
Geometry Lesson 10.1.notebook April 29, 2015

Circles and

Circle ­ the or of all points in a equidistant from a given called the center of the . or Circle C

Radius (plural radii) ­ a segment with one endpoint at the center and the other on the circle.

Chord ­ a segment with endpoints on the circle.

Diameter ­ a that passes through the center of the circle and is made up of collinear radii.

Example: Name the circle, a , a chord, and a of the circle.

1 Geometry Lesson 10.1.notebook April 29, 2015

Radius and Diameter Relationships

If a circle has a radius r and diameter d, the following relationships are true.

Radius Diameter Formula

a. If QV = 8 inches, what is the diameter of Circle Q?

b. If TU = 14 feet, what is the radius of Circle Q?

Two are congruent if and only if they have congruent radii.

Concentric Circles are coplanar circles that have the same center.

2 Geometry Lesson 10.1.notebook April 29, 2015

The diameter of is 30 units, the diameter of is 20 units, and DS = 9. Find CD. Find RC.

Circumference ­ the around the circle. The of the circumference to the diameter C/d is an irrational called

Find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 79 ft.

3 Geometry Lesson 10.1.notebook April 29, 2015

Find the diameter and radius of a circle to the nearest hundredth if the circumference is 106.4 millimeters.

If d = 33.87, then the radius is

a. Find the diameter and radius of a circle to the nearest hundredth if the circumference of the circle is 77.8 cm.

A is inscribed in a circle if all its vertices lie on the circle.

A circle is circumscribed about a polygon if it contains all the vertices of the polygon. • LMNP is inscribed in • Circle K is circumscribed about quadrilateral LMNP.

4 Geometry Lesson 10.1.notebook April 29, 2015

Find the exact circumference of if a with side 9 inches is inscribed in

Since the cuts the square into 2 , the length of the diagonal is . Since the diagonal is also the diameter of Circle J, the circumference is C = πd or C = 9π√2 in.

Try: Find the exact circumference of the circle with an inscribed right with legs 7 m and 3 m long.

5 Geometry Lesson 10.1.notebook April 29, 2015

P. 687 10­42