The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tribe Halictini, with Special Reference to the Halictus Genus-Group (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)
© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2004 The phylogeny and classification of the tribe Halictini, with special reference to the Halictus genus-group (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) Yu.A. Pesenko Pesenko, Yu.A. 2004. The phylogeny and classification of the tribe Halictini, with special reference to the Halictus genus-group (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Zoosystematica Rossi- ca, 13(1): 83-113. The monophyly of the cosmopolitan tribe Halictini, including over 2300 currently rec- ognized species, is supported by at least a single manifested synapomorphy shared by all members of the tribe: metasomal tergum VII of the male is modified; this forms a trans- verse ridge giving a false apex beneath which the tergum is strongly reflexed to the mor- phological posterior margin. On the basis of the present phylogenetic analysis, the tribe Halictini is subdivided into five subtribes: Halictina (comprised of 7 genera: Echthralic- tus, Glossodialictus, Halictus, Homalictus, Patellapis, Seladonia, and Thrincohalictus), Sphecodina (4 genera: Eupetersia, Microsphecodes, Ptilocleptis, and Sphecodes), Thrin- chostomina (2 genera: Thrinchostoma and Parathrincostoma), Caenohalictina (9 genera: Agapostemon, Caenohalictus, Dinagapostemon, Habralictus, Mexalictus, Paragaposte- mon, Pseudagapostemon, Rhinetula, and Ruizantheda), and Gastrohalictina (one large and diverse genus: Lasioglossum s. l.). The subtribe Halictina is a paraphyletic group; the remaining four tribes are strictly monophyletic (holophyletic). The monophyly of the Halictus genus-group, comprising the genera Halictus and Se- ladonia, is supported by two distinct synapomorphies of the male genitalia: (1) dorsal gonostylus simple (not double), flattened, broad, narrowed proximally, and provided with a clump of very coarse bristles on the inner surface; (2) ventral gonostylus sclerotized, relatively thin and long, directed backward. Only generalized members of the group pos- sess both the character states above.
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