(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Environment and Regeneration
Meeting Pack Derry City and Strabane District Council Dear Member of Environment and Regeneration Committee You are hereby summoned to attend the Monthly Meeting of the Environment and Regeneration Committee to be held in the Guildhall, Derry, on Wednesday 17 January 2018 at 4.00 pm Yours faithfully John Kelpie Chief Executive AGENDA 1 Notice and Summons of Meeting 2 Apologies 3 Declarations of Members' Interests Open for Decision 4 Chairperson's Business 5 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on Wednesday 6 December 2017 (Pages 1 - 16) 6 Matters Arising 7 Proposed Scoping of Regeneration Masterplan for the former Faughan Valley High School Site (Pages 17 - 18) Open for Information 8 Applications Processed Under Building Regulation (NI) (Pages 19 - 80) 9 Update on the Joint Local and Central Government Sub Working Group on Fly Tipping (Pages 81 - 86) 10 Northern Ireland Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste Management Statistics (Pages 87 - 88) 11 Proposed Disabled Parking Bays (Pages 89 - 90) 10 January 2018 Agenda Item 5 Derry City and Strabane District Council Open Minutes if Environment and Regeneration Committee held in Council Chamber, Derry Road, Strabane on Wednesday 6 December 2017 at 4.00pm __________________ Present:- Councillor Dobbins (in the chair), Aldermen Bresland, Hussey, Ramsey and Warke, Councillors Campbell, Duffy, Hastings, C Kelly, D Kelly, R McHugh and Reilly. Non-Members of Committee: Alderman Devenney and Councillor McGuire. In Attendance: Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Regeneration Manager Mr T Monaghan) and Committee Services Assistant (Ms N Meehan).
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