s Southampton to London Pipeline Project Reference EN07000 Surrey County Council Local Impact Report Final Version Submission Deadline 24 October 2019 Submitted by Surrey County Council Emailed to:
[email protected] 23 October 2019 1 Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction and Terms of Reference 7 2. Scheme Description 9 3. Minerals and Waste 11 4. Local Transport Issues 14 5. Social, Environmental and Economic Issues 17 6. The DCO 23 Appendix 1 – Surrey County Council’s Consultation Response April 2018 30 Appendix 2 – Local Archaeological Policies 39 Appendix 3 - Review of the submitted Environmental Statement & Habitat Regulations 41 Assessment in respect of impacts on Chobham Common SSSI and NNR, Thames Basin Heaths SPA and Thursley, Ash, Pirbright & Chobham SAC 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. This Executive Summary sets out the key areas of concern for Surrey County Council (SCC) by theme. The LIR assesses the impact of these issues on the local area and sets out mitigation or amendments to the DCO that SCC considers necessary. 2. SCC is a host authority and has range of responsibilities in relation to the proposals, including, Highway Authority, County Planning Authority, Public Rights of Way and lead local flood authority. SCC is also a landowner affected by the scheme. 3. SCC has actively engaged with Esso during the pre-application period. Discussions have been proactive and the extent of agreement is set out in the Statement of Common Ground. SCC supports the principle of the scheme. However, there are a number of substantive issues that still need to be resolved to ensure that the scheme and associated powers are acceptable.