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Office cflhe ChiefCOllnsd Imtnis,7:lI10n a.."1d Customs Enforcement Department of HOtlietunJ Sec:::ri:y 970 :rc,ad Stree::, Room 11 04B Newr:;"l<, 7'kw Jersey 0' 1Ol A~ll'j: Sp,dni Agent \'fark Kelly

\Ui:.: The Town of Morristown, NJ Sttction l87(g) ofthe Immigration and Natllulitation Ad (INA)

To whorn it may concern:

[,hi.s office represents the 1'0\\,11 of ~rristown locatt>d in Monis County, N :::w, fincfosd. h:;rcwjth V~::l U.s. ;,{a1: is an original Jetter j:foln Mayor Donald Cf~sitel!o fo, SUbll\is~i('1~ through Y0H'!: (,±1i~~e to AS5istant Se~r'tary julie 'V1<;;yers to req1.lest t" the '28/i,g) Ddcgatiot'. or AutJ:Qnty ProgTetm. A copy 6e \~nclO:)1.m:;

from you,

Very :ruly yours,

3:)1 73-S22~7338 ICE


Oft1.ce (If the ChiefCO(;n8ei, lrnm!gratioll and Customs El'lfurcern«!',nt March (.) 2007 Page

cc; lion. Donald Cresitello, Mayor of Monistown Tonathan L. William~, Esq . .Ronald R Gordon, Esq.

3JI 73-622-7338 Iet.

THE. TOWr-; i.)F

'C)o~~atd Crt:~;t(lHo 200 $,)"tb Street PO. eo" 91/1 /1-1,,'1(')( MORRISTOWN ~ __. __ ._~.tvtO_· rn~st.~~_r·_,. r'y~o_7_963:9.~{~~.___ _.___ .. ___ ...... _.,.,'-'_'-' ..... "-'.,;;.;c.::._,:.::.;o;. ~-.- ... -,- Febnlsry 28, WW1

[vb Julie MY'~r;:. Assistant Secretary U.S. lmldgratioll alld CUlItom:; EnfOfCH?mel1t 425 f Stmt:t l'W Room 7000 Wa')hington, !).C 20536

Dear Asslstar!t Secretary Myers:

J am writing (,[1 behalf of thfi: T:),-VTI vf Morristown, looated in rvfurTi~ C~unty, New Jersey to request pllrticipation in the. Delegation Qf Authority Program in accotdance ·,vith Section 28'f(g) of the Imrn.igr&tion "~nd ·i'ia.ti-:;>nality Act This partnershio will better E':Oe bJ~ \,IS to meet The ne~ of the re~idcl'\i!> of Morrb1owll.

J am proposing 111;: following:

.. Pmidpating MQrri.,town law enforcement omc\irs ()x~m;;ise ICE authority, unck!r thr: snpelvision of ICE officer", in the Cf,lUrse of perfcrming their regular pfltrvl, \vesiiB4tive, and detenrion dutia~ within MOrristOWll;

., ICE f,ro'Yidc In::!trLlctor~ at nQ co~t fO Morrh;.tc;wn to il'ain ten (10) !"tcrristtwfl1 law cnthr,;cment offic,:rs, each with il minimum ('JJ t\.VQ (l) years i~tw enforcemem e"p~rHmce, who have passed a sccl.lrity beg;kgroud chock acctlptable to ICE;

• MOTI'!stown ;Jfo'Vide a room for tn". five-week trAining prognun aI our municipal building \>vhere ICE's instructors tal} utili::c~ computer training aids, \I'deos llnd any (.) ther !THlti,tlal$ they may fit:;!.;:! for the instruction.

This p3l'tllersEp will allow us to onter into a Memorandum ofUmlerstal1ding thl'lt will enable Morristown to participo.tewith ICE in identii)ting crimin.a! me~1 aliens who pose it risk to the re(;iden~s ofMorri'l)Wn. 'I look forwa;d to your spe¢dy end,orSemCl1f of rbis reqm~st and moving furward with M()!ri~tow!J':' pan 1clpll.rJon ! 11 tlli.s PI'OgI7!1l'l for the benofit of aiL

Very tnlly YOllrs,

0;: Mi·:had P Rogers. B\.I~ines/) Administrator Steve Mannio~, Esq.

0B0'3£5r(01. C.S. IJeparlmcnt of Homeland Security 425 I Street, N\\ Wa~hingh'll. DC 2()536

U.S. Imlnigration and Customs Enforcenlent

Mavor Donald Cresitello The Town of Morristown 200 South Street, P.O. Box 914 Monistown, NJ 07963

RE: 287(g) Delegation of Authority Implementation Plan

Dear Mayor Cresitello,

Thank you for your continued interest in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 287(g) program, which cross-designates state and local of1icers to enforce immigration law as authorized through section 287(g) of the Immigration mld Nationality Act. In the past two years. the 287(g) program has identified more than 27,000 illegal aliens tor possible deportation. More than 70 municipaL county, and state agencies natioll\vide have requested 287(g) agreements with ICE, and already, more thmI 500 local and slate officers have been trained under the program. I thank you fC)f submitting your 287(g) request with ICE, untortunately. funding for FY 2007 has been exhausted.

In response to the continued widespread interest from local law entorcement agencies like yours, ICE has launched the new comprehensive ICE ACCESS (Agreements of Cooperation in Communities to Enhance Safety and Security) progrmn. The 287(g) program is only one component tmder the ICE ACCESS umbrella of services and programs offered for assistance to local law enforcement ofticers. Other ICE ACCESS enforcement options include the creation of local task f()fces targeting specific challenges like gmlgs or document fraud. the presence of a Criminal Alien Program (CAP) team in local detention facilities to identify criminal aliens, or training to utilize the ICE La,.\' Enforcement Support Center (LESC), which provides officers the ability to inquire about a person's immigration mId criminal history.

We will continue to assess your pending 287(g) application as more resources are made available in FY 2008, however through our new ACCESS program, I believe we may be able to identify an enforcement program that would better serve your community's needs. At my direction, senior Held representatives from the Office of Investigations and the Office of Detention and Removal will visit with vou soon to discllss ICE ACCESS mId to assess vour particular local needs beyond what we ~lready plan to accomplish through the 287(g) progrmn. I believe these strategic discussions will facilitate a strong partnership between your agency and ICE. Combining federaL state and local resources has proven successful in safegum-ding

www-ice.gov Mayor Cresitello Page 2 of2 the public. We want to build on that success in responding to the law enf()fcement communities who seek ICE assistance.


Julie L. Mvers Assistant Secretary