CIVIL - MILITARY FUSION CEN TRE Afghanistan Review Week 37 13 September 2011 Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises INSIDE THIS ISSUE This document provides a weekly overview of developments in Afghanistan from 06—12 September 2011, with hyper-links to source material highlighted in blue and underlined in the text. For more information Economic Development on the topics below or other issues pertaining to events in Afghanistan, feel free to contact the members of Governance & Rule of Law Humanitarian Affairs the Afghanistan Team, or visit our website at Infrastructure Security & Force Protection Socio-Cultural Development Economic Development Steven A. Zyck ►
[email protected] DISCLAIMER he Afghan Investment Support Agency nation of several expenses, including the fol- (AISA) announced that a foreign com- lowing: “base salary, danger pay, overtime The Civil-Military Fusion Centre T pany will invest USD 100 million in and Sunday pay, maintenance pay for families (CFC) is an information and what would be the largest food processing located elsewhere, travel, training, and even a knowledge management facility in the country, says Tolo News. Cover- „field life support kit‟ of satellite phone and organisation focused on improving ing 5,000 acres of land, the processing plant protective equipment, as well a variety of oth- civil-military interaction, facilitating would employ several thousand Afghans and er costs.” The Washington Post notes, howev- information sharing and enhancing help Afghan agricultural products reach inter- er, that each US soldier in Afghanistan costs situational awareness through the national markets. The venture is being an average of USD 694,000 per year.