Inception Report

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Inception Report PPAANN--EEUURROOSSTTAARR Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas Status Report Project N° TREN/B2/26/2004 Final Report Developments and Activities between 1994 and 2003 / Forecast until 2010 Title of Working Document: Final Report Nature: Contractual Document Date of Preparation: 24 November 2005 Issued by: HB-Verkehrsconsult GmbH Neuer Wall 72 D-20354 Hamburg Germany phone: +49 40 36 96 92-0 fax: +49 40 36 96 92-36 e-mail: [email protected] and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Lämpömiehenkuja 2 C FIN-02044 Espoo Finland phone: +358 20 722 111 fax +358 20 722 7031 e-mail: [email protected] … PAN-EUROSTAR Document History Version Date Nature Alterations 0.1 Sept. 2005 First draft for internal discussion 1.0 Sept. 2005 Draft final report for comments from DG TREN 2.0 Nov. 2005 Final Report Comments from DG TREN taken into account; individual updates Page 2 31 January 2006 PAN-EUROSTAR Table of Contents 1 Introduction 6 2 Methodology 7 2.1 Data Collection and Desk Research 8 2.2 Database 8 2.3 Mapping 9 3 Analysis of External Resources 11 3.1 Previous Reports 11 3.2 Websites of Corridor Administrations 11 3.3 Related reports 12 3.4 Conclusions for the new status report 12 4 Introduction to the Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas 13 4.1 History and Concept 13 4.2 Geographical Alignment 13 4.3 Financing Instruments 15 5 Status of the Pan-European Transport Corridors 17 5.1 Corridor I 17 5.1.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 17 5.1.2 Overview of the General Development 18 5.1.3 Developments along the Corridor between 1994 and 2010 23 5.1.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 24 5.2 Corridor II 35 5.2.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 35 5.2.2 Overview of the General Development 36 5.2.3 Developments along the Corridor between 1994 and 2010 37 5.2.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 38 5.3 Corridor III 49 5.3.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 49 5.3.2 Overview of the General Development 50 5.3.3 Developments along the Corridor between 1994 and 2010 51 5.3.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 51 31 January 2006 Page 3 PAN-EUROSTAR 5.4 Corridor IV 58 5.4.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 58 5.4.2 Overview of the General Development 60 5.4.3 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 61 5.5 Corridor V 78 5.5.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 78 5.5.2 Overview of the General Development 81 5.5.3 Developments along the Corridor between 1994 and 2010 82 5.5.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 84 5.6 Corridor VI 101 5.6.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 101 5.6.2 Overview of the General Development 103 5.6.3 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 103 5.7 Corridor VII 111 5.7.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 111 5.7.2 Overview of the General Development 111 5.7.3 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 114 5.8 Corridor VIII 121 5.8.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 121 5.8.2 Overview of the General Development 122 5.8.3 Developments along the Corridor between 1994 and 2010 123 5.8.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 125 5.9 Corridor IX 131 5.9.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 131 5.9.2 Overview of the General Development 132 5.9.3 Developments along the Corridor between 1994 and 2010 133 5.9.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 134 5.10 Corridor X 142 5.10.1 Map, Alignment and Technical Features 142 5.10.2 Overview of the General Development 144 5.10.3 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 144 Page 4 31 January 2006 PAN-EUROSTAR 6 Status of the Pan-European Transport Areas 164 6.1 Barents-Euro-Arctic Transport Area 164 6.1.1 Map, Extent and Technical Features 164 6.1.2 Overview of the General Development 165 6.1.3 Developments within the area between 1994 and 2010 166 6.1.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 168 6.2 Black Sea Transport Area 171 6.2.1 Map, Extent and Technical Features 171 6.2.2 Overview of the General Development 172 6.2.3 Developments within the area between 1994 and 2010 176 6.3 Adriatic-Ionian Transport Area 178 6.3.1 Map, Extent and Technical Features 178 6.3.2 Overview of the General Development 179 6.3.3 Developments within the area between 1994 and 2010 180 6.3.4 Infrastructure Development per Country and Mode of Transport 183 6.4 Mediterranean Transport Area 184 6.4.1 Map, Extent and Technical Features 184 6.4.2 Overview of the General Development 184 7 Contacts 198 Annex A: Questionnaires (separate document file) Annex B: Corridor Maps (separate jpg-files on CD ROM) 31 January 2006 Page 5 PAN-EUROSTAR 1 Introduction On a regular basis, a status report of the Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas is tendered by the European Commission in order to monitor the progress, performance and financing of the Transport Corridors and Areas. A status report provides updated inventories of Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas for the respective countries and modes of transportation. The objective is to enable comparisons of the achievements between the individual Corridors and Areas, and to keep track of the progress of the transport infrastructure development, investment and financing sources. Since the previous status report of 2002, many projects and initiatives along the Pan- European Transport Corridors and Areas have been undertaken in order to maintain and improve the quality and capacity of the transport infrastructure. In addition, the European Union experienced the largest extension ever in 2004, encompassing ten new member countries. In this context, the role of the respective Transport Corridors and Areas as important transit and trade routes and for freight and passenger traffic has grown significantly. This document is the 2005 status report on the Pan-European Tranport Corridors and Areas . It differs from the previous reports in that it covers a much wider period of time. For this report the corridor representatives have been asked to provide data from the beginning of the initiative, i.e. the second Pan-European conference on Crete in 1994, until the envisaged completion of the routes in 2010. First of all, this report outlines the methodology applied for this study, explaining the approach to cooperation with the Corridor and Area representatives, to data collection and evaluation as well as to the map production. Then, a general introduction to the Corridor and Area concept and its history is being given and the most common financing instruments are explained. Finally, other sources of information are summarized and commented on. The main part of this report consists of the compilation of data and information concerning individual Corridors and Areas. For each Corridor and Area, a summary of the general characteristics, developments, project progress, investment and financing sources is provided. Page 6 31 January 2006 PAN-EUROSTAR 2 Methodology This status report was prepared by a consortium consisting of Jaakko Pöyry Infra/HB- Verkehrsconsult, Hamburg/Germany; VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo; and ANSERI-Consultants Ltd, Helsinki/Finland. The time for compiling this report and producing the relevant maps was 8 months. The role of the consortium partners was to structure the information needs, to collect the information from the Corridor/Area representatives in a harmonised way and to compile the information in the status report. Furthermore, maps were to be produced using a GIS displaying the collected information graphically. In the tender document the consortium has proposed an approach to the task of data collection for the expected status report on Pan-European Corridors and Areas. After the initial contacts with DG TREN in the first weeks after the beginning of the project, a basic concept for the data collection process, as well as activities for its preparation were presented by the consortium. As a starting point it was suggested to analyse the previous status report from the years 2000 and 2001, published in 2002. Another source of information for the new status report were the existing web sites of the corridor administrations. However, in terms of content the few sites differ significantly. Lastly, a considerable amount of desk research has been done by the consortium in order to gather the required information. Some reports produced in the context of other projects from the European Commission were a fruitful source of relevant data. Special attention has been paid to the fact that following the enlargement of the European Community, the corridors originally defined in the Crete Declaration in 1994 (apart from Corridor X which was added at the Helsinki Conference in 1997) are now part of the trans- European transport network (TEN) Regarding the methodology of the status report, three working fields have to be distinguished: Data Collection Development of a database Mapping These three activities are not successive steps but rather interconnected with each other. Obviously, data has to be collected before it can be entered into a database or plotted on a map, but in order to be able to define the type of data to be collected and the degree of its precision, it is necessary to be clear about how to structure the database and how to display the information on a map later.
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