
101.1 CP Lines and Segments that Intersect a .notebook April 17, 2017 Chapter 10 Part 1 - Lines and Segments that Intersect a Circle

In this lesson we will: Name and describe the lines and segments that intersect a circle.

A is a segment whose endpoints are on the circle. > BA is a chord in circle .

A diameter is a chord that intersects the center of the circle. > BA is a diameter in circle P.

A is a segment whose endpoints are the center of the circle and a on the circle. > PA is a radius in circle P.

A radius of a circle is half the of the circle's diameter.

1 101.1 CP Lines and Segments that Intersect a Circle.notebook April 17, 2017

A tangent is a or segment that intersects a circle at one point. The point of tangency is the point where the line or segment intersects the circle > line t is a tangent line to circle O and P is the point of tangency A common tangent is a line that is tangent to two circles.

A secant is a line that intersects a circle at two points. The segment part of a secant contained inside the circle is a chord. > line AB is a secant in circle O > segment AB is a chord in circle O

2 101.1 CP Lines and Segments that Intersect a Circle.notebook April 17, 2017

Examples: Naming Lines and Segments that Intersect Circles

Name each line or segment that intersects 8L. (a) Name 2 chords (b) Name a diameter (c) Name 3 radii (d) Name a tangent line and the point of tangency (e) Name a secant

Name each line or segment that intersects 8A. (a) Name 3 chords (b) Name a diameter (c) Name 2 radii (d) Name a tangent line and the point of tangency (e) Name a secant

3 101.1 CP Lines and Segments that Intersect a Circle.notebook April 17, 2017

Examples: Identifying Lines and Segments that Intersect Circles

Identify each line or segment that intersects 8J. (a) KG (b) CK (c) GH (d) point E (e) GH

Identify each line or segment that intersects 8Q. (a) line s (b) QR (c) VT (d) VT (e) WR

4 101.1 CP Lines and Segments that Intersect a Circle.notebook April 17, 2017