Replacement Pipeline Route Consultation Securing aviation fuel supplies in South East England For more information please visit 1 Pipeline Route Consultation ESSO PETROLEUM COMPANY, LIMITED (REGISTERED IN ENGLAND: NUMBER 26538) ERMYN HOUSE, ERMYN WAY, LEATHERHEAD, SURREY, KT22 8UX References in this document to “Esso” or “our” or “we” are intended to refer to the applicant, Esso Petroleum Company, Limited and nothing in this document is intended to override corporate separateness. How we will use the information that you provide Esso Petroleum Company, Limited and our 3rd party project partners will store and process your data in full compliance with our legal obligations for the purposes of the application, development and operation of the proposed Southampton London Pipeline. Further details about how your data will be used can be found on the website (, or by contacting us by email (
[email protected]) or telephone (07925 068 905). If you would like a large text or alternative format of this document, please contact us by email
[email protected] or telephone 07925 068 905. Requests for alternative formats will be considered on a case by case basis. We will, as far as possible and proportionate, respond to any requests that help you to take part in this consultation. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 OS Licence Number AL100005237 2 Contents 04 CHAPTER 01 - Replacement pipeline route consultation 06 CHAPTER 02 - Why we are replacing the pipeline now 07 CHAPTER 03 - The