NYRCR Massapequas October 2013
New York Rising Community Reconstruction Conceptual Plan NYRCR Massapequas October 2013 Massapequa I (Massapequa) Massapequa II (East Massapequa) Village of Massapequa Park This document was developed by the Massapequas Planning Committee as part of the NY Rising Community Reconstruction (NYRCR) Program within the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery. The NYRCR Program is supported by NYS Homes and Community Renewal, NYS Department of State, and NYS Department of Transportation. Acknowledgements This document was developed by the Masspequas Planning Committee as part of the NY Rising Community Reconstruction (NYRCR) Program within the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery. The NYRCR Program is supported by NYS Homes and Community Renewal, NYS Department of State, and NYS Department of Transportation. Assistance was provided by the following consulting firms: Ove Arup & Partners P.C., Sasaki Associates, Urbanomics, CAS Group, and Fine Arts and Sciences. NYCRC Massapequas Committee William Van Wagner, Massapequa CR Committee, Chair Peter Aiello, Massapequa CR Committee Salvatore Balesteri, Massapequa CR Committee William Colfer, Massapequa CR Committee Maureen Fitzgerald, Massapequa CR Committee Michael Hanna, Massapequa CR Committee John Kraft, Massapequa CR Committee Diana McDonough, Massapequa CR Committee Walter Noonan, Massapequa CR Committee Patricia Orzano, Massapequa CR Committee Peter Pomeranz, Massapequa CR Committee Janine Rose, Massapequa CR Committee John Rywelski, Massapequa CR Committee Richard Scher, Massapequa CR Committee State of New York Laura Munafo, Nassau County Region Lead, New York Rising Community Reconstruction Program Nancy Rucks, CR State Planner, NYS Department of State Phyllis Elgut, CR State Planner, NYS Department of Transportation Robb Smith, CR State Planner, NYS Department of Transportation New York Rising Communities Find out more at: StormRecovery.ny.gov/Community-Reconstruction-Program Foreword The New York Rising Community Reconstruction (NYRCR) program was established by Governor Andrew M.
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