General Population Tables, Series-3, Himachal Pradesh

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General Population Tables, Series-3, Himachal Pradesh CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-03 GENERAL POPULATION TABLES HIMACHAL PRADESH (Tables A-1 to A-4) Directorate of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh Data Product Number 02-011-2001 Cen-8ook (II) Contents Pages Preface v Acknowledgement \/I FIgures at a Glance VII-VIII Map relatmg to Admm/stratlVe DIvIsIons IX General Note - Census Concepts and Definitions 1-26 Table A-1 Number of Villages, Towns, Households, Population and Area 27-64 Fly-leaf 28 Diagram regarding area and percentage to total area 29 Map regardmg rural and urban population 39 Map regarding Sex rabo-2001 40 Diagram regarding Area by Indla/States/Unton terntorles 41 Diagram regarding Population India/States/Union territories 42 Diagram regardmg Population by State and Districts 43 Map regardmg Density of population 44 Table A-1 (Part-I) Number of villages, towns, households, population and area 45-55 TableA-1 (Part-II) Number of towns, households, population and area 56-59 AppendlxA-1 Changes In terntorlal Units dUring 1991-2001 60-64 Table A -2 Oecadal, Variation In Population since 1901 65-76 Fly-leaf 66 Statement - 1 to 3 67-70 Diagram relating to Growth of total population 1901-2001 India/State 71-72 Table A-2 Decadal vanatlon In population since 1901 73-75 AppendlxA-2 Decadal vanatlon In population since 1901 76 TabJe A -3 Villages by Population Size class 77-96 Fly-leaf 78 Statement - 1 & 2 79-81 TableA-3 Villages by population size class 82-93 AppendiX A-3 Number and population of Villages with population of 5,000 and above and towns with population below 5,000 94-96 (III) Table A-4 Towns and Urban Agglomeration Classified by Population Size class In 2001 with Variation since 1901 97-144 Fly-leaf 98 Statement - 1 to 13 99-124 Alphabetical list of towns/Urban Agglomeratlon-2001 125-126 Diagram regardmg Decadal percentage growth of urban population population 1901-2001 127 Map showing U A !Towns by size & class of population 128 TableA-4 Towns and urban agglomeration classified by population size class In 2001 with vanatlon since 1901 129-138 App -1 - A-4 New towns added In 2001 and towns of 1991 declassIfied In 2001 139 App -2 - A-4 Changes In area of towns between 1991-2001 and reasons thereof 139 Statement - 1 & 2 139-140 Annexure - A Household schedule and housellstlng schedule 141-144 Annexure - B The Census Act, 1948 145-148 The Census (Amendment) Act, 1993 149-152 (IV) Preface he final populatlOn data and Its basIc charactenstLcs presented m this publIcation are based on the data T captured through the Household Schedules dunng the Actual Census EnumeratIOn of2001 Census and also from other sources The Census of India 2001 was fourteenth m the contmuous senes as reckoned from 1872 and sixth smce Independence It has been the first Census of the third millenmum The General Population Tables, Its appendices and statements have been generated by usmg the computer technology Data mcluded m thiS volume have been presented m the form of A-Senes Tables, VIZ A-I to A-4 PopulatIOn figures presented m Table A-I depLct data for Total, Rural and Urban areas separately down to TehsIIlSub-tehsll/Town level Besides sex-wise populatton, data pertaInmg to area In sq kms, density of populatlon, mhabLted and unInhabited vLllages, number of towns and households have also been presented Table A-2 shows the decadal vanatlOns m populatIOn smce 1901 as adjusted accordIng to the 2001 CensusjunsdlctlOns Table A-3 prOVides details of the Villages clasSified by population size class and the trend of urbamzatLOn m Himachal Pradesh LS depLcted m Table A-4 The analytical note m begmnmg of thiS volume gIves a bnef account as to how the 2001 Census was conducted m the State by hlghlIghtmg ItS salIent features Each table IS supported by a fly-leaf to famIlIarize the readers about the Importance and coverage of data given In the Tables The analYSIS of the data has been supported by number of statements and appendIces The Tables were prepared/checked m Census Section of thIS DLrectorate by the team of dedicated offiCials Sh ArJun SIngh Negl, Assistant Director, prepared the InitIal draft report, which was scrutmlzed by Sh K S Thakur, Ex-Deputy Director ThLS pubhcatlOn IS the outcome of the Jomt efforts of Census DIvIsIOn, Office of the Registrar General & Census CommisSioner, India and the Directorate of Census OperatIons, Himachal Pradesh I must record my deepest sense of gratitude to Sh J K Banthla, lAS, Ex-Registrar General & Census CommisSioner, India and hIS worthy successor, Sh 0 K Sikri, lAS, AddItIonal Secretary, Registrar General & Census CommisSIOner, IndIa for affordmg us all along the valuable gUIdance and encouragement at every stage to bnng out thiS pubhcatIon I am mdebted to Dr 0 Roy Choudhury, Deputy Registrar General, Sh Anand Kumar, Jomt Director, Sh Jagan Lal, Deputy Director and staff members of the Census and TabulatIon DIVlSlOn of ORGI, New DeIhl for provLdmg all sort of aSSIstance m the presentatIon of thiS pubhcatlOn In the Census DlTectorate, Dr R L Blsotra, lAS, the then Duector of Census OperatIOns, under whose able gUidance and leadership the entire Census OperatIOn was conducted successfully, deserves all credits I am thankful to S/Sh Arjun Smgh Negl and V K Babbar, both ASSistant DIrectors, who worked very hard 10 the finaltsatton of thiS publtcatlOn I am also thankful to my predecessors Sh K S Thakur, the Ex-Deputy Director and Sh VM Tamhane, the then Deputy Director for their untmng efforts m brmgmg out thiS publIcatIon I hope thLs pubhcatlOn Will prove useful to the admlmstrators, planners, demographers and other data users Shlmla KARAN SINGH March,2008 Jomt Director of Census OperatIons, HImachal Pradesh (v) Acknowledgement Census SectIOn 1 Sh C M Azad StatIstIcal Investigator Grade-I 2 Sh R S Thakur StatIstical Investlgator Grade-II 3 Sh LaIq Ram Vashist StatIstIcal InvestIgator Grade-II 4 Sh Ram Lal Thakur StatIstIcal InvestIgator Grade-II 5 Smt Usha Kuman SemorComptler 6 Sh Ramesh Chand Chandel Complier 7 Smt Neema Devl CompIler 8 Sh Ami Thakur CompIler Preparation of Maps 1 Smt Veena Thakur Semor Geographer 2 Sh Parma Nand Sharma Semor Draughtsman 3 Sh Het Ram Verma Semor Draughtsman 4 Sh Shankar Lal Panhar Semor Draughtsman 5 Sh Hans Raj Thakur Draughtsman Secretarial ASSistance 1 Sh Glan Chand Sr Stenographer Preparation of Camera Ready Copy (CRC) 1 Sh Sohan Lal Quami Prmtmg Inspector 2 Sh Som Knshan Sharma Proof Reader 3 Sh Bhagat Ram Sharma Proof Reader 4 Smt Sumta Ram CompIler 5 Sh Gulab Chandra Jalswal Lower DIVIsIon Clerk (VI) FIGURES AT A GLANCE TOTAL POPULATION Total Persons 6,077,900 Males 3,087,940 Females 2,989,960 Rural Persons 5,482,319 Males 2,756,073 Females 2,726,240 Urban Persons 595,581 Males 331,867 Females 263,714 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATE 1991-2001 175 AREA IN KM2 55,67300 DENSITY OF POPULATION PER KM2 109 SEX RATIO (Number of females per 1,000 males) 968 LITERACY RATE (Excludmg chIldren m the age-group 0-6) Persons 765 Males 853 Females 674 PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION 98 PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION (1) Mam workers Persons 323 Males 432 Females 21 1 (11) Margmal workers Persons 169 Males 114 Females 226 (llI) Non-workers Persons 508 Males 454 Females 563 BREAK UP OF MAIN WORKERS PERCENTAGE AMONG MAIN WORKERS CULTIVATORS Persons 555 Males 434 Females 809 (VII) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 18 Males 20 Females 15 HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY WORKERS Persons 18 Males 21 Females 1 1 OTHER WORKERS Persons 409 Males 525 Females 164 PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES TO TOTAL POPULATION Persons 247 Males 247 Females 247 PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBES TO TOTAL POPULATION Persons 40 Males 40 Females 4 I TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS 1,221,589 TOTAL NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 20,118 InhabIted 17,495 Umnhablted 2,623 TOTAL NUMBER OF TOWNS 57 (VIII) . _ . _r"_ ~__________________________ ______________________________________________________ -, ---'- - ~- HIMACHAL PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 2001 N o . ~ Boundaries: 8 International . State ..... ' . District ... ' " Tahsil/Sub-Tahsil .. KILOMETRES 20 20 40 u. P • ... UTI AR PRADESH K . P~RT OF KASAULI TAHSIL HEADQUARTERS: STATE DISTR ICT HEADQUARTERS ARE ALSO TAHSIL HEADQUARTERS (EXC EPT KINNAU R WHERE IT IS LOCATED AT RECKONG PEO) DISTRICT *@ WHERE THE NAME OF TAHSIUSUB·TAHSIL DIFFERS FROM ITS HEADQUARTERS' TAHSIUSUB-TAHSIL • NAME, THE FORMER HAS BEEN WRITIEN WITHIN BRACKETS THE ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS OF SHIMLA RURAL TAHSIL AND SHIMLA URBAN TAHSI L ARE AT SHIMLA 76° East of Greenwich ix GENERAL NOTE Introduction tate volume of General PopulatIOn Tables based or duphcatIon,therefore, m order to have a complete S on the Census of India 2001 for HImachal coverage of all the areas, hsts of villages and towns Pradesh contam the A senes tables, A-I to A-4 were fmalIsed takIng mto account varIOUS depictmg basIc charactenstlcs of the populatIon of government notIficatIOns Issued by the state durmg the state down to tahsll/sub-tahsillevel m the rural the peflod 1991 to 2000 areas and town m the urban area The data m thiS Pretests' volume depIcts mformatlon on variety of demographIC aspects such as area, houses, households, population, As a first step for deslgnmg the Census growth and decadal vanatIOn m population, VIllages Schedules for 2001 Census, first conference of data classrfied by populatIon SIze and changes m the areas users was held m October, 1997 at New DelhI whIch and JUrISdIctIons m dIStrICtS smce 1991 Census Table was attended by the Important functionanes of varIOUS A-4 depicts the trend of urbanizatIOn m HImachal mimstenes, departments and research orgamsatIOns
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