Ujjper Lllill
\VHELLAN & CO.'S DIRECTORY. Public Build.ings-Contd. Registmrs of Births and Death.~, :Mallinson, clerk in charge ; ST.GEORGE's Cnucn, Mossley- for UpperMillDistrict, Joshua Greenjield, Thos.Norris, clerk Rev. John Hextal, incumbent; Wrigley, Upper Mill; for in charge; New Delph,EdwJ. Rev. John Jackson, curate Delph District-Wm. Taylor, Whitworth, clerk in charge ; ST.THOMAS' CHURCH, FriarMere Delph Saddleworth, George Lodge, Rev. Joseph Anthony Boake, clerk in charge incumbent County Court, ST,ANN'SCHAPEL,Lydgate Rev. HELD. AT THE COURT HOUSE, Carriers. George Cowell, incumbent UPPER JIULL, :MONTHLY. To J\fANCHESTER,Jno.Hepworth, ST.BRIDGET's CATHoLrcC~A~EL, Judge-John s. T.Greene, Esq. & Thos.Holding,from Delph; :Srooksbottom-Rev. 1~hlham Clerk John Summerscales Aaron Whitworth, from Moss Parsons, priest .AssistantClerk-Benj. Tweednle ley; JohnBuckley,fromBrooli- CHRISTIAN BRETHREN, Brook- Baili.ff-Edmund Travis bottom, Mossley; and Chas. bottom Broadbent, from UpperMill- lNDEl'ENDENT CHAPEL, Spring- PETTY SEssiONS Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat- head-Rev. "\Vm_ Dixon urday INDEPENDENT Cn.A.PEL, Delph- are held once a fortnight at To MANCHESTER, Wm. Green- Rev. John George UJjper lllill. hough &JamesWinterbottOin, INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Upper The J\'l:agistrates generall~ 111 from Greenfield; & William 1\Iill-Rev. Simeon Dyson attendance are Rev. Rhd.Whrte- Lawton, from Delph-every METHODIST NEw CoNNEXION lock, M.A.; James Lees, ERq.; Saturday CHAPELs, :1\iossley, & Shude John Bu~kley, Esq.~; Jas. Hey- To MANCHESTER, Jas. Buckley, hill, Delph woo~ Whrtehead, Esq.; . Thos. from Greenfield; and Wm. 1VEsLEYANMETHonrsT0HAPELs, Ro~mson, Esq.; & FrancisFdk. Booth, from J\Iossley,-Tues- Delph, Upper:Mill, Greenfield, Whitehead, Esq. day and Saturday Mossley, & Baguley hill MECHANrcs'INsTITUTE,Up.l\1ill-- Conveyance by Water, Poor Law Union.
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