Orthopedic Reviews 2010; volume 2:e13 Treatment for unicameral bone unknown, it is estimated that approximately 75% of children present with pathological frac- Correspondence: Sandra Donaldson, cysts in long bones: ture.1 Cysts heal in less than 15% of children Orthopaedic Surgery, The Hospital for Sick an evidence based review following fracture.2 Although unicameral bone Children, S107-555 University Ave, cysts are believed to resolve with skeletal Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X8, Canada. E-mail:
[email protected] Sandra Donaldson,1 Josie Chundamala,2 maturity, without treatment these children are 3 2 Suzanne Yandow, James G. Wright at risk for pain, or recurrent fracture leading to Key words: unicameral bone cyst, pediatrics, 1Orthopaedic Surgery, The Hospital for activity restriction for many years. treatment, levels of evidence. Unicameral bone cysts may also lead to Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; growth disturbance. Growth arrest, a relatively Contributions: SD and JC, analysis and interpreta- 2Department of Surgery, The Hospital for uncommon complication, may occur through tion of data, drafting the article, final approval of Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; many mechanisms. The disruptive, hydrody- the version to be published; SY, analysis and inter- 3 Orthopaedic Surgery, Central Texas namic assault of cyst fluid on the physis may in pretation of data, revising article for important intellectual content, final approval of the version to Pediatric Orthopedics, Austin, Texas, itself result in growth disturbances.3 Other USA be published; JGW, conception and design; analy- rare causes for growth arrest include multiple sis and interpretation of data, revising article for fractures through the cyst that damage the important intellectual content, final approval of the physis, direct extension of the cyst through the version to be published and funding.