March 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E433 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

TRIBUTE TO COLONEL PETE given to individuals ‘‘deserving of special rec- RECOGNIZING JUSTIN LOWE WIN- BUNCE ognition by reason of their outstanding con- NER OF VALUES VISUAL tributions to knowledge in the physical, biologi- ARTS COMPETITION HON. J. DENNIS HASTERT cal, mathematical, or engineering sciences.’’ OF ILLINOIS Congress later expanded this recognition to in- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clude the social and behavioral sciences. The OF TEXAS Monday, March 14, 2005 National Science Foundation, an independent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to federal agency, administers this honor, the Monday, March 14, 2005 highest award in science given by the United pay tribute and offer my personal thanks to Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Colonel Peter J. Bunce of the States. commend Justin Lowe, a senior at Lewisville Air Force, for a job well done. Mr. Speaker, Chancellor Bishop’s biography High School, located in the 26th Congres- Many of us in Congress know Colonel truly reads like a Horatio Alger tale. He spent sional District of Texas, for being one of the Bunce, who for the past six years has worked the first eight years of his educational life in a three winners of the Texas Values Arts Com- as the Air Forces liaison to the House and petition. then as liaison to the Budget and Appropria- two-room schoolhouse in rural Pennsylvania and graduated from high school as part of a This is truly an outstanding accomplishment tions Committees for both Chambers. I have for Justin. More than 250 students from PIano, traveled on international congressional delega- class of 80 students. He entered Gettysburg College hoping to become a doctor, but by the Denton, Lewisville and surrounding commu- tions with Pete on numerous occasions, and in nities entered the contest. Diversity, History time of graduation he didn’t think he wanted to every case, his skill and attention to detain en- and Indivisibility were the chosen Texas Val- sured a flawless CODEL. In addition, Pete has practice medicine. However, he was interested ues featured in the winning artworks from fostered a new level of excellence in commu- in becoming an educator and after entering North Texas students. Justin earned a U.S. nications between the Congress and the Pen- Harvard Medical School he knew he found his Savings Bond from Huffines Auto Dealership. tagon on policy matters within his portfolio. calling in research. Justin’s art is now on a billboard going Colonel Bunce has served in this role at a southbound on I–35E next to the Huffines very critical time in our Nation’s history, keep- Since then Chancellor Bishop has distin- dealership. Justin displayed his Texas pride ing us advised about, and facilitating congres- guished himself in the biomedical field. Thirty with bluebonnets, the Alamo, and the Texas sional visits to, our brave service men and six years ago, he chose to take an assistant State flag in his painting. His piece will be up women in Operations Allied Force, Enduring professorship at a relatively new college on all through March for National Youth Art Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. His efforts have the west coast. He has not left the University Month. The original was sold for $800 at the been instrumental in keeping Members and of California, San Francisco since. He started Lewisville Education Foundation gala in No- staff aware of the costs and sacrifices of our as an assistant professor of microbiology and vember of 2005. military personnel as we prosecute and win immunology working on the replication of po- Justin Lowe’s talents are not only a testa- this Global War on Terrorism. Pete knows liovirus, but it was his work in oncology has ment to his artistic skill but also a stellar ex- these sacrifices first-hand. As many of my col- been groundbreaking. In 1982 he won the Al- ample of how parents’ and teachers’ efforts leagues know, Peter’s son Justin, a brave ma- bert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Re- are rewarded when combining a core cur- rine, was critically injured while defending our search, and in 1989 he won the Nobel Prize riculum with study in the arts. I am proud of freedom in Iraq. We wish Justin a speedy re- in Physiology or Medicine. Both awards were the education system in Texas, especially our covery. students, and involved parents and teachers While I have relied on Pete’s military advice, shared with Harold Varmus for research that at Lewisville High School, who commit their I have valued his friendship even more, and I led to the discovery of proto-oncogenes, nor- lives and time to fostering growth of our com- know many of my colleagues on Capitol Hill mal genes that can be converted to cancer munities. And I wanted to extend a special share in that sentiment. In this regard, I want- genes by genetic damage. He became the thank you to Huffines Automotive for their gen- ed Colonel Bunce to know that each of us in eighth chancellor of the University of Cali- erous contribution to these aspiring students. Congress who have known and worked with fornia, San Francisco in July of 1998. him wish Pete and his family the very best f Mr. Speaker, I am proud to represent a part and Godspeed in all his future endeavors. of the Bay Area, home to some of the finest IN HONOR OF GLENDALE ADVENT- f IST MEDICAL CENTER’S 100TH schools in the nation. Proof of which can be ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE TO J. MICHAEL BISHOP seen in the fact that three of the eight recipi- ON THE RECEIPT OF HIS NA- ents of the 2003 National Medal of Science TIONAL MEDAL OF SCIENCE work at schools in the Bay Area. In addition to HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Chancellor Bishop, Charles Yanofsky, of Stan- OF CALIFORNIA TOM LANTOS ford University, won an award for the biologi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA cal sciences, and John Prausnitz of the Uni- Monday, March 14, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versity of California at Berkeley, was awarded Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Monday, March 14, 2005 a medal for engineering. congratulate Glendale Adventist Medical Cen- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- Mr. Speaker, in an area of the world which ter for a century of providing outstanding ute to J. Michael Bishop, the Chancellor of the is home to some of the best and brightest health care services to the City of Glendale University of California, San Francisco, which minds in the world, Chancellor J. Michael and surrounding communities. Glendale Adventist Medical Center was is located in my Congressional district, on his Bishop stands at the top. This extraordinary receiving the National Medal of Science. founded on a tradition of faith-based health academic and exceptional human being fully Chancellor Bishop, one of the 2003 National care. Its mission has been to educate the deserves to be honored by our nation for his Medal of Science winners, will receive his community about the link between health and medal in a ceremony in the East Room of the work in oncology. It is my hope, and I am sure lifestyle decisions and to provide compas- White House today. He and the other recipi- it is the hope of all of our colleagues Mr. sionate, professional health care services for ents are being honored for their devotion to Speaker, that one day his research will lead to the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. advancing our knowledge of science. a cure for cancer. I am delighted to pay tribute Glendale Adventist Medical Center has The National Medal of Science was estab- to Chancellor J. Michael Bishop on the day of been offering families excellent health care for lished in 1959 as a Presidential Award to be his receipt of the National Medal of Science. more than one hundred years. The hospital

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.015 E14PT1 E434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2005 provides care not just within its walls, but and commend him for his devotion to the Mayor of Saint Helena, California, as he re- throughout the community—in churches, Navy and our great Nation. Captain Miller was tires after 37 years of public service. His out- schools, workplaces, and homes. The hospital commissioned as an Ensign in the United standing leadership and commitment to com- is proud of the relationships it has fortified Sates Navy in 1981 and subsequently re- munity service has made my hometown a bet- throughout the years with local organizations, ported to Naval Air Station Pensacola for flight ter place. groups, and individuals. Through the unified training in November of that year. In August Throughout the past 11 years, Bill has strength of these partnerships, Glendale Ad- 1983 he had earned the prestigious designa- served selflessly as a member of the Saint ventist continues its primary focus of meeting tion of a Naval Aviator. Helena City Council. In 1994 Mayor John the health needs of our communities. Upon completion of A–7E Corsair II replace- Brown, appointed Bill to the city council citing I ask all Members of Congress to join me ment pilot training, he reported to the ‘‘Ma- his voice and perspectives as qualifications for today to congratulate Glendale Adventist Med- rauders’’ of VA–82 completing two deploy- the job. Mayor John Brown was right. Since ical Center for 100 years of exemplary public ments to the Mediterranean Sea and one mini- he joined the council, Bill’s leadership has service, and for its immense commitment to deployment to the Norwegian Sea in USS benefited our entire community. the health and well-being of the City of Glen- Nimitz (CVN–68). In October 1987 Captain Bill worked to pass a retrofit ordinance dale and its residents. Miller joined the ‘‘Gladiators’’ of VFA–106, which lead to the restoration of 25 historic f where he served with great distinction as buildings in St. Helena. He reached out to Training Landing Signal Officer and Carrier youth of our community by leading the effort to HONORING MR. DON SNYDER Qualification Phase Head. build a teen center. Bill’s public service was In October 1990, as a result of his superb not limited to the City Council. He also served HON. JON C. PORTER leadership, Captain Miller was directed to as St. Helena’s representative to the county serve on the staff of Commander, Carrier Air OF NEVADA Housing Authority and, Housing Element Task Wing Seven embarked in USS Dwight D. Ei- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Force. senhower (CVN–69) where he made enor- Mr. Speaker, Bill’s devotion to community Monday, March 14, 2005 mously successful deployments in Ike to the and country began many years before his time Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, Arabian Gulf, on City Council. Bill Savidge dedicated 24 honor the contributions of a great Nevadan, and Norwegian Sea. Assuming greater re- years of his life serving our country in the Mr. Don Snyder. sponsibilities with each passing assignment, Armed Forces. After earning his degree at For many years, I have not only known Don he then reported to the ‘‘Wildcats’’ of VFA–131 Stanford University, Bill went on to become a through his professional work with Boyd Gam- where he served in four different department pilot in the United States Air Force. He later ing, but also as a friend. Don has had quite a head billets culminating in an embarked tour in received his MBA from George Washington career, working for the First Interstate Bank of USS George Washington (CVN–73) during her University while stationed at Maxwell Air Force Nevada for 22 years before taking the helm of Maiden Deployment in 1994. His personal Base. Bill bravely fought for and protected our the Fremont Street Experience as President contributions led to VFA–131 earning the country in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. and Chief Executive Officer and then moving Estocin Award as the Navy’s top strike-fighter In 1974 Bill retired from the military and he on to Boyd Gaming, where he will be retiring squadron and recognition from the Chief of and his wife Charlotte moved to St. Helena. as President of the Company. That’s quite a Naval Operations for an unmatched safety Even though Bill will retire from public office, career path for any person, and I congratulate record. his dedication to community does not end him. After serving ashore on the staff of Com- here. He plans to continue his active role with Don’s leadership in the Las Vegas commu- mander, First Air Force/Continental NORAD Kiwanis, the Food Pantry, and other local or- nity will certainly be felt for many generations, Region at Tyndall Air Force Base he once ganizations. With his new found free time he and all Southern Nevadans owe him a debt of again reported for duty afloat to the also plans to write his memoirs. gratitude. Don has been instrumental in rede- ‘‘Gunslingers’’ of VFA–105 aboard USS Theo- Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate that we honor veloping Downtown Las Vegas, effectively giv- dore Roosevelt (CVN–71) assuming command William Savidge today, for his distinguished ing Downtown the breath of new life in an of the squadron in September 1998. He de- service to his community and to his Country area that is so important for the history of our ployed two months later aboard USS Enter- and extend our best wishes in all of his future great city. He has also been incredibly effec- prise (CVN–65S), participating in combat dur- endeavors. tive in leading Boyd Gaming, and I know he ing Operations Desert Fox and Southern f will be missed there. Watch. Following his command tour he earned a Masters Degree in National Security and LVTV, CHANNEL 15 AWARDED TWO During his busy career, Don has been ac- TELLY AWARDS tive in such organizations as the Nevada De- Strategic Studies from the Naval War College velopment Authority, the Las Vegas Conven- and served on the CNO’s staff as Strike War- tion and Visitors Authority, the Las Vegas Per- fare Policy Officer. With many successful sea HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS OF TEXAS forming Arts Center Foundation, United Way and shore tours behind him, Captain Miller IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Southern Nevada, Nathan Adelson Hospice, culminated his career in the Navy’s Office of and the Tournament Players Club at Legislative Affairs as a highly effective liaison Monday, March 14, 2005 Summerlin. The sky is the limit for Don, and with Congress on important matters affecting Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I am looking forward to hearing about his next Naval Aviation. commend the Lewisville Television Channel endeavors. Having accumulated over 3600 flight hours 15, LVTV, broadcasting from the 26th Con- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank my friend, and 1,000 carrier landings from the decks of gressional District of Texas, for winning two Don Snyder, for being an example for all Ne- 11 aircraft carriers, there is no doubting Cap- Telly Awards. vadans as we continue to be the Entertain- tain Miller’s courage and dedication. His supe- The Telly Awards ‘‘honor outstanding local, ment Capital of the World. rior contributions and distinguished service will regional, and cable television commercials and have long-term benefits for both the Navy and f programs, as well as the finest video and film the country he so proudly served. As Captain productions.’’ For 26 years now, the Telly TRIBUTE TO CAPTAIN KEVIN P. Miller enters his new profession I am proud to Awards have trying to do their part to support MILLER, USN thank him for his service and wish him ‘‘fair the visual arts in local communities. The Telly winds and following seas.’’ Awards encourage a very diverse field of ap- HON. JEFF MILLER f plicants and try to distinguish themselves as OF FLORIDA RECOGNIZING WILLIAM SAVIDGE an award of broad creativity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF SAINT HELENA, CALIFORNIA Each award was for a LVTV-produced pro- gram. The first award was presented for Monday, March 14, 2005 Lewisville North High School’s re-enactment of Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. MIKE THOMPSON a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) called OF CALIFORNIA today to recognize and say farewell to an out- ‘‘Deadly Decisions: Controlled Substance.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing Naval Officer, Captain Kevin P. Mil- The second winning program was for a ‘‘Com- ler, as he prepares to retire upon completion Monday, March 14, 2005 munity Comments’’ episode on the West Nile of 24 years of distinguished service. It is a Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Virus. ‘‘Community Comments’’ is an inter- privilege for me to honor his achievements I rise today to recognize William Savidge, Vice view-styled program filmed by students from

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.002 E14PT1 March 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E435 the LISD Dale Jackson Career Center, pro- Under Chief Mayberry’s tenure, the Hender- Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me duced by Calvin Dorsey. son Police Department has become the most in honor and recognition of every past and LVTV has done a superb job of representing technologically advanced police department in present employee of the Cleveland Post Office their community and involving students in pro- the United States. On March 23, 2002, the and their outstanding legacy. moting visual arts. I am proud of Lewisville Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforce- The mail carriers hold in their hands the im- and LVTV Channel 15 who continue to keep ment Agencies, CALEA, accredited the depart- portant information we need—from their public up-to-date on hometown news and ment for its professional excellence. lifechanging announcements to everyday cor- to provide quality family entertainment. Mike, I wish you all the best. It was a privi- respondence. This centuries-old exchange of f lege to work with you during those years news, emotion and ideas, sealed in a Postal where our services overlapped. However it is Service letter, not only communicated the TRIBUTE TO SCOTT McKEOWN a greater privilege to call you my friend. events of our nation’s history, but still serves Mr. Speaker, Chief Michael Mayberry is a to facilitate change and shape the direction of HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF dedicated officer who has worked diligently for America. OF CALIFORNIA the Henderson community. I ask my fellow f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES colleagues to stand with me today and honor TRIBUTE TO THE FORT COLLINS Monday, March 14, 2005 all police officers across the country, like Chief Mayberry, who have dedicated so many years VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to building a better community, which in turn POST 1781 honor a devoted public servant who served contributes to a better Nation. some of the communities I represent for sev- f HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE eral decades. Scott McKeown lost his life in OF COLORADO PERSONAL EXPLANATION the recent Metrolink crash in Glendale, Cali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fornia. He spent 20 years with the City of Monday, March 14, 2005 Glendale and just recently celebrated his first HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY year of service in the City of Pasadena’s tele- OF RHODE ISLAND Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Mr. Speaker, I am con- tinually grateful to the men and women who communications department. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His exceptional attitude was an inspiration are currently serving in the U.S. military, and to all who knew him and his compassion and Monday, March 14, 2005 I am also remindful of the great sacrifices that positive outlook were infectious. He had a Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. Speak- have been made by our veterans. Sacrifices passion for trains, especially locomotives, and er, of March 8, I was delayed and missed that have secured and maintained our free- instilled this love for the ‘‘iron horse’’ in his Rollcall votes 53, 54. dom. children. Scott McKeown is survived by his I respectfully request the opportunity to Recently, a local group of veterans received wife and two young children. record my position on Rollcall votes 53 and a special honor. In Fort Collins, Colorado, Working in the public sector is challenging 54. VFW Post 1781 received the prestigious Dia- and rewarding, and Scott embodied the spirit It was my intention to vote: ‘‘yea on Rollcall mond Jubilee Award. The post earned this dis- of public service through his longstanding 53; and ‘‘yea’’ on Rollcall 54. tinction in celebration of their 75th Anniver- service in our community. The tragic train At this time I would ask for unanimous con- sary. crash last week was indeed a sad day for our sent that my positions be entered into the VFW Post 1781 has maintained their post community, and Mr. McKeown will be sorely RECORD following those votes or in the appro- continuously since January of 1930. In fact, a missed. priate portion of the RECORD. copy of the original charter still hangs on the f f post’s entryway next to a large display case filled with war memorabilia. HONORING MICHAEL MAYBERRY IN HONOR OF THE 200TH ANNIVER- The post currently has 388 members and SARY OF THE CLEVELAND POST about 150 women in the ladies auxiliary. Post HON. JON C. PORTER OFFICE 1781 has been extraordinarily active; the OF NEVADA chapter has not seen a drop in membership IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH for 20 years. This group carries on the VFW tradition of Monday, March 14, 2005 OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community service, working with other national Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to organizations. Constructive community service Monday, March 14, 2005 honor Michael Mayberry, Chief of Police in is a founding VFW tenet with volunteerism Henderson, Nevada. Chief Mayberry is retiring Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in benefiting education, the environment, health, from the force after 30 years of dedicated honor and recognition of the 200th Anniver- and civic projects. For example, the VFW’s service. He graduated from UNLV with a sary of the Cleveland Post Office, which em- citizenship education program is designed to Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice. braces the legacy of Northeast Ohio’s mail stimulate an interest in America’s history and Chief Mayberry also graduated from the 180th carriers. For two centuries, these fearless promote patriotism. session of the FBI National Academy and the messengers have braved everything from In addition, the post and canteen are offered 29th session of the Law Enforcement Execu- freezing January snow to the blazing heat of at no cost for veterans’ memorial services. tive Development Seminar in Quantico, Vir- July, to snarling dogs, in order to deliver the The post is a place where many members ginia. mail throughout our Greater Cleveland com- spend their time with fellow veterans relaxing Chief Mayberry began his career with the munity and across our nation. when they are between other routines, such Henderson Police Department in 1976 as a re- Joseph Briggs, a Cleveland postal em- as giving flag etiquette presentations or stand- serve officer. In 1978 he was hired as a full ployee, revolutionized the postal system when ing on the comer of College Avenue and Mul- time patrol officer and has had numerous as- he convinced postal officials to adopt a policy berry Street holding Support Our Troops signments since that time. He has been a field of free home delivery. On July 1, 1863, as our signs. training officer, detective, investigations divi- nation was divided by the Civil War, 450 mail In addition, the post contains a section of sion commander and support division com- carriers began Free City Service Delivery in their building that is loaned to the Disabled mander. Chief Mayberry was named acting Cleveland, Ohio. Encouraged by the positive American Veterans hospital ride program. police chief in August 1999 and appointed po- response, officials expanded this service to Except for monthly meetings, which are lice chief on May 2, 2000. other areas. open to those with home membership at Post Southern Nevada is a well known tourist As our nation’s frontier rolled westward, so 1781, the rest of the building is available to destination which is visited by millions of peo- did the United States Postal Service. The VFW members from anywhere in the nation. ple throughout the world. This creates a Service grew alongside every new and grow- I applaud these retired military service men unique security environment which requires ing city and town, delivering mail from faraway and women, not only for their service to our unique and capable police officers. Mike’s places to our mailboxes. They journeyed down country, but also for their service in the local proven leadership during these difficult times dusty trails, winding rivers, city streets and community. goes a long way to explain why he truly de- country roads—wherever cities came to life, On behalf of a grateful nation, I offer my served the title Chief of Police. so did a new post office. warmest congratulations to the Fort Collins

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.006 E14PT1 E436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2005 VFW for their achievement of the Diamond Ju- erty Bonds during World War I, or participating recognition as a ‘‘StormReady’’ community by bilee Award. May God bless our precious vet- in the Pe’ah Project, which provides over a ton the National Weather Service (NWS). erans and their families. of vegetables from a congregant-run garden to North Richland Hills was recognized as a f area soup kitchens—the members of Mishkan ‘‘StormReady’’ community because it met all Israel have shown a unique dedication to en- HONORING CONGREGATION of the criteria set forth by the NWS. For a riching our community. community to be so honored, it must: establish MISHKAN ISRAEL AS IT CELE- Our houses of worship play a vital role in BRATES ITS 165TH ANNIVERSARY a 24-hour warning point and emergency oper- our communities—providing people with a ations center; have more than one way to re- place to turn to for comfort when they are ceive severe weather forecasts and warnings, HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO most in need. In over a century, there have and to alert the public; create a system that OF CONNECTICUT been many who have worshiped within their monitors local weather conditions; promote the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES halls and many who have found peace and importance of public readiness through com- Monday, March 14, 2005 strength in the outstretched arms of Mishkan munity seminars; and develop a formal haz- Israel. Throughout its history, Mishkan Israel ardous weather plan which includes training Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it gives me has been an invaluable institution in the Great- great pleasure to rise today to join Rabbi Her- severe weather spotters and holding emer- er New Haven Jewish community. It is with gency exercises. bert Brockman and the many friends and fami- honor and the deepest thanks and apprecia- lies who have gathered to celebrate the 165th This is a noteworthy accomplishment be- tion for all of their good work that I stand cause less than one percent of all cities and Anniversary of Congregation Mishkan Israel. today to pay tribute to Congregation Mishkan Marking its 165th anniversary, Mishkan Israel towns in the United States are categorized as Israel as they celebrate their 165th Anniver- ‘‘StormReady.’’ The City of North Richland is the oldest continuing congregation in New sary. Their contributions have left an indelible England and the 14th oldest synagogue in the Hills cares deeply about its citizens and their mark on our community and a legacy that will safety. Severe weather is extremely common United States. This milestone is a very special live on for generations to come. occasion, not only for the administration and in North Texas where storms and tornadoes f members of the congregation, but for our com- are frequent and set in with little warning. munity as well. TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL SARDONE ‘‘StormReady’’ communities bring extra peace First established in 1840 by a group of Ba- of mind to citizens. varian Jews fleeing economic and social op- HON. ALBERT RUSSELL WYNN North Richland Hills’ ‘‘StormReady’’ status pression, services, conducted in German and sets a wonderful model for other towns in OF MARYLAND Hebrew, were held over the Heller & Texas to improve their communication and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mendelbaum Store in New Haven, Con- safety skills which are needed to save lives necticut. A short time later, the congregation Monday, March 14, 2005 and property. I am proud of North Richland purchased the Third Congregational Church Mr. WYNN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Hills and its citizens who continued to better building which remained its home until 1897 ognize and thank Michael Sardone for his 21 the community by doing the best in preparing when the temple on Orange and Audubon years of dedicated public service to this Con- for the worst. Streets was dedicated. With the continued gress and the Federal Government. His career growth of the congregation, the synagogue epitomizes professionalism and commitment to f made its final move in 1960 to its present public service. HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS home on Ridge Road in Hamden. Mr. Sardone has served as an indexer and COUNCILMAN RON The strength and continuity of a congrega- editor for the Congressional Record Index of- SEGOVIA tion is dependent, not only on its membership, fice, under the auspices of the Joint Com- but on its leadership as well. Since its earliest mittee on Printing and now a part of the GPO, days when it was the first synagogue to be since his appointment by former Senator Ma- HON. HENRY CUELLAR dedicated by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, who thias of Maryland in 1984. His detailed knowl- OF TEXAS later became the leader of American Reform edge of congressional history and process has Judaism, Congregation Mishkan Israel has earned him the respect of both his colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had a strong tradition of active leadership. and Hill staffers. As an editor for the Congres- Monday, March 14, 2005 Generation after generation, the rabbis who sional Record Index, he has also served as have come to Mishkan Israel have shared a editor and project manager for the Congres- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- passion for social justice—both here at home sional Directory and has spearheaded the pro- nize San Antonio City Councilman Ron and throughout the world. In the 1870s, Rabbi duction of indexes for both the House and Segovia’s tremendous contribution to his com- Judah Wechsler opened the Torah to women, Senate Journals. munity in my Congressional District of San An- first allowing female confirmants to read from Mr. Sardone is a Maryland native. He grew tonio, Texas. the sacred text; Rabbi Edgar Siskin became up in the Wheaton area of Montgomery Coun- Councilman Ron Segovia attended the first rabbi to be appointed to Yale Univer- ty and graduated from Frostburg State Univer- Harlandale High School in San Antonio, where sity’s faculty and helped to found Yale Hillel; sity with a degree in political science. He met he was a member of the ROTC. He studied at and in the decades of the civil rights move- his wife, Ginny, at the Index office. She now San Antonio College, and graduated from the ment, Rabbi Robert Goldburg was an active works for the Department of Housing and Police Academy in 1975. champion of social justice protesting com- Urban Development. They have one son, Mat- He served for 28 years as a San Antonio munism and inviting a myriad of speakers thew. Police Officer, working in such special pro- from Norman Cousins to The Reverend Doctor As he embarks on new endeavors, I ask my grams as DARE, SWAT, Crime Prevention, Martin Luther King, Jr. to address the con- colleagues to join me in extending gratitude and Gang Resistance Education and Training. gregation. Today, Rabbi Herbert Brockman for his hard work and dedication to the Con- He was a part of the School Services pro- upholds this legacy. Under his leadership, gress and the Nation. gram, which provided outreach and informa- Mishkan Israel has opened its doors to the f tion to public school students. Urban Youth Center, a program for inner-city middle school children and sponsored the set- NORTH RICHLAND HILLS RECOG- Ron is also a successful small business- tlement of seven Russian Jewish emigrant NIZED AS A ‘‘STORMREADY’’ man. He owns Ron’s Jewelers, which has families in New Haven. COMMUNITY been a fixture of the community for 22 years. In addition to its active leadership, members He has used his role as a business owner to of Mishkan Israel have long been known for act as a benefactor and support educational HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS programs in the community. their endless contributions to the community. OF TEXAS As a lifelong San Antonio resident he has Volunteerism has always been strong force IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES within the congregation and, through their given so much back to the community, as a compassion and generosity, the congregation Monday, March 14, 2005 protector, civil servant, and businessman. has touched the lives of thousands over the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have had this years. Whether tending to the ill, volunteering commend North Richland Hills, located in the opportunity to recognize Councilman Ron at the local military hospital, purchasing Lib- 26th Congressional District of Texas, for its Segovia.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.011 E14PT1 March 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E437 IN RECOGNITION OF FRED L. HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS community. Their hard work, commitment, and FIELDS ON THE OCCASION OF OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCILMAN dedication, on and off the court, are a large HIS RETIREMENT FROM BOILER- JOEL WILLIAMS part of the team’s success. MAKERS LOCAL 549 On behalf of everyone in North Alabama HON. HENRY CUELLAR and all Bulldog fans across the Nation, I rise HON. ELLEN O. TAUSCHER OF TEXAS today to congratulate the Alabama A&M Bull- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dogs and wish them the best of luck against IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Oakland University. Monday, March 14, 2005 Monday, March 14, 2005 f Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today recognize the many accomplishments of San THE GENETIC INFORMATION NON- to pay tribute to Fred L. Fields, who is retiring Antonio City Councilman Joel Williams. DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 2005 after 40 years as a Boilermaker and 9 years Mr. Williams has served both his city and as Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer of his nation with distinction. A native Texan, Mr. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Boilermakers Local 549. Williams served in the United States Army Re- OF CALIFORNIA Fred Fields began his career in 1964 as a serve for more than 25 years, rising to the po- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Boilermaker Apprentice at the Kaiser Steel sition of Chief of the AMEDD Battle Simulation Monday, March 14, 2005 shop in Napa, and finished his education Center at Fort Sam Houston. through the Western States Field Construction He has also been a leader in civil service Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I’m very pleased Apprenticeship program. and volunteer work. He was a member of the to join Representatives BIGGERT, SLAUGHTER Throughout his 40 year career as a Cali- boards of Habitat for Humanity, the San Anto- and NEY in introducing the Genetic Information fornia based Boilermaker, Mr. Fields has dem- nio Credit Union, and the East Central Inde- Non-Discrimination Act of 2005. This bill will onstrated outstanding leadership. He was pendent School District. He worked on the prevent abuses of genetic information for elected by Local 549 to attend four Boiler- Fund Distribution Panel of the United Way of workforce and insurance decisions. Advances maker National Conventions, where he was San Antonio, and was a member of the Texas in genetic science are already saving lives and appointed to the Construction Division Com- Association of School Boards. will save many more in the years ahead, but mittee by International President Charles W. He has consistently worked to improve the these advances should not be the basis for Jones. He was elected as a trustee to the Ex- quality of education our children receive, and denying Americans their jobs or their health in- ecutive Board of Local 549 in 1990, and was to safeguard the financial health of our com- surance. elected Business Manager/Secretary Treas- munity. He continues that work now, as City One of the most significant scientific accom- urer in 1996 and was reelected in 1999. Councilman for San Antonio Council District 2. plishments in history has been sequencing the Fred Fields was appointed to represent the Joel Williams serves as an example of what human genetic code. As a result of this western states as the 13 western states as the discipline, courage, and dedication can ac- achievement, scientists have identified genetic Trustee on the Boilermaker National Health complish. markers for a variety of chronic health condi- and Welfare Trust fund by International Presi- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have had this tions, increasing the potential for early treat- dent Jones in 1997. He serves on the Execu- opportunity to recognize the contributions of ment and prevention. tive Board of the California State Board of the San Antonio Councilman Joel Williams. Unfortunately, the ability to predict disease California State Building and Construction through genetic testing and family history f Trades Council for the Boiler makers. opens the door for discrimination, particularly Mr. Fields recognized the importance of the TRIBUTE TO THE ALABAMA A&M the employment and the health insurance in- formation of California Unions for Reliable En- BULLDOGS dustry. Such a threat has deterred the public ergy (C.U.R.E) to the boilermaker profession and scientists from taking full advantage of the when it was created in 1996, C.U.R.E has pro- HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. important opportunities that genetic informa- vided of construction jobs for his fellow boiler- OF ALABAMA tion provides. Without appropriate protections makers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to encourage providers, the health care com- Fred Fields has selflessly served his com- munity and the public to embrace genetic test- munity as part of Local 549; donating food to Monday, March 14, 2005 ing, the health care arena will be incapable of needy families through the Loaves and Fishes Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to taking full advantage of the important opportu- Program, the Contra Costa Food Bank, and congratulate Coach Vann Pettaway and his nities resulting from the advancement of ge- the Richmond rescue mission. Alabama A&M University team on netic information and technology. Mr. Speaker, it is always inspiring to see winning its first Southwestern Athletic Con- The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination someone who has dedicated his life to improv- ference Championship and earning a spot in Act of 2005 prohibits health insurers in both ing conditions for his brothers and sisters in the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tour- group and individual markets from: using ge- Local 549. Throughout Fred Fields’ tenure as nament. This is the first time that the Bulldogs netic information to impose enrollment restric- a Boilermaker, he has demonstrated not only have been invited to the NCAA Tournament in tions or to adjust premium or contribution commitment to his chosen profession, but also the seven years the program has been a Divi- amounts; requesting genetic testing or results dedication to the citizens of his community. I sion I member. except as necessary for treatment, payment, am proud to recognize my constituent, Fred The A&M Bulldogs finished this historic sea- or health care operations; and requesting or Fields, on the occasion of his retirement. son with a record of eighteen wins and thir- requiring the use of genetic information for the f teen losses, culminating on Sunday afternoon purposes of underwriting. PERSONAL EXPLANATION with a nationally televised seventy-two to fifty- With regards to employment, the Genetic In- three victory over the Alabama State Hornets. formation Non-Discrimination Act of 2005 HON. BARBARA LEE In that game, Obie Trotter led all players with grants enforcement powers to the Equal Em- a game-high twenty four points, five assists ployment Opportunity Commission and: makes OF CALIFORNIA and six steals and was named the SWAC’s it an unlawful employment practice for an em- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tournament MVP. Joe Martin finished second ployer, employment agency, labor organiza- Monday, March 14, 2005 with seventeen points and six rebounds. tion, or training program to discriminate Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, on March 8, 2005 All of us in North Alabama are proud of our against an individual or deprive an individual during rollcall votes Nos. 53, 54, and 55, I was hometown heroes and will be rooting for the of employment opportunities because of ge- unavoidably detained due to inclement weath- Bulldogs on Tuesday night when Coach netic information; prohibits the collection of ge- er on my travel back to Washington, DC. Pettaway leads his team against the Oakland netic information except where necessary to Had I been present, I would have voted University Golden Grizzles in Dayton, Ohio. All monitor the effects of toxic substances in the ‘‘aye’’ on all three resolutions: the Journal published accounts have said that the Bull- workplace, when authorized by the employee, vote, H. Res. 133, a bill pertaining to funding dogs are playing their best basketball right or as required by law; safeguards the con- of the standing committees of the U.S. House now and are motivated to show the Nation fidentiality of genetic information in the em- of Representatives, and H. Res. 122, legisla- why they deserve a spot in this tournament. ployment setting. tion urging the President to proclaim a special Mr. Speaker, these student athletes have The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination year of languages. set a fine example for future athletes in our Act of 2005 brings public policy up-to-date

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.017 E14PT1 E438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2005 with science and ensures that every American government contractor which provides jobs for education and her faith as tools for success can benefit from our scientific progress without people with disabilities. but she has also served as a role model for the worry of genetic discrimination. From 1975 through 1978, Carroll was Exec- others, including her family. Her sister Maryse I urge all my colleagues in the House to utive Assistant to United States Senator Lloyd has completed her professional nursing de- support this legislation. Bentsen. He was first elected to the San Anto- gree at Columbia University; her daughter Mi- f nio City Council on May 5, 2001, and was re- lady Jean-Baptiste Hartmann is a graduate of elected in 2003. He has worked as city coun- the Parsons School of Art & Design; and her HONORING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF cilman to improve city planning and the city’s second daughter, Tamar, stricken with a se- SAN ANTONIO COUNCILMAN quality of life, and was the council’s liaison to vere crippling form of rheumatoid arthritis as a ROGER O. FLORES many of the San Antonio region’s military child, completed her undergraduate degree bases and units. from Brooklyn College and will begin her grad- HON. HENRY CUELLAR Mr. Speaker, his career as a lawyer and a uate studies next semester. Her mother, OF TEXAS public servant has done credit to the city of Melanie, at 83, continues to advance her edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES San Antonio, and I am proud to have the op- cation as well. Melady is the aunt of Melanie portunity to congratulate him here. Monday, March 14, 2005 and Rogerst J–B. Charles; mother-in-law of f Philippe Hartmann and grandmother of Caro- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to line and Dahlia Hartmann. She is forever recognize the accomplishments of San Anto- A TRIBUTE TO MELADY JEAN- grateful for the possibilities America has given nio City Councilman Roger Flores. BAPTISTE her through the wonderful, great natural re- Roger Flores is a San Antonio native, from sources of historical Black Churches, Black a small business family with a tradition of pub- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS pastors and educational opportunities. lic service. OF NEW YORK Mr. Speaker, Melady Jean-Baptiste serves He graduated from Central Catholic High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as an inspiration to us all. Her dedication to School, and received his Bachelor of Science Monday, March 14, 2005 education has improved not only her life but from Texas A&M University, where he was a those she comes in contact with everyday. As member of the Fighting Aggie Band. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of such, she is more than worthy of receiving our After college, Roger returned to San Antonio Melady Jean-Baptiste, who came to this coun- recognition today and I urge my colleagues to to join his family’s restaurant business. He try without being able to speak English, and join me in honoring this truly remarkable per- managed and operated two restaurants, and now, after earning multiple degrees in edu- son. cation, serves as a role model for all who also found time to serve his community as the f Vice President of the St. Anthony Elementary know her. School Board, and as a member of the board Melady Jean-Baptiste is a native of the city FEDERAL TRANSIT BENEFITS ACT of Positive Beginnings, Inc. of Cap-Haitien in Haiti. She was born one of On May 27 of 2004, Roger was elected to two daughters and three sons to a very loving, HON. JAMES P. MORAN the Council seat that his father had held four close knit, strong and progressive family. Her OF VIRGINIA father immigrated to America at the age of 65 years before. Roger credits his family as an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES inspiration for his public service, and believes and began immediately to help his family im- deeply in the role of the community in sup- migrate. With her father in America, Melady Monday, March 14, 2005 porting and encouraging strong families. attended the prestigious and elite College Re- Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, today Mr. Speaker, Roger Flores is the kind of cit- gina Assumpta then continued at the Wetsal I am introducing the Federal Transit Benefit izen who holds our communities together: a Secretarial School in Port au Prince. Act. This legislation codifies Executive Order successful small businessman, a dedicated fa- In 1979, a few short years after her father # 13150 that directed all executive branch ther, and a selfless volunteer and public serv- left, Melady immigrated to America. The family agencies to provide their employees in the na- ant. I thank him for his commitment, and con- searched for a church home and while walking tional capital region with the full tax-free transit gratulate him on his election to the San Anto- in their neighborhood, they came upon Holy benefit provided under current law. nio City Council. Trinity Baptist Church. Melady and her family Initially the benefit was set at $65 per f began to attend services regularly at the month, but increased to $100 per month be- Church. They were the only non-English ginning in January 2002. HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS speaking people in the congregation. Melady Give up your car and parking spot and you OF SAN ANTONIO CITY COUNCIL- not only learned to speak English by attending can receive a voucher to cover a portion of MAN CARROLL SCHUBERT the Sunday School class but she learned the your transit or van pool cost commuting to biggest lesson of her life; that religion and work. The benefit has been a godsend to this HON. HENRY CUELLAR education go hand in hand. Melady remains a region, helping to reduce traffic congestion, re- OF TEXAS faithful, tithing member of Holy Trinity Baptist duce air pollution and improve quality of life IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Church (the fourth oldest Black Church in issues for Federal employees. Brooklyn) and serves on the Deaconess Board The Metropolitan Washington Council of Monday, March 14, 2005 and as a former president of the Pastor’s Aide Government estimates that this benefit has Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- Ministry and the Women’s Missionary Union. boosted ridership in transit services and van nize San Antonio City Councilman Carroll Melady completed her two year degree at pools by more than 100,000 Federal employ- Schubert for his outstanding work, both in the New York City Technical College (1987) her ees and reduced vehicle miles traveled be- legal community and on behalf of the people bachelor’s four-year degree in less than four tween 40 million and 54 million. of San Antonio. years, earning her B.S.W. at York College The legislation I am introducing today will Mr. Schubert is a graduate of Texas A&M (1988). Two years later, she completed her extend this benefit to the other branches of University, and the University of Texas School M.S.W. in 1990 at Columbia University. the Federal Government, the legislative and of Law, and a specialist in both civil litigation Melady has also earned her a C.S.W., a Mono judicial branches, all independent Federal and regulatory and public affairs. His long his- and Bilingual License and Certifications in agencies, postal workers and the Smithsonian tory of public service includes time as Com- Education. She is a member of a school that were not covered by the executive order. missioner for the Bexar County Civil Service based support team and uses her own life I have long sought to maintain parity in sala- Commission, on the Board of Directors of the story to encourage students to not give up. ries and benefits for all Federal workers. This Texas District and County Attorneys Associa- She inspires many students to overcome legislation restores parity ensuring that those tion, and as Chief Deputy District Attorney for learning difficulties and treats each child not Federal agencies that don’t currently provide Bexar County. as a social work case but as an individual who this benefit for their employees will do so. Mr. Schubert has given his time to a variety has an opportunity to succeed. She has en- The legislation will also remove current law of organizations which work for the public abled hundreds of children and families to restrictions and enable Federal agencies to good. He is a member of the Board of Direc- overcome adverse moments in their lives and offer their employees shuttle services between tors of the Texas Wildlife Association, has move effectively toward realizing their goals. their office and transit centers like Metro, been Chairman of the Board of Professional Melady is the quintessential American immi- MARC, and Virginia Railway Express. Under Contract Services, Inc., a state and federal grant success story. She not only has utilized current law, Federal agencies are prohibited

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.021 E14PT1 March 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E439 from providing shuttle services to their employ- Youth Speak Outs & Borough Conference. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues on both ees if it is not a part of official business. Sandra also collaborated with the Kings Coun- sides of the aisle to join me in passing this The Federal Government is the region’s ty District Attorney’s Office on the 2003 resolution quickly to send a clear message to largest employer. As such, it can and should boroughwide Youth Speak Outs & Silence the our service men and women that the Members do more to help its employees cope with some Violence Youth Conference. of the U.S. House of Representatives in the of the Nation’s worst traffic congestion and in Mr. Speaker, Sandra Odessa Thompson 109th Congress are firmly behind them. doing so help reduce harmful automobile has dedicated herself to her community f emissions that have pushed this region into through both her professional and numerous severe nonattainment. volunteer efforts. As such, she is more than HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS This legislation was unanimously approved worthy of receiving our recognition today and OF SAN ANTONIO CITY COUNCIL- by the House Government Reform Committee I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring MAN ART HALL last session. Its need is long overdue. this truly remarkable person. f f HON. HENRY CUELLAR OF TEXAS HOUSE RESOLUTION EXPRESSING A TRIBUTE TO MISS SANDRA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ODESSA THOMPSON SUPPORT FOR MEMBERS OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES Monday, March 14, 2005 HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- nize San Antonio City Councilman Art Hall for OF NEW YORK HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER OF MARYLAND his service to the people of San Antonio Dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trict 8. Monday, March 14, 2005 Monday, March 14, 2005 Mr. Hall was born in Hempstead, TX, and Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of grew up in Lubbock. He attended Harvard Uni- Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I am versity, and received a joint law degree/MBA Sandra Odessa Thompson in recognition of honored to join my colleagues—Congressman her service to New York City and her dedica- from Texas Tech Law and Business Schools. TOM DAVIS of Virginia, Congressman WALTER tion to her community through her numerous He is an expert in finance and corporate law, JONES of North Carolina, and Congressman and received the Pforzheimer Foundation civic commitments. STENY HOYER of Maryland—to introduce a Sandra Odessa Thompson was born and Scholar Award at Harvard and the Clifford truly bipartisan resolution expressing support Chance Business Law Prize from the Univer- raised in Brooklyn. Sandra is a permanent As- for the members of our Armed Forces and sociate Staff Analyst employed by the City of sity of Wales. their families. In particular, this resolution of- Art Hall is a central part of the Texas legal New York managing a portfolio of more than fers support for those service members $100 million involving cultural institutions at community. He has been published in several wounded or severely injured in service to the law and international finance journals, includ- the Department of Design & Construction Nation, as well as support for the newly estab- (DDC). She earned a BS in Biology from ing St. Mary’s University Law Review on Mi- lished Military Severely Injured Joint Support nority Issues and the Journal of International Pennsylvania State University, a MA in Human Operations Center. With the 2-year anniver- Sexuality and Health Education, and a profes- Financial Markets. In 1998, he was hired to sary of Operation Iraqi Freedom arriving on serve as the director of the Academic Excel- sional diploma in Human Resources Manage- March 19, I can think of no better way to sa- ment from New York University. She is also lence Program as an Adjunct Professor at St. lute our disabled and severely disabled troops Mary’s Law School. He was also general the Editor-in-Chief of Origin, a new women’s who have returned home than the quick and magazine, which is the premier magazine for counsel for the investment banking firm South- bipartisan support of this resolution. western Capital Markets, the nation’s oldest women in the Delaware Valley. This resolution recognizes many efforts Hispanic-owned investment banking firm. Over the years, Sandra has been actively made by our brave men and women in uni- Today, Councilman Hall is an owner and the involved in civic, community and fundraising form. It reaffirms our support for all members President of Presidio Asset Management. events including a fundraiser for Creative Out- of the Armed Forces and their families. It ac- Art Hall was elected to San Antonio’s City let Dance Theatre of Brooklyn, Inc., featuring knowledges that all returning troops—whether Council in 2003. He is the youngest person the Broadway diva, Ms. Jennifer Holliday. She an active, National Guard or Reserve compo- ever to represent his district, and has the dis- is a member of the Executive Board for the nent—should be treated with the same degree tinction of being the first African American Organization of Staff Analysts (OSA); a mem- of dignity and respect. It pledges our desire to elected outside of the city’s East side. He has ber of OSA’s Black History Committee; a team help all injured, wounded, and severely dis- been named one of the city’s ‘‘Top 40 Under negotiator in 2004 for the City’s Analysts; as abled service members returning home by 40’’ rising stars by the San Antonio Business well as a co-founder of DDC’s OSA Chapter, providing the assistance they require to navi- where she serves as Vice-Chair of Contracts gate the complicated medical and bureaucratic Journal. Mr. Speaker, Councilman Art Hall has an & Negotiations. Sandra has also received nu- processes to transition back to active duty or extraordinarily bright future ahead of him, and merous honors, community and civic awards civilian life. Most important, this resolution spe- I am happy to have the chance to recognize including: the Precinct/Clergy Community cifically acknowledges the number of National him. Award for fostering police-community relations; Guard and Reserve components called for the OSA’s first Elaine Cherry Memorial Award prolonged duty in today’s military and pledges f for Union Activism; several City Council Cita- Congressional support to the Department of A TRIBUTE TO JEANETTE LUGO tions; and the 98.7 KISS–FM Strong Achiever Defense Joint Support Center to ensure we SOSA Award. She has also been recognized as one take care of our own once we bring them of The 2000 Most Notable American Women home. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS and for her work as a budget analyst for the I applaud the action of the Department of OF NEW YORK City’s portion [$65 million] of MoMA’s (Mu- Defense for establishing the Joint Support IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seum of Modem Art) move from Manhattan to Center on February 1, 2005. I, along with Mr. Queens and for one of her gardens (The JONES and Mr. HOYER, proposed the same Monday, March 14, 2005 Cloisters) she funded in a national magazine. concept in H.R. 5057 in the 108th Congress. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of Additionally, Sandra is creating a mentoring That bill was eventually introduced in the Sen- Jeanette Lugo Sosa in recognition of her and scholarship foundation in her parents’ ate by Senator BOND and Senator KENNEDY. It strong commitment to strengthening the edu- memory. She mentors several young ladies; received full endorsements from every major cation of our children. actively recruits and networks (in NYC) for veterans’ and military service organization. We Jeanette has been the principal of PS 151K prospective Penn State University (PSU) un- are proud to see that effort taken up by the since 1999. She has come full circle in the dergraduates as an alumni volunteer; and is a Pentagon and welcome the Joint Support Bushwick community. As a child, she studied member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Center. This resolution supports the Penta- at PS 274K and IS 111, before earning a Previously, she was the past Recording Sec- gon’s initiative by expressing Congress’s Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Administra- retary and fundraiser for the 81st Precinct strong commitment to the center and our as- tion and a Professional Diploma in Psychology Community Council; a liaison between the sistance in ensuring that the center receives from New York University. Her administrative 81st precinct community and youth councils; a the resources it needs to succeed in its mis- career began as Interim Acting Assistant Prin- strategic planning team member for the 2004 sion. cipal at PS 343, then as Assistant Principal at

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.025 E14PT1 E440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2005 IS 291 before being appointed to her current versity Law School graduating class. She won Mr. Speaker, Councilman Chip Haass has post. a seat on the Jacksonville City Council and been an inspiring public servant, first as an PS 151K has truly blossomed under her was elected as the council’s first woman presi- educator, second as a politician, and lastly as strong leadership and administrative style. dent. She earned high marks for her work a friend of San Antonio. I am honored to have Reading and math scores have increased tre- ethic and ability to get things done. In 1993, had this opportunity to recognize his dedica- mendously, and a science lab is now available she brought that same energy and determina- tion and hard work. for the students. Jeanette works diligently with tion to Capitol Hill. f a very active Parents’ Association to promote She already had Washington experience as an atmosphere of harmony and warmth. a former House staffer and in the Office of A TRIBUTE TO THE UNITED JEW- Under her tenure, the third through fifth grade Consumer Affairs at the White House. Tillie’s ISH ORGANIZATIONS OF WIL- violin orchestra, the third through fifth grade abilities were recognized quickly and she be- LIAMSBURG jazz band, and the kindergarten through sec- came a leader on issues relating to our mili- ond grade Piano Lab have all been created. tary. She also became a member of the HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Additionally, her leadership has been respon- House leadership team, serving as vice-chair OF NEW YORK sible for establishing the Fine Arts Lab for all of the Republican Conference. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Even after leaving Congress in 2001, Tillie grades. These accomplishments clearly dem- Monday, March 14, 2005 onstrate her passionate love of the arts. was still being called on to tackle tough as- Jeanette and her husband, Jose, are cele- signments. She chaired the commission that Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in brating 25 years of wedded bliss. They are ex- investigated sexual misconduct allegations at recognition of a distinguished organization, tremely proud of their three beautiful daugh- the Air Force Academy and was named to the The United Jewish Organizations of Williams- ters: Celia, a Doctoral Candidate at Bing- panel looking into issues surrounding the burg. It is an honor to represent The United hamton University; Margo, a kindergarten treatment of prisoners in Iraq. Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg in the teacher at PS 145K; and Rebecca, a junior at She never moved to Washington, choosing House of Representatives and it behooves us The Mary Louis Academy for Girls. to commute back home every weekend to be to pay tribute to such a selfless organization. Mr. Speaker, Jeanette Lugo Sosa has cho- close to her family and her strong Jacksonville Mr. Speaker, The United Jewish Organiza- sen to dedicate her career to educating our roots. While Tillie focused much attention on tions of Williamsburg was founded in 1966 to children and enriching their lives. As such, she the district and on issues important to Florida, help families in need in South Williamsburg. is more than worthy of receiving our recogni- her work touched lives all across our great Over the course of its 39 years of service to tion today and I urge my colleagues to join me country—especially those with ties to our mili- the Brooklyn community The United Jewish in honoring this truly remarkable person. tary. That was evidenced by the strong out- Organizations of Williamsburg has thrived f pouring of support the family received from so marvelously where today it represents more many Americans who appreciated Tillie’s faith- than 50,000 community residents and 148 not- IN HONOR OF TILLIE FOWLER, ful service. for-profits, religious, educational, charitable or- FORMER MEMBER OF CONGRESS The House of Representatives is a better ganizations and civic associations in the Jew- place because Tillie Fowler served here. I am ish community of Williamsburg, Clinton Hill SPEECH OF honored to help pay tribute to Tillie and her re- and Bedford-Stuyvesant. HON. ROGER F. WICKER markable career. Under the tutelage of their President, Rabbi OF MISSISSIPPI f David Niederman, The United Jewish Organi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zations of Williamsburg has established itself HONORING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF as a direct provider of social and housing Tuesday, March 8, 2005 SAN ANTONIO COUNCILMAN services and is the address for urban plan- Mr. WICKER. Mr. Speaker, I thank my col- CHRISTOPHER ‘‘CHIP’’ HAASS ning, public health and community develop- leagues from Florida for allowing me to partici- ment services for the Jewish community of pate in this tribute to our friend, Tillie Fowler. HON. HENRY CUELLAR Greater Williamsburg. I was privileged to get to know Tillie and to OF TEXAS The United Jewish Organizations of Wil- see how effective she was here in this body. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES liamsburg, has been a leader in providing low- I served with her on the Whip team, where her Monday, March 14, 2005 income housing to the Williamsburg commu- intelligence and leadership abilities were great Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nity. Their most recent project includes the de- assets. Tillie also had the universal respect of recognize San Antonio Councilman Chris- velopment of a waterfront property at the site members of Congress in both parties because topher ‘‘Chip’’ Haass for his dedication to pub- of the former Schaeffer Brewery, which has of her gentle demeanor and the way she got lic service in my community. 149 housing units reserved for low-income things done. She also enjoyed that same Councilman Haass attended Saint Mary’s people. Additionally, they are the central ad- measure of respect from all the branches of High School in San Antonio, after completing dress for the New York State and New York our armed services. Tillie gained a seat on the high school he enrolled at Texas Christian City Departments of Health and the Center for Armed Services Committee and worked hard University and received a degree in Political Disease Control in researching and conducting on issues to strengthen our military and im- Science and History, then received a master’s pilot projects on Cancer and Shigellosis in the prove the quality of life for our service per- in Education. After graduation he returned to culturally rich Hasidic Jewish community. They sonnel. Saint Mary’s as a government teacher, he is have also been instrumental in providing treat- One of the newspaper stories referred to the first male alumni to do so. ment to those suffering from the adverse af- Tillie as a passionate advocate for the City of At age 25 he decided to enter the political fects of tobacco as well as being involved in Jacksonville and for the military. There is no arena, and in 2003 he was elected and be- collaborative efforts with other not-for-profits in question about that, and she achieved suc- came the youngest Councilman ever elected providing for the overall betterment of the Wil- cess without raising her voice or pounding on in San Antonio’s history. He credits his ener- liamsburg community. the rostrum. She did it with a personal style getic personality, and idealism that led the Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent that embodied all the characteristics of a people of his community to call for reform. on this body to recognize the achievements of Southern lady. Tillie was polite and courteous, Councilman Haass has distinguished him- the United Jewish Organizations of Williams- always immaculately dressed, and easy to self during his term by improving the basic in- burg. After the destruction and decimation of work with—yet tenacious in pursuit of her frastructure of District 10. Soon after he en- many Hasidic dynasties in Europe during the goals. Working Woman magazine once said tered office he passed bonds that secured Holocaust, it is truly an inspiration to see the about Tillie that she was a ‘‘diminutive South- monetary assets to parks and schools in the Hasidic sects of Satmar, Pupa, Vishnitz, Vien, ern belle but tough as an old Marine.’’ She community. Tzelem, Skver, Klausenberg and Spinka join said she learned that lesson from her grand- He sees his future in public service, either together under the umbrella of The United mother, who said being a lady doesn’t mean as an elected official, working with non-profit Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and call you can’t be tough. organizations, or as an educator. He enjoys Brooklyn their home. Tillie heeded her grandnother’s advice, and bringing people together as a community, and Mr. Speaker, may our country continue to it served her well throughout a career that was debating the issues. Councilman Haass has benefit from the civic actions of The United marked by pioneering accomplishments. She the ability to motivate others through his vi- Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and was one of only five women in her Emory Uni- sion, and create a consensus. community groups similar to them.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.029 E14PT1 March 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E441 CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- their aggressive spirit, while the diamond sym- youngest elected city councilman in San Anto- SITY OF NEW MEXICO’S MEN’S bolizes the only diamond field in North Amer- nio history. He is just beginning on a prom- AND WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ica located in Arkansas. ising career, and I know that he will be a TEAMS There is no doubt the 39th has lived up to major force for good in Texas politics for many the badge it proudly bares. Forceful and years to come. HON. HEATHER WILSON strong is why Iraq is better today than it was Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have the chance OF NEW MEXICO in April of 2004 when our brave men and to thank him here for the work he has done women first pulled into Camp Taji. Forceful IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thus far, and to wish him well as he continues and strong is how they did their job in the to serve the people of San Antonio. Monday, March 14, 2005 most hostile environment, every day, for a f Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico, Mr. Speaker, year. Forceful and strong is why their families I rise today to congratulate the University of can wrap their arms around them now and A TRIBUTE TO ROSA WITSELL New Mexico Men’s and Women’s Basketball welcome them home. Teams on winning the Men’s and Women’s The efforts of the 39th have resulted in re- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS 2005 Mountain West Conference (MWC) Tour- constructed Iraqi schools, hospitals, irrigation OF NEW YORK naments. From the Pit in Albuquerque to the and sewage systems, and new recreational IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES projects for children. The footprint they left in Pepsi Center in Denver, these Lobo student- Monday, March 14, 2005 athletes have proudly represented the Univer- the Iraqi sand is far deeper than their boot sity of New Mexico. size; and the sacrifice made by too many not Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of The Lobo Men’s 60–56 victory against Utah coming home will never be forgotten. Rosa Witsell who has dedicated her career to in the Mountain West Conference tournament We must take a moment, as we celebrate her community and enriching the lives of our garnered them the Mountain West Conference the return of our loved ones, to think of those children. Championship. Equally impressive, the UNM less fortunate. Those who gave their lives de- Rosa grew up in Charleston, South Carolina Women’s Basketball team beat Utah 47–37 for fending strangers to ensure peace have made and is the youngest of four children. She was its third straight Mountain West Conference the noblest of sacrifices. They will be missed nurtured in a home environment where there tournament victory. by their families and friends and honored by was a strong belief and faith in God. At age Led by Head Coach Ritchie McKay, the their country. We pray every day for those 10 she joined the Tabernacle Baptist Church Men’s Basketball team secured an NCAA who loved them and thank them all for what and became a Sunday School Teacher and Tournament bid, the first since 1999. With a they’ve left us with. Secretary, and a member of the Junior Usher Conference Championship under their belt, On behalf of the Congress, I thank all the Board. this marks the 11th time the Lobo Men’s team members of the 39th Infantry Brigade for the After earning her Bachelor’s of Science from secured an NCAA tournament spot. The UNM immeasurable contributions they have made to Johnson C. Smith University, Rosa moved to Men are on a nine game winning streak as peace, democracy and the Iraqi people. Their Brooklyn, New York where she continued her they look toward more ‘‘W’s’’ in the NCAA bravery and courage stand as a shining exam- spiritual growth by joining the Brown Memorial tournament. ple of American ability and our debt to them Baptist Church under the Pastorate of the late Now a perfect 3–0 in Conference title can never fully be repaid. Dr. Rev. Samuel Austin. She remains active in games, the Lobo Women, under the tutelage f Brown’s Ministries under her current Pastor, Rev. Clinton M. Miller, where she is a member of Head Coach Don Flanagan, secured a bid HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS to the NCAA Tournament. The Women’s bas- of the Senior Missionary Society, Willing OF SAN ANTONIO CITY COUNCIL- Worker’s Club, and the 40/60 Friendship Club. ketball team has dominated the conference for MAN JULIAN CASTRO the past three years and has garnered three Rosa began her career path with the New consecutive Conference Championships. The HON. HENRY CUELLAR York City Department of Parks and Recreation Lady Lobos have now won 9 straight Con- as a Recreation Director. She spent 12 years OF TEXAS ference Championship games as they prepare nurturing the young minds of 3 and 4 year IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the NCAA tournament. olds in a distinguished pre-school program Mr. Speaker, I wish to commend both the Monday, March 14, 2005 and broadening the horizon of 6 and 12 year UNM Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams, Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- olds in summer day camp. Rosa was later Head Coaches Ritchie McKay and Don Flana- nize San Antonio City Councilman Julian Cas- promoted to Assistant Supervisor of Recre- gan, the University of New Mexico and all the tro for his distinguished career in public serv- ation where she served the Harlem Commu- dedicated Lobo fans for this successful sea- ice, and his deep commitment to the people of nity and later the East New York Community. son. I am eagerly anticipating the teams’ first San Antonio. She also served as her agency’s liaison to round games in the NCAA tournament as they Julian Castro and his twin brother Joaquin Community Board Five, representing the proudly represent the University of New Mex- were born on September 16, 1974, and grew agency at Community Board meetings, Youth ico on the national stage. Go Lobos! up on San Antonio’s west side. For all but one Committee meetings, and providing invaluable support and assistance to the Board’s staff. f year of his education, Julian attended San An- tonio public schools. Upon his graduation from After more than 20 years, Rosa retired from TRIBUTE TO ARKANSAS’ 39TH high school, he moved to the San Francisco the Department of Parks, but remained in the INFANTRY BRIGADE Bay Area, where he attended Stanford Univer- East New York Community as Center Director sity. He graduated with a double major in Po- of the Starrett-at-Spring Creek Teen Center. In HON. MARION BERRY litical Science and Communication in 1996, addition to educational and cultural trips, Rosa OF ARKANSAS graduating with honors and distinction. implemented an annual Mother/Daughter Din- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After college, Julian returned home to San ner, Double Dutch and Talent Show competi- Antonio, and took a position as a permanent tions, dance classes, and workshops dealing Monday, March 14, 2005 substitute teacher at his alma mater, Jefferson with job skills, AIDS awareness, and proper Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to High School. He also began his career in pub- make-up. After 4 years as Center Director, rise today on behalf of Congress to thank Ar- lic service by working with the City’s Special Rosa resigned and joined the United States kansas’ 39th Infantry Brigade for their service Projects Office on housing and economic de- Postal Service where she is currently em- in Iraq and to welcome them home. velopment issues. ployed as a letter carrier. She enjoys the con- A Over the last year, the men and women Julian ran for City Council in 2000, and won tinued interaction with college students, young of the 39th have worked to make a positive a seat representing District 7. He ran on a families, and seniors. Rosa’s customers fre- difference in the lives of the Iraqi people. They platform of economic development and revital- quently thank her for her smile and excellent have faced their duties bravely, performed ization for the city, and committed himself to service. In fact, because her customers took honorably and made a difference in the devel- these projects once in office. He worked to im- the time to send letters of accommodation to opment of an emerging country. prove the community by cleaning up blighted the Postmaster, the Postal Service recognized Many years ago, the 39th chose to be rep- neighborhoods, and was a leading voice for her for outstanding customer service. resented by a Bowie knife laid over a diamond government ethics reform and public safety. Rosa is a former Board member of Brooklyn on their patch. The knife serves both as a trib- Julian Castro was 26 at the time of his elec- Neighborhood Improvement Association, and ute to The Bowie State and as a symbol of tion to the City Council, making him the a former Cadet Girl Scout Leader. She is a

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.033 E14PT1 E442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2005 single mom whose daughter Esteen, and son NIAGARA FALLS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Speaker, an Antonio Councilman in-law Derrick are about to make her a first BASKETBALL TEAM CHAMPION- Enrique Barrera is a credit to his community time grandmother in a few short months. SHIP and a tremendous resource to his county, and Mr. Speaker, Rosa Witsell has dedicated I am glad I had this opportunity to thank him herself to her professional career, to serving HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER for his work and dedication. her community and improving the lives of our OF NEW YORK f children. As such, she is more than worthy of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES receiving our recognition today and I urge my RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- colleagues to join me in honoring this truly re- Monday, March 14, 2005 TIONS OF SAN ANTONIO CITY markable person. Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today COUNCILWOMAN PATTI RADLE to congratulate the Niagara Falls High School f Boy’s Basketball team on winning the 2005 HON. HENRY CUELLAR New York State Public High School Athletic OF TEXAS MESSIAH EVANGELICAL Association Class AA Championship. The Ni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LUTHERAN CHURCH agara Falls Basketball Team is now ranked Monday, March 14, 2005 7th in the country. The team won the state HON. DALE E. KILDEE championship game by a score of 69 to 58, Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the contributions of Patti Radle. OF MICHIGAN and just as noteworthy, they won the semi- finals by over 50 points. Patti Radle has lived a life of enormous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Every player on the team deserves credit for service to her community. Since arriving in Monday, March 14, 2005 this victory. While Paul Harris, who won the San Antonio in 1969, Ms. Radle has been at the center of volunteer project after volunteer Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House Most Valuable Player award, should be con- project, working on issues ranging from urban of Representatives to join me in congratulating gratulated, each team member worked very development to education to civil rights. Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church on cele- hard to bring home this championship title to For thirty years, she and her husband, Rod, brating 125 years of worship, fellowship, and Niagara Falls. have served as volunteer co-directors of the outreach in Bay City, Michigan. On Sunday, I wish to commend Coach Bazzani and his non-profit group Inner City Development, October 16, the congregation of Messiah will staff and the leadership of the Niagara Falls which provides emergency services for fami- recognize this milestone during a special serv- School District for giving these young men the lies in crisis, and educational opportunities for ice and dinner to be held at the church. support and instilling in them their persever- ance and winning attitude. I would also like to children and teens. Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church found She served on the founding board of the its roots in Bay City in 1880, when 50 individ- compliment the other members of this team— the cheerleaders and the Pep Band. The band first chapter of Habitat for Humanity in the uals, immigrants from Sweden, came together United States, Habitat for Humanity San Anto- and formed one of the most spirit-filled min- made up of students including a father, has been at all the games inspiring the team and nio. She advanced the cause of civil rights in istries in Bay County. During the past 125 our state by organizing Martin Luther King me- years, Messiah has made a significant impact cheering on the crowd with their antics. They are as worth watching as the team. morial marches, and serving on the National on the community. The members of Messiah Council of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. have consistently heeded the call of Christ to Mr. Speaker, I cannot be prouder of the Ni- agara Falls Boy’s Basketball team. Again, I She worked for nine years as an elementary assist all those who are in need of spiritual school teacher, and helped to make our public healing. The inspiration for living by Christian wish to commend Coach Bazzani, the coach- ing staff, players and the community for this schools safer and stronger by founding school ideals is repeated again and again in the lives conflict resolution programs throughout the of the staff and laity of the church. In the inter- successful championship season. f San Antonio area. vening years, with God’s blessing, and Mr. Speaker, Patti Radle has enriched our through the dedicated efforts of many, pastors HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS community with her creativity, her energy, and and lay people alike, the membership has OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCILMAN her vision for over 35 years. She continues to grown to 600 people, embracing a variety of ENRIGUE M. BARRERA work to build a better future for San Antonio ethnic backgrounds. as City Councilwoman for San Antonio Council Spiritual growth spurred physical growth, as HON. HENRY CUELLAR District 5. I am proud to have the opportunity the building itself had no choice but to expand OF TEXAS to recognize her here, and to thank her for her to accommodate the new congregants. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many contributions to the community. original small frame building has given way to f the present substantial brick building on the Monday, March 14, 2005 same location, now designated as a historic Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- site by the State of Michigan. Although the nize San Antonio Councilman Enrique M. TIONS OF SAN ANTONIO COUN- building has changed, the high purpose of Barrera for a lifetime of distinguished public CILMAN RICHARD PEREZ worship and community service remains the service. same. Enrique Barrera began his professional ca- HON. HENRY CUELLAR I pray that during this glorious milestone the reer as an educator with the San Felipe OF TEXAS members and community of this magnificent School District in Del Rio Texas. His strong IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES church will come together and do as the Bible passion and dedication to serve the commu- Monday, March 14, 2005 tells us in Psalms 33:1–4: ‘‘Rejoice in the nity lead him to move to San Antonio to serve Lord, O you righteous! For praise from upright as a counselor, social worker and adminis- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to is beautiful. Praise the Lord with the harp; trator. acknowledge and congratulate Richard Perez make melody to Him with an instrument of ten He later worked as an Employee Depart- for his commitment to serving his fellow citi- strings. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully ment Specialist with the United States Office zens of San Antonio, Texas. with a shout of joy. For the word of the Lord of Personnel Management and then later as a Richard Perez is the representative for San is right and all His work is done in truth.’’ Chief of Civilian Personnel Training at Ran- Antonio’s City Council 4th District. He was For 125 years, Messiah Evangelical Lu- dolph Air Force Base. raised by his parents in the exact district that theran Church has been a dynamic force for He continued with his professional career at he represents today, so it goes without saying the public good. At every time of social need the State Level and served with the Texas De- that he is familiar with the area and its needs. or upheaval, the congregation has resound- partment of Community Affairs, the Texas De- But his life of service to the community does ingly responded by living the Gospel spoken partment of Commerce and the Texas work- not begin with his current role as a city council every Sunday in the sanctuary. Mr. Speaker, force commission. member; he has held various positions in city I ask the House of Representatives to rise In 2001 he decided to make a run for San planning in such cities as Laredo and Austin with me and applaud the continuity of Chris- Antonio City Council, and in May he was that experienced tremendous city growth dur- tian life that has resonated for more than 12 elected to District 6. In May 2003, he was re- ing his service. He has also worked at the decades and resonates today through Mes- elected to his second term, and has since U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel- siah Evangelical Lutheran Church. brought integrity to the seat. opment as the Special Assistant to the Deputy

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.036 E14PT1 March 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E443 Secretary for three years, thus giving him a Landscape and Nursery Inc. It is through this great city of San Antonio. It is because of this thorough understanding of the federal govern- position that he observes the challenges and connection with the populace and his long ments workings in communities like that which obstacles facing small businesses of San An- standing record of public service that I am he represents now. tonio. proud to let the people know of the commit- In 2001 Councilman Perez returned to his Mr. Speaker, Councilman Richard Perez un- ment of Richard Perez to the community. childhood home of San Antonio to assist in derstands the concerns of the citizens, small managing his families’ small business Fairway businesses and everything else that is the

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.041 E14PT1 E444 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2005 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Intelligence APRIL 14 Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, To hold a closed briefing on intelligence 10 a.m. agreed to by the Senate on February 4, matters. Veterans’ Affairs SH–219 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- To hold joint hearings with the House 3 p.m. Committee on Veterans Affairs to ex- tem for a computerized schedule of all Judiciary amine the legislative presentations of meetings and hearings of Senate com- Constitution, Civil Rights and Property the Military Officers Association of mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Rights Subcommittee America, the National Association of tees, and committees of conference. To hold hearings to examine obscenity State Director of Veterans Affairs, This title requires all such committees prosecution and the constitution. AMVETS, the American Ex-Prisoners to notify the Office of the Senate Daily SD–226 of War, and Vietnam Veterans of Amer- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Armed Services ica. mittee—of the time, place, and purpose Strategic Forces Subcommittee 345 CHOB of the meetings, when scheduled, and To hold hearings to examine national se- APRIL 21 any cancellations or changes in the curity space policy and programs in re- meetings as they occur. view of the Defense Authorization re- 10 a.m. As an additional procedure along quest for fiscal year 2006. Veterans’ Affairs with the computerization of this infor- SR–232A To hold joint hearings with the House 4:30 p.m. Committee on Veterans Affairs to ex- mation, the Office of the Senate Daily amine the legislative presentations of Armed Services Digest will prepare this information for the Fleet Reserve Association, the Air To receive a closed briefing regarding Im- printing in the Extensions of Remarks Force Sergeants Association, the Re- provised Explosive Devices (IED), fo- section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD tired Enlisted Association, and the on Monday and Wednesday of each cusing on the evolving IED threat and Gold Star Wives of America. week. the Department of Defense’s approach 345 CHOB Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, to addressing this issue. March 15, 2005 may be found in the SR–222 SEPTEMBER 20 Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. 10 a.m. MARCH 17 Veterans’ Affairs MEETINGS SCHEDULED 9:30 a.m. To hold joint hearings with the House Armed Services Committee on Veterans Affairs to ex- MARCH 16 To hold hearings to examine current and amine the legislative presentation of 9:15 a.m. future worldwide threats to the na- the American Legion. Environment and Public Works tional security of the United States; to 345 CHOB Business meeting to consider The Reli- be followed by a closed hearing in SH– able Fuels Act, and The Safe, Account- 219. able, Flexible, and Efficient Transpor- SD–106 CANCELLATIONS tation Equity Act of 2005. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions SD–406 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- MARCH 16 9:30 a.m. tion of Lester M. Crawford, of Mary- 3:30 p.m. Armed Services land, to be Commissioner of Food and Foreign Relations Airland Subcommittee Drugs, Department of Health and To hold hearings to examine the nomina- To hold hearings to examine Air Force Human Services. Acquisition Oversight in review of the tion of Howard J. Krongard, of New SD–430 Defense Authorization Request for fis- Jersey, to be Inspector General, De- Judiciary cal year 2006. partment of State. SR–232A Business meeting to consider pending SD–419 Appropriations calendar business. Labor, Health and Human Services, and SD–226 Education Subcommittee 10 a.m. POSTPONEMENTS To hold hearings to examine proposed Commerce, Science, and Transportation budget estimates for fiscal year 2006 for Oceans, Fisheries and Coast Guard Sub- 11 a.m. the Department of Health and Human committee Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Services. To hold hearings to examine the Presi- fairs SD–138 dent’s proposed budget request for fis- Business meeting to consider S. 21, to 10 a.m. cal year 2006 for the Coast Guard Oper- provide for homeland security grant Finance ational Readiness/Mission Balance. coordination and simplification, S. 335, To hold hearings to examine expiring tax SR–253 to reauthorize the Congressional provisions. Veterans’ Affairs Award Act, S. 494, to amend chapter 23 SD–628 To hold hearings to examine the report of title 5, United States Code, to clarify 11:30 a.m. entitled, ‘‘Back from the Battlefield: the disclosures of information pro- tected from prohibited personnel prac- Energy and Natural Resources Are we providing the proper care for tices, require a statement in nondisclo- Business meeting to consider pending America’s Wounded Warriors?’’. sure policies, forms, and agreements calendar business. SR–418 SD–366 that such policies, forms, and agree- 11 a.m. 2 p.m. ments conform with certain disclosure Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Appropriations protections, provide certain authority Military Construction Subcommittee Business meeting to markup The Federal for the Special Counsel, S. 501, to pro- To hold hearings to examine proposed Public Transportation Act of 2005. vide a site for the National Women’s budget estimates for fiscal year 2006 for SD–538 History Museum in the District of Co- the Army and Air Force. 3 p.m. lumbia, report of the permanent sub- SD–138 Armed Services committee on investigation, titled, 2:30 p.m. SeaPower Subcommittee ‘‘The Role of the Professional Firms in Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine posture of the U.S. Tax Shelter Industry’’, and To hold hearings to examine the lifting the U.S. Transportation Command in the nomination of Harold Damelin, of of the European Union arms embargo review of the Defense Authorization re- Virginia, to be Inspector General, De- on China. quest for fiscal year 2006. partment of the Treasury. SD–419 SR–232A SD–342

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:04 Mar 15, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M14MR8.000 E14PT1