ol«l ones dyed and curled for a very small op MU vri.p. and then the linings put around all the cracks As soon sum. and If you are economical enough to nrtgtit be sRtln, fvvlth ruffles. as the CHAT ABOUT buy good tips In the start, they will last AND floor Is dry have the carpet put down. If A pretty end Inexpensive , which y°" you for several seasons. will ar« trying to be economical and pan- HOUSEHOLD HINTS With adapt Uself to most street colors In not afford the regular floor paper, net sev- your materials in good shape the and that would look well on all oc¬ eral trimming ought to be a small matter. But hundred old newspapers and lay them casions, might be made of green cloth, and on the floor three or four thick The Old Straw or Felt Into If you can't follow the designs In a If circ overlapping Changed Suggestions to Be Considered in you ioinift enough to stand It It Senora Sara Ghats About This each other. You will find them a little An would be remarkably pretty lined with red more trouble, but an excellent substitute £conomical Recipe for Making a Modish Creation. silk. But Ifyou TTiave crow's feet refrain, Dolorous Period. for felting or floor paper. They protect Selecting Fall^Wraps. and line the rape with black silk and trim Usually the earpet from contact with the boards, Vinegar at Home. It with black bourdon and black ribbons. which would cause It to wear out much faster, end then It makes the floor warmer. I never let my t>ed room carpets reach to FURBISHING UP OLD TRIMMINGS PRETTY SHAPES AND MATERIALS ONE OF THE TERRORS OF HOUSEWIVES the walls, but slop them at least a foot short of that. It Is much easier to keep BATHING FOR FETCH PATIEHTS the ederes of the floor free of and there lint, ¦¦ ¦ Is not as much danger of moths getting In ^ The How Ones Be The is Plain When the carpet. I have the foot of n«or lert Brilliant Hues Shown in the May Stylish Way System bare stained und oiled. You can d