History of Magherafelt, Ireland
Gc 941.6202 M193m 1815108 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LI B AF ? jX.,,| ,n ,. | 3 1833 00729 8901 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center http://www.archive.org/details/historyofmagheraOOmait ' HDST0IRY MHEMRFELT, W. H. MAITLAND. REPRINTED FROM THE MID-ULSTER MAIL TTS' ii o The Mid-Ulster Printing Work? COOKSTOWN. 1815108 F Ma it land, W H. ~~ 42955 town .54 History of Magheraf elt .. Cooks 1916. Reprinted from the Mid-Ulster mail. r^> B 13700 NL 31-5200 The publication of the following sketches, in reference to Magherafelt, was suggested by the celebration in 9 3 of 1 1 the tercentenary of the Irish Society, which was constituted to undertake the Plantation of Co. London- derry and which granted various estates to twelve of the London Companies. I regret that, owing to circumstances over which I had no control, the information is not as full as I would have wished. With gratitude I desire to acknowledge ray indebtedness to Mr. Maxwell Given, C.E., Coleraine ; Mr. J. Yv. Kernohan. M.A., one of the Hon. Secretaries of the Presbyterian Historical Association ; and to Mr. J. i. Donaghy, B. A., Solicitor an 1 Registrar of th: Counly C vart, ire vahuble notes. W. II. MAITLAND. MA.GHERATTELT, AUGUST, 19 6. 1 BI3700 HISTORY OF MAGHERAFELT. Magherafelt, according to tlic Census of Donegal, Armagh, Coleraine, Tyrone, Fer- 1911, is a town of 1,233 inhabitants. It is managh and Cavan falling into his hands, situated in the southern end of County owing to O'Neill, Earl of Tir-owen, with Londonderry, is the recognised capital of several other chiefs, having rebelled against that portion of the county, lias ;x nourishing the Crown of England.
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