Originator: C. Briggs

Telephone: 0113 2224409

Report of the Chief Planning Officer

City Plans Panel

Date: 29 August 2019

Subject: Planning application reference 18/01276/FU for residential development of 217 apartments and ancillary facilities with undercroft parking at the junction of Regent Street and Skinner Lane, , LS2 7UZ

Applicant Date Valid Target Date Leeds Developments One Limited 12.07.2018 16.09.2019

Electoral Wards Affected: Specific Implications For:

Little London and Woodhouse Equality and Diversity

Community Cohesion

Yes Ward Members consulted Narrowing the Gap

RECOMMENDATION: DEFER and DELEGATE to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the specified conditions set out in Appendix 1 (and any others which he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a Section 106 agreement to include the following obligations:

- Affordable Housing 7% on-site in a pro-rata mix of units split 60:40 lower decile:lower quartile - Residential Travel Plan Fund for residents at the site £35,945 - car club free trial membership and usage package for residents at the site £19,000 - Travel plan monitoring fee £3,732 - Cooperation with local jobs and skills initiatives

In the circumstances where the Section 106 Agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.

Conditions Draft Conditions for 18/01276/FU See Appendix 1

1.0 Introduction: This report is brought to City Plans Panel because it relates to a major planning application in the City Centre.

2.0 Proposal 2.1 The application proposal is for a residential development with undercroft car parking, comprising 217 dwellings, with 160 one-bed flats, 49 two-bed flats and 8 three-bed flats.

2.2 The building would be part 9, part 11 storeys in height, including a set-back top two storeys. The building would be arranged in a C-shaped layout, creating a new built frontages to Leylands Road, Skinner Lane and Regent Street and a private communal courtyard for residents. The elevations would be in black tiled panels at ground floor with a full height glazed frontage to Regent Street, red-brick with aluminum and copper framing details at upper floors, and the set-back top two floors being clad in glazed curtain walling.

2.3 At ground floor, a residents lounge and gym would face Regent Street. A concierge office, entrance lobby at the corner of Regent Street and Skinner Lane, secure cycle parking, refuse storage and undercroft car parking would also be located at ground floor. Vehicular access and egress is proposed from Leylands Road. Servicing would take place from Leylands Road for refuse and a new layby off Skinner Lane for deliveries and pick up and drop off. A car club parking bay is also proposed off Skinner Lane. 50 resident car parking spaces are proposed, including 5 EV charging points and 4 disabled car parking spaces. Cycle parking would be provided at 1 space per flat in a secure enclosure in the undercroft. There would also be 8 motorcycle parking spaces in the undercroft.

2.4 The scheme would also deliver a reduction of at least 20% on the building regulations carbon emissions target Part L 2013. A minimum of 10% energy demand on-site would be provided by air source heat pumps however alternative sources of low carbon energy may be used, subject to further detailed design work, including future proofing to allow connection to the District Heating network, if and when the pipe infrastructure serves Regent Street or Skinner Lane.

2.5 The application is supported by the following documents: − Planning Statement − Statement of Community Involvement − Design and Access Statement − Sunpath Assessment − Flood Risk and Drainage Assessment − Flood Risk Sequential Test − Noise Statement − Transport Statement − Sustainability Statement − Phase I Geo-Environmental Assessment and Coal Mining Risk Assessment − Wind report

3.0 Site and Surroundings 3.1 The site is a cleared 0.21 hectare site at the corner of Regent Street, Skinner Lane and Leylands Road. It was formerly the site of The Regent (Maguire’s) public house, which was demolished in 2011 by Punch Taverns. The surrounding area includes a wide range of uses including residential, retail, warehouses, light industrial and an army barracks. To the south is a part- 2 part-3 storey warehouse, and beyond that the Citispace part-6 part-9 storey residential building, where construction has started on a 9 storey hotel at the northern end of the site. To the west is the part-8 part-9 storey residential building, Cypress Point, which forms one of a number of taller residential buildings stepping up the hill towards North Street from Leylands Road. To the west of Cypress Point is the 9 storey Victoria House flats. To the east on the opposite site of Regent Street is a 3 storey building at the corner of Skinner Lane, and the part-6 part-7 storey Twenty Twenty House flats beyond On the opposite side of Skinner Lane is the part-2 part 3 storey army barracks to the north, and the single storey Aldi supermarket to the north-east. The site falls within designated City Centre boundary, Mabgate Development Framework area and the City Centre Fringe Parking Area. A small part of the site lies within Flood Risk Zone 2.

4.0 History of Negotiations 4.1 One pre-application meeting took place with officers in late 2017 ref. PREAPP/17/00621. An 18 storey residential building was originally proposed for this site. Officers advised that the principle of the proposal was likely to be acceptable, but the scale and massing was considered out of character for this location. The applicant have revised their proposal to take account of this advice.

5.0 Relevant Planning History 5.1 None

6.0 Statutory Consultations: 6.1 Coal Authority The Coal Authority concurs with the recommendations of the submitted Coal Mining Risk Assessment Report that coal mining legacy potentially poses a risk to the proposed development and that intrusive site investigation works should be undertaken prior to development in order to establish the exact situation regarding coal mining legacy issues on the site. The Coal Authority recommends that the LPA impose a Planning Condition requiring these site investigation works prior to commencement of development.

6.2 Environment Agency No objection subject to the provisions of the Flood Risk Assessment and proposed surface water drainage scheme.

6.2 Non Statutory Consultations: 6.2.1 Leeds City Council (LCC) Transport Development Services Highways officers have advised that the proposal is acceptable in principle, subject to the considerations in section 10.4 of this report.

6.2.2 LCC Flood Risk Management Further details of surface water drainage are required.

6.2.3 LCC Environmental Protection No objection subject to conditions regarding the provision of a construction management plan including hours of work and deliveries.

6.2.4 LCC Environmental Studies - Road noise and air quality No objection subject to no flats at ground floor, the provision of electric vehicle charging points, and the implementation of a sound insulation and a mechanical ventilation scheme.

6.2.5 Yorkshire Water No observation comments to make.

6.2.6 West Yorkshire Police Having discussed the security measure to be included in this proposal with the developer WYP have no security concerns and no additional comments to add.

6.2.7 BMT Wind Consultants Discussions are in progress between the applicant’s and the Council’s wind consultants in relation to the conclusions of the wind assessment at the time of writing. An update will be provided at Plans Panel.

7.0 Public/Local Response: 7.1 Planning Application publicity: 7.1.1 Leeds City Council website Public Access posted 12.07.2018 7.1.2 Site Notices posted 18.07.2018 7.1.3 Press Notice published 03.08.2018 7.1.4 Little London and Woodhouse Ward Councillors consulted by email 26.07.2018.

7.2 Leeds Civic Trust have no objection to the use and scale of the development but wished to see additional planting including trees along both the Skinner lane and Regent Street frontages. This would soften the impact of the building at street level and contribute to the introduction of more trees in the centre of Leeds to meet wider pollution concerns. In conclusion, the committee supported the scheme with the condition that additional planning, notably trees, should be included in the revised landscape scheme.

7.3 Two objections have been received, one from a local resident in the block of flats to the west Cypress Point, and one from a resident of Wike, expressing the following concerns regarding the proposal as originally submitted: - A lack of mixed use in the proposal - A poor brutish design - Overlooking between the proposal and Cypress Point. - Impact of proposed height on overshadowing and loss of daylight, particularly to lower floors of the 37 flats at Cypress Point that face the application site, and the lack of a daylight and sunlight assessment by the applicant.

7.4 Since these comments were made the applicant has revised the plans to reduce the number of flats proposed, improve the elevational treatment and detailing, and set-back the upper two floors by just over 7 metres to increase the distance at upper floors with the Leylands Road elevation of Cypress Point, and submitted a sunpath analysis. The latest revised plans were published on Public Access on 15 July 2019. No further comments have been received.

8.0 Planning Policies: Statutory Context Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires the application to be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

For the purposes of decision making at this site, the Development Plan for Leeds currently comprises the following documents: - The Leeds Core Strategy (CS - Adopted November 2014) - Saved Unitary Development Plan Review Policies (UDPR - Adopted 2006) - The Natural Resources & Waste Local Plan (NRWLP - Adopted January 2013) including revised policies Minerals 13 and 14 (Adopted September 2015). - Leeds Site Allocations Plan (SAP - Adopted July 2019) - Any made Neighbourhood Plan – there is currently no neighbourhood plan for the area. These development plan policies are supplemented by supplementary planning guidance and documents.

8.1 Development Plan 8.1.1 Leeds Core Strategy The Core Strategy sets out strategic level policies and vision to guide the delivery of development investment decisions and the overall future of the district. The most relevant policies are set out below: SP1 Location of development SP2 Hierarchy of centre SP3 Role of SP6 housing requirement and allocation of housing land SP8 Economic Development Policy CC1 City Centre development Policy CC3 Improving connectivity to the City Centre Policy T1 Transport Management Policy T2 Accessibility requirements and new development Policy P10 Design Policy P12 Landscape Policy G9 Biodiversity Policy EN1 Climate change and CO2 reduction Policy EN2 Sustainable design and construction Policy EN4 District Heating Policy EN5 Managing flood risk Policy H1 Housing on allocated sites Policy H3 Housing density Policy H4 Housing mix Policy H5 Affordable housing

8.1.2 Leeds Saved Unitary Development Plan 2006 Relevant Saved Policies include: Policy GP5 detailed planning considerations Policy BD2 design and siting of new buildings Policy BD4 mechanical plant and service areas Policy BD5 residential amenity and new buildings Policy LD1 landscaping

8.1.3 Leeds Natural Resources and Waste DPD 2013 The plan sets out where land is needed to enable the City to manage resources, like minerals, energy, waste and water over the next 15 years, and identifies specific actions which will help use natural resources in a more efficient way. Relevant policies include: Air 1 management of air quality through new development Water 4 development in flood risk areas Water 6 flood risk assessments Water 7 surface water run-off Land 1 contaminated land Land 2 development and trees Minerals 3 coal safeguarding

8.1.4 Leeds Site Allocations Plan (SAP) The site is allocated in the SAP under reference MX2-18 (410) for 72 residential units. The site requirements are:

a. Older persons housing/independent living: The site is suitable for older persons housing/independent living in accordance with Policy HG4. b. Highway Access to Site: Vehicular access should be taken from Leylands Road.

Policy HG4 states: The site allocations plan identifies sites which are particularly suitable for older persons housing/ independent living. These are shown on the policies map and detailed within section 3 for each housing market characteristic area. Opportunities for older persons housing/independent living should be considered where new centres are provided as part of larger developments. Other proposals will still be considered on their merits and in the context of a local housing needs assessment

Members should note that following the adoption of the SAP by Full Council on 10 July 2019, the SAP and the policies and allocations therein should be afforded full weight.

8.2 Supplementary Planning Documents/Guidance Leeds Parking SPD Accessible Leeds SPD Travel Plans SPD Street Design Guide SPD Building for Tomorrow Today: Sustainable Design and Construction SPD Neighbourhoods for Living SPG

8.2.1 Mabgate Development Framework (MDF) The Mabgate Development Framework was adopted as informal supplementary planning guidance for development management purposes in 2007. The MDF states for the Regent Street area: a. In respect of building heights, a diagram in the MDF shows height guidelines for the Regent Street corridor that highlight the open “sky factor” created along Regent Street due to its generous width and generally lower scale buildings. b. Developers should ensure that any additional storeys are set back from the façade to ensure that new construction does not detract from the original 2-3 storey façades. c. Light coloured materials should be used on extensions and new buildings. Elevations should have a horizontal emphasis with window dominating over wall. d. Many blocks contain corner splays – a characteristic which should be maintained and reflected in new additions.

8.3 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied (para 1), and is a material consideration in planning decisions (para 2). It states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development (para 7). So that sustainable development is pursued in a positive way at the heart of the Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development (paras 10-11). It states that decision makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible (para 38). The Framework sets policies on the following issues which are relevant to this planning application proposal (including section numbers): 2 Achieving sustainable development (paras 7, 8, 10, 11, 12) 4 Decision making (paras 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58) 5 Delivering a sufficient supply of homes (59, 62, 63, 64) 6 Building a strong competitive economy (80) 7 Ensuring the vitality of town centres (85, 86) 8 Promoting healthy and safe communities (91, 92, 95) 9 Promoting sustainable transport (102-11) 11 Making effective use of land (117, 118, 119,122, 123) 12 Achieving well designed places (124-131) 14 Meeting the challenge of climate change and flooding (148-165) 15 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment (including ground conditions para 178-179 and noise para 182)

8.4 Other policy considerations 8.4.1 Core Strategy Selective Review (CSSR) A selective review of the Leeds Core Strategy is presently being undertaken. The CSSR includes a review of the housing requirement to 2033; extension of the plan period to 2033 given that 5 years has already elapsed into the plan period; the distribution of housing; affordable housing; housing standards; city centre green space; and climate change reduction policies. This was submitted to the Secretary of State in August 2018 and was the subject of an examination in public in February 2019. The Inspector issued a small number of proposed Main Modifications on 10 April 2019 and these were the subject of further consultation prior to the Inspector issuing her final report. It is expected that CSSR will be adopted in early Autumn 2019. Due to the stage the review has reached, policies not subject to Main Modifications by the Inspector are a material consideration and can be afforded significant weight.

MAIN ISSUES 1. Principle of use 2. Design 3. Residential Quality, Mix and Amenity 4. Highways 5. Flood risk 6. Wind 7. Climate Change and Sustainability 8. Planning Obligations

APPRAISAL 10.1 Principle of use 10.1.1 The site is allocated in the SAP under reference MX2-18 (410) for 72 residential units, with two site requirements noting that the site is suitable for older persons housing/independent living in accordance with Policy HG4, and that vehicular access should be taken from Leylands Road. As noted above, following its adoption 10 July 2019 the SAP can now be accorded full weight for the purposes of decision-making. The site access is taken from Leylands Road, and therefore this site requirement is fulfilled. With regard to Policy HG4 relating to the provision of housing suitable for older persons and independent living, the following considerations are relevant: a. the site has good access to City Centre facilities and public transport b. 67 accessible and adaptable standard dwellings (30%) under Building Regulations Part M4(2) as required by emerging CSSR Policy H10 c. 6 wheelchair user dwellings (2%) under Part M4(3) as required by emerging CSSR Policy H10 d. 4 disabled parking spaces are proposed.

10.2.1 Residential use is considered to be complementary to the main City Centre functions in the area, and would promote activity throughout the day and night, increasing levels of activity and natural surveillance. The redevelopment of this brownfield site for residential would also contribute to the continuing regeneration of the Mabgate/Regent Street area, and contribute towards the delivery of new homes identified in the Site Allocations Plan (SAP), and the wider City Centre. Although the Mabgate Development Framework advocates a mixed-use approach in this area, it is not part of the Development Plan, and the lack of a second use as part of the proposal is not considered sufficient reason to resist it. The scheme does feature an active ground floor comprising resident lounge and gym/cinema area, which allows for a glazed frontage and creates the opportunity for ground level natural surveillance.

10.1.3 The proposal would provide 14 affordable housing units on-site in a pro-rata mix of units split 60:40 lower decile:lower quartile in accordance with the emerging Core Strategy Selective Review (CSSR) policy for the area (7%), which now has significant weight. Policy H5 accounts for both open-market for sale housing and Private Rented Sector (PRS) housing. The applicant has requested the flexibility to provide either open-market for sale housing or PRS housing. The S016 obligation would ensure compliance with Policy H5 in either scenario.

10.1.4 The proposed residential use is supported in principle in accordance with Core Strategy Policies SP3, CC1, H2, H3, H5 and the SAP site allocation MX2-18, subject to the design, amenity, highways, sustainability, drainage and flood risk considerations outlined in the remainder of this appraisal.

10.2 Design 10.2.1 The design and scale of the proposed building at part-9 part-11 storeys is considered to be appropriate to the scale and character of neighbouring buildings and the surrounding area. It is considered that the scale responds to the context and scale of the area to the west of Regent Street as it leads away from the City Centre. The proposed scale and form of the building would be in keeping with the heights of the adjoining Citispace buildings which are 6-9 storeys, and the residential blocks on Leylands Road, which step up to 9 storeys. The building would step up away from the Regent Street frontage with a deep set-back, in order respect the generally lower scale of buildings on the road corridor, as identified in the MDF. The longer distance views submitted with the planning application show that whilst the building from would be prominent in views from the north, it would fit in with the scale of buildings to the south and west.

10.2.2 The proposal for this block is considered to be appropriate to the architectural features and materials of surrounding existing and proposed developments. It is considered that the modern, calm design would complement the wide variety of materials in the area. The architecture would have a simple ordered appearance with the vertical emphasis of the window rhythm adding visual interest by contrasting with the horizontal emphasis of the Regent Street frontage buildings. Windows would be set within framed reveals, and perforated copper metal panels would define the central section of 2 double and 1 triple height window bays. Horizontal copper bands would also add interest at 2nd floor, 5th floor, 7th floor and parapet level. The building would generally meet the design aspirations of the MDF, with the top two storeys of the proposal being set back from the street frontage facade, and the use of brick and lighter glazed materials at upper floors to complement the surrounding residential and commercial developments.

10.2.3 The proposed building layout would continue the established consistent building lines to Leylands Road and Regent Street. The building line to Skinner Lane would be set slightly further back into the site than the buildings to the north, in order to allow the provision of a servicing lay-by and a car club bay, and a line of trees and soft landscaping. With reference to Leeds Civic Trust’s comments, it is noted that in general the provision of street trees would be beneficial for visual, biodiversity and climate change issues, in this case, there would not be sufficient space to retain a consistent building, and a satisfactory width of footway. On balance, it is not considered sufficient treason in this case to resist the proposal on this basis.

10.2.4 The design of the south gable elevations would not prejudice the potential future redevelopment of the adjoining warehouse site because there are no glazed openings in the gables, and the south facing elevation to the courtyard space would be some 17m from the southern site boundary. This adjoining site previously benefitted from an approval for flats (now lapsed), which avoided conflict with south facing single aspect dwellings with no windows facing north.

10.2.5 The quality of the external materials would be controlled by planning condition requiring the provision of working drawing details and large on-site material samples panels to be approved by the Council prior to above ground building works taking place. Full details of any external mechanical plant also be secured by planning condition in order to control its amenity and visual impact.

10.2.6 In summary, the proposed building would complement the existing form, scale, materials and architectural features of the Regent Street corridor and other residential blocks along Skinner Lane and Leylands Road, and would meet the objectives of Core Strategy Policy P10, the Mabgate Development Framework and the NPPF.

10.3 Residential Quality, Mix and Amenity 10.3.1 The applicant has confirmed that the proposed dwellings would be an appropriate size and layout, and meet the overall minimum flat sizes set out in the Nationally Described Space Standard (NDSS) as required by CSSR Policy H9.

Flat Size Size Range (SQM) NDSS min. (SQM) 1 Bed 37 – 49 37 2 Bed 61-70 61 3 Bed 93 74

10.3.2 Core Strategy Policy H4 on Housing Mix requires a minimum provision of 20% of flats be provided containing 3 bedrooms across the Local Authority area. However, the policy allows the nature and location of the scheme to be taken in to account when assessing housing mix. The applicant states that given that this scheme offers approximately 3.6% three-bed flats, and the provision of three- bed dwellings in the city centre currently stands at around 1%, this proposal would exceed the percentage of current provision in the area.

Policy H4 % Flat Mix Proposed No. Proposed % 1-bed Min. 0–50% Max. 160 73.7% 2-bed Min. 30–80% Max. 49 22.5% 3-bed Min. 20–70% Max. 8 3.6% Total 217

The applicant states that market demand in this location would make good use of urban land, follow the local demographic and for younger households seeking one-bedroom flats, it would deliver housing to meet an acknowledged need for accommodation for smaller households, and it would offer sufficient variety in unit type for a scheme of this size in this City Centre location. The applicant also states that the site is close to areas such as Little London where there is a much higher percentage of family housing available. It is considered on balance that the overall benefits of this proposal including the regeneration of this brownfield site would outweigh the Policy H4 aspiration in this case and although the proposal does not meet the specified targets for one, two and three bedroom flats, this is not considered to be sufficient reason to refuse this planning application in this case.

10.3.3 The application seeks to introduce residential uses adjacent to a busy road junction, as highlighted by the Council’s Environmental Studies team. However, a planning condition would control the exact sound insulation and mechanical ventilation scheme specifications to ensure satisfactory amenity and minimise nuisance from existing road noise, entertainment noise and mechanical plant noise, and future mechanical plant noise from within the proposed scheme. This will require a combination of insulation, glazing and mechanical ventilation to ensure that residents benefit from satisfactory amenity and are not adversely affected by noise particularly during warmer months which may require mechanical ventilation to achieve cooling without opening windows. This planning condition will require post-construction testing to ensure it is effective and mitigation works if it is not.

10.3.4 The proposed building layout would form a south-facing landscaped courtyard for residents at first floor level (27m by 17m). First floor flats would have a private space immediately in front of the windows. Recessed balconies are proposed to the south-east and north-east corners, and the ninth floor flats would benefit from large external terraces. It is considered that future residents would benefit from an appropriate level of external private and communal space. In addition, the applicant proposes a communal residents lounge, gym and cinema room.

10.3.5 Regarding the concerns at the neighbouring Cypress Point, since the objection comments were made the applicant has revised the plans to reduce the overall amount of accommodation, improve the elevational treatment and detailing, and set-back the upper two floors by 7 metres from 1m to increase the distance at upper floors with the Leylands Road elevation of Cypress Point. The proposal would be approximately 28m in height to the parapet, 34m to the top at a 15m distance to Cypress Point up to the 9th storey. Cypress Point is approximately 27m high. The pattern of development along Leylands Road and Skinner Lane (and Regent Street) is urban scale blocks facing the footway, which create an enclosed street edge and a consistent building line set by the neighbouring buildings. The proposal would continue this approach. Residents refer to the ‘closeness’ of the proposal to Cypress Point. It is generally considered appropriate in City Centre developments that a separation distance of 15m is adequate to avoid overlooking issues, given the urban scale of existing buildings, the widths of streets, and relatively consistent building lines. Residents have concern that the proximity and height of the proposed building would adversely impact the amenity of residents within Cypress Point in terms of overlooking and overshadowing. These concerns have been addressed above in that a separation distance of 15m is regularly accepted in City Centre locations, and is typical of an urban street, for example the width of Park Row.

10.3.6 Therefore, in terms of outlook, privacy and daylight, in relation to neighbouring properties, it is considered that the distance to the existing flats would not result in undue overlooking or loss of privacy, visual dominance or outlook in this City Centre context. The submitted Sunpath Analysis shows that there would be some loss of sunlight and daylight to the east facing flats at Cypress Point. However on balance when considered against the regeneration benefits of the scheme, and the context of the site’s location, it is considered that the proposed building layout generally offers satisfactory privacy relationships with nearby buildings, outlook, daylight, circulation and juxtaposition of living functions within and around the building.

10.3.7 It is considered that the scheme would on balance meet the residential quality, amenity and housing mix objectives of Core Strategy Policies CC1, P10, H4, emerging CSSR Policies H9 and H10, and Saved UDPR Policies GP5 and BD5.

10.4 Highways, transportation and access 10.4.1 The site is located in the city centre fringe and in an accessible and sustainable location with good pedestrian and public transport links. The site lies at the junction of the classified A61 Regent Street to the east, Skinner Lane to the north and Leylands Road to the west. Regent Street forms part of the City Centre loop and is several lanes wide and includes footways and cycle lanes. The immediate surrounding streets are subject to waiting restrictions and traffic regulation orders, including on-street pay and display parking bays. Leylands Road is a single carriageway with footways on both sides and subject to a 30mph speed limit and waiting restrictions. At its southern end there is a loading bay and eight pay and display parking bays.

10.4.2 Highways Officers support the proposed vehicular access to building undercroft from Leylands Road. 50 resident car parking spaces are proposed, including 5 EV charging points and 4 disabled car parking spaces. Cycle parking would be provided at 1 space per flat in a secure enclosure in the undercroft. There would also be 8 motorcycle parking spaces in the undercroft, and a bin store. The Council’s parking guidelines do not set a minimum parking requirement for development in the City Centre Fringe area but requires that the development does not result in adverse highway safety or amenity issues. The surrounding area is a controlled and enforced parking zone, and the current level of on-site and public parking in the area is considered to be sufficient to accommodate the needs of the existing and proposed flats and business premises at the development in this City Centre location. In addition, the proposal is highly accessible and close to good public transport routes including Regent Street and North Street, and other facilities in the City Centre. In this instance and given the sustainable location, the amount of parking is considered appropriate, but further measures to clarify where parking can occur and protect the surrounding streets may be necessary by altering and providing Traffic Regulation Orders. Contributions to any amendments or additional traffic management measures would be subject to any mitigation on the outcome of the parking survey. It should be noted that no resident’s parking permits would be offered within any existing or future controlled parking zone.

10.4.3 The applicant has submitted an acceptable Travel Plan for residents at the proposed development. The Residential Travel Plan Fund is a site specific contribution of £35,945 towards a residential travel plan fund for the provision of site specific Travel Plan measures for the dwellings on the development and/or other sustainable travel measures to encourage the use of sustainable travel modes by the residents of the dwellings, as set out in the agreed travel plan. In addition there would be a car club trial provision fund for residents at the site of £19,000. The sums would be included in the Section 106 agreement.

10.4.5 Off site highways works include the works necessary to enable the car park access with a 2.4m x 25.0m visibility splay, new footway works including kerb reinstatements, the provision of a car club bay on Skinner Lane with a Sheffield cycle stand, and any necessary new or amended Traffic Regulation Orders, lining and signage, which would all be secured by the recommended planning condition 11.

10.4.6 In summary, it is considered that the application proposal would not lead to highways safety or amenity problems, and promote the use of more sustainable means of travel such as walking, cycling and public transport, in accordance with Leeds Core Strategy Policy T2, the Travel Plans SPD and the Parking SPD.

10.5 Flood Risk 10.5.1 The majority of the application site is Flood Risk Zone1, and part of the site lies in Flood Risk Zone 2. The applicant has submitted a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) concludes that the risk of flooding would be increased in the event of debris blockage of the inlet of the Sheepscar Street South culvert. The following measures are recommended: a. Ground floor levels set not less than 150 mm above adjacent ground levels and not less than 32.85 m AOD. b. Flood Management/Warning and Evacuation Plan developed in consultation with Leeds City Council’s emergency planning team. c. It is also recommended that opportunities are explored to incorporate flood resilient construction techniques into the ground floor of the new buildings to minimise the entry of water and/or reduce the damage in the unlikely event of the site being flooded. A planning condition is recommended to ensure that the above measures identified in the FRA are implemented.

10.5.2 The proposed development is for residential use, which is classed as ‘more vulnerable’ under the NPPF. The applicant has submitted a sequential test that demonstrates that no sequentially preferable sites with a lower flood risk are available to deliver this project within the part of the Mabgate Development Framework that is within the City Centre. The site is within a specific regeneration area which is identified to deliver the regeneration of the area through the delivery of mixed-use developments on brownfield sites in sustainable locations.

10.5.3 The applicant has submitted an acceptable flood risk assessment, and the flood risk sequential test information submitted in support of this application adequately demonstrates that the sequential test has been passed, in accordance with NRWLP policies Water 4, 6, and 7, Core Strategy Policy EN5 and the NPPF.

10.6 Wind 10.6.1 The applicant has submitted a quantitative wind assessment in support of the proposal which states that the wind environment would not make existing conditions worse for all users in the vicinity of the building and that the building is unlikely to generate wind conditions that would cause distress to pedestrians, or result in a danger to high-sided or other road vehicles. The applicant’s study highlights a potential distress condition for vulnerable users at the north western corner of the roof terrace, and this would be closed to access as a result, as shown on the submitted plans.

10.6.2 The Council has instructed an independent wind expert (BMT) to review the report and they have requested further information on the following detailed matters:

a. Methodology and the robustness of the findings b. Extent of impact on surrounding roads and footways as a result of the development c. Clarification of any mitigation necessary to make the pedestrian environment safe for vulnerable users as a result of the proposed development Discussions are ongoing at the time of writing and the conclusions will be updated verbally at Plans Panel.

10.7 Climate Change and Sustainability 10.7.1 Members will be aware that Leeds City Council has recently declared a Climate Change Emergency. Existing Development Plan policies seek to address the issue of climate change by ensuring that development proposals incorporate measures to reduce the impact on non-renewable resources and carbon dioxide emissions. This development would provide 217 new City Centre dwellings, making better use of a sustainably-located vacant brownfield site. The key measures incorporated into this proposal to address climate change and sustainability concerns are summarised below.

10.7.2 Core Strategy EN1 requires all developments of 1000sqm or more to reduce the total predicted carbon dioxide emissions to achieve 20% less than the Building Regulations Target Emission Rate and provide a minimum of 10% of the predicted energy needs of the development from low carbon energy. In this case the applicant has confirmed that they would achieve the policy requirements, including the energy requirements, which would be met by utilising air source heat pumps. The applicant has also agreed to the low water usage target. The applicant has also agreed to future proof the development to allow connection to the District Heating network if and when the infrastructure can serve Regent Street or Skinner Lane (Policy EN4).

10.7.3 With regard to the adopted Parking SPD, Policy Air1 of the NRWLP and the CSSR emerging policy EN8, this proposal would provide 5 EV charging points (10%).

10.7.4 Other sustainable travel measures including secure long and short stay cycle parking, promotion of the use of the City Car Club, and a Travel plan with a residential travel fund for future residents, all help to reduce car journeys and promote sustainable travel behaviour, which in turn would reduce pollution and congestion and the causes of climate change, as well as improving air quality, and promoting healthier lifestyles and wellbeing.

10.7.5 The provision of the landscaped courtyard in the centre of the site, and new tree planting along Skinner Lane, would assist in absorbing carbon dioxide, promote biodiversity, which would help reduce the effects of climate change and reduce the urban heat island effect.

10.7 Planning obligations 10.7.1 A legal test for the imposition of planning obligations was introduced by the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. These provide that a planning obligation may only constitute a reason for granting planning permission for the development if the obligation is: a. necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms, b. directly related to the development; and c. fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.

10.7.2 Further to the above, and taking adopted policy requirements into considerations, there are likely to be following matters which will need to be addressed by way of a Section 106 agreement concluded with the applicant: - Affordable Housing 7% on-site in a pro-rata mix of units split 60:40 lower decile:lower quartile in accordance with the emerging CSSR policy for the area - Residential Travel Plan Fund for residents at the site £35,945 - Leeds City Council car club free trial membership and usage package for residents at the site £19,000 - Travel plan monitoring fee £3,732 - Cooperation with local jobs and skills initiatives

10.7.3 The proposed development could therefore bring about benefits for the local area and certain elements of concern or Development Plan policy requirements arising from the development could suitably be addressed via the imposition of planning obligations. In light of this it is considered that the Council is justified in seeking such obligations and others that may arise as a result of the development.

10.7.4 The proposal would be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the initial sum calculated is £105,774.90. This is for information only and is not a material planning consideration in the assessment of the overall planning application and decision-making process.

11.0 Conclusion 11.1 This application proposal is a significant opportunity that would contribute to the continuing regeneration of the Mabgate/Regent Street area, and is a high quality sustainable development which would bring with it a number of new residential dwellings, and as such contribute towards housing delivery. The scheme would provide a range of dwelling types and sizes, and provide jobs during both construction and following completion. The proposal is compliant in terms of both accessibility and sustainability.

11.2 The proposed redevelopment would also enhance the character of the surrounding area, by regenerating a prominently-located unsightly and under- utilised brownfield site that has detracted from a principal route into the City Centre for almost a decade and currently does not make the best use of urban land. The proposal is generally in accordance with the Development Plan, and national planning policy as described above, and it is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to the conditions and planning obligations set out at the top of this report and at Appendix 1.

Background Papers: Application file 18/01276/FU

Appendix 1 Draft Conditions for 18/01276/FU Appendix 2 Site Layout Ground Floor Plan Appendix 3 Site Layout First Floor Plan 18/01276/FU

CITY PLANS PANEL © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey 100019567 PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL SCALE : 1/1500 ° DRAFT

Applicant Leeds Developments One Application Number: 18/01276/FU Limited Agent: ID Planning A Windress 9 York Place Leeds LS1 2DS

Proposed Development At: Junction Of Regent Street And Skinner Lane, Sheepscar, Leeds, LS2 7UZ

Proposal: Residential development of 217 apartments with ancillary facilities and undercroft parking

1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Imposed pursuant to the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed in the Plans Schedule

For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning

3) The approved Phase I Desk Study report indicates that a Phase II Site Investigation is necessary, and therefore development shall not commence until a Phase II Site Investigation Report has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.

Where remediation measures are shown to be necessary in the Phase II Report and/or where soil or soil forming material is being imported to site, development shall not commence until a Remediation Statement demonstrating how the site will be made suitable for the intended use has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The Remediation Statement shall include a programme for all works and for the provision of Verification Reports.

To ensure that the presence of contamination is identified, risks assessed and proposed remediation works are agreed in order to make the site 'suitable for use'.

4) If remediation is unable to proceed in accordance with the approved Remediation Statement, or where significant unexpected contamination is encountered, the Local Planning Authority shall be notified in writing immediately and operations on the affected part of the site shall cease. An amended or new Remediation Statement shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to any further remediation works which shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the revised approved Statement.

Page 1 To ensure that any necessary remediation works are identified to make the site suitable for use.

5) Remediation works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Remediation Statement. On completion of those works, the Verification Report(s) shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority in accordance with the approved programme. The site or phase of a site shall not be brought into use until such time as all verification information has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

To ensure that the remediation works are fully implemented as agreed and the site has been demonstrated to be suitable for use.

6) Prior to the commencement of development, a Statement of Construction Practice shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Statement of Construction Practice shall include full details of: a. the methods to be employed to prevent mud, grit and dirt being carried onto the public highway from the development hereby approved; b. measures to control the emissions of dust and dirt during construction; c. location of site compound and plant equipment/storage; d. location of contractor and sub-contractor parking; e. how this Statement of Construction Practice will be communicated by the developer to local residents f. Construction works and delivery hours shall be restricted to 0800-1800 hours Monday to Friday, 0800-1300 hours on Saturdays, with no works on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

The approved details shall be implemented at the commencement of work on site, and shall thereafter be retained and employed until completion of works on site. The Statement of Construction Practice shall be made publicly available for the lifetime of the construction phase of the development in accordance with the approved method of publicity.

In the interests of residential amenity of occupants of nearby property

7) Building operations shall not commence until a drainage scheme (i.e. drainage drawings, summary calculations and investigations) detailing the surface water drainage works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The surface water discharges should be restricted to 5 l/s unless otherwise otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and surface water drainage scheme shall be accord with the Leeds City Councils Minimum Development Control Standards for Flood Risk. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme before the development is brought into use. No piped discharge of surface water shall take place until the approved works have been completed

To ensure sustainable drainage and flood prevention.

8) Prior to the commencement of building works, details of all external cladding materials, and a sample panel of all external facing materials, roofing and glazing types to be used shall be constructed on-site and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The external cladding and glazing materials shall be constructed in strict accordance with the sample panel(s) which shall not be demolished prior to the completion of the development.

In the interests of visual amenity and railway safety.

Page 2: 9) No building works shall be commenced until full 1 to 20 scale working drawing details of the following have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority: a. soffit, roof line and eaves treatments b. junctions between materials c. each type of window bay proposed d. ground floor frontages The works shall be carried out in accordance with the details thereby approved.

In the interests of visual amenity and the character of the surrounding area.

10) No surfacing works shall take place until details and samples of all surfacing materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such materials shall be made available on site prior to the commencement of their use, for the inspection of the Local Planning Authority who shall be notified in writing of their availability. The surfacing works shall be constructed from the materials thereby approved and completed prior to the occupation of the building.

In the interests of visual amenity.

11) No building works shall take place until details for the provision of off-site highways works shown indicatively on the submitted plan reference ...... have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for inclusion in the section 278 Highways Agreement or to be secured by such other procedure as may be agreed between the applicants and the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed prior to the occupation of the development, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

In the interests of pedestrian and vehicular safety.

12) Notwithstanding the details shown on the plans hereby approved and prior to the commencement of above ground works, full details of the facilities for the parking of cycles for residents and staff shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be brought into use until the cycle parking facilities thereby approved have been provided. The facilities shall thereafter be retained and maintained as such.

In in the interest of promoting sustainable travel.

13) Prior to the installation of any extract ventilation system or air conditioning plant, details of such systems shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The systems shall limit noise to a level at least 5dBA below the existing background noise level (L90) when measured at the nearest noise sensitive premises with the measurements and assessment made in accordance with BS4142:1997. Works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, and maintained as such thereafter.

In the interests of visual and residential amenity.

14) Prior to the commencement of above ground works a sound insulation scheme designed to protect the amenity of future residential occupants from noise emitted from nearby roads, commerical premises, mechanical plant, and any plant or equipment associated with the approved building, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Acceptable internal levels are defined below using noise rating curves (NR): NR 20 in bedrooms (23:00 to 07:00 hours).

Page 3: NR 25 in all habitable rooms (07:00 to 23:00 hours). Noise rating curves should be measured as a 15 minute linear Leq at the octave band centre frequencies 31.5 to 8 KHz. The scheme shall also include full details any necessary mechanical ventilation system in order to acheive ventilation and cooling in summer months. The use hereby approved shall not commence until the works have been completed, and any such noise insulation as may be approved shall be retained thereafter. Before the use of the development is commenced, verification testing of the sound insulation works shall have been carried out and the results submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such validation testing shall: a)Be carried out in accordance with an approved method statement. b)Demonstrate that the specified noise levels have been achieved. In the event that the specified noise levels have not been achieved then, notwithstanding the sound insulation works thus far approved, a further scheme of works capable of achieving the specified noise levels and recommended by an acoustic consultant shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the use of the development is commenced. Such further scheme of works shall be installed as approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the use is commenced and shall thereafter be retained.

In the interests of residential amenity.

15) Prior to the commencement of building operations an updated Sustainability Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for that phase, which shall include a detailed scheme comprising: a. a recycled material content plan b. a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP), c. an energy plan showing the amount of on-site energy produced by the selected Low and Zero Carbon (LZC) technologies and that it produces a minimum of 10% of total demand, d. details that demonstrate a minimum of 20% carbon dioxide emissions reduction against Part L of the 2013 Building Regulations e. details that demonstrate how the Low Water Usage Target has been met, f. a proposal to make the development future proof in terms of pipe runs from the plant room(s) to the curtilage of the block to enable connection to the local district heat network. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details as approved above;

g. Within 6 months of the occupation of the development a post- construction review statement including formal accreditation shall be submitted by the applicant and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The development and buildings comprised therein shall be maintained and any repairs shall be carried out all in accordance with the approved detailed scheme and post- completion review statement or statements.

In the interests of sustainable development.

16) Prior to first occupation a scheme detailing the method of storage and disposal of litter and waste materials, including recycling facilities, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include a description of the facilities to be provided including, where appropriate, lockable containers and details of how the recyclable materials will be collected from the site with timescales for collection. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the development hereby permitted is brought into use and no waste or litter shall be stored or disposed of other than in accordance with the approved scheme.

Page 4: In the interests of amenity and to promote recycling.

17) Prior to the first occupation of the building, details of a servicing, deliveries and refuse strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall operate in accordance with the approved strategy thereafter.

In the interests of amenity and pedestrian and vehicular safety.

18) The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment. The applicant shall install flood protection measures, and prepare and implement a flood warning and evacuation plan for the lifetime of the development.

In the interests of safety in the event of a flood.

19) Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, details of electric vehicle charging points in the car park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The charging points shall be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to first use of the car park, and retained as such thereafter.

In the interests of encouraging more sustainable forms of travel and to reduce the impact of development on air quality.

20) Development shall not be occupied until all areas shown on the approved plans to be used by vehicles have been fully laid out, surfaced and drained such that surface water does not discharge or transfer onto the highway. These areas shall not be used for any other purpose thereafter.

To ensure the free and safe use of the highway.

21) Any gates across the access road to the development site shall be set back 5m from the back of the footway and only open inwards into the development site.

To ensure the free and safe use of the highway.

Plans Schedule :-

Plan Type Plan Reference Received Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P111C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P112C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P113C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P114C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P115C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P116C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P117C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P118D 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P119E 18.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P120D 15.07.2019 Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P130F 15.07.2019 Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P131F 15.07.2019 Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P132F 15.07.2019 Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P133F 15.07.2019 Page 5: Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P134F 15.07.2019 Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P135F 15.07.2019 Proposed elevation(s) 15030-P136F 15.07.2019 Proposed plan showing all 15030-P140B 15.07.2019 information Proposed plan showing all 15030-P141C 15.07.2019 information Streetscape 15030-P150D 15.07.2019 Streetscape 15030-P151D 15.07.2019 Streetscape 15030-P152D 15.07.2019 Streetscape 15030-P153D 15.07.2019 Streetscape 15030-P154E 15.07.2019 Streetscape 15030-P155C 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P170 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P171 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P172 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P173 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P174 15.07.2019 Proposed floor plan(s) 15030-P175 15.07.2019 Roof Plan 15030-P121A 23.04.2019 Block Plan/Layout Plan 100C 23.04.2019 Other FLOOD RISK 12.07.2018 ASSESSMENT3923/FRA/Final/v1.0/20 18 Other NOISE REPORT2258JR V1 12.07.2018 Other SUSTAINABILITY REPORTM0771 A 12.07.2018 Travel Plan 17-314-002.03 21.02.2019

Reason(s) for granting consent:-

For information:-

1) In reaching a decision the case officer dealing with the application has worked with the applicant/agent in a positive way to produce an acceptable scheme in accordance with the National Planning Policy framework.

2) The applicant should be aware that there is an Agreement/Obligation by way of undertaking under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 affecting this site or that there is likely to be a need to enter into such Agreement/offer an Obligation to discharge the requirements of conditions above.

3) All reports addressing land contamination should be compiled in accordance with best practice and policies Land 1 of the Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan 2013 and GP5 of the Unitary Development Plan Review 2006.

Prior to preparing any reports in compliance with conditions related to land contamination the applicant is also advised to refer to the Leeds City Council guidance leaflets in the series:- The Development of Contaminated Sites: The Blue Leaflet (CL2) - Reports in Support of Planning Applications

Page 6: The Yellow Leaflet (CL4) - Residential Development on Land Affected by Contamination

These leaflets can be obtained at www.leeds.gov.uk/contaminatedland

4) The applicant is advised that remediation of any contaminated site is required to a standard such that the site would be suitable for use policies Land 1 of the Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan 2013 and GP5 of the Unitary Development Plan Review 2006. This includes the quality of imported soils and soil forming materials. The developer is responsible for the ensuring that development is safe and suitable for use for the intended purpose.

5) The contractor must ensure compliance with current legislation on noise and dust control including the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Control of Act 1974. Relevant Codes of Practice set out procedures for dealing with the control of noise on construction and demolition sites are contained in BS5228: 2009 Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites.

6) The applicant is requested to consider participating in the Considerate Constructor's Scheme, details of which can be found here: http://www.ccscheme.org.uk/

7) i. In order to discharge the condition relating to off-site highways of this permission it is necessary to obtain separate Highway Authority approval of the specification and construction details and enter an agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980. The applicant is advised to make early contact with the Department of Highways and Transportation (0113 222 4407, email: [email protected]) prior to submission of condition discharge details. ii. Prior to commencement of development the applicant should contact Highways and Transportation to determine the need for any licences to accommodate construction and delivery vehicles. Highways and Transportation can be contacted via email [email protected]. For any additional highways licences (skip, scaffold, hoarding, etc.), please contact Network Management on telephone 0113 3787007 or email [email protected]. Details are available on the Leeds City Council website.

Further information regarding rights of appeal, removing site notices etc will appear from this point forward on the final decision notice when it is produced.

Page 7: 0 SITE PLAN PROPOSED SCALE BAR - 5m 10m 1:500 15m 20m CSL1



33.07+ 33.04+


32.94+ FFL + 32.85 + FFL









FFL + 32.85 + FFL





+32.23 +32.20 CSL3 REV NOTES REVISIONS DRAWING STATUS/TYPE KEY NW Architects Limited. Plan has been produced. This drawing is copyright and must not be reproduced without consent of Report any discrepancies to the architect before commencing work. If this drawing exceeds Do not scale from this drawing. Only figured dimensions are to be taken Contractor must verify all dimensions on site before commencing any work or shop drawings. the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 is not to start until a Health and Safety quantities taken in any way the architects are to be informed before work is initiated. Work within 15030-P100 Drawing No. 1:500 @ A3 Scale Proposed Site Plan DRAWING TITLE Leeds Regent Street PROJECT William Construction NW Ltd CLIENT P T F C B A Feasibility Planning Tender DESCRIPTION EV's shown, car parking bays pulled away from side LAYBY DESIGN AMENDED BIKE STORE AMENDED walls [email protected] · Tel: 0113 880 0510 Fax: 0511 www.nw-architects.co.uk LEVEL PROPOSED LEVEL EXISTING NOTES: W TNT SK M 27 York Place · Leeds LS1 2EY Marketing Sketch Tenant North S NW Checked By RS Drawn By OS S L Landscape Ordnance Survey Survey DRAWN NW NW RS +32.00 +32.00 19-02-19 27-02-18 20-02-19 DATE E C Revision 06-02-18 Date Checked 06-02-18 Date Drawn CHECKED AB RAP RAP C NE Construction As Built 19-02-19 27-02-18 20-02-19 DATE NOTES Do not scale from this drawing. Only figured dimensions are to be taken from this drawing. Contractor must verify all dimensions on site before commencing any work or shop drawings. Report any discrepancies to the architect before commencing work. If this drawing exceeds the quantities taken in any way the architects are to be informed before the work is initiated. Work within the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 is not to start until a Health and Safety Plan has been produced. This drawing is copyright and must not be reproduced without consent of NW Architects Limited. DRAWING STATUS/TYPE KEY F Feasibility SK Sketch L Landscape C Construction P Planning M Marketing S Survey AB As Built T Tender TNT Tenant OS Ordnance Survey SEC. B







B ACCESS M4(2) & M4(3) ADDED TO APT. LAYOUTS RAP 20-06-19 NW 20-06-19

A UNIT SIZES AMENDED RS 06-02-19 NW 06-02-19


FIRE EXIT 27 York Place · Leeds · LS1 2EY [email protected] · Tel: 0113 880 0510 · Fax: 0113 880 0511 www.nw-architects.co.uk

CLIENT William Construction NW Ltd


DRAWING TITLE First Floor Plan Proposed

Scale Drawn By Date Drawn RS 06-02-18

1:200 @ A3 Checked By Date Checked NW 06-02-18

SCALE BAR - 1:200 Drawing No. Revision 15030-P111 C 0 2m 4m 6m 8m 10m 20m