Support for Extension of Access to E-Government System Service For

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Support for Extension of Access to E-Government System Service For Support for Extension of Access to E-Government System Service for the Population of Uzbekistan of Uzbekistan the Population for Service System E-Government to of Access Extension Support for III : Consultation Policy 2016/17 KSP 2016/17 KSP Policy Consultation III : Support for Extension of Access to E-Government System Service for the Population of Uzbekistan Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Republic of KoreaⅠGovernment Complex, Sejong, 30109, Republic of Korea The Export-Import Bank of KoreaⅠ38 Eunhaeng-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07242, Republic of Korea 2016/17 KSP Policy Consultation III Project Title Support for Extension of Access to E-Government System Service for the Population of Uzbekistan Prepared by Korea University, Kyungsung University, Korean National Police University, Anyteksis Co., Ltd., Yonsei University Financed by Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Republic of Korea Supported by The Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank) - Seung Ho Sohn, Director General - Jae Jeong Moon, Director of KSP Team - Jin Young Kwon, Senior KSP Specialist of KSP Team - Sun Young Lim, Researcher of KSP Team Prepared for Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, Uzbekistan Project Manager Heung Suk Choi, Korea Univ. Researchers Choong Sik Chung, Kyungsung Univ. Seung Won Yu, Korean National Police Univ. Seok Goo Oh, Anyteksis Co., Ltd. Tae Ho Eom, Yonsei Univ. Hun Yeong Kwon, Korea Univ. Hae Il Jung, Korea Univ. Peter S. Sylvestre, Korea Univ. Su Kyung Kang, Korea Univ. Eun Kyoung Choi, Korea Univ. i Contents 2016/17 KSP Policy Consultation Ⅲ Summary Ⅰ. Introduction ··················································································································· 1 1 . P r o j e c t B a c k g r o u n d ··························································································································· 1 2 . P r o j e c t O b j e c t i v e ······························································································································· 2 Ⅱ. Korean E-Government Infrastructure Case Study ·············································· 3 1 . S u c c e s s F a c t o r s o f E - G o v e r n m e n t i n K o r e a ············································································ 3 2 . S t a t u s o f I n f o k i o s k S e r v i c e s i n K o r e a ······················································································ 11 3. Infokiosk System Structure and O p e r a t i o n A n a l y s i s ···························································· 1 7 4 . P o l i c y I m p l i c a t i o n s ··························································································································· 1 9 Ⅲ. Uzbekistan E-Government Infrastructure Case Study ···································· 20 1 . S t a t u s o f U z b e k i s t a n E - G o v e r n m e n t ( I n t r o d u c t i o n ) ···························································· 2 0 2 . S i n g l e P o r t a l I m p l e m e n t a t i o n P l a n ···························································································· 2 4 3 . L a w a n d I n s t i t u t i o n s o f E - G o v e r n m e n t I n f r a s t r u c t u r e ························································ 2 6 4 . I n f o k i o s k S y s t e m H a r d w a r e a n d S t r u c t u r e ············································································· 2 7 5 . P o l i c y I m p l i c a t i o n s ··························································································································· 2 9 Ⅳ. Economic Analysis of Infokiosk Installation in Uzbekistan ··························· 31 1 . C o s t o f I n f o k i o s k I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e ···································································· 3 1 2 . E x p e c t e d I m p a c t o f I n f o k i o s k I n s t a l l a t i o n ··············································································· 5 9 3 . B e n e f i t s o f I n f o k i o s k I n s t a l l a t i o n ································································································ 6 0 4 . A d d i t i o n a l F i n a n c i a l A n a l y s i s ······································································································· 7 4 Ⅴ. Recommendations for Uzbekistan E-Government Infrastructure Policy ··· 77 1. Differentiation and Jumping Strategy in Korea vs. Uzbekistan E - G o v e r n m e n t ········· 7 7 2. Comparative Review of Infokiosk Infrastructure in Korea and U z b e k i s t a n ·················· 8 3 3. Economic Feasibility of Infokiosk Installation and Maintenanc e ······································ 8 4 4. Policy Aspect of Infokiosk Installation and Maintenance ··················································· 8 9 5 . F i n a n c i n g o f M a i n t e n a n c e C o s t s ································································································ 9 0 ii Ⅵ. Conclusion and Recommendations ······································································ 92 References ·························································································································· 94 Appendix : Sample Images of Infokiosks UI in Korea ········································· 96 Appendix : Survey ··········································································································· 98 iii Contents 2016/17 KSP Policy Consultation Ⅲ List of Tables T a b l e 2 - 1 . I n f o k i o s k S e r v i c e s D o c u m e n t L i s t ········································································· 1 3 Table 2-2. Definition of Kiosk and Related Equipment According to Standards S p e c i f i c a t i o n ················································································································· 15 Table 2-3. Terms and Definitions of Electronic Identity Verific a t i o n S t a n d a r d s ········ 1 6 Table 3-1. Uzbekistan E-Government Development Index Results ································ 2 3 Table 3-2. Telecommunication Infrastructure Index (TII) and Its C o m p o n e n t s ·········· 2 3 Table 3-3. Human Capital Index (HCI) and Its Components ··········································· 2 4 T a b l e 3 - 4 . U z b e k i s t a n E - P a r t i c i p a t i o n I n d e x R e s u l t s ··························································· 2 4 Table 3-5. Hardware Specifications for Infokiosks and Services····································· 2 8 Table 4-1. Basic Model Components and Price(Based on Korean Team Specifications) ····· 3 6 Table 4-2. Advanced Model Components and Price (Based on Korean Team Specifications) ··· 3 7 Table 4-3. Optional Devices Details and Price (Based on Korean Team Specifications) ·· 3 8 Table 4-4. Total Cost per Kiosk (Basic Model) ( B a s e d o n K o r e a n T e a m S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ) ···························································· 3 9 Table 4-5. Advanced Model Description and Price with Advanced Components ( B a s e d o n K o r e a n T e a m S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ) ·························································· 4 1 Table 4-6. Comparison of Basic Model and Advanced Model (Based on K o r e a n T e a m S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ) ················································································· 4 2 Table 4-7. Five-year Total Costs of Basic and Advanced Models (Based on K o r e a n T e a m S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ) ················································································· 4 3 Table 4-8. Components and Price of Basic Model(Based on Specifications R e q u e s t e d b y t h e U z b e k i s t a n G o v e r n m e n t ) ····················································· 4 5 Table 4-9. Components and Price of Advanced Model (Based on Specification R e q u e s t e d b y t h e U z b e k i s t a n G o v e r n m e n t ) ····················································· 4 7 Table 4-10. Details and Price of Optional Devices (Based on Specifications R e q u e s t e d b y t h e U z b e k i s t a n G o v e r n m e n t ) ····················································· 4 9 Table 4-11. Total Cost per Kiosk (Basic Model) (Based on Specifications R e q u e s t e d b y t h e U z b e k i s t a n G o v e r n m e n t ) ····················································· 5 0 Table 4-12. Description and Price of Advanced Model with Advanced Components (Based on Specifications Requested by the Uzbekistan Government)····54 Table 4-13. Comparison of Basic Model and Advanced Model (Based on S p e c i f i c a t i o n s R e q u e s t e d b y t h e U z b e k i s t a n G o v e r n m e n t ) ························· 5 7 Table 4-14. Five-year Total Costs of Basic and Advanced Models (Based on S p e c i f i c a t i o n s R e q u e s t e d b y t h e U z b e k i s t a n G o v e r n m e n t ) ························· 5 8 T a b l e 4 - 1 5 .
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