Inside This Issue in the Spotlight

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Inside This Issue in the Spotlight Yeled v’Yalda Ink ∙ Fall 2010 / 1 Yeled v’Yalda Ink EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2010 BORO PARK (BP) CANARSIE (C) CROWN HEIGHTS (CH) FLATBUSH (F) STATEN ISLAND (SI) WILLIAMSBURG (W) What’s New at HR? s we begin the program year A2010 – 2011 at Yeled v’Yalda, the reason to HR department has been hiring and welcoming many new employees. In- deed, we have already welcomed 55 new employees at our new hire ori- celebrate entations since September. We have Community leaders have, time and again, attempted to address the crisis of the crushing ex- seen much growth across all depart- penses faced by families marrying off their children (see cutouts). In recent times, the problem ments and programs at Yeled v’Yalda. has become even more acute due to the lingering fi nancial crisis and the exponential growth of It is because of the effi cient and de- families in the community. voted work of our HR staff that the Past attempts to address the issue have failed because they lacked realistic and viable alter- new year is off to a smooth start. natives that would meet the respectable standards that families have come to expect. We are pleased to announce two new benefi ts that are now available to salaried (20+ hour) employees nter Yeled v’Yalda and its vision- called together at YvY to hold a round- (excludes ACS employees, hourly ary leader CEO, Mr. Solomon table discussion on current societal employees, and therapists). Total Dis- EIgel. Utilizing the immense cred- trends. Th e overwhelming consensus ability and Life Insurance are now ibility of the organization with its vast was that it was imperative to address the available for purchase at competitive community connections and with a dose competitive nature of current wedding group rates; the plans are age and sal- of creativity, Mr. Igel has addressed the spending. At the same time, a solution ary-based. Total Disability includes problem head on. A panel representing was sought where an aff air could be held short and long-term disability cover- a wide spectrum of the community was (continued on page 4) age. Disability Insurance insures your income in the case of a short-term (continued on page 2) Inside This Issue In the Spotlight .........................1 HRD Greetings ........................ 1 From the Desk of ......................2 Zooming In On ........................ 3 YvY Celebrations .......................6 New Faces ................................. 6 Tech Talk ...................................7 Survey ....................................... 8 AccessAccess thisthis and previousprevious issuesissueso offYvYInk YvY Ink ononline!line! Go to WWW.YELED.ORG > PROFESSIONALS > EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTERS 2 / Yeled v’Yalda Ink ∙ Fall 2010 sional be assigned to each site. Yeled v’Yalda is proud of our pro- From the Desk of… fessional team of Mental Health Con- t’s Wednesday morning, 9 a.m. Yeled v’Yalda has sultants. Th ere are a total of 15 Mental As the employees of Yeled v’ Yalda been awarded 25 sites with a mix of tod- Health Consultants who are all licensed Imake their way to their desks, they dlers and preschoolers, home-based and in their professions of psychology or so- catch sight of a fruit and yogurt delivery. center-based, and traditional models and cial work and each is assigned to a site Hmmm…they wonder…what meeting is locally-designed programs.rograms. for an aaveragev of 3 hours per week. happening on our 4th fl oor today? I won- One of the require-uire- DurDuringi that time, they assess der if they’ll have any leftovers…Upon ments that Headd Alyssa has tthehe children’s social emotional recently presented seeing me, Alyssa Schnur, the Deputy Start has is that at the ACS Open Exchange skskills, work together with Director of Mental Health, they say, “Oh, teachers and home meeting in NYC. tteachers on individualizing it’s your meeting today, right? What’s it visitors include in Congratulations, tthe curriculum for chil- for? What’s the meeting about?” their curriculum Alyssa! drdren with mental health and So, let me share a little bit about Mental the seven domains ooff bbehavioraleh issues, lead par- Health at Yeled v’ Yalda Head Start. Head development such as llit-it- entinentingg workshops, present staff Start is a national program that promotes eracy, science, physicallh growth, trainings,ii and work individually with school readiness by enhancing the social math, and social emotional development. parents and children on mental health/ and cognitive development of low-income Included in the social emotional category behavior issues on an as needed basis. children through the provision of educa- is that the mental health needs of the chil- In addition, all the Mental Health tional, health, nutritional, and social servic- dren and family need to be assessed and Consultants come monthly to the Men- es to enrolled children and families (http:// addressed and that a mental health profes- tal Health Consultant meeting which I run. In addition to enjoying the food, we HR (continued from page 1) Also, as we have previously noti- discuss administrative issues as well as rel- disability like maternity leave or a longer fi ed you, November 15th is the dead- evant mental health topics. Often there is disability that prevents you from working line to enroll in the Medical, Dental a presentation from one of the consultants. and bringing home a paycheck. Life In- and Commuter Flexible Spending Ac- Last month, I presented on the topic of surance can be purchased to cover up to 5 counts, as well as the Dental Plan. Challenging Behaviors. Other topics dis- times the amount of your annual salary or Please feel free to call us with any cussed have been on post-Partum Depres- $500,000, whichever is the lesser amount. HR questions. sion, Incontinence and Encopresis (bath- Disability is a guaranteed issue (i.e. no Karen Kronenberg ..........x2413 room accidents), Meditation and Stress medical exam required) and Life Insur- Leah Bloch .....................x2463 Relief, and Confl ict Resolution. Th ere is ance is a guaranteed issue up to $150,000 Tzivie Herber.................x2412 also time for peer case presentations, where coverage. As you probably already know, Roizy Schweid ................x2416 a consultant will discuss an interesting or every insurance-eligible employee is re- Leah Fischer................... x2415 diffi cult case happening at her site. Sharing quired to attend one of our scheduled in- Looking forward to another excit- our concerns and working on our profes- surance meetings to enroll or waive your ing year at YvY, sional development helps keep our Mental disability and life insurance coverage. health Consultants up to date and on their See the accompanying box for meet- toes so they can address the needs of Head ing dates and times. start children in a professional manner. Please note that these insurances will Gitty Lichtenstein, MS Sincerely, only be off ered for 2011 if we meet our Director of Human Resources minimum participation requirements. (718) 686-2422 Alyssa Schnur INSURANCE MEETING SCHEDULE Deputy Director of Mental Health 1312 38th Street Thursday, November 18 1:00 pm 1312 38th Street Monday, November 22 1:00 pm Condol ences 1312 38th Street Tuesday, November 23 1:00 pm Yeled v’Yalda extends its sincere condolences to 99 Heyward Street Wednesday, November 24 1:30 pm Raizy Kohn upon the loss of her brother. Yeled v’Yalda Ink ∙ Fall 2010 / 3 Zooming In On… Tzivia Konstam Job at Yeled v’Yalda: Programming/Palm Support. I’m the unoffi cial 911 dept. when co-workers and therapists are in tech-trouble How long at Yeled v’Yalda:10 years (that’s a 1/3 of my life!) Interesting trip I once took: My brother got married in Scotland. We had a local wearing a kilt playing a bagpipe at the wedding. We got to visit the Lochs (lakes and mountains, Swiss style), Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Yacht Britannia and even a Scottish H&M! Favorite food: Any pasta/cheese/sauce combination My family consists of: My husband, and I have 2 princesses and one prince Something most people don’t know about me: I lived in Israel as a child Favorite website: – gets you the best deals from all over the web! Embarrassing thing that happened to me: I met a former teacher in the park with young children and trying to make conversation, I turned to her and said, “What a great bubby you are – taking your grandkids to the park.” She paused a mo- ment and then said, “Actually, they’re my children.” Ooops. If I’ve learned one thing in life, its: There is no one or anything that can make you happy in life – it’s all in your attitude Sara Faigy Frenkel Job at Yeled v’Yalda: lifeguard, aqua aerobics & swim instructor Yeledeled v’Ya l da How long at Yeled v’Yalda: Since June 2009 fitness center Interesting trip I once took: Taking my (Israeli born) husband to an American amusement park Musical instrument I play well: none, however I would like to CHANUKAH’S try the violin Public Speaking done: In High School I spoke about witches and COMING... witchcraft. In 7th grade I taught my class how to sew on a button. Sport I’m great at: Swimming! I never swam in the Olympics, What better way to surprise a loved one than with though. Mainly I swim for personal pleasure a gift certifi cate at the Yeled v'Yalda Fitness Center? Favorite food: Friends and family all know I love ketchup In my free time: I read a lot My family consists of: husband, parents, grandparents, siblings, BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Uncle Z, and the cutest niece.
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