Directorate of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh Data Product Number 02-011-2001 Cen-8ook

(II) Contents

Pages Preface v

Acknowledgement \/I

FIgures at a Glance VII-VIII

Map relatmg to Admm/stratlVe DIvIsIons IX

General Note - Census Concepts and Definitions 1-26

Table A-1 Number of Villages, Towns, Households, Population and Area 27-64 Fly-leaf 28

Diagram regarding area and percentage to total area 29 Map regardmg rural and urban population 39

Map regarding Sex rabo-2001 40 Diagram regarding Area by Indla/States/Unton terntorles 41

Diagram regarding Population India/States/Union territories 42 Diagram regardmg Population by State and Districts 43 Map regardmg Density of population 44 Table A-1 (Part-I) Number of villages, towns, households, population and area 45-55

TableA-1 (Part-II) Number of towns, households, population and area 56-59

AppendlxA-1 Changes In terntorlal Units dUring 1991-2001 60-64

Table A -2 Oecadal, Variation In Population since 1901 65-76 Fly-leaf 66 Statement - 1 to 3 67-70 Diagram relating to Growth of total population 1901-2001 India/State 71-72

Table A-2 Decadal vanatlon In population since 1901 73-75

AppendlxA-2 Decadal vanatlon In population since 1901 76

TabJe A -3 Villages by Population Size class 77-96 Fly-leaf 78 Statement - 1 & 2 79-81 TableA-3 Villages by population size class 82-93

AppendiX A-3 Number and population of Villages with population of 5,000 and above and towns with population below 5,000 94-96

(III) Table A-4 Towns and Urban Agglomeration Classified by Population Size class In 2001 with Variation since 1901 97-144 Fly-leaf 98 Statement - 1 to 13 99-124 Alphabetical list of towns/Urban Agglomeratlon-2001 125-126 Diagram regardmg Decadal percentage growth of urban population population 1901-2001 127 Map showing U A !Towns by size & class of population 128

TableA-4 Towns and urban agglomeration classified by population size class In 2001 with vanatlon since 1901 129-138 App -1 - A-4 New towns added In 2001 and towns of 1991 declassIfied In 2001 139 App -2 - A-4 Changes In area of towns between 1991-2001 and reasons thereof 139 Statement - 1 & 2 139-140 Annexure - A Household schedule and housellstlng schedule 141-144 Annexure - B The Census Act, 1948 145-148 The Census (Amendment) Act, 1993 149-152

(IV) Preface

he final populatlOn data and Its basIc charactenstLcs presented m this publIcation are based on the data T captured through the Household Schedules dunng the Actual Census EnumeratIOn of2001 Census and also from other sources The Census of India 2001 was fourteenth m the contmuous senes as reckoned from 1872 and sixth smce Independence It has been the first Census of the third millenmum The General Population Tables, Its appendices and statements have been generated by usmg the computer technology Data mcluded m thiS volume have been presented m the form of A-Senes Tables, VIZ A-I to A-4

PopulatIOn figures presented m Table A-I depLct data for Total, Rural and Urban areas separately down to TehsIIlSub-tehsll/Town level Besides sex-wise populatton, data pertaInmg to area In sq kms, density of populatlon, mhabLted and unInhabited vLllages, number of towns and households have also been presented Table A-2 shows the decadal vanatlOns m populatIOn smce 1901 as adjusted accordIng to the 2001 CensusjunsdlctlOns Table A-3 prOVides details of the Villages clasSified by population size class and the trend of urbamzatLOn m Himachal Pradesh LS depLcted m Table A-4 The analytical note m begmnmg of thiS volume gIves a bnef account as to how the 2001 Census was conducted m the State by hlghlIghtmg ItS salIent features Each table IS supported by a fly-leaf to famIlIarize the readers about the Importance and coverage of data given In the Tables The analYSIS of the data has been supported by number of statements and appendIces The Tables were prepared/checked m Census Section of thIS DLrectorate by the team of dedicated offiCials

Sh ArJun SIngh Negl, Assistant Director, prepared the InitIal draft report, which was scrutmlzed by Sh K S Thakur, Ex-Deputy Director ThLS pubhcatlOn IS the outcome of the Jomt efforts of Census DIvIsIOn, Office of the Registrar General & Census CommisSioner, India and the Directorate of Census OperatIons, Himachal Pradesh I must record my deepest sense of gratitude to Sh J K Banthla, lAS, Ex-Registrar General & Census CommisSioner, India and hIS worthy successor, Sh 0 K Sikri, lAS, AddItIonal Secretary, Registrar General & Census CommisSIOner, IndIa for affordmg us all along the valuable gUIdance and encouragement at every stage to bnng out thiS pubhcatIon I am mdebted to Dr 0 Roy Choudhury, Deputy Registrar General, Sh Anand Kumar, Jomt Director, Sh Jagan Lal, Deputy Director and staff members of the Census and TabulatIon DIVlSlOn of ORGI, New DeIhl for provLdmg all sort of aSSIstance m the presentatIon of thiS pubhcatlOn In the Census DlTectorate, Dr R L Blsotra, lAS, the then Duector of Census OperatIOns, under whose able gUidance and leadership the entire Census OperatIOn was conducted successfully, deserves all credits I am thankful to S/Sh Arjun Smgh Negl and V K Babbar, both ASSistant DIrectors, who worked very hard 10 the finaltsatton of thiS publtcatlOn I am also thankful to my predecessors Sh K S Thakur, the Ex-Deputy Director and Sh VM Tamhane, the then Deputy Director for their untmng efforts m brmgmg out thiS publIcatIon

I hope thLs pubhcatlOn Will prove useful to the admlmstrators, planners, demographers and other data users

Shlmla KARAN SINGH March,2008 Jomt Director of Census OperatIons, HImachal Pradesh

(v) Acknowledgement

Census SectIOn 1 Sh C M Azad StatIstIcal Investigator Grade-I 2 Sh R S Thakur StatIstical Investlgator Grade-II 3 Sh LaIq Ram Vashist StatIstIcal InvestIgator Grade-II 4 Sh Ram Lal Thakur StatIstIcal InvestIgator Grade-II 5 Smt Usha Kuman SemorComptler 6 Sh Ramesh Chand Chandel Complier 7 Smt Neema Devl CompIler 8 Sh Ami Thakur CompIler

Preparation of Maps 1 Smt Veena Thakur Semor Geographer 2 Sh Parma Nand Sharma Semor Draughtsman 3 Sh Het Ram Verma Semor Draughtsman 4 Sh Shankar Lal Panhar Semor Draughtsman 5 Sh Hans Raj Thakur Draughtsman

Secretarial ASSistance 1 Sh Glan Chand Sr Stenographer

Preparation of Camera Ready Copy (CRC) 1 Sh Sohan Lal Quami Prmtmg Inspector 2 Sh Som Knshan Sharma Proof Reader 3 Sh Bhagat Ram Sharma Proof Reader 4 Smt Sumta Ram CompIler 5 Sh Gulab Chandra Jalswal Lower DIVIsIon Clerk


TOTAL POPULATION Total Persons 6,077,900 Males 3,087,940 Females 2,989,960

Rural Persons 5,482,319 Males 2,756,073 Females 2,726,240

Urban Persons 595,581 Males 331,867 Females 263,714


AREA IN KM2 55,67300


SEX RATIO (Number of females per 1,000 males) 968

LITERACY RATE (Excludmg chIldren m the age-group 0-6) Persons 765 Males 853 Females 674


PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION (1) Mam workers Persons 323 Males 432 Females 21 1

(11) Margmal workers Persons 169 Males 114 Females 226

(llI) Non-workers Persons 508 Males 454 Females 563


(VII) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 18 Males 20 Females 15

HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY WORKERS Persons 18 Males 21 Females 1 1

OTHER WORKERS Persons 409 Males 525 Females 164




TOTAL NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 20,118 InhabIted 17,495 Umnhablted 2,623


(VIII) . _ . _r"_ ~______-,


ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 2001 N o . ~ Boundaries: 8 International . . State ..... ' . District ... ' " Tahsil/Sub-Tahsil ..






76° East of Greenwich




tate volume of General PopulatIOn Tables based or duphcatIon,therefore, m order to have a complete S on the Census of India 2001 for HImachal coverage of all the areas, hsts of villages and towns Pradesh contam the A senes tables, A-I to A-4 were fmalIsed takIng mto account varIOUS depictmg basIc charactenstlcs of the populatIon of government notIficatIOns Issued by the state durmg the state down to tahsll/sub-tahsillevel m the rural the peflod 1991 to 2000 areas and town m the urban area The data m thiS Pretests' volume depIcts mformatlon on variety of demographIC aspects such as area, houses, households, population, As a first step for deslgnmg the Census growth and decadal vanatIOn m population, VIllages Schedules for 2001 Census, first conference of data classrfied by populatIon SIze and changes m the areas users was held m October, 1997 at New DelhI whIch and JUrISdIctIons m dIStrICtS smce 1991 Census Table was attended by the Important functionanes of varIOUS A-4 depicts the trend of urbanizatIOn m HImachal mimstenes, departments and research orgamsatIOns Pradesh Whereever pOSSIble the data have been The operatIOnal modalIties of the schedules were presented tor total, rural and urban areas The volume discussed m the conference and after senes of IS comprIsed of followmg mam tables delI beratIOns held m Census Conferences, final schedules were drawn for use m 2001 Census The A-I Number of VIllages, towns, households, schedules whIch were canvassed dUrIng 2001 Census population and areas were pretested dUIrng July, 1999 ThiS pretest enabled us to know about the operational SUItabIlIty of 2 A-2 Decadal vanatIOn m populatIOn smce 1901 each questIOn, the time taken to fill-up the schedules 3 A-3 VIllages claSSified by populatIOn SIze and vanous diffIcultIes/problems faced by enumeratIOn agenCIes 10 canvassmg vanous 4 A-4 Towns and Urban Agglomerations clasSIfied questIOns by populatIOn SIze class m 2001 wIth vanatIOn smce 1901 As stated above, the pretest m HImachal Pradesh was held alongwlth all the states and umon Each table IS supported by a fly leaf to terntones of IndIa dunng July, 1999 to test the famtlanse the reader wIth the Importance and questionnaires, concepts and defimtIOns to be adopted coverage of data gIven In the table The analYSIS m 2001 Census The time schedules for the pretest of the data has been supported by plathora of was July 10-15 for houseltstmg and 16-31 July, 1999 statements and appendices The Village and for actual census enumeratton WIth reviSlonal round wardwlse PrImary Census Abstract for 2001 dunng 1-2 August, 1999 The reference date was Census were compIled from data collected through the 1st August, 1999 The pretest was earned out household schedules All the tables m thiS through the state government agenCIes by engagmg publIcation are based on the data shown In the staff of revenue and educatIOn department of the Pnmary Census Abstract state and also from the local bodIes The supervIsors At the 1991 Census, there were 103 were drawn from the staff of the Census DIrectorate tehstls/sub-tehsils and 58 towns m HImachal from amongst StatIstIcal Asstts, InvestIgators and Pradesh At the Census of IndIa 2001, whIle the other semor officers Dunng the pretest, ten blocks number of tehstls/sub-tehstls Increased to 109 the - five rural(Mangoo,Sanawar,AnJl of Solan dlstnct number of towns came down to 57 As the Census and BhaJyar and Basantpur of Shlmla dIstnct) and alms to enumerate all mdlvlduals WIthout omiSSIon five urban (Solan and Arki of Solan dIStrICt, two blocks

3 of ShlmJa MUnicIpal Corp and Totu of ShImla (Xl) Statement-II DetaIls of Schedules/forms dIstrIct) were selected The folloWIng schedules were receIved/ dIstrIbuted used and/or canvassed (xu) Statement-III Number of schedules gIVen to (I) Notional Map/Layout sketch enumeratIOn and used In pretest (n) Househst Schedule Census HIerarchy . The RegIstrar General, IndIa (UI) Househst Abstract was appOInted Census CommISSIoner of IndIa VIde (IV) Household Schedule Government of IndIa NotIficatIOn No 9/33)/99- Before conduct of pretest, m house trammg was CD(CEN) dated 16 8 1999 He owes overall Imparted to supervIsors on 28 6 1999 ExtenSIve responSIbIlIty for conductIng the populatIon census trammg was Imparted to enumerators at Solan durmg whIch IS a umon subject under the charge of MInIstry 5th to 6th July, 1999 and at Shlmla on 7th and 8th of Home AffaIrs There were other sentor officers 10 July, 1999 After completIon of pretest, the followmg hIS office to aSSIst hIm In completIng thIS gIgantic tables were comptled on the baSIS of data collected tIme bound task At the state level, In each state, through pretest Director of Census OperatIons was overall Inca~ge (I) Table H-I Census houses and the uses to of conductmg the Census He had to mamtam close WhICh they are put lIaIson WIth the State Government to ensure tImely and successful conduct of census In the state He (11) Table H-2 Households WIth avaIlabIlIty of 'was, aSSIsted by Jomt DIrector, Deputy DIrector, radIO/tranSistor, teleVISion, Asstt Directors and other staff for accomphshmg telephone thiS time bound task The Director of Census (Ill) Table H- 3 Households by ownershIp of OperatIOns, Himachal Pradesh was appOInted VIde bicycle, scooter/motor cycle/ Government of HImachal Pradesh NotIfication No moped, car/Jeep/van 5-1171-Dp -Apptt Vol N (98) dated 22 12 1998 ( IV) Table H-4 Households classified by mcome The State Government VIde Nottficatlon No per month GAB-2B(1)-3/99 dated 24 11 1999, appomted all the (v) Table H-S Percentage dIstnbutIon of the Deputy CommISSIOners as PnncIpal Census Officers, households by avaIlabIhty of bank AddItIonal Dlstnct MagIstrate as DIstrIct Census account Officers and DIstrIct Revenue Officers (except In the dIstncts of Kmnaur and Lahul & SPItI) as (VI) Table HH-l Number of persons usually takmg AddItional DIStrict Census Officers CommISSIOner, vegetarian food MUnICipal CorporatIOn Shlmla was appOInted as (Vll) Table HH-2 Number of persons of age 60 PnncIpal Census Officer and ASSIstant CommISSIOner and above gIVIng help In house as DistrIct Census Officers for ShImla MUnICIpal work, finanCial support to other CorporatIOn In addItIOn, the ReSIdent CommISSIoner, famIly member(s) or reqUIrIng PangI and AddItIonal Deputy CommISSIoner, Kaza phYSIcal support or care or who were appOInted as SpeCIal Census Officers for PangI are finanCially dependent and Kaza respectIvely All the Sub-DlvlSlonal (Vlll) Table HH-3 Number ofmarned women above Officers (CivIl) were appomted as Sub- DIvlSlonal 13 years of age and number of Census Officers m their respective Sub-dIVISIons sons and daughters survIVmg at For proper plannmg at tehsIVtown level, powers were present and ever born ahve and delegated VIde NotIficatIbn No GAB-2B(l)-3/99 any son or daughter born ahve dated 24 11 1999 to all the PrInCIpal Census Officers, durmg last year DIstrICt Census Officers and SpeCIal Census Officers to appomt Tehstldars and NaIb-tehslldars as Charge (IX) Urban/VIllage Pnmary Census OffIcers and Asstt Charge OffIcers lfl then Abstract JunsdIctlons In partIal modIficatIon of notIficatIOn (x) Statement-I DetaIls of tIme spent on dIfferent dated 24 11 1999, all Nalb-tehsIldars posted at tehsII Items of works headquarters were redeSIgnated as AddItIonal Charge

4 OffIcers mstead of Asstt Charge officers vIde m such areas IS dIfficult durmg peak snowy penod NotIficatIon No GAB-2B(l)-3/99 dated 2322000 and It was not possIble to conduct the Census The Secretary and ExecutIve OffIcers were sImultaneously alongwith other parts of HImachal appomted Charge Officers m Nagar Panchayats, Pradesh and rest of the country The Prmclpal Nagar Panshads and Cantonment Boards The Census OffIcers were requested to send the necessary assIstance was also provIded to Sub­ particulars of the areas lIke name of the tehsillsub­ DIvIsional Census Officers, Charge Officers and tehsIls/towns and VIllages where It was dIfficult to AddItional Charge Officers by appomtmg Office conduct the populatIOn census dunng February­ Kanungos workmg m tehstls/sub-tehsiis as Asstt March, 2001 On their recommendatIons population Charge Officers m theIr respectIve JunsdictIOns Apart enumeratIOn was conducted from 11 th September, 2000 to 30th September, 2000 WIth revlSlonaI round from rural and urban charges, speCIal charges were from 1st October, 2000 to 5th October, 2000 also carved out In the sensItIve areas where census However, due to devastatmg flood In Kmnaur on was conducted through agencIes lIke SSB, ITBP, IB, 31 7 2000 mght, populatIon census m the dIstnct was GREF, CISF, strIctly mIlItary charges, HImachal conducted from the 12th May, 2001 to 31st May, scouts,SFF,Snow and Avalanche study etc The 2001 WIth a revistonal round from 1st June, 2001 to Charge Officers for speCIal charges were appomted 5th June, 2001 and WIth the reference date as on by the head of theIr orgamsatIOns Below the Asstt 1st June, 2001 It was conducted VIde NotIficatIOn Charge Officers, there were supervIsors/enumerators No D L 33004/99 dated 26 4 2001 The number of who actually executed the field work . VIllages In the dIstrIcts and tehslls/sub-tehsiIs and Non-Synchronous Areas· The topography of the towns whIch were treated as non-synchronous state IS qUIte peculIar There are some areas whIch (snowbound) areas for the 2001 Census IS gIVen remam maccessible dunng snowy season MobIlIty as under

STA'I'ElWNT - 1 NUMBER OF VILLAGES IN TIIEDISTRICf AND TFHSILS/SUB-TFHSILS TRFATFJ) AS NON- SYNCHRONOUS (SNOW -BOUND) FOR THE2001 CENSUS Number of Number of Whether vdlages Whether vIllages completely or treated as completely or treated as partIally non- non- partIally non- non- Name of synchronous synchronous synchronous synchronous Name of tehslV ( Snow- (Snow Name of Name oftehslV (Snow- (Snow dlStnct sub-tehsd bound) bound) dlstnct sub-tehsd bound) bound) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 Chamba 1 Pangt Completely 106 6 Num Partially 222 2 Chaurah Completely 312 7 Karsog PartIally 130 3 Salum PartIally 129 4 Bhalru PartIally 35 6 Slumia 1 Rampur Completely 221 5 DalhOUSIe Partially 26 2 Nankharl Completely 102 6 Bhattlyat Partially 48 3 Kumharsam Completely 186 7 Chamba PartIally 32 4 Seom Completely 235 8 Holt Completely 140 5 Slllmia (Rural) Completely 535 9 Brahmaur Completely 112 6 Shtmla (Urban) Completely 7 Junga Completely 64 2 Kangra 1 Multhan Completely 49 8 Theog Completely 435 9 Chaupal Completely 128 3 Lahul & SPIt! 1 Udrupur Completely 150 10 Cheta Compl~ely 42 2 Laltul Completely, 140 11 Nerua Completely 247 3 Spltl Completely 231 12 Jubbal Completely 171 13 Kotkhru Completely 189 4 Kullu 1 Manall Completely 19 14 Ttkar Completely 46 2 Kullu Partially 23 15 Rohru Completely 141 .3 SrunJ Completely 14 16 ChlrgflOO Completely 152

5 Number of Number of Whether villages Whether vtllages completely or treated as completely or treated as parbally non- non- partially non- non- Name of synchronous srnchronous synchronous synchronous Name of tehsdl ( Snow- (Snow Name of Name oftehslV ( Snow- (Snow dlstnct sub-tehsil bound) bound) dlStnct sub-tehsll bound) bound) 2 3 4 1 234 4 Banjar Partially 22 17 DodraKwar Completely 20 5 Am Partially 9 6 Nennand Partially 16 7 Kmnaur 1 Hangrang Completely 57 2 Poo Completely 80 5 Mandl 1 Paddar Partially 124 3 Morang Completely 141 2 Mandl Partially 38 4 Kalpa Completely 84 3 Bahchowkl Partially 129 5 Nlchar Completely 188 4 Thunag Completely 258 6 Sangla Completely 110 5 Chachyot Partially 51 locatton codes It IS a methodology by whIch every NAME OF TOWNS TREATED AS NON­ admmIstratIve umt could be IdentIfied by assIgnmg SYNCHRONOUS FOR2001 CENSUS speCIfIC code numbers for different level of Name of distrIct Name of town admInIstratIVe umts 2 1 Chamba 1 DalhOUSie M Cl The prevIOUS Location code structure was 2 DalhOUSie C B changed and and new structure was adopted III 2001 Census All states/umon terntones were assIgned two 2 Kullu I Manall N P dIgItS codes wIthIll the country and thereafter the dIstncts m the state were senahsed m order of theIr 3 Shtmla 1 Rampur M CI 2 Narkanda N P contIgUIty and aSSIgned two dIgIts code In case of 3 Seom N P HImachal Pradesh, the dIstnct codes started from 4 Jutogh C B 01 to 12 All the tehsIls/sub-tehstls withm a dIStrIct 5 Shlmla M Corp were arranged In a convement manner m order of 6 Theog M Cl theIr contIgUIty and aSSIgned four dIgItS codes wlthm 7 Chaupal N P the dlstnct startmg from number 0001 All the VIllages 8 Kotkhru N P were arranged m a systematic way and were asSIgned 9 Jubbal N P 10 Rohru NP eIght dIgits locatIon codes All the towns wIthm the dlstnct were also asSIgned eight digits codes whIle Freezmg of AdmInIstratIve BoundarIes : For four dIgItS code was gIVen to wards finahzmg the jUnSdlctlOnal changes, the MIlllStry of The general pattern followed In codmg of any Home AffaIrs Issued mstructlOns to State Government geographIcal umt was serpentIlle one, begmnmg from Vide Letter No 9/20/94-CD dated 8 11 1999 not to north-west comer and completmg at the farthest effect the jUnSdlctlOnal changes from 1st January, south east comer withm the defined hIgher level of 2000 ttll March, 2001 No junSdlctional changes took the geographIcal hIerarchy In so far as the States/ place durmg 2001 Census UTs are concerned, Jammu & Kashmir has been aSSIgned code number 01 and code number 35 has LocatIOn Codes Two Schedules VIZ Househst been aSSIgned to Andaman & NIcobar Islands One and Household Schedule were canvassed m 2001 of the major mltIatIve taken III the Census 2001 was Census The IdentIficatIOn of the schedules WIth the the allotment of Permanen't LocatIon Code Number area to whICh they relate IS a necessity In order to (PLCN) to each and every VIllages withm the state aVOid descnptIve detaIls on each schedule, a and not withm a dIstnctltehsil as III the earlIer convenient and less tIme consummg easy method censuses PLCN was thus aSSIgned as one for IdentIficatIOn of these umts was to asSIgn numencal contmuous number from the first VIllage m the first

6 dIstrIct to the last vIllage m the last dIstnct PLCN for househstmg operatIon as well as for actual IS an eIght dIgIt umque locatIon code number WIth the enumeratIon All such blocks WIthIn a charge whether first SIX dIgIts representmg the code number of the rural or urban were gIven contInUOUs senal number VIllage and last two dIgIts deplctmg two zeros These Preparatory Measures : Census Count In the zeros are reserved as buffer to be used for codmg present context of planmng In a country has to cater any new VIllage (s) that may come up between two to the needs of the planners, SOCIologIStS, scholars VIllages m future For example, If a new VIllage comes and admInistrators etc In the meanwhIle census up between tw0 vIllages wIth PLCN 01254600 and enumeratIOn IS a tIme bound programme and a 01254700, the new VIllage WIll be allotted PLCN systematIc planmng IS a must to accomplIsh thiS 01254601 and so on gIgantIC task wlthm time schedule The number of The locatIOn code number for a town IS also an tehstls/sub-tehstls have mcreased from 103 to 109 eIght dlgtt number startmg With the digit four SItuated whIle number of towns decreased from 58 to 57 at the extreme left actmg as the umque IdentIfier The durmg 1991-2001 due to declassIfied of Sarahan, next two dIgIts depIct the code number of the dIstnct m NAC and Pandoh Census Town In 2001 Census and whIch the town falls, followed by two dIgIts representmg creatIon of Mant Khas Census Town dunng 2001 the town's senal number m the dIStrIct There are Census At the first Instance, hsts of VIllages and three zeros at the end as buffer mamly to meet the urban areas were finalIsed The locatIOn code requIrement for bnngmg the number of dIgIts to eight to numbers were assIgned to each dlstnct and wlthm match the number of dIgIts m the PLCN for the VIllages each dIStrIct to each tehslllsub-tehsII and town The Thus, la town locatton code number 40305000 followmg statement WIll be useful to the readers to represents the towns senal number 5 of the dIstnct have knowledge about number of dIStrICtS, tehsIlsl number 03 m the state Each VIllage and town were sub-tehsIls and towns alongwlth theIr location codes to be dIvIded Into one or more enumeration blocks In the state durmg 2001 Census

LIST OFDISTRICfS/TEHSILS/S 00-TEHSILSITOWNS Name of the Locatio" Name ofTehslV LocatlOn Location SINo Dlstnct Code No Sub-tehsd Code No Name of Town Code No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Chamba 01 Pangl (T) 0001 Chaurah (T) 0002 Salunt(T) 0003 Bhalal(S T) 0004 DalhOUSIe (T) 0005 DalhOUSIe (C B) 40102000 DalhOUSie (M CI) 40103000 Bhattlyat (T) 0006 Bakloh (CB) 40104000 Chuan Khas (N P) 40105000 Sthunta (S T) 0007 Chamba(T) 0008 Chamba (M Cl) 40101000 HolI(ST) 0009 Brahmaur (T) 0010

2 Kangra 02 Nurpur(T) 0001 Nurpur (M CI) 40201000 Indora (T) 0002 Fatehpur (T) 0003 Jawah(T) 0004 HarchakIan (S T) 0005 Shahpur(T) 0006 Dharmsala (T) 0007 Dharmsala (M CI) 40202000 Mant Khas (C T) 40203000 Yol (CB) 40204000

7 Name of the Locatton Name ofTehstl! Locatton Locatton SINo DIstnct Code No Sub-tehstl Code No Name ofTown Code No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kangra(T) 0008 Kangra(MC) 40205000 Nagrota Bagwan (N P) 40208000 Baroh (T) 0009 Oera Goplpur (T) 0010 Oera Goplpur (N P) 40206000 Jawalatrukht (N P) 40207000 Jaswan (T) 0011 Rakkar(S T) 0012 Khundtan (T) 0013 Thural(S T) 0014 Dhrra 0015 Jal Smghpur (T) 0016 Palampur (T) 0017 Palampur (M Cl ) 40209000 BalJnath (T) 0018 Multhan (S T) 0019

3 Lahul & SPltl 03 UdaIpur (8 T) 0001 lahul(T) 0002 SPIt! (T) 0003

4 Kullu 04 Manah(T) 0001 Manalt(NP) 40401000 Kullu(T) 0002 Kullu (M Cl) 40402000 Bhuntar (N P) 40403000 Samj (S T) 0003 BanJar(T) 0004 BanJar(NP) 40404000 Ant(S T) 0005 Nermand (T) 0006

5 Mandl 05 Padhar(T) 0001 Jogmdamagar (T) 0002 Jogmdamagar (N P) 40501000 lad Bharol (T) 0003 8andhol (8 T) 0004 Dhannpur (S T) 0005 Koth (S T) 0006 Sarkaghat (T) 0007 Sarkaghat (N P) 40502000 Baldwara (S T) 0008 Sundamagar (T) 0009 Sundamagar (M Q) 40505000 Mandt(T) 0010 Mandt(M Q) 40503000 Rawalsar (N P) 40504000 Aut (S T) 0011 Bah Chowkl (S T) 0012 Thunag (T) 0013 Chachyot (T) 0014 Nthn(ST) 0015 Karsog (T) 0016

6 Hamrrpur 06 Ttra SUjanpur (T) 0001 Ttra SUjanpur (N P) 40601000 Nadaun (T) 0002 Nadaun (NP) 40602000 Hanurpur (T) 0003 Hanurpur (M CI) 40603000 Barsar(T) 0004 Bhota(NP) 40604000 Dhatwal (8 T) 0005 BhoranJ (T) 0006

8 Name of the LocatIon Name ofTehslll Location Location SINo DIstnct Code No Sub-tehsd Code No Name of Town Code No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Una 07 Bharwam (S T) 0001 Amb(T) 0002 Daulatpur CN P) 40701000 Gagret (NP) 40702000 Bangana (T) 0003 Una(T) 0004 Una(M CI) 40703000 Mehatpur Basdehra CN P) 40704000 Santokhgarh CN P) 40705000 Haroh(ST) 0005

8 Btlaspur 08 Ghumarwm (T) 0001 Ghumarwm (N P) 40801000 Jhanduta (T) 0002 TalalCNP) 40802000 Nama Devi (S T) 0003 Nama Devi (M CI ) 40803000 Bllaspur Sadar (T) 0004 Btlaspur (M Cl) 40804000

9 Solan 09 Arkl(T) 0001 ArktCNP) 40901000 Ramshahr (S T) 0002 Nalagarh (T) 0003 Nalagarh (M CI) 40902000 BaddlCNP) 40903000 Knshangarh (S T) 0004 Kasauh (T) 000:; Kasauh(CB) 40904000 Parwanoo (M CI ) 40905000 Solan (T) 0006 Dagshal (C B ) 40906000 Solan (M Cl) 40907000 Sabathu (C B ) 40908000 Kandaghat (T) 0007

10 Smnaur 10 RaJgarh (T) 0001 RaJgarh CN P) 41001000 Nohra(ST) 0002 Pachhad (T) 0003 Renuka (T) 0004 Dadahu (ST) 0005 Nahan (T) 0006 Nahan (MCl) 41002000 Paonta Sahib (T) 0007 Paonta Sahib (M CI) 41003000 Kamrau (S T) 0008 Shalal (T) 0009 Ronhat (S T) 0010 11 Shunla 11 Rampur(T) 0001 Rampur (M CI) 41101000 Nankhan (S T) 0002 Kumhars am (T) 0003 Narkanda CN P) 41102000 Seom(T) 0004 SeontCNP) 41103000 Shtmla Rural (T) 0005 Jutogh (CB) 41104000 Shunla Urban (T) 0006 Shunla (M Corp ) 41105000 Junga (S T) 0007 Theog «(T) 0008 Theog(M CI) 41106000 Chaupal(T) 0009 Chaupal CN P) 41107000 Cheta (S T) 0010 NeOla (S T) 0011 Jubbal(T) 0012 Jubbal(NP) 41109000 Kotkhal(T) 0013 Kotkhal CN P) 41108000 Ttkar(S T) 0014

9 Name of the LocatIon Name ofTehstV LocatIon LocatIon SINo Dlstnct Code No Sub-tehstl Code No Name of Town Code No 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rohru (T) 0015 Rohru (NP) 41110000 Chugaon (T) 0016 Dodra Kwar (T) 0017

12 Kmnaur 12 Hangrang (S T) 0001 Poo (T) 0002 Morang (T) 0003 KaJpa (T) 0004 Ntchar(T) 0005 Sangla (T) 0006

On 15th December, 1999, TehsIldars/NaIb­ FormatIOn of EnumeratIOn Blocks and tehsIldars were requested to get the vIllage regIsters preparatlOn of the Abridged Househst : All the prepared III respect of theIr charges blank PrInCIpal Census OffIcers were requested Vide regIsters were got pnnted and for each tehsIlIsub­ CIrcular No 1 dated 5 72000 to dIrect all Charge tehsll two regIsters were sent In the vIllage Officers for formatIOn of the populatIon enumeration regIster It was reqUIred to enter all the vIllages In blocks and preparatIOn of the abndged househst 'a systemattc manner alongwith other relevant The detailed mstructIOns were also sent to Charge InfOrmatIOn The locatIOn code to each vIllage was Officers for carvmg out the enumeratIon blocks on assIgned systematIcally In the tehstl office These the baSIS ofhousehstmg populatIOn For each charge, regIsters were got prepared WIth the IntentIOn that charge regIsters for enumeratIOn were sent On the all the vIllages fallIng under the Junsdiction of the baSIS of enumeration charge regIster, the abndged respective charge officers were recorded and It househst was prepared for the gUIdance of was ensured that neIther any area was left from enumerator about household partIculars m the block the populatIOn count nor there was any duplIcatIon Census Officers Trammg • The Prmclpal Census Househstmg Charge Register : The Charge Officers, Distt Census Officers, AddItIonal DIStt OffIcers of rural and urban charges were Census Officers, Sub-dlVlslonal Census Officers, Charge requested on 19 12 1999 and 25 1 2000 to prepare Officers,AdditlOnal Charge Officers and Master the househstmg charge regIsters of theIr respectIve Tramers were Imparted trammg of one day duration charges separately These regIsters were got from 8 2 2000 to 29 2 2000 In general areas and pnnted for each charge and were sent to each 18 5 2000 to 6 6 2000 III snowbound area for charge officer alongwith column-WIse mstructlOns househstmg A state level trammg work~hop for by the end of January,2000 The mam purpose enumeratIOn of 2001 Census for the Deputy of prepanng thIS regIster was to assess the CommISSIOners and AddItIOnal DIStrIct MagIstrates of workload of the entIre charge and the number of Shlmla, Chamba, Kmnaur, Lahul & SpItI, KuHu and enumerators/supervisors reqUIred for thIS purpose Mandl was held m HImachal Pradesh SecretarIat dunng Each enumerator was requIred to cover a the last week of July, 2000 Trammg to all Census populatIOn between 500-600 persons Officers m non-synchronous areas for populatIon (approxImately) coverIng 120-130 households enumeratIOn count of 2001 Census was Imparted at Keeptng m VIew the topography of the area the dIstnCt headquarters from 2 8 2000 to 24 8 2000 and the local condItIons, however, It was left to while It was Imparted fr,om 6 11 2000 to 29 11 2000 m the dIscretion of the charge officers to make mmor synchronous areas by the officers of Census adjustment (mcrease or decrease) m the workload, DIrectorate It was aImed to made them fully only In case of those areas where It was not conversant Wlth the Census Schedules and about other pOSSIble for an enumerator to complete the work adminIstratIve measures reqUIred for completmg the wIthm the stipulated penod populatIon count m tIme

10 Urban AgglomeratIOn: The concept of urban canvassed for the first pretest For the second agglomeratIOn IS an InnovatIOn of 1971 Census and pretest certaIll changes were made III the IS an Improvement over the concept of town groups questIOnnaires which were also placed before the mtroduced lD 1961 Census An urban agglomeratIOn committee These questIOnnaires were agaIn must form a contmuous urban outgrowth or two or conSidered by the adVISOry commIttee and finalised more physically contmuous towns together wIth by the government The final schedules canvassed contIguous well recognIsed urban outgrowth, If any at 2001 Census were (I) the househst (11) the of such towns The possIble dIfferent SItuatIOns m household schedule These schedules were to be whIch urban agglomeratIOn may be constItuted are canvassed In the regIOnal languages Htmachal gIven below Pradesh bemg m Hmdl regIOn, HmdI verSiOn of the i) A CIty of town wIth contlgous outgrowth (the schedules was reqUlred to be canvassed durmg 2001 part of outgrowth bemg outSIde the statutory Census The reqUirements of the varIOUS schedules bmIts but fallIng wIthIn the boundanes of the were placed With the Registrar General,India for adjOInIng VIllage or vIllages) meetmg the demand The actual schedules canvassed are gIVen at the end of the report as Annexure-A ti) One town wIth SImIlar outgrowth or two or Census Count : Census 2001 was the first more adJommg towns wIth theIr outgrowths Census of the thIrd mtllenmum or the 21st century as m (1) above or and the 14th contmuous and unmterrupted IndIan m) A CIty and one and more adJoImng towns WIth Census smce 1872 Thus, 2001 Census proVIdes data theIr outgrowths, all of whIch form a on populatton and Its charactertstlcs markmg contmuous spread transitIon from one century and mtllennmm to another In case of Himachal Pradesh as a separate umt, the In 2001 Census, the concept of urban present census was 5th 10 the senes as the first census agglomeratIOn has shghtly been changed There must m the state was conducted m 1961 As In the earher be populatIOn of 20,000 or more of the core town to censuses, the entire operatIOn was to be carned fulfill the reqU1rement of urban agglomeratIOn out m two phases In the first phase, the househst DalhOUSIe urban agglomeratIOn has ceased ItS status schedules were to canvassed In the census of 1991 Census due to thIS concept Thus, there has termInology, thIS operatIon IS known as " Househstmg been only one Shlmla urban agglomeratIon tn 2001 OperatIons" The dates of thIS operatlon vaned Census m the state The name ofMumcIpal Comllttee dependmg upon the condItIons prevadmg m the has been changed as Mumcipal Councd and that of states/umon terntones As a matter of fact houseltstmg NotIfied Area CommIttee as Nagar Panchayat after operatIons IS a base for conductmg the populatIOn the enactment of new H P MumcIpal Act, 1994 m count The second phase of the Census operatIOn IS 2001 Census known as the" populatIon count" and the peflod of enumeratIOn was spread over 20 days from 9th Census Schedules Census schedules are February,2001 to 28th February, 2001 WIth revlslOnal gen~rally modIfied from census to census accordIng round from 1st March,2001 to 5th March, 2001 to the reqUIrement of the data users For finahsmg throughout the country The state ofHunachal Pradesh Census schedules, two pretests were conducted and havmg ItS own topography, the conditions prevaIlmg the result arrIved at from the these pretests were m certaIn parts of the state are not comparable With delIberated WIth the representatives of the varIOUS the rest of the area Because of thIS, certam departments of government of IndIa, the State departures were made III the tImmg of these governments, UmversttJes, demographIc and operatIons as compared to the remammg area of the population mstltutes, experts and scholars As a result state The maccessIble areas of the state were treated of delIberatIOns, the questIonnaIres were modIfied as non-synchronous where the enumeratIOn was and placed before the AdVisory Committee on conducted from 11 th September 2000 to 30th Techmcal Issues connected WIth the 2001 Census September,2000 Stnct adherence of dates prescnbed whIch was appomted by the government of IndIa for vanous phses of work was always mamtamed The AdVISOry Comllttee vetted the questIonnaIre Smce the operatIon IS tIme bound the proper plannmg

11 to execute It IS the foremost pre-requlSlte EffectIve withm the house to be used as a bathroom control at vanous levels hardly needs any emphaSIS and avallabIltty of kItchen Withm the house In order to ensure the completIOn of work wIthm the was canvassed for the first time m 2001 fixed tIme schedule the census calendar was drawn Census up and cIrculated to the varIOUS census functIonanes (m) The avat1abIhty of radIo, tranSIstor, teleVISIOn, HousehstIng Operations • The househstmg telephone, bIcycle, scooter, motorcycle, operatIOns mcluded housenumbenng, hstmg of moped, car Jeep, van and avaIlIng bankmg bUIldmgs, houses and households WhICh served as a serVIces was first tIme collected m 2001 base for orgamzmg the mam census Durmg the Census househstmg operatIOns, the folIowmg schedules were In the househstmg operatIOn of 2001 Census, canvassed - 22,649 blocks were carved out The number of (1) Househst enumerators and supervIsors deployed for thlS purpose (n) Househst Abstract were 9,339 and 1,628 respecttvely The househstmg operatIOn m entIre Kmnaur and EnumeratIOn . The actual enumeratIon m non­ Lahul & SPItI dlstncts,Dodrakwar tehsil of Shimia synchronous areas (except Kmnaur dIstrict) of the state was conducted from 11 th September, 2000 to dIstnct, PangI tehsII, Hol! tehsII and part of Chaurah 30th September, 2000 WIth reference date as sunnse tehsil of Chamba dIstnct was conducted from 15th of 1st October, 2000 In order to make the mformatIOn June, 2000 to 4th July, 2000 In other parts of the upto date WIth reference time the revlslonal round state, It was conducted from 17th Apnl,2000 to 6th was undertaken from 1st October, 2000 to 5th MaY,2000 The househst schedules canvassed dunng October, 2000 Due to devastatmg flood In SatluJ 2001 Census had 34 columns It contaIned the flver on the mIdmght of 31 st July, 2000 m Kmnaur IdentIficatIOn partIculars and use of each census dIStrict, the enumeration operatIon m thIS dIStrIct could house, IdentificatIon partIculars of households, the not be conducted WIth other non-synchronous areas name, sex and ethDlc group ofthe head of household, Thus, m Kmnaur dlstnct of the state, the populatIon ownershIp status of house, number of dwelhng rooms, enumeration was conducted from 12th May, 2001 to number of mamed couple havmg theIr mdependent 31 st May, 2001 WIth reference date as 1st June, room for sleepmg, amemtIes avaIlable lIke drmkmg 2001 In the general areas enumeration was held water, electncIty, tOIlet, waste water outlet, bathroom, from 9th February, 2001 to 28th February, 2001 With kItchen withm the house, type of fuel used by the sunnse of 1st March, 2001 as the reference date household for cookmg and avaIlabIhty of radIO/ The revIsIOnal round m these areas was from 1st tranSIstor, teleVISIon, telephone, bIcycle, scooter/ March, 200 1 to 5th March, 2001 Durmg the actual motorcycle /moped and car/Jeep/van to the enumeratIOn, household schedules were canvassed household Attempt was also made to know If the Before knowmg about household schedules, It was head of the household or any other member m the necessary to know who were the persons elIgIble household was avatlmg bankmg servIces prOVIded by for enumeratIOn The enumerators were asked to the bank or post office as a holder of any type of enumerate the followmg persons - bank account The new features of the househst of (1) All those who normally reSIde and are present 2001 Census are bnefly gIven below m that household dunng the entIre penod of (1) Number of marned couple(s) hvmg together enumeratIOn I e from 9th February to 28th m the household and how many of them are February,2001 (both days mcluslve) havmg mdependent room for sleepIng was (n) Also those who are known to be normally first tIme mtroduced m the househst resIdmg and had actually stayed dunng a (n) The questlOns on water outlet connected to part of the enumeratIon peflod m the some form of dram age system to carry household (9th February to 28th February, away the waste water generated by the 200 I) but are not present at the tIme of your household hvmg mIt, havmg an exclUSIVe room VISIt

12 (lll) Also those who are known to be normally block number Part-ll known as populatIOn record VIZ resldmg m the household and are not present mdlvldual partIculars contamed 23 questIons In 39 at the time of your VlSlt but expected to return columns Part-ll of the household schedule IS dIVIded by 28th February, 2001 and mto four sub-parts namely, (1) General and SOCIO (IV) VISItors who are present m the household cultural charactenstIcs (questIons I to 15 ) (n) censused by you and expected to be away CharactenstIcs of workers and non-workers from the place( s) of their usual resIdence (questtons 16-20) (111) MIgratIOn charactetnstIcs dunng the entIre enumeratIon penod For the (questIons 21-22) and (IV) fertilIty partIculars (questIOn purpose of enumeratIOn such VISItors wIll be 23) General and SOCIO cultural charactenstIcs deal treated as normal resIdents of the household WIth the household partIculars, relatIonshIp to head, where they are actually found dunng the sex, age at last bIrth day, manta I status and age at enumeratIOn peflod provIded they have not mamage, relIgIOn, SC/ST WIth name, mother tongue, been enumerated elsewhere • other language known, relIgIon, SC/ST WIth name, Revlsional Round • Durmg the revisional round mother tongue, other language known, educatIOnal an enumerator was reqUIred to reVISIt her/his block attamment, attendmg school/college and mformatIOn and enumerate any fresh arrIvals m hIS JUflsdictlOn on disabIhty, CharacterIstIcs of workers and non­ who mIght not had been enumerated elsewhere He workers deal WIth the economIC actlvIty dUrIng last was also reqUIred to take mto account any bIrth or year and travel to place of work of those persons death that had taken place after hIS VISIt and before who are engaged In other work MIgration the sunflse of 1st March, 2001 and thus made charactensttcs deals WIth place of bIrth and place of necessary changes m the household schedules last reSIdence as well as reasons for mIgratIon EnumeratIon of the Houseless Households : FertIhty partIculars deals WIth the number of chIldren Houseless populatIon was enumerated on the mght SUrvIVIng at present, total number of chIldren ever of 30th September, 2000 and 31st May,200! III born and number of chlldren born ahve durmg last snowbound areas and 28th February, 2001 m general year Part-III of the household schedule (mcluded areas For countmg houseless households, the first hme) contamed the mformation about the enumerators were requIred to complete the households engaged m cultIvatIOn/plantatIOn ThIS enumeratIon of all the persons m theIr JUflsdictions questIon was applIcable to normal household only to between 11 th to 30th September, 2000 In snowbound ascertam If one or more persons m the household areas and 9th to 28th February, 2001 m general was engaged m cultIvatIon and/or plantatIon of crops areas Durmg the enumeration peflod, they were asked on the land possessed by Its head or any other to take note of all pOSSIble places where house less member III the household The number of enumerators populatIOn was lIkely to hve such as on the roadSIde and superVIsors deployed durmg the actual pavements, under staIr cases or m the open, temples enumeratIon In 23,166 blocks were 9,617 and 1,729 etc respectIVely Household Schedule : Dunng 2001 Census, Post Enumeration Check • The Post EnumeratIOn mdIvidual sbp was dropped and all the partIculars Check was conducted for the second tIme In the state regardmg the household were Included m the after the 1991 Census Its mam aIm was to evaluate household schedule The household schedule the coverage and content error of the Census canvassed at 2001 Census had three parts The enumeratIOn For thIS survey 52 blocks Includmg mformatlon m Part-I of the household schedule three urban blocks were selected by the contamed locatIon partIculars of enumeratIOn block Demography DlvI~Ion of RegIstrar General's office whIch mc1udeded the name of the StatefUT WIth In order to acquamt the officers fully about the code number, name of dIStrIct WIth code number, schedules to be canvassed and procedures to be name of tehsll/sub-tehstl and Its code No name of followed for conductmg the survey, thorough trammg town/vIllage and Its code number, number and/or name was Imparted III the office of the Registrar of ward and tts code number and the enumeratIOn General,Indla from 24 5 2001 to 26 5 2001 The staff

13 for conductmg tIllS survey was drafted from the health the charge officers were wholly responSible for serVIces and offIce of the EconomIC AdVIsor, ImpartIng trammg however, keepIng m mmd theIr HImachal Pradesh apart from the offiCials of Census multIfanous duties, offiCIals from the dIrectorate were DIrectorate The staff deployed for the survey was deputed for conductIng the trammg classes The also Imparted trallllllg by an officer from thIS concepts were explamed to the tramees With the help DIrectorate The survey work was supervIsed by the of roll-up charts and IllustratIons on the black boards Asstt DIrectors, Investigators and StatIstIcal Asstts As the census operatIOns were earned out m under the supervISIon of Director of Census two phases, the trammg programme was deSIgned OperatIOns For conductmg thiS survey 25 separately for these phases In order to aVOid enumerators from state government were deployed confUSIOn and mIxmg up of the concepts SImIlarly and four supervisors from thiS Directorate had separate traInmg schedules were reqUIred for mspected their work The field work was earned synchrqnous and non-synchronous areas For out from the last week of May, 2001 to 1st week househstmg operations there was a smgle round of ofAugust, 2001 After thorough checkmg and edltmg two days duratIOn of trammg each m Klllnaur and , the record was sent to Data Entry Centre, Lahul & SPItI distrIcts, Dodrakwar tehstl of Shimia Chandlgarh for scannlllg on 12th August, 2001 dIstrIct and Pangl tehsll of Chamba dIstrICt m May­ alongwith the mventenes June, 2000 In the rest of areas, there were two Trammg of FIeld Agency The Census Schedules rounds oftrammg classes durmg the month of March­ deSigned for the varIOUS censuses have undergone Apnl,2000 The first round was of two days duratIOn numerous changes from decade to decade dependmg whereas second round was of one day In order to upon the needs of the government and other data venfy the thoroughness of the trammg, the tramees users With the change m the SOCIal and economic were taken to the field for practIcal The charge conditions of the perople, necessity for a variety of officers were also adVIsed to keep ten percent of data has been felt from tIme to tIme Therefore, the enumerators/supervIsors as reserve so as to Census schedules have also been undergomg overcome last mlllute eXigencies Two rounds of numerous changes m tune With the reqUIrement of trammg classes of two days each for enumeration m tIme New census concepts have been evolved m non-synchronous areas were conducted durmg the the vanous censuses and the populatIon count has month of August - September, 2000 In the general become complIcated and of technIcal areas of the state two rounds of enumeratIOn trammg nature InvarIably behmd every questIOn or a part each bemg of two days duration were held durmg thereof there IS a partIcular census concept whIch the months of November- December, 2000 and has to be grasped by all the census functlonanes m January-February,2001 Before the commencement the census hIerarchy The Importance of Impartmg of the trammg, the enumerators/supervIsor!:! were careful, complete and comprehenSive trammg to the eqUIpped With the manuals of mstructions, blank census officers and field staff hardly needs to be schedules for practical trammg and appoIntment emphaSised It IS necessary that the entire census letters The reqUISite number of forms for canvassmg machmery from top to bottom IS thoroughly m the field were also gIven at the tIme of final round conversant With the varIOUS census concepts and of trammg should be capable.of elIcltmg the defimte and The Census Act ! The Census Act, 1948 (Act No correct answer from the pubhc m general For drIvmg XXXVII of 1948) WhICh IS a permanent central Act, authentiC data, the ImpartIng of thorough tramIng at lays down powers and prOVISIOns for the conduct the grassroot level IS a pre-reqUISite The trammg of Census The authonty for the takmg of Census programme of enumerators/supervisors was chalked IS prOVIded m the Census Act It extends to the out m the Directorate and sent to concerned charge whole of IndIa and all stages of Census OperatIons officers for makmg necessary arrangements well In are covered by the provlSlons of thIS Act Under thIS advance There was a prOVISIon of about hundred Act, a number of notIficatIOns are Issued by the enumerators/supervIsors 111 each trammg class Though central and state governments to gIve recognItIOn

14 and legal backmg to the takmg of the census ThIs number of recreatIOnal and cultural faCIlItIes, Act also empowers the state government or such approach to VIllage, nearest town and dIstance, power authonty to whom the state government delegate supply, receIpt of newspapers/magazmes, mcome and powers to appomt the Census Officers at varIOUS expendIture of the VIllage and name of the most levels for the takmg of the Census The proVIsIons Important commodItIes Imported, manufactured and of thIS Act also authOrIses the Census takers to exported The land use pattern gIven In the VIllage canvass the prescfl bed census schedules The Act dIrectory confirms to the pattern of classIficatIOn of enjOlDS upon all persons to answer the questions land use as recommended by the MInIstry of truthfully whIch are kept confidentIal and cannot be Agnculture under the followmg five categones - produced even as an eVIdence tn any court of law 1 Forest Though thIS act relates to the matters connected WIth the takmg of Census, Its prOVISIons are faIrly 2 Not avaIlable for cultIvatIon eleborate to cover all eventuallties The act has been (a) Lands put on non-agrIcultural uses reproduced at the end as Annexure-B (b) Barren and unculturable land TabulatIOn . It has been a contInumg endeavour to present tables whIch are essentIal and useful to 3 Others uncultIvated lands excludmg fallow lands the data users In each Census Based on the expenence of the preVIOUS censuses, It has remamed (a) Permanent pastures and other grazmg constant attempt to Improve upon the presentatIon lands of data and the tabulatIOn plan so that the maXImum (b) Lands under mIscellaneous tree crops utIlIsatIOn of census data IS made possIble The and groves not Included m the net tabulatIOn plan for the present census was finalIsed area sown m con sultatlOn WIth Important data users and dISCUSSIons m the AdVISOry CommIttee on technIcal (c) Culturable wastes Issues connected WIth 2001 Census Accordmg to the 4 Fallow lands tabulatIOn plan 0[2001 Census, the followmg senes of the tables wlll be prmted and/or brought out m (a) Fallow lands other than current fallows electrOnIC formats - (b) Current fallows A-Senes General PopulatIon Tables 5 Net area sown B-Senes General EconomIC Tables Town Directory' The town dIrectory WIll cover C-Senes SocIal and Cultural Tables all the towns m the dIstrIct statutorIly notIfied as well D-Senes MIgratIon Tables as the census towns The towns wIll be arranged m F-Senes FertilIty Tables alphabetIcal order It WIll have' seven Statements I-VII covermg status and growth hIstOry, H-Senes Tables on Houses and Household phYSIcal aspects and locatIOn of towns, mUnICIpal AmenItIes fmance, CIVIC and other amenItIes, medIcal, SC-Senes SpeCIal Tables for Scheduled educatIOnal, recreatIOnal and cultural faCIlItIes, trade, Castes commerce, mdustry and bankmg and CIVIC and other ST-Senes SpeCIal Tables for Scheduled amemtIes In slums These statements WIll also be Tnbes gIven m the DIstrIct Census Handbooks VIllage Directory . In tIle vIllage dIrectory the ProvISIonal PopulatIon Totals . On the data regardmg vanous amenttIes avaIlable and land completIOn of actual enumeratIOn from 9th February, use are bemg presented The amemtles avaIlable m 2001 to 28th February, 2001 WIth revIsIOnal round the VIllage mclude educatIOnal, medIcal, dnnkmg water from 1st March, 2001 to 5th march, 2001, the faCIlIty, post, telegraph and telephone faCIlitIes, proVISIOnal populatIOn totals were released as early commulllcatIOn, number of banks, credIt SOCIetIes, as on 26th march, 2001 as was the practIce m the

15 past DUrIng the field trammg, the field agency VIZ released on the same day The followmg statement enumerators, supervisors and charge officers, sub depicts dlstnctwlse proVISIOnal and final populatIOn dIVISIOnal census offIcers and dlstnct census officers were bnefed about the tImely completion STA'fEMFNT- 2 of each step mdlcated m the workmg schedule gIven 2001 CENSUS PROVlSIONAL AND FINAL POPULATION OF HIMACHAL PRAD~H below ProVISional Fmal Vanatlon For reportmg prOVISIOnal populatIOn results - State/DIS tnct Population POEulatlon (+,-) 1 2 3 4 (I) SubmiSSIOn of enumeratIOn records by Himachal Pradesh 6,070,305 6,077,900 +7595 enumerators to supervisors 6th March,2001 1 Chamba 460,499 460,887 +388 (n) SubmISSion of enumeratIOn records by 2 Kangra 1,338,536 1,339,030 +494 supervIsors to charge officers 7th March,200 1 3 Lahul & SPIt! 33,224 33,224 4 Kullu 379,865 381,571 +1706 (111) Supply of provlSlonal totals through fastest 5 Mandl 900,987 901,344 +357 means of commUnICatIon by charge officers 6 Hamrrpur 412,009 412,700 +691 to dIstnct census officer and DIrector of 7 Una 447,967 448,273 +306 Census OperatIons,HP 8 Bllaspur 340,735 340,885 +150 8-9 March, 2001 9 Solan 499,380 500,557 +1177 10 Smnaur 458,351 458,593 +242 (IV) Supply of prOVISIonal populatIon totals 11 Shunla 721,745 722,502 +757 through fastest means of commUnICatIOns 12 Kmnaur 77,007 78,334 +1327 by dlstnct census officers to DIrector of Census OperatIOns, HP and RegIstrar PublIcatIon Plan General, India, New Delhi The 200 I Census tables wIll be publIshed! 11 th March, 2001 released In 33 separate senes of volumes for All AccordIngly totals were struck from IndIa and for each State and Umon TerrItory enumerators/supervisors abstract at the charge level and were commumcated by charge officers m the The publIcatIOn senes IS as follows followmg formats - Senes No 2001 Census PrOVISIOnal Totals: States Charge DIstnct 1 India Total Males Total Females Total populatIon 2 Jammu & KashmIr 3 HImachal Pradesh LIterate Males LIterate Females Total hterates 4 Punjab On the baSIS of chargewlse figures, dIstnct 5 Uttaranchal figures were compIled and commulllcated by the 6 Haryana DIstnct Census Officers In order to ensure the 7 Rajasthan accuracy and tImely commumcation of figures, the 8 Uttar Pradesh staff was also deputed m almost all the charges 9 Bihar The offiCials were put on duty round the clock to 10 SikkIID receive the provlSlonal populatIOn figures In the 11 Arunachal Pradesh Directorate SImilar arrangements were made by 12 Nagaland the RegIstrar General,Indla In hIS office The 13 Mampur proVISIOnal populatIOn totals were firstly released at 14 MIZOranJ , natIOnal level on 25th March, 2001 by the Registrar 15 Tnpura General,lndla At the state level the results were 16 Meghalaya released by the DIrector of Census OperatIOns III a 17 Assam Press Conference on 26th March, 200 I and paper 18 West Bengal 1 of 2001 - prOVISional population totals was also 19 Iharkhand

16 20 Onssa (1) Development of VItal StatIstIcs m Indta 21 ChhattIsgarh BeSIdes these speCIal papers, some monographs 22 Madhya Pradesh based on 1991 Census data on subjects of topICal 23 GUJarat mterest to be prepared by scholars WIll be brought 24 Maharashtra out as 2001 Census Monographs 25 Andhra Pradesh 26 Karnataka It IS also proposed to carry out some speCIal 27 Goa studIes of 2001 Census data m collaboratlOn wlth 28 Kerala other orgamsatlons and the results of such studIes 29 TamIl Nadu WI]} be publIshed as occassIOna1 papers of the 2001 Census Umon Terntories It IS also proposed to dIssemmate census 1 Chandlgarh tabulatIons and the baSIC data m machme readable 2 DeIhl forms such as CDs, dIskettes, floppIes etc 3 Daman & DlU 4 Dadra & Nagar Haveh Processmg of data: Durmg 2001 Census, computer 5 Lakshadweep based tabulatlOn was used to brmg out the data as 6 PondIcherry qUIckly as possIble The househst schedules 7 Andaman & N lcobar Islands numbermg 95,599 contammg 172,736 number of pages were scanned at Data Entry Centre, In each of these senes ( for all-IndIa and each Chandlgarh from Apnl-June, 2002 The household State IUmon Terntory ) the dIfferent senes of tables schedules numberlllg 1,271,505 were also scanned (A-Senes- General PopulatlOn Tables, B-Senes­ at Data Entry Centre, Chandlgarh from December, General Economlc Tables, etc ) WIll be brought out 2002 to March, 2003 The mIsmatched figures and as dIfferent parts Apart from these, DIstnct Census other dIscrepanCIes cropped-up dunng scannmg Handbooks WIll be publIshed Ire leased for each process were removed by the offiCIals of Census dIstnct In the country These wIll contam the census Duectorate at EDP DlVlsIOn, New DelhI Tables on tables for the dIstnct, the VIllage and town pnmary houses and households amemtles based on househst census abstracts and the VIllage and town dIrectones had been processed on computer The Pnmary The latter compnse compIlatIons of stattstIcs, relatmg Census Abstracts for entIre populatIOn and for SCI to vIl1ages and towns collected from vanous ST populatIOn, mother tongue, reitglOn, disabIlIty and departments of the state government whICh m household composIton were centrally compiled on conjunction WIth census data WIll be very useful to computer III RegIstrar General's Office SpeCIal tables data users on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbes were The followmg speCIal papers are also planned also processed on computer on full count baSIS and WIll be publIshed/released as and when they PreparatJon of Maps . Several changes were are ready as 2001 Census Papers affected after 1991 Census at the dlstnct/tehsll/ (a) SpeCIal studIes taken up by the town level In order to have a complete enumeratIOn DIrectorate of Census OperatIons of the entire populatIOn WIthout any omISSion or (b) SpeCIal Area Surveys duplIcatIon, It was absolutely necessary to have a (c) Specuil Tables for Standard Urban Area complete coverage of the latest admllllstnve set­ (d) Language Survey Reports up As such, all ltsts of rural and urban areas mcludmg changes If any were updated and were (e) Post Enumeration Check Report plotted on the workmg maps whIch were dIgItIzed (f) Age Tables later at the level of state/distnctftehsil town WIth (g) LIfe Tables the aSlstance of the revenue department and local (h) Reports on estimates of mter-censal bIrth bodIes of the state government It was conSIdered and death rates usmg 2001-2011 hfe as the most prehmmary and lmportant geographIC tables and age data work for the conduct of census These maps served

17 as aids to look mto the magmtude of spatial Name of dIstnbutlOn Changes m the JUrIsdiction and theIr SI the Name of the Name ofTehsllsl No of No Dlstnct C D Blocks Sub-tehsds Villages updatmg and aSSisted us to operate for the I 2 3 4 5 dehneatIon of enumerators and supervisors areas Fatehpur (T) 2 durmg househstmglactual enumeratIon The workmg Fat ehp ur Nurpur (T) I3 maps were gvt authenticated from the concerned Indora (T) 12 authorIties The Immediate task of the enumerator Fatehpur (T) 239 durmg the househstmg operatIOns was to prepare Jawall (T) 43 notIonal map layout sketch of the area aSSigned to N agrota Sunan J awab (T) 170 Dera Goplpur (T) 42 him The purpose of preparmg the notIOnal m~p Pragpur Dera Goplpur (T) 88 layout sketch for each enumeratIOn block was Rakkar(ST) 116 essentially to ensure that the area aSSigned to him Jaswan(T) 100 was clear and all the bulldmgs were clearly Dera Dera Goplpur (T) 309 demarcated on the sketch The proper demarcation Khundlan (T) 229 of the bUlldmgs on the sketch made the task of the Kangra Kangra (T) 168 enumerator easier m allottmg the bUlldmg numbers m Baroh(T) 80 Dharmsala (T) 41 a systematIc way It also helped m ensurIng that Harchal(lan (S T) 15 everyone was counted and there was neither any RaIt Kangra (T) omission nor duplIcatIon Shahpur(T) 173 HarchakJan (S T) 47 Community Development Block The Dharmsala (T) 69 presentatIon of data at the Commumty Development N agrota Bagwan Baroh (T) 89 Block level was mtroduced for the first tIme m 1991 Dharmsala (T) 54 Census It would faCIlItate the adminIstrators/planners Kangra(T) 168 In executmg varIOUS development programme at the Bhawarna Palampur (T) 166 grass root level The numbers of CommunIty Dhlra 115 Thural (S T) 19 Development Blocks III Himachal Pradesh has Lambagraon Palampur (T) I Increased from 69 m 1991 to 72 m 2001 Census Thural (8 T) 71 The follOWIng statement gives dlstnct and tahslVsub­ 1m 8mghpur (T) 212 tahsilwise C D Blocks alongwlth the number of BruJnath Jm Smghpur (T) 9 Villages fallmg wlthm each C D Block Palampur (T) 3 Baunath (T) 171 M ulthan (8 T) 49 STATEMENT-3 Panchrukhl 33 LIST OF CD BLOCKS BalJnath (T) Name of Jal 8mghpur (T) 1 81 the Name of the Name of Tehsilsl No of Palampur (T) 239 No Dlstnct CD Blocks Sub-tehsils Villages Total g.868 ) 2 3 4 5 3 Lahul& Lahul Udrupur (S T) ISO 1 Cfiamba Pangt Pangt (T) 106 Tissa Chaurah (T) 264 Spltt Lahul(T} 140 Salum Chaurah (T) 48 SPIt! SPIt! (T) 231 Salum (T) 178 Total 521 BhalaI (8 T) 80 4 Kullu N3gil! Manall(T) 19 Chamba Chamba(T) 122 Kullu (T) 18 Bhatttyat DalhOUSie (T) 126 Kullu Kullu (T) 47 Bhattlyat (T) 133 SrunJ (S T) 3 Sihunta (S T) 97 8runJ CST) I I Mehla Chamba(T) 18S Brahmaur Hoh (ST) 140 BanJar (T) 31 Brahmaur (T) 112 Am Am (8 T) 17 Total 1,591 Nermand Nerrnand (T) 26 Total 172 2 Kangra Nurpur Nurpur(T) 303 Indora Nurpur(T) 103 5 Mandl Chauntra Jogtlldarnagar (T) I31 Indora (T) lOS Lad Bharol (T) 147

18 Nameot Name of Sf the Name of the Name of Tehsllsl No of Sl the Name of the Name of TehsIlsl No of No District CD Blocks Sub-tehsIis villages No DIstnct CD Blocks Sub-tehsiis villages I 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5 Drang J ogmdamagar (T) 88 Ihandutta (T) 277 Padhar (T) 232 Bllaspur Sadar BIIaspur Sadar (T) 285 Dharmpur Sandhol (S T) 66 Nama Devi (S T) 169 Dharmpur (S T) 92 Total 1,061 Sarkaghat (T) 106 Gop alp ur Sarkaghat (T) 168 9 Solan Kumhar Arkl(T) 512 Baldwara (S T) 139 Nalagarh Ramshahr (S T) 241 Sundamag;tr Sundamag)ll" (T) 180 N ala!?fITh (T) 4,28 NIhn (S T) 110 Dharmpur Knshan!?fITh (S T) 296 Rewalsar Koth(ST) 66 Kasauh (T) 287 Mandl Sadar (T) 114 Solan Kasauh(T) 10 Mandl Sadar Mandt Sadar (T) 290 Solan (T) 471 Aut (S T) 88 Kandaghat Solan (T) 7 Chachyot Chachy ot (T) 209 Kandaghat (T) 284 Thunag(T) 26 Total 2,536 NIhn (ST) 99 Seraj Ball Chowkl (S T) 156 10 Strmaur RaJ~h RaJ~h (T) 140 Thunag(T) 232 Pachhad Pachhad (T) 263 Karsog Karsog(T) 534 Nahan Dadahu (ST) 74 Nlhn (S T) 65 Nahan (T) 136 Total 3,338 Paonta Sahib Paonta Sahib (T) 141 Karnrau (S T) 45

6 Hamlrpur Tlra SUjanpur Tlra SUJanpur (T) 205 Sangrah Nohra(S T) 48 Nadaun Nadaun (T) 453 Renuka(T) 74 Hamirpur (T) 9 Shalm Shalm (T) . 28 Hamlrpur Hamirpur (T) 345 Ronhat CST) 22 BUhT! Barsar (T) 231 Total 971 Dhatwal (S T) 113 Bhoranj Hamirpur (T) 45 11 ShImla Rampur Rampur(T) 221 Bhora!1J (T) 271 Nankhan (S T) 102 Total 1,672 Narkanda Kwnharsam (T) I lUi Theog Theog«T) 435

7 Una Amb Bharwam (S T) 48 Mashobra Shlmla Rural (T) 456 Amb(T) 177 lunga(ST) 64 Una(T) 27 Basantpur Shlmla Rural (T) 79 Gagret Amb(T) 75 Seom (T) 235 Una(T) 29 Chaupal Chaupal(T} 128 Haroh (S T) 5 Cheta(S T) 42 Dhundla Bangana(T) 349 Nerua(ST) 247 Una Una(T) 84 \ Jubbal Kotkhru Jubbal (T) 171 Haroh (S T) 20 Kotkhm (T) 189 Total 814 Rohru Tlkar(ST) 46

8 Bllaspur Ghumarwm Ghumarwm (T) 281 Rohru (T) 141 Geharwm Ghumarwm (T) 49 Chauhra ChlTgaon (T) 152

19 Name of Total! SI the Name of the Name of Tehstlsl No of SI Indla/State/Umon Rural! villages No Dlstnct CD Blocks Sub-tehslls No Terntory Urban Populatl0n 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Dodra Kwar (T) 20 7 Uttar Pradesh Total 166,197,921 Total 2,914 Rural l31,658,339 Urban 34,539,582 12 Kmnaur Poo Hangrang (S T) 57 Poa (T) 80 8 Bihar Total 82,998,509 Morang(T) 141 Rural 74,316,709 Kalpa Kalpa (T) 84 Urban 8,681,800 Sangla(T) 110 9 Slkklm ... Total 540,851 Nlchar Nlchar(T) 188 Rural 480,981 Total 660 Urban 59,870

Grand Total 72 109 20,118 10 Arunachal Pradesh Total 1,097,968 Population of States and Umon TerrItones Rural 870,087 The Population of States and Uruon Temtones Urban 227,881 by resIdence IS gIven m the followmg statement 11 Nagaland Total 1,990,036 STATEMENT-4 Rural 1,647,249 POPULATION OF STATES AND UNION Urban 342,787 TFRRITORDS 2001 CINSUS Total! 12 Mampur (Excl 3 Sub- Total 2,293,896 SI India/State/Ulllon Rural! dl\llslons)* Rural 1,717,928 No Terntory Urban Population Urban 575,968 1 2 3 4 1 Indla* Total 1,028,737,436 13 Mlzoram Total 888,573 Rural 742,617,747 Rural 447,567 Urban 286,119,689 Urban 441,006 StatesiU Ts Jammu & Kashmir Total 10,143,700 14 Tnpura Total 3,199,203 Rural 7,627,062 Rural 2,653,453 Urban 2,516,638 Urban 545,750 15 Meghalaya Total 2,318,822 2 Himachal Pradesh Total 6,077,900 Rural 1,864,711 Rural 5,482,319 Urban 454,111 Urban 595,581

3 Punjab Total 24,358,999 16 Assam Total 26,655,528 Rural 16,096,488 Rural 23,216,288 Urban 8,262,511 Urban 3,439,240

4 Uttaranchal Total 8,489,349 17 West Bengal Total 80,176,197 Rural 6,310,275 Rural 57,748,946 Urban 2,179,074 Urban 22,427,251

5 Haryana Total 21,144,564 18 Jharkhand Total 26,945,829 Rural 15,029,260 Rural 20,952,088 Urban 6,115,304 Urban 5,993,741

6 Rajasthan Total 56,507,188 19 Onssa Total 36,804,660 Rural 43,292,813 Rural 31,287,422 Urban 13,214,375 Urban 5,517,238

20 TotaV TotaV SI IndIa/State/UnIon RuraV SI Indla/State/Umon RuraV No Temtory Urban POl!ulatlon No Temtory Urban Population 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 20 OthattlS garh Total 20,833,803 28 TannlNadu Total 62,405,679 Rural 16,648,056 Rural 34,921,681 Urban 4,185,747 Urban 27,483,998

21 Madhya Pradesh Total 60,348,023 29 Otandlgarh Total 900,635 Rural 44,380,878 Rural 92,120 Urban 15,967,145 Urban 808,515

22 G.!Jarat Total 50,671,017 30 DelhI Total 13,850,507 Rural 31,740,767 Rural 944,727 Urban 18,930,250 Urban 12,905,780

23 Maharashtra Total 96,878,627 31 Daman &DJU Total 158,204 Rural 55,777,647 Rural 100,856 Urban 41,100,980 Urban 57,348

24 Andhra Pradesh Total 76,210,007 32 Dadra & Nagar Havelt Total 220,490 I Rural 55,401,067 Rural 170,027 Urban 20,808,940 Urban 50,463

25 Karnataka Total 52,850,562 33 Laks hadweep Total 60,650 Rural 34,889,033 Rural 33,683 Urban 17,961,529 Urban 26,967

26 Goa Tutu1 1,347,668 34 Pondlcherry Total 974,345 Rural 6n,091 Rural 325,726 Urban 670,577 Urban 648,619

27 Kerala Total 31,841,374 35 Andaman & Nlcobar Total 356,152 Rural 23,574,449 Islands Rural 239,954 Urban 8,266,925 Urban 116,198 * Note Includes estmlatedpopulatlon ofPaomata, Mao Maram and Parul sub-chvlslons of Senapatl rustnct ofMampur for 2001

21 Concepts and DefimtIons 11) at least 75 per cent of male workmg population It IS Important for the data users to famIlIarIze engaged m non-agncultural pursUIts, and themselves wIth the concepts and the defimtIons of 111) a denSIty of populatlOn of at least 400 per sq the terms used for proper evaluatIOn of the data km (1,000 per sq mIle) contamed In thIS publIcatIOn Atthe same tIme, It IS all For IdentIficatIon of places whIch would quahfy to the more Important to understand the ImplIcatIOns of the terms used at the Census ofIndIa 2001, for makmg be claSSIfied as 'urban' all VIllages, whIch, as per the meanmgful compansons of the SImIlar data generated 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above, a by vanous other agencIes wIthm the country and WIth populatIon denSIty of 400 persons per sq km and the data produced by other countnes m the world The havmg at least 75 per cent of male workmg populatIOn concepts and defimtIons adopted at the Census of IndIa, engaged In non-agncultural actIVIty were conSIdered 2001 are as gIven below To work out the proportIon ofmale workmg populatIon referred to above agamst b) (n), the data relatmg to 0] Rural-Urban Areas mam workers were taken mto account 02 CIty 03 Household Apart from these, the outgrowths (OGs) of cities 04 InstItutional Household and towns have also been treated as urban under 'Urban 05 Houseless Households AgglomeratIOns' Examples of out-growths are raIlway 06 lIead of the Household colomes, un Iverslty campuses, port areas, mIlItary camps, 07 Scheduled Castes & Scheduled TrIbes etc that may have come up near a statutory town or 08 LIterates Clty but wlthm the revenue hmits of a VIllages orvdlages 09 Work contIguous to the town or CIty Each such mdividual area 10 Mam Workers by Itself may not satisfy the demographIC cntena laId 11 Margmal Workers down at (b) above to qualIfy It to be treated as an 12 CultIvator mdependent urban umt but may deserve to be clubbed 13 Agncultural Labourers WIth the towns as a contmuous urban spread Thus, the 14 Household Industry Workers town level data, wherever presented, also mcludes the 15 Other Workers data for outgrowths of such towns 16 Sex RatIO 02 City 17 Sex Ratio (0-6 years) 18 LIteracy Rate Towns WIth populatIOn of 1,00,000 and above are 19 Work PartIcIpatIon Rate called cItIes 20 LocatIon Code Structure adopted m Census 03. Household 2001 21 PresentatIon of Data A 'household' IS usually a group of persons who 22 AbbreViatIOns Used normally lIve together and take their meal~ from a common kItchen unless the eXIgenCIes of work prevent 01 Rural-Urban Areas any of them from domg so Persons m a household The data III the table on Fmal PopulatIOn Totals may be related or unrelated or a mIx of both However, are presented separately for rural and urban areas If a group of unrelated persons lIve m a census house The umt of classIfication III thIS regard IS 'town' for but do not take their meals from the common kItchen, urban areas and 'VIllage' for rural areas In the Census then they are not constituent of a common household of Indta 2001, the defimtIOn of urban area adopted IS Each such person was to be treated as a separate as follows household The Important Imk 111 findmg out whether a) All places WIth a mumcipahty, corporation, It was a household or not was a common kItchen There cantonment board or notIfIed town area mdY be one member households, two member commIttee, etc households or multi-member households b) A place satIsfymg the followmg three cntena 04 InstitutIonal Household slmu ItaneOllS ly A group of unrelated persons who Itve m an 1) a mmImum populatIOn of5,000, InstItutIon and take theIr meals from a common kitchen

22 IS called an Institutional Household Examples of who professed a relIgIon dIfferent from HmdUlsm was InstItutIOnal Households are boardmg houses, messes, deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Castes In hostels, hotels, rescue homes, JaIls, ashrams, addItIOn to every member ofthe Ramdasl, Kablrpanthl, orphanages, etc To make the defimtlon more clearly Ma.Jhabl or Slkhgar caste reSIdent In Punjab or PatIala perceptIble to the enumerators at the Census 2001, It and East Puruab States Umon were m relatIon to that was speCIfically mentIOned that thIs category of State whether they professed the HIndu or the SIkh households would cover only those households where rehgIOn Subsequently, In September, 1956, by an a group of unrelated persons hve man mstItutlOn and amendment, the PresidentIal Order of 1950 and mall share a common kItchen subsequent PreSIdential Orders relatmg to Scheduled 05. Houseless Household Castes, the populatIon professmg the Hmdu and the Sikh rehgIOns were placed on the same footIng WIth Households who do not hve In bUIldIngs or census regard to the specification of Scheduled Castes Later houses but hve In the open on roadsIde, pavements, In on, as per the amendment made III the ConstitutIOn hume pIpes, under fly-overs and staIrcases, or In the (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the Hmdu, the Sd

23 08 Literates Involves ploughing, sowmg, harvesting and production A person aged 7 years and above who can both of cereals and mIllet crops such as wheat, paddy, Jowar, lead and WrIte wIth understandmg m any language has baJra, ragI, etc, and other crops such as sugarcane, been taken as lIterate It IS not necessary for a person tobacco, ground-nuts, tapIoca, etc, and pulses, raw to have received any formal educatlOn or passed any Jute and kindred fibre crop, cotton, cmchona and other minImum educational standard for bemg treated as medIC mal plants, frUlt growmg, vegetable growmg or hterate People who were blmd and could read m Bradle keepmg orchards or groves, etc CultIvation does not are treated to be hterates A person, who can only read mclude the followmg plantatIon crops - tea, coffee, but cannot wnte, IS treated as I1hterate All chIldren of rubber, coconut and betel-nuts (areca) age 6 years or less, even If gomg to school and have 13. AgrIcultural Labourers picked up readmg and wntmg, are treated as IllIterate A person who works on another person's land for 09 Work wages m money or kInd or share IS regarded as an Work IS defIned as partIclpat10n In any agricultural labourer (S)he has no fisk m the cultIvatIon, economIcally productive activity wIth or wIthout but merely works on another person's land for wages compensatIOn, wages or profit Such partICIpatIOn may An agrIcultural labourer has no nght oflease or contract be physlCal and/or mental m nature Work mvolves not on land on whIch (s)he works only actual work but also mcludes effectIve superviSIon 14. Household Industry Workers and dlrectlOn of work It even mcludes part tIme help

I or unpatd work on farm, famIly enterpnse or many Household Industry IS defined as an mdustry other economIC actIVIty All persons engaged m 'work' conducted by one or more members of the household as defmed above are workers Persons who are at home or wlthm the VIllage m rural areas and only engaged m cultIvatIOn or milk productlOn even solely withm the precIncts of the house where the household for domestic consumption are also treated as workers - hves m urban areas The larger proportlOn of workers Reference penod for determmmg a person as worker ifl the household mdustry conSIsts of members of the and non-worker IS one year precedmg the date of household The mdustry IS not run on the scale of a enumeratIOn regIstered factory whIch would qualIfy or has to be regIstered under the IndIan Factones Act The mam 10. Mam Workers cntenon of a Household Industry even In urban areas Those workers who had worked for the major part IS tl!e partICipatIon of one or more members of a of the reference penod (1 e 6 months or more) are household Even If the mdustry IS not actually located termed as Mam Workers at home In rural areas there IS a greater pOSSIbIlIty 11 Margmal Workers of the members of the household partlcIpatmg even If It IS located anywhere wIthm the VIllage hmIts In Those workers who had not worked for the major the urban areas where organrzed mdustry takes pomt of the reference peflod (1 e less than 6 months) greater prommence, the Household Industry IS are termed as Margmal Workers confined to the precrncts of the house where the 12 CultIvators partICipants lIve In urban areas, even If the members For purposes of the census a person IS claSSIfied of the household run an rndustry by themselves but as cultivator Ifhe or she IS engaged m cultlvatlOn of at a place away from the precIncts of theIr home, land owned or held from Government or held from It IS not conSidered as a Household Industry It should pnvate persons or mstItutlOns for payment m money, be located WIthIn the precIncts of the house where kmd or share CultIvatIOn mcludes effectIve supervISIon the members lIve III the case of urban or dIrectIOn m cultIvatlOn A person who has gIven out areas Household Industry r~lates to productIOn, herihis land to another person or persons or mstItutIon( s) processmg, servICIng, repamng or makmg and selhng for cultIvatIon for money, kmd or share of crop and (but not merely sellmg) of goods It does not mclude who does not even supervl'se or dIrect cultIvatIon m profeSSIOns such as a Pleader, Doctor, MUSICIan, exchange of land, IS not treated as cultivator SImIlarly, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer, DhabI, Barber, etc, a person workmg on another person's land for wages or merely trade or bUSIness, even If such profeSSIOns, m cash or kInd or a cOmbInatIon of both (agrIcultural trade or serVIces are run at home by members of labourer) are not treated as cultivator CultlvatIon the household

24 15. Other Workers Area Number of digits All workers, Ie, those who have been engaged lD StatelUmon terntones Two dIgIts (wlthm the country) some economIC actiVIty dunng the last one year, but DIstrict Two dIgIts (wlthm the state/ut) are not cultivators or agricultural labourers or III Sub-dIstnct Four dIgIts (wlthm the dIstrIct) Household Industry, are 'Other Workers(OW)' The VIllage EIght dIgits (withm the state/ut) type ofworkers that come under thIS category of 'OW' Town Eight digits (wlthm the district) lDclude all government servants, mumclpal employees, Ward Four dIgits (wlthm the town) teachers, factory workers, plantatton workers, those The general pattern followed m codmg of any engaged m trade, commerce, busmess, transport geographical umt was a serpentme one, begmnmg bankmg, mmmg, constructIOn, pohtlcal or social work, from the North-west comer and completmg at the pnests, entertamment artIsts. etc In effect, all those farthest South-east corner wlthm the defined higher workers other than cultIvators or agnculturallabourers level of the geographIcal hierarchy In so far as the or household mdustry workers, are 'Other Workers' StatelUt IS concerned Jammu & Kashmir has code 16 Sex Ratio number 01 and code number 35 has been allotted to Sex ratio has been defined as the number of females Andaman & Nlcobar Islands Generally the per 1000 males m the population It IS expressed as admlDlstratlve JUrISdIctIOn below a dIstnct IS a sub­ 'number of females per 1000 males' dIstnct, for example TahsIl or Taluk However, m certam states and UnIon terntones exceptions had to No of females be made smce the nomenclature for sub-distrIcts IS Sex-ratIO = ------x 1000 not umform throughout the country For example, m No of males Onssa Pohce statIon IS the sub-dlstnct, m West Bengal 17 Sex Ratio (0-6 years) It IS the CommunIty Development Block and so on The geographical UnIts adopted as sub-dIstrIcts m the Sex-ratIo (0-6 tears) has been defined as the State IS TehsIls/Sub-tehslls number of females mage-group 0-6 years per 1000 males m the same age-group III the populatlOn It IS In Assam, Mlzoram and OrIssa there are a few expressed as 'number of females per 1000 males' sub-dIstrIcts WhICh cut across the dlstnctJunsdIctlOns In such situatlons the sub-dIstncts have been prOVIded No of females (0-6) a separate senes of code numbers VIZ 9000, 9001 etc Sex-ratio (0-6 years) = x 1000 No of males (0-6) One of the major mlt1atIves taken m the Census 2001 was the allotment of Permanent LocatIon Code 18 Literacy Rate Number (PLCN) to each and every VIllage wlthm the LIteracy rate of populatIOn IS defined as the State and not wlthm a dIstrict/tahsIl as m the earher percentage of lIterates to the total populatIOn aged 7 censuses PLCN was thus aSSIgned as one contmuous years and above number from the first vIllage m the first dIstnct to the No of LIterates last Village m the last dIstrIct PLCN IS an eIght digIt umque locatIon code number WIth the first SIX dIgIts LIteracy rate = ------x 100 representmg the code number of the VIllage and the PopulatIon aged 7+ last two dIgItS deplctmg two zeros '00' These zeros 19 Work ParticipatIOn Rate are reserved as buffer to be used for codmg any new village(s) that may come up between two Villages m Work partiCipation rate IS defined as the percentage future For example, If a new vIllage comes up between oftotal workers (Iham and margmal) to total population two VIllages WIth PLCNs 01254600 and 01254700, the Total Workers (Mam+Margmal) new vIllage Will be allotted PLCN 01254601 and soon Work participation rate = x 100 The location code number for a town IS also an Total PopulatIOn eIght dIgIt number startmg\ WIth the dIgIt 4 SItuated at the extreme left actmg as the umque IdentIfier The 20. Location Code Structure adopted lD Census 2001 next two digItS depIct the code number of the dIstnct m WhICh the town falls followed by two dIgItS In the Census 2001 the followmg location code representmg the town serIal number m the dlstnct structure has been adopted There are three zeros at the end as buffer mamly to

25 meet the reqUIrement for brmgmg the number of dIgits placed wIth10 the sub-dIstrIctS (Development Block) to eight to match the number of digits m the PLCN for Therefore, the urban populatIons of sub-districts In the vIllages Thus a town locatton code number these States and the Umon terrItOries do not mclude 40305000 represents the town senal number 5 of the the populatIon of the statutory towns In these four district number 03 m a State The Out-Growths oftowns StateslUT's the statutory towns have been presented have not been glVen any mdependent locatIon code below the dIstrIct and do not contnbute to the urban numbers These have been given notIOnal ward codes populatIon ofthe sub-dIstrict However, the populatIons after the last ward code of the respective towns to ofthe Census towns and Out-Growths are mcluded In whIch these OOs relate to the urban portions of the sub-dIstrIctS There are SIX 21. Presentation of Data towns 10 India whose jUnSdictlon cu.ts across dlstnct boundanes They are Dev Prayag (m Uttaranchal), In thiS special publIcatIOn the presentatIOn has been SIhgun (m West Bengal), Imphal (In Mantpur) In such made 10 the followmg format cases the populations of parts of such towns have been State Total mcluded III the urban populatIOns of the concerned Rural dIstrIctS Urban 22. AbbreViatIOns Used DistrIct 1 Total Rural The fonowmg abbrevIatIons of CIVIC status of cIties Urban or towns are used whlle presentmg the data III the Table SUb dIstnct 1 Total on FIllal Populatton Totals Rural CB Cantonment Board/Cantonment Urban CMC City Mumclpal Council Sub dIstrIct 2 Total EO Estat(' Office Rural GP Gram Panchayat Urban IN A Industnal Notified Area Sub dlstnct n Total ITS IndustrIal Township Rural Urban M MUnICipalIty Town 1 Urban MB Mumclpal Board Town 2 Urban MC Mumclpal CommIttee Town 3 Urban MCI MUlllclpal CouncIl MCorp MUOlclpal CorporatIOn/CorporatIOn NA Notified Area Townm NAC NotIfied Area Commlttee/.NotIfied In case of towns havmg Out-Orowth(s) the Area CouncIl presentatIOn style IS as follows NP Nagar Panchayat Town (M+OG) (Here M IS the abbrevIatIOn for NT Notified Town MunICipalIty) NTA NotIfied Town Area Town (M) Urban STC Small Town CommIttee OG 1 TC Town Committee/Town Area OG2 CommIttee TMC Town MUnICIpal Councll TP Town Panchayat OGp TS TownshIP In West Bengal, Tnpura, Nagaland and CT Census Town Pondtcherry the statutory towns are notjUnSdlctlonally OG Out Growth


Table A -1 IS the basIc populatIon table which and unmhablted separately, number of towns, number corresponds to the general population Table A -1 of of households, populatIon by sex, area ill km 2 and the 1991, 1981, 1971, 1961 and 1951 Censuses ThIs populatIOn per km 2 accordmg to the 2001 Census at table gIves the statIstics of number of VIllages mhablted StatelDlstnctlTehslVSub-tehslVU A /Cltyffown level



Appendlx-l 13,835 sq kms to 13,841 sq kms 111 2001 Census otherWise no JunsdlCtlonal changes took place ThIs appendix presents the changes In the between the dlstncts boundary dUrIng the decade terntorlal un ItS durmg the penod 1991-2001 Durmg 1991-2001 the decade, there has been no changes m the terrItorial lImits of HImachal Pradesh at mter-state and mter Statement-l provides the geographical area dlstnct level However, seven new tehslls/sllb-tehslls figures supplIed by the Surveyor General of India were constituted and one PaJota sub-tehsll was along With theIr proportIon and rankmg of dlstncts m the state abolIshed durmg 1991-2001 ralSmg the number of Statement - 1 tehsiis/sub-tehsils from 103 m 1991 to 109 In 2001 Rankmg of districts m terms of area 2001 Census Similarly, the number of towns were reduced Aream km 2 from 58 m 1991 to 57 m 2001 a!:> ~arhan (N A C) given by ProportlOn Rankmg m Slrlnaur dIstnct has been denottfied, Pandoh (C T) Surveyor to total area of State / Dlstnct General of State Dlstnct III Mandl dlstnct lost ItS urban status and Dhalli 1 2 3 4 (N A C) was merged III Shlmla MUlllclpal Himachal Pradesh 55,67300 10000 CorporatIon between 1991 and 2001 Baddl Nagar Lahul & SPltl 13,84100 2486 1 Panchayat m Solan and Mant Khas Census Town III 2 Chamba 6,52200 11 71 2 Kangra distrIct were newly created m 2001 Census 3 Kmnaur 6,401 00 1150 3 Hence In this appendIx, the number of YIllages with 4 Kangra 5,73900 1031 4 their area transferred from 1991 ter.Itonal umt to 5 Kullu 5,50300 988 5 6 Shunla 5,13100 922 6 newly formed tehslls/sub-tehslls, mter tehsil/sub-tehstl 7 Mandl 3,95000 709 7 transfer and newly formed VIllages created due to 8 Sirmaur 2,82500 507 8 completIOn of settlement operatIOn have been 9 Solan 1,93600 348 9 presented It also Indicates the net area changes In 10 Una 1,54000 277 10 Il Bilaspur 1,16700 210 11 square kIlometere (+ or -) of the tehsds/sub tehstls 12 I~amlrpur 1,11800 201 12 level m 200 1 Census It may be seen from the above statement that Area FIgures Lahul & SPltl ranks first III terms of area among all The statIstiCS of area figures m sq kIlometre have dIstricts whIch represents 24 86 per cent of total area been presented 111 column 10 of the table A-1 LIke of the state Second place IS occupied by chamba 1981 and 1991 Censuses, area figures are presented dIstrIct (11 71 per cent) wInch IS followed by Kmnaur at State and district Itehstl/sub-tehstl level (11 50 per cent) and Kangra (l0 31 per cent) Hamlrpur The Surveyor General's figures of area are not dlstnct which represents 2 a I per cent of the state avaIlable below the dlstnct level or by rural lurban area IS at bottom and Bllaspur sharmg a proportion of breakup Figures for urban areas are those supplIed 2 10 per cent of the area IS the second lowest by the local bodIeS and are based on the area figures Urban Area ofmdlvldual towns To denve the area figures of rural In Table A-I, figures for each town and tehsll areas, the total urban area fIgures have been are presented separately It was m 1951 when for substracted from the total area of the each district the first tIme separate census figures for rural and DIstnct figures, thus denved were added up to the urban areas were presented A faIrly stnct defimtlon State figure There IS no change 111 the area of the state dunng 1991- 2001 However, at dlstnct level of urban area started to be adopted from 1961 Census some rectIficatIOn/adJustment In the area figures of For the 200 1 Census, the defillltlOn adopted for an Chamba and Lahul & Spltl dlstncts has been made urban area was by and large the same as that of by Survey oflndla resultmg declIne In the area figure 1961,1971,1981 and 1991 Censuses Urban areas 111 ofChamba from 6,528 sq kms 111 1991 to 6,522 sq the 2001 Census are those whIch satIsfied foJIowmg kms 111 2001 ThiS difference of SIX sq kms has CrItena - been added to the area of Lahul & SPIt! dlStflct (a) All places WIth a mumclpahty, corporatIOn, leadmg to the Increase ofthe area of this district from cantonment board or notIfied area cotrumttee etc

31 (b) All villages/compact project areas whIch (n) At least 75 per cent of male mam workers satisfied the followmg cnterIa - engaged m non-agrIcultural pursUits (I) A mmimum populatIOn of 5,000 (m) A population denSity of at least 400 persons per square ktlometre

Statement-2 gIves the changmg defimtIons of towns between 1891 and 2001 Census - Statement -2 Cnterla for places to be treated as Towns 1891 -2001 2001 1991 1981 ~971 2 3 4 Mumclpal CorporatIOn MUnICipal Corporation MUnICipal Corporation MUnICipal CorppratlOn 2 M unlClP at area. M UnIClP al area M umclp al area. MUnICipal Corporation 3 Town Committee Town Committee Town Committee MUnICipal CorporatIOn

4 Nagar Panchyat NotIfied Area Committee Notified Area Committee MUnICIpal Corporation 5 Cantonment Board Cantonment Board Cantonment Board MUniCipal Corporation 6 Selected p laces with Selected p laces with Selected p laces with Selected p laces with (a)denslty of not less than 400 (a) denSity of not less than 400 (a)denslty of not less than 400 (a) denSity of not less than 400 persons per km 2 Ie (1,000 persons per km 2 persons per km 2 persons perkm 2 persons per sq mile) (b) A mInimum populatIOn of (b) A mInImum populatIOn of (b) A mInImum populatIOn of (b) A mInimum pop ulatlOn of 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000

(c) Three fourths of the male (c) Three fourths of the male (c) Three fourths of the male (c) Three fourths of the male working populatIOn shoud be workIngpopulahon shoud be workmgpopulatlOn shoud be working populatIOn shoud be outSide agriculture outSide agriculture outSide agriculture outSide agriculture

(d) or any other p lace, which accordmg to the Director possesses, pronounced urban charactenstlcs and amemtles

(d)There has not been any (d) There has not been any (d) There has not been any change m the defimtlon of change m the defimtIon of urban change In the defimtlOn of urban urban area smce 1961 At the area Since 1961 At the 1961 and area smce 1961 At the 1961 1961 and 1971 Census, non- 1971 Census, non-agricultural and 1971 Census, non- agriCUltUral populatIOn population mentioned In agricultural population mentioned In cnterIon Criterion mentioned In cntenon

(e) Included persons engaged,In (e) Included persons engaged m (e) Included persons enJYlged In lIvestock, forestry, fishmg etc hvestock,forestry, fishtng etc hvestock,forestry, fishmg etc At the 1981 Census, however, At the 1981 Census,however, At the 1981 Census,however, such persons were treated as such persons were treated as such persons were treated as agricultural population and agricultural populatIOn and agricultural population and excluded from non-agricultural excluded from non-agricultural excluded from non-agricultural populatIOn population populatIon

32 Statement -2 Crltena for places to be treated as Towns 1891-2001 1961 1951 1941 1931 5 6 7 8 1 Mumclpal Corporation Mumclpal Corporation Mumclpa! Corporation Mumclpal CorporatIOn 2 M umclpaJ area. M umc} al area. M umclpaJ Area. M UlllClpaJ area. 3 Small Town Comnllttee *ClVll hnes not mcluded m All CIvil Lmes not mcluded All CIVti Lmes not mcluded m mumctpal mumclpal hmlts m munlclpallunlts hmlts 4 Notified Area CommIttee Cantonment Board 5 Cantonment Board Test prescribed for Cantonment Board Cantonment dlstmgUlshmg towns from 6 Selected places With Every cont muous Every other contmuous collection of houses vIllages m different states (a) density of not less than collection ofhouse Inhabited by not less than 5,000 were based on Ideas common 1000 persons per sq mile mhablted by not less than persons,whlch the provmclal to all states, but they were 5,000 persons which the supermtendent may decide to treat as (b) a population of5,000 d cal h d h not I entl nor a t ey provmcIal Supermtendent urban In makmg thiS deCISion, (c) Three fourths of the male been apphed With meticulous ddt t eat may ecl e 0 r as conSideration was given to workmg pOpulllllon shoud umfonmty In the case of town (a) the character of the populahon (b) be outSide agnculture prmcely states, the defimtlon relatIve denSIty of the dwelhng; (d) or any other pla..~, whICh of town was apphed a httle (c) Importance m trade, hIstOriC accordmg to the Director mdlscrlmmately associatIOns and to aVOIdetreatlngas town possesses, pronounced over grown VIllages Without urban urban characteristICS and charactenstlcs amemtles

1921 1911 1901 1891 9 10 11 12 MUniCIpal Corporation Muntclpal Corporation M umclp a! Corp oratton MUniCIpal CorporatIon MUOIClpal area Mumclpal area MUniCipal area. MUniCIpal area All CIVIl Lines not Ir ;luded In All Civil Lmes not mcluded In All CIVIl Lines not Included Place brought under some mUnicIpal hmlts mUnicIpal bmlts III mUnicIpal bmlts Similar regulation for place or sanitary purpose Cantonment Cantonment Cantonment Cantonment Every other contmuous collection Every other contmuous collectIOn of Every other contmuous (a) Every place where the of houses mhablted by not less houses mhablted by not less than collectIon of houses proportion ofthe tradtngand than 5,000 persons,whlch the 5,000 persons,whlch the Provmcla! permanently mhablted by mdustna! populatIOn to the ProvIncial Supenntendent may Superintendent may deCIde to treat not less than 5,000 total IS equal to or greater than deCide to treat as a town for census as a town for census purposes persons,whlch the that of the agricultural purposes In Indian states where However, a few places, chiefly III Provmclal Supermtendent population, (b) every other there were no mUnIclpahtles, thiS the native states whIch dId not may decide to treat as a contmuous group ofhouS"es definahon was reqUIred to be satIsfy the reqUIrements were town for census purposes mhabtted by not less than extensively applied treated as towns for Special 5,000 people Note _" In dealmg With questions purposes liThe provmclal ansmg under head (6) the Supermtendents were ProvIncial Supenntendent wJ1l have however,mstructed, when re~d to the character ofthe consldenng the question oftreatmg popUlation, the relative denSity of places as town on the basiS of theIr the dwellmg-;, the Importance of populatIOn, to take care to, exclude the place as a centre of trade and such as are merely overgrown ItS hlstonc assocIatIOns wJ1l bear in vJ1lages and have no urban features mmd that It IS undeSirable to treat It IS true that the discretIOn thus as towns over grown Villages, allowed has occasIOnally led to a

which have no urban certam want of umformlty II charactenstlcs " The urban cntenon of 1981,1991 and 2001 vanes slightly from that of 1961 and 1971 Censuses m the sense that the males workIng In actIVIties such as fishmg,loggmg etc were treated as engaged m non-agricultural activity and therefore contributed to the 75

33 per cent cntenon In 1961 and 1971 Censuses In the 1981,1991 and 2001 Censuses, these activIties were treated as par with cultivation and agncultural labour for the purpose of this cntenon Statement-3 ThIS statement as gIVen below presents the progress m number of towns from 1901 to 2001 Statement-3 Progress in the Number of Towns 1901-2001 (excludes Towns Declassdiedandmcludes Towns Newly addedm a particular Census) StatelDlstnct 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 4 3 2 1 1 5 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 5 5 5 2 1 I 1 1 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 8 7 7 6 6 10 6 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 10 11 6 5 5 3 4 3

It may be observed from Statement -3 that Lahul to 57 m 2001 Sarahan (N A C) was denotIfied, Pandoh & SPltI and Kmnaur dlstncts are entIrely rural m all Cen­ Census town lost Its urban status and Dhalh (N A C ) suses and there was no town In Kullu and Hamlrpur merged In Shlmla MUnICipal CorporatIon dunng 2001 dlstncts upto the 1941 Census and 1961 Census respec­ Census Moreover, two new urban are as VIZ Baddl, tIvely The number of towns whIch were 21 at the time Nagar Panchayat and Mant Khas, Census towns were of1901 Census declIned to 11 In 1911 Census and agaIn newly created In 2001 census The dlstnctwlse dlstnbu­ rose to 12 In 1921 These towns contInued to mcrease tIon of towns as per 2001 Census shows that the maxl­ III number gradually onwards The towns of Nurpur, mjlm number of 10 towns are m Shlmla whIch IS fol­ Kangra, Una,Nagar,BhoJPur, Bllaspur, Rampur,Solan and lowed by Kangra (9), Solan (8), Chamba, Mandl, Una Nalagarh were declassIfied and Kusumptl was merged (5 each) and Kullu, Hamlrpur and Btlaspur (4 each) III Shlmla In 1911 Jutogh formed a part of Shlmla and Slrmaur dlstnct has only 3 towns In 2001 Census Out Sanawar was created a new town In 1911 Census of 57 towns III 2001 Census, as many as 28 towns are Nagar and BhoJpur were merged to form a new town haVIng Nagar Panchayats, 20 have MUnICIpal Councils, Suket m 1921 Thereafter the number of town rose 7 have Cantonment Boards, one MUnICIpal Corporation steadIly up to 1991 and then declmed from 58 In 1991 of Shlmla and a SIngle Census town of Mant Khas

Statement-4 Progress lD Urban Po~ulatlOn of State and Dlstncts 1901-2001 StateIDlstnct 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Himachal Pradesh 595,581 449,196 325,971 241,890 178,275 153,827 86,099 73,652 66,518 59,193 . 77,332 1 Chamba 34,542 29,889 21,294 18,844 17,188 7,955 13,334 11,340 11,503 10,671 10,358 2 Kangra 72,285 59,349 48,938 34,642 38,435 38,756 9,653 6,359 4,904 6,923 16,179 3 Lahul & Sp Itt 4 Kullu 30,093 21,011 16,924 10,758 4,886 3,694 5 Mandl 60,982 55,769 47,257 48,205 21,535 16,168 13,507 ]5,902 9,424 7,896 10,323 6 Hamlrpur 30,206 22,686 15,836 3,67] 7 Una 39,424 32,272 24,506 10,338 5,166 5,407 5,394 4,398 4,746 8 BJlru.pur 21,951 16,735 11,584 9,498 7,752 3,745 2,873 2,387 3,192 9 Solan 9],195 47,279 32,623 23,945 20,982 ]9,228 12,491 6,736 7,437 7,957 10,616 10 Sirmaur 47,670 38,074 26,832 20,715 14,272 10,377 7,939 7,808 5,756 6,341 6,256 11 Shlmla 167,233 126,132 80,177 61,274 48,059 48,497 20,908 18,722 27,494 19,405 15,662 12 Kmnaur

Statement-4 reveals that the urban populatIOn has The growth was steep m the decade of 1941-51 mcreased from decade to deoade from 1921 onwards The rapId mcrease of urban populatlOn was due to In 1901, the urban populatlOn was 77,332 wl11ch rose the fact that there has been a contInUOUS flow of people to nearly 8 times dunng a span of century There from rural to urban areas ThIS process of shlftIng of was a declIne m populatIOn In 19 11 and growth was population from rural to urban areas IS found In all slow upto 1931 which gamed momentum thereafter urbanIsed dIstrIcts of the state Of the total 595,581

34 urban populatIOn of the state m 2001 Census, Shlmla at the second positIOn followed by Kangra (12 14 per dlstnct accounts for 2808 per cent of the state popu­ cent) and Mandl (1024 per cent) Bllaspur With a latIon Solan dIstrIct WIth a percentage of 15 31 stands percentage of 3 69 IS at the lowest In Statement -5, an attempt has been made to provIde the mdlces of the populatIon figures of Statement - 4 takmg 1901 as the base figure for facility of comparISon as gIVen below Statement-5 Indtces In growth of Urban POE!!lahon of State andDlstncts 1901-2001 as base ~1901=100l StateIDlstnct 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Himachal Pradesh 770 581 422 313 231 199 111 95 86 77 10000 I Chamba 333 289 206 182 166 77 129 109 111 103 10000 2 Kangra 417 367 302 214 238 240 60 39 30 43 10000 3 Lahul & Sp It! 4 Kullu • 815 569 458 291 132 100 00 5 Mandl 591 540 458 467 209 157 131 154 91 76 10000 6 Hwmrpur ... 823 618 431 100 00 7 Una 831 680 516 218 109 114 114 93 10000 8 Bllaspur 688 524 363 298 243 117 90 75 100 00 9 Solan 859 445 307 226 198 181 118 63 70 75 10000 10 SlOnaur 762 609 429 331 228 166 127 125 92 101 10000 11 Shlmla 1,068 805 512 391 307 310 133 120 176 124 10000 12 Kmnaur Note * No urban population has been returned from Hamlrpur and Kullu dlsncts prior to 1971 and 1951 Censuses, respectIvely There IS no urban area m Lahul & SPltl and Kmnaur dIstricts It may be seen from Statement-5 that m terms the town WhICh has been changmg from Census to of percentages, takmg 1901 as the base, the mdex of Census has been umform throughout the vanous urban populatIOn shows an upward trend from 1941 Censuses The VIllage, generally follows the hmits of onwards The mdex whIch was only III at the tIme a revenue VIllage whIch IS recogmsed by the dlstnct of 1941 Census rose to 770 at the tIme of 2001 admInIstratIon The revenue VIllage needs not a smgle Census However,the mdex of urban populatIOn agglomeration of mhabltatIOn, but the revenue VIllage decreased below the level of 1901 between 1911- has defimte surveyed boundanes 1931 It rose to 199 m 1951 and m subseqent For Census purpose, the VIllage constitutes the decades, It contmued to rIse at faster rate touchmg revenue VIllage whIch IS the lowest umt of area mto the level of 770 111 2001 Census whIch the state IS dIVIded for purpose of land revenue The POSItIon VISIble m the dIStrIctS broadly conforms The hamlets do not have defined boundanes or areas to the state trend but the mcrease/decrease IS not dIstmctly marked or allotted to them The hamlets are ulllform m all dIstrICts Slllmla distrIct has regIstered sItuated withm the area earmarked for the VIllage the mronmum mcrease of urban population WIth mdices The entIre revenue Village IS one umt but there of 1,068 followed by Solan (859), Una (831), Hamlrpur may be unsurveyed Villages wlthm forests etc which (823) and Kullu (815) agamst the state figure of 770 mamly compnse forest labourers and their famIlIes dunng 1901-2001 Cnamba dIstrIct wItnessed the lowest Such forest vtllages have also been treated as (333) Increase ill the urban population durmg thiS penod VIllages So the mhablted villages shown under Hamlrpur and Kullu dIStrIctS were entIrely rural upto column 3 of A-I mclude not only revenue VIllages 1961 and 1941 respectIvely and the mdlces for these havmg reSIdentIal populatIOn but also mhabited forest two dlstncts have been worked out by takmg 1971 VIllages The un-mhabited Villages are shown under and 1951 urban populatIon as 100 column 4 WhICh gIves the number of deserted or un-mhabited villages Rural Areas I The VIllage as used m the state m 2001 Census It IS the tradItIon of Census to present the data denotes revenue Village through out the state except WIth rural and urban breakup The rural area means the dIstncts ofKangra, Hamlrpur and Kullu and parts the populatIon IIvmg m VIllages (other than towns) of Una and Lahul & SPltl where' Tlka' and 'PhattI' The defimtIOn of the Village unlike the defimtton of have been taken as the rural umts

35 Statement-6 exhibits dIstnctwlse number of vIllages with theIr breakup as mhabIted, unmhabited vIllages, fully and partly merged villages In the urban areas The number of towns has also been shown III column 7 Statement -6 State and Dlstrrcoose Dumber ofvtllages and TOlms In 2001 Total Number of Number of No of villages mcluded m towns Number of Number of State / District villages Unmhablted v!ll~ Fully Partly mhablted vdlages towns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HImachal Pradesh 20,118 2,623 227 99 17,495 57 I Chamba 1,591 473 5 4 1,118 5 2 Kangra 3,868 249 29 7 3,619 9 3 Lahul & Spltl 521 234 287 4 Kullu 172 1 5 172 4 5 Mandl 3,338 505 29 6 2,833 5 6 Hamrrpur 1,672 37 26 2 1,635 4 7 Una 814 56 20 5 758 5 8 Bdaspur 1,061 96 16 13 965 4 9 Solan 2,536 148 14 22 2,388 8 10 Srrmaur 971 5 13 12 966 3 11 Shlmla 2,914 394 74 23 2520 10 12 Krnnaur 660 426 234 The number of VIllages has gone upto 20,118 III of total VIllages of the state and followed by Mandl 2001, Census from 19,388 reported durmg 1991 Of (1659) and Shlmla(14 48), Solan (12 60) whIle Kullu these, ] 7,495 are mhablted and remammg 2,623 are With a percentage of 085 IS at the bottom Lahul & unmhablted 227 VIllages have been fully merged m SPit! dlstnct which has the lowest populatIOn among the urban areas of the state while the number of partly the dIstncts IS second from below With regard to the merged Villages comes to 99 As per 2001 Census, number of villages With regard to the number oftowns, 57 places have been taken as towns m state agamst Shlmia dlstnct havmg 10 towns IS at the top followed 58 m 1991 At the dlstnct level, Kangra district has by Kangra (9), Solan (8), Chamba, Mandl and Una the highest number of VIllages claimIng 1923 per cent (5 each) and Kullu, Hamlrpur and Bllaspur (4 each) Statement 7 presents dlStrlCtwlSe number ofvdlages at a each census slllce 1901 Statement-7 Number ofJnbabtted villages at each Census 1901 -2001 No ofmhablled VIllages StateIDlstnct 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 Himachal Pradesh 17,495 16,997 16,807 16,916 13,060 11,133 11,016 10,211 6,539 6,326 NA 1 Chamba 1,118 1,144 1,098 1,095 1,094 66 52 53 50 51 NA 2 Kangra 3,619 3,620 3,753 3,974 930 1,118 1,135 1,003 1,003 1,005 1,006 3 Lahul & SPIt! 287 272 239 235 49 •• • * *• •• •• NA 4 Kullu 172 172 169 169 48 • • • • • NA 5 Mandl 2,833 2,818 2,806 2,789 4,454 3,561 3,705 3,693 448 453 NA 6 Hamlrpur 1,635 1,617 1,621 1,619 '" • '" '" • '" '" 7 Una 758 552 552 557 • '" • • • • • 8 Btlaspur 965 950 942 911 926 928 949 940 955 942 NA 9 Solan 2,388 2,348 2,358 2,337 2,547 2,546 2,563 2,423 2,237 2,229 NA ) 0 Srrmaur 966 965 967 965 965 928 965 965 1,012 962 NA ) 1 Shlmla 2,520 2,311 2,225 2,188 1,970 1,986 1,647 1,134 834 684 NA 12 Kmnaur ,234 228 77 77 77 ••• "' .. *•• ••• ••• NA Note 1 N A means not aVailable 2 • Included In Kangra dlstnct 3 '" '" Included In Kangra and Chamba dlstncts 4 *** Included In the newly constituted Shlmla distrIct 5 Number of villages m a partIcular Census IS strIctly In accordance WIth the Census concept of VIllage at that time I It IS eVident from Statement-7 that barnng Kangra Himachal Pradesh till 1971 A slIght declme of 109 dJstnct, the number of villages IS not available In other Villages In 1981 Census IS due to the settlement dJstncts of the state for 1901 There has been a operatIons carned out m Kangra dIstrict where small perSIstent rIse In the number of mhabited VIllages m VIllages were clubbed for revenue purposes A few

36 other places treated as rural areas m 1971 Census and theIr number has gone downward by 26 and 1 attamed the status of towns 10 1981 Census Majority respectIvely ThIs decrease In number of VIllages In of the newly formed towns were compnsed of more Chamba dlstnct IS merger of VIllages on account of than one Village treated as such m the 1971 Census settlement operatIons whIle m Kangra, Mant Khas VIllage of the dIStrIct was treated as Census Town The total number of 10hablted VIllages has gone m 2001 Census The mcrease m the numb.er of upto 17,495 10 2001 Census from 16,997 reported mhablted Villages of the order of209 In Shlmla, 206 dunng 1991 showmg the net Increase of 498 mhabited In Una, 40 In Solan, 18 In Hamlrpur and 15 each In Villages As for dIstricts, there has been no change 10 Lahul & SPltI, Mandl and Btlaspur dlstncts IS due to the number of 10hablted Villages m Kullu distrIct The completIOn of settlement operatIOns 10 these dIstncts mcrease IS almost neglIgible m Sirmaur and Kmnaur In the one hand and due to the reason that certaIn dIstrIcts Chamba and Kangra are only districts that vIllages WhICh were unmhablted III 1991 Census have have registered declIne m number of mhablted VIllages recorded population III these areas m 2001 Census

The growth profile of the rural populatIon m the state and dl5tncts smce 1901 15 depIcted m Statement - 8 Statement-8

Progress lD Rural Populataon of State and DIstrIcts 1901 - 2001 Rural populatton State! DIstrict 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Himachal 5,482,319 4,721,681 3,954,847 3,218,544 2,634,188 2,232,154 2,177,146 1,955,461 1,861,688 1,837,751 1,842,962 Pradesh 1 Chamba 426,345 363,397 289,853 232,359 198,741 166,582 161,060 139,251 134,023 128,2~ 119,886

2 Kangra 1,266,745 1,114,723 941,820 766,221 618,797 531,887 553,510 488,299 464,347 462,123 462,185 3 Lahul& 33,224 31,294 32,100 27,568 23,682 15,338 14,594 13,733 12,836 12,981 12,392 SPltJ 4 Kullu 351,478 281,421 221,810 181,613 148,039 141,994 137,202 131,425 122,027 124,803 119,585

5 Mandl 840,362 720,603 597,570 466,975 362,724 294,458 290,178 249,971 229,952 228,142 218,398

6 Hrumrpur 382,494 346,442 301,915 261,320 220,341 191,311 1~8,804 165,837 157,319 157,251 160374

7 Una 408,849 345,997 292,916 251,019 221,530 191,422 188,855 166,222 161,856 161,786 160,254

8 BIIaspur 318,934 278,652 235,784 185,288 151,054 122,354 107,463 98,607 98,000 93,107 87,681

9 Solan 409,362 334,989 270,712 213,569 171,682 149,043 115,430 111,374 117,821 104,361 131,082 10 Srrmaur 410,923 341,621 280,065 224,207 183,216 155,676 148,064 140,739 134,672 132,159 129,411

11 Shnnla 555,269 491,272 430,755 358,570 293,402 237,614 238,748 219,558 200,644 204,296 214,482

12 Kmnaur 78,334 71,270 59,547 49,835 40,980 34,475 33,238 30,445 28,191 28,470 27,232 It IS clear from Statement-8 that rural populatIon Census, Kangra distrIct has registered the highest pro­ which was 1,842,962 m 1901 roseto 5,482,319 m 2001 portIon of 23 11 per cent of the total rural populatton Rural populatIon has shown an upward trend m each of the State It IS followed by Mandl (15 33 per cent) decade except 1901-1911 when It declIned from and Shlmla (10 13 per cent) dIstrIct Lahul & SpltI 1,842,962 to 1,837,751 However, from 1921 onwards, dlstnct WIth a proportIOn of 0 61 per cent of the state's It showed nSIng trend The nSIng trend IS mdlcated m rural populatIOn has recorded the lowest The rural the rural populatIon III the dIstrIcts also from 1921 on­ populatIon of nme dlstncts (except Kangra, Mandl and wards except Lahul & Spltl where the rural popula­ shlmla) IS less than the dIstnct average of 456,859 tIOn decreased from 12,981 III 1911 to 12,836 III 1921 persons The dlstncts of Kangra, Mandl and Shlmla and from 32,100 In 1981 to 31,294 m 1991 Of the claimed near about fifty per cent of the rural popula­ total rural populatIon of State Ie 5,482,319 In 2001 tIon of the state In 2001 Census



N o I( Boundaries: 8 International State . . . . District ...... _____

KILOMETRES 20 o 20 40

33224 44.49. 55 .51 LAHUL AND SPI TI


46.16 . 53.84


N C H 4 u.p. ' ..UTT AR PRADESH ~ 6077900 3 +- 5.46 4.4



76° Easl of Greenwich 78° 79°

39 ~ U.p. ". UTIAR PRADESH ~ 31° 31° ~ + 1t !-. ,...

FEMALES PER 1000 MALES 'V ~ 1000 & ABOVE J. .,,~ 900 - 999 STATE AVERAGE 968 -4 D 800 -899 D BELOW800 30° 30°

76° East of Greenwic h 77° 78° 79°


TRIPURA 0.32% 10486 OTHERS 0.66% 21 758 NAGALAND 0.50% 16579 (ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 0.25% B 249 SIKKIM 0.22% 7096 MIZORAM 0.64% 21 081 GOA 0.11% 3702 DELHI 0.05% 1 483 MANIPUR 0.68% 22 227 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0.01% 491 MEGHALAYA 0.68% 22429 PONDICHERRY 0.01% 479 CHANDIGARH N. 114 DAMAN&DIU N. 112 LAKSHADWEEP N. 32)

1.53% 50362 . 1.63% 53483 1.69% 55 673

N. . .. Neg li gible


TR IPURA 0,3'1% 3199203 OTHER S STATES & U,Ts 1.27% 13148 290 IMEGHALAYA 0,23% 2318822 HIMACHAL PRADESH 0,59% 6077 900 MANIPUR 0,22% 2293896 NAG ALAND 0,19% 1 990 036 UTTARANCHAL 8489 34 9 GOA 0,13% 1347668 0,82 % ARUNACHAL PRA DESH 0.11% 1097968 PONDICHER RY 0.09% 97 4 345 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0,99 % 10143700 CHAN DIGARH 0,09% 900635 MIZORAM 0,09% aaa 573 SI KKI M 0,05% 540 851 1,35 % 138505 07 ANDAMAN & NI COBAR ISLANDS 0.03% 356152 DADRA & NA GAR HAVELI 0,02% 220490 DAMAN & DIU 0,01% 158204 LAKS HADWEEP 0.01% 60 €50) 2,05% 21 144564

2,59% 26655 528 ~

2,62% 26 945 829

3,09% 31 841 374

* Includes estimated populat ion of Paomata , Mao Maram and Pural Sub-Divisions of Se napati District of Manipur for 2001


43 77°


N o Boundaries: 8 International . .. .. ___ State . .. District

KILOMETRES 20 o 20 40


D KULLU 69 -


2 POPULATION PER KM ------ABOVE 350 D 201-350

D 50 - 200 STATE AVERAGE 109


76° East of Greenwich

44 A-I (Patt-I) NUMBER OF VILLAGIS, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- TotaV Number ofvlUages PopulatIOn Aream latlon State/ Dlstrlct/ TehslV RuraV In- Un- No of No of square persq Sub-tehsll Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kllometre km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It Himachal Pradesh T 17,495 2,623 57 1,221,589 6,077,900 3,087,940 2,989,960 55,67300 109 R 17,495 2,623 1,079,797 5,482,319 2,756,073 2,726,246 55,43129 99

U 57 141,792 595,581 331,867 263,714 24171 2,464

Chamba DistrIct T 1,118 473 5 87,029 460,887 235,218 225,669 6,52200 71 R 1,118 473 79,618 426,345 216,704 209,641 6,50126 66 U 5 7,411 34,542 18,514 16,028 2074 1,665

Pangz (T) T 59 47 3,414 17,598 9,259 8,339 1,60047 II R 59 47 3,414 17,598 9,259 8,339 1,60047 11 U

Chaurah (T) T 194 118 11,738 66,315 34,219 32,096 106926 62 R 194 118 11,738 66,315 34,219 32,096 1,06926 62 U

Salum (T) T 124 54 7,493 41,730 21,410 20,320 372 69 112 R 124 54 7,493 41,730 21,410 20,320 372 69 112 U

Bhalal (8 I) T 77 3 4,099 22,257 11,234 11,023 131 30 170 R 77 3 4,099 22,257 11,234 ll,023 131 30 170 U

DalhOUSie (T) T 121 5 2 8,234 42,065 21,816 20,249 16410 256 R 121 5 6,327 32,676 16,539 16,137 15240 214 U 2 1,907 9,389 5,277 4,112 11 70 802

Bhattlyat (T) T 121 12 2 7,444 38576 19,573 19,003 24959 155 R 121 12 6,329 33,750 16,985 16,765 24488 138 U 2 1,115 4,826 2,588 2,238 471 1,025

Sihunta (S T) T 81 16 6,955 35,701 17,528 18,173 24686 145 R 81 16 6,955 35,701 17,528 18,173 24686 145 U

Chamba(T) T 240 67 30,133 159,399 80,920 78,479 1,271 59 125 R 240 67 25,744 139,072 70,271 68,801 1,26726 110 U 4,389 20,327 10,649 9,678 433 4,694

Hob (S T) T 47 93 3,032 14,514 7,525 6,989 1,06275 14 , R 47 93 3,032 14,514 7,525 6,989 1,06275 14 U

Brahmaur (T) T 54 58 4,487 22732 11,734 10,998 75558 30 R 54 58 4,487 22,732 11,734 10,998 75558 30 U

45 A-I (part-I) NUMBER OF VILLAGES, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- Total! Number ofvdlages PopulatIOn Aream lattOn State! Dlstnct! Tehsll! Rural! In- Un- No of No of square persq Sub-tehstl Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I Kangra DistrIct T 3,619 249 9 272,487 1,339,030 661,254 677,776 5,73900 233 R 3,619 249 256,490 1,266,745 623,259 643,486 5,70377 222 U 9 15,997 72,285 37,995 34,290 35232,052

Nurpur (T) T 387 32 28,663 151,661 76,802 74,859 53839 282 R 387 32 26,750 142,595 72,069 70,526 53364 267 U 1,913 9,066 4,733 4,333 475 1,909

Indora (T) T 112 5 13,633 71,479 37,437 34,042 30163 237 R 112 5 13,633 71,479 37,437 34,042 30163 237 U

Fatehpur (T) T 227 14 10,420 53,562 26,699 26,863 28558 188 R 227 14 10,420 53.562 26,699 26,863 28558 188 U

Jawah (1') T 198 15 18,926 98,907 48,710 50,197 30377 326 R 198 15 18,926 98,907 48,710 50,197 30377 326 U

Harchaklan (S T) T 58 4 2,414 12,182 5,841 6,341 72 52 168 R 58 4 2,414 12,182 5,841 6,341 72 52 168 U

Shahpur (T) T 163 10 13,281 66,010 32,165 33,845 24903 265 R 163 10 13,281 66,010 32,165 33,845 24903 265 U

Dharmsala (T) T 153 11 3 24,503 117,463 60,220 57,243 35093 335 R 153 II 16,452 82,330 41,428 40,902 33318 247 U 3 8,051 35,133 18,792 16,341 1775 1.979

Kangra(T) T 311 26 2 28,910 146,601 72,374 74,227 27503 533 R 311 26 25,760 131,788 64,905 66,883 27076 487 U 2 3,150 14.813 7,469 7,344 4273,469

Baroh (T) T 160 9 4,654 23,452 11,197 12,255 l3347 176 R 160 9 4,654 23,452 11,197 12,255 13347 176 U

Dera Goplpur (T) T 405 34 2 29,939 149,091 72,492, 76,599 72337 206 R 405 34 27,924 139,824 67,648 72,176 71558 195 U 2 2,015 9,267 4,844 4,423 779 1,190

Jaswan (T) T 86 14 6,478 30,763 15,225 15,538 172 05 179 R 86 14 6,478 30,763 15.225 15,538 172 05 179 U

46 A-I (part-I) NUMBFROFVILLAGFS, TOWNS, HOUSFHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- Total! NumberofvIllages Population Aream latlon State! Dlstnct/ Tehsll! Rural! In- Un- No of Noof square per sq Sub-tehsii Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kIlometre km I 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 10 11 Rakkar (ST) T 101 15 5,693 27,252 13,295 13,957 113 95 239 R 101 15 5,693 27,252 13,295 13,957 113 95 239 U

Khundlan (T) T 216 13 6,594 33,858 16,414 17,444 19014 178 R 216 13 6,594 33,858 16,414 17,444 19014 178 U rhural (S T) T 83 7 3,918 17,754 8,314 9,440 58 17 305 R 83 7 3,918 17,754 8,314 9,440 5817 305 U

Dhlra(S T) T 113 2 4,396 20,112 9,467 10,645 8235 244 R 113 2 4,396 20,112 9,467 10,645 8235 244 U

Jru Smghpur (T) T 218 4 13,366 58,623 26,666 31,957 19091 307 R 218 4 13,366 58,623 26,666 31,957 19091 307 U

Palampur (T) T 394 15 36,444 167,961 82,799 85,162 43330 388 R .394 15 35,576 163,955 80,642 83,313 43263 379 U 868 4,006 2,157 1,849 067 5,979

Baunath (T) T 199 5 18,759 84,801 41,328 43,473 28814 294 R 199 5 18,759 84,801 41,328 43,473 28814 294 U

Multhan (S T) T 35 14 1,496 7,498 3,809 3,689 1,01479 7 R 35 14 1,496 7,498 3,809 3,689 1,01479 7 U

Lahul & SPltl T 287 234 7,999 33,224 18,441 14,783 13,84100 2 DistrIct R 287 234 7,999 33,224 18,441 14,783 13,84100 2 U

Udatpur (S T) T 65 85 2,072 9,446 5,112 4,334 1,976 11 5 R 65 85 2,072 9,446 5,112 4,334 1,97611 5 U

Lahul (T) T 127 13 3,253 13,099 7,455 , 5,644 3430 382 R ,127 13 3,253 13,099 7,455 5,644 3430 382 U

SPltl (T) T 95 136 2,674 10,679 5,874 4,805 7,10054 2 R 95 136 2,674 10,679 5,874 4,805 7,10054 2 U

4? A-I (Part-I) NUMBER OFVILLAG~, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- Total! Number ofvtllages PopulatIon Aream latlon State! Dlstnct/ TehsllI Rural! In- Un- No of No of square per sq Sub-tehsll Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kIlometre km I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kullu DIstrIct T 172 4 76,902 381,571 198,016 183,555 5,50300 69 R 172 69,483 351,478 181,131 170,347 5,48909 64 U 4 7,419 30,093 16,885 13,208 1391 2,163

Manah (T) T 19 9,627 44,212 24,129 20,083 3551 1,245 R 19 8,068 37,947 20,135 17,812 3251 1,167 U 1,559 6,265 3,994 2,271 3002,088

Kullu (T) T 65 2 35,626 179,646 93,383 86,263 20792 864 R 65 30,109 157,080 81,191 75,889 19924 788 U 2 5,517 22,566 12,192 10,374 8682,600

SamJ (ST) T 14 3,837 20,682 10,596 10,086 3789 546 R 14 3,837 20,682 10,596 10,086 3789 546 U

BanJar (T) T 31 7,103 38,638 19,603 19,035 6267 617 R 31 6,760 37,376 18,904 18,472 6044 618 U 343 1,262 699 563 223 566

Ant (S T) T 17 10,565 50,476 25,722 24,754 7850 643 R 17 10,565 50,476 25,722 24,754 7850 643 U

Nermand (T) T 26 10,144 47,917 24,583 23,334 7844 611 R 26 10,144 47,917 24,583 23,334 7844 611 U

Mandl DIStrIct T 2,833 505 5 182,378 901,344 447,872 453,472 3,95000 228 R 2,833 505 168,021 840,362 415,676 424,686 3,92311 214 U 5 14357 60,982 32,196 28,786 26892,1'68

Padhar(T) T 189 43 8,473 44,144 22,025 22,119 413 82 107 R 189 43 8,473 44,144 22,025 22,119 413 82 107 U

J ogmdarnagFll" (T) T 205 14 16,316 75,675 36,555 39,120 26005 291 R 205 14 15,081 70,627 33,892 36,735 25580 276 U 1,235 5,048 2,663 2,385 425 1,188

, Lad Bharol (T) T 145 2 5,856 25,404 11,452 13,952 9316 273 R )45 2 5,856 25,404 11,452 13,952 93 16 273 U

Sandhol (S T) T 64 2 4,117 18,443 8,579 9,864 6544 282 R 64 2 4,117 18,443 8,579 9,864 6544 282 U

48 A-I (Part-f) NUMBER OF VILLAGES, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- TotaV Number ofvtllages Population Area In latlon State/ District! TehslV RuraV In- Un- No of Noof square persq Sub-tehstl Urban hablted mhabtted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Dharmpur (S T) T 89 3 6,332 30,898 14,723 16,175 119 II 259 R 89 3 6,332 30,898 14,723 16,175 119 II 259 U

Koth (ST) T 63 3 4,867 23,941 11,667 12,274 9095 263 R 63 3 4,867 23,941 11,667 12,274 9095 263 U

Sarkaghat (T) T 272 2 17,547 78,469 37,440 41,029 21517 365 R 272 2 16,711 74,763 35,570 39,193 21222 352 U 836 3,706 1,870 1,836 295 1,256

Baldwara (S T) T 135 4 8,373 40,330 19,447 20,883 9244 436 R 135 4 8,373 40,330 19,447 20,883 9244 436 U

Sundarnagar (T) 1 161 19 20,569 101,437 51,976 49,461 23349 434 R 161 19 14,940 77,451 39,291 38,160 22203 349 U 5,629 23,986 12,685 11,301 1146 2,093

Mandl(T) T 370 34 2 39,487 192,370 97,616 94,754 58382 330 R 370 34 32,830 164,128 82,638 81,490 57559 285 U 2 6,657 28,242 14,978 13,264 823 3,432

Aut (ST) T 59 29 4,658 26,873 13,799 13,074 15432 174 R 59 29 4,658 26,873 13,799 13,074 15432 174 U

Ball Chowkl (S T) T 97 59 5,762 33,663 17,141 16,522 20269 166 R 97 59 5,762 33,663 17,141 16,522 20269 166 U fhunag(T) T 169 89 8,595 44,106 22,287 21,819 32474 136 R 169 89 8,595 44,106 22,287 21,819 32474 136 U

Chachyot (T) T 149 60 10,039 50,435 25,247 25,188 24704 204 R 149 60 10,039 50,435 25,247 25,188 24704 204 U

Nthn (ST) T 205 69 5,922 31,777 16,122 15,?55 34138 93 R 205 , 69 5,922 31,777 16,122 15,655 34138 93 U

Karsog(T) T 461 73 15,465 83,379 41,796 41,583 53162 157 R 461 73 15,465 83,379 41,796 41,583 53162 157 U

49 A-I (part-I) NUMBER OF Vll..LAGES, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULAnON AND ARFA Popu- TotaV Number of villages PopulatIOn Aream latlOn State/ Dlstnct/ TehslV RuraV In- Un- No of Noof square persq Sub-tehstl Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hamlrpur Dlstflct T 1,635 37 4 86,771 412,700 196,593 216,107 1,11800 369 R 1,635 37 80,024 382,494 180,366 202,128 1,10638 346 U 4 6,747 30,206 16,227 13,979 11622,599

TITa SUJanpur (T) T 196 9 8,841 43,189 20,772 22,417 18037 239 R 196 9 7,419 36,112 16,893 19,219 17734 204 U 1,422 7,077 3,879 3,198 303 2,336

Nadaun (T) T 438 15 18,553 91,410 43,327 48,083 24741 369 R 438 15 17,655 87,005 41,078 45,927 24513 355 U 898 4,405 2,249 2,156 228 1,932

Hamtrpur (T) T 397 2 23,872 111,210 53,954 57,256 24739 450 R 397 2 19,782 93,958 44,627 49,331 24215 388 U 4,090 17,252 9,327 7,925 5243,292

Barsar (T) T 227 4 10,299 50,090 23.615 26,475 15331 327 R 227 4 9,962 48,618 22,843 25,775 15224 319 U 337 1,472 772 700 I 07 1,376

Dhatwal (S T) T 112 7,022 34,816 16,469 18,347 12130 287 R 112 7,022 34,816 16,469 18,347 121 30 287 U

BhoranJ (T) T 265 6 18,184 81,985 38,456 43,529 15092 543 R 265 6 18,184 81,985 38,456 43,529 15092 543 U

Una District T 758 56 5 88,181 448,273 224,524 223,749 1,54000 291 R 758 56 79,947 408,849 203,724 205,125 1,51951 269 U 5 8,234 39,424 20,800 18,624 2049 1,924

Bharwam (S T) T 45 3 3,438 16,323 8,054 8,269 10055 162 R 45 3 3,438 16,323 8,054 8,269 10055 162 U

Amb (T) T 243 9 2 28,843 143,645 71,235 72,410 49627 289 R 243 9 27,402 137,110 67,&50 69,260 48738 281 U 2 1,441 6,535 3,385 3,150 889 735

Bangana(T) T 306 43 12,464 64,347 31,732 32,615 41254 156 R 306 43 12,464 64,347 31,732 32,615 41254 156 U

Una(T) T 139 3 32,077 164,779 84,168 80,611 33389 494 R 139 25,284 131,890 66,753 65,137 32229 409 U 3 6,793 32,889 17,415 15,474 1160 2,835

50 A-I (part-I) NUMBER OF VILLAGES, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- Total! Number of villages PopulatIon Aream latlon State! DlStnctJ TehsJl/ Rural! In- Un- No of No of square persq Sub-tehsil Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Haroh(S T) T 25 11,359 59,179 29,335 29,844 19883 298 R 25 11,359 59,179 29,335 29,844 19883 298 U

Bllaspur DIStrict T 965 96 4 65,750 340,885 171,263 169,622 1,16700 292 R 965 96 60,788- 318,934 159,488 159,446 1,14957 277 U 4 4,962 21,951 11,775 10,176 1743 1,259

Ghumarwm (T) T 310 20 24,414 120,442 58,682 61,760 28298 426 R 310 20 23,174 114,721 55,666 59,055 27988 410 U 1,240 5,721 3,016 2,705 3 10 1,845

Jhanduta (T) T 227 50 15,323 81,499 40,686 40,813 31041 263 R 227 50 14,911 79,488 39,626 39,862 30752 258 U 412 2,011 1,060 951 289 696

Nama Devi (S T) T 150 19 7,937 41,322 21,557 19,765 26600 155 R 150 19 7,625 40,161 20,822 19,339 26518 151 U 312 1,161 735 426 082 1,416

Bilaspur Sadar (T) T 278 7 18,076 97,622 50,338 47,284 27941 349 R 278 7 15,078 84,564 43,374 41,190 26879 315 U 2,998 13,058 6,964 6,094 1062 1,230

Solan District T 2,388 148 8 99,317 500,557 270,291 230,266 1,93600 259 R 2,388 148 77,086 409,362 214,150 195,212 1,90275 215 U 8 22,231 91,195 56,141 35,054 33252,743

Arkl(T) T 477 35 15,474 83,230 41,509 41,721 39403 211 R 477 35 14,791 80,353 39,981 40,372 39258 205 U 683 2,877 1,528 1,349 145 1,984

Ramshahr (S T) T 219 22 5,385 29,718 14,901 14,817 18322 162 R 219 22 5,385 29,718 14,901 14,817 18322 162 U

Nalagarh (T) T 400 28 2 30,119 155,629 88,832 66,787 52291 298 R 400 28 22,252 123,575 66,829 56,746 51401 240 U 2 7,867 32,044 22,003 10,041 8903,600

Knshangarh (S T) T 267 29 4,746 25,836 13,073 12,763, 15249 169 R 267 29 4,746 25,836 13,073 12,763 15249 169 U

Kasauh(T) T 288 9 2 15,535 71,225 39,519 31,706 13883 513 R 288 9 11,997 57,626 31,447 26,179 12782 451 U 2 3,538 13,599 8,072 5,527 11 01 1,235

51 A-I (part-I) NUMBER OF VILLAGES, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- Total! Number ofvdlages Population Aream latlOn State! Dlstnct! Tehsdl Rural! In- Un- No of No of square persq Sub-tehsll Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Solan (T) T 475 3 3 21,327 99,793 54,372 45,421 21053 474 R 475 3 11,184 57,118 29,834 27,284 19864 288 U 3 10,143 42,675 24,538 18,137 11893,589

Kandaghat (T) T 262 22 6,731 35,136 18,085 17,051 20722 170 R 262 22 6,731 35,136 18,085 17,051 20722 170 U

Sirmaur District T 966 5 3 81,441 458,593 241,299 217,294 2,82500 162 R 966 5 71,097 410,923 215,656 195,267 2,80799 146 U 3 10,344 47,670 25,643 22,027 1701 2,802

Rajgflfh (T) T 140 8,534 44,207 22,711 21,496 41249 107 R 140 7,870 41,680 21,296 20,384 41044 102 U 664 2,527 1,415 1,112 205 1,233

Nohra(S T) T 47 3,735 21,036 10,680 10,356 19148 110 R 47 3,735 21,036 10,680 10,356 19148 110 U

Pachhad(T) T 262 8,745 46,020 23,842 22,178 40649 113 R 262 8,745 46,020 23,842 22,178 40649 113 U

Renuka(T) T 74 6,271 40,122 20,521 19,601 29479 136 R 74 6,271 40,122 20,521 19,601 29479 136 U

Dadahu (S T) T 73 2,900 15,438 7,858 7,580 12541 123 R 73 2,900 15,438 7,858 7,580 12541 123 U

Nahan(T) T 136 14,142 71,976 38,455 33,521 ]72 22 418 R 136 8,562 45,923 24,473 21,450 ]6344 281 U 5,580 26,053 13,982 12,071 8782,967

Paonta Sahib (T) T 139 2 24,816 132,202 70,526 61,676 22431 589 R 139 2 20,716 113,112 60,280 52,832 21813 519 U 4,100 19,090 10,246 8,844 618 3,089

Kamrau (8 T) T 45 5,394 35,048 18,722 16,326 14824 236 R 45 5,394 35,048 18,722 16,326 14824 236 U

ShaIm (T) T 28 4,299 32,922 17,614 15,308 16635 198 R 28 4,299 32,922 17,614 15,308 16635 198 U

52 A-I (part-I) NUMBER OF VD..,LAGFS, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA Popu- TotaV Number of vIllages Population Aream latton State! Dlstnct/ TehslV RuraV In- Un- No of Noof square persq Sub-tehsil Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km 1 2 3 4 5 Q 7 8 9 10 11 Ronbat (ST) T 22 2,605 19,622 10,370 9,252 10574 186 R 22 2,605 19,622 10,370 9,252 10574 186 U

Shlmla District T 2,520 394 10 154,693 722,502 380,996 341,506 5,13100 141 R 2,520 394 110,603 555,269 285,305 269,964 5,08586 109 U 10 44,090 167,233 95,691 71,542 45143,705

Rampur(T) T 153 68 16,173 72,026 38,688 33,338 86544 83 R 153 68 14,697 66,373 35,383 30,990 86336 77 U 1,476 5,653 3,305 2,348 208 2,718

Nankharl (S T) T 86 16 5,299 25,154 12,605 12,549 15718 160 R 86 16 5,299 25,154 12,605 12,549 15718 160 U

Kumharsam (T) T 166 20 8,891 40,577 20,713 19,864 23812 170 R 166 20 8,692 39,864 20,267 19,597 23712 168 U 199 713 446 267 100 713

Seom (T) T 202 33 6,168 31,425 15,023 16,402 24374 129 R 202 33 5,809 29,896 14,259 15,637 24198 124 U 359 1,529 764 765 176 869

Sh1ffila Rural (T) T 505 30 14,594 73,521 39,129 34,392 35391 208 R 505 30 14,131 71,101 37,475 33,626 35250 202 U 463 2,420 1,654 766 141 1,716

Sh1ffila Urban (T) T 37,756 142,555 81,186 61,369 2853 4,997 R U 37,756 142,555 81,186 61,369 2853 4,997

Jungfl (8 T) T 59 5 2,338 12,422 6,414 6,008 11275 IlO R 59 5 2,338 12,422 6,414 6,008 11275 110 U

Theog(T) T 400 35 15,207 77,954 39,948 38,006 47134 165 R 400 35 14,234 74,200 37,816 36,384 46734 159 U 973 3,754 2,132 1,622 400 939

Chaupal (T) T 121 7 5,457 28,387 14,655 13,732 17832 159 R 121 7 5,004 26,880 13,776 13,104 17432 154 U 453 1,507 879 628 400 377

Cheta(ST) T 42 2,466 16,831 8,696 8,135 9683 174 R 42 2,466 16,831 8,696 8,135 9683 174 U

53 A-I (part-I) NUMBER OF VlLLAG~, TOWNS, HOUSEHOLDS, POPULATION AND ARFA Popu- Totall Number of villages PopulatIOn Aream latlon State! DlstrIct/ TehsIlI Rurall In- Un- No of No of square persq Sub-tehsd Urban habited mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre Ion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nerua(ST) T 190 57 5,428 31,192 15,963 15,229 31003 101 R 190 57 5,428 31,192 15,963 15,229 31003 101 U lubbal (T) T 131 40 6,990 33,649 17,323 16,326 29797 Il3 R 131 40 6,597 32,303 16,531 15,772 29708 109 U 393 1,346 792 554 089 1,512

Kotkhru (T) T 172 17 7,606 34,155 17,567 16,588 20316 168 R 172 17 7,278 33,006 16,905 16,101 20276 163 U 328 1,149

TIkar(S T) T 41 5 2,578 12,590 6,459 6,131 7853 160 R 41 5 2,578 12,590 6,459 6,131 7853 160 U

Rohru (T) T 125 16 9,366 44,887 23,469 21,418 22534 199 R 125 16 7,676 38,280 19,598 18,682 22427 171 U 1,690 6,607 3,871 2,736 1076,175

Chlrgaon (T) T 117 35 7,373 39,513 20,249 19,264 77100 51 R 117 35 7,373 39,513 20,249 19,264 77100 51 U

Dodra K war (T) T 10 10 1,003 5,664 2,909 2,755 36697 15 R 10 10 1,003 5,664 2,909 2,755 36697 15 U

Kmnaur DIstrIct T 234 426 18,641 78,334 42,173 36,161 6,40100 12 R 234 426 18,641 78,334 42,173 36,161 6,40100 12 U

Hangrang (S T) T 15 42 1,031 4,062 2,063 1,999 7244 56 R 15 42 1,031 4,062 2,063 1,999 7244 56 U

Poo (T) T 27 53 1,815 7,898 4,283 3,615 1,021 71 8 R 27 53 1,815 7,898 4,283 3,615 1,021 71 8 U

Morang(T) T 38 103 2,332 10,383 5,319 5,064 1,62860 6 R 38 103 2,332 10,383 5,319 5,064 '1,62860 6 U

Kalpa (T) T 38 46 4,331 17,630 9,505 8,125 39090 45 R 38 46 4,331 17,630 9,505 8,125 39090 45 U

54 A-I (part-l) NUMBER OF VILLAGFS, TOWNS, HOUSmOLDS, POPULATION AND ARFA Popu- TotaV Number of vIllages PopulatIOn Aream latJon State! DIstnct! Tehsll! RuraV In- Un- No of No of square persq Sub-tehs!l Urban hablted mhablted towns households Persons Males Females kilometre km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nlchar(T) T 88 100 6,541 26,630 14,872 11,758 1,18263 23 R 88 100 6,541 26,630 14,872 11,758 1,18263 23 U

Sangla(T) T 28 82 2,591 11,731 6,131 5,600 1,28222 9 R 28 82 2,591 11,731 6,131 5,600 1,28222 9 U Note Area figures shown under col 10 agamst "Total"of State/DIstnct represent "geographical area" suppbed by the Surveyor General, IndIa. FIgures for urban area are those supplted by the Local BodIes Area figures for rural area are derrved by the subtractmg the urban area from the total area of the dlStnct The total of the area figures of the Tehslls!Sub-Tehslls Will not tally with the dlstnct figures because the former represents "Land Use" area and are derIved from the figures, supphed by the State Drrectlor of Land

55 A-I (part-II) NUMBm OF TOWNS, HOUSFHOLDS, POPULATION AND AREA State! Dlstnct/ TehsIl/Sub- Number Number of PopulatIOn Area ill square Population per tehsIl U A I City I Town Urban of towns households Persons Males Females kilometre square kilometre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Himachal Pradesh Urban 57 141,792 595,581 331,867 263,714 24171 2,464

Chamba Dlstnct Urban 5 7,411 34,542 18,514 16,028 2074 1,665 Pang! (T) Urban Chaurah (T) Urban Salum (T) Urban Bhalat (S T) Urban DalhOUSie (T) Urban 2 1,907 9,389 5,277 4,112 11 70 802 DalhOUSie (C B ) Urban 1 482 1,964 1,105 859 412 477 DalhOUSie (M Cl) Urban 1 1,425 7,425 4,172 3,253 758 980 Bhattiyat (T) Urban 2 1,115 4,826 2,588 2,238 471 1,025 Bakloh(CB) Urban 428 1,810 1,003 807 258 702 Chuar! Khas (N P ) Urban 687 3,016 1,585 1,431 213 1,416 Sihunta (S T) Urban Charnba(T) Urban 4,389 20,327 10,649 9,678 433 4,694 Charnba (M Cl ) Urban 4,389 20,327 10,649 9,678 433 4,694 Holt (S T) Urban Brahmaur (T) Urban

Kangr~ DIstrIct Urban 9 15.997 72,285 37,995 34,290 3523 2,052 Nurpur (T) Urban 1,913 9,066 4,733 4,333 475 1,909 Nurpur (M Cl) Urban 1,913 9,066 4,733 4,333 475 1,909 Indora(T) Urban Fatehpur (T) Urban Jawah (T) Urb:>n Harchaklan (S T) Urban Shahpur (T) Urban Dharmsala (T) Urban 3 8,051 35,133 18,792 16,341 1775 1,979 Dharmsala (M CI ) Urban 4,342 19,124 10,483 8,641 1063 1,799 Mant Khas (C T ) Urban 1,300 5,234 2,670 2,564 090 5,816 Yol(CB) Urban 2,409 10,775 5,639 5,136 622 1,732 Kangra (T) Urban 2 3,150 14,813 7,469 7,344 427 3,469 Kangra (M CI) Urban 1,924 9,156 4,584 4,572 312 2,935 NagrotaBagwan (N P) Urban 1,226 5,657 2,885 2,772 1 15 4,919 Baroh (T) Urban Dera Goplpur (T) Urban 2 2,015 9,267 4,844 4,423 779 1,190 Dera Goplpur (N P ) Urban 1,003 4,336 2,257 2,079 327 1,326 lawalarnukhl (N P ) Urban 1,012 4,931 2,587 2,344 452 1,091 laswan (T) Urban Rakkar (ST) Urban Khundlan (T) Urban Thural (S T) Urban Dhlra(ST) Urban Jru Smghpur (T) Urban Palampur (T) Urban 868 4,006 2,157 1,849 067 5,979 Palarnpur (M Cl ) Urban 868 4,006 2,157 1,849 067 5,979 BalJnath (T) Urban

Multhan (S T) Urban \ -

Lahul & SPIt! District Urban U dalp ur (S T) Urban Lahul (T) Urban Spit! (T) Urban

56 A-I (part-m NUMBFR OF TOWNS, HOUSFHOIDS, POPULATION AND ARM State! DlstrIct/ TehslVSub- Number Number of PopulatIon Area m square PopulatIon per tehsIl U A / CIty / Town Urban of towns households Persons Males Females kIlometre square kIlometre I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kullu District Urban 4 7.419 30,093 16,885 13,208 1391 2,163 Manah (T) Urban 1 1,559 6,265 3,994 2,271 300 2,088 Manall (N P) Urban 1 1,559 6,265 3,994 2,271 300 2,088 Kullu (T) Urban 2 5,517 22,566 12,192 10,374 868 2,600 Kullu (M el) Urban 4,521 18,306 9,861 8,445 668 2,740 Bhuntar (N P ) Urban 996 4,260 2,331 1,929 200 2,130 SalnJ (S T) Urban BanJar(T) Urban 343 1,262 699 563 223 566 *BanJar (N P ) Urban 343 1,262 699 563 223 566 Am (ST) Urban Nermand (T) Urban

Mandl DIstrIct Urban 5 14,357 60,982 32,196 28,786 2689 2,268 Padhar(T) Urban J ogmdarnagar (T) Urban 1,235 5,048 2,663 2,385 425 1,188 J ogmdarnagar (N P ) Urban 1,235 5,048 2,663 2,385 425 1,188 Lad Bharol (T) Urban Sandhol (S T) Urban Dhat'mpur (8 T) Urban Koth(8T) Urban Sarkagbat (T) Urban 836 3,706 1,870 1,836 295 1,256 * Sarkagbat (N P ) Urban 836 3,706 1,870 1,836 295 1,256 Baldwara (8 T) Urban Sundarnagar (T) Urban 5,629 23,986 12,685 11,301 1146 2,093 Sundarnagar (M el) Urban 5,629 23,986 12,685 11,301 1146 2,093 Mandl{T) Urban 2 6,657 28,242 14,978 13,264 823 3,432 Mandl (M el) Urban 1 6,351 26,873 14,233 12,640 426 6,308 *Rawalsar (N P ) Urban 1 306 1,369 745 624 397 345 Aut (8T) Urban Ball Chowkl (8 T) Urban Thunag(T) Urban Chachy ot (T) Urban Nlhn (8 T) Urban Karsog(T) Urban

Hamlrpur DIstrIct Urban 4 6,747 30,206 16,227 13,979 1162 2,599 TITa SUJanpur (T) Urban 1,422 7,077 3,879 3,198 303 2,336 Tlfa SUJanpur (N P) Urban 1 1,422 7,077 3,879 3,198 303 2,336 Nadaun (T) Urban 1 898 4,405 2,249 2,156 228 1,932 Nadaun (N P) Urban 898 4,405 2,249 2,156 228 1,932 HamlTpur (T) Urban 4,090 17,252 9,327 7,925 524 3,292 Hamupur (M CI) Urban 4,090 17,252 9,327 7,925 524 3,292 Barsar (T) Urban 337 1,472 772 700 107 1,376 *Bhota(N P) Urban 337 1,472 772 700 107 1,376 Dhatwal (S T) Urban Bhor8llj (T) Urban

Una DistrIct Urban 5 8,234 39,424 20,800 18,624 \2049 1,924 Bharwam (S T) Urban I- Amb (T) Urban 2 1,441 6,535 3,385 3,150 889 735 Daulatpur (N P ) Urban 764 3,354 1,700 1,654 509 659 Gagret (N P ) Urban 677 3,181 1,685 1,496 380 837 Bangana(T) Urban

57 A-I (part-II) NUMBIR OF TOWNS, HOUSmOLDS, POPULATION AND ARFA State! Dlstnct/ TehsIl/Sub- Number Number of Population Area m square Population per tehsll U A I CIty I Town Urban of towns households Persons Males Females kIlometre square kIlometre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UnaCT) Urban 3 6,793 32,889 17,415 15,474 II 60 2,835 Una(M CI) Urban 3,396 15,900 8,488 7,412 497 3,199 Mehatpur Basdehra (N P) Urban 1,814 8,681 4,653 4,028 38O 2,284 Santokhgarh (N P ) Urban 1,583 8,308 4,274 4,034 283 2,936 Harolt (S T) Urban

Bllaspur District Urban 4 4,962 21,951 11,775 10,176 1743 1,259 Ghumarwm (T) Urban 1,240 5,721 3,016 2,705 31O 1,845 Ghumarwm (N P ) Urban 1,240 5,721 3,016 2,705 31O 1,845 Jhanduta (T) Urban 412 2,011 1,060 951 289 696 *Talru (N P) Urban 412 2,011 1,060 951 289 696 Nruna DevI (S T) Urban 312 1,161 735 426 082 1,416 Nruna DevI (M Cl) Urban 312 1,161 735 426 082 1,416 Bllaspur Sadar (T) Urban 2,998 13,058 6,964 6,094 1062 1,230 Bllaspur (M Cl) Urban 2,998 13,058 6,964 6,094 10 62 1,230

Solan District Urban 8 22,231 91,195 56,141 35,054 3325 2,743 Arkl (T) Urban 1 683 2,877 1,528 1,349 145 1,984 Arkl(N P) Urban 683 2,877 1,528 1,349 145 1,984 Ramshahr (S T) Urban Nal~h(T) Urban 2 7,867 32,044 22,003 10,041 89O 3,600 Nalararh (M Cl) Urban 2,108 9,443 5,068 4,375 194 4,868 Baddl (N P) Urban 5,759 22,601 16,935 5,666 696 3,247 Knshangarh (S T) Urban Kasauh(T) Urban 2 3,538 13,599 8,072 5,527 11 01 1,235 Kasauh(CB) Urban 1 1,206 4,990 2,810 2,180 261 1,912 Parwanoo (M Cl) Urban 1 2,332 8,609 5,262 3,347 84O 1,025 Solan (T) Urban 3 10,143 42,675 24,538 18,137 11 89 3,589 Dag;hru (C B ) Urban 576 2,750 1,713 1,037 331 831 Solan (M Cl) Urban 8,552 34,206 19,017 15,189 618 5,535 Sabathu (C B ) Urban 1 1,015 5,719 3,808 1,911 240 2,383 Kandaghat (T) Urban

Sirmaur District Urban 3 10,344 47,670 25,643 22,027 1701 2,802 RaJgarh (T) Urban 664 2,527 1,415 1,112 205 1,233 *RaJgarh (N P ) Urban 664 2,527 1,415 1,112 205 1,233 Nohm(ST) Urban Pachhad (T) Urban Renuka(T) Urban Dadahu(ST) Urban Nahan (T) Urban 5,580 26,053 13,982 12,071 878 2,967 Nahan (M Cl) Urban 5,580 26,053 13,982 12,011 878 2,967 Paonta Sahib (T) Urban 4,100 19,090 10,246 8,844 618 3,089 Paonta Sahib (M Cl ) Urban 4,100 19,090 10,246 8,844 618 3,089 Kammu(ST) Urban Shalru (T) Urban Ronhat (S T) Urban

Shlmla District Urban 10 44,090 167,233 95,691 71,542 4514 3,705 Shtmla(U A) Urban 2 38,219 144,975 82,840 62,135 2994 4,842 (a) Shtmla (M Corp ) Urban I 37,756 142,555 81,186 61,369 2853 4,997 (b) Jutogh (C B ) Urban 463 2,420 1,654 766 141 1,716 Rampur (T) Urban 1,476 5,653 3,305 2,348 208 2,718

58 A-I (part-m NUMBFR OF TOWNS, HousmOLDS, POPULATION AND ARFA State! DlStnctl TehstJ/Sub- Number Number of Population Area ill square Populatlon per tehsil U A I City I Town Urban of towns households Persons Males Females kilometre square kilometre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rampur (M Cl) Urban 1 1,476 5,653 3,305 2,348 208 2,718 Nankhan (S T) Urban Kumharsam (T) Urban 199 713 446 267 100 713 *N arkanda (N P ) Urbarl 199 713 446 267 100 713 Seom (T) Urban 1 359 1,529 764 765 176 869 *Seom(N P) Urban 1 359 1,529 764 765 176 869 Shlmla Rural (T) Urban 1 463 2,420 1,654 766 1 41 1,716 Jutogb (C B) Urban 1 463 2,420 1,654 766 1 41 1,716 Shlmla Urban (T) Urban 1 37,756 142,555 81,186 61,369 2853 4,997 Shlmla (M Corp ) Urban 1 37,756 142,555 81,186 61,369 2853 4,997 Jungfl (8 T) Urban Theog(T) Urban 973 3,754 2,132 1,622 400 939 Theog(M Cl) Urban 973 3,754 2,132 1,622 400 939 ChaupaI (T) Urban 453 1,507 879 628 400 377 *ChaupaI (N P) Urbarl 453 1,507 879 628 400 377 Cheta(S T) Urban Nerua{S T) Urban JubbaI (T) Urban 393 1,346 792 554 089 1,512 *Jubbal (N P) Urban 393 1,346 792 554 089 1,512 Kotkhm{T) Urban 328 1,149 662 487 040 2,873 *Kotkhru (N P) Urban 328 1,149 662 487 040 2,873 Ttkar(ST) Urban Rohru (T) Urban 1,690 6,607 3,871 2,736 107 6,175 Rohru (N P) Urban 1,690 6,607 3,871 2,736 107 6,175 ChlrgflOn (T) Urban Dodra K war (T) Urban

Kmnaur District Urban Hangrang (S T) Urban Poo (T) Urban Morang{T) Urban KaIpa (T) Urban Nlchar(T) Urban Sangla{T) Urban Note

(I) Towns treated as such for the first tIme In 1991 census, whIch continued as towns In 2001 censUS are shown WIth an • (astensk)

(II) Towns treated as such for the first tIme In 2001 census are printed In ItalIcs (111) The follOWing abbreViatIOns have been utIlIsed for the status of towns m 2001 census (I) M Corp Mumclpal CorporatIon (II) M CI MUniCIpal Counctl (Ill) N P Nagar panchayat (lV) C T Census Town (v) C B Cantonment Board (VI) U A Urban Agglomeration 2 Area figures shown under col 8 against "Total"of State/DIstrict represent "geographIcal area" supplied by the Surveyor General, IndIa Figures for urban area are those supphed by the Local Bodies Area figures for rural area are derived by the subtractmg the urban area from the total area of the district The total of the area figures of the Tahstls/Sub-TahsIis Will not tally With the dlstnct figures because the former represents "Land Use" area and are denved from the figures, supplied by the State DlrectlOr of Land Records

59 A-I APPENDIX CHANGES IN DRRlTORIAL UNITS DURING 1991-2001 Name of State! DIstnct/ Net area Terntory added and Its Name of State! Terntory reduced and Tehsil/Sub- change m StateiDIStfict/ 1991 area@ DlstrIct/ TehslUSub- Its area@ tehsil to square TehslUSub-tehsll Terntonal Aream tehsil from which Aream which area kIlometre at 2001 Umt Name sq km thiS area IS reduced Name sq km IS added (+ or-) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HIMACHAL No Inter State Changes PRADESH

1 Chamba No Inter District Changes District Bhattlyat Tehsll Bhatttyat 126 villages 15240 DalhOUSie (-)15240 Tehstl transferred to TehSll newly formed Dalhousie Tehsil DalhOUSie Tehstl Bhattl~at Newly formed 15240 Bhattlyat TehsIl (+)15240 Tehstl With 126 villages of Bhatttyat Tehstl

2 Kangra No Inter DistrIct Changes DistrIct Harchaklan Harchaklan 18 Villages 2703 Shahpur (-)2703 Sub-tehstl Sub-tehstl transferred to TehsIl newly formed Shahpur Tehsll Dharmsala TehsIl Dharmsala 18 Villages 1844 Shahpur (-)1844 Tehsll transferred to Tehsil newly formed Shahpur Tehsil Kangra Tehsll Kangra 13 7 Villages 20430 Shahpur (-)20430 Tehstl transferred to Tehstl newly formed Shahpur TehsIl Shahpur TehsIl Newly formed 24977 (+)24977 With 173 Villages Harchaklan (I) 18 Villages of 2703 Harchaklan (+)2703 Sub-tehsll Harchaklan Sub- Sub-tehsIl tehsll* t Dharmsala (11) 18 vIllages 0 1844 Dharmsala Tehstl (+)1844 TehsIl DharmsaIa Tehsil * Kangra (1Il) 13 7 Villages 20430 Kangra TehsIl (+)20430 Tehstl of KpngrlJ

Tehstl * \ Baljnath Tehsll BatJnath 49 vIllages 101479 Multhan (-)101479 Tehsd transferred to Sub-tehsIl newly formed M ulthan Sub- tehsll

60 Name of State! Dlstnct/ Net area TerrItory added and Its N arne of State! TerrItory reduced and TehslVSub- change m State!Dlstnct/ 1991 area@ Dlstnct/ TehslVSub- Its area@ tehstl to square TehslVSub-tehsll TerntonaI Area in tehsd from which Area in which area kilometre at 2001 Umt Name sq kIn this area IS reduced Name sq km IS added (+or-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Multhan BatJnath Newly formed 101479 BatJnath Tehstl (+)101479 Sub-tehstl Tehstl With 49 Villages of Baunath Tehsd Nurpur Tehstl Nurpur 56 Villages 10185 lawaIl (-)10185 Tehsll transferred to Tehsll Jawab Tehsil Jawah Tehstl Nurpur • 56 Villages of 101 85 Nurpur TehS11 (+)101 85 Tehsll Nurpur Tehsd transfrerred to JawaIl Tehsil Dera Tehstl Dera Tehsd 3 Villages 124 Rakkar (-)1 24 transferred to Sub-tehstl Rakkar Sub- tehsIl Rakkar Dem TehsIl * 3 Villages of 124 Dera Tehsll (+)124 Sub-tehstl Dera tehstl transfrerred to Rakkar Sub-tehsIl

ThuraI Dhtra (I) * 13 Villages of 875 (I) Dhtra Sub-tehsd (+)875 Sub tl"hstl Sub-tehsd Dhtra Sub-tehstl trdIlsfcltcd to ThuraI Sub-tehsd Jat Smghpur (II) * 20 vIllages 1612 (II) Jat Smghpur (+)16 12 Tehsd of Jat Smghpur Tehstl T ehsd transferred to Thural Sub- tehsll Dhlra Dhlm 13 Villages 875 ThuraI (-)875 Sub-tehsd Sub-tehsd transferred to Sub-tehsd Thural Sub- tehst! Jal Smghpur Jat Smghpur 20 VIllages 16 12 Thural (-)1612 Tehsd Tehsd transferred to Sub-tehstl Thural Sub-tehsil PaIampur ThuraI • 26 VIllages of 7079 Thural Sub-tehsll (+)7079 Tehsll Sub-tehst! Thur~1 Sub-tehstl transferred to Palampur Tehstl Thural Thural 26 Villages 7079 Palampur (-)7079 Sub-tehsd Sub-tehstl transferred to Tehsll Palampur Tehsll 3 Lahul & SPltl Distract No Inter District Changes SPltl Tehstl Spit! Tehstl 118 vIllages 689853 (+)689853 newly fonned due to settlement

61 Name of Stat 0' DIstnct! Net area Terntory added and Its Name of State! Terntory reduced and TehslVSub- change m StateIDlstnct! 1991 area@ D Istnct! TehslVSub- Its area@ tehsll to square TehslVSub-tehsll Terntorlal Aream tehsll from which Area in which area kilometre at 2001 Umt Name sq km this area IS reduced Name sq Ian IS added (+ or-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 Kullu No Inter DIstrict Cbanges DIstract Kullu Tehstl Kullu Tehstl 19 villages 3503 Manall (-)3503 transferred to Tehsil newly formed M anah T ehstl Manall Tehsil Kullu Tehsll Newly formed 3503 Kullu Tehsll (+)3503 WIth 19 vIllages of Kullu TehS11

Mandl 5 No Inter DIstract Changes DIstrIct Lad Bharol J ogmdarnagfU" .. 3 vIllages of 396 Jogmdarn~ Tehsd (-)396 TehsI! Tehstl Jogmdarnagar Tehsll transferred to Lad Bharol TehsIl Jogmdarnagar J ogmdarnagar 3 villages 396 Lad Bharol (+)396 Tehstl Tehsil transferred to Tehstl Lad Bharol Tehsll Padhar Tehsil Jogmdarnag)3l' .. 39 villages of 6251 Jogmdarnagar Tchsd (-)6251 Tehsll Jogmdarnagar Tehsll transferred to PadharTehsl1 Jogtndarnagar J ogmdarnagfU" 39 vIllages 6251 Padhar (+)6251 Tehsll Tehstl transferred to Tehstl Padhar Tehsil

6 Hamlrpur No Inter DIStrIct CHanges DIstract Barsar T ehsil Barsar Tehsll 113 villages 12130 DhatwaJ (-)121 30 transferred to Sub-tehsll newly formed DhatwaJ Sub-tehsd Dhatwal BarsarTehsI! Newly formed 12130 BarsarTehsl1 (+)121 30 Sub-tehstl WIth 113 villages of Barsar Tehstl

7 Una DIstrict No Inter DistrIct Changes Amb TehsIl AmbTehsl1 48 villages 10055 Bharwam (-)10055 transferred to Sub-tehsli newly formed Bharwam Sub-tehsli Bharwam AmbTehsl1 Newly formed 10055 AmbTehsl1 (+)10055 Sub-tehsll With 48 vIllages of Amb Tehsll

62 Name of State! DIstnct/ Net area Territory added and Its Name of State! T erntory reduced and TehsIl/Sub- changem State'DIstnctl 1991 area@ DlStnct! T ehslllSub- Its area@ tehstl to square TehsIl/Sub-tehsIl TemtorIai Area in tehsIl from which Area in WhICh area kIlometre at 2001 Untt Name sq km thiS area IS reduced Name sq km IS added (+or-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 Bllaspur No Inter District Changes District Ghumarwm Ghumarwm 102 vIllages 133 II Jhanduta (-)133 II Tehsil Tehsil transferred to TehsIl Jhanduta TehsIl Jhanduta Tehsll Ghumarwm * 102 villages 133 II Ghumarwm Tehstl (+)133 II Tehsil transferred from Ghumarwm Tehsll to Jhanduta T ehsil

9 Solan No Inter District Changes District Nalagarh Tehsil Ramshahr 25 villages of 21 57 Ramshahr Sub-tehsll (-)2157 Sub-tehsll Ramshahr Sub-tehstl transferred to NalllgflTh Tehstl Ramshahr Ramshahr 25 villages Nalagarh (+)2157 Sub-tehsIl Sub-t~hsl1 transferred to TehsIl Nalagarh TehsIl

10 Sirmaur No Inter District Changes District Shalm Tehstl Shalm Tehsll 22 villages 10574 Ronhat (-)10574 transferred to Sub-tehsll newly formed Ronhat Sub-tehsll Ronhat Shalm Tehstl Newly formed 10574 Shalal Tehsil ..{ +-)10574 Sub-tehsll WIth 22 Villages of Shalm Tehsil Renuka TehsIl Renuka 3 Villages 13 31 Shalru (-)13 31 Tehsll transferred to TehsIl Shalm Tehsii Shalm Tehsll Renuka 3 Villages of 13 31 Renuka TehsIl (+)1331 ,Tehstl Renuka TehsIl transferred to Shalal TehsIl R3Jgarh Tehsll PaJhota PlYhota Sub-tehsll 2208 PIYhota Sub-tehstl (+)2208 Sub-tehsll denohfied and 71 denohfied , Villages merged m RIYgarh Tehsll Renuka Tehstl Renuka 8 Villages 4124 Nohra (-)4124 Tehsll transferred to Sub-tehsl! Nohra Sub-tehstl

63 Name of State! DIstnct/ Net area T erntory added and Its Name of State! Terntory reduced and TehslllSub- change m StateiDIstnctl 1991 area@ DIstnctl Tehsil/Sub- Its area@ tehsil to square Tehsil/Sub-tehsll Terntonal Aream tehsil from which Aream whIch area kilometre at 2001 UnIt Name sq km this area IS reduced Name sq km IS added (+ or-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Nohra Sub-tehsil Renuka 8 villages of 4124 Renuka Tehsd (+)4124 Tehsil RenukaTehsd transferred to Nohra Sub-tehs!l

11 ShlmJa No Inter Distract Changes Distract ShlIDla (U) TehsJ! Newly merged NAC &OG (I) Dhalh 070 (N AC) ShlIDla (M Corp) Dhalh (2) 13 (NAC) o G VIllages o G villages (3) Totu 0 G 043 &TotuOG ManJtru (0 G ) 120

12 Kmnaur No Inter Distract Changes District Note • Area figures are accordmgly to the Village dIrectory @ State and dlstnct area figures are based on the data prOVIded by Surveyor General of IndIa Tehsll area figures are based on the data prOVided by the approprIate State authontles


ThIS table furmshes statistiCs on adjusted absolute fIgures In column 4 and III terms of populatIOn for the eleven censuses from 1901 to 2001 percentages m column 5 The figures gIven m columns for state and dIstncts confirmmg to the present 3, 6 and 7 for earlIer decades have been adjusted for JUrISdIctIOn The table corresponds to Table A-2 of the present boundarIes for the state and dIstnct ThIS 1991, 1981, 1971, 1961 and 1951 table, therefore, gIves much needed comparable data Decadal vanatIOn III populatIOn IS shown III about gorwth of populatIon for the last 100 years

66 Adjustment of Population were parttally transferred to and partly The state of Hllnachal Pradesh carne mto to newly created Solan dIstnct durmg 1971-1981 The eXIstence m 1948 wIth the merger of30 odd prmcely number of dIStricts dunng 1981 census mcreased to states The erstwhIle composite state has witnessed 12 as agamst 10 m 1971 Smce 1981 Census, there has been no change m the area of the state and large JunsdlctIonal changes WhICh necessItated the number of dIstricts The method of adjustment was recastmg of populatIOn figures smce 1948 Certam adopted as per procedure prescnbed by the Registrar areas ofPufljab and two vIllages from Uttar Pradesh GereraI, IndIa The populatIOn of the transferred were added to the state m 1950 In 1951 Census, terrItory for the censuses 1951 to 1981 was taken there were four dIstrIcts of Charnba, Mandl, Mahasu from the concerned census reports It was substracted and Slrmaur m the state On the 1st July, 1954 part from the populatIOn of respective dIstncts/tehslls and 'C' State of Bilaspur was merged WIth HImachal added to the populatIOn of respectIve dlstncts/tehslls Pradesh and a new dIstnct of same name was to WhIch the area was transferred The populatIOn of constItuted Another new dIstnct of Kmnaur was the transferred areas for the censuses pnor to 1951 carved out of Mahasu dIstrIct m 1960, thus the was estimated on the assumptIOn that the proportIon number of dIstncts mcreased to SIX The state of the populatIOn In the area transferred to the total attamed the present shape WIth the mtegratlOn of populatIon ofthe dlstrict/tehsil m WhICh It was sItuated Punjab hIll areas on the reorgamsatIOn of composIte at the tIme of transfer was the same m the partIcular Punjab on the 1st November, 1966 and JUrISdIctIOn preVIOUS census as It was m 1951 DIstrIbUtion by of Himachal Pradesh considerably enlarged As a sex break up of the popuJatlOn so estimated for a resullt of these changes, four new dIstncts VIZ preVIOUS census was worked out on the basIS of male I Shlmla, Kangra, Kullu and Lahul & Splh of female dIstrIbutIOn of the population m that partIcular composite Punjab were merged m Himachal Pradesh preVIOUS census of the dlstnctltehstl 10 WhICh It was thus ralSlng theIr number to 10m 1971 as agamst situated at the tlme of transfer 6 m 1961 The recastmg of these figures for the Smce 1991 Census, there has been no change In areas transferred to Himachal Pradesh was done the area and populatIOn In temtonal untts at state/ by the DIrector of Census OperatIOns, Punjab The dIstrIct level In 2001 Census, the Statement-lIS shown RegIstrar Gereral, IndIa has pres Crt bed a set asml procedure for the recastmg of the populatIon figures Statement-1 so that umformlty IS mamtamed m the procedure to Table 1I1ustraltmg the method of estimatIOn of prevIous be adopted by the census orgamsatlOn wherever Censuses Population for transferred TerrItOries such occasIOn demanded There IS no JunsdIctIonal changes at dIstnct level Kangra dIstnct of 1971 Census was reconsituted III the state durmg 1991-2001 Therefore, methodology mto the new dIstrIcts of Una, Hamirpur and Kangra for recastmg of figures to arrIve the estImated and Mahasu dIStrICt lost Its entIty and area of thIS populatIOn of dIstnct IS not gIven here

The statement hereunder shows the percentage vanatIon of populatlOn SInce 1901 for each decade m respect of all dIstncts m the state and Himachal Pradesh as a whole claSSified mto total, rural and urban area separately

S tatemeDt -2 Statement sbomng the percentage of Decadal VarIatIOn of PopulatIOn from 1901 to 2001 for Total,Rural and Urmn 1901 to 1991 to 1981 to 1971 to 1961 to 1951 to 1941 to 1931 to 1921 to 1911 to 1901 to StateiDIstnct TIRJU 2001 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Himachal T +21651 +1754 +2079 +2371 +2304 +1787 +542 +1154 +523 +165 -122 Pradesh R +19747 +1611 +1939 +2288 +2218 +1801 +253 +1134 +504 +130 -028 U +670 16 +3259 +3780 +3476 +3568 +1589 +7866 +1690 +1072 +1237 -2346

67 1901 to 1991 to 1981 to 1971 to 1961 to 1951 to 1941 to 1931 to 1921 to 1911 to 1901 to StatelDlstnct TIR/U 2001 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chamba T +25386 +1719 +2640 +2386 +1634 +2372 +008 +1581 +348 +474 +668 R +25563 +1732 +2537 +2474 +1692 +1931 +343 +1566 +390 +448 +699 U +23348 +1557 +4036 +1300 +963 +11607 -4034 +1758 -142 +780 +302

Kangra T +17992 +1405 +1850 +2371 +2185 +1517 +133 +1385 +541 +004 -195 R +17408 +1364 +1836 +2292 +2382 +1634 -391 +1335 +516 +048 -001 U +34678 +2180 +2127 +4127 -987 -083 +301 49 +51 80 +2967 -29 16 -5721

Lahul&SPltt T +16811 +617 -251 +1644 +1641 +5440 +510 +627 +699 -112 +475 R +16811 +617 -251 +1644 +1641 +5440 +5 IO +627 +699 -112 +475 U

Kullu T +21908 +26 17 +2668 +2410 +2579 +497 +619 +440 +770 -222 +436 R +19391 +2489 +2687 +2213 +2268 +426 +619 +440 +770 -222 +436 U +10000 +4322 +2415 +5732 +12018 +3227

Mandl T +29408 +1610 +2040 +2517 +3407 +2370 +229 +1422 +1107 +141 +320 I R +28478 +1662 +2059 +2797 +2874 +2318 +147 +1608 +871 +079 +446 U +49074 +935 +1801 -197 +12384 +3320 +1970 -1506 +6874 +1935 -2351

Hamlrpur T +15734 +11 80 +1617 +1991 +2026 +1517 +133 +1385 +541 +004 -1 95 R +13850 +1041 +1475 +1553 +2026 +1517 +133 +1385 +541 +004 -195 U +10000 +33 IS +4326 +33138

Una T +17168 +1851 +1917 +2145 +1529 +1517 +133 +13 85 +541 +004 -195 R +15513 +1817 +1S 12 +1669 +13 31 +1573 +136 +13 62 +270 +004 +096 U +73068 +2216 +3169 +13705 +10012 -+446 +024 +2265 -10000

Bllaspur T +275 12 +1540 +1941 +2699 +2266 +2594- +1429 +925 +306 +526 +246 R +26374 +1446 +IS 18 +2725 +2266 +2346 +1386 +898 +306 +526 -619 U +58769 +3117 +4447 +2196 +2252 +10700 +3035 +2036 -10000

Solan T +253 26 +3094 +2602 +2771 +2328 +1450 +31 54 +831 -5 71 + 11 52 -20 73 R +21229 +2220 +2374 +2676 +2440 +1519 +2912 +364 -547 +1290 -2038 U +75903 +9289 +4493 + 3624 +14 12 +9 12 +5393 +8544 -943 -654 -2_.} 05

Slrmaur T +23803 +2078 +2372 +2530 +2402 +1893 +644 +502 +578 +139 +209 R +21753 +2029 +2198 +2491 +2237 +1769 +514 +520 +451 +190 +212 U +66199 +2520 +4190 +2953 +4514 +3753 +3071 +168 +3565 -920 +136

Shunla T +21393 +1702 +2084 +2170 +2296 +1935 +1019 +897 +445 +198 -280 R +15889 +1303 +1405 +2013 +2221 +2348 -047 +874 +943 -179 -475 U +96776 +3259 +5732 +3085 +2750 -+090 +13195 +1168 -3191 +4169 +2390

Kmnaur T +18765 +991 +1969 +1949 +2161 +1887 +372 +917 +800 -098 +455 R +18765 +991 +1969 +1949 +2161 +1887 +372 +917< +800 -098 +455 U

It may be seen from Statement-2 that the per cent where as It IS 670 16 per cent for urban populatIon of HImachal Preadesh has shown an areas whlch lS more than three times hIgh from rural mcrease of 216 51 per cent over a century smce 1901 mcrease Except the decade of 1901-1911, when there ThiS Increase of population for rural stands by 197 47 was a declme of -1 22 per cent m the total population

68 of the state, there has been a nsmg trend from the The decenmal growth rate of other dIstrIcts vanes decade 1911-1921 onwards The hIghest growth rate between 991 per cent m Kmnaur and 26 17 per was observed durmg the decade 1971-1981 when It cent 10 Kullu The rural growth rate m 1991-2001 IS touched the level of 23 71 per cent The growth rate the maXImum In case of Kullu dIstnct (24 89 per has declIned dunng 2001 for total, rural and urban cent) and mlmmum 10 Lahul & Spltl (6 17 per populatIon It has declmed from 20 79 per cent dUrIng cent) Of the remammg dIstncts, Solan (22 20 per 1981-1991 to 1754 dUrIng 1991-2001 for total cent) Sirmaur (20 29 per cent) Una (18 17per cent) populatIOn, from 19 39 per cent to 16 11 per cent for Chamba (1732 per cent) and Mandl (1662 per cent) have returned hIgher growth rate as compared to 1 ural populatIOn and from 37 80 per cent to 32 59 per cent for urban populatIOn the state average of 16 11 per cent m 1991-2001 Durmg the decade 1991-2001, Urban populatIOn The pOSItIon among dlstncts IS almost sImtlar as of Solan dlstnct has recorded hIghest mcrease of that for the state except that there was no declme 92 89 per cent ThiS hIgh growth IS mamly due to the III populatIOn dunng 1901-1911 m the dIstrIcts of creatIOn of new town ofBaddl m 2001 and settmg up Chamba, Btlaspur, Mandl, Kullu, Lahul & SpltI, of new IndustrIal umts In the distrIct Apart from Solan, Srrmaur and Kmnaur Dlstncts of Lahul & Spltt, Kullu the dIstnct of Kullu (43 22 per cent) and Hamlrpur and Kmnaur wItnessed dechne durmg 1911-1921 and (33 15 per cent) have returned hIgher growth rate of solan recorded decrease m 1921-1931 The mcrease urban populatIOn as compared to the state figure of m populatIon was wItnessed m all the dIstncts of 32 59 per cent while It IS at par 10 the case of Shlmla the state m the subsequent censuses The distrIct m I dIstrIct The lowest growth rate of urban populalon the descendmg order of growth of populatIOn durmg has been returned from Mandl (935 per cent) The the century are Mandl (294 08 per cent) Bdaspur rapId and hIgher growth rate of urban populatIOn as (275 12 per cent) Chamba (253 86 per cept) Solan compared to rural populatIon IS ObVIOusly because of (253 26 per cent) and Sirmaur (23803 per cent) the reason that there has been a contmuous mIgratIOn whIle on the tall end IS Hamlrpur (15734 per cent) of people from rural to urban areas 10 search of and IS followed by Lahul & SPItI (168 11 per cent) employment and better educatJon facIlIties The Solan dIstrIct has recorded the highest rate of Increase m urban populatIOn IS also partly due to the mcrease (30 94 per cent) durmg 1991-2001 and creatIon of new towns notIfied by the state government Lahul & Spltt dlstnct the lowest (6 17 per cent) from tIme to time Sex RatIo Sex ratIO IS an nnportant demographIC mdIcator and IS presented as number of females per thousand males In Statement-3, an attempt has been made to provIde InformatIon about the changes In sex ratIO for totaL rural and urban from 1901 to 2001

Statement-3 Changes JD the Sex RatiO (Females per 1,000 Males) 1901-2001 State/ Dlstnct T IRIU 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1.981 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HImachal T 884 889 890 897 890 912 938 958 973 976 968 Pradesh R 899 905 908 915 907 932 961 976 989 990 989 U 600 499 490 521 542 664 650 749 795 831 795

Charnba T 903, 897 893 910 874 894 876 945 936 949 959 R 933 935 920 938 908 899 906 952 938 953 967 U 614 538 626 627 543 802 586 862 902 902 866

Kangra * T 900 930 917 916 936 964 1,008 ,1,016 1,024 1,025 R 909 934 924 928 953 990 1,014 1,022 1,029 1,032 U 444 637 531 419 731 628 890 917 933 902

Lahul & SPltJ T 992 990 993 989 920 933 786 818 767 817 802 R 992 990 993 989 920 933 786 818 767 817 802 U

69 State/ D Istnct T IR/U 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Kullu * T 1,009 1,015 1,006 930 941 945 920 918 920 927 R 1,009 1,015 1,006 930 947 952 935 936 931 940 U 716 770 696 713 784 782

Mandl T 908 924 933 917 907 971 994 964 999 1,013 1,013 R 920 936 944 950 917 976 1,007 1,000 1,017 1,025 1,022 U 694 619 708 514 727 881 805 669 802 869 894

Harmrpur * T 900 930 917 916 936 1,092 1,118 1.149 1,105 1,099 R 900 930 917 916 936 1,092 1,127 1,170 1,123 1,121 U 648 818 870 861

Una * T 900 930 917 916 936 978 1,003 1,028 1,017 997 R 900 930 919 921 939 980 1,008 1,037 1,024 1,007 U 843 764 830 911 876 926 939 895

BIlaspur T 840 862 874 900 938 948 952 993 1,002 1,002 990 R 846 862 874 906 948 952 968 1,005 1,013 1,013 1,000 U 683 673 614 826 686 775 805 836 864

Solan T 725 723 645 724 736 800 879 923 929 909 852 R 734 738 652 736 757 839 918 939 949 922 912 U 620 549 546 555 563 545 612 792 780 821 624

Smnaur T 798 822 824 803 818 800 828 836 874 897 901 R 801 825 826 809 820 806 835 837 876 899 905 U 732 744 777 703 770 719 734 821 851 874 859

Shlmla T 853 881 842 886 867 875 852 869 878 894 896 R 902 747 95] 955 1,033 960 905 909 923 943 946 U 371 376 309 330 370 544 582 664 667 726 748

Kmnaur T 911 935 922 941 910 1,070 969 887 885 856 857 R 911 935 922 941 910 1,070 969 887 885 856 857 U Note • Sex WIse populatlOn for 190 I Census IS not available It IS observed from the Statement-3 that the -sex for every thousand males m the dIstncts of Lahul & ratIO I e females per thousend males as per 2001 SPlti, Hamlrpur, Una,BIIaspur and Solan whereas It Census IS 968 as compared to 884 m 1901 It has ramallled statIc III Mandl dlstnct Barnng Lahul & mcreased to 989 from 899 III 1901 m rural areas and Spih which IS entIrely rural dIstnct, all the districts 795 from 600 m urban areas over a penod of century where females proportIOn declIned, have urban But the sex ratIo of Himachal Pradesh has decreased populatIon and are developed dlstncts WIth hIgher III 2001 census from 976 III 1991 to 968 for total, 990 lIteracy rates When the sex ratIo for rural and urban \ to 989 for rural and 831 to 795 for urban areas The areas IS exammed separately It IS observed that It number of females per thousand males In 2001 has been constantly hIgher in rural areas than urban Census IS the highest III Hamlrpur dIstrict (1,099) and areas of the state through out the century ThIS trend lowest III Lahul & SPltI (802) The dlstnct WIse data remamed the same at dlstnct level III all dIstricts reveal that there la a dechne m the female proportlOn dunng the entIre penod

70 INDIA GROWTH OF TOTAL POPULATION 1901·2001 * * *CD C") ,.._V ,.._<:') 110


Jf The 1981 census could not be held in Assam. The population 90 figures for 1981 of Assam have been worked out by "Interpolation" .

Jf ". The 1991 census was not he ld in Jummu & Kashmir. Hence the population figures for 1991 of Jammu & Kashmir have been worked ou t by "Interpolation" . 80 Jf Jf Includes estimated populatio n of Paomata , Mao Maram and Pural Sub-Division of Sena pati District of Manipur fo r 2001 . C> C> · 70 C> N LO C> CD C> C) LO C>

00 60 C> "<:t - ~,.._ LO ,.._ z "<:t <:') CJ) N 50 0 C) C) <:') z 0 v 00 0 g 00 CJ) LO 0 00 0 0::: <:') CD CD 40 0 <:') N CD <:') w ,.._ (J) ~ ,.._ 00 N <:') N ,.._ n... ~ <:') C) <:') ~ <:') CD C) N 00 C) 0 C") ,.._ C") N N 30 00 LO LO C") N N N 20



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72 A-2 DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE 1901 Percentage Decade State/Dlstnct Year Persons Decade varIation varIatIon Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HImachal 1901 1,920,294- 1,019,069 901,225 Pradesh 1911 1,896,944 -23,350 -122 1,004,183 892,761 1921 1,928,206 +31,262 +165 1,020,201 908,005 1931 2,029,113 +100,907 +523 1,069,540 959,573 1941 2,263,245 +234,132 +1154 1,197,620 1,065,625 1951 2,385,981 +122,736 +542 1,247,826 1,138,155 1961 2,812,463 +426,482 +1787 1,451,334 1,361,129 1971 3,460,434 +647,971 +2304 1,766,957 1,693,477 1981 4,280,818 +820,384 +2371 2,169,931 2,110,887 1991 5,170,877 +890,059 +2079 2,617,467 2,553,410 2001 6,077,900 +907,023 +1754 3,087,940 2,989,960

1 Chamba 1901 130,244 68,432 61,812 1911 138,943 +8,699 +668 73,238 65,705 1921 145,526 +6,583 +474 76,891 68,635 1931 150,591 +5,065 +348 78,838 71,753 1941 174,394 +23,803 +1581 93,043 81,351 1951 174,537 +143 +008 92,143 82,394 1961 215,929 +41,392 +2372 115,090 100,839 1971 251,203 +35,274 +1634 129,130 122,073 1981 311,147 +59,944 +2386 160,752 150,395 1991 393,286 +82,139 +2640 '201,759 191,527 2001 460,887 +67,601 +1719 235,218 225,669

2 Kangra 1901 478,364 ...... 1911 469,046 -9,318 -1 95 246,835 222,211 1921 469,251 +205 +004 243,142 226,109 1931 494,658 +25,407 +541 257,983 236,675 1941 563,163 +68,505 +1385 293,852 269,311 1951 570,643 +7,480 +133 294,785 275,858 1961 657,232 +86,589 +1517 334,589 322,643 1971 800,863 +143,631 +2185 398,765 402,098 1981 990,758 + 189,895 +2371 491,380 499,378 1991 1,174,072 +183,314 +1850 580,021 594,051 2001 1,339,030 + 164,958 +1405 661,254 677,776

3 Lahul & Spltl 1901 12,392 6,221 6,171 1911 12,981 +589 +475 6,522 6,459 1921 12,836 -145 -1 12 6,440 6,396 1931 13,733 +897 +699 6,903 6,830 1941 14,594 +861 +627 7,601 6,993 1951 15,338 +744 +510 7,936 7,402 1961, 23,682 +8,344 +5440 13,259 10,423 1971 27,568 +3,886 +1641 15,168 12,400 1981 32,100 +4,532 +1644 18,171 13,929 1991 31,294 -806 -251 17,224 14,070 2001 33,224 +1,930 +617 1~,441 14,783

4 Kullu 1901 119,585 ...... 1911 124,803 +5,218 +436 62,122 62,681 1921 122,027 -2,776 --222 60,558 61,469 1931 131,425 +9,398 +770 65,528 65,897

73 Percentage Decade StateIDlstnct Year Persons Decade variatIon variatIOn Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1941 137,202 +5,777 +440 71,093 66,109 1951 145,688 +8,486 +619 75,073 70,615 1961 152,925 +7,237 +497 78,612 74,313 1971 192,371 +39,446 +2579 100,201 92,170 1981 238,734 +46,363 +2410 124,449 114,285 1991 302,432 +63,698 +2668 157,529 144,903 2001 381,571 +79,139 +2617 198,016 183,555

5 Mandl 1901 228,721 119,860 108,861 1911 236,038 +7,317 +320 122,692 113,346 . 1921 239,376 +3,338 +141 123,833 115,543 1931 265,873 +26,497 +1107 138,727 127,146 1941 303,685 +37,812 +1422 159,227 144,458 1951 310,626 +6,941 +229 157,622 153,004 1961 384,259 +73,633 +2370 192,687 191,572 1971 515,180 +130,921 +3407 262,348 252,832 1981 644,827 +129,647 +2517 322,497 322,330 1991 776,372 +131,545 +2040 385,746 390,626 2001 901,344 +124,972 +1610 447,872 453,472

6 Hamlrpur 1901 160,374 • • 1911 157,251 -3,123 -195 82,753 74,498 1921 157,319 +68 +004 81,515 75,804 1931 165,837 +8,518 +541 86,490 79,347 1941 188,804 +22,967 +1385 98,516 90,288 1951 191,311 +2,507 +133 98,828 92,483 1961 220,341 +29,030 + 1517 105,330 115,011 1971 264,991 +44,650 +2026 125,085 139,906 1981 317,751 +52,760 + 1991 147,841 169,910 1991 369,128 +51,377 +1617 175,329 193,799 2001 412,700 +43,572 +1180 196,593 216,107

7 Una 1901 165,000 • • 1911 161,786 -3,214 -195 85,140 76,646 1921 161,856 +70 +004 83,865 77,991 1931 170,620 +8,764 +541 88,985 81,635 1941 194,249 +23,629 +1385 101,357 92,892 1951 196,829 +2,580 +133 101,678 95,151 1961 226,696 +29,867 +1517 114,595 112,101 1971 261,357 +34,661 +1529 130,498 130,859 1981 317,422 +56,065 +2145 156,491 160,931 1991 378,269 +60,847 +1917 187,582 190,687 2001 448,273 +70,004 +1851 224,524 223,749

8 BIlaspur 1901 90,873 49,384 41,489 1911 93,107 +2,234 +246 50,009 43,098 1921 98,000 +4,893 +526 52,306 45,694 1931 100,994 +2,994 +306 53;154 47,840 1941 110,336 +9,342 +925 56,935 53,401 1951 126,099 +15,763 +1429 64,738 61,361 1961 158,806 +32,707 +2594 81,363 77,443 1971 194,786 +35,980 +2266 97,758 97,028 1981 247,368 +52,582 +2699 123,572 123,796

74 Percentage Decade State/!) Istnct Year Persons Decade variation vanatlOn Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1991 295,387 +48,019 +1941 147,555 147,832 2001 340,885 +45,498 +1540 171,263 169,622

9 Solan 1901 141,698 82,147 . 59,551 1911 112,318 -29,380 -2073 65,177 47,141 1921 125,258 +12,940 +1152 76,142 49.1I6 1931 118,110 -7,148 -571 68,502 49,608 1941 127,921 +9,811 +831 73,678 54,243 1951 168,271 +40,350 +3154 93,505 74,766 1961 192,664 +24,393 +1450 102,531 90,133 1971 237,514 +44,850 +2328 123,538 113,976 1981 303,335 +65,821 +2771 157,245 146,090 1991 382,268 +78,933 +2602 200,238 182,030 2001 500,557 +118,289 +3094 270,291 230,266

10 Smnaur 1901 135,667 75,449 60,218 1911 138,500 +2,833 +209 76,032 62,468 1921 140,428 +1,928 +139 76,991 63,437 1931 148,547 +8,119 +578 82,371 66,176 1941 156,003 +7,456 +502 85,823 70,180 1951 166,053 +10,050 +644 92,256 73,797 1961 197,488 +31,435 +1893 108,057 89,431 1971 244,922 +47,434 +2402 133,428 111,494 1981 306,897 +61,975 +2530 163,809 143,088 1991 379.695 +72,798 +2372 200,193 179,502 2001 458,593 +78,898 +2078 241,299 217,294

11 Shlmla 1901 230,144 124,215 105,929 1911 223,701 -6,443 -280 118,953 104,748 1921 228,138 +4,437 +198 123,854 104,284 1931 238,280 +10,142 +445 126,374 111,906 1941 259,656 +21,376 +897 139,095 120,561 1951 286,111 +26,455 +1019 152,608 133,503 1961 341,461 +55,350 +1935 184,413 • 157,048 1971 419,844 +78,383 +2296 224,631 195,213 1981 510,932 +91,088 +2170 272,126 238,806 1991 617,404 +106,472 +2084 .325,897 291,507 2001 722,502 +105,098 +1702 380,996 341,506

12 Kmnaur 1901 27,232 14,252 12,980 1911 28,470 + 1,238 +455 14,710 13,760 1921 28,191 -279 -098 14,664 13,527 1931 30,445 +2,254 +800 15,685 14,760 1941 33,238 +2,793 +917 17,400 15,838 1951 34,475 +1,237 +372 16,654 \ 17,821 1961 4Q,980 +6,505 +1887 20,808 20,172 1971 49,835 +8,855 +2161 26,407 23,428 1981 59,547 +9,712 +1949 31,598 27,949 1991 71,270 +11,723 +1969 38,394 32,876 2001 78,334 +7,064 +991 42,173 36,161 Note * Sex wise populatIOn for 1901 IS not avrulable

75 AppendIX to Table A-2 comparabilIty of the data ThIS appendIX depIcts area ThIs appendIX has been desIgned to furnIsh and populatIOn of the state and dIstncts as per 1991 area and population of state and ItS dlstncts JUSrISdIctlOn at the hme of 1991 Census and also accordmg to the ternronal JUTlSdlctIOn prevallmg m populatIon of 1991 adjusted to JUrISdIctIon of2001 1991 Census and changes m area and populatIOn The net 111crease or decrease 111 populatIOn has been In 1991 adjusted to JunsdlCtlOn of 2001 The gIVen 111 column 7 ofthe appendIX gIV111g an Idea about IUTIsdlcttonal changes III the admtnistratIve the extent of change about those distrIcts whIch have boundanes of the state and dlstncts 111 the vanous undergone JUTlSdictlOnaI changes dunng 1991-2001 censuses can not be ruled out and as such the It reveals that there has not been any slgmficant populatIOn figures are recasted/adjusted accordmg change durmg 1991-2001 as there IS no change 111 to the latest admll1lstratlve set up to mamtaned the terntonal umts S1l1ce 1991 at dlstnct level

APPFNDIX A-2 State and DlStncts at the 2001 Census showmg the 1991 area and populatIOn accordmg to temtonaljunsdlctlon m 1991, change In population of 1991 adjusted to Junsdlctlon of2001 Aream 1991 Populatton Population m Net mcrease 2001 Area m 1991 accordmg to 1991 adjusted to or decreasse Census 200] Census juns diction junsdlctlon of between 2 2 St1!tefDIstnct (km. ) Population (km. ) Erevadmg In 1991 2001 cols 5& 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Himachal Pradesh 55,67300 6,077,900 55,67300 5,170,877 5,170,877

1 Chamba 6,52200 460,887 6,52800 393,286 393,286

2 Kangra 5,73900 1,339,030 5,73900 1,174,072 1,174,072

3 Lahul & Sp It! 13,84100 33,224 13,83500 31,294 31,294

4 KulIu 5,50300 381,571 5,50300 302,432 302,432

5 Mandl 3,95000 901,344 3,95000 776,372 776,372

6 Hamlrpur 1,11800 412,700 1,11800 369,128 369,128

7 Una 1,54000 448,273 1,54000 378,269 378,269

8 Bilaspur 1,16700 340,885 1,16700 295,387 295,387

9 Solan 1,93600 500,557 1,93600 382,268 382,268

10 Srrmaur 2,82500 458,593 2,82500 379,695 379,695

11 Shlmla 5,13100 722,502 5,13100 617,404 \ 617,4Q4

12 Kmnaur 6,40100 78,334 6,40100 71,270 71,270

Note There IS no change In territorIal Units SInce 1991


TIllS table corresponds to Table A-3 of 1991, 1981, ranges VIZ (I) less than 200 (11) 200-499 (m) 500--999 (IV) 1971,1961 and 1951 Censuses and gtves the total number 1,000-1,999 (v) 2,000-4,999 (VI) 5,000-9,999) (VIl) 10,000 of mhabIted vIllages classIfied by seven broad populatIOn and above mdlcatmg there m the total rural populatIon

78 The InformatIon gIven In Table A-3 shows that 9,999 Only one village Kharahal of Kullu dlstnct falls accordmg to 2001 Census, 5,482,319 persons or 9020 m the populatIOn range of 10,000 and above m 2001 per cent of the total populatIon of HImachal Pradesh Census hves In 17,495 villages Thus the average Size ofvIllage ThiS table which gIves the IllformatIon about the comes to 313 as agalllst 278 reported dunng 1991 mhablted Villages and population therem depicts that Census The classificatIon of mhablted vIllages Kangra dIstnct IS not only the bIggest III terms of accordmg to populatIon SIze gIven m thIS table would number of VIllages but also the most populous among enable the reader to study the dIstnbutlon of rural all dlstncts and accounts for 23 11 per cent of the total population In the different populatIOn Size classes of rural populatIon ofthe state Next III terms of populatIon villages The dmmutlve or small size vIllages are and mhablted Villages comes Mandl dIstnct where the predomInant tn HImachal Pradesh Total number of number of such Villages are 2,833 and account for 15 33 villages m 2001 Census stood at 20,118 (17,495 per cent ofthe total rural population of the state Shlmla Inhabited and 2,623 umnhablted) Of the total 17,495 dlstnct clrums 10 13 per cent of the total rural populatIon mhablted vIllages as many as 8,913 are havmg less and ranks thud Lahul & SPltl dlstnct whIch IS entIrely than 200 populatIon m each, 5,645 vIllages between rural, shares a proportIon of 0 61 per cent of the rural 200-499 persons each, 2,094 villages between 500-999 populatIOn of the state persons each, 660 between 1,000-1,999 persons and 174 villages between 2,000-4,999 persons each There Statement -1 gives the percentage of populatIOn are 8 vIllages (7 III KuHu and I m Shlmla dlstnct) m hvmg III Villages of vanous populatIOn size With the state dunng 2001 Census which have more than reference to the total rural population of each dIstnct 5,000 populatIOn and fall m population Size of 5,000- and the state at the 2001 Census

Statement -1 Fercentage of PopulatIon hving ID Villages of wnous populatron size With reference to the Total Rural Population ID 2001 Percentage ofpopulatlOn hvmgm Villages of population size StateIDlstnct Less than 200 200-499 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000+ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Himachal Pradesh 1537 3250 2600 1623 878 093 019 1 Chamba 789 3878 3849 11 37 347 2 Kangra 1288 3320 2932 1786 674 3 Lahul & Sp Itl 4202 31 71 1647 980 4 Kullu 005 053 782 2545 5031 1284 300 5 Mandl 13 84 4310 3037 980 289 6 Hamlrpur 2526 4276 1992 960 246 7 Una 760 1550 2338 3650 1702 8 Btlaspur 1523. 3551 2578 1496 852 9 Solan 3628 2988 1854 1249 281 10 Stnnaur 1123 2435 2701 25 11 1230 II Shlmla 2479 4229 2402 730 054 106 12 Ktnnaur 881 \3049 3467 1481 1122

It IS clear from the above statement that 32 50 persons WhICh IS the highest amongst the different per cent populatIOn of the rural areas IS hvmg III populatIOn ranges of the Villages Percentage share the VIllages WIth a populatIon range of 200-499 of such VIllages IS hIghest III Mandl (43 10 per cent)

79 closely followed by Hamupur (4276 per cent) and In the dimmutIve VIllages m the SIze class of less shimia (42 29 per cent) Kullu dIstnct wIth the than 200 persons, the maxImum populatIOn m such percentage of 0 53 IS at lowest level The vIlllages (42 02 per cent) are In Lahul & SPItI dlstnct percentage of population claImed by villages In the agamst the state average of 1537 per cent Solan size class 500-999 vanes between 3849 per cent dIStrIct WIth percentage population of36 28 IS at second In Chamba and 7 82 per cent In Kullu agaInst the positlOn whIch IS followed by Hamirpur dIstnct (25 26 state average of 26 00 per cent DurIng the decade, per cent), ShImla (24 79 per cent) and 1523 per cent the populatIOn of vIllages ill thIS range has Increased In BIlaspur dIstnct Kullu dIstnct WIth a percentage of by 2 40 per cent from 23 60 per cent m 1991 to 005 IS at the lowest level 878 per cent populatIOn of 26 00 per cent In 2001 Census The populatIOn of the rural areas IS hvmg m the VIllages WIth a populatIOn vIllages m the state In size class of 1,000-1,999 IS 16 23 per cent shoWIng growth of 2 13 per cent range of 2,000-4,999 Kullu dlstnct WIth a percentage whIch was Just 14 10 per cent m 1991 The dIstnct of 50 31 IS at the top followed by Una (17 02 per cent), WIse figures reveal that Una dIstnct has maXImum Sirmaur (1230 per cent) and Kmnaur (11 22 per cent) number (36 50 per cent) of vIllages m thIS range The percentage populatIon ofvtllages m SIze class 5,000- In remammg dIstncts It vanes between 25 45 per 9,999 IS 0 93 and 10,000+ IS 0 19 These VIllages fall cent ill Kullu to 730 per cent 10 ShImla In Kullu and Shimia dlstncts

Statement-2 gIves InformatlOn on the percentage of populatIon by SIze class ofvtllages durmg the Censuses of 1991 and 2001 for the state and dlstncts In thIS statement, two smallest SIze classes of vIllages have been clubbed under the SIze class less than 500 Statement - 2 Percentage of vIllages and ~~latJon by class of Villages ID 1991- 2001 Less than 500 500-999 1,000-1,999 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of No of villages Percentage of No of villages populatIon m No of villages population m m thIS range to populatIon m m thIS range to thIS range to In thIS range to thiS range to total No of thiS range to total No of total total No of total StateiDlstnct Year Villages total populatIOn VIllages populatIOn villages population 1 2 3 HImachal Pradesh 1991 8646 5356 980 2360 291 1432 2001 8321 4787 1197 2600 377 1623 I Chamba 1991 8199 5867 1582 3222 201 788 2001 7397 4667 2191 3849 358 1137 2 Kangra 1991 8334 5299 1276 2789 343 15 16 2001 7936 4608 1509 2932 461 1786 3 Lahul & SPIt! 1991 9595 7497 368 1929 037 574 2001 9651 7373 279 1647 070 ~ 80 4 KuJlu 1991 639 139 2616 II 78 4186 3665 2001 349 058 2035 782 3605 2545 5 Mandl 1991 8825 6536 1026 2646 135 665 2001 8405 5694 1334 3037 229 980 6 Hanurpur 1991 9227 7128 619 1872 142 878 2001 9107 6802 703 1992 165 960 7 Una 1991 6703 1852 1268 1460 11 78 2612 2001 6517 2310 1768 2338 13 98 3650 8 Bllaspur 1991 8548 5569 1063 2338 326 1572 2001 8249 5075 1274 2578 363 1496 9 Solan 1991 9574 7358 303 1431 1 19 1149 2001 9359 6616 465 1854 155 1249 10 Sirmaur 1991 7928 4319 1409 2773 539 1940 2001 1402 3558 1635 2701 797 2511 1I Shlmla 1991 9143 6833 710 2216 130 759 2001 9071 6708 794 2402 127 730 12 Kmnaur 1991 7938 4289 1623 3401 351 1433 2001 7692 3930 1752 3467 428 1481

80 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 HImachal Pradesh 1991 080 802 003 069 2001 099 878 005 093 001 019 1 Chamba 1991 018 123 2001 054 347 2 Kangra 1991 047 396 2001 094 674 3 Lahul & SpIt! 1991 2001 4 Kullu 1991 2326 4135 233 883 2001 3546 5031 407 1284 058 300 5 Mandl 1991 014 153 2001 032 289 6 HamlI'pur 1991 012 122 2001 025 246 7 Una 1991 833 3850 018 226 2001 317 1702 8 Bllaspur 1991 063 521 2001 1 14 851 9 Solan 1991 004 062 2001 021 281 10 Slrmaur 1991 124 968 2001 166 1230 II Shlmla 1991 017 192 2001 004 054 004 106 12 Kmnaur 1991 088 871 2001 128 1122 It may be seen from Statement-2 that the VIllages decreased m Una and Shimia dlstnct The percentage of havmg populatIOn range of less than 500 recorded a numberofvdlages decreased from 833 percent m 1991 dechne both m the percentage of Humber of VIllages and to 3 17 per cent m 2001 m Una and from 1 92 per cent populatIOn from 1991 to 2001 The number of VIllages to 0 94 per cent m ShImla SImIlarly the percentage of m thIS range has come down from 86 46 per cent m populatton decreased from 38 50 per cent m 1991 Census 1991 to 83 21 per cent m 2001, the proportlOn of to 17 02 per cent III 2001 m Una and 1 92 per cent to populatIon m thIS sIze class slIpped down from 53 56 o54 per cent m Shlmla distrIct There IS an upward per cent In 1991 Census to 47 87 per cent In 2001 Slmtlar trend m the remammg size classes One VIllage Badehar trend ]s seen m ten d]stncts whIle number of vlliages Dehla m Una dlsnct which fell m the populatIOn range of mcreased from 95 95 per cent m 1991 to 96 51 per cent 5,000-9,999 In 1991 Census has now come In the III Lahul & SPItt dIstrIct but the populatton shows declIne populatIOn range of 2,000-4,999 persons from 74 97 to 73 73 per cent dunng the decade Una Appendlx to table A-3 also shows Increase In the proportIon of populatIOn In thIS SIze class from 18 52 per cent m 1991 to 23 10 per ThIS shows the number and populatlOn ofvJl1ages cent In 2001 Lookmg at the state figures It IS seen that WIth populatIOn of 5,000 and above and towns With all other populatIon sIze groups of VIllages have regIstered populatIOn below 5,000 at state,dlstnct and tehsil/sub an mcrease both In percentage of number of VIllages tehsil level There are 9 vdlages m thiS class With the and percentage share of populatIOn A decrease m the total populatIOn of 61,565 persons constltutmg 1 12 percentage of populatIOn and number of VIllages m the per cent of the rural populatIon of state III 2001 Census populatIOn range 500-999 has been noticed In the case Out of these, 8 Villages With 55,675 persons WhICh of Lahul & SPltI and KuHu dIstncts The percentage of constItutes 15 84 per cent of distrIct rural populatIOn Villages and populatIOn In the size group 1,000-1,999 fall In Kullu dIstnct One Village namely Jhakhn In agam decreased from 41 86.and 36 65 per cent m 1991 Rampur tehsll of ShImla dIStrIct has a populatIOn of Census to 3605 and 2545 per cent In 2001 In KuHu 5,890 persons m 200 I Census dlstnct The percentage of population In thIS range has There are 27 towns m HImachal Pradesh WIth the decreased from 15 72 per cent III 1991 to 14 96 per total populatIOn of71 ,806 persons WhICh have populatIon cent m 2001 In Bdaspur dIStrIct and 759 per cent m below 5,000 accordmg to 2001 Census These are 1991 to 7 30 per cent m 2001 m ShImla dIstnct dIstrIbuted as 3 each III Chamba, Kangra and Solan In the SIze class of 2,000-4,999, the percentage of dlstncts, 2 each III Kullu, Mandl, Hamlrpur, Una and number of VIllages and percentage of populatIOn has agam Bilaspur dlstncts, 7 In Shlmla and one III Slrmaur dlstnct


State! DlstrIct/ TehslV • Total number of Total rura1 populatIOn Less than 200 PopulatIon Sub-tehstl InhabIted villages Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Himachal Pradesh 17,495 5,482,319 2,756,073 2,726,246 8,913 842,611 417,819 424,792

Chamba Distract 1,118 426,345 216,704 209,641 324 33,636 17,209 16,427 1 Pangt (T) 59 17,598 9,259 8,339 20 2,296 1,262 1,034 2 Chaurah (T) 194 66,315 34,219 32,096 58 4,956 2,566 2,390 3 SaIum (T) 124 41,730 21,410 20,320 30 4,062 2,037 2,025 4 Bhalm (S T) 77 22,257 11,234 1l,023 24 2,888 1,470 1,418 5 DalhousIe (T) 121 32,676 16,539 16,137 66 7,236 3,641 3,595 6 Bhattlyat (T) 121 33,750 16,985 16,765 46 4,833 2,468 2,365 7 Slhunta (S T) 81 35,701 17,528 18,173 19 2,279 1,185 1,094 8 Chamba(T) 240 139,072 70,271 68,801 28 2,585 1,278 1,307 9 Holt(S T) 47 14,514 7,525 6,989 21 1,716 909 807 10 Brahmaur (T) 54 22,732 1l,734 10,998 12 785 393 392

Kangra DIStrict 3,619 1,266,745 623,259 643,486 1,562 163,081 78,963 84,118 I 1 Nurpur(T) 387 142,595 72,069 70,526 172 18,367 9,320 9,047 2 Indora(T) 112 71,479 37,437 34,042 37 3,669 1,923 1,746 3 Fatehpur (T) 227 53,562 26,699 26,863 144 12,678 6,383 6,295 4 Jawall (T) 198 98,907 48,710 50,197 53 4,817 2,402 2,415 5 HarchakIan (S T) 58 12,182 5,841 6,341 29 2,889 1,367 1,522 6 Shahpur (T) 163 66,010 32,165 33,845 54 5,787 2,867 2,920 7 Dharmsala (T) 153 82,330 41,428 40,902 29 3,124 1,622 1,502 8 Kangra(T) 311 131,788 64,905 66,883 107 10,684 5,146 5,538 9 Baroh (T) 160 23,452 11,197 12,255 121 12,662 6,027 6,635 10 DeraGoplpur(T) 405 139,824 67,648 72,176 166 19,250 9,221 10,029 II Jaswan (T) 86 30,763 15,225 15,538 26 2,996 1,485 1,511 12 Rakkar (S T) 101 27,252 13,295 13.957 45 5,611 2,698 2,913 13 Khundlan (T) 216 33,858 16,414 17,444 159 15,754 7,542 8,212 14 Thural (S T) 83 17,754 8,314 9,440 42 4,372 2,034 2,338 15 Dhrra (S T) 113 20,112 9,467 10,645 72 7.275 3,374 3,901 16 Jru Smghpur(T) 218 58,623 26,666 31,957 99 10,707 4,805 5,902 17 Palamp ur (T) 394 163,955 80,642 83,313 120 13,168 6,302 6,866 18 Baunath (T) 199 84,801 41,328 43,473 67 7,265 3,463 3.802 19 M ulthan (8 T) 35 7,498 3,809 3,689 20 2,006 982 1,024

Lahul & SPIt! District 287 33,224 18,441 14,783 240 13,962 7,152 6,810 1 Udrupur (S T) 65 9,446 5,112 4,334 52 3,092 1,605 1,487 2 Lahul (T) 127 13,099 7,455 5,644 111 6,587 3,343 3,244 3 SPIt! (T) 95 10,679 5,874 4,805 77 4,283 2,204 2,079

Kullu District 172 351,478 181,131 170,347 1 183 94 89 1 Manal! (T) 19 37,947 20,135 17,812 2 Kullu (T) 65 157,080 81,191 75,889 3 SaInJ (ST) 14 20,682 10,596 10,086 ~ BanJar (T) 31 37,376 18,904 18,472 183 94 89 5 Am (ST) 17 50,476 25,722 24,754 6 Nennand (T) 26 47,917 24,583 23,334

82 A - 3 VILLAGIS BY POPULAnON SlZE CLASS State! DIstnctf TehslV 200-499 PopulatIon • 500-999 PopulatIOn 8ub-tehsll Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Himachal Pradesh 5,645 1,781,834 883,602 898,232 2,094 1,425,180 716,466 708,714

Chamba Distract 503 165,330 83,445 81,885 245 164,090 83,058 81,032 I Pangr. (T) 32 10,482 5,383 5,099 7 4,820 2,614 2,206 2 Chaurah (T) 89 29,105 15,057 14,048 43 27,972 14,417 13,555 3 Salum (T) 75 23,520 11,939 11,581 17 10,900 5,705 5,195 4 Bhalat (8 T) 45 14,411 7,271 7,140 8 4,958 2,493 2,465 5 DalhousIe (T) 42 13,208 6,495 6,713 9 5,779 2,885 2,894 6 Bhattlyat (T) 60 19,077 9,567 9,510 14 8,568 4,314 4,254 7 S!hunta (S T) 36 11,668 5,712 5,956 19 13,401 6,560 6,841 8 Chamba(T) 83 29,687 14,686 15,001 106 72,526 36,310 36,216 9 Hoh (ST) 17 5,374 2,790 2,584 6 4,180 2,132 2,048 10 Brahmaur (T) 24 8,798 4,545 4,253 16 10,986 5,628 5,358

Kan~ra Distract 1,310 420,584 204,342 216,242 546 371,453 182,686 188,767 1 Nurput(T) 118 39,417 19,895 19,522 73 49,009 24,702 24,307 2 Indora(T) 29 10,851 5,531 5,320 26 19,424 10,051 9,373 3 Fatehpur (T) 60 18,682 9,315 9,367 16 11,424 5,610 5,814 4 Jawal! (T) 85 27,716 13,736 13,980 35 23,595 11,583 12,012 5 Harchaklan (8 T) 28 8,603 4,149 4,454 690 325 365 6 8hahpur (T) 64 21,350 10,292 11,058 37 26,039 12,553 13,486 7 Dharmsala (T) 62 20,245 10,203 10,042 42 29,089 14,486 14,603 8 Kangra(T) 110 36,112 17,620 18,492 66 45,510 22,419 23,091 9 Baroh (T) 39 10,790 5,170 5,620 10 Dera GoP!Pur (T) 148 47,009 22,499 24,510 72 46,549 22,664 23,885 11 Jaswan (T) 41 13,723 6,758 6,965 18 12,669 6,197 6,472 12 Rakkar (8 T) 43 13,000 6,306 6,694 13 8,641 4,291 4,350 13 Khundlan (T) 55 16,676 8,141 8,535 2 1,428 731 697 14 Thural (8 T) 37 10,743 5,000 5,743 4 2,639 1,280 1,359 15 Dhrra (S T) 38 11,123 5,257 5,866 3 1,714 836 878 16 Jat 8mghpur (T) 93 28,416 12,852 15,564 21 12,908 5,929 6,979 17 Palampur (T) 172 57,929 28,235 29,694 76 53,254 25,977 27,277 18 Batjnath (T) 75 23,900 11,173 12,727 39 25,678 12,435 13,243 19 Multhan (8 T) 13 4,299 2,210 2,089 2 1,193 617 516 lahul & SPltl District 37 10,534 5,844 4,690 8 5,473 3,267 2,206 1 U datpur (8 T) 9 3,001 1,628 1,373 3 2,075 998 1,077 2 Lahul(T) 14 3,688 2,031 1,657 1 847 784 63 3 8pltl (T) 14 3,845 2,185 1,660 4 2,551 1,485 1,066

Kullu District 5 1,854 967 887 35 27,501 13,916 13,585 1 Manall (T) 1 387 204 183 6 5,246 2,613 2,633 2 Kullu (T) 2 764 401 363 10 7,845 4,029 3,816 3 Samj (8 T) 308 164 144 3 2.328 1,207 1,121 4 Banjar(T) 395 198 197 12 9,060 4,566 4,494 5 Am(ST) 6 N ennand (T) 4 3,022 1,50J 1,521

83 A - 3 VILLAGES BY POPULATION SIZE CLASS State! DIstnct/ Tehsdl 1,000-1,999 Population 2,000-4,999 Population Sub-tehsil Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Hllnachal Pradesh 660 889,848 454,816 435,032 174 481,281 250,340 230,941

Chamba District 40 48,497 24,513 23,984 6 14,792 8,479 6,313 I Pangt (T) 2 Chaurah (T) 4 4,282 2,179 2,103 3 Salunl (T) 1,217 635 582 2,031 1,094 937 4 Bhalru (S T) 5 Dalhousie (T) 2 2,129 1,131 998 2 4,324 2,387 1,937 6 Bhattlyat (T) 1 1,272 636 636 7 Smunta (8 T) 7 8,353 4,071 4,282 8 Chamba(T) 20 25,837 12,999 12,838 3 8,437 4,998 3,439 9 HoI! (ST) 3 3,244 1,694 1,550 10 Brahmaur (T) 2 2,163 1,168 995

.Kangra District 167 226,246 113,661 112,585 34 85,381 43,607 41,774 I 1 Nurpur(T) 21 27,570 13,921 13,649 3 8,232 4,231 4,001 2 Indora (T) 14 20,133 10,701 9,432 6 17,402 9,231 8,171 3 Fatehpur (T) 7 10,778 5,391 5,387 4 Jawah (T) 18 25,028 12,227 12,801 7 17,751 8,762 8,989 5 HarchakIan (S T) 6 Shahpur (T) 6 8,081 3,959 4,122 2 4,753 2,494 2,259 7 Dharmsala (T) 16 20,570 10,522 10,048 4 9,302 4,595 4,707 8 Kangra(T) 25 32,542 16,293 16,249 3 6,940 3,427 3,513 9 Baroh (T) 10 Dera Goplpur (T) 16 20,342 10,041 10,301 3 6,674 3,223 3,451 11 J aswan (T) 1,375 785 590 12 Rakkar (8 T) 13 Khundlan (T) 14 Thural (S T) 15 Dhlra(S T) 16 Jru Slllghpur(T) 5 6,592 3,080 3,512 17 Palampur (T) 23 32,398 16,361 16,037 3 7,206 3,767 3,439 18 BruJnath (T) 15 20,837 10,380 10,457 3 7,121 3,877 3,~44 19M ulthan (S T)

Lahul & SPltt Dlstnct 2 3,255 2,178 1,077 1 Udrupur (8 T) 1,278 881 397 2 Lahul (T) 1,977 1,297 680 3 SPIt! (T)

Kullu District 62 89,436 45,682 43,754 61 176,829 91,136 85,693 1 Manall (T) 3 5,091 2,619 2,472 8 21,461 11,399 10,062 2 Kullu (T) 25 37,571 19,138 18,433 23 73,269 37,978 35,291 , 3 SrunJ (S T) 7 10,128 5,164 4,964 3 7,918 4,061 3,857 4 BanJar (T) 12 16,450 8,375 8,075 5 11,288 5,671 5,617 5 Am (8 T) I 1,773 910 863 15 42,621 21,649 20,972 6 Nermand (T) 14 18,423 9,476 8,947 7 20,272 10,378 9,894

84 A - 3 VILlAGES BY POPULATION SlZE CLASS Statt'i DlstrIct/ TehslV 5,000-9,999 Population 10,000 and above PopulatIOn Sub-tehsil Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Himachal Pradesh 8 51,006 27~704 23,302 1 10,559 5,326 5,233

Chamba DIStrict 1 Pang! (T) 2 Chaurah (T) 3 SalUnI (T) 4 Bhalal (S T) 5 DalhOUSie (T) 6 Bhathyat (T) 7 SIhunta (S T) 8 Chamba(T) 9 Hoh (ST) 10 Brahmaur (T)

~ngra Distract 1 Nurpur(T) 2 Indora(T) 3 Fatehpur (T) 4 Jawah(T) 5 Harchaloan (S T) 6 Shahpur (T) 7 Dharmsala (T) 8 Kangra(T) 9 Baroh (T) 10 DeraGoplpur(T) 11 Jaswan (T) 12 Rakkar (S T) 13 Khundlan (T) 14 Thural (S T) 15 DhIra (8 T) 16 Jm 8m~pur (T) 17 Palampur (T) 18 BaIJnath (T) 19 M ulthan (S T)

Lahul & Splb District 1 Udaipur (8 T) 2 Lahul (T) 3 SPltl (T)

Kullu District 7 45,116 24,010 21,106 1 10,559 5,326 5,233 1 Manall (T) 1 5,762 3,300 2,462 2 Kullu (T) 4 27,072 14,319 12,753 10,559 5,326 5,233 3 SrunJ (S T) 4 BanJar(T) 5 Am(ST) 6,082 3,163 2,919 6 Nermand (T) 6,200 3,228 2,972

85 State! D Istnctl TehslV Total number of Total rural populahon Less than 200 PopulatIOn Sub-tehsd inhabited villages Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mandl DIStrict 2,833 840,362 415,676 424,686 1,242 116,282 56,586 59,696 I Padhar(1) 189 44,144 22,025 22,119 96 11,755 5,789 5,966 2 J ogmdarnagar (T) 205 70,627 33,892 36,735 90 9,875 4,544 5,331 3 Lad Bharol (T) 145 25,404 11,452 13,952 102 10,034 4,404 5,630 4 Sandhol (S T) 64 18,443 8,579 9,864 26 2,821 1,286 1,535 5 Dharmpur (S T) 89 30,898 14,723 16,175 22 3,109 1,448 1,661 6 Koth (S T) 63 23,941 11,667 12,274 II 1,638 782 856 7 Sarkaghat (T) 272 74,763 35,570 39,193 100 12,448 5,895 6,553 8 Baldwara (S T) 135 40,330 19,447 20,883 42 5,620 2,708 2,912 9 Sundarnagar (T) 161 77,451 39,291 38,160 46 4,047 2,063 1,984 10 Mandl (T) 370 164,128 82,638 81,490 89 9,146 4,621 4,525 II Aut (S T) 59 26,873 13,799 13,074 17 1,469 740 729 12 Ball Chowkl (S T) 97 33,663 17,141 16,522 32 2,041 1,060 981 13 Thunag (T) 169 44,106 22,287 21,819 75 5,745 2,907 2,838 14 Chachy ot (T) 149 50,435 25,247 25,188 46 4,041 1,975 2,066 15 Nlhn (S T) 205 31,777 16,122 15,655 135 9,274 4,679 4,595 16 Karsog(T) 461 83,379 41,796 41,583 313 23,219 11,685 11,534

Hamlrpur Dlstnct 1,635 382,494 180,366 202,128 947 96,606 45,221 51,385 1 Tlra SUJanpur (T) 196 36,112 16,893 19,219 134 11,818 5,509 6,309 2 Nadaun (T) 438 87,005 41,078 45,927 277 26,969 12,698 14,271 3 Hamrrpur (T) 397 93,958 44,627 49,331 223 24,540 11,575 12,965 4 Barsar(T) 227 48,618 22,843 25,775 140 14,186 6,625 7,561 5 Dhatwal (S T) 112 34,816 16,469 18,347 57 6,244 2,923 3,321 6 BhoranJ (T) 265 81,985 38,456 43,529 116 12,849 5,891 6,958

Una DlStnct 758 408,849 203,724 205,125 300 31,065 15,246 15,819 I Bharwam (S T) 45 16,323 8,054 8,269 12 828 383 445 2 Amb (T) 243 137,110 67,850 69,260 81 8,485 4,276 4,209 3 Bang;ma (T) 306 64,347 31,732 32,615 197 20,738 10,073 10,665 4 Una(T) 139 131,890 66,753 65,137 10 1,014 514 500 5 Haroh (S T) 25 59,179 29,335 29,844

Bllaspur Dstnct 965 318,934 159,488 159,446 439 48,581 24,374 24,207 1 Ghumarwm (T) 310 114,721 55,666 59,055 129 15,315 7,345 7,970 2 lhanduta (T) 227 79,488 39,626 39,862 96 10,183 5,130 5,053 3 Nama Devl (S T) 150 40,161 20,822 19,339 80 7,519 3,919 3,600 4 Bllaspur Sadar (T) 278 84,564 43,374 41,190 134 15,564 7,980 7,584

Solan Dlstnct 2,388 409,362 214,150 195,212 1,834 148,516 75,888 72,628 1 Arkl (T) 477 80,353 39,981 40,372 363 31,855 15,615 16,240 2 Ramshahr (S T) 21~ 29,718 14,901 14,817 175 15,937 7,985 7,952 3 N alagarh (T) 400 123,575 66,829 56,746 223 21,638 11,508 10,130 4 Knshangarh (S T) 267 25,836 13,073 12,763 241 16,448 8,383 8,065 5 Kasauh (T) 288 57,626 31,447 26,179 216 17,139 9,036 8,103 6 Solan (T) 475 57,118 29,834 27,284 399 27,436 14,142 13,294 7 Kandaghat (T) 262 35,136 18,085 17,051 217 18,063 9,219 8,844

86 State! DIstncti TehslV 200-499 Population 500-999 Population Sub-tehsll Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Mandl District 1,139 362,219 177,973 184,246 378 255,252 126,668 128,584 1 Padhar(T) 80 24,029 12,039 11,990 13 8,360 4,197 4,163 2 J ogmdarn~ (T) 66 21,983 10,381 11,602 41 28,455 13,748 14,707 3 Lad Bharol (T) 36 10,372 4,658 5,714 6 3,827 1,787 2,040 4 Sandhol (S T) 28 8,178 3,761 4,417 10 7,444 3,532 3,912 5 Dharmpur (S T) 52 17,203 8,137 9,066 14 9,576 4,660 4,916 6 Koth(ST) 38 12,750 6,203 6,547 14 9,553 4,682 4,871 7 Sarkaghat (T) 144 44,312 21,049 23,263 28 18,003 8,626 9,377 8 Baldwara (S T) 78 24,726 11,875 12,851 14 8,983 4,372 4,611 9 8undarn~ (T) 67 20,945 10,582 10,363 30 21,648 10,859 10,789 10 Mandl(T) 170 57,493 28,767 28,726 82 56,332 28,200 28,132 11 Aut (8 T) 21 6,644 3,438 3,206 15 10,192 5,183 5,009 12 Ball Chowkl (S T) 35 11,824 6,006 5,818 28 17,667 9,018 8,649 13 Thunag (T) 72 23,294 11,702 11,592 21 13,982 7,115 6.867 14 Chachyot (T) 70 22,938 11,490 11,448 32 22,205 11,177 11,028 15 Nlhn (ST) 65 19,368 9,847 9,52] 5 3,135 1,596 1,539 16 Karsog(T) 117 36,160 18,038 18,122 25 15,890 7,916 7,974

Hamlrpur District 542 163,558 76,492 87,066 115 76,201 36,222 39,979 1 Tlra SUJanpur (T) 47 13,908 6,537 7,371 13 8,070 3,732 4,338 2 Nadaun (T) 135 39,735 18,593 21,142 23 15,971 7,684 8,287 3 Hamlrpur (T) 137 41,345 19,618 21,727 30 18,702 9,005 9,697 4 Barsar(T) 72 22,129 10,216 11,913 14 9,620 4,556 5,064 5 Dhatwal (S T) 40 12,295 5,683 6,612 8 5,171 2,464 2,707 6 BhoranJ (T) 111 34,146 15,845 18,301 27 18,667 8,781 9,886

Una DistrIct 194 63,381 31,451 31,930 134 95,577 47,517 48,060 1 Bharwam (S T) 24 8,1'74 3,986 4,188 7 4,984 2,507 2,477 2 Amb(T) 61 20,055 10,008 10,047 50 36,604 18,026 18,578 3 BanPf1l1a (T) 86 26,932 13,336 13,596 21 14,071 6,973 7,098 4 Una(T) 22 7,785 3,904 3,881 54 38,092 19,142 18,950 5 Haroh(ST) 1 435 217 218 2 1,826 869 957

Bllaspur Dstnct 357 113,264 56,759 56,505 123 82,210 41,118 41,092 1 Ghumarwm (T) 119 36,651 17,689 18,962 43 29,378 14,477 14,901 2 Jhanduta (T) 85 27,636 13,851 13,785 33 22,248 10,982 11,266 3 Nama Devi (8 T) 51 16,488 8,561 7,927 16 10,106 5,219 4,887 4 Bllaspur Sadar (T) 102 32,489 16,658 15,831 31 20,478 10,440 10,038

Solan District ' 401 122,317 63,349 58,968 111 75,889 40,314 35,575 1 Arkl (T) 88 26,276 13,046 13,230 17 10,271 5,199 5,072 2 Ramshahr (8 T) 41 11,998 5,987 6,011 3 1,783 929 854 3 Nalagarh (T) 100 31,271 16,603 14,668 56 39,658 21,186 18,472 4 Knshangarh (S T) 22 6,490 3,213 3,277 3 1,651 839 812 5 Kasauh (T) 49 15,933 8,552 7,381 14 10,190 5,628 4,562 6 Solan (T) 63 19,323 10,226 9,097 12 8,163 4,342 3,821 7 Kandaghat (T) 38 11,026 5,722 5,304 6 4,173 2,191 1,982

87 State! Dlstnct/ TehSIV 1,000-1,999 PopulatIOn 2,000-4,999 PopulatlOn Sub·tehsIl Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Mandl DIstrIct 65 82,319 41,758 40,561 9 24,290 12,691 11,599 1 Padhar(T) 2 Jogmdarn~ (T) 8 10,314 5,219 5,095 3 Lad Bharal (T) 1,171 603 568 4 Sandhol (S T) 5 Dharmpur (S T) 1,010 478 532 6 Kotll (ST) 7 8arkaghat (T) 8 BaIdwara (8 T) 1,001 492 509 9 8undarnagar (T) 13 17,836 9,090 8,746 5 12,975 6,697 6,278 10 Mandl (T) 26 32,122 16,295 15,827 3 9,035 4,755 4,280 11 Aut (8 T) 6 8,568 4,438 4,130 12 BaIl Chowkt (8 T) 2 2,131 1,057 1,074 13 Thunag (T) 1,085 563 522 14 Chachyot (T) 1,251 605 646 15 Nlhn(ST) 16 Karsog (T) 5 5,830 2,918 2,912 2,280 1,239 1,041

Hamlrpur DIstrict 27 36,705 17,712 18,993 4 9,424 4,719 4,705 1 TIra SUJanpur (T) 2 2,316 1,115 1,201 2 Nadaun (T) 3 4,330 2,103 2,227 3 Hamtrpur (T) 6 7,287 3,495 3,792 2,084 934 1,150 4 Barsar(T) 2,683 1,446 1,237 5 DhatwaI (8 T) 7 11,106 5,399 5,707 6 BhoranJ (T) 9 11,666 5,600 6,066 2 4,657 2,339 2,318

Una District 106 149,254 74,650 74,604 24 69,572 34,860 34,712 1 Bharwam (S T) 2 2,337 1,178 1,159 2 Amb(T) 50 69,889 34,424 35,465 2,077 1,116 961 3 Bang;ma (T) 2 2,606 1,350 1,256 4 Una(T) 44 62,139 31,574 30,565 9 22,860 11,619 11,241 5 Haroh (S T) 8 12,283 6,124 6,159 14 44,635 22,125 22,510

Bllaspur Dstru:t 35 47,723 23,620 24,103 11 27,156 13,617 13,539 I Ghumarwm (T) 13 18,635 9,038 9,597 6 14,742 7,117 7,625 2 Jhanduta (T) 12 16.962 8,408 8,554 2,459 1,255 1,204 3 Nama Devl (8 T) 1 1,037 545 492 2 5,011 2,578 2,433 4 BIIaspur Sadar (T) 9 11,089 5,629 5,460 2 4,944 2,667 2,277

Solan DIStrict 37 51,123 28,035 23,088 5 11,517 6,564 4,953 1 Arkl (T) 9 11,951 6,121 5,830 2 Ramshahr (S T) 3 Nalagarh (T) 19 26,185 14,907 11,278 2 4,823 . 2,625 2,198 4 Knshangarh (S T) 1,247 638 609 5 Kasauh (T) 7 9,866 5,416 4,450 2 4,498 2,815 1,683 6 Solan (T) 2,196 1,124 1,072 7 Kandal!J!at (T) 1,874 953 921


State/ DIstnct/ TehsJl/ 5,000-9,999 PopulatIOn 10,000 and above Population Sub-tehsll Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Mandl District I Padhar (T) 2 J ogmdarnagar (T) 3 Lad Bharol (T) 4 Sandhol (S T) 5 Dharmpur (S T) 6 KotlI (ST) 7 Sarkaghat (T) 8 Baldwara (S T) 9 Sundamagl.U" (T) 10 Mandl (T) 11 Aut (S T) 12 Bah Chowkl (S T) 13 Thunag (T) 14 Chachyot (T) 15 Nlhn (8 T) 16 Karsog(T)

Hamlrpur District I Tlra SUJanpur (T) 2 Nadaun(T) 3 Hamrrpur (T) 4 Barsar(T) 5 Dhatwal (S T) 6 BhoranJ (T)

Una Distract 1 Bharwam (S T) 2 Amb (T) 3 Ban~a(T) 4 Una(T) 5 Haroh (S T)

Bllaspur Dstnct I Ghumarwm (T) 2 Jhanduta (T) 3 Nama Devi (S T) 4 Bdaspur Sadar (T)

SoJan District 1 Arkl (T) 2 Ramshahr (S T) 3 Nalagarh (T) 4 Knshangarh (S T) 5 Kasauh (T) 6 Solan (T) 7 Kandaghat (T)

89 State! Dlstnct/ TehslV Total number of Total rural populatton Less than 200 PopulatIon Sub-tehstl InhabIted VIllages Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SJrmaur DIstrIct 966 410,923 215,656 195,267 397 46,138 23,637 22,501 1 RaJgprh (T) 140 41,680 21,296 20,384 44 6,148 3,116 3,032 2 Nohra(ST) 47 21,036 10,680 10,356 13 1,377 705 672 3 Pachhad (T) 262 46,020 23,842 22,178 182 19,378 9,938 9,440 4 Renuka(T) 74 40,122 20,521 19,601 13 1,950 1,038 912 5 Dadahu (S T) 73 15,438 7,858 7,580 47 5,132 2,585 2,547 6 Nahan (T) 136 45,923 24,473 21,450 72 8,775 4,521 4,254 7 Paonta SahIb (T) 139 113,112 60,280 52,832 20 2,535 1,283 1,252 8 Kamrau (S T) 45 35,048 18,722 16,326 4 487 254 233 9 Shalm (T) 28 32,922 17,614 15,308 1 175 101 74 10 Ronhat (S T) 22 19,622 10,370 9,252 181 96 85

Shlmla DIStrIct 2,520 555,269 285,305 269,964 1,514 137,658 69,656 68,002 1 Rampur (T) 153 66,373 35,383 30,990 51 5,193 2,625 2,568 2 Nankharl (S T) 86 25,154 12,605 12,549 34 3,658 1,875 1,783 3 Kumharsmn (T) 166 39,864 20,267 19,597 90 9,657 4,795 4,862 4 Seam (T) 202 29,896 14,259 15,637 143 13,349 6,391 6,958 5 Shlmla Rural (T) 505 71,101 37,475 33,626 403 31,842 16,211 15,631 6 Shlmla Urban (T) 7 J ung;t (S T) 59 12,422 6,414 6,008 38 3,450 1,744 1,706 8 Theog(T) 400 74,200 37,816 36,384 237 20,894 10,679 10,215 9 Chaupal (T) 121 26,880 13,776 13,104 70 6,566 3,375 3,191 10 Cheta(S T) 42 16,831 8,696 8,135 13 1,510 773 737 11 Nerua (S T) 190 31,192 15,963 15,229 134 13,425 6,841 6,584 12 Jubbal (T) 131 32,303 16,531 15,772 65 6,488 3,318 3,170 13 Kotkhm (T) 172 33,006 16,905 16101 122 12,348 6,244 6,104 14 Tlkar (S T) 41 12,590 6,459 6,131 18 1,106 568 538 15 Rohru (T) ]25 38,280 19,598 18,682 53 4,073 2,148 1,925 16 Chlrgaon (T) 117 39,513 20,249 19,264 38 3,690 1,865 1,825 17 Dodra K war (T) 10 5,664 2,909 2,755 5 409 204 205

Kmnaur DIstrict 234 78,334 42,173 36,161 113 6,903 3,793 3,110 1 Hangrang (S T) IS 4,062 2,063 1,999 6 314 188 126 2 Poo (T) 27 7,898 4,283 3,615 13 755 457 298 3 Morang(T) 38 10,383 5,319 5,064 20 1,076 579 497 4 Kalpa(T) 38 17,630 9,505 8,125 13 645 339 306 5 Nlchar (T) 88 26,630 14,872 11,758 49 3,460 1,876 1,584 6 Sangla(T) 28 11,731 6,131 5,600 12 653 354 299

90 State! Dlstnctl Tehsdl 200-499 Population 500-999 Population Sub-tehsd Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

Sirmaur District 318 100,080 51,419 48,661 158 110,991 58,079 52,912 1 RaJgJlCh (T) 80 24,947 12,192 12,155 15 9,389 4,788 4,601 2 Nohra(ST) 18 5,835 2,917 2,918 12 8,067 4,136 3,931 3 Pachhad (T) 71 20,385 10,450 9,935 9 6,257 3,454 2,803 4 Renuka(T) 25 8,504 4,304 4,200 29 20,625 10,554 10,071 5 Dadahu (S T) 22 6,290 3,161 3,129 3 1,603 823 780 6 Nahan (T) 39 13,251 6,887 6,364 17 12,691 6,705 5,986 7 Paonta Sahib (T) 36 Il,232 5,799 5,433 44 31,076 16,313 14,763 8 Kamrau (S T) 17 5,936 3,114 2,822 13 9,164 4,768 4,396 9 Shalm (T) 7 2,489 1,349 1,140 6 4,670 2,538 2,132 10 Ronhat (S T) 3 1,211 646 565 10 7,449 4,000 3,449

Shlmla Dlstnct 772 234,827 119,146 115,681 200 133,385 69,108 64,277 1 Rampur (T) 59 19,128 9,669 9,459 35 25,307 13,268 12,039 2 N ankhan (S T) 39 12,407 6,174 6,233 12 7,963 3,973 3,990 3 Kumharsrun (T) 63 19,278 9,678 9,600 10 7,522 3,984 3,538 4 Seom (T) 57 15,322 7,256 8,066 2 1,225 612 613 5 Shlmla Rural (T) 83 23,813 12,529 11,284 15 9,647 5,305 4,342 6 Shlmla Urban (T) 7 Jun~(S T) 18 6,070 3,125 2,945 1 701 360 341 8 Theog(T) 146 42,390 21,486 20,904 16 9,884 5,139 4,745 9 ChaupaJ (T) 38 11,483 5,904 5,579 13 8,831 4,497 4,334 10 Cheta (S T) 17 5,483 2,820 2,663 9 5,867 2,998 2,869 II N erua (S T) 54 15,748 8,036 7,712 1 550 271 279 12 JubbaJ (T) 52 16,370 8,407 7,963 13 8,244 4,168 4,076 13 Kotkhal (T) 37 10,763 5,475 5,288 10 6,319 3,323 2,996 14 Tlkar (S T) 14 4,945 2,528 2,417 8 5,264 2,709 2,555 15 Rohru (T) 40 13,295 6,743 6,552 31 19,895 10,209 9,686 16 Chlr~on (T) 55 18,332 9,316 9,016 21 ]3,688 7,009 6,679 ] 7 Dodra K war (T) 3 2,478 ],283 1,195

Kmnaur District 67 23,886 12,415 11,471 41 27,158 14,513 12,645 1 Hangrang(S T) 6 1,908 945 963 3 1,840 930 910 2 Poo (T) 9 3,256 1,794 1,462 4 2,830 1,438 1,392 3 Morang(T) 11 3,960 2,010 ],950 6 4,243 2,199 -2,044 4 Kalpa(T) IS 5,601 2,822 2,779 5 3,351 1,718 1,633 5 Nlchar (T) 21 7,409 3,965 3,444 14 8,699 4,859 3,840 6 Sangla(T) 5 1,752 879 873 9 6,195 3,369 2,826

91 State! DlStrIctl TehslV 1,000-1,999 Population 2,000-4,999 Population 8ub-tehsil Number Persons Males Feplales Number Persons Males Females 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Sirmaur District 77 103,177 54,766 48,411 16 50,537 27,755 22,782 1 RaJp;uh (T) 1,196 600 596 2 Nohra(8T) 3 3,478 1,749 1,729 2,279 1,173 1,106 3 Pachhad (T) 4 Renuka(T) 7 9,043 4,625 4,418 5 Dadahu (S T) 2,413 1,289 1,124 6 Nahan (T) 8 11,206 6,360 4,846 7 Paonta Sahlb (T) 31 40,940 21,708 19,232 8 27,329 15,177 12,152 8 Kamrau (S T) 7 8,856 4,676 4,180 4 10,605 5,910 4,695 9 Shalal (T) 12 17,677 9,420 8,257 2 7,911 4,206 3,705 10 Ronhat (8 T) 8 10,781 5,628 5,153

Shlmla District 32 40,515 21,926 18,589 1 2,994 1.775 1,219 1 Rampur(T) 6 7,861 4,352 3,509 2,994 1,775 1,219 2 Nankhan (S T) 1 1,126 583 543 3 Kumharsam (T) 3 3,407 1,810 1,597 4 Seom (T) 5 Shlmla Rural (T) 4 5,799 3,430 2,369 6 Shunla Urban (T) 7 Junl?fl(ST) 2 2,201 1,185 1,016 8 Theog(T) 1,032 512 520 9 Chaupal (T) 10 Cheta (S T) 3 3,971 2,105 1,866 11 Nerua (S T) 1,469 815 654 12 Jubbal (T) 1,201 638 563 13 Kotkhru (T) 3 3,576 1,863 1,713 14 Tlkar (S T) 1,275 654 621 15 Rohru (T) 1 1,017 498 519 16 Chrrl?flon (T) 3 3,803 2,059 1,744 17 Dodra K war (T) 2 2,777 1,422 1,355

Kmnaur District 10 11.598 6,315 5,283 3 8,789 5,137 3,652 1 Hangrang (S T) 2 Poo (T) 1,057 594 463 3 Morang(T) 1,104 531 573 4 Kalpa(T) 4 5,065 2,740 2,325 2,968 1,886 1,082 5 Nlchar (T) 3 3,294 1,941 1,353 3,768 2,231 1,537 6 Sangla(T) 1,078 509 569 2,053 1,020 1,033

92 State! Dlstnct/ TehslV 5,000-9,999 Population 10,000 and above PopulatIOn Sub-tehsil Number Persons Males Females Number Persons Males Females 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

8umaur Distract 1 RaJgarh (T) 2 Nohra(ST) 3 Pachhad (T) 4 Renuka(T) 5 Dadahu (S T) 6 Nahan (T) 7 Paonta Salub (T) 8 Kamrau (S T) 9 Shalru (T) 10 Ronhat (S T)

Shlmla District 1 5,890 3,694 2,196 1 Rampur(T) 5,890 3,694 2,196 2 Nankhan (S T) 3 Kumharsrun (T) 4 Seqm(T) 5 Shtmia Rural (T) 6 Shtmia Urban (T) 7 Jun~(ST) 8 Theog(T) 9 Chaupal (T) 10 Cheta (S T) 11 Nerua (S T) 12 Jubbal (T) 13 Kotkhal (T) 14 Ttkar (8 T) 15 Rohru (T) 16 Chtr~on (T) 17 Dodra K war (T)

Kmnaur Distract 1 Hangrang (S T) 2 Poo(T) 3 Morang(T) 4 Kalpa(T) 5 Ntchar(T) 6 Sangla(T)

93 A-3 APPENDIX NUMBER AND POPULATION OF VILLAGES WITH POPULATION OF 5,000 AND ABOVE AND TOWNS WITH POPULATION BELOW 5,000 VIllage" with population 5,000 and above Towns with population below 5,000 Percentage to rural Percentage to urban State! Dlstrlct/ TehsllI populatIOn of StateiDlstnct/ pop ulatlOn of State! DistrIct! Sub-tehsll Number PopulatIon TehslllSub-tehsii Number Population TehslllSub-tehsll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Himachal Pradesh 9 61,565 112 27 71,806 1206

Chamba DistrIct 3 6,790 1966 1 Pang! (T) 2 Chaurah (T) 3 Salum (T) 4 Bhala! (S T) 5 DalhOUSie (T) I 1,964 2092 6 BhattIyat (T) 2 4,826 1000 7 8thunta (S T) 8 Chamba(T) 9 Holt (8 T) 10 Brahmavr (T)

Kangra District 3 13,273 1836 1 Nurpur(T) 2 Indora(T) 3 Fatehpur (T) 4 lawall (T) 5 Harchaklan (8 T) 6 Shahpur (T) 7 Dharmsala(T) 8 Kangra (T) 9 Baroh(T) 10 Dera Goplpur (T) 2 9,267 1000 11 laswan (T) 12 Rakkar (S T) 13 Khundlan (T) 14 Thura! (8 T) 15 Dhrra (S T) 16 Jm 8tnghpur (T) 17 Palampur (T) 4,006 1000 18 BaIJnath (T) 19 M ulthan (8 T)

Lahul & Spltl DIStrict 1 UdaIpur (S T) 2 Lahul (T) 3 Spltl (T)

Kullu District 8 55,675 1584 2 5,522 1835 1 Mana!1 (T) 5,762 15 18 2 Kullu (T) 5 37,63J 2396 4,260 1888 3 SatnJ (S T) 4 BanJar(T) 1,262 1000 5 Am (ST) 6,082 1205 6 Nermand (T) 6,200 1294

94 Villages with population 5,000 and above Towns with population below 5,000 Percentage to rural Percentage to urban State! DIstnct! TehslV population of State/DIstnct! population of State! Dlstnct! Sub-tehsll Number Population TehslVSub-tehsd Number Population T chs IVSub-tehsll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mandl DistrIct 2 5,075 832 1 Padhar (T) 2 J ogmdarn3gfU" (T) 3 Lad Bharol (T) 4 Sandhol (S T) 5 Dharmpur (S T) 6 Koth (S T) 7 Sarkaghat (T) 3,706 1000 8 Baldwara (S T) 9 Sundarna!9U" (T) 10 Mandt (T) 1,369 485 11 Aut (S T) 12 Ball Chowkl (S T) 13 Thunag (T) 14 Chachyot (T) 15 Nthn (S T) 16 Karsog (T)

Hamlrpur District 2 5,877 1946 1 Tlra SUjanpur (T) 2 Nadaun (T) 4,405 1000 3 Harmrpur (T) 4 Barsar(T) 1,472 1000 5 Dhatwal (S T) 6 Bhoranj (T)

Una District 2 6,535 1658 1 Bharwam (8 T) 2 Amb(T) 2 6,535 1000 3 Bangana (T) 4 Una(T) 5 Haroh (8 T)

BIIaspur Dstnct 2 3,172 1445 1 Ghumarwm (T) 2 Jhanduta (T) 2,011 1000 3 Nama Devi (S T) 1,161 1000 4 Bllaspur Sadar (T)

Solan District 3 10,617 1164 1 Arkl (T) 1 2,877 1000 2 Ramshahr (S T) 3 Nalagarh (T) 4 Knshangarh (S T) 5 Kasauh (T) 4,990 3669 6 Solan (T) 2,750 644 7 Kandaghat (T)

S Irmaur District 1 2,527 530 1 Raj!9U"h (T) 2,527 1000 2 Nohra(8 T) 3 Pachhad (T)

95 Villages with population 5,000 and above Towns with populatIon below 5,000 Percentage to rural Percentage to urban State! DIstrlct/ TehslV population of StateiDlstnct/ populatlOn of State! Dlstnct/ Sub-tehsil Number Population T ehslVSub-tehsti Number Population TehstVSub-tehsil 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Renuka(T) 5 Dadahu (S T) 6 Nahan (T) 7 Paonta SahIb (T) 8 Kamrau (8 T) 9 8halru (T) 10 Ronhat (8 T)

Shlmla District 1 5,890 106 7 12,418 743 ] Rampur(T) 5,890 887 2 Nankharl (8 T) 3 Kumharsam (T) 713 1000 4 Seom (T) 1,529 1000 5 Shlmla Rural (T) 2,420 1000 6 8hunla Urban (T) 7 Junga(ST) 8 Theog(T) 3,754 1000 9 Chaupal (T) 1,507 1000 10 Cheta (8 T) II Nerua (8 T) 12 Jubbal (T) 1,346 1000 13 Kotkhru (T) 1,149 1000 14 Tlkar (8 T) 15 Rohru (T) 16 Chlrgaon (T) 17 Dodra K war (T)

Kmnaur District 1 Hangrang (S T) 2 Poo (T) 3 Morang(T) 4 KaJpa(T) 5 Nlchar (T) 6 8angla(T)


This table corresponds to Table A-4 of 1951, tIOn has also been gIven at the end of the statements 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 Censuses and gIves the varIation In urban populatIOn by sex, absolute decadal Class - I PopulatIOn of 100,000 and above VarIatIOn and percentage decadal vanatIOn for each town and urban agglomeratIOn durIng the hundred Class - II PopulatIon of 50,000 to 99,999 years The status of towns and the area figures of Class - III PopulatIon of 20,000 to 49,999 towns and urban agglomeratIOns are also gIven In the Class -IV PopulatIon of 10,000 to 19,999 table Class -V PopulatIon of 5,000 to 9,999 The towns have been arranged In the order of Class -VI PopulatIon of less than 5,000 populatIOn SIze and Class of towns As In 2001 all towns and urban agglomeratlons have been grouped Accordmg to mdlan Census conventlOn any Into the followmg SIX classes accordIng to populatIOn place wIth a populatIOn exceedIng 100,000 IS called SIze An alphabetIcal list of towns/urban agglomera- a CIty

98 Urban AgglomeratIon In Table A-4, the names of town and urban This was a new concept which replaced the old agglomeratIon are shown 111 column 2 The name town group concept of 1961 and was adopted at the of the dIstrIct III whIch a partICular town falls IS time of 1971 Census The necessity of such a new gIven 10 column 3 ThIS table exhIbIts the pace of concept arose due to the fact that In town group urballlsatJOn In HImachal Pradesh fight from 1901 concept of 1961 Census, It was not always the Census and corresponds to Table A-4 of 1991, contIguous urban umts that formed such a group Even 1981 and A-4 of 1971, 1961 and 1951 Censuses urban umts cut off from one another were taken and gIves seXWIse populatIOn of each town and together Ignormg the mtervenmg regIOn Under the urban agglomeration for 2001 alongwith the SimIlar concept of urban agglomeratIOn, however, emphasIs mformatlon for ear her Censuses smce 1901 The was laid on the fact of contigUIty It was ensured Census years smce 1901 are shown under column that the area compnsmg an urban agglomeration must 4 whereas the columns 5 and 6 depIct the status be a contmuous urban spread constitutmg a town and of towns and area 111 km 2 respectively The Its adJornrng urban outgrowth of two or more phYSically populatIOn figures WIth males and females breakup contiguous towns together With contInUOUS well are shown III column numbers 7,10 and 11 recogmsed urban outgrowth, If any, of such towns respeclvely Decadal vanatIon and percentage Thus there were two most Important constItuents of decadal vanahon fIgures for each town dunng urban agglomeratIon each Census year are also shown m column Number 8 and 9 The total urban populatIOn of (I) ContigUIty Himachal Pradesh for each Census smce 1901 IS (n) ViabIlIty gIven at the begmnmg of the table followed by SImIlar figures for Class -I towns and towns mcluded The area constitutmg an urban agglomeratIOn m Class-I may keep on changmg from Census to Census dependmg upon the changmg boundanes of the There IS one urban agglomeratIon Shimia ill 2001 statutory mam urban umts as well as the extent Census The consituents of Shimia urban of other urban outgrowth The concept of urban agglomeratIOn are also grouped under thIS Class There IS no town at present m the state WhICh can agglomeratIOn Introduced for the first time 10 1971 be grouped under Class-II The figure for the other has also been adopted for the 2001 Census WIth classes such as Class-III, Class -IV, Class-V and a slIght modificatlon For the formatIOn of urban Class-VI followed by figures for towns of each Class agglomeratIon for 200 I Census, the followlOg two are also presented m the SImIlar manner ClaSSIficatIOn condItions have been added for the ciassifiction oftowns/urban aggloeratIOn m thiS table IS based on of an urban area as an urban agglomeratIOn for the populatIOn figure of 2001 Census Sarahan N)\C the purpose of 2001 Census and Pandoh Census town were declaSSIfied and Dhalh NAC merged ill ShImla MUniCIpal CorporatIon ill 2001 (a) The core town or atleast one of the Census Baddt Nagar Panchayat and Mant Khas constituent towns should necessanly be a statutory Census towns were created m 2001 Census Thus town, and 56 places III HImachal Pradsh, each havmg urban (b) The total population of all the constItuents local body such as MUOIclpal CorporatIOn, MUOIcipal I e towns and outgrowths of an urban agglomeratIOn CouncIl, Nagar Panchayat, Cantonment Board and should not be less than 20,00p as per the 2001 one Census town have been treated as towns III 2001 Census Census Appendlx-1 to Table A-4 As DalhousIe urban agglomeration III 1991 Census dId not fulfil the above condition, It was New towns added ID 2001 and towns of 1991 not conSidered as urban agglomeratIOn In 2001 declassIfied III 2001 Census ThIS appendIX gIves the partIculars of area and

99 populatIOn of2001 and 1991 Censuses III respect of undergone changes In JUrISdIctIon dUrIng 1991 and new towns added III 2001 Census and towns of 1991 2001 Census The area fIgures for each such Census whIch have been declasslf'ied at the time of towns are also gIven for both III 1991 and 200 l 2001 Census alongwlth their urban status m both Censuses The reason for change tn area IS also Censuses as the case may be Two new towns have gIven III column 5 of thIS appendIX It IS seen been added In 2001 Census whereas two towns of that change III areas of the towns IS eIther due 1991 Census were declassified at the tIme of 2001 to JUrIsdlcttonal changes/completIOn of settlement Census New towns added are Baddl Nagar or due to computatIOnal errors III the last Census Panchayat and Mant Khas Census Town and The area of Shimia MUlllcipal Corporation has declassIfied towns In 2001 Census were Sarahan NAC changed after 1991 Census due to merger of and Pandoh Census Town Dhalh NAC and InClUSIOn of Its outgrowth An explanatory note showmg the names vIllages In preVIOUS Census Simllarly, the alongwith hadbast number and population as m 1991 outgrowth of J utogh CB In 1991 Census has also for each vIllage now formIng new towns and been merged In Shlmla MUnICIpal CorporatIOn In declassIfied towns are gIven at the end of thIS 2001 Census There are 9 towns whIch have appendIX undergone changes In area between 1991 and 2001 Of these, 5 towns are reported to have Appendlx-2 to Table A-4 changed theIr JUrISdIctIon, one town due to Changes In area of towns between 1991-2001 settlement whIle III the remammg 3 towns, the and reasbn thereof change In area IS on account of revised ThIS appendix shows such towns which have computations Statement-l gIves the ciasswise growth of towns and theIr populatIon smce 1901 Census The urban data IS given for the state as well for each dlstnct separately Statement -1 Growth m the number of Clbes and TOmIS and their PopulatIon ID State and DIstrIct 1901 - 2001 Class - I Class - 11 Class - III Class - IV Class - V Class - VI All Classes Year No PopulatIon No PopulatIon No PopulatIon No Population No PopulatIon No PopulatIon No PopulatIon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HImachal Pradesh 1901 1 13,960 4 27,371 16 36,001 21 77,332 1911 1 19,405 4 26,683 6 13,105 11 59,193 1921 1 27,213 - 3 18,294 8 21,01l 12 66,518 1931 1 18,144 5 32,938 13. 22,570 19 73,652 1941 1 18,348 5 37,813 16 29,938 22 86,099 1951 1 46,150 1 13,520 6 45,795 21 48,362 29 153,827 1961 1 42,597 4 46,020 7 45,436 18 44,222 30 178,2-75 1971 1 55,368 21,304 5 65,739 6 42,362 23 57,117 36 241,890 1981 1 70,604 2 40,869 5 71,985 9 64,637 30 77,876 47 325,971 1991 1 102,186 4 87,228 7 97,617 10 71,018 36 91,147 58 449,196 2001 1 142,555 6 154,046 7 113,505 16 113,669 27 71,806 57 595,581

Chamba 1901 6,000 2 4,358 3 10,358 1911 5,523 2 5,148 3 10,671 1921 5,668 2 5,835 3 11,503 1931 6,219 3 5,121 4 11,340 1941 6,597 3 6,737 4 13,334 1951 6,858 I 1,097 2 7,955 1961 8,609 3 8,579 4 17,188 1971 11,814 3 7,030 4 18,844

100 Class - I Class - II Class - III Class -IV Class - V Class - VI All Classes Year No PopulatIon No PopulatIon No PopulatIon No PopulatIOn No PopulatIOn No PopulatIOn No PopulatIon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1981 13,761 4 7,533 5 21,294 1991 17,194 6,855 3 5,840 5 29,889 2001 1 20,327 1 7,425 3 6,790 5 34,542

Kangra 1901 1 6,971 2 9,208 3 16,179 1911 6,923 6,923 1921 4,904 4,904 1931 6,359 6,359 1941 9,653 1 9,653 1951 1 13,520 1 9,933 4 15,303 6 38,756 1961 2 20,547 2 11,891 2 5,997 6 38,435 1971 10,939 2 13,991 3 9,712 6 34,642 1981 14,522 3 22,140 4 12,276 8 48,938 1991 17,493 3 26,290 4 15,566 8 59,349 2001 2 29,899 4 29,113 3 13,273 9 72,285

Kullu 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 3,694 3,694 1961 1 4,886 1 4,886 1971 8,958 1 1,800 2 10,758 1981 11,869 2 5,055 3 16,924 1991 14,569 3 6,442 4 21,011 2001 18,306 6,265 2 5,522 4 30,093

Mandl 1901 8,144 2 2,179 3 10,323 1911 7,896 I 7,896' 1921 6,870 2,554 2 9,424 1931 2 13,501 2,401 3 15,902 1941 1 9,033 2 4,474 3 13,507 1951 2 14,166 2,002 3 16,168 1961 13,034 1 5,782 2,719 3 21,535 1971 21,304 16,849 6,048 4,004 4 48,205 1981 20,780 18,706 5,033 2,738 4 47,257 1991 2 43,599 4 12,170 6 55,769 2001 -I 2 50,859 5,048 2 5,075 5 60,982

Hamrrpur 1901 1911 1921 1931

101 Class - I Class -II Class - III Class -IV Class - V Class - VI All Classes Year No Population No PopulatIon No Populatton No PopulatIon No Populatton No Population No PopulatIOn I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1941 1951 1961 1971 1 3.67l 1 3,671 1981 8797 2 7.039 3 15,836 1991 12544 5,477 2 4,665 4 22,686 2001 17,252 7,077 2 5,877 4 30,206

Una 1901 4,746 4,746 1911 1921 1931 4,398 4,398 1941 5,394 5,394 1951 5,407 5,407 1961 5,166 5,166 ,1971 6,328 4,010 2 10,338 1981 9,157 4 15,349 5 24,506 1991 12,001 2 13,265 2 7,006 5 32,272 2001 15,900 2 16,989 2 6,535 5 39,424

Btlaspur 1901 3,192 3,192 1911 1921 1931 2,387 2,387 1941 2,873 2,873 1951 3,745 3,745 1961 7,424 I 328 2 7,752 1971 7,037 2 2,461 3 9,498 1981 8,063 2 3,521 3 11,584 1991 10,609 3 6,126 4 16,735 2001 13,058 5,721 2 3,172 4 21-,951 Solan 1901 5 10,616 5 10,616 1911 4 7,957 4 7,957 1921 4 7,437 4 7,437 1931 4 6,736 4 6,736 1941 6 12,491 6 12,491 1951 IO 19,228 10 19,228 1961 6,564 5 14,418 6 20,982 1971 10,120 13,825 23,945 5, 6 1981 13,127 5,647 5 13,849 7 32,623 1991 1 21,751 2 13,304 4 12,224 7 47,279 2001 2 56,807 3 23,771 3 10,617 8 91,195

Smnaur 1901 6,256 6,256

102 Class - I Class - II Class - III Class - IV Class - V Class - VI All Classes Year No PopulatiOn No PopulatIon No Population No Population No Population No Pop ulatlon No PopulatiOn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1911 6,341 6,341 1921 5,756 5,756 1931 6,859 949 2 7,808 1941 7,136 1 803 2 7,939 1951 9431 I 946 2 10,377 1961 12,439 1 1,833 2 14,272 1971 16,017 2 4,698 3 20,715 1981 20,089 5,800 943 3 26,832 1991 21,878 13,207 2 2,989 4 38,074 2001 26,053 19,090 2,527 3 47,670

Shlmla 1901 13,960 3 1,702 4 15,662 1911 19,405 19,405 1921 27,213 281* 27,494 1931 18,144 2 578 3 18,722 1941 18,348 3 2,560 4 20,908 1951 46,150 2 2,347 3 48,497 1961 42,597 4 5,462 5 48,059 1971 55,368 4 5,906 5 61,274 1981 70,604 5 9,573 6 80,177 1991 102,186 1 5,827 9 18,119 II 126,132 2001 142,555 2 12,260 7 12,418 10 167,233

>I< The populatIOn of 281 of Kusumptl whIch was taken as part of Shlmla for 1921 Census has been shown agamst Class-VI for populatlOn purposes only Note The constituents of an urban agglomeration where the constituents were reckoned as separate towns m their own nght have been classified accordmg to their own populatIOn and not accordmg to the populatIOn of urban agglomeratiOn Where however, U As were formed With out growth, the populatIOn of the out growth (s) was added to the town whose out-growth It was The combmed population of town and out-growth(s) was taken for determmatlOn of the Class m the above statement

The number of towns m the state In 1901 was 21 1951 and 12 places of Kullu, Yol, Kangra, Nagrota, As many as 8 out of 21 towns of 1901 were decJas­ Nurpur, Paonta sahIb, PaJampur, Dharmpur, Kandagbat, slfied and Jutogh was taken as part of Shlmla In 1911 Garkhal, Arki and Theog acqUIred the urban status at Suket m Mandl dlstnct acqUIred the urban status m 1951 Census thus raISIng the total number 'of towns 1921 thus ralsmg the number of towns to 12 Seven to 29 Followmg the adoptIOn ofa umform defimtIon of more places VIZ Btlaspur, Una, DalhOUSIe, Jogmdar­ a town m all the states of the country for the first time nagar, Jutogb, Shamsherpur and KusumptI were treated In 1961 Census, 4 towns VIZ Dharmpur, Garkhal, as towns at 1931 thereby raiSIng their number to 19 Kandaghat and Sanawar were declassified from be­ because DalhOUSIe Cantonment Board and mg regarded as towns as they dId not strIctly satIszy Shamsherpur were conSidered parts of DalhOUSie ur­ the prescnbed demographiC characterstIcs laid down ban agglomeratIon and Nahan respectively With the for consIdenng a place as an urban area As a result additIon of Solan, Nalagarh and Rampur, the number of the lllclusion of DalhOUSIe cantonment, Bakloh, of towns at 1941 Census stood at 22 Durmg 1941- Jutogh, Nama Devl as town by VIrtue of theIr CIVIC 51, whereas two places of DalhOUSIe cantonment and status, the number of towns rose to 30 m 1961 Cen­ Shamsherpur were detached from their respecive umts sus Later m 1971 Census, Narkanda was declaSSIfied Kusumptl and Bakloh treated as towns at 1941 were as NotIfied Area Committee and consequently lost Its declassIfied, Jutogh was taken as part of ShImla m urban status As agamst thIS, 7 towns VIZ Hamlrpur,

103 Santokhgarh, Pan doh, Manah, Ghumarwm, Dhalh and fled and DhaBI NAC was merged m Shlffila MuniCipal Sarahan acqUIred urban status for the first time 111 CorporatIon As a result of thIS, total number of towns 1971 Census and total number of urban areas rose dechned to 57 111 2001 Census There IS preponder­ to 36 Durmg 1981 Census, 11 places have appeared ance of dlmmuttve towns 111 Himachal Pradesh As for the first tIme on the urban map of the state These many as 27 towns out of 57 come under Class-VI were Bhuntar, Chuan Khas, Daulatpur, Dera Goptpur, category of towns Of the remamtng 30 towns, 16 are Gagret, lawalamukhl, Mehatpur Basdehra, Nadaun, Class-V, 7 are Class-IV, 6 are Class-m and only one Parwanoo, Rohru and Tlra SUjanpur and none of the town Shlmla qualIfies to be considered as Class-I Durmg the 1991 Census, one urban agglomeratlOn 111 places classified as urban 111 1971 were ehmmated shtmla dlstnct compnsmg ofShlmla Mumclpal Corpo­ from the Itst of towns 111 ]981 Census Their number stood at 47 m 1981 Census In 1991 Census too, 11 ration, Jutogh CB, Dhalh NAC and 15 Villages of shtmla rural tehsll has been created The population of thiS new Notified Area Committees nemely Bhota, Talal, urban agglomeration was above one lakh and thus Sarkaghat, Rawa]sar, Banjar, Seont, Narkanda, Shlmla has quahfied to be taken as Class-I Till 1981 Kotkhal, Chaupat, lubbal and Rajgarh were created Census, there was one town 111 Class-II (Shlmla first timely and none of the urban area of1981 Census M Corp) Smce 1991 Census With the constitution of was ehmmated Thus the total number of towns m Shlmla urban agglomeration, no other town of state 1991 Census stood at 58 qualIfies to be put m thiS Class The number of There are 57 towns m HImachal Pradesh III 2001 Class-Ill towns have nsen from 4 m 1991 to 6 111 2001 Census Two new towns namely Baddl Nagar Census The number of towns 111 Class-IV rema111ed Panchayat and Mant Khas Census town were cre­ static and towns III Class-V has rIsen from 10 to 16 ated dunng 2001 Census WhIle Sarahan NAC and There are 27 towns m Class-VI as compared to 36111 Pandoh Census town of 1991 Census were declassl- 1991 Census The growth 111 the number of CIties and towns and theIr populatIOn expressed 111 mdlces With 1901 as base(1901=100) IS gIven 111 Statement-2 below Statement - 2 Gromh m the number orGtles and Towns and theIr PopulatIOn expressed In mdIces mth 1901 as base (1901=100) Percentage VarIatIon Class -1 Class -II Class -III Class -IV Class - V Class - VI All Classes No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- Year Towns hon Towns tlOn Towns tlOn Towns hon Towns tlOn Towns hon Towns hon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 1901 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 1911 39 00 -2 51 -62 50 -63 60 -4762 -23 46 1921 10000 10000 -2500 -33 16 -5000 -4164 -4286 -13 98 1931 2997 2500 2034 -1875 -3731 -952 -476 1341 314325003814 -1684 4761134 1951 6959 -315500067313125343438109892 1961 5653 30000 22966 7500 6600 1250 2284 4286 13053 1971 10000 10000 -2171 40000 31091 5000 5477 4375 5865 7143 21279 1981 2752 10000 50 18 40000 41565 12500 136 15 8750 11632 12381 321 52 1991 10000 10000 30000 22054 60000 59926 15000 15946 12500 153 18 176 19 48087 2001 3951 50000 46608 60000 71307 30000 31529 6875 9946 17143 67016 The Statement-2 gives the mformatlon regardmg towns 111 2001 SimIlar trend IS seen m the 111dlces of growth m number of clttes and towns and their popu­ number of towns It also declmed m no oftQwns and lation smce 1901 expressed m mdlces With 1901 as population of 1911 and 1961 for Class-VI towns of base (1901=100) Consldenng 1901 as base With the state whereas the number of towns decreased 100 00 mdlces, populatIOn as expressed mter number from 3125 m 1951 to 1250 m 1961 The population of mdlces dechned to 23 46 durmg the decade 1901- of Class-V towns declmed m 1901-1911 and contm­ 1911 and steadlly rose to 67016 for all classes of ued upto 1921 and It stood at 20 34 III 1931 After-

104 ward It started rIsmg gradually and attamed the level dIces have remamed above the base value wIth up- of 31529 per cent at the tIme of 2001 Census In ward trend The number of towns remamed statIC III the decade of 1911-1921, the mdlces of no of towns thIS Class A low mdlces of populatIOn m Class-III declIned to 25 00 and III subsequent decades the Ill- towns of the state IS vlslble III 1971

The followmg statement shows state and dIstrIct WIse percentage of towns III each Class to total number of towns and percentage of populatIon III each Class to total urban population from 1901 to 2001

Statement - 3 Percentage of Towns ID each class to Total Number of Towns and Percentage of PopulatIon lD each class to Total Urban PopulatIOn from 1901-2001 lD State and Dlstnct 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Class Towns PopulatIOn Towns Population Towns PopulatIon Towns PopulatIon Towns Population Towns PopulatIon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Himachal Pradesh I 175 2394 172 2275 n 213 2166 278 2289 m 1053 2586 690 1942 425 1254 278 881 333 2389 345 3000 IV 1228 1906 1207 2173 1064 2208 1389 2718 1333 2581 345 879 V 2807 1908 1724 IS 81 1915 1983 1666 1751 2334 2549 2069 2977 VI 4737 1206 6207 2029 6383 2389 6389 2361 6000 2481 72 41 3144


II III 2000 5885 IV 2000 5753 2000 6462 2500 6269 V 2000 2149 2000 2293 2500 5009 5000 8621 VI 6000 1966 6000 1954 8000 3538 7500 3731 7500 4991 5000 13 79


II III IV 2222 4136 1250 2947 1250 2967 1667 3158 3333 5346 1667 3488 V 4445 4028 3750 4430 3750 4524 3333 4039 3333 3094 1667 2563 VI 3333 1836 5000 2623 5000 2509 5000 2803 3334 1560 6666 3949

KulJu I II III IV 2500 6083 2500 6934 3333 7013 V 2500 2082 5000 8327 VI 5000 1835 7500 3066 6667 2987 5000 1673 100 00 10000 100 00 10000

Mandl I II III 4000 8340 3333 7818 2500 4397 2500 4419 IV 2500 3958 2500 3495 3334 6052 V 2000 828 2500 1065 2500 1255 3333 2685 6667 8762 VI 4000 832 6667 2182 2500 580 2500 831 3333 1263 3333 1238

105 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Class Towns PopulatIOn Towns PopulatIon Towns Population Towns Population Towns Population Towns PopulatIon I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 HarOirpur

II III IV 2500 5711 2500 5530 V 2500 2343 2500 2414 3333 5555 VI 5000 1946 5000 2056 6667 4445 10000 10000

Una I II III IV 2000 4033 2000 3719 V 4000 4309 4000 41 10 2000 3737 5000 61 21 10000 10000 10000 100 00 VI 4000 1658 4000 21 71 8000 6263 5000 3879


II III IV 2500 5949 2500 6339 V 2500 2606 3333 6960 3333 7409 5000 9577 VI 5000 1445 7500 3661 6667 3040 6667 2591 5000 423 10000 100 00

Solan I II III 2500 6229 1429 46 OJ IV 1429 4024 1667 4226 V 3750 2607 2857 2814 1428 1731 1667 3128 VI 3750 1164 5714 2585 7143 4245 8333 5774 8333 6872 10000 10000

Smnaur I II III 3334 5465 2500 5746 3334 7487 IV 3333 4005 2500 3469 3333 7732 5000 8716 V 3333 2162 5000 9088 VI 3333 530 5000 785 3333 351 6667 2268 5000 1284 5000 912

Shtmla 1 10 00 8524 909 8102 II 1667 8806 2000 9036 III 2000 8863 3333 9516 IV V 2000 733 909 462 VI 7000 743 8182 1436 8333 1194 8000 964 8000 11 37 6667 484

106 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Class Towns Population Towns PopulatIOn Towns PopulatIOn Towns PopulatIOn Towns Populatton 1 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 HImachal Pradesh I II m 833 4091 IV 455 2131 526 2463 909 32 '18 476 1805 V 227.3 4392 2632 4472 2500 2750 3636 4508 1905 3540 VI 72 73 3477 6842 3064 6667 3159 5455 2214 7619 465S

Chamba I II III IV V 2500 4948 2500 5484 3333 4927 3333 5176 3333 5793 VI 1500 5052 1500 4516 6667 5073 6667 4824 6667 4207

Kangra I II III IV V 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 3333 4309 VI 10000 10000 6667 5691




II III IV V 3333 6688 6667 8490 5000 72 90 10000 10000 5000 7889 VI 6667 3312 3333 1510 5000 2710 6667 21 11

Hrumrpur I II III IV V VI


107 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Class Towns Populatlon Towns Populatlon Towns Populatlon Towns PopulatIOn Towns Populatlon 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 IV V 10000 10000 VI 10000 10000 10000 10000


II III IV V VI 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 100 00


II III IV V VI 10000 10000 100 00 10000 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 10000 100 00

Sinnaur I II III IV V 5000 8989 5000 8785 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 VI 5000 1011 5000 12 15


II III 10000 9898 IV 2500 8776 3333 9691 10000 10000 2500 8913 V VI 7500 1224 6667 309 '" 1 02 7500 1087 ,. The populatIOn of281 of Kasumptl which was taken as part of Shlmla for 1921 Census has been shown agamst Class-VI for poputa­ tIon purposes only

ThIS statement reveals that Class-VI towns m In Shlmla dlstnct (70 00 per cent) followed by Chamba 2001 Census alone claIm 4737 per cent of the total (6000 per cent) dIstnct and Kullu, Hamlrpur and number of towns In the state and theIr share m the Bdaspur (50 00 per cent each) but the percentage of total urban populatIon IS merely 12 06 per cent ThIS urban populatlon hVIng m such towns IS barely 7 43 IS maInly due to the fact that most of the towns are per cent m ShImla, 19 66 per cent m Chamba and havmg semI urban characterstlcs 23 94 per cent of urban populatIOn whIch makes up 1 75 per cent of 18 35 per cent III Kullu Class-IV and Class-V the total number of towns lives m smgle Class I town together claIm 50 00 per cent of total number oftowns of ShImla MuncIpal CorporatIon 9ass III towns have In Kullu, Hamlrpur and Bllaspur and 66 67 per cent the maXImum share of the urban populatIOn (25 86 III Kangra and 60 00 per cent III Una dlstnct In Mandl per cent) followed by Class - V (19 08 per cent) and dlstnct 83 40 per cent of the total urban populatIOn Class - IV (1906 per cent) hves m Class - III towns SImIlarly 85 24 per cent of DIstrIct wIse pOSItIon shows that the proportIon the urban population Shlmla dIstrIct lIves m Shlmla of the number of towns In Class - VI IS the maxImum town whIch IS the only Class - I town III the state

108 Statement-4 gIven hereunder shows a comparatIve pIcture of 1991 and 2001 Census figures perta1l11l1g to perccentage of area of towns III each Class to total urban area of the state and densIty of populatIOn per sq km III each Class Statement - 4 Percentage of Area of Towns In each class to Total Urban area of State and DIstriCts and DenSIty of PopulatIon per 89 km In each class 2001 1991 Percentage of area to total Percentage of area to total Size Class urban area DenSity per km 2 urban area DenSity per km 2 1 2 3 4 5 HImachal Pradesh I 1239 4,842 1310 3,123 n m 1736 3,670 1137 2,843 IV 2091 2,246 1803 2,007 V 2209 2,129 2096 1,183 VI 2725 1,054 3654 883 Chamba

II III 2088 4,694 IV 2088 3,971 V 3655 980 5641 735 VI 4257 769 2271 870

Kangra I II III IV 4783 1,774 3097 1,646 V 2816 2,935 4106 1,866 VI 2401 1,403 2797 1,621

Kullu I II III IV 4802 2,740 4795 2,181 V 3041 1,542 VI 2157 2,088 5205 889

Mandl I II III 5846 3,235 5441 2,773 IV V 1581 1,188 VI 2573 733 4559 924 Hamlrpur I II III IV 4509 3,292 3756 2,394 V 2608 2,336 2172 1,808 VI 2883 1,808 4072 8,213



109 2001 1991

Percentage 0 f area to total Percentage of area to total Size Class urban area Denslt) per km 2 urban area Den',,!) per km 2 2 3 4 5 III IV 2425 3199 1267 2,415 V 3236 2562 2753 1228 VI 4339 735 5980 299


II III IV 6093 1,230 6093 999 V 1779 1,&45 VI 2128 855 3907 900


II III 3952 4,323 1879 3,520 IV V 3832 1,866 51 51 785 VI 2216 1,441 2970 1,251

Strmaur I II III 5162 2,967 4924 2,492 IV 3633 3,089 3466 2,137 V VI 1205 1,233 1610 1,041

~hlJllla 6633 4,842 6983 3,123 II III IV V 698 3,892 VI 2669 830 3017 1,031

It may be seen from Statement-4 that the pro- data It IS observed that Class-I town has reported portIOn of area of town m Class-I has slIghtly de- highest denSIty of 4,842 persons per sq km Class- creased from 13 10 per cent m 1991 to 1239 per III have reported the denSity of 3,670 persons per cent Il1 2001 due to Increase In the area of other sq km followed by 2,246 persons per sq km 10 classes In case of other Class of towns, a vanatlon Class-IV, 2,129 persons 111 Class-V and 1,054 per- m area between 1991 and 2001 Censuses has been sons In Class-VI towns of the state Interestmgly, notIced It IS due to the fact that one new Census whereas,the proportIOn of area figures by SIze Class town and One Nagar Panchayat has been constI- of towns shows both Increasmg and decreasmg trcnd tuted and one N A C and one Census town has been but the densIty of populatIOn 10 the state has Increased declassified dunng 200 I Census Moreover Dhallt In all Classes of towns 111 2001 Census SImilar trend N A C has been merged 111 Shlmla MUOlclpal Corpo- IS vIsible 111 the percentage of area of towns 1I1 each ration and a few towns have moved from one par- Class to totdl urban area and denSity ofpopulatlOn per tlcular Class to anothcr Class 10 2001 from the above sq km In dIstncts also In 2001 Census

110 The mformatIOn pertammg to number and populatIOn of cItIes and towns of 1991 and 200 I Censuses arranged m SIX Classes I to VI at state and dIstncts level IS gIven 10 the Statement-5 below

Statement - 5 Number and Population of CIties and Towns of 1991 and 2001 Censuses arranged ID SIX Classes I to VI Percentage Increase! Percentage 2001 1991 Increase and decrease m mcrease/ No of Total No of Total decrease In populatIOn decrease StatelDlstnct Class of Towns towns Population towns PopulatIOn No of Towns of class 1991- 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Himachal All Classes 57 595,581 58 449,196 -172 146,385 3259 Pradesh Total Class I 1 142,555 1 102,186 40,369 3951 (a) CIties With one million and above population (b) Cities With 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIon (c) Cities With 100,000 to 499,999 1 142,555 1 102,186 40,369 3951

Class II

Class III 6 154,046 4 87,228 5000 66,818 7660

Class IV 7 113,505 7 97,617 15,888 1628

Class V 16 113,669 10 71,018 6000 42,651 6006

Class VI 27 71,806 36 91,147 -2500 -19,341 -2122

Chwba All Classes 5 34,542 5 29,889 4,653 1557

Total Class I (a) CIties With one mllhon and above populatIOn (b) CIties With 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIon (c) Cities With 100,000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III 20,327 10000 20,327 1000.0

Class IV 17, I 94 -10000 -17,194 -10000

Class V 7,425 6,855 570 832

Class VI 3 6,790 3 5,840 950 1627

Kangra All Classes 9 72,285 8 59,349 1250 12,943 21 81

Total Class I (a) Cities With one mllhon and above populatIOn (b) Cities With 5,00,000 to 999,999 population (c) Cities With 100,000 to 499,999 Class II

111 Percent~ Increase! Percentage 2001 1991 Increase and decrease In Increase/ No of Total No of Total decrease In populatlOn decrease State/Dlstnct Class of Towns towns PopulatlOn towns PopulatlOn No of Towns of class 1991- 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Class HI

Class IV 2 29,899 17,493 10000 12,406 7092

Class V 4 29,113 3 26,290 3333 2,823 1074

Class VI 3 13,273 4 15,566 -2500 -2,293 -1473

Kullu All Classes 4 30,093 4 21,011 9,082 4322

Total Class I (a) CItIes wIth one mllhon and above population (b) CitIes wIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIon (c) CItIes wIth 100,000 to 499,999

Cldss II

Class III

Class IV 18,306 14,569 3,737 2565

Class V 6,265 10000 6,265 10000

Class VI 2 5,522 3 6,442 -3333 -920 -]428

Mandl All Classes 5 60,982 6 55,769 -1667 5,213 935

Total Class I (a) CItIes wIth one mlilton and above population (b) CItIes wIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIOn (c) CItIes wIth 100,000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III 2 50,859 2 43,599 7,260 1665

Class IV

Class V 5,048 10000 5,048 10000

Class VI 2 5,075 4 12,170 -5000 -7,095 -5830

Hamtrpur All Classes 4 30,206 4 22,686 7,529 3315

Total Class I (a) CItIes wIth one mlilton and above populatIOn (b) CIties wIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIOn

112 Percentag: Increasel Percentage 2001 1991 Increase and decrease 10 1Ocrease/ No of Total No of Total decrease 10 populatIon decrease StateiDIstnct Class of Towns towns PopulatIon towns PopulatIon No of Towns of class 1991· 2001 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (c) CItIes wIth 100,000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III

Class IV 17,252 12,544 4,708 3753

Class V 7,077 5,477 1,600 2921

Class VI 2 5,877 2 4,665 1,212 2598

Una All Classes 5 39,424 5 32,272 7,152 2216 1 otal Uass 1 (a) CItIes With one mllhon and above populatIon (b) CIties WIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIon (c) CitIes WIth 100,000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III

Class IV 15,900 12,001 3,899 3249

Class V 2 16,989 2 13,265 3,724 28 07

Class VI 2 6,535 2 7,006 ·471 ·672

Bdaspur All Classes 4 21,951 4 16,735 5,216 31 17 Total Class I (a) CIties With one mllhon and above populatIon (b) CItIes WIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIOn Cc) CIties WIth 100,000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III

Class IV 13,058 10,609 2,449 2308

Class V 5,721 10000 5,721 10000

Class VI 2 3,1J2 3 6,126 ·3333 ·2,954 ·4822

Solan All Classes 8 91,195 7 47,279 1429 43,916 9289 Total Class I (a) CItIes WIth one Imlhon and above population

113 Percentage Increase! Percentage 2001 ]99] Increase and decrease m mcrease/ No of Total No of Total decreasem populatIon decrease StateIDlstnct Class of Towns towns PopulatIon towns PopulatIon No of Towns of class 1991- 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (b) CItIes wIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIon (c) Clues wIth 100000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III 2 56,807 21,751 10000 35,056 161 17

Class IV

ClassY 3 23,771 2 13,304 5000 10,467 7868

Class VI 3 10,617 4 12,224 -2500 -1,607 -13 15

Smnaur All Classes 3 47,670 4 38,074 -2500 9,596 2520

Total Class I (a) Clttes with one millIon and above populatIOn (b) CitIes wIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIOn (c) CItIes wIth 100,000 to 499,999

Class II

Class III 26,053 21,878 4,175 1908

Class IV 19,090 13,207 5,883 4454

Class V

Class VI 2,527 2 2,989 -5000 -462 -1546

Shtmla All Classes 10 167,233 11 126,132 -909 41,101 3259

Total Class I 142,555 102,186 40,369 3951 (a) CIties with one millIon and above population (b) CIties wIth 5,00,000 to 999,999 populatIon (c) CItIes with 100,000 to 499,999 142,555 102,186 40,369 3951


Class JIl

Class IV

Class V 2 12,260 5,827 10000 6,433 11040

Class VI 7 12,418 9 18,119 -2222 5,701 -3146 Note The constltutents of an urban agglomeration have been clasSified accordmg to their own popUlation and not accordmg to the population of the urban agglomeration except In such cases where an urban agglomeration compnses a smgle town alongwlth Its outgrowth

114 It may be seen from Statement-5, that the number decade 1991-2001 though Yol C B has crossed to of towns 111 the state decreased from 58 m 1991 to 57 Class-IV Jutogh C B has lost ItS status of Class-V In 2001 In thIS statement the Class-I towns have town of 1991 and became Class-VI town III 2001 been further dIvIded In three category No town eXIsts Census The populatIOn of Class-V has mcreased by m the state m first two categones of Class-I towns 60 06 per cent due to addItIon of SIX towns m thIS Class and only state headquarter town ShImla MumcIpal In case of Class-VI towns, the populatIon has dechned CorporatIon falls m the thIrd category of Class-I town by (-) 21 22 per cent due to fall m number of towns wIth populatIon of 142,555 persons The number of from 36 m 1991 to 27 10 2001 Census either due to towns m Class one remamed same 111 1991 and 2001 shrftmg of towns to upper Class or declasSIficatIon of but ItS population has mcreased by 39 51 per cent In towns Mant Khas Census town was newly created the case of Class-III and Class-IV towns theIr m 200] m Class-V while Sabathu C Band Rohru, population has 111creased by 7660 per cent and 1628 Manall, Ghumarw1l1, Nagrota Bhagwan and per cent respectIVely One town Chamba has changed Jogmdarnagar NotIfied Area CommIttees and Rampur Its Class from Class-IV III 1991 to Class-III III 2001 MUnICipal CommIttee WhIch were Class-VI towns III Census whIle Baddl Nagar Panchayat IS newly created 1991 have shIfted to Class-V m 2001 A declmmg trend town dunng 2001 whIch mCldentally falls m Class-III has been noted m the case of Class-VI towns m the Number of towns m Class-IV unchanged dunng the most of the dIstncts

The proportIon ofpopulatlOn III each Class of towns to total urban populatIOn m 2001 and 1991 Census IS shown m Statement-6 gIven below

Statement - 6 ProportIOn of Population In each Class of TO\\1lS to Total Urban PopulatIOn m 2001-1991 State Class of Towns 2001 1991 2 3 4

Himachal Pradesh All Classes 10000 10000

Total Class - r 2394 227S (a) Cities With population over I milhon

(b) CIties WIth populatlOnJ() 5 to 1 mllhon

(c) CIties With population 0 1 to 5 2394 2275 mllhon

Class -II

Class -III 2586 1942

Class -IV - VI 5020 5783

Note The Constituents of an urban agglomeration have been clasSified according to their own population and not according to the population of the urban agglomeratIOn except m such cases where an urban agglomeratIon compnsed of a SIngle town alongwlth Its outgrowth

It reveals that the pn;>portlOn of populatIOn III SImdarly III Class-III In Classes IV to VI the Class - I town has margmally mcreased from 22 75 proportIon of populatlOl1 decreased from 57 83 per per cent III 1991 to 23 94 per cent m 2001 Census cent to 5020 per cent ll1 1991 to 2001 Census

115 Statement-7 gIves an Idea about the movement of cItIes and towns from one Class to another durmg 1991-2001 Statement - 7 Movement of CItIes and Towns from one c1as s to another durmg 1991-2001 (a) Indicates number and populatIon of towns which a particular class of2001 has received by a process of decrement from the next higher class range(s) of 1991 ( b) Indicates number and populatIon of towns which a partIcular class of2001 has received by a process of mcrement from the next lower or any other lower range of 1991 (c) Indicates number and populatIOn of towns which a particular class of 1991 has passed down by a process of decrement to the next lower or any other lower ranp;e of2001 (mcrement and decrement of towns m the statement relate to theIr temtonal content m 2001) I II III IV ~ !:: !:: !:: ~ !:: !:: !:: 0 ~ o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ c:s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - til til en :; State/ ""5 ""5 til 1""""'1 ::s - -a

(c) Kullu (a) (b) (c) - " Mandl (a) (b) (c) Hamrrpur (a) (b) (c) Una (a) (b) (c) -, Bllaspur (a) (b) (c)

116 ..... I II III IV o .... ::: c c Q~ 0= 0= 0= 0 0 0= =0 ....0 o e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] o:s 0lJ cu

..... V VI (Not treated as town m 2001 o .... c $:) c c 0= 0 9 0 0= 9 Q 5 ..... ~ .... o S ~ ~ o:s o:s ~ o:s 01) Q)

117 ..... V VI (Not treated as town ill 2001 o _ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 o E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bJl CI) ~ en "3 "3 en .- "3 ;:::I en "3 ...... "3 State/ CI) > p., p., p., p., p., p., t;j 0 ~ 0- -0 '"

Statement-7 reveals that Chamba MUlllclpal Class-VI towns VIZ Rohru, Manah, Ghumarwm, CouncIl a Class-IV town III 1991 Census has moved Nagrota Bagwan, Jogmdarnagar, Nagar Panchayats, to Class-III town durlOg 2001 Census while newly Sabathu C Band Rampur M Cl all Class-VI towns created Baddl Nagar Panchayat III 2001 straight In 1991 have moved to Class-V 10 2001 Census Jomed Class-III group of towns on the baSIS of ItS Class-VI towns of 1991 Census VIZ Sarahan N A C, population SimIlarly Yol C B a Class-V town 10 1991 and Pandoh Census town lost theIr status due to has moved to Class-IV town 10 2001 Newly created declassIficatIOn and DhaBI N A C has been merged Mant Khas Census town 10 2001 Census and 7 III Shlmla M Corp III 2001 Census

Statement-8 shows the name of towns which have not changed theIr Class - between 1911 and 2001 Statement - 8 Name of towns much haw not changed their class between 1911 and 2001 (Name With ill bracket illdlcates the dlstnct ill which the town IS situated No name IS given With ill bracket where the name ofthe town IS the same as that of the Dlstnct) Size Class ill 1911 and 2001 Name of Town 1 2 VI Kasauh (CB) (Solan) VI Dag;hru (CB) (Solan)

It can be seen from above statement that two Boards III Solan distrIct have not changed their Class­ towns of state VIZ Kasaull and Dagshal Cantonment between 1911 and 2001

118 The number and populatIOn of places not treated by state/distrIct and size III Himachal Pradesh IS gIVen as towns III 1991 but treated as such III 2001 arranged as hereunder - Statement - 9 Number & PopulatIOn of places not treated as Town ID 1991 but treated as such m 2001 arranged by State/Dlstrrct & size class Total Class - I Class - II Class - III Class -IV Class - V Class - VI Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- State/District No !Ion No !Ion No tlon No tlOn No tlOn No tlon No hon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 II 12 13 14 15 Himachal 2 27,835 1 22,601 1 5,234 Pradesh

1 Chamba

2 Kangra 5,234 5,234

3 Kullu

4 Mandl

6 Una

7 BIlaspur

8 Solan 22,601 22,601

9 Srrmaur

10 Shlmla Two towns wIth total populatIOn of 27,835 persons as Census town III 2001 whereas Baddl Nagar Panchayat have been created newly ill 2001 Census Mant Khas With the populatIon of 22,601 person ill Class - mtown WIth the populatIon of5,234 ill Class - V town was treated has been newly constItuted/notIfied ill 2001 Census Statement -10 gIven hereunder shows percentage vanatlOn of populatIOn durIng the decade 1991 - 2001 III respect of those places WhICh were not treated as towns III 1991 but treated as such III 2001 classIfied by SIze Class - Statement - 10 Percentage VariatIon of PopulatIon 1991 - 2001 of places mnch were nottreated as Towns ID 1991 buttreatedas such ID 2001 claSSified by State/District and Size Class Percentage variatIOn In 2001 populalOn over 1991 Ie 2001- Class Number of towns PopulatIOn In 1991 PopulatIOn In 2001 1991 xl00/1991 1 2 3 4 5 Kangra DistrIct V 4,455 5,234 1749 Solan DIstnct III NA 22,601 NA Note 1991 population III respect of villages which have been partially merged III newly created Baddl town IS not avaIlable Therefore N A (Not avaIlable) have been given In col 3 & 5

As per above statement, two new towns one Census VIZ Baddl Nagar Panchayat In Solan dIstrIct each In Class-III and Class-V were created In 2001 and Mant Khas Census town In Kangra dIstrIct In

119 the case of Baddl Nagar Panchayat, populatIOn of aVaIlable m respect of those vIllages WhIch were 1991 Census could not be worked out as It was not partIally merged In thIS town

Statement -11 "hows the percentage vanatIon of populatIOn durmg 1991 - 2001 of places treated as towns In 1991 but removed from the hst of townc; In 2001 Census classified by size Class - 111 the state Statement -11 Percentage VarIatIOn of PopulatIOn 1991 - 2001 of places treated as To"n III 1991 but removed from the hst ofTomIS III 2001 classified by State/Dl!ltnct and Size Class Percentage vanatlOn In 2001 populalOn over 19911 e Class Number oftowns Population In 1991 PopulatIOn In 2001 2001·1991 xlO0/1991 2 3 4 5 Mandl district VI 3,519 NA NA Smuaur dlstnct VI 1,209 NA NA i'

Pandoh Census town In Mandl dlstnct and cntena of being treated as Nagar Panchayat and Sarahan N A C In Sirmaur dIstrIct \\-ere declassified Census town Dhalh N A C of ShImla dlstnct was as Villages In 200 I Census as they dId not satIsfy the merged In Shimla MUl11clpal CorporatIon 2001 Census Statement -12 gIves valuable InfOrmatIOn about the number of towns of each Class - during 1901 - 2001

S tatement-12 Number ofTomIS of each class durmg 1901 - 2001 (Urban AgglomeratIOn has been classified accordmg to Total Populaton) Size Class 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Himachal Pradesh

All Classes 56 5S 46 35 29 29 20 17 12 11 20

Class -I

Class - n 1 1 Class -Ill 6 4 2 1 1

Class -IV 7 7 5 5 4 1 1 1

Class -v 16 9 9 7 8 6 5 5 3 4 4

Class VI 26 34 29 21 16 21 14 11 8 6 15


All Uasses 5 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3

Uass - I

Clas~ -11

Uass -Ill

(.lass -IV

Class V 2

Class VI 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2

120 SIZe Class 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Kangra

AIlUasses 9 II II 6 6 6 3

Uass -1

Class - 11

Uass -111

Class -IV 2 2

Uass -V 4 3 3 2 2 1 1

Class VI 3 4 4 3 2 4 Kullu

All Uasses 4 4 3 2

Uass -1

Uass ·11

Uass -Ill

Class -IV

Class -V

Class VI 2 3 2


All Uasses 5 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2

Uass -I

Class -11

Class -1Il 2 2

Class -IV

Uass -V 2 2

Class VI 2 4 2 Hamrrpur

All Classes 4 4 3

Class -1

Class -11

Class -111

Uass -IV

Uass -V

Class VI 2 2 2


All Uasses 5 5 5 2 Uass -1

Uass - 11

Class -111

121 SIze Class 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Class -IV

Class -V 2 2

Class VI 2 2 4


All Classes 4 4 3 3 2

Class -1

Class - Il

Class -111

Class -IV

Class -V 1

Class VI 2 3 2 2


All Classes 1:1 7 7 6 6 10 6 4 4 4 5 Class -'1

Class -11

Class -111 2

Class -IV

Class -V 3 2

Class VI 3 4 5 5 5 10 6 4 4 4 5


All Classes 3 4 3 3 2 2

Class -1

Class -11

Class -Ill

Class -IV

Class -V

Class VI 2 2


All Classes 9 9 6 5 5 3 4 3 4 Class -1

Class -ll

Class -Ill

Class -IV

Class -V 2

Class Vi 6 IS 5 4 4 2 3 2 3 ThIS statement IS deSIgned to show state and dlstnct wIse number of towns In each Class of town SInce 1901 Census

122 Statement-13 presents the percentage of towns percentage to total urban populatIon III each census In each Class - to total number of towns and theIr year from 1901 to 2001 Statement -13 Percentage of Towns ID each class to Total No of Towns and perLentage of PopulatIon ID each class to Total Urban PopulatIOn (Urban AgglomeratIon has been classified accordmg to Total PopulatIon) 2001 1991 1981. 1971 1961 1951 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- State Class Towns !Jon Towns tlOn Towns twn Towns tlOn T01WlS tlon Towns hon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hunachal All 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Pradesh Classes

179 2434 182 2457

II 2 17 22 4,0 2 86 23 70

III 1071258672719424351254286 881 34524733453000

IV 1250 19061273 21731087 22081428 27181379 2581 345 879

V 2857 19091636 1451 1957 19832000 17512759 25492069 2977

VI 4643 1165 6182 1977 6304 2315 6000 2280 5517 2397 7241 3144

1941 1931 1921 19lJ 1901 Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- No of Popula- State Class Towns hon Towns tlOn Towns tlon Towns tlon Towns tlOn 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 HImachal All 10000 10000 10000 100 00 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Pradesh Classes


III 833 4091

IV 500 2205 588 2527 909 3278 500 1854

v 2500 4485 2941 4601 2500 2750 3636 4508 2000 3539

VI 7000 3310 6471 2872 6667 3159 5455 2214 7500 4607 It reveals the percentage of town m each constituent unit of Jutogh C B whIch IS a Class - Class to total number of towns and percentage VI town Due to thIS the percentage of town III of populatIon m each Class to total urban popu­ each Class has been calculated based on 56 latIOn by classlfymg the urban agglomeratIOn ac­ towns Instead of 57 towns m 2001 Census and cordIng to total populatIon There was one urban therefore proportion of towns In each Class have agglomertlOn Shlmla In 2001 Census compnsIng a mcreased margmally

123 EXPIANATORY NOTE TO APPFNDIX-l Statement shomng the land revenue record number (Hadbast Number) name and populatIOn, as m 1991 for each Village now constltutmg the town ID respect of each town Partlculars of constituent Villages DIstnct Name of Town Name Hadbast No Population 1991 2 3 4 5 Kangra Mant Khas (CT) 1 Mant Khas 364 4,455 Solan Baddl (NP) 1 Judi Khurd 209 NA 2 Baddl Sitalpur 204 NA 3 Judi Kalan 210 NA 4 Sura] Ma]ra Gu]ran 208 NA 5 Katha 211 NA 6 Dhakru MaJra 212 NA 7 Bhatauh Khurd 213 NA 8 Bhatauh Kalan 214 NA 9 Dharampur 193 NA 10 Bllanwall Labana 207 NA 11 Harlpur sandol! 206 NA 12 Bllanwah gu]ran 198 NA 13 Karuwana 197 NA 14 Gularwala 194 NA 15 SuraJ M aJra labana 205 NA I Note The populatIOn figures of 1991 Census In respect of villages which have been partly merged wIth new towns are not available In such cases N A , which stands for not aVailable has been shown In coulmn 5 Statement shomng the land revenue record number (Hadbast Number) name and populatIOn, as ID 1991 for each Village mllch were the consbtutents of declassified town after 1991 Census Particulars of constItuent Villages Dlstnct Name of Town Name Hadbast No Population 1991 2 3 4 5 Mandl Pandoh CT 1 Pandoh 325 NA 2 Seyog 326 NA Smnaur Sarahan NAC 1 Sarahan 263 NA Note The populatIOn figures of 1991 Census IS respect of above Villages which were the constituents ofthe towns now declasSIfied after 1991 Census IS not available In such cases N A , which stands for not avaIlable has been shown In coulmn 5

124 AlphabetIcal List of TownsfUrban AgglomeratIOn Senal Name of Town! Class! Number Urban AgglomeratIOn Dlstnct Senal Number Page No 2 3 4 5

Arkl (NP) Solan VI/12 158 2 Baddl (NP) Solan HIlS 153 3 Bakloh (CB) Chamba VII17 159 4 BanJar (NP) Kullu VII23 160 5 BhOta (NP) Hamlrpur VI120 159 6 Bhuntar (NP) Kullu VII5 158 7 BJiaspur (M Cl) Bllaspur IV/6 154 8 Chamba (M Cl) Chamba III/6 153 9 Chaupal (NP) Shlmla VII19 159 10 Chuarl Khas (NP) Chamba VIllI 158 11 Dagshal (CB) Solan VI/13 159 12 Dalhousie (M Cl) Chamba V/7 156 13 Dalhousie (CB) Chamba VI/16 159 14 Daulatpur (NP) Una VI/9 158 IS Dera Goplpur (NP) Kangra VI/4 158 16 Dharmsala (M CI) Kangra IV/I 153 17 Gagret (NP) Una VIII0 158 18 Ghumarwm (NP) Bilaspur V/ll 156 19 Hamupur (M Cl) Hamlrpur IV/4 154 20 Jawalamukhl (NP) Kangra VII2 158 21 Jogmdarnagar (NP) Mandl VII 6 157 22 Jubbal (NP). Shlmla VI122 160 23 lutogh (CB) Shlmla VI/ib lSI 24 Kangra (M CI) Kangra V/2 155 25 Kasauh (CB) Solan VIII 157 26 Kotkhal (NP) Shtmla VI/25 160 27 Kullu (M CI) Kullu IV/3 154 28 Manah (NP) Kullu VIlO 156 29 Mandl (M Cl) Mandl IIl/2 152 30 Mant Kbas Len Kangra VIIS 157 31 Mehatpur fjasdehra (NP) Una V/4 156 32 Nadaun (NP) Hamlrpur VI/3 158 33 Nagrota Bagwan (NP) Kangra VI 13 15:7 34 Nahan (M Cl) Slrmaur III/3 152 35 Nama Devl (M CI) BJlaspur VI/24 160 36 Nalagarh (M CI) Solan VII 155 37 Narkanda (N P) Shlmla VI126 160 38 Nurpur eM Cl) Kangra V/3 155 39 Palampur (M CI) Kangra VI/6 158 40 Paonta Sahib (M Cl) Slrmaur IV/2 154 41 Parwanoo (M Cl) Solan .V/5 156 42 RaJgarh (NP) Slrmaur VIII 4 159 43 Rampur (M Cl) Shtmla VII 4 157 44 Rawalsar (NP) Mandt VII2I 160 45 Rohru (NP) Shtmla V/9 156 46 Sabathu (CB) Solan V/12 156 47 Santokhgarh (NP) Una V/6 156

125 Alphabetical List of Towns/Urban Agglomeration SemI Name of Townl Classl Number Urban Agglomeration Dlstnct Senal Number P~No 2 3 4 5

48 Sarkaghat (NP) Mandl Vl/8 158 49 Seom (NP) Shlmla VI/18 159 50 Shlmla (M Corp) Shlmla lIla 151 51 Solan (M CI) Solan IIIIl 152 52 Sundarnagar (M CI) Mandl IIl/4 153 53 Talal (NP) Btlaspur VIII 5 159 54 Theog (M CI) Shlmla VII7 158 55 TIra SUJanpur (N P) HamlTpur V/8 156 56 Una (M CI) Una lV/S 154 57 Yol (CB) Kangra IVI7 154

Urban AgglomeratIOn

Shlmla U A Shlmla III lSI


80 - 80

70 - 70

:z :z 0 60 60 0 l- I- « 50 50 « c:::: c:::: « « > 40 40 > w "- w (.9 (.9 « • 30 « l- I- :z :z w w 0 20 20 0 c:::: c:::: w w a.. 10 10 a..

_I _I « «

~ - 0 0 ------r- - --, - - -- .------~ --- - - r 0 0 « « <-) ...- ...- <-) N C") ..q- L() W CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') en CJ') CJ') CJ') en C> w -10 ...-, ...-, ...-, ..-, ....., ...-, ...... , ...--, ...-, C';J -10 0 ~ ..- 0 0 N M ..q- L() <0 r- oc CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') CJ') -20 J -20 0 E C A 0 A L Y E A R S -30 -30

127 HIMACHAL PRADESH U.A.ITOWNS BY SIZE & CLASS OF POPULATION N o Boundaries: International . .. State. District ......

KILOMETRES 20 o 20 40

- z



CLASS III (20000 • 49999)

CLASS IV (10000 • 19999)



• 0 76 East of Greenwich


Aream VanatlOn smce the SI Census Urban square p receedmg census No AgglomeratIon State I D Istnct year status kIlometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AlLClASSFS - IU A. AND 55 TOWNS AIL TOWNS HIMACHAL PRADFS H 1901 77,332 48,335 28,997 1911 59,193 -18,139 -2346 39,491 19,702 1921 66,518 +7,325 +1237 44,648 21,870 1931 73,652 +7,134 +1072 48,433 25,219 1941 86,099 +12,447 +1690 55,847 30,252 1951 153,827 +67,728 +7866 92,442 61,385 1961 14221 178,275 +24,448 +1589 108,063 70,212 1971 15542 241,890 +63,615 +3568 138,334 103,556 1981 21214 325,971 +84,081 +3476 181,600 144,371 1991 26982 449,196 +123,225 +3780 245,274 203,922 2001 24171 595,581 +146,385 +3259 331,867 263,714 ClASS - I (100,000 and above) - I U A

1991 3534 110,360 63,661 46,699 2001 2994 144,975 +34,615 +3137 82,840 62,135

ShlmlaU A Shlmla @1901 14,335 10,543 3,792 1911 19,405 +5,070 +3537 14,107 5,298 1921 27,213 +7,808 +4024 20,805 6,408 1931 18,614 -388,597 -3159 13,999 4,615 1941 18,982 +368 +198 13,920 5,062 1951 46,150 +27,168 +143 13 29,735 16,415 1961 1955 44,084 -2,066 -448 27,615 16,469 1971 2166 57,323 +13,239 +3003 34,371 22,952 1981 2166 73,004 +15,681 +2736 43,628 29,376 1991 3534 110,360 +37,356 +51 17 63,661 46,699 2001 2994 144,975 +34,615 +3137 82840 62,135

(a) Shlmla Shlmla @1901 13,960 10,256 3,704 1911 19,405 +5,445 +390 14,107 5,298 1921 27,213 +7,808 +4024 20,805 6,408 1931 18,144 -509,069 -3333 13,667 4,477 1941 18,348 +204 +1 12 13,436 4,912 1951 46,150 +27,802 +15153 29,735 16,415 1961 MC ]813 42,597 -3,553 -770 26,667 15,930 1971 M Corp 2025 56,032 +13,435 +3154 33,692 22,340 1981 M Corp 2025 71,608 +]5,576 +2780 42,920 28,688 +1991 M Corp 3230 104,533 +32,925 +4598 60,338 44,195 +++2001 M Corp 2853 142,555 +38,022 +3637 81,186 61,369

(b) Jutogb Shlmla 1901 375 287 8& ## 191I ## 1921 1931 470 332 138 1941 634 +164 +3489 484 150 ## 1951 1961 CB 142 1,487 948 539 1971 CB 1 41 1,291 -196 -13 1& 679 612

129 Aream Vanatlon smce the SI Census Urban square preceedmg census No AgglomeratIon State / Dlstnct year status kilometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1981 CB 141 1,396 +105 +813 708 688 ++1991 CB 304 5,827 +4,431 +31741 3,323 2,504 2001 CB 141 2,420 -3,407 -5847 1,654 766

CIAS S - n (50,000 - 99,999)

1971 2103 57,323 34,371 22,952 1981 2166 73,004 +15,681 +2736 43,628 29,376 1991 2001

ClASS - m (20,000 - 49,999) 6 Towns

1921 27,213 20,805 6,408 1931 1941 1951 46,150 29,735 16,415 1961 1955 44,084 -2,066 -448 27,615 16,469 1971 1146 21,304 -22,780 -5167 12,935 8,369 1981 2202 40,869 +19,565 +9184 22,358 18,511 1991 3068 87,228 +46,359 +11343 46,670 40,558 2001 4197 154,046 +66,818 +7660 87,501 66,545

1 Solan Solan 1901 61 52 9 1911 DeclasSified 1921 DeclasSIfied 1931 DeclasSIfied 1941 2,142 1,385 757 1951 4,603 +2,461 +11489 2,960 1,643 1961 MC 777 6,564 +1,961 +4260 4,052 2,512 1971 MC 3 13 10,120 +3,556 +5417 6,122 3,998 1981 MC 3 13 13,127 +3,007 +2971 7,558 5,569 1991 MC 618 21,751 +8,624 +6570 12,065 9,686 2001 MCI 618 34,206 +12,455 +5726 19,017 15,189

2 Mandl Mandl 1901 8,144 4,928 3,216 1911 7,896 -248 -305 4,878 3,018 1921 6,870 -1,026 -1299 4,052 2,818 1931 7,538 +668 +972 4,551 2,987 1941 9,033 +1,495 +1983 5,221 3,812 1951 8,909 ·124 -1 37 5,105 3,804 1961 MC 1036 13,034 +4,125 +4630 7,321 5,713 1971 Me 40 16,849 +3,815 +2927 9,397 7,452 1981 Me 426 18,706 +1,857 +11 02 10,274 8,432 1991 Me 426 23,202 +4,496 +2404 12,31l 10,891 2001 MCI 426 26,873 +'3,671 +1582 14,233 12,640

3 Nahan Slrrnaur 1901 6,256 3,611 2,645 1911 6,341 +85 +136 3,636 2,705 1921 5,756 -585 -923 3,240 2,516 1931 7,808 +2,052 +3565 4,584 3,224 1941 7,939 +131 +168 4,485 3,454

130 arne ot Town! Aream Vanatlon smce the Sl Urban Census Urban square preceedmg census No AgglomeratIOn State! Dlstnct year status kliometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1951 9,431 +1,492 +1879 5,521 3,910 1961 MC 1036 12,439 +3,008 +3189 7,185 5,254 1971 MC 1036 16,017 +3,578 +2876 8,769 7,248 1981 MC 1056 20,089 +4,072 +2542 10,851 9,238 1991 MC 878 21,878 +1,789 +891 11,492 10,386 2001 M C1 878 26,053 +4,175 +1908 13,982 12,071

4 Sundarnagar Mandl ·**1901 2,179 1,165 1,014 1911 DeclasSified ·**1921 2,554 1,466 1,088 1931 2,401 -153 -599 1,362 1,039 1941 1,725 -676 -2815 959 766 1951 5,257 +3,532 +20475 2,463 2,794 1961 MC 1158 5,782 +525 +999 3,039 2,743 1971 MC 1146 21,304 +15,522 +26845 12,935 8,369 1981 MC 1146 20,780 -524 -246 11,507 9,273 1991 MC 1146 20,397 -383 -184 10,802 9,595 2001 MCI 1146 23,986 +3,589 +1760 12,685 11,301

5 Baddl Solan 2001 NP 696 22,601 16,935 5,666

6 Charnba Charnba 1901 6,000 3,436 2,564 1911 5,523 -477 -795 3,217 2,306 1921 5,668 +145 +263 3,265 2,403 1931 6,219 +551 +972 3,605 2,614 1941 6,597 +378 +608 3,839 2,758 1951 6,858 +261 +396 3,691 3,167 1961 MC 236 8,609 +1,751 +2553 4,710 3,899 1971 MC 235 11,814 +3,205 +3723 6,338 5,476 1981 MC 235 13,761 +1,947 +1648 7,224 6,537 1991 MC 433 17,194 +3,433 +2495 9,004 8,190 2001 MCI 433 20,327 +3,133 +1822 10,649 9,678

ClASS - IV (10,000 - 19,999) 7 Towns

1901 14,335 10,543 3,792 1911 19,405 +5,070 +3537 14,107 5,298 1921 1931 18,614 13,999 4,615 1941 18,982 +368 +198 13,920 5,062 1951 13,520 -5,462 -2877 7,442 6,078 1961 4258 46,020 +32,500 +24038 27,534 18,486 1971 3047 65,739 +19,719 +4285 36,819 28,920 1981 2705 71,985 +6.246 +950 40,173 31,812 1991 4865 97,617 +25.632 +3561 52,654 44,963 2001 5054 113,505 +15.888 +1628 61,008 52,497

I Dharmsala Kangra 1901 6,971 4,755 2,216 1911 6,923 -48 -069 4,795 2,128 1921 4,904 -2,019 -2916 2,996 1,908 1931 6,359 +1,455 +2967 4,154 2,205 1941 9,653 +3,294 +5180 6,802 2,851

131 Aream Vanatlon smce the SI Census Urban square preceedmg census No Agglomeration State / DlstTlct year status kilometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 1951 MC 9,933 +280 +290 5,902 4,031 1961 MC 1163 10,255 +322 +324 6,151 4,104 1971 MC lO 63 10,939 +684 +667 6,193 4,746 1981 MC 1063 14,522 +3,583 +3275 8,141 6,381 1991 MC 1063 17,493 +2,971 +2046 9,522 7,971 2001 M Cl 1063 19,124 +1,631 +932 10,483 8,641

2 Paonta Sahib Sirmaur 1951 946 517 429 1961 STC 166 1,833 +887 +9376 1,048 785 1971 MC 253 3,692 +1,859 +10142 2,050 1,642 1981 MC 253 5,800 +2,108 +5710 3,122 2,678 1991 MC 618 13,207 +7,407 +12771 7,139 6,068 2001 M Cl 618 19,090 +5,883 +4454 10,246 8,844

3 Kullu Kullu 1951 3,694 2,153 1,541 1961 MC 5 18 4,886 +1,192 +3227 2,760 2,126 1971 MC 668 8,958 +4,072 +8334 5,276 3,682 1981 MC 668 11,869 +2,911 +3250 6,976 4,893 1991 MC 668 14,569 +2,700 +2275 8,071 6,498 2001 M Cl 668 18,306 +3,737 +2565 9,861 8,445

4 Hamlrpur Hamlrpur 1971 NAC 138 3,671 2,228 1,443 1981 MC 524 8,797 +5,126 +13963 5,154 3,643 1991 MC 524 12,544 +3,747 +4259 6,820 5,724 2001 M Cl 524 17,252 +4,708 +3753 9,327 7,925

5 Una Una 1901 4,746 2,557 2,189 1911 DeclasSified 1921 DeclasSified 1931 4,398 2,386 2,012 1941 5,394 +996 +2265 3,058 2,336 1951 5,407 +13 +024 2,955 2,452 1961 MC 163 5,166 -241 -446 2,704 2,462 1971 MC 157 6,328 +1,162 +2249 3,431 2,897 1981 MC 497 9,157 +2,829 +4471 4,894 4,263 1991 MC 497 12,001 +2,844 +3106 6,260 5,741 2001 MCI 497 15,900 +3,899 +3249 8,488 7,412

6 Btlaspur Bdaspur 1901 3,192 1,897 1,295 1911 DeclasSIfied 1921 DeclasSified 1931 2,387 1,427 960 1941 2,873 +486 +2036 1,780 1,093 1951 3,745 +872 +3035 2,051 1,694 1961 STC 888 7,424 +3,679 +9824 4,432 2,992 1971 MC 888 7,037 -387 -521 4,005 3,032 1981 MC 888 8,063 +1,026 +1458 4,483 3,580 1991 MC 1062 10,609 +2,546 +3158 5,838 4,771 2001 M Cl 1062 13,058 +2,449 +2308 6,964 6,094

7 Yo! Kangra 1951 13,520 7,442 6,078 1961 CB 1023 10,292 -3,228 -2388 6,877 3,415 1971 CB 1096 7,992 -2,300 -2235 3,886 4,106

132 Aream VarIation Since the 81 Census Urban square preceedmg census No Agglomeration State / Dlstnct year status kilometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1981 CB 1096 9,214 +1,222 +1529 4,318 4,896 1991 CB 622 9,310 +96 +104 4,369 4,941 2001 CB 622 10,775 +1,465 +1574 5,639 5,136

ClASS - V (5,000 - 9,999) 16 Towns

1901 27,371 16,730 10,641 1911 26,683 -688 -251 16,526 10,157 1921 18,294 -8,389 -3144 10,557 7,737 1931 33,887 +15,593 +8524 21,486 12,401 1941 38,616 +4,729 +1396 23,405 15,211 1951 45,795 +7,179 +1859 25,637 20,158 1961 3470 45,436 -359 -078 26,345 19,091 1971 2979 42,362 -3,074 -677 23,942 18,420 1981 4282 64,637 +22,275 +5258 34,547 30,090 1991 5244 65,191 +554 +086 34,248 30,943 2001 5340 113,669 +48,478 +7436 62,837 50,832

1 Nalagarh ~olan 1901 4,027 2,218 1,809 1911 DeclasSified 1921 DeclasSified 1931 DeclasSified 1941 3,615 2,133 1,482 1951 2,547 -1,068 -2954 1,527 1,020 1961 MC 132 3,096 +549 +2155 1,701 1,395 1971 MC 160 3,671 +575 +1857 1,972 1,699 1981 MC 174 5,647 +1,976 +5383 3,164 2,483 1991 Me 194 7,448 +1,801 +3189 3,989 3,459 2001 Mel 194 9,443 +1,995 +2679 5,068 4,375

2 Kangra Kangra 1901 4,746 2,638 2,108 1911 DeclasSified 1921 DeclasSified 1931 DeclasSified 1941 DeclasSified 1951 4,928 2,684 2,244 1961 Me 1 81 5,775 +847 +1719 3,040 2,735 1971 MC 1 12 5,999 +224 +388 3,053 2,946 1981 MC 1 12 7,093 +1,094 +1824 3,639 3,454 1991 Me 312 9,019 +1,926 +27 IS 4,566 4,453 2001 Mel 3 12 9,156 +137 +152 4,584 4,572

3 Nurpur Kangra, 1901 4,462 2,389 2,073 1911 DeclasSified 1921 DeclasSified 1931 DeclasSified 1941 DeclasSified 1951 3,200 1,766 1,434 1961 MC 389 3,405 +205 +641 1,807 1,598 1971 MC 475 4,251 +846 +2485 2,213 2,038 1981 MC 475 5,833 + 1,582 +3721 3,029 2,804 1991 MC 475 7,961 +2,128 +3648 4,135 3,826 2001 MCI 475 9,066 +1,105 +1388 4,733 4,333

133 Aream VarIation smce the Sl Census Urban square preceedmg census No AgglomeratIOn State I DIstnct year status kIlometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 Mehatpur Una 1981 NAC 380 3,858 2,021 1,837 Basdehra 1991 NAC 380 6.417 +2,559 +6633 3,368 3,049 2001 NP 380 8,681 +2,264 +3528 4,653 4,028

5 Parwanoo Solan 1981 NAC 294 2,860 1,931 929 1991 NAC 150 5,856 +2,996 +10476 3,563 2,293 2001 MCI 840 8,609 +2,753 +4701 5,262 3,347

6 Santokhgarh Una 1971 NAC 283 4,010 2,080 1,930 1981 NAC 283 4,653 +643 +1603 2,407 2,246 1991 NAC 70 6,848 +2,195 +4717 3,476 3,372 2001 NP 283 8,308 +1,460 +2132 4,274 4,034

7 DalhousIe Chamba 1901 1,316 895 421 1911 1,582 +266 +2021 1,053 529 1921 2,405 +823 +5202 1,638 767 1931 1,030 -1,375 -5717 662 368 1941 1,319 +289 +2806 960 359 1951 1,097 -222 -1683 724 373 1961 MC 761 2,739 +1,642 +14968 2,100 639 1971 MC 758 4,296 +1,557 +5685 2,379 1,9]7 198] MC 758 2,936 -1,360 -3166 1,700 1,236 1991 MC 758 6,855 +3,9]9 +13348 3,856 2,999 2001 MCI 758 7,425 +570 +832 4,172 3,253

8 Tira SUJanpur Hamlrpur 198] NAC 303 4,204 2,097 2,107 1991 NAC 303 5.477 +1,273 +3028 2,926 2,551 2001 NP 303 7,077 +1,600 +2921 3,879 3,198

9 Rohru Shlmla 1981 NAC 107 2,335 1,441 894 1991 NAC 107 3,366 +1,031 +4415 1,975 1,391 2001 NP 107 6,607 +3,241 +9629 3,871 2,736

10 Manah Kullu 1971 NAC 300 1,800 1,068 732 1981 NAC 300 2,301 +501 +2783 1,336 965 1991 NAC 300 2,433 +132 +574 1,498 935 2001 NP 300 6,265 +3,832 +15750 3,994 2,271

11 Ghumarwm Bllaspur 1971 NAC 289 1,967 1,067 900 1981 NAC 310 2,903 +936 +4759 1,555 1,348 1991 NAC 310 3,708 +805 +2773 1,924 1,784 2001 NP 3 10 5,721 +2,013 +5429 3,016 2,705

12 Sabathu Solan 1901 2,177 1,305 872 1911 1,847 -330 -15 16 ],097 750 1921 1,581 -266 -1440 908 673 1931 1,327 -254 -1607 748 579 1941 2,181 +854 +6436 ],503 678 1951 2,585 +404 +1852 1,854 731 ]961 CB 241 3,2]6 +631 +2441 2,058 1,158 1971 CB 240 2,884 -332 -1032 1,385 1,499 1981 CB 240 3,717 +833 +2888 1,884 1,833

134 Aream VanatlOn smce the SI Urban Census Urban square preceedmg census No Agglomeratton State / Dlstnct year status kIlometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1991 CB 240 3,700 -17 -046 1,841 1,859 2001 CB 240 5,719 +2,019 +5457 3,808 1,911 13 Nagrota Kangra 1951 2,503 1,400 1,103 Bagwan 1961 MC 389 2,592 +89 +356 1,359 1,233 1971 MC 150 2,922 +330 +1273 1,497 1,425 1981 NAC 1 15 3,692 +770 +2635 1,872 1,820 1991 NAC 1 15 4,503 +811 +2197 2,296 2,207 2001 NP 1 15 5,657 + 1,154 +2563 2,885 2,772 14 Rampur Shlmla 1901 1,157 758 399 1911 Declassified 1921 DeclasSified 1931 Declassified 1941 1,787 1,251 536 1951 1,458 -329 -1841 993 465 1961 STC 130 2,079 +621 +4259 1,446 633 1971 MC 800 2,623 +544 +2617 1,643 980 1981 MC 800 3,310 +687 +2619 2,095 1,215 1991 MC 208 4,342 +1,032 +31 18 2,694 1,648 2001 MCI 208 5,653 +1,311 +3019 3,305 2,348 IS MantKhas Kangra 2001 C T 090 5,234 2,670 2,564

16 J ogmdarnagar Mandl 1931 5,963 4,592 1,371 1941 2,749 -3,214 5390 1,640 1,109 1951 2,002 -747 -2717 1,029 973 1961 256 2,719 +717 +3581 1,568 1,151 1971 NAC 263 4,004 +1,285 +4726 2,256 1,748 1981 CT 263 5,033 +1,029 +2570 2,744 2,289 1991 NAC 425 4,513 -520 -1033 2,352 2,161 2001 NP 425 5,048 +535 +1185 2,663 2,385 ClASS - VI (Less than 5,000) 26 Towns

1901 35,626 21,062 14,564 1911 13,105 -22,521 -6322 8,858 4,247 1921 21,011 +7,906 +6033 13,286 7,725 1931 21,151 +140 +067 12,948 ><8,203 1941 28,501 +7,350 +3475 18,522 9,979 1951 48,362 +19,861 +6969 29,628 18,734 1961 4538 42,735 -5,627 -1164 26,569 16,166 1971 6267 55,162 +12,427 +2908 30,267 24,895 1981 9859 75,476 +20,314 +3683 40,894 34,582 1991 10271 88,800 +13,324 +1765 48,041 40,759 2001 6586 69,386 -19,414 -2186 37,681 31,705 I Kasauh Solan 1901 2,192 1,472 720 1911 3,194 +1,002 +4571 2,249 945 1921 3,212 +18 +056 2,249 963 1931 2,852 -360 -11 21 1,968 884 1941 2,749 -103 -361 1,800 949 1951 4,007 +1,258 +4576 2,684 1,323 1961 CB 259 4,102 +95 +237 2,555 1,547 1971 CB 261 3,757 -345 -841 2,039 1,718

135 Aream VariatIon smce the Sl Census Urban square p receedmg census No Agglomeration State / D Istnct year status kilometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 1981 C B 261 3,872 +115 +306 2,058 1,814 1991 CB 261 4,385 +513 +13 25 2,259 2,126 2001 C B 261 4,990 +605 +1380 2,810 2,180

2 Jawalamukht Kangra 1981 N AC 452 3,230 1,656 1,574 1991 l\J A C 452 4,047 +817 +2529 2,124 1,923 2001 N P 452 4,931 +884 +2184 2,587 2,344

3 Nadaun Hamtrpur 1981 N A C 215 2,835 1,459 1,376 1991 N AC 228 3,379 +544 +1919 1,698 1,681 2001 N P 228 4,405 +1,026 +3036 2,249 2,156

4 Dera Goplpur Kangra 1981 N AC 327 2,520 1,295 1,225 1991 N A C 327 3,378 +858 +3405 1,735 1,643 2001 NP 327 4,336 +958 +2836 2,257 2,079

5 Bhuntar Kullu 1981 N A C 200 2,754 1,566 1,188 1991 NAC 200 2,972 +218 +792 1,605 1,367 2001 NP 200 4,260 +1,288 +4334 2,331 1,929

6 Palampur Kangra 1951 4,672 3,189 1,483 1961 M C 067 6,116 +1,444 +3091 4,368 1,748 1971 Me 067 2,539 -3,577 -5849 1,489 1,050 1981 M C 067 2,834 +295 +1162 1,582 1,252 1991 M C 066 3,638 +804 +2837 1,943 1,695 2001 M CI 067 4,006 +368 +1012 2,157 1,849

7 Theog Shlmla 1951 889 674 215 1961 STC 070 1,536 +647 +72 78 1,064 472 1971 M C 400 1,328 -208 -13 54 815 513 1981 M C 400 1,528 +200 +1506 928 600 1991 M C 400 2,757 +1,229 +8043 1,628 1,129 2001 M CI 400 3,754 +997 +36 16 2,132 1,622

8 • Sarkaghat Mandl 1991 N A C 295 3,093 1,562 1,531 2001 N P 295 3,706 +613 +1982 1,870 1,836

9 Daulatpur Una 1981 N A C 509 2,336 1,124 1,212 1991 NAC 509 2,748 +412 +1764 1,332 1,416 2001 N P 509 3,354 +606 +2205 1,700 1,654

10 Gagret 'Una 1981 N AC 1837 4,502 2,279 2,223 1991 N A C 1837 4,258 -244 -542 2,210 2,048 2001 N P 380 3,181 .1,077 -2529 1,685 1,496

11 Chuarl Khas Chamba 1981 NAC 213 1,680 906 774 1991 NAC 213 2,107 +427 +2542 1,114 993 2001 N P 213 3,016 +909 +4314 1,585 1,431 12 Ark! Solan 1951 1,048 596 452 1961 N A C 145 1,221 +173 +1651 680 541 1971 N A C 145 1,352 +131 +1073 706 646

136 Aream Vanatlon Since the SI Census Urban square preceedmg census No Agglomeration State / Dlstnct year status kilometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1981 NAC 145 1,631 +279 +2064 839 792 1991 NAC 145 1976 +345 +21 15 1,058 918 2001 NP 145 2,877 +901 +4560 1,528 1,349

13 Dag;ha! Solan 1901 2,159 1,508 651 1911 2,032 -127 -588 1,266 766 1921 1,745 -287 -1412 1,103 642 1931 1,469 -276 -1582 923 546 1941 1,047 -422 -2873 638 409 1951 1,445 +398 +3801 945 500 1961 CB 331 2,783 +1,338 +9260 1,971 812 1971 CB 331 2,161 -622 -2235 1,139 1,022 1981 CB 331 1,769 -392 -1814 892 877 1991 CB 331 2,163 +394 +2227 1,189 974 2001 CB 331 2,750 +587 +2714 1,713 1,037

14 • RaJ~h Sirmaur 1991 NAC 205 1,780 1,017 763 2001 NP 205 2,527 +747 +4197 1,415 1,112

15 • Tala! BIlaspur 1991 NAC 289 1,550 833 717 2001 NP 289 2,011 +461 +2974 1,060 951

16 # DalhOUSie Chamba 1931 852 591 261 1941 1,357 +505 +5927 902 455 1951 DeclasSified 1961 CB 412 2,699 2,047 652 1971 CB 412 827 -1,872 -6936 479 348 1981 CB 412 1,253 +426 +5151 641 612 1991 CB 412 1,744 +491 +3919 836 908 2001 CB 412 1,964 +220 +1261 1,105 859

17 Bakloh Chamba 1901 3,042 2,086 956 1911 3,566 +524 +1723 2,668 898 1921 3,430 -136 -381 2,173 1,257 1931 3,239 -191 -557 2,114 1,125 1941 4,061 +822 +2538 2,941 1120 1951 DeclasSified 1961 CB 166 3,141 1,983 1,158 1971 CB 258 1,907 ·1,234 ·3939 927 980 1981 CB 258 1,664 -243 -1274 727 937 1991 CB 258 1,989 +325 +1953 907 1,082 2001 CB 258 1,810 -179 -900 1,003 807

18 • Seom ShlIDla 1991 NAC 176 1,271 640 631 2001 NP 176 1,529 +258 +2030 764 765

19 • Chaupal ShlIDla 1991 NAC 400 1,074 700 374 2001 NP 400 1,507 +433 +4032 879 628

20 * Bhota Hamlrpur 1991 NAC 340 1,286 688 598 2001 NP 107 1,472 +186 +1446 772 700

137 Aream VarIatIon smce the SI Census Urban square p receedmg census No Agglomeration State / Dlstnct year status kIlometre Persons Absolute Percentage Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 21 .. Rawalsar Mandl 1991 NAC 397 1,045 579 466 2001 NP 397 1,369 +324 +310 745 624

22 .. Jubbal Shlmla 1991 NAC 096 1,379 805 574 2001 NP 089 1,346 -33 -239 792 554

23 .. Ban.Jar Kullu 1991 NAC 225 1,037 602 435 2001 NP 223 1,262 +225 +2170 699 563

24 Nama Devi Bilaspur 1961 STC 044 328 165 163 1971 MC 044 494 +166 +5061 278 216 1981 MC 044 618 +124 +2510 381 237 1991 MC 082 868 +250 +4045 518 350 2001 MCI 082 1,161 +293 +3376 735 426

25 .. KotkhaI Shlmla 1991 NAC 040 896 532 364 2001 NP 040 1,149 +253 +2824 662 487

26 .. Narkanda Shlmla 1961 STC 129 360 257 103 1971 Declassified 1981 DeclasSified 1991 NAC 100 687 451 236 2001 NP 100 713 +26 +378 446 267 @ In 1901 Kasumptl was a town With populatton 170 persons (122 M, 48 F) In 1911 Kasumpb was Included In Shlmla town, as the separate populatIOn figures are not available In 1921 It was a part of Shlmla Town havmg population 281persons (202 M, 79 F), 10 1931 and 1941 Its population was 108 persons (74 M, 34 F) 139 persons (95 M, 44 F) respectively and It has been declasSified In 1951 Sanawar which was a S T C of Punjab State haVing population In 1911 (P 884, M 525,F359) 1921, (P 899 M 551, F 348), 1931 (PI088, M 693, F 395), 1941 (P 757, M 535, F 222) and 1951 (P 496, M 356, F 140) DeclasSified in 1961 Census Dharmpur. Garkhal and Kandaghat were also S T C of Punjab state In 1951 havtng population 1023 persons (M 612, F 411), 260 persons (M lSI, F 109) and 1214 persons (M 763, F 451) respectively Declassified tn 1961 + 13 Villages which were 0 G. of Shlmla M Corp In 1991 Census haVing area 12 05 sq kms and populatIOn 20,132 persons (12,040 males and 8,092 females) merged fully/partially In M Corp Shlmla In 2001 Census

++ 2 Villages which were 0 G of Jutogh C B In 1991 Census havmg area I 63 sq kms and populatIOn 4,191 persons (2,495 males and 1,696 females) merged fully/partially In M Corp Shlmla In 2001 Census

+++ Dhalll NAC With population of 2 347 persons, 1,464 males and 883 females m 1991 Census has been merged In Shlmla MUnICipal Corporation as per 2001 Census

•• Shamesherpur cantonment which was treated as a separate urban unit In 1931, population 949 (M-608, F-341) and in 1941. populatIOn 803 (M-SOS, F-298) and which was subsequently declassified In 1951 and merged With Nahan M C In 1961 ••• Nagar and BhoJpur which were treated as separate towns tn 1901 (Subsequently declassified In 1911) merged m Suket m 1921 (Suket was renamed as Sundar nagar In 1931 [n 1961 the name was spelt as Sundamagar), Nagar population 1,224 (M-623, F-601) In 1901, BhoJPur populatIOn 955 (M-542, F-413) In 1901

# DalhOUSie cantonment m 1901 population 508 (M-377, F-13I) In [911 population 644 (M-460, F-184) and In 1921 populatIOn 948 (M-716, F-232) was a part of DalhOUSie Me, the combmed populatton of DalhOUSie M C and DalhOUSie cantonment for 1901 to 1921 has been shown agamst DalhOUSie M C ## In 1911 Jutogh With population 471 (M-340, F-I31) III 1921 With populatIOn 1,064 (M-850, F-214) and In 1951 separate populatIOn not available, was a part of Shlmla The combmed populatIOn of Shlmla and Jutogh for 1911, 1921 and 1951 has been shown agamst Shlmla Note (I) Towns treated as such for the first time In 1991 census, which continued as towns In 2001 census are shown With an * (astensk) (II) Towns treated as such for the first time m 200 I census are prmted In Italics (III) The folIowmg abbreViations have been utlhsed for the status of towns In 2001 census (I) M Corp Mumclpal, Corporation (II) M Cl MUniCipal CounCil (til) N A C Notified Area Committee (IV) N P Nagar Panchayat (V) C T Census Town (VI) C B Cantonment Board (VII) U A Urban AgglomeratIOn (VIII) S T C Small Town Committee Population Size-classes Class I 100,000 and above Class II 50,000 - 99,999 Class III - 20,000 - 49,999 Class IV 10,000 - 19,999 Class V 5,000 - 9,999 Class V[ Less than 5,000

138 A - 4 APPlNDlX - 1 NEW TOWNS ADDED IN 2001 AND TOWNS OF 1991 DECLASSIFIED IN 2001 Name of State HImachal Pradesh Code No 02 New towns added In 2001 Towns of 1991 declasSIfied as rural In 200 I Area In Area In Name of Urban square PopulatIon Name of Urban square PopulatIOn State/ DistrIct Town Status kilometre 2001 1991 Town $t~us kilometre 2001 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Himachal Pradesh Kangra Mant Khas (C T) 090 5,234 4,455 Solan Baddt (NP) 696 22,601 NA Mandt Pandoh (C T) 200 NA 3,519 Slrmaur Sarah an (N AC) 082 NA 1,209 Note Census 1991 populatIOn of Baddl (N P) IS not available m vIew of the reason that certam Villages have been partially merged In thiS Town 2 In 2001 Census population of Sarahan (N A C) and Pandoh (C T) IS not available In view of the reason that certaIn vlllage(s) have been partially merged III these Towns 3 N A means not available

A - 4 APPINDIX - 2 CHANGES IN AREA OF TOWNS BETWEEN 1991- 2001 AND REASONS THEREOF Name of State HImachal Pradesh Code No 02 Area (m square kilometre) State! DistrIct Name of Town 2001 1991 Reasons for the change In area 1 2 3 4 5 HImachal Pradesh Kangra Palampur (M CI) 067 066 Due to computational error Kullu BanJar (N P) 223 225 Due to JurisdictIonal change Hamtrpur Bhota(N P) 107 340 Due to JUrIsdictIonal change Una Gagret (N P) 380 1837 Due to JUrIsdictIOnal change Santokhgarh (N P) 283 700 Due to computatIonal error Solan Parwanoo (M CI ) 840 1500 Due to computatIOnal error Shlmia Shlmla (M Corp) 2853 3230 Due to JUrIsdictional change Jutogh (C B) I 41 304 Due to JUrISdIctIOnal change Jubbal (N P) 089 096 Due to settlement

STATEMENT-1 TOWNS I U A.'s FALUNG IN A PARTICULAR SIZE CLASS IN 2001 CENSUS AND THEIR POPULATION IN FARLIER CFNSUSES Name of State HImachal Pradesh Code No 02 PopulatIon SIze No ofU A's / Class Towns m 2001 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 144,975 110,360

II 73,004 57,323

III 6 154,046 87;228 40,869 21,304 44,084 46,150 27,213

IV 7 113,505 97,617 71,985 65,739 46,020 13,520 18,982 18,614 19,405 14,335

V 16 113,669 65,191 64,637 42,362 45,436 45,795 38,616 33,887 18,294 26,683 27,371

VI 26 69,386 88,800 75,476 55,162 42,735 48,362 28,501 21,151 21,011 13,105 35,626

139 STATEtmNT-2 NUMBER OF TOWNS I U A's FALLING IN SlZECLASS ACCORDING TO THEIR CLASSIFICATION IN EACH CENSUS Name of State Himachal Pradesh CodeNo 02 No of Towns IU A's and theIr populatIOn SIZe 2001 1991 1981 1971 1961 Class No populatIon No populatIOn No populatIon No populatIon No populatIon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I 144,975 110,360

II 73,004 57,323

III 6 154,046 4 87,228 2 40,869 21,304 44,084

IV 7 113,505 7 97,617 5 71,985 5 65,739 4 46,020

V 16 113,669 9 65,191 9 64,637 7 42,362 8 45,436

VI 26 69,386 34 88,800 29 75,476 21 55,162 16 42,735

STATEMENT-2 NUMBER OF TOWNS IUA.'s FALLINGINSlZECLASS ACCORDING TO THEIR CLASSIFICATION IN EACH CENSUS Name of State Himachal Pradesh CodeNo 02 No of Towns I U A's and theIr populatlOn SIZe 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 Class No populatIOn No populatIon No populatIon No populatIon No populatIOn No populatIon 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23



III 46,150 27,213

IV 13,520 18,982 18,614 19,405 14,335

V 6 45,795 5 38,616 5 33,887 3 18,294 4 26,683 4 27,371

VI 21 48,362 14 28,501 11 21,151 8 21,011 6 13,105 15 35,626

140 --

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144 ANNEXURE-B THE CENSUS ACT, 1948 (ACT No 37 OF 1948) [3rd September 1948] An Act to provide for certam matters m connection with the takmg of census

WHEREAS It IS expedIent to provIde for the takmg of census In India or any part thereof whenever necessary or desIrable and to provide for certam matters m connec­ tIon wIth the takmg of such census, It IS hereby enacted as follows -

Short title and 1 (1) This Act may be called the Census Act, 1948 extent (2) It extends to the whole ofIndla

Rule of construc­ tIOn respectmg 2 Any reference In thIS Act to the IndIan Penal Code or the Indian EVidence Act, 45 of 1860 enactments not 1872, shall, m relatlOn to the State of Jammu and Kashrmr, be construed as a reference to 1 of 1872 extendmg to Jammu and Kash­ the correspondmg enactment Inforce In that State mir 3 The Central Government may, by notification m the offiCIal Gazette, declare ItS Central Govern­ mtentlon oftakmg a census m the whole or any part of the temtones to which thiS Act ment to take cen­ sus extends, whenever It may consider It necessary or deSIrable so to do, and there-upon the census shall be taken

Appomtment of 4 (1) The Central Govemmentmay appoInt a Census Commissioner to supervIse census staff the takmg of the census throughout the area In which the census IS mtended to be taken, and Directors of Census OperatIOns to supervise the takmg of the census WithIn the several States

(2) The State Government may appomt persons as census-officers to take, or aid m, or supervise the takmg of, the census wlthm any speCified local area and such persons, when so appomted, shall be bound to serve accordIngly

(3) A declaratIOn In wrItmg, SIgned by any authOrIty authonsed by the State Government m thIS behalf. that any person has been duly appomted a census officer for any local area shall be conclusIve proof of such appomtment

(4) The State Government may delegate to such authOrIty as It thmks fit the power of appollltIng census-officers conferred by sub-sectlOll (2) thorltlesStatus of censusas public au- 5 Th e CCIIensus ommlssloner, a D lrectors 0 f COdensus peratlOus an a II census servants officers shall be deemed to be pubhc servants wlthm the meanmg ofIndlan Penal Code 4S of 1860

DIschargetIes of census-of- of du- 6 ( 1 ) Wh ere th e DIStrICt M agIstrate, or sue h aut h onty as t h e State G ovemment fleers In certain may appomt m thIS behalf, by a wntten order so directs- casd (a) every officer In command ofany body ofmen belongmg to the naval, mlhtary or aIr forces, or of any vessel of war, ofIndla

(b) every person (except a pIlot or harbourmaster) havmg charge or control of a vessel,

(c) every person III charge of a lunatIC asylum, hospItal, work house, prIson, re­ formatory or lock·up or of any pub ltc, chantable, reltglOus or educatJOnalmstltutlOn

(d) every keeper, secretary or manager of any saral, hotel, boardtng-house, lodgmg~ house, emIgratIon depot or club, (e) every manager or officer of a rallway or any commercial or mdustnal establIshment, and

(0 every occupant of Immovable property where III at the tIme of the takmg of the

145 census persons are hvmg, shall perform such of the dutIes ofa census-officer In relatIOn to the persons who at the tIme of the takmg of the census are under his command or charge, or are mmates of hIS house, or are present on or In such Immovable property or are employed under him as may be speCIfied m the order [Sections 6-11] (2) All the provIsions of this Act relatmg to census-officers shall apply, so far as may be, to all persons while performmg such dUbes under thiS section, and any person refusmg or neglecting to perform any duty which under thIS sectIOn be IS dIrected to perform shall be deemed to have commItted an offence under sectIOn 187 of the Indian Penal Code

Power to call upon 7 The Dlstnct Magistrate, or such authonty as the State Government may appoInt 45 of 1860 ~~~al:sit~{:~~~ to In thiS behalf for any local area, may, by WrItten order which shall have effect throughout the extent of hiS dlstnct or of such local area, as the case may be, call upon-

(a) all owners and occupiers of land, tenure~holders, and farmers and assignees of land revenue, or their agents,

(b) all members of the dlStrtCt, mUnicipal, panchayal and other local authontles and officers and servants of such authontles, and

(c) all officers and members of staff of any factory, firm or estabbshment, to give such assistance as shall be speCIfied m the order towards the takmg of a census of the persons who are, at the time of the takmg of the census, on the lands of such owners, occupiers, tenure-holders, farmers and assignees, or m the premises of factones, firms and other establIshments, or wlthlll the areas for which such local authorities are establIshed, as the case may be, and the persons to whom an order under thiS sectlOn IS directed shall be bound to obey It and shall, whIle actmg m pursuance of such order, be deemed to be pubhc servants Within the meanmg of the Indian Penal Code

Asking of ques- 8 (1) A census-officer may ask all such questIOns of all persons wlthm the bmlts 45 of 1860 tlOns and obhga- of the local area for which he IS appointed as, by instructIOns Issued In thiS behalf by the tlOn to answer State Government and published In the OffiCial Gazette, he may be directed to ask

(2) Every person of whom any questIOn IS asked under sub~sectlon (I) shall be legally hound to answer such question to the best of hls knowledge or behef

PrOVided that no person shall be bound to state the name of any female member of hiS household, and no woman shall be bound to- state the name of her husband of deceased husband or of any other persons whose name she IS forbidden by custom to mentIon

Occupier to per­ 9 Every person occupymg any house, enclosure, vessel or other place shall allow mit access and af­ census-officers such access thereto as they may requITe for the purposes of the census fixmg of numbers and as, haVIng regard to the customs of the countty, may be reasonable, and shall allow them to pamt on, or affix to, the place such letters, marks or numbers as may be necessary for the purposes of the census

Occupier or man­ 10 (1) Subject to such orders as the State Government may Issue In thiS behalf, a ager to fill up census-officer may, wlthm the local area for which he IS appomted, leave or cause to be schedule left a schedule at any dwellmg-house or With the manager or any officer of any commercial or industrIal establIshment, for the purpose of Its bemg filled up by the occupier of such house or of any speCified part thereof or by such manager or officer With such particulars as the State Government may direct regardmg the mmates of such house or part thereof, br the persons employed under such manager or officer, as the case may be, at the time of the takmg of the census

,(2) When such schedule has been so left, the said occupier, manager or officer, as the case may be shaH fill It up or cause It to be filled up to the best of his knowledge or belIef so far IlS regards the mmates of such house or part thereof or the persons employed under him, as the case may be, at the tIme aforesald, and shall sign hiS name thereto and, when so required, shall dehver the schedule so filled up and Signed to the census~officer or to such persons as the census-officer may direct

Penahtle's 11 (1) (aJ Any census-officer or any person lawfuHy reqUired to give assistance towards the takmg of a census who refuses or neglects to use reasonable dilIgence m performIng any duty Imposed upon him or In obeYing any order Issued to him In ac-

146 cordance with this Act or any rule made thereunder, or any person who hInders or obstructs another person m performmg any such duty or In obeymg any such order, or [SectIOns 11-16] (b) any census-officer who intentIOnally puts any offensive or Improper queslOn or knowmgly makes any false return or without the prevIous sanctIOn of the Central Government or the State Government, discloses any informatIOn which he has receIved by means of, or for the purposes of, a census return, or

(c) any sorter, compIler or other member of the census staff who removes, secrects, damages or destroys any census document or deals wIth any census document III a manner lIkely to falsIfy or ImpaIr the tabulatIOns of census results, or

Cd) any person who mtentlOnally gIves a false answer to, or refuses to answer to the best of hiS knowledge or beltef, any question asked of hIm by a census-officer which he IS legally bound by sectIon 8 to answer, or

(e) any person occupymg any house, enclosure, vessel or other place who retuses to allow a census-Officer such reasonable access thereto as he IS reqUIred by sectIon 9 to allow, or

(t) any person who removes, obhterates, alters, or damages any letters, marks or numbers whIch have been paInted or affixed for the purposes of the census, or

(g) any person who, havmg been reqUIred under sectIon 10 to fill up a schedule, knowhngly and WIthout sufficient cause faIls to comply WIth the prOVISions of that sectIOn, or makes any false return thereunder, or

(h) any person who trespases lllto a census office, shall be pUnlshable WIth fine whIch may extend to one thousand rupees and In case of a convictIon under part (b) or (c) shall also be pUnIshable WIth Impnsonment whIch may extend to SIX months

(2) Whoever abets any offence under sub-sectIon (1) shall be pUlllshable With fine whIch may extend to one thousand rupees

SanctIOn reqUired 12 No prosecutIOn under thIS Act shall be InstItuted except WIth the prevIous for prosecutIOns sanctlOn of the State Government or of an authonty authonsd In thIS behalf by the State Government

OperatIOn of 13 Nothmg In thiS Act shall be deemed to pevent any person from bemg pro­ g~~::d laws not secuted under any other law for any act or omISSion which constItutes an offence under thIS Act

PrOVIded that no such prosecutIOn shall be mstItuted except WIth the prevIous sanctIOn referred to m sectIOn 12

JUflsdlctton 14 No Court mfenor to that of a PreSIdency MagIstrate or a MagIstrate of the second class, shall try, whether under thIS Act or under any other law, any act or omIssIon whIch constitutes an offence under thIS Act

Records of census 15 No person shall have a TIght to Inspect any book, register or record made by a not open to InspectIOn nor census-officer In the discharge of hiS duties as such, or any schedule delIvered under admissible III section 10, and notWIthstanding anythIng to the contrary In the IndIan EVIdence Act, eVidence 1872, no entry m any such book, regIster, record or schedule shall be admIssIble as eVIdence m any CIvIl proceedmg whatsoever or many cnmlOal proceedmg other than a prosecutIOn under thIS Act or any other law for any act or omISSion whIch constItutes an offence under thiS Act 1 of 1872

Temporary sus­ 16 Notwlthstandmg anythmg m any enactment or rule With respect ~o the mode In pension of other whIch a census IS to be taken In any mumclpalIty, the mUnIcIpal authonty, In consultation laws as to mode of takmg census m WIth the Dlrectot cf Census OperatIOns or WIth such other authonty as State Government mUnlClpahties may authOrIze In thIS behalf, shall, at the tIme appomted for the takmg of any census cause the census of the mUnIcIpalIty to be taken wholly or III part by any method authOrIzed by or under thIS Act

147 [SectIon 17-18]

Grant of statIstI­ 17 The Census CommIsslQner or any DIrector of Census OperatIOns or such cal abstracts person as the State Government may authorize In thIS behalf may, If he so thinks fit, at the request and cost (to be determined by hIm) of any local authorIty or person, cause abstracts to be prepared and supplIed contammg any such statIstIcal mformatIon as can be denved from the census returns for India or any State, as the case may be, bemg mformatlOn whIch IS not contamed III any publIshed report and WhICh m hIS opmlOn It IS reasonable for that authonty or person to reqUIre

Power to make 18 (1) The Central Government may make rules for carrymg out the purposes rules of thIS Act

(2) In partIcular, and wIthout prejUdICe to the generahty of the foregomg power, the Central Government may make rules provIdmg for the appomtment of census-officers and of persons to perform any ot the dutIes of census-officers or to gIve aSSIstance towards the takmg of a census, and for the general mstructlOns to be Issl'ed to such officers and persons

148 ANNEXURE-B THE CENSUS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1993 No 11 OF 1994 [14th January. 1994] An Act further to amend the Census Act, 1948 Be It enacted by Parliament m the Forty-fourth Year of the Repubhc oflndla as follows - ThIS Act may be called the Census (Amendment) Act, 1993 Short tItle

37 of 1948 2 For section 2 of the Census Act, 1948 (heremafter refered to as the pnncipal SubstttutlOn of Act). the followmg sectIOns shall be substituted, namely - new sectIOns for sectIOn 2

2 In this Act, unless the context otherwise reqUlres,- DefimtlOns (a) "premIses" means any hind, blilldmg or part of a bUlldmg and !Dcludes a hut, shed or other structure or any part thereof, (b) "prescnbed" means prescnbed by rules made under this Act, (c) "vehIcle" means any vehIcle used or capable of bemg used for the purpose of road transport, whether propelled by mechamcal power or otherwise

Rule of construc­ 2A Any reference m thIs Act to the IndIan Penal Code, the IndIan EVIdence 45 of 1860 tIOn respectmg Act, 1872 or the Code ofCnmmal Procedure, 1973, shall, m relatIon to the State I of 1872 enactments not of Jammu and KashmIr, be construed as a reference to the correspondmg 2 of 1974 extendmg to enactment m force III that State Jammu and Kash­ mIr

Amendment of 3 Ir sectJotl 4 of the prIncIpal Act, 10 sub-sectIOn (2), after the word "census­ sectIOn 4 oficers", the words "WIth such deSIgnatIOns as that Government may deem necessary" shall be mserted

InsertIon of new 4 After sectIOn 4 of the pnnclpal Act, the followmg sectIOn shall be mserted, sectton 4A namely -

Staff of every "4A Every local authonty III a State shall, when so dIrected by a wntten order local authonty to by the Central Government or by an authonty appmted by that Government In thIs be made available behalf, make avaliable to arty DIrector ofCensus OperatIOns such staff as may be necessary for taking census for the performance of any duties In connection With the takIng of census"

InsertIOn of new 5 After. sectIOn 7 of the pnnclpal Act, the follOWIng sectIons shall be mserted, sectIOns 7 A Req­ namely- ulsltlomng pre­ mIses, of ve­ hIcles, etc, for takmg of a cen­ sus '7A (1) If It appears to the Central Government that, In connectIOn With takIng of a census,- (a) any premIses are needed or are hkely to be needed, or (b) any vehIcle, vessel or ammalls needed or IS hkely to be needed, \ that Gove,rnment may by order m wntmg reqUISItion such premIses, or vehicle, vessel or alllmal, as the case may be, and make such furtheli orders as may appear to It to be necessary or expedIent m connectIon wlth the rqUlslttomng (2) The reqUiSItIOn shall be effected by an order III wntIng addressed to the person deemed by the Central Government to be the owner or person m posseSSIOn of the property, and such order shall be served III the prescnbed manner on the person to whom It IS addressed

149 (3) Whenver any property IS requlSltlOned under sub-sectIon (1), the perIod of such requlSltlOn shall not extend beyond the penod for whIch such property IS requITed for any of the purposes mentioned lU that sub-section 7B (1) Whenever m pursuance of sectIOn 7A the Central Government reqUiSItion Payment of any premIses, there shall be paId to the persons Interested compensation the amount of compensation whIch shall be determmed by takmg mto conSIderatIOn the foIIowmg, namely - (i) the rent payable m respect of the premIses or Ifno rent IS so payable, the rent payable for SImIlar premIses In the localIty, (ll) Ifm consequence of the requIsItIOn of the premIses the person mterested IS compelled to change hIS residence or place of bus mess, the reasonable expenses (If any) mCldental to such change PrOVided that where any person mterested bemg aggneved by the amount of compensatIon so determmed makes an applIcatIOn wlthm the prescrIbed time to the Central Government for referrmg the matter to an arbitrator, the amount of compensahon to be paid shall be such the arbitrator appomted m this behalf by the Central Government may detemune PrOVIded further that where there 1$ any dlspute as to the tttle to recelve the compensatIOn or as to the apportIOnment of the amount of compensation, It shall be referred by the Central Government to an arbitrator apoomted m this behalf by that Government for determmatlOn, and shall be determmed m accordance WIth the declSlon of such arbItrator explanation - In thIS sub-section, the expressIon "person mterested" means the person who was m actual possessIOn of the premIses reqUIsItIOned under sectIon 7A ImmedIately before the reqUiSitIOn, or where no person was m such actual posseSSIOn, the owner of such premIses (2) Whenever m pursuance of sectIOn 7A the Central Government reqUIsItIOns any vehIcle, vessel or ammal, there shall be paid to the owner thereof compensatIon the amount of whIch shall be determmed by the Central Government on the basIS of the fares or rates prevallmg In the locality for the hIre of such vehIcle, vessel or ammal PrOVIded that where the owner of such vehIcle, vessel or ammal bemg aggrteved by the amount of compensatIon so determmed makes an apphcatIOn wlthm the prescribed time to the Central Government for referrmg the matter to an arbItrator, the amount of compensatIOn to be paid shall be such as the arbItrator appomted m thIS behalf by the Central Government may determIne PrOVIded further that where Immediately before the reqUisitlOnmg the vehIcle or vessel was by VIrtue of a hire-purchase agreement In the possessIOn of a person other than the owner, the amount determmed under thIS sub-sectIOn as the total compensation payable In respect of the requlSltlon shall be apportIOned between that person and the owner In such manner as they may agree upon, and In default of agreement, III such mallUer as an arbItrator appomted by the Central Government m thIS behalf may deCIde Power to obtam mformatlon 7C The Central Government may, WIth a vIew to requISlt!onIllg any property under sectIOn 7 A or determmtng the compensation payable under sectIon 7B, by order, reqUITe any person to furnish to such authOrIty as may be speCIfied In the order such mformatIon Power of entry In hIS possessIOn relatmg to such property as may be so speCified mto and mspec­ 7D Any person authonsed m thiS behalf by the Central Government may enter mto tlon of premises any premIses and Inspect such premIses and any vehicle, vessel or animal therem for the etc purpose of determmmg whether, and If so In what manner, an order under sectIon 7 A should be made m relatJ()ll to such premIses, vehicle, vessel or ammal, or WIth a VIew to securIng complIance With any order made under that section EVictIOn from requIsitioned pre­ 7E. (1) Any person remaInmg In possessIOn of any requlSltIOned premIses III mIses contraventIon of any order made under sechon 7 A may be summarIly eVIcted from the premlses by any officer empowered by the Central Government m thIS behalf (2) Any officer so empowered may, after glVlng to any woman not appearmg m pubhc reasonable warnIng and faCIlity to Withdraw, rqmove or open any lock or bolt or break open any door of any bmldmg or do any other act necessary for effectmg such eVictIOn Release of 7F (1) When any premIses reqUIsitioned under sectIon 7 A are to be released from premIses from reqUISItIOn, the possessIOn thereof shall be debvered to the person from whom possessIOn reqUlsltton was taken at the time when the premises were requlSltlOned, or If there were no such person, to the person deemed by the Central Government to be the owner ofsuch premises, and such delivery of posseSSIOn shall be a full discharge of the Central Government from

150 all hablhtles In respect of such delIvery, but shall not prejUdICe any nghts III respect of the premIses WhICh any other person may be entItled by due process of law to enforce agamst the person to whom possession of the premises IS so delivered (2) Where the person to whom possessIOn of any premIses reqUIsitIOned under sectIOn 7 A IS to be given under sub-section (1) cannot be found or IS not readIly ascertamable or has no agent or any other person empowered to accept delIvery on hiS behalf, the Central Government shall cause a notice declanng that such premises are released from reqUISItIon to be affixed on some conspicuoUS part of such premIses and pubhsh the notIce III the OfficIal Gazette (3) When a notice referred to III sub-sectIOn (2) IS pubhshed m the OfficIal Gazette, the premIses speCIfied m such notIc._e shall cease to be subject to requlSltIOn on and from the date of such publIcatIOn and be deemed to have been dehvered to the person entitled to possessIOn thereof, and the Central Government shall not be hable for any compensatIOn or other claim m respect of such premises for any penod after the said date 7G The Central Government may, by notificatIOn In the Official Gazette, direct that Delegation of any powers conferred or any duty Imposed on that Government by any ofthe prOVISIOns functions of the of sectIons 7 A to 7F shall, under such condItions, If any, as may be speCIfied m the Central Govern­ dIrectIOn, be exerCIsed or dIscharged by such officer as may be speCIfied ment With regard to requIsItioning

7H If any person contravenes any order made under sectIOn 7 A or sectIOn 7C, he Penalty for con· shall be pUDlshable WIth Impnsonment for a term WhICh may extend to one year or WIth traventlOn of fine or With both any order regard­ Ing requISItIOn· Ing

6 In sectIOn 8 of the pnncipal Act, m sub-sectIOn (1) for the words "State Amendment of Government", the words "Central Government" shall be substituted sectIOn 8 7 In sectIOn 10 of the pnnclpal Act, m sub-sectIOn (1), for the words "State Amendment of Government" at both the places where they occur, the words "Census CommISSIoner" sectIOn 10 shall be substItuted 8 In sectIOn II of the prmcIpal Act, m sub-sectIOn (1)- Amendment of sectIon 11

(i) for part (a), the followmg parts shall be substltuted, namely - "(a) any census-officer or any person lawfully reqUIred to gIve aSSIstance towards the takmg of census who refuses to perform any duty Imposed upon hIm by thIS Act or any rule made thereunder, or any person who hmders or obstructs another person m performmg any such duty, or (aa) any census-officer or any person lawfully reqmred to gIve aSSIstance towards the takmg of a census who neglects to use reasonable dlhgence m performmg any duty Imposed upon hIm or m obeymg any order Issued to him m accordance With thiS Act or any rule made thereunder, or any person who hmders or obstructs another person In perforrmng any such duty or obeymg any such order, or~',

(u) after part (c), the followmg part shall be mserted, namely - "(ca) any local authOrIty which falls to comply With an order made under sectIOn 4 A, or", (111) for the brackets, letters and words "(b) or (c) shall also be pUDlshable WIth Impnsonment whIch may extend to SIX months", the brackets, letters and words "(a), (b) or (c) shall alsp be punIshable With Imprtsonment which may extend to three years" shall be substItuted I SubstitutIOn of 9 For sectIon 12 of the pnnclpal Act. the followmg section shall be substituted, new section for namely- sectIOn 12

Sanction req ulred "12 WIthout prejUdICe to the prOVISIons ofsectlOn 197 of the eOQe ofCnmmaI 2 of 1974 for prosecutIOns Procedure, 1973. no prosecutIOn under thIS Act shall be Instituted except WIth the preVIOUS sanctIOn,--

151 (a) m the case of a person who IS employed or was at the hme ofcommISSIon of the alleged offence employed-- (1) m a company, as defined m sectlOn 3 ofthe Compames Act, 1956, m whIch not less than fifty-one per cent of the paId-up capItal IS held by the 1 of 1956 Central Government or any company wluch IS a subsIdIary thereof wlthm the meanmg of that Act, or (n) by a corporatIOn or a local authonty estabhshed by or under a Central Act WhICh IS owned or controlled by the Central Government, of the Central Government or of an authonty authonsed m thIS behalf by that Government, and (b) III the case of a person other than reffered to m clause (a) of the State Government" InsertIOn of new 10 After sectIOn 13 of the prmcipal Act, the followmg sectIon shall be mserted, section 13A namely --

Certam offences "13A (1) Notwlthstandmg anythmg contamed m the Code ofCnmmal Procedure, to be cogntzable 2 of 1974 and triable 1973, no polIce officer or court shall take cogmzance of any offence under part (a), (b) or summanly (c) ofsub-sectIOn (1) of sectIon 11, except upon mformatIOn receIved from or on a complamt made by, as the case may be, the DIrector of Census OperatIons or any officer authonsed by hIm In thIS behalf (2) NotwIthstandIng anythmg contaIned m the Code of Cnmmal Procedure, 2 of 1974 1973, every offence pUnIshable under part (a), (b) or (c) of sub-sectIon (1) of sectIOn 11 may be trIed summanly" Amendment of 11 In sectIon 14 of the pnnclpal Act, for the words "PreSIdency MagIstrate or a section 14 MagIstrate of the second class", the words "MetropolItan MagIstrate or a JudICIal MagIstrate of the first class" shall be substItuted Inserttom of new 12 After sectIOn 15 of the prmclpal Act, the followmg sectIOns shall be Illserted, sections 15A and namely- 158

Protection of "15A No member of the census staff shall suffer any disability m serVIce by service mterests of members of reason of hIS beIng on census duty and the penod spent by hIm on such census duty census staff shall be deemed to be the duty under hIS lendmg employer and any duty performed under thIS act shall not m any manner affect the nght of promotIon or other advancement m hIS ongInal serVIce 15B Nb SUIt, prosecutIOn or other legal proceedmg shall he agamst the Protection of Census Comm ISS loner or any DIrector or Census OperatIons or any census-officer or any action taken m member of the census staff for ,anythmg whIch IS m good faIth done or mtended to be good faith done under thIS Act or the rules made thereunder" 13 In sectIOn 1 7 of the prmcIpal Act, for the opemng portIon begtnlOg WIth the Amendment of words "The Census CommISSIOner" and endmg WIth the words "authOrIse m thIS behalf', section 17 the words "Subject to the provIsIons ofthe sectIOn 15, the Census CommlsslOner or any DIrector of Census OperatIons" shall be SubstItuted 14 After sectIon 17 of the pnnclpal Act, the followmg sectIon shall be mserted, Insertion of new namely - sectIOn 17 A

"17 A The Central Government may, by notIficatIon III the OffiCIal Gazette, Power to extend extend the prOVlSlons of thIS Act, WIth such restrIctIOns and modIficatIOns as It thmks fit, the provIsions of to pre-tests, pIlot studIes, census of houses WhICh precede the populatIon count and Act to other post enumeratIOn check and evaluatIOn studIes or statIstIcal surveys or any other operatIOn operations as may be deemed necessary for the purpose of census" '15 In sJchon 18 of the pnncIpal Act, III sub-sectIOn (2), the words, "and provldmg Amendment of for the manner of service of orders regardmg requlSltlonmg of premlses, or vehIcle, secllon 18 vessel or!ammal and the tllne-wltburwmch the-appkcatlQIHnay-be-made to It by any mterested person aggneved by the amount of compensatlOn determmed under sectIOn 7B for refernng the matter to an arbItrator" shall be added at the end

K L MOHANPURIA Secy to the Govt ofIndIO