the JESUIT 'ORDER, OR an Infallible Pope, Who "Being Dead, Speaketh" About the Jesuits
. THE JESUIT 'ORDER, OR An Infallible Pope, who "being dead, speaketh" about the Jesuits. 1_' A REPLY SIR,-I have no intention to make a long de fence of the Order of Jesuits to which I belolJg. By the Rev. J. J. Roy, B.A., Rector of St· , For my friends who have read history aright, no George's Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba such defence is needed; for my foes that are hon to Father Drummond, of the Jesuit est, study would dispel their ignorance; for dis honest foes an array of facts would only irritate Order at St. Boniface College, Man them. *"*" *" *" *" *" * *" *" 'We are the . itoba. sons of well-known Canadians, sprung from fam CONTENTS: ilies famous for their loyalty. We work for our country's best interests with no earthly reward, but 1. Sermon by Rev. J. J. Ray, March 10th, our food and raiment. Our whole lives are de 1889. voted to religion, and religion is the best bulwark of loyalty. We are, therefore, justified in chal 2. Father Druinmond's letter to the "Free lenging anyone to prove that the Jesuit Order has '. Press" of Feb. 26th, 1889. ever favored disloyalty to any legitimate govern 3. The Brief of Clement XIV.: "Dominus ment. ac Redemptor N oster/' published July "Our Order was re-established (not re-created) after a partial suppression. This , order is doing 21st, 1773, suppressing theJesuit Or ve:.:y much earnest work in teaching and preaching. der in perpetuity. It is not, above all, a useless secret society whose 4. An Article-by Professor Bertolini only purpose is to brag and bluster about loyalty, From an article in the Nuova Anto and consign the Pope to eternal flames." logia of Rome, Italy, Nov., 1886.
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