United States Patent Office Patented July 3, 1973 2 Tracts Which Contain Over 35 Weight Percent HO, E.G
3,743,706 United States Patent Office Patented July 3, 1973 2 tracts which contain over 35 weight percent HO, e.g. 3,743,706 up to 55%, especially preferred are aqueous extracts con PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC taining 45 to 55 weight percent HO. The preferred esters HYDROGEN PEROXEDESOLUTION are acetates, most preferably n-propyl acetate. Gerhard Kabisch and Wolfgang Kunkel, Rheinfelden, In the anthraquinone process there are used alkyl Germany, assignors to Deutsche Gold- und Silber anthraquinones such as, 2-ethyl anthraquinone, 2-butyl GermanyScheideanstalt vormals Roessler, Frankfurt am Main, anthraquinone, 2-isopropyl anthraquinone, 2-amyl anthra No Drawing. Filed Aug. 9, 1971, Ser. No. 170,366 quinone, 2-sec. butyl anthraquinone, 2-t-butyl anthra Claims priority, application Germany, Aug. 19, 1970, quinone, 2-sec. amyl anthraquinone, and mixtures of P 20 41. 1249 10 them as well as their partially nuclear hydrogenated de nt. C. C01b: 15/02, 15/00 rivatives, e.g. the tetrahydro anthraquinones such as 2 U.S. C. 423-588 9 Claims ethyl tetrahydro anthraquinone. The esters employed are alkyl alkanoates such as ethyl ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE acetate, propyl acetate, butyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, 5 propyl formate, butyl formate, isobutyl acetate, t-butyl Organic hydrogen peroxide solutions are obtained by acetate, amyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, octyl acetate, extracting aqueous crude hydrogen peroxide solutions heptyl acetate, hexyl acetate, cyclohexyl formate, cyclo arising from the anthraquinone process using as the pentyl acetate, cyclohexyl acetate, methyl propionate, extraction agent carboxylic acid esters having a total of ethyl propionate, propyl propionate, methyl butyrate, 4 to 10 carbon atoms.
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