
Exercise Name Dumbbell Reverse Equipment ☐Machines ☐Medicine ball ☐Kettle bell ☒Free weights ☐Resistance bands ☐Mat ☐Cables ☐Stability ball ☐Suspension Straps ☐Body weight ☐Elevated platform ☒Bench

Position ☐ Standing ☒ Prone

☒ Sitting ☐ Supine

☐ Kneeling ☐ On Side

Level ☒ Beginner ☐ Intermediate ☐ Advanced

Category ☐ Assessment ☐ Stretching- Dynamic ☐ Stability

☒ Strength ☐ Stretching – Static ☐ Core

☐ Isolation exercise ☒ Auxiliary exercise ☐ Activation exercise ☐ Drill ☐ Technique ☒ Primary resistance

Descriptors ☒ Bilateral ☐ Single joint ☐ Push

☐ Unilateral ☐ Lower body ☒ Pull

☐ Multi-joint ☒ Upper body ☐ Isometric Primary Muscle(s) rhomboids; middle trap Secondary Muscle(s) lats; rear deltoid Sport ☒ Swimming ☐ Running ☐ All

☒ Biking ☐ Transitions

Benefits Helps prevent injuries, while also increasing shoulder and back strength. Helps with strengthening postural muscles, which helps maintain aero position on the bike.

Description Preparation • Sit on a flat bench. Grasp dumbbell in each and place feet shoulder width apart. • Lean forward and let the hang down next to the calves. Always keep slightly bent throughout the exercise.

Movement To start the movement: • Raise arms to sides until elbows are slightly higher than , keeping arms slightly bent at all times. • Keep upper arms perpendicular to the body and elbows pointed up. • Return to starting position and repeat.

Coaches Tip • Keep wrists straight with palms facing down and maintain a slight bend in the elbows. • Concentrate on moving the shoulder joint and squeezing shoulder blades together while performing the exercise.

Common Faults While performing this exercise, ensure the athlete is not leaning back with his or her back while performing the lift. Using the back to help perform the lift will reduce the difficulty on the rhomboids, which is not the intent.

Progression From: Reverse fly using resistance band

Progression To: Cable one reverse fly, prone reverse fly on stability ball