger heart pointed, and mind,pinky abundance,and ring finger clear bent withand thumbstrengthen over aura. them). Chant SRI SHRIYE x3 out loud. Then, bring your Description handsTo practice, into Gyana be seated mudra in at Siddhasanathe heart level or anywith comfortable palms facing seat up withand sidesa touching,lengthened or spine.use Lotus Close mudra your eyesat the and heart. bring Chant Namaskar SRI ISHVARE mudra at thex3 outheart loud. Mantraor Gyana can mudra be chanted on the fast knees and slow. and chanting the mantra silently. Use a Mantra3-part inhalation& Meaning through: SRI SHRIYE the nose – with Sustaining focus at value. the heart. SRI First ISHVARE sip of – Enhancesbreath, chant and magnifies.SHRIM silently. Second sip, chant LAKSHMI silently. Third sip, chant NAMAHA silently. Hold breath in and silently chant SHRIM Drishti EyesLAKSHMI closed andNAMAHA. awareness Exhale at the fully. heart Take chakra. 3 normal breaths. Repeat. Bring in asana after the meditation for distribution of energy, integration and Duration Minimum 12 minutes. grounding. This is a meditative kriya practice. The mantra is chanted Benefits Awakenssilently andheart the intelligence, movement isrefines slow and and gentle. expands the heart energy, increases the electromagnetic field of the heart, cultivates compassion, abundance, If practiced in a group setting, then chant the mantra out loud for a few trust, acceptance, devotion and surrender. Invokes the presence of Lakshmi. rounds until the mantra has been established. At the end of the kriya, guide your students to bring the mantra into silence. Then have them stay with the flow of dharana and mantra. And slowly, let go of the mantra and stay as a silent witness.

Mantra & Meaning: SHRIM LAKSHMI NAMAHA – Bija mantras invoking the presence of the Goddess of Abundance. Drishti Moving dharana. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Invokes the presence of Lakshmi, devotion, reverence, unconditional love, gratitude, abundance. Refines and expands consciousness, cleanses and strengthens the aura, increases access to Shunya, enhances intuition, attention, presence, increases access to Supreme Knowledge and astral planes of existence. 54 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Maha Durga YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Invoke the presence of Durga, fierce presence, authentic power and transformation.

Description To practice, take a wide stance with your toes slightly pointed outward. Bring your arms above your head, 60 degrees. Palms are wide open and facing forward. Chant the mantra MAHA. Bend your knees and swing your arms down with bent elbows to sides, hands in fists with thumbs tucked in as you chant DURGA. Chant loudly. Rapid movements.

Mantra & Meaning: MAHA DURGA – Invocation of the great infinite, the great cosmic presence of the Great Goddess Durga, strength, courage and action.

Drishti Eyes open and focused. Placement Middle. Peak kriya. Duration Minimum 3 minutes.

Benefits Strengthens the arms and legs, engages the core, opens the chest, increases cardiovascular health, releases stress stored in the shoulders, warms the body, tunes into intensity, generates fierce presence, accesses authentic female power, transcends insecurity, brings the end of objectification, and awakens the power of the Goddess.

55 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Maha Shakti Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Cultivate willpower (divine will), correct intellect (supreme knowledge) and spontaneous right action (evolutionary action).

Description To practice, be seacted in Siddhasana with a tall spine. Bring your arms to the sides, elbows bent and to the sides of the ribcage. Palms are facing forward. Chant ICCHA SHAKTI as you bring your pinky to the thumb. Chant GYANA SHAKTI as you bring your ring finger to the thumb and chant KRIYA SHAKTI as you bring your middle finger to the thumb. Chant NAMO NAMO as you bring both hands in front of the heart chakra in Gyana mudra, sides of the hands touching and palms facing up.

Mantra & Meaning: ICCHA SHAKTI = power of supreme will, supreme will power, tejas, tapas, GYANA SHAKTI = intelligence of supreme knowledge. KRIYA SHAKTI = supreme action, kriya. NAMO NAMO = I honor these.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused on the 3rd eye, OR open with all-encompassing soft gaze.

Placement Beginning or end of class, OR middle if the class is more meditative. Duration Minimum 12 minutes.

Benefits Increases your awareness of divine will (nature’s desiring through you), divine mind (supreme knowledge and illumination) and divine action (evolutionary and liberating action). Cultivates courage, willpower, surrender, devotion, trust, staying power, correction of intellect, desirelessness.

56 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Manipura Awakening ACADEMY

Intention Heal and align chakra. Awaken the great shakti at the navel. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana. Bring your hands into Linga mudra in front of the navel. Chant RAM as you draw the navel in.

Mantra & Meaning: RAM = the bija mantra for Manipura. Symbolizes truthful living, an archetype for the deity representing commitment to freedom.

Drishti Eyes closed, bringing awareness to Manipura, the navel chakra.. Placement Beginning or end of class, or in the middle if it is a meditative class. Duration Minimum 3 minutes. Benefits Heals and aligns chakra, creates a meditative space, calming, develops awareness of energy, clears blockages, aligns the nervous system, develops awareness of chakra, encourages alignment of the spine, develops a grounded energy, burns away the impurities of your own psyche.

57 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Moorchitta Pranayama Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Awaken third eye. Increase access to Shunya, enhance intuition, presence, focus and awareness.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana or Vajrasana with a lengthened spine. Palms are resting on the knees. Apply Khechari mudra. Inhale through the mouth as you lift the chin up. Hold the breath in and chant the mantra AGYA x3 silently. Exhale through the nose and bring your chin down toward the chest. Hold the breath out and chant the mantra SHUNYA x3 silently.

Variation 1: To practice, be seated in Siddhasana or Vajrasana with a lengthened spine. Palms are resting on the knees. Inhale through the mouth as you lift the chin up. Hold the breath in for as long as comfortable. Exhale through the nose and bring your chin down toward the chest. Hold the breath out for as long as comfortable. Continue.

Variation 2: To practice, be seated in Siddhasana or Vajrasana with a lengthened spine. Palms are resting on the knees. Inhale through the mouth as you lift the chin up. Hold the breath in, chant SHUNYA x3 silently at Agya chakra. Exhale through the nose and bring your chin down toward the chest. Hold the breath out, chant the mantra SRI x3 silently at the heart.

Mantra & Meaning: AGYA – Third eye. SHUNYA – Silence. Drishti Eyes are closed and focused on the 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or end of class, OR middle if the class is more meditative. Duration Minimum 5 minutes. Benefits Activating and balancing Agya, Vishuddha and Anahata chakras, increases the individual’s access to Shunya, awakens the Agya chakra, activates and balances the Vishuddha chakra and Anahata chakra, refines and expands the individual’s consciousness, grounding, calms and stabilizes nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety, alkalizes the body. 58 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Nara Simha ACADEMY

Intention Authentic power, strength, courage, break free from conditioning. Description To practice, take a wide stance. Lift your arms up at shoulder height, elbows are bent, hands are in front of the heart center and palms are facing down. Face is fierce and strong, yet not angry. Stomp your left foot while drawing your left elbow strongly back to your left side. Stomp right foot while drawing your right elbow strongly back to your right side. Crossing arms briefly in front of chest, strongly draw fisted hands back to sides. Roar! Build stronger and fiercer movement, ultimately opening arms completely as if tearing and pulling apart ignorance within. This is a strong kriya with fierce sounds and breath; it is about ripping open the body of ignorance.

Variation 1: Can use mantra HAT HAT HAR with the movements.

Mantra & Meaning: HAT HAT HAR – bija mantras for the Sun, invoking authentic power and strength.

Drishti Eyes open and focused. Placement Middle. Peak kriya. Duration 3 – 9 minutes. Benefits Helps you find your voice and speak the truth, represents the extraordinary within you, ignites passion for life, releases anger and repressed energy, grounding, creates immense breakthrough, builds authentic power, gives permission to be intense, releases insecurity and victimization, reinforces strength and stability of the Self, cultivates joyful expression of inner power, activates all chakras, strengthens the entire body, warms the body, engages the core, increases cardiovascular fitness.

59 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Om Namah Shivaya Kriya 2 ACADEMY

Intention Invoke the presence of Shiva, developing fierce presence, fearlessness and transcendence.

Description To practice, come into Tadasana with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Extend your arms forward and slightly to the sides. Your arms will reach out at a 60 degree angle with your palms facing up. Press your thumb firmly to each fingertip starting either with your pinky and progressing in order until you reach the pointer finger, or vice versa. Chant the mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAYA each time your thumb touches a finger. Chant the mantra out loud and in a powerful tone. After four rounds of chanting (one chant for each finger) lower into a squat (full or 1/2) and repeat the mantra again for each finger. Return to standing and continue in this way. Chant must be faster and more constant when standing.

Mantra & Meaning: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – I surrender my lower self into my true Self. I die to all ignorance so that I may be born anew. I recognize the fierce presence of freedom within me. I bow to that. I bow to Shiva within and without.

Drishti Eyes open and focused.

Placement Middle. Peak kriya. Duration 3 – 7 minutes Benefits Develops fierce and radical presence, releases fears and phobias, releases addictions, awakens the Pranamaya kosha, accesses inner electricity, awakens deep healing power, invokes the presence of Shiva, strengthens the legs and shoulders, balances metabolism, develops a grounded energy.

60 SATTVA YOGA Mantra Kriya: Om Namah Shivaya Meditation 3 ACADEMY

Intention Invoke the presence of Shiva, cultivate fierce presence, transcendence, detachment and increase access to Shunya.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Bring your arms to the sides, elbows bent and hands at the level of the heart. Chant the mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAYA as you bring the tip of the pinky finger to the tip of the thumb, and to each finger (ring, middle and index). Continue.

Mantra & Meaning: OM NAMAH SHIVAYA – I surrender my lower self into my true Self. I die to all ignorance so that I may be born anew. I recognize the fierce presence of freedom within me. I bow to That. I bow to Shiva within and without.

Drishti Eyes are closed and focused on the 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or end of class, OR middle if it is a more meditative class. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Activate and balance the Agya chakra, increase access to silence and creative intelligence, enhance concentration, attention, focus and intuition, cultivate radical aliveness, fearlessness, transcendence and detachment.

61 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Om Namo Guru Dev Namo Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Awaken your inner guidance. “You may loose contact with wisdom but you come back to it.” Cleansing and purifying. I connect to the lineage of gurus and bow to that. I choose transcendental wisdom in all states of being (sleep, awake, dream, unconscious, subconscious, and conscious).

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Bring your arms to the side. Elbows are straight and at a 60 degree angle. Palms are wide open. Chant the mantra OM as you bend your arms, hitting the side of the ribcage with your elbows and bring your hands into Gyana mudra. Your arms spring back into the starting position as you chant NAMO. Repeat 3 times. Bring your palms into Namaskar mudra at your Agya chakra as you chant the mantra GURU DEV. Return with your arms to the starting position and again chant NAMO. Continue. Mantra is chanted out loud. The movement is sharp and clear.

Mantra & Meaning: OM NAMO, OM NAMO, OM NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO – I bow or I choose to always surrender to the guru within, transcendental wisdom. I choose over and over, as I lose contact with wisdom, to constantly return and come back to wisdom.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused on the 3rd eye. Placement Beginning or middle of class.

Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Clears the collective unconscious (human shared experiences) and subconscious, including samskaras, kleshas, and vrittis, cultivates surrender, trust, staying power, centeredness, commitment to truth, intuition.

62 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Saraswati Meditation Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Invoke the presence of Saraswati, increase access to Supreme Knowledge, correction of the intellect.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the 3rd eye. Your hands are resting on your knees, palms are facing up. Chant the mantra ARHA PHAT SA NA DHEE DHEE DHEE DHEE either out loud (in a class setting) or silently (self-practice) and apply the mudra as follows: 1. ARHA: bring the tip of the left thumb to the tip of the left pinky finger. 2. PHAT: bring the tip of the left thumb to the tip of the left ring finger. 3. SA: bring the tip of the left thumb to the tip of the left middle finger. 4. NA: bring the tip of the left thumb to the tip of the left index finger. 5. DHEE x4: bring the tip of the right thumb to the right pinky, then ring finger, middle finger, and index finger.

Mantra & Meaning: ARHA PHAT SA NA DHEE DHEE DHEE DHEE – the mantra for invoking the presence of the Goddess Saraswati, transcendental wisdom.

Drishti Eyes closed and focused on 3rd eye.

Placement Beginning or end of class, OR middle if the class is more meditative. Duration Minimum 12 minutes. Benefits Transcendental wisdom, non-local knowledge, cosmic intelligence, creative intelligence, sharp knowledge, increases our ability to see through the veil of illusion, increases creativity, intuition, clarity, knowing without knowing, sensuality, awakens the heart intelligence (teaches heart over mind).

63 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Shiva Shakti 3 YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Balance, unity, develop strong reflexes, brain health. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with a lengthened spine. Lift your hands up in front of your eyes, bend your elbows, and bring the hands into fists with the index fingers pointed upward. Start moving your hands back and forth, alternate sides. Your gaze moves from index finger to index finger, depending on which finger is closest to you. When your gaze is at the right index finger, you chant the mantra SHIVA. When your gaze is at the left index finger, you chant the mantra SHAKTI. The mantra is chanted out loud. Start the movement and chanting in a slow pace and then increase the pace as the kriya is established.

Mantra & Meaning: SHIVA – represents the right, sun, masculine, cosmic energy of destruction. SHAKTI – represents the left, moon, feminine, cosmic energy of creation.

Drishti Moving dharana on fingers. Placement Beginning or middle of class. Duration Minimum of 3 minutes. Benefits Balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, optimal brain health, breaks hypnotic trance, develops strong reflexes, cultivates focus and presence.

64 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Sri Yantra Kriya YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Invoke the presence of Lakshmi, unify heart and mind, abundance, clear and strengthen aura.

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana or any comfortable seat with a lengthened spine. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the heart chakra with the Lotus mudra as you chant SHRIM. Move your awareness with Namaskar mudra to the 3rd eye and chant KLIM. Continue flowing your awareness back to the heart chakra with Gyana mudra with both hands (left palm facing up and right palm facing forward, both in front of heart center) and chant LAKSHMI, then again move your awareness with Namaskar mudra to the 3rd eye, chanting NARAYANA. Chant NAMAHA as your hands move above the crown chakra and outward (palms facing forward) and you expand your awareness to the energetic field around your body. Bring in asana after the meditation for distribution of energy, integration and grounding. This is a meditative kriya practice. The mantra is chanted softly and the movement is slow and gentle. At the end of the kriya, guide your students to continue the mantra silently. Then, have them stop the mudras (movement) and only stay with the flow of dharana and mantra. And slowly, let go of the mantra and stay as a silent witness.

Variation 1: Bring your awareness to the heart center and chant SHRIM. Visualize the Sri Yantra at your heart center, extending outward in all directions (you are at the center of the Yantra).

Variation 2: The same practice, but without the mudras and chanting the mantra silently. This variation is called Sri Yantra Meditation. It can also be practiced in Savasana. If practiced in a group setting, then chant the mantra out loud for a few rounds until the mantra has been established.

65 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Sri Yantra Kriya (continued) YOGA ACADEMY

Mantra & Meaning: SHRIM KLIM LAKSHMI NARAYANA NAMAHA – bija sounds of the Goddess to invoke Sri value, abundance of nature, total fulfilment. Drishti Moving dharana. Duration Minimum 9 minutes. Benefits Invokes the presence of Lakshmi, abundance, refines and expands consciousness, cleanses and strengthens the aura, increases access to Shunya, enhances intuition, attention, presence, increases access to Supreme Knowledge and astral planes of existence.

66 SATTVA Mantra Kriya: Swayam YOGA ACADEMY

Intention Detachment, freedom, inner resolve. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana with your spine tall. Cross your arms and place your hands firmly on the opposite shoulders. Life your elbows to chest height. Chant the mantra HARI NAM, HARI NAM, HARI NAM, HARE. The mantra is chanted out loud and repeated quickly. Pump the navel as you chant HARE.

Mantra & Meaning: HARI NAM, HARI NAM, HARI NAM, HARE. No one, nothing, belongs to me. I belong to no one. I am totality. This mantra represents the transcendence to Truth.

Drishti Nasikagra mudra. Placement Beginning or middle of class. Duration Minimum 3 minutes. Benefits Activates a deepening resolve within, transcend bio-memory, creating change on subtle level, transcend conditioning and old patterns of belief, set Self free of others, set others free of you.

67 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work YOGA ACADEMY

SATTVA partner work develops trust, community, oneness, and joy. It is usually practiced near the end of class and may include anything fun, creative, and devotional. This chapter includes examples of SATTVA partner work. However, your imagination and creativity will allow for many more to emerge. Please practice partner work in any way that feels inspiring, loving, and transformational. It is important as a teacher to engage in partner work and to hold an inclusive space. If there is an odd number of students, you may use a strong person as a space holder at the front of class, in a group of three, or switch people around during the partner work.

68 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Dancing in Unison YOGA ACADEMY

Description Stand facing your partner and begin to move in unison with each other. One way to begin is with a soft Laya kriya such as Blooming Lotus or Garuda/ Levitating Light Body. One partner might lead the movement while the other partner follows, or partners might dance as they choose in shared space. Movement will follow the rhythm of the music and, thus, can be practiced in a slow and meditative way or a vigorous and ecstatic way. It is important not to be prescriptive with the movement and to allow for all types of expressions.

Drishti Eyes open, keeping gaze on your partner.

Placement Toward the end of class as a devotional and joyous celebration. Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience. Benefits Uplifting and fun, develops connection, inspires relationships of light and love, invites the experience of intimacy, and taps into the unconditional love and joy of the Divine.

69 SATTVA YOGA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Forgive and Be Forgiven ACADEMY

Description Seated in Siddhasana face to face with a partner, place your left hand on their heart and your right hand over theirs on your heart. Say, “I forgive myself and I forgive you.” Ask them for forgiveness. Ask them.

Drishti Eyes open. Placement Near the end of class as a long meditation and journey, create a deeply loving, devotional and meditative environment.

Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience. Benefits Deeply healing, develops connection, builds community, inspires relationships of light and love, and taps into the unconditional love of the Divine.

70 SATTVA YOGA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Happy Buddha ACADEMY

Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana face to face with a partner. With your hands in Namaskar mudra at the heart, chant AHAM. With palms raised to meet the palms of your partner, chant ANANDA. Chant BUDDHA as you raise your open palms up, circling back to Namaskar at the heart.

Mantra & Meaning: AHAM ANANDA BUDDHA = I am Happy Buddha. Drishti Eyes open. Placement Near the end of class. Duration Up to teacher. Benefits Access Bliss. Tap into the unconditional love of the Divine.

71 SATTVA YOGA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Healing Circle ACADEMY

Description Standing in groups of six (or a number that works for the class), form a circle holding hands. Teacher guides the groups to openly acknowledge everyone in the circle. Then one person steps into the middle of the circle. turning to acknowledge each person while gazing deeply into their eyes. The circle then moves in to touch that person in the middle, holding and sending energy into the body while the recipient remains open to receive the energy that is being offered. When the teacher directs, the circle moves back and the person in the middle has an opportunity to turn to each member of the group to acknowledge them. The middle person then returns to the circle and another person steps into the middle until all in the circle have been in the middle. When cuing this practice, be sure to allow time for a deep experience.

Drishti Eyes open to give and receive. Placement Near the end of class as a long meditation and journey, create a deeply loving, healing, devotional and meditative environment.

Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience. Benefits Deeply healing, develops connection, builds community, inspires relationships of light and love, allows one to see and be seen, and taps into the unconditional love of the Divine.

72 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Nara Simha YOGA ACADEMY

Description Begin standing with your legs hip-width apart and your knees bent. Your arms are bent up at chest height with palms facing down. Face and look your partner in the eyes. Stomp your left foot to your left and draw your left hand strongly to your left side. Repeat on your right side. Make fists with your hands as you strongly draw your shoulders back and your fists by your sides, building up to a stronger and more open stance, ultimately opening arms completely as if tearing your heart open. This is a strong kriya with fierce breathing and sounds. Move and breathe in unison with your partner. This may also be done with 1⁄2 class facing other 1⁄2 class.

Drishti Eyes open, gaze forward, maintain eye contact with your partner. Placement Need to build up to and down from this kriya, a good peak kriya. Duration 3 to 9 minutes. Benefits Strengthens the entire body, warms the body, engages the core, increases cardiovascular fitness, helps you find your voice and speak the truth. Releases anger and repressed energy, releases insecurities, inhibitions, and victimization. Reinforces strength and stability of the Self, cultivates joyful expression of inner power, encourages finding passion for life, and activates Vishuddha chakra.

73 SATTVA YOGA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Smile & Release ACADEMY

Intention Release fear of intimacy. Develop emotional intelligence. Description To practice, be seated in Siddhasana face to face with a partner. With intense focus, smile. With intense focus, do not smile. Smile again. Then don’t smile. Smile. Release. Smile. Release. Continue. Placement End of class.

Drishti Eyes open. Duration Minimum 3 minutes.

Benefits Bringing joy, intimacy, connection. Releasing fear of intimacy, developing trust, developing detachment from you own emotion, developing emotional intelligence.

74 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Soul Embrace : Two Person Variation YOGA ACADEMY

Description Hug your partner deeply, with sincere and unconditional love and devotion. Hold the embrace and breathe in unison while sending light and uplifting, healing energy into your partner’s being.

Drishti Eyes closed. Placement Near the end of class as a long meditation and journey, create a deeply devotional and meditative environment.

Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience. Benefits Deeply healing, develops connection, inspires relationships of light and love, and taps into the unconditional love of the Divine.

75 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Soul Embrace: Community Variation 1 YOGA ACADEMY

Description Stand in a line with your community. Link arms as you sway and breathe in unison. Move with sincere and unconditional love and devotion. Send light and uplifting, healing energy into your community.

Drishti Eyes closed. Placement Near the end of class as a long meditation and journey, create a deeply devotional and meditative environment.

Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience. Benefits Deeply healing, develops connection, builds community, inspires relationships of light and love, and taps into the unconditional love of the Divine.

76 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Soul Embrace: Community Variation 2 YOGA ACADEMY

Description Stand in a circle with your community. Link arms as you sway and breathe in unison. Move with sincere and unconditional love and devotion. Send light and uplifting, healing energy into your community. At the end of the circle, the group could pile into center for a group hug.

Drishti Eyes closed. Placement Near the end of class as a long meditation and journey, create a deeply devotional and meditative environment.

Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience. Benefits Deeply healing, develops connection, builds community, inspires relationships of light and love, and taps into the unconditional love of the Divine.

77 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Soul Gazing YOGA ACADEMY

Description Stand close to your partner and gaze deeply into each other’s eyes, with sincere and unconditional love and devotion. Hold the gaze and breathe in unison while sending light, and uplifting, healing energy into your partner’s being. Close the practice with a hug and silence. Partners could also bow to each other, or take turns bowing to each while sharing quiet and sacred messages of gratitude and surrender.

Drishti Eyes open and gazing deeply into partner’s eyes. Placement Near the end of class as a long meditation and journey, create a deeply devotional and meditative environment with soft and soulful music.

Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep experience and time for people to drop their masks and enter into connection and presence.

Benefits Deeply healing, develops connection, inspires relationships of light and love, and taps into the unconditional love of the Divine.

78 SATTVA Sattva Yoga Partner Work: Trust Fall YOGA ACADEMY

Description This practice requires three people. Person A and Person B will strongly link forearms, allowing space between for Person C. Person C will stand with his/her back facing Person A and Person B. Person C will fall backwards into the linked arms of Person A and Person B.

Drishti Person A and Person B, eyes open and attentive; Person C, eyes closed. Placement Near the end of class. Duration Up to teacher, allow time for a deep and unrushed experience. Benefits Builds trust, transforms fear, develops connection, inspires relationships of light and love, and taps into the unconditional love and trust of the Divine.

79 SATTVA SATTVA Integration Practice YOGA ACADEMY

This practice is used to deepen your expansion of consciousness and integrate the teachings in a slow and meditative manner. »» 20 minutes Asana »» 20 minutes Pranayama »» 20 minutes Meditation »» 10 minutes Savasana

ASANA x 20 Minutes Standing postures »» Tadasana x 5-9 breaths »» Heart opening x 3-5 breaths – interlock hands behind back »» Standing Side Stretches x 5-9 breaths »» Forward fold x 5-9 breaths »» Tadasana x 5-9 breaths »» Trikonasana x 5-9 breaths – both sides »» Warrior 1 x 3-5 breaths – both sides Seated postures »» One leg forward fold x 5-9 breaths – both sides »» Both legs forward fold/resting fold x 5-9 breaths »» Seated twist x 3-5 breaths both side »» Pigeon x 3-5 breaths »» Bridge pose x 3-5 breaths »» Happy Baby x 3-5 breaths »» Shoulder Stand x 3 breaths »» Fish x 3 breaths

PRANAYAMA x 20 Minutes »» Bhastrika x 3 min »» Nadi Shodhana x 3 min »» Breath of Light x 3 min »» Alom Vilom x 4 min »» Sukha Shunya x 5 min

MEDITATION x 20 Minutes: Use your personal mantra or Aham Brahmasmi

SAVASANA x 10 Minutes: »» As you lie down, let your consciousness expand and leave the body. »» Return awareness to the body after 10 minutes. Rub palms/feet. »» Twist from side to side. »» Hari Om Tat Sat.


1) Shiva Sets Builds confidence, courage, and fearlessness. Good for balancing agni (fire), navel intelligence, and the gastrointestinal system. Releases toxins from the lungs, intestines, and lymph nodes.

(Version A): 1. Breath of Fire or Prana Shakti 2. Boom Shankara 3. Shiva Shakti 1 4. Shiva Kriya 1 Comments: End this set chanting Om Namah Shivaya mantra or some stabilizing breath and then proceed with a Hatha practice.

(Version B): 1. Shiva Kriya 1 2. Shiva Kriya 2 3. Shiva Kriya 4, part 2

(Version C): 1. Agya Awakening 2. Alak Niranjan 3. Shiva Kriya 4, part 1 4. Shiva breath, if known


2) Set to Release Addiction and Holding Patterns Good for holding patterns, if addicted/holding on to people or thoughts that are taking you.

1. Simha Breath Seated (activating ferocious will) 2. Breaking the Bondage 3. Virata 4. Shiva Kriya 4, part 1 (optional part 2) Comments: This is an advanced home sadhana practice.

3) Joyful Heart

1. Prana Shakti or Hari Hari Kriya 2. Om Namo, Guru Deva Namo 3. Sat Chit Ananda

4) Set for Balancing the 7 Chakras

1. Chakra Balancing or Chakra Trikona Bandha 2. Maha Bandha for some time 3. Maha Mudra 4. Chakra Sadhana (7 breaths, subtle but effective, if using as a morning sadhana) Comments: Good set to use as a personal sadhana, either in the morning or evening.


5) Positive Mind

1. Ram Kriya 2. Swayam Kriya 3. Gayatri mantra with Sun mudra and the hands crossed at Anahata chakra (minimum 27 repetitions of mantra)

6) Set to Cultivate Detachment

1. Kali 2 or Kali 3 (can practice both, first 3 then 2) 2. Shiva Kriya 2 or Shiva Kriya 4, Variation 1 3. Japa with Maha Mrityunjaya mantra or Yoni mudra and mantra (Minimum repetition of 54, optimal 108)

7) Heart Opening Sets (Version A): 1. Hat Hari 2. Om Namo, Guru Deva Namo 3. Tara Mantra or Anahata bija mantra (AIM) or Sri Meditation

(Version B): 1. Om Namo, Guru Deva Namo 2. Om Namo Narayanaya 3. Sat Chit Ananda


83 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


The Chakra Sadhana kriya sets are specifically designed to awaken, stabilize, balance, align, and heal the chakras. These kriya sets may be practices on their own (if you would like to work on a specific chakra) OR you can bring them into a Chakra Sadhana class, workshop, and/or retreat set- ting (for example, where you spend a whole day speaking to a respective chakra).

84 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To stabilize, balance, and heal the root chakra. To awaken its true potential, awakening the great Kundalini Shakti (infinite potential of being). To release all fear: fear of living, fear of losing the known, fear of the unknown, experiencing life as an existential threat. Instead, move toward a greater and greater experience of stability, grounding, and steadfastness.


1. Intention – stabilize/balance heart. Hands in Namaskar. OM x3

2. 4-part Breath – awareness at root – 3 minutes.

3. Come to center

4. Kriya to Cleanse and Activate – 4 minutes.

5. Virata – 2 minutes (end by holding arms up, root lock, then breathe normally).

6. Alak Niranjan – out loud or silent – 4 minutes – end w/ apply and release root lock.

7. Tadasana – Warrior Breath 2 – 9 rounds – Samasthiti

8. Namaskar – 5 rounds – every pose with 3 breaths

9. Warrior Breath 2 – 9 rounds – Samasthiti

10. Amitabha mudra – focus at Muladhara, rooting into the earth. Mentally chant Prithvi [means earth, chant element in Sanskrit] followed by a quality of earth [chanted in the native tongue]: prithvi stability, prithvi groundedness, prithvi fearlessness, prithvi steadfastness, descending knowledge, primal, rooted, (12 minutes).

11. Come to center. Breathe normally.

12. Inhale at 3rd eye, silently chant LAM x3, hold breath in, bow, rise, exhale. Maintaining awareness at the Muladhara chakra, visualize that you are breathing into Muladhara chakra. Hold the breath, maintaining the dharana at that chakra, bow, rise up, exhale. Do 7 rounds.


85 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To stabilize, balance and heal the 2nd chakra.


1. Tune in. Hands in Namaskar at heart. OM x3.

2. Surya Namaskar – 3 rounds, move with the breath.

3. Warrior Breath 1 – 5 rounds, end in Samasthiti.

4. Siddhasana – Prana Shakti 1 – 2 minutes. Come to center, breathe normally.

5. Bring hands to 2nd chakra. Acknowledge/visualize healing light for a few breaths.

6. Awareness at 2nd chakra, bring hands in Yoni mudra, chant mantra VAM. 5 minutes.

7. Come to center, breathe normally. 3 breaths.

8. Maha Bandha – 3 minutes.

9. Bring left hand to 2nd chakra, awareness of element of water. Mentally repeat Jala followed by a quality of water: jala adaptability, jala flow, jala creation, jala fluidity, jala grace, jala creativity, jala emotion, jala receptivity, jala taste. 12 minutes.

10. Stay with awareness at 2nd chakra – chant mantra out loud 27 times: OM GANG GANAH GANESHAYA NAMAHA. After 27 come silent, let mantra continue 2 minutes silently.

11. Inhale. Hold at 3rd eye. Silently chant VAM x3, bow, rise, exhale. Maintaining awareness at the Swadhisthana chakra, visualize that you are breathing into Swadhisthana chakra. Hold the breath, maintaining the dharana at that chakra, bow, rise up, exhale. Do 7 rounds.

12. Bring hands to Namaskar at the heart. OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI HARI OM TAT SAT

86 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To activate the navel intelligence, activating Agni, divine fire, and increasing the value of tejas/inner light in our own being. To increase prana/energy, commitment, will power, authentic power, and staying power (ability to follow through). To cleanse and detoxify on all levels of the energetic body. To activate the inner warrior.

Practice: 1. Bring hands to Namaskar at the heart. Chant OM x3.

2. Bhastrika – 2 minutes.

3. Nadi Shodhana variation 2 (left hand Gyana mudra) – 3 minutes each side.

4. Inhale, hold breath, hold root lock, exhale. Come to center, breathe normally.

5. Prana Shakti 1 – 2 minutes – Come to center, breathe normally.

6. Agni Sar – 21 pumps, 4 minutes. Come to center, breathe normally.

7. Sudarshan Kriya 3 – 5 minutes.

8. Come to Vajrasana. Breathe. HAT Kriya 5 minutes. Come to center.

9. Simha Kriya in Vajrasana. 2 minutes. Then breathe normally.

10. Come standing up. Warrior Breath 3 – 7 rounds.

11. Surya Namaskar B with Arjuna Breath of Fire, both sides. Come into plank. Hold 1 minute x2.

12. Warrior Breath 3 – 7 rounds. Samasthiti

13. Siddhasana – Sudarshan Kriya 3 – 5 minutes. Center, breathe normally.

14. Bring awareness to Manipura. Linga mudra. Mentally chant agni followed by qualities of agni: agni willpower, agni transformation, agni vairagyam, agni clarity, agni letting go, agni vitality.

15. Keep awareness at Manipura chakra. Chant mudra 27 rounds out loud, then 2 minutes quiet. RAM HAM HANUMANAYA NAMAHA

16. Inhale at Manipura to 3rd eye. Silently chant RAM x3. Bow, rise, exhale. Do 7 rounds.

17. Bring hands to Namaskar at the heart. OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI HARI OM TAT SAT 87 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To awaken the heart intelligence and cultivate qualities of the heart chakra: love, compassion, detachment, surrender, trust, gratefulness, and devotion.


1. Namaskar at heart. OM x3

2. Breath of Light variation 2 – 4 minutes, come to center

3. Inhale, arms to sides, radiate at the heart. Exhale. Hands to Namaskar at heart. Practice 3 rounds.

4. Awareness at Heart chakra. Chant mantra OM NAMA BHAGAVATE VASUDAVAYA. As you bring hands from Namaskar up over head, circle sweep down and around, 5 minutes.

5. Come to center and breathe. Aham Prema Kriya. 3 minutes.

6. Come to center. Hands in Gyana mudra. Keep awareness at heart for a few breaths.

7. Hands in Kamala mudra. Inhale, chant YAM silently x3. Exhale, chant YAM x3 silently. 5 minutes.

8. Keep hands in Lotus mudra, awareness at the heart. Silently chant VAYU, invoking element of air. Repeat with qualities: vayu bliss, vayu grace, vayu trust, vayu compassion, vayu gratefulness, vayu unconditional love, vayu intelligence. 12 minutes.

9. Keep inner focus at heart. Visualize light and a lotus. Invoking Lakshmi, feeling the sound current. Invoking devotion, reverence, unconditional love, gratitude. 3-part breath – 1st sip and chant SHRIM, 2nd sip LAKSHMI, 3rd sip NAMAHA. Hold breath in and silently chant SHRIM LAKSHMI NAMAHA. Exhale fully. Take 3 normal breaths, repeat. 12 minutes.

10. Come to center. Breathe normally, attention at the heart. Bring left hand to the heart, right over left. Invoke grace, love, compassion, lotus of heart for a few breaths.

11. Inhale, silently chant YAM x3, bow, rise up, exhale. Do 7 rounds.


88 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To awaken the Vishuddha chakra. To correct the intellect and move toward greater understanding in all aspects of your life. To move toward greater clarity and be able to realize the power of the word and how you are the generator of meaning. May you see things clearly, hear things clearly, and speak clearly from source knowledge. May you experience source knowledge.


1. Namaskar – OM x3

2. 4-part Breath – On internal and external retention, chant VISHUDDHA x3 – 5 minutes.

3. Come to center. Breathe normally, Awareness at Vishuddha, hands in Adhomukha mudra at the throat. Chant bija mantra HAM out loud 4 minutes. Come to center, breathe normally with hands on top of the knees.

4. Slowly inhale through nose as you lift the chin up, chant HAM x3 silently. Slowly exhale through nose as you bring chin into Jalandhara bandha, hold breath, silently chant HAM x3 – 3 minutes.

5. Come to center, awareness at throat, Adhomukha mudra, invoke element of Akasha. Silently chant Akasha repeated by quality: akasha void, akasha knowledge, akasha space, akasha silence. 12 minutes.

6. Come to center. Breathe. Rest hands in lap Adhomukha mudra (fingers up, thumbs forward). Chant mantra of Saraswati 27 rounds out loud, then 2 minutes silent. AIM SARASWATI NAMAHA

7. Come to center. Breathe normal. Hands in Gyana mudra. Inhale through mouth, hold breath in, chant AIM silently x3, then SARASWATI NAMAHA bringing hands into Namaskar at 3rd eye, then around the body. 7 minutes.

8. Focus awareness on spaciousness. Inhale, silently chant AIM x3, bow, rise up, exhale. Do 7 rounds.


89 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To awaken the Agya chakra, the Master chakra, the seat of great silence, divine permission, and transcendental wisdom. May you experience a greater and greater state of unity consciousness, moving from ego to unity, moving from separation to realization of your eternal connection.


1. Namaskar – OM x3

2. Agya Awakening – 3 minutes, inhale, hold root lock x3.

3. Come to center. Breathe. Kumbhaka at top of inhalation. Silently chant AGYA. End with the exhalation. 5 minutes.

4. Come to center. Bring awareness to 3rd eye, silently chanting AGYA and quality of stillness, unity. 6 minutes.

5. Center – Bhramari – 3 minutes.

6. Center. Shiva Kriya 1 – 5 minutes.

7. Center – Shiva Shakti 2 – Yoni mudra, chant SRI SHAKTI NAMAHA x3. Hands Namaskar at Agya, chant OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA x3 – 9 minutes.

8. Awareness to 3rd eye, visualize 2 petal lotus. Silently chant SHIVA as you feel the right petal. Silently chant SHAKTI as you feel the left. Creating unity. 5 minutes.

9. Center. Inhale through nose. Bring arms up into Namaskar. Exhale down through the 3rd eye to the heart. Continue. 3 minutes.

10. Inhale. Silently chant OM x3. Bow, rise, exhale. Breathe normally x3. Do 7 rounds.


90 SATTVA YOGA Kriya Sets: Chakra Sadhana ACADEMY


Intention: To awaken the Sahasrara chakra. To tap into the value of Sat Chit Ananda.


1. Namaskar – OM x3

2. Prana Apana – 3 minutes.

3. Center. Breathe normally.

4. Chakra Mudra series – 7 minutes.

5. Center. Breathe normally.

6. Sat Chit Ananda kriya – 3 minutes.

7. Center. Breathe normally.

8. Breath of Light var. 1 – with every inhalation pause and chant SAT CHIT ANANDA at each chakra silently – 9 minutes.

9. Breathe awareness inward.

10. Visualize energy rising from root chakra through Sushumna Nadi with the inhale to the crown. Visualize a lotus blossoming at crown. Hold breath in. Silently chant SAHASRARA x3. Exhale through nose, inhale through mouth. Draw energy to crown. Do 7 rounds.

11. Come to center. Stay present for divine consciousness to express itself in your life, your being, your heart. Breathe. 3 minutes.

12. Inhale. Silently chant AUM x3, bow, rise, exhale. Do 7 rounds.